Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, December 16, 1842, Image 4

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    kVA' ' l l ll - 0 0 5 e
_ Avik iroon
(bat h
has removed his ready, iodide coliht warehouse to the
funding recently deenpled by Mr. a. G. Berford,directly
OPPOlsite his old suind;where be is always prepared twat-
Orrottptly to any-coders in his line, and by strict at
'!l . ..tontion to all the detilliof the business clan Undertaker
Jlopestomeritpablhi.cbpeldeaco. He will be prepared
4--it.:4lllrirthytnetur to prorltTs - Hearses, Biers, Carrie:es and
HWY reqetsite on the Most liberal taints. Calla from the
Wintry will be promptly al tended to.
this ratidence is In the same building with his ware
r';'"liallillIllere those who need Ins services msy find hi.n
a tik lir 01". SEAraiNCEr:
411601tIttDDLIt. Rev. 1.091.6 T DII.OOY.D• V•
W. a. Weimar, REV. JOSILPH
'IMP 10 RCP. e. P. SWIFT.
- -
. ~
-TOether with every description of Letter Press Pi in'
4111,.farnished with neatnew and despatch, and on mode
Sett:derma, at the office of the Dilly Morning Post.
1 0 1 1 1 0 • - - • •
. ChM individualsis very numerous. They are those
'who work in an unhealthy atmosphere. Printers, work•
• mast la feather stores, stone cutters, bakers, white lead
•Waloaraciturers, are all mom or lbs subject to disease ac.
eerding to the strength of their constitution. The only
itiethod to prevent disease, is the occasional use of a
_lttedleine which abstracts front the circulation all delete
rious Willows, and expels them by the bowels. Tonics
. fit ally forte are injurious, as they only off the evil`
'day-to Make It more fatal. The lite of Brandreth's
insure hesith, -because they take alt impure matter
l'ppt of the blood; and the body Is not weakened but
g the nett by their operation, f,r these valuable Pills
.dO4O l . force, hut they asst-t nature, and are not opposed,
bUttantionize with her.
' 'Sold at Dr. Brandreth l / 4 . Office, No. 93 Wood street,
eitlihoran. Price 25 cents per box, with full dirt-rib)°,
113ARIC--The only place In Pittsburgh wit, re the
ENUI N 6 Pills can be obtained, is the Ductorit own •I ,
flee, N 0.98 Wood street. sep 10
NEW HOTEL.—The subscriber respectlutly in
for:La his old friends and the public that Ito has
openena Temperance Hotel,in fifth Street, near the Ex
change Rank, and in the house Intely occupied by Mat
thew Patrick, and has hoisted ant on ii gn,..The Iron
City Hotel," where he will be very liac7y to accommo•
dale nil who may please to rail or, him. Ills table
-shall be provided with the best fare, and every possible
accommodation to town and country customers and
A few hoarders who wish to lode in t heir stores or of
ices. can he taken, and unnilemen who live out of town
can have their dibners daily.
H e h as l arge an d z or,d stables, and the best flay and
Oats, and a nood Hostler, and will accommodate travel.
ere and uentlemen who have horses.
Boarders taken by the day, week nr year. Charles
more moderate than at any respectable (Intel in the eh y.
WASHIN(:TON HA LL.—T , io snhseriher has
opened the late residence of Jane; Adatos, F.sq.,
deceased. for the reception of visitors and boarders;
the house is very pleaqatt'ly situated (111 the bank of the
'4)ltio, 2 mites front the car , — pos.essirt2 at I the deli;:lit
ful accompaniments of a country re,i,lence, without
being too far distort for per<ons doing husiness Irtthe
city. Visitors will lie furnished with eve y delicacy of
the season.
An o.nitihus runs re4ularly every hou
lieng end nf the Bride.
N. R.—No Alcoholic beverages kepi
Sep 10
TAISSOLUTION OF THE UN/o.\'—'Else copn rt
nership existinq between James E. K•lbburn and
David Morzin is this d.ty di'l.solyed by mutual muscat.
The conditions will be duly no! iced, will) the si2nni tiles
Or both parties natteaeil,llllli ft.irry 11.01 will be mid lulled
open by the sub-caber until other arrange:news ale per.
feeted. .
For sale; 01{ the. premkr:=, 150 111,14. choke winter rip
pies, if applied Cur imincrlia:ely. .1 AS. E. K I LliOU RN,
sep 29 —II No 9. Markel aid 74. Front F 4.
BOOKBINDING.-5 1 'eandk . ssk
Johnson. Bookbinders and raper
fluters, S. W. corner of Wood and
Fourt*:. st reels re now tit (Tared In ex
ectite alt kinds of Bookbintlint , and N.
per Rutine will; neatness nod despatch.
Kr-O' •• k books tilted and bound to
-any elvers pattern at On orte-t notice.
N. B. All work done ueaboveis warranted. (sep 10
Art. BIDDLE, Setrgeon Dentist, has returned to
his old stand, No 107, Smithfield Street,
where he can be consulted any hour during the day,
Oft - his profes.ion. set) 10
R‘loVAL.—Georlle Armor, Merchant Tailor,
respectfully announces to his friends and pa
tron% that he has re-dnve.l Ilk establishment from his
old stand, in Third street, to the corner of Front and
amhbffeld, in the basement story of ill; Monongahela
House; where he intends keepine on hand a general as.
Pertinent of Fashionable Goods, suitable for Gen
/4emen's wear.
HO hopes, by close apoliratton, to m rrit a share of the
muttneas so liberally extended, to hint al tti. old stand.
'N. B. Flaying made arrangements in New York and
Philadelphia, with the most Fashionable Tailors, for
the reception of Paris and Landon Fashions, customers
may rely on having their orders executed according to
the latest style. . GatliiCE ARMOR.
Sept 10 .
LARO Offn.--rTha Subscriber would mint respectfully
Inform the public in genera t lint be has au article of
AGMd Ail ofa superior quality, mann facto red at the Cincin
nati Oil Ittanufactory,hy Co.,which is warren
ted to he equal to the best Sperm. Oil, both for Light and
Machinery. - Title Oil f. entirely free from any glutinous
rnatter,seanke, or nnpit unfit odor. and it b as clear and
•as white arnapring wat , ,r, Not a particle of cruel is left
on the wick. The light Is pure and
and will last as long. if not longer, than that front an
equal quantity of Spey in. Oil. The subset titer informs
theipubllc that he has taken a place nearly opposite the
If est Mire. where he will light tip several different lamps
.every evening. and he would respectfully invite the in
habitants of Pittsburgh, A licglien y, and their vicinity, to
call end judge for themselves. fie feels confident they
will de convinced that the above statement Is perfectly
comet. Out or two hundred individuals who have tried
the 43114 there has not been a single fault found with it
'The Lard4ilit costs one third less than Sperm. Ile would
reeneelfelly "WWI the early attention of Dealers and Ala.
chitties to the above.
Artheirollowing Churches are now tittln,t the Lard Oil:
":" - iikteteita Presbyterian Church, Pitt-burgh,
-Aew CU mberland Presbyterian Church, Pittgltatt,4l
- First. Presbyterian Church, Allegheny City,
Associate Reformed Church, dn.
Aittke hamlet are branded R. %V. i„ LIE k Co., Cincio
Ran, Ohio.
We, the ondesigned, Captains of the Express Line of
rack - els, on the Pennsylvania Canal, have tried and are
nalex en artieteor Lard Oil introdneed here by . ftlatiltetv
C. itdey, and manufactured by IL W. Lee 4. Co., at the
Cinelanattl Oil Factory.
WONOCTlfident in asserting That the a' eve is equal
tet fltist Sperm Oil; that it is entirely free from smoke
or ttislritther glutinous matter whatever; the light is per•
fvettOwire.clear and brilliant. aud will fast as long, if not
loatetilion that from 'an equal qoantity of Sperm. Oil,
Weliavieno heslitation In recommending it to our friends
Ira to those who use 011.
Malt" MIRY, Captain, racket John A dams
151;*;,111t ! DEDRAND, Captain, Packet John Hancock,
feP tO
.11).- these 'Pills are composed of hetbs, whticli .exert
aitiseelis.:-oittio upon the -heart, give
strength to the arterial system; the-blood is -quieicened,
egattlecedlnittr circulation tbrougtt all the seise - is,
"Whotair of the skin, the pasts animist' Iniernatly,orths
estremitles; rsoil as an the seemliest 'orthe body-ero
~-Zra`liptblocid.,lbere'ise..•contemvent. lacretiSe
41 1 0f1; and nttairitenerntsitorrof.fh*ftlscsibant •
Atti'luir l o4:9oOO
ken -004 is - totrecte....44;t4?stOL,v
#O.; • - ;;AnA.;011 4 ,14.:••
tr ,
1 the Alle
tv:i. c. IiF,R
M. C. ED!;V, A;cnt
Pittebur2ll, June 21F4 , 184-2
d 3 do John Madison,
do ?o Pittsburgh.
166 :01410-21: 64 mgrasn' , t
~ . ...
litorambte 16,1842
I N cetnpllance-With thewoventstenifirsection_of the act
of-Catigreser.legalizirty, and ,imakirlig-neprOpriallotis
«for - sada neceimey o er.lisultave been otiosity included
.•In the general opera dation billa -without authority. of
"l a w, and to fix and 'rooe for certain Incidental OP
.. parties of the ; Depart ant, sad o ffi cers of the Dove. 0- , ,
..went, - and for othe purposes," approved -August 26,1
1942; Seated Proiii#l* will be received at this Depart
ment until the thirty-first day of December nest, for fur
nishine* for one year or longer at the option ofthe Depart
ment; the followin4. thiacriptions of Blanks for the use of
Post Offices In iheStaSes of Peunsylvanlaand Delaware:
Mails received, , - 75 Reams,
Malta sent,-I 6O ~ A ccourn - of Newspapers and Pamphlets re-,
ceived, , - 25
Malls received at Dist rlhading Offices. i 2 ~
All the above on small royal paper, at Zest 22 by 171
inches,printed on boll sides and feint ruled, with nut less
than 421ineson ape
but log Offices. .12 Reams,
hove, but folded lengthwise, and
Mails sent from pist.
Same si,ae paper as
with 50 ilnest•n a ; pap
Accounts Curretit,fe
Monthly and Weekl
four on rfaheej,
nth Bills. Foolscap, 1
signatuletb .
Post Bills, foolscap;r_
signaturei. i 750 Reams.
Post Bills fur Distrildtting Offices, 9 on a i
sheet, with signiatures
Postitills,lfor Fistlu t ting Offices, 6 on a
sheet, with sign tures,
The proposals tvillTate the price, in one sum, per
ream, for each kind of tanks, for paper, printing - , rating
and packing. They }tee to be delivered in such quanti
ties, and atasuch times,„tas may be required by the diffat
ent Post Offices, and on G's requisitions of Postmasters
endorsed by the Post titteer nt the place, where the. con
tractor may retide. "lane will he considered asieliver 7
ed. or wilt be paid for, 'except on such requisitions.
Fach reofikition, or !quantity ordered, to he sectirelit
enveloped or packed foe transportation, and directed to
the Post Office, at the qperiseof the contractor.
The right is reserved of reject ng any bid which may
la considered extravagant, and also to give to any one
bidder thn printing for!olie or more states adjoining. the
State of his residence; anct.each proposal most be accony
ponied by sufficient evidence of the ability of the proposer
to comply with the lentils of his proposat.
The successful bidder will he required to enter into
contra• t, with surety, in strict compliance with the prci
vision of the low, to which bidders are referred.
Failure to furnish blbriks promptly when ordered, fur•
nishing those of inferiar quality as to paper, printing.
or titling. or any aitc4tpt toevade the true meaning of
the contract, will be cOnsidered sufficient cause for its
for feitit re.-
Payment will be niat4 quarter-yearly, one month after
I he expiration of each quarter.
The blanks mu-4 lie equal to the best of those now in
use Specimens may he seen at the vnrinus Post Offices.
The quantities mem boned above, are from the best es
ti rates that can he made fcr one year's consumption; but
they may exceed or may fall short of the q u antities re
quired. The Department does not bind itself to any
specific quantity or amount.
ttero• o-a Is" should he so marked, and addressed to the
t-Seromi Assistant Poitmaster General," Washington,
G. C. w23—dtd3l
lamp, two on ti sbeet 16 Ream,
Registers, foolieop,
on a sneet,w Minot
2 on a sheet,. with
‘—. l son for the above Complaints is now at hand,: nd all
persons who are Fithjected to the inclemency of the
weather are respectfully informed that they ran find.
COVERT'S BALiit OF LiFt: which is hell linosvn to have
cured Mot sArtos, who were in lice last staees of Con•
sumption. Certificates ran be produced of its wonderful
TAYLOR'S BALSAM or•j LIVERWORT is another remedy
for Liver Conpleint a . COL: ha and Colds. II comes high-
It, reciter Mended by all Who have used it. and is pleasant
to take. a itrl speedy in effecting a cure.
Pessa'sIIOARIIOLIND CIANDY.--This is a highly valuable
and pleasant medicine ;it will effect a no-Alive and certain .
rive for C”ughx, Co/ds,t7onsumptioir.and is an effectual
cure for the Minoru:a ;Coccns. This lea limy phas
ant inedicine,all are fond of it, and children never refuse
to take st; its cure is sure and positive. The subscriber
hos a certificate of Agency direct front J. Pease 4. son,
so there can be no mistalie. A ll persons who are effected,
are invited to call and not delay, for the tine to lake
medicine is at the commencement,
All the above medicines can always be procured at
Waocusste OR 11 ETAIT
TUTTLE'S if EDICJIE.SGENCY. 86. Fourth street
Ley - To Dr. THORN,—SIy Dear Sir: I cheerfully and,
curdia.ly embiace the present favorattle opportunity to re-1 1
turn to you my warmest Wanks of gratitude for your tin
filo:tiled and unexceptioinable itivent`on of your very
justly celebrated Tea ln-ry Toot h•Wash, and I fed that
I am in ditty bound to siy that I have derived the grent•
ref and most beneficial effect front its frequent and mode.
ate use: and I can assure von that I ant exceedingly hap•
py to have the pleasure of informing you, that sincerely
and cordially speaking,l t can injustice recommend its Ire
quent use to all that unfortunate portion of the human
race throughout the globe who are now undergoing the
most excruciating pain for the want of a medicine preps
ration of exactly the salliC nature of which yours is prepa
red, and who have for years been suffering front the in.
jurious, destructive and, pernicious effects of worth less
tooth powders and ether worthless preparations. In
concinsion permit inn to any that I have used your Tootii••
Wnsli but for a short period, and yet I feel thoroughly
convinced that it is the best now known. its inestimable
virtues in preserving the teeth, (which if kept in a good ,
and handsome condition, Is the greatest embelishmeta
that adorns the human di rucitire.) are not to he excelled
in easing and relieving the sufferer from tooth arhe, and '1
restoring the gums to a healthy and purified condition, and
givmg also a sweetness' and fragrancy to a disagreeable
breath hitherto unknowint
Accepl my el, crre '0,411 for you'r success, from
Yours, truly, i JOSEPH Elsimare
THE Committee on Lectures of the Wirt Institute,
for the Fourth Course,respectfu'ly announce to the
pubic that they have made arrangements to commence
the Lectures on Thursday evening, December 1. The
Lectures of this course'will be exclusively Literary and
Scientific• .
The Committee, deslivms of malting the Lecture Roont
of the Institute a favoiite resort of the lovers of (Mem
titre and Science, as tvdll as the fasitlnhable, have spared
no exertions in proettiiag popular and talented Lecturers,
both at home and abrottd.
In the courseof two tveeksalislof the Lecturers will
be published, and tickets offered.
* SAW) . C. HUEY,
w. w. WILSON, •
w M. 13. sCAI FE.
nnv 9 tf Committee.
I R: s d 49
rTS. MAIL LINE tlCSnlentlid Passenger SiCalli Pack.
Ms from Cincinnati to St. Louis.
The new,sptendid, faet 'Miming, 4. light draught steam
Packets West Wind at' Alftp3reil, will run as regular
Packets, front Cineinna ito St. Louis. Will leave Cin•
,•innai laud St: Louis eery Wednesday morning, at 10
their startle?.
This infalnle ;remedy has preserved hundredS
when thought pat recttvery, from convulsions. As soon
as the Syrups rubbedl, on the piens, the child will recr T
er. This preparation Ws° innocent, so efficacious, anti so
pleasant, that nochlltrill refuse to let its earns be rub
bed with it.. %Viten in antsare at the age of four months ..
rho' there is ao appeattaoce of teeth, one bottle of tilt.
Syrup should betsed t open the pores. Parents shonlil
rever be without the s ,rup In the - nursery tvitrre ;herr
are young children, fo if R ON wakewakes in the night with
pain in the gums, the yrup immediately elves ease, by
opening the pores, and b etting theguras; thereby prevent.
lag Coeva l stone , Foy i iltc. For Sale Atil !tolerate and
Retail by .a. ' i ' ' It E.SELLF.RS, Agent,
sep 40 : N .2% Wood street, below Ser.ond
Ch* seen*.
Laceiand Ribbo
Whitt arid narr
- T.ace)ind Muslin
infants' frock 4a
. :
Ladies, Wench It
Lislettimul. and
Slick lialtdlr nit
A. late assort roe
Also a *ariety offlA
d, molvair.
'Cotton Vloves:
for Vens—Ve "
Act et l i tnetir.
; plain and scan
TviERY: •
1 4t 05,
1 A
I 'l4-:*;l , C,:-:C.:7 , :;i ,, ? ,, T ,1
' •::'.•,!:',:-.'''S:;,•J;.f:,:-..,c•:.
I.ANCABTER,OCt: 2d, 1832.
and West may rely upon
dvertised. .seplo
- sarosmrsis. ********
Thtlietetidlle .
Mrs liM,-iiittiMbittiattelliMaMMlY.MS7silhotarber
iiirtar4Bl4iiitbeilmilliewortboais whore powers of
lifelara not already , exhatislai. Where- human memoir
can avail-there' scarcely Is say consplaintior fori of
sickness,lhatthe Pu.r.s do not- relieve and
generally cure. irithough. there pills produce a woman
eropecr,that etfectis not to prostrate the body, as with
oiher mcdicirres, bathe frame is Invigorated by the se
movat of the cameo( weakness, the morbid, the vitiated
humors from the blood.
Harmless in themmlves, they merely
10 throve out the occasion of sickness from the body,
and they .require net alteration in the diet qr clothing.
In that. the-human • tiody is better able to R asta% with.
out injury, (he inclemency of the weather. while under
the Influence of this infection destroying ,aisease eradica
ling Medicine than at any other.time.
The importanca.of Bratoireth l / 4 Pills : for "mamma and
- traveledis, t herefore, self evident.
By the tireelynse of Oils Medicine bow much anxiety
and sickness, might we not preverit. Vold, Billiuus of
fections, Typhus, Scarlet and feversuf all kinds, would
be itnkno. will But where sickness toes grist, iet no
time be lost, let the BRANDRETIPB PILLS be at once
sent for, that the Remedy may be app led, without fur
ther imis of tin e.—To BM RILKILMBICRICD-
That Brandretit's Pills have stood a seven years' test
in the United States.
That they are a vendable and innocent medicine, yet
all powerful for the removal of disease, whether chronic
recent; infectious or otherwise.
That tAley pbrify't he blood, and stay the further pro
gresspf disease in the h u man body.
That. in many cases, where UM dreadful ravages of
ulceration had laid bare ligament and bone, and where,
to nil appearance, no human- triMUss could save life, have
patients by the use of these . t4IIKNeen restored to toad
health; the devouring disease haeltil, been completely
That each of t he gennlqe hus upcmtatuese COPYRIGIIT
LA.II/4.41 -
• -
That each label has two signotares'Of.Dr. Benjamin
Rtanilreth upon it." - •
• That there must be upon each hiss three signatures,
And three signatures, thus:—
"All acute fevers ever require sane evacuation to bring
them toa perfect crisis and solution, and that even by
stools, which must he promoted by art when nature
does nut do the business Itself. On this account, an
ill timed scrupulousaessabout the weakness' of the body
is of bad consequences; for it is that which seems chiefly
to make evacuations necessary, which nature attempts
after tne humors are tit to be expelled , but is not able to
accomplish for the most part in these diseases; and I can
affirm, that I have given.a purge when the pulse has been
so low that it could hardly be felt, and the debility ex
creme, yet both one and tte.ther have been restored by
it." The good effect to be derived from the Brandretit
Pills have to be experienced to he fully believed. By
their timely use neither the scarlet, the typhus fever or
small pox would ev,:r assume their malignant fot m.
To appreciate to the full exteat,tbe incalculable ?frac
fits of BRA NDR ETIPS PILLS, they mast be used when
the First Symptoms of Disease present themselves. One
dose then, and ttietr good effects will lie felt throughout
the attack—lT is Txstria THEN. is Tteig that is the great
secret in the care of all appearances of disease arising
from bad blood, and I presume there are few ratite pres
emit day, will say a nyt hieg of those diseases which affect
the body when the blood is pure. Such diseases I have
yet to see.
Hoping that some who read 1143 may be beneffitted by so
doing. I sin respectfully,
the public's servant.
241 Broadway, New York:
The public will please observe that no Brandreth Pills
are genuine unless the box has three labels upon it.
each containing a fac similie signature of my hand
writing tints—B. Itrandret h. These labels art engra.
ved on al eel, Ireatitifu Ily designed, gild noire at an ex
pense of sever al t housand dollars. Vemettrber! the top
—the side—and the bottom.
Ent red according lo act of Congress in the tear 1841,
by Bet pink' B rand rob, in t I c Clerk's Oftire 40 the Dis
1 4 lct Court of the So' them District of New Vor k,
Dr. B. Brandreth's own office, No. 98, ‘N ood Street.
Pittshur7.ll. Only plf.ce in Pittsburgh w hese the genuine
Pills ran he obtained. Each Agent who sell • the tree
Era ndreth Pitt, has an engraved ceitifirate of Agency
renewed every twelve months, and has entered into bonds
of 8500 to sell none other Pills I these rereive.(l from
D•. B. or his special General Agent. Mark', lite ce.tili
cute is a ll.enorteoed except ilre Doctor's name, which is
in his own hand writ Mg. Observe, on each vergifirate
I here is an exact cony of the three labels on raft) t•rrx ir•
...raved thereon. Purch;:ser. see tit I the engraving of
the labels on the ce-tificale correspond with those on the
box. •
Tile following are Dr. R nuintin Bra nd rei li's %gents
(or the sal, of his Vegeiame Uniyi rsat Pills, in A Ileglie
ny couty, Pa., who are supplied with the rew labelled
— Trice 25 cents with directions.
Prineipal Office, No. 98, Wood Street, Piltsbur
.‘ilegheny, Mr. JOBS Gi.Ass.
McKeesport, IL ROWLAND.
Noblestown, ions Jona - sox.
Elizabet blown, c r.DiEnc.
East Liberty, DANIEL NEGLET.
PRESSLEY IRWIN, Pleasant Hill.
DAvin - R. Coos—Plumb Township.
Witt. 0. FIDIs - rEa— Allen's Hill. [sep.lo
PILES cured by the t se of Dr. Harlich's Compound
Strengthening and-German Aperient Pips
Dr. Harlich—Dear Sir—Shortly after 1 received the
Agency from you for the sale of your medicine, I
formed an acqnainianee wi h a lady of this place, who
was severely afflicted with the Piles. For eight or ten
years this lady- was subject to freqnent painful attacks,
and her physician considered her ease so complicated,
that he very seldom prescribed medicine for her. Through
my persuasion, she commenced using Volt! Pills, and was
perfectly cured. Yours, d-c. JAMES R. KIRBY
October 8, 1840. Chambersbng, Pa.
Ire Office and General Depot, No. 19. North Eighth
Street, Philadelphia. And by Samuel Frew, Corner of
Liberty and Wood streets, Pittsburgh. sap 10
INTERESTING CURE performed 1, yDr.Swayn e's
Compound Syrup of Prunus Virginians, or Wild Cher
ry. Having made use of this invaluable Syrupin my family,
which entirely cared my child. The symptoms were
wheezing and choking of phlegm, difficulty of breathing,
attended with constant cough, spasms, convulsions, ttc.
of which I had given up all hopes of its recovery until I
was advised to nuke trial of this invaluable medicine.
After seeing the effects It had upon my child, and con•
chiding to make the same trial upon myself, which en
tirely relieved me ofa cough that I was afflicted with for
many years Any person wishing to see me can ea at
my house in Beach Street, above the Market, Kensington.
We call the attention of the public to the numerous
certificates which have been in circulation In our paper
and some others of this city, highly recommending Dr.
Swevrtz's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry.—We have
seen the original certificates, and have no doubt but they
come from truly grateful hearts, expressive of the benefits
which they have received from tl.at valuable compound.
We have acquaintances who have frequently used the
above medicine. who can speak with confidence of its
virtues. —Saturday Ckronicla.
Vict.tow CrrtzEsts:—With sincerity I would advise
you, one and all, both sick and well, always to have a
bottle of Dr SWAYNieII Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry
in your house—lt is invaluable in cases of emergency,,
such as Spitting of Blood. Astlfma, attacks of violent
couviting, which is often the cauise of spitting of blooa,
Violent Nervous Affections, which occasionally come
from fright. and various other causes, producing-great
alarm, sudden colds from improper exposure. ,which
are often let run to-an alarming extent, for want of
meals being ready at hanit;—and as have used Dr.
Swaysz's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry , repeatedly
in my family, and always with marked saccese--I can
recommend it with confidence, as being' one of the best
- family medicines which has ever been 'offered to the
pubtk.—Satariay Care .
Sctld.by,Wat: Thorn. Wholesaleir Betallomly, ageni
for rittsbargh. N 0.53 ,Marker Street. sea 10
.• V ti • " 1 .. •
,•• informs 5 . ids fri ends..indl4:l3ti:blle' En #entilit'
that helintatbitimettecit bosipett tjetlo - ;', l4,letniket 4friet,
,Atiiiinft -door 044-itt,***ol-4to:li.
0:41t444:03* -1-4-401::- . grV
;Infords the 'La
of qifitlfaltt d its vtQwit hasarritetto
- dia:ol.lo6;4l,llthlkiiGi:9llul assortment Of
;Turtle newest'style. :lier connexion there-wilt:stall
timed Instil. her to introthiee the latest relit° ti end should
the Ladies honor her with - a share oftilcir patronage , the
pledges heigelf to keep every thing of the most stylish
description, and pay st Oct attention to economy.
It is with confidence M rs. recommends .her French
and London made Corsets; atwitter splendid assortms
ofEmbroidery, which is superior to anything yet intro•
diteedin this country: It includes Baby Linen Connol
sears; Orientals, Capes a ta Cardinal. Demi, ditto.iter
thas for Evening Costume, Collars Cuffs, Pocket Eland
kerchiefs, Morntng and Night Cape, te., wlitch will be
reddy for their approbation on the 9th of October next.
Mrs. T.-18 wahine the arrival of her Bonnets from
Europe, at No. 2 Ferry street, between Liberty and
se 1. 29—di f.
MAGRAw 4. DA SI I LTON, -attorneys at Lam. 'have
removed their Of f ice to the 'resicknec of II .S. Ma.
glaw,on Fourth el, I wo doors above Sulitlificht. sep 10
COF s F ir i e N et.
W Be A tro ll c E sn HO W I ZE . No ,
4adSri 7 i1 9 2: ou fie F fds r t i a l
- TWO doors from the corner of Woud street. Con.
stonily on hand au assortment of 100 ready made
COFFINS, of every slat . and description; covered
ones, with Cloth: Mahogany, Cherry, Black
• Walnut, Poplar, and Pineeritfins.
ALSO, Plates neatly engraved; . Hearses and Carriages
furnished; Graves procured; and all services rendered
that friends may requite. - .
A credit given in all CaPPP, either of eollinsor carriages,
requested. HENRY BEA II ES; Undertaker.
sep 10
175 B!I a L l :5
b .
y vl 'Jr P. LIME
j . G a
gr surto4 R a p r o ti N rie ,
sPry 13 . No. 12 Water:4mo.
VA .tIE Y.— Just received from New York, 3000
Temperance Alnianacs fur 3843;5000 copiesof the
Journal of the American Temporanre Union and Youth's
Temperance Advocate for September: Attie, 2000'hris•
tian Almanacs, and a goodassortment of Loomis's Itaga
eine and Pittsbuigh, and the Franklin Magazine and Com.
mon Almanacs fur H 43; by the gross, dozen or sTitgle;
:250 copies of Grant's New Pittsburgh and Allegheny Bu
siness Dirclory and Strangers Guide, for 61-iceitts. Also,
Cottage, Family, Sdinol and Pocket Bibles anti Testa.
meats, David's Psalms; Methodist and Temperance Hyttn
Books; the beauties of Harmony, Introduction to Sacred
Music: Mason's Harp with round and patent notes; Chr
flarp,and almost all kinds of School Books; Gan v's Do
mestic Medicine; Day Books and Ledgers; Writ Let
ter, and Wrapping Paper; blue black, and red ink, bythe
gross, dozen, or hot Iv; steel pens, quills, lales,penrileand
wafers; Cyclopedia of Ibstory, Wesieru Pilot, nod a con.
siderable variety of Books and Statiolt 0-y, for sale on ac
commodative, terms for cash or country produce,
IS It AC 11 Aft 111 S, Agent and Commission Merchant,
sip '2 Nu. 9, Fill II street.
J K. MoonnEAD. G. E. W..atiKe. J: i'F.ft.
UNION COTTON FACTORY. Aileghe y City, at the
end of the upper bridge. The subscribers haying
commenced the manufacture of Cotton Yarns, Stocking
Yara,Co la, Twine, Candlewick. Carpet Chain, Batt in.!,
and are prepared IC fill order.; at the shortest notice.
Having selected the latest and most improved
nery,and employed the manager who has attended to 'he
HOPE FACTORY fur the Cast five years, they arc n anufactit
ring a superior article.
Cotton Warps made to order,
Orders through the Pittsburgh Post ()dive, or kit at the
store of J C. Painter Co., Lil,erly street; or Logrio
Kennedy, t Vood street; will meet w;th pr o mpt, alien
Lion. Address—J. K. MOW: 11)4 - CO.
sep 12—ly
Vilu FEN! LE;.—'Thew is a target ciuss it Females in
this City who from their contlnuedsiti ing, to which
their occuphi ions oblige I Item,are affected with costiveness
which-gives rise to palpitation at the heart on the lead, ex•
ettion, sense of heaviness extending overt he whole tread,
intolerance of tight and sound .an inability of fixing the
attention to any mental operations; rumbling in the bow
els, sometimes a sense of suffocat ion, especially after
meals when any exertion is used, as going quickly up
stairs; lemptefickb•; the:, are symptoms which yield at
once to a few du,es One Prtndrerh fill= 'rim, °cc:,
sionat u-e or this med. yte would save. deal of imuhle
and years of SUrreflrp:., (loe, or Iwo, Or r, three• or
the Br:luau-tit t'tlsjust I,,fort• dinner, ~re ur ell found
Irentf!.ial; I. any are them t-ery atlyantagermsly iu
his um they aid and asskt digestion, restore tio bowels
to a prnrer condition, entiyen the spirit., impart dear
nes, ui lh o eo m plcxlOn,lTtlrfty I lie blood, and promote a
general freiin:2 of health 1111,111:1Opille5,,.
Paid at Dr. It :001,1 h's Office. No 90 Wood sin et,
l'iltshttr2li—.Prire 25 cent; per box, with 101 l directions
ro .1 Rl< —The only place in I'hoz:bur2h, where the
G EN UI N E Pills can be obtained, is i I, Doctor's own Of
Ike, No 98 Wood street. scp 10
s ra F,NTS!— I'. Alc Cart h th Cutler and .';rirgival
nsr rainevt .71aker, Third street, nearly opposite the
Post Office, PitOlittrgh
Physicians, Dentists and Druggists can have !heir in.
strnmaulsmadehvthe subscriber of a superior quality
and at Eastern prices.
Tailors' Patent Shears and Scissors always on band
also Hatters Shears, a superior article. Orders respect
fully solicited.
N. B. Allarticles warranted of lie beA quality. and
1 010411 E done tt usual Cep 10
LIVER COMP LA INT.—This disease often term!.
nalesin another of a more serious nature, if pro.
per remedies are not restorted to in time. In all form. ,
of this diseaie, Pr. Harlich's Compound Strengthening
and German Aperient Pills, will perform a perfect cure
—first by cleansing the stomaeh and bowels, thus retno.
clog all diseases from the Liver, hy the use of the Get.
man Aperient P;11s, after whieh the Compound Strength
ening Pills are taken to give strength and tone to those
tender organs which require such treatment ' , tit) , to effect
a permanent cure. Three Pills are neatly put up In
small packages, with full directions. Por sale at No. 19
North Eight Street, Philadelphia. Also, for sate by Sam
uel Frew corter of Wood and Liberty eta.. Pittsburgh Pa.
sep 10
A LLEN KRANI ER, Exchange Broker, No. 46, Cor
-1-1 ner of Wood and Third Streets, Pittsburgh Pa.—
Gold, Silver, and Solvent Rank notes, bought and sold.
Sight cheeks on the Eastern citie for sale. Drafts,
notes and bills, collected. .
Pittsburg/I,Pa, Wm. Bell Sr Co., John D. Davis, F
Loren 7., J. Painter q- Co., „Impph Woodweli, James May
Philadelphia, Alexander Bronson Co., John D. Brown
Co. Cincinnati, 0., James Nl'Candle?s. St. Louis,
.100., J. It. iki'Donald. Louisville, W. H. Pope, Egg.
Tresl Bank Ky. sep 10
REMOVAL.—The undersigned begs leave to isliorni
the public, t hat he has removed from his old stand,
to the corner of Penn and St. Clair sts., opposite the Ex
change Hotel, iv here lie has fitted up a large Plasm FortTE
WARE Roost, and now offers for sale the most splendid
assail . ; meat of PIANOS ever offered in this market.
His pianos consist of different patterns, of superior
Rose Wood and Mahogany, beautifully finished and mo
deled, and eons!' ueted throughout of the very best ma
terials,which,for durability,and quality of tone, as well
as touch, he warrants to be superior to any ever seen
As he has enlarged his manufactory, and made arrange.
meuts to supply the incretising demand for this Instnr
meet, he respectfully „requesis those intending to par.
chase to call and t-Vre His assortment iieforepurcha.
sing, elsewhere. as determined to sell LOWER, for
cash, than any other . ''establlshment east. or west of the
mountains. P. BLUME,
Corner of Penn anti St. Clair streets.
sep 10 Opposite the Exchange Hotel, Pittsburgh, Pa
Evans's Camomile Pills.
CenimeLTen.—Leiterirotn the Hon. Ab'h'or 61'Clel
lan,Sullivan County, Ens! TCli nesne,Memberof Congress
W►sulAdToN, July 3d, 1838.
Sir--Since I have been in this city I have usetisome of
your Dyspeptic medicine with infinite benefit and salts
faction, and believe it to be a most valuable remedy. (Pie
of my constituents, Dr. A. Carden, of Campbell county,
Tenneesee. wrote to me to send him some, which I did,
and he has mployed it very tuccessfulty, in hie practice,
and says it Is invaluable. Mr. Johnson, your agent at
this place, thinks you Would probably' like an agent in
T-ennessem If 03,1 would reconithend Dr. A Carden, as
a proper person t 3 Min:4loe far the sale of your celebrated
medicine. Should you commission him he is willing to
act for yon. You can tend the medicine by water to the
care of Robert King 4- Sons, Knoxville county, Tenons.
see, or by land to Graham 4- Houston, Tazewell, East
Tenn&.see. I knee no doubt but If you had 'agents in
!leveret counties In East Tennemee,kareat deal of toed
eine would' be sold. lam going io take sonie of It home
for My own lase, and that of my friends,. and should
tfire - tehearlrom you whether you would like an agent
at Blitniviiie. - Eutlivart County: Eata.Tennextiee; I can get
Monte-of the, mpri....lmtbis to set for }nit as' livsmeAr
''Youra'res*.ctfafiy. :
'Cat 7 4r 4 3-Altt* - K" 2lll,l ;MCCti'rEdi
'~ s':_'
, 7r•
IFMIIIOO# 4 *,449 I4, •:• ,C AAA TI A -4,
SiaVitriet, !Oita
ifrOtkifitA#oq-,4 •
PlUSburgh, June 13,1839.
Mr. tons DENNINO.Dear Sir—flairibg been present,
yesterday, at the experiment which you Were - pteased to
make, - in the presence of W number of our business men,
of the safety of lour IRON CHESTS, lit caSeof 'fire, •
gives me pleasure to say, that so far as I was capable of
judging, the lest was fair, and the result exceeded. my
expectations. - -
- •
- Tile Chest was a small one, about 30 inches high, by
about 18 or 20 incites in breadth - and depth, and was pla
ced on a block of waottabout r a foot' In thickness, so as
to,elevate it about tl4,fieight from the .round; several
books and netvipapeissvdre deposited in side of it, in the
manner in which Metchants and others would usually
pince them—a large quantity of light pine wood Islet*
from an adjoiaing Saw was then placed around
and bliove it, and the fire kindled on the windward side,
ions to drive the flame against the hack part of the chest. 1
The lire was kept imp about three quarters of an hour,
until you had gone among the spectators and received
from thew their universal answer that tile test was
sufficient 'The client wastlien drawn out of the fire,
and conlo , , and opened, and exaniiited. The contemn
were till eate.-apd the only injury thine was tonic hack
of ottejaaaCitrikich appeared to be a little charred. Pruitt
what:A.3ol nielied, I think that these chests are ilesery
tug of eobridence, as affording, perhaps, the best security
to Merchants fur their Intuits suit flatten , . which they can
have without httilding large, thick, and expensive vaults.
I would consider them a better see.irit y t man litany vaults
which-[ have seen built. Your friend.
We concur in the ahoy.. statement, having been prrs
sent when t lie client wits ,
Cooper, J. if. Shoenber, ger, Robe
J. Laughlin, J. Painter, 4. Cordell,
R. Miller, Jr • CL. Arnistrong, 4. H. Hoge,
Thomas Craig, S. G. D. Howard, .1. IV. Hoyt.
Extract of a Lett cr from Pugh 4• Slf,ord. datcd Ci”
einnatt,29tit Mar. h,1842.
J. Denning, Pittsburgh, Pa. Re.peete.l lrr,endt We
have the sat Islam ion in nl a! the I M.,1 recomis , etida! ion
we mail ^_ive of the utility of your Iron Safes, t hat We
°ilea Ihenm which was in an osppsed situation in
our cOnnl inpjormi, at I lie time of ibefire,an the inor”-
ing attic 101 Il ins+ , which consumed nor Fmk Doti c
;;ether with a lar , le portion of he meat, lard, kr, which
it contained; a ttil that our huel;:zand papers which werr
in the Sale, were entirely uniejuted, and were !liken
I . rom it after the fire; without ever being discolored.
You r, I'UGI! 4. A LVORD
Earact of a Later rrort Slater 4 - liolbrook, dated St.
Louis,-Fcb. 21th, 1041.
M R. DONNING, Dear 011 e of your :=l' coed size chests
was burned a few days a,,), ill a lea; Iter More--it pre
,wrved its contents. Respect fully yours,
11 4 1 V ER fi;O:l1P LA INT cured by the use ef Dr.
compound Strengthenitiu and Aperient Pitts.
r. Wm. Itteliard, of PittAu r 1 ;11, Pa., entirely cured of
the attoveditres,..ittA gli , ea. , e Ms symptoms were pain
and wci2lit in the telt sidr, los+ of nepetite, vomiting, arid
eructations. a distension of the sloolasli. sick Ilead•aclie,
furred ton4uc, cod idenapee claw:zed to a citron colnr,didi
cdlly breal !Ow/. [lid arld,l ill, coll2ll,
coral debility, with other sy mptnnis indicating cravat
railemeni f functions i.f the liver. Mr. Richard ,
had for 1 several :11:vslcians, I.at rvvrivi
relief. until a:sip: Dr. Aledicine, which let - noun.
led in eirectipl pe rep!
Prioripal (Wire. 19 Nor I 1 PlWrltlolloo.l
For srilo in v Sanmt: rorttrr I• 1
I y and Wood sl rcr,:. Fri, :0
Cinci , nu!i, Fcbraary 13,13.40
Dr. i-'t,vAN . Nl. De, r re , mit we to take the tit, riy
of writim :11 ;Lis I ini to expri . - , my al pri.liat
:ma to fecolontyhd in Ihe ettion tti; heads t , l fantlite ,
and others your invitataltht meihrroe Compound
7 , yrtip or ['Mous Vtruhtiaha, or Wild Chet ry Ica - k. it
my travel, t.i . h,:e I have 7. , 1 . 1,11 in a g eat many instances
the wonderful client of your medicine in relieving chil
dren or very ot.sit.tate complaints, such as Congliiir4,
WileeZinii,l7lloaltitet of satin:o4 attacks, 4 - c.
„Vr. I should not have written this letter. howevei ,at
resent, all homit I have fc't it my duly to add my testi
mono to it for some time, had it not been for a tale in.
to use where the medicine above ailtidett to tons into ru
mental iu restoring, to perfect health all -only child,"
whose rase wa , almost hopeless. in a fatuity of my ac.
quaimance. i.l thank tlenven," said the doating min It
my child is saved front the jaws of death! 0 how I
feared the relentless ravager But my child is safe! is
Beyond all donitt Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup of
lid Cherry is the most valuable medicine in this or any
oilier country. 1 ant certain I ':a ve witnessed more
one hundred cases where it lint hefol attended with cont.
plete success. I ant 115i112 41 myself in an obstinate at.
tack of BrencAitis, in which it moved of el nal in a en
ceedingly short time, considering the severity of the rase.
I ran reromertil it in the fullest confidence rails superior
virtues; I would advise that no family should he without
it; it is very pleasant rind always beneficial—worth
double and often ten times its price. The ruldie are as
sured there is no quackery about it. R. JAcKson, 0: D.
Formerly Pastor of the First Presbyterian Church.
Sold by WM. THORN. wholesale 4. relail, only ;teens
for Pittsburgh. No. 53, Market street. sep lU
L what will destroy Life. and you are a great man.
"Discover what will prolong Life, and the world will
call you Impostor."
"There are faculties, bodily and intellectual, within us,
with which certain herbs have affinity, and over whioh
they have power."
Dr. B. Brantireth's External Remedy, or Liniment,
which, by its extraordinary power-t, abstraela Pain or
Soreness; thus Sprains, Stiff Sinews, White Swellings,
Rheumatic Pains, or Stif f ness, Stillness of the Joints,
Tumors, Unnatural Hardness, still Neck Sore Throat,
Croup, Contractions of the muscles, Scrofulous en
largements, Tender Feel, and every description of in
jury affecting the Exterior of the Human Frame, are
cured cm-greatly relieved by his nener•to be sv„ffteiently
extolled remedy.
CY.RTIFIrATE.—The following letter front Major Gen
era , Fandtbrd, as to the qualities of the. External Rewe
dy, speaks volumes:
New Tons, Feb. 9,1842.
Dear Sir—Wi'l you oldige me with another bottle of
your excellent Liniment? It is certainly the best of the
kind I have ever seen. It has cured entirely my son's
knee, about which I was so uneally,rand I have found it
productive of immediate relief in several cases of eater
nal injury in my family. A few evenings since, my
youngest child wasseized with a violent attack of Croup,
which was entirely removed in twenig nannies, by tub
bins her chest and throat freely with the External Rem.
edy. I think you ought to manufaCture this Liniment
for general use, instead of confining the use of it, as you
have heretofore done, to your particular acquaintances.
Yours truly, C. W. SANDFORD.
DR. 8., BRANDRETn.24I Brqadway, N. Y
Er For sale at 241 Broadway, New' York, and at his
office,No. 93 Wood street,Pittshitrr,h. PRICE.-50 cents
per bottle with directions. • sap 10
. .
- Earrlsburgh, August 24th,1842.1
LO:sIGT NG TO THE STATE.--Notice is hereby
ven that is pursuance of the scyentientb, eighteenth,
nineteenth and twentieth Seeitons of the Act of Assembly
passed the 27th day of• July, 1842. proposals will he weer
ved at the' State Department untilthe restday of Novem
ber next, for the sale of all and each of the canals and
Rail Roads beßtitging to the Commomstealth,,for which
State.Stock.at Tun will bs receliedln:payment.
Each individual or Companp-itt required.- sPecifkally, to
stato, the particular line or Cane.; or Rail Road which
they, desire to purchase, the amount of their respective
bids therefor, the given and surnatnesorali concerned In
the offer, together with their place or phttes of residence.
In order thitt the same may be 108 bereft 'the - nest I,egb3-
attire, • • •
; 1 . 11 ,- kimpopals uttml.
Sr Y~IY"3 aiito tivie 4 iik
• 1.
AIS Y VE4 A 4rI44,I4y ---- C "s p,
711 R AV ELERS TAKE Natit . „„:
1. provided with the tqifelygv 4 Zr
billY printed with a figure of ihvaNZlitlf.
fur you are nqt deceived by ei "life
geoterdating their boats to hr plutay4o,
Gunrd, when they are rot r)scrorritro.
The following lea list of lows sa
ty . Guard at the Por. of Pitisbnigh—ir,..,
first on the list have the improved z,,,
apporaras it is impossibie for an exptarret'%,k,
, ,
PANAMA, 10%; nik
ADELAIDE, J H Was , .11
The Itavelinv, criti,rirontiy n , e
before t bey make a choir, or a k;,110 4 , -
and see %%bolter 11 would not 1.1
and security to choose a Sart ty five *LA
passage am: freight, in prererenre intasinf
acs n-t expicsiou —and that they wlll kaki
that this invention has thel qtl;lllfiq Ml*
fifty steam engine, ltuilders—ltcrinmen
it is to understand the stt; jert, and wtmatutti
interested—besides a number of I ertifira.erNlO
in eni 1011 en and of hers—all of which MO
my (lice, No 10. Water roe who re ii
pleasure ut all times to Ix my 'until
who will lake the trouli:e in natl.
The sultsc rile r olfers 1r ,a :d the •
red rate., !lie venter port I f Lis teal
the cit le: of Pil Ishii h ;11,d A ;IrOker oe
Brick %A' rt reboil n 1 n
VOr.E.l st rod :441-.000
bra , i te! 0 Iront 01 011001 CH dor. Fa
I he, or Fe .aNllcly lurch r...;adulOr.
AI-n, n "Wert lutildife• lid 61 A e,...,1ent
!quad] I') upward ur 350 fr. ..Wb. 1 . 4 6
r.0n1 , , e Ole lie, Peunsy Iva u 1.. (.4,1;11111h
Vl'oshinglols Cl rcel
i Ito 10l nd]ninio I Lo al vt.VQpteetb
byt la its 350 fret in Aril I. Inv
gni)! 11101,sion house which I now ocrull.•
Abtn, a Int With tren I Wo glary brirk o
;Ile CM I Le core er and rni..t,D ,
Waller:II , ground frill, Afle 10 , W nr , 11,
;,E. a 2rnerry. A L.E.X.
LI ILA X S I, I* }.D —N' d
crisl o. elladS, a (111:11,1il y Or Flax a, dT
;ill of Coittilr v Proglher la4 0 :0
Cur ca 4t or eoods ul II A II IS'S 111 1 , 11:00 1
I—'fCOMM VD', li.u,l.Y•r•
JiliN A RT. Connni,,no ..lierrhaw.Pgr
a duce and .8-ntericat, .1:01 ',fact
VALU RLE FARM Fr , f SALE—I milled
Farm on which I live, \NO , " I ' 4 'o °
Braddocksfipld, hetitdoi
acres; about 70 acres of w hick is cframa.' oo4
well timbered. There arc neon it arretke
and a barn 63 fret by 34; an :were orrldni
Also, about seventy acres of coal. The wilt, •
be equal I u ol any upland bra a rile
Terms made known On a pillicnrimirnp.rnem !,
in the premises, WILLIAM WALLAcr,
WILLI A 51 C. \\'A LT.. Plain and
and Picture Frame NasufitimeT,
Fourth Street Pittsburgh. —Canvass Brast6
4- c , for Artists, always on hand. loalin:
promptly framed to order. Repairing tiollO
eat notice.
Particular nit VIII iv paid to reednipod .
ery tieseriv
Persons fitting up Pirate Boats or tiweeilt
I heiradvantage to coll.
anted WillTE LEP. ii.—Tl•e solcrilerst,teol6 •
to furni,h pahliets. and oiller,'eho ,;.-
chase pare While Lead made of the lop - • ~'
Dunlap r i a ;
H ri Y u
gh lr es4: 36' d i: 46: :
4- co , No.llo Second streel,rni,hurtoo,
DUNLir k ".' - 5
attended to. 41'
tor l
Fifa St., one door from Old Swa g '
The Subscriber respeciluny Wood de
Pillshurgh and vicinily that he Ilii ,
tailing Shoes of his own manufatiorOldeilf
where lie will keep ConSl/11111° On h' '4 ,0,01
ment of all kinds of ladies, ini, ,,, s. od,,, t 'Ll
and shoes, oftlie I--el toothy, %%hick iroli •
ces to suit the LIMPF, lie will nl4 o° oo
kinds of fancy work —snub rt , 9 ,0 , 1 Oil
slippers, colo-redAohrrs. and buzidr,•l7.l.:
children's elkleis t•illi caLleri, 6 - r.• 1 ,1 •
will be made at llie shoriest nenir.*st ,
ner. Ladies will please call and esairlf,olll
as the subscriber feels contideni trallt-
any article in his line they way 10 4 ,10 , 1
"P 10 v 1 0
P. S. Don't forget the phlee-- ,. ' 70
door from Harris's Intelligence al t. " lir
from Market Street
VV ------- ILLIA 51 DIGBY havins I-atestae
61 '1"
business of Moat k F10P 6 .. " a
Lii•erry street and 4'2 Market Ftreet, tn.
thanks to the numerous friends and Mat e
firm. for the veryliberal support 166 ., 1111
tended to Itim,in connection n ll6 Pc. oil
wishes to assuie them that every esertialwo
merit the continuation of the same. Pe
Pectfu t iy invite their attention in his 1 0 0 0.1
Clothing.which he intends Felling ol 061 0 6
than has been ever offered, being 6. 64611 00
the whole of theslock of the integrit:6lfloee
°W i 4
el ar Os he intends to Collfifle tlilrllofe.
cash, business, he feels eoflfillellt OSW
ImiGlass his stock, either in cheapnem,6oll674
nen of workmansh article.
ip. ,011,0
' Please to take notice t bat every
toyed in Pittsburgh.
st ol,;
tawet fres ,Weirr.s:ni writotory,...
`Wood aid Afitrkfit SZ:_ ez ipot n otice. C ol 04
in Ithr }}tie M the ,_ l7 3n d eVa
le 0+
41111“." a , "e. soT a to ha
• - `Ol . warel, biGb: r• •
^ ••4 n ddrap
- terels.,„ ockit#2lo
VIS 4 direttimi to tbe
AP- w- 1 4 41 . on -, O
- Z." - F ist
J no. Crier. E,41., Poi sim,2ll.
Aaron Dart,
JaIIIR , C 'ducal of
Jno. D. Davis,
M'Vay k Hanna,
Avery. 02tlen 4- Co.
Woodi.onrne, Esq
...`,.';;',:i.-1 - ,7;7 - i.. 7 ',' , 7
a-- ~.,~ ~.:,.
'S X:. ..: ._ _.._
rtill!..111114D BY
104 1 . A Rff a •
stogie capita TWO CENT ,
Atas AIM bY News Bo
ad Mall
lON GY, at the same
tat - vivo 110L - 1. 4 k Rs
tco9ies. CENTS
_ _ _
0 r
'l,OO Illi 5 ree mod
LSO PiMi monil
3,09 Six mouths
4,00 9ite year,
sßylfcre* • 1 - - 7'see
*19,00. Six month
25.00 Oae year,
r . .
fier Werilsemente in pr . ororLto
of (Our Hap Six Vottarte a
• ore Offica.,Third between, Ma
M Itiddre;Fciiimaater.
RONAN. Witer.4th door from .
Inge—Major John Winton*, Col
asasottir, Wood between fir
ames A . Bertram, Treasurer.
Tackeohit, Third street, Ile
abyterian Chureli—S. It. intim
'gOrriCE, FOllllll, between Ma
letander Hay, Mayor.
rrea Faczta.ao
BANKS.x, Fourth, near
on, betvreen Market and W
Fourth streets.
, (formerly gdYin; Fund,)
- Market suede.
Filth strew ll o . near , Wcrod. '
rr.i. , l.
- net..llouac, W tar street, n
Horst., corner Of rein and
3' Hopei., corner of Third at
Ilortt,corttor td Third and
'VV. corner of roil .I,p ,
e, Liberty ntresit. near Se
idol( 110(7516, Utterly St ,
ax:stos Iforsit. Peatt St.
offices on prent
rt House, nest rooms to J
lair street, betureagi Penn - a
'C:MS.—Preston •4- Macke_
tienlerA In Fretirl
tlnrket at Pit tabn rel
taseitora at Law: ()frie.e. in the
hart ilouse, Pittsiairgit.
V AL.- ft. Morrovi,
of Fifth at., betratOen NVootl
IV DEVIL' ,;,. ,
Asi.l 1)2.11er isv
Arilele, No. 22-1 Libc,ll
' 1,-,,
AILS &. _l/1.1,11 7 0Wr
,erg Prnd cwt . . 11 , 111
Pittsburgh urea
fuiVitA nbiti,ssos,
re an tile nOrtli.iitle
Union st reels. tip Stairs .
URBOII.I.IV, kviqriley •
woree.ional oere mei, to Its& I.‘
and Market Streets., above
F & KBAN,lM:itttit'ari
nil Sheet troll Was., No 80.
se Spouting and Steamboat
siorner of hand to. 4.
• • g to putelome Poulkitur .
to gum tug toll, twirl ft
N Alkto,—JuSt received
well cared Ifor sate
- 144.
'Nu ether d ~• Ut vat
ivisdand - for sale f i at nuring
*ore ot F. L.
No. 184 Libirty street
No.-8$ Fourth 8t„; nest door
OrtineibijAld atidleraiin
inter,attaliftbe newest . •
81081.18 MULTTGA ULU.
pOrchasers; to he dispose,
' P. L.
No. 184 Llbei p oy streci. I
ROOTS, Flowers. and Flow
'can always be ha
'lot F. L.
18 Liberty street.
1111nois .A uncial Rini moth 0
tithe Drurand deed afore o
F. L• =
184 LtherlY 4ireef, h
seed; just received hY
F. L. S
No. 184. Liberq bp,
enn sheigig of Hoes.
Trowels., Didine T
ates, Pruning Shear:,
Mae by F. L.
la4tibertyl • street, hes
Mbon Haais.--lost receive
erY choke cured Venison
' entreat money.
_ . . and
Mover 134411. Oreh3
lily Mite Graaf, livays 01
NO. Is 4 LEl*el eI reet,
t'atkliANAN. Ifittorxels
►tito twootood, to •'At
Pattitu Urea, be!weea Star
' TE.S t er.ANIES for proci
alder the late . law. for sale
..." -- 4,..fititeStirtit East t
nigh itreet. Apply to
,•:' - f4MLINGI'ON, Mark
:::Akervidif 'at the
,! IP. 1...• -
4 401 1 kLitritsy street.