SA DT MAGIC COFFIN WABZHOUSS, fear war It, two deers frees the V; H. Sank: WAS Tr Dino, Undertaker, respectfully Informs the public that ts is removed his ready made coffin warehouse to the rialidlng recently occupied by Mr. R. G. Berford v dirett l ly oppealtehls old stand, where he is always Prepared to at• end promptly to any orders in his line, and by stria at tention to all the details of the business of an Undertaker ha hopes to merit public confidencet He will he prepared Qt ALL HOURS to provide Hearses, Biers, C •inges and hese, reentsite on the moat liberal terms. Calls from the etenntry w ill be promptly attended to. -.,. His residence In the same building with his ware illitinse, where those who need his services may find him ataxy time. RairaltlNClL/: -W. W. IRWIN, REX. JOHN st.scir• D. D. Jallolllllloll.l. Rip. lIIRUCT., D. D. .301104 PATTON. RSV. SARUM. wILLIAIIe, D. Ir. IIeCLORS, RSV. JosCPN [SRI. SSA&C Distil, as.V• JAVICS M. akar'. *" sip 10 RSV. le P. swim. p J o'2 2aaaelsta. BOOKS. STE AM RO AT BILLS. PAMPHLETS. lIORSE RILLS, BLANKS. VISITING CARDS, LABELS, A DDREAS DO., CEECKS. BUSINESS DO., NOTE& -HAND RILLS, BILLS OP LADING, CIRCULARS, ke.,frc. Together with every description of Letter Press Print log, furnished with neatness and despatch:and on mode sate terms, at the office of the Daily Morning Post. e IMP 10 T"'HOSE WHOSE OCCUPATIONS TEND TO PRODUCE OR AGGRAVATE DISEASE.—This class of iodividnals Is very numerous. They are those whit work in an unhealthy atmosphere. Printers, work• men In feather stores, stone cutter', bakers. white lead Manufacturers, are all more or less subject to disease ac. Cording to the strength of their constitution. The only method to prevent disease, is the occasional use of a - medicine which abstracts from the circulation all delete rious h•tmors, and expels them by the bowels. Tonics 'ln any form are Injurious, as they only otr the evil day to make it more fatal. The use of Brandreth's Pills will Insure health, because they take all Impure matter oat of the blood; and the body Is not weakened but strengthened by their operation; for these valuable Pills do not force. hut they apalst nature, and are not opposed. but harmonize with her. . Sold at Dr. Brandreth't Office, No. 93 Wood street, Pitbiburgn. Price 25 cents per box, with full dhections. MARK—The only place In Pittsburgh where the GENUINE Pills can be obtained,is the Doctor's own Of. Bee. N 0.98 Wood S treet. sep 10 MEW HOTEL.—The subscriber respectfully in ifilf foram his old friends and the public that he has ovate* a Temperance Hotel, in fifth Street, near the Ex change Bank, and In the house lately occupied by Mat . thew Patrick, and has hoisted and ton ii gno•The Iron Hotel," where be will be very liapr:y to accommo !Aisne all who may picise to call or. him. His table Shall be provided with the best fare, and every possible „nrssolatinedation to town and country customers and ravelers. few boarders who wish to lodge in their stores or of. - • , aces, can he taken. and gentlemen who live out of town . sae-hare-their dinners daily. - id good "stables, and the best Hay and 'tastier, and will accommodate travel. ho Imre \allay!, week or year. charges anT*Per4ablsilotel in the city. JOHif RONS. 4 : - 111:•:40r,i1•• ; :•:- - . •.,sr •••-••• • '• `.t,'•'.4 • 1.-4,,,„.. irriTiOAr Or rim 14tgia —The copart. w<. . -J '44-.: ,-- ~:= :Amicably existing between .James E. Kilbourn and 7- •; - :4 1, A ' , - J. Raynor. is this day dissolved by mutual consent. 7:: * sh . yir,: - _,,,.4.$ -:,11044 pullets sanexed, and Barry Ilan will be continued -,f,:rs-',.."7-'i, ' ,l4liftlet by - the subteriber until other arrangements are per- , lA':4-",.. , . , ".., , ,uid. i , .... : , . ...;:_ , E -, . Far sale, on the premises. 130 bbk. choice winter ap• ki.:- '•• --e., • ~..- pies, if applied for Immcdia:ely. JAS. E.BILBNIBN, ,4 ,w sup 29 —t f. No 9, Market, and 74...Ftnnt at 7M. BIDDLE, surgeon Dentist, has returned to his old stnnd. No. 107, Smithfield Street, where he can be consulted any hour during the. day, bis profession. sip 10 REMO V A L.—George Armor, Merchant . Tailor, reineetfully announces to his friends and pa• trotiitr that lie has removed his establishment free:this old Maud, in Third street, to the corner of Front and Saddlidletd, in the basement story of the Monongahela Room; where he intends keeping on hand a general as. scrrtment of Fashionable goods, suitable for Gen. , t , Cowen's wear. . IN hopes, by close application, to merit a share of the nuelnesstat liberally extended to him at his old stand. N. $. Ilarlog made arrangements in New York and Philadelphia, with the most Fashionable Tailors,• for the reception of Paris and London Fashions. customers Slay rely on having their orders executed ice-lading to tie:latest style. GEORG& ARMOR. sept 1 i: l.,o illi t,. n - _ oirx BOLE. W 111 TE LIME, a supOor silk le , for iL 1 4 0 site try .4. . j. G. It A antaloN, Vo. 12 Water .treret. IV 1' • camompr,r, „ 14 31ar 45.:4; - • •Yt. F=. Adi I what makes your teeth so unusually white? laiwah Josh . * dalclnia to him t'other night, ----- k so, with a win repticd lash, . I..n*keYCiursi" ' T its Wash, •''' .:webrought yoga bottle of Thorns ' T o oth in use, so the gentlefolks say, ''rrill the best n" all l'r '''' lard since they have triad this, cast othe rs away. :,••• likt. tit proveit the best; to make the teeth shine, 'Look stale, my dear Sal, at the lustre of mine. -",- ' . Then try It is treat tooth wash, The Teeberry teeth wash, 4 (this Tooth Wash of Thorn's is not fine. c' - n l lli it . mi 61 " 1 tsi ' D r. "Thorn's Tea Berry Tooth Wash,' -afliWleeo tie r a l.d equatnt ed with the ingredients of Its compo 4 - - N . _ * ._,....: fiktlest,ll:tbeerfa Ity say, I consider it one . of the w ite in fes u t s , e as . ,it, - ""'"'it of h most pleasant Tooth Wald es no f. " "1t.,.., -; .; ' .t. I ;it e ts .e herg t h lee. 15, 1842' DAVID HUNT, Dentist. '''";"' ' • ...,.. flake pleasure in stating, having made use of" Thorn's -. yew Berry Tooth Wash," it et it is one of th e . best deo : ~.. '"?.,....,:',' , itrifees In use. Being In a liquid form, it combines neat '*`, , iP „ A.,. , emerwritla convenience. Willie it clea the enamel 4 ad 'civet Ilse tartar from the teeth, its perftime yelds ' . desirable. 