Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, February 16, 1843, Image 1

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    ~~ ;.;
IrgRAM--411713 DOLLARS a tear, payable la
aiirtece. Magid:copies TWO CENTS--for sale at the
sow oder of AoAfftele, .and -by Nero, Boys.
The Mercurr and 'Manufacturer
published WOBBLY, at the same °trace, on a double
tnedlana-sheet,-at TWO. DOLLARS a year, is aa„
saw., ilkindi oplisa, SIX-CENTS.
Terms% of
One Insertion, 0,50
Two Inwirtions. 4 0.75
Three Insertionn. 1.00
One week, • 1.50
Two weeks, 3,00
Three weeks. 4.00
: ext.sseigasme A? PIRMIGRIC.
Ons Bq,sre. Twit Squares
Mx months, SIR.OO I Six months, $23,00
Oae year, 25,00 One year, 35,00
rr Limptt •dt+erllsenteots In prorortfon.
CARDS or four; Iliteal Stx DOLLARS a year.
Ctrs Post °rims. Third between Market and Wood
streets—R. M Riddle, Postmaster.
Corms Moons, Water, 4th door from Wood at. Peter
son's hu Sinop—Major John Witlock, Collector.
CITY TRE/1111:IRY, Wood between First and Second
streets—James A. Bartram, Treasurer.
l'oo'ms Tatuoat , Third street, nest door to the
Tithe! Pieshyterian Church—S. R. Johnston, Treasurer.
MLyrreaOrrrca, Fourth, between Market and Wood
streets—A lerander flay, Mayor.
algaestns's exentsmat. Fourth, near Market at.
rtriastrasa,lietteeen Market and Wood streets, on
Tnird and Lou rth streets.
Maa , R►Rrs' &NO MALTIOPACTURIRS . situ Psalms' Dr-
Peery RANI. (forindrly Saving Fund,) Fourth, between
Wood and Market streets.
rixenarroz. Fifth street. near Wood.
Moatoaaaraccs. House, Water street, near the Bridge
EXCHMIGIE Horst.. corner of Penn and St. Clair.
Alicacnatria' norcZ, corner of Third and Wood.
Astiatcor Hottr..eorntr of Third and Smithfield.
„,...tlarrto STATIC corner of Pelt street and Canal.
rtiLH - MlBacit,s, Liberty street, near Seventh.
!animas Magma House, Utterly St. opposite Wayne
M ANNION Hover.. Penn St. opposite Canal.
- -
solimreweirs offices on Grant at.. neatly opposite
na now Court House, nest rooms to John G. Mahon
Cal . ..—rirst. 'door. ••p 10
lIHOS. IL. ELLIOTT, M. D.—O ffi ce removed to
111, :41. Clair street, betieen Penn and Liberty St,•
Pittsburgh. p 10
NEwitiooes.-APreston 4- Mackey, Sehviesale and
retail dealers in English, French, and Domestic
Dry Goods, No. SI. Market at , Pit 'shit rah. sep 10
ruri"XN LE33` 4 ltre LIT ft E, Attorneys and
Counsellors at Law: Office in the Diamond. kick
ler the old C6ort House, Pittsburgh. sep 10
ItEMOVA.L.— R. Morrow, Alderman; offi e north
side of Pf h si,, between Wood and Smithfield
els. Plttshurah. pep 10
TWIN 111VDEVITT, Wholesale Grocer Rectif,inr,
• Dientit:r, And dealer in Produce aiul Pittsburgh
ailanttfaceisred Articles, Ne. 224 Liberty Street, Pitts
eurek. sep 10
Wzi.t.t•ig H. Wtt.i.tAtts inns A. DITAVORIH
WILLIAMS sk • DlLWORTH._Wholesale
fir/seer. Prothscc and Commission Merchants, and
siesiem In Phisbursh Mantifsclured articles, Nn. 29,
Wood %tree, , sep 10
VIVA. A.RA. ROBINSON, Attorney at Low
(Ace on the U 0( i 11 dide or the Oiatuond,ltetwee ,
/Jackal and Union at reels, upstairs FP P 10
j;DURISORANV, Attorney at Law; tenders
11 • • priticritunalaervices to tilt. public. Oilier cur
lier of PM h ind Market Street', above D. Lloyd 4- Co's
-wore, Mistimes, Pa. sep 10
Joint B.Snasurr Jas. N. KEA)!
QIIIIKRIFF 44 KEAN, Manufacturers of Copper.
T/1111. ikati Sliest Iron Ware. No. 80. Front at., Fit's.
burgh. r,floissis Spoalsig and Steamboat work promptly
xectited. sep 10
THOS. B. YOUNG & CO., Furniture Ware
goonis, turner of Hand at. k Exchange Alley.
Persona , "quietus to purchase Furniture, will find it to
tlteiradeaatase to give as a call, being fully satisfied that
we cast please as to quality and price. sep 10
ur ricri n ANS.—Just received 160cholce Mut
ITS. ton floras, iwell cured and Cor sale cheap by thedo
tea or retail,by ISAAC HARRIS, -
sop 10 N 0.9, Filth at
RITTA. BAIG AL —.A supply of Landreth's Fresh Roi
ta Baia. and other different varieties of Turnip
Rea:,jinn received and for tale at REDUCED PRICES at the
Drug and Seed Store of F. L. SNOWDEN.
Pep 10 No. 184 Liberty si reet, head of Wood.
WEBB CLOSEY,S Boot and Shoe Manuracto•
ry, No. 83 Fourth St., next Muir to the U. States
Sault. Ladies Pruuella, Kid and Satin Shoes made in
he neatest manner, and by the newest . French patterns.
.01 10
4MO MULTDCMILDS. lots to suit
/000 WS
purchasers; to lie disposed of by
No. 184 [Abell,' street, head of Wood.
DAHLIA ROOTS,Flonrers and Flower Seeds or ev
ery description, can always be hat at the Drug
and Seed store of F. D. SNOWDEN,
sep 10 184 Liberty street, head of Wood.
LBS. Illinois Annual Mammoth Ordort seed, for
0 sale at the Dreg and Seed stare of
P. L. is mown Eli,
184 Liberty street, head of Woad.
00 L f BS.NEW ia .IER it tVE
No. 184, Liberty head of Wood et
GA RDRN TOOLS, consisting of Hoes. Fancy Spades
Transplanting Trowels. Edding Toolg, Budding
Knives, Pruning Knives, Pruning Shears, etc., jest re.
useicsd sad for le by F. L. SNOWDEN.
asp ii 184 Liberty street, head of Wood.
ICE Teeiton Has.—Just received a small sup.
ptyof very choice cured Venison Hams, en retail
U Jets far carreat it ene y .
and Cont. Merchant
inTE,Dateb Clover Seed, Orchard Gran and
irvititeky lies Crass, always on hand and for
is f,4o Ne. 184 'Liberty street, head of Woad.
STfirrEl 4- BUCHANAN, Attontoyet a Law, once
, relieved from the Diamcmd, to “AstontertMow;"
y 1447 efeetsi Fourth street, 'between Market sod Wood
IWO ( - sep 10
vstilgrervrss , et, ANKs. for proesedirms In At
• tasasattal ander *be late law, for gala at this Case
ireALlt.—Lets out true Sarin Itain c orner o f c oal
Ileaolkond nigh street. Apelye°
NMI. SA euwaroN, Mallet, near 4th it.
W. Landreth's Preach Sugar Bee c4red.3ast
111' - iehered and for sale at the Drug and Seed
184 Liberty 'tree, head of Wood.
rlopThvriorr OP PAATNElltsEnip.—T he
. ...ossartmeratdp heretofore existing between WII.,
fllOll, and DISNIA NM 110/TWELL hiehisilay
dliir AilM be,smiteal tempt. Williams illiglij is authorised
e *pi eberhilliture of the Otis io settling up the husieess
wiligmledirth. - WILLIAM IMICST,
NW $ - . USTI. T. )39rxmatic
dvertising .
One month, VA°
Two moms, 6,00
Three months, 7.00
Four moot N. 8.00
Six months, 10.00
One year, MOO
''"DAILI - ' -. 110.4.N1NV. POST
J OHNSTON. 4. STOCKTON, Booksellers, Printers an 4
Paper Ma nufactitrer% No. 37, Markerst. yap 10-1 y
JOHN ANDERSON, Smithfield Foundry, Water at..
near [he Monongahela House, Pittslurgh. atMlO-ly
L EONARD S. JOHNS. Alderman, St.C:tair street, se
cond door from Liberty. 10--ly
D R. S. R. HOLMES, °Mee in Second street, next door
to hlttleany 4- Co's Glass Warehouse sep 10-1 y
HUNK 4- FINDLAY, Attorneys at Law, Fourth at.,
near the Mayor's Office, Pittsbnrsh. cep 10—Iy
T HOS. HAMILTON, Attorney at Law, Fifth, between
Wood and Smithfield stet.. Pittsburgh. sep 10-1 y
H UGH TONER, Attorney at Low, North East corner
of Smithfield and Fourth streets. asp 10-1 y
H ANNA 4. TURNBULL'S Pnper Warehouse. No.
104, Wood to., where may he had a general supply
Of wrappinz, println:, wall paper, blank books,
seltool hooks, kc, 4.e. tarp 10--ly
MO C. TOWNSEND ¢ CO., Wire Workers and
a IL. .Mansfaeratrers, No. 23 Market street, between 2d
and 3d streets.
scP 10-1 y
E XCHANGE 'HOTEL, Corner or Penn and St. Clair
etteeis, by Mak [MN it SMITH.
sep 10-1 y
ward Hughes. Manufacturer of Iron and Naits
Warehouse N 0.25. W3od st., Pittsburgh. gen 10 —IY
F IG M ETA L.-77 tons soft Pig Metal for sale by
J. G. k A. GORDDN,
sep 13 No. 12 Water street
MOOLBS. coal fl AAI S. 16.000 lbs. Bacon
Shoulders, tbr sa'e by
J. G. 4- A. GORDON,
No. 12 Water xtreet
TA 3, SATTERSON, Jr.. Birmingham, near Pittsburgh,
.Pa.. Manufacturer of Locks. Hinges and Bolts; To•
bate°, Fuller, 111111 and Timber Sere liV5; liousen Screws for
Rolling Mills, 4'c. sep 10—Iy
TORN Ta !or and Clothier , Liber.y
UP street, between Sixth and Virgin alley, South side.
sep IO
J W. BORBRIDC PI 4• CO., Wholesale Grocers and
Commission Merchants., Second street, between
Wood and Smithfield sts.,Pittshurgh. sep 10--)y
T G . Q A. GORDON, Commipsion and Forwarding
0/ . Merchant", Water st..,Pitte,urgh, aep 10-1 y
HA M casks hams. A good article, received per S.
B Corsair, and formic by J. C.,t , A. GORDON.
sep 10 No. I. Water street.
S UGAR ri- MM. ASS ES.--41) MIAs New Orleans Su
.zar: SO Ibis New Orleans Molasses; for sale Iry
sep 10 J. G. ¢ A. GORDON:
QI.IC A R Ithdi primp N. 0. Suzar, received per S.
B alaine. and for sale by J. G. kA. GORDON.
sep 10 No. 12, Water street
50BAC -
ON CASI<S,In order, nn hand and for ante by
sep 10 J. O. et A. GO R DON, No. 12, Water at
S OO Ait AND MOT, ASS lih,ls and 4 btts N. 0
Shier, 32 MOS N. 0. Molasses, received per Siearnboa
!mai), ter. and for sate by J. G. 4. A. GORDON,
s. , p 10 No. 12. Water street
5 BBL. LA RD 011,, for sale by
Pep 10 corner of 6111 and Woods.
11 PA PERBGermantown Lamp Black for sale by B. A. FA !I N ESTOCK
corner of 6f Ii and Wood los.
200 (AS Prepared Chalk. for sale by
pep 10 _ earner of Kill and Wood
S UO R ANO MOLASSES --6 o hhde. N. 0. Sugar
25 lafals. do. do., WO do. Plantation Mg - 0a:4(4,, fo
sale by J. G. 4- A, GORDON.
geil 13 No. 12 Water street.
1 o be used In Bankruptcy proceeding,, printeldp
good fla pe r,a nd in the forms approved by i he Cott rl,for ire
at the Office of ahe Mercury and Democrat, sep 10
W M. HUBBARD, Ladies' fashionable boot and
shoe Manufacturer, No. 101, Third s.rert, between
Wood and Smithfield streets, Pittsburgh seplo
111 has removed his office to the corner of Fourth
street andeherry Alley, between Smithfield and Grant
streets,Pinshurgh. cep 10
MAKER, N•. 7, Si. Clair streei, Pitt*.
sep 10
supply of baudrelh's Garden Seeds, always on
hand, and for sale at his agency, the Ora?, store of
Pep 10 t 94 Liberty 1;14 , 804, head of Wood.
D a. DAVID %YARD hat his office and residence
on Fourth Street, nearly south of the Court Ho use,
second dvt Ott ng front Ross street. fie will faithfully attend
all calls perin Ining to his profession. Night calls should he
made at the door above the basement. sep 10
lI EMOVA I. —Matthew Jones, Barber and hair Dress.
er, has removed to Fourth street, opßosilethe May
or:, where he will he happy to:wait upon permanent
or t , s ~i ent customers. lie solicitsa atm e of public pat-
WM. A. WARD, DENTIST, Penn st. three
door helots Irwin street, Hours of business, from
9A. a., until 5 P. m., afier which thne,he will attend
to no one except in cases of urinal necessity. He
would farther inform those who may think proper to
employ him, that he expects immediate payment, without
she necessity on his part of sending in bills. sap 113
SOHN 11VF ARL A ND, aer.ucere, 41, d Ca3ilitt
M-ker, Third st. between Wood 4. Market streets,
respectful informs his friends and the public that he is
prepared to execute all orders for Sofas, Sideboards. Bit
reaus, Chairs, Tables, Bedsteads, Stands, flair and Spring
Matirasses, Curtains, Carpets, all sorts of Upholstering
work, which lie will warrant equal ,o ally made to the
city, and on reasonable terms.
sep 10
subscribers linee removal to N'q.
ter between Wood and fasitlifield streets, where
they will conilinte the Wholesale Grocery and Commis
sion business, and would respertfully solicit the patron.
ageeftheir friend*. J. W. BUB, B DiG.E4. Co.
Dec 3
110 W•est Street, Pikurifv.rgh.—R. A. BIitIOGRILO,,
Auctioneer and Comsells,*on Merchant, ie DOW prepared
to receive and sell all kinds of Goods and Merchandise,
at Ills large and capacious booms, No. 110, North East
Corner of Wood and Fifth 'Stave's, Eitisburgh.
Regular sates of Dry Goods, Furniture, Groceries aad
other articles, on Mondays and Thursday of each week.
Hardware, Cutlery, Dry Goods, and Fancy articles, on
Tuesday, Wed nesday,and Thursday evenings.
Hooks, 4c. every Saturday evkni.ng.
Liberal advances made on Consignments when wanted.
Messrs. Sohn a Ihing, B at
w Smoky
w Hampton. Banish, Ce.,
P. Lorenz 4. co.,
• w. Sarlitidge
S. M"Kee* Co.
w Capt. Same* hPGargiH, Pfttsborch.
w C. Ihmsen, Esq.
o Jonn MTadden Esq.
• xompin_f Kennedy.
1. K. Moorhead 4- Co.
las. P. Pespart,eaq.
w Robert Gafway,Esq:
• Capt. Ism. Hay,
IlleVay,Hanna,* CO,
Symms. Winona'
" 4.411. gamy, Lossinrilte.
Smithollageley it Co
sep 10 "
HIGBY---Xe. 121, Corner of Wood and Front
soar:street*, Pitisiiurzlr, has on hand a complete as.
calor Queensw are suited to the city or country
!lade. Also, a choice selection of pure white and gold
band DINING ANDTEA WARE, in large or small acts,
or separate pieces to suit parchasere.
A cask of 96. 60. or 84 piece sets, superbly painted
and gilt English China Teaware, at very low prices,
Toy Teaware, plain, and rico painted and gilt, Cron
1,00 to $5,00 per set.
CliikkenNtidaga °revery description.
White China Shaving Mugs.
Granite Dining at d Tea Etervices, In white and with
splendid American scenery printed In blue and black.
A large variety of Steamboat Dining and Breakfast Sets,
imported to match. complete,
Fire Proof stone baking plates and dishes, from the
Derbyshire Potteries.
Flint and Green Glass, In all their varieties.
Window Glass, of every size.
Patent Rackets, Tubs and Reelers.
Stone Pipe Heads, 4.c. 4-c. 4-c.
All of which are respectfully offered to the pub.
lie on the most favorable t,rms. Jan -26,1842-1 y
IW --
Bags llio Uoiier,
oat 4.
received this day from New York. a fresh supply o.
the above celebrated cure fur Coughs, Colds and Con
eumption; and is ready to supply customers at wholesale
or retail, at Ills Medical -agency, St; Fourth et.
nos 12.
17 1.7c11r raARIC, Aket. Ashionablo Boot Maker,—
Ha! removed to No, S 4 Market street, between
Second and Third streets, where he WOU'fi he happy
to see his old customers, and all others who feel dispos.
ed to patronize hint. fie uses nothina lint first rate
stock, and employs the beat of workmen; and as lie gives
Itts constant personal attention to business, he truststbat
he will deserve abd receive a fair share of patronage.
' , en 10
ICt•' CREAM, .1- CONI , EcTION Alt .
A Hunker respectfully informs his friends and the
public that they can always find the hest quality of Ice
Creams. together with al; kinds of confectionary and
fruits, In Iheir tent on, at his estahligiment— No. 11,
Fifth streetAciwc it Wood and Market.
N. B.—Parties supplied on the shortest. notice, with
cakes, or anything in lift line. Also families furnished
with Bread.
step 10
HAM I. cLEmEn, residing at 66 Molt street,
New York, was of with Dyspepsia in Its most
aggravated form. The symptoms were violent head
ache, greet debility, lever, costiveness, cough, heart.
burn, pain In the chest and stomach always aller eating,
Impaired appetite, sersation of sinking at the stomach,
furred longue, nausea, with frequent vornitings, dizziness
towards night and restleness. Theme had continued op.
ward of a twelvemonth, when, on consult lug Dr. Wm.
Evans. 100 Chat ham street, and submitting to his ever
euccessful lad agreeable mode of treatment, the patient
was completely restored to health in the short space of
one month, and grateful for the incalculable benefit dells,
ed, gladly came forward and volunteered the above state
For sale Wholesale and Retail by
R. E. SELLERS, Agent,
No IR. Wood street. below Second.
sep lQ
C ARR'S PATENT LAMPS. OR BURNING F LARD.— Those who would wish greatly to reduce
their expert:4l fur light, should certainly purchase one of
the above named Lamps, as by their one there is a clear
saving oral leant two.; birds of the expense over 011,and
the light obtained from this is pure and brilliant, and
wholly free from smoke, or disagreeable smell. We would
here state that Carr's Patent le the only One worthy the
attention of the public, as It is the only one that Is 8;10
cable to every variety or pattern of Lamps.•nd the only
one that will burn Lnrd !CUL, at any temperature of cold
or heat. We have. in the short space of three mouths,
sold several thousands: and with scarce an exception,
those wane them have expressed themselves highly pleas.
ed with them, and fully conylLeed of the great economy
by their we, as well as their nuperiorlty over either oil
or candle?, in regard to cleanliness and tight.
The above named lamps can be had only at
Third street, nearly opposite the Post Office.
Where In kept conerantly on hand Britannia Metal, Tin
and Class Lampe, of varions patterns.
Glans lamps sold at manufacturers' price,.
We take plra , mre In offering to the public the follow.
tog certificate, which Is subscribed to by many respecla
hie citizens.
We.lhe undersigned, have tried and are now using
Carr's Patent Lamps, for burning Lout or otter animal
fat, and wr have no hesitation in saying that they give an
excellent light—equal to any of the ordinary modes of
lighting a house, at about ooe.third the cost, and wholly
free horn ssioke or other disagroeeble smell. We lake a
pleasure in recommending these lamps to I he public, as by
their use there is a great saving over either sperm
or lard oil, or even candles; and we believe them to
he more cleanly and less troublesome than either.
To he had at BROWN 4- ftarstontt's only, Third street
nearly opposite the Post Office.
Rev. W. W. Bakewell, James [loon,
" A. M. Bryan, Charles Paulson,
" John M'Cron, C. Yeager,
N. G. Collins, Wm. Graham, jr.,
" Robert Dunlap, E. Trovillo,
Dr H. D. Sellers, Wm. Douglass,
" E. D. Cassam, Henry Atwood,
Wm. M. Wright, Isaac Cruse.
Robert H. Kerr, Esq., George W. Henry
A. Beckham. Robert McPherson,
Thomas Ottston • John S. Shaffer,
George Miltenberger, Wm. Eichbaum,
0. P. Shires, J. ft Turner,
A. Miller, Wm. Martin,
R. M. Riddle, Poet Master Henry rtarg.easer,
Robert Gray, James S. elark,of the Amer
Allen Kramer, lean Hotel,
A. F. Marthens, John M, Campbell
M. Stack house. L. A !heeler.
Robert Johnston, James Mellin,
N. B. Just received, an :improved Patent Lamp, for
kitchen use. our 1 9 —llw
T O THE PUBLIC, and parties/en-4 to my former
patrons of this city:—Fiavlng retired from the
practice of Medicine, I may be permitted to say, that It
has fallen tot he lot of but few persons to have enjoyed
so liberal or large a share of obstretrical practice as my
own has been for the last 30 or 40 years.
Theexperlence of that long period of active life, and t he
fact of my having been twice, since 1830. associated with
Dr. R. A. Wilson, In the practice of medicine, fin both a
period of live years.) enables me tujudge fully of the
eta*sofltic pigs.
So convenient, so efficient. and yet su safe, did I esteem
these pills. that for the last five years In my practice, for
the core of chronic diseases,of Whatever name, and those
of females In particular, I have used more ol them than
all other medicines.
Like every other medicine, this innst fail in some in
stances, hut in my hands there has been less disappoint.
ment and more satisfaction In the administration of this
one remedy than of ail others; its good effects sometimes
quite astonishing me.
If my patient required a safe aperient medicine eit her
e fore or after parturition, the Wilson's pt.is were Just
the thing I wonted.
If a dysaepticacid condition of the stomach, eombined
with costiveness or Inactivity of the liver. cons! ituted the
disease 2r my patient, the pills were Just the thing I
If I treated a ease regnirlng an emmenagoyne, the
Wilson's pills were Just the thing I wanted.
If palpitation, headache, flashed countenance, or other
difficulties, Indicating a disturbance of the circulatory
and secretory systems, annoyed my patient at the .turn
of tire,' the Wilson's pills were just (bathing I wanted.
Thus, without resn. , ?et to the name, a disease might
happen to wear at the time I have had It ender treat
ment, particular indimstkarte or symptons arising, were
al^my, moat promptly and most happily met by the
Wilson's pills.
That so great a number efdiseases, and sometimes ap.
Parent ly opposite ones, in which I have used these *Ms,
should be cut ed more readily by them than by any other
remedy, may at first seem strange and contradictory, but
why it is so Is as clear to my mind as that a great many
persona should become thirsty from Ns many different
eativecaritt vet all require that common and greatest of
all blessings, water to quench their thirst.
In conclusion, his due the , eputation of the medicine
and the public, to say decidedly and unconditionally, that
the Mi)ton's pills are theonly combination I have ever
met with ha sty fongeonese of practice, that real!, poo•
eessesanything curative Or specific for sick headache,
Tartrate., DR. MILOADAMB.
The *hove Pills designed particularly Aar the rick
Raed.Actre, Dyspepsia, Constipatioa of ale Bowels Ate,
prepared by the proprietor Dr. R. A. Moon. sad RN;
vele. wboteseis and retail. at hie dwelling to PAeo street;
below lifertnuy. of t 1
D R. GOODE'S Celebrated Female Pills. These
Pills are strongly recommended to the notice of
the ladles as a safe and efficient remedy in removing
those complaints pecunftr to their sex, from want of ex.
ercise. or general debility of the system. Tim). obviate
costiveness, and counteract all Hysterical and Nervous
afrections:,*Titese Pills have gained the m ansion and
approbation of the most eminent Phyt.irians iir the Unt.
tad States, and many Mothers. Por sole Wholesale and
Retail, by It. E. SELLERS., Agent,
sep 10 No. 20. Wood Street, below Second.
ADAIR, Boot sad Shoe Maker, Liberty St.,
opposite the head of Smithfield burgh._
The subscriber having bought out the stock of the late
Thomas Rafferty, deceased, has commenced business
in the old wand of Mr: R., and is prepared to execute
all descriptions of work in his line, in the best manner
and on the shortest notice. Be keeps corstantly on hand
a large assortment ofshoe findings of all descriptions and
of the best quality. Be solicits the patronage of the pub
lic and of the croft. WM. ADAIR.
aep 10
For sale by
% ' 4. A. CORDON
and Axles for Carriages at Eastern Priem
The subscribers manufacture and keeps constantly on
hand Coach, C and Ellptfc Springs (warranted,) Juniata
Iron Axles, Sllverand Rrass plated Dash Frames, Brass
and plated Flub Rand., Stump Joints, Patent Leather,
Silrer and Brass Lamps, Three fold Steps, Malleable
Iron, Door Dandles and Hinges. i:te
LI D.9.ELLIERS, M. a, office and dwellinz in Fourth
near Perry street. seri 1.3-1 y
l'br. attention 'rtho•e who have been FOrneWhat acep.
tieal in reference to the numerous certificates published
in favor of Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cher
re, on account oft he persona be!in_ unknown in this .PC
lion or the State, is respect roily directed to the followine
certificate. the writer ()twilit-1i has been aeh Izen of this
hornueh for several years, and k known as a gentleman
of Integrity and responsibility.
To .9gent, 1. BY
1 have need Dr. Swayne's the
Comp und Syrup o KIR f
Cherry for a crumb, with which I have been severely al.
Meted for about four months. and I have no hesitation
In saying that it lathe most effective medicine that I have
been able to procure. It composes all unensinese, and
agrees well with my dies.—and plantains a regular and
Food appetite. If can freely recommend ft to all others
similarly afflicted. J. iHttratet, Borough ofChambersbtg.
March 9. 1%11).
sep 23
Fo r gale by WILLIAM THORN No. 53 Market street.
P RIISONS desirous or procurind Fruit, Shade. and
Ornamental Trees, or Shrubbery, from Philadct
phis nr Yni k, are requettted to make application as
soon as poselide, at the Drus and Seed Store of the snit
srrihrr, where ran be had catalogues, statulinustv, of the
most excellent Yarieties. F. 1.. sNOWDEN,
sep :11 IR4 Liberty street. bead of %Vol)
i A RRLF: M NUP.I ;Tonv.—P a t rick Cawfield r.
spectfully acquaints hi+ friends and ihe public .lene
erally, that he haseo minenredtheMarblehi inrsc a i the
corner of Firth and Liberty F tS..Wbere will he constantly
on lined . tooth stones., mantel monuments, head
and foot stones, table slabs for cabinet ware, and every
ari fele a poem:. ining to the linslness. He will warrant Iris
work to he well done, and his chnters will he moderate.
He respect fully asks a share of nublie patronage. sop 10.
Ton P•ricti Mud,. Steubenville. Ohin• ha•ln" remo.
wed their store from th4seliy, have appointed Holdship
4. Browne, No. 49 Market et., between 3rd and
grins for ,ne sale of the different kindred' Paper ma en fae—
lured t s them, where their friends and customers will al
ways find a regular purply of paper, such as Con and
P Writlng,fflkin and faint lined; Wrapping and Tea
Paper; Ronne! Roan's, and Printing Paper ofdifferent ei•
era and qualities, nil of which will be Fold on the most
Ilni.ornte k fianwsr, mnntifictitrers and imnorters of
Wwl PR ruerx and Horders, keeps constantly on hand eve.
ry variety of Entry, Pa rtor and Chamber Papers, of the
latest styles and most handrome palternr, which they
will ..it tow and on accotnmodaling terms, vrholemie
or retati.
Portal,le Plat form Scales on tvlirels, to weigh 2.500 Ike, at
$5.5 00.
do do do do 2,003 at 645 00
do do
do do do 1.500 at 35 00
do do do 1,000 at 30 00
do do rio do 500
With raising levers an addition of 153 to ea at 2
c scales 00
Dormant scales ibr the use of Warehouses, h
Mills, 4,..the same prices as above.
Also, White's Patent Counter Scale. with 0. Young's
improvements, and a variety of other counter scales,
which they will sell for from 8 to $l5,
They also manufacture Steam Engines for Flouring
Mills. flaw Mills, Salt Works, he., double atiel sinee
geared elide lathes Soot and other lathes for wood turning
machines for tenanting chairs, planing um - limes, door
and sash machines. Hall's patent horse power, with or
without thrashing machines, a Superior art ir!e; circular
saw shafts, machines for sawing lath, Tlnner's ma
chines and tools °fell descriptions. also for tun king black
Ing boxes, a superior article; governors fur steam rngine•
stocks, laps and dies, coffee mills, bedstead or joint hots
and machinery for making the same, cotton factory ma
chinery made or repaired; printing press plattens turned
and printing presses repaired-
sep n-it
1 J OIIN H. GUTHRIE, Auctioneer and Commis
sion Mercliani,.A^o.lo6, corner of Wood it Fifth stir.
Pitesbarth: Having beenappointed one of the Auction•
centres the City of Pitsburgli. tenders his services to JUL
berg, manufacturers and dealers, who may be disposed
to make trial of this market• He h prepared to make
advances on consignments of all saleable commodities,
and trusts to satMy correspondents by quick sales, and
speedy rand favorable returns.
That the various Interests which may be confided to
him, shall be adequately protected, he brings to the aid
of Ws awn experience in business and acquaintance with
rnerellaindite generally, the services of Mr. SAMOtf•
PAHNZITOCC heretofore advantageously known, as an
Importer and dealer in Hardware and Cutlery, with
wtoorn a permanent engagement is made.
MaOn. M. Tiernan, Pres'i, of M. 4- M.
" Darlington 4- Peebles,
" Robert Galwny,
James M. Cooper,
James Mny,
R. M. Riddle.
} Pittsburgh
Wm Robinson, Jr. Preset I
of Exchange Bank.
Flamoion,Smith, 4 co..
John D. DEVI!,
Samuel Ctuarebr
, a J. K. Moorhead,
Jae. W. Brown *CO.
John FL Brawn. q• Co,
Smith 4. hurley,
Yard's, 4 Clearers,
rr John S. Iffddle.
lohn Bagweli,
MUMMY FLOUR—Just received a few .l barrels of
Saperlor Flaw, mode exprassly for family use.7.For
To Store 30 barreb gap. Hour,
St. Clair at.. near I! e Atte?. ny Bridge
i n n m i n , nir r a , :c v e t:ti d i r . e t. :l l :l . / o y e
their filaeldnt
t wenn hla•
, nre flail, Pitt,
troirarture and
.nd the follo w
r composed of
so. 1, Port
to Platform
ales oil
weigh jsth.)
f ouNG 4- BR A DEUR Y
I •ap 10
For publishing a new Daily Paper in the City of Fitt/
burgh, to be entitled the
7 inESubscribers having made arrangements to merge
the American Manufacturer and Pittsburgh Mercu
' ry Into one Journal, have concluded to publish a daily
paper with the title of the Daily Morning Post.
The leading object of the °Pogo" will be the dissernina
lion and defence of the political principles that have here
tofore been maintained by the Editors, in their respective
papers, and their best efforts will still he devoted to the
advancement and success or those doctrines.
Although, in politics, the paper will he thoroughly
democratic, yet the Editors hope, by giving an honest,
candid history of passing Political events, Foreign
and Domestic intelligence, and brief 'maces of all mat
ters and occurrences that come properly withlh he snliere
ofa Public Jnurnal, to make their pallet sufficiently In•
erecting to entitle It to the patronage of the public, Ir•
respective of party considerations.
In addition to thepolitical and general news that will
he found in the “Morning Post," the Editors will lake
pains to furnish the husinesss community with
the latest and must Interesting Coustramst. Irtacta-
CENCE from all parts of the country, and to have prepa•
red such accounts of the Markets and the Slate of Trade
as will be advantageous to our Merchants and Business
Men in their several callings.
Terms.—The Port wilt he imblished on a large imperl•
al sheet of fine paper, (manufactured especially for this
Journal) at the unusually low rate of FIVE DOLLARS
per an num,payable in advance. It will also lie sold by
newsboys at the low rate of TWO CENTS a copy.
dldoereisements wilt he inserted at, the lowest rates
charged by the other daily papers of the city.
011 — '11VENTV active ladsare wanted to sell the Post,
who will be engaged on the most liberal terms
A tr.:usi 31, 184-2
00 DUDS. KY. LEA F TOBACCO, In store and
for sale hy J. G. ,t A GORDON,
No. 12, Water street.
T O TILE WISE. -111s now well understood how
much disorders of ill , . mind depend for their cure
upon a due attention bottle body. It is cow understood
how valuable is that medicine which will remove morbid
accumulations without weakenin; the bodily power. It Is
now understood that there In a reciprocal influence be.
I wren the mind and the body. it is now understood that
purging with the Brandreth Pills will remove a melan
dully, and even insanity is cured by Perseveringly using
them. It Is now understood how much domestic happi
ness depends upon the healthy condition of the digestive
I in now well known that the flrandreth Pill. hEIVP
cared thousands of itopele4s and helpless persons, even
when the first physicians had pronounced them beyond
all human means of relief. It is now not only well
known that the iirandreth Pitts so cure, hat it is also un
derstood how they elite; that it is by their purifying efleet
on the blood that they restore the body to health.
The value of the medicine is hem:Milo; more and more
manifest, it is recommended daily from family to family,
The Brandreth Pills remove in no almost imperceptible
manner all nos lOUS accumulation., and purify and amigo-
rate the Itiood.and their good effects are not counterbalan
red by ally inconveniences; being composed entirely of
vegetables they do not expose those who use them to
danger; and their effects are as certain as they are salu
tary; they are daily anti safely adminktertd to infancy,
youth, manhood, and old age, and to women in the most
critical and delmate circumstances. They do not disturb
or shock tile animal functions, but restore their order
and establish their health.
Sold at Hr. Brimuireih',l Office, to. 9:t Wood street,
r iltgburel. Prirft 25 cents per box, with (till directions.
M A rt K-- T Is,. only place in Pittsburgh where the genU•
ine Pills can he obtained, le the Lector's own office, No,
93 Wood street.
sap 10
/110 THE L-SD/ES —Why do you not remove that
1. superfluous hair you have upon your foreheads
and upper lips 1 By calling al TcTri.e's, 86 Fourth st,
and obtaining a bottle of Gottrand's Poudres Subtles,
which will remelt! It at ones without affecting the skin.
You can also obtain Gouraud's ft sly celebrated Ems de
Bcaute, which will at once remove all freckles, pimples,
eruptions of the skin, and make your fare look per ectly ,
fair; and to those who wish to assist nature by adding
more color to their cheeks, they can obtain some of Gou•
rand's celebrated Liquid flange, which cannot be rubbed
art' even by a ,vet cloth. Also may be found n good ns•
sortment of Perfumery, such no Cologne, Bears' Oil, Al.
mond, Palm, Windsor; and other soaps.
Rem , mber. lit Tuttle's Medical Agency, 86 4th street.
Dee. 8, 1842
ET Invalids read the following account of a Sailor
cured of a complication of afflictions in nineteen
days by the use of lira miret h Pills, ft t distinctly proves
here are herbs in nature which have affinity cure be.
cause of disease, and Bra nd ret It's Pills are made for them
Read and lie convini ed. Take the niedlcitie north" cured
Jona Sttaw, of Pembroke, Washington county,fflaine,
being dilly sworn, says, that he was taken violently sick
about sic months since. The pains in his head, breast,
hark, left side and instep being, so bad that lie was tine.
hie to help himself,and was taken into the Chelsea Hos.
pitat in the city of Ito,ton, That after being in said
hospital five weeks, Doctor Otis said he did not know
what was the matte) with him, and that he could do
nothing for him, nor could he prescribe any medicine.
That he, therefore, was conveyed front the Chelsea Run.
[ pilaf 1.0 lhe Sailor's retreat on Staten Island. That he
was there pitysieked with all sone of medicine for a peri
od of fsur months, suffering all the time the most heart.
rending misery,_ Thai, besides his affection otitis bones
he was troubled much with a disease of the lungs: some.
times he would spit a quart of phlegm in the doy; beskiee
this affection he had a had Diarrhmn, which had mot s;
or less attended him from the commencement of bis sick.
ness. That at times he dreaded a stool worse than he
would have dreaded deal h; that se can compa re the feel.
ing to nothing save that of knives passing through his
bowels. A her suffering worse than death at the Sailor's
Retreat, on Staten (Mend, the doctor told him that medi
cine was of no use to him. that be Inur , t try to stir about.
At this time he was suffering the greatest misery. That
his bones wire so tender he could not bear the least press
ure upon the elbow or upon the knee, that his instep was
most painful. that as the Doctor said be would give him
no more medicine lie determined to procure some of Dr.,
Rrandreth's Pills, which he did, from 241 Broadway
New York; that he commenced with five pill!, and some.
times increased the dose to eight. The first week's use
so much benefited bite, that the doctor, not knowing
what he was using, said,.now,shaw, you look like •
man again; if you improve in this way, you will Coon be
well.' That he forted every dose of the r trendreth Pilla
relie•e him, first they cured him of the pain when at
stooltthat they next cared the dial rhcea, sad finally the
plies in his bones;—That the medicine termed to add
strength to him every tiny. Ile told the doctor ' , ester
day the 11i h instant, that he felt himself welt. and also,
that he owed his recovery to ffrandreths PHIS under
Providence, hat he had taken the medicine 'eve'' , day
for 19days; that the doctor told him if he bad known he
had been tatting that medicine, he shonld not have stayed
another day In rho house. Reconsiders it is his dniv to
make thisrmblie statement for tbe benefit oral, similarly
afflicted; that they may know where to find a mediejoa
that will core them. JOHN SHAW,
John Shaw being by me drily sworn this lath day o
April. 1942, did depose and Pair thatthe foregoing state
went is tree. S. It: w it£ELErt.t . nanindwear *tDe•d•
The ka 4 arDRX77l PILLS era mi d at De. 12,
diens', principal emre. $4l. aitairsorair, Neer • Taw .
and at btu prtntipsi °Mee. Ntt.99 Weed strea.ri'
the taNZrpz.icz fa Pitteltutsh where the pa n g
ontalateit 22-4whis.
uregon•.the new El Dorado.
We tier ye from a !ong Litter is the 'Nattiest
lritulligtmetr of yel,terday, the following.
live sketch f the Terri ary be;ontl th:.. Rocky
Mountaio. , , which is now the theme of debate irik
the U. S. Senate:
Within a 'ew year. several A.nericans,of whom
the writi r of tide notice is one, have_crosscd
Rocky Mountains to the mouth of the Columbia.
with objects entirely u , cruinected with trade. or
commerce. Mine was th•.: desire to see a new
country, a love of,adveritnre fur its own sake,
and an enthusiastic fondness for natural nista.
The party with which I traveled left ladepeas
donee, Missouri, about the latter part of April.
1834, and arrived at the British fort, Vancouver, in
t - eptember, having performed the whole jontnejr
en horseback. From this time until October,lB3B.
with the excep ion of the first *inter, which
palmed at the Sandwich Islands, my residence sir
in the Territ.uy of Oregon. Dr. MeLaughlin.this
chief factor, treated me with uniform and singular
kindeesr, supplying all RV wants, and furnishing
me with every facility in the prosecution of my
plans. This is. I believe, the uniform charlotte
of the superintendents of British forts in that court. ,
try. 'fravellers, naturalists, and all who are aw
tradirs, are kindly and hospitably treated, but the
moment he is known to trade a beaver skin front
an Indian, that moment he is ejected from th•
community. The Company has a sum of mor.ey.
amounting to a,veral thousand pounds sterling,
laid aside at Vancouver, fur the sole purpose of
opposing all who may come to interfere with its '
monopoly, by purchasing at exorbitant prices all
the furs in possession of the Indians, andithns
forcing the settler to come to terms, or driving hits
from the country. If it be un indivii'ual who is
thus starved into submission, he then usually
clears a piece of land on the Wallammot river.
takes an Indian wife, and purchasea furs of IN,
natives, which, by previous contract, ho ie boned
to sell to the Company at an advance which is Sp.
ed by the Gov( rnee.
Fort Vancouver,the principal trading post tafthe
Oregon, stands on the north bank of the river,.
boat 90 miles from its mouth. The fort CODE*.
of:severs' dwellings, storehouses, workshop*, 40.,
all of frame, arranged together in a quai'reogulat
f.irm, and surrounded by a stockade of pine loge,
about 20 feet in height. The fort has no bastion*,
and contains no armament. Titer° arc to hastily.
four gteat guns frowning in front of the Gower/
nor's mansion, two long eighteens, and two nic k s.
peonderv, but two of these have been spiked, soil
the others are unfit for service.
The rainy season coin mences here abcot the
m'itidlee l October, and continues until the Ist rf
April, During this period the weather is One*
uniform/lido'', fogey or rainy. 'matinee taint
t 4s inceasantly for the space of 2 or 3 treeJtesw.
Occasionally, during the witater - mouths, there
will he a light fall of snow ) and in tile. ester
(From the Calcuita Quarterly Magaalot and Bevlair.]
The Song of the rerlrei
Clang, Clang! the massise anvils ring--
Clang, clang! a hundred hammers swing ;
Like the thunder rattle of a tropic sky
The mighty blows still multipl);
Clang, clang!
Say, brothers of the dusky brow,
What arc you: t t rung arms forging nowt
Clang, clang!--w e forge the enulterno*da
The coulter of the kindly plough
Sweet Mary mother, bless our toil;
May its broad furrow still unbind
To genial rains, to sun and wind;
The most benignant soil,
Clang, clang—our coulter's course shall ga
By many a sweet and sheltered lea,
By many a streamlet's silver tide,
Avidst the song of morning birds,
Amidst the low of sauntering herds;
Amidst soft breezes, which do stray May/
Throng!' woodbine hedges and sweet
Along the green hill'ep
rf gal autumn's botinteous hank
With wide spread glory clothes the land]
When to the valleys, from the brow
Of mit resplendent slope, is rolled
A ruddy sea of living gold,
We bless—we bless the PLOUGH.
Clang, clang—again, my mates, what glow.
Beneath the hammer's potent blows?
Clink, clink—we forge the giant chain,
Which bears the gallant vessel's strain,
'Midst stormy winds and adverse tides;
Secured by this, the good ship braves
The ro..ky I . oo:lsis:id, and the tvaves
%Vlach thunders on her sides.
Anxious n • more s the merchant sees
The mist drive dark before the breeze.
The storm•cloud on the hill (
Calmly be rests, though far sway,
In boisterous climes his vessel lay,
ltdiant on our skil!,
Say, on Which sands these links shall sleep,
Fathoms beneath the solemn deep?
By Afrie's pestilential shore,
By many an iceberg, lone and hoar,
By maoy.a palmy western %ALP.
Basking in Spring's perpetual smile;
By stormy Labrador.
Say, shall they feel the vessel reel,
%Viten to the battery's deduly peal
The crashing broadside makes reply;
Or else, au at the gl.rious Ni!e,
Hold grapling ships, that strive the While;
For death or victoryt
Hurrah—cling, ciang--once in,;re, what &lore,
Dark brothers of the forge, beneath
'file iron tempest of your Haws
The furnace's red breath?
Clung, clang—a burning tort cat clear
Aud bri!liant, of bright sparks, is pourad
Ar and and up in the dusky air s
Au our hammers forgethe Wok t 1
The sword l—extreme of dread; yet whew,•
Upon the treernan's neurnic• ---
While for his altar and his hearth.
While fur the land that have him birth,
The war drums roll, the trumpets sound,
flow sacred is it thei,l
Whenever 11,r ihe truth and right
It flashes in the van ()Flight,
ther in some tnnunt,in pass,
As that Where b.!! Leonidas;
Or on some Kent plain and stern,
A Mar-ton, or a Bmnockbu-t ;
Or amidst crags and bursting :Ilk
The Alps, giey Tyrolshi
Or, al when sunk the Armada's pride;
It gleams above the qtnrmy tide; -
Still, heneer the b3ttle sv,rd
Is Lib, rig, when men do stand
For justice Grid their omit e I.nd,
Then Heaven West; In SWORD!