Imftge. . 4. • =:l=Trfili PUBLISHED BY THOS. PHILLIPS & W. H. SMITH, X. or. coourr.R OF !FOOD 4- FIFTH STIL iriciams.--FIVE DOLLARS a year, payable in "denten. Slagle copies TWO CENTS—for sale at the valuer of the office, and by News Bays. The Mercury and Manufacturer fD published WEEKLY, at the same office, on a double medium sheet, at TWO DOLL kRS a year, lii ad. trance. dingle copied, SIX CENTS. Terms of Advertising, 'Pert SQUARE OF TWELVE LIN ns OR LESS: ane Insertion, 0.50 i One moni h, $5, rwo Insertions. 0,75 I Two monis, 00 6,00 Three Insertions, 1,00 Three months, 7,00 it See week, 1,50 1 Four months, R.1)11 I"w weeks, 3.00 Six months, 10,00 Three weeks, 4.00 One year, 15,00 YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS. CIIAMO 88888 AT PIKASORIC. On. Stuart. 7be Svgares Mix months, $lB.OO Six months, no,. yens. 25.00 One year, irrEarger advertisements in prorortton. 4cmito3 or four lines Bt: Domafts a year, PUBLIC 0 FF I CE S, &C. Claw Pore Orrice. Third between Market and Wood Illteeeta—.R. M Biddle, Postmaster. Ware,* Hintas, Water, dth door from Wood at. reier ulna% imillinags—MaJor John Willock, Collector. threw TtIItSORY. Wood between Flrit and Second 'trams—Asa A. Bertram, Treasurer. -Cotnerr TIZASCRT. Third street, next door to the Waled Presbyterian Church—S. It. Johnston, Treasurer. Itestol'a Ocelots, Fourth, between Market and Wood altastio—Alexander Hay, Mayor. satoaarry'a Sr . Fourth, near Market at: BANKS. Per between Market and Wood streets, on rain! and Fourth streets. olideltaaa.sres' &ND 11 4.1 . 107aCTIZIRULle AND F•RMillte Da- Maw lowa, (formerly Saving Fund,) Fourth, between Wend and Market streets. ihrostattez. Fifth street, near Wood. HOTELS. shogomakterix noun, Water street, near the Brldye Ems►aea Herta. corner of Penn and &. Clair. liaaosawrs' PRIM, corner of Third and Wood, A 31IIRICA11 Hosat..totner of Third and Smithfield. trig & t EP ATes, corner of Penn street and Canal. BegjagEigLE, Liberty street. near Seventh. MAILJWItaI M AMNON Hover., talieriy St. opposite Wayne latatastruare Mansion Honer, Penn St. opposite Canal, L°BERT WOODS, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LA W. —ofike remo Bakewell'a offices on Grant st., nttily opposite lie new Court House. next rooms to John D. Mahon, ainip.—First door. min 10 TAN ER, Attorney at Law, North at corner of Smithfield and Fourth 'treaty. sep 10-17 NDLESS & INYCLERE, Artorneya arid / 111 1Maasellurs at Law: Office in the Diamond, bask WOa ohl Coart House, Pittsburgh. sep 10 WIK f 'FIND', AY, Attorneys at Law, Fourth st., above Wood, Pittsburgh. ' , sep 10-Iy. plilo9. HAMILTON. Attorney at Law. F b, between Wood and Smithfleld sta., Pittsburgh. app 10-1 y 'WCO'HARA. ROBINSON, Attorney at Law; °Mee on the north side of the Diainond.lielwre u i4arket and Union streets, upstairs rep 10 ADURBORAW, Attorney at Law; tenders his professional nervices to the public. Office on WIWI Street. above Wood, Pittsburgh, sep 10 E VOITER BUCH INAN, Attorneys at Late, offire removed from the Diamond, to Attorney'sßow," had, ale Of Fourth street, between Market and Wnnd alretets atm 10 BUCKMASTER, AT 7 RNEY AT LAW, 11 has reitioved his office to Itrares's Law Build .h`. Fourth at reel, above Smithfield, Pittsburgh. sup' 10 dr_tFORGE W. LArivo. Attorney at Law, Office Nal Nn. .54 Firth street, near the Theal re, Piitainirgh, ow 27-1 y READS %V ASIIIINGTON, arroiwzrar LAW. —Office in Bakeweti's Bnibling Grant Meet. Pittsburgh. Nov. b, 1842. JOHN J. MiTCHELL--Attorney at Law, office corner of Smithfield and sth via Plitehargh. Cotketlong made. A I business entrusted to his are *III be promptly attended to, feb 18—ir RE.IIOI7AL.—R. Morrow, Alderman; oM a north side of Fifth st,, between Wood and Smithfield - 1411* * Pit Winne). se. DR. 8. R. HOLM ES, Office In Second street, next door to Malvany q• Co's Glass Warehouse cep 10-14 OHNS 4. VOW( TON. Bookaelierr, Printera an Paper Manufacturers, No. 37, Market at.. sap 10-1 TOUN ANDERSON, Smithfield Foundry, Water et.. oN near lbe Monongahela House, ['filature h. seplo-1Y TN,IIIAS It YOUNG. ' FRANCIS 1.. YOUNG. /l AL MO& B. YOUNG Sr CO., Furniture Ware Booms, burner of [land st. 4- Exchange Alley. 'Persons wishing to purchase Furniture, will find it to heir advantage to give us a call. being fully cal 'cried that we can please as to quality and price. sep 10 66 BBLS. PLAN rArtoN MOLASSES. received per Steamers Ulric Ben and Callon, and for sale by J. G. 4 A. GORDON near 27. 12 Water street 'timmotas D. CocsstAtm...... • LOTD R. COLKMAIT COLEJILLAr 4 CO.,(2enerl Agents, Forwarding and Commission Merchants. Levee Street, Vicksburg isir ?bey respectfuiyso.ict t consignments. n 23- WEBB CLOSEY,S Boot and Shoe Manufamo• 17, No. 83 Fourth St., next door to the U. States .ateikt Ladles Prunella, Kid and Satin Shoes made in he neateelmanner t and by the newestiFrench patterns. step 10 11.102 N TOOLS, consisting of Hoes. Fancy Spades Irlouseptarstiag Trowels, adding Tools, Budding astives, Pruning Knives, Pruning Shears, etc., just re• misfired and for sale by P. L. SNOWDEN. sep 10 184 Liberty street, head of Wood. NI&GISTRATES'BLANKS, for proceedings In Al catatinsat under the late law, for sale at this Office fLAN PETITIONS, NOTICES, dr.C.