PATTON, m'cLcrite, SiAAC HARRIS, 'eV 10 ea wanateasta. itOOKS. 8113 I, BOA T RILLS. eiimPEILETS, HORSE. RILLS, ILA NK.a, VISITING CARDS, LABELS, ADDRE.IS CH sirma, DO., BUSINESS DO., NOTES, • HAND RILLS, OF LADING, CIRCULARS. ke, Together with every derteriptinn of Letter Press Print lllllrfornl,Med with neatneA, and despatlch, and on mode fife terms, at the office of the Oily Morning Post. • pep 10 O Tllo4r, WIMSE 01'11.1PA'PrONS TEND To Pri . l!)(Tl - C7 lift. +km - 2R AVATE: Clair! orr • VPI miniero wh o us. They are those ,„ „ . ry .t.ino.nhere. Printers. work • Men in Siwie rill I prg, bakers. white lead Olanof,, in ,r , or , es. olthirrt to disease or rlordin- T• 3 • 'et of ;heir con,lllll, inn.- The only , o 11 , ev , itt difra-e, 1.4 the oeca•onnal use of a oredirivill which abstrac , s from the ed . eitlai ion all delete 'W`i•tros,lij‘triors, and expel,. them by the bowels. Tonics lh'any form are in . ! tiriolle, as they only : - .ot off the evil 03r to make it more fatal. The tum of flaindralli's VIVI insure health, hecause they take all Impure mailer OM of the blood; and thit body is not weakened hut 7itrpiTtlienrA by their operation, r. r these valuable Pills do not force., but they as.l.t nature, and are not oppcsed, hut harmonize with her. Aold at Dr. rtrandreth's. Ornee, No. 93 Wond rrirerl, P,ti 1 ,1 '74 Price :15 cents per hoz, with full dil ret 11l 1, OK—The only place In Pilhoturen where the trtNiTl E Pine can the Doctor's ownl f. lee, N 0.98 Wood etreel eep 10 'NCTON ITA LL .—Toe *hie 1..-r the la+wlitilenre of Ja . 21t.9 A darns .lie of vkitors artier.; I Ile 'a.arak nt ti.e rnall the City— fleaßaart , lol.,, all II P deli; hi menu of a eon i 4 re%jalelare, %n it hoot for •pereone , doing ille Visilort; Will be 'imbibe With eVP'y delicacy of in. aibut rn s regal y every hou I of the ftridge. No A If>ohopill4verages kept. WV. P. 111:11, rm (;---r • ihogieting between i Jls IC•lhaiirn and t this day di , 3olvoyd een by inn , aril r015 , .111. tvlll be di, • With the si::enturns ill Will he a OWIIIIIEII W M. BIDDLE, Su , gron Dentist, has returned to MI old Stand, No. 107, Smithfield Street, }Mere he can he consulted any hour during the day, WS profession. sett 'lO EMIOV A L.—Gtorce Armor, Merchant Tailor, respectfully announces to his friends and pa ,- Ntons., that he has removed his establishment from his 4.4.: -.Li In Third street, to the corner of Front aril 1 the basement 9 , lory of the Mottongabela e lie intends. kecoinz nil band a general as . Fashiolable Golids, suitable for Gen r. —Tha Satiscritter would ino-t resivictfolly e pulthe in genera in it he has an an c!r of iperior gusty v,mantifartnied m the clerk. ictory,liy R.W.Lee Writ ran to the heat Sperm. Oil. for Ll_l - t and I l ia Oil entirely free from any 'non. or unpleasant odor. arid it i. as clear nix: In water. tint a I:article of ern., Is ien i. The li2lit is pure and ta: r, t Inn4r, if wit looser, than that from an of Spert.,. Oil, The su we Hier informs he has taken a plane nearly opposite the ire he will np several different lamps ani he would respectfully inure The in tstur:h, 111eghenc,and their vicinity, to te themselves. He feels confvlent they td that the above statement is perfectly 'two hundred individuht who have tried_ a not been a single flfflt found with it- Ms one third less than Sperm. lie would :It the early attention 01 Dealers aid those. New Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Pittsbuigh, First eresbyteriari Church, Allegheny City, Associate Reformed Church, do. s are branded E. W. LEE 4. Co.,Cincln Pittsburgh. June Tlst. 1842. tried, Captains Gl* she Espress Line of Pennsylvania Cane I. have tried ■nd are of Lard Oil introduced here by Matthew nufaetured by 8. W. Lee 4. Co., at t lin it In asserting (hat the a' ove Is equal 011; that It ts entirely free from *make loons matter whatever; the licit; is w and Ar!Slant. and will tam as long, If not rrnm en equal quantity of Sperm. Oil, tailun In recommending him our friends tee Captain, Packet John Adams. AND, Captain. nicht John Hancock, do do John Madison, di. fa Pittsburgh. HUTCH ELVA Fl ERR PI LIS. are et:unposed of hello, which exert j upon the -heart, give impulse or arterial system; the blood hi imickencd I it. circulation throush all the veoselii, till, the parts situated tuternally,or the N ail the secretions of the body are ioti,there lea consetittent increase of ,041 atgatickened notion-of the absorbent. discharging vessels. Any nsorhirl action takas 'Mee is eorreeted. all obstrut.• `lima Jeguitilad. and the body ii..* PetillislirWbeiesaie sad Ile.. ‘411411C 04 '4llleigabaig t.a.y" COFFILA WAREHOUSE, Fosr t,two Jew's freve the U S. Bank. Was Tr fraierisker,refiprtetrully informs the puollc that It 'ed his ready made coffin warehouse to the recently occupied by Mr. R. G. Fierford,ditectly is old stand, where tie Is always prepared to at • illy to any orders in Iris line, and by strict at• Al the details of the buiineis or an Undertaker ie merit public confidence. tie will be prepared , *onus to provide Hearses, Biers, Car, lava and requisite on the most liberal terms. Calls (rum the ry will be promptly attended to. mtdence Is in the same buildinq with his ware Wkere those who need his services may find him RIFZISNCS4 IRWIN, acv. JOHN BLACI.D. D. RISV. ROBERT DROOL D. D. RSV. 11•11IONL WILLIAMS, D. S.Z I 7..JOIRPII 51115, JA.IIES N. DAVIS, RSV. IL P. SWIFT. ,frEL.—The his old friendo nnd the public that he has Imperance notel,in firth Street, near the Ex . and in ihe house lately occupied by Mat• and has homed and con i en. -The Iron where lie will he very hac7v to acconinto o may please to call OE alai. His table ided with the hest fare, and evrry poo,il.le In' to town and county customers and era who wish to Intlzo in their atorev or of. Attn. and eentleoleiewho live 0111 of town dinnorn and 7,.d matilea. and the beat Hay and md !Insole:, nod will accommodate travel. , Tmn who Imve lioromt. en by the day, week nr year. CliarceA ••• any reopectabfe Hotel in The city. JOHN I RONS, an;,enienis fl e per WWl32= .E.KILISOURN t.norl 74. Front "NG.—M'Ca tulless4- ikhinders and Paper ner of Wood and lOW prepared to PX oolthinding and N. tness and despatch. •ttled and bound to lee. warranted. (sep 10 cln.eap•diratlon, to merit a share of the rally ecienried in him e t hi,. old gland. af 11 TIV • IIIPIIIS in New Ynrk and innA ra , hinnahle Tailors. for ,r arid Lando!! Fashions, cnionmers yin; their orders ear -ruled accordioa to GE(,RCE Churches are now tnn2 the Lard O hyterion Church, riii•hurgh, M. C. MY, Agent. roirr moist. parmarmatsr, November 16, 1 - .; compliance with the seve v nteen b th secti l on B42. of the act IL of Congress ..legalizing and making appropriation! ..for such necessary objects as have been usually included .•In the general appropriation bills without authority of niaw, and to fix and provide for certain Incidental ex e ,sea of the Department, and officers of the Gove, -it Cll. and fur other purposes," approved Am oat 26, 1812; Sealed Proposals •will be received at this Depart. meta until the thirty•first day o' December next, for fur h ailing fur ole year or longer. at the option of the Depart• meat; the following descriptions of Blanks for the use of Post Offices fin the States of Pennsylvania and Delaware: Mails received, 75 ft eams • Mails sent, 60 " Account of Newspapers and Pamphlets re. eeived, 25 " Malls received at Distributing Offices, 12 " Alt the Shove on small royal paper, at lest 22 by 171 lnehes, printed on both side, and feint ruled, with nut less than 4.2 lines on a page. Mails sent. from Disti liming Offices, 12 Reams Same size paper as above, but folded lengthw Ise, and with 50 lines on a page. Accounts Current, foolscap, two on a sheet 16 Reams. Monthly and Weekly Registers, foolscap, four on a sheet, Post Rills, foolscap, 12 on a sheet,without signatutes, Post Bins, foolscap, 12 on a sheet, with signatures. POW Rills fur Distributing Offices, 9on a 750 Reams , sheet, with signatures Post Hills,ifor Pistributing Offices, 6 on a sheet, with signatures, 1 The proposal, will state the price. in one sum, per ream. for each kind of blanks, for paper, print lug, Wing and packing, They are to be delivered in such quanti ties, and rif sueh times, ns insr lie required by the dlftv• alit Post Offices, and on the requisillOrlS Or l'Ostilla,tert; .ntiorsed by the Pcntmaster at the place where the con tractor may retitle. Nolte will be co•isidered as deliver. ed. or will he paid tor, except on such requisitions. R'eh requi.ition, or quantity ordered, to be securely env -loped or packed for transportation, and directed to the Post Office, at the expenserif the cnni i actor. 'Ph, right is reserved of reject to any hid which may i.e ennAttered extravagant, and also to give to nny one bidder the printing for one or more states adjoining the Slate of his residence; and rash proposal must be accom. partied by sufficient , e vidence oft lie ability of the proposer to comply with the terms of his proposal. The successful bidder will be required to enter Into contract, with surety, In strict compliance with the pro. vision of the law, to which bidders arc referred. Failure to furnish blanks prompt iv when ordered. fur nishing thoseof inferior quality as to paper, stinting. or ruling, or any attempt to evade the true meaning, Of the contract, will be considered sufficient cause for Its forret:tire. Payment will he made quarter.yearty, one month after lite expiration of r•nch gm - trier. The blanks mti , t he equal to the best of l liner now i n use. Specimens may he Sven at !Ile vnrtmts Poi The quantities: tnentinned ahove. are from Iho he-. 1 e , tl mites that can he made fer one yenr'scnitstimpt:nn; hot they may exceed or may fall short of the imant it iec n• rililrPd. The Department does not hind itself to ati3 specific quantity Or amount : "Pro:0ml," should he so mars:eil, and addressed to I tie “SerOlitl Assistant Postmaster General," Wasitln2inn, U. C. Goo G 11S. COLDS and CO!S(1.11PTIOV —The Pea ron for the above complaints ei now at hand, pod all nervous who are ,ithjecied to the inclemency of the weather are respectfolly informed that I hey ran rind. Covicttr's B•cat or LIFE which 1,1 rued known to have cored TriOelllNDS, who were in the last atitees of C.a. gumption. Certificates can be proeured of tin wonderfoi curer. TAyLOR'e BAta•9 or LIVERWORT IS another remedy 1;4 Lirer Coots(stets. Coug he and retdr. li tomes high ly rector clammed by all who have u-rd it. and is pleasant to lake.and speedy in effecting . a furl.. rkssit's fiotnnounn CsNOV.--Thi: Is a highly valnahlr and pteasant medicine; it will effect a pm titre and ermiii cure for Coughs, Colds, COSSillnption,soll Is rfrErlont rfirefOr the VI ' HOOPINO COrGIIS. Thu. i>a V'. y rhi tie ant medicine, all are fond of ml, and children never terns. to take e l ; its care is sure and No.:live. 'I kr simbirrr.l , r lois a certificate of A nency direct fiont J. Peace A so here can 11E110 mints he. All persons who a,,• etfr•rted are invited to call and not delay, for the tot t• to Ink. medicine is at the commencyment. I the Alle All the above medicine:, lan always he pro. bred a , WHOLERALR UR PE:TAIT:II TUTTLE'S . 1 11:1)1C.ILL AG EXCK V; Four, Nt) THORN'zi TEA BERRY Too 111.11 ,A 11 . Llsc•rren,(lo. 2d. IR-12. ii7ne•TO Dr. THOR s , ~My Dear Sir: I cht ami cordiady emblace the present favmait'eorportuttliy In re• turn to you toy warnie,i (mink. of gratitude for your tan cunanerl and uneseeptionable ittvettl'oll of tour ver Justly celebrated Tea Bert v Trait-Kash, nod I fra.l that I am in duly bound to say that I have derived the arenl• eft and moat beneficial effect froth Os fielpient and mode. ale use: nod I cave a.mtre volt Mit I nit, exceedingly ham py to hove the pie:unite of informing you, that st.tcciely and cordially speaking. I ran Ittjastice recommend Ire quellt use to all that unfortunate !tuition If huma n race throughout the glol.e Win) 111 re now mulct- , 1.g ti c most excruciating pain for the want of a niediviia , men t• ration of exactly the same nature of which von, pr'pa red, and who have for years been Fufferinl, from the jurioug, destructive and pernicious effecls of worthless tooth powders and other worthless prepntatton•• In ronclueion permit me to say that I have used your Tooth Wrildl but for a short period, and yr t I feel llroroughlt convinced that it Is the hest now known, Its inestimable virtues In preserving the teeth, (which it kept in n good and handsome condition, Is the ereatest embelishotrid that ndorns the human structure.) are not to be...replied In easing and relieving the sufferer from tooth :trite, and restoring toe gums to a healthy and purified rondit ion. and giving also a sweetness and fragrancy to a disagreeable breath heti() unknown: A ecoo , my el erre wi:th for your I..oreeglr, from Your, Iruly, JOSCPII tVIRT!NBTITUTE. FIFTII COURSE OF LE(.7TUREs. THE Committee on Lectures of the Wirt ritstitste. fur the Fourth Course,respectfuly ;Announce in the pubic ihnt they have made arramteinents to commence the Lectures nu Thursday .eveninr, December I. The Lectures of ibis course will be exclusively Literary and Scientific. The Committee, desirous of makiwz the'ore Roam of the Institute a favorite resort of the lovers of Lite,a lure and Science, as well as the fashionable. Lave spared no exertions in prnett , lng popular and talented Lecturers, brult at home and abroad. In the course or two week. a list of the Lecturers te be published, and Ilckcls offered. nov 9. tf • ••••••••/P:i.c====.. NafFr_. U. S. M A IL LINE of Splendid Passenger Steam rack• els from Cincinnati to St. Louis The new, plendid, fast running. 4 . • II O iicantltt itenm Packets West Wind and hrespseeif, will run ie2ular Packets, from Cincinnati to St. Louis. Will leas.. On elnnati and St. Louis every iVedtiesday morning, at 10 o'clock. Passengers from the Cast and West may rely upon their starting punctually as advertised. Pep 10 D R. WILLIAM EVANS'S SOOTHING SYRUP.— This Infallible, remedy has preserved hundreds when thought past tecovery, from convulsions. As soon as the Syrup is rubbed on the gum+, the child will recc v. er. This preparation Is so Innocent, so efficacious, and so pleasant, that no child will refuse to let its !urns he rub bed with It. When intant:are at the age of four months tho' there is no appearance of teeth, OUP bottle of the Syrup should he used to open the pores. Parents should rever he without the syrup in Ihe nursery where there are young children, for if a child wakes in the night with pain In the gums, the Syrup Immediately gives ease, by opening thepores, and healing the gums; tlO!reity prevent. In: Votive stone, Fevers, 4-c. Far Sale Wholesale and I Retail by R. E.SELLERS, Agent, sep 10 No. 20. MINI street. Won- geennd CH —L.SCE AND!t 111110 X STORE, No. 2 St. Clair steer. Lacesand Ribbons, Wide and narrow sets, Lace and Muslin collar , . Infants' frock waists, Ladies, French Kid, Mohair, Lisle Thread. and Cotton Clovis, Stack Mohair nets for Veils--very cheap A large assortment of English Straw Bonnets. Also a variety of St raw, plain and fancy Tuscan braid. MILLINERY ell he latest fashion, son at exceedingly low rates, These goods are now selling off at prices to salt the llama Ladies ere reepeettalty Invited to (attend parasite. .19016-4 t latt i git a c .it, e ricOrusALs FuR. BLANKS SAll'l.. C., w. w. w JOHN S. CO?z(71; AVE wm.l3. SCAIFE. JOHN 13. SEVPLE, Commet I ce - -- • ateroarsacarestaait rassic Luau,* oar/14 iamb,. BENJAMIN BRANDETIPB PILLS. co-This vegetable and truly Iturormut medicine, root rum Tits shoos, and Immediately mays the further Poo rness or otse&se. In the bodies of those whose powers of life are not already exhausted. Where human means can avail, there scarcely Is any complaint, or form of sh.kness, that the Etaa.NDRILTH Pict.. do out relieve and generally cure. Although these pills produce u Knowit errxer,tbat erect is not to prostrate the body, no with other medicines, but the frame Is in•isorated by the te• InoVal of the cause of weak uess,the morbid, the vitiated humors from the blood. Harmless in themselves, they merely ASsisT S en:RS To throw out the occasion of sickness from the body, and they require no alteration In the dirt or clothing. lu fact. the human body is better able to sumaiii with. out injury, the inclemency of the weather, p, Wit' tinder the influence of this Infection deatroyllig,dhicaae eradica Hag medicine than at any other time. The iniportative of Bratidreth's Pills for SVIILIICA and travelers is, I Iterefore,self evident. By the timely use of Mt. Medicine how much anxiety and sick ites,, might we nut prevent. Cold, Billions al feCtictirs, Typhus, St:Arlo End fevers of all kinds, would be unknown! Rut where slams.] does exist, let no time be lost, let the BR A is; ETU'S PILLS be at once sent for, that the Remedy may be app led, without fur titer loss of tin.e —To HE RatitaatilEtiltD— That Brandretit's Pills have stood a seven years' test in the United States. That they ale a vegoatile and innocent medicine, yet all powerful for tile removal of disease, whether chronic recent; infectiousor otherwise. That they purify the mood, and :my the further pro• gress of disease in the human body. That. in many cases, where the dreadful ravages of Ulceration had laid bare ligament and hone, and where, to all appearance, no human means mould save life, have patient,. by the Ilse of these pills, been restored to good health; the devo mug disease having been completely eradicated. That each or the gt•ht t tie upuu It filitCY: coreeta ui LIBALS That earli label has two signatures of Dr. Benjamin Brandrelli upon it. That there meet be upon each bus three signeturee, th.s: n. 13/: N DRI:TII, M. D ud three Ei:natures, thus:— DR. FRANKLIN SAYS: “All acute fevers ever require some evacitatithi to bring them to a perfect crisis and volution, and that even by stools, which most he 10 - wooled by art when ,tiature d 01.51 not do the busi ness itself. On ibis account, an / ill limed , cropulousaes, about the weaknervr of the body is of had consequence.; for it is that which seeing chiefly to make evacuations tiecc,ary , which llnlorc allemnts after Itie liootors are tit to he ex , but ig Ho t abl e 10 accomplish for the otos, part in these diseases; utid I can affirm, that I have given a puree when the pulse has heen sn loin that n, nuld hardly be felt, and the debility ex. renie, in both pee and tient', have heel, restored toy it." The enisl effect to be derived from tbe Brandreth Pills have to he experteeced to tie folly believed. By I heir I irnf-ly u , e. neither the srarlet, the typhus fever or snail pox would evttr restuitte their mall2nant rot m. To appreciate to :he run ext.-11,0e incalculable bent'. fits of BK,A N ETH'S PILLS, they timst be used when the First Symptoms 01 Disease present themselves. One dose t hen, and their _end effects will be felt throughout the attark—Vr Is TAKING Timm IN TI that Is the great !MCI lit w the cure of all appearances of disease arising from bad Mood, and 1 presume urereare few at the pros col day, will say anything of those dile:mei which affect the body:when the blood is pure. duels diseases I have yr] in ere lloptti4 Ilial same who road !hi% may be I•etienited by so I 11111 re.r.ctiul'y. II Broadway, New Y. Tilr, COUNTER FEIT'S nEn-rn rto v. wit, p!ea, 01 , , that to Brandreth rills are gefittlae u,de” ihe 1.0.% has Hirer labels upon 11. each ,o , t y o rac ~.I?lroure of my band tvrti big 1 111. 4 H. TileSCl:dter air! eligra 11P11 on Opel.!4•;111t11‘111%* di.01,1,,i.,tri 11011 e at an ri••r. nf -rvrlal I 1,, 1 , A.11141 tit; I : ,, lit•itoln . r! I he to —t liP i:11. —; I , I hi. ./I ell,. rmi .•r, lir 4 lit, 1841 14 . 4' 1,1 fillll4. 1,1.1,41, 4. I , 4•I I.', I Wile 11, 1:Ib DIA lilt? 1.4. 41 , 1 M 4111• :- 41: 4 411 r t Nriv Yorkfli . IL 14 441114. 4 ). 1 .4 :. IA nod Stt Pei . f",;;-11,:., II,?, pf. 41 AhrlC t 110 Er 4 1:111111 , t 0f.!:,'11...1. I Cr44l 1, 4 .0 01 . '1. the I tut. Er.indrolli Pi I, 1,• H,I «, 2 1,11 rvii , ll4 nit of Agent 1, - ery ;rind courted Info LOOds .1 7 !5(11110.4411 Imo, Ili re t. criVOd Prow it . It. or Ills -404 4-141i;e1444,411 %lark, the rerlifi• (4;4144 ,•x , rpt 1/, 114'4 rauir, Whirl, in baud wnl My. ( 11 .• 4 1 4 1Ve. 44.4 r:ich erriineale 1 111 4 1, k dii . 4 ‘3:1C1 copy of the hri r 1:4144 144 on inch 1N.4/ UraVl 4 ll there... Purl sre 16.1 coTravfng Of. Ihe Llerls Oo the cc 111, .ce rot r,.p9nd nllh I lioe on the Tl.e lee are Dr. ej.“1,111 C modrelh's Ageollg for the s:ilc of 10. l'r•zero' le r.dl P.lts, In nv Pa., who "re eopp led with the vew labelled hoxi pr,,, 25 n•nte . 1' rinrlpa I Offira, No, 93, '.out S; rt et, Pillsbur irmet r Kee +port , ft. R OW LA N D. Nobirstotru, Jen?: JOHNEON. ewa CRENNM N dr SrAvcrltlia A I.CIANDVA ANDALC Clinton. FEW n Timm r FOR. Ilk GE, , RGE rORTER • Fairview. r °BERT SMITH rOITt R, 'l • arrlllDm. F.l)timt.. East f.iherli•, f)•RIeL NE. N.T. rRPEN!,Eir IRWIN, DAvti, R Corm—Plump Towilphip. %I'm. 0. IhmTeit— Allen' t 1 1 1111. 10 P ILES cu , ed by the I se of Dr. Ilarlich's Compound Siren:011(41111a and Girintin Aperient Pills Dr. ilurlich—Dear Sir—Shortly after I received the Ageitry from s,,u for the sale of your medicine, I foamed an aeon:lint:lure a lady of this place, who was severely afflicted with the Piles. Pun ritliit or ten years this lady was subject to fr. , fluent painful attacks, and her phy.ociaa cousiderrd her ease so complicated, that he VPI y seldom preset shed medicine bir her. Throu2l, my persuasion, she cam insured using your Pull. , and way perfectly clued• Yours, a• c . JA 11 ES R.KIR October :3. 1840. Chamber:Amy., Pa. freOffice and General Depot, No 19. North til;hlln Street, Philadelphia • And by Samuel Frcw, Coro., of Liberty and Wood streets Pittsburgh. sep 10 INTERESTING CUR Ere,fo,7.ed bYDr.SwaYne's C'orupound Syrup of Frulakir Cher. ry. hiving made u,eufthisinvaluablesyrupinny family, which entirety eared my child. The symptoms were wheezing arid choking of plilucm, difficulty of breathing, attended with iinisiant crafts h, spasms, coilvtikions, of which I had s,vr•n utiall hope: of its recovery until I wan ad vi:',ed to ntr kit rial of this invaluable medicine. After seeing the effects it had upon my child, arid con• r holing to make the saute trial upon myveif, which en tirely relieved are ofa rough that I wan afflicted with for !Lofty years Any person within?. In ere use ran ra at my hnu.e In ❑each Street, above the Market, Kensington .1. Wit.tox. DR. SW AYNE'S SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY. cnll the anrutlon 01 the public in the numerous certificate , : which have been in circulation in on• racier and some others of this city, highly recommending Dr. SWAT:Peg ( 7 11111p0Und Syrup of Wild Cherry .—We have seen the original certificates. and have no douht but they come from truly grateful hearts, expre.stve of the benefits which they have received from that valuable compound. We have acquaintances who have frequently HMI the above medicine. who can speak with confidence of its virtues.—Saturday Ckronicle. FOLLOW CITIZONO:—With sincerity I would advise you, one and all, I%lth sick and well, alive) s to have a bottle of Dr SwAtax'st7ompound Syrup of Wild Cherry in your house—it is invaluable in cases of emergency, such as Spitting of Blond, Asthma, attacks Of violent Coughing, which is often the cause of spitting of blooo, Violent Nervous Affections, which occasionally Come from flight, and various other causes, producing great alarm. sudden colds from improper exposure. which are often let run to an alarming extent, for want of means M•lne ready at bend;—and as 1 have used Dr. Svvvrtic's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry repeatedly in my family, and always with marked success—l can recommend it with confidence. as tieing one of the beat family medicines Which has ever been offered to the public.—Sattieday Chronicle. Sold by Wm. Thorn, Wholesale 4- Retell, only siren) orPtttnbargh. fi0.53 Market Street. eep 10 W I LLI Al SI REED. Merchant Tiler,—Respectfully Informs his friends and the public in general that be has commenced business at No. I I Market street, second door front the corner of Front, where be bores by strict attention to business to merit a share of public patronage. Ni Be 'Malaise halloos regularly raeetied= le nay &weal ea keen their wort ozaoite4 o the tarot egte. ; 10 • DEN.I•IIIN BR XDRICTII II R. BIZ \ DII ETU, M. 11 N.,./ARD, tattle Ladiet.wstilLlNEßY—M as Tow asset, begs most respectfully to inform the Ladies of Pittsburgh and its vicinity that she has arrived di.- red' from London, with a beautiful assortment of &Mina. ry of the newest style. Der connexion there will at all times enable her to introduce the latest fashion and should the Ladles . honor her with a share oft heir patronage, she pledges herself to keep every thing of the most stylish description, and pay strict attention to economy. It is with confidence Mrs. 'l'. lecominends tier French and London made Corsets; also her splendid assort.neht ofEmbroidery, which is superior to anything yet Intro. dined In this country: It includes Baby Linen, Connol rears; Orientals, Capes a la Cardinal, Demi, ditto. Der. time for Evening Costume, Collars Cuffs, Pocket (Jan.:- kerchiefs, Morning and Night Caps, w will be ready for their approbation on the 9th of October next. Mrs. T. is waiting the arrival of her Bonnets from Europe, at No. 2 Ferry street, between Liberty and Fourilist reels. sept. I'. Oko. P. lI‘MILTON. A A t AGIT A W 4- HAMILTON, Attorneys at Law. have kVremoved I twit' Writ e to I he residence of 11.3. Ma. gi a w , on FotirCt st, I wo doorS above SIII It Wield. sep 10 ilp C ____ ° 1' 9 1 ;r 1 e N „ , B V e ll ! :D I e E e n " /TO ' 0 6 1 ' . a — n A d 'e S ' m 7 i t 9 h , fi e / F re r t t s• A Two doors from the corner of Wood street. Con. vainly on hand an assortment of 100 ready made COFFINS, of every size arid description; covered ones, with Chun: Mahogany, Cherry, Black Walnut, Poplar, and Pine Coffins. ALSO, Plates neatly engraved; Hearses and Cat doges furniThed; G , aves procured; arid all services rendered that friends may requite. A credit 4tven in all cars, either ofroffi ns or Carriages, reqttested. HENRY BEA RES, Undertaker. :Fejt 10 175puLs. i% HITE LIME, a .nerunr article, for it sale by J. G. k A . Gqii DON, I No. 12 tVater street. ! V A l' Y.- Just received front New York, 300(1 V l'emperatice A Imanars fur 13 , 43;5000 copiesof the Journal of t ne American Temperance Union and Youth's Tempel:lnce Advocate for Septev , l,er. :.Also. 2000 Chris tian A linana, s, and a good itssort,'neld of Lootnis's 11a4a• con and Pillsnovzh. and the Praitkho Ilazuzine and Coin. mon A !walla, s for 11.13; by i lie g? 0,., dozen or sing!; 230 copies of (.; rant's New Pinsbnrgh and Allegheny J4l - Dirriory and Strangers Gllide, for iCellin. Also, S.lhrol and Pocket Bibles and Testa. Illen Is. David's l'-ultai-; Iluthorlist and l'emperanee Hymn Hook.; the beauties of Harmony, Intioduclion to Sacred Music: Mason's Harp with round and p tient notes; Chrid. Ilarth and alinost all kinds ofSchnoi Books; Gunn's Do mestic Itedicine; D,ty Books and Lettzers; Writing, Let• ter, and Wrapping Paper; lane Mack, and red ink, he the groe , ,ilozeii,or but II; steel pen, quills, 'Lies, pencii: and ❑afeis; Cyclopedia of History, IVelnern ITot—ritol a con. viderable variety of Books and Station e ry, for tale on ac• commodating terms lor cash or country produce, ISA IC 11.11: R IS, Agent and Commission Merchant, sep '2 No. 9, Fifth street J. K. Mom:nest.. O. E. %Vtaiscit. .1; P•isci . a. U NION COTTON FACTORY. A Ileghe y City, at e the end of the upper bridge. The subecribers having commented the stanufacture of Colton Yarns, Stocking Yarn.Ccc ion Twine, Candlewick, Carpet Chain, Ratting„ and are prepared tc fill orders at the shortest notice. Having selected the latest and most improved machi nery,a [ld employed the manager who has attended to the flora FACTORY for the last five years, they are manufactu ring a superior article. Cotton Warps mnde in order, Orders through the Vittshurgh Poo Office, or left nt the store of J 4• C. Painter 4- Co., Liberty street; or Lognn Kennedy, Wood street; will meet with prompt mien. ion. Address—J. K. N1001:11E.AL) 4• co. bel , 12-1 v I 1.1.N0 LEI A LES.—TIIeII2 Is Zl large mats. UT F. - mules ill 111/II City who from their continued sitting, to which their occupr.tlons oblige' hem,areadected with costiveness which, ;Ives nse to palpitation at the heart on the least ex• ertion, score of heaviness extending over the whole head, 1(110IPT;111, I' of light rind sound .an Inability of fixing the attention to any - menial operations; rumbling in the 1.0 W• el., sometimes a PCIISC of sulTocation, especially after inert is to hen :toy exertion is used, as going quickly up stairs; trinpre fickle; the., are symptoms which yield at rime to a few lIORY S Of the Bra ndreili Pills l'he occa .rtotza ! li-e f`f thin 1110.111 ,, ,1.7 WUllld flacr ti deal of trout/1e 1 arid tears of sutfertog. One, or Inn, or even three of the 11r.troIrr Ili 1 . .11. Jll- , I:efore dinner, are of en found Lig: , Il I en. fi , la I; I: ar , v use them very in !lila way; they aul and riesi-d digestion, re 4l ore the hovels, Ina proper rondition,entiven the rioril,, iinpail clear 114... in the coinplt sioadoirlfy the Iductd, and promote a gederal freliou of tienn It and happlio,.. Sold at Dr. Ii addrrlit's Office. No. 93 tl'uoil slue! rilli:mrgb_.P, Ire 25reoir per box, will' full tlirecliour SIARK —The only place In Pittsburgh, where i lir GENUINE l'ills ran he obtained, is Ike Doctor's own Of tire, No 9R lVorkd Ntreel. Rep 10 SSt7 URG S! I, INSTRUMENT IiGICA 1. IN SFR UM ENTrtt— T. McCarthy, Cutler and Surgical 'estrange( Maker, Third street, nearly opposite the Post Of f ice, PittcburtrA (SIGN OF THE GOLDEN SIIE.SRS.) Physicians. Dentists and Druggists can have their In• at ruments made by the subscriber of a superior quality and at Eastern prices. Tailors' Patent Shears and Scissors always on hand. also Flatters Shears, a superior article. Orders respect. fully solicited. N. B. AII articles warranted of (helmet quality. and jobbing done ns usual. sap 10 L IVER COMPLAINT.—This dkease often term!. natesin another of a more serious nature, If pro. per remedies are not re=torted to In time. In all forms of this disease, Dr. Ilarlicit's Compound Strengthening and German Iperirgr Pitts, wilt perform a perfect cure —first by cleansing the stool:lett and bowels, thus moo. sins all diseases from he' Liver. by the use of the Ger man Aperient P.lls, after which the Compound Strength. ening Pills are taken to give strength and tone to those tender organs which require such treatment only to effect a permanent cure. These Pills are neatly put up in small packages, with NU directions. For sale at No. 19 North Light St reel, Philadelphia. Also, for sale by Sam. uel Frew corner of Wood and Liberty sta., Pittsburgh Pa. cep 10 A 1.1. EN KR :MGR, Y. IC'lanire Broker, No. 46, Cur. Li_ tier of Wool ford Third Streets, Pitt•bergh Po.— Gold, Silver. and So'vent Rank antes, bought and sold. Sighs rheelo. , n❑ the F:astern title", for sale. Drafts, notes and WIN, collected. Pittebut k,Pn , IN 111. 141.1 i k Co, John D. Davie, F f , orrn7.. J. I'llllloyr 4- C. 1., Joßrolt Wood well, Ja MP% M a y Philudelphie, Alexander Bronson k John 11. Browt, 4- Co. eineinuati. 0., Jamps Al'enndless. St. Louie, JIM., J. R. 10'llonala. Louisville, %V. 11. Pope. Presi Bank Rv. pro 10 It E3IOV AL. —The undersigned begs leave to Inform the public, t hat Ire has removed from Ills old stand, to the corn , r of Reno and Si. Clair Mg., opposite the Ex clineige Hotel, where be has lined on a large Plarro Po R're WAR Roost. arid row offers for sale the most splendid assort meta of Ptitisos ever offered in this market. Ili,: pianos sonsist of different paiterns, of. superior Rose Wood and Mahogany, beautifully finished and trio• doled,; rid cons , lneted Ihroogbout of the very hest ma trrialc, w diirability, and quality atone, as well as loud), he warrants to be superior to any ever seen here. As lu• has rnlarged Ills manufactory, and made arrange atei i iiio supply the increasing demand for this Instru, !tient, he respectfully requests those Intending to pur. ChlnFe, to call and, 'amine his assortment before purclia. slug elsewhere. ab he is determined to sell LOWER, for cash, than any other establishment east or west of the nMunlains• F. BLUME, Corner of Penn and St. Clair streets, FT 10 Opposite the Exchange Hotel, Pittsburgh, Pa. I VA E RRA , N c T , ED amom li G e EriNifsUlNE.—Dr. William vanss CEßTlTlCA.Tlll.—Letterfrom the Mon. Ab'h'm M'Clel. lou,Sullivan County, East Tennessee, blemberof Congress. WLSHINGITON, July 3d. 1838. Sir—Since I have been In this city I have used some of your Dyspeptic medicine with infinite benefit and satin faction, and believe it to be a most valuable remedy. One of my °nag tumuli, Dr. A. Carden, of Campbelt county, Tenneesee, wroteto me to send him some. which I did, and he has mplayed it very successfully in hie practice, and says It Is invaleable. Mr. Johnson, your agent at this place,* thinkisteraxtrould probably like an agent in Tennessee. If go, would recommend Dr. A Carden, as a proper person tx officiate for the sale of your celebrated medicine. Should you commission him he is wilting to set for you. You can send tile medicine by water to the care of Robert King Jr Sona, Knoxville county. Tennes. see, or by land to Graham 4- Rouston, Tazewell, East Tennessee. I have no donbt but if you had asents in several counttas In East Tennesace.a great deal of medi cine would he gold. lem going to take some of it home for my own use, and that of my friends, and should like to hear from you whether you would like nn agent at Blunlvllle. Sullivan County. East Tennessee: I catlt'ret some of the merchants to act for you as I live near there. nuns respergfn I ly, I ABRAHAM M'CLELT.AN,or Tennetsee. Farouk Wboiatate and Retail, by • R. E.SELLEltlikAgent, No/ 00. Wood otreetAidow Sesood. __ 7 _--- FIBS PROOF IRON CHESTS, .0 1 11formfigetura by JoA* Delutivig, sixtA serest, alfrov• •••-• strest,Pittsburg A . Pittsburgh, June 18, 1839. Mr—lonir. DExxirra:—Dear Sir--linving been present, yesterday, at the experiment which you were pleased to make, in the presence of a number of our busitwat , men, of the saftAy of your ICON CHESTS, incaseof lire, It gives me lova:ate io say, that so far as I was capable of Judi:in.:, the lest was fair, and the result exceeded my expectations. The Chest was a small one, about 30 Inches high, by about 13 on 20 inches in breadth and depth, and was pla ced on a block of wood about a fool In thickness, so as to eleva! e It about that heicht from the ground; several books and newspapers were deposited Inside of It, in the manner in which Nleichants and others would usually place I fiClll—a large quantity of light pine wood [slabs front an adJoining,claw Mitt,) was then placed around above it, an.l the lire kJ:ldled on the windward side, FOas to drive the dame against the back part of thechest. The tire was kept lip about three quarters of an hour, until you hail gone among, the spectators and received from them their universal answer that the test was sufficient. l'he chest was t hen drawn out of the fire, and cooler', and opened, and examined. The contents were all safe, and the only injury done was to the hack of one book which appeared to be a little charred. From what I witnessed, I think that these chests are desert/ ing of Cilfitidence, as affording, per baps. the beet security to Merchants for t heir books end papers, which tdiey can have without building, large, thielc, and expeindve vaults. I would consider them a better secarit) t ban many vaults which I ilaVe seen 1J1111:. Your friend, ML'EL CIILTHCII.I We concur In the above statement, having been pros sent when the eliebt was tested, If'. Al. Cooper, J. 11. Shoenberger, J. I aughlt , ,, J. Painter, R. Jr. CL. Armstrong, Thomas Craig , yG. D. lloward, Ezeract of a Let! er from Pugh 4- Alvord, dated Cie cinnatt,29th Afur. h,13.12. ✓. Donning, Pittsburgh, Pa. Respecte , l Friend;, We have the sat o•faci 101 l to quit: as the t cat recommendation we can give of the utility of your Iron Safes, I lint we hay:. one of them which was in an exposed situation in our counting room, at the time of the fire, on the morm log of the 10th inst, which consumed our Pot k House to. :ether with a large portion of the meat, lard, 4-c, which it contained; —and that our hooksand papers which were In the Safe, were entirely uninjured, and were taken from it after the tire; without ever heing discolored. Your:4 4-c. PUGH k AL VORD. Eztrart of a Letter from Slater Holbrook, dated St. Louis, Feb. 24th, 1841. Ma. DENNING, Dear Sir: One of your second size chesls was burned a few days ago, in a teal her pre served its contents. Respectfully yours, sep 10 SLATER HOLBROOK. L IVER COMPLAINT cured by the use of Dr. Har i!cli's compound Sirengthenin! and Aperient Pills. Mr. Writ. Richards, of Plitsbur:h, Pa., entirely cured of the ahovedi , tressinr, disea , e Ills symptoms were pain and weialit in the left side, los, of appetite, vomiting, acid eructations, a distension of the stomach, nick head-ache, furred tongue, countenance changed too citron color, di111.• roily of divturhed rest, attended xtrb a cough, areal delotity, with other symptoms indicating areal de. rangentent of the functions of the liver. Mr. Richard , had the advice of several but received no relief, until mon.: Dr. Darin:lt's Medicine, which ;ermine. led In etrectin_ a pc-feet cure. Prleripal Office. 19 North Citthtli Street, Philadelphia For gab• in rif I ;dal rg h by Samuel Frew, corner of Lioer ty anti Wood streets. pep 10 Cincinnati, February 15, 113-10. Dr. SWAYNE—Dear Pet mit me to take the Warty of writing to you at I ld• uniy to express my a pprchation, and to recommend to the attention of heads of families and others your invaluable medicine—the Compound Syrup of Brooms Virginiatin, or Wild Cherry Bark. Irt my travels of late I have seen in a ,g, eat many instant!/ the wonderful effects of your medicine in relieving chil dren or very obstinate complaints, such as Coughing, Wheezing, Choaklng of Phlegm, Astbmatir attacks, .tc. e r r . I should not have written this letter. howevet ,at present, although I have fel it my duty to add thy testi. mony to it for sonic time, had it not keen for a late in. stance where the medicine above alluded to was tnst ru• mental in restoring to perfect health an ••only child," whose case was almost hopeless, In a family of my ac. quaintance. ‘ , l thank Heaven," said the doating moth. er,omy child la saved from the Jaws of death! 0 how I feared the relentless ravager But my child is said ' sate!" Beyond all doubt Dr. Swayne'e Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry is the most valuable medicine In this or any other country. lam certain 1 t eve witnessed more than one Itondred eaves where It has been attended with corn. plele sucrenY. I am Lasing II myself in an obstinate at. lark of Bronchitis, in o hirh it proved effectual in a ex reeditigly snort ilie seVerny on he roe. ran reeomentl it lath,. confideoro of its superior virtors; I would advise that no family should be without It; ft It very pleasant and alw;.ys beneficial—worth double and often ten times its pr ice. The public are as cured there's no quackery about It. R. Jacacos, D. D. formerly Pastor of the Fir.t Presbyterian Church, 7sl. y. Sold by Wll. TIIORN. who'rsale 4: retail, only n7ent for Pittsburgh. No ‘larket street. FeP 10 A IIOON TO THE lit!hl.lN R ACE!—“Discover what will destroy Life, and you are a great wan. iv Discover what will prolong Life, and the world will call you Impostor.” 1 . There are faculties, bodily and intellectual, within eta. with which certain herbs Aare a.finii . g, and over which they have power." Hr. It. licandrellt's Exiernal Remedy, or Liniment, which, by Its extraordinary power=, abstracts Palo or Sorene-s; thus Sprains. Stiff Sint ws, White. Swellings, I Rheumatic Pains, or Stiffness, Sliffoess of the Joints, Tumors. rnnaloral Hardness, Stiff ICtcl, Sore Throat, Croup. Cowl-actions of lIIC Scrofulous rn lareemeits, Tender Peet, and every description of In.' Jury affecting the Exterior of the Ullman Frame, Ore cured or greatly relieved by his never-to be sefficienely extolled remedy. CanTarte.TE.—The following letter from Major Gen erai Sandford, as to the flaalii les of the External Rene dy, speaks volumes: New 'rotor, Feb. 9,18.12, Dear Sir—Will you oblige me with another bottle of your excellent Liniment? It is certainly the best of the kind I have ever seen. It hue cured entirely my son's knee,about which I was so uneasy.and I have Mond it productive of immediate relief in several cases of eater nal injury in my family. A few evenings since, my You oxest child was seized with a violent attack of Croup, which was entirely removed In twenty in i&ntes, by rub. bin; her chest and throat freely with the External Item. edy. I think you ought to manufacture this Liniment for general use, instead of confining the use of it, as you have heretofore done, to your particular acquaintances. Yours truly, C. %V. SANDFORD. Da. R. BaAroarra.24l Broadway, N. Y. ri•For sale at 241 Broadway, New York, and at his office,No. 93 Wood itrret,Pittaborgh • PRICE-50 cents per bottle with directions. sep 10 SICRITARY'II artier, flarrishurgh, A ugua 24th, 1842. SALE, OF THE CANALS AND RAIL ROADS BE LONGING TO THE STATE.—Notlee is betel, gi• ven that in pursuance of the seventeenth, eighteenth, nineteenth and twentieth Sections of the Act of Assembly passed the 27th day of July. 1842, proposals wilt he reset vrd nt the Stale Deparitnent until the Inst:day of Novem ber next, for the sale of all and each of the Canal; and Rail Roads belonging to the Commonwealth, for which Stnle.Siock. at par mine, will he received in payment . Each individual or Company Is required, topecifiralty, to stale. the particular line of Canal or Rail Road witch, they desireto purchase, the amount of their respective hide therefor, the given and surnames of all concerned In the offer, together with their place or pia , es of residence, In over that the same may be laid before the next Lee-s -uture. The nropo.als muet heaeated no and dtrreted to the Serretary nf Contrnonweatth whit an endoreement on the P ri me: "proposal, for the purchase .of the Public Works." By order of the Governor. A. V. PARSONS, Secretary of the Commorseakb juAletip_s . % _ _ rag Ybrtbsfra drf it.mis np.mpi • 111 "TRAVELERS TARE NOTICE—Thai all km.. -R. provided with the Safely Guard have theft shots bills printed with a figure of the apparaime- andllie rIIIW ful you are nm. deceived to,..n.larepresentattessa of A . gentsstaiing their boats to be provided with the Sall , 11,:, Guard, when they are cot 1./secured smith si exploidla:, The follotving is a list of home supplied with the Salt. ty Guard at the Per of Pei shurgh—alt exctps the tscir first on the list have the improved apparatus with whlcl, apparatn. it is impossible for an explodeu to otter: ' SAVANNA, FORMOSA, RARITAN, ILLINOIs, NIAGARA, DU QUE&NE, ORLEANS, JEWESS, . . . CANTON, MONTGOMERY, LADY OF LYONS, CADDO, VALLEY FORGE, INDIAN QUEEN, FORT PITT, GALLANT, BREAKWATER, QUEEN orTnit SOTJTH : EXPRF-S5 MAIL, DUKE OF ORLEANS ALPS, BRILLIANT, 'CASPIAN, • ECLIPSE, IDA, VICTRESS, .. WEST WIND, MrIIIGAN, M A ItQUF,TTE, OSPREY, TALLEYRAND, PENELOPE, PANAMA, ROW INA, CICERO, AGN Es, SARAH ANN, MESSENGER, . I NA RIIAGA NSETT, SARATOGA, AMARANTH. ORPHAN BOY MUNGO PARK, 01110, NEPTUNE, . CECILIA. . . ADELAIDE, J. H RILLS, NORTH BEND, GALENA, MARIETTA, MENTOR. if BRUNETTE, COLUMBINE, .. STEAM FERRY BOAT,. The traveling community are respectfully rtqutoht before they make a choice of a boat, to reflect a moluell. and see whether it would not he to their advantage and security to choose a Safety Guard boat, both fist passage and freight, in preference to one not so guarded against explosion—and that they will bear In mint, that this Invention has the unqualified approbation if fifty steam engine builders—gentlemen whose business it is to understand the subject, and who are entirety dill. Interested—besides a number of certificates from reittait• • re gentletten and others—all of which can be won g 0 my office,. No.lo. Water street, where It would give ID pleasure at all times to exiiihit my invention to any who wilt lake the trouble to call. sep 10 CADWALLADER EVANS. Roll: Bell, A. Cordell, A. 11. Hoge, J. IV. Boil. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE _ The subscriber offers for sate, at the present redo. red rates, the greater part of his real estate, sttniale the cities of Pittsburgh and A Ilegheny. •la: 'th ree of Wit Britt( Warehouses, nearly new, a. esubstantially huPt situate on Market street.fetween Pernnd and Finn!. em brnrin2 a front of about 54 feet by 60 deep. For sale en tire, or separately to snit purchasers, and upon tong ere( Its. Also, q selert bonding lot In Alle2hreY HIV. 69 feet In' breadth, h) upward of 350 feet In depth, hs•lng two hunts, one on the Pennsylvania canal awd Ile other ow Washington street, A Ipo. the lot adjoining the above, 100 feet in breadth by nearly 350 feet in depth, inrlndieg the large and Pie rant mansion house which I now occupy and nutimlld ings. Also. a lot with two two story brick rtorehouren, rata• ate on Ihe corner Vida r ket and Front torceta. subject to a moderate ground rent, and now oerunted by Mr. Hoyt as a erneery. ALEX. BRACKENRIDGE. Pen 10 LAX SEED WAXTED.-1.1 anted to purchase f 0 each or goods, a quantity of Flax and Timothy seeds: Almost all kinds of Country Produce taken in payment for eapti or goods at HAMS'S inielligence Ofilettand pep 21—If COMM Isflon WsrehouPe, 10. 9. NMI lii T ORN HART . Commission Merchant, /hater helm dace and hat erica* Manufacturer, Nadiforo, J TZ TO Jno. Grier, Esq., Pittsburgh! Aaron Hart. James C. , chran of R'd. Jno. D. Davis, tft'Vay 4- Hanna, Avery. Ogden dp Co, Jno. Woodbotirne, Eeq., Madivon. V ALU ISLE FARM FOR SA will sell 1141. Farm on which I live. In Wilkins lownsbir, Braildockstichl, roniainicr. one hundred and aeveni.e acres; about 70 acres of which is cleared. and the balnrce well !ilia/Pfeil. There are upon It three lot dwellin!di sbd a barn 63 feet by 34; an apple orchard of choke free Also. about seventy acres of coal. The sail is believed hi be equal to that of any upland farm in the lownithip. Terms made known on applicailon to the rubor, Hier living in the premises. WILLIAM WALLACR. (Pep Hi __- W ILLIAM C. WALL. Ptak and Fancy Porfrat and Picture Frame Manrfacturer, Me, Si r Fourth Street Pats hargit.—CAnvams Brushes Varnish for Art WS, always on hand. Looking Glee:telt: 41 * promptly framed to order. Ilenalrinf donq :1 the whorl, est notice. Particular atiention paid to regilding and joblihig Diet, ery description. Persons fitting up steam Boats or houses will find It to theirtnlvantage to colt. Rep 10 W HITE LEA H.—The subseriters ore now prepared to furnish painters, and others who wish to gar e base pure White Load made of the best materials war ranted equal, If not superior to any offered to he patine. All °titer. nddrresed to Dunlap¢ Hughes,eare of 8 IliKett 4- Co , No. 1 I 0 Second street, Pi tot urg h. will he promptly attended to. DUNLAP 4 HUGHES. L ADIES FASHIONABLE SFIOE STORE, .14(.„6. Ftft A St.. one doe rfront Old Stead of Jr. Buclasasiter, The Subscriber respectfully Inform the ladies at Pittsburgh and vicinity that he has commenced , Ifs. - tailing Shoes of his own manufacture, at the shove place, where he will keep constantly on hand a good aseort• ment of all kinds of ladies, misses, and children's Wadi, and shoes. oft be hem quality. which will he sold at pa , ces to suit the time,' He will also make to order. all kinds of facey work—such as white and. black aught supper,', conned gaiters, and buskins. ladles, navies 214 children's elielt•rs. silk gaiters. 4-c., 4-c. All uf will be made at the shortest notire.and In the bell toms ner. Ladies will please call and examine for thenetehwai' as the subscriber feels confident that be can Bub they 14 any article In lila line they may want. Pepe J. C. KIM BA Lt. P. 8. Don't forget the Piece — N°. B, ' F ifth Street-4 ' 6 e, door from Harris's Intelligence Orlice. and third dos/ from Market Street. 3. C. K. W ILLIAM DIGBY having taken the whole of the business ofDiasr ¢ Burma:A, carried on at 136. Liberty street and 42 Market street, begs to return his thanks to the numerous friends and eustomersof the late firm, for the very liberal support they have always ex tended to him. In connection with Mr. Hopewell, sad w hates to assure them that every exertion shall be pled to merit the continuation of the same. He would most res. neelfully invite their attention to his' present stock of Clothing,which be intends selling nt.much lower prices than has been ever offered, bent d.rirous of disposing of the whole of the stork of the late firm as ocirkly ON- pp_ ethic; and as he imends In confine himself to an exclusive cnsh business. he feels confident no establishment eau surpass his stock, either in cheapness, durability, Sr Bert. 4 newt of workmansltin. riP3Nr In take notieet bat every article sold, is manvfircti !tired in Pitt.tarch• tep 18 t Q., AM U El. MORROW. Jihrnafacturer of Tin, Cryppair w:7 * Skeet Iron Ware, Na. 17 Fifth Street, Baran , Wood Arad Market Streets,—ls prepared to fill all OMNI'. In his line at the ehortral notice. Country"Xertliall."- and other, are solicited to roll and ern mine hiaaararleet --. of warm, which willhe sold a : holevale or retail,o. NW , 1 al terms. Rowe spouting sad stove Anottoire prom saiskao sip 10 -,74: 4 9‘
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers