Oiligtation Eittre:7 noonE,jutozgEgs & CO.'S Arrangements for 1845. • SLA - RELY & MITCREL, :AGENTS, PITI , 43I'FIGI I , PA. HATHAWAY'S Patent trot Air Cooking Stones. T ul I: 5.1.:,,....r having entered into the stove bus . i. „,,,..., i n pit t_burgli, respectfully inform: the pub. lie that he intends rarer in,„ it on in Its various b ranches at the warehouse No. 124 WOOD STREET, above Filth street, whore he will be prepared to supply purchaser, with any articles in his line. In additina ;to other Stoves which he will have on hand, lie hat obtained the right to manufacture and sell Hathaway's Patent Hot Air Cooking Stoves. Tl . i stove is pro "Nock Pon or Old Line of Liverpool PacA el x." ; neunrcrl superior to any other now in uTe in the Dotted 0 ... ! States, it is more durable in its construction, and bet -1!„---Sa.i.liug from Liverpool on the lat and 16th t I ter adapted to the 114 e of baking, roasting and cooking, each month. 5.- 1 , as it is heated very regularly by confining the air in p E rtsoNs desirous cf sending for their Friends the stove; and it is groat saving Of fuel as well as 1 ROW nailing in any part of the"Omo Comx THY,” labor. I will keep on hand a sufficient number to sup. can whike the necessary arrangements with the sub- I ph all detnandi if possible; I have five different sizes, scribers, and have them brought out by the above well 1 and will sell them on reasonable terms, according to known fhverhe " Line of Packets," w hi r l , s uit fr"m sizes. I have now in use upwards of fifty in and about LI V ER.POOLcrunctually on the Ist and I fith of evety . this city; all put in use within six months. Being a mom month; also I,v MST CLASS AMERICAN snips, sailing ! ware that the People of Western Petinvlvanin hare from there EVERY' SIX DA Vs, during 1:145. Atel j hnet, nutt:ed upon by the introduction of n ' ew and high vs att.?, arc dotormined not to depend on any Liverpool I iy r,,,,m•nended st,W(_.s w hid) were badly constructed, Heave or Agent, to see the, p,mpie's interest taken ; and iin , i, r; qoeufnibni am! become useless. I Sto ve , r Wit care of, Mr JAMES D. ROeliE, one of the firm, is there. , to persons , %ishing to procure thr. Ilot Air S the who will remain and see that every thing connected ptivikge of using it a sufficient length of time to prove with their business is executed with p r omptitude and its tuperior quality before I ask them to purchase. Should Persons tiotifving me from a distance by letter, can Should the persons tent for decline coming eat, the have stoves lott. rip at any time, as I have wugons to money will be returned to the parties here , without any curry them out; I the, therefore invite Farmers and all per deduction, on produCing the Passage certificate and sonc-tonotne and . judge for themselves; also to try them roooipt. and prove that it it to your advantage to have one. Thu "Block Pall or old Line ef Lirrrrool Pork- u „orders will be promptly attended I() by the col ,, cri. Th ct.v" comprise the following tnngnificent Ships, vii: All orders ROBERT DONAVAN. The Now YORK, e CAMBRIDGE_ " O IFoRD. n ENnLAND, " YoRKFIIIRF, " EuRoPE, ." Ales rEZUMA, " CoLUMBUN. With such superior and unequalled nrrangemeras, the suhscribers confidently look rorldvnrd for a ConiTtol ance of that support which has been extended to them so many years, for which they are grateful. Those proceeding or remitting, to their relatives, ran at all times obtain DI afis al sig,la for any amount drawn direct on the ROYAL BANK' of IK7LAND, DUBLIN! I;`' S 3 +,- , • ,k ,, ..4-4ALA1...4:11 licmittan.ce. to and Pascoge from Great amain and Ireland, by the A Is° en Messrs. PRESCOTT, GROTF, Aura & Co., BAN tans 1 Lrespos ; whirb will be paid on dernan.l at any of the Banl:ii, or rivir firanehris • in all thi , principal Town: Thro , , gli telt ENGLAND, IRELAND, SCUILAND AND \VALES. Apply to, or nililre:c ( if k.1,-,,,,., 7 ,,,t raid.) i ROCIIE, BROTHERS & Cu., N, 3.';) Fulton s t ., N, or P , 1 , -%Ki.:I,V & miTcli EL, Smithtliei.l greet, near :ill), and Penn street, oct 15-d&wt 1 HP/ ritßimira h. , Tapsecrtt's General Emigration Office. 