— -I IT be used In Bankruptcy proceedings, printed on gronapaper,and in the forms approved by the Couri,for sale t the Office of the Mercury and Democrat. sep 10 ,%%TM. HUBBARD, Lidies' fashionable boot and shoe Manufacturer, No. 101, Third s , reet, between , WOod . and SM it hfield streets. Pittsburgh sep 10 JAIL PATTERSON, Jr., Birmingham, near Pittsburgh, Pa., Manufacturer of Locks, Hinges and Botts; To. Niece, Falter, Mill and Timber Screws; Hemmen Screws for Zoning Mills, te. sap 10—fy JOHN APCLOSKEY, Tailor and Clothier, Liber.y dreet, between Sixth and Virgin alley, South side, step 10 8. 4. A. GORDON, Commission and Forwarding J* Merchants, Water it., Pittsburgh, sep 10—ly Birmingham & Co. COMMISSION AND FOR WARDING NEB. CHANTS, No. 60 Water street, Pittsburgh Pa. Tartlteeeiving and Shipping 5 cents per IN lbs. .disnethialonis on Purchases and sales 2 per cern mar S. INIORROW, IIikAttfIXIICTIIRZR of Tin, Copper and Sheet Iror. IVI Ware, No. 17, Fifth it., between Wood and Afar— gospa constantly on hand a good awl talent of wares, `lollaelidtsa altars of public patronage. A We, on bald, dpilbilewtag articles: !novels. Pokers. Toils. Gridirons, teakettles, Pots, Oren., Geiree Milts Ate. Mar siodataad sellers are Invited to call end _,lalraoqwe t o osmium's& as be ap *gtermtntd sellebnip pit I:Wait or ppettewelt..? K. trar.l —if ~ .. : • ' 4 '':'-'' " .' *• 7 "- - 1: ' ' - -;3 .: ,_ - - -- 1 . • :. ww, -A . r • , rs ~ 4 . 1 k . ...., ; ...,.4 . . ~.....,,.. ~* , , • , •,, lip ............ .._... PT re, r-... ....... ..- - HAILIVIAN, JENNINGS & Co, Wholesale Grocers, Commission and Pro duce Merchants, And Dealers ir . Pittsburgh slianufoctures No, 93 Wood street, Pittsburgh. 11 AMMAN, JENNINGS Sr. Co., Cotton Yarn Warehouse, No. 43 Wood street. Agents for the sale of the Eagle Cotton Factory Ynrns March 17, '43. THORPISON 1441411 r• lI JAMES TVRlolflbt . ANNA 4. TURNBULL'S Paper Warehouse. Nu. 104, Wood st., where may he had a general supply 01 writing, wrapping, printing,, wall paper, blank books, school hooks, te, sep 10--ly TOWN.W.ND ¢ CO., Wire Workers and Manafacturers, No. t.; Market street. bri wren 2d and 3d streets. sep 10-1 y E XCHANGE HOTEL, Corner of PP/111 and Clair stieela,by Mc1(113BIN 41- SAIITH. rep 10-1 e B ROWNSVILLE JUNIATA IRON WORKS.--Ed ward Hughes. Illanufaciurer oC Iron and Nails Warehouse N 0.25. Woodsy. Proshu rah. sep 10 -ly ?Vr E WGOODS.—Preston 4- !duke), wholesale and LI retail dealers In English, Frenrh, and Domestic Dry Condi, No. .I, Market Pitishtirch. seri 10 J OHN woEvrrT, Whotrsale Grocer ReclifOng Dielilier, And Dealer In Produce and Pltieburzh Mannfaelored Articles, No. 224 Liberty Street, Pitt,. burgh. gen 10 etwA wt 11. Wit.r.t.ots lcus St. Dtt.woltin LLIA & DILWORTII.--Wholesale • V Crocers Producc and Commission Merchants, and Jealers in Pittsburgh Manufactured articles, No. 29, Wood street. 3P p lu JOHN R.SHERIPP KIC•N QIIERIFF At KEAN, Manufacturers or Copper. Tin, and Sheet Iron Ware, No 130, Front it., burgh. House Spouting and Sicatuboat work promptly executed, gen ID 4a DAVID SANDS, It ATCII dr CLOCK MAKER, No. 7 , Si. Clair street, Nils. burgh, DEALER IN WATCHES. C LOCKS, BR EASTPINS FINGER RINGS, CHAINS, KEYS. COMBS. _lye. oep 10 LAND __METIPS GARDEN SEEDS.- A loin supply of I.andselb's Garden Seeds. always on hand, and for sale at his agency the Druz store of F. L. SNOWDEN, 184 Liberty street, head of Wood. 'lllll EMOVA I.—Matt hew Jones, Null, and Hair Dress- IL IL er, has removed to rondhst tee!, opposoethe May ore office, where be will he happy to:wait upon ,Jernia nem or transient customers. He solicits a share of public pal. J~IINIirrARLA ND, up.. h ././e,e, and Cabtnet .111..ker, Third at, between Wend 4- Muriel •ereets, respectful In(lrma his friends and the public that he is prepared to execute all older* for Sofas, Sideboard,. IN. rcaus, Chairs, Tables, Bedoeada. Stands. Ilalr and Sprinz Mattrasser, Curtains, Carpets, all sorts of Upholorterinz work, which be will warrant equal .o any made in the city, and on reasonable terms. scp 10 R EJIfO VAL!--The subscribers have reurovPd to AVa. ter between Wood and Smithfield streets. where they will continue the Wholesale Grotert, and Commt• Mon hu.lne.. and would re , ne, frullY !Mich the Nitro., ne or their friends J. W. qui:BRIDGE 4. Co. Dec 3 DR. A. W. PAT I'IFIRSQN .. :1"11ce on Smithfield street near Sixth. le P 10 18 ' l 3 7 ` .. . xi' 43 FARE REDUDED. U. S . " S. 0 /:"TArlem •sr. R•it. TIOADCARII, from Pa tsstm nth, via Bed Charnheraliorg flarrioinrsr and in rliilailei plila, eciimerOng with the Mail train of cm,. lo N Y. Only 150 latilrs.l:l2ln.: and one night Out. AI.). iho hired line in Baltimore. rare to rloilade!nhia Baltimore, • Leaves datly at 8 o'clock A ST, Office Fero d door Iter. r iv the Mer,.tot - t lintel Wood MEND LL.GRAOAM, Wlll7Oll k re frli 33. 1843-19. Proprit•tort. TII EfR E.l CENTR AL ROE E, vt. NATI( 1 RO.An AND BALTIMORE. •CD 01110 RAIL RO % COMPANY _ w 72 .* ;"1.• )' 7. 4 • t" A *M alkS2.. '• • s tillte.4, E While of U. S M. it Coaches for Was Aiketon ("fry, .1.1 Bail/mom Philadelphia and New York. 'nil, line Is in full operation and IcavesPittshurgh daily at 6 o'clock A. N., via Washington ?a. alit national road to Cumberland. connecting here with the rail road Co's. in all the above places: Travellers will find this a speedy and comfortable route, it being a separate and distinct Filishittgh and 'Motherland line, facilities will he afforded which have not been heretofore enjoyed. Et tra coaches furnished at the shortest notice, wit° the privllegr of acing through direct. or taking one night's rent at their onlion- For t.t!icets, apply at our office to theNfonnogehrla L. W. STOrKTON• Feb. 3d—di f. Preeident of N. R. Sia-ie Co. NEW ROUTE. ENTIRE NEW COACHES! FROM PITTSBURGH TO BALTIMORE: AND PHILADELPHIA. United States Express Line Leaven Pittst,nr:h daily, at 2 o'clock. P. X, via Steam. boat to ftrownnville, thence in nolendid new roaches to Cumberland, over the-great National Road, and from there by AILROAD, Ili superior new eight wheeled cars, to Baltimore Washington city and Philadelphia. The &tow Line Is I . :presented to the traveling public as being unequalled between the . Ohlo River and Castern cities for comfort and expedition, having made arrange menu to convey passengers through in two days, and no night travel, either by Stage or Railroad Cars.— Think of itl Only 75 miles Stage travelling, and 56 miles less than the Wheeling route, and that In superb new coaches. Fare to Banknote, CO. Office In the Monongattei a House, A. H ENDER SON 4- CO., Stage Frontlet° ml - (1.3 14ACTS SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES—TRUTH IS CONVINCING:- Having been afflicted for nearly two years, with a hard swelling on the cap of my knee. which produced much pain, and used various applica lions recommended by the Facally--all In vain %Vat cured completely by the use of one bottle of Dr. Brand. reties Linament, or External Remedy. Witness my hand JAMES TAYLOR, Ohio tp Allegheny co, Pa. Jan. 10th, 1840. Dr. Brandreth's External Remedy or Linament; aold at his office, No. 98 Wood street, Pittsburgh, PRICE-. .5 cents per bottle. feb 8. JUST RECEIVED, Twelve boxes of Oranges and Lemons, of the finest quality. for sale wholesale and retail, by' WM, THORN, feb 53 Market at. 2QIIOO LBB Cotton Yarns, assorted Nos. 2,UUO Itm. Batting, 2,000 " Candle Wick, 1,000 66 Carpet Chain, and 500 66 Cotton Twine. From the Eagle Facto. ry.. For Bak: by HAILMAN, JENNINGS & Co., Cotton Yarn Warehouse, No. 43 Wood street, mar 17 y - - Jnyz, FOR SALE. —A law Clinker builtYiTal (!!Atailatr's balhi) for gaits low few cash: A p to' BIRMINGHAM #C. 1•p lB+ No 60 WaW at, P EASE'S ROARHOUND CAN DY. , — Turrur has received this day from New York, a fresh supply 0. the above celebrated cure for Coughs, Colds and Con oumption; and Is ready to supply cusiornersat wholesale or retail, at hia Medical Agency, Sti Fou rt h at . nov 12 I II AVID CLARK, iiirte, (t ort .000 Z Milker,— . Das removed to No, 34 Market street, between Second and Third streets, where he would be•happy to see his old customers. and nil others Who feel dispos. ed to patronize him. Ile uses nothing hitt first rate stock. and employs the best or workmen; and as he gives his constant personal attention tobusiness, lie trustscnac he will deserve and receive a fair share of patronage. PPP 10 luE t;REA M. f CONIOEuTIONARY. A• Hunker respectfultrinforrns his friends and the public that they can always rind the best quality of Ice Creams. together tvitit al: kinds of confectionary and fruits, on their •es,on, at his establishment —No. IL Firth street, beiwc-n Wood and Market. N. B.—Partle4 supplied on the shortest notice, with cakes. oranything rn his line. Also families furnished with Bread. sop 10 E VANtilt: CAMOMILE PILL L 8 SIAM J. CLEM CR, residing at 66 Molt street, New York, was afflicted with Dyspepsia in Its most aggravated form. The symptoms were violent head• ache, great debility, fever, costiveness, cough, heart. burn, pain in the chest and stomach always apes eating, impaired appetite, sedation of sinking at the stomach, furred tongue, nausea, with frequent vontitings, dizziness towards night and resileness. These had continued up. ward of a twelvemonth, when, on consulting Dr. Wm. Evans. 100Chatham street, anti submitting to his ever successful Ind agreeable mode of treatment, the patient was completely restored to health in the short space of onemontli, and grateful for the Incalculable brneflt ed, a tadl y came forward and volunteered the above state For sale Wholesale and Retail by eap for Cash. UN/ON COTTON F.ICTORY. Prices Reduced. Short Reel Yarn, L ong Rail yarn. No. 5 at 14 ctn. per lb l 500 nt 8 et, per dz 6at 14 ditto 800 at 9 ditto 7at 14 ditto I 700 at 6 ditto Bat 14 ditto 800 at 5 ditto 9at 11 ditto 900 at 41 ditto 10 at 14 ditto 1 000 at 11 at 14 ditto 4 ditto 12 at 14 ditto Candlewi c k at 15 clv per lb, 13 at 141 &Ito Com Ratting 8 ditto 14 at 13 ditto Family do. .12 ditto 15 at 151 ditto Carp'( Chalet .18 ditto 16 at 16 ditto Cot'o lue 25 ditto 17 at 161 ditto Stocking yarns nd 18 at 17 ditto Coverlet yarn always on 19 nt 171 ditto hand - 20 ai 18 ditto collo' Warp. made to rder. Cc} °refers promptly ..ttended In. If left at Jo 4. C. Painter', Logan 4. Kennedy's. or int. Post nffirr. addrea3 left 27. J. K. FiI ( MRIIEAD 4• co Removal. FIIIIE Qutiscriber has removed his Fashinnahle.rialoring Establishment to the Monongahela hoax. 3d door Rom first rt. on Smat Minh, at.where fibroid cualoswettl and all oilier• who mar favor him with a rail may depend on having I tlf`t, work done in a superior Style. From his long, experience In the business in Ilibt city. anti in many other fdattioualtle elites in Europe and America, be feels confident that lin ran :Ive mothtfaction to all who may Never to favor him with tholr custom. Br at rid attention o business and superior workmanship It. hope, to merit and receive, a tuba re of pithlic patronage. Hr Intend keeping on hand a supply of goods and trimmings suit Ole for the emitomer traie which will be sold at very reduced priers, 8. I/O:VAC:Iir. ci.Atisric•r tote K..f. was formerly resorted to to sll l—/cases of burrs, scalds and wounds, where mortlfleu wa• appreftendcd . Tt, nere..h r r. sue-It sharp prat tire exists onion-4.r. The 111a2 Ica! Pain Extractor, from Comstock 71 Malden Lane is a far more effietenl mercer' tire of moo Iflralion tharLeold steal or nil rate of sliver , The apron-micro or this wonderful campound instantly .rolny,w the Meal priln.and ifthe wound, scald, harms or ',nom barium infrared some vital (wean so an to render rare Nur ussiMe. it vt l is a very silent spate of time restore the par, affcelcd In a sound and healthy stale without leaving the rlri Ir is behind. This preparation Is alioa certain renrudy for Inflamed eyes. cancerous sore.. I fferrs, broken lireaul and •nre nipple and all elmasion s and eruptions of The tricot. 11. Ptlertill as a cu fo the plies is 0n:m.414.1nd and the vouchers for Its re came liee properties are front the tar st vesper tattle and en• hlro,ll pnurfr• —Herald. For ante at Tuttle's, PG Fcurlh P P F:xu F-No.v. Cli I. :3llSTlty East Ind,a Rail" Die—coin: S.' the hair and will not the akin This bye is in the loan ofa Powder w fet, In plait/ matte. of tart may be :11,1 lied to the hair over ni2tit, the first night turning the lightest or eery hair to dark brown; nod by repeat in:: n second or third night. In n jet hlaek. A ny person may. ilierrfore. with the lenst possible trouble, keep big halt any dark shade or a perfect black, with the positive assurance that the powder If applied to the skin will not color it. There is no enlorintr in this statement, as any one may easily lest These (acts are warranted by the chemist who manufactures It. For sale at TuTTI. FA4 • lig Fourth street, where a large assortment of Patent aledicines may always be had at either wholesale or retail Don't fnr:el 1 R 6 F,,rrth stre,t ('OPAR, N ERSII I P.. A.,/ES W. /LAU -41..4JV a•• Joax p JEArxixos J have entered i:rio nartnershlp far the purpose of traneactint: n Wholesale Gros ry; rundirre and COMMIS.. Mon business tinder the firm and style of lIAILMAN. JENNINGS 4- No 43 Wood street, opposite the Merchants Hotel, where a supply orGrorrries and Pitts Iturgh Manufariured A rticles can always he had on Ilhe al terms. March 17 '43. LOOK PAT Tilts TOBACCO, SNUFF AND Cla AR STORE. J. FULLERTON, N0.(146 Wood street, one door above Sixth. Ij EEPS constantly nn hand kinds of the hest Spanish Cigar.: Bertha!, Casadores,Coormanes, Trabucas, Princtpes, Also, half Spanish and Common rlgars. Tobacco otall the best brands: Cavendish, Ss lump; Baltimore Ping, 131. and 16s. lump. Also, ilia. Miller's Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco. Snuffs: Rappee, Scotch, Maccaban, ['Ugh Toast, be, lie has also, all (Atari' articles In tin line. which he offers, wholesale and retail at the lateen cash prices. CALL AND SEE. inns 8.--6 m. WILLI A DOHERTY, F 1 AT and Cap Manui,eturer. 148 Liberty at, between 11 Market and Sixth. ap 10— 6m. J, M. Sanderson it Son_, FRANKLIN HOUSE, PHILADELPHIA. (THIS elegant establishment has been in operation dur. ing the lest nine months, and notwithstanding the general depression of business, it has met and sustain ed the approbation of the public and y felted to the pro. pricers adult compensation for thdr labor and alien lion. Its location being In Chestnut street, in the im• mediate neighborhood of the Post office, the Exchange, Banks, the Steamboat landing, the most business part of Market street and the places of amusement, It presents to the business community or those visiting the city on pleasure, all the facilities and comforts so desirable to the travelling public. Its arranement, also, enables the guest to regulate his expenses, and to live in a style of elegance or economy suited to his notions or disposition. The facility of procuring meals at any hour, and of get• Ling that which the appetite'craves, Ls also a saver of lime which the business portion of the guests know how to appreciate. The proprietors, therefore, solicit the custom of their obit fri.nds.and promise a contlnuance of their exertions to make them comfortable. ap 25-3 m, For Rent. FOR a ter= of years Two building tots on the bank of the A liegbeey river, adjoining/be City line. Apply at the house Agency, Peen street. .5111 Ward, mar 2- .1.211138 24AHRLY J UST RZCZLIPTD, a lame soppy' of bt &moot Syrup of Wild Cherry.asd for este wholesale and retail Ay WW. THORN. 4 ? 