`Tr 7P-7:AT: , -"s" - '7'VSZ: 4 7 7 4:;4'-` 7 ' 1 "4-`74 .t - - • , y v ~,e In the House of Representatives a res olution had passed instructing ihe commit tee Ui foreign relations to enquire into the expediency of annexing the Republic of Tepee to the United States. Information has , been received from a gentleman residing in Victoria,- That the Mexican settlement styled New Bahia, better known as Carlos' Rancho was de stroyed a few weeks ago by a party of , volunteers from Victoria, under the corn• 'rased -of Capt. J. Owen. - Sarno years ago an effort was made to collect all the chimney sweepers in the city of Dublin, for the purpose of education. Among others there came a little fellow, who was asked if lie knew his letters. 'O, yea.' was the reply. 'Do you spell?' !U, yes.' 'Do you read?' 'O, 'And what book did you learn from?' 'O, I never had ibtook in my life, air.' •And who was your schoolmaster?' *O, I never was at a school.' Here was a singular case, a boy could read and spell withouta book or a master. But what was a Cacti Why, another little siweep, a littte older than himself, had taught him to read by showing him the letters rarer the shop doors., which they passed as they went through tha city. His teacher then. was a little ow( ep like himself, and his book the sign boards on the houses. IV hat may not be done by trying. Nicely Caught.—'Come here, Sa ly, my love, now what does belt mean inou't know; mam.' , What—eh ! a! what ignorant children! Take your finger out of your mouth O l ei c ; well—now, Sally, what's put round your waist every day 1 Come now, look at rue; speak out, pshaw, what are you looking so sheepish for I Tell me, now.' 'Oh, Mrs. Buozie, I didn't think you kilowed it.' 'La! what are you thinkiniz Come, t'other schu!ars are waiting. An swer me, directly. What is p' - . t round your waist every jay 7 'A a a-I—ahem I it's ,L• e SLA.•s' arm, mam—but he hasn't I .'..isseB me, only jest .q(rocions Casualty. --1n insane man Tkam'A Franci9 CfiSkin, leiShrna!), who had been Et lunatic tfl ap.• alms-liout,e at Lowell arid hand cuffe I—utie af.ernoon, about a couple muniits ?go, wandered from *the alms h ,us 2 to a tieili'uor's h.inse, and in coming back at dusk found the dour fastened. A boy at the alms-house knew he was at lite door, hut would out let him They waive" 1) get rid of him, he said; Fru.n that day to this, he his nev • et been heard ul. The M •!y r v m amity-lintel with his esiapc; but :1,1 eff were made to discover where the poor helpless creature had wandircil. It is suggested that ho may have waud,o - cd iniu the woods and perished. A man can by constant exercise and prac tice, en accustom himself as to almost equal the horse in speed at running, and can hold nut a much longer period. In a joutney of four or five hundred ndles, he can walk down a horse. At the ei4lllll. ninth, or tenth day, ;,s the case may be, the bottle will evince feelings of great fa tigue—while the mnn will be comparative ly quite fresh. "We read of the king's messengers ofispahan, who are t unners by profession, going 100 mil a in 11 hours; thus averaging over 7 miles to the hour. Savages who hunt the Elk, tire down the animal in the chase on folt, and take it. To come up to such standards as these, requires great eff wt. and practice. Very few of us know our power in this respect and would scarcely the fact till proved by actual experience'. If the number of miles walked by an active out cl , ) r business man, could he correctly estimated for a single week, the result would be surpti-ing. Somebody says that chimney sweepers tought to be very contented people, as their trade (we beg pard3n, profeysion,) soots “Wil I any other lady take a pirkle?” as the girl said yen she tpibled into a hogshead of brine. Speculation.—As this word is used and unierstood in Wall skeet, the first letter is omitted. ~. °~~. The only way for a rich man to be healthy is by exercise and abstinein live,as if he were porrwhich are esteemed the worst parts of poverty. The best rules to form a young man, are, to talk little, to hear much, to reflect alone upon what has passed in company, to distrust one'e Own opinions, and value oth ers that deserve it, There is nothing wanting to make all ra• tionat and disinterested rople of one reli• gioa, but that they should talk toge;her eve• ry day. The Farmer.—With no inheritance but health, with no riches but industry, and no ambition but virtue, he is the sole king among men, and the only man among kings. A virtuous man who has passed through the temptations of the world, may be com pared to the fish that lives all the time i.i .aalt water, yet is still fresh• I've got him in euiltody,' PR the snap . ping.turtla raid when he got a horse by the leg, and the animal was running off with him. Pride is as large a beggar as want, and a _rest deal more sauey.—Saville. - Harbors on Lake Michigan.•—The Kal. mason Gazette says that the property which has been lost in Lake Michigan within the Netfive years would have built a harbor at the mouth of every stream that empties in ?oldie lectures fed 10 cent concerts are *MU rap in Philadelphia, PcdestriiiikiNm. • P(.R JAMES - BUCHALNA.N, Subject to lb' diciest"- of a Nalidnil Convention. DAILY MORNING POST. PHILLIP' 4 WK. 11. 111TH, tUITORIINO PAOPRINTHRII FRIDAY, JANUARY 13, 1843 See First Fog., Cone ress. In the Stnnfe a Report, which was ord, red to be presented, etas recieved from the Post Hester General, in relation to the reduction of letior pep t,g-, It is thought the views of the P. M. will be adodtcd. A memorial was presented from merchants of New York, risking a reduction of clu'ieq on cotton ion ts The bill to rdiLv,i such persons as wero placed on the Texas side oldie boundary line, by the re- cent Stlrvey, was tulicn up and passed The bit fur the occupation of Oregon Territory. was taken up and de'oat,d. Na nt rou , pentICIIIR were p-escnted in rell'ino An Aindition Convention is to be hold at t o Gen. Jackson's fine, the Bankrnpt law, and %Vnolibury,N• J., on the 12th of this month. Noted Abolitionists of both sexes are to be the slavery question In the House, Mr. Brigze offered a resolution directing the Committee on accounts to pay those Present members who were detained by the stormy weath• The Ohio Penitentiary has during the er the <