ip►p- - - 11/10f." COFFIB WARIIIIOVSE, Ivor Pittsburgh T i ara on id anu f ac umr. $l. me- h.,s frost the U. R. Beek. Wes Tr thtdertstse respectfully informs the medic that.h 101 :ssimied his early made coffin ho use wareo ord tirectlyo the Alas recently ..cettpled by Mr. R. O. B,d lepossiMbis oldst sad, where he is always 2repared to at. end promptly to an y orders in hie line, and. by strict at- Witten to all the details of the business of an Undertaker bel tropes to merit puhtle confidence. He will be prepared sta.noons to proVide Hearses, Biers, C 'irises and renotrito on the moat liberal terms. Calls from the -*pantry will he promptly attended to. 01s residence is In the same building with his ware knee. where thoie who need his services cony find him Sany time. RRRRRR Wf. Ming. *DSC 11.1IIIDSX, air Doll PATTON, W. I. necimax, MaAC stoats, mop 10 101-11V086 WHOSE . t.. 1 YnTiO . PRODUCE OR AGGRAVATE DI3EASE.-1 his Titus of indivldnals Is very numerous. They are those Who work in an unhealthy atmosphere. Printers. work• ws la feather stores• s, white natacturern. are all , m to •irt. ne or lesscutlers subjectbakers, tO diseaselead ac. ordiak to the strength of their constitution. The only lwathod to prevent disease, is the occasional use of a enediclue which abstracts from the circulation all delete tbus istimors, and eyteltt them by the bowels. Tonics in any form are orlous, as they only •.,ot off the evil ills) , to make It more fatal. The use of Brandretles Pills Will Insure health, because they take all Impere matter ant of the blood; and the body In not weakened bat Mltssagthened by their operation, far these valuable Ps do not force, but they assist nature, and are not oppose ill d, IMPt harmonize with her. g-Sofil at Dr. Prendreth't Office, In the Diamond, Pittebergn. Price '25 cents per hos, with full di here the rections. MARK —The only place In Pittsbarah w etesiutNg Pills can be obtatued,la the Doctor's own 10of. lentil the Diamond. sep 6 La I what makes your teeth en unusually while? anoth Josh's duloinir to him l'other To make yours tont( so, with a grin, replied lost, brought youa kettle of Thorns.' Tooth Wash, s . ri the best now Ia use, so the. gi.ntlefoiks say. And since they have tried this, cast all others away. But to provelt the beat, to make the tee' h shine, Look again, toy dear -al, at the lustre of mine. Then try is great tooth wash, The Teaberm tooth wash, AG/ sec If this Tooth W 331101. is not fine. Saving irled Dr. -Thorn's Tea Bet ry Tooth iVash,` avid become neln ato' el with the Ine,edients of its compo. eitiou.l cheerfully say, I •Jiiishier it one of the safest, as it is One of the float plea=nit T• otli Washes now in use. Pittsburgh Sep. 15,1812 D %VII) HUNT, Demist. 1 take pleasure in dating,having made use efaTliorn's Tee Berry Tooth loVa4h, - it is nor of I lie hest den trifices in non. Being to a liortid form, it combine , iteat• alma with c onvenience. \V iitie it cleansrs the enamel and removes the tartar front the teeth, itft-t perfn me colds a fragrance pecoliarty desira' , le. J. P. 'TIBBETTS. M.D. - The undersigned have. tved "Thorn's Compound Tea Berry Tooth Wash,"and have found it to bean extreme. Of Pleasant dentifrice, cierrising a most salutary eriee over the Teeth and Gnats; preserving those indis• passable meinbera from premature decay. presenting the SWlUmulatlon of Tartar, and purifying the Breath. Hay. teas thoroughly testeJ its virtues, we take pleasure in re. eClsinendins, it to the puhlic,lielleeing It to be the beet ar• - Nader the kind now In use. AIROBERTSON. JAMES P JACK% • *Orr II PEEBLES, ('tMS scuLLY, C DARRAGH, WM .11' CAND LES 8, JP. AI MOORHEAD. JAS S CIZA fr. UL RING WALT, L S JOHNS, Prtpared and sold hr WILLI Tili)llN. Apotheca• etts and Chemist, No 53 Market street, Pittsburgh; and *ll the prlneipa Druggists', and Tattle's Medical Ages. sep YOurth street. 7 INTERESTING CURE performed by Dr.Swayne's oestpostod Syrup of PryAus V r rgioiana, or Wild Cher. rt. Raving made use of this Invaluable Syrup in my fanoly, irlitath entirely cared mychild. The symptoms were wheezing and choking of phlegm, dtfflculty of breathing, talltSaided with constant conah, spasms. cnulsions, 4.e., ISTWhieli I had given upall hope: of Its recovery until I Was advised to make trial of this Invaluable medicine. After peeing Mena - acts it had upon my and con. -giaielsag to make the same trial upon myself, which en. IN' rel Meed me ofa cough that I was afflicted with for Ilkley years Any person wishin; to see me can ca at marritomse in Beach Strcet , above the ffl ark t, Kensington. WILCOX. SWAYNE'S SYRUP OP WILD CIIERRY. We tall the attention of the public to the numerous teridillicates which have been in circulation in our paper arid elisoe-otbers of this city, highly recommending thraiarit'a Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry.—We have !Mil the original certificates, andex ve have no doubt hut they ft'ote 'truly grateful hearts, prnive of the benefits "Oct they have received from tl.nt valuable compound. We have acquaintances who have frequently used the Memo medicine. who can speak with contidence of its tittles,—Saturday Chronicle IPastoss _Crcts.r.ss:—Witn sincerity I would advise 1 lOC One slid all, loth sick ad s S;ll, always tild o haveerry a bottled' Dr 131wAyrm's Compound rup of WCh 'yaw hOuse—it is Invaluable in cases of etnersency, Obeli as Spitting of Blood. A.thina, attacks of violent Cometlas, which is often the rinse of spitting of Mona, VMkel Nervous Affections, which occasionally come tram tright, and various oilier causes, producing areal alarm. sadden colds from improper exposure. which we Oka let run to an , alarinin; clie In h , ave for wa nt of Meats' being ready at hand;—and asDr. "> area's Compound Eyrop of Wild Cherry repeatetly hi my family, and always with marked sucress—l can laCommend it with confidence. as tieing one of the hest filet medicines which has ever been offered to the iiiiithe.