TI SMITH, villstms.-- PTH' 8711. , year, PIVE DOLLARS a advance. Single copies TWO CENTG—for payable In sale al the atititgisi Of the office, and by News Bays. Tao - Mercury and Manufacturer le PoilDintirest WEEKLY, at the same office, on a &sable medium sheet, at TWO DOLLARS a year, in ad. Siagte copies. 91X CENTS. • . Terms of Advertising • PEI SQUARE OF TWELVE LINES OR LESS: Glue lesertlon, 0.501 One month, F... 00 rim Insertions, 0.75 Two monts, 6,00 neje iaserslons, 1 . 00 Three months, 1,(R) Oae week, 1..50 I 5.00 Pour months, Tnie weeks, 3,00 SIR months, ?first weeks. • 10,00 4,00 One year , 15,00 -YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS. cesaossemc WC Pt ICLIJURIC. . 014 usart. rev Square:lr if if menyeathe, $63,030 Sir months, Sae r, 35,00 One year, $2.3.00 rplairger advertisement s In prorortfon. 35,00 iC.R.DS of fear lines 511 DoLt.ats a year. -- - -----_—.---- PUBLIU " L U F E S, &O. CM Posy Orrica Third between Market and Wood at reel-a—AL M Riddle, Postmaster. Voaeovt Hamm, Water,4th door from Wood at. Peter- Imes hstelifings—Ata,Bst John Willock, Collector. Cirr TREASOIt, Wood between First and Second Mreets—!amts A. Bartram, Treasurer. COOltirt TIMLIBORT, Third street, next door to the mid Piesbyterian Church—S, R. Johnston, Treasurer. 11111[01.6 rimer, Fourth, between Market and Wood *r evs — Alexander Bay, Mayor. Illeecriour's EXCAANGIC. Fourth, near Market at. BANKS Pirresocan, het weew Market and tithe and Fourth streets. Wood streets, on M ICUrMILMTS' &ND MATICIP•CTURCRe •ND FARIIICRIB' Da tum' Bane, (formerly Saving Fund,) Fourth, between Wood and Market starts. rcettwee, eirth street, near Wood. hioneatalntc• noun fIOTELS. , Water filreet, ne levy LLLLL floret., corner of Penn and S. the Bridge . Iliritcuarra' floret., corner of Third and Wood. A atlllttCan Horim,corner of Third and Smithfield. Sra-rai. turner of Penn vtreet and Canal. ifiraitao • Acta, Liberty Orem, near Seventh. MlLLzits ai /.1.151011 !loves. Liberty St opposite Wayne Bliamanctuarr hiLastom Roust. Penn St. opposite Canal. 1111•Mm.1111 ttonERT WOODS, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW.-olrtre remo tett to Baltewell's offices on Grant st., neatly opposite .tne new Court House, next rooms to John D. Mahon, tag ,—First floor. SP!, 10 111EKIS. If. ELLIOTT, M. D.—O ffi ce removed e• -IL St. Clair •treet, between Per" and Liberty Si,. , Pittabatrirk. I , 1 0 NEW GOODS. —Prrstaa 4- Markey, wll,,lrsale and retail dealers In English, Frrnch, aid I/num:file Pry Goode, No. !:1. hlnrket !tt , Pitts!nirgli. sep 10 M I CANDLESS & Attorneys and Counsellors al Law: Office in the Diamond, hack ow the old Court Douse, Pitishurgh. Aro 10 F it EUOVAL.- R. Morrow, Alderman; off! c north to side of Fifth between Wood and Smithfield et 8, Pittshurgh. TO lIN 14'D E VIT r, Wholesale Grocer Reetifi ink ODistiller, And Dealer in Produce and Pitishurch Magualictured Article,a, N.. 224 Liierty Street, Pito , hunk. Sep 10 HoLl kUt H. WILL • IS I C . fill n 4. HI I.WqRI H W iLLIEA 3US DILIVORTIT.--Wholesafr Grocers Produce and Conan 11;611111 Merrliarthi, and dealers is PitlAargli Maoufaetnred article, Nn. Wood street. 29, It Val. O'BURA ROBINSON, iorney al I,aw . V Office , on the north side the Dia ttiolid.lietwee dilatant and Onion streets, up stairs Pep It) A I. DURBORAW, Attorney at Law; lenders rill • his proiescional rwry ices to the. public. cur• .er of Pint] and Market Streets, above D. Lloy,i 4- Co's store, Pittsburgla, Pa. sep 10 Jotts . ............ N. Ny", SHERIFF S KEAN, Manufacturers of Coper. !kJ Tin . and Sheet Iron Ware, N. 80. Front st Fri , . burgh. Hottse Spouting and Steamboat work promptly tetteetited. sep 10 THOMAS ITOUN . FRANCIS 1.. YOUNG. T ilos. B. YOUNG CO., Furniture Ware Rooms, utoncr of Hand si. 4- Exchange Alley. rarsona wishing to purchase Furniture, will find It to their advantage to give us a can, bring fully satisfied that we eau please as in quality and price. sap 10 min MUTTON El Ams.—Just rcrelved IrWchoice Mut toil Ilams, well cured and for sale cheap by ;lied° sem or retail, by ISAAC HARRIS, fey JO N 0.9, Filth st. REVA BAGA,—.I supp'y ol Lambeth's Fresh Ru t& Ba;a, and other different varieties of Turnip Res 1. Jest received and for sale at REDUCID rattles at the Dreg and Seed Store of SNOWDEN. imp 10 No. 184 Liberty Street, I S ut Wood. wpm CLOSEY,S Boot and ry, No. 83 Fourth St., next door to tile U. States Bank. Ladies Prunetla, Kid and Satin Shoes made ;rt he neatest manner, and by the newest French materna, sep to 1000 1110RUS At ULTICA ULUS. in lots to suit purchasers; to Fe disposed of by F. L. self , 10 No. Ll 4 Liberty street, h S ead ofNOWDEN Wood. D AHLIA ROO l'S:k.w;, , ers and Fh ----- , ------------ , wer seeds or w . ery description, can always be had at the Drug and Seed store of F. L. SNOWDEN. see 10 184 Liberty street, head of Wood. WW:I. A. WA RD, D ENTIST., Penn st. three door below irtv in street, Flours of business, from 9A. At., until 5 r. is , after which time he will attend further ho e r x ceii t inform in t n c n azs w o h f n actual n ..,, brinkn ece ss.i Properl,v . I :au n ici o . thernpidi ln] tha I t lie experts immediate payment, without LBS.llllnols Annual Mammoth Onion Seed, for yon hi" part of sending in bills. rep 10 ../ sale at the Drug and Seed store of necessit y F. L• SNOWDEN, ---------------------- Chli NoT II'PA RL AIV D ------- - 3 . . . , Upholsterer sad Cabinet Imp 10 184 Liberty street, head of Wood. 3 1..ker, Third el, between Wood Jllarket treets, , respectful informs his friends and l lie public that he is LBS. NEW JERSEY SWEET POTATOES, for seed; just received by 4 -60 ---- prepared to execute all orders for Sofas, Sideboards. F. L. L. SNOWDEN, I reaus, Chairs, rabies, Bedsteads, Stands, flair and Spring Mattrasser, Curtains Came's. all .orls of 1.1 i i vela 10 No. 184, Liberty head of Wood et. . work, which he will warrant equal . .0 any n i :a ' d ° e s i n ter t ii ie 'g city, and on reasonable terms. _____________ rep 10 GARDEN Transplanting Trowels, Eddins 'look, Buthilng ItEAfOiCIL:--The subscribers have reinov. ( 77; --- ) w a. Waives, Pruning Knives, Pruning Shears, etc., Just re• , calved and for sale by P. L. SNOWDEN. i ter between Wood and Smithfield streets, where they will coniinue the Wholesale Grocery and Commis sap 10 184 Liberty street, head of Wood. 1 sion hu.inet.s and would reltertfully solicit the patrot CHOICE Venison liams.--Just received a small sup. icle orilleir friends J. W. BUft BR IDGE ,5- Cr Dec 3 ply of very choice cured Venison Rains, On retail Ilk small lots fpr current money. ISAAC II A R Rig. Agent, i .__.__,___________ and Cons. aferchant HITS Duteh Clover Seed, Orchard Grass and Keotacky Blue Grass, always on hand and for No. 134 Liberty street, bead of Wood. sale by aP 10 E IfBTER 4- BUCHANAN, Attorneys at Law, office removed from the Diamond, to •iAttorney'sßow," rhady side of Fourth street, between Market and Wood stows seri 10 AGISTRATES'SLANICS, for proceedings in 4t. tuchatent under the late law, for sale at this Office. oa SALE.—Lots on the North East corner of Coal Lase andlzh street. Apply to sop 10 RIM. DARLINGTON, Market, near dlhst. 100 LBS. Landreth's French Sugar Beet Seed, Just received and for sale at the Drug and Seed F. L. SNOWDEN, 184 Utterly street, head of Wood. store of . l eP 10 DIMOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP.—The copartnership heritefore existing between WIL MASI HIGHT and BENJAMIN HOPEWELL is this day IOW" dhoolood by entail! consent. William Dip, is authorised et the! ate era. the signature of the dint in settlitu op the business st* 10 WILLIAM RIGBY. BM/. T. vorzwead. Migil OL I PUBLISHED BY I• PHILLIPS & W. if CORA - P.R OF WOOD ' - !?'"=":" • - - , • • • DAIL iv • NORNING POST• 4,6 JOHNSTON TT .. - PITTSBURGH FEBRU .__ Smithfield Foundry, Water OHN ANDERSON near the Monongahela Don.. - LEONARD S. JOHNS, Alderman , lair street, se. Si,St cond door from Liberty. DR. S. R. H sep 10-1 y to Mulvan OLMES, Office In Second street, next door y 4- Co's Glass Warehouse sep 10-1 y QHUNK ¢ FINDLAY, Attorne near the Ys at Law, Fourth et., Mayor's Office, Pittsburgh. sep 10-1 y /11110. S. HAMILTON, Attorney at Law, Fifth, between 1 Wood and Smithfield sts.,Plttsbureh. sep 10—ly UGII TONER, Alto, nev at Law, North Ea:t corner of Smithlield and Fourth streeLs. sep 10-1 y 1 THOMPSON HANNA. ............. ... ....TAVISS TURNDOI L. , fI ANNA 4- TURNBULL'S Paper Warehouse. No. int Wood it., where may be had a General supply of wri..in:. wrapping, printing, wall paper, blank hooks, school books, 4-c, kr. Sep 10-19 ------ lOp C. TOWN.3END 4. co.. Wiry Workers and IL. Alansfactnrers, No. 7 23 Market street, between 2d and 3d streets. EXCHANGE FIOTEL, Corner of Penn and Clair street:4,l,y IdaIII HEIN 4. svPlO-IF, BROWNVILLE JUNIATA ward Hui!lies. Manufacturer of Iron and Nails Warehouse N 0.25. Wood st., PlllSbilfgll. sep 10 11 IG M ETAL.-77 ons soft Piz Metal for sole by J. G. 8 1 - A. GORDDN, .ep 13 No. 12 Water street 31000 "8.13 %CON 11. All'S Shoulders, for saeh . s , J. G. ri• A. GORDON No - JAS. PATTER -30N, Jr.. ftirnilnznam, oear Pilisburgn, Pa., I'llanu Irvin rer of I.orks. ltinces and Bolts; To. barer), Fuller. M ill and Timber Screws; Houser) Screws for Rolling Mills, 4.c. rep 10—fy 'OLIN 11 , CLOSK EY, Tailor:lnd Lther.y street, between Sixth and Virgin atte}•, Southt side, sop 10 1 - %V 131011110 E (20., %Vholcsa le Grocers and el Commission Meieltants— Second street, bet were Wood and Smithfield sts., Pittsburgh. septa 1 y JG. 4- GonnoN. ConnulaQinn and Forwardin Merrhaets, lVater st. . PithdniNh. Rep 10-1 y LTA MS. --4 casks ha ros. a good article, received ner S. rt Corsair, arid for sale by J. G. 4- . GORDON, sep TO No. 12, Warer street S UGAR S' M ol —% SSES----40 aids New Orleans 7nr-, l-.;() bids New Orleans %lassoes; for sale by Su sep tO I. G. 4. ArGORDON: S UG A R.-7 aids prime N. 0. Sozar, rerelyed R ‘l3ine, arid fur sale by J. per S. G. 4- A. GORDON. sep 10 No. 12, Water street 50 BACON CASK S, in order, on hand and Aussie by Rep 10 J. G. 4- A. GORDON. No. 12, `Vater st Qt VGA R AND MOI.ASSES.-13 aids:lnd 4 b. i• N. 1.-3 Sung% 3 bids N. O. %la:oases, received per Slegmboa I `aporier, and for sale by J. G. 4- A. (1011 1/(JN, Rep 10 No. 12. lValer creel 11131,5. LA RD OIL, fur sate 1 y Q. A. FA DNF:szTOCK ¢ CO corner of .S s ih and Wood sep 10 163_1 PAPERS Germantown Lamp Nark for sale by B. A. FA lINESTOCK rorner of 6111 and Wood st • 6)00 . LISS Prepared Chalk, for ica ie hy B. A. F AIINF.Sroric k co enrol, r of Sib and Wood xi 1; ft A NI/ AlOl, ASSES —6ll Itlids. N. ( .1. So; 5 hills. do. do., lOU do. l'lntoati,,n J. G. 4- 1. f)olt DON, No. 12 Water Si I eel. J 3 LAN PETITIONS, NOTICES, ace. o be used in Bankruptcy proceedinz., pr !oral of quad pa rusr,a rut In the forms approved by i lie Cuu ,for sale the Other of ihe Mercury and Democrat. Pe p 111 WM. litrint.iit.D, fashion6/e hoot arid shoe NI anufacturrr. No. 1(0, Third s t reet, betwee n Wood and Smithfield streets, Pittsburgh Xt. n in ; "MASTER, AVRNEY AT LA W has retnoved his office to the corner of I.'ourti street andUlterry Alley, Imtweca Smithfield nod Gran streets, rittalturch. , ep 10 &DAVID SANDS, IV A & CLOCK MAKER, No. 7, St. Clair str.Tt, Pitts%, burgh, DEALER IN fr2ITCIIES,CLOCKS, RR E.9STPINS FINGER RINGS, CII.RENS, KEYS, COMBS, ,s , c. sep 10 LANDRETH'S GARD ENSEEDS.