76 South St., corner of 3ra IL - 71 L(171 C, New Yorl, . _ 1t0tT.,4 Iht* t _ 4.4415!tt CHARLES A. AI'ANELTY, Agent, Canal Basin, rittsbultzh, pa. ARRANGEMENTS FOR 1845. P r. RSO NS tibout sending for tl:cir friv.h,l4 in az-\ p art the Ott, Cou NTR V, an. re , p , cLitifly In formed by the SLI: , SCIiber, that lilt-, same charricteri:o,l their lai tbe 1gen:oo 012 p 41.0 \ ;II be coimiolcd Ibr,ougf , TIE NEW LINT: OF LIVERPOOL PA Ch I:T.S P. 1M 1 II': The QUI:1 - ::N OF TII I, 1% . ES F, 1 f.?..in tons 111-110'n " HOTTINCirER, I 150 " .. " LIVERPOOL. 1150 " HOCH ESTE, It, 1 0;lfl ~ .. nl ISCI T . S, •' .• ‘• S I 1)1H )NS, 1150 1 '' •' " SHERIDAN, 1050 1). - M '' '' GARRICK, I0.:0 " .. WiliCh Cat/11(71CM% 1111• I 111 , 1f,Illrir-ent Fiiip, boin iz ~,m - manded manded by kind and exprrienc e d man, and titled op in the be,t po,:Aible manne r for comfor t and conveni ence, are well known to surpass any oilier Line of packeta. In addition to ire al.ove , plendal Line Inc .111,eri linra ar e agents for the. St. George's Line c I Line r . pool Packets, and Tht United Line of Liverpool Packets. Making a , hip from Liverpool ece t . tir o ri v possibility of delay is th ,, ref iie lnecluJed. M IV Top newt (one of the firm) persorndly i:nperinted i ihe departure of Cf.:Sig& 1 at I.lVerrioo]; Sllnl , l' it no sly, therefore, that the Stlbwrihers girt ran , , to giv 4:11 faction to all parties 'Alio inny acrid f for their r, fiiend s through diem. In all cases w nen thu:e =ont I r de• cline coming, the full attiuunt of money paid (or rcN btigo will be rerund,(l. REMITTF:NCES. Those wi,:hing to remit FTllllll`y t., any pail of Grea. Britain or Ireland can be suppli.l with , h-afts for any umouat, from „f:1 upward:, payable at sight in all the principal towns, wir horn discount or any other char ,,•. Application.if by letter (puss paid) will meet immedi ate attctantion by arldi easing CHAS. A. MeANULTY, Canal Basin, Pittsburgh, or W. & T. TA PSCOTT. 76 South street, New York. Agency in Liverpool:— William Taparntt or 15 G , ree Piazza and Geo Rippard & Son. 96 IVateiloo Roud. jan 6 irm Revived. EVANS & VIcrADEN. T HE subscribers be leave to inform the friend.: and the public, in general, that they have entered into partner4iip for the purpose of cominning the man ufacture of l'lmghs, Corn Shelters, Plough Castings, Stovei, Hollow ware," and all hinds of Casting at the old and well known e. striblishment "EVAN9' MILL," No. 10 IVATER STREET. Mr. McFaden respectfully solicits a return and con tinuance of the pm ronage of the friends of the old and former firm of •' Evans aid McFaden," t‘hilst Mr. Evans also solicits a continuance of the patronage of the frienis of the late firm of 0. 0. Evans & Co. CrF.O. M. EVANS, JOHN NE.FA DEN. feb .15-dtf - To the Gentlemen of Pittsburgh. j Till subscriber most respectfully informs the gentlemen of this city and sslgi vicinity, that he has commenced the BOOT and SHOE making busine.l. in Fourth street. Opposite the Mayor's office, at the stand lately occupied by P. Ker lit:an. Having been foreman in some of the moat fashionable hoot shops in the I:nstern cities; and hav ing furnished himself with the best French and Ameri can calf skins, he hopes by his attention to busines s to merit a sham oC public patronage. To those gentle men who have kindly patronized him he returns his sincere thanks, and can is ith confiden ce appeal for the goodness of his work an 1 knowledge of his [nisi -I)CAS. A. TERNA N. July 24—tf. --- JAllitS6)curciliiii, ______ Corner of Libcrty all 4 Factory streets. Fifth IV New Oil Store. PLUSbn /gh , ard, J 011 N I\i'MA ST ERS, ,J a., AGE NT. -- 1 1 - :;11.1:1i in Slier 111, Elephant, Seal, \Vitale, Lard Al ANCrFAC T U 11 E R of Mar: iO,lll Fire Proof I_, Tanners' and I,lD!'el-A Oils. Sperm and Wax ij ch,,,,, t ,. Iron Doors. Gride s and lißncs; Iron Candies; Spirits of Turpentine, AVhite Lead, &c. &c. Doors for Bank Va , l/1.3, Canal and Rail Road-Irons, N. 1:. Corner of Hand and Libel ry streets, Pitts together with every description 01 Smith work. litirgh, Pa. mar 3,13 m Rs:Fut TO—M Allen, James May , William Holmes, - ___ Samuel Chinch, Lewis Hutchinson , Lorenz , Sterling A LLEN lill.AMEll, Exchange Broher, next S, Co., Julio Irwin & Son, Atwood & Jones, A Beelen , ri.. door to the Exchange Bank, between Wood 'and Market streets, Pitt.,,burgh, Pa. Guld, Silver, A BEELEN, Esq., Commission Merchant, corne r of Front and Ferry street and Solvent Bank notes, bought and sold. Sight tict4. and M. G. BEALE. Jr . No 74, Wood street, are AE , , , qit.4 fur PittslorrEb; and chectics on the Eastern cities, for sale. Draft s.•note , 'denim BRYA N and MILTENBERGER. St Deuis, and bill , . collet It'd. Mo., to either of nihorn orders may be addressed. Pittsburgh, March 8.1815 d Iv RFFERENCES IVII). Bell & Co., Improved Shutter Fasteners. John D. Davis. F. Lercrize. T HE subscriber has invented and manufactures a l j. Fainter & a superior SHUTTER FASTENER, made of ' Joseph Woociv. cll. malleable iron, and superior to anything of the kind i .Taines May, new in use in this city, and, he believes in the United I, Alex . r ramon - (-0, ? r ., States. To be had at any of the Hardware stores in ! John H Brown & i 1-I " ) 'riPhid• the city. and at the manufactory, Smillifi. , id st.. can. James M - Candiess. ~t, Cincinnati. 0., nor of Diamond alley. J. VOGUES. ' J. R. WDonaid. ', St. Loot.. Me. ) %‘',,, H. Pope, Esti., Pres't Bank Ky ; Loui-ville. jan 1 I-dly. -----__ _ ILock anot perepr Itarittlltctarl..; . I Con'' OF IsT (1,14 Ft:RftY 1 . 1 6 7u.iffil ! PI 5 7 511.FRG11 . , . , . .. , To No. 19.4 WOOD STREET, ABOVE FIFTH' TJAN , INC, removed my manufactory from Rirroing-- _ 4_l ham, and located St nt the ithove sranA, I would - - respectfully' invite ray friends and the public generally to lavot me with a eall. for any attiele in my line, viz: Patent Lever Locks, Cabin dour Bolts,Knob, do Latche4, Mot rise, t, Mo'rtioe Store door, Shutter Fit , teaings. Tobacco, Fuller, Timbe r and Mill Screws, Housen Screws for Iron Works. In nddit ion to the nbove articles I intend to manu fitrture and keep a supply of Ita t the t. and Monkey Wrenches, to,,t Stocks, Taps and Dies, for Stearn Bout purposes. Together With n variety of articles not enumerated. All of the best quality and at re duced prices. Locks renaired and Keys fitted; also, Iron and Brass Tut fling done in the best manner and at the shortest not ice. Orders addressed ro the manufactory or to Mr R. tr. Poohles, Hardware :\ forelemt. Mutket street, Pittsburgh, „ill he tliarilsfullv received and meet with prompt attention. der 1-odtirn JAS. PATTEIZSON, Jr. NEW D.RILIG STORE. KERR & MOHLER. No. 144, JCorner of Wood s/reel and Virgin Alley. ['ST received and far sale, a large assortment of fresh Drugs Medicines, Oils, Paints, Dye-Stuffs, &o. which have been reeentlyselected, and purchased with consid , .'ruble care for Cash. The follow in; com prise part of the stock just received: Gum Camphor, Spirits Turpentine, Cream Tartar, Copal Varnish, Rot. Sulphur, 'White Lead, Casto r Oil, Red " Gum Arabic, Lithnrge, Epsom Salts, Flaxseed Oil, VI Manna, Wait inn Red, Eng. Ginn Opium, Spanish Brown, Gum Aloes, Chipped Logwood, FlorCtimomile, Cam wood, Saltpetre, Jujube Paste. rustic, Nic Wood, Herd Liquorice, Brasill I,igizorice Ball, etto, Indigo. Pow'd Ginger, Magnesia, NIII.CIIIIP, Nutmegs. Oil Vitriol, Arpurfortis, With a zcne t a l 13, , ,0rt meat too numerous In ad which will lie sold for Cash at a small once on Eastern prices. 17" Dr W1t1A,14.11 KFIIR will give his attention to thecom2oundi ng wf Phyqirinn',proqrriprions. n 73 VI-holes:v.lo Druggists, Grocers, &c., %IV (t , ) ,, i t 1 , , , 1 I f i t F e i r rr, c o n sult i ng rilc rg their own, INn a ,4 n d great th e i .. ir t i ter t : 1,). purchasing Spices, Drugs and Dye IVonrals in the Eastern market.,, whole and in sticks, and getting them ground and rhipl4,l at the Fraeklin Alanofocto 7' I em l rare this oprormM:v 10 recommend the , r.Y. Secu"•l street. 1:,• ‘ i i . co.,ki ng Slove.; I have used the 11111. 1 you lea !It Is not generally known, but nevertheless true, that qi ro t mo con=manly 1111 summer, nod I Mimi say it is ' Di lugs and spices sold in the East, arc lower in price _l-11111 article. I helir ve it is superio r t o any other than whole, of coarse the profit and cost of grindin g t 4 ~, WM' in use in this city. Th e oven lcikr . , well, I most be made up by adulteration; dye woods have a t nd i: 1 o-,:o ormei,-!i to 1,;ilio four la: ,f, I ,, ilyes of I,romi . I '"t 1 5 per conr, and in some cases 25 per cent. of I 11 11 , tine 't it 111 ,, ce . .tlis VerV , trlC ,l l{ltr, and it re,pii t e; water added to them. Now wnter, dust, cornmeal •ry littlo coal, I think thorn worthy the attention of all stns n" , --d meal are Ide"iy lucre, and we run cat i , wish a zww sn , s . ‘ , ; 0, sorb I would say, try them thorn in their purity, if so it plea,:os en, withoutp:iv r3.l ! 1,, , ‘ , ;:',t tiley are. o r 1 I -,; ,' I i:) : : a /-77,, r price with freiLl;t and pi ernium added ~ ,k , ..Cr ATIII:IV I' ATPI C K. Cinnamon, A ll , pire, Nutmo:;i. Gum , ' ie. f.:roond n , mzot., Gem As,lloj,-, (3tire Ile ~, Guns r;,,,n1—,,,, ri,,,,,0 s t „„,, 1,,,, D } ,, 1,,,ii, s. f. , ,,,,,,,,1. 10,-.. ~,,i Mare, Fit stir, Mu-tard, Nicwood, G,:n Sc.ononv, Cam Wor,d. 1 lan :,1i).',.., Brasil Wood REC OMMENDATIONS .11",ingion Ifouse,Strt, 19, 1111. ii. 1)ox — Sir: I have in use one of Hath :in.,a'..ll4it Air ('ookitti: Stores, which I got from you ist Spying - . It atioid: me much pleasure to recotn- Mend it fir its rarellenre. So liar as my knowledge extends. I hire no hesitation in saying it is the best , tove now in it•te. I need not partilarize its ;but iiou'd adi nll cid:posed to pos c c u f , t+ an arti mer cle its of the hind, to adopt the best method of sati.ftleg them sel,es, that 14, in tr% it; and I doubt not thou will be , atistied. I). R. MILLER. Tem7wrarre IToNsr, Sop!. 19, 1811. Mr. lt. D.i\ -41 'irc--Sir:-1 Lave hail in L 1,2 fur fi‘e monriN, orw II ll.it Cookin.f; StoreA, an.l 1 hoer m.! ,, iU11i.,n in , t It 11; it I, the be_st stove kinds cooking,it is calcu lated to ilo at tlii• ..a•no Ii!no, nt (11 , 1 tOTlirod, it an nliji•ct v.Ln 'he illicit who good stove. \S V.IRN En. I' tTI::\T 1)01'13LE NPRIAt; TItUsS. ~••it r}: ,3 :uublt• 'nor:!hr.r the i v 11,1 or P , ir! , :ro, IdriL +ll-wi carrru!- • Lime Wourl, chipped, . • ..., . , o.ritt•er of I .i. lents, La. Pepptlr, &c. &c. &c. nev u. fa ::0,1 to _i.e relief, din. M. , I e.4.c, has port ed The Proprietor it ill not Jeal in any of the articles , i•-ce...‘t .i in e.. r,^ a p•Tinanent cure. he grind. a. a grinranty that all tho articles intrusted 1 his improv. ii I ru.s li:•••. heen .oli , mittt il to the most Ito II irn :hail remain as pule a.; , n-hen sent to him. ..111i I'olll moi•hr r. ot the medical protes-d , m, who. at. I N. 11 .—Lard Oil coantantly on hand. I.`l fair trial arid examination, have concurred in Imo- . MI) t!tl-tf. J. S. GWYNNP mairfAing it an important discovely, particular ly ;18 it ; :id Mit: id 150.10 n. atiOlSlOlent no till' "...lit of the rOan . ! rill Oa. itlid of be.irin g with certainty upon the point ,rhea. the pi os•Lit. is r‘viil,ti. w I hoot admitting of it ch ance ro ri; u.:••• of n:t.ift intr hy anv aenion ~r • ~ ,, , ,,i—.1,i,,,, 7 i—l",—the miter