Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, January 05, 1843, Image 4

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    ,-- allkillik tmertz. IN AILS/WU oi,, balm
Sr, two doors pram tka U. B. Bank. Wm Tr
'Mar Ua4ertater, respectfully informs the public that it
pomired bis ready made coffin warehouse to the
recently occupied by Mr. It. C. Berford,directly
Is oldstand, where be is always prepared to at•
ptly to any order, In his line, and by strict nt
r,.. all the detallsof the business of an Undertaker
Rom tO merit public confidence& He will lie prepared
at Aatatornts to provide Hearses, Biers, Carriages and
teary remstsite on the most liberal terms. Calls from the
Wasp wilibe promptly attended to.
' .1011 rad/tepee Is In the same building with his ware
Wl*, where those who need his services may find him
Iftlytime. RATRAILAcit.c
gSFL .
.V.lt'atoaa, . ADV. JOUR Iit.A.CA. D. D.
tee. Ro DIRT ARCCD, D. D.
ADV. sAbiLcieL wILLIANIs, D.
REV. JoszPri AVM,
. ELY. 1. P. Miry.
UJ3 U+32giEttlato
Twrither with every description of Letter Press Print
Isgr, Strotshed with neatness and despatch, and on mode
Iflititeauti, at the office of the Dhily Morning Post.
Class of individuals is very ittl 'nitrous. They are those
MhaylrOrk In an.unhealthy atmosphere. Printers. wort•
'jai isit feather stores, stone cutters, bakers, white lead
Rilltheractarera, ate all mort. or less subject to disease ac.
Elgtatict.the stningth of their constitution. The only
LT* prevent disease, is the occasional use of a
is which, abstracts from the circulation all delete
, to
hoore,,gnd expelt. them by the bowels. Tonics
jllArforn3 are injurious , as they only ;at oB' the evil
to.niake It more fatal. The use of Drandrelh's Pills
ilielegre health, because they take all impure matter
or the blood; and the body is not weakened but
; 1,.
- 10hrersizthened by their operation, fiir these valuable Pills
do sot force, but they assist nature, and aro not oppzsed,
batlsarmonlTM with her.
Sold at Dr. firandreth't Office. No. 9il Wool street,
Pitieburgn. Price 25 cents per box, with full di reri bins.
MARK—The only place in Muslim - eh wiii re the
Cr4 4I 7INE Pills cart be obtatned,la the Doctor's awn i 1.
dee, N 0.98 Wood street. sep 10
NEW BroTEL.—Thu subscriber rek.petttni.y
fur re his old friends and the public that he has
opened it Tem 21 , n - ince notel.in fifth Street, near the Ex
liteince Bank, and in the how:e lately occupied by Mat-
lbelee. Patrick, and liar: !mimed ‘ll i en, ••The Iron
Vll7 Hotel," yL here he will he very 11.1c;:v to accommo.
ithtle all whn may please to call or. him. Ills table
ihall be provided with the 1 - " A fare, and every poe , ible
eleeaumodation to lowa and country customers and
• -
I.l . enr hoarders who wish to lode., In 'belt. Morns or or
s oot rtig t f he token. ard ZY11:!e,1) , .:11 Who live out of town
y t N.ptvtaheUL flian”re
AO* hal largemnd aond stables, and the best far and
Oatarara‘a good Boat ler, and will accommodate travel.
Pr* and
cent ”tortt who ha ye horses.
jilluardent tzk_rx) the dac, week or year. Char;res
ni e lkeinolotite thait at any respectable Flntel in the city.
'TV Opened the late re.l,letwev Esq
teil/9081, for the reeepile.u . of vir;'ll.,rs am' i ,, ,arders;
tUr tihase is eery plrnsantly “It the bank (.1 the
t mites f!0.. - 1 the rite—p.,s.es,ina , all the de:i2iii•
fat accompanimeide of a cnontry resi.lehre, without
being too 'far 4:llstan for persons doh business to t;.e
oefty, Visitarsmill be furnished with cve'y d , licacy of
An Omnil.us runs re.tpi!arly ere.ry hou
...gbeny end of !he nridte;
N. B.—No Alcoltutie jteve rages kept.
sep 10 teat. ,•. H
liktssoturrosr OF THE ClArto.\''—Tll ,
~,,th.r.,,,Athrghptlyern James E. K Ihotlrll and
Dam J. Mor4an 11th14 d r di..”lved by mutual consent.
The con:iitlot,a wilt tw duly notired,witlt the st2nnturrs
orbuth parties Anne zed, and Barry Hall will be continued
open by the subscriber until other arrangements ale per
For sale, on the premlnen, 150 httl.t. elloi,e winler np
ptoo, if applied for Irtncilintriy. JAS. E. K I LBOt;R N,
sop 29-11 - No 9, Markel. end 74. Front st
"Th Johnson, Bookbinder? and Piper
nulere, corner or - Wood . and
I FourtSi streets, are now prepared in ex•
ecole all kind- of ennkhintlintr, and Pri.
ner Ruling wit F. neatness and despatch.
- 0:y- C" • k honks ruled and honed to
-111*, given pattern at the nrio-t notice.
S. B. All work done 'le above la warranted. (?ep 10
ex xx o
. .
%'7M. RIDDLE, Surgeon Dentist, has returned to
hie old str nd, No. 107; Smithfield Street,
where he can he consulted any hour during the day,
ork his profession. sep 10
U ENIOV A I...—G.mrge Armor, Merchant Tailor,
JLVto re.perifn.:y announces to his friends and pa
trons, I hat he has re , ,uivett his establishment Iron' his
old stated, to Third street, to the corner of Front and
In the basement story of the Monongahela
House; where he intends keeping on hand a general as.
garment of Fashionable Goods, suitable for Gem
liemen's wear.
He hopes, hy cloce opt icut ion, to merit a share of t he
oushiess so Ilherally extended to him at his old stand.
N. B. (laving made artansements to New York and
Thiledelphia, with the most Fashionable Tsilors, for
the reception of Paris and Lond.ni Fashions,"en.uomers
warmly on heelers their orders executed according to
tbe latest style: -. GE(iRGE ARMOR.
tope 10
_Mtn 011...—Tha Subscriber would mo‘d. respectfully
.11411 inform the public In genera that he has an article of
. o,r/I Oil of a superior quality, manufactured at the Chief
allollslanufaetory,hy R.W.Lec 4- co.,vvbich Is warran
ted ta be equal to the best Sperm.Oli. both for Ligli and
This 011i:entirely free f oin any glutinous
estithtronnoke, or unpleasant odor, and it in as clear and
awhile as sprtng water. Not a particle of crust is left
.toe the wick. The light is pare and brit:Mat,
will last as long. if not longer, than that from an
ustittity of Sperm. Oil. The subscriber Informs
AepAliethathe has taken a place nearly opposite the
pow 01Ben, where he will light up several different lamps
wiry eigntng. and he would respectfully invite the In •
!Memos of Pittsburgh, Allegheny, and their vicinity, to
gall and judge for themselves- He feels confident they
alit be eons - Weed that the above statement Is perfectly
•eoreeet. chit or two hundred Individuals who have tried
theOtt, theire has not been a single fault found with it
?lie bard Oil costs one third less than Sperm, Ile would
tespeetrally solicit the early attention of Dealers and Ma.
Witting to the above.
The following Churches nre war ii.tng the Lard Oil:
Second Presbyterian Church, Piti=burgh,
New Cumberland Presbyte, Mil Church, Pilisbuigh,
First Preohyterfon Church, Allegheny City,
- AlteDeigle Reformed Church, do. -
All the barrels sr e branded R. W. LEE 4- Co.,Clucln
NB r Obio.
'lllll4, theundeslgned, Captains of the Express Linen(
en the Penwtylvania CanLl, have tried and arc
114 tO &tittle of Lard Olt introdiired here by Matthew
and manntlietured by R. W. Lye j Co., at the
,Ctijetnfatttl OH Feetary.
We feel conadent in as.e• itin that the a' ove is equal
alleiThe best Sperm Oil; that it is entirety free from smoke
%tiny otber glutinous mailer wharreer; ti e lie la is ner•
llicittlotre• eleliT and brilliant, and will last as lone, If not
rtien that from an equal quantity of sperm. Oil,
'irirento begollation In renntnniendina (Ito oat friends
VMaw who use Oil
RV TRURY, Captain. Ps eket John Adams.
VR.RtLDEITRAND, Captain, Pneket John Hancock,
AL CHM do do John Madison,
41:MNSI THOMPSON, d. to r
-2 *pi*
— "VW* Pll4 ore composed of herb, which exert
.1 , Speellie. action upon the ticart, ;ire t mnulse or
--allatiseit tothe arterial system; the blood Is quickened
—sad isquebsed tufts circulation throueh all the veseels.
IFlliather of the skin, the parts situated Interna I ly, or the
lUeu and as all the secretions of the body are
4111.11% Au the blood. there Is a consequent Increase of
.411111,1=1110111111, and a quickened net lon of tt raMmrbent.
Aritipaident, or Mocha n: vessels. Any morbid action
„.,0111110111aril Dern taken place is corrected. all obscrut.-
. IlelitiMerlitaiseeed. the blond Ise untied and the body
11111.1111111616111L1MS SIM. Port see Wholesale and Re.
= Z ZISSLLZRZ. Attest,
.40116 , sma ) WPM ft. below Seated.
~,: -, '
tlx A U c
M. C. EDEY, Agent
Witsburgh, June 21et, 11342
November 16,19 i 2.
IN compliance with the seventeenth section of the act
of Congress .legalizing and making appropriations
-for such tiercsrary objects as have been usually Included
-In the general appropriation hills without authority of
~ law, and to fix and provide for certain incidental ex
- Tenses of tire Department, and officers of the Gove,n•
•.n eat, and for other purposes," approved An,ust 26,
1942; Sealed Proposals will be received at this Depart- ,
merit until the thirty-first day of December next, for fur
etching for one year or longer. at the option of the Depart
ment; the following descriptions of flanks for the use of
Past Offices In the States of Pennsylvania and Delaware:
Mails received, 75 !teams,
Mails sent; 60 "
Account of Newspapers and Pamphlets re•
ccived, 25 "
Mills received at Distributing Offices. 12 "
All the above on small royal paper, at lest 22 by 17}
inches. in:titled on both sidesand feint ruled, with nut less
than 421ines on a page;
Mails sent from Dist! itairing, Offices, 12 Reams.
Same size paper as above, but folded lengthw ice, and
with 50 lines inn pax...
Accounts Current, foolscap, two on a sheet 16 Reams.
Monthly and Weekly Registers, foolscap,
four on a sheet,
Post Hills, foolscap, 12 on a sheet,without
Post Bills, fonlscep,l2 on a sheet, with
Post Bids for Distributing Offices, 9 on a
sheet, with signatures
Post Rillsifor Distributing Offices, 6 on a
sheet, with signatures,
The proposals will state the price, in win sum, per
ream, for each kind of blanks, for paper, prim ing„ll. l ing
and packing% They are to he delivered In such qus
tie?, and at such times, as may he required by the di tn. r•
ent Post Offices, aid on the requisitions of PostittaNt,rS
endorsed by the Postmaster at the place where the eon.
traelovinay retdde. None will be considered as deliver.
ed . or will he paid tor, except on Bach requisitions.
Etch requlcition, or quantity ordered, to be securely
env doped or packed for transportation, and directed to
the Postttlice,at the expense of the contractor.
The right is reserved of reject ng any bid witidi may
i.e considered extravagant, nod also to give to any one
bidder the printing for one or more states adj,ining the
Stale of his residence; and ear h prepn.al tint at he acmer
panted by sufficlent evidence of tile altility of the proposer
to enmply with the terms of his proposal.
The successful bidder will be required In enter into
contract, with surely, In strict romplianee with the pro.
vision of the law, to which bidders are referred.
Failure to fu rnttli blanks promptly when ordered, fur
ni,thing those of inferior quality AS to paper, printing.
or rutting. or any attempt to evade the true niennin: of
the contract, wilt be considered sufficient cause fur its
Payment will he ninde quarler.yearly, one month after
he expiralilti of each- (plat icr. .
The !dank, nu=t he equal to the hest of ihnce now in
Tice Sped owns may he seen at the radon. Pn.l Office.F.
The quantities mentioned above.are from the he..t eg - •
, titre that can he made fer one year's corestimpoon; but
they may exceed or may fall short of the quantities e
quircd. The lienartment does nut hind itself to any
sl.erifir quantity cr amount.
he.° marked, and addressed to me
...Second Assistant PostniaF.ter General," IVashinvon,
D. C. , n23—dtd
dri 0 Uri IFS, COLDS and CONSC7-11P7'10.V —Tin. e•col
,on Tor the atmve complaints is now at hand, end ail
persons who ale 51Mjected ;0 the inclemency of the
weather ore respect folly informed that bet ran hod.
COVERT'S /41.!•1 Or LIVE which 14 tt,e`l khown tO hoer
cured TnorsAs;m4. who were in the tart sl,g,.e or
tumption. Co . :it - males ran he prot'uced of its wonderful
TAYLOR'S rIALcANI or LIVERWORT k another rernetk
for Lircr Complavds.Caughs and Colds. II maw...lll:v
ly 'Tram tarn& ti aII %via) have 11,41 it. and is pleasant
to take, and spectly in effecting a yore.
ttomirtorNh --Thl is n valnahle
and p'ea.caht cemiirlim;ii will elfcci n pri•ltive and ri plaid
rare for Om:h., evicts, C01611111pri011,311.1 I , as elfrclual
cure rat - the %V HOOPINO Cot•ous. Thi, is a very ph as
ant medicine, nil art fond ofil,andchildren never rchiec
to lake so; its cure is sure and positive. The sebscrib.,
has a certificate of Nsency direct from J. Pease 4• son,
so l here earl be tin mistake. All persons who are ctrei
are invited to call and, act delay, fur the titre to take
medicine Is at the commencement,
All the above medicines ran always be pro: ured al
TUTTLE'S MEDIC-IL .RGEA - eY. Rq. Fourth mtrey,
iCrTo Dr. Tuons,—My Dear Sir:l checrlit'ly am'
cortliady embrace the present (avotab'etippOrtunity to re•
turn to you tuy warmest thanks of gragileale for your u n
equalled and unexceptionable Inventhielt of nor very
Justly celebrated Tea Berry Toot li.Wash, and I fret that
I am in duty bound to soy that I have derived Ike erenr•
est and most beneficial effect ft on. its fret - meet aad mode.
ate use: and F can assure you thkt I am exceedingly hap•
py to have the pleasure 01' informing 1 on. that slncetely
and cordially speaking. I can In justice recommend its fee
quent useto all that unfortunate portion of the titian
race throughout the globe o•ho are now undergoing the
moat excruciating pain for lie want of a medicine prep..-
ration of exactly the same now re of iv hieli yours is prepa
red, and who have for years been sun - ming from the in.
jurious.destrnellve and peritlcions effects of worthless
tooth powders and other worthless preparations. lit
conclusion permit me to say that I have used your Tooth •
Wash hat for a short period, and yet I feel thoroughly
convinced that it is the best now known. its inestimable
virtues In preservlng the teeth, (which if kept in a good
and handsome condition, la the greatest embelishment
that adorns the human structure.) are not to be excelled
in casing and relieving the sufferer from tooth ache, and
restoring tne gains to a heals by and purified condit ion, nd
giving also a sweetness and fragrancy lo a disagreeable
breath hitherto unknown.
Accept my sit cure wish for your success, from
Yon rs. I rti I y
THE Committee on Lectures of the fi'irt Institute.
for theFonrth Course,respect fu'ly announce to the
pubic that they have made urranzentents to commence
the Lectures on Thursday evenine, December 1. The
Lectures of this course will be exclusively Literary and
The Committee, desirous or making the Lecture Room
of the Institute a favorite resort of the lovers of Litera
tore and Science, us well as the fa.hionable, have spared
no exertions in procwing popular and talented Lecture's,
both at borne and abroad.
• In the course ortsvo weeka a list of the Lecturers will
be published, and tickets offered.
SAM 7 I,. C. HUEY,
W.W.Wi Ls - 0
nov 9. tf Committee.
rr S. MAIL LINE or Svlendid Pasfener Steam Pack
. pis from Cincinnati Io SI. Louis.
The itew,spleniliii, fast running', d,• dranzlit R eam
Pari.ets West 11 tad and Nonpareil, will run ne regular
Packcig, from Cincinnati io SI. Will leave Cin
rinintl land St. Louis every Wednesday morning, at 10
Passnafters front the East and West may rely upon
their etnrlluz pututimity ocadvertiFed. rep 30
This Int - 4110,1e remedy has preserved hundreds
when thought past recovery, from convulsions. As soon
as the. Syrup is rubbed on the p.tm., the child will reel v.
er. This preparation is so innocent, so efficacious, and so
pleasant, that no child will refuse to let he come he rub
bed with it. When infantsare at the age of four months
tho' there Is no appearance of teeth. one bottle of tile
Syrup should be used to open he pores. Parents PllOlll.l
rever be without the syrup In the nursery where there
are young Millitren.for if a child wakes in the night with
pain in the gums. the Syrup immediately gives ease, by
opening tire pores, and beating the goals; thereby prevent
ing Convu stuns, Fevers, 4-c. For Bale Wholesale and
Fetall by R. E. SELLERS, Agent,
sep 10 No. 20. Wood street. bet,”.• steeruid
Clair sreet.
TACIT A nil RlM:mos,
Wide and harrow eels,
Lace and
tilants` frock, waitds,
Ladies. French Kid, Mohair.
LialeThread. and Cotton Gloves,
Black Mohair nets for Veils--very cheap
A large aroortment of Bullish Si raw Bonnets.
Also a variety of Straw, platire and fancy Tuscan brild.
of the latest fal.thlon, a nO at eXceedinglylow rates.
These goods are now selling off at prices to lull the
Imait Are rospoettally Invited to collated perchooe.
sop 16—tf. .
.4Ai . X•fst:; , .•-•-.7 . ':
750 Roma
L•XcASTYR,Oct. 2d. 18.11
R -~ ~-
saroassas .surattexts Fume stra.er.i ativzsvizatts.
- orThla vegetable and truly innocent mediclee;roitt
ries THE BLOOD, and immediately stays the further PRO*
°REDS or Do3ELSIC, in the bodies of those whose powers of
life are not already exhausted. Where human means
can avail, there scarcely Is any complaint, or form of
sickness, that the BRAIIDAETH PILLS do nut relieve and
getlerully cure. Although these pills produce a xtiowx
errEcr,that etTect us not to prostrate the body, as with
other medicines, but the frame is invigorated by the le
'novel of the cause of weakness, the morbid, the vitiated
humors front the blood.
Harmless In themselves, they merely
To throw out the occasion of sickness from the body,
and they require no alteration In the diet or clothing.
Ia fact.thrthrman body is better able to sustain with.
out injury, the inclemeecy of the weather, while under
the Influence of this ibfeet ion desrroying,disease eradica
tint Medicine titan at any other time.
Tbe ttaportAnce of Brandreties Pills for seamen and
travelers is, I herefore, self evident.
By the timelyuce prints Medicine bow much anxiety
and sickites,,'lllight we not prevent. Cold, Blilious of
fections, Typhus, Scarlet end fevers of all kinds, would
be ititknowiii But where sickness does exist, let no
time be lost, let the Rlt A NUR ETU'S PILLS be at once
seta for, that tile limed) , may be app led, without fur
tiler loss of till u.--To ISE Rehm:mato—
That Bratuitetle.t Pills have stood a seven years' test
fn the United Stales.
That they men veq,t_talile and innocent medicine, yet
all powerful for the removal of disease, whether chronic
recent; infectious or otherwise.
Thal they pt.rlfy the blued, and stay the further pro
grecs of distse,e In the human body.
That, in many caset , , where the dreadful ravages of
ulceratloii had laid hate ligament and hone, and where,
to all appearance, no human means could save life, have
patient. by the use of there I.llls, been restored to good
health; the devoeting disease having been completely
That each ort he genuine ha. upon It liner COrYCIOUT.
That each label has two signatures of Dr. Benjamin
Era !Wroth upon it.
Thu there tnusA he upon each hos three signatures,
And three si:natures, thus:—
"All acute fevers ever require some evacuation to bring
them to a perfect crisis and Polut lon, and that even by
stools, which must be promoted by art when nature
does nut do the business itself. On this account, an
ill timed Ferupulousaes,, , about time weakness o(lhe body
L of bad consequence•; for it is that which seems ebiefly
to make evacuations neressary, which nature attempts
offer tne humors are tit to be, expelled , but is not able to
act - oinpligh for the most part In these diseases: and I can
affirm, that I have :tern a purge when the puke has been
.0 low that it enulci hardly he fell, and the debility ex.
'reale, yet both one and r Le r ilier ha ye been restored by
it." The good effect to be derived front ;lie itrandreth
Pills have to be experieured to he fully believed. By
their timely ti , e ntil her the scarlet, the typhus fever or
Pil.nll pox would ever ermine their malignant for in.
To appreciate to; he full extent ,tlie incalculable
fit, of Bit A Nlt II [:'P I'BI'!I.LS. they Must be used when
the l'irst Symptoms or Ui<rase prospcit Illeort•elvers. pee
dose then, and their emOil eliCcte will he felt throughout
Ihe aIIIVIC—IT In T&N.ING IN TIMC Ihnt ii the gieat
secret in the ciire of all appearances of disease arising
front bad blood, n nil I presume there are few at the pries.
eat day, will say anything, of those diseases which street
the body hen the blood is pure. 'Sorb diseases I have
ycl to are
Wining IMO some who read ibis may be benefhted by so
doing. I am respertioPy.
lite public's FP rva n t
R. 1311.1.NDEIETII, M. D.
2/1 Broadway : New York.
TDB DEAT 11 111.f/IV.
The puhric w1:1 please ohgerve I hat no Brittidreth Pills
arc xelitlitte UilleF3 the Lox lint , three labels upon It.
each row:0011z a fac g Dottie signature of my hand
litit , -11. Itrandrellt. Thege l ie nor engrat
veil on i oeel, lieaut fully (legit:tied, and door. nt RI; cx •
pence -cieerat tiptietatut dolotra. Beiticiola:rl Ihe top
—the a I'd 1110 I ottetto
Eta red aCcrtritiett to to . ?of l'ongregi in the tear 11141.
Icy Bet jainin Hcatalrtili, in the (Neu L'a r in tbe Dia
girt Court of the Sol them District of New 1 nrk,
Dr. LI. 111:111dretli's own Entire, No. 93. 11 owl carnet.
(lily plz.er in Pittsburgh av here t he gettitit.e
Plll9 ran i.e rditoined. Each Agent who ;ell. the true
Era ndreih Pet, has an engraved rev titicnie of A gritty
renewed every twelve months, and hoc entered into bond,.
of $5OO in fell none other flats than Iltene received Iron,
Ii . D. or Ilia .nrrial General Agent. !dark, the ret titi•
rate hr all engraved except lire Dort°, 'a untie, which 11.
In hi: okVII hand writing. Oliferve, on each eerrideate
i here lit an exact ropy tillhe three on each hog r ft
graved thereon, Pliretu.•cf. was lh it ttle Plf 7.! ranin: of
the labels on the ce•lifieaie entrespnnd with Ilwee on the
The follow Inc are Dr. Hi - 41min [lra inlri ill's %gents
for I lie sal.. of 1.1. le 1 7 nivi.rsal Pills. In A Ileghe
ny couly, Pa., n ho are stippled with the rew labelled
Price :25 rents with INlPrlien4.
Principal Offire, No. 98, ‘Vood Street, Pillsbur
A Ilegheny, Mr. .1011 N CIL•sS.
Meßee.port, 11. ROWLAND.
Nobleslown, Joatc JOIINs , II4.
SleWarlS ToweI , CIIESSM•N Sr•ounmo
Pew•Re Triomrson,Wilkliisburi,rll.
CiciinnE PORTER. rnirViriV.
Elizabethtown, C 1 7 .thrnt.
East I.lbetly.D•NIEL NEOLVI.
PRESSLEY IRWIN, rleasant 11111.
ihrin R . c ,, ,,s—Pluinb Township.
Wm. 0. Ilusakat— Allen's Mill. [cep 10
PILES cured by the ee of Dr. ❑arlieh'e Compound
Sirengibening and Garman Aperient Mite
Dr. tlarlich—Dear Sir—dhortly after I received the
Agency float yuu for the sale of your medicine. I
formed an accirtainiance tvi ii n lady of this place, who
was severely afflicted with the Piles. For eight or ten
years this lady was subject . to frequent painful attacks,
and her physician considered her rase so complicated,
that he very seldom prescribed medicine for her. Through
my persuasion, she commenced using your Pills, and was
perfectly cured. Yours, tvc. JAMES R.KIRBY
October 3, IRV). Chamhersbug, Pa.
rr Office and General Depot, No. 19. North El:11th
Street, Philadelphia. And by Samuel Frew, corner of
Liberty and Wood streets, l'it!sburgh. . sep 10
INTERESTING CURE performcd byDr.Steayne's
Compound Syrup of Prunus Vinginiane, or Wild Cher.
ry. Having made n.e of this Invaluable Syrup In my family,
which entirety eared my child. The symptoms were
wheezing and choking of phlegm, difficulty of breathing,
attended with comtant conch, spasms, convulsions, irc,
of which I had given upall hopes of its recovery until I
was advised to make trial of this invaluable medicine.
After seeing tile effects It had upon my child, and con
cluding to make the same trial upon myself, which en
tirely relieved me ofa cough that I IV:IF afflicted with for
many years Any person wishing, to see me can ca nt
my house in Beach Street, above the Market, Kensington.
We rail the attention of the public to the numerous
certificates which have been in circulation in our paper
and some others of this city, highly recommending Dr.
SWLTSICS CompoLN Syrup oh Wild Cherry.—We have
seen the original art ificates, and have no doubt but they
come from truly grateful hearts, ex pressive of I ha benefits
which they have received from tint valuable compound.
We have acquaintances who have frequently used the
above medicine, wino can speak with confidence of its
virtues.—Saturday Chronicle.
rct.how CrrizlNE—With sincerity I would advise
you. one and all, both sick and welt, always to have a
hottleof Dr Sw►vae'sCompound Syrup or Wild Cherry
in your house—lt is inyatuable in cases of emergency,
such RS Spitting of Blond, Asthma, attacks of violent
Coughing, which is often the cause of spitting of blow.,
Violent Nervous AfMellon'', which occasionally come
from fright, and various other MIFFS, producing great
alarm, sudden colds from improper exposure, which
are often let run to an alarming extent, for want of
means being ready at lianii;—and as I have used Dr.
Swxvxx's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry repeatedly
la my family, and always with marked success-1 can
recommend it with rcichichee. as being one of the best
family medicines which has ever been offered to the
public.—Saterday Chroricie.
Sold by VlZin. Thorn, Wholesale d• Retail, only azen;
far r;Vsburgh. N 0.53 Marl:o. Street. sep If)
WI LLI . %I It Aferrhant Tailor,—ne=pertfiiilv
Inform? htf, friend:l :nd .he nuhrie in ..!enerat
that he hatL eommeneed Monne.e ,t No 11 ma r km.
?meow" door from the enrner of Front. n nett nOiry ea t.y
*Stitt attention to to aern whore of nuMic
N. B. The fateit fashions Ten, I, la rly rev...fret tilt pub
le • may depended Malys their work esecuSai accord's%
6 t e Istotallyle. •
of 10
CA Ra t to tho tLIN ERY—M as. T oh
airscc, begs Most respectfully to inform the Ladies
of Pittsburgh sod its vicinity that she has arrived di.-
rect from Loudon, with a beautiful assortment of Minna
ry of the newest style. (icr connexion there will at all
times enable her to introduce the latest fas h ion and should
the Ladies honor her with a share of their patronage, she
pledges herself to keep every thing of the most stylish
description, and pay strict attention to economy.
It Is with confidence Mrs. T. tecommends her French
and London made Corsets; also her splendid assert tnent
of Embroidery, which is superior to anything yet intro
duerd in this country: It includes Baby Linen, Connot
vaunt! crientals, Capes a la Cardinal, Demi. ditto. Ber.
thas (or Evening Costume, Collars Cuffs, Pocket Hand
kerchiefs, Morning and Night Caps, which wili be
ready for their approbation on the 9th of October next,
Mrs. P. is waiting the arrival of her Bonnets from
Europe, at No. 2 Ferry street, between Ltl,rty and
Fowl It streets.
seta. 29—dif.
MAGI: A W 4. HAN ILTON, Attorneys at Law, have
removed their Office to the residence of H.S. Ma.
;Tr ow, on FunrCt st, two doors uhuve sep 10
COFFIN stet, I B V e A tw it e E ni W IIOTYLE.— an N d s
o, m 7 i o th . fie F hl ou v e t tli
Two doors from the corner of Wood et teet. Con
on hand on assortment of 100 ready made
COFFINS, of every sivc and description; covered
ones, with Cloth: Mahogany, Cherry, Black
Walnut, Poplar, and Pine Coffins.
ALSO,Plaies neatly engraved; Hearses and Carriages
lurni+hed; Graves procured; and all services rendered
Om Friends may requite.
A credit given In all C.41 ,, Y., ell her of coffins or carriages,
requested. HENRY BEA RES, lluderiaker.
rep 10
175 line. %%HITE LIME, a e uperi ,, r affirlejor
s.ale by J. G. o f A.GnEHON,
N 0.12 Water,trept.
VA tIETV.— Just received from New York, 3000
Temperance Almanacs for 1043; 5000 copie<of I lie
Journal of the American l'empereftee Union and Youtli
Temperance Advocate for September. Also, 2000 Chris.
Gan Almanacs, and a good assortment of Loomis's Mitga
zlnentid Pilistiugh, and the Franklin Magazine and Com.
inon Almanacs for 1143; by the gross, dozen or singe;
250 copies . of Grant's New Pittsburgh and Allegheny Bu•
siness Dirctory and Strangers Guide, for 61 rents. A ko,
Cottage, Family, School and Pecker Bibles and Testa.
inert,. David's Psalms; Methodist nod Temperance Hymn
Books; the beauties of Harmony, Introduction to Sacred
Music: Mason's Herewith round and patent itotiw
flurp,and almost all kinds of Schnui Books; Guno's Go.
me:4iclledicine;lity Booka and Ledgers; Writ lug, Let•
ter, and Wrapping raper; blue black, and red Ink, by the
dozen ,or bob le; sleet pens, quills, slates, pencils and
tvafers; Cyclopedia of Iltstury, Wes.ern Pi ot, and a con.
eltieratdc variety of Books and Statlonnry, for sale on ac.
coin =dating terms lor cash or country pciduce,
ISA VC HARRIS, Agent and Commission Merchant,
sep '2 No. 9, Fifth street.
UNION COTTON FACTORY, Allrghe y City, at the
cod of the imp"' ',ridge. The subscribers having
commenced the manufacture - of Cotton Yarns, Stocking
Yarn,Ccoton Twine,l:andlewirk, Carpet Chain, Ratting,
kr., and are prepared te fill orders at the shortest notice.
Having selected the latest end most improved niacin•
nery,a ed employed the manazer who has attended to the
HOPE FACTORY for the laz,t five years, they are manufuetu•
Hirt., a superivr article.
Cotton Warp. made to order,
Orders thruugh the Pittehur;7 l l Pnct Office, or left al the
store of .1 4 C. Painter 4. co., L•,lerty street; or I.ozan
k Kennedy, Wood street; Will meet cy'd h prompt mien.
!lon. Address—J. K. MOOKLIE 1D D 4 CO.
sop 12-1 Y
t' FENI lA.:S.—Three ,a11;0, ClaA4 of in
this City tvito front I heir continued sating, to which
their riccii pLtions oblige liem,are affected with coiAlveness
winch oyes rise to palpitation at I he heart on the term ex
et tion, rent of heaviness extendl ng.over the whole head,
intolerance of Ilrflit and sonod.an inability of (laing the
attention to any mental opetat into.; rumbling in the bow.
etti, sometimes a sense of sitiThcatton, especially after
men l= I\ll , , ::nt r seri ion Is etitiitt quickly lip
lenipre tickle; are %yin mints which yield at
owe to a few ilooiof t h e The orro,
siooa I 11-1! to I los tile 00. t‘a v. , a deal of Double
and t ear= or 0.. P, or I WO, or even three of .
ttrailitrrtli t'Air pro !,elare dinner, art' oleo (wind
ben. fi-ial; n 0 nv ,he them very advania2cously In
h t . IA ih rk aid and dozed inn, reitnre the bowels
to .1 proper cnortition,eoliven the Impart clear
ni 10 Ihr complexion. tqlril e y the blond, and proatote
eri,rra I halm./ of Resit It nod be opines.
Soil,' at Dr. It attar, in's 0111. e. No. 1 1 3 Wond strt el
Poi , loirli.--Prire 2.3 cent ; per hot, with full directions.
th K . —The only place in l'itoitiltrilh, whore the
D N can he ohla is the Doctor's own Of
lire, No 118 %Wood i.trect. sett In
Qll lIC %I. I N!- , T R t - ‘1 lIN Tr...! 1 4 1' It' g. IN
111 U ESTS!— 7'. .11cC , Art Ay. Cur ler and ifer,gira/
~,etrdment .llaker, Third strev., r, e.<, I y opposit e the
Post Office. Pitd,bursrh
(SIG% 01
rhy ,. .iciaim Dentists and Dria”,i , ts ran have their in.
strumenifi made hy the sutni.crilier of a supenur quality
nod at Lantern prices.
Tailors' Patent Flienra and Frissor. always on hand
also Hailers F , hears, a superior article. Orders respeel.
N. B. Allartlrler warranted of the heat gaality.nod
jolthinc (Inn« ocop 10
IIVER COMPLAINT.—This disease often term)
A mitesin another of a more serious nature, if pin
per remedies are not restarted to Is time. In all forms
of this disease. Pr. Ilarlich's Compound Strengtheldm:
and German Aperient Ville, will perform a perfect cure
—fjrst.by clonnping the stomach and bowels, thus remo•
vine all diseases from the Liver, try the use of the Ger•
man Aperient P.lls, after which the Compound Strength•
ening Pills are taken to L'ive strength and tone to tho.e
tender organs which require such treatment only to effect
a permatnent cure, Theme Pills arc neatly put up in
small packages, with fall directions. For sale at No. 19
North EightSireet. Philadelphia. Also, for sale hy Saw
uel Frew comer of Wood and Liberty sts., Pittsburgh Pa,
sep 10
ALLEY tiRAMErt, Exchange Broker, No. 46, Cor•
ner of Wood and Third Streets, Pittsburgh Pa.—
Gold, Sliver, and Solvent Rank notes, bought and sold.
Sight cheeks on the Eastern cities, for sale. Drafts,
notes and bills, collected.
Pittsburg/I,Pa, Wm. Bell k Co., John D. Davis, F
Lorenz, J. Painter k Co., Jo•rph Woodwell, James May
Philadelphia, Alexander Bronson k Co., John fl. Brown
k Co. Cincinnati, 0., James 111'Candless St. Louis,
.1110., J. R. 111'Donald. Louisville, W. H. Pope, Esq.
Pres't Bank Kv. Pe P 10
EMOVAL..—The undersigned begs teave to inturin
_IL , the puldle, that lie has removed from his old stand,
to the corner of Penn and St. Clair sin., oppositethe Ex
change Hotel, where he has fitted up a large Plarto FORTE
W•xic Roost, and now otTers for sale the most splendid
assortment of PlAsrus ever offered in thiA market.
flip pbnos consist of different patterns, of superior
Rose Wood and Mahogany, beautifully finished and mo.
doled, and const fueled throughout of the very be.t ma•
teriak, w hich, for durability, and quality of lone, as well
as touch, he warrants to be superior to any ever seen
As he has ezilarge4,lll3 munnfrictory, Anti made arrange
mer i ts to supply the Increasing demand for this Instill.
merit, he respectfully requests those Intending to pur.
chase to roll and examine his assortment before purclia.
sing elsewhere. as lie Is determined to sell LOWIM, for
cash,than any other establishment east or west of the
mouritalns. F. BLUME,
Corner or Penn and St. Clair streets.
sep 10 Opposite the Cachati:e Hotel. Pittsburgh. Pa
Evans's Camomile
rirturtricATes.—Letter.from the Icon. M'Clel
hm,Sullivan County, East Tennessee, fdentherof Congress
W Lent:gar" July 3d. 1833.
Sir—Since I have been in this city I have used Palle of
your Dyspe*, medicine with infinite benefit and gaits
faction, and believe it to he a maet valuable remedy. fine
of my :oust' !tient., Dr. A. Carden, of Campbell county,
Tennerne, wrote to me in ,end him ensue. whirb I did,
and he bag mployed it very successfully in his practice,
and say? it is invaluable. Mr. Johnson, your agent at
this r oare,^ think. you would probably like an agent In
Tennessee. If so. I would tecommend Pr. A Carden, a.
a proper person to officiate for the sale of V•ltlf (Pie', WO' d
medicine. Ebotild you him lie is willing to
act for you. You ran RPM! ihr 111f:di/qt.* , by water to the
care of Robert King. 4. sons. K vilte cnudt n., .
Fee, or by land to Graham !I. Tavess elI Ea- t
Tenne.see. I have no rlouht hut if you t•ml nzi.nts iu
iiveralemintiris in Fla.t Ten ne..e , .a 'r. at I
6111. wmild I ow ' :•'
for oto own !Mr. cad O'szi, cf t-y
• :•::
' 4, •t• -
4-n,4.. , r rrvirq - •
Y, II • ,
Atte t it 1 : ` ' ,
For sale Wbotesate atAi
B. IR SE.l,l_ Ell S.
*or TO, Wood slreet,below Seeiracl.l
imp Ila -
101 RE PROOF 'IRON CHESTS, Nailitractund 1 1
.70A* Denning, Sizth strig, ahoy" "II" I
street, Pittsburgh .
Pilisburgh, Julie 13, 1839
Mr. hunt Dxsainee—Dear Sirs—Having been present,
yesterday, at the experiment which you were pleased to
make, In the presence of a number of our business men,
01' the safety 01' our I RON CH eSTS, in case of fire, It
gives me pleasure to say, that so far as I was capable of
the test was fair, arid the result exceeded my
The Chest was a small one, about 30 Inches high, by
about 18 tit 20 inches In breadth and depth, and was pla
ced on a block of wood about 3 foot in thickness, so as
to eleva,e It about that height from tile ground; several
brinks a nd newspapers were deposited Inside of it, in the
manner in which ttcrchants and others would nsually
'lace them--a large quantity of light pine woad [slabs
from an adjoining: 4 3w was then placed around '
and above it, and the fire kindled on the windward aide,
so as to drive the flame against the back part of the chest.
The fire was kept up about three quarters of an hour,
titan you had gone aiming the spet titters and received
from them thr,ir universal answer that the test was ,
Fit ffic I nt . The chest was then drawn out of the fire,
and cooled, and °petted, and examined. The contents
were all safe. and the only injury done sync lathe back
of one book which appeared to hen little charred. From
what I witnessed, I IMO; that these chests are desery
in; of confidence, as atfurdiret, perhaps.thrt hest security
to Merchants for their books and papers, which they can
have without building large, hick, and expensive vaults.
I would consider them a better security than many vaults
which I have seen bull:. Your 'Henri,
We concur in the above Oatenienl, having been rev
sent when thecliest Vin;
W. M. Cooper, J. If. Skuenberger, Robt Bell,
J. Laughlin, J. Painter, R. Carden,
R. Miller, Jr. C L. alrmstronc, 4. 11. Hoge,
Thomas Craig, S. O. D. Roicuri, - J. IV. Heyt.
Ertrart of a Letter from Pugh 4. dated Cia
eistnatt, 29th .Mar. h, 1842.
J. Denning, Pittsburgh, Pa. Rekpeeted Friend: We
have the sat iffact lon to sin! e aG the best recommendation
we can t!ive of 11. e. utility of your Iron Safes, I list we
have 011 C of them which was in an rxposed snnation in
our rountitta room, at the time of the fire, on the morn
ing of the loth fast, whirl) communed our Pot k Hoil.e to.
tr.ether with a large portiott of the meat, lard, kr, which
it contained; —and that our books and papers which were
In the Safe, were entirely uninjured, and were taken
from it after the fire; without ever bring discolored..
Yours, 4c
Extract of' a Le'ter from Slater ft Ilo!.brook, dated St.
Louis, Feb. 24th, 1811
Mg. Itatcruso, Dear Sir: One or your =t rond size chests
was burned a few days n7o, in a teat her store--it pre•
srrvrd Its rontente. Retweet fully your.,
sep 10 SLATE['. 5 lIOLEROOK.
IVER COMPLAINT cured by the use uf Dr. liar•
1 itch's compound Strenet heath?. and Aperient Pills.
Mr. %Vtir. Rieharil., of l'lttshur..h, Va.. entitely cured of
the ahovedistresslnz disea-e Dig symptoms were pain
and weillit in the left .side. hose of appetite, vornittha, add
eructations. a distension of the stomach. sick headache,
furred tonztir, countenance changed ton citron color,difft
cult y othreathiva. dieturhed rest , attended v; It a cough,
great dehilit y.. wit h other symptoms Indicating e real de
rawenient of tn.. functions of the liver. Mr. Richard;
had the advice of several phy.'cialis, but received no
relief, until astir.: Dr. D a rlicii's Medicine, which lermina.
tcd ht eriertinc a pc - feet rare.
Pt ioripal Offirr. Philadrdphia
For Vll.` 1n P;lrAntrgli by Samuel Fri!‘:, turner of Liber
iy and Wood i , trecks. svp 10
Cincinnati. Febraary 15, 13443
Dr. - le:- Permit me to take the tin( rty
or v'ritin..l to you at thlg I mie to express my sinper..l,ntion,
lid to recommend to the attention' of heath of families
lnet 'ohms vont invantaldu rfitAieitte—the compound
syrup of Prunus Virginians, or Wild Cherry 'Bark. In
my travels of Lite I Lave seen in a x eat It:any Instances
11.e.‘k onderful effects of your niedictlie in relieving chil
dren of very obstinate complaints, such as Coughing,
Wheezing,. Cltonkiht! of Phlegm, Asthmatic attack 4, 4•c.
kr, i sbnutd not have written this letter, however, at
In esent,ellibough I have let it my duty to odd my iceli
molly to it for SOIIIC lime, had it not been for a late ill.
stales where the Medicine shove alluded to was ru
mental in restorioa to perfect heals it e.n -only c h 0,1, ",
whose rae.l was alttond I.opelerP, in a family of toy nc
ottaintanre. thank II ellVf n," said the &rating moth.
• r • ' me chill issnved from the jaws of deail.! 0 how I
c, , ,,rcel the relentless ravager But toy child is sure! is
llcynnd all doubt Dr. Fwaynes Componnd Syrup of
t`, lid Cherry Is the most valunble medicine In this or any
other country. 1 ail certain I": are witnessed more ;Mtn
c:ne hundred cases a here It his been attended with coin.
Mete sncrees. f an, usiutt it myself in an °lodinate al.
lark of Bronchitis, In whirr; it !wired effeelnat is a ex
ceedingly snort time, rm:siob•ring the severity Of the rn , e.
I ran re,•ontcnd it in the fullest confidence °fits superior
virtues; I would advise that no family should be without
it; it is very pleasant rind always beneficial—worth
double and often ten limes its pike. The public arc as.
Mired there is no gitachery about it. R. JACKSON, D. D.
Formerly Pastor of the First Presbyterian Church,
Sold by WM. Turin :V. wholesale 4. retail, only ❑cent
for Plttsbureh. No. 53, Market street. sep 10
what will destroy Life. and you are a great man.
"Distorer what will prolong Life. and the world will
call you Impostor."
"There are faculties, bodily and intellectual, within us,
with which certain herbs have affinity, and over which
they hare power."
Dr. 13. Brandreth's External Remedy, or Liniment,
which, by Its extraordinary powers, abstracts Pain or
Soreness; thus Sprains. :FUR' Sinews. White Swellings,
Rheumatic Pains, or Stiffness, Stiffness of the Joints,
Tumors, Unnatural Hardness, Stiff Neck Seise Throat,
Croup. Contractions of the muscles, Scroftihms en
largements. Terrier Feet, and every description of In•
Jury affecting the Exterior ot the Human Frame, are
cured or greatly relieved by his net) er•to be stfficicully
extolled remedy.
CiestrfricATE.—The following leiter from Major Gen
erne Sandford, as to the wialiiies of the External Heine
dy, speaks votunies:
Dear you oblige me with another bottle of
tour excellent Liniment? It is certainly the hest of the
Lind I have ever seen. It has cured entirely my son's
knee, about which I was so uneasy, and I have .found it
prodoolve or immediate relief In several cases of eater
nal injury In my fatuity. A few evenings since, me
youngest child was seized with a violent attack uf Croup,
which was entirely removed In twenty rstirtree, by rub
bing her chest and throat freely with the External Rem.
edv. I think you ought to manufacture this Liniment
for general use, instead of confining the use ail, as you
have heretofore done, to your particular acquaintances.
rl , lll - 5 truly, C. W. SANDFORD.
DR. B. Boaanorrn.24l Broadway, N.Y.
Ty. For sale at 241 Broadway, New York, and at hi.
otlice,No.93 Wood street,Pittstargh. PinCE-50 cents
per bottle with directions. sep 10
Ilarrkhorgly, Auzusl 24! h. 1842.
►LONGING TO TILE STATE.—NoIicc is berel.y O
ren that it vursttatice of the f.trenicentb,
nineteenth and twentieth Sections of the Act of Assembly
nasseA the 27th day of July, 11-142. propwals will he reset
ed 11, slate Dooarttoent
Vr nc rt. for the sale of all and "tejl
finil Itont4 Wool-vit-r to 11,. r.,11
Ft: re F~nrk . at rnr w!lt be • • n iv , .:! in pro." (~,t
Enrh rfilviemd or (%,:,pr.ny
!i t ". ~, -( _•”r“,: 4,1: - .11 V. 07,1
Secretary et tbetbetiiiratisrealik,
NM YORE, Feb. 9, 1842
1.:al TA* Esplosiox of Simi thgrirri.
/11RAVELERS TAKE NOTICE—That all boa*"
-1- provided with the Sorely Gourd have their stun
bills printed with a figure of the:apparatus— and he rare o ._
fol you are not deceived -by misrepresentations cri'li
gents stating their boars to be provided with the Safers
Guard, when they are pot v., secured aga it st eartlonlim
The following Is a list of heats supplied with the'S•lll
- Guard at the ['or: of Pittsburgh—all except the tit.,
firm on the list have the improved apparatus with withal
apparatus li Is iuipossihle for an explosion to occur:
The traveline, community are respectfully re quern
before they make a choice of a Lout, to reflect a nit/inert
and see whether it would not be to their advantalt
and security to choose a : - .-'afety Guard boat. both i.e
passage ant: freight, In preference to one not so vistaed
a:aiu•t explosion—and that they will hear in mint,
that this invention has the unqualified approbation it,
fifty steam engine builders—gentlemen whose hosinets
it Is to understand the strbjcct, and %situate entirely dht
interested—besides a number of r ertifica:es ft oat scienti
lc gentlemen and tit tiers— all of which can be Pfeil
my office, No 10. Water street, where it would eilta to
pleasure all 'fines to exhibit my invention to any
who will lake the trouble in call.
The subscriber offers fur sate, at the present redu
ced lairs, the greater part of Ills real estaie, situate le
the chin , of Pittsburgh and Allegheny. vlz: There of WI
Brlrli Warehouses, nearly new, a, I substatrtialty bort
situate nu Market street.? et wren Second and Fooot. ern.
bruri:l2 a front of about 54 feet by 60 de'p. For sole elf
i he, or separately to suit purclia,ert, n t.d upon hog mer e
A lea, n select Int in Alles.hrny city. 64 fret In
lirenottli,l,l upward or 330 fuet in depth, havinc , twits
on 01:($ oo the Pennsylvania canal ald the other on
VP:l , lOl,v n street.
Mao !In. of adjoin In.^_ rile above. 100 feet In I.r..ndth
by itrar:y 350 feel in derth, lie large nn.l
;ant liouee which I now occupy and coallmild
Al3O, n lot with two too story ' , rick sloreholues.ritq•
ale on the corner of Mart.ri and Front toreetf, Fulinet to
a mcderat, ground Mil, and now Orrtioird ty Mr. Hnyl
X SEED fir".. , .4"TED.—ll molt ct In unreloooollittt
rns or coorls, rioantity of Mal ni.d Timothy Peoif.
Almost allkintl of coonity Produce iatzen in puyepont
for ram Cr arm& ni HARE IS'SI tv elligencc Offvenft4
Sep 2.1-- , f Commission MI relic.nse, No. 9. Fifth 1114
11,11 N if ART. Commission ..Verchant, Dealer fro per
dare and Jfinerica. Afativfactures, A'udisow,
Jon. Crier, Eq., .Pitt,!nrgh:
An rOll Dart, •
Jame: C •chron of R'd.
Jon. D. Davis.
Alliay dr Hanna,
Avery, 02den ¢ Co.
Jon. Woodhooroc, E.g., Modigon
TALU A 11LE FARM FOR FA W 51. 14; sell the
Fnrm on which I live, in Wilkins tostittithljs?, arias
Praticircksfield, emit:filth:a one hundred and seventesat
acre=; about 70 acres of v.1.1c11 is cleared, and the battfeed
welt timbered. There are 'limn It three log dwellinLisi
at ti a barn 63 feet by 34; an apple orchard of choice lint'.
A b.°, about seventy acres of coal. The soil is believed II
br equal to that of nny upland farm in the township.
Terms made known on application to the subset ILer
in the premiers. W ILLI AM WALLACE., (sep 10
'WILLIAM C. WALL, Plain and Fancy Portrait
and Pieture Frame ..ifanufacturer, „Aro., 87,
Fount/. Street PittsburrA.—Canvass Noshes. Vara/els
4-c., for Artists, atlas% son hand. 'Looking Glefeef. kr I
promptly fraMed to order. Repairing done t t tte short•
eat not kr.
rarticti tar attention paid to regilding and Jobbing ofev
erg description.
Persons lilting up Steam Boats or houses will and It to
theiradvantwje to call. seir 10
/RITE LEAD.—The subscril ers are now prepared
to furnish painters, and niherq who wish to din ,
chase pure White Lead made of the hes, materials war.
raided equal, If not superior to any offerrd tothe public.
All otderi addressed to Dunlap Hughem,care of S IrKee
Co No.ll.l)Second street, Pittql.tirz.h. will he promptly
attended to. DLINLA I' 4- HUGHES.
AA Fifth St., one doorfr on: Old Stand of N. Bacitsastor.
The Subscriber respectfully informs the ladles or
Pittsburgh and vicinity that lie has commenced Be
tailing Shoes of his own manufacture.at the above piece,
where LP %%111 keep constantly on hand a rood arttetts
meta of all kinds of ladles, misses, and chlldren's boots
and shoes, oft he mist quality. nhtch wilt be sold at prb
ces to snit tl e timea ❑e will also make to order aft
kinds of work—FUl.ll ns while and black rats
#lipccr:, relined gaiters, and buskins. ladies, misses ant
children's ellsb-rs silk gaiters, e. All or whiell, 4
will be made at the shortest net Ire. and In the nest mitt .
ner. Ladies will please call and examine for themselves,
as the subscriber feels confident that lie cas suit them is
any article In his line they may want
srp 10
P. S. Don't foreet the Mace—No.B, FiftliSireei—otto
door from Harris's Intelligence (Mee. and third doot ,
from Market Si reet. J. C. K.
WILLIAM DIGBY having taken the whole of Ibt
business of MOST Rf llopewiLL, carried °nal 150/
Liberty street and 92 Market street. begs to return Pia
thanks to the numerous friends and enstomersof the bail
firm. for the very liberal support they hove always ell
tended to him, in connection with Mr. Hopewell, an 4
Wl.ileSlOarknire them that eve r y exer ti on o n o be used sq
merit t continuation of the same. He would most res.
peCIIII . III invite their attention to his present cutic Ot
etothine,whlcti hei:ttendsscllln¢ at much lower price*
I!. 1,1 , 3 c .•vr r Mrer,f, beinr. ri, sh cite vrel•pririflrbf
'al , n:11. i - n titl;eloy post
in no en - resists
'.^ •• •• • t• cylal,ltplmleht citsi
• rI 1 • .!,:••••- •'.urai.ility, or neY.L.%
ye- v nrtic , e "old, OllffHti
. . 'III 13 1 oil i M.. itt ' lin 4(4 pl/c/t/ Its - w. .t... . •,• . r . : ,
IF.tl/ 10 . • . ,
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f , rr -•• , Coi,pt r
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