,-- allkillik tmertz. IN AILS/WU oi,, balm Sr, two doors pram tka U. B. Bank. Wm Tr 'Mar Ua4ertater, respectfully informs the public that it pomired bis ready made coffin warehouse to the recently occupied by Mr. It. C. Berford,directly Is oldstand, where be is always prepared to at• ptly to any order, In his line, and by strict nt r,.. all the detallsof the business of an Undertaker _ Rom tO merit public confidence& He will lie prepared at Aatatornts to provide Hearses, Biers, Carriages and teary remstsite on the most liberal terms. Calls from the Wasp wilibe promptly attended to. ' .1011 rad/tepee Is In the same building with his ware Wl*, where those who need his services may find him Iftlytime. RATRAILAcit.c gSFL . .V.lt'atoaa, . ADV. JOUR Iit.A.CA. D. D. tee. Ro DIRT ARCCD, D. D. ADV. sAbiLcieL wILLIANIs, D. REV. JoszPri AVM, alai I4IIS, ISDN. SASEs N. DAVIS, :.10 . ELY. 1. P. Miry. , UJ3 U+32giEttlato sooss;; • STEIMBOAT BILLS, PASIPILISITS, -HORSE: BILLS, BLAISIES; VISITING CARDS, LAMM% ADDREiS DO., OSSCIES, BUSINESS DO., MOTES, HAND BILLS, SILLS OF LADING, CIRCUL.ARS,4c, 4o. Twrither with every description of Letter Press Print Isgr, Strotshed with neatness and despatch, and on mode Iflititeauti, at the office of the Dhily Morning Post. Pro THOSE WHOSE OCCUPATIONS TEND TO ..K ; PRODUCE OR AGGRAVATE DISEASE.—TIiIs Class of individuals is very ittl 'nitrous. They are those MhaylrOrk In an.unhealthy atmosphere. Printers. wort• 'jai isit feather stores, stone cutters, bakers, white lead Rilltheractarera, ate all mort. or less subject to disease ac. Elgtatict.the stningth of their constitution. The only LT* prevent disease, is the occasional use of a is which, abstracts from the circulation all delete , to hoore,,gnd expelt. them by the bowels. Tonics jllArforn3 are injurious , as they only ;at oB' the evil to.niake It more fatal. The use of Drandrelh's Pills ilielegre health, because they take all impure matter or the blood; and the body is not weakened but ; 1,. - 10hrersizthened by their operation, fiir these valuable Pills do sot force, but they assist nature, and aro not oppzsed, batlsarmonlTM with her. Sold at Dr. firandreth't Office. No. 9il Wool street, Pitieburgn. Price 25 cents per box, with full di reri bins. MARK—The only place in Muslim - eh wiii re the Cr4 4I 7INE Pills cart be obtatned,la the Doctor's awn i 1. dee, N 0.98 Wood street. sep 10 NEW BroTEL.—Thu subscriber rek.petttni.y fur re his old friends and the public that he has opened it Tem 21 , n - ince notel.in fifth Street, near the Ex liteince Bank, and in the how:e lately occupied by Mat- lbelee. Patrick, and liar: !mimed ‘ll i en, ••The Iron Vll7 Hotel," yL here he will he very 11.1c;:v to accommo. ithtle all whn may please to call or. him. Ills table ihall be provided with the 1 - " A fare, and every poe , ible eleeaumodation to lowa and country customers and • - I.l . enr hoarders who wish to lode., In 'belt. Morns or or s oot rtig t f he token. ard ZY11:!e,1) , .:11 Who live out of town y t N.ptvtaheUL flian”re AO* hal largemnd aond stables, and the best far and Oatarara‘a good Boat ler, and will accommodate travel. Pr* and cent ”tortt who ha ye horses. jilluardent tzk_rx) the dac, week or year. Char;res ni e lkeinolotite thait at any respectable Flntel in the city. up 10 JOHN IRONS. 111VASILINCiTON HALL. -1 , 'TV Opened the late re.l,letwev Esq teil/9081, for the reeepile.u . of vir;'ll.,rs am' i ,, ,arders; tUr tihase is eery plrnsantly “It the bank (.1 the t mites f!0.. - 1 the rite—p.,s.es,ina , all the de:i2iii• fat accompanimeide of a cnontry resi.lehre, without being too 'far 4:llstan for persons doh business to t;.e oefty, Visitarsmill be furnished with cve'y d , licacy of ^tbe.sesson. An Omnil.us runs re.tpi!arly ere.ry hou ...gbeny end of !he nridte; N. B.—No Alcoltutie jteve rages kept. sep 10 teat. ,•. H liktssoturrosr OF THE ClArto.\''—Tll , ~,,th.r.,,,Athrghptlyern James E. K Ihotlrll and Dam J. Mor4an 11th14 d r di..”lved by mutual consent. The con:iitlot,a wilt tw duly notired,witlt the st2nnturrs orbuth parties Anne zed, and Barry Hall will be continued open by the subscriber until other arrangements ale per fected. For sale, on the premlnen, 150 httl.t. elloi,e winler np ptoo, if applied for Irtncilintriy. JAS. E. K I LBOt;R N, sop 29-11 - No 9, Markel. end 74. Front st 11111)00KBINDING.—M'Cand'es$4. "Th Johnson, Bookbinder? and Piper nulere, corner or - Wood . and I FourtSi streets, are now prepared in ex• ecole all kind- of ennkhintlintr, and Pri. ner Ruling wit F. neatness and despatch. - 0:y- C" • k honks ruled and honed to -111*, given pattern at the nrio-t notice. S. B. All work done 'le above la warranted. (?ep 10 ex xx o . . %'7M. RIDDLE, Surgeon Dentist, has returned to hie old str nd, No. 107; Smithfield Street, where he can he consulted any hour during the day, ork his profession. sep 10 U ENIOV A I...—G.mrge Armor, Merchant Tailor, JLVto re.perifn.:y announces to his friends and pa trons, I hat he has re , ,uivett his establishment Iron' his old stated, to Third street, to the corner of Front and In the basement story of the Monongahela House; where he intends keeping on hand a general as. garment of Fashionable Goods, suitable for Gem liemen's wear. He hopes, hy cloce opt icut ion, to merit a share of t he oushiess so Ilherally extended to him at his old stand. N. B. (laving made artansements to New York and Thiledelphia, with the most Fashionable Tsilors, for the reception of Paris and Lond.ni Fashions,"en.uomers warmly on heelers their orders executed according to tbe latest style: -. GE(iRGE ARMOR. tope 10 711" _Mtn 011...—Tha Subscriber would mo‘d. respectfully .11411 inform the public In genera that he has an article of . o,r/I Oil of a superior quality, manufactured at the Chief allollslanufaetory,hy R.W.Lec 4- co.,vvbich Is warran ted ta be equal to the best Sperm.Oli. both for Ligli and This 011i:entirely free f oin any glutinous estithtronnoke, or unpleasant odor, and it in as clear and awhile as sprtng water. Not a particle of crust is left .toe the wick. The light is pare and brit:Mat, will last as long. if not longer, than that from an ustittity of Sperm. Oil. The subscriber Informs AepAliethathe has taken a place nearly opposite the pow 01Ben, where he will light up several different lamps wiry eigntng. and he would respectfully invite the In • !Memos of Pittsburgh, Allegheny, and their vicinity, to gall and judge for themselves- He feels confident they alit be eons - Weed that the above statement Is perfectly •eoreeet. chit or two hundred Individuals who have tried theOtt, theire has not been a single fault found with it ?lie bard Oil costs one third less than Sperm, Ile would tespeetrally solicit the early attention of Dealers and Ma. Witting to the above. The following Churches nre war ii.tng the Lard Oil: Second Presbyterian Church, Piti=burgh, New Cumberland Presbyte, Mil Church, Pilisbuigh, First Preohyterfon Church, Allegheny City, - AlteDeigle Reformed Church, do. - All the barrels sr e branded R. W. LEE 4- Co.,Clucln NB r Obio. 'lllll4, theundeslgned, Captains of the Express Linen( en the Penwtylvania CanLl, have tried and arc 114 tO &tittle of Lard Olt introdiired here by Matthew and manntlietured by R. W. Lye j Co., at the ,Ctijetnfatttl OH Feetary. We feel conadent in as.e• itin that the a' ove is equal alleiThe best Sperm Oil; that it is entirety free from smoke %tiny otber glutinous mailer wharreer; ti e lie la is ner• llicittlotre• eleliT and brilliant, and will last as lone, If not rtien that from an equal quantity of sperm. Oil, 'irirento begollation In renntnniendina (Ito oat friends VMaw who use Oil RV TRURY, Captain. Ps eket John Adams. VR.RtLDEITRAND, Captain, Pneket John Hancock, AL CHM do do John Madison, 41:MNSI THOMPSON, d. to r -2 *pi* DIMON VON HUTCH ELE4 HERR — "VW* Pll4 ore composed of herb, which exert .1 , Speellie. action upon the ticart, ;ire t mnulse or --allatiseit tothe arterial system; the blood Is quickened —sad isquebsed tufts circulation throueh all the veseels. IFlliather of the skin, the parts situated Interna I ly, or the lUeu and as all the secretions of the body are 4111.11% Au the blood. there Is a consequent Increase of .411111,1=1110111111, and a quickened net lon of tt raMmrbent. Aritipaident, or Mocha n: vessels. Any morbid action „.,0111110111aril Dern taken place is corrected. all obscrut.- . IlelitiMerlitaiseeed. the blond Ise untied and the body 11111.1111111616111L1MS SIM. Port see Wholesale and Re. = Z ZISSLLZRZ. Attest, .40116 , sma ) WPM ft. below Seated. ~,: -, ' ,` tlx A U c M. C. EDEY, Agent Witsburgh, June 21et, 11342 PROL'OsALS Fug , BLANKS Post OFFICE DMPARTIIIII:NT, November 16,19 i 2. IN compliance with the seventeenth section of the act of Congress .legalizing and making appropriations -for such tiercsrary objects as have been usually Included -In the general appropriation hills without authority of ~ law, and to fix and provide for certain incidental ex - Tenses of tire Department, and officers of the Gove,n• •.n eat, and for other purposes," approved An,ust 26, 1942; Sealed Proposals will be received at this Depart- , merit until the thirty-first day of December next, for fur etching for one year or longer. at the option of the Depart ment; the following descriptions of flanks for the use of Past Offices In the States of Pennsylvania and Delaware: Mails received, 75 !teams, Mails sent; 60 " Account of Newspapers and Pamphlets re• ccived, 25 " Mills received at Distributing Offices. 12 " All the above on small royal paper, at lest 22 by 17} inches. in:titled on both sidesand feint ruled, with nut less than 421ines on a page; Mails sent from Dist! itairing, Offices, 12 Reams. Same size paper as above, but folded lengthw ice, and with 50 lines inn pax... Accounts Current, foolscap, two on a sheet 16 Reams. Monthly and Weekly Registers, foolscap, four on a sheet, Post Hills, foolscap, 12 on a sheet,without signatin Post Bills, fonlscep,l2 on a sheet, with signatures. Post Bids for Distributing Offices, 9 on a sheet, with signatures Post Rillsifor Distributing Offices, 6 on a sheet, with signatures, The proposals will state the price, in win sum, per ream, for each kind of blanks, for paper, prim ing„ll. l ing and packing% They are to he delivered In such qus tie?, and at such times, as may he required by the di tn. r• ent Post Offices, aid on the requisitions of PostittaNt,rS endorsed by the Postmaster at the place where the eon. traelovinay retdde. None will be considered as deliver. ed . or will he paid tor, except on Bach requisitions. Etch requlcition, or quantity ordered, to be securely env doped or packed for transportation, and directed to the Postttlice,at the expense of the contractor. The right is reserved of reject ng any bid witidi may i.e considered extravagant, nod also to give to any one bidder the printing for one or more states adj,ining the Stale of his residence; and ear h prepn.al tint at he acmer panted by sufficlent evidence of tile altility of the proposer to enmply with the terms of his proposal. The successful bidder will be required In enter into contract, with surely, In strict romplianee with the pro. vision of the law, to which bidders are referred. Failure to fu rnttli blanks promptly when ordered, fur ni,thing those of inferior quality AS to paper, printing. or rutting. or any attempt to evade the true niennin: of the contract, wilt be considered sufficient cause fur its forfeiture. Payment will he ninde quarler.yearly, one month after he expiralilti of each- (plat icr. . The !dank, nu=t he equal to the hest of ihnce now in Tice Sped owns may he seen at the radon. Pn.l Office.F. The quantities mentioned above.are from the he..t eg - • , titre that can he made fer one year's corestimpoon; but they may exceed or may fall short of the quantities e quircd. The lienartment does nut hind itself to any sl.erifir quantity cr amount. he.° marked, and addressed to me ...Second Assistant PostniaF.ter General," IVashinvon, D. C. , n23—dtd dri 0 Uri IFS, COLDS and CONSC7-11P7'10.V —Tin. e•col ,on Tor the atmve complaints is now at hand, end ail persons who ale 51Mjected ;0 the inclemency of the weather ore respect folly informed that bet ran hod. COVERT'S /41.!•1 Or LIVE which 14 tt,e`l khown tO hoer cured TnorsAs;m4. who were in the tart sl,g,.e or tumption. Co . :it - males ran he prot'uced of its wonderful Corr, TAYLOR'S rIALcANI or LIVERWORT k another rernetk for Lircr Complavds.Caughs and Colds. II maw...lll:v ly 'Tram tarn& ti aII %via) have 11,41 it. and is pleasant to take, and spectly in effecting a yore. ttomirtorNh --Thl is n valnahle and p'ea.caht cemiirlim;ii will elfcci n pri•ltive and ri plaid rare for Om:h., evicts, C01611111pri011,311.1 I , as elfrclual cure rat - the %V HOOPINO Cot•ous. Thi, is a very ph as ant medicine, nil art fond ofil,andchildren never rchiec to lake so; its cure is sure and positive. The sebscrib., has a certificate of Nsency direct from J. Pease 4• son, so l here earl be tin mistake. All persons who are ctrei are invited to call and, act delay, fur the titre to take medicine Is at the commencement, All the above medicines ran always be pro: ured al WanT.ES ALE UR R ETAIT TUTTLE'S MEDIC-IL .RGEA - eY. Rq. Fourth mtrey, 111ORN'S TEA. BERRY TOO I'll.WAsti iCrTo Dr. Tuons,—My Dear Sir:l checrlit'ly am' cortliady embrace the present (avotab'etippOrtunity to re• turn to you tuy warmest thanks of gragileale for your u n equalled and unexceptionable Inventhielt of nor very Justly celebrated Tea Berry Toot li.Wash, and I fret that I am in duty bound to soy that I have derived Ike erenr• est and most beneficial effect ft on. its fret - meet aad mode. ate use: and F can assure you thkt I am exceedingly hap• py to have the pleasure 01' informing 1 on. that slncetely and cordially speaking. I can In justice recommend its fee quent useto all that unfortunate portion of the titian race throughout the globe o•ho are now undergoing the moat excruciating pain for lie want of a medicine prep..- ration of exactly the same now re of iv hieli yours is prepa red, and who have for years been sun - ming from the in. jurious.destrnellve and peritlcions effects of worthless tooth powders and other worthless preparations. lit conclusion permit me to say that I have used your Tooth • Wash hat for a short period, and yet I feel thoroughly convinced that it is the best now known. its inestimable virtues In preservlng the teeth, (which if kept in a good and handsome condition, la the greatest embelishment that adorns the human structure.) are not to be excelled in casing and relieving the sufferer from tooth ache, and restoring tne gains to a heals by and purified condit ion, nd giving also a sweetness and fragrancy lo a disagreeable breath hitherto unknown. Accept my sit cure wish for your success, from Yon rs. I rti I y WIRT INSTITUTE. LIFT!' COURSE OE LECTURES THE Committee on Lectures of the fi'irt Institute. for theFonrth Course,respect fu'ly announce to the pubic that they have made urranzentents to commence the Lectures on Thursday evenine, December 1. The Lectures of this course will be exclusively Literary and Scientific. The Committee, desirous or making the Lecture Room of the Institute a favorite resort of the lovers of Litera tore and Science, us well as the fa.hionable, have spared no exertions in procwing popular and talented Lecture's, both at borne and abroad. • In the course ortsvo weeka a list of the Lecturers will be published, and tickets offered. SAM 7 I,. C. HUEY, W.W.Wi Ls - 0 JoiiN COSGUAVE, WM.B. SCAIFE, JOHN B. SEM'LE, nov 9. tf Committee. rr S. MAIL LINE or Svlendid Pasfener Steam Pack . pis from Cincinnati Io SI. Louis. The itew,spleniliii, fast running', d,• dranzlit R eam Pari.ets West 11 tad and Nonpareil, will run ne regular Packcig, from Cincinnati io SI. Will leave Cin rinintl land St. Louis every Wednesday morning, at 10 o'clork. Passnafters front the East and West may rely upon their etnrlluz pututimity ocadvertiFed. rep 30 DR. WILLIAM EVANS'S SOOTHING SYRUP.— This Int - 4110,1e remedy has preserved hundreds when thought past recovery, from convulsions. As soon as the. Syrup is rubbed on the p.tm., the child will reel v. er. This preparation is so innocent, so efficacious, and so pleasant, that no child will refuse to let he come he rub bed with it. When infantsare at the age of four months tho' there Is no appearance of teeth. one bottle of tile Syrup should be used to open he pores. Parents PllOlll.l rever be without the syrup In the nursery where there are young Millitren.for if a child wakes in the night with pain in the gums. the Syrup immediately gives ease, by opening tire pores, and beating the goals; thereby prevent ing Convu stuns, Fevers, 4-c. For Bale Wholesale and Fetall by R. E. SELLERS, Agent, sep 10 No. 20. Wood street. bet,”.• steeruid ~IIEAP —LACE .BX.D RIBBOAPSTORE. No. 2 St. Clair sreet. TACIT A nil RlM:mos, Wide and harrow eels, Lace and tilants` frock, waitds, Ladies. French Kid, Mohair. LialeThread. and Cotton Gloves, Black Mohair nets for Veils--very cheap A large aroortment of Bullish Si raw Bonnets. Also a variety of Straw, platire and fancy Tuscan brild. MILLINERY of the latest fal.thlon, a nO at eXceedinglylow rates. These goods are now selling off at prices to lull the time•. Imait Are rospoettally Invited to collated perchooe. sop 16—tf. . .4Ai . X•fst:; , .•-•-.7 . ': 750 Roma L•XcASTYR,Oct. 2d. 18.11 iGFETH BRIMMER R -~ ~- ...~~.r saroassas .surattexts Fume stra.er.i ativzsvizatts. BENJAMIN BRANDETH'S PILLS. - orThla vegetable and truly innocent mediclee;roitt ries THE BLOOD, and immediately stays the further PRO* °REDS or Do3ELSIC, in the bodies of those whose powers of life are not already exhausted. Where human means can avail, there scarcely Is any complaint, or form of sickness, that the BRAIIDAETH PILLS do nut relieve and getlerully cure. Although these pills produce a xtiowx errEcr,that etTect us not to prostrate the body, as with other medicines, but the frame is invigorated by the le 'novel of the cause of weakness, the morbid, the vitiated humors front the blood. Harmless In themselves, they merely Antes NLTCRE. To throw out the occasion of sickness from the body, and they require no alteration In the diet or clothing. Ia fact.thrthrman body is better able to sustain with. out injury, the inclemeecy of the weather, while under the Influence of this ibfeet ion desrroying,disease eradica tint Medicine titan at any other time. Tbe ttaportAnce of Brandreties Pills for seamen and travelers is, I herefore, self evident. By the timelyuce prints Medicine bow much anxiety and sickites,,'lllight we not prevent. Cold, Blilious of fections, Typhus, Scarlet end fevers of all kinds, would be ititknowiii But where sickness does exist, let no time be lost, let the Rlt A NUR ETU'S PILLS be at once seta for, that tile limed) , may be app led, without fur tiler loss of till u.--To ISE Rehm:mato— That Bratuitetle.t Pills have stood a seven years' test fn the United Stales. That they men veq,t_talile and innocent medicine, yet all powerful for the removal of disease, whether chronic recent; infectious or otherwise. Thal they pt.rlfy the blued, and stay the further pro grecs of distse,e In the human body. That, in many caset , , where the dreadful ravages of ulceratloii had laid hate ligament and hone, and where, to all appearance, no human means could save life, have patient. by the use of there I.llls, been restored to good health; the devoeting disease having been completely eradicated. That each ort he genuine ha. upon It liner COrYCIOUT. L•D6L! That each label has two signatures of Dr. Benjamin Era !Wroth upon it. Thu there tnusA he upon each hos three signatures, thus: rt. BRANDTZF:TII, M. D And three si:natures, thus:— BVULXIN BR A.NDIIITII DR. FRANKLIN SAYR "All acute fevers ever require some evacuation to bring them to a perfect crisis and Polut lon, and that even by stools, which must be promoted by art when nature does nut do the business itself. On this account, an ill timed Ferupulousaes,, , about time weakness o(lhe body L of bad consequence•; for it is that which seems ebiefly to make evacuations neressary, which nature attempts offer tne humors are tit to be, expelled , but is not able to act - oinpligh for the most part In these diseases: and I can affirm, that I have :tern a purge when the puke has been .0 low that it enulci hardly he fell, and the debility ex. 'reale, yet both one and r Le r ilier ha ye been restored by it." The good effect to be derived front ;lie itrandreth Pills have to be experieured to he fully believed. By their timely ti , e ntil her the scarlet, the typhus fever or Pil.nll pox would ever ermine their malignant for in. To appreciate to; he full extent ,tlie incalculable brme fit, of Bit A Nlt II [:'P I'BI'!I.LS. they Must be used when the l'irst Symptoms or Ui