~~ ;.; THOS. PHILLIPS & W. H. SMITH , N. W. CORJFKR OF WOOD q FIFTH STB. IrgRAM--411713 DOLLARS a tear, payable la aiirtece. Magid:copies TWO CENTS--for sale at the sow oder of AoAfftele, .and -by Nero, Boys. The Mercurr and 'Manufacturer published WOBBLY, at the same °trace, on a double tnedlana-sheet,-at TWO. DOLLARS a year, is aa„ saw., ilkindi oplisa, SIX-CENTS. Terms% of PER EQUAIE-OF TW One Insertion, 0,50 Two Inwirtions. 4 0.75 Three Insertionn. 1.00 One week, • 1.50 Two weeks, 3,00 Three weeks. 4.00 YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS. : ext.sseigasme A? PIRMIGRIC. Ons Bq,sre. Twit Squares Mx months, SIR.OO I Six months, $23,00 Oae year, 25,00 One year, 35,00 rr Limptt •dt+erllsenteots In prorortfon. CARDS or four; Iliteal Stx DOLLARS a year. PUBLIC OFFICES, &C. Ctrs Post °rims. Third between Market and Wood streets—R. M Riddle, Postmaster. Corms Moons, Water, 4th door from Wood at. Peter son's hu Sinop—Major John Witlock, Collector. CITY TRE/1111:IRY, Wood between First and Second streets—James A. Bartram, Treasurer. l'oo'ms Tatuoat , Third street, nest door to the Tithe! Pieshyterian Church—S. R. Johnston, Treasurer. MLyrreaOrrrca, Fourth, between Market and Wood streets—A lerander flay, Mayor. algaestns's exentsmat. Fourth, near Market at. rtriastrasa,lietteeen Market and Wood streets, on Tnird and Lou rth streets. Maa , R►Rrs' &NO MALTIOPACTURIRS . situ Psalms' Dr- Peery RANI. (forindrly Saving Fund,) Fourth, between Wood and Market streets. rixenarroz. Fifth street. near Wood. HOTCLS. Moatoaaaraccs. House, Water street, near the Bridge EXCHMIGIE Horst.. corner of Penn and St. Clair. Alicacnatria' norcZ, corner of Third and Wood. Astiatcor Hottr..eorntr of Third and Smithfield. „,...tlarrto STATIC corner of Pelt street and Canal. rtiLH - MlBacit,s, Liberty street, near Seventh. !animas Magma House, Utterly St. opposite Wayne M ANNION Hover.. Penn St. opposite Canal. - - lab OBERT WOODS, ATTORNEY AND elv COUNSELLOR AT L remo solimreweirs offices on Grant at.. neatly opposite na now Court House, nest rooms to John G. Mahon Cal . ..—rirst. 'door. ••p 10 lIHOS. IL. ELLIOTT, M. D.—O ffi ce removed to 111, :41. Clair street, betieen Penn and Liberty St,• Pittsburgh. p 10 NEwitiooes.-APreston 4- Mackey, Sehviesale and retail dealers in English, French, and Domestic Dry Goods, No. SI. Market at , Pit 'shit rah. sep 10 ruri"XN LE33` 4 ltre LIT ft E, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law: Office in the Diamond. kick ler the old C6ort House, Pittsburgh. sep 10 ItEMOVA.L.— R. Morrow, Alderman; offi e north side of Pf h si,, between Wood and Smithfield els. Plttshurah. pep 10 TWIN 111VDEVITT, Wholesale Grocer Rectif,inr, • Dientit:r, And dealer in Produce aiul Pittsburgh ailanttfaceisred Articles, Ne. 224 Liberty Street, Pitts eurek. sep 10 Wzi.t.t•ig H. Wtt.i.tAtts inns A. DITAVORIH WILLIAMS sk • DlLWORTH._Wholesale fir/seer. Prothscc and Commission Merchants, and siesiem In Phisbursh Mantifsclured articles, Nn. 29, Wood %tree, , sep 10 VIVA. A.RA. ROBINSON, Attorney at Low (Ace on the U 0( i 11 dide or the Oiatuond,ltetwee , /Jackal and Union at reels, upstairs FP P 10 j;DURISORANV, Attorney at Law; tenders 11 • • priticritunalaervices to tilt. public. Oilier cur lier of PM h ind Market Street', above D. Lloyd 4- Co's -wore, Mistimes, Pa. sep 10 Joint B.Snasurr Jas. N. KEA)! QIIIIKRIFF 44 KEAN, Manufacturers of Copper. T/1111. ikati Sliest Iron Ware. No. 80. Front at., Fit's. burgh. r,floissis Spoalsig and Steamboat work promptly xectited. sep 10 !BOHAI a[GUN . Fa ?OWN YOUNG. THOS. B. YOUNG & CO., Furniture Ware goonis, turner of Hand at. k Exchange Alley. Persona , "quietus to purchase Furniture, will find it to tlteiradeaatase to give as a call, being fully satisfied that we cast please as to quality and price. sep 10 ur ricri n ANS.—Just received 160cholce Mut ITS. ton floras, iwell cured and Cor sale cheap by thedo tea or retail,by ISAAC HARRIS, - sop 10 N 0.9, Filth at RITTA. BAIG AL —.A supply of Landreth's Fresh Roi ta Baia. and other different varieties of Turnip Rea:,jinn received and for tale at REDUCED PRICES at the Drug and Seed Store of F. L. SNOWDEN. Pep 10 No. 184 Liberty si reet, head of Wood. WEBB CLOSEY,S Boot and Shoe Manuracto• ry, No. 83 Fourth St., next Muir to the U. States Sault. Ladies Pruuella, Kid and Satin Shoes made in he neatest manner, and by the newest . French patterns. .01 10 4MO MULTDCMILDS. lots to suit /000 WS purchasers; to lie disposed of by P.L. SNOWDEN, No. 184 [Abell,' street, head of Wood. DAHLIA ROOTS,Flonrers and Flower Seeds or ev ery description, can always be hat at the Drug and Seed store of F. D. SNOWDEN, sep 10 184 Liberty street, head of Wood. LBS. Illinois Annual Mammoth Ordort seed, for 0 sale at the Dreg and Seed stare of P. L. is mown Eli, 184 Liberty street, head of Woad. 4 SWEET POT ATO ES 00 L f BS.NEW ia .IER it tVE receivedby F. L. SNOWDEN, No. 184, Liberty head of Wood et GA RDRN TOOLS, consisting of Hoes. Fancy Spades Transplanting Trowels. Edding Toolg, Budding Knives, Pruning Knives, Pruning Shears, etc., jest re. useicsd sad for le by F. L. SNOWDEN. asp ii 184 Liberty street, head of Wood. H O ICE Teeiton Has.—Just received a small sup. Hams.—Just ptyof very choice cured Venison Hams, en retail U Jets far carreat it ene y . ISAAC HARRIS. Agent, and Cont. Merchant inTE,Dateb Clover Seed, Orchard Gran and irvititeky lies Crass, always on hand and for IP. L. SNOWDEN, is f,4o Ne. 184 'Liberty street, head of Woad. STfirrEl 4- BUCHANAN, Attontoyet a Law, once , relieved from the Diamcmd, to “AstontertMow;" y 1447 efeetsi Fourth street, 'between Market sod Wood IWO ( - sep 10 vstilgrervrss , et, ANKs. for proesedirms In At • tasasattal ander *be late law, for gala at this Case ireALlt.—Lets out true Sarin Itain c orner o f c oal Ileaolkond nigh street. Apelye° NMI. SA euwaroN, Mallet, near 4th it. W. Landreth's Preach Sugar Bee c4red.3ast 111' - iehered and for sale at the Drug and Seed li. L. SNOWDEN, 184 Liberty 'tree, head of Wood. rlopThvriorr OP PAATNElltsEnip.—T he . ...ossartmeratdp heretofore existing between WII., fllOll, and DISNIA NM 110/TWELL hiehisilay dliir AilM be,smiteal tempt. Williams illiglij is authorised e *pi eberhilliture of the Otis io settling up the husieess wiligmledirth. - WILLIAM IMICST, NW $ - . USTI. T. )39rxmatic PUBLIBJEIED BY dvertising . LVE LLNES OR LESS: One month, VA° Two moms, 6,00 Three months, 7.00 Four moot N. 8.00 Six months, 10.00 One year, MOO BANKS ''"DAILI - ' -. 110.4.N1NV. POST J OHNSTON. 4. STOCKTON, Booksellers, Printers an 4 Paper Ma nufactitrer% No. 37, Markerst. yap 10-1 y JOHN ANDERSON, Smithfield Foundry, Water at.. near [he Monongahela House, Pittslurgh. atMlO-ly L EONARD S. JOHNS. Alderman, St.C:tair street, se cond door from Liberty. 10--ly D R. S. R. HOLMES, °Mee in Second street, next door to hlttleany 4- Co's Glass Warehouse sep 10-1 y HUNK 4- FINDLAY, Attorneys at Law, Fourth at., near the Mayor's Office, Pittsbnrsh. cep 10—Iy T HOS. HAMILTON, Attorney at Law, Fifth, between Wood and Smithfield stet.. Pittsburgh. sep 10-1 y H UGH TONER, Attorney at Low, North East corner of Smithfield and Fourth streets. asp 10-1 y THONPSON HANNA JADrta TURNBUt L. H ANNA 4. TURNBULL'S Pnper Warehouse. No. 104, Wood to., where may he had a general supply Of wrappinz, println:, wall paper, blank books, seltool hooks, kc, 4.e. tarp 10--ly MO C. TOWNSEND ¢ CO., Wire Workers and a IL. .Mansfaeratrers, No. 23 Market street, between 2d and 3d streets. scP 10-1 y E XCHANGE 'HOTEL, Corner or Penn and St. Clair etteeis, by Mak [MN it SMITH. sep 10-1 y B ROWNSVILLE JUNIATA IRON WORKS.--PA ward Hughes. Manufacturer of Iron and Naits Warehouse N 0.25. W3od st., Pittsburgh. gen 10 —IY F IG M ETA L.-77 tons soft Pig Metal for sale by J. G. k A. GORDDN, sep 13 No. 12 Water street MOOLBS. coal fl AAI S. 16.000 lbs. Bacon Shoulders, tbr sa'e by J. G. 4- A. GORDON, No. 12 Water xtreet TA 3, SATTERSON, Jr.. Birmingham, near Pittsburgh, .Pa.. Manufacturer of Locks. Hinges and Bolts; To• bate°, Fuller, 111111 and Timber Sere liV5; liousen Screws for Rolling Mills, 4'c. sep 10—Iy TORN Ta !or and Clothier , Liber.y UP street, between Sixth and Virgin alley, South side. sep IO J W. BORBRIDC PI 4• CO., Wholesale Grocers and Commission Merchants., Second street, between Wood and Smithfield sts.,Pittshurgh. sep 10--)y T G . Q A. GORDON, Commipsion and Forwarding 0/ . Merchant", Water st..,Pitte,urgh, aep 10-1 y HA M casks hams. A good article, received per S. B Corsair, and formic by J. C.,t , A. GORDON. sep 10 No. I. Water street. S UGAR ri- MM. ASS ES.--41) MIAs New Orleans Su .zar: SO Ibis New Orleans Molasses; for sale Iry sep 10 J. G. ¢ A. GORDON: QI.IC A R Ithdi primp N. 0. Suzar, received per S. B alaine. and for sale by J. G. kA. GORDON. sep 10 No. 12, Water street 50BAC - ON CASI