0 1 : ;de Nirketst. R• R. SELLERS, !igen!. No 20, Wood Ntreei. hetow Second DR.GOODE% Csiebraced /Female Pitts. These Pills are strongly recommended to the notice of the ladies as a safe and efficient remedy in removing those complaints peculiar to their se:, from want of ex. ereise, or general debility of the system. They obviate costiveness, and counteract all Hysterical and Nervous affections: These Pills have gained the sanction and approbation of the moat eminent Physicians i• the ilni• ted Stales, and many Mother,. For sate Wholes -ale and fletall. by R. E. SELLERS, Agent. cep 10 No. 20. Wood Street.lielow Second. --- 1/VM. ADAIR, Poet and Shoe Maker, Liberty St., opposite the heed of Smithfield Pittsburgh— . subscriber haring bought out the stock of the late Thomas Rafferty, deceased, has commenced linsinees In the atd stand of 111 r, R., and Is prepared to execute all descriptions of work In his line, In the hest manner and on the simrirst snake. Re keeps cor giant Ty on hand a large assortment &shoe findines of all descriptions and of the hest quality. Re NC,;:-Its the pat rnnage of the nub. Ile and of the croft. , WIS. ADAIR. tarp 10 BIT RGir a ANUFACTORY.--Sprbryt sad Arles far Carriages at Easter* Prices. The subverlhera maonforiur e ■nd keeps enntaantly on band Conch, r. and le Optic Sprin t s (warranted.) Juniata Iron Arlen, Silver apd Brass plated Dash Frames, Brass and plated Huh RhJ)ya, Slump Joints , Patent. Leather, Silver and Rrasa LUND!. Three fold Steps, Malleable Iron, Door riandievasd Hinge*. fe JONES & rra.EmAN. St Clair et,. near el e 4 tterheny Rada.. HD. 8 D.oillee and dwellint In Fourth, • near Ferrildreet. sep 13—ly LOOK AT THIS. The attention *Bltto.e who have hren somewhat seen. !teal in reference* the numerous certiflcates published In favor of Dr. Swilrne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cher ry, on account WWI* perrpns ben?, unknown In ibis nee Linn of the Plate.% respeetfutly directed to the following rem illent•. the writer of which has been a citizen of this borough rrw seversiyears.and lv knout) an a gentleman of Inie;rity and esipunsihifity. r the . 4 1seitt,Mr. J. Steal , . • I have used Dr. Illwayne' e s Comp und Syrup of Wild Cherry for a coup' with which I have been severely of filmed for ahoyt r months, and hare no Invitation In saving that It Irathe most effective medicine that I hare been alder° promote. It composes all uneasiness. and agrees weft with:ay manning a regular and rood aprwllle. reign freely recommend It to el others slmlisrlvefilletedr. J. Iltatirrx, Borough ofehantherYh'f• March 9. 1 R4O. Pep t 3 For rare by WOLLIAM THORN No. 53 Market street. FRUIT, BE AND ORNAMENTAL TREES. 411100F:RgONVI dokirous of proeurlnr Prult. Shade. and I. Ornamental Tree*. or Shrubbery. from PMtadel• Dila or New York, are requested to make application ay soon MI pf)ffible, ni the Drug and Feed Ftore of the rub. arrfher, where earl be had ratalognea, irrituhoosfir, or the moil excellent *atrial in , . F. 1.. SNOWDEN, sep 31 No 184 I.therty aireet, head of crept' WILLIAM C. WAIL,M is U* ~,.., 1 owl Amur' Fr eers AtaXfectigrer, XL. 87, north Rime; Pirtsborga. —Conrad, Brushes. Varniats 4;., fur A rtilita, always on hand. Looking Glinleo. Jir, promptly framed to order. Repairing done at the short ' , co notice. Pa r Ocular attention paid to rending and Jobbing °fee er• description. rerwons 'Wining Eteam Boats or houses will find It to hciradeantale to call. ___Pep 10 IT 111. STFF.LE. (curt:error to H. M`Clockey', Fash• , le Root Maker, T.lberly M., 2/1 door from Vi-ain Alley . The subscriber respipetfially informs the publir that he has commenced the above business In the shop formerly occupied by Mr. (teary 11I'Closkey, and %bat he Ia now prepared to ntlend to all order. in his I Inc of linclnecy 'with lleeptorh end nn the most rp2Aonable iermtt. From his low! experienre In the manufacture of ra•lllnnable Roots, he feel, conddent that all articles from hi- estaliDslinient will else railstacilon to his pa trona. A lihre Of pnldle pntrona:e is relipectfeilly policies ed. pep 10 1 ) /RD sEEDB A r ern "ria "pi, or Rxril Reeds, run skein : : of Canarc mil an.! CaPC ingt r efelklld t 7 fee' 3., F I. SNOWDEN. 14R Liberty st. AV M.F. A I'STIN. Atlnrney nt Law. Plitehuryh. Fa. °dire In 4th torero, opr.nclte Rnrlte's Rulkllny. Wirt., AK R. 'I ririlr. Fm., will eive his MIMI' iOR to my unfinished business, and I recomntrnd him In the patron iec of ro‘ friends. IVALTER FORWARD •en 10—Is pClllrrTln "I'LA TING AND R EFERENCE / TARR ARY of'Relieloom,o Woe leal,Polit ical.and IA b r•Ilkoeook Work•, will h. n nem every day. RaZthath ez. rept'''. 'rom 7 o'clock, A M ,nntll 9. P. M.. in the Ex change Boll , lln2.rorner of St IClair strvet and Exchange alley, wnerepunctual attendance will be:liven h'e kep 10 J. f; NEW YORitDYER. -- OSEMES. would respectfully Inform his friends E M an the public in g• nera ',that he dies Ladles' dresses. !labile and Mantels of every description, black— and warrant,' gm not t i smut, eni In look equal to new loOds, lie dyer fancy eolaca of all (interim ran. on silk and carpet tarn. Also, clean, and re•tore. the colors of aentlemeo's as to re.etnlile new goods. Mr. 11. Mailers himself 'hit he can please the as lie ita• done an erten•iye hosinecto in New York fnp twenty year.. All work done on moderate terms at his establishment In ..5111 st, between Wood and Smithfield nerr the Theatre. CERTIFICATE. it..7"Thi+ is tn certify that OGEE HINIES has done work for UP, which has fully answered our expectationß, and we consider him a competent dyer. S. Hemphill, Wm. Eternes, J. B. Shortleff, David Hall, B. F. Mann, Davi Boles, Joseph French, jr.. Andrew Purdy, W. B. Boles, Wm Porter, H H. Smith, Henry 3avens, A. Shockey,. Jr., Joseph Vera, George Barnes. np 20th. --- JOHNSON & DUVAL. BOOK BINDERS .BND PIIPER RULERS, C ONTf NUE hniuness at the stand tate or McCandlessri• Johnson. Every description or work in their lin neatly and promptly executed. may 8— BETTER BARGAINS THAN EVER AT THt THREE BIG DOORS. !TE subscriber would respectfully Inform his Gusto mere and the publimgenerally, that notwithstanding the unprecedented sales at the Three Big Doors, during the present season; he has mill on hand the largest and moat varied assortment of elegant CLOTHING that can he bought west of the mountains. The public may rest assured that all articles offered at bin store are menu fac• tured from FRESH GOODS, purchased in the Eastern markets this Spring ,and made into garments by Pitts burgh workmen. In consequenre of the multiplication of slop shops In our city, tilled with pa wmbrukers.clothes acid the musty. cast oIT garments of former seasons. from the eastern ci. Iles, the public should be cautions to ascertain the char. ;trier of theestabllehments In which they are Invited to purchase, before they part with their money. The ar ticles offered at several of the concerns in this city, are the mere °Malls of New York and Philadelphia slop shops, and sou out here to be palmed off on the Pitts. burgh public. Purchasers should be on their guard e. (alma these impositions, and they may rely on the fact that no establishment that advertises seaters weds Cloth. Ina, can givens good an article or as advantegeousbar. gains as can be had at the "Three Big Doors." The public will please remember that all the suisteri ber's g trmeate are made In this city, by competent work. men. and not gathered up like the goods now ofibredrn the "birds of passage" from the shreds and patches of eastern slop shops. It will always be his endeavor to maintain the reoutatlon that the "Three Big Doors' have obtained for furnishing • superior style ofCLOTFI ING to every respect, and at pricer below thane of any Other establishment. Be would again return his thaske to his friends and the public for the unprecedented patronage Lestowed upon his establhrhatent, and believing that they bays (Quad It tothele advantage to deal with him. he would repeat his Invitatige to all those who wish to purchase Clothing of every description at the lowest price to call at No. 151. tummy Sr. JOHN IPCLOtrIt finv•Obeenre Metal Plate in the pavement. an 26. Jtterisey es Laic—Mee In gee. tattereid s tod door Mow the colter of thiothemd. north lido • 4011,,t , PROS PECTUSP Per publishiag • ono Daily Pape, is City of Pitts lis, to be M ORN ING S DAILY POST. THE B abeeribers having made arrangements to merge the American Manufacturer and Pittsburgh Marco. rylato ontrJournal, have concluded to publish a daily paper with the title of the Doily Morale/ Post. The leading object Witte "Parr" wilibe thediesemina. lion and defence of the political principles that have here tofore been maintained by the Editors, in their respective papers, and their best efforts will still he devoted to the advancement and success of those doctrines. Although, in politics, the paper will he thoroughly democratic, yet the Editors hope. hy giving an honest, candid history of passing Political events, Foreign and Domestic Intelligence„ and brief notices of an mat. ters and occurrences that come properly within the Inhere ofa Public Journal, to make their paper sufficiently In eresting to entitle It to the patronage of the public, Ir• respective of party considerations. In addition to the political and general news that will be found in the ...iforafier the Editors will take pains to furnish the Imsineree communhy with the latest and most Interesting Conececiet. InTst.t.r, °axes from all parts of the country, and to have preps. rod such accounts of the Markets and the State of Trade a will beadvantageons to our !Merchants and Business Melt In their several eallinge. Tersre—The Parrwill be published on a large limped. al sheet of dne paper, (manufactured espeelelly for this Journal) at the unusually low rate of FIVE DOLLARS per annum,payable la advance. It will also be sold by newsboys at the low rate of TWO CENTS a copy. .4deertferneciare will be inserted at the lowest rates charged by the other daily papers of the city. irr TWENTY:relive lads are 'wanted to sell the Post who will be engaged on the most liberal terms THOS. PHILLIPS, W.B. SMITH. August 31. 1842. ■ orr son Co. London, for rate only by S. Is II Wickersham, corner of Wood street and Virgin alley Pittsburgh Pa. and H. Harwood, Beaver Pa. who Is sole agent for Western Pennsylvania. sep 10 FOR SAFETY. Trees/err sheatri saw Boats preridod witk Esau.* Weer Osarste, for previratias Exploits's 41 BUM Boiler*. I T would he well for the traveling community to bear In mind that their security depends entirely upon their own encouragement of beats that have or may be at the elven,' of procuring the above apparatus. And that every Individual making such 'elm' logy Is coutir.bu ting towards a general introductkin of an Invention ad mitted by alt men who andetaaard the principles of the Steam Engine. to be a sure preventative against those dreadful disasters You have cai salary, In the hundreds ore:plosions that have already taken plebe, their almost daily occurrence, and the tbouseeds of lives that lave already been lost, a sufficient warning. and Inducement to make inquiry for a Safety guard Boar, and in every rare to give It the prellerenee. They have went to In adddional expense that your lives may be secure. Ought you not therefore to meet them with a corresponding degree of libetatity, and by your preference skow•that yva appreciate their laudable endeavors to stop this aw ful sacrifice of human life. They do not charge more than whet boats; their acrommodations in other respects are equal, and in many to annerly.; and as there Is one leaving Pittsburgh every day, why will you run any risk, when It Is so eomn, tritely la your own power to avoid Ihose disasters. Al, boats marked thus [o] in the List creArrivals and Derartu res. in another part of this paper, are supplied with the Safety Guar t. List k r Boars provided soitA the Svfery Guard. ALPS. MENTOR. AGNES, MICHIGAN, AMARANTH, MARIETTA. BRILLIANT, MARQUETTE, BREAKWATER. MUNGO PARK, CASPIAN, MESSENGER, CECILIA, MONTGOMEY CANTON, NORTH BEND, CICERO, NEPTUNE. CADDO, ; NARAGANSETT. DUKE of ORLEANS, NIAGARA, DUQUNE, OSPREY. EXPRESS MAII„ ORPHAN BOY, ECLIPSE OHIO, FORMOSA, ORLEANS, FORT PITT, PENELOPE, GALLANT, PANAMA, :GALENA. QUEEN of the SOUTH, fJ. JEWESS, ROWINA. IDA, RARITAN, AN, INDIAN QUEEN, SARAH SARATOGA N , ILLINOIS, S. - - ANNA, LADY OF LYONS, '1 LLEYRAND, VICTRE S. • ALLEY FORGE, wEsr WIND. ASHLAND, BRIDGEWATER MISSOURI MAIL, CLEVELAND, OLIVE BRANCH, COLUMBUS, CUTTER EDWIN HICKMAN, EMMA, GENE.. BROOK, TOBACCO PI ANT. JAMES ROSS, ADELAIDE. BRUNETTE, COLUMBIAN 1. CLLIPPF.R, MINSTREL. EVELINE• FOWLER'S PATENT BED STEAD. MANUFACTURED at W*. LICTIII7I Cabinet Shop 69 Second st reet, bet ween Wooden( Smithfield, where a general assortment of Furniture may be bad at reduced prices for cash. The superiority of these Bedsteads, consist In the fnet. enings, which for durability and ease In putting up and taking down. ir not equ died by any other now in use —and to all such as would consult their own comfort in their nightly alumburv. It should be remembered that illclasses of the bug Wally are fastened es by these fastenings. b 11* - Righ e for Counties. Distriela or States for sale y JOHN FOWLER, Patentee. We, the undersigned, do certify that we have exam. fined the above Bedstead Fastepingt, and have no hesita tion In prononncing them the best now in use. —coming up fully to the representation in the above advertise. meat. Wm. Calmly, J►., Wm. hvla. John A. Gill.. aP 27. —2m EeBOX= Russel and Robertson% N 0.5 LUMP TO NACCO. 29 dote, areerted de.. Just received. toy.etber with a general asnortennt of every thing in the Grocery Nne.and ass slabs en the wed erlAmmeedwistiertely, myamektr, 6141114101 • • Co. 4$ Weed at, molt 2 Joespb Colt art, Jacob Voides. Gene Mag*r. DAILY HORNING POST From the N. Y; Aurora. JOHN A. BRYAN, Now Second Assistant Pontinaster General, se a' gentleman with whose talents arid character we desire his fellow citizens, throughout the country; shonld be more fully acquainted. lie was Garner/ 'offs a citizen of thia state, held several important: ces undtr its government, and, some fifteen years ago, was member ofthe legialetur e elvisil 'one of the western counties. Shortly alleethlelele emigrated to Ohio and took up his residence at t Columbus, the capital of' the state. It is not' I now, if it ever was, an objection to a man thatcher has been a distinguished champion of republican principles,as the editor of a leading public jourturV If it were, none but men of meagre intellect end, grovelling aspirations would unite themselves with the press, and it would consequently sink into in. significance end cease to be, as we claim it is, the pallatlium of public liberty. It is therefore not it, profession wh ch should be shunned, but rather one which invites those who seek distinction- by • the exhibition of high mental and moral powere,to embrace the facilities it affords for a direct and - constant communication with the people. Bee*. ble of such an advantage, Mr. Bryan, upon hie , settlement in the state of his adoptiori,took charge of the leading democratic press of the state as its. editor, and soon became so eminently distinguish.. ed as a political writer, and exhibited endowments ofauch superiority, that he was selected by bit pots litical friends as a candidate, and elected, by the 1 e 't gialalare, to the moat important office in its :gift—that of auditor of state—correspondent in: its responsibilities and laborious duties with the. 'comptrollership of New York. In this station he 'acquitted himself with distinguished ability, and at the end of his first term of three years, was re... ' elected ty the unanimous vote of hie democratic 'friends, and with the entire approbation of the people whose interests he bad so faithfully and a bly sustained. During the whole of his career in Ohio,his Uwe yielding devotion todemucratic principits made him more perhaps 'han any other man, an object eat. tack by his political opponents; but ho was on all occasions more than a match for bia advereaties, and able to sustain himself and the cause ha had espoused against all opposition, so completely.mer triumphantly as to come from the conflict with n public and private character rendered more con. spicuous and unexceptionable. He supported the administration of General. Jackson with the utmost zeal, and contributed largely, in 1832, to sustain the party in Ohio's. gainst the influenoe which the Bank of the U. S r ,. and its powerful friends brought to tear against the Old Hero. The struggle was a fierce one,blit resulted io success. With the same zeal he exerted himself for Mar. tin Van Buren in 1836, and again in 1840; bet II feeling of state pride, as well as one of stromt friendly regard entertained for General Merril:son-, personally, by large numbers of the parry, proved an impassable barrier to success. It was difficult to win a victory against and old soldier, in the. midst of a population who bad shared with him, not only the dangers of a frontier war, bet thri 'hardships of a new country, When at the extra session, in 1841, Mr. Tyler I took decided democratic ground in opposition to the United States Bank, Mr. Bryan declared 10. his friends his own purpose to yield his adminlea tretion a cordial support, and his opinion that it' was was the duty of the democratic party to sustain the President in the conflict he must inevitably have with the whige, He firesaw and predicted the reunion of Mr. Tyler with the democrat's party, as a consequence naturally flowing from his settled principles in regard to the leading. measures which would be likely to mark his ad ministration, sod from the unrelenting pennon., lion which would follow his veto of the bank. Mr Bryan bad many warns friends in Ohio so liciting for him a higher place in the counsels of the President than he now holds; and it was with some reluctance that they consented to his acceptance of a subordinate, although a highly honorable and responsible station in the post office department. His appointment Wet received with manifestrtions ot applause in Ohio, from men of all parties, for all were well persuaded . that he had personal character, abilities and in. dustry which would render him secure of earning an honorah'e reputation in that or any other sta. tion; and the President has no selection for an he partial office from that state which gave se much satisfaction to the as Mr Bryan's. The facts from which we have written this int. perfect notice we have from a gentlemno who has resided many years in Ohio, and has been too conversant with the history of her politics and public men to leave a doubt on our minds as to their entire accuracy. If we have done the sub , . ject injustice, we are persuaded it has been by mot bringing into view the better and stronger points of light in which the talents of Mr Bryan have been exhibited in his able official COMITIII• nicationa to the Legislature of Ohio, and in the numerous evidences of a consprehensive and en.. ergetic mind to be found in the Sles of the pub. lie journal he conducted with such signal ability .and success. M r Tyler has been accused by democratic edi t of' snirounding himself with federalists; but in t ' instance we are happy to find he has oho sen an ble, consistent and e ffi cient democrat, and \ such en one as an upright and faithful pubtie of ficer would desire to have associated with him in the details army portion of the public business. We trust the post now held by Mr B le not the only one he will be called to fill, and that other and higher honors await hire, His advancement, we are sore, would meet with approbation from democrats everywhere, and we believe his politi. cal sagacity, extensive knowledge of men, and sound discretion, will not be overlooked by the President, should an occasion for his services in a higher sphere occur. Ohioans complain, and we believe net without justice, that their public men are too much ne. elected by the veneral government; and that no state in the Union has so few citizens in office, compared with her relative stray ith in papule.. lion, mind the extent of her comfit rcial and agr I. cultural Interests. 4 Laugable affair occurred, says the Journal du Commerce of Antwerp, one morning at Merxem, in Belgium. The beadle of the church, having heard 'b e diligence pass, which had been delayed several hours by the snow, thought it was that which usually arrived at six in the morning, and fearing he hail overslept himself, rose from his bed and began to ring the Angelus. This lasing the °Mint ry signal for the people of Merxem to leave their beds and open their shops, they rate. and commenced their ordinary °cell. Fletions. although in a drowsy state. Some lame elapsed before the mistake was dis covered. Instead aids, it was only half. past two in the morning. ririesstr— Business is being carried on by tbe akiilentien pickpockets wbo fol. iow'the4Pitleichat. -~~
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers