+-# - ZS lEDZIIKV4I4 31)02•111. JANUARY 26, 1843 Chronicle is in quite a pet about the pating, and in venting its spleen, lies with its usual flippancy. It may as well drop the subject, for we do not believe it has any more chance of getting “black mail" from the: printing committee than it had when it attacked Tierce Brennan so valorously. James I A. Bartram. 4 morning paper states that the ioyestiga'i -of tbe,committee of Councils into the official con. doceof this gentlemen as city Treasurer has re salted-in a manner high'y honorable to him. The cash on hand, in which it was repotted shut there was a large defieit,i4 said to exceed by a few rents the amount rated in his account. We are sin direly gratified at Ibis result. Mr Bartram is an fatkaable citizen, and we should have deeply re • retied to have had the reports concerning him confirmed. Mr. Henri S. Magraw, the 4,hoirman of the committee, deserves credit for hamiomptness In rhovit.g an inquiry into the mat. tar. It was the only way in which the peopl , ttould• be satisfied that the Treasurer's accounts were correct, and the most certain method of put. ting tb rest the injurious rumors concerning him. We yesterday noticed the drowning of G. Vanorsdal. High Constable of Alleghe• ny, and two other persons. The names of these two were Moon and Jolly. They were fishermen and were returning From their labor, when their skiff upset. Van. oradel lost his lire in attempting to s3ve theirs. Learning - is like merrurv, one ~ f the most powerful and excellent things in the world in skilful hands—in unskilful hands, the most mischievous. Wit in ennversatlon is only a readiness of thought awl ra,ility of expression. A habit of prorrasikati.ig is to the mind what a Rilsy is to the ho(lv. ' I. a meet in of the Fire Co., beld at a all on Tuesday night, 21111 inst. at 10i e'eluOt., the lollowiliz resolutions were of red and stiopted unanimously. 'recto/reel. That we return nor sincere t',anks to Mr. Jae..b Whitmore, for reireshmehts received alter the fire on Tuesday nil!ht last. We also tender our thank= to the votinz men Iv.hu se gentlemanly aided in distributing, said re beishments. .fiesolsord, That we retura nor t.ineere thanks 'ated hearuelt gratitude to Mr. Grant, whn•: pro 016,1ir we aided in preserving, for the kind twin - `Tie ten feted 114 refreshments in the open etteet.which we resrelltillv d•elined. S. A. GLENN, Sec'es. pea tern. MMI The member:i a the Allegheny Fire Cqrni) nv Totem their thanks to Bes=ts. Wh.trnore, Dar ilinglortt M rgan, and M'Knight, ti r ..le rc.res.l% meets SirniNhed them at the late Fife in Evan,' Hy order. J C. AGNEW, Step. - Jan. 25. memht•rs Niig rt I;n 2 ;ne and [To.° .Cnisrinnlov rn.tp•nti.'tilly lit retitrn 1.11 , 4 r thin I m ;Mr. .Weffiatei 111intrht and Lady. far Z:afEa: fur iti,his 1 them at th- late fire. JAS. M. CEiRISTY. .11_,vipain Jitt5.1843 For thr• Who threw the first water? -A - it , the.Pogt of this morning you s;u , e teat the Vigilant men citl ; in to have thrown the fi sr wa'er 'atthelfre Ist night. This is riiticuiona thnuvh 'it 16 IeinINTT m..ro than might he r xpeeteci from *kit Cllllo . a tare as belong ro Ihvt rn•np - my. The tleg'ii•n'y th e•v water at least I.l.cen ntino'r he• ~fflrtA•l., titer Peg ilia. A LI,'N V. RIVER NE-WS. . River-8 feet water in the channel DEPARTOP, ES 441 P 24—Beltront, Poe, R heeling, Timve taken out Irtier: of administration on the es. Yale .f Alexander Lusk, tale of Unp-r St. Clair ,iiinviintap, A Ileghrny count y, All pm sat), itideld oho the estate of the said deceased, by hook deli;s or Otherwise are reiviested to make immediate payment to win at - tny residence. In the ;there named low.thip. and 1111110611. end those who have claims -arc ri-us.ested to them duly prolm'ed. WILLI %NI LUSK, allasinistrar.r. • JabearY 25. 1843.—ea. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE IRAVE taken out letters of administralion nu the es. sate of saamel Thompson, hoe or 4Vilkins town.hlp, "Aiiaskeis! connty.dereaßed. and notice is hereby given to aft ;tetanus indebted to said estate to make immediate potitoeot to me, and ntl those having claims, are reques let tek pre-seat them properly nut bentienl ed. ^- JUL: W. 11143.-61 , * GEOCCI BA I LEY. Administrator. - • E. S. El - castings, pantrium REGULATOR. Office with Alder s3ll).man Watson, 4ik street, next door to the Bank of Arill.lbargh; where applications fur Regulating; Survey• Laying out and Dividing Landed estates, will be MoOlvett. Peels. Bends, Mortgages, 4-c. executed with legal itittenrsey and despatch. 7 - 4 1 30,alinish, Jan. 26. 1843.-3 t IFRCIR SAL AND SUBSCRIPTIONS REF IVRI), ~.Tbe Amet lean Pioneer; an excellent Monthly - Ruh. devoted to the olject of the Logan Hist&riced ailliatiff: or to collecting and publishing sketeheinrelative totbii early settlement and successive Improvements of .eSr-ennatry, "for my country i rejoice in the Rower of /*ace "—Liras, nhove excellent work, tailed by joint 9 Millinnus, 'Cincinnati. for sale at g 2. for 4iiellrrt volume, and 2ti continued in monthly No. and atabiscription. at 3: per annum re-eiyed at Harris' A gen• styilnd Intelligence Olney. Pittrbervi, January 26. 1114.3. vormrn-011 Wrdneldny the 251 h, ni the Point. 1 Jlf pair of enanie Roots and 1 pair of Lad if“: Si i nrvers, rise owner can learn where they now are, by applying inthhrolliee Jan 26-3 t 41.11 FOR SALR.--About eletren tined!, middle - gazed and large Grins (or hale et from 6 toso mitre fro Blitnillargh and at prices varying from 10 to 840 wirer-persona Wanting to onrchave farms. Pill plr•at:e call and examine the record at HARRIS' 4= 1 25. Gea. .gxeucv k Intelligence office, E tons PI, Metal in storeond for O .METAL.-5 B ob,' .1. W. RURESItIDGE il• 4'n. jail 24. Watts. et. between Wood 4- Sinalifield. . - . 4 . ' TE lIIPE R 3 NCE. I her and Sabbath School Papers fn., .received New Yorts and Philadelphia. 5000 of the Vatities Tetoprranre Adeorale, for innottry 1, 184.3 ima•estelteat and cheap paper, for families and youth. aigitiv 1141bhalh f ritool. Sigolne the Pledge 4-r. at 12 cis par year. jr I erne each. Temperance Hymn Books. Vviingtota Sarni, Tempt ranee Lyres, Songs .kr. 300 evallonat Total Ahoinencr `society Spetchrs, and Dr` iessatra Mares and Pathology. Temperance Lee. 11111iletlk pah'es„ 4-e. and Temperanre Medals. antrrellaiwtrance certificates fur admits and youth: 1000 Nottall Sabbath School Books from Ito 1 ti cents each, as Taaaperaftee and Christian Almanacs (or 1843 Vial Iteciiiik, German, Welsh and French tracts, and t, ispillkillrof very cheap Sabbath School Rooks, and Iliy file Paper and Stationary for`a.ale on accotn. kattleas, in any_quanlity to snit parch/teem. 44 1 P' Vt. , / 3 0.- ISAAC HA Rine. Ascat anti Corn. &Jamul, Not), sth street. A CARD X iTICF OTS PUBLIC AUCTION.-4Vill he sold on ALI Tuesday the 31st January next; a: 2 o'crocic in the afternoon at the house of Win. Greenfield. inthe village on Beallsville, Washington to. Pa', thirty sir. building lots In that village—which is becoming a place of importance, as the great National Road from Cumberland to VVheet ing. intersects the road from Pittsburgh to Brownsville. This will be a chance for Teamsters, Mechanics and oth ers—terms at sale which wilt be accommodating. Said lots are about a !wile's throw from the national road and in the centre of the village. Jan 13-Iflt. BOLTING CLOTHS A!' AUCTION. d IN Friday morning Feb. 3d, at 10 o'clock. , m. at 'Ur the corner of Fifth and Wood streets, I wilt sell 24 full pieces of Bolting Cloths, assorted, No. 5,7, 8, and 9. Those, goods may he seen at any time previous to the day of sale. The atientlua of “Itlitlers" is part fcu• tarty directed to this sale. J. B. GUTHRIE, -Isoio• Pittsburgh, lan. 2(3,1843. CIRCU i AND THEATRE, In front of Captain Broadhurst's, On Penn Street. Monday. l'uesdny and Wc(ltt,tlay, hou. 23, 24 25. Entertainments will commence with a Grand National Entree,rntill,ll THE SONS OF FUEEDONI Song by Mr Barry !foremanship iy I%laoer flare Dance by Mks Laura and Master fl Buckley %Howland by Miss.e Devine and Mr W Nichola: Song, by Mr Harry. Slack Rope by Mr Buckley; I ndinn, without saddlf ; Mr lV Nichols. 4. 11111(11"fiong, by Mr Hamlin. Mr VViMain Nicholn on four Horse, The whole to conclude with the Grand Chivalric Ac. lion and Heraldic Invocation, and Equestrian Romance, from the German of Schiller, " KA- 1 1.1F .4117' DEN D 101 CH EX" ent led Si'. GEORGE AND THE DRAGON. [For Particulars see small bil's] Admission to Buxes 50 c. Pit 25 cents 1• 11In , ze or Rini Performance every Nizhl -NEW TINE or V. S. MAIL COACHES. - -"" II ./iSiii-VG C 11,5 LTl.if E, DEL Pill: 2 A.VD :VI , : it' YORK. gill IS lies i. In full opierai ion, and I. ayes Pit ls'iurgh dail - al 6 o'ciork..l 0, via %Vashinvon rn and the National fl end, to Coml-0:111d. connecting there with fail lloadCo.s lo he ahoce prices. Travelers will find alit , a cpredy and cornett,- alile route, It lis big a twin. rale and distinct Pitistiorli snit l'unitierland line farili• lies will ' - e Writ riled which have nut been heretofore en- P;lF , enzers von b e taken up and set down al the Al nfinikt:lll,la Munce, rhant inerica II and Exchan,se 11 0-els, or at any loit.ie in the vicinity of place- , -- Extra coaches furnished at the shortest notice, with the priviii,:e or :sting through direct, or of taking one nigh CA re-l.al Utwit opi For stag apply :i1 the Mllre hi Si Clair .freer, corner 01 - the Exeliatie llatel, or at the °thee. so Water rt, liext door to the Moootigiliela I, iv F.l - I•llt:tcroNT Pte, , ideat of the 0i.,1 $1:12 J (7 ArilkßoN. Sery To Le t, • rf - 0 STORES on Alatrket a. , I,riwren 3d and .1m strems A LSO. twn Spariwi.• 111(1 ronvenienl roomk in !he ate and story openillit 1:V it 1 rUll On Thirli.l forofio; i.voi•fl :111:1111' . ' rid fir ',RN' titlie.,, or fur ;ony I urine:: , vqii :fi11..., ~ CU. , ' , 01110. veltionl and re:oly arre, ,, fru.. a lal , ;or— , slrlrl. . 1 1..holille.e , ani iik 2 .41,r , 41, the soinli store ion,. on Tliirit .iit tie;orit• on. , p„, 4. iki,,,H, bk „ r 5 .„.„ . piNote 1111, l'o,l attire rr al present orruel 1.. k (:rows 1„•,,,,111, 2 Rat wood as a Lamp -lore, 14.1innto1 lik i.f :St. 17I:nrs A 1.. , 0 int - . li:tilt and airy 0111,:r on 3d ...f .al iire:ehl or. ' rill°. .1 thoird a, the ll heerii ill. Marietta bk. fletiould ~lALSO, far rciii, :everal kttiall Noose: near The dwell. , flo „,. .:ling boilaii of iiw ..iii''srolier iii 1' tit toorii,iiiii, wilt) Ii few ' i ,l o , rtlrrrilcy 110 1 1 , . 2. nerec of 1.:‘,.1 notarbf,i 10 r:teh. (,oionibinita I. New Lir , jin 1:3--11 . EDIVI) DD . G IZZ %M. boll Ile.m:-..501, 2 N" 51 " 1 nil 'I. ' do Pokl tulle a, 2, FOR So or,-lo mow aunt Lot l'ou (' lit ioool. specie pay. M- .' OPriirliell Ly NI ll,ilzel. .rotate at the corner of i,,,, !•,,k, ri,zl D. milllEl al Iry :led )lie Ilciiihool. in lice oo yof : . 0 „ 0 ,, 4 . •I• r „, h ,„ I , k of fous'otr2ll For tern,- apply lu 51 Italzell oh lII,' orein- I I:whin:ill. 5. .u.:. or /film Soriler, 1.7a,111er. l' , . - .: 11 -1111. Clinton Irk of Colholloz!, I . B_ — . ~c , „ .....--., t.,,,...0.,..., „tut! allot tur ,ult, uy 1),11,1 nil 110,4,,,, 2 J. W I;li ftlt I: IDC E. l'irrlevillr, (IL Latvrenre i ~1 2 ;9,11. 1V ilr, lietwer:a Wood 4- Sinilll , Cashier) 2 7,, , , , ,i1, . k I LI.I 11 17. W.ILL. plain and Fuoca Portra ee and Picture Frame Manufact rer, 87, Fourth St reel h. —C:iityvs"g , for ArsiOs,.itril,S ml hand. I: lat.,,es. 4 r . promptly 1, a c/.1 to owlet. Cepa irio; dose ; I tt,e 51,(,“ Particular attention paid to re^ildiutl and Jobbing of...‘t em nitn. , rript inn. Per , ot, iiinz op glean. Boar. or linu , es will find Ii to r. 11. 10 . ODD elicoli \PPM Stal,ll 1,111 I --ll , ' 1111 y A • 1'111,1.11,a irt lii. vi 'hid,' of P.:15, 'Bilge Oda tilde NVIV Liehon, in Columbiana c oun ty Oiljd--adi l fe• I In In live; HIV sttitter who withewed eordition. and teat , my ailitium: eareteher. made Wiwi. ry where slip uould De I prof - ere the moat earth!. relic(; ai,r war told if 1)r. SWAY/lefi Crehreerice. Sege" or Writ, ( " Hearty; fulled in the Corp. my. , life was )hen hope. leer. Dr. Swaine'u Compound Si rep •f ri i'd Cherry was t6ra procured. •n 4 the firer bottle !eve relief. wad by the time 1 NO eosimer.eNan the gni, he'll., my coal% bad left nut and Inv Ftreneth .0 emelt Improved, that f was able to take the flesh air. ah,l in a short time i 4111+ firelv.reroverrd,my former health For a rorroholatiata of the truth of the above statement you ran :all ea my AM!!! who live* In Janiner street, one dear below 'Begs areal, phitadoidda. Pig med. 1 / 1 1.1AC MIUMAR CC/3160/I.—A !I preparations from this vatuatge ' rtea extent the above are hi - Miner snit onenterfeft. For sa'e it the Drs? ~asters tilaska• 1 , Market it. Plitsharsh, - Dr. PWA'rfre'll Ofnee. 14:14!"Iirlith:kirnt:Priett doer below Arch west ride, 1114 , . . . ' 7 " s. - fivc • -` • , 1843. I t 1,!.s PATIENT BEDSTEAD .., -------,- -4i -1,-- i --gii Z2311N MORE PROOFS