Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, February 24, 1843, Image 3

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    4e - ""
FEBRUARY 24, 1843
Iburierism.—Tbe Constitution of the
al Association of this city has been
written, and will in a few days be publish
In connection with this we will here
state that from next Monday a part of a
column cf the MORNING POST will be de
votep to the promulgation of the Industrial
sehee; as advocated by the gentlemen
who forming the community in this cis
ty. It will be under the general control
of one of-their number, and entirely inde.
pendent of the leading objects of the pa
per. As this plan of Association is begin
ning to excite intense interest among men
°fall classes, we think the Industrial cid
man of the Post will be interesting.
Vesterday afforded a rare opportunity
to:thosn*ho indulge in the delightful a—
musement of smoking to gratify their pro
pensity at a very cheap rate. A great
number of hogsheads of tobacco were lying
on Short street, which had been saved
from the fi.e the night previous, these was
no hinarance to persons helping themselves
as many did.
The Washington ..Ir/c_ in Allegheny is
a kiting monument of the honest enthusi.
urn of those who have espoused the tee,.
total cause in Allegheny and Pittsburgh.
It is large and well finished, and must base
been erected at ao immense expense, which
shows that the friends of Temperance have
been doing•more than making speeches and
singing 'songs—they have given their mon
ey freely. When men do this, we must
Rive them credit for honesty of purpose.
The cause must prosp r.
Curious- 7 .We heard of oo wrangling a
-inallphe firemen about .who threw the
an& water' at the 'Tobaco fire' on Wed.
iiiiiilajr,night. We do not know what en
ema has that honor.
' The Sun estimates Atwoodjunea S. no's
loss at about $lOOO.
- The Vigilant got rather too close to the
fire the other night and had the paint
scorched off one side.
River -8 feet wate r in the channel
Fcb 23 —Arcade, Bennet, Cincit.n
DEPA R.ruitEs.
Massachusetts, Bennett, Cincinna
The River is in a fine etage and the ice
all out. or near'y so. The few steamboats
that are preparing to start appear to be
getting pretty fair loads, but, of course at
low prices. We think the price of Fr( ight
is ruinously low, and cannot understand
how bats can afford to run at a'l and pay
At Cincinnati, the river on Monday had
risen from 12 to 20 feet. i It was nearly
clearer ice. Navigation will speedily be
resum ed.
There is a good deal of ice in the river
yet. The weather has been clear and cold
for - the last-two days. The river is falling.
The winter holds on tong and the snow gives
itecial sleighing. The Ohio river has about Bto
9 feet In the channel and steamboats departing
daily with all the freight ready. Few important
Weser changes in market to rcport, and very lit
tle doing.
Flour has advanced 12} and fityls ready sale
from wagons at $2,62 per bbl; and from stores at
2,75 to 300.
Grain. Wheat 50 cts; Corn 20 to 22; Oats 12}
to 14.
- Seed. Flaxseed 75; Clover 3,00 and Timothy
$1 peg bushel.
Provisions. Bacon, country 31, and city cured
$4 per hog round. Butter; fresh roll. in bhl. 61
t, 7 c.; Lard4i to 6: Beef Cattle per 100 lbs $2,73
to 340. Hogs 92 23 to 2,50 per 100 lbs accord
ing to quality.
•Groeeriee. stock good. Coffee very firm and
rather looking up. Rio, 10 to 11c.; Laguira 101
'to Met Sugar N 0 in hhde 4/ to 51r; in bbls 5}
to 6. Lump and /n( Sugar 121 to 131. Molts.
sets,sales in lots to the city 19 to 20, and to the
meows .22 to 28 c per gallon.
Tea. Y Hyson 40 to 70e per lb. Imperial,
65 to-85; Gunpowder 60 to 80. Pouchong 60 to 70.
fri to $1 per bbl.
'Looking Maas Manufactory,
And House Furnishing Warehouse, 104 Wood
&reel, near 5t h .
I[lB Ilubscriber having completed his arrangements
at his ame stand, Is now prepared to offer to his
Iftiaads, and the public, a large sad complete assortment
Strloraltiag Glasses, and Hoaselaralshlng Hardware.
gat,grrisnie is irait timer.)
,Fler and Mantel Glasses in Gilt and Mahogany
foam, *cube most approved and superior workman-
Final Classes with 1.2, 3. 4 and 5 drawers.
' 'Comma*. stained, Bated, and p:llar framed Glasses
itirltabksfir Mevelhastf, (or those wantingebesp glasses.)
/apanssed Walters and Trays ofall colors and patterns.
Ivory isandle K elves and Forks, In setts or dozens.
Hoek sad Ilene handle Table Cutlery.
Carving Knives and Forks, do.
trizon's Brittania Metal 'lea and Coffee Betts (nu
- • , perior quality.)
American Manufactu ; do, in setts, or single pieces.
German Sliver Tea. sad Table Spoons,
Dl her plated and Bram Candle k.ks, Pacifiers do.
•Brittavas Metal Lamps, for burning Sperm or Lard Oil
EMS and Wire Firs Fenders, (various patterns.)
zMireShovels and Tongs, Hand Irons, 4-c.
a variety of other articles too numerous to men-
Aboisoillef which will he offered at the lowest cash oil
• ti.e. Portrait. Mtniature,aad other Framing done at the
akesteanotice,repairing of all Mods attended to: Look.
tiagelass plates.by tne box or single light, priats for Fra.
• JEAN/ Constantly 00 hand
• kb ltd
y:razr rebeiTed, 11 barrels fresh roll Butter, and 20
,tegs bast rate Lard from Dover, Oblo, for sale by
148 Liberty st.
ST. Louis, Feb. 13
Friday, February 24, 1843
The undersigned members of the Dem
ocratic party believing that the power of
choosing their own officers belongs of right
to the people, and that they are fully qual
ified to excerciae that right, as well in the
election of Canal Commissioners as other
officers. We therefore request a meeting
of the Democratic party to bo held at the
Washington Hotel on the evening of the
25th inst., to express their sentiments in
relation to the above measure, as well as
other matters connected with the interests
of the Democratic party.
James Crawford John Anderson
Ebeneiet Kerr Michael Tracy
John Surber Michael Brady
Thomas Hamilton S R Holmes
Matthew Patrick James Hamill
John Birmingham Henry Smith
Charles Barnett Robert Glass
John J Mitchel William Alexander
David Lynch E J Roberta
James Anderson jr James Cunningham
James Boyd Andrew Cross
Thomas Wynne Henty Cassidy
John Cormick A Alward
Hugh Toner Michael O'Burne
Andrew Mcllwaine Geo Blister
Andrew Lent James Lauhie E'en
John Parsons James Paul
Thomas Elliott Otis Young
Barn'd Hogan Richard Hughes
Thomas Murdock James McKenna
William Walle Scudder Hart
George Parsons John L•Afferty
R H McClelland John Ferral
John Glenn Saml Cupples
Thomas NlcDonoughSaml Keller
Peter Cowen Saml Wightinan
Tilley Potter James 1) Thornburg'
Francis Lyons James C Richey
George M'Cliestl6y Mahlon Rogers
Thomas McMasters John Fowler
Hugh Duffy Hugh Carroll
John McFarland John McClesky
Thomas I) Roadi John Chambers
Willi im Ste ienson David Weight
Stephen Phillips Henry Morris
J B Holland Wm Campbell
John Savage William Herd
John Plankiton Daniel Wearts
Jacob Et dell Thomas Bottle
John Smith Samuel Hughes
Sand Howard William Carbine
Henry Dunkle W B Garrison
John Dodds Wil iam Caboe
S P,t is.er
D \V Jam2son
William Reeve
James Bradbury
J Taylor
Dune/ ta
John Hughes
John Elliot
Robert H Fowler
Thomas Love
James Vandegrift
Fletcher Gray
J Koffman
Robett Donaldson
L Callaghan
Jonathan Wilson
E C Hazlett
James NlcKelvy
D J Carrell
George Walker
D M Martin
Geo Kirkpatrick
John It Imo)
John Banter,
John Mowrey
James Heghan
John Ohey
Hugh Roberts
Sa noel Phillips.
Pittsburgh. Feb. 22d, ISI3
St Patrick's Day Celebration.
The Friends iif Ireland will celebrate the anni
versary of St. reliri It's Day (I Mai eh )at the
JOAN J. MITCHELL -- At loreey Lnw,offii - e
corner of Smitbbcld and 5111 ,Is
ficl- Collections made. liusitiesi entrusted to hie
care will be nromptly allended In.
feb 16--I y•
A new and teach Improved form of Iliank Leare., for
?ale at the °dire of the M or. Poet.•'
4pr,RF.oN cnrnpe:ent to take n tarize k
P a—ve a small rnplial. will licar o f
un ncenn9,on;,l,oo on appiicntionat this other, it
immediate application is. made. None D I. , (1 npply aho
cannot give salizfactory reference as to honesty and cum.
fch 22' 2a'
In the sth Ward.
FOR RENT. n very coiforiat.ie, roomy ilw.•hin:
boos', ono , nrcupled by W J. Toilet,. E4q., on
O'Harn near Penn street. at n large reduction from last
year's rent.
A 150,2 comfortable I I r kd
110115( . 9 On Penn at,
opposite the residence of Irlcsara P McCormick and J.
Also, a frame dwellinz house on Penn at. adjoining the
Also, two 3 story brlckidtvelling houses on Pike street
at $5 per month.
Also, a number a mail frame dwellings at $2, $2 50
and $3 per month.
Also, a hrH...k store room nod dwelling oil the Canal
Basin, adjoining Mr. COP'd Witt( r shine. Apply at the
House Agency, near the sth Ward market house.
felt 2.3. JAMES BLAKELY,
Douse A gency.
No. 6 west of the Market Flause, Penn it.
sth Ward, Pittsburgh Pa.
THE subscriber having for a number of years been en
gaged In renting city property, collecting rents 4-e,
and wishing to extend his business In this way, respect.
filly offers his services to those persons owning, or who '
may have charge of property as Executors, Administra
tors or Guardians, in the city or suburbs, and who may
not hove leisure to attend to it themselVes,lo rent thvell.
logs, Warehouses, Farina, Lots, ,c , c, Also, to collect
rents, dividends, Ground rents A register is kept
where a description of all properties for rent will he en
teted free of charge, reference la respectfully offered to
the following gentlemen fur whom the subscriber has
been agent fir sumo years pm-t—Messrs Michael Allen,
P. McCormick and James S. Craft, Esq., Pittsburgh; Jas.
Stuart, Esq. European Agent, Philad ; Mess. John Brown,
Birmingham; B. Mclenan, Cincinnati; Daniel Potter
Steubenville; Jo -colt Millar, Lawrenceville; James Jones
R115.t Liberty; Daniel Rasher, Mifflin township; Daniel
Depution, Sewickley,
1.500 Lbs. new Bacon, just received by wagons
from Ohio, for sale by
148 Liberty st.
MG -451E3.-16 barrels td Onus
For sale by
Bank of Pittsburgh. par
Merck. k Man. bk. par
Exchange bunk, par
Bk. of Germantowir.
PaMon tank,
Lancaster batik, die le
Bank of Cheater Co. par
Partners' bk Bncks CO.
Doylestown bk do *.
Bk of N America Phil. "
Bk of Northern Liberties,"
Commercial hk. of Pa. ..
Far. 4. Mechanics bk. ..
Kensington bk.
Philadelphia bk
Schuylkill Irk.
Southwark bk
Western bk.
Bk. of Pennsylvania,
Ilk of Bonn Ti.
Man. 4- Mechanics
Girard ba.,k,
C. Stales hank.
Lumbermens', Warren,
Frank. bk Washington, part
Miners bk of Pi:oil:vile, 51 1 1
Bk of Mont.,zomery Co. par
Mon. bk Brownsville, 11
Erie Bank. 5
Harrisbuirgh bank, sji
Far. Ilk lancaster, li,
Bk of Mlddielown, 5.41
ilk. of Chambersburgh, sii
Carlisle hank, 5,1
Bk of Northumberland, 51.
Columbia bk 4- Bridge cu. 2
Bk Susquehanna Co• 10
Bkof Delaware Co. par
Lebanon bk. 51
Cell ysburgh bk. 51
York bank,
Far. 4- Drovers bk. of
Wnynesburvh, 10 ,
•• Cul rency
Wyonitor, bank,
Talc srrie
Country do do 7
Berke t o hauls,
John M Snowden
John A Di c ksnti
Steele S Williams
Charles King
Jams Patterson
William Smv
11111 CA Er • an -.
.1011t1 Fowler
Eward Y ,1 1111 , F
.1 11111 1) Beal i 1
.lame McAllister
A S Fowler
Pierce Brennan
Geargo Forre , t
\V Wail
Neil McNaughtin
A W Ervino
Brown Irwin
James Logan
James ton
A 'l' Dunstiee
George Natters
Wm H Wighirnan
S tml Bryan
Hugh NlcElhtly
Melchor 13eltzhnover
S ar pl Cooper
.Tames H Veazy
Benj M A rgust
Corn. of Arrangrmeni
Post notes.
Fran. FA Columbus,
Cohi. bk. Lake Rrle,
Far. hk:of Canton,
?%le:hanlcs l k
Moyamensing Ilk
Muunt pleasant
Far. 4- Tech. I.k of Stru
br nvi!le,
Belmont 1.1( (.1 . St. Clairs
Marietta bk. Demand
do Cur retie y notes, 11
Ciliumtonna I.k New Lis
hon Dent:ntl, 11
do Post notes,
..:11161111:10 specie pay.
Ind hanks,
\tech. k Traders Lk or
Clinton Ibk of 1.7011m6442,
Demand note, 14
(H. 1.241, retire
Cad,ierl I I
Znnrsviiie bk 11
4 1
T and Fonre nd tipper roem.of the eofoCf 0
4 _ _ MA rkei a n.I it It Orr. tr. now occupied by AI f
i s R .17. .'01.11.0. Ir. .
A 1...“.
..1 two o,,ry Itro.l, 11004.• 00 the corner of 5.1.
Ind I'n...ft...rect.. %no.l'oe 1.. a I).v..ii Ina i100..e and
i; ,,,,,, r f:t , t , . 1.1.101...1,1 J.IM U.: 4 MAY.
10, 21. 2 ir 41.
4-ark, VNT. -A Ilf to LnrK devri
g 1! in Coat Lane orar r rr
which wilt I.e moderate.loply to
lnnti !I'CLOSKEY.
Three Bi 2 poor: Liherty 4.
1 .3 1 1--t
I rilirE 3d .i , ry of !Ile bu5.411,,g ra.cuoied ICY R. A
IS. 11.1 1.1 ae an .Aucti on PI Of .-- 4.,lnfurr know
Low:. Ii ~,,,, 1. • (Littler of ‘V 0041 31111 31
, .Intl. I oglitre of It. Mot ra,t‘ 'At A. in" 23.
rre Lel,
:IL STO/21: Crt./..9/2 on NI Irkvt ttf !wren 3d and
A LSO, .I..irioos and ronvr•niriii rot+n,s in the •ec•
and glory oirening I:v a \lark.% .Isert; a rll adapt.
rd fnr Law ...ffirt - F, or (or t , quirin: a con
yrniriii and re.idy germ, from a laii,inrirdi .veer,
AT.' O, linuire on Markel Otte conialnin:
five mania ¢ roinfiiriaide kiln Len.
ALSO, the .m.tll %ince room on Third it . nearly cm.
1,0 4 41ie the r.. 1 office at pr...rft occupted by Brown k
It aymott.l nn a Lamp store,
A 1 4 40 the held and airy office on 34 st. of present O.
elipied as the lthenenin.
114 4 0, for rent, several shish houses ni•or the
home of The f itt township, with I few
acres of ',awl attached to e.trli.
jan 13--If F.DWE) D. ( , 47.Z AM.
No 51. Third at.
To Let,
riimp .lore room no? Itsvcllint on Markot now oe
1_ cop f• y Tilo4 Cam pltrll co, Apply to
Jan 17.1212 JAMEi BLAKELY.
T ryrs ron s\ 1, r lota lu ` , l any Ise-ter. One
I I .1n(1 a fourth Acres of Land on Holmes' 11111. Lot,
nna. 41, 42,52, 53. 54,181, 192 and 134, in Cook's phut
of 1,44•, on 'Mime'. 11111 Alan, Loin non 26 and 27, In
Cook's plan of Lot+ on High at ree; , near IN. new Court
Hooke For tertian apply to 7.. W. R EMI NGTON.
se'. 111
1 Thr A wet Iran Pioneer; an excellent Monthly Pub.
tiration. dr vol ed io the (o+4 . i of the Lola• Hs sturicai
So<irr !I; or In rnlierting and oubliehin a sketelie, relative
IA Ilie early sell lenient and lortes.ivc improvements of
inur ronntry, ••tor my ronniry I rejoice In the Bower of
Peace "—Logan, Tic above excellent wort., Edited by
John ta Mbllrenua, Eq. Cincinnati. for sale at i 2. for
the fir.t volume, and .2.1 continued in monthly No and
intlvrriiillon. at .52 per annual re,eived at ❑area' Agen.
cy and Intellieence. (Mee.
Pitivlairen. January 26, 1843.
- -
TT AV E removed their Paper Store from Market
Fireet to tio.al Wnod street, one door from the
corner of 4th, where they Ic•-ep on !moth their UAllai as.
sort inei.t of W ALL PAPER'S, for papering parlors, en.
iries,rhamher.=, kr, and also PRINTING, WRITING
all of which they ofTer for sale on aceoininotlating tering.
feh la. 1843.—d1f
N...1P1l A IS'S COURT S %LE --I n pursuance of an
order oft lie Orphan',; Court of Allegheny county,
hill be exposed I o public sole nt the public house ofJas.
Conan, in the city or A Ileglinny, Allegheny Co, Pa ,on
Tuesday, the 21st day of March next, at 1 o'clock, P. M.
the undivided seventh part of two lots of ground, situate
in the city, county and state aforesaid, bounded on the
south by Strawberry alley. on the west by Sandusky at.,
on the north by Humor Denny. Esq,. and on the east
by Allegheny Commons, being lots No 3 and 4, as num—
bered in the general plan of said city; containing about
one half acre, more or lesA, with a wo story birek houso,
a comb factory, and a stable thereon erected. late the es
tate of Henry Wright and Mary his wife, both deed.
Terms of sale will be made known on the day of sale,
by Jacob Shanor, Guardian of the minor children ofthe
deredents, By order of the Court.
reit 15. T 110 S. FA R LEY, Clerk,
6AA TONS Tennessee Pi: Iron. For File low to
'-3 close consignment, by
let, 10. JAMES MAY.
jN Store £5 bushels of good quality Clover Reed. Also
Aso ba.shels prime Timothy for sale in loin to suit.
14S Liberty at•
Who offers for sale 50 bushels Orchard Grass Feed.
feb 22,
Catharine Beggs, by her next friend
No. 275, October
vi Term, 1342. 1
John linage.
Suliprena for Divorce rciurned N, E. 1., alias subrimna—
retu•ned N, E. I.
To the above named Defendant:
You are 11.reby notified to appear before the Court
°Mammon Pleas of call county, on the dsh Monday of
March next. and answer to the said complaint, and phew
cause why the said libellant should not be divorced from
the hoods of rev • vra, Sh'ff.
State bk..* Branches Li
State Scrip, 40
All banks, 2
Slate bk 4. Branches, 60
Sha wneelnwn, 70
Rank of Virginia,
do Valley,
Far. bk. of Virginia, I
Exchange bank,
N. West, bank
Mer. I.Stec. do.
,Ballitnore Ranks,
(Country Banks,
All Ranks,
All Banks, par and
City B;tnits.
Colin ry banks,
(safety fund.) Z a
Red Back, !to
Boston Banks,
'Country .•
Orteanv Flnnkr, !oaf salo
Good Banks,
111 Bnnk 7
Mc of Et. Clair, 10
110. do. J k 11. Smith 10
Good honks, 104)10
Eastern Exchange.
rhiludelphia, 4
New fork
,Wc‘tern Exchange.
i.ievetand. die
(;(11.0 PNn sitsr.c, pnr
THE subscriber liar Just received his annual supply of
Landreth's Garden Seeds, consisting In part ofthe
owing kinds—all of the last year•scrop ti• warranted
Egg Plant, Parsnip,
Emit% e, Pras,
Kale, Pepper,
Pumpkin, Bruscei,
Rad.sh, Borecole,
Rhubarb, Car.bage,
Cauliflower, Spinach,
Celery, Okra,
Curled CI eFs, Onion,
Cucumber, Pardey,
Mustard, (white and brown)
&e. &c. &c.
Tozether with 4 variety of Pot q• Sweet herbs ar.d Sewer
Mr-Orders for Seeds, Shrubs; Trees, 4.c. from Garden.
ers anti others will be received and promptly attended
IR4 Liberty. head of Wood at.
Asparag s
Bec , s,
Water Mrlns,
Musk, 04
JUST received. 3.000 Seasonable Buffalo Robes of if•
ferent qualities from Extra No. 1 to 3.
A lot of Rear and Cub Skins,
11,000 No. 1 and 2 Aluskral Skins,
A lot of Otterand Raccoon Skins,
All which areoffered at reduced ces fo cash or gip
proved notes. Apply to
A. BEELEN, at the American Fur Co, Agency,
Oct 12 —3m Corner of Front anti Ferry et
HATS—W. 4- M. DonceTv inform their friends and
the public that they have commenced oaaofrctu•
ring Hats, and thr.t they have now ready for sale. at
their Store, 148 Liberty street, between Market and 6th
street, an assortment of ;he very best Hats, which 1;:ey
are Wish:luso dispose uf on the cheapest and mos: reason,
able terms. Their stark constat of the very hest kinds,
v:r.:—lteaver, Otter. Neutrirt, Castors. short tio: 'led Rua.
via, Far and Hilt Hats.
W. 4. M. Doherty are both regular bred Hailers, they
have had extensive experience as Journeymen in the best
estaldishmentP In the country, their Hats are all got op
under their own in•pertlon, and they assure the public
that nothing but the very hest articles on the most tee
'tenable terms will he offered for sale. sop 10
TR ACT and Saithath School Papers }u4received!
from New York and Philadelphia. 3000 o f the
Youth's Temperance Advocate, for January 1, 1843
an excellent and cheap paper, for families and youth,
with a stabbed h School, Signing the Pledge 4-c. at )2 eta
per year. or 1 cent each. Temperance Hymn Cooks,
Walthintlinn Ilarpi, Tempt ranee Lyre", Songs ke. 300
conzressinnal Total Abstinence Society Speeches, sad
Dr Sewall's (times and Pathology. Temperance Lee.
lure., rabies. kr. and Temperance tledalt.
50OTymperanee certificates for adults and youth: 1000
Small Sabbath School Rooks from 1 to I 1 cents each.
rtoo Temperance and Christian Almanacs for 1843
000 Enclfsh, Cerma,t, t%t•ith and French tracts. and r
variety of very cheap School Books. and Day
Stllool 11006.4. Paper and Stationary for sale on accom.
datinc terms, In any gnamity to mail purchasers .
Jan 23. 1:343
1.4\A4: HARRIS.
hunt and (loin. \I err Wt., No 9, St h ri reet
V IRT LECTURES —Yvartk C .—The L.e•
turf C oroidlirt of the Wirt /vesture have the
plez•ore of I,ollg hcfore the puhl it, the followiro: Its .01
ruileior o who have conrenied to herlute. vtz:
Itev J Eakrrell, I otrodotrory Lecture.
JaAri I. ewe. Erg. ‘Vashinvon.
l'rotr. 11 J Clark. Meadville roller,
Moo. MR Will irva, Polvlru rah.
Prod. d B Brows. JefieraonCJllege. •
Path! //whirr. tshuish.
Reed t# achiever.. r.vg
Prot 41rz'r T MaQ ill. We.d. Thew. It. tulnary.
rf,l/PCis JlARPtem.F.tig.. rill glower.
Nod . . J Ratter. Meadville Caller.
W 11 /Jerrie. Coq.. Piltsiortri.
Rev James L Diawiddie.
Prot Rmit'd S 11;Culloeh. Jefferaon ("Mine, will de•
li•er several Lectures on Astronomy, ellitttrarilig its rite.
programed destine. Heed Waphintlon, Esq., will also
deliver several Ler - lures on the siti4ect he may select.
erratgenrents are in progress to engage Profesmor F •
?mien, of Vale Cuilege, in deliver in our elle.' full course
of ircioree on Geology; Mso v lib Joseph R. Purhanan.
on Neurology. Other eminent Lr.turers will he invited
to visit our city. when It may he in the power of the in- I
situate to engage their services.
The Lectures of this course will he on Literary and
Scientific subjects exclusively and It is hoped from the
eminent ability or the Lemorere. and the interesting no.
lure of the siitijecis, that our citizens will liberally pa
I remise this landahte enterprise. The Iron City should
not he behind sister cities In her encouragement of science
and literature. The or any) will nppropri•
acrd to the enlargement of e Library, already an honor
to the eh v.
MrCourne Tickets, admitting a lady and Kr ntlenkun,
e L and may I.e had of either of Ow trinntil ter, and at C.
11. Kav ¢ Co'. Cook Store, Nonon_•hela •nd Exchange
Violeta, nod at tterrnr‘Er
Lectures canstnence nn Thumb) . eventry, Vet 1.
W.W.WI 1.50 .
intllc 9 . COSGP AVE. rommlttee.
M , B. SC. A 1 FP. I
El T. PRICE, %Vholesale and Retail Baker. Con.
El. r.
and Fruiterer, Federal street, near the
Diamond, Allegheny city.
Every variety of Confectionary and Ornamental
Cakes. suitaltte fur weddin2s and parties, manufactured
from the heat materials, at short notice. nov 16
VTTSE of 3,,1in !Wilke!. late of the k'ily of Pitts
burgh deeti. Persons interested will take notice
that letters of adtninisiration on the estate of the said
decedent. has been duly granted by the Register of Alle
gheny County, to Sur:tuna Hunker. widow of the said
eer, aped; and all person,. Itavitm claims or demands a
gainst the estate of the =aid decedent, are requested to
make known the same to her without delay. tier rest.
leace is In Hand street. city of , Pittsburgh.
113111ENOMENUA" iX cub:MIS FRI— East 1.1,a
Hair Die--rolo,s the hair and will not the skin
This Dye is in the torm of a Powder winch in plallivnatter
or tact may lie applied to the hair over night, tile first.
night turning the ll:Went or grey hair to 'lark brown; and
by repeating a second or third night, to a jet black. Any
person may. therefore." with the Ira.t possible trouble,
korp bin hail any dark shade or a perfect black, with the
positive assurance that the powder it applied to the akin
will wet color It. There Is no coloring in this statement,
as any one may easily test. These facts are warranted
by the che ntst who manufactures it.
Female at TUTTLE'S. 86 Fourth street, where a
large assortment of Patent Sledlelnes may always he had
at either wholesale or retail.
..Do.'t forget ! 86 Fourth street !"
C.taldlearcoly 4eliere la—When I applied to Wetoys
at the co'ner of Chesnut and Fourth streets, for a hot
Ile of Powell's . Balsam of Anniseed, f confessed nape
Incredulous as to Its effects; but no sooner had I tried •
few bottles than 1 became sensible It was the only med.
Icine from which I could hope relief. It has effectnalfj
cured me,and I am not likely to have a return of Asthma
so long as I know where to And so eMcient a remedy.
Pkila Sp. of rheas,
The above can he procured only at TUTTLE'S Med.
teal Agency, fcb 6.
rimy , 86 Fourth street, Pittsburgh.
WILLIAM C. WALL, Main and Fancy Portrait
and Pietars Frain/ .Vanajaetnrer, X. 87,
Fosetk Street Pittsburgh. —Canvass Brushes, Varnish
ke.,fbr Artists, always on hand. Looking Glasses. kr,
promptly framed to order. Repairing does at the shorn
est notice.
Particular attention paid to regilding and Jobbing dee
cry description.
Persons fitting up Stearn Boats or houses will find it tt
helradvantale to call. sep 10
FOR RENT.—' small farm of about 25 acres of
Land ,21, mites from the city, with a frame house
and stable, and suitable for n dairy. I moire at
f2G- HAIM'S' Gen. Agency 4- Int. Office.
WANTED.—A good Coal Digger, to go down the
Ohio River for a few miles. Also, wanted, pla
ces for a number of Gardeners, Laborers,- Boys, ke., at
f2O HARRIS' Gen. Agency k Int. Office,
10pIRD SEEDS A f evn !apply of Bari Seeds, con
JUIP dating of Canary, Hemp,and Rape; Jost received by
fen 3. F L SNOWDEN, MR Libellee'.
ANTED,a buy of from 14 to I. years or age.
Application to be made before the And or 613rchtet
184, Liberty head of Wood it.
xis ~~~ ~:
pOR RALE OR Rdstrzit. —lO dozen good Woolen
15 erks. 50 small ball" of iwirro.rForWile low for
cash or bartar to suit • I. II k MISS.
Feb 11 Net and Corn. Ille;rtr't, 5111
MEW line of U.S. Mail Coacho.s for Washington City,
Vi Baltimore, Phitadmiphia and New York.
This line is in full operation and leaves Pittsburgh daily
at 6 o'clock A. M., via Washington Pa. aid national
road to Cumberland. connecting here with the rail road
Co's. to all the above places: Travellers will find this
a speedy and comfortable route, It being a separate as d
distinct Pittsimigh and Cuml.erland line, facilities will be
afforded which have not been heretofore enjoyed. Ex.
tra coaches furnt.•hed at the shortest notice, wito the
privilegr of going through direct, or taking cue night's
rest at their option.
Fare from Pittsburgh to Baltimore, 310,00
Pittsbieg to Belay house, RlO.OO 12,00
Thence to Washington 2.00
Pittsimrgh to Philadelphia, 13.00
For through tickets, apply at our office at the corner
of Exchange Hotel, or at our office at the Monongahela
House. L. W. STCCKTON .
Felt. 3d—dtf. President of N. R. Stage Co.
10IIN ATCLOSKE Y. the old original, has on hood the
alr ost splendid assortment of Clothing ever offered
Wes M y stock is large, and lam disposed to sell at the
lows I possible prtre My stuck is heavy, and as the sea.
son is advancing. I will sell at lower prices than ever. I
ask only the pleasure of a call, feeling confident that a
ook is sufficient. fletvAre of Counterfeits. Remember
VEME NT . ; Bev 23, 184
LAMB 017.1 i Snors.—The Ladies can now do away
with all kinds of over shoes, can walk through the wet
streets with thin shoes, and have their feet kept perfect
ly dry; can wear tight shoes without having( their corns
pain them; and can have their shots wear twice as tone
as ever, If they will use the eeehrated Ott. or Tsittembirh
will make leather water proof, and render it as pliable
and soft as kid. It's an article weft worth their notice,
and one which they will all value highly.as soon as they
try It. To be had only at TUTTLE'S
ktaDICAL AGINCY, 86, Fourth street.
F.lce.lll per botee. Jan 9
NOTICE -I have taken out letters of administration
on the estate on John Wilson, tate of the City of
Pittsburgh, arc'd. All nelsons Indebted to the estate of
the said deceased, are requested to make Immediate pay
ment to me at my residence In Penn st. near Slarbary, and
those who have claims arc requested to present them
duly probated. J P W ILSON,
Jan 19_ -SIT".
IV/LLI.AIN itLDER. Attorney at Law; Odice In
Batewell•s Buildings, lead, opposite the New
Court tionse. on Great street. sep
F.lnt ARY of Relied:mm.llbn°, leal,Poliiiail,and
cellaneous Works, will be often every day, Sa:tbath ex.
cepled, "tom 7 o'clock, A. 1111.,0nt II 9. P. M., in the Ex
change Bullfling,corner of St Flair streetand Exchange
alley. wnere?unclOal attendance will be given by
Iwo 10 J. GEMMIL
Unrivalled Blacking,
MANUFACTURED and sold wlinlelale and retail
SINTII STRICT one dnor below Smithfield.
o 21—iv
T. S'TEIVART, Llpholiterer and raper Flanr.m,
So. 49. fifth tirtet, between Wood and Smithfield
Att. Hutt( ancifttraw Manhasset always on hand. All
Gellert executed with neatness and despatch, on aecommo•
rating terms• sap 20 1 v
Arronxer AT LAW. —Office in Renr9o Bnilding
Fonrth s‘i reel, 7. Itt.hti rt!h. Nov. 5. 18,42.
lir REEN APPLES.—Just reed from Belivernon, 56
I+l+l4. of Romanile apple', which I 'tell for 50 cents
per barrel
Jan 20
CORN — N F. 4 L. --80 ha.4lelit fre,.liaroond pitied corn
Meal, In barrels containing 3 buslicls,al 75 cents
per barrel.
In store -Fatuity Flour by the barr. I.
Jan 20 IS% AC CRUSE.
WM.E. A t'STIK, Attorney nt Law. Fittshor2h, Pa.
Office In 4th sitret, opposite Rorkes
WtLLI►Y E. Arms, E‘ct.„ will ace hi■ attention to my
unfinished business. and I recommend Mm to the matron
age of my friends. WALTER FORWARD.
rep 10—ly
DI. A. W. PAT P ERSON ,?lice on Smithfield street,
near Sixth. Rep 10
JOHN BUTTER WORTII. Astrbeaese sad Collllllais.
sifts .Iferthant, heel:rine, If Y.. will attend to Ih•
wale of @cal Estate, Dry GoO4IR,CI oceries, Furniture, kc
ke. Regular sales eye! y Tuesday. Thursday, and Fri
day morning, at 10 o'clock, A. N. Cash advances ninde
on COft!ignutel , ls. Sri , 10
iniTATERS, SARDINES. tc.;.frvrii up in the best
1 1../ style at A. No. 9 Fifth stecrt. Sotta'de
apartments are appropriated to eentienten accompanied
by Indira. Also all kinds of Cakes aid Confectionary for
parties. weddings, etc , for sale by
now 19—if. A. HUNKER,
Family Flour.
100 RA REIS Extra Family Flour. Just received
and for sn'e by J. W. STIR RHIN - 7.E, Co.
Water Rime, between Wood and Smithfield.
Jan. 161 h. 184.1.
GEORGE W. /...IY-VO. Attorney at Law, Omee
No. 54 FM') street, near the Theatre, Pitts'ourgh,
aert 27-1 y
SUO, n, .VACKEREL, ltdds. Crime N 0
10 Ttereen Rice.
15 Kegs:4llnd. 11530iled Nun.
20 Rhin. N 0.3 Mackerel.
Now landing from S, B. Cutler, and for sale low by
Jan 28. JAMES MAY.
B LOOMS. -25 tons Blooms in Store and (or Rale by
J. W BULL r,
Jan 2 1243. Water between Wnod Smith
JUST received- -20 dozen good Corn Brooms,
, do t; S Airs,
150 lb (resit Roll Butter;
500 cuts Carpet chain;
4 dozen Socks;
lli'Closkey's Clothing Sture
No. 1-51 Liberty street, one door from the
Jackson Foundry.
glum subseriner is just rece.vlng at his well known
establishment, the largest, most varied and CIIKAPIOST
STOCK or OOODS that has ever been offered is this city.—
Every article was selected by himself in the eastern cl.
ties, and Purchased at the cowswr emus rum, and he to
therefore enabled to sell his art.cles much lower than
they can be had at any other establishment west of the
His articles are all made by experienced workmen,
nom the latest manufactured goods and In the most
He feels confident that all persons who will call at
his establishment and examine his stock will he satisfied
that BETTER BA RG INS can he oldained ail the
than at any similar establishment in the city,
His stock consists In part of
Coats,Pantaloons, Vests, Drawers, Shirts,
Cravats, Stocks, Gloves, Statpenders,l
And every other article of Clothing Mitts best style.
From hit varied stock of cloths he is prepared to
MAKE CLOTHES TO ORDER at the shortest notice,
lin tingle unsurpassed by arty other Pittsburgh house,,
and warranted re fit.
Ills stock of Sprier and Sun/neer Grads is superior to
any previous importations and he has no hesitation in
saying that for excellence, beauty and cheapness they
'cannot be equalled In the west.
The subserilwr would once more return his thanks to'
his Mends and the public for the unprecedented patron
age bestowed on his etttahlishment, and believing that
his customers had found it to (heir advantrge to deal
with him, he would repeat his invitation to all those
7rho wish
ca n ig n s e Clothing of every description at
' lowest pri at No, 151, LISSRTT STICIIT.
'Observe Metal Plate la the reemebt.
Feb 22..
~. ~'
143 Liberty St
agent and Commission Merchant
- • " 7 "- ' "' • '
* d X )'OR X.---A dee ' arm = t
leg 170 acres, handsomely lying tei the West
bank of the Allegheny deer, three and one Mir anti
above Freeport, it has nbotst 60 acres elsormil and
frame dwelling bouseand a small log house, wabksawi
good Improvements, and Ina good neighborhood. It has
p'eray of coal and limestone, supposed plenty ante wa
ter On it. it will be sold together or divided to salt pal
chasers who can make a good payment In band, and a
good credit on a part. For particulars cnquireat Bartle
General Agency and Intelligence Office. Feb It
-Eleven other rhea r, Farms for sate se above
AGOOD cheap Tavern Stand for rent low— the only
Tavern stand in the vi inity of rant Fairfield—eight
miles this side of New Lisbon, in Columbiana county
Obio--adjacent to reverni other Villages—and In a re.
spealable neighborhood, on the leading state road 01000
Ohio--tile Tavern house is large and oenvenient--a good
garden and large food stable .tc. For terms, which will
bo low and accommodating to a good tenant, apply to
John Anderson on the premises, or at Harris' General
Aceney and Intelligence office. Jan 10.
CONVINCING:- Having been afflicted for marl,
two years, with a hnrd swelling on the eau of my knee,
which produced much pain, and used various applies,
tlons recommended by the Faculty—nil 10 vain was
cured completely by the use of one bottle of Dr. 9rsad•
rel h's Linemen% or External Remedy.
Witness my hand LAMES TAYLOR,
Ohio tp Allegheny en, Pa. Jan. tOth. 1840.
Dr. Brandreth's Exterual Remedy or Linameni; sold
at his office, N 0.98 Wood street, Pittsburgh, PRIGS-.
50 cents per bottle. feb 9
R. DANIEL AIeMF.eL . Office on Fifth strait
between Wood and F. nth Wield streets, Pittsburg's.
der. 10-Iy.
AVM. STEELE. (successor to H. M'Closkey) riot.
ioaa'de Boot Maker, Liberty at., 2d door ftene
Vl7:;in Alley. Thy, subscriber respectfully Inform rise
public that he has commenced the above business is the
shop formerly occupied by Mr. Henry M'Ckerkey.
and that he is now prepared to attend to all orders la hie
line ofbusineas with despatch and on the most reasslinalell
terms: From his ions experience In the manufacture of
Fashionable Boots, he feels confident that all artleble
from his establishment will give satisfaction to isle
Irons. A share of public patronage is respectfully solicit.
ed. sep to
Prrrszuncn, OCT. 22, 1842
J. Diormuo—On Friday, the 30th of last month, abtkall
9 o'clock at nicht.the Planing,Grooving and Sash Man
',factory, owned by Gay, Dilworth 4. Co, with a larva
quantity of drersed and undreveed lumber, was all cons*,
mrd by fire.
The Iron Safe which I bou:ht of you some time heck
was in the must txporrd situation doling the fire, and
was entirely red hot am pleased to Inform you It wa*
opened at the close of the fire,and a❑ the books, papers,
kr.saveck—t hi= is the best recommendation I can give Of
the utility of your Farm
ort24—tf THOMAS to COTT.
NtceocAsi D. COLZM•Pt
COLEMAN 4 CO.,Gell:*l Agents, Forwarding and
Commission Merchants L.( vee Street, Vieltrburg,
Miss They retpectfollyso ,c; t consisranentx.. n23—tf
IdlE NT.
'WIVE would advise all persons who maybe
'II IV afflic'ed with Gold. Rheumatism, Sprains,
Contract , d Cords and Limbs, and any stiffness of
the hack or body, which may be brought on 11
Cnld. or Exposure to the Weather, lo call at
TIA'S 86._4th street, and procure a bottle of the
above Liniment, which will give immediate re•
ief and (Met. a certain cure.
()r TUTTLE has algn a first rate assortment
of Havana-cigars and VirginiaCheciing Tobaaeo.
J,n 18,1842
PIG .METAL.-50 tons Pie Metal in utore.and r ot
sale by 1. W. eURBR (ME 4- co.
jnn Water at. between Wood k Smithfield
E. H. ffeastings,
man tValson, 4th street, next door to the Bank o
Piitthurgli; where applications for Regulating. Survey-
Layin: out and Dividing' Landed armies, will to
[seeds, Bonds, Mortgages, 4.c. executed with legal
accuracy and despatch.
Pitshnialt. Jan. 261.843.-3 t
IVITY are Dr. Ilibberdra Family Pills
held in such high:esttniatlon, by the hundreds of
families In this city who now keep them constantly on
hand? Beeline° the effect of these Pills on the Flom.
aril is such as hot to sicken. Neither do they strain
the liver an as to throw off fleck bile; but they throw off
the yellow bile freely. They are the best •PlWeyer sold
for Mrspepsio,Head Ache, Riesmalissiote.fcr For
•eisemes' peculiar to Females, they are DOW and rt.
tensively' and live creates( gilt jeaction.
The e excettext Pais are for sale is Pitt.looril only.
at Tc - rtses—tlf3 liil •t- 121 reale per box.
Do 31
DR . E. 31 ERR ITT, DENTIST, o.oice in „Smith.
field, between Socond and Third St.., flours of
(TIM, 9 A. M till 4 P. M. 41 P
Pr. E. M. manufactures Procelnin and Mineral teeth,
Dentine can tw tomtit. d by the 100 or single teeth. Markel
of teeth with a beautiful runt In full sets, or parts
of W lig. Will he made to order at the shortest notice, he
forwarding an exact Imprewdon of the mouth. 11w,
for rate a few maeltlnec with emery wheels for grinding
and ()mite mineral teeth so useful to the Dentist—a 4
*Hine sold tow for cagh. dee 23.
111ffelf.illit & THOIVIEPSON,
GENERAL AGENTS and Commk:tion Merchants,
sr. LOUIS, Xe,
Refer Io:
Mem,. Ttitirtt , Royer k Mrpowell.t Pittsburg,
W. 11. Complicit 4- co.
•. cope. Tod hunter. 4 - Ca. t phqu.
111 ores n.Cruir her 4. co
Woods. Yeatman 4. Col St Lonls,
t. Woods, Christy 4• Co.
Feb 4,—d3m
CAREER APPLES. .IEI.I. received from Marietta. G.
40 hills Green Apples, comprising Over) , variety, fn
iirrt 'ate order
I , li 4.
N.— , In lots to suit purchasers, apply to 1. CRUSE,
fel , 4. 148 Liberty at
100 bushels Clever seed. for whirl, the
market price will be given.
Q hhds. N. &tzar, this day received pee steamer New
0 Vol*, and for sate by .1. C. s r A. GORDON.
dee 10 No. 12 Water st
IPUTTLE has this day receivedgfrom New York, a
1 fresh supply of Hewes . Nerve and Bone Lialusent,
and Indian Vegetable Elixir,' pash ive cure for Rhimmtt•
t ism, Guut,Contrarted Cords and Limbs—acs.
GOillraWri Polars, Subtile,for completely and Parma'
nently eradicating superfluous hair from females' 'upper
tips, the hair concealing a broad and elevated forehead.
the stubborn beard of man, or any kind of superfluous
hair. Price B 1 per bottle.
Gsursad's Eau els Realize, or Trite Waterei Beauty.—
This French preparation thoroughly exterminates /Allow.
cress, Freckles, Pimples, emirs, Blotches, and ail cutaneous
e - options whatever. Realising delicate white hands,
neck and arms, and eliciting a healthy juvenile bloom,
Also. several other valuable articles, too numcrons io
mention. The genuine told only at
w23-if TITTLE'S MEDICAL AGENCY, 369th at.
fr:r "lithy will ye /we at. 14;:s.
dying Aver'
44 4 4
To be had al To ;Meg Medicil Agency R 6 Fourth 4tt"
the only ageat, in Pittsbur g h.
Fish. 22.
111141 E meet inveterate 'conflatetin rated in rwo
crew--call at Tet - rta's ineslicol Agency, .6 Fourth
~ and oblate a I.witte, it is warranted to ewe or the
money tiviebe refunded.
Twelve boxes et envies air
Lemone, cif the finest qually. for pale whelk-vales
retail. by INN!. VIORN,
22-Af. .5 Medic.
148 - Liberty et
Toothache ! I