Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, January 26, 1843, Image 3

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- ZS lEDZIIKV4I4 31)02•111.
JANUARY 26, 1843
Chronicle is in quite a pet about the
pating, and in venting its spleen, lies
with its usual flippancy. It may as well drop
the subject, for we do not believe it has any
more chance of getting “black mail" from
the: printing committee than it had when it
attacked Tierce Brennan so valorously.
James I A. Bartram.
4 morning paper states that the ioyestiga'i
-of tbe,committee of Councils into the official con.
doceof this gentlemen as city Treasurer has re
salted-in a manner high'y honorable to him. The
cash on hand, in which it was repotted shut there
was a large defieit,i4 said to exceed by a few rents
the amount rated in his account. We are sin
direly gratified at Ibis result. Mr Bartram is an
fatkaable citizen, and we should have deeply re •
retied to have had the reports concerning
him confirmed. Mr. Henri S. Magraw, the
4,hoirman of the committee, deserves credit for
hamiomptness In rhovit.g an inquiry into the mat.
tar. It was the only way in which the peopl ,
ttould• be satisfied that the Treasurer's accounts
were correct, and the most certain method of put.
ting tb rest the injurious rumors concerning him.
We yesterday noticed the drowning of
G. Vanorsdal. High Constable of Alleghe•
ny, and two other persons. The names of
these two were Moon and Jolly. They
were fishermen and were returning From
their labor, when their skiff upset. Van.
oradel lost his lire in attempting to s3ve
Learning - is like merrurv, one ~ f the
most powerful and excellent things in the
world in skilful hands—in unskilful hands,
the most mischievous.
Wit in ennversatlon is only a readiness
of thought awl ra,ility of expression.
A habit of prorrasikati.ig is to the mind
what a Rilsy is to the ho(lv. '
I. a meet in of the Fire Co., beld at
a all on Tuesday night, 21111 inst. at 10i
e'eluOt., the lollowiliz resolutions were of red and
stiopted unanimously.
'recto/reel. That we return nor sincere t',anks to
Mr. Jae..b Whitmore, for reireshmehts received
alter the fire on Tuesday nil!ht last.
We also tender our thank= to the votinz men
Iv.hu se gentlemanly aided in distributing, said re
.fiesolsord, That we retura nor t.ineere thanks
'ated hearuelt gratitude to Mr. Grant, whn•: pro
016,1ir we aided in preserving, for the kind twin -
`Tie ten feted 114 refreshments in the open
etteet.which we resrelltillv d•elined.
S. A. GLENN, Sec'es. pea tern.
The member:i a the Allegheny Fire Cqrni) nv
Totem their thanks to Bes=ts. Wh.trnore, Dar
ilinglortt M rgan, and M'Knight, ti r
..le rc.res.l%
meets SirniNhed them at the late Fife in Evan,'
Hy order. J C. AGNEW, Step.
- Jan. 25.
memht•rs Niig rt I;n 2 ;ne and [To.°
.Cnisrinnlov rn.tp•nti.'tilly lit retitrn 1.11 , 4 r thin I m ;Mr.
.Weffiatei 111intrht and Lady. far Z:afEa: fur
iti,his 1 them at th- late fire.
JAS. M. CEiRISTY. .11_,vipain
For thr•
Who threw the first water?
-A - it , the.Pogt of this morning you s;u , e teat the
Vigilant men citl ; in to have thrown the fi sr wa'er
'atthelfre Ist night. This is riiticuiona thnuvh
'it 16 IeinINTT m..ro than might he r xpeeteci from
*kit Cllllo . a tare as belong ro Ihvt rn•np - my. The
tleg'ii•n'y th e•v water at least I.l.cen ntino'r he•
~fflrtA•l., titer Peg ilia. A LI,'N V.
River-8 feet water in the channel
441 P 24—Beltront, Poe, R heeling,
Timve taken out Irtier: of administration on the es.
Yale .f Alexander Lusk, tale of Unp-r St. Clair
,iiinviintap, A Ileghrny count y, All pm sat), itideld
oho the estate of the said deceased, by hook deli;s or
Otherwise are reiviested to make immediate payment to
win at - tny residence. In the ;there named low.thip. and
1111110611. end those who have claims -arc ri-us.ested to
them duly prolm'ed.
WILLI %NI LUSK, allasinistrar.r.
JabearY 25. 1843.—ea.
IRAVE taken out letters of administralion nu the es.
sate of saamel Thompson, hoe or 4Vilkins town.hlp,
"Aiiaskeis! connty.dereaßed. and notice is hereby given
to aft ;tetanus indebted to said estate to make immediate
potitoeot to me, and ntl those having claims, are reques
let tek pre-seat them properly nut bentienl ed.
^- JUL: W. 11143.-61 , * GEOCCI BA I LEY.
- • E. S. El - castings,
pantrium REGULATOR. Office with Alder
s3ll).man Watson, 4ik street, next door to the Bank of
Arill.lbargh; where applications fur Regulating; Survey•
Laying out and Dividing Landed estates, will be
Peels. Bends, Mortgages, 4-c. executed with legal
itittenrsey and despatch.
7 - 4 1 30,alinish, Jan. 26. 1843.-3 t
~.Tbe Amet lean Pioneer; an excellent Monthly - Ruh.
devoted to the olject of the Logan Hist&riced
ailliatiff: or to collecting and publishing sketeheinrelative
totbii early settlement and successive Improvements of
.eSr-ennatry, "for my country i rejoice in the Rower of
/*ace "—Liras, nhove excellent work, tailed by
joint 9 Millinnus, 'Cincinnati. for sale at g 2. for
4iiellrrt volume, and 2ti continued in monthly No. and
atabiscription. at 3: per annum re-eiyed at Harris' A gen•
styilnd Intelligence Olney.
Pittrbervi, January 26. 1114.3.
vormrn-011 Wrdneldny the 251 h, ni the Point. 1
Jlf pair of enanie Roots and 1 pair of Lad if“: Si i nrvers,
rise owner can learn where they now are, by applying
Jan 26-3 t
41.11 FOR SALR.--About eletren tined!, middle
- gazed and large Grins (or hale et from 6 toso mitre
fro Blitnillargh and at prices varying from 10 to 840
wirer-persona Wanting to onrchave farms. Pill plr•at:e
call and examine the record at HARRIS'
4= 1 25. Gea. .gxeucv k Intelligence office,
E tons PI, Metal in storeond for
ob,' .1. W. RURESItIDGE il• 4'n.
jail 24. Watts. et. between Wood 4- Sinalifield.
. - .
4 . ' TE lIIPE R 3 NCE.
I her and Sabbath School Papers fn., .received New Yorts and Philadelphia. 5000 of the
Vatities Tetoprranre Adeorale, for innottry 1, 184.3
ima•estelteat and cheap paper, for families and youth.
aigitiv 1141bhalh f ritool. Sigolne the Pledge 4-r. at 12 cis
par year. jr I erne each. Temperance Hymn Books.
Vviingtota Sarni, Tempt ranee Lyres, Songs .kr. 300
evallonat Total Ahoinencr `society Spetchrs, and
Dr` iessatra Mares and Pathology. Temperance Lee.
11111iletlk pah'es„ 4-e. and Temperanre Medals.
antrrellaiwtrance certificates fur admits and youth: 1000
Nottall Sabbath School Books from Ito 1 ti cents each,
as Taaaperaftee and Christian Almanacs (or 1843
Vial Iteciiiik, German, Welsh and French tracts, and t,
ispillkillrof very cheap Sabbath School Rooks, and Iliy
file Paper and Stationary for`a.ale on accotn.
kattleas, in any_quanlity to snit parch/teem.
44 1 P' Vt. , / 3 0.- ISAAC HA Rine.
Ascat anti Corn. &Jamul, Not), sth street.
OTS PUBLIC AUCTION.-4Vill he sold on
ALI Tuesday the 31st January next; a: 2 o'crocic in the
afternoon at the house of Win. Greenfield. inthe village on
Beallsville, Washington to. Pa', thirty sir. building lots In
that village—which is becoming a place of importance,
as the great National Road from Cumberland to VVheet
ing. intersects the road from Pittsburgh to Brownsville.
This will be a chance for Teamsters, Mechanics and oth
ers—terms at sale which wilt be accommodating. Said
lots are about a !wile's throw from the national road
and in the centre of the village.
Jan 13-Iflt.
d IN Friday morning Feb. 3d, at 10 o'clock. , m. at
'Ur the corner of Fifth and Wood streets, I wilt sell
24 full pieces of Bolting Cloths, assorted, No. 5,7, 8,
and 9.
Those, goods may he seen at any time previous to
the day of sale. The atientlua of “Itlitlers" is part fcu•
tarty directed to this sale.
J. B. GUTHRIE, -Isoio•
Pittsburgh, lan. 2(3,1843.
In front of Captain Broadhurst's,
On Penn Street.
Monday. l'uesdny and Wc(ltt,tlay, hou. 23, 24 25.
Entertainments will commence with a Grand National
Song by Mr Barry
!foremanship iy I%laoer flare
Dance by Mks Laura and Master fl Buckley
%Howland by Miss.e Devine and Mr W Nichola:
Song, by Mr Harry.
Slack Rope by Mr Buckley;
I ndinn, without saddlf ; Mr lV Nichols.
4. 11111(11"fiong, by Mr Hamlin.
Mr VViMain Nicholn on four Horse,
The whole to conclude with the Grand Chivalric Ac.
lion and Heraldic Invocation, and Equestrian Romance,
from the German of Schiller, " KA- 1 1.1F .4117' DEN
D 101 CH EX" ent led
[For Particulars see small bil's]
Admission to Buxes 50 c. Pit 25 cents
1• 11In , ze or Rini Performance every Nizhl
- -""
II ./iSiii-VG C 11,5 LTl.if E,
DEL Pill: 2 A.VD :VI , : it' YORK.
gill IS lies i. In full opierai ion, and I. ayes Pit ls'iurgh
dail - al 6 o'ciork..l 0, via %Vashinvon rn and the
National fl end, to Coml-0:111d. connecting there with
fail lloadCo.s lo he ahoce prices. Travelers will
find alit , a cpredy and cornett,- alile route, It lis big a twin.
rale and distinct Pitistiorli snit l'unitierland line farili•
lies will ' - e Writ riled which have nut been heretofore en-
P;lF , enzers von b e taken up and set down al the
Al nfinikt:lll,la Munce, rhant inerica II and Exchan,se
11 0-els, or at any loit.ie in the vicinity of place- , --
Extra coaches furnished at the shortest notice, with the
priviii,:e or :sting through direct, or of taking one nigh CA
re-l.al Utwit opi
For stag apply :i1 the Mllre hi Si Clair .freer, corner
01 - the Exeliatie llatel, or at the °thee. so Water rt, liext
door to the Moootigiliela
I, iv F.l - I•llt:tcroNT
Pte, , ideat of the 0i.,1 $1:12
J (7 ArilkßoN. Sery
To Le t,
rf - 0 STORES on Alatrket a. , I,riwren 3d and .1m
A LSO. twn Spariwi.• 111(1 ronvenienl roomk in !he ate
and story openillit 1:V it 1 rUll On Thirli.l forofio; i.voi•fl :111:1111' .
' rid fir ',RN' titlie.,, or fur ;ony I urine:: , vqii :fi11..., ~ CU. , ' , 01110.
veltionl and re:oly arre, ,, fru.. a lal , ;or— , slrlrl. . 1 1..holille.e , ani iik 2
.41,r , 41, the soinli store ion,. on Tliirit .iit tie;orit• on. , p„, 4. iki,,,H, bk „ r 5 .„.„ .
piNote 1111, l'o,l attire rr al present orruel 1.. k (:rows 1„•,,,,111, 2
Rat wood as a Lamp -lore,
14.1innto1 lik i.f :St. 17I:nrs
A 1.. , 0 int - . li:tilt and airy 0111,:r on 3d ...f .al iire:ehl or. ' rill°. .1
thoird a, the ll heerii ill.
Marietta bk. fletiould
~lALSO, far rciii, :everal kttiall Noose: near The dwell. , flo „,.
.:ling boilaii of iiw ..iii''srolier iii 1' tit toorii,iiiii, wilt) Ii few ' i ,l o , rtlrrrilcy 110 1 1 , . 2.
nerec of 1.:‘,.1 notarbf,i 10 r:teh.
(,oionibinita I. New Lir ,
jin 1:3--11 . EDIVI) DD . G IZZ %M. boll Ile.m:-..501, 2
N" 51 " 1 nil 'I. ' do Pokl tulle a, 2,
FOR So or,-lo mow aunt Lot l'ou (' lit ioool. specie pay.
M- .' OPriirliell Ly NI ll,ilzel. .rotate at the corner of i,,,, !•,,k,
ri,zl D. milllEl al Iry :led )lie Ilciiihool. in lice oo yof : . 0 „ 0 ,, 4 . •I• r „, h ,„ I , k of
fous'otr2ll For tern,- apply lu 51 Italzell oh lII,' orein- I I:whin:ill. 5.
.u.:. or /film Soriler, 1.7a,111er. l' , . - .: 11 -1111. Clinton Irk of Colholloz!, I
B_ — .
~c , „ .....--., t.,,,...0.,..., „tut! allot tur ,ult, uy 1),11,1 nil 110,4,,,, 2
J. W I;li ftlt I: IDC E. l'irrlevillr, (IL Latvrenre
i ~1 2 ;9,11. 1V ilr, lietwer:a Wood 4- Sinilll , Cashier) 2
7,, , , , ,i1, . k
I LI.I 11 17. W.ILL. plain and Fuoca Portra
ee and Picture Frame Manufact rer, 87,
Fourth St reel h. —C:iityvs"g
, for ArsiOs,.itril,S ml hand. I: lat.,,es. 4 r .
promptly 1, a c/.1 to owlet. Cepa irio; dose ; I tt,e 51,(,“
Particular attention paid to re^ildiutl and Jobbing of...‘t
em nitn. , rript inn.
Per , ot, iiinz op glean. Boar. or linu , es will find Ii
to r. 11.
ODD elicoli \PPM Stal,ll 1,111 I
--ll , ' 1111 y
A • 1'111,1.11,a irt lii. vi 'hid,' of P.:15,
'Bilge Oda tilde NVIV Liehon, in Columbiana c oun ty
Oiljd--adi l fe• I In<ecvrnl niLe Vi!la,ioi , --and in n re.
s:pert:lido lod,211 1, 11(1111,1d, fl u 111, I eailio: elate road itirongh
Olitn--d lie Tavern iarge and ci ovenient—a gold
:Tar /en a,of nirlie fond itc Far t 1.111 1 ,, which will
f m , l ow and aCI•01111110(latill; In a good trnanf , al/ply to
John A ode rerun no Ilse iireitiieea, Of at Harr Ceoerd I
eoncv nod Idteilizenre office. j in 19.
UST ruccivetl 77 :2o dozen pp ,d Corn Brooin ,
5 rto C S A
150 14 fresll Roil Ilnncr;
500 cub; Carnet chain;
4 dozen Sock,;
T. rimuus,
Agent and enn)rniss.inn !lerrint et
o Let,
THE More room am' ttwellin2 on Market =l, now or.
etirt , ed I.y Tho Ca otphell4- CO Awl/ 1,,
Jan 17,18.42 JAMI BLAKELY.
Fatuity Flour.
100 R4tql.f,,LS Falr;t Family Flour, jut rt•crived
andlorsa'e by. J. W,RUR BRIDGE, .c• co,
Slirkel,betwten Wood and Smillitinid.
Jan. 1601,1841,
FRI crs
T"'i. a wife and cerlaiii cure for Cotieis, Colds
..6sthmo, Sore Throat, Pains and Weakness of the
PreastWhoopin t Cough. Hoarseness, Irritation of the
Thront, and [tinny diseases leading in ills Consoinplioo.
Try It —on'v 13,1 per roll—prepared and xold Whole.
ssleand Reiail by 11. T. PRICE, Confectioner, Federal
si...l , leglieny City, and - the principal Druggists of rills.
lie ' , urn yun ask for Price's Compound Cough Candy
unv 17—,f.
Teal GrocerY, fund i'rotictee Business,
To BIC DlSPurrn or
At No. 140 Liberty street, Pilasburgh.
rirlJE SilbSerliprr to live in ;he rottutry, is
desirous of ' , Ohne out hi. stock and fixtures. The
stock ronskts of a chone anti greleral selection or Teas,
Coffees. Spices and a g eneral assortment ofarlicles
ally kept by the trade. The fixtures are of the lienlett
and most sitintantial kind. The stand unsurpassed by
any in the Pity. and .it % r , dured rent; heine well cairn.
hated for a Wholesale and Retail Grocery business, which
the subscriber has carried.on in the same stand the last
l'lte.aliove s an excellent opportunity for any persnn
de , iirons ofeninaikine having a considcr.,toe
connexion iii town and country.
For gale, VOW, of advantageous term•, a Two Story
Brick Dwelling, a. ith Inagetut nt, vault, dining room,
kitchen, , stV.stautially built and well finished, silo.
acrd in Rubinson street, Allegheny City, oppostte Jack
son's now, brine 22 ft front by 1 1 0 deep to a 15 ft. alley.
Also, nearly two acres of land, being one whole square
situated at New Troy, hemtt a lovely spot, 1 mile from
the city, cotitainint 1 small Frame Dwelling, a few fruit
trees,and 2 wells of first rate water.
Also. a small farm of 20 acres. 6 miles from Pit tstottgli
on the East Liberty road, containing a Log house-Stone
Bank hart,. with Stables under the whole, being 50 feet
long, .g...s vide. and 2 aciet. of choke Orchard Jaz. constst•
log l; Wl6lO grafted Pear, Apple, Plum and other
Trees. in fnll ; taritrg.
Alsei,few No.lol In (hell Presbyterian cbutch,,situ.
aced *twat half way down the left aisle from the pat ranee.
, 23-111 w
Muya ['lensing: I.k
Girard ha..k,
U. States hank,
Luiliberineri', Warren, --
Frank. bk Washinzton, par
Miners hk of Poi isvile. 10
Ilk of Morwzomery Co. pnr
Mon. Lk Brownsville, 14
Erie Bank. 5
flarrlAbitrzh hank. 9
For. hk Lancaster, 2J
Ilk of Al
Bk. of Chanibersburgh, 84
Carlisle bank,
Bk of Northumberland, 84
Columbia bk Brides co. 3
Bk Susquehanna Co• 11
Bkof Delaware Co. pat
Lebanon bk.
ystril hk, f.;}
fork bank, 8
Far. 4- or , ,ver, hk. of
•• Cot rehey notes. 8
1. I O hfll p II %
9-d , f
WCrnnung hook,
Slate Scrip. 5 7
Coo atry do du 9
Berke Co. bank,
Lewitdrove. 18
1j) E.IIOVJUd--1 . 110 tiMferihet , have retain) , d id kVA.
111), ter between Wood and Smithfield .teed, where
they will ronllone lite Whole.olle Grocery nod Commts•
Finn hudoe•; and would rmmect folly fmlfch Ike patron.
not oft heir friend! J W. HUI: Hl; lUC E Co.
()Pr; 3
g T.
.11. 3 /111.' and Retuil Raker, Ceti.
R. leri lone r and Prun ere r, Federal street, near the
Diamond, Allegheny ei. y.
. .
Ever. , variety of Ennfet.tinnory and Ornamental
Cnticg, suitalue fur weddings and pnitkr, manufactured
from tile best materlilg, at qiimt notice. nov 16
GEOROE W. LAYNO, Attot Flee at Law, Office
Nn. 54 Fifth street, near the Theatre, Pilts'aurgh,
Pen "27-1
1)R. ELMER RITT, DENTIST, Oiice " Sin"
field, between Second and Third Sts., Hours of
I , u , insse front 9 A. M. till 4 P. '4.
Dr. R. M. manufactures Procelain and Nllneral
1/Polls's can he 511111114 d by the loft or "Ingle teeth. Blocks
of toe' h with a beautiful Font In full sets. or parte
of netts, will be made tn order at the shortest notice, lir
thrwarrtiol an exact impression of Ihe mouth. lan,
for sale a few machine , : with ornery wheels for 251 ndinl
sod 1111152 mineral teeth so useful to the Dentist—all
will In' Fnid low for ca .h. der 23.
FOR RENT: —A comfortable new brick dwel
ing houvr, sit owe in Coal Lane uenr 7th suet
For terms, which will be tooderate.apply to
Three Big Door, Liberty ed.
.E. AUSTIN, Attorney nt La vv, Pittsburgh. Pa.
Office in 4th street, oppmtlte Burke'' , Building,.
W tr.ma et E. A UITIV, will give his silent too lo toy
unfinished lossineee, and I recommend him tot he patron
age of lily friends. WALTER FORWARD.
.erl 10-1 V
I UMBER FOR SALE —Poplar plank, hoards,
AvPather hoard Ina and Scant line. A it , o, Wh its oak
ho::rds of various leneas and thickness, wheel arms for
steamboat buckets. [ware., ,tc.. of various length and al
by wholesale or relail. Apply to
210.1243.-2 m
CAREEN APPLES.--ThAt rec'd from Bellvernon,s6
hhls. of Ronianiit apples, which 1 sell for. SO cenlP
per barrel. ISAAC ('RUSE,
j, 143 Lihrtly St.
Dissolution et - Partnership,
Coparltiershin heretofore existing between the
su her rile ru under lite firm of David Lloyd 4- V.
s !hoc day Ili , SOlVelt by limitation. The business if the
ate firm will he settled by David Lloyd at the old stand,
corner of fifth and Market bit-.
Jan 2184.3. PAUL HUGUI Jr.
Wm. 4. v. Hunts are authorized to receipt and settle
accounts in my absence, DAVID LLOYD,
Wm D. Bachman end P. Jr..
in, entered into copartnership under the ft m of lingua
Bachman 4- Co , will continue the Dry Goods holiness at
the old stand formerly occupied by David Lloyd 4. CO.,
corner of Market and sth It reols. where they intend keep. -
in, - ; a full assortment of Foreign an Domestic Dry Goods,
j:in 2 1842. PAW. HUGUS jr.
I have sold my interest in the late firm of David Lloyd
Co. to Messrs flu;:us, Bachman 4- 0.1., who I cheer
fully recommend as o orthy of public patronage.
Jan 20-61. DAVID LLOYD.
WARM FOR SALE.—A valuable farm on the Ohio
1..' river, in Braver county,3 mile. below Econo my ,cou.
ain lag 200 acres. It contains an abundance of coal; it
has a brick hoOse. about 45 feet square, a large frame
barn, a atone grist mill in gond order, with a good dwell
ing at the mill; with other neceseary outhouses. It will
be sold for $5,500; one - half down and the balance in
4 equal annal payments. A good and sufficient title
will be et ven—posseasion given Immediately; for nu
ther particulars apply to JAMES ARBUCKLE%
Jan 20—It 7 on the premises.
htids. N. O. Sugar, this day reeshisidtesirsteamer New
iYork, sod for sale by J. C.* A . GORDON.
er 10. No. 12 Water at
240 7 Liberty -arcet
- BOWE AZ= 110.11 .
.zy: W. Corner of Wood 4- lifth Sts.
Tom proprietors of the aloastsra Pod - r and MERCURY
♦nn Mwar►crcasa respectfully inform their friends
and the patronsof those papers, that they have a large
and well chosen assortment of
eIIraCIDJIENC T r llfellP.lllM 9
4V0:17E9 AIM ou2-.-.11..uat gYEAV.ZegAgratst
NeceFsary to a Job Printing Office, and that they are pre
pared to execute
800 t...
Bias or Lading, Circulars,
Bill Heads, Cards,
Black Checks, Hat Tips'
ti Itfnbs of 131anks,
Stage, Steamboat, and Canal Boat Bills, with app.-
priate Cate
Primed on the shortest ',mice and most reasonahleterms
We respecifully ask the patronage of our friends and
be public in general in Ii k branch of our business.
Pittsburgh, Sept. 39, 1842. PIIILLIPS SMITH.
flank of P it I,:bu r:! h. par
k Man. bk. par
Er.cban::c bank, par
Ilk. of Germantowc •
ra.slt..n lank,
Lancaster batik
Batik of Cheater Co
Partner,' bk Bneka Co
noyleAown 1.1; do
flk of Y America Phil.
ilk of Sort lure
Commercial Irk. of Pa.
Far. 4- Mechanic:, bk.
KerrAngion bk.
Philadelphia bk.
Schuylkill bk.
Southwark bk.
Wesiern hk.
Ilk. of Penngylvaola, 14
Ilk of Peon T . pa r
Man. $ alechaoice bk. 5
rile , :harlicq bk. par
di. 2
itosi,,R 1
tVe..irrii Fieliang . e.
It;incirpwr, par
Lou,,,vilie, na r
tl'lleelint,. ?., dl
,Gril,ll , ND SI I,l' r.n. par
(Ire 30-11.
- ; . • . : 77-.7 .!;i' . :.7 . -* - .7 , 7,...i , . 7 7 . .7.
-., . ,
I l, Vooster,
Post notes. 2
(Minima! he, 10
Fran. CulonshuA, 2
Coto. bk. Lake Erie, 35
Far. Ilk: of Canton, 5U
Irrharia 65
State bk.k Branches 2
State Scrip, 50
111 bank,'
Stale hk ,yr Branches, CO
Stn.. wneelown, 70
Rank of Virginia,
do Valley,
Far. lilt. of Virginia,
13x - change bank,
N. Wept. Lank
Sltr. 4-Mee. dn.
RaLlmore Batiks,
Country Rank , .,
111 l'Ankn,
All 13. in lot, par and 1
City R:.nkr, P*,
(safety a
fled Ru. k, }in 1
I Ro=ton Ranks, p:r
Orlen rtq Ran ks, zoo.l. 5n 10
Rankp, 21
Itankm. 21
Ita ii ker. 2
VI BaiA9,
of St. ClRir,
no. d”..1 H. Smith 10
C A N. 1 ll A
bn nk.
M:aklern E xcha agge
MACKEREL —ln score No. 2 Mackerel at $B,l pe r
ILL barrel—half barrels al 3f: The Mackerel are offered
at these low pi ices to Ouse sales—Also Vodli.,h by Ihe
drum, very cheap, apply to SAAC CRUSE:
Jan 20
148 Liberty .st•
N OTICE. -I have taken out letters of administration
on the estate on John Wilsdn, tate of the City of
Pittsburgh, deed. All petsons indebted to the estate of
the said deceased, are requested to make immediate pay
ment to meat my residence in Penn er. near Slarbury, and
those who have claims are requested to present them
duly probated. J P WILSON,
Jen 19..-6ter.
THIC 3d story of the building occupied by R. A.
aiumanits an Auction store—heretofore known
es ttNesmith's Lone Rano.' corner of Wood and sth
streets. - Inquire or R. Morrow. sth at. jan 23.
• 4 t • ' ; ..fttiPtieat at Lass.....offtet
titt•totnerat Portia Stuff 'field sis. Rep 10
17'DORNEY 47' LAW. —Office in Beare finilding,
Ponrth street, Pittsburgh. Nov . 5. 1842.
T• STEWART, Upholsterer and Paper Hanger,
• No. 49, Pill h sireet, between Wood end Smithfield
dts. Husk and Straw Mattrasses always on hand. All
orders executed with neatness and despatch, on acrommo
sating terms. sep 20— 1 y
2000 BUSHELS OF PI—IX SEED. for hich the
hlzheal price in each will he givei
JAMES DICKEY 4-Co /tete.
Meehantea Llnerorner ufLieerty and Wayn
Pittsburgh. Oct '42.
LIBRARY of Religious, II lei orical,Polli nd Mis
cellaneous Works. will be open every day, Sabliai h 'x.
ceptert. "rom 7 o'clock, A. M., unt II 9. P. M., in the Ex
change Rulldlng.corner of St ',Clair •treetand Exchange
alley, wnere punctual attendance will be given by
ee.p 10 J. CF,MAttf,
MANUFACTURED and sold wholesale and retail
SIXTH STRICti one door below Smithfield.
oft 21—tv.
PRINTING INK.—The subscriber has jut rec. i
ved an assortment of Book and Nests Pitt NTI:sM
INK, from the old te.ttablishee manufactory of Cha
Johnson. (formerly Johnson til• rurant) of Philadelphia,
which he warrants to he of the first quality, put up in
keen of from 10 to 15 lbs. to cult purchases.
He intends 10 be eonstantly supplit..l, and all orders
accompanied by cash; will he punctually attended.
Washington Print in; Office, 3d door west of Maj Irons'
Hotel, sth at. Jan 10-31 w.
W ILLIAM ELDER, Attorney at Law; Office
Bakewell's Buildings, nearly opposite the New
Court flonse. on Grant street. • , • I
'DUCK WH EA T.--Received from Harmony 15 half
barrels Buckwheat Flour,sultahle for families, for
sale by
j.in 5
1-13 Liberty s,.
In store, Family Flour, u superior article for Bakers
THE stihseritTx 111:1! just ref-eyed his animal supply 01
Landreth'', Garden Seeds, enniofn in: in part orthe
(lowing klndv—all of the last yrars crop 4* warranted
Asps, ag F , Egg Elam, . (• t , glip,
Bee's, Eydr e, I ',•as,
Beans, Kale, Pepper,
Leek, Pumpkin, 13 rolen'i,
Lettuce. Rad:sh, Berecole,
Waier Melnal, Rhubarb, Ca bige,
Musk, '' Salsify, Ca rf ta,
Nast urlionit Cauliflower, s I ,i ua c!),
:-Aarrsii. Celery, Okra,
Tooui,e., Cu,led Ciess, (itti , di,
Turnip, Cactinviwr. PAI,I , V,
Corn, Musts rd, (white and hi I,w ii)
&c. &c. &c .
Together %% lilt. varlet y of Poi 4- Sweet lierli , a, d flower
ity-Ordvra for Sepdq, Shrub..., Tr. es. kr. from Carden.
era and others will be recr•lved and promptly attended
Is.o. 134 LiM•ny. head of Wood at.
Fl' 0 LE7'.—Those two stories I.rir k dwellln2 hott,es
la 3d street, adjoins! the Post Office. They arc
fa 'tie and rnmmndi.nh and have peen arranurd na t•lllres
nod far some y carp pa=t: runt Will he
moderate.- - For terms apply lo
inn 5 3w
To Let
, nnvenieni dwell.ngtltneted In Diamond alley
known:v. the t Mole in the Wall" It roalala
1 1 . 9 9 rooms= wills lar:tte yard attached to it, it will
he rented low to a 200t1 tenant, ro,Resaina given no I
ISI of engoire at Stephen Htignes has al Ore Wood
Attic., a hwelline !none in A Itc•thcritt rlty row.ihing.
5 rno - ist with n ldrge lot attached to it.rent t975--en.
quire analove.
or Revd,.
FriHR, dwelling Itott,e, known b 1 the Clinton ("wine,
nil totted on Cite lower bank Alie•theny city, fronting
flank lane, poiNeesion given on the A day of April nest.
G, IL \SMITE 4- ro .
Market siren!
$lO Reward
Q.7'o F:hr from the staid.• of the soh4criher living three
Li ;ultra west of Brownaville in Vt'achingtot, ro. rot the
nigto of the sth dark brown horse, with a star
In hie forehead, about 16 heart , ' high, 5 ye:, r 4 old.] hill
it, flesh, nn shoes on behind, alightiv lame in Molt hold
feel, has A sore or scar on the left jaw, nu m het marks
The a ove reward will he given for the hor.e and
thletor live dollar. for either delivery oft lie to the sub.., i•
het, or to John at Davie, near Phtslittr2ll, a. it l roo2-
ly suspected that the horse was taken in that direction .
eras of Land in Mifflin township. near Lebanon.
Church, and near 'he MrKeepennrt and %Vashi tigt on road
There I. about 40 acres cleared, a new stone linti.e and a
h-quare log barn, and a good young orchard on it arid
Is in excellent order. There Is an abundance of coat
and limestone on It. It lice about 8 miles from Pitts
burgh, and will be sold nn accommodating terms. En -
Quire at florris' Intelligence (Ace, No 9. sth street, or
oftlie rintistriber on the premises.
...Junt ()VIM Stum—The i,adies can now do away
with all kinds of over shoes, ran walk throu:h the wet
streets with thin shoes, and have their feet kept perfect•
ly dry; ran wear ti:ht shoes without having their corns
pain them; and ran have their sho , s wear twice as Ion:
rti ever, If they will use l he reehrnted Ott. or TA NIN,%s Itlrlt
will make leather water proof nod render it ns pliahim'
and soft a. kid. 1-I's an
art isle well oriel h their notice.
nod one which they will all value highly ,as soon as they
try it. To he had only at TI.7TT f','3
MaolcAt. AGEXCT. 36, ['Mirth street.
fan 9
P'ice,sl per botl'e
4. M. DoncrtTy inform their friends and
the public that they have commenced nianuf.,citi
rinz flats, and thr.ll they have now ready for bale, at
their Store,l.lB Liberty street, between Market and
street, an assortment of ihe very best flats, which ("el ,
are nitiioCiAto dispose of on the cheaptst and ma< reason,
able terms. Their Stock consist of the, very hest kinds
v;z:—Beaver, Otter, Neutria,Castore.shorl Nat ped Rus
sia, Fur and Silk flats.
W. j• Doherty are both regular bred Halters, I hey
have had extensive experience as Journeymen in the hest
esiahlislitnents in the country; their Hats are all got ut.
under their own inspection, and they assure the public
that nothing but thr very hest articles on the most rea
sonatile terms will he offered for sale. set , 10
A NEAT and convenient o story Erick dwelling
nonce. will' a very large garden and several fruti
trees.; ailuated on Federal sl, Allegheny ciiy, above the
nosh commons. Possession aver the tiist day of April
empire of Alderman Watson Pittr burgh.
Jan.l9 184$ •
CORN Al EA L. ---8 0 huermlx fresh crotind rifird t3orn
Meal, In barrels containing 3 bu, he ic, at ' 5 cents
Per barrel;
In stotc—Family Flour by the ha rrd.
Jan 20 ISAAC cßust.:
• - niN; I 7W I :-A;W,A,
Varner of 2d 4- Market '0,414
WALL pArzqta.
T IM author 41.44 r s 40eneet fully call the n tie .nlion of
their friend:4 and the prat v, to Thep - pre.
seta assortment of Paper Banci. , ps, n e " al3. "' a
Inrge and extensive variety of pattern? n4l the rollnwi-tg
deseriptinns, a 'PHI aeon inspection o ill he fo u nd to he
of superior qualify and finish,
Unglazed Wall Papers, of all descriptions, fcr papering
rooms and entries, 441 25 cent .4 per piece.
Glazed Wall Papers, neat and handsome patterns, for
papering rooms and entries, at 371 cents.
ihnerican Wall Paper, of %belt own manufacture, for
finite; Fresco and other styles for parlors and
chamhers;on fine satin glazed grounds. •
French Well Papers, Decoration and Fresco patterns. in
plain and rich rotors, gold and silver paper.
Velvet and Imitation Borders.
Landecope Papers, In Cr;;,, for papering hotels, halls
and dining rooms, nt reduced prices.
Firs Board Prints, Statues, arnentestes,
Windom Blind Paper, plain and figured, of different c.
l'Ve‘tarn merrlinntq and othoranre roapect fully invited
to call and ornmlnethoZt stock and prices. olTwhlch last
a liberal dkrottut will he given for earth.
Front tong experience in the t ueinety, they are fthlP In
marmfacture napers in a superior manner, and as they
are determined to keep no the character their papers
havnsustained, they hope to continue to re
ceive the enruitrage.ment hit het Ins° liberally extended.
130T,11: 4 1111P BRnWNE,
No 49, Market street, het wren 3d and 4th
Pitt 4nrgh, Sept. 19, 1842—da wtf
J on RuTrnr, WORTH. Auctioneer and Commie.
Rion NE rehant, KY.. will attend to Ow
wale of Real Estate, Dry Grintla,Gtoreries, Furn hire, ¢c
Itegularsales eve.y Titeaday, Thursday. and Fri
day mornings. at 10 o'clock, AA. M. Cash advances mad
on consignments. sa'p 10
1 AMES HOWARD CO., Manufacturers of Wall
til Paper, No. 1:1, Wood Street, Pittsburs , ,A, Pa.—
Have Cl Iva vs on hand en extensive assortment of Satin
Glazed rind pain PA PER HANGINGS, 'Velvet and
Imitation Borders, of the la'est style and handsome
patterns, for papering halls, parlors anal chambers-
They manufacture and have or hand at all imes—
Printing. Writing'. Letter, Wrapping fled Ten Paper, Roo
net nntl Fullers' Boatils.—all of which they offer for wale
on the most accommodating terms; and to which they
invite the at tent 'on of merchants and others.
ALSO-- Blank Rooks ofail kinds and the best quality.
School Ranks, etc. always on hand and ror sale as nhove '
N. E Rar , st nd Tar ',erg' SerA Wl' taken In exchange
VS TE S, SARDINES. 4.e.; served on in the best
style at A. flensces. No 9 Fifth steert Buttn . .te
apartment: are nnpropriated to zentlemen at-et-no:toted
tatitec. Also nil kindc of Caksc aid Confectionary for
pa iec. wedtlinzl, etc , for stile by
nov 19—tf.
T UTTLE ha. this day received from New York. a
hreh zoopiv n(llrwec Nrrv,. rind Bone Liniment,
and Indian N'ezetaide Etix ir,a pa.it ive cure fnr R hou ma•
timi, Gout, rontracted (Dodo and Limho_-
Gouratura Powlre Subige, for eronnletely and puma
nentiv eradicating sone! finous hair from females' npper
tips. the hair roneentin7 a hroad and e!evateri forehead.
the 911,11.1mrti heard of man. or any kind of on perfluous
hair. Price 191 per Imltte.
(;o , .►aad's Eau de Seizure, or Trnr Water oi Reality
Thl• French nrenirnt lon t hOrOII.IIIIV exterminate.
ruv, Freckles, Pimplep, likurben, and all rucanenng
► untionq whatever. Reallzinu rlelirwe while hand•,
neck and a rrns.a n d ►liritin_^ a healthyjnvenile
Also. c►verat other valuable rirtteleri, ion numerate. lo
r►nh;ne Reiff . , only au
r TUT7'LE'S ED ICA L ENE Y. ;i6 41:.
- '
..4. W. PA.T I'ERSON. Ti,7e nn Smithfield strnet
near Si CI h. Sep 10
m FORLFI . ..—The iltirr,or:upd ult . t.tri• for sate
i` Ids farm, rylite in Rens Townotin tittle? from the
CitY of Pitta. "eh , "Thitt l otoz 114 :wren ()Mud of whirh
RO are cleared anti nude- fence, from 11 to 20 acre., of
meadow, 2 sulid Oreha FIN of A potent. a few Poor it nod
Cherry tree.—the lutprovement• nre a furze frame bonne
coot ainilltr 10 mann Weil fornkthed, calculated for et Te
vent tr. private Itwrtline . n frame ftnrit . 2tl by 60,ninne
hm.ement, and straldlnn, rhea. r rid other nut houses Filtr
able fora tcnctonul!-2 ;fond =nrrounded with
ritrrati , tou.ltg and a well of eNea•i10111 water , tViill
pomp In to lite front door. in relation to rhe Pit i nhor t tli
and A Ile:heny market, there iF on plum , now offered for
, a'e with more itulttrement to t hone telndlitte to pnrchnne
near Pittntutrilh. the tering wilt be made moderate, for
further partirularnapply to t he nroorietor at bin Clothing
sto re , Liberty or reel, corner of Vircin Alley.
N. R. if not g old h,rnre the 10 of October next, it
will he divided into 10 and 20 a , re Ims putrha
tlai 10
rtinonti'S 1E 1 BEM R V TOOTH IVA: 4 II—S Nero
Inoatuahte Rencerly.—The extreme beauty of the
Tenth, their intlitipi'll£Cll.l, use. and the frequency of their
Cerny, has led to tinnily inventions for their preservation:
tel how to pre- wive them in a state of health an pristine
beanie. to the larcal period. of existence, was entirely
unknown until the discovery of the shove invaluable
preparation. It forms a pure lit...ince reimposed of VPZ
elahle inlredients, !untie possessed of the rn ,s 1 delicious
rotor. It eradicate.; tartar from the teeth, removes Rhos
of Incipient decay, polishes and preserves the enamel. to
whirl) It rives n peat:Hike whiteness, and, from its di , tit.
f . 'c l int'Prttnerties.possesse the victe 1. of givliv: sweetness
to the iirenth.
As an Anti Scert the Goms n!so share in its trans
crdent powers; Setirvey is eradicated from them, F 1
heathy action and retlresS is induced, which offers to the
notire of the medirl practitioner Indubitable evidence of
their healthful stare. has bee n examined anti tined hr
several of the hest pitysirians'of this cite. who have no
hestitatiott in reronimendins it as an excellent wash for
the Teeth. thrms.rtr.
Am0 , .2 the re , ommemhtions loilie °have are. the 101
Having tr:ed Dr...l'horii'n Ten Berry Tooth VV3Sti,"
and heroine ncimainied with the InerrA i , 'llls of its oompo.
nit inn, I cheerfully sat., I ronnidet it one of the nornsi,
it in one of !be most rderinant Tooth Wniel en now in one
PittAintrt7ll Sep. 15.11142 DAVID HUNT, Der
1 Hike plennure in RIRI lin vl let! innile 110. nfoTliorn'.:
Ten Berry Tooth Vt'nsh," 71 ct 17 is one of the deu•
triflcen in use. Rein: in a liquid form, it roinh'neg 11P31
mo; with convenience. While it clennnes the ermine!
Slid removes the tartar from the teeth, tin perfume veldn
rt fraetanee perulinrly deidrable. TIBRT:TTS. M.D.
The undersigned linve used Compound 'Rea
Perry Tooth %Vasil," and have found It to bean extreme
ly pleasant dentifrice, exercising n inner entntary itiffil
enre over the Reel It and Ginn.: prererviinz
pennnlile membe r : from remain re ilima v. pievenima Ibe
nern inn hition of Tri rinr. and purif. tog ibr Ilrea in.
ti le
ing thoroughly tested ife virtue.., we take plea , nre in re
commending II to the public, lichee Mg it to be lhe b, or
tirle rift be kind now in map,
ILL Rum tv.qt,r, L S JOHNS,
Pr, pored only by WILLI \ 'THORN, .4 polliecnry
hmi Chemipt, No. 53 Market street, Pittnbn reh; for mate at
all the principal Druagists . , and Tuttle's sf,dir al A Zell( y.
Fourth ntreet,
'OILY . 21 EC1./"SKEY. I he old oriTinal, has on hand the
r (14 =plrndld a,ortnieni of Clothing ever niVered
Wes SI v , dock is to rg 0, and lam d•spoited In sell al the
low• I possible pri , e Myer oak is heavy, and no Iliy! sea.
son Is advanrintr. I will sell 01 lower prices Ilion mr. I
i rk only Ole pleasure of a rail, feelinri rnnlidenl that n
look is sufficient. lirws re of Connlerfeits. Remeint.er
P" 7 : WE NT .
RUFFALO R08E%4, BEAR szli I Ns AND tußg
• TUST recrivrd. :3.000 Seasonable 13offaln Robe. of if•
remit qualitiri. from Extra No. 1 to 3.
A lot rf Hear and Cob Skins,
11.000 No. 1 and Q Muskrat SkloP.
A lot rf Otter and Raccoon Skinp.
All which areofTeredai reduced ce fo cnot or RI)
proved ',rum, Apply To
A. fIEELEN, at Itin American Pnr l'o, A.Trucy.
Oct 12 -3m Corner of Proof and Prrr • et
P. net:inv. Tailor, No. 49, T.iht rt y
2nd Door above Virgin dilley
H AS completed a 2eneral assortment of cloth.
ronsi , i inn. in part of dimond nod plain heaver
cloth frock and overcoat.; heavy fine and common pilot
clot h velvet t rimmed,and plain; every deer ript ion of drone
and frock cloth coats, fa4ltiottabir rotors and fresh clot lin
plain and fanrt , canine' pant., cloth and sattnet do. of
superior quality: every de...lotion of vests suitable for
the session, and will 1 e sQld low for cash. Persona wish.
ing nave fashionable enrrornts made of the heat materi
al will find them at this estahtlehment, %Iko, warran
sed equal to any in the c:ty, A Alit stuck of goods are on
hand to make to order.
M .B. Donaghy and Thomas ifeCanre a u k at this
estaldishment and will berailt.h Milted to havon eon trot•
theirseveral friends. Good QginrurodOr n 0 7ale.
Pittsbur:li, Der. 1, 1842•
111. •
,Amk .411
Passage and Remittances to andfrone Groat pritat!
IIIHE subscribers having concluded their arranyeaneet
_IL fur extending their besinetee,are at all tlntesprept•
red make arrangements for bringing out oapreoyant by
ships of lie tirst class, American butt:, and romotalidel
by careful and experienced men, who are well
ably known In the trade. This Line betas the oldest out
of the port of New York, It is hardly neressary to say
that the arrangements are mature and complete. and
from the fart that a yeast I la anal Out every els dein e it
is ' , vid e o that no unn necessary delay to passengers tga,
()ern, A Lee passage per steamboat from !relief Or
semi:lnd. Can be engaged, and when those settled for de
cline comin g out, the money Is always refunded to the
parties from wham It was received, without derloction.
Old established Passage Office,273 Pearl mt.
10 Corea Piazzas. Liverpool.
Drafts and exchanges at sight, and for any anataret
ran he furnished pn R. C. Glynn 4. Co , Bankero,
don, n. crino.haw 4. Co.. Liverpool; the National flash
of Scotland; National Bank of Ireland; and Nertgere
Banking Co. Apply to PETER R ATTIGA Pf. .
Chatham pi reel, near the Fourth stretit road, opposite
I lie Welsh Church.
des 8 Sas
DR. DA.VIF.L . 1 7r1SIFAL. O ffi ce onFinh street
hoiween Wood and Smithfield streets, Plttisburgh.
dee 10-Iy.
t(mvonckeeess, o t,i 4 ) o l ;..i t ti:C 2 l it oak if e o y o ) r F r av rtt l t i
Vi7ein Alley. The subscriber respectfully inforMstim
public that he has commenced the above business to the,
shop formerly oemipied by Mr. Henry lil'elositer
anti that he is now prepared to attend to all orders in his
line OfilUSi 11PF4 with despatch and on the most retteonigillal
terms. Prom hie tons eirpeCienre in the manufacture or
Fatibliinable Boot,, he feels confident that .all nrileleta
from his establishment svtll stye satisfaction to his esti
trona. A ethereal - public patronage is reveo fatly solfeA;
tep tel
PyrranunGit, 06T. 2.2, 1842.
J. Dem:4olo—On Friday., the 3f)tit of last month, ahoot
9 o'clock at ni , /ht. the Planing.Gronviny and Sag) Alan
ofarrory, owned by Gay, Dilworth 4- CO. with a Tarp
quantity of dressed and undredsed httnher, wail all costv.
cord by fire.
The iron Safe which I botrett of von some time back
was in the most rxpneed atnntinn durtn7 the flre,atitt
wa• entirely red hot —1 am pleasnd to inform von It was
opened at the rim* of the flre.and tilt the hooka, paper a. -4 ‘
4-c.grive4 ; —i hi; IR the best recommendation 1 can alien ot
the 111 iiiPy iir your cafe..
oct24—tf THOMAS SCOTT.
L"' FOR S T;F.—Fenr- Lola In lilanche.der. On,
:rui a fourth Acres of Land on Holmes' HITT, Loull
nos. 41, 42.52, 53. 59,181. 1132 and 189, In Cook's Maui
of f.nt., on tlntrne*4 Hilt A !RD. Lotemos. 26 and tr,
/00 1 / 4 p'nn or Lot (in High street. near the new-roily'.
Tion.e For terms apply to Z. W. 11. EMI fiGIVN. •
w. Iff
A. ritJNKEn
7r, 1 .6'NUI.f C7't: R ED. al Win. LEY Flint N'S. robot ,
IT L Shop, No, 69 Seiluid et, between Wood andS
li tit•
vid. where a general aaForlinent of Furniture ma ':
had at reduced prirra for rack.__,
The enperiiirtiy *,f itn , i,e .ftedAearls, contlifil APO
fasienitign, which for cfurfthilily tad easetepi
and inkiii.7 down. is not eqiiallied by may at tiow,tii
lIFP a rwl Inn° iack;h aa would comma their nitre comfort
in their highilY *;Uollicro- it should be remembered ISM '
nil clasper of the hug &wily are foattaed•w: Vibes&
.r_r• Lt ghu forCoutoles:l7l.t ricta. orStalesfirrnlebp
ifYRN FOWLER, raleotee•
we, then dereiovred. rtneertify Mot we Pare exalt:lft .
Pit the above !least can Fnstet ingtr, anti have no Itesligtion i
pronntintitit them the hest netw in 111W—rnmIng
in, o the representation in the above Rdvertigeuicot.
Wn. Graham jr..
tvnt. Jacob Vngde..
Jolitt. Gill . George Singer.
now I . —3tri•
11 COI VII Or,- • • •• • • LOYD R. COLIMA
C i OL E. 11.9 . 4." C 0.,r; e..le:a A geiti Fur wa rdl ' , Eta
1 . 1)(11171iniCID Mercbii i Zsrvce Street, Vicksburg,
Min Tiles, reiiii‘scifullyrn rolislyinstnss. n2t—tr
. article of Lauf
OP, warranted io I.uro at any temorrLture. and
renal In the Lett winter strained Sperm Ott, without
its offencive and one ilor.l etenter• Malk•
ulartUrpd by the clitweril.er :II lite old ' , lend, Third et.,
nearly oortocite the Pont (Ware. M. C. EDEY.
8.1 R G. 4 IN.SI ' MRCS INS!
r . l
I will .eII f. , r cash or hatter. FIVE POUS.2II*
nn Ile 4 1 11gireft road, In 111. city of P;ltshoret.
'Flare I , IIIIVIII :I , r {Kirk and Iwo frame. The
franneK are wet' en'rulate.l for 1,11.1,e,. Itourwe; la•lng
elm, to 'nu , Conn ri boom They will 1.4 , pond nivel bet Or
Sell:”'alely no eu9 porchafen,T. For further partlettloys
,•tign in , on II r prethigrs of - J AS. MORRIS.
an .7 I R 43— II M • Proprietor.
9' I IHE nuhAr r ther wontd reepeel fully inform the Otters
cf Pittsburgh, Aitettheny and their virir Wee, that ha
tiaq esmonenee.l mmtifaetoring the article of Lard 011
and Candies. lie intends making hut one quality, which
w li equat Ihe Imat made ito the Union and not Arrptureed
hv the hest winter et rained riertn oil either for inachinety
ar 1,11,11i11q without Its offensive vroprrlitsc and one.
third clic uper. TB F ABOVE Is WARRANTED 76 ,
BURN IN 4.. N-Y TEMPERATURE. The sulattri.
Imr wishes to impress di otitettren hhe public. mind that
it Ic not iteemmey to pit re haw any new fangieti la nip& that
are daily palmed upon them as being rentihite to turn the
In rut nil in• Pristine wishitiz a pure rind hrillinnt Hata
can obtain it by calling at the old ;turd .3d street, naarly
o PPn , ile the Post Office.
Nt. r. EDEY.
The attention or WI ole.ale fie:Vers. Churches and Ma.
chinie,e roirwelfuily solicited.
N. 8 —All the barrel* will tear the manufliclarliell
Jan 2; 1343=—tf.
Of the EjTcaru of Dr. Suwynr.s.' C . ompotonrt Syrup
of Peultris Virpiniana or a: 1 0 ch t . n „ if.
LESS E7'ERJVIZT DY ♦ta nt u %%Trait/ate Tale
pale and xlia,llY 01,.fret caused by training blood and a most
violent emieh. with night sweat.. a hflarienewv. and
spend of the voire indicating us aF.umhq elate if dia.
veer: my elerzynian 143 S plait, with me. and elated the
I had but a few dap> In live; HIV sttitter who withewed
eordition. and teat , my ailitium: eareteher. made Wiwi.
ry where slip uould De I prof - ere the moat earth!.
relic(; ai,r war told if 1)r. SWAY/lefi Crehreerice. Sege" or
Writ, ( " Hearty; fulled in the Corp. my. , life was )hen hope.
leer. Dr. Swaine'u Compound Si rep •f ri i'd Cherry
was t6ra procured. •n 4 the firer bottle !eve relief. wad
by the time 1 NO eosimer.eNan the gni, he'll., my coal%
bad left nut and Inv Ftreneth .0 emelt Improved, that f
was able to take the flesh air. ah,l in a short time i 4111+
firelv.reroverrd,my former health For a rorroholatiata
of the truth of the above statement you ran :all ea my
AM!!! who live* In Janiner street, one dear below 'Begs
areal, phitadoidda. Pig med. 1 / 1 1.1AC MIUMAR
CC/3160/I.—A !I preparations from this vatuatge ' rtea
extent the above are hi - Miner snit onenterfeft.
For sa'e it the Drs? ~asters tilaska• 1 ,
Market it. Plitsharsh, -
Dr. PWA'rfre'll Ofnee. 14:14!"Iirlith:kirnt:Priett
doer below Arch west ride, 1114
, . . .
7 " s.
- fivc
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