—.Noteriay Chronicle. Sold by Win. Thorn. Whole.ale 4- s Retail, onl ey p acent thlerbtaburgit. N 0.53 Market goreet. ltl KENNING' S FIRE PROOF IRON CHESTS. rITTSBURGH, OCT. 22, 1841 J. Ilsenteo—On Friday, the3Oth of last month, about te'sioek at ni2ht,the Planing,Crooving and Sash Man ,111606c7, owned by Gay, Dilworth 4 , Co, with a large filletiktily of dressed and Indreaed luinber,wasall.consu. woe by ere. The Iron safe wenchbought of you some time back -.Me tberoost exposed situation dating the fire, and Una entirely red hot —I ant pleased to inform you it was , afaaaa at tie close of the fire, and all the hooa, papers, • ite.esved;—thhis the best recommendation I can give of the flinty of your sates. iket24-4f PIVICINGTON'S „ Unrivalled Blacking, ANUFACTURED and sold wholesale, and retail Armi eamerr, one door telow Smithfield. *et 21-19. JOHN BUTTERWORTH, Auctioneer and CONIMiS. 011 1 siva Merchant, bouisoilte, KY., will attend to the datio elf SAW &state, Dry Goods,G.oceries, Furnhure, ke• 416 Regnlarsales every Tuesday, Thnrsday, and-Fri doir Retain's, at 10 o'clock, A. M. Call' advance! made se ent.kigarnept . scp 10 REMOVAL PCAWNELD has removed his marble Ematilish went to wood st. opposite Fabnestork's Dru 2 Ito e,where he will keep constantly on band Tomb Moue& ld onti inents etc, ap 19-Iyr PORTRAIT P AIN TING • 01113011.41, Portrait Poiatcs, Tonto 5t.,311 ',tory ihnheolaildlog. J. Osborne would whit it es?those who desire Portraits. rpettmeos co* be aft at Ido mew tow 5. REV. JOAN SLACK,D. D. REV. ROBERT BRUCE. D. D. REV. smart!, WILLIAMS, I RSV. )05ZPII KICRR, auv. JAYIGf Y . DiVl9, ffl , ACI=ll THOMAS ru COTT . - • rt ONSTANTLY on hand a superior article of Larand d Oil, warranted to burn at any toner:olre, equal to the best winter strained Sperm Oil, without its coll'ename qna'llies, and one third cheaper. wan. ulactu red by the subscriber at tile old stand, Third st., nearly opposite the Post Offlce• EY. kin 4,184 S BIRMINGHAM LOCK AND SCREW FACTORY. ' E subscriber having opened a shop No 61. second 1 street, between Market andWond I.lreetp,Plitsbargh . in connecter n with the Factory in Itirmtngham, respect. fully Informs his friends and the public, that he will he happy to be favored with their orders for any'aiticles in his line, Door I.lcks and Pastencri, n 'various d scriptions. or. hand and made to order. Tothiceo. Mill and Timber Screws. t.irge Screws, for Iron Work.,:ind Screws for Presses ade ae may he required, Carpenters and Builders are requested to call befall contracting for juin, and examine his articles and prices Locks repaired and Jobbing, sencruily one in .lie 'Jest manner, an I ott the lowest tering. mw —621 11. S. PATTERSON. Tr, 11013E11T PORTER, 27ttorney at 1: 1 1, oil t tie corner ••1 Votih anAl Smitlitiela sep 10 PITTSBURGti 72 , , - )Dhing Glass IVlCanufactory , Ind 11 Wise furoishlng Ivarchow , e, 104 W ood S;r,o, !war sth. glii E.; z : L o,,,ril;er having row; !fled his arrangementa A._ "at ilk veto stand, is now prepared to offer to Its trl I. au.d the nubile , a lane and complete a-iortment Lookin4Clarse3 anti ilunse.foral-hing Hardware, (at priers to suit the times.) Pier and Mantel Wasin in Cilt and Malior,any Pramei, of Or 111031 apprcved and superior workman- 11.•1 ta,srs With 1,2, '3. .4 and 5 drawers. Common. stained, fluted, and p liar framed Classes suitalec for Merchants, (or tho , e wanting cheap glassrs Japanned ‘Vai!ers• and Trays oral! colors and patterns. Ivory han.tle Knives and Forks. in sells or dozens, Bock sad Bane handle Table Cutlery. Carving Knives and Forks, do . D;xon's Brittania Metal l ea and Coffee Setts (sit• perier qunilly.) A merifan klanufactu do, In setts, or single pieres. German Sliver Tea and Table Sponns, tzilver plated and Brass Candlesticks, Rituffets do, kir mania Metal Lamps, for burning Sptrm or Lard Oil. Brass and Wire Fire Fende , s, (various patterns.) Fire Shovels and Tongs, Hand bona, With a variety of ot her art ides 'oh numerous to men tion, :ill of which will he otfered at the lowest cash pri N.V. Portratt,Mllll.iture,antl olhrr Framintl clone nt horte.t notire,repa.ro4 of nll ktmls ;Mended to. Look. i.1261:1,c3 plviies.by tor, he x Ugh!. prints for con , inntly on band Adams' Patent "Haughphy" VE now been before .11./ the publt . 3 years du• rim!, which time several thdasnm:s have been cold n•di in daily use, We are e•i, fide of being sustained in s.iying. they are the best Coffee Mills in the Untied Stoics, any way you'll= it.' Several maddiratlons ale mildew suit the fancy of wives and the purses of hmihattils .s.dd hr the gross or dozen at the manufactory,— Malleable Castings made to order. Pairb. Platform Scales. The ,, e genuine articles, of al sizes, and most improved vaiiettes,constantly on hatfil and for sale at very reduced prices by the mamifacittrer, I. R. LIVISGSTON , mar 2. —if rrotit liettveun Ross and Grant ste. NEW ESTAFILISHMENT. Upholslev Furnishings. r ttutter;ttet r.•splct rally inform their frieed3 and .111.••• the pu'dic (h..t they hav'e just opened the',.tare No SO Fifth E , reel. near th.• Exrhaw,:e Bank, and adjoining J• D t,Villiams'Grottery, where they Intend to maim fa,tut r. in the he.t •tyle, and have ready for Fale a fail es4ort meat of tire fi,:t rialto!) of Upholtcril Farnis .rich Snuck sail Straw \I trtra..e:, Leath er Bed., Sari:leg., Sc. A which they wit sell for Cash at nearly 100 per cent less than former prices. ALSO; Sofas, Chairs, etc Upliol.`ered, carpets mad.. arid Cut tains arranged rifler the new at fashlons—All of which they offer to execute in a manner unequaled in this or unsurpassed in any other city. JOHN T. STEWART CU 19 STEWART. mar 20 ly Conveyancing. 'AXES BLAKELY,tmointies Co execute all kinds In• of writings, itich aA Deeds, Mortgages, Apprentices dentures. Articles of Partnership. Letters of Attorney, In a neat'and legal manner. and at huf writer charges, at his old stand Penn street, tier the stli felt. 23. war.] market bons,. ~.• .---• 1111 • IRON CITY HOTEL; - - II The old stand of Mat' hew Patrick, (Lately occupied by Jobs Irons.) filiEl c sub,cribrr wishes to Inform the citihzens as of le Pased itts. 1 1. burgh, and the travelling public, that he the above well known stand, (gnash d on Fifth street, between Market and Wood,) where he will he happy to accommodate all his old friends, and as many new ones as will be pleased to acknowledge him as tlteir host.