4e - "" , If ISOZZELVES POMP. FEBRUARY 24, 1843 Iburierism.—Tbe Constitution of the al Association of this city has been written, and will in a few days be publish ed. In connection with this we will here state that from next Monday a part of a column cf the MORNING POST will be de votep to the promulgation of the Industrial sehee; as advocated by the gentlemen who forming the community in this cis ty. It will be under the general control of one of-their number, and entirely inde. pendent of the leading objects of the pa per. As this plan of Association is begin ning to excite intense interest among men °fall classes, we think the Industrial cid man of the Post will be interesting. Vesterday afforded a rare opportunity to:thosn*ho indulge in the delightful a— musement of smoking to gratify their pro pensity at a very cheap rate. A great number of hogsheads of tobacco were lying on Short street, which had been saved from the fi.e the night previous, these was no hinarance to persons helping themselves as many did. The Washington ..Ir/c_ in Allegheny is a kiting monument of the honest enthusi. urn of those who have espoused the tee,. total cause in Allegheny and Pittsburgh. It is large and well finished, and must base been erected at ao immense expense, which shows that the friends of Temperance have been doing•more than making speeches and singing 'songs—they have given their mon ey freely. When men do this, we must Rive them credit for honesty of purpose. The cause must prosp r. Curious- 7 .We heard of oo wrangling a -inallphe firemen about .who threw the an& water' at the 'Tobaco fire' on Wed. iiiiiilajr,night. We do not know what en ema has that honor. ' The Sun estimates Atwoodjunea S. no's loss at about $lOOO. - The Vigilant got rather too close to the fire the other night and had the paint scorched off one side. RIVER NEWS. River -8 feet wate r in the channel Fcb 23 —Arcade, Bennet, Cincit.n DEPA R.ruitEs. Massachusetts, Bennett, Cincinna The River is in a fine etage and the ice all out. or near'y so. The few steamboats that are preparing to start appear to be getting pretty fair loads, but, of course at low prices. We think the price of Fr( ight is ruinously low, and cannot understand how bats can afford to run at a'l and pay expenses. At Cincinnati, the river on Monday had risen from 12 to 20 feet. i It was nearly clearer ice. Navigation will speedily be resum ed. There is a good deal of ice in the river yet. The weather has been clear and cold for - the last-two days. The river is falling. PITTSBURG II NI AR If FIT. RSPORTND rot THE POST HT ISAA.O I! ARA IF The winter holds on tong and the snow gives itecial sleighing. The Ohio river has about Bto 9 feet In the channel and steamboats departing daily with all the freight ready. Few important Weser changes in market to rcport, and very lit tle doing. Flour has advanced 12} and fityls ready sale from wagons at $2,62 per bbl; and from stores at 2,75 to 300. Grain. Wheat 50 cts; Corn 20 to 22; Oats 12} to 14. - Seed. Flaxseed 75; Clover 3,00 and Timothy $1 peg bushel. Provisions. Bacon, country 31, and city cured $4 per hog round. Butter; fresh roll. in bhl. 61 t, 7 c.; Lard4i to 6: Beef Cattle per 100 lbs $2,73 to 340. Hogs 92 23 to 2,50 per 100 lbs accord ing to quality. •Groeeriee. stock good. Coffee very firm and rather looking up. Rio, 10 to 11c.; Laguira 101 'to Met Sugar N 0 in hhde 4/ to 51r; in bbls 5} to 6. Lump and /n( Sugar 121 to 131. Molts. sets,sales in lots to the city 19 to 20, and to the meows .22 to 28 c per gallon. Tea. Y Hyson 40 to 70e per lb. Imperial, 65 to-85; Gunpowder 60 to 80. Pouchong 60 to 70. fri to $1 per bbl. PITTSBURGH 'Looking Maas Manufactory, And House Furnishing Warehouse, 104 Wood &reel, near 5t h . I[lB Ilubscriber having completed his arrangements at his ame stand, Is now prepared to offer to his Iftiaads, and the public, a large sad complete assortment Strloraltiag Glasses, and Hoaselaralshlng Hardware. gat,grrisnie is irait timer.) ,Fler and Mantel Glasses in Gilt and Mahogany foam, *cube most approved and superior workman- Final Classes with 1.2, 3. 4 and 5 drawers. ' 'Comma*. stained, Bated, and p:llar framed Glasses itirltabksfir Mevelhastf, (or those wantingebesp glasses.) /apanssed Walters and Trays ofall colors and patterns. Ivory isandle K elves and Forks, In setts or dozens. Hoek sad Ilene handle Table Cutlery. Carving Knives and Forks, do. trizon's Brittania Metal 'lea and Coffee Betts (nu - • , perior quality.) American Manufactu ; do, in setts, or single pieces. German Sliver Tea. sad Table Spoons, Dl her plated and Bram Candle k.ks, Pacifiers do. •Brittavas Metal Lamps, for burning Sperm or Lard Oil EMS and Wire Firs Fenders, (various patterns.) zMireShovels and Tongs, Hand Irons, 4-c. a variety of other articles too numerous to men- Aboisoillef which will he offered at the lowest cash oil • ti.e. Portrait. Mtniature,aad other Framing done at the akesteanotice,repairing of all Mods attended to: Look. tiagelass plates.by tne box or single light, priats for Fra. • JEAN/ Constantly 00 hand • kb ltd BUTTER AND LARD. y:razr rebeiTed, 11 barrels fresh roll Butter, and 20 ,tegs bast rate Lard from Dover, Oblo, for sale by ISAAC CRUSE, 148 Liberty st. ARRIVALS ST. Louis, Feb. 13 Friday, February 24, 1843 THOS. A HILLIER CM=M=l The undersigned members of the Dem ocratic party believing that the power of choosing their own officers belongs of right to the people, and that they are fully qual ified to excerciae that right, as well in the election of Canal Commissioners as other officers. We therefore request a meeting of the Democratic party to bo held at the Washington Hotel on the evening of the 25th inst., to express their sentiments in relation to the above measure, as well as other matters connected with the interests of the Democratic party. James Crawford John Anderson Ebeneiet Kerr Michael Tracy John Surber Michael Brady Thomas Hamilton S R Holmes Matthew Patrick James Hamill John Birmingham Henry Smith Charles Barnett Robert Glass John J Mitchel William Alexander David Lynch E J Roberta James Anderson jr James Cunningham James Boyd Andrew Cross Thomas Wynne Henty Cassidy John Cormick A Alward Hugh Toner Michael O'Burne Andrew Mcllwaine Geo Blister Andrew Lent James Lauhie E'en John Parsons James Paul Thomas Elliott Otis Young Barn'd Hogan Richard Hughes Thomas Murdock James McKenna William Walle Scudder Hart George Parsons John L•Afferty R H McClelland John Ferral John Glenn Saml Cupples Thomas NlcDonoughSaml Keller Peter Cowen Saml Wightinan Tilley Potter James 1) Thornburg' Francis Lyons James C Richey George M'Cliestl6y Mahlon Rogers Thomas McMasters John Fowler Hugh Duffy Hugh Carroll John McFarland John McClesky Thomas I) Roadi John Chambers Willi im Ste ienson David Weight Stephen Phillips Henry Morris J B Holland Wm Campbell John Savage William Herd John Plankiton Daniel Wearts Jacob Et dell Thomas Bottle John Smith Samuel Hughes Sand Howard William Carbine Henry Dunkle W B Garrison John Dodds Wil iam Caboe S P,t is.er D \V Jam2son William Reeve Lonergan James Bradbury J Taylor John Dune/ ta Johnson John Hughes John Elliot Robert H Fowler Thomas Love James Vandegrift Fletcher Gray J Koffman Robett Donaldson L Callaghan Jonathan Wilson E C Hazlett James NlcKelvy D J Carrell George Walker D M Martin Geo Kirkpatrick John It Imo) John Banter, John Mowrey James Heghan John Ohey Hugh Roberts Sa noel Phillips. Pittsburgh. Feb. 22d, ISI3 St Patrick's Day Celebration. The Friends iif Ireland will celebrate the anni versary of St. reliri It's Day (I Mai eh )at the Washington JOAN J. MITCHELL -- At loreey Lnw,offii - e corner of Smitbbcld and 5111 ,Is ficl- Collections made. liusitiesi entrusted to hie care will be nromptly allended In. feb 16--I y• BLANK LEASES. A new and teach Improved form of Iliank Leare., for ?ale at the °dire of the M or. Poet.•' A SAWYER WANTED 4pr,RF.oN cnrnpe:ent to take n tarize k P a—ve a small rnplial. will licar o f un ncenn9,on;,l,oo on appiicntionat this other, it immediate application is. made. None D I. , (1 npply aho cannot give salizfactory reference as to honesty and cum. pritency. fch 22' 2a' In the sth Ward. FOR RENT. n very coiforiat.ie, roomy ilw.•hin: boos', ono , nrcupled by W J. Toilet,. E4q., on O'Harn near Penn street. at n large reduction from last year's rent. A 150,2 comfortable I I r kd 110115( . 9 On Penn at, opposite the residence of Irlcsara P McCormick and J. Shoenherger. Also, a frame dwellinz house on Penn at. adjoining the store. Also, two 3 story brlckidtvelling houses on Pike street at $5 per month. Also, a number a mail frame dwellings at $2, $2 50 and $3 per month. Also, a hrH...k store room nod dwelling oil the Canal Basin, adjoining Mr. COP'd Witt( r shine. Apply at the House Agency, near the sth Ward market house. felt 2.3. JAMES BLAKELY, Douse A gency. No. 6 west of the Market Flause, Penn it. sth Ward, Pittsburgh Pa. THE subscriber having for a number of years been en gaged In renting city property, collecting rents 4-e, and wishing to extend his business In this way, respect. filly offers his services to those persons owning, or who ' may have charge of property as Executors, Administra tors or Guardians, in the city or suburbs, and who may not hove leisure to attend to it themselVes,lo rent thvell. logs, Warehouses, Farina, Lots, ,c , c, Also, to collect rents, dividends, Ground rents A register is kept where a description of all properties for rent will he en teted free of charge, reference la respectfully offered to the following gentlemen fur whom the subscriber has been agent fir sumo years pm-t—Messrs Michael Allen, P. McCormick and James S. Craft, Esq., Pittsburgh; Jas. Stuart, Esq. European Agent, Philad ; Mess. John Brown, Birmingham; B. Mclenan, Cincinnati; Daniel Potter Steubenville; Jo -colt Millar, Lawrenceville; James Jones R115.t Liberty; Daniel Rasher, Mifflin township; Daniel Depution, Sewickley, feb 23, JAMES BLAKELY. BACON. 1.500 Lbs. new Bacon, just received by wagons from Ohio, for sale by ISAAC CRUSE, 148 Liberty st. MG -451E3.-16 barrels td Onus For sale by IXMfil 4 ,:osturTsz DAILS. ST AWLS ISCSAINSE SIIOIIOW PENNSYLVANIA. Bank of Pittsburgh. par Merck. k Man. bk. par Exchange bunk, par Bk. of Germantowir. PaMon tank, Lancaster batik, die le Bank of Cheater Co. par Partners' bk Bncks CO. Doylestown bk do *. Bk of N America Phil. " Bk of Northern Liberties," Commercial hk. of Pa. .. Far. 4. Mechanics bk. .. Kensington bk. Philadelphia bk Schuylkill Irk. Southwark bk Western bk. Bk. of Pennsylvania, Ilk of Bonn Ti. Man. 4- Mechanics Girard ba.,k, C. Stales hank. Lumbermens', Warren, Frank. bk Washington, part Miners bk of Pi:oil:vile, 51 1 1 Bk of Mont.,zomery Co. par Mon. bk Brownsville, 11 Erie Bank. 5 Harrisbuirgh bank, sji Far. Ilk lancaster, li, Bk of Mlddielown, 5.41 ilk. of Chambersburgh, sii Carlisle hank, 5,1 Bk of Northumberland, 51. Columbia bk 4- Bridge cu. 2 Bk Susquehanna Co• 10 Bkof Delaware Co. par Lebanon bk. 51 Cell ysburgh bk. 51 York bank, Far. 4- Drovers bk. of Wnynesburvh, 10 , •• Cul rency Honesdale, Wyonitor, bank, Talc srrie Country do do 7 Berke t o hauls, Lewistown, John M Snowden John A Di c ksnti Steele S Williams Charles King Jams Patterson William Smv 11111 CA Er • an -. .1011t1 Fowler Eward Y ,1 1111 , F .1 11111 1) Beal i 1 .lame McAllister A S Fowler Pierce Brennan Geargo Forre , t \V Wail Neil McNaughtin A W Ervino Brown Irwin Rankin James Logan James ton A 'l' Dunstiee Metts George Natters Wm H Wighirnan S tml Bryan Hugh NlcElhtly Melchor 13eltzhnover S ar pl Cooper .Tames H Veazy Benj M A rgust Corn. of Arrangrmeni JAMES MAY 113A11111 Wooster, lldassiluo, Sandusky, Geausa, Norwalk. Xenia, Dayton, Scioto, Post notes. Chillicothe, Fran. FA Columbus, Laocaster, Ha*Mon, G Cohi. bk. Lake Rrle, Far. hk:of Canton, Urbana ?%le:hanlcs l k Moyamensing Ilk Towanda 01110. Muunt pleasant Far. 4- Tech. I.k of Stru br nvi!le, Belmont 1.1( (.1 . St. Clairs vine, Marietta bk. Demand notes. do Cur retie y notes, 11 Ciliumtonna I.k New Lis hon Dent:ntl, 11 do Post notes, ..:11161111:10 specie pay. Ind hanks, \tech. k Traders Lk or elllll3ll Clinton Ibk of 1.7011m6442, Demand note, 14 (H. 1.241, retire Cad,ierl I I Znnrsviiie bk 11 FOR SALE OR TO RENT. TO LET. 4 1 T and Fonre nd tipper roem.of the eofoCf 0 4 _ _ MA rkei a n.I it It Orr. tr. now occupied by AI f i s R .17. .'01.11.0. Ir. . A 1...“. ..1 two o,,ry Itro.l, 11004.• 00 the corner of 5.1. Ind I'n...ft...rect.. %no.l'oe 1.. a I).v..ii Ina i100..e and i; ,,,,,, r f:t , t , . 1.1.101...1,1 J.IM U.: 4 MAY. 10, 21. 2 ir 41. 4-ark, VNT. -A Ilf to LnrK devri g 1! in Coat Lane orar r rr which wilt I.e moderate.loply to lnnti !I'CLOSKEY. Three Bi 2 poor: Liherty 4. 1 .3 1 1--t TO LET. I rilirE 3d .i , ry of !Ile bu5.411,,g ra.cuoied ICY R. A IS. 11.1 1.1 ae an .Aucti on PI Of .-- 4.,lnfurr know Low:. Ii ~,,,, 1. • (Littler of ‘V 0041 31111 31 , .Intl. I oglitre of It. Mot ra,t‘ 'At A. in" 23. rre Lel, :IL STO/21: Crt./..9/2 on NI Irkvt ttf !wren 3d and orect A LSO, .I..irioos and ronvr•niriii rot+n,s in the •ec• and glory oirening I:v a \lark.% .Isert; a rll adapt. rd fnr Law ...ffirt - F, or (or t , quirin: a con yrniriii and re.idy germ, from a laii,inrirdi .veer, AT.' O, linuire on Markel Otte conialnin: five mania ¢ roinfiiriaide kiln Len. ALSO, the .m.tll %ince room on Third it . nearly cm. 1,0 4 41ie the r.. 1 office at pr...rft occupted by Brown k It aymott.l nn a Lamp store, A 1 4 40 the held and airy office on 34 st. of present O. elipied as the lthenenin. 114 4 0, for rent, several shish houses ni•or the dwetl home of The f itt township, with I few acres of ',awl attached to e.trli. jan 13--If F.DWE) D. ( , 47.Z AM. No 51. Third at. To Let, riimp .lore room no? Itsvcllint on Markot now oe 1_ cop f• y Tilo4 Cam pltrll co, Apply to Jan 17.1212 JAMEi BLAKELY. T ryrs ron s\ 1, r lota lu ` , l any Ise-ter. One I I .1n(1 a fourth Acres of Land on Holmes' 11111. Lot, nna. 41, 42,52, 53. 54,181, 192 and 134, in Cook's phut of 1,44•, on 'Mime'. 11111 Alan, Loin non 26 and 27, In Cook's plan of Lot+ on High at ree; , near IN. new Court Hooke For tertian apply to 7.. W. R EMI NGTON. se'. 111 VOR SALI: AND SUBSC1211"11().NS REF.IVED, 1 Thr A wet Iran Pioneer; an excellent Monthly Pub. tiration. dr vol ed io the (o+4 . i of the Lola• Hs sturicai So