3. P. I'IBBETTB. M.D. *r. . n ratites peenlin"y : 14 , - ct' , The undersigned have used “Thorn a no 7- j_ 6 : Berm Tooth Wash," and have found it to bean extreme. '''''. i sercisin• a most saithary infin. ly plearcluat- tieh i lfr•ee , e " •thoselndia nians ewer the Meeth and Gums; preserving .I.4.t.''' gweedite members from premature decay. pi eventing the .. ' ulletion of Tartar, and purifying the Breath. Hay. ':.;(- -‘;,,.: - intaboreethly tested Its virtues, we take pleasure In re. --- - . the it to the public, belieeing it to be the best ar• itielksof the kind 114 W in use. ..y lioatwrgour, .I.4Arts P JACK, Aelfre /1 ?ZS/ILES. COSS B SCULLY, - • %.,—,;....,, g IMILABOM. , WM AUCAND LESS, -',`.:•• • jsuispratiltin, - :MS S CRAFT. 4,4:. , im . 414100r1.11,r, L R:JoiLers, 404.3mp1i by . 4144.41111101 1 N. Apothoci• - 'iithet. 11110111111; SO A-;.' 2 .%: ,- ;: , _:,*..,„ . . • t 0!..: - _ , 10004,\w 1i..1...-- : . ... . -„,..,..1., ~.-, --.. ..,z-,. - , - ;t:S; r 5- ' . - -,40. 7 • : fir , ' ---' 1 410 .-'4" . 1 147 1- ,*. t - '''*- 1,- .*,.:;:nt.::"....- r .'-1 4 1 ',,:. MEE `~- it&tito - r - Tiet• sobiKriket .hah eiiihSeieet of Jose, Atheepi.req, tpljgot of visitor" .eedl heartless) Ontlyetittate4 on theAltek of the olty—eaWag lat the - delight. r country residenee, witheet. lb, persons doh* lidettnese hi the furnished with ere.) , delitecy of Intarlrevery hen i the Alle beverages ke pt . WM. C. HERN _ ABSOLUTE tiviAL ALL. -101000 TRDIAALsts. r a sArlorcAL PJUJII ! El! TRACTOR inestimable. It ant only ew es ( e c k er , ha , gives no addit tonal pain, nor leaves a Sear. Firs is posi tively remitted harmless. ($lO bas been offered sus months to any person returning anempty boa, and saying that all agony on anointing is not extracted l• a few min mes, yet nut ono from thousands of trials since has claim ed the bonus.) Farentsanslnue to guard againstgenera injnrie., and save time, fortune and fife, and prevent their offspring from being disfigured by burns, or • ven small Pox pustules, (it the enviable power to replace theeellutary organs destroyed.) can do so by ob. *Miring title inimitable salve. hinny deegly burnt cases to the city ran I* seen, and one entire face burnt over and wounded three distinct times lathe same spot while heal lug, yet in ner case can be traced the least eicatrice or markt For all k inds of hurts its rapid soothing effects are also intportant; even sore eyes, all inflanistions and bro ken breasts would be unknown. The toilet and nursery, or clearing the skin of pimples, removing chafe; etc.,will fin.l it Indispensable. One using only will forever trail • lish it thesovereign HEAL•ALL. quality. After this no lice, heads of families allowing torture for months, and nitimately distorted features, can never wipe away re proaclidustly uttered by a disabled child, for neglecting to triumph over SIN "Entered according to act of Congress. A. D. 1841, by romst - sch 4- Co in the Clerk's office• oft he DistrirtCoari of the United Stales for the Southern District of New York." Warranted the only genuine. Comstock k Co., wholesale Druggists, N. York, have be come the sobs wholesale agents for Mr. Dailey, in Amyl ca for 20 years. All orders must be addressed to them The genuine only to be had at TUTTLE'S Medics Agency , Be Fourth street. Nov 15 CHEAPER 'FHA. EVER trPIANDID ASSORTntifT or READY MADE CLOTHING AT TUE THREE BIG DOORS, N.. 151 Liberty et., one door from the Jackson Foundry. I lIHE Subscriber having prepared at his establishment JL the lamest and most varied stock of BEA DY MADE CLOTHING ever offered in the Western-coun try. would respectfully invite the public to give him a call and examine his Goods and hear his prices before purchasinz elsewhere. His stock consists in part or 1500 Coats. assorted sizes and quality; 2000 pair Panta loons; 1800 Vests; a a large assortment of Shirts. Drawers, Cravats, Stocks, Gloves, Supenders, and every other article of winter Clothing. His Clothe were all selected by himself i n the Eastern Markets, and purchased at the very lowest cash prices, and consequently he. can afford to give his customer. BETTS& BARGAINS than they can get at any other house in the city. Relieving lit the principle of •IProtect• III: Home Industry" he has therefo e had all his articles manufactured by Pittsburgh workmen, and he has no hesitation In saying that they will be found in every eel pest sunerior to the Eastern manufactured articles that are offered for sale in the slop strops that have recently -anchored among us. In these times when Howe indestry is occupying so t large a snare of public attention, as it always should. the proprietor of the "Three Bii Doors' takes peculiar pride and pleasure in assuring the citizens of Pittsburgh that his Goods are all seaneeractured under his own eye, by the mechanics of his own town. He does not. like some of his rivals in trade, nave his Clothes made up in a dloant city, In another State, nor does he advettise his Stork in bills printed three or four hundred miles from here. He goes on tne principle that the mechanics of Pittsburgh can do work as well as any others, and he does not de. also to draw money from their pockets to support distant workmen: while he asks them to support him, he does not wish .olinpuverish them by a drain to support far lON tiniminoilt worlishopt. The -11ittocriitee - woilia ttikt title occasion to cutout *Seas to his friendS and nusiOtnet,itr tliektuttreentitto ted isttronageixtevidedlO htiestabbehmeat, and to re. peat tils inanition' to tilt those who veMh to mainline atothins, of every deotriptlint,, Made in the latest fashion fltfd surd on the most accommodating terms, to roll it No 151 Liberty street. JOHN M'CLOSK EY ErOttserve Metal Plate in the pay !meet SOUTH WARD TAILORING ESTABLISH MENT. THE Subscriber most respectfully informs thepeople of Pittsburgh and vielnlty, and the public generally, that he has opened a taPorlng establishment on Grant street N0..3 Arthurs's Row, West end of the Scotch Hill kfarket.urhere his old customers arid all others who may favor kim with a call may depend is their work doge In a superior Style. From lids long rxpeil. mite In the business in this city, anti in many other fash ionable cities in Europe and America, he feels confident ghat hn can give satisfaction to all who may Please to favor him with their custom. By strict attention to bu sines and superior workmanship he Napes to merit and receive a share of public patronise. He intends keeping OP hind a supply of goods and trimmingssuilede for the 'customertraie which will be sold at very reduced DON prices. B. AGHY. N. B. The subscriber being well aware of the extent that the out.t. system is practised on the public in Ibis country, by advertisement - ; particularly by persons who May justly he called intruders on the trade, who never Served an hour to the huAness, and who know so tittle about it that they could not crook a sponge cloth, and they are barefaced enough to advertise themselves as tai lors a la mode, and by the aid of old cortificaloo. pop, 4-c..kc such as are generally used by quacks to sell their medicines.they often succeed in palming off on the unsuspeetio,s customer some old trash for the genu ine imported article. Such people's advertisements are only calculated to rill the public and 'repo more enti. tied to credit than the fictitious yet laughable publications about thegreat Gua•ieer among the Liltiptatiarts, which I presume almost every schoolboy has read and laughed at. I would suggest to those who wish to have tl elr clothts . made in first rate style to make a little inquiry and they will find that this is the place. where they can be accommodated B. D. I to 7-3 m 'Headache ! Headache ! Dr. BRODIE'S ANTI DYSPEPTIC PILLS. AP.E 11/3% , known to thousands as a most extraordlntv 0 , remedy for this affliction as well as the incon trovertible fact of their curing DYSPEPSIA. Will those suffering only ask among their friends If they have not known of the positive effects of said Pills. and if they do not hear them more warmly praised (nnd deservedly too) than any other, then let them net buy then]. In these few remarks, all fancy or imagination is excluded, and nothing will be said of their merits at any time but what can be fairly proved by respectable meml - ers of our community.' Read the following 'certificate given by a respectable citizen of" Allogheny city, and attested by ore of thejudg. es of the Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny en. A LL/OSZNY CITY, January 9,1943• DR. BRODIE, Dear Sie—t have for a number of yearepast been af flicted with a severe and almost consent Headache,a rising from derangement of stomach and bowels and *I. though I have taken nearly every kind of Medicine re commended for its cure, have never derived any pate. rial hencfit until I used some of your truly valuable An. li Dyspeptic rills. I have not taken quite two boxes and consider myself perfectly relieved from that distrearing complaint. I have no hesitation in recommending your Pills as the best medicine I have ever used. Yours, Respectfully, J. B.TURNER. lam acqua.nted with-Mr, Teirne - , I have no hesita tion In certifying that I consider the statements of Mr, T. reopscileg Dr. Brodie'a P.lls. as entitled to the most perfect and entire confidence. HUGH DAVIS. For sale, Wholesale and Retail at the Srodonlan Pill Establishment Pittsburgh Pa ;ani by all authorised a gents thronghootthe Union. Alley city Jae 9 184 S jan O fLrY:— On head, a few barrels old yellow Corn C wlfkli will be sold low, apply to jan 7 ISAAC CRUSE, Liberty st. BARON VON HUTCHELEI HERB PILLS.— Theft Pals art composed of herbs, which exert a spetific action upon the heart, give impulse or strength to the arterial system; tbe blood is quickened and equalized in its circulation through all the vessels, whether of the skin, the parts situated internally, or the extremities; and as all the secretions of the body are drawn from the blood, there Is a consequent iderense of every secretion, and a quickened action of the absorbent• and exhalent, or discharging vessels. Any morbid action which may have taken place is corrected. all obstruc tions are rciairTed, the blood is purified. _ and the body tonales tit rialk.Stl state. Foci ale Wholesale and Re tails, IR. E SELLERS, Agent, 441111 till .11 Wood O. lietow Second. irrniaLErs rAvir EXTRACTOR is certainly the most valuable ointment for Barns, Sores, 4.c... ever invented: no matter how badly a person may be buret or scalded-this will beat them immediately, without leaviog any seat. Every family should have a box In their house, no une should be without it.—Every one who has cried it recommends it. To be had only at TITTTLE'S; 86 Fourth street. dee. 8 IIiNdeSEREL —ln store No. 3 Mackerel at 81 per LTIL barrel—bait barrels at 31; the Mackerel are offered .at these low prices to close sales—Also the 'dram. very ebeap, apply to SA AC CRUSE: *l2O 148 Liberty st• 11001111211111 illtalLlC: rOIIIIIC .111111411 LI OWIIIOIIIAIO. BENJAMIN BRAWDETHIII PILLS. 'Kr This vegetable and Italy innocent medicine, runt- rtes TRIC BLOOD, and Immediately stays the further vac/- oases or mean, is the bodies of those whose powers of life arc not already exhausted. Where human means can avail, there scarcely is any complaint,or form of sickness, !hat the Bassnarrn Pmts. do tint relieve and generaVy cure. Although these pills Mallet a grown trvircr,that effect is not to prostrate the body, as with other in.:dickies, but the frame Is invigorated by the re moval of the cause of weakness,tbe morbid, the vitiated humors front the blood. Harmless in themselves, they merely Amu,' Mavens To throw out the occasion of sickness from the body, and they require no alteration in the diet or clothing. In fast. the human body is better aide to sustain with out Injury, the Inclemency of the weather, while under the influence of this infeetion destroying ,dlsease eradica ling Medicine than at any other time. The importance of Bramtreth's Pills fbr seamen and travelers is, therefore,self evident. By the timely use of this Medicine how much anxiety and sickness, might we not prevent. Cold, Billions of fections, Typhus, Scarlet and feversof all kinds, would be unknown! But where sickness does •exist, let no time be lost, let the BR A MDRETB'S PILLS be at once sent for, that the Remedy may be app led, without fur Cher kW of time.—To as RIIIIIILYBERED — That Brandreth's Pills have stood a seven years' teat in the United States. That they are a vegetable and innocent medicine, yet all powerful for the removal of disease, whether chronic recent; infect ions or otherwise. That they purify the blood, and clay the further pro gress of disease in the human body. That, in many cases, where the dreadful ravages of ulceration had laid bare ligament and hone, and where, to all appearance, no human means could rave life, have patients by the use of these pills, been restored to gcod health;the devouring disease having been completely eradicated. That each of the genuine has upon It Tulsa COrYSIGHT LABELS That each label has two signatures of Dr. Benjamin Brandreth upon it. That theremeet he upon each box three signatures, thus: B. BlLANDlirrff, M. D. And three signatures, thus:- 0121.1a11111 BILANDRICITI DR. *FRANKLIN SAYS: i• All acute fevers ever require some evacuation I o bring them to a perfect crisis and solut ion, and that even by stools, which must he promoted by art *hen nature does not do the business itself. On this account, an ill timed scrupnlousnessabout the weaknes. of the body is of had consequences; for it is that which seems chiefly to make evacuations necessary, which nature attempts after tne humors are fit to be expelled , bat is not able to accomplish for the most part in these diseases; and I can affirm, that I have given a purge when the pulse has been so low that it could hardly he felt, and the debility ex. ireme, yet troth one and the cther have been restored by It.' The good effect to . be derived from the Brandreth Pills hale to be experienced to be fully believed. By 1 their Miley use neither the scarlet, the typhus fever or small pox would ever assume their malignant twin. To appreciate to :he full extent ,t he incalculable bent• fits of BRA NUR ETH'S PILLS, they must be used when the First Symptoms of Disease present themselves. One dose then, and their good erects will be felt throughout the attack—lT is T•ILINCI ruse is flat that IS tbe great secret in the cure of all appearances of disease arising from bad blood, and I presume there are few at the pres. ent day. will say anything of those diseases which affect the body when the blood is pure. Such diseases I have yet to see. Hoping that some who read this may be benefited by so doing. 1 am respectfully, the public's servant. , . ,- 'All DItANDILSTIC 11. D. 211 New Tiot: • . . firs couriTEßrigirs paikTlvietoiT• pleaniWtWarVit That so Statidral 113 , 01,s are vinnine unless ilte tan boa three Wale ta15...1, each containing a hat. stein* signallina of 116 ,7: 1111 " writing thns—B. atrandretn. Tboire labels lea_ *spirit-. ved on ateel,bnantillilly designed, and dean at an ex pense or several thousand dollars. Itemember: the lop Ott 27-t f —the side—and the bottom. Ent red according to act of Congress in the .tear 1841, by Bet Mmintrandreth, in the Clerk's Office In the Dl. ttlet.Court of the Sot therm District of New Irreek, Dr. B. Bra miretit's own office. No 98.. Wood Street. Pittsburg*. Only glair In Pittsburgh wheillthe Utollario 'Pills can he obtained. Rack Agent who Wl+ the true Erondreth Pill, has in engraved certificate Agency renewedcvery twelve months, and hes entered into bonds of 8500 to tell none other Pitts than those received from D,. R. or his specloi General Agent. Mark, the certifi cate is all engraved except the Doctor's name, which is In his own hand' writing. Observe, on each geriltleste there is an exact copy of the three labels on rails bux en graved thereon. Purchaser. see that the engraving of tile labels on the certificate correspond with these on the box. • . The following are Dr. ReinJamln Drandreth's Agents for the salc of his Ye:mythic Universal ?M1.% Alleghe ny coury, Pa., who are supplied with the new labelled hoses. Price ts cents with directions. Principal ()Mee, No. 98, Wood Street, Pittebur Allegheny, Mr. JOHOI Gt.ars. McKeesport, H. ROWLAND. Nottiestown, Joan Jonnsnx. StewarisTown, Cazaswan ¢ Real:mimeo A LEX•RDZIL Aso►t.a. Clinton. EIMARD Tetnarson,Wilkinsbnreh. Cacaos PORTLE, Fairview. ROSILIT Sateen Toavart,Tarentittn. Elizabethtown, C. F. Diana. East Liberty, DAXIKL NIIIILIT• Passim's 'awls, Martini Hill. Davie, R. Coon—Plumb Township. Wx. O. Holman—Allen's Mill. Igen 10 COMES cured by the toe of Dr. Harlich's Compound Strengthening and German Aperient Mlle Dr.Harlich—Dear Sir—Shortly after 1 reollved the Agency from you for the vale of your fedicine, 1 formed's' acqrtainiance wl•h a lady of this place, who was severely afflicted with the Piles. rOt eight or ten years this lady was subject to frequent palnfill attacks, and her physician considered her case so complicated, that he very seldom prescribed medicine for her. Through my persuasion, she commenced using your Pills, and was perfectly cured. Yours, Irc. JAMES R.l‘lll.llY October 3, 1840. Chambersbug, Pa. reOffice and General Depot, No. 19. North Eighth Street, Philadelphia. And by Samuel Frew, corner of Liberty and Wood streets, Pittsburgh. sep 10 INTERESTING CURE/Warned byDr.Sioayn o'l led Syrup of Prunus Virginians, or Wild Cher• ry. Having made use of this Invaluable Syrup in nay family, which entirely eared my child. The symptoms were wheezing and choking of phlegm, difficulty of breathing, attended with constant cough, spasms, convulsions, kc, of which I had given upnll hopes of its recovery until was advised to make trial of this invaluable medicine. After seeing the effects it had upon my child, and con• eluding to make the same trial upon myself, which en tirety relieved me of a cough that i was afflicted with for many years Any person wishing to see me can ca at toy house in Beach Street, above the Market, Kensington. J. Wit.cox. DR. SWAYNE'S SYRUP OF WILD CHER RY. We call the attention of the public to the numerous certificates which have been in circulation In eur paper and some others of this city, highly recommending Dr: SWAVIK'S Compound Syrup of Wild Cberry.—We bays seen the original certificates, and have no doubt but they come from truly grateful hearts,expressive of the benefits which they have received from valuable compound. We have acquaintances who have frequently used the above medicine. who can speak with confidence of' Its virtues.—Saturdey Chronic's. Fsw,ow Crrizzirs:—With sincerity I would advise you, one anal all, both sick and well, always to have a bottle of Dr Swarna'aCompound Syrup of Wild Cherry In your house—lt Is Invaluable In cases of emergency, such as Spilling of Blood, Asthma, attacks of violent Coughing, which is often the cause of spitting of .blooe, Violent Nervous Affliction*, which occasionally come from fright. and various other causes, productng great alarm, sudden colds from Improper exposure. which are often let run to an alarming extent, for want of means being ready at hand;—and as I have used Dr. Swsyss's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry repeatedly In my fatnlly, and always with marked success—l tan recommend it with confidence, as being one of the best family medicines which has ever been offered to the public.—Saturday C kronisle. Sold.hy Wm. Thorn, Wholesale it Retail, only agent ~orPittsburgh. N 0.53 Market Street. sep ll) WILLIAM REED. Atirciant Titi/sr,—Reepectfully Informs his friends and the public in• general that he has commenced business at No.ll Martel st reet, second door from the corner Of Trent, where he pores by strict attention to Widow to merit a Alamo? pablie patronage. N. B. The latest fashtons raplarly reeelved'o,thepoli. Ic may desired on baying their stark eirmiNtita a' p the latest style. I -- - - ----• , rwiPriti, wonnotram-N., 79. Fewsk Strut, litetioesnireird and Smithfield eta. Two ittxtrs from the corner of Wood street. Con. scantly on . hand an assortment of 100 ready made COPFINB, of every size and description; covered ones. with Cloth: Mahogany, Cherry, Black ...Walnut, Poplar, and Plne Coffins. ALSO, Plates neatly engraved; Hearses and Carriages furnished; Graves procured; and all services rendered that friends may require. A credit given in all cases, either of coffins or carriages, requested. HENRY BEARES, Undertaker. sep 10 SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS! SURGICAL. IN• L STRUM ENTSI— T. McCarthy, Cutler and Curries/ flistrunient „Maker, Third street, nearly apposite the Post Office. Pittsburgh (SIGN OF THE GOLDEN SHEARS.) Physicians, Dentists and Druggists can have their in• struments made by the subscriber of a superior giality and at Eastern prices. Tailors' Patent Shears and Scissors always on hand. also Halters Shears, a superior article. Orders respect. fully solicited. N. B. Allarticles warranted of the best quality. and Jobbing done as usual. sep 10 LIVER COMPLAINT.—This disease often terml natesln another of a more serious nature, if pro. per remedies are not restorted to in time. In all forms of this disease, Dr. liarlich'er Compound strengthening and German Aperient Pills, will perform a perfect cure —first by cleansing the stomach and bowels, thus remo- ving all diseases from the Liver, by the use of the Ger. man A perient Pills, after which the Compound Strengt h• ening Pills are taken to give strength and tone to those tender organs which require such treatment only to effect a permament core. These Pills are neatly put up In small packages, with full directions. For sale at No. 19 North Eight Street,Philadelphin. Also, for sale Sam• uel Frew corner of Wood and Liberty sm. Pittsburgh Pa. sep 10 ALLEN K 11.Ahl Eli, Exchange Broker, No. 46, Cor ner of Wood and Third Streets, Pittsburgh Gold, Silver, and Solvent Rank notes, bought and sold Sight checks on the Eastern rifle!, for sale. Drafts notes and bills, collectrd. 110:1232 Piresburgh,Pa, Wm. Bet! 4. Co., John D. Davis, F Lorenz. J. Painter 4. Co., Joseph Woodwell, James May Pkilide/pkia, Alexander Bronson ir Co., John H. Brown 4. Co. Ciochtwati, 0., James Ill'Candlesi. St. Louis, No., J. K. M'Donald. Louisville, W. H. Pope, Esq. Pres'i Bank Ky. sep 10 REMOVAL.—The UliderFighed begsleeve wingot to' the public. l lint he has removed from his old stand, to the corn , / of Penn and St. Clair sts., opposite the Ex change Hotel, where he has fitted up a large Piano FORTE WERE Roost, and now offers for sale the most splendid assortment of PIANOS ever offered in this market. His pinnos consist of different patterns, of superior Rose Wood and Mahogany, beautifully finished and mo deled, and consttueted throughout of the very hest ITlR tertels.which,rOr durability, and quality of tone, as well as touch, he warrants to be superior to any ever seen here. As he has eniatged his manufactory, and made arrange. meuts to supply the Increasing demand for this inertru• ment, he respectfully requests those intending to pur. chase to call ands :amine his assortment before pinata. sing elsewhere, as he is determined to sell Lowy*, for cash,than any other establishment east or west of the mountains. F. BLUM, Corner of Penn and St. Clair streets, Rep 10 Opposite the Exchange Hotel. Pittsburgh. Pa. WARRANTED GENUINE.—Dr. William Evans's Camomile Pills. rawrincavu.—Letier.from the lion. Ab'h'in County, Eau,MemberofCongress WASHINGTON, July Sd. 1838. Sir—Since I have teen in this city I have need some of your Dyspeptic medtclue with infinite benefit and sails alcOoto, and better It o he a mast valuable remedy. One thinly ?Ansttlegisits, Dr. A. Carden, of Campbell county, Terinemee, wrote to me to semi him some. which I did, Mut he has omtoyed It very succeisfelly In hfs practice, Mad sayslt is invaluable. Mr. Johnston, your agent at this piece,' thinks you would probably like an agent In Tennessee. if so, I would recommend Dr:A Carden, as a proper perron ta officiate foithe male of your celebrated medicine. Should you commiselon Alm he is willing to' set for yon. You can send the medicine by water to the rare of Robert King Sons, Knoxville county, Tennes. Fee, or by land to Graham 4 Houston. Tazewell, East Tennessee. I have no doubt but if you had agents In !err rat counties In tad Tennessee. a great deal of medl• tine would be sold. f am going to take some of it home for my own ear and that of my friends, and should like to hear front you whether you would like an agent at Bluni elite. Ontlivan County. East Tenne!see; I can get some of the merchant! to act for you as I live near there. Ycurs respectfully, ABRAHAM M'CLELLAN,of Tennessee.. For sale W holesate and Retail, by R E BELT. ERS. Agent, No. 20. Wood illreer.vvelow Sperm& DR. WILLIAM EVANS'S SOOTHING sYttUr.— This infsilible remedy has preserved hundred+ when thoogibtrpost - recovery. from convulsions. A■ soon as the Syrup is rubbed on the joins, the child will recce. er. This preparation Is so Innocent, sOefliCceloosoind so pleasant, that noehild will refuse to let its gums be rob bed with it. When infairrsarent the age of four months the' there is no appatrance of teeth, one bottle - Of the Syrup should he used to open the pores. Torents should never he without the syrup In the nursery where there are young children. for it a child wakes in the night with pain In the gums. the Syrup immediately gives case, by opening the pores, and healing the gums; I hereby prevent• In: Couvu sions, Fevers, tte. Far Sale Wholesale and Retail by R. E. SELLERS, Agent, sep 10 N 0.20. Wood street. below Second THORN'S TEA BERRY TOOTH•W ASH. Latgcaettß,Oct. WO 842. rrTo Dr. Tuom—My Dear Sir: I cheerfully and cordially embrace the present favorab'e opportunity to re turn to you my warmest thanks of gratitude for your un equalled and unexceptionable Invention of your very justly celebrated Tea Berry Tooth•Waah,and I fct.l that I am in duty bound essay that I have derived the great• est and most beneficial effect from Its frequent and mode. ale use: and I can assure you that I am exceedingly hap py to have the pleasure of informing you, that sincerely and cordially speaking. I can injustice recommend itsire quent use to all that unfortunate portion of the human race throughout the globe who are now undergoing the most excruciating pain for the want of a medicine preps• ration of exactly the same nature of which yours is preps• red, and who have for years been suffering from the in Jurious, destsuctive and pernicious effects of worthless tooth powders and other worthless preparations. lit conclusion permit me to say that I have used your Tooth• Wash but for a short period, and yet I feel thoroughly convinced that ft Is the best now known, Its inestimable virtues In preserving the teeth, (which it kept Ina good ' and handsome condition, is the sreatest embelishmeht that adorns the human structure.) are not to he excelled in easing and relieving the sufferer from tooth ache, and restoring the gums to a healthy and purified condition,and giving also a sweetness and fragrancy to a disagreeable breath hitherto unknown: Accept my sit core wish for your success, from Yours. truly, Josern ER110111:11. COUGHS, COLDS and CONSUMPTION —The sea• son for the above complaints is now at hand, e nd all persons who are subjected to the inclemency of the weather are respectfully Informed that they can find. CoveßT's Bat.■ or tart., which is well known to have cured Tam:teems, who were in the last stages of Con. gumption. Certificates can he produced of its wonderful met. TAYLOR'S BA.LSAX or LIVERWORT is another remedy for Liner Complaints,Caughs and Colds. It comes high• ly recoil mended by all who have used it. and Is pleasant to take, and speedy in effecting a cure. PEARL'S HOARIIOOND CART/Y.—This is a highly valuable and pleasant medicine;it will effect a positive and certain cure for CssfAst,Colds, Cosmonptisa.tiod Is an effectual care for the Vilsoortno Covens. This Ise very pleas ant medicine, all are fond of it. and children never refuse to take at; lts care is rare and positive. ;The subscriber base certificate of Agency direct from J. Pease 4- eon. so there can be no mistake. All persons who are effected, are invited to call and net delay, for the time to take medicine is at the commencement. All the above medicines ran always be procured at WHOLESALE OR R ETAITRI. TUTTLE'S MEDICAL AGENCY. 86. FourtA street. ARTH URS & ,N ICHO irz * N. Proprietors of tke EAGLE FOUNDRY-PITTSBURGH , MANUFACTURE and keep constantly on hand at their warehouse, Llbcrty Street head of Wood at,, every variety of Castings, among which are the following: Franklin, common round fancy and pyramid Stovec— common and fancy grates, newest fashions; Cooking Stove' suitable for either wood or coal, a superior artic• le (and warranted to cure smokey chinineys;) waggon boxes, hollow•wa re, teakettles, sbeet.irons with a glue r al assortment of ware house castings. All warrant. d to be made *tithe beet materials. They also make to order at. thel'oortmt notice, CHILLED ROLLERS, t, grow 18 inches diameter, down to the lowest vises in hie. with every other description of Roiliest mill Cam, htilL AILTHIIIIS t NICHOLSON. Dec. 13.1612.-3ei • . LIRE 11.00 P laps cHarra, ainVietssimi by tilaillel" firliAlttre-1111rIPPies J.& Dewitime, Sixth, ittre‘t. abinr• . 7 •••• fl 7911 teplotion of atm. milers, strest,PittsburgA •. Mr. ions DICKNIWO:—Dear sir—Having been present, yesterday, at the experiment which you were pleased to make, in the presence of a number of our business men, of the safety of your IRON CHESTS, in case of fire, it gives me pleasure to say, that so far as I was capable of judging, the test was fair, and the result exceeded my expectations. The Chest was n small one, about 30 inches high, by about 18 of 20 inches in breadth and depth, and was pla ced on a block of wood about a foot in thickness, so as to elevate it about that height from the ground; several books and newspapers were deposited inside of it, in the manner in which Merchants .and others would usually place them—a large quantity of light pine wood [slabs from an adjoining Saw Mill,) was then placed around and above it, and the fire kindled on the windward side, sons to drive the flanie against the back part of the chest. The fire was kept up` Mut three quarters of an hour, until you had gone among the spectators and received from them their universal answer that the test was sufficient. The chest was then drawn oat of the fire, and cooled, and opened, and examined. The contents were all safe, and the only injury done was to the hack of one book which appearedto be a little cnarred. From what I witnessed, I think that these chests are desery log of eonfidence,as affording, perhaps,the hest security to Merchants for their hooks and papers, which they can have without building large, thick, and expensive vaults. I would consider them a better secarily than many vaults which I have seen built. Your friend, SAMUEL CHURCH. We concur in the above statement, having been pres sent when thechest was tested. W. M. Cooper, J. H. Skoenberger, Robe Belt, J. laughtim, J. Painter, Crrttell, R. Miller, Jr. C lfrinstrirag, A. H. Hoge, Thonas Craig, S. G. D. Howard, J. W. Holt. Extrart of a Letter from Pugh dr Aloord, dated Cis china/1,29a Merl k,18 4 12- J. Denning, Pittsbstrik, Respected Friend: We have the saiisfact lon to state as the lest recommendation we can give of the utility of your Iron Safes, that we have one of them which was In an exposed situation in our counting room, at the time of the tin, on the morn ing of the loth inst., which consumed our Polk House to gether with a large portion of the meat, lard, 4-c, which It contained;—and that our books and papers which were in the Safe, were entirely uninjoted, and were taken from it after the fire; without ever being discolored. Yonrsotc. PUGH 4- ALIVORD. Estract of a Leedirfeeen Stater it Holbrook, dated St. Louis, rob. 14ra. 1841. DIINNInti; Dear Sir: One of your second sizeebests was burned a few days ago, in a leather' store—it pre served its contents. Reepect fully yourr, SLATER 4- HOLBROOK. aep 10 LIVER COSIPLA INT cured by the use of Dr. Her• iicit's compound Strengthening and Aperient Flits. Mr. Wm: Richards, of Pittsbureh,ra.,eldirely mired of the above distressing disease Tits -symptoms were pain and weight in the left side, loss °tappet ite, vomiting, acid ertactotiumh , a dintension of the stomach . sick headoiche, forkdrWeitiMata nets Change/ teutoiteckticpktf, lll W eon re( Reg, Migortsti.!tk *Ms Iftiaeled ***** 4ol 9 l4 .l ,v othitur 4 S I,l4 ol Mllai .nciPOPESiVikc re tt manent of the functions of -the - Wet. - ffierelffiffidffiffiV "had the advice of several ffirordelarw,,lnse, reeehrtiOnit relief. until utter; Dr. llhrlleb'vffiedleroa. which lereshal: led in effecting a pe•feet eare. Principal Office. 19 North Clalult Strad, r 103sidelpIthr. For sale In Finisher:lr iry,ooolllltl Frew, corner °Utast.- ty and Wood specs. rep 10 H. I. ■\9il•W... ONO. P. B►iU.TON. 3/ A G A W drHAMILTON, Attgrriitys e 1 Lew, have removed their Office to thesesidcare of H.S. Ma etaw,on FourtN ri, two doors Omer B'4lollood. nit 10 J. K. SIOoRtIVAD. G. E. Winans. J: PAINTER. UNION COTTOV FACTOgY, A Ileghe y City, at the end of the upper bridge. The eutomtlhers having commenced the manufacture of Cotton Yarns? Stet - king Yara,Colion Twine, Candlewick, Carpet Chain, Batting, ¢c., and are prepared le All orders of the shortest notice. Having selected the latest and most improved machi• nery.and employed the manager who has attended to the flora Fsernat: for the fast Ave years, they are manufactu ring a superior article. Cotton Warps made to order, Orders through the Pittsburgh Post Office, or left at the store of J k C. Painter 4• Co., Liberty street; or I,egan k Kennedy, Wood street; wilt meet with prompt atten tion. Address—J. K. 11l OOR HEA D df CO. sep 12-1 Y FrFEM ALES.—There is a Iprge . class of Females in this City who from their continued sitting, to which their occops.tions oblige I hem,are &Netted with costiveness whirl, gives rise to palpitation at the heart on the least ex et t ion, sense of hen v inept extending over the whole head. Intolerance of light and sound .an Inability of fixing the attention In any mental °perm lone, rumbling in the bow- els, sometimes a sense of suffocation . , especially after meals when nny exertion is used,os going quickly up stairs; tempre fickle; these are symptoms which yield at once to a few doses of the Brandreth Pills. The ocea. ',lonal use of this medicine would save a deal of trouble and years of suffering. One, or two, or even three of the Brandreth Pills just before dinner, are ofen found highly beneficial; many use them very advantageously in t his "Y; t hey aid and assist digestion, restore the bowels to a proper condition,enliven the spirits, impart clear. presto the complexion,purify ilieblood, and promote a general feeling of health and happiness. Sold at Dr. il-audreth's Office. No. 98 Wood street, Pittsburgh—Price 25 eenti per box, with full directions. IfAßK—The only place in Pittsburgh, where the GENUINE Pills can be obtained, is the Doctor's owe Of. fice. No 98 Wood street. sep 10. WI RT INSTITUTE. ' FIFTH COURSE OF LECTURES. THE Committee on Lettere' of the Wirt bestitute, foe the Fourth Course,respectfutly announce to the pubic that they have made arrangements , to, commence the Lectures on Thursday evening, December 1. The Lectures of this course will be exclusively Literary mid Scientifc• The Committee, desirous of making the Lecture Room of the Institute a favorite resort of the lovers of Litera. tore and Science, as weiCaa the fashionable, have spared no exertions in procu•ing popular and.talanted Lecturers, both at home and Cooed. In the course oftwo weeks a list of the Lecturers will be published, and tickets offered. SAM . L. C. HUEY, W. W. WILSON, JOHN S. COSOR AVE, WM.B. SCAIFE. JOHN B. SEMPLE, Committee. nov 9.- f FARM FOR SALE.—The anderaltried O ff ers for sale his farm, lying In Ross Township - 41 miles from the City of Pittsburgh, containing 114 acres eland° 60 are cleared and under fence, in ml 5 to ;04 , meadow, 2 good Orchards of A pple..l few . Cherry trees—the improvements are a large frame • containing 10 rooms welifurnished, calculated fork a vern of private Dwelling, a frame Barn 28 by 00,stone 'hasenhit, and stabilog, sheds t nd other out boom suit• able for a tenement!,-2 good Gardens surrounded with currant bushes. and a welt of excellent water, with a pump in at the front door. In relation to the Pittsburgh and Allegheny market, there is no place pow offered for sale with moreinduceMent to those wishing to purchase near Pittsburgh, the terms will be made moderate, for further particularsapply to the proprietor at his Clothing Store, Liberty street, corner of Virgin Alley. LAWRENCE MITCHELL. N. B. If hot sold before the tat of October next. it will be divided into 10 and 20acre lots totoit perch*. Serf. f dos 10 JAMES HOWARD 4 GO,, Manufacturers of Wall Paper, .5. 18, Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Pa.— Have always on hand an extensive assortment of Satin Glazed and Wain PAPER HANGINGS, Velvet and Imitation Borders, of the latest style and handsome patterns, for papering halls, parlors and chambers- They manufacture and have on hand at all times— Printing,Writing, Letter, Wrapping and Tea Paper,Bon net sarTrallors' Boards—all of which they offer,et sale on the most accommodating terms: and to WWI they loitaitbe attestfaa of merchants and others. Al,oo=—Blaiik Books of ail kinds and the best quality, Sehool Banks, etc. always on band and for sale mambos& ft. B. Resat ad Tauten' Scraps' takes In whiny. Pittsburgh, June 18, 1839 TRAVELERS TAKE NOTICE—That ali i 5...... provided withthe Safety Guard have their itbeil hills printed with a 6 1 6re of the apparatus-414M MR* fill you are not dace ved by misreprestellatiosta el A gents stating their 'waist* be -provided with 'the Saliellg Guard, when they are Dot r 1 secured stair 111. 1 0 1008110 The following is a list of boats supplied with the Si^ ty Guard at the Port of Pittsburgh—Mt except dieter* first on the list have the improved apparatus with whilst apparatus it is Impossible for an explosion to occur: SAVANNA, FORMOSA, RARITAN, ILLINOIS, NIAGARA, . : DU QUESNE, ORLEANS, JEWESS, CANTON, MONTGOMERY, LADY OF LYONS, CADDO, VALLEY FORGE, INDIAN QUEEN, FORT PITT, GALLANT, BREAKWATER, . QUEEN orTur.SOCITEI EXPRESS MAIL, DUKE OF ORLEAbS ALPS, BRILLIANT, . • , CASPIAN, ECLIPSE, IDA, VICTRESS, WEST WIND, Mir:RICAN, •• MARQUETTE, OSPREY.' TALLTYRAND. PEN EL3PE, • PANAMA, NOW INA, CICERO, AGNES, SARAH ANN, MESSENGER. NARRAGANSETT, SARATOGA, AMARANTH. ORPHAN BOW '-- MUNGO PARK, OHIO, .NEPTUNE, CECILIA. ADELAIDE. J• H. BILLS, • NORTH BEND, GALENA, MARIETTA, MENTOR. • • BRUNETTE, COLUMBINE,- ;TEAM FERRY BOAT, . The traveling community are respectfully ettsselt befbre they make a choice of a boat. to +effect • Milt ilv and see whether It would not be to their edrallii** and security to choose a Safety Gaud host, booth ft* passage and freight, In preference to one not se MIIIIIM against explosion—and that they will hear be ilittr. 'that ibis invention has the unqualified Z spooshu4 llo ., fifty steam engine builders—gentlemen whose WI it is to understand the subject, and what're emi .inidlf • interested—besides a number or tettfelattli freill a is gentlemen and others—all of worth can lits .. ~.'" my office, No.lo. Water street, where it would,:' pleasure at all tittles to exhibit my toyeatko ilk-11141 who will fake the trouble to call. . . -.. sep 10 CADWALLADER NlFAint , ~ _ yowl A RT. Cewsittiar Nerf kat, D mark Jo* . ell ISitand Itseriossi Nweitifsgrittia, ifidiodao,‘ Rini' TO- Oiler, Rob, Pluiburghi Js. Id* Ary.,Wibiltivt 4 N , sm; NIVAIIYre LeAfl•- , -„T 1 ,0! -d funded perirters, chase pure Whim Lead *ide - ranted equal if sot superior All order/ addressed taros!' a k ti C enried 1 Co. Cinch Dr. Swsvisz —Dear Sin--Pi of writing to you at tills thane and to recommend 40ihe ar d others your lavainahl Syrup of Prunes Vtrginiana, my travels of late 1 nevem:lel the wonderful effects of your .- drew of very obstinate complaint., Wheezing. Choaking of Phlegm, A Mrat. te. I should not have Written this MUM, Da9., present,although L bore fill It my duty to alikelittlartOlr"ri mony to-it for some aerie, bad it not been for *or . stance where the mediciee above alluded to ev*grotms. mental In restoring to perfect health an ' , what, whose ease was almost hopeless, in a tamily quaintance. t•I thank Raven," said the denting, ls saved from the Jaws of death! 0 Sur/ feared the relentless ravager But my childia BMW as safe!" Beyond all doubt Dr. Swaynes Compound Sylrilly.l4 Wild Cherry is the most valuable medicine la thlpr - other country. lam certain I 'tare witnessed tnett one hundred cases where it Iran been attended willitaili plete success. I am using It myself in an °Asthma4t *. tack ofßreschitis, In which it proved effectual hr a 'UV ceedlngly short time. considering the severity ofthereillib. I can recomend It itt the tallest confidence of its cep virtues; I would advise that no family should„betrilthielle it; It Is very pleasant and always betittlelai—mMs* double and often ten times its price. The nubile tirillik.• wired there is no quackery about It. R 6 Jactrow,D,, Di - Formerly Pastor of the First -Presbyterian . Cbraidi. N. Y. Sold by WE. THORN,wholesale 4- retail, ottly Wl*' for Pittsburgh. No. 53, Market street. sit* Mr , 4 - ~ ...1.4 A. BOON TO THE HUMAN R ACEl—o~ihr , -. what unit ditatrey Life. avid yea err a greet i gew ••, Diacover what sill 'roams LIP, and the wolf t ' . .`•' . 7".. ;all yea hosposter." • , , 'l'l ..•.".,.:: "There are fanatiee,hodilysed iatellactuel. witlifit.„ .. . with which certain kerbs have elliaity, and ever. sOialit they have pewee." - ' --....-. .. Dr. B. Brandreth's External Remedy , or Linfilielli: which, by Its extraordinary powers, abstractor PahlitArr . Soreness; thus Sprains, Stiff Sinews, While Rheumatic Pains, or . Stiffneell, Stiffness of tka Tumors, Unnatural Hardness, Stiff Neat Satre Vithilds Croup, Contractions or the muscles, gkroß4i. oll- ...4 1 0 largements, Tender Feet, and every deecription. m *4 jury affecting the Exterior of the Human Pi% r') cured or greatly relieved by his strer-tf be spin ~ extolled rtnee.4. CLRTIFICATZ.—The following letter Dent Illstler — dlitir - :. era! Sandford, as to the qualities of the External ~I'‘ dy, speaks volumes: - ~ r -- 4 - -- - New Yolks, Feb. De Dear Sir—Will you oblige me with another haftle ...-.-,;; your excellent Linimenti It is cerialety the inie..4)l. ~.;-..4 kind I have ever seen. It has cured entirely- - .. . -,...-. knee, about which 1 wasso unessy,And Ilse" productive of Immediate relief in several 4111011 ff. nal injury In my family. A few evenings 'ai : l es. youngest child was seized with a violent attack which was entirely removed In twenty asiasaMr,lk bing her chest and throat freely with the Eaterent A . edy., I think you ought to manufacture th is for general use, instead of confining the set flffirilte have heretofore done, to your particular aeireiollll.llloo Yours truly, C. W. SANDFORD.. DR. B. Baastritrut,24l Broadway, N. Y. CU -For rate at 241 Broadway, New. York, and` a i l it t office ,No. 38 Wood street,Pittsburgh. Plicir- 5S , per bottle with directions. reit* .r..t PITTSBURGH LARD OIL MA: FACTORY. - All; BEsubscriber would respectfully inform $W o n t Tof Pittsburgh, Allegheny and their vielcities.. has egmmenced manufactering the article er and Candles. Be Intends waking but vie gesaltr, 4 , will equal the beet made In the Unit mid Wit by the best winter strained sperm oil either PM or burning, without its 'olfettetire palfillnil.. ME .. third cheaper. 17/X - BURN IX 4117" I ber wishes to impress It is not necessary to pt are daily palmed epos lard oil in. Persons can obtain It by unlit( opposite the lout Olkee. The atteeties e( Who. etiiMem "tweeds*" WNW. N. ;.-Ail tar iarfiY/ Name.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers