Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, January 13, 1843, Image 2

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    `Tr 7P-7:AT: , -"s" - '7'VSZ: 4 7 7 4:;4'-` 7 ' 1 "4-`74 .t
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In the House of Representatives a res
olution had passed instructing ihe commit
tee Ui foreign relations to enquire into the
expediency of annexing the Republic of
Tepee to the United States.
Information has , been received from a
gentleman residing in Victoria,- That the
Mexican settlement styled New Bahia,
better known as Carlos' Rancho was de
stroyed a few weeks ago by a party of
, volunteers from Victoria, under the corn•
'rased -of Capt. J. Owen.
- Sarno years ago an effort was made to
collect all the chimney sweepers in the city
of Dublin, for the purpose of education.
Among others there came a little fellow,
who was asked if lie knew his letters. 'O,
yea.' was the reply.
'Do you spell?'
!U, yes.'
'Do you read?'
'And what book did you learn from?'
'O, I never had ibtook in my life, air.'
•And who was your schoolmaster?'
*O, I never was at a school.'
Here was a singular case, a boy could
read and spell withouta book or a master.
But what was a Cacti Why, another little
siweep, a littte older than himself, had taught
him to read by showing him the letters rarer
the shop doors., which they passed as they
went through tha city. His teacher then.
was a little ow( ep like himself, and his
book the sign boards on the houses. IV hat
may not be done by trying.
Nicely Caught.—'Come here, Sa ly, my
love, now what does belt mean
inou't know; mam.'
, What—eh ! a! what ignorant children!
Take your finger out of your mouth O l ei c ;
well—now, Sally, what's put round your
waist every day 1 Come now, look at rue;
speak out, pshaw, what are you looking
so sheepish for I Tell me, now.'
'Oh, Mrs. Buozie, I didn't think you
kilowed it.'
'La! what are you thinkiniz
Come, t'other schu!ars are waiting. An
swer me, directly. What is p' - . t round
your waist every jay 7
'A a a-I—ahem I it's ,L• e SLA.•s' arm,
mam—but he hasn't I .'..isseB me, only jest
.q(rocions Casualty. --1n insane man
Tkam'A Franci9 CfiSkin, leiShrna!), who
had been Et lunatic tfl ap.• alms-liout,e at
Lowell arid hand cuffe I—utie af.ernoon,
about a couple muniits ?go, wandered from
*the alms h ,us 2 to a tieili'uor's h.inse, and
in coming back at dusk found the dour
fastened. A boy at the alms-house knew
he was at lite door, hut would out let him
They waive" 1) get rid of him, he
said; Fru.n that day to this, he his nev •
et been heard ul. The M •!y r v m
amity-lintel with his esiapc; but :1,1 eff
were made to discover where the poor
helpless creature had wandircil. It is
suggested that ho may have waud,o - cd iniu
the woods and perished.
A man can by constant exercise and prac
tice, en accustom himself as to almost equal
the horse in speed at running, and can
hold nut a much longer period. In a
joutney of four or five hundred ndles, he
can walk down a horse. At the ei4lllll.
ninth, or tenth day, ;,s the case may be,
the bottle will evince feelings of great fa
tigue—while the mnn will be comparative
ly quite fresh. "We read of the king's
messengers ofispahan, who are t unners
by profession, going 100 mil a in 11 hours;
thus averaging over 7 miles to the hour.
Savages who hunt the Elk, tire down the
animal in the chase on folt, and take it.
To come up to such standards as these,
requires great eff wt. and practice. Very
few of us know our power in this respect
and would scarcely the fact till proved by
actual experience'. If the number of miles
walked by an active out cl , ) r business man,
could he correctly estimated for a single
week, the result would be surpti-ing.
Somebody says that chimney sweepers
tought to be very contented people, as their
trade (we beg pard3n, profeysion,) soots
“Wil I any other lady take a pirkle?” as
the girl said yen she tpibled into a hogshead
of brine.
Speculation.—As this word is used and
unierstood in Wall skeet, the first letter is
The only way for a rich man to be
healthy is by exercise and abstinein
live,as if he were porrwhich are esteemed
the worst parts of poverty.
The best rules to form a young man,
are, to talk little, to hear much, to reflect
alone upon what has passed in company, to
distrust one'e Own opinions, and value oth
ers that deserve it,
There is nothing wanting to make all ra•
tionat and disinterested rople of one reli•
gioa, but that they should talk toge;her eve•
ry day.
The Farmer.—With no inheritance but
health, with no riches but industry, and no
ambition but virtue, he is the sole king
among men, and the only man among
A virtuous man who has passed through
the temptations of the world, may be com
pared to the fish that lives all the time i.i
.aalt water, yet is still fresh•
I've got him in euiltody,' PR the snap
. ping.turtla raid when he got a horse by the
leg, and the animal was running off with
Pride is as large a beggar as want, and a
_rest deal more sauey.—Saville.
- Harbors on Lake Michigan.•—The Kal.
mason Gazette says that the property which
has been lost in Lake Michigan within the
Netfive years would have built a harbor at
the mouth of every stream that empties in
?oldie lectures fed 10 cent concerts are
*MU rap in Philadelphia,
• P(.R
Subject to lb' diciest"- of a Nalidnil Convention.
See First Fog.,
Cone ress.
In the Stnnfe a Report, which was ord, red to
be presented, etas recieved from the Post Hester
General, in relation to the reduction of letior pep
t,g-, It is thought the views of the P. M. will
be adodtcd. A memorial was presented from
merchants of New York, risking a reduction of
clu'ieq on cotton ion ts
The bill to rdiLv,i such persons as wero placed
on the Texas side oldie boundary line, by the re-
cent Stlrvey, was tulicn up and passed
The bit fur the occupation of Oregon Territory.
was taken up and de'oat,d.
Na nt rou , pentICIIIR were p-escnted in rell'ino An Aindition Convention is to be hold at
t o Gen. Jackson's fine, the Bankrnpt law, and %Vnolibury,N• J., on the 12th of this month.
Noted Abolitionists of both sexes are to be
the slavery question
In the House, Mr. Brigze offered a resolution
directing the Committee on accounts to pay those Present
members who were detained by the stormy weath• The Ohio Penitentiary has during the
er the <<llle compensation, as though they had . past year, gone $lO,OOO behind its earnings.
been actual in attendance.
Heretofore. the prison has paid its way, by
Botts it making a fool of hiniael; in another
ende. convitt labor.
vor to *head' the President.
The Committ re en Ways and Means repurtcd ,
ail dit —That Mr. Preston ref-i riled his
against the Exchequer. Mr. Athertiiii from tic
seat in the Senate, with the vi v to s t ir.
minority 01 the Committee, made a eaunter
accompanied try a resolatiou Way , amen d_ teed Gen. Cass, as minister to France.
mcnt, instructing the commi!tn' a oil tvu ) B and Business prospects in Nov York.—The
incLns to report File!) u bill c,r the safe keeping
New York Cum. Advertiser says that the
uul ,:iitkietinz or public m mc) , as wi 1 prtvc t
specu!at ton, or for , prospects rte good for a fair and sontid
benutit of monied corpora
ations, (the ise'.o.treasuly.) siness in the sprin gy . The money tntrke t
A debr_te arose on this, which occupied the re is still ahunlantly sop , and the pay
ment of dividends will increase.
mm".tier of the day
Abolition in a Slave state
The Baltimore Sun publishes the follow-
about the excess of votes in this ward; but
Mg advertisement from a paper printed in
we think it will be dropped. Those de
-17D5, called the 'B Itimore Daily Gaz e t te sirous of tlin.wing out the v.,te of the ward,
"Norio: member.,, ‘lar gland
are the friends of Thom.ion, Ihe election
exty L.r prt,inotinz 1112 Ablittion &c
71: r T psted to at:cn I a ..t.AII-,1 cling ot . the 4ilid of the dig rrg 11117.er ILI) i i WOIMIN01)(1
he r.l J ,bn
' • -
[.)cm Hot we t an 13591110 them that the
27',1/ tia , t., at x o'c!.n a p.) cyrn
Jo,} r!! Sec'y. thlrnitclals are not going to he the means of
dep ivinga nian of un office to %%hid' he
Apr , l:23, L7JS"
The above we commend to the especial has been chosen hy a lair tryijoii!y, mertAy
attention of modern abilitionists. Fr on i.ccause the elciMin clerks in one wand
this we find that fifty yews ago, the slave
made a blunder of 3 GYN.' S co. 'Honesty
holders themselves hid the vestion of th e •
is the ovst
abuli;iun ..f slavery in consideration, and . -
we doubt not that had it nut been lot the The St. Louis Gazette of the 31st ult.,
imprudent interference of persons %% hu had .932 ' .5.: ' en ' steamer r.' " rtrn. Ca p t. 13" ' d '
Oileans, on the w , '2b,h
nothing to do %sith it, slavery to Mai from this port to New , Orleans,
instant, struck a snag at Gimol "F iwer
if not abolished, would now exist utisus-
I nil, and broke several
umbers and start
by puhiie opinion. The Aboliiion
i-ts may learn from this that the it progress eil two o r three planks, and was ohligtol to
re; IN; to thti port f rep hits. The
has been "crab fashion: . backwards. The
ject for which they so zealously, an d "'V , ("i"hi'a l lY 11 ur, st" r'ffl• TT u, h
ground—thee damaged, and wasdi , l.ll.llgtil at the m honestly atroggle, has lost
of Apple Creek•
shtekles of the slave have been tightened
and theircondition,in both north and south. .4.stoni,shed all round.—Evrry one %%as
made worse. It will take ha I a century astonished alibi.) result of the lec!i in f. , t
of moderation to gain IA hat they had in M ay ., i i n this ritv,ittni so are all in Alli . gh9 : -
nv. It was c.intideetly belie‘ed here that
Hay would nol he elec eil; and in our sis_
ter city it was thou 4 ht that Scott would be
elected, and that Foster stood no clia nce;
but it turned out the reverse. People
had better quit n eking calculations on e.
lections mail they ¢et their returns. Noth.
raps 'PA. MIS Id: ync lad! , s have, ac
doubt not. bbd Dr Smith, 01 the Nledira I and
Si - gical J. tirto!, t,d,teiart.t that t'ght strap, ttn•
der the fttet, %%hen the le: itt flexed, preetet lh Isnre
10., II so tOrcibly Into the cavity joust dirt it
by no meani tstranze there rue ilu.neruus coin
plaints of weak knees, rlisumattc pm, and
oreue...s of tlie in use!
lion of war, on the part of the ;ad tem, itgai tint pan
taloon scrap , , and they , will ptrßevere until they
Lave revenge for tho unnatural ern: , tde earned on
againA. busticf,
Rejected.—The Philadelphia Chronicle
of the 9th inst., says, We were told last
evening, that letters had been received from
Washington, stating that the norninatlonh of
Thomas S. Smith, the Tyler collector of
the Port of Philadelphir, and Joel B. Suth
erland, Naval Surveyor, were rejected by
the Senate on Friday, and iltat G n.
Gtkorge Kelm would be presented today,
for. tb:e office of . Collector."
And in lolor.—The G iveroor I , .‘y i, in his
I ite messag”, says of the 10,000,000 ac , ef, in that
territory,-recently purch ised by the ILI itell *Stater
from the Sac and Fox Indian., 'a viry larL:e por
tion or it is unsurpas.trl i fertility an I beauty
by any ill the world; alvouridivvg in navigable
streams of ili purest wator and ofFe•ring
ments to its settlement at least equal to any por
ti n of the great ♦Oliey of the 'Mississippi.'
A Noble Bequest.—Mr. John Bustard,
who ye
cently died in Louisville, Ky., bequeathed to the
Protes'ant Orphan Asylum, or that city, ten
the u
sand dollars, which is to be safely invested, an
the proceeds applied to the current expenses. lie
also bequeathed a lot of ground on which to erect
a suitable building.
In the case of the steamer Moselle, it has been
decided by the Ohio courts, th .t the loss of a
steamboat by the explosion of a boiler is a loss
covered by the policy of insurance.
Virginia Coal —The Richmond Compiler con•
tains the following staLiment of all the coal that
has been mined and transported to mar liot from
the coal mines of Eastern Virginia, during the
year 1842.
Do bele .
From the Chesterfidd mines, 1,005,671
do Tuckahoe Va'ley Minos, 539,736
do Deep Run Mines, 180,265
Absence of Mind.- -Putting your hand into a
neighbor's pocket book instead of your own.
The N.Y. Legislature has fairly got to work.
All hogs found in the streets of New York are
to be sent to the Alms House for the use of the
Politic. is New Hampshire.—Rtlrs N.
H. Patriot contains -a call kora State Con
vention to beheld at Concord,
_on the 12th
of January. 'rfiii is a disorganizing move.
ment and we think the conservatives will
again find that New Ilampshife is not 'l
saac Hill's state."
A man 80 years of age in Uxbridge, R.
I. fell across a barrel from the loft above
in his barn. which caused his instant death.
Jun 9, 1843
(leo. Fisk is lecturing on Mesmerism in
The mother of Small, one of the Som
ers mmineers, who resides in Boston has
become almost insane
A man named John O'Doughertv., was
choked todeath in Cincinnati, Ohio, a few
days since, by a piece of meat sticking in
his thrwit
Phis 111i1V bu a lite.di.l
The West Ward.—Much has liben said
ing i; more i.nrecain
.4 Neu, Year• it Gift —A firm in Boilton that
!ailed in 1837, end paid this creditors only 6 , )
cents on the dollar, having wince I:covered their
(intone, on the first inst. sent se a 'New bear's
gift' to each of their lorrtior ere lilorA, the artinunt
rialitly du to each. This i. one cirri out of a
thou and. We could not oljeet to a Bankrupt
law that would relieve such me.
We havo heard that 11 , 18 one convert in
this veetinn of the c )untry. lie has taken the
pledge, joined church, is piyinz off iris Mil &Mt. , ,
and making great preparations for an exit next
April. We have no doubt but Mr. Miller could
do a good businewa in his line about these dig
gins—therc appeara to be FO many who want a
change. .
Gov B)uck in tweet with otri •c•hunterr.
The Quebec Gazette the bankrupt talc
has been eery active through the United Stater'
In Aringtront- county, in thin state, it 19 very
dull since the unfortunate radius ct" Clhiu ell.
The cornmissioncr might as Well shut up Chop.
Six of the :14 Issiclmscus Itailr .)L Is have just
declared their dividends—three of them 3 per
cent, and three 4 per cent.
Heavy.— A Mr. Barry in Haltimrrre has insti
tuted a libel suit against Mr. Juliti Barney, lay
ing damages at $lOO.OOO !
Cincinnati has been divided into nine
Wards by the Legislature.
X man named Beath is in the Newbury
port jail for disturbing religious meetings.
He publishes a paper called "X voice from
3 new Epidemic.—A fatal epidemic cal
led the 'black tongue' is raging at Sarato—
ga, N. Y. Some twenty or thirty of the
inhabitants have already fallen victims to
Mons. Ernest, late Manager of the
Pittsburgh Theatre, has opened a dancing
school in Cincinnati.
It is tho't that the nominations of Messrs,
Smith and Sutherland to the Philadelphia
Custom House will be confirmed by the
aiartrisbarti Corite*staileace.
• Massimo to, ae.lo, 1843.
GeOlemen:—To-day the Senate and
House of Representatives met iu Conven
tion to elect a United States Senator.—
Previously to balloting all the candidates
were withdrawn except James Buchanan
and John Banks. Upon the vote being
taken it was announced that James Bucha
nan was cleated, he having received a ma
jority of all the votes. There were 130
Senators and Representatives present—of
these James Buchanan received 74 votes,
John Banks 54 votes, Richard Brodhead
1 vote, and John S. Gibbons 1 vote. Mr.
Gibbons voted for Brodhead, and Mr.
Fredericks for Mr. Gibbons.
The Hon. Anson V. Parsons has been
nominated to the Senate as 7udge of the
General Sessions of Philadelphia city and
County, and Ellis Lewis Judge in the Lan•
caster Distt•ivt in the place of Mr. Champ•
nays, resigned.
The 13uchanan co.vention was in Ses
sion yesterday, and will again meet to-day
at 3 o'clock. Every part of the State is
rerresentel; and a more respectable and
dignifi d body of men has nut fur a I.mg
time assembled here.
change. -The N. V. Aurora says
Ova the umbrella trade at the different ho•
tel is said to be ruined. Some years
since, a person could leave an old cotton
umbrella at almost any public house, and
after a short absence, return and select a
very good silk one; but now a-dbys the um
brellas are all cotton bird gingham, and are
not worth taking off. The days of silk
umbrellas are passe 1.
Libels.—Judge Duran, of the Philadel
phis Quarter sesiions, has for some time
, past been threatening the Spirit of the
inv!s with prosecution fur libel. Du
! „
b een t e lling t o:he homely truths
of the maonu•r in which business was con-
ihrtcd in that court, that du not redound
n-.oell to the credit the liom , r3We gentle
men who preside. We learn, however.
that th , pr itectition is suspende(7 on ac—
count of ;he Judyze's fear that further .'e
vcl .p emei a l might he made of a inure
stirtling character than thos3 that have al.,
ready appeared.
The is y t ZU3 9 11l TO LET FOR A TER.SI uF FEA US.
The home F• r,, a Mr, 11 , 1011 Hone of the lair
mail nit of I ) t. I ri. , ! I Ireta:i :Itl. }Mt
Ewnit,•illi 'l,l so P. , ,le•towcightp,adjntn
the liorn.,lh Lawrenervi le, t r
I 101 A far Pii ice has stul.kirtily refused to
oe• (ram rivaburffh. Th. Farm chr01,,,,
aI pI h a l oise by pay tog t lIC l'Unt , fill I! y rrrr of cleared land a iarre port oni Itniiorn
on 1.1. 111,Thenc Elver, a foil propoll ion in inradoW and
rgn Orchard. The 1,1111.11"ln are the
And a fart, Carn Stable. kr kr .ana a o.tnne.pclug
ht Creole ('ast.—The action brought „err apniog of pun water. The
farm in yen ,mital,l, , for :I milk man or mnrkel inrnwr
1 ) ,•f ,re tf-or rim nercial coin t of New Of- wad will he let low In a 7.ond tenFni, arid Icyl.t....gion
leans lr.• McC r o against the :tven on the ftrAt day ot April 1311. Appty to Mr!
lone I:watt adpinio; the Farm. NE EWALT,
Nc'N ()1 'earti Ins , irince I'omp3ny, to ie. l.tn 13—tr. v. Goartit;tn.
the nun stO 000 instil ance on the 1
SMALL FARM FOR SALE. --P ro .1" 50 a.
rre. of Land In NlifTl,ls tonrn4hip, near Lelia non.
t'itiVest %O) •,)Mta (IMO ago Committed Chlirell, and near 'he MrKr,s , ort nod Washington road,
thrrei.abont 40 ?try..., cleared, nnr atone house and a
tiny and ir.9iirrecti,in , ill ttctird the schoon • 10. hit rn, nn l n vonnf , orchard on It and
er Creole while on her way from Richmond I. In pxrellent order. There is an atmodance of enal
nd Ittne.tnno on It. It Ile, allot)! B miles from Pitt. 4
to New 0: leans, was brought. to a close on and will het gold nn arrafortiodalin: It•rm*'. En •
genre al Harris' Tolfdlivrile nfliee, No 9, Sib street, or
the 29th tilt., by the jury rrturtong a ver i °Me soltscrther on the premise,.
(.ISIS.OOO for the plaintiff. It. is sta.;
ted that the cause will be carried to the
Sqrreme Court on Ippeal
It is said that the lionurable Henry A.
Wise i 4 an applicant fir the Misbion
The late Philip Spencer.—About six—
teen months since, Prof s ler Webster of
the Medical College at Geneva, operated
ft)! strabismus, on this unfortunate young
man. The operation, as usual, left a fixed
staring Icnk, that was occasionally very
It is a great pity that the learned pro—
fessor had not the povter to straighten the
obliquity of his morals as well as that of his
The Chronicle says that the support of
thn party papers of this city defeated the
regularly nominated party candidates. This,
if true. is certainly b:,(1 fl.‘r the party candi ,
dates,but not so bad as the late of the Chron
icle's candidate, Mr. John McClelland. Ile
was looked on favorably by the people, and
was getting along well enough until that
degraded sheet began to show a partiality
for him, and then, his prospects immediate•
ly faded,land he finally declined standing a
poll. No one knows or cares how the
Chronicle went at the election. All
howl vet, may earnestly pray to be
saved from such friends as they hive been
to their candidate.
The greatest evil of this country, says
the N. Y. Aurora, is the system of conver
ting.every thing connected with our govern
ment into a subject of speculation, and pla
cing public officers up )n an equal footing
with hogsheads of sugar, oreargoes of coal,
which are sought after by the merchant
only because of the pecuniary profit they
will yield.
J! new species of Economy. , --In Phila.
delphia, some folks, whenever a death oc
curs in a family, send for the Coroner, and
thus the deceased g'ts buried at the public
Alexander Everett, has returned to Mas
sachusetts, since the burning down of the
College he presided over in Louisiana.
, Theretja a liion in ,-benkrilpiap, in
Massaaeiletts, is which -the liabilities of
the bankrupt are named at $1,889,018.
Among the debtors one of $300,000 to Ba
ring, Brothers & Co., of London.
The G. W. T. A. Society of the sth Ward, will
hold its regular weekly meeting, on this (Friday)
evening, Jan. 13th, in the Primitive Church,
Penn at. at half past 6 o'clock. Messrs. James
McDade, Robt. McLain and C. Kmgsland will
address the Society.
Jan. 12 WM. CRAWFORII, jr. Sec'y.
Since our last we have had rain, and the snow
upon the Mountains having nielte'd and run into
our rivers, his raised ?hero very high, and the
iee heeling run out, we have a free navization for
any sized steam Boats, nn the Ohio, Monongahe
la, a d Allegheny Rivers. Several aro leaving
for Cincinnati, Louisville, St. and New
Orleans. We have very few sales or change. , to
report. The stocks of goods on hand are excellent
for the season, and the price low.
Flnur.—Sales yesterday on the Monongahela,
f thou' 301 Mils at 275 pr bbt, eurrene:t.end sates
frt , m stores at $3.
j Pork.—Lots of dead Hogs hove come in and
sold ready for $2 and choice at $2,25 pr 100 lbs.
Lard sells from to 5.1 can's Crum wagons
and is coming in plentifully.
Cho-se.—Stock la:ge, and from wagon, sale.
from 31j to 4 and from Ftorre 5 to 5i cts. pr lbs
Butter— F lenty, and dull; good roll in bbls. 8c;
keg, at sc„
Seeds—Market mice Got Clover, $3 a $3,',5,
Timotll . 7 du'l at Si; Flax•eed 75 a 8J cis. per
Dried Fruit—Large lo.s in ni ,rket; Peaches,
51,12 i a $1,115; and Apples, 5(1 cent. pr
Groceries.—Stork large and cheap, and of ex
cellent quality. C..ff-e—in large lots at 10 1 10h
and in smaller .13 cts. per lb.
Sugar.—New Orleans be the Wide. 51 to Coi
nd by the bbl 6i to 7i pr lb.
(Commercial Neinti
Friduv, January 13th, 1343
Pittsburgh Nnvication and Fire Insurance
Corn pan y.
In compliance wish ran ,ix.ll section of an art of Ar.
wembly. entitled 'An Act to redner; the capital stock or
theAtlanlic Insurance Comp:in.,' approved Apt!' sth
1842. the followinz statement of the temourceo of the
Pinsbuteh Navl7,ath n and Fire Insurance Company
$250,00 0 capital is pedithed:—
Yrollll4l. o ry Note. (with approved en.
doraer..) 81:1:1 200 00
ROI" dt.c•rinten with do. 40,305 00
4:;2 OarrA nf .dock In Rank of rills—
pir •alnr. S iOr (coat.) 21.198 94
125 'barna of 'thank in 'llerr . nants' and
Minnfacturer.' dank, rgh.
par vatur $3O each (eos'..) 4354 54
2:0 shares of stork of this Company,
tro. , t )
P remit] ni Notes, (wit ppr.red enda••
,•.) 6,‘124 5
Ca.h depo , i'cd in En -hart7r Rant, Fdt.,,
trier p of Jaw" dividend
flo Mer. 4 Man. do.
n ith C. tiara!". Cr. Pit ta.
Premitrnr, elr , otitstandin;
jin 13 . 1 3. ety.)'
Headache! Headache!
4 P. E nnw known In thousands as a most estraiwilina
it ry remedy for thii LI 111,ction an well as the incon—
trovertible fact of their curing DYSPnrst Will those
suffering only ask among their friends If they have nut
known of the posit4ee offee to of said Pills. :Indic they
do not hear them more warmly peaked (and deservedly
ion; than inn oiler, then let them Pet buy them, in
these few remarks, all fancy or imagination is est-ducted,
and nothing will he nail of their merits at any time,
but what can lie fairly proved by respectable metnters of
our community.
Rend thr following certifp-nte zlyrin by a respect:l6 , e
citizen of Allogheny city, and attested by o' .e of hejudg.
es of the Court of Common Piens of A Iterzbeny co.
A LLXattuty CITY, January 9, 134.3.
Dear Sir-1 have for n number of year= past been nf—
Icted with a ervere and aln♦o*l constant tleadarhe,
rising from derangement of stomach and bowels and al.
though I have taken nearly every kind of Metlici^e re•
commended for ha cure, have never derivra any mate.
Hal benefit until I used aome of your truly v ,:iialtle An.
tl Dyspeptic ruin. I have not taken wine wo boxes and
consider myself perfectly relieved from I hat distres , ing
complaint. I have no hesitation in recommending your
Pllis as the best medicine I have ever used.
Yours, Respectfully,
1. ft. TURNER.
am acona.nted with Mr, Turne-, I have no healia
tl ,- tn In certifying that I consider the otatoine•nts of Mr,
T. reepsclint: Dr. ftrodle's P;118, asp:lured to the most
perreet and entire c.nifidencc. DUCII DAVIS.
Alley city Jan 9 1845 Jan 13--ly.
iel WS
/r --B t.CN IC-WScL
7 j
'1111E: sot riper has just received his annual supply of
Landreth's Garden Seed., consisting in part ofthe
following kinds—all of the last year. s crop 4- warranted
Gen nine:
Wafer Melot),
Rhubarb, Cabbage,
Saisafy, Carrot,
Cauliflower, Spinach,
Curled Ciera, Onion,
Cucumber. Parbley,
Mustard, (white and brown)
&e. &c. &c.
Together with . variet y of Pot 4. Sweet herbs and flower
0:11-Orders for Seeds, Shrubs; Trees, .11. c. from Garden.
era and others will be received and promptly attended
No. 784 Liberty. head of Wood at.
I, 0 LE7'.—Those two stories brick dwelling houses
1. In 3d street...NUM ning the Post Office. They arc
large and commodious and have been arranged as offices
and dwellings for some years past: The rent will be
moderate. For terms apply to
Jin 5 Sir
JUST received, a very prime article of N. 0. Sugar'
for sale by the barrel or less quantity
Jan 5 ISAAC cßellZ,Liberty it.
5'2 07
4.982 78
3. , 20 03
1.313 12
E 991,316 5
]A 11 ES S. CaAFT, Se, y
Egg Plant,
Corner of 2d 4 Market streets
• COpartnership.
THE subecrihers having teased the shop on EN. Clash
et., formerly occupied by A• 8. Joy, have tilled's,
entered into partnership for the porpoise of carrylissias
the Rine making and Gun Smithiny business in pneval
and 1.116 y hope by strict attention to business, to rsliss,.ll
share of public patronage,
Guns of all kinds repaired at the shortest matke, and on
the most reasonable terms.
Jan 10-31*. W. 4 J. Gilt ,
131RINTING INK .—T ice suhfcriber has just reeei.
I ved an assortment of Bonk and Nenrs PRINTING
INK, from the old e.tabllshee mannfattmy of Marti* .
Johnson, (formerly Johnson 4. ittrantl of Philadepttki,
which he warrants to he of the first quality, pat up IN
kegs of from 10 to 15 lbs. to suit pnrehnsees.
He intends to be constantly supplied, and all orders
accompanied by cash; will be punctually attended.
Washington Printing Ofsce,.3d door welt of IN bile
Hotel, sth st. Jan 10-31 w.
4841 l a
In the Orphans' Conn of Allegheny pg.
\mssi d n ec t d he o ni c a t il zi er
H t 4 ne ,; ev iti ta n te xd o e f i f it acob S u t e r:Me at
tay • count 01 Ceo. E. Riddle, acting adaaleht,
trat or of the estate of Jacob Strohm *mi.
',IVO ' and C. Vue honliorat, !trade WashlthAs
and Hugh Toner Esn's. appointed auditors to dieirlbuto
the balance. fly the Court.
'l'. 1,. aIcMILLAPI CM.
The Auditor .4 above named .rid meet at the minee
of fleade Washington In 4th street, Pittsburgh on the
2,1 day of Feh. next. at 3 o'clock P. M, for the purpose Of
their appointment C. VON BONNORST.
Jan. 10,--v.3t.
The Cheapest Shoes
At No. S. Fifth sloe, on door from Harris' bad
I.:4 , ence Office, and 2 from Market street. ..
V 111 F. stil , scri , ,cre rfspertfully Informs the Ladies of
l'itt , nurgli and virinity, that they have commeac.
ed the manulacto to of Ladies Fashionable Roots and
Shor.. in all its various branches. of the finest. material
and Workmanship. As they intend selling for cash, they
will he aide to st- II lower, and a better article. than any
oilier esta . .li.:huteut in the rit . All work mode at tbi4
rsialoisbmeot, if 110' as good a recommended, will be ez
r.ltanecd, or the illOll, y refu de.t.
The lothar.rihora, in , ell ig for cash, wily be able to sell
for lie unprecedented lo' prices of the following list.
(Adv..' beet quality Kid nd Morocco Gahm', 81 6.21
do do do Leath Boots. (50
do do do Kid and :11orocco Buskins, 1 25
110 CIO do Double Soled Slippers, 1 14.4
Ladle , ' fi,t qiii.ity Springs and Tor.", 1 00
rr-All kind. of Misses' and Children's Shoes, of all
color , , coneloolly nn hand.
W bile or Black Satin Slippers made In four hours no.
I.n.les.do.,'t forret the place, No. 8. Fifth greet. at
the oil stand or J. C. Ktmliall. YATES 4. KEYS.
C.:t and Ezamine fer ryoureeloee„
Jan. 111.--413,
FUR Storehmise. and Lot now
-,ln-ropierl I.v M Dalzet, situate at the wrote Of"
Diamond n I Ir.). and Ihe Diamond. in the ell qv(
P0:641, - 01 For terito , ..npioly to MDa izeil on the preen
or John , tnytter, Lee Sll-1
Pittsburgh Lard- Oil Pitanufactoki
_ - "-- "="=..Z.:4--- ..•-,
.- 1
. .
- '
-:- -
. '..- ...,..--,
4. • -
- rr
.4....„ ,
- -• • ---E' -- --
411 1 131 4141 r,4 14 "'"'
.- . i
C 11.1 1 ,1 a stioN•wr article f
1 1_ 0 OP ',I n.:1,11,1 to or., at any Auld
to the 1,, , t o oiler ~, r erot bout
ve quit it te4, an.; one 01,4 cl..lav , r. Ma P.
toacture4 I, 11:e sote,erfter al ILO old stand, 9'li*r4 rt.i p
nearly eopostle tine Post 061,, M C. EDI - ;Y.
4,18-1 - 1
It. Fee's Acadetny
VITI/TIVI.D Si, %VP.O Fnnrth pt. and fhata.dia,
1.71 ;13,1 nearly nptwnitn Mr, Riakre4 vrarebo.km
Ladies CI, - s from 1 2 to 4 P
(:, , ,O'Ptllell`r4 Class from 6 to P. at
relll - ed in Fl2ll Ihr times--perf.on% 'slew! 10
p. 1,, m ill please (.701 divrine I 111.. hnnrn Jan 4--I
In the Court of Common Pleas of .8N-
Eheny County, of October Term 1839,
. 70 .
In lie matter or .hr vrinp , ary
A•Agnnt , ot of
Jolts Ai 1111\'.
And now to wit December 10.1:112. account or vv..
11. Paiter.on, Asgivire of ihe said Joint Maclay, pre.
sensed to norm Court and confirmed nisi. and the Court
order that it be confirmed absolutely on the29th day of
January nexi, and that notice thereof he published In
two papers for three times, From the llecord.
Jan w A. SUTTON, Pro.
N, O. Sozar, 0 - 05 day received per steamer Kett/
C 7 York, and for sale hy J. C. 4- A. GORDON.
Arc 10. No. 12 Writer et
II will sell for rasa or hurter, FIVE HOUSES.
on tee 4th street road, in the city of Pittsburgh.
Three of them :Ire brick nod two frame. The
fr.tnes are wel! ca , eulatecl for bilqinegs houses; balm
Close to the Court house, They will be Fold to2etlirr or•
geparntety In su]t ourchn , e,s. For lii titer pa rtieuhui
enquire no ti,e premisrs of .14S. MORRIS.
lin 7 IR-13—I I M Proprietor,
I.&ntes Overt Swirls—The . ..attic, can now do away
with all kind? of over shoes, can walk llirritulti the wet
streets with thin shoes, and have their feet kept perfect•
ly dry; can wear tight shoes without haring their rofflll
pain them; and rat, have their shoes wear twice as lone
n 4 ever, if they will rise the reehrated Ott. OF TANTX,WhieiI
will make leather water proof. and render it as pliable
and colt a? kid. It's an article writ worth their notice,
and one which they will all value highly, as soon nit they
try It. To he had only at TUTTL Wig
rrice.Sl per bnit'e
NOTICE.—The hw prrrnr•r,hip heretofore evetin g
between John Wiltininsou and L. C. Judson, is this
day dissolved, by mutual consent. I'l.e part nen] are MtO•
ualty authorised to settle the accounts of the fir in
.1. - ttotary 6. 1343.
John tmeen. Attoreey at Law; Other. Rmithlield
street, near 7th street. Jan 7. 1543.
T., Carroll Jurlmit, Attorney at I.ltv, Smithfield. near
7th street, will aiteii6 to eol'erlio7 lone( s at a per cent.
ale, to eorrrapoert with the amount collected.
lama re 7th, 1813• jtn 9-31*
Lt Ifi the Orphans Court of wait! County
• In the matter of the administration tie
4(2 . count ofiatnes H. Watson, Ear of the co.
ti: tate of Reuhin Irvin, Into of Elizabeth
township, deed , No. 20, October Term,
r ' 1842.
AND Vow TO WIT. October 24, 1 842, B. Livinzstran,_
H. S. Magrtut. and A. L. Pentland appointed A uditoti
to audit thenccouat and distribute the balance.
Ey the Court,
And now to wit. January 6. 1343, Charles Von Ron
horst, Esq., substituted as Auditor in the plare of U.
tlagraw. Esq. By the Coin t,
The Auditors above named will attend for the porpo•
Frsortheirappo , nttnent at the afire of A. i. PcnnitAi
Esq.. flititiline In the city of rittabargh, oft
Tuesday, the 7th day of FebrUary next, at 3 o'clock P.
M., when and where all persons interested can attend if
they see proper.
jan 1 1-3tw
C ORN; --On band. a few bariele old yellow Cure
which will be sold lov, apply In
Jan 7 ISAAC CHUAE,Liberty st.
Fall and Winter News Ink
OF A SUPERIOR QUALITY. !laving sold • vary
large quantity of this Ink. we can recommend it
with confidence. 1111 don't prove good, send It bark at
our cost. Alin), Joh Ink and Varnishes for making Pow
cy colored Ink. The above always on hand, and for
rAI. at No. 1, 4th street, near Market by
Jan 12.
BUCKWHEAT.--Becelv•A from Harmony IS bait
LB barrels Buckwheat FiOUT.Sollable for ranting. hif
sale by ISAAC causr...
Jae 5 143 Liberty
In store, Family Floor,* superior article for takers
enir 4.1. A auger, 36, Fourth street
jin 9
A. L PENTLA\O. AUdilOril
J- 1.. READ