- A rllll hand, and sttpufor s ly of I.:11110We; Garden Seeds, always on ale al Ins agency, the Drug store of F. L. SNOWDEN, 184 Liberty street, head of Wood DR. DA VID WARD has hie office and residence on Fourth Street, nearly south of the Court House, second do eking from Roo; street. He will faithfully attend all calls pertaining 1 0 lii. profession. Night calls should be made at the door above the basement. sep 10 R EMOVA I. —Matthew Jones, Barber and Hair Dregs. er, has removed to ['mirth street, opposilethe May ors office, where he will be happy to:wait upon permanent or transient customers. He solicits a share of public pat. r0m.,.. COMIVIERCIA L AUCTION ROOMS, No HO Ward Street, Pittsburgh.— R. A. Bailsman, Auctioneer and Commission Merchant, is now prepared to rereiveand sell all kinds Of Goods and Merchandise, at his /ergo and capacious on No. 110. North East Corner of Wood and Filth Streets, Fittsbugli. Regular sales of Dry Goods. Furniture Groceries and other articles, on Mondays and Thursday of each week. Hardware, Cutlery, Dry GOOdl, and Fancy articles, on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings. Books, 4-c., every Saturday evening. Liberal advances made ou Con signments when wanted itericamtcs s . Messrs. John D. Davis, Escr, Baealey 4- Smith, Hampton, Smith, 4- Co., P. Lorene 4- Co., J. W. Burhridge 4. Co., S. M'Kee 4- Co. Capt. James Pittsburgh. C. Ihmsen, Esq, Jonn M'Fadden Esq. Logan 4- Kennedy. J. K. Moorhead 4. Co. Jas. P. Stuart, EN. *. Robert Galway, Esq: Capt. 1t.,. May, McVay, Hanna, 4. Co. I William Symms, .• S.C. Henry, Wheeling Lo le Smith, !Maley 4. c o uisville • M. sop 16 OCKTON, Booksettere, Printers at Paper Manufaettrrerse No. 37, Market et. sep 10-1 Er ni633.„." 121, Corner v ~,,,,.., ..,, ..----------7, r t J.J., Streets, Pitts/meg* has on hand a complete as sortnientof Queensware suited to the city or country trade. Also, a choice selection of pure white and gold band DINING AND TEA WA RE, in large or small sets, or separate pieces to suit purhaers!. A cask of 46, 60. or 84 piecese sets, superbly painted and gilt English China Teaware, at very low prices. Toy Teaware, plain, and rich .painted and gilt, (tom Children's 1,00 to $5.00 per set- Children's Mtl2B of every description. White China Shaving Mites. Granite Dining aid Tea Services, in white and with splendid American scenery printed in Mae and black. A large variety ofSteamboat Dining and Hreakfa•tt Sets, imported to match. complete, Fire Proof stone baking plates and dishes, from the Derbyshire Potteries. Flint and Green Glass, In all their varieties. Window Class, of every size. Patent Buckets, Tubs and Keelera. Stone Pipe Hrads, ti-c. 4 - c. 4-c. All of which are respectfully offered In the pub lie on the 1.10,1 favorable terms. Jan - 26, 1842- 100 Salts Rio Collet. oct POI sate by F. 4 . ASE'S IIOARIIOUND P ; • 4- A. GORDON. CANDY --Trrrcr has received ibis day from New York. a (Fish supply o. the above celebrated cure fur Coughs, Colds and Con or relail. at his gumption; and is ready to supply coutottierg at wholesale Nedica l Acency, St; Fourth at. nov 12 API JO 1y 1).-1V ID Cl..lRK,Tlgr'r. e • Titi7;;;Tite 13,,,i7 ---- m u , - , - .:_ Ilse removed to No, 34 Market street. I , etwen Second and Third streets, where be woo d be happy to see his old cti..iiiiiiers. and all others who feel dispos. ed to patronize hint. He uses notlitng hut first rale stock, and employs the best of workmen; and as lie gives ling constant personal a ttenl ion to business, lie I reslm that to will deserve ai.d receive a fair share of patronage. l'sn 10 16,000 lbs. Bacon El:'‘i . r ll7dni:":lJe: :.. i 11— „„ 1 ; --7---- Informs (j)-N it:it:1;1:10,N A 11 1,i --- ,e public that they ran always fled lee hest quality of Ice Creams. totter her with al: kinds of r onOttionai y and friths, in their see , nn at lila establishment No. 11. Fifth street, hei we it Wood anti Market. N. B.—Parties htyplied on !bp shortest noilre, ts ith cakes • or ant thin , in Ills line. Also families furnished wee Bread. arm 10 i EVA NN'S CAMOMILE PILL L s.—A li RA HAM J. CLEM Ell, rr,a6aa at 6 Mott street, New York, was afflicted with Dyspro4la in Its most aggravated rot in. The symptoms were violent head• ache, great debility. fever, costiveness, rough, heart. burn. pain In the chest and stomach alvvas after eating„ Impaired appi lice, sevsai ion of lookin g it the Fromm-11, furred longue, nausea, with frequient v oinitings, diZZ i lIPSN I()Wa Mc night and 1 estleness. These had continued up. ward of a twelvemonth, when. on consulting Dr. Wm. Evans. 100 Chatham greet, and stiltmitting to his ever suceessf n I Ind agrcrattle mode of l re:11111cm, the patient was completely restored to twat:ft in the short spare of one mom 11, and grateful Mr tile inealculabie benefit deriv. ed. 2 ladly came forward and volontecred the above. slate For sale Wholesale and Retail by R. E. 8E.1.1.,Ed5, Agent, No 20, Wood street. below Seronel. gr R S rE_VT 1.2.31 PS, F01——A7.7,...77.; 1.-1-RD.—Tho.e who would rn gre.aly to reduce their erperne Err light, shout if certainly pureliane one or the above named Lamp*, as by their use there is a clear , 11VIne °rat least twa., birds of the expense over Oil,and the light obtained front this in pure and brilliant, and whollk fire for,, smoke or di*agreea hie smell. We would here foal* I r r's Patent is the only one worthy the attention of the public, an it to the only one that in appli eable to every variety or i•atiern of Lamp., and the only one ii ;ai is ill urn Lard wzr,r,, at any temperature of cold or heat. We have. in the itiort *Tare or three utoutt,s, sold several houraniN: and with starer, an exreution, thripe tisin2 thelll iltIVI• expressed thendrelven highly plea*, rd with *lieut. and fully enn•lt,red of the great economy by their u-e, writ as their rune' iority over either oil or entiettrw, in record 10 111,111itline.s, and The above nano/1 lam link t. scan had only at ER 0 fr.t 11.9 Y_VR,Virs , Third repo, nrarty orianslte the Post (lifj,, Whore i* kept ro t - W:11111y on 11111.1 itannia eta?. Ti,, arid G J:1,1 Lamp< 0 ions pat., rns. Class lam p% .ohl IlOrtittraCtUrfird. prl ea. %Vt. I xLr pirn-ilre in rilrrt to the pvit.'ir the wpi c h is Railtseritted to by matt revert,' de rill?,OS. We, the 1.111.1,.i,2”,i. have bird and are lion. usl, Carr ., Patent Lamps, fur burrito: lad or o: ber amia: fat, and tve have tio litt‘tiat lon in saying that 'hey get(' an excellent light—equal to any of the ordinary modes of lighting a 11 011.9 e• at about one-third the cost, arid wholly free horn smoke or other disagreeelile smell. We take a pleasure In tr eommending these lamps to Ito. otiblir, as l'y !heir tits there Is a great saving Over either sperm or lard oil, or eines eandle,; and we iry.. 'bent to be more elealllt :F3l lest ItOUloleNOßle !hat) either. To be bad nt BROWN ill. B•YROPID'Ill only. Third street, nearly now,. it, I In. Post Office. Rev. IV. IV. Bak( well, James !loon, A. NI. Rrtan, Charles Paelson, " Jahn 31'Cron, N. F. Venger, G. Coiling. I'm. Graham, Jr., " Robert Dunla Dr I p, E. Trovlllo, L D. Sellers Wm. Douglass, "E. 11. Gazzrim, Henry Atwood, " Wm. M. IVright, Isaac CrUfle, Robert H. Kerr, F:sq , George W. henry A. Beckham, Robert Me.Phereuri, l'hortirt Onston, John Q. Shaffer, George Miltenberger, Wm. EichballMi 0. P. Shims, J, II Tomer, A. 111 Hier, R. NI, Rid Cr,dle, Wm. Martin, Robertost Master Flenry RarZeSllel% Gra. Jaror• S Clark, of Ilia Amer Allen Kramer, A. F. Mariliens, Iran Hotel, J ohn 11. Campbell M. Stark house, L, A lberger, Dotter, Johnston, N. ill Met Illellin. It Jut received, an improved Patent Lamp, for kitchen Ilse. no. 1 9 — (11w 4• wI i ,- (IBLIC, and i artrcularl I to mY fo,m,, palrun• of thie e ttr—Fiavieg retired from the practice of Medicine, I may lie perniiiied to say, that it has fatten to the lot oft ut few person s to have I njoyeil so liberal or large a share of obst reit ical practice as toy own has been for th. last 30 or 40 years. The experience oilhat long period of active life, and the fact of my having been twice, since 1830. associated with Dr. R. A. Wilson, in the practice of medicine, (In b o ih a period of five years.) enables me tuitidge fully of the merits orb!, pills. So convenient, so of • and yet so see, did I esteem these pills, I hat for the last five years In my practice. for the cure orchronfr diseases, of whatever narn,r, and those of females in particular, I have used more of them titan all other medicines. Like every other medicine, this must fail In some in stanres, but in my hands there has been less disappoint. merit a rid more sat isfact ion in rheadminist ration of thi s one remedy than of ail others; its good effects sometimes quite astonishin g inc. If my patient required a safe aperient medicine either .fore or after parturition, the Wilson's pi.ls were Just the thing I wanted. If a dyspeptic acid condition of the stomach, combined wantiwhir costivennss or Inactivity oldie liver. constituted the se 3r my patient, the pills were Just the thing I ed. II I treated a case requiring an ei nnienagogue, the Wilson' s pills were Just the thing I wanted. If palpitation, headache, flushed c ountenance, or other difficulties, Indicating a disturbanc e of the circulatory and secretory systems, annoyed my patient at the 'tarn of life,' the Wilson's pills were just the thing I wanted. Thus, without resnJet to the name, a disease might happen to wear at tile ante I have had It under treat' meat, particular inditation n or symptons arising, were al'^ays moatpromptly and most happily met by th e Vtillson's pills. That so great a number ofdkeases, and sometimes rip. parent ly opposite ones, in which I have used these pills, should be cured more readily by I hein than by any oilier remedy, may at first seem strange and contradictory, bait why person it s Is so is as clear to y mind as thamany t a great di many should become th m irsty from ha causes, and yet all require that common and greateerent t of all bleadngs, water to quench their thirst. In conclusion, it la due the •eputation of ['le medicine and the public, ho Bay decidedly and un conditionally, that the Wilson's pills are theonly combination I have ever met With In my longcourse of practice, that really pos. eearesanything curative or specific (brisk* headache, Yours 4.c., De. MILO ADAMS, The above Pills designed particularly for the sick flaed.Ache, Dyspepsia, Constipation of the Bowels fe., Prepared by the proprietor Dr. B. A. Wilson, and for tisk, wholesaie and retail, at his dwelling kt Penn street, below Mart:wry, Oct 1 _____„........ m ..... R. GOODE'S Celebrated Female Pills. These D Pills areslrongly re commended to the notice of the ladies as a safe and efficient remedy in removing those complainta peculiar to their sex, from want of ex ercise, or general debility of the system. They obviate costiveness, and counteract all Hysterical and Nervous affections: These Pills have gained the sanction and approbation of the most eminent Pliyiiiclana in the ted State*, and many Mothers. For sale Wholesiale arid Uni rietall. by. asp 10 R. E. SELLERS, Agent, No. 20. Wood Street, below Second. Will. ADA IR, Boot and Shoe Alaker. Liberty St., The subsc opposite tAe head of Smithfield PitrsbargA.— riber having bought out the stock of the late Thomas Rafferty, deceased, has commenced business iall n the old stand of Mr; R., and Is prepared to execute descriptions of work In Ills line, In the best manner and on the shortest notice. Re keeps car sita ntly on hand a large assortment ofshoe findings of all descriptions and of the best quality. De so:fells the patronage of the nub ile and of the croft. OCT) 10 IV,II. ADAIR. pITTSBUR CI; If lIIANUFACTOR y.-Spr Spices. and A ri e s for CarriaAres at Eastern Prices. The subscribera manufacture and keeps constantly on hand Coach, (3 and Eliptlc Springs ovarranted,) Juniata iron Axles, Silver and Brass plated Dash Frames, ftrais and plated Huh Sands. Stomp Joints, Patent Leather, Silver and Rrass Lamps. Three fold Steps, AI a Ilea b le Iron, Door fla miles and Hinges. JONES COLEMAN. St. Clair st.. near rr e 11 Irghrtly Bridge. D. SELLERS, 51. D., °Rice and dwelling In Rolm, • near Ferry gt 'eel SP p 13—ly LOOK AT THIS. oral In The ;Mem inn ‘fte who have heen somewhat step. referenre to the uumerons certifirates plit.tished in favor or Dr Swyne'a Clrimponnd Syrup of W lid Cher rV. on occouttl orthe persona helm: uti/ , vown in this sec tinn of the Stale, is respectfully directed lo 1 lin following rertiflrtue, i he writer of whirls has been a eh izett of this horough forsevernt years, and is knot, n as a gentleman of Integrity and responslltlilly. I have used Dr STo the .Iffent, %Ir. J. Kin BY. s Cherr wavne' Como 11,.d Syrup of Wild y for a rough, with which I have been severely of flirted fir altoitt foot months, and I have nn hesitation in snying that it ix i he most efreetl ve medirtne that I hnve been able to procure. It cnmpo.es all uneasiness, and ngrers well with my diet.—and mnntalns a regular and good tippet de. I tar freely recommend ft to all others similarly A flirted. J.Milantr X. Borough ofehamlkerph'g. March 9. 1': 411. Pen 23 For 'ale by WILLI A M FRUIT, SHADE, AND ORNAIIENTAL TREES. RSONS deitirono of prortirine rridt. Sit:lde. and P E Ornament:ll Tree:, or Frlirtitiherr, from Pliiindel pl . io or New York, are reritterted to make application no noon an m:lide. Drill rind Seed Store of lie nob rrrilier, wiirre rnit Le liail ratalogner, rratuilintirdr, or the most excellent .a r lel ren F. L. SNOWF.N, ger. 21 Na Irl4 Liberty el reef, !trail of lVooi, 171 xi i n FILE ‘I 1 Nur % I • 1 . 1 - ar: v.— Pal ilea raw field re. Q r,r7 ft' fly rwrivirli to. in. friends and I lie polder gen erally, that lie liaqrnminenred the !)iarble bii.lne.c at the corner of Pint, and (Mier v •4•••., tv here will tio eopacanily on hand. tomb ,tooei. mantel pie,es, mono mert.. head arid fool combs table. slab. for ealiimrt ware. and every arlitk.a o,•rt, ining to the I.l4lnria. Ile wil warrant his vrork fol. well done, and lilA char:zen will I moderate. fle ra,,pert it, ily a.k. a vha re of mildir pa I rona7e. ..rp 10- , 111 .1.V.A. - .9 4. TUR.VR (71,1„ PRorRIRTOR• or TUE rf.TN. ;1 i TON PAPER !HILL. gu.ohr.nville, Ohio. hark: 'awn. red t1.....0re from /hi. city. have appointed Floldoldp ,(• Prowne. N0..19 Market et., between Rrd and 41 h. s• ' vents for ,t.e sate of the ditTerent kind.of Pa per ma nnfar i coerce • v them, where their friend. and rii.romern will al wn va find a ro2n!ar .nr ply of parlor, .11,t ) as Cap and p at Wraina. plain and rains lined: Wrnnolnr and Ten ; Paper; Ronne! Pori rd. , . and Pi intinz P 11 , ,, r on a t ,c. an a /In, ril i, . nil of which will In , !old on the nioat neennonorlitlnT Prrnt,c. Ilro Ililllp S- Rant-me. rnonnfl,ltirrra II nd Importer, or 1...,,0 Paper. and Itordr,, kerpa con•ta nil) , on hand eve. ry variety of Iv:nil-v. Nrfor nod Cliaml•er Pae, of the 'amen! .1 vle•.: and Ino.:1 Iraviesorno pnltervis, n rich :hey will cell low and on arrommoda,inq iering, whole.ale or retail, nov IR—tr. Puna. Er l'ldtfortn Shales oil 1% hi el s, to weigh 2,5001('a, a $55 00. do do do do do 2.005 at $45 00 it, do do 1,500 at :i5 00 do do do do do 1,000 at :41 00 do do stio at 25 00 Wu') raisin: levers an:M(1010n ors.; to each rca lc. Dormant %rates for the 11 , e of Warehouses. Phu/ riug Mills. kr...tile same pricr, as al,ot-,.. .11,,,, White's Patent I 'oUtiler Scale. with 0. Voting's irnprovi wrote, and a variety of (mu., counter scales. which they will sell for front 8 in 8.15, Thee also inarilifariure Strain Elicit:ea for Flouring Mill Saw Mills. Salt ‘Vorks. .tc„ doable arid sina'e :;cued slide laihezifoot and oilier lathes for wood turning ntacliitteq lOr lenaniltiz chairs, platting in:whines, door and sash machines. trail', pal, ot horse power, with or without thrashing machines. a Imperior an IC le: tire's:at saw, shaft., machine s for sawing Intl), Tinner's tna chiiies and tools oftt II descriptions, also for Inaking I,lark I ing boxes , a suirprior article; zovernors fur steam engine• vt' oucks, laps and dies, coffee mills, bedstead or joint hots 'Ol and machinery' for making the same, cotton factory tna chinery made or repaired; printing Press mailer's In riled and printing pres4es repaired. JAMES MAY, Agen:. sep 22-4 f ,lOUNG 4. BR ADBURY JOIIN 13. GUTII sin.' Merc Rll3, Auctioneer and Commis. hant, JVo.JO6, corner of Wood .i• rift h its. Pittsburgh: Ifa vin_ been a ppointed one of the A tiction• eery fm the City of Plisburg h. tenders lin:services to Jo! - bets, manufaci tirers and dealers, who may he di -moped to make ria I of. market• lie is prepared to make. advances on consignments of all saleable commodities, and trusts to sail-fy curt., s pnclents by quick sales, and speedy !and favorable returnos. 'That the various interests which may be confided to hint, shall he adequately protected, be brings to the aid of his own experience in business and acquaintance with merchandise generally, the services of Mr. SAsinect. FAHNICSTOCK: heretofore advantaceously known, as an importer and dealer in Hardware and Cutlery, wish W ll Olll a permanent engagement Is made. EF It TO Messrs. M. Tiernan, Pres E ~ of M. 4- M. Bank. Darlington 4- Peebles, i‘ Robert Galway, James M. Cooper, James May, o R. M. Riddle. .. Wm Robinson, Jr. Pres't Pittsburgh of Exchange Rank. Hampton, Smith,4- co., Jahn 1). Bast's. Samuel Church, .1. IC. Moorhead. o Jae. W. Brown 4. co. o John F 1 Brown. 4. co: smith 4- It ILoley. tt `'artily ¢ elvers, tt John B. Ithl.lte, •, John Dateell. FAMILY FLOUR—Just received a few barrels of sale by Seperier Flour, made expressly for family ese."Tor In Store 50 barrels I SAAC CRUSE, 143 I.lb, sup. flour. 'S Improved Pia ninntlfarlur e d 11t,•rr brtn een Ella PIM alrerr Iltaile(l,re an, .and the fol,ow ti g , cales(wh o y coinpoPed o N o. I, "Or Plat fur ~J l / 1 4 e,a1 __._.____________ fin AN DTI ETEI PILLS. LET Invalids read the following account of a Sailor cured of a complication of afflictiot t s in nineteen days hy the use or Brandrei it riiii. It distinctly proves there are berlis ii, nature which have affinity cure be rause of disease, and Braudreib's Pllteare made for them Read and be convinred. Take the mode antlhe cured F:X T/L IORDL.V.IR re CR R OF RHECT.IIdITISAI DIA It I: IHE-1, AND AFFECTION OP 7'HE L bd'VO A JOON SH•ly. brine of Pembroke, Washington county, Maine, dilly Swor n , says, that be was taken violently sick about six MOTIIIIS Sinre. The pains in his head, breast, hark, len side and instep being SO had that he was tine Melo t help himself. and was taken Into the Chelsea Hos. pilaf in ilie efts of Boston. That after 'wing in said hospital five weeks, Doctor Oils said he did not know what was the matte' with him, and that he could do thing for him, norrould lie prescribe any medicine hat he, therefore, was conveyed front the Chelsea Hoe dim! to the Sailor's retreat on Staten Island. That he was there physicked with all sorts of medicine for a peri• oil offcur months, suffering alit be time the most heart. rending misery,— That, besides his affection °fills hones he was trmittled 1111101 wit h a disease of the lungs:some. totes he would spit a quart of phlegm it, the day; he-itles is affection lie had a had Diarrhina, which had more .attended NM from the co which of his sick. ••• That at times he dreaded a stool won., than lie 'could have dreaded dear li; that be can compare the feel. leg to nothing save that of knives passing through his bowel,. A Iler suffering worse than death at the Sailor's Retreat, on Staten Island, the doctor told him that mech. eine was of no use to him, flint lie mu.t try to stir about. At this time he was suffering the greatest misery. That his hones were so tender he could not hear the least press. ore noon the elbow or upon the knee, that his Instep was most painful, that as the Dodd!' said he would give him no more ntedielne he dstermined to procure some of Dr., firandreth's Pills, which he did, frorn 241 Broadway New York; that he c ommenced with five Mlle, and some. time. increased the dose to eight. The first week's use so much benefited him, that the doctor, not knowing what he was using, said, Mow, Shaw, you look like a man again; If you Improve In this way, you will Coon he well.' That he found every dose of the Brandrella Pills relieve him, first they mired hiM of the pain when at stool; that they nest en red the diarrhoea, sad finally the pains in his bonete—l'hat the medicine seemed to add strength, to him every day. Fletold the doctor yester, day the 11th instant, that be felt himself well. and also, that he owed his recovery Bre Providence, that he had taken to theand medicine l Pills eve under lyday for l&fays; that the doctor told hint if he hod known ha hadellAn taking that medicine, he should not have stayed another day In rite house. He considers It IBMs data to make t his pnblic statement for the benefit dfall similarly afflicted; that they may know where to find a medicine that Willeure them. 4/1:/HN SHAW. John Shaw tieing by me duly sworn this 12th day o April, 1892, did depose and say that the form:dog slate. ment is true. .1. vip A EELER,Commissloneror Deed% The gIt..IXDRP,If PILLS are sold at Dr. Broil. drelh's principal office. 241, B 1? 0.11. D ff:SY. New York and at his priaetpaloace,Plo.9s' Wood streel,Pittsiburgh,' the ONLY PL.WE la Pittsburgh Where the genurne eat be obtained! sep n—dwbri. > Plitladera I I lento Pft()SpEcTM -- " . ...7. For publishing a neb Daily Paper in tits City of Fitts ___. urvi, to be entitled the DAILY MORNING POST. THESubscrlbers having made arrangements to merge the American Manufacturer and Pittsburgh Stereo. ry info one Journal, have concluded to publish a daily paper with the title of the Daily Morning Post. The leading olijecl . of the oPosrr" will be the tßssemina tion and defence of the political principles that have here tofore been maintained by the Editors, in their respective Papers, and their best efforts will still be devoted to the advancement and success of those doctrines. Although, in politics, the paper will be thoroughly democratic. yet the Editors hope, by giving an honrsl, candidcn history of passing Political events, Foreign nDomestic I ntelligence, and brief notices of all mat ters and occurrences that come properly within the sphere ofa Public Journal, to ke their nape! suflicienlo in cresting to entitle it to wa the patronage of the public, it respective of party considerations. In addition to the political and general news that _will be found in the n.,Ve,sisg, .p,,st" thalnitors will take pains to furnish the businesss community will' the latest and most Interesting CoXtel¢ll(l47.",ilrfrt.l - from all parts of the country. and Icy have prepa• red suns accounts of the Markets and the Stale of Trade as will beadvantageous to our Merchants and Business Men in their several callings. Terms.—The Port-wit:lm punished en a large unrieri. al sheet or line paper, (manufactured especially for thiq Journsl) at tits arm -natty low rate of FIVE bOLLA RS per a nnum,payable in advance. It will also he sold by newsboys at the low rate of Tq-og:±ENTSO copy. -Veer/laments will be inselhadrae the lowust rater charged by the other daily papers of the city. I:*.-TtV ENTY active lads are wanted to sell tbe - Post who will be engaged on the most liberal terms THOS. PHILLIPS W. U. SMITH. Auqnsi 31, 18.12 1_ 00 MIDS. ICY LEAF TOBACCO. in store and for sale. by J. O. 4 , A GORDON, so 12, Water street. .iickersliain, gor sale only by S. A corner of Wood street and Virgii, alley a ley Pittsburgh Pa. and H. Harwood, Beaver Pa. who is gent for Western Pennsylvania. sep 10 F ARM FOR SA I.R.—rhe undersigned offers for sale a tract of 'and situated 4 miles frt.., freepost, In the direction or Kittanning. Elitll'alo 'township, Armstrong county. containing 100 acres, 65 cleared and under good fence; 10 of whlcn are in meadow-- a good square log dwelling houseand cabin harp erected thereon—an apple otchard of 80 heating trees—and a spring of excellent water convenient to the houge- FOR TER .IS apply to the suhscrihcrs residing at the Saltworks on the rennQylvania Canal, 1 mile above Free port. TO TILE IVlSE.—lits now well understood how much disorders of the mind depend for their cure unon a due attention to the body. It is noiv understood flow valuable is that medicine which will remove morbid accninulstions without wealicnlng the bodily power. It is now understood that there is a reciprocal influence he. I ween the mind and the hotly. It is now understood that purling with the Bra ticket h Pills wit/ remove a melon el udYtand even Insanity Is cured by perseverirwly using them. it is now understood how much domestic happi ness depends upon the healthy co million of the digestive now well known that the Brandreth Pills have cured thou:tan& of hopeless and helpless persons, even when the first physicians had pronounced them beyond all human means of relief. It is now not only well known that the firandreth Pills so cure hot it in also um dc•ntond hoe/ they cure; that it in Icy their purifying erten( on the Mood t het they restore the hotly to licaitit. The Veltle of the medicine Is becontina more and atoms manifest, It Is recommeraited daily from family to family. The ftrandreth Pills remove In air almost imperceptittle Th e all Pills accumulations and purify and invlgo• rate the itiood.attil their good enc.'s not coo ntertmlan red by any inconveniencen; !eine composed entirely of vecetattles they tin tint expose those who use them to danger; and their effects are as certai n as they are salm tory; they are daily and safely admini—ter t II to infancy, youth. mnhood, and old ant. anti to women in the most CHI heal nail delmateclrrnmstances. They do not disturb or shock the animal functions, but restore their order anti tahlith their health. Sold at Dr. Braadreth's Office, No. 91, Wood street, ril 10,11r:7h. Price 2.5 rents per hos, with foll directions. MA ft f{--The only place in Pittsburgh where the ;r inn Pills ran he obtained, in the Lector's own office, No. 9$ Wood street. sep ID 0 THE 1.4171 ES —Why do YOU not remove that T supet (Wolin hair you finite upon . youy foreheads and 'toper lip, 7 By calling at Torrur's, 86 Fourth and obtaining a bottle of Oottratid's Pe tines Suldles. which will remove It at once withotit affec ng the skin. You ran also obtain rouraturs holy celebrated Fest de Brave, whirl, will at once remove all freckle:, pimples, eruption, of the skin. and make yoor Eire look per ectly fair; and to those who wish to assist nature by adding more color to their rl;prks, they ran oidain some of Gou. aud's celebrated ks• It 01/2e. which cannot he rubbcd trr, ever, by a wet cloth. Also may be found a good as. ~t of Perfumery, such an Cologne. Rears' Oil, AI t. Palm, IVituisor; end other Soaps. Reim niber at Tuttle's Medical Agency, 86 41h street Dec. 8, 1842 11.314 PHILIP RAKER I a . tats. r" Sr,, also, are the prim's . ; fu r the lady in qeestion, with her maidserva nt , had voy— aged out t r two hund r , d pounds. In re. turning, she had sowed to pay for herself, her two children, and tWo maidservants, one thousand pound s ! So certainly she had a right to expect better entertainment; but, with all this her princely husband thought it better she slieuld have a pi ivate stock of luxuries, i ease her appetite should be delicate. Ile the:efore, got 'pickled oysters, choice Nureutuly, porta.. ble soups, and all k nds of de;icacies, pack. ed up to take wi h her• lie judged, how ever, ri.ditly, that ne wh.e, no eatable would be hairs) ceptable as good water on board a ship; for, despte of all filters, and every other remedy, %%titer long pre— served tastes very nasty, the percolation only removing the objects floating in rice Wha ever exists in a state of so.. Natio n is irremediable;-s that the bilgy water of the long cric.iscd p.lcudo fresh, is d u ui en tte as di , gtoqi ne as if rp, pains had been it cleans e it. The water of Chittagong is the only ter which never cha , igos. At the end of (three years it is quite. a , clear sn.l asfresft that is, when welt bier le.1) as it was when tirst taken from ihe spring. To ensur e his wife this luxury 11r. ------ way to Chittagong sent all the end procuring three hundred dozen of this refrcshing beverage, which previous to pack i!:e, in hampers, were placed on th e long rows of banquet.. ing tables ivh:cli stood in the grand hall of his residence near Nloorf,hedabad. His wife's sleeping room open e d into this hall, while her newly burn child only two , montha old, inhab i ted a room o side of the building n the other On the evening of —(wh ver date you like), Mrs. A: was suffering more than or. dinarily. So acute were the serni.rheu. matic pains which a ccompanied the ague, that she was unabl e to turn in her bed, and her doctor began to shake his head, and talk gloomily about the probable re- Mr.su. A. was ie despair. The hope of being able to reach Europe was almost given up by the patient herself, ti ho began to be'ieve, though usually of a sanguine disposition, that she was beyond the hope of cure. was just past midnight, and the surf ferer had fallen into an uneasy sleep. The nurses and other faithful watchers were snoring more soundly, when a sudden crash shook the whole building, a crash more terrific than that of the loudest thun der, or the roar of a whole park of nrtil. lery. The hous e shook aa.-if moved by au earthquake ; the noise seemed like that of a wing of the mansion falling in. How beautiful, how pure is the mind of woman !--how superior to that of the male sex ! A man thus awakened would have instantly thought of Filmset'. Mrs. A. was a mother, a fond of h er mother. The thought d. •M infant inst antly ftished across her mnactedl y chiltri my boy!' cried she, dis try, eqd with one bound she sprung from her bd, and before her aldrmed and astonishecillteodants had recovered fhiiti wits, their mistress—was half acro ss marble hall, up to her ankles in wate r , rushing fornard; with anxious e, _M = THE LITIC HAUT POST. :_. C 171121 PO — B. TIEL L BY 11. R. AnotsoN. In no country on earth is the ague felt with greater violence than in India.... Heaven help the unfortunate person when! it attacks! Nothing but a trip to Europe will shake it off; and even that sometimes fails to establish a permanent cure. Once visited by this dreadful malady, the unfor. , tunate - sufferer s- Idom escapes without several returns, even thouA years elapse between the int , ovak of this paralyzing disoee. The native who sees p white ma us affei ted sincerely believes that he is tortured by a devil that has taken up his abode within his person, and conse quently, recommend s him to try every sort of chap to scare the demon away. The English. doctor, when consulted, is sure to prescribe a sea voyage as the best c lian ce of recovery.— I once knew a lady who was a maftyr to this horrible, ;his tor-. jtusjog, complaii,t. It had aitaclvd her ust as she was slowly recoveting aft er her p h yai conanentent. She applied to her clan, .who ordered hr r instantly to return to Europe. The Brahmin who happened to b:. Cti he dominion at the time, laughed at the remedy, declaring that 'Unless MU.' ter Debbil him choose fly aw.,y, change of air nu good.' The lady's husband ex plained to the Ilindoo pr iest that he look ed upon kin, as a goose. He shook the donor by the hand (for he was an excel. lent husband.) and twilit diately began to , prepare for his w:fe's departure. It unluchil3 so happened, however, that the disorder had arrived at such a height that Mrs. A---- had not been able to move from, or almost in, her bed for six weeks. It was therefore determined that she should wait until a lu , l in her pains per. milted her tem , val to the boat, which to o w f . a t s hee season vey , her on board the first ship a , the returning y J r ,: have Eu long resi ded iu India are considered fur more deli. cate in their tastes and habits than the ro sy nymphs who have passed their days in not them climdte,s„llr. A-- began to lay in a stock of what is styled 'private store,' consisting of eatable s and drinkables of the most dainty description, for the use of h:s with; not but that lie knew the living ' on board a homeward .hound Indiama o to • . be luxurious beyond description, and as unlike the coarse feeding in an Outward bound vessel as ~~~~
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers