Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, April 24, 1843, Image 1

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    . I ' ll t r
TeR.N49.--FIVE DOLLARS a year, payable in
`a&v►eee. Single copies TWO CENTS--for sate at the
lesniater of the office, and by News Bays.
The Mercury and - Manufacturer
published WEEKLY, at the same Mime, on a double
utedlunt sheet, at TWO DOLL. RS a year, In ad.
vanes. Slink copies. SIX CENTS.
'reran% of •
flet 'question, 0.50
?war iniertione, 0,75
nose Insertions, 1.00
Olte week, 1,50
Two weeks. 3.00
Time weeks, 4.00
01111 Sqltars. Tit* Sfrtarst
Pit' months, 1 R.OO Six months, ;2.1,00
OAe year, 25400 One year, 33,00
ry-Larve sfiveriisements in prornreon.
RDA of (nor llnsi six DOLLAR!! a year.
ever Pose Omen Third between Market and Wood
streets—R: M Riddle. Postmaster.
etnfees S.wrau, Wnter.4th door from Wood at. Peters
son's blitdinxs—rlajor John Willock, Collector.
etre TACISORT. Wood between First and Second
Trash—Jame A. Bartram, Treasurer.
COURTY TRIUMIIRT, Tl•lrd street, next door to the
rWowthaytterian Church—S. R. Johnston, Tn.:wirer.
taot's ()erten, Fourth, between Market and Wood
streets—Alexander Hay, Mayor.
Una oink reit Excnxime. Fourth, near Market at:
Pairessetaa , between Market and+, Wund streets, on
rnird and Fourth street(,
itSstir Rana, (formerly Saving Fund,) Fourth, betwren
Mood and Market streets.
Siestaxac Fifth street, near Wood.
iliciaomaaactd. Hoer's, Water street, near the Itr
gumming H o fat.. corner or Penn and St. Clair.
Plo - rat., corner of Third and Wood,
A It/MGM( tiovet..corner of Third and Snilihfield.
liatTaa Z . 1. corner of Pena street and Canal.
Srac►o E►ot.e, Liberty street. near Seventh.
Simielto MA.PISION liOUPC,Lilierly Si oppnvile Wayne
Itao►ottaasT M Awetton. House. Penn St. opposite Canal
COUNSELLOR AT LA W. —ool , e rem°
led to flakewell's offices on Grant at.. neat is , onposire
toe new Court House, neat rooms to John D. Mahon,
Itsq .—Plrst floor. P. 9. 10 .
TllOB. EL ELLIOTT, M. D.—Office removed e.
St. Cheir streec, ketiveelt Pew* and Liberty St e ,
Pitts baulk. s p 10
HUGH TONER, Atto.ne• at Law, North at turner
4f Smithfield and Four , li streets. aep 10-1 y
MICANDLESS & yrcLunE, Attorneys and
thtunsellors at Law: Office in the Diamond. bath
of the old Court Douse. Pittsburgh. sep 10
k PINOLA Y, Attorney! at Law, Fourths'.,
17 near the Mayor's Office, rlttFluw2ll. nen 10-1 y
MANI taf )N. A torney at Law:FM h., laq wren
Wood and emillifield PRlghurth. eep 10-1 y
V ilipig;l l l : e ttei n t
U, north;ide '(the ionronftriivismtiwt.aown;
allsrket and Union streets. upstairs' P. 91 10
A I. DUItItORA.W, Attorney at Law; tenders
',rote:talon:ll sera lees to Int. publie„ Office [or.
Pe of Pyth and Market Streets, above D. I.lny.ik Co's
atorit„Pit SVOINIre b. Pa. nett 10
EVA7'ER t Itu.7H tst AN. Atevrneys et Law, office
removed from the Diamond. in ••Aitnrney'<Rnw,"
bitty. nide of Fourth street, between Markel and Wood
MPhil PPO 10
A. It haeremnoved tira office to the corner of Fourth
fame. amteherry Alley, between Smithfield and Grant
streets. Ph 1.142 rah. sep 10
GK.OROE tr. LA YXO. Attorney at Law, Office
No. 54 Fifth street. near the Theatre, Pittsburgh.
wep 27—ly
READS ‘l' As ft t NIG Ens,
ATTORJVZT 47' LAW. —Office in Bears' Building,
roarlhaleeet, pillshursh. Nov.s. 1842.
JOHN .1. MITCHELL --Attorney at Law, of fi ce
corner of Smithfield and sth IS . ritichnralt.
COliectiong made. A I MISIILIC36 entrusted to his
are will he promptly attended to,
feb 16—Ir
RENIOVA.L.- 11. Morrow, Alderman; of% e north
side of Fillip at., between Wood and Smithfield
Mei Pit tsburth. imp 10
Dia. 8. IL HOLM ES, Offlee In Second street, nexi door
to Mutrany ¢ Co's Glass Warehouse step 10-1 y
TWINS l'ioN $ I'OCKTO?i, Gookseners. Printers an
ON Paper Manufacturers, No. 37, Ma ket at. cep 10-1 y
JOIN ANDERSON. Smlthfreld Foundry, Water at...
near the Monongahela House, Pit tat ur2h. gen 10-1 y
*N9111140 I TOUN . FRANCIS 1.. YOUNG.
frtuos. B. YOUNG & CO., Furniture Ware
booms. t..orner of Hand st. dr Exchange Alley.
Tenons wishing to purchase Furniture, will find it to
heir advanlase to give us a call. being fully oaltsfied that
we can please as to quality and price. sep 10
20.000Racon (Ho:round) just received,
per steamer Evellne, and for sale low
for curb, by
mar 34
Steihoz.A. D. COLUILAX...... • LOYD R. COLtY•7r
COLEMAN' ¢ CO.,oenera Agents, Forwnrding and
Commission Merchants. Levee Street, Vielithos(
slip They respect fullysto.tet t consignments. n 23—
WEBB CLOSEY,S Boot and Shoe blanufacio•
ry. No. 83 Fourth St., next door to Ilh• U. States
Ladled Tranells, Kid and Satin Shoes wade in
Ile Seadeat manses, a•d by the newest French patterns.
.ep 10
Gil [OBS TOOLS, consisting of Hoes. Fancy Spades
Transplautiag Trowels. Edding Took? andding
Knives, Freeing Knives, Pruning Shears. etc..tinst re•
calved and for ..mle by P. L. SNOWDEN.
sep 10 184 Liberty street, head of Wood.
dIeIISTRATES"BLANICS, for grfoeeedinre In At
egfl; Itacklasat under the late law, for tale at this Office
FOB BALE.—Lots on the North East corner of Coal
Lane and nigh street. Apply to
asp to BENJ. DA It LI?IG TON, Market, near 4th et.
a S n e d ed .d e u ed s t
100 t r li tc S el . La w•t and re I r Frenc h
u a
184 Liberty rt reel, bead of Woud.
Owe of
oco Ila
11:111,41111S PETITIONS, NOTICES, dir C.
'T •is usekin Bankruptcy proceedings, printed on
gold poem al In the corms approved by l beCouri ,for sale
•ttiaMeeoftie Mercury and Democrat. rep 10
WA, MIEUBBARD, Ltdies' fashionable boot and
*Yoe Mansifacturer. No. 101, Third r reel, bet4Ven
West amid kidield streets. Pittsburgh serri 0
TALeAlrygasOhL Jr.. Birmingham, nen r Piitsburah,
pa,., Manufacturer of Locks. Ilingtm and Bolts; To.
detama. faller. Mill sal Thither Screws; Hemmen Screws for
&Nog Sep 10—fy
BPCLOSILEY, Tailor and Octliier, !Aber. v
allnima, between Sixth and Virgin alley, South side,
sap la
W. BURSRIDG E: 4* CO., Wholesale Grocers and
fitoatiiissloo Merchants— Second street, between
sail Snalthheld sit., Pittsburgh- seplo--ly
41114- 4 1 1.: 601t80.M. Commission and Forwarding
lidereiltania, Water at.. Pittalianii. map 111-11
....hrsS. l 4i4
One month, .5.00
Two moms. HA)
Three months, 7,00
Four months, R.OO
Six months, 10,00
One year, Is,oo
20000 l iti ßS Cotton Yarns, assorted
2,000 Ihg. Ratting,
2,000 " Candle Wick,
1,000 " Carpet Cbain, and
500 " Cotton Twine. From the Eagle Facto.
ry. For sale by
Cotton Yarn Warehouse,
Nu. 43 %Vood street,
APPLES.—Just received from Ohio, per wagons, 35
barrels of gvsen apples. coughtting of ttPettnocks"
Also, 50 bushels of dila apples, for sale by
Who teens romdantty oe. hat I Timothy and Clover
seed of the best quality mar 'l6;
J .d.ffEs W. 11411 ALAN k JOHN JENNINGS
have entered into partnership for the purpose of
transacting a WholevateGrocrry; Produce and Commis,
sion business under the firm and style af• HAILMAN.
JENNINGS Co.,at No 43 Wood street. opposite the
Merehan Hotel, where • supply ofGroceries and Pitts
burgh 111 oufaclured Article/can alway.; he had on !Me
al terms. Ilacott 17 '43.
12 111 , 1118 Prime N. O. Sugar.
10 Tierces Rice.
19 bbls. N 0.3 bluchers!.
For sale low satirise consignment, by
mar 14. JAMES MAY
Birmingham & Co.
CHANTS, 119. "Milner street, Pittsburgh
Terms—itneeiglug'and tllligg4ng 3 cents peril'
Commissions op PgrettsseliklireiP 2 A, P e r Wi
• /az 32
. . .
. .
Wholesale Grocers, Comm ISSIOn and Pro
duce Merchants,
ibid Dealer* is Pittsburgh Afaustforivres
No, 43 Wood street, Pittsburgh.
Cotton Yarn Warehouse,
No. 43 Wood street.
Agents for the sale of the Eagle Cotton Factory Yarns
March . l7, '43.
TTIOWPWIN N►N6► JA/111614 Trj.lllll7t L.
HANNA 4- TURNBULL'S Paper Warehouse. No.
104, IVood si., where may be had a general supply
of writing wrapplag. printing. wall paper, blank books,
school books, tc, sep
C. TOWNSEN 11 4. co., Wire Workers and
Man 'Vac/neer*, N 0.23 Market street. between 2d
and 3d streets. sep 10-1 y
EXCHANGE HOTEL, Corner of Penn and °t. Clair
st reline, by MeICIRBIN 4. SMITH.
rep 10-1 Y
'ward Hughes. Manniariiirer of Iron and Nails
Warehouse N 0.25. Wood 55.. Pittsburgh. seplo —ly
SEW GO ODS. —Prest orr it Mackey, wholesale and
L. retail dealers in English, French, ar.d Domestic
Dry Cond., No. Sl. Market .t Pep 10
TOIIN VDEVITT, Wholesale Grocer Rectif% lug
Distiller, And Dealer In Produce and Pittsburgh
Mennrictured Articles, No. 224 Liberty Street, Pitt.•
t•srgA. seri 10
A/mt.:Au 11. Wrt.et aye Icnn $. Dumoni n
Grocers Produce and Corm mission Merchants, and
!eaters In Piti.lugh Manufactured articled, No. 29,
Wood street. scp 10
Joys R.Soutstry J•s. N. KIWI
QIFIERIFF & KEVIN , Mpnufaeturers or Copper.
ki Tin, and Slyest Iron Wars, N0. , 80. Pront st., Fitts.
burgh. House Spouting and Steamboat work p:omptly
executed. sup 10
MAKER, No. 7, St. Chair street, Pius.
seri 10
supply of handieth's Garden Seeds, always on
hand, and for sate at his agency, the Drugstore of
184 Liberty street, head or Wood
REMOVAL—Matthew Jonrs, Barber and ralr Dress
er, has removed to Fourth street, o pposit e t he May
ors office, Iv here he will be happy to:wah upon permanelt
or transient costumers. He solicltsa share of roadie nat
mune, Pep 10
JOHN 111 I FARL 4.ND, Upholsterer and Cabinet
.M..ker. Third •t. between Wood g• Markot streets.
respectful Informs his friends and thr public that he is
prepared to execute all orders for Sofas, Sideboards. Ba•
rraus, Chairs, Tables, Bedsteads, Stands, flair and Spring
Pdatlrasses, Curtains, Carpels, all saris of Upholstrriti;
work, which lie will warrant equal ,o any made In The
city, and on reasonable terms. srp ltl
ItEA/op - 414-I'hp euh=crihere have removal to VV,I.
ter between Wood and Smithfield sirerte. where
they will continue the Witoiernie Grocery and Commis.
Rion hu.inego and would re.mect fully Pnitrit the patron,
age ofineir friends. J W. FILIRBR IDGE 4. Co.
Dec 3
Dz. A. W. r ATVERSON. )Tice on Smithfield street
near Bistti. sen 10
. • s
8 ,s.y f e j - I , 4 3
F%RE REDUDED. U. FS Man. Lois nrSranta AND
Ratt. fiCilD D.int Paisrhurgh, Via it... 4 rOrti,
fialfitiliarg and Lancaster, to Philadel.
phis, connecting with the Mall train of t'ar■ to N
Only 150 tnih•a,ctaein± and one night out.
Also. the Direct line to Baltimore.
Fare to Philadelphia $9.
Ralginiarr, 9.
LPRVVR daily at R o'ClOCk A. M,
Office sero,,4 donr below the Mprrhants Dole! Wood st
6.1, 2.3.1843-Iy. Proprietors.
COXVIXCLAM:— Having been afflicted for nearly
two years, with a hard sweltinz on the cap of mv knee.
which produced much pain, and ti,el various armoire
tions recommended Ivy the Faculty—art in vain wa
cured completely by the utve of one bottle of Dr. Brand
reties Linament, or External Remedy.
Witness mc hand JAMES TAYLOR,
Ohio to A lieeheny co, Pa. Jan. 10th, 184 A.
Dr. Brandrethbt Exterual Remcdy or Linament; sold
at his office, No. 98 Wood street, Pittsburgh. PRICE--
SO rents per bottle. • feh 8.
SUt.73R AND 1110L3SSES.
6 1-1110 S. N. 0. Susar.
tt., 40 bbls. Molasfes.
Just received per Steam boat Ashland,ard for sale by
mar 3. Water st,, between Wood na Smithfield
JUST RECEIVED. Twelve hoses of Oranges and
Lemons, of the finest ;leanly. for sale wholesale and
relaft. by WM, THORN,
(eh 2.2—tt". 53 Met ket at.
F A MILY FLOUR—Jost received a few barrels of
Snperior Flour, made expressly for family rise. For
salv by ISAAC CRUSE, 148 Lib, St.
In Store 50 barrels sun. flour.
11,1 ACKERELAND CODFIREI—In store, 4 ca:ks
Jl. 'Codfish; also, 5 barrels No 2 Mackerel, and 15
half barrels, will be sold very low, apply to
mar 16. ISA AC cRurE, 148 Liberty et.
WANTED, boy of from 14io 16 years of age.
Application to be made before the first of March to
184, Liberty head of Wood M•
300 RRLS No 1 San
j ot sv t ite u n t d ,R en n d ri r i o n r G ni n fe k I
mat 34 Water st., between Wood add Smithfield
mar 17
100 El d y i s 4 R . io Coffee. For sate by
7: 4- A. GORDON.
P EASE'S 11011RHOCIND CANDY —Ttrrcr has
received this day from New York. a fresh supply o.
thdehove celebrated cure fur Coughs. Colds and Con
gumption; and is ready to supply ctlgtomersat wholesale
orretail, at his Medical Agency, 2e; Fourth s t.
nov 12
D AVID CLARK, slg't, eashionabie Boot Maker,—
flag removed to No, 34 Market street. between
Second and Third streets, where he won 'd be happy
to see his old customers, and all others who feel disport.
ed to patronize him. He uses nothing. bit first rate
stock, and employs the best of workmen; and as he gives
Ins constant personal attention to business, lie trusts that
he win deserve abd receive a fair share of patronage.
nen 1(1
F ►tU►ici, Clt it CONFECTION A BY.—
A Hunker respectfully informs his friends and the
public that they can always find the hest quality of Ice
Creams. together with AI: kinds of confectionary and
fruits., in their see , on. at his muniitisliment— No. 11.
Fifth street, lwiwe it Wood and Market.
N. B.—Part les &unfilled on the. shortest notice, with
cakes, or anything in his line. Also families furnished
wnn Bread. sep 10
HAM J. CLENIEII, residing at 66 Molt street,
New York, was afflicted with Dyspep , ia in Its most
aggravated form. The symptoms were violent heath.
ache, great 'debility. fever, costiveness, cough, heart.
burn, pain In the chest and stomach always after eating,
impaired appetite, secsation of sinking at the stomach,
furred tongue, nausea, with frequent vomitings, dizziness
towards night and restieness. These had continued up.
ward of a twelvemonth, when. on consulting Dr. Wm.
Evans. 100 Chatham street, and submitting to Ids ever
successful snd agreeable mode of treatment, the patient
was completely restored to health in the short spare of
onemonth. and grateful lor the incalculable benefit tied,.
ed, gladly came forward and volunteered the above state
For sale Wholesale and Retail by
R. E. S ELLE qS, Arent,
No. 20, Wood street,below Sf.cond
hort Reel Tani.
No. 5 at 16 cts. per ih
6 at 16% ditto
7 at 17 ditto
8 at 174 ditto
9 at 18 ditto
10 at 193 ditto
11 at 19 ditto
12 at 19% ditto 'Candlewick at 16 clopri
13 at 20 ditto (Corn Ratting • 9 ditto
14 at 20% ditto Fantlly do. •12 ditto
15 at 21 ditto Carp't Chain • 20 ditto
16 at 22 ditto ICot'n Ta lite • 25 ditto
17 at 23 ditto Stocking Yarn and
IR at 24 ditto ;Coverlet Yarn always on
19 at 2.5 ditto hand.
20 ar 26 ditto ;Cotton Warps made to order.
tint- Orders promptly :mended to, it left at J. 4- C.
Painter's, Logan 4- Kennedy .he Post Orme, address:
10)27: J. K. MOORITEAD 4 -Co.
5a lIHDS N. 0. Suzar. at)
1.1 ZO RIMS N, 0. 'lelasses
40 Tierce.; Rice.
211 BI•la No 3 Mackerel,
10 do No 2 do.
7 Tierces Sperni Olt. Jost received per S B Expreea
and for sale by J. W. ntritfutincE /r Co•
mar 4. Water et bet wren Wood and SmdliGeld.
THE gubscriber has rem - trod his Fashionable rialoring
Establishment to the Monongahela honse. 3d door
from first al. on %mit !Wield st.where hisold customers and
all others who may favor him with a call may depend on
!wring their work done in,a superior Stile. From his
long experience In thetuniness in thiA city, and in many
other fashioualde cities In Wearntie and America, he feels
confident that hn can give sailt:factlon to all who may
pleaseto favor him with Ihrircustom. By strict attention
to intqiness and superior workmanship he hopes to merit
and receive a share uf public patronage. HP Ir. tend keeping
on hand a supply of goods And trimrikinzsetiiiia'lle fur the
customer IraJe whirlt will he sold at very retinced prireA,
TO THE PUBLIC, and particular/a to 'WV former
patrons of tkis Mey:—fiaving retired trout the
practice of Medicine. I may he permitted to say, that it
has fallen lo the lot of tut few persons to have enjoyed
so liberal or lart•e a share of ohstreirfcal practice as my
own has been for last 30 or 40 years.
li the experience of Mal long period of active life. and he
feet of my having been twice, since 1830. asaociated with
Dr. R. A. Wilson. In the practice of medicine, On both a
period of five years.) enables me to Judge folly of the
merits of his pills.
So convenient, so efficient. and yet so see. did I esteem
these pills, Mat for the last five vents in my practice for
the cure of chronic diseases, of whatever namc, and those
of females In particular, I have used more IN them than
all other medicines.
Like every other medicine, this must fail in some in
stances, but in my hands there has been tees disappoint.-
ment and more satisfaction in tac administration of this
one remedy than of ail others; its good effects sometimes
quite astonishing me.
If my patient required it safe aperient medicine either
• fore or after parturition, the Wilson's pile were Just
the thing I wonted.
If a dyspeptic acid condition of the stomach, combined
with enstivenr ss or 'oar, ivit y of the liver Como it tiled the
disease if my patient. the pills were just the thing I
If I treated a case requiring an emmenagogue, the
Wilson's pills were Just the thing I wanted.
If palpitation, headache, flushed countenance, or other
difficulties, indicating a disturbance of the circulatory
and secretory systems, annoyed my patient at the turn
of life,' the Wilson's pills were jtist the thing f wanted.
Thug, without resn2et to the name, a disease might
happen to wear at the time I have had it tinder treat
meat, particular indications or symptons arising, were
almays most promptly and most happily met by the
Wilson's pills.
That so great a number of diseases, and sometimes tip.
parent ly opposite ones, in which I have used these pills,
should he cated more readily by them titan by any other
remedy, may at first seem strange and contradictory, but
why ale sn is as clear to my mind as that a great many
persons should heroine thirsty from t 4 many diffetent
eause.s. and yet all require that common and - greatest of
all blessings, water loquench their thirst.
in conclusion, It Is due the emit at iOn of toe medicine
and the maid/r, to say decidedly and unconditionally, that
the Wilson's pills aretheonly combination I have ever
met with in my longcourse of practice, that really itos
eesresanything curative or specific for sick headache,
Yours 4.c., DR. MILO ADAMS,
The above Pills des:sited particularly for the sick
Ilaed.Ache, Dyspepsia, Constipation of the Bowels 4-c.,
prepaved by the proprietor Dr. R. A. Wilson, and for
sale, wholesale and retail, at his dwelling in Penn street,
below Ala7ltut ; 001
r 'CAUSTIC or the Knife was formerly resorted to to all
‘.../CEISCP of linrus,scalds and wounds, where mortifica
was apprehended. The, necessity (sr such sharp prat
tire exists no longer. The Alaglcal Pain Extractor, from
Comstock 71 Maiden Lane is a far more efficient preven
live of mart iliration than cold steel or nitrate of silver.
The application of this wonderful compound instantly
removes the local pain,and ifthe wound, scald, burns or
bruise has not hill red some vital organ so as to render
cure imiossible, it IA Ili in a very snort space of time
restore the part nffeeted to n sound and healthy state
without leaving the cicatrix behind. 'Flits preparation is
Ostia certain remedy for inflamed eyes. cancerous sores,
u'ecro, broken breast and sore nipple and all ebrasions
and eruptions of the sk . in. Its success as a cure for
the plles Is unparalleled and the vouchers for it; e.tra•
live properties are from the mcst respectable and en
lightened sourceo.—Herald.
For sale at Tuttle's, 86 Fourth street:
101111HENOMEXON IX CH.E.MISTRY—East /*diet
Hair Die—et:dots the hair and wilt not the skin
This Dye is intim form of a Powder which in pialh matte.
of tact may be applied to the hair over night, the first
night turning the lightest or grey hair to dark brown; and
by repeating a second or third night, to a jet black. Any
persons may, therefore, with the least possible trouble,
keep his halt say dark shade or a perfect black, with the
positive assuraneethat the powder if applied to the skin
will sot color it. There is no coloring in this statement,
as any one may easily test. These facts are warranted
by the chemist who manufactures it.
For sale at TUTTLE'S, 86 Fourth street, where a
arge assortment of Patent Medicines may always be had
at either wholesale or retell
"Dm'eivreet / 86 'funk street f"
or Cash.
- educed.
Long Reel Far*.
500 at 9 etc per dz
600 at 8 ditto
700 at 7 ditto
800 at 6 • ditto
900 at 5 ditto
1000 at 4 ditto
In super!or new eight wheeled ears, to Baltimore,
Washington city and Philadelphia.
The ahoy* Line Is ripresented to the traveling public
as being unequalled between the Ohio River and eastern
cities for comfort and expeditlan, having made arrange.
meets to convey pasPengers through In Iwo days, and
no night travel, either by Ftage or Railroad Cars.—
Think of it! Only 75 miles Stage travelling, and 56
miles less than the Wheeling router and that In superb
new coaches.
Fare through, $lO.
Office in the Monongahela House.
stage Proprietors,
D R. GOODE'S Celebrated Female Pills. These
Pills arestrongly recommended to the notice of
the ladles as a safe and efficient remedy in removing
those complaints peculiar to their sex, from want of et.
ereise, or general dehility of the system. They obviate
costiveness, and counteract all Hysterical and Nervous
affeetionas These Pills have gained the sanction and
approbation of the most eminent Physicians in the HO.
tad States, and many Mothers. For sale Wholesale and
by R. E. SELLERS, Agent
sep 10 No. 20. Wood St reel, lielow Second.
W Ms ADAIR, Boot and Shoe Maker, Liborty St.,
opposite the head of Smithfield at., Pittsburgh.—
Ti , e subscriber having bought out the stock of the late
Thomas Rafferty, deceased, has commenced business
In the ald gland of Mr. R.. and Is prepared to execute
all descriptions of work in his line, In the best manner
and on tile shortest notice. Re keeps cor stanfly on hand
a large assortment ofshoe findines of all dcxerlptlorrs and.
°film ham finality. He solicits the patronage of the pub
lic and (lithe croft. WM. ADAIR.
sep 10
and .9 %Jett for Carriages at Eastern Prices.
The atihserihera manufaeture and keeps constantly on
hand Coaeh,C and Eliptie Springs (warranted.) Juniata
Iron Axles, Silver and Brass plated Dash Frames, Brass
and plated Huh Bands. Stump Joints, Patent Leather,
Silver and Drafts Lamps, Three laid Steps, Malleable
Iron, Door Handles and Hinges. ¢c ,
Rt. ("Nur near t e 'teeny 1 1 adtP
D. SELLERS, M. D., office and dwelling In Fourth,
• near Ferry street. sep 13—ly
The :10rni inn Itho e who have been somewhat seep.
tical in reference to the numernns certificates puhliatted
in favor of Dr. Swavne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cher
rv, on account of the persons being unknown in this Set
lion of the State, is respectfully directed to the following
rertilicale,t he writer of which IN, been a Citizen of title
borough forseveral years,and is known as a gentleman
of Integrity and responsibility.
To the Arent, Mr. .1. AIR BY.
I have used Dr.Swavne's Comp tied Syrup of Wild
Cherry for a canal, with which I have been rieverely of
flirted for about four months, and 1 have no hesitation
In raying that it lathe most effective medicine !hail have
been attic to procure. It composes alt uneasiness. and
agrees welt with my diet,—and intimates a regular and
good Apetite. f car freely recommend It to all others
similarly afflicted. .1. AI Inert, Borough of ChamherebV.
March 9. 1940. sep 23
Fortier! by WILLIAM THORN No. 53 Market street.
P ERSONS desirous of prorttrlns Frith. Shade. and
Ornamental Trees, or Shrubbery, from rhiladel.
Ws or New York. nre rennetted to mnke appliention as
soon ns possllde. ne the Drell/ and Seed Store of the sub.
fusilier, where ran be had catalogues, erntultonstv. or the
most excellent sariet les. F. 1.. SNOWDEN,
sep 21 No IR4 Liberty street, heed of Wood
M ARBLE St IV UFACTOII. Y.—Patrick Caxvfield re.
spectfully acquaints Ills friends and the !while gon
er:llly, that he has comtnenred the Marble hnslness al the
corner of Fl n h and Liberty sts..whFe will he reema oily
on hand. tomb nt ones, mantel pieces. monuments. 'head
and fool stones, table slabs for cabinet ware, and every
artlcleappertainlng to the business. He will warrant his
work to be well done, and his charges will hp moderate .
He respectfully asks a shale of nubile patronage. sep 10.
14 7111. STEELE, (sucressor to H. M'Closkey) rash•
io.i:Ctle Hoot Maker, Liberty st., 2(1 door from
Vireo %Hey. The subscriber respectfully informs the
puhlicthat he has commenced the above business in the
Shop formerly occupied by Mr. Henry 111`Closkey,
and that he is now prepared to :Wend to all ortiers in his
line ()Nosiness wit Ii despatch and on the most reasonable
terms. From his ton: ex nerience In the nia no facture of
Fashionnlde Hoots, he feels confident that all articles
from his establishment will eive satisfaction to his pa
trons.uA *hereof public patronage is respectfully solicit,
eery 10
1111 RD SEEDS A f essi slimily of Itsri Feeds, eon
_ED sigtin of Cann') mn and Rape: Psi received by
felt 3. F L SNOWDEN, 14R 'Liberty st.
Poriatde Platform Scales on wheels, to weigh 2,50016,, al
$55 00.
do do do do 2,005 at $45 00
do do do do 1,500 at 35 00
do do do do 1,000 at 30 00
do do do do $OO at 25 00
With raising levers an addition of $3 to each Scale.
Dortnant scales for the u'-e of Warehouses, Flouring
Mills, kc..the same prices as above.
A Isn,While's Patent Counter Scale, with 0. Young's
improvements, and a variety of other counter scales,
which they will sell for from 8 to 815,
They also manufacture Steam Engines for Flouring
Mills, Saw Mille. Salt Works. 4'c,, double and singe
geared slide lathes,foot and other lathes for wood turning
machines for tenanting chairs, pinning machines, door
and sash machines. Hall's patent horse power, with or
without thrashing machines, a superior article; circular
SAW shafts, machines for sawing taut, Tinner's ma•
chines and tools oral( descrintions.also for making black
ing boxes, a mperior article; governors for steam engine•
,locks, lops and dies, coffee mills. bedstead or joint bole
and machinery for making the same, cotton factory Ma.
ctiluery made or repaired; printing press piaitens turned
and printing presses repaired•
J A 10 ES . MAY, Ages:-
sep 22—if YOUNG 4. BRADBURY
W M . E. AUSTIN. Attorney nt Low, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Office in 4th street, opposite Burke 's Building.
Watasst E. AUSTIN. Esq. 4 tviti g,ive hisaitentlon to my
unfinished business, and I recommend him to the patron
age of my friends. WALTER FORWARD
sep y
LI RR A RY orßeligioue,Historical,Polltical.and 144-
crillaneoue Works, will he open every day, Sa4hath ex.
cepted. "tom 7 o'clock, A. M.,nnill 9. F. M., in the Ex
change Buildlng,corner of St ;Clair street and Exchange
alley. wnere punctual attendance will be aiven by
eep 10 J. ft F.M
United States Express Line
Leaves Pittsbnrgh daily, at 3 o'clock, r. lir, via Steam.
hont to Browmviite, thence in splendid new coaches to
Cumberland, over the great National load, and from
there by
ml d 3
For publishing a nem Daily Pape* in tat City of Pitts
THESubseribers having made arrangements to merge
the Arne' ican Manufacturer:lnd Pittsburgh Mercu
ry into one Journal, have concluded to publish a daily
paper %Lil the title of the Daily Aforuing Past.
The Teading object of tne ~ Porr" will be the d:ssemina
!lon and defence of the political principles that have here
tofore been maldtained by the Editors, in their respective
papers. and their best efforts trill still he devoted to the
advancement and success of those doctrines.
Althoff:o, in politics, the paper will be thoroughly
democratic, yet the Editors hope, by giving an horns!,
candid history of passing Political events, Foreign
and Domestic Intelliv.enre. and brief notitt.s of all mat
ters and occurrences that rome properly within the snhere
ore Public. Journal, to make their papal sufficiently in
erecting to entitle it to the patronage of the public, it
respective of party ennttiderat Inns.
In addition to the pothieal and general news that will
be found In the ••Mora;ng •Post," the Ftliters will take
pains to furnish the business community with
the latent and most hatresting Cotttdaaet►6 !imam&
mice from all parts of the country, and to have prepm
red sort, accounts only Markets and the State of Trade
as will be advantageous to our Merchants and Business
Men In their several callings.
Terms.—The POST will be published en a large imperi
al sheet of fine paper, (manufactured especially for this
Journni) at the unusually low rile of FIVE DOLLARS
per annum,payable In advance. It will also be sold by
oews.boys at the low rate of TWO CENTS a copy.
Advertisements will be inserted at the lowest rates
charged by the ether daily papers of the city.
ENTY active lads are wanted to sell the Post,
who will be engaged on the most liberal terms
Awns, 81. 1842
B Y Morrison 4. Cp. London. for gale only by S. I\
Wickersham, corner or Wood gtrret and Viral,'
alley Pittsburgh Pa. and H. Harwood, Beaver Pa. who
is sole agent for Western Penniodvanla. sea 10
n'Closkey's Clothing Store
No. 151 Liberty street, one door from the
Jackson Foundry.
T HE subscriber Is just receiving at Ills well known
establishment, HIP hirers,. most varied and CHICAPZIT
inner or GOODS teat hag ever been offered in this
Every article was selected by himself in the eastern el.
ties, and purchased at the Lowrar CARR PRICER, and he in
therefore enabled to sell h;s articles much lower than
they ran be had at any other establ i shment west of the
His articles are all made by experienced workmen,
from the latest manufactured goods and In the most
lie feet. confident that all persome'who will call at
his establishment and examine his rock will he satisfied
that BETTER R RC 41 NS can he obtained at the
than at any similar establishment In the city.
His stork ro^sists in part of
Coals, Pantaloons, Vests, Drawers, Shirts,
Cravats, Stocks, Gloves, Suspenders,
And every other article of Clothing of the ties, style
From his varied stock of cloths he Is prepared to
MAKI: CLOTHE:4 TO OR ORR at the shortest notice,
in a style unsurpassed by any other Pittsburgh house,
and warranted top.
Ills mock of Sprivsr and Summer Geode IP PUPeritir to
any previous linporiallons and he. has an .Ipesitallon In
Fayinr that for excellence, beauty and cheapness they
cannot he equalled in the weal.
The subscriber would once more return his thank• to
his friends and the public for the unprecedented pat ron•
age bestowed on his estabitshment, anti believing that
Ms customers had found It to their advantrge to deal
with him, he would repeat his invitation to till those
who wl.ll In purchase Clothing of every description at
lowest prices, to call at No. 151. Li saltrr Stirst.
improved Flay
tanafactored be
their Machin,
.t. between Ma
in', street. two
acre Hall. Pitts
isnot:mitre and
rand the follo w
log scales(w hoc
ly composed qf
inrOlmerve Mete; Plnie In the Pavement.
Feb 22
Passage and Remittances,
4 '43,'
* q . t.
' 4 ,•fie•
New York 2, 41 ::1 a Lt i rpool Line.
P ERSONS eesirons of sending for their friends to
come from any part of Great Britain, are respert•
fully informed that the subscriber is at all times pre ,
pared to make c urbertgagettients' He is prepared
to remit monies by drafts, which are made payable at
any point throughout the United Kingdom on presenter.
lion; !Paving, been for the lam 12 years engaged Id the
husiness, be feels eunfident that his arrangements on
both sides the Atlantic are such as will give satisfaction.
The Ships comprising the above line, are all oft he first
class and are commended by careful and skillful mastery,
leaving Liverpool once each week during the season..
For further part' cularsapply it be letter to
No. 1, Port
,bie Platform
o wool 3.5111/
N 0.61 South street. New Yolk.
at Messrs Wizen 4- Flemings, Water street Piis'bgh
March 3-2md.
INUFACTURFR of Tin, Copper and Fbeet irnr
.I.VI Ware, No. 17, Firth Pt., between Wood and Mar—
KPrpa to:m{22olli on hand a good SOSOliment 01 . 111arelf,
and solicits a share of public patronage. A Iso.on hands
the foillwiefg articles: Shovele.Pokers. Tongs. Gridirons,
Skillets, Teakettles, Pots, Oven., Coffee Mills kc. Bier.
chants and others rte invited to call and examine for
themselves., as be is determined lose, cheap for club or
approved paper.
mar. 14--ir
B , on, :toms a Nora • • ur nos •
Water latirtaliWoOd sane
Jan 1 1143,
burgh, to be entitled the
Napeleon tit Isle. •
We derive the following interesting
sketch from an esteemed friend and corresa
pondent, to wha' s terae, r renders have hereto•
fore beeneindebted for-an entertainment of
no common orders
'The minutest circumstance - connected
with the man 'whose deeds have eclipsed
all past fame, and rendered all future dotibte..
fill,' is now become historical. The wri.
ter of this sketch happened to be in Paris
durine the spring of 1512-.. when, although
negotiations %vete Going on between Prince
Kourakin and :he Minister of Foreign Afe
fairs, every one knew that war with Russia
had been decreed in the mind of Napoledn,
Day after day, large bodies of troops, of
every arm, arrived and departed toward the
North, after having been it viewed by the
Emperor. Nothing could exceed the splena
did equipment, mettle] bearing, and ens
thusiasm of the Imperial Guard, waving
their glittering Eagles, as they defiled
thousands before their invincible leader, in
the Champ de Mars, Officers who had just
returned from the detested warfare in Spain,
poke of the congnest of Russia as a frolle
for a few months, from which they were
sure to return covered with fresh laurels of
victory.)? They indulged in the most ab•
surd speculations concerning the incidents
and perils of the approaching campaign,
and seemed es ignorant as they were re
gardless of all the horrors which awaited
them, their fatal retreat through the.fro
een .
ussia. On the morning of
the 9th of May, 2e niacolored banner of
France no longer oated above-the palace
of the Tuilleries. N oleon had departed
with the Empress for r s fen, to play the
part of . kitig of k l ngs,' evening pre
ceding. I saw him at the grant era, which -
was then in the Rue sichli eu. -11.11g..Ern
peror and Empress occupied the front
the box; behind them stood rows of officers
of the imperial household. in brilliant cos,.
tumes; and the twi adjoining boxes were
filled with dames d'honneur mid distin
guished courtiers. The Emperor entered
the theatre In the midst of the performatice-
The whole audience arose to salute him,
which he acknowledged by a sight inclie
nation of his head before he took his seat,
He remained until the ballet was nearly
ended, and then took leave with the same
careless ceremony with which he entered -
Ile appeared to take no interest in wha.'
was passing upon the stake, except for a .
few moments, when Gelded() and Bigot- -
inis danced a pas de deux. Ills glass was •
constantly in use, directed to all parts of
the theatre, as if he, were totem, upon ex
amining the face of every individUal pres-
I ent. Occasionally he raised his hand'
without turning his head, to receive his
swift-box from the chamberlain, who stood
up behind him, in watchful attendance.=
Not a word was utterred by him to the
Empress, nor to any other person in the
I box. It was evident, from the restless:
ness of his manner, that his_mind was pre
occupied with far-away scenesf and iftke
dark curtian of futurity could haee been
lifted .for a moment, what scenes and
events would he not have beheld! Deing
very near, I kept my eyes iivitted upon
him lie was in a plain uniform of blue,
with red cult* and white facings, and
wore the grand cross and riband of the l e a
gion of honor. His person was rather cor-s
polent, but seemed muceuler and active.—
His blueegrey eyes was deep set in his
head, and occasionally threw °et vivid
dashes of expression. His forehead was
broad and smooth, and his temples thinly
covered with dark brown hair. His nose
was firmly set and finely formed, and his
mouth and chin were the model of classi
cal beauty. His visage was square, and
his neck very short. His complexion was
healthy. but colorless; his beard of bluish
tints. His face and expression were calm
and grave, more benignant than command
ing, and bore the aspect of a sculptured.
Grecian marble. Now and then his fea
tures relaxed from their habitual expres
ion of melancholy into a smile of exigu6ite
sweetness and good nature. Hit small
triangular cocked-hat lay beside him, and
hie hand, which was small, white, and
plump, frequently rested upon th..e cushion
before him. Although I had often seen
him before, my mind always recurs to his
appearance on that. memorable evening.-
1 saw before me the mysterious being
whose genius had exalted him to the .
summit of human power, and whose hand
swayed the destinies of the civilized world.
I beheld him at the very apex of his gl. ry,
at the moment of his departure upon his
immortal campaign, which shattered his
power and hastened his downfall. I find
it difficult to analyze the s.tisations which
passed through my mind while standing in
the presence of a man whose fame filled
the universe, and in whom alone Feemed
embodied the power of moving the wridd.
It excited emotions of sublmity akin to
those felt upon seeing Mont Blanc, or
the falls of Niagra; but more intense, more
active, more reflective,"—Kritckerbocker.
The Latest Muetery.—As a number of
idle rum ,, rs are about the city in relation
to a eerisin afrair, we think it proper to
publish the facts. A young man of intern.
perate and vile habits, entered about three
months ago. at night, the chi. - mher of a do
mestic in the family with which he board
ed. He attempted some Ling indelicate.
The girl in her fright, picked up a small
pairof scissors, and cut hid hand. He re
tired. In the course of a few days he be
came sick, and in about 8 or .9 waeka af
terwards died of infiammlition and general.
debility. The *round Was - peel:W:4lBe
exciting esuse of the I oilm elation which