kVA' ' l l ll - 0 0 5 e _ Avik iroon (bat h has removed his ready, iodide coliht warehouse to the funding recently deenpled by Mr. a. G. Berford,directly OPPOlsite his old suind;where be is always prepared twat- Orrottptly to any-coders in his line, and by strict at '!l . ..tontion to all the detilliof the business clan Undertaker Jlopestomeritpablhi.cbpeldeaco. He will be prepared 4--it.:4lllrirthytnetur to prorltTs - Hearses, Biers, Carrie:es and HWY reqetsite on the Most liberal taints. Calla from the Wintry will be promptly al tended to. this ratidence is In the same building with his ware r';'"liallillIllere those who need Ins services msy find hi.n a tik lir 01". SEAraiNCEr: WAV:III.Witt, RSV. JOHN BLACJI.D• D. 411601tIttDDLIt. Rev. 1.091.6 T DII.OOY.D• V• SOMA IPATTon. ACV. 111.111CILL WILLIAXVI D. W. a. Weimar, REV. JOSILPH :` UAL° ILERta, RCP. JANIES M. DAVIS, 'IMP 10 RCP. e. P. SWIFT. - - diOda . ~ BOOKS. . STE 111 BOAT BILLS, rASPEIGETIB, HORSE RILLS, BLANKS. VISITING CARDS, 'LABELS, ADDRESS DO., olDif BCKS. BUSINESS DO., SOTS% HAND BILLS, IBILLS OF L.I4DING, CIRCULARS, kr, 4.c. -TOether with every description of Letter Press Pi in' 4111,.farnished with neatnew and despatch, and on mode Sett:derma, at the office of the Dilly Morning Post. 1 0 1 1 1 0 • - - • • 'T9 THOSE WHOSE OCCUPATIONS TEND TO PRODUCE OR AGGRAVATE DISEASE.—This . ChM individualsis very numerous. They are those 'who work in an unhealthy atmosphere. Printers, work• • mast la feather stores, stone cutters, bakers, white lead •Waloaraciturers, are all mom or lbs subject to disease ac. eerding to the strength of their constitution. The only itiethod to prevent disease, is the occasional use of a _lttedleine which abstracts front the circulation all delete rious Willows, and expels them by the bowels. Tonics . fit ally forte are injurious, as they only off the evil` 'day-to Make It more fatal. The lite of Brandreth's Pills insure hesith, -because they take alt impure matter l'ppt of the blood; and the body Is not weakened but g the nett by their operation, f,r these valuable Pills .dO4O l . force, hut they asst-t nature, and are not opposed, bUttantionize with her. ' 'Sold at Dr. Brandreth l / 4 . Office, No. 93 Wood street, eitlihoran. Price 25 cents per box, with full dirt-rib)°, 113ARIC--The only place In Pittsburgh wit, re the ENUI N 6 Pills can be obtained, is the Ductorit own •I , flee, N 0.98 Wood street. sep 10 NEW HOTEL.—The subscriber respectlutly in for:La his old friends and the public that Ito has openena Temperance Hotel,in fifth Street, near the Ex change Rank, and in the house Intely occupied by Mat thew Patrick, and has hoisted ant on ii gn,..The Iron City Hotel," where he will be very liac7y to accommo• dale nil who may please to rail or, him. Ills table -shall be provided with the best fare, and every possible accommodation to town and country customers and ravelem. A few hoarders who wish to lode in t heir stores or of ices. can he taken, and unnilemen who live out of town can have their dibners daily. H e h as l arge an d z or,d stables, and the best flay and Oats, and a nood Hostler, and will accommodate travel. ere and uentlemen who have horses. Boarders taken by the day, week nr year. Charles more moderate than at any respectable (Intel in the eh y. SeP 10 JOHN IRONS. WASHIN(:TON HA LL.—T , io snhseriher has opened the late residence of Jane; Adatos, F.sq., deceased. for the reception of visitors and boarders; the house is very pleaqatt'ly situated (111 the bank of the '4)ltio, 2 mites front the car , — pos.essirt2 at I the deli;:lit ful accompaniments of a country re,i,lence, without being too far distort for per