— lit; terms will be moderate, suited to I lie times. Ills table will be supplied with the bent that the Market af• fords. His bar will be furnished with the choicest of liquors, both domestic and forcing. His etaliles are ilia cious and cornmociious, conducted by experienced and attentive ostlers. n-He would inform the citizens that he is prepared to nccommodaie a number of Weekly , Monthly or Year• ty boarders at reduced prices. 111.TEM OP 90kRD' e.ingle Meal, 25 cents. : Lodging, Boaid per Week mav 3-3 m r 11l F. F.ubscriner ha= just received from Philadelphiarind 11. New York, with a etneral and extensive assort. rent of DRUG'S, CHEMICALS, PERFUMERY, and cvcry article in his line of business, which he is deter. mined to sell on the most reasonable terms for cash.— He believes he can offer stronger inducements than any r* simila establishment in this city to couutry Physlcianz and Merchants, who wish to supply themselves with Drugs and Medicines. His articles have been selected with the utmeA care, and are warranted of the best qual. ity and uniform strength. , Orders will be filled with ac curacy and elegance. Famili can be supplied with Pine and Fancy Soaps of every conceivable variety, and of the most exquisite perfumes; likewise with Perfumery and Cosmetic; of every description. The nriderr.igned returns his thanks for the liberal sup. poll heretofore extended to lilm, and hopes by a constant dkpubition to please and accommodate—a care in pro curing and selling only what is exoellent and genuine—a close supervision of the sates and transaction of the ristab_ lishment—precaution and accuracy in rompoundi med_ icincs—and by Indus:T ., : and perseverance , to nier, nil crease of public patronage may 25 Regular mornin. , Packet FOR BE AIIER. The fast running and well knowr . Steamer CLEVELAND , SHARP HICHTIOLL, Maerr, will depart daily from Pitt,— Miran 11.9 o'clock, A. M;, and Ceaver at 1 o'clock F • M. For freight er pa3s.ige, apply on board, or to BIRMINGHAM & CO. No 60 Water street. N. g,—The regular canal par Let to Cleveland, Ohio Greenville and Meadvilm Pa ; and Massillon on the Ohio Conal,connerting with steamer Cleveland 'at Bea. vermin he in opera'ioni Immediately on opeeing or nay. itlntion mar la -tf. REMOVAL• J DURBoRirr, ATTORNEY AT LAW Imre. removed hie Offiee to No VI FM 'Weer. tweed Wood and Emitalteld Etc .next deer to Alarms Morrow. apr 7. IVTO DlVALaing• 4/1 Kr Now Imporiant It Is that Am eummetufe without loss of lime with ftaisharts's Pmts. They Mildly but surely remove all Impurities from the blood,aud so ease of sickness can affect the human frauM, that these cells heated Pills do not relieve as much se mediciaecaa do.. Colds and coughs are more benehtted by the Brandreth. Pills th an by lounges and candles. Very well, per haps.as Whitley& hut worth nothing as eradicators of diseases from the human system. The BaLmnarru hue cure, they do not merely relkve, they cure diseases, whether chronic or recent, Infections or otherwise, will certainly be cured by the use of these all sufficient Pills. CURE OF A CANCEROUS SORE. Simi Stso, January 21,1843. Denier Benjamin flearuiretk—Hotiored Sir: Owliag t• you a dent of gratitude that money cannot pay, 1 am Induced to makes public acknowledgembnt of the benefit my wife has derived from your Invaluable pills. About three years this winter she was taken with a pain In her ankle, which soon became very much inflamed Dad swollen, so much so that we became alarmed, an d sent for the doctor. Daring his attendance the pain and swell ing inereatred to an alarming degree, and in three weeks from its first commencing it became a running sore— She ronld get no rest at night the pant was so great.— Our first Doctor attended her for six months, and she received no benefit whatever, the rain growing worse, I and fhe sore larger all the while. lie said if it was heal ed 'up It would be her death; but he appeared to be at a loss how to proceed, and my poor wife still continued to suffer the most terrible tortures. We therefore sought other aid In a Botanical doctor, who 'raid when he first saw It that be could soon cure the sore, add give her ease at once. To our surprise he gr:ve her no relief, and acknowledged that it deified all his skill. Thus we felt after hiving tried during one whole year the experience of two celebrated physicians In vatt, In absolute despair. My poor wife's constitution rapidly tailing in the prime of ....tier years from her continued suffering. Under thests'eireumstances we concluded that we would try your-Universal Vegetable Pills,determined to fairly tee their curative effects. To my wife's great comfort the first few doses afforded great relief of the pain. %Vttnln one week, to the astonishment of our• selves and every one who knew of the case, the swelling and the inflammation began to cease so that she felt quite easy, and would sleep comfortably, and, sir, after six weeks' use site was 111110 to go through the house, and again attend to the management of tier family.- which she had not done for nearly 14 months. In a little over two mouths from the time she first commenced the use of your invaluable Ms, her ankle was quite ectond,rind her health better than it had been in quite a number of years before. I send you this statement after ewe years test of the cure, considering it only an act of justice to you and the public at large. .. We arc, with much gra dude, Very respectfully, TIMOTHY 4- ELIZA A. LITTLE. P. S. The Botanical Doctor pronounced The sore can cerous, and finally said no good could be done. unless the whole of the flesh was cut off, and the bone scraped.— Tlinitk a kind Providence, this made us resort to your pills, which saved us from all further misery, and far which we hope t , be thankful. T. 4. E. 1.. Do—Sold at 2.5 cents per box, with directions. Observe the new labels, each having upon it two sig• natures of Dr. Brandreth: So each boa of the genuine has six signatures—three Benjamin Brandreth and three B. Brandreth upon it. The only place in Pittsburgh where the real Bran drcth Pins ran he ohtained, Is the Doctor's own office, in the Diamond, behind the Market Image. Mark, the genuine Brandreth Pills can never be obtained in any drug store. The following are the only agents appointed by Dr. B Brandreth, for the sale of his Vegetable Universal Pill: in Allegheny comity: Pturretrit Accar. G H LEE, Pittsburgh. Mr. Jahn Glass—Allegheny. Robert Duncan—Brtmlnaham. C. P. Weil—Elizabethtown. li. Bowlike d—M'Keesport. c, Pressly Irwin—Pleasant Hill. John Johnston—Noblestowyr. Chessman i• Spattlding —Stewartstowe. Asdell dr Connell—Clinton. Robert Smith Porter--Tarentnni. George Power—Fairvir w. [meld R Coon— Plum township. Daniel Neelet —East Liberty. Edward Thompson Wilkinalturgh. Win. 0. Hunter—Alien's Mill. Lax.—Oflice TIIOS. A 1111.1.1 ER ' ?Mills. NOTICE I'o DR BRAN DRETIVS GENIS! The office In Pittsburgh which was esta A blished for the purpose of ronsti.tatieg agents In the west, having ;ream plaited that object, Is now closed. hnd Mr, G. N. tx,r. in the Diem Ind, Market street, appoirited my aeent for the sale of Pills ant Liniments Br. B.a.tleths agents will inerforemnders'and,that Dr, l l. will tend a travelling agent throw4l, Ihe country once a year to colleCt Moneys for elle. made and resupply agents. The said traveller will h.:l pr.ivirled with a power of attorney, duly proved before the Clerk nt the city and county of New York, together with all necessary vouchers and papers, Mr. J, J. Yoe, I. my travoliing agent now In ewePnyl. yanks, B. Bit A NDETII. I N, rff, Remember Mr. G • 1-1, Lee, in rear ofthe Mar• ket Is wive my only agent in Pittsburgh. New York.Jene 1-1 1 h.1 R 43, THE ITUE WAY TO RECOVER HEALTH. An individual only wishes to know the right way to pursue it; and there are none, were it SCALIA' made known how Liss might be prolonged and Hialill re• covered. w: o would not adopt the plan. Evidence is reqnired that the right way Is discovered. This is what those suffering from sickness want to be satisfied about. For who Is so foolish as not to enjoy all the health his body is capable nil Who le there that would not live when his experience can so much benefit himself and family, 11 Is a melancholy fact that a very large pro. portion of the most user'. I members of society die be. tween the ages of thirty and forty. How maity widows and helpless orphans have been the con:renitence of :nail. kind not having i Jri own power the means of rector. leg health when lost. Now all these dangers and difficulties can he prevented and the long and certain sickness, and by assisting Na. tare, In the outset, with a good dose of Brandreth's Pills. Tlll3 13a fact, well undet stood to be so by thousands of our citizens This medicine, if taken no as to purge freely. will surely cure any curable disease. There is no form or kind of sleknessthat It does not exert a cur ative Influence upon. Thus, by their power in resisting putrefaction, they cure measles small pox, worms and all contageousfevers. There is not a medicine In the world so able to purify the mass of blood and restore it to healthy condition, as the Brandreth Pills. The Brandretli PHIs are purely vegetable, and so in nocent that the Infant of a mot th old may rise them if medicine is required, not only with safety but with a cers tainty or receiving ail the benefit medicine Is capable of Imparting. Females may tine them in all the critical periods of their lives. The Brandrt th Pills will insure their health, and produce regularityin a'l the functions of life. The canoe may e said of Etrandreeh's External Rem edy, as an outward application in all external pains, or swellings, or sores, it greatly assists the• cure. When used where the skin is very le,,,!er or broken. It should he mixed with one or two pints of water. .9 tare Testef Pennine Brandreth Pitle,—Examine the box of Pills, Then look at the certificate of agency, whose engraved date must he within the year, which every authorised agent must possess; if the three label on the box agree with the three labels on the certificate. the Pills are true—lf not, they are false, Principal office, 241 Broadway, New York; june 16. 123 ets 32.50. MICH. PORTER WILLIAM THORN Headache! Headache !, Dr. BRODIE'S ANTI DYSPEPTIC PILES, A P.E now known to thousands as a most extraordlna• ry remedy for this affliction as well as the Incon— trovertible fact of their curing DYSPEPSIA. Will those suffering only ask among their friends If they have not known of the positive effects of said Pills. and if they do not hear them more warmly praised (and de.servediy too) than any other, then let them not tiny them. In these few remarks, all fancy or Imagination Is excluded, and nothing will be said of their merits at any time but wliai Ca n he fairly proved by respectable members of our community. Read the following certificate given by a respectable citizen of A llogheny city, and attested by one of thejudg. es of the Coart of Common Pleas or Allegheny co. A ',Lei:main Mrs, January 9, 1843. DEL BRODIE, Dear Sir—l have for a number of years past been af— flicted with a severe and almost constant Headache, a— rising from derangement of stomach and bowels and al. though I have taken nearly every kind of Medicine re commended for Its cure, have never derived any mate rial benefit until I used some ofyour truly valuable An. ti Dyspeptic Pills. I have notOilten ouite two boxes and consider myself perfectly refkved from that distressing complaint. I have trix hesitation in recommending your Pills as the best meedakei have ever aped. ' Tours, Respeetfuhy. J. B. TURNER, I am acquainted with Mr, Tante - , i have no hesita tion In certifying that I consider the stateliest!! of Mr, I'. respired*: Dr. Brodle's Pills, as entitled to the most perfect and entire confidence. avail DAVIS. For sale, Wholesale and Retail at the Brodanian Pill Pittsbargh Pa ; and by all aetborised a gents Iflrreighbot the Union Afkyreity Jan 9 UM ••• ' !VAL • -11 . r 3 OUStillMi. itt• NIP lITItIIII UMW— T. %airway, Coder wad Surtiesi is/tritons Maker, Third stove, assrly sppssigs the Pelt °Psi Pittsburgh (SIGN OF THE GOLnEN SHEARS.) rhysiclani. Dentists and Druggisis Call 1110/C dam it, strutuents made by the subscriber of a superior quality and at Eastern prices. Tailors' Patent Bbears and Scissors always oa hand, also Hatters shears, a superior article. Orders respect. fully solicited. N. B. Allartleles warranted of the best quality, and jobbing done as usual. sep 10 4 LLEN KRAMER, EscSongs Broker. No. 46, Cor• stsv if Wood and Third Strests,Pittaborik Ps.— Gold, Silver, and Solvent Rank notes, bought and sold Sight checks on the Eastern cities, for sale. Drafts notes and bills, collected. •Pirtsburgh,Pa, Wm. Bell 41 Co., John D. Davis, F Lorenz,J. Painter," Co., Joseph Woodwell, James May Pkiladelphie, Alexander Bronson 4 Co., John H. Brown 4 Co. Cincinnati, 0., James M'Candlesa. Et. Lewis, Ale., J. R. M'Donald. Loaiaville, W. R. Pope. Esq. Preal Bank Ky. sep 10 REMOVAL.—The undersigned begsleave to inform the public, t hat lie has removed from his old stand, to the corner of Penn and St. Clair its., opposite the Es change Hotel, where be has fitted up a large hill° Forri Wass Roos. and now offers for sale the most splendid assortment of Pianos ever offered in this market. His pianos consist of different patterns, of superior Rose Wood and Mahogany, beautifully finished and mo deled. and constructed throughout of the very best ma terlais,witich,for darablitty, and quality of tone, as well as touch, be warrants to be superior to any ever seen here. As lie has enlarged his manufactory, and made arrange. meats to supply the Increasing demand for I his Instru• meat, he respectfully requests those intending to pur.. chase to call rind ,•:amine hls avortment before numbs'. sing elsewhere. ab he is determined to well Lowa t. for eash,than any other establishment cast or west of the mountains. F. BLUME, Corner of Penn and Bt.Cfair streets, sep 10 Opposite the Exchange Hotel, Pittsburgh. Pa. WARRANTED GENUINE. -Dr. William Evans's Camomile Pills.. rzaTtnesvzs.—Letter from the Hon. Ab 51'Ciel• lan,Sullivan County , Eist Te u neesee,filembetofCongress. WASHINGTON, Jul y M 1.1838. Sir—Since I have been in this city I have used some of your Dyspeptic medicine with infinite benefit and sails faction, and believe it to bee mast valuable remedy. One of my constituents, Dr. A. Carden, of Campbell county, Tenneesee, wrote to me to fend him some. which I did, and he has mployed it very successfully in his practice, and nays it is invaluable. Mr. Johnson, your agent at this place," thinks you would probably like an agent in Tennessee. If so, I would recommend Dr. A Carden, as a proper person to officiate for the sale of your celebrated medicine. Should you conimbrlon him he Is willing to act for you. You can fend the medicine by water to the care of Robert King j Sons. Knoxville county, Tennes. see, or by land to Graham 4. Houston, Tazewell, East renrisee. I have no doubt but if you bad agents In several counties in East Tennessee,a great deal of medi. tine would be sold. lam going to take some of it home for my own use, and that of my friends, and should like to hear from you whether you would like an agent at Montville. Sullivan County. East Tennesve; I can get some of the merchants to act for you as I live near there. Yours respectfully, ARRAHAM SI'CLELLAN,of Tennessee. For sale Wholesale and Retail, R .SELLERS, Agent, No. 20. Wood street.below Second. pa. WILLIAM EVA NS'S SOOTHING SY RUP.-- Thll InfalliiAe remedy bas preserved hundreds when thought past recovery, from convulsions. As soon as the Syrup Is rubbed on the ‘llllll, the child will reef v er. This preparation is so innocent, so efficacious. and so pleasant, that no child will refuse to let its gums be rub bed with it. When infantsare at diet:cot four months. tho' there is on appearance of teeth, one bottle of the Syrup should he used to open the pores. Parents should reser be without the syrup in the nursery where there are young ch Ildren, for if a child wakes in the night with pain In the gums, the Syrup immediately gives ease, hy opening the pores, and healing the gums; thereby prevent. ing Convu 110113. Fevers,4 - c. Far Sale Wholesale and Retail by R. E.SELLERS, Agent, imp 10 No. 20. Wood street. below Second L IVER COMPLAINT oared by the use of Dr. Har itch's compound Strengthening and Aperient Pills. Mr. Wm. Richard., of Pittsburgh, Pa., entirely cured of the abovedistressing disease His symptoms were pain and weight in the loft side. tosser appetite, vomiting, acid eructations, a distension of the stomach, sick head-ache, furred tongue, countenance changed ton citron color,diffi culty ofbreathing. disturbed rest,attended with a cough, great debility, with tither symptoms indicating great de rangement of the functions of the liver. Mr. Richards had tire advice of several physicians, but received no relief, until using Dr. flarlicit's Medicine, which termina_ ted in effecting a pe - feet cure. Principal Office, 19 North Ciehth Street, Philadelphia. For sale in Pittsburgh by Samuel Frew. corner of I.lber ty and Wood streets. Pep 10 mar 23. 1843 BARON VON HUTCH ELE't HERBPILLS.— These Pills are composed of hobs, which exert a_ specific action upon the heart, give impulse or strength to the arterial system; the blood is quickened and equalized In Ita circulation through all the vessels, whether of the akin, the part' situated internallyor the extremities; and as all the secretions of the body are drawn from the blood, there lan consequent increase of every seccetion, and a quickened action of the absorbent and exhalent, or discharging vessels. Any morbid action which may have taken place is corrected, all obstrut.• tlansarerentsved,tieblued is purified. and the body I , 33'lUltS a t tt.f.te.! sate. For 3cl ef Wholesale and Re to .by R E LLERS, Agent.. .>ext Wood st. below Second INDEPENDENT TIDE WATER LINE FOR carrying Merchandize and Produce to and from Pittsburgh, Philadelpihri, Baltimore, New York and Boston, by the Pennsylvania Canal and Rail road, on entirely temperate principles. Stock of this line consists of new large Tidewater boats built expressly for this route, with nil the modern im• provenients in boat building; of a supetabundant supply of first rate cars on the Portage Railroad; and a full sup ply of strong and commodious Pennsylvania boats be. tween Johnstown and Pittsburgh; all of which will be conducted by sober,industrioas and experienced captains and superintendents, Charges will be paid on all goods intended to be shipped from Plit,iburrh to Philadelphia, Baltimore, New York or Boston, and consigned to James Dickey 4- co:,Canal Basin, corner of Liberty and Wayne sin. and will be promptly attended to and forwarded with despatch. All Goods and produce intended to be shipped from Philadelphia coastwise, or via the Delaware and Ur ft lan Canal,land consigned to Hart, Andrew and McKever, will be received at their warehouse. first wharf above Race street, Philadelphia, and shipped directly from thence without additional handling or expense; a line of Boston packets connects with the line at this point• Shippers are invited to examine the stock of this line and judge for themscives,beforeshipping by any other, as their luterest will be advanced by shipping by It, the proprietors being determined to exert themselves to the utmost of their ability for the interest of their cnsto cners and prosperity of their line. Insurance can be effected cheaper by this line than any other, as the route is considered the safest. PROPRIETORS. Hart, Andrews 4. McKever, front Philadelphia and Bal. limore to Iloilidaysbnrg. Henry L. Patterson, from Hollidaysburg to Pittsburgh. AGENTR. Hart, Andrews 4. McKever, Philadelphia. Elder,Oeiston 4- Co., Baltimore. Henry L. Patterson, Hollidaysburg. Jessee Patterson, Johnstown. James Dickey 4. Co. Pittsburgh. Judson & Flancgin, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Smithfield near 7th street. Colle lions mule on mode , ate terms. Tensions for widows (of old soldiers under the late act of ron gress, obtained. Papersand drawings for the Patent of fice. prepared. mar 17-Iy. PILES cured by the use of Dr. Harlich's Compoun. Strengtheniety, and airman Aperient Pills Dr. Harlich—r Sir—Shortly after 1 received the Agency Dom you Dea for the sale of your medicine, 1 formed an acqnaintancewl;h a lady of this place, who was severely afflicted with the Piles. For eight or ten years this lady wan subject to frequent painful attacks, and her physician considered her case so complicated, that he very seldom prescribed medicine for her. Through my persuasion, she commenced using your Pills, and wu perfectly cured. Tours, tc. JAMES R.KIRBY October. .3. Is4o. Chiuubersbug, Pa. at and, General Depot, ito. 19. North Eighth Otrest,Pbiladletpbia. And by Samuel Frew, corner of Liberty and Wood streets, Pittsburgh. icy 10 jan 13—ly UNITED STATES PORTABLE BOAT LINE. For ale Transportation of Merchandise and Produce Between PITTSBURGH AND PHILADEL . ) lild AND PITTSBURGH AND BALTIMORE, NEW YORK AND BOSTON. DEVINE ht McA NULTY respectfully inform the pub lic that they have completed their arrangements for the above Line on INDIVIDUAL AND INDEPENDET PRINCIPLES. The public has lung wished for individual competition in Transportation on the Public Works, by which alone it can be freed from 'unnecessary expenses and reduced to its lowest rates; that wish will now be realized; the Staten( Pennsylvania having placed Trucks on her Rail Roads. Individuais owning Portable Boats are enabled to bid for the Carrying Trade and successfully to com pete with coinpaoes. This line iscomposed of Twenty new, Four Section Portable Boats, ow ned by the Captains who command them and well known as enterprising, industrious and experienced Boatmen. The superiority and advantages of the Portable Boat over every other mode of Transportation, are too well known to shippers generally,to requite comment; suf. (*melt to say, that the detention, loss.separalton find dam age t• Coeds, invariably attending three Transhipments between Pittsburgh and Philadelphia are by the Portable Boat most effectually removed The Portable Boat possesses the great advantage too, of being well ventilated and cool in Selmer; which pre. rants Flour from souring, and Bacon and Tobacco from sweating. Devine MeAnuity, standlng as they de,hetween the owners of goods and the Boatmen who carry them, and eqaally interested in protecting the Interests of both, will make no promises to the public they will not faithfully pefrOrll , . red to receive and forward Pro They arc now preps . dace to Philadelphia, Baltimore, New York, and Boston in the shortest time, and pledge themselves to enter into no combination with other Lines,but always stand ready to cart y out the principlesuf their Linc,and contract for freight on the very, lowest terms. To give undoubted security to owners and shippers of goods an open policy of Insurance has been effected, by which all merchandlze shipped by this Line will be Insured with any additional expense to the owner. Devine Me out Anulty wilt receive all produce consigned to them at Pittsburgh. pay ir..i.zht and charges to Ph Steam Boats and forward the same " 4 trout delay'to Phthl I phia, Baltimore, New York, ..."1 Boston witivitit any charge for advancing or commission. DEVINE Er McA NULTY, A eats., Canal Basin, Liberty street, pimburgh. THOS BORDIDGE, Agent, 272 Market street.Phltadelphia. MOORE 4. CHASE Agents, 75 Bowley's„Wharf, Baltimore. BOWEN 4. HIBBERD, Agents, Cincinnati, Ohio CULVER WOODBURN, Agent, Madison Ind. Thos. Mc ADAM, Co , Agent. 2'.7 Old Slip New York 2111= KrTO THE LADIES.—Why do you not remove that superfluous hair you have upon yunr foteheads and upper tip 7 By enlline at Terms's, 88 Fourth at., and obtaining a bottle of flourautl's Pnudres SAM les, w will remove it at once withont affecting the skin. You can also obtain Gonraud's truly reiterated Eau ds Beattie, which 11l at once remove all freckles, pimples, elan. lions of the skin, and make your face look perfectly fair; and to those who wish to assist nature by adding more color to t hefr cheeks, they can old ain some of Gouraud,s celebrated ',fluid Rouge, wnich cannot he rubbed off even by a wet cloth, Also may be found a good assortment of Perfumery, such as Cologne, Bears' Oil, Almond, Pe l:—, Windsor:and other Soaps, Remember, at Tuttle's Medical Agency, 86 4th atreetd Druggists and others can 'been pplied at Wholesale and retail terms. may 26 1842 B R A NDRETHILLS , SECUREDY LETTERS PATENT OF THE B UNITED S'EATES. TIIE METHOD OF PREPARING THE 1111 ANDRETEH AN VEGETABLE EX TRACTS. Caveat entered 9th June, 181 Patent granted to Benjamin B,andreth,2oth January, 1843. The extracts of which Brand reth's Pills are com posed are obtained by this now patented process, without boiling or any application of heat. Thy ac tive principle of the herbs is thus secured the same as it is in the LIVING VEGETABLE. The Public should be cautions of medicines rec commended in a dvertisrnents stolen from me, in which the CONTEMPTIBLE, Rona gns steals my lan guage, merely silents; she name. Time will show these wholesale deceivers in their true light, THE MEDICINE OF THE PEOPLE. BRANDRETH'S PILLS are the People's Medicine, proved by thousands who daily reccom mend them to the afflicted. The BRANDRETH PILLS are growing every day more popular, their virtues are extending their usefulness. The sick of both sexes are daisy deriving benefit from them. No case of disease but they can be used with advan tage. Blotches or basil lumps of the skin they speed ily cure, so with erysipelas, so with Fait rheum , so with indigestion, so with coughs and colds, so with costiveness, so with cancer, so with hot parched lips and canker in the mouth. Let the afflicted use this medicine, and they will find they require no other. Sold at 25 cents per box, with directions. Observe the new labelemeach having upon it two signatures of Dr. Brandreth. So each box of the genuine has six signatures—three Renjunin Brand reth and three B. Brandreth upon it. The ONLY PLACE in Pittsburgh where the REAL Brandreth Pills CAN BE OBTAINED, is the Doctor's own Office, Diamond back of the Market House. Mark, the GENUINE BrandrethPills can never be ob. tair.ed in any Dam; STORE . The following are the ONLY AGENTS appoint- ed by Dr. B. Brandreth, for the sole of his Vegeta ble Universal Pills in Allegheny County. G H Lee—Principal Office, Diamond, Pittsburgh: Mr. John Glass—Allegheny. Robert Duncan—Birmingham. C. F. Diehl—Elizabethtown. 11. Rowland—McKeesport. Pressly Irwin—Pleasant 11111. Jahn Johnson—Noblestown. Chessman & Spaulding—Stewartstown. • Asdell & Connell—Clinton. Robert Smith Porter—Tarentum• George Power—Fairview. David R. Coon—Plum Township. Daniel Negley—East Liberty. Edward Thompson—Wilkinsburgb. Wm. 0. Hunter—Alton's Mills. O FEM A LEB.—There is a large class of Fenuales in T this City who from their continued sitting, to which their occupations obi ige t hem,a re affected with costiveness which gives rise to palpitation at the heart on the least ex anion, sense of heaviness extending over the whole bead, intolerance of light and sound .an inability of fixing the attention to any mental operations; rumbling in the bow. els, sometimes a sense of suffocation, especially after meals when any exertion is used, as going quickly up stairs; tempre fickle; these are symptoms which yield al once to a few dosesof the Brandreth Pills The occa sional use of this medicine would rave a deal of trouble and years of suffering. One, or two, or even three of the Brandreth Pills just before dinner, ore of en found htslrly beneficial; many use them very advantageously in this way; they aid and assist digestion, restore the bowels to a popes condition,entioen the spirits, impart clear aces to the complexion, purify tbe blood, and promote a general feeling of health and happiness. Bold at Dr. 11 , aadreth's 01Bee. he the Diatooad Pittsburgh—Price 25 cents per box, with MI direction& MAIBK—The only place to Pittsbarp,h, where' the GSM:TINE Pills can be obtained, is the DOCIO I. I I owe, Or Bee, Diamond, Sep, 10 FHE subscriber has lost receive. sas • Landreth's Garden Seeds, censisting la Wk. following kiods—all of the last yearscrop it 0rga11;44 ,11 genuine: Bearags Egg Plant, rates*. Beets, Endive, .. Peen, . Leans, Kale, Pappaze Leek, Pumpkin, Wttuce, Radtsh, Bl=, Mater Melon, Rhubarb, Clitiatr, Nusk, •, Salsify, Carrot, asturtiurn, Cauliflower, Spina* Squash, Celery, Okra, Tomatoes,Curled Ciese , ( fine„ Turnip, Cucumber, Pikrskr,-. Corn, Mustard, (white aribroviv) .. &c. &C. &C . Together With s varlet y of Pot ¢ Sweet herbr . . ant : Mita* seeds, frr Orders for Seeds, Shrute; Tr. es, kc. frau Camila. ers and others will be received and promptly &model' to. F. L. ta NOW DEN, jan 11 Pio. 18.1 Liberty. head if Wool it., 'PARISI FOR SA LE.—The undersigned ofrers Mesa* F A his farm, lying in Ross Township 4i m ites from t City of Pittsburgh, containing 114 acres oriend of wide" 60 are cleared and under fence, t t in 15 to 20 titres df meadow, 2 ; cod Orchards of Apple , t few Peach mak Cherry trees—the improvements arc a urge frame Mail containing 10 rooms well furnished, calculated for a Td two private Dwelling, a frame Barn 22 alr 60.istaitip basem.mt, and stabling, sheds t nd other out domes sad able for a tenement;-2 good Gardens surrounded *fib currant booties, and a well excellent water, wltli vi t pump In at the front door. I n relation to the Pinata and Allegheny market, there Is no place now offered Mr sate with moreinducement to those wishing to purdrallit near Pittsburgh, the terms will be Made moderate, far further particularsapply to the proprietor at Ills CM** Store, Liberty street, corner of Virgin Alley. LAW RENCE MITCI3E4.' N. B. If not sold before the Ist of odtokrev will be divided into 10 and 20 acre lots totult patella sera. dm 10 JAMES HOW ARD 4. CO„ Minivfacturers Paper , Fa. 18, Weed Street, Piersbnrsi s .Pai , At Dave always hand an extensive assortment of.Sittlit Glazed and plain PAPER HANGINGS, Yehost aid Imitation Borders, of the laiest style and handarrana gratterts, for papering halls, parlors and chambers. , They manoTacture and have on hand at all ilibr Printing. Writing, Letter, Wrapping and Tea Peßefs net and Fullers' Boatds—all of which they offer fork,* at on the most accommodating terms; and to which they invite the attention ortneretrants end others. • • ALSO—Blank Books ofail'ttnds a'rid tioe bestqualfty, School Rooks, etc. always on hand and fo r wile as Ow* N. B. itagsa nd Tanners' Scraps' taken In ------- .. ....ono. r. omit:LIMO G 13. A W 4 HAMILTON, Attor,eys at LIM, removed tlteir Office to the residence of R.S, graw on l'ourt et, two doors above Smithfield. op 10 -1 Ciseiniati, February9s4lB 4 l. Dr. SW.i.Va.—,Dear s . ir:--Permll me to take the-Melly of writing to you at 11415 time to express my approbatima and to recommend to the attention of heads of families and others your invaluable medicine—the trettlitnal syrup of Fru tins Vireinlana, or Wild Cherry Bark. Ir my travels of late I bave seen In Mgreat many Instasees the wonderful effects of your medicind in relieving igkilk drew of very obstinate complaints, such as Cough** W heezing, Chocking of Phlegm, Asthmatic Weeks, 44. kr. I should not have written this letter. howeitrAll presen. although I have felt it my duty to add toy test} mony t. It for some time, had it not been for a We is. stance where the medicine above alluded to was MAW mental In restating to perfect health an "only whose case was almost hopeless, in a fatuity - of lay is quainlance. "I thank !leaven." said the doatiag satin er,“my child is saved from the jaws of death! 0 holki feared the relentless ravager But my child is h o le safe!" Beyond all doubt Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup LVIld Cherry Is the most valuable medicine in tbis crt niy other country. lam certain I ':ave witnessed atlirtlirl*ii one hundred cases where It has been attended With Col* Mete sue, err. I am using it myself In as obstinate at. tart of Bronchitis, in which It proved effectual ly a ex. ceedingly snort time. considering the severity of the rase. I ran reromend it in the fullest confidenceofits wrens' virtues; l would advise that no faMity Shottlaall ark= it; It Is very pleasant and always lievielicial—V double and often ten times Us price. The public itt, tat. sured there Is no quackery about It. B. LICS9O/1. D• D. Formerly fasted of the First Presbyterian N. Y. Sold by WM. TNIN. wholesale 4 retail, only a;esS for Pittsburgh. No. 53. Market -ttreet. step Ak.BOON To TOE HUMAN RACEl—wDimenNe. what will destroy Life, and you Kt a frog MIL "Discover what mi ll prolong Life, gni the sorra call you Impostor." "There are ficialien;iodil) earl rot entered!, withhi . with lokick certain herbs have affinien and .*r they have power."_ Dr. B. Biandreth's External Remedy , - or Llnisionit which, by its extraordinary powers, aheirsems Pefru . 4l Sorenes4; thus Sprains, Stiff Sinews, White Swellkiph Rheumatic Paine, or Stiffness, Stiffness of the JOintn• Tumors, Unnatural Hardness, Stiff Near littor Croup. Contractions of the muscles, acro atone Si. largements. Tender Feet, rind every description of f a , Jury affecting the Exterior of the Human Flame, are cured or greatly relieved by his seoer•teie ellkiently extolled remedy. Currutteaxt.—The following letter from Major Gar era! Sandford, as to the entail fee of the,,Etterrial -Ulm& dy, speaks votitruat: New Yoax,'Feb. 9,1841 L.,. Dear Slr—Will you oblige me with another bottle et your excellent Liniment , It Is certainty-the bait or kind I have ever seen. It has cured entirely in, POO knee, about which 1 watts° uneasy ,and 1 have Potted - 41 productive of immediate relief in several eases el" enter nal Injury in my family. A few evenings siege. WI youngest child wasseized with a violent attack efCestlai. which was entirely removed In twenty stittete4,lsy mks bing her cheat and throat freely with the Estero.' I edy. I think you ought to manufacture this Liallacat for general use, Instead of confining the use of it, iti.yella have heretofore done, to your particular acquaintaartea. Yours truly, C. W. SANDFOR, DR. B. Ba.tnoarra , 241 Broadway, N. Y. For sale at 241 Broadway, New York, and at We office' in the Diamond, Pittsburgh. PBICE-50 Celle per bottle with directions. Rep 10'. PITTSBURGH LARD OIL MANN=, FACTORY. ruIlE subscriber would respectfully inform lb' eitistapa of Pittsburgh, Allegheny and their vicithiss. thl l ,lll has ccmmenced manufacturing the article of Lard 01 and Candles. He intends making but one quality, whit* will equal the best made in the Union and not marpliall by the beat winter strained sperm oil either for amehlallak or burning, without Its 'offensive properties, itpd dad third the aper, THE ABOVE IS WARRANTED To BURN IN ANY TE.MPERATURE. Th her wishes to Impress distinctly on the public Ai= it Is not necessary to purchase any new tangied tamps SW l op are daily palmed upon them as being requisitete learselle lard oil in. Persons wishing a pure and briniest ups can obtain it by calling at the old stand,3d streeti hes, opposite the Post Office, C may,. The attention of Wholesale dealers, Charciseil tttlt chinists respectfully solicited. N, B.—Ail the barrels will bear the manallsetareesi name. Jan 24 1343—ef. FASHIONABLE BOOT MAKING: BPERRY takes ails method of informing this pews in general that he continues to carry on [hi above Mi.:bless in the Monososnit• Horn BuwoUlne No 1 Water street, where, with strict personal anent*, he hopes to please all who will favor him with their ph tronage. From his long experience in the bootee* he flatters himself that his work cannot be exicliedia seat ness and durability, at least west of the litonstaini; bS it Is useless to boast—a fair trial is the best eVisland To suit the times be manufactures Boots at various pet ' ces; from as low as fins dollars op to his test etuttW which he affords at seven dollars per pair. ap 92 , 3 REMOVAL. HOLDSHIP 4 . BROWNE H2tAVE removed tturt taper Store hoot *O4 street to N 0.64 Wood street. die d‘ler relha 00 corner of 4th, where they keep of heads theft nsoral sit ti nortntent of WALL PAYERS, for pairertng par] i s tries,chembers, kr.,, and atso PRINTING,' MI and WRAPPING PAPERS, SONNET WARM all of which they offer for sale on accornmodat lag tit enra, fns 14, 11143.—dif
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers