. I ' ll t r PUBLISHED BY THOS. PHILLIPS & W. H. SMITH, X. W. CORNER OF WOOD' FIFTH sfs TeR.N49.--FIVE DOLLARS a year, payable in `a&v►eee. Single copies TWO CENTS--for sate at the lesniater of the office, and by News Bays. The Mercury and - Manufacturer published WEEKLY, at the same Mime, on a double utedlunt sheet, at TWO DOLL. RS a year, In ad. vanes. Slink copies. SIX CENTS. 'reran% of • PER SQUARE OF TW flet 'question, 0.50 ?war iniertione, 0,75 nose Insertions, 1.00 Olte week, 1,50 Two weeks. 3.00 Time weeks, 4.00 ye trtr.Y ADVERTISEMENTS. AIAIANCIZAVILE AT riICASURIC. 01111 Sqltars. Tit* Sfrtarst Pit' months, 1 R.OO Six months, ;2.1,00 OAe year, 25400 One year, 33,00 ry-Larve sfiveriisements in prornreon. RDA of (nor llnsi six DOLLAR!! a year. PUBLIC O,FFICES,&C. ever Pose Omen Third between Market and Wood streets—R: M Riddle. Postmaster. etnfees S.wrau, Wnter.4th door from Wood at. Peters son's blitdinxs—rlajor John Willock, Collector. etre TACISORT. Wood between First and Second Trash—Jame A. Bartram, Treasurer. COURTY TRIUMIIRT, Tl•lrd street, next door to the rWowthaytterian Church—S. R. Johnston, Tn.:wirer. taot's ()erten, Fourth, between Market and Wood streets—Alexander Hay, Mayor. Una oink reit Excnxime. Fourth, near Market at: BANKS. Pairessetaa , between Market and+, Wund streets, on rnird and Fourth street(, . biIIN."MII.NT3 . AND 51 AN , IPACTUItiIIe AND FARMERS Dr• itSstir Rana, (formerly Saving Fund,) Fourth, betwren Mood and Market streets. Siestaxac Fifth street, near Wood. HOTELS. iliciaomaaactd. Hoer's, Water street, near the Itr gumming H o fat.. corner or Penn and St. Clair. Plo - rat., corner of Third and Wood, A It/MGM( tiovet..corner of Third and Snilihfield. liatTaa Z . 1. corner of Pena street and Canal. Srac►o E►ot.e, Liberty street. near Seventh. Simielto MA.PISION liOUPC,Lilierly Si oppnvile Wayne Itao►ottaasT M Awetton. House. Penn St. opposite Canal ROBERT IV 00 DS, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LA W. —ool , e rem° led to flakewell's offices on Grant at.. neat is , onposire toe new Court House, neat rooms to John D. Mahon, Itsq .—Plrst floor. P. 9. 10 . TllOB. EL ELLIOTT, M. D.—Office removed e. St. Cheir streec, ketiveelt Pew* and Liberty St e , Pitts baulk. s p 10 HUGH TONER, Atto.ne• at Law, North at turner 4f Smithfield and Four , li streets. aep 10-1 y MICANDLESS & yrcLunE, Attorneys and thtunsellors at Law: Office in the Diamond. bath of the old Court Douse. Pittsburgh. sep 10 k PINOLA Y, Attorney! at Law, Fourths'., 17 near the Mayor's Office, rlttFluw2ll. nen 10-1 y MANI taf )N. A torney at Law:FM h., laq wren Wood and emillifield PRlghurth. eep 10-1 y V ilipig;l l l : e ttei n t U, north;ide '(the ionronftriivismtiwt.aown; allsrket and Union streets. upstairs' P. 91 10 A I. DUItItORA.W, Attorney at Law; tenders ',rote:talon:ll sera lees to Int. publie„ Office [or. Pe of Pyth and Market Streets, above D. I.lny.ik Co's atorit„Pit SVOINIre b. Pa. nett 10 EVA7'ER t Itu.7H tst AN. Atevrneys et Law, office removed from the Diamond. in ••Aitnrney'