Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, November 05, 1842, Image 1

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    • „'t;',`.;•l'
!"'"'4F -11-1t
\ ,~, - _~:
_. F ~;T
- -----=- -.2 ---i- : ' '' .i.-;tISHEIVITY
T,'' Lips & W. H. SMITH,
Ro f 1100 D 4- FIFTH STS.
I r „ ....
"i k ''''4', E DOLLARS a -year. "payt!de in
0 yi4o eF.NTS--for rile at the
fe j by Mews Boys.
and Manufacturer
LS. at the same office, MI a dJl2hie
TWO DOLLARS a year, in ad-
provided With the Eti%,
bins prism:iris - Ith a Spiro of tint
fiti you urt2ltOt,
gentestatiwg their *400616,1111i Tp rei,
Guard, when, 'bruise rot si,a
The forktivlogitriiki4l , llyai' , ---` ,
ly Guard at the rcittr4r. Pittibers,,
first on the list have ihe lioyvya ndia
apperat.witisiespiparke feratitspii
SAVANNA, " Foil*
CANTON, • • • -loi n@
"LADY OF LYONS, •. ,cAnig
ALPS,. r •
W EST WIND.. - Alf"
NI A UQUETTE;' --% '
h The i•aveling community ire wry
VI before they make a chihea Of a hatifia
and see whet her it would not ttetr
and security to choose a . Safety airig
pa +e are. freighti In lis[fitartteilnli
a t ainst picsion —and thai they e
that this invention has the anipaidd
fifty steam endine buildens—geolleaa
it in to nndersiandlite anljeet, sal
Ito e rested bestdes' a InintiberOf fertile
!tc genllett en and oliteets--0111t 1101i0
my office, No 10. Water virediabite
pleasure at all times to cililkit ay .
who will lake the trouble to esti
i rep 10
AG •
The subscriber offers fur taleor'
rrd rale*, Hie tzttater part of Lis rta -
the cities of Pittsburgh and Atlesteol t v
Brick Warehouse!, nearly new. a 7
situate on Mart - et at reel:
brach!: a front of about 54 feet be
ilri,or separately to suit Put eltirer,
Alan, a react hnildina lot in , Allethe
breadit*,4 upward or ISO' feet in •
ofii.,„ oloc.. lips Pennsylvania oats
achiniltos tareet. •
Atari, the led taidoisin ibe aMre. lilt .
t, ”Fartt 350 feet in depth, hreudhatbsj
:ant tnaro , ion house which l oow sotatti
A Igo. n lot with SIVA SIVOSSRAy %Vitt Al
ate on I he corner or Staiket lislarnots4
a moderate "round real, and now sits*
ALEX. imam
e a :rover y
cf.,' 111
x et. k. set
1: rag , nr sroodF, a quantii:e of Plus
Almos , ali lundF of Coo !qty . IF MAW.
for ca -1, or L•oorit , al 11A R RieS --
f COMM iPAOII WittbUrf
!FIN II A RT. - Commissito.ld
date and -9menecan Nand
Jno. Grier. E-q-, Pate:fret.
Aaron Hari,
James C•'chran of &V., 44
Jno. D. Davis,
M'Vac ¢ Hanna.
Avery. Ocden h Cn.
inn. Woodhourne, - Egq., adios
Farm on which f five. in W
Braddocksfield, containing one •
acres; about 70 acres of which it
well timbered. There are spoil
and a ha rn 63 feet by 34; an appie
Alamo. about seventy acre, of cost•
he equafto that of any upland hal
Terms grade known on stpnfieatiot o
in the premises. Wi•LLIAM
(nevi Picture Pewee
Fourth Street Putsburgk.---Ci a,
ofCC., for Artit•to. always on band.
promptly framed to order- gelo irigg
eft notice.
t'prticularatlention Paid to tg, ll
cry deseripi ion.
refFOlif fill inf up file= BOO!
their advantage to can.
'BITE LEP. D.—The mu 77-7 '
io furnish valid cm. and 0 1 ".
chase pure White Lead road
ranted equal, if not eaper to-aB9
All ot dert addressed' 10 . Diofir
i f co no
attended to. —.7.77 DV'
Fi.fth St.. sae o*r/rim rik i
The Sutigcriber retTeell" ll7
Pittsburch stwd-.,vicittiry Vet
a Hine Slate& *Chits owe manual
where he wilt keep emOlimill
tnent of all kinds of
and ph of quints. v.
reel° fllit the times. De witlllo.ll
kinds of fancy sirtirktat ein.lo
slippeT, coWed gaiters,
ehltdAttiltdiadl era. silk gannent.!l7..,
will he'd's& at the skturteittr'
ner. Ladies will plow call
26 the fain:era:4k feet, note
any article is his !hip g" ,l . r —,
Pep Jo
F. 8. apal..foreet the Illli ce 7 v
doOr from Sarkis's isteufeape
from Market denied.. - • ;
Li d.11*dM.34/1050
t 1.111
- . •• -
Liberty 'trellised -
. thanks to
tibetai Ogre Shill
firm. for the
leaded lei
' merit she eollilaital io•
'Pec s i o4 f ,
able► ban -1 0
Obit; ird
mai iiim4pept„.*lloo.—”:'
of Advertising.
0,501 One month. * MO
0.751 Two motor. 6.00
1,00 Three months, 7.00
1,50 Four manila,
10 .00
3,00 Six months, .00
4.00 One year,ls,oo
Two Sq*a?eo
10.00 I Six months, 823.00
25,60 i One year, 35,00
. -, enu in prorortion.
.es Sti D0L1...&11.*: a year,
. Third between Market and Wood
. . rot.imasier.
ster..lth door from Wool st. Peter•
r John IViitock,Coliector.
Wood between Fiat and Second
tram, Treasurer.
Third street, tier' door to the
hurcli--'S. R. Johnston, Treasurer.
numb, letween Market and Wood
ay, Mavor.
Fourth. near Market et.
n Market and Wood streets, on
04,1,,71RER5. JoaD FARxras. Dr.-
4 SaVld: Fu ad,) Fourth, bet eta
rect. near
Water ittreet, near the Brtdge.
tbrOPr of Ten' , arid Sl.
h rirrntr ‘ , l Third .
ees of Ttord and Smithfield.
er of l'entt ,t•etti and Canal.
sly Orel.. near Seventh.
Si Canal
R AT LA iffi , e remo
nearly onpngile
oext rooms lo John D. Mahon,
P.l. 10
rr. r. U. I).—fqh - re removed to
Derrell Penn and Liberty Sin',
s n 10
rre , t.l , l Siackey, veti”irSale and
Fretirh, and l/ornF•Cir
roishnr.:ll F.T
& 31*C LURK, • A`c.,raeyg and
1.3 w: Offire on the Dm MOnd, hark
"1 , 10
. Morrow. AhlermAri: offi.•e north
hetweeft Wood and Smithfield
wr , 10
r. ale GIMI r R ertift !tag
t.l r.r.ltitve Vill.31411:111
No. b trty Strert, Pitts
Per' 10
I r I,¢ - •,R1B
..,1 tlnn m 1,51011 M. - I , IM nt.4, 711,1
lt SlaroterActli red a No. 29,
go ni NsoN, A lior nev at Lave
v,ori h=vlr “I" lilt Dia 1110.1 ti bet V..,
rql 10
%W. .Iruney at Law; retwlei ,
10 tio tml.tir• (11fice ( . 111 ,
above D. Lloy ! l'n'-
sPp 10
knniArinrnrs al Co,rter
RI! Front gt F:11F•
and vv.t k p pn41 ,, 13
&co.,liirtutvire Miff"
hand st. 4 - LT - Hl:inv. Rile ) .
FThrniforr. ‘l.lll find it to
a r an, )0.017(.10j that
ify nttel parr. seP 10
—Just ref e•ved I , 3ochoire ut
red et,l for <NT , rh,•rir by !he do
16.-1 AC 11A EILIS,
N 0.9.111111 Et
supp'y of Laoilieth's Fresh Ru
st ditferrnt varieties of Turnip
r sale at REDUCED PRICES , . at tile
114 Liberty street, head of Wood.
- 0
Boot and Shoe Manor:too . -
on St., next d9nr to Ito. U. ' 2 •Lites,
, Kid and Satin Shoes made in
hr the newest French patterns.
!il LTIC ULITS. in loin to stiit
.ers; to tie disposed of by
.4 Liberty 'street. bead of \\*c.d.
' lowers and Flower Seeds of ev.
can alrays he had at the Drug
84 Lihertv al reel, head or Wood.
nual Mammoth Onion Seed, for
and Seed store of
Liberty streni, head of Wood.
received by
“, Seed. Orchard Grass and
Gra:cs• always on hand and for
• Liberty street, head of Wood.
NAN• Altarveya .t Law. (dive
thatound, to ••Antorney'silow,”
• betweea Varlet and Woad
!ea 10
CS KS. for proceedifigs In .
late law, for sale at lads Office
n the Noriti East ittrair or cow
reft. Apply to
Uscrom, Market, near *fist.
• teil French tiagar Seel tbsed.jeld
for sale at the Drug and Seeti
P. tr. 3 NOWDDP4 •
184 Liberty Meet, head ofWeed:
tftsiff - Pi - ! . Th ..
„totli War'
- ofoe •exiating• . I initilsais,
.144 iii figeBW W " . ........igist,
U R 4- it
" 04 j totjtAil=
' -'
w Stan; Tan rf
Nil. . KEi
184, LI t.ert y head of Wood st .
4.f Hoes. Fancy Spade:,
t'Adine Tonto, Budding
t rimial Shears. etc., just re--
hea d or Hood
x.--Juxt received a soma sup
cured Venison Hama, an retail
and Corn. Merchant
r ~., r ~
_,......... , ,F,. i : , • • :... 1 ,
._, -,,,, .A 4 M - 4. , . ,- - - " ,,1- =`'.4 , :::' ,4 "•n y ' ' '''. - Z;' .<---. - i ..•",
.. • ~
, . - : .. ,i,
ii. 4: .. k - , ••• 4- ''' 1 ' 14, ', --.- -' f '.. i ''.
. .
. , • ; , , . .
. ~ a . ; a
- * t
•' -.".." ia4*- ~1 A 4 -• .;:. 1 -- 4 ''.i l '. ', 4 :.'- a '... t A
•,,-- • t. „.. . ••
: i''';'' •Fari. '' , ,,...1... ''' a. 74 i
• a . -., t • 0 ~ ~1 .7
11R. E. DIERRITTATIpJIig. in ogati.
Air field, between Secna wed Vas*
p 10 r
TORNSTON,* . BTOClCMNalcoo`koelien.riiinanil
Puper blant:t 37.11111: 10-17
_ . . . .
TORN ANDERSON. SanDifielld Faandey. Walj
el neat the Nononeln, !Meg PPtniluibl.
LBONA B.JofJNS,itideriniiii.l3t,Ciair
rood doiir from Liberty. seP 10-17
JYR. S. R. 'Ho LSI ES, Office in *Toad street, nelit too,
to MeiOany ift CIA GIBES Wllfebellge !EP 10-ly
QtrUNK 411
NDLutit. Attorneys at Law, Polka at.,
near the Mayor's Office, Pittsburgh. 40-1 y
THOS. HA M I LTON ;Attorney at Law,F4ll4)aettreete
Wood and Smiilifield sta., Pittoboreh. sett IQ-1y
ICI UGH TONER. And. nev at Law. North Earl corner
orSmit hfield and Panel!' all/ems: ' 18=17'
Tamostrs Tr& itira J.natzsTr; sure t..
ANNA k TURNBULL'S l'apor Warehouse. No.
ill. Wood ~ where may try had a refiefla supply
of wrßirm wropplns. printing. wall paper. Idahlrbooks,
school hoots, kc. 10-ly
c. TnwrisEND 4- CO.. Wire Workers mu!
Afastifacturers, No. Q 3 MatkEt !tree. be4reentd
and 3d streets. sep
I 4 IXCH NG F. HOTEL. corner nr Penn sod Site. Char
st eel A, by M cKI BEM
Pep 10—iy
1G METAL —77 tons sat Pie MAO far vllO by
J.G.k A. cagD ir)N.
p 13 No. 12 Water *reel
6 3 5 0011 Lns. B ACON II Ala 9. 16.060 law. alma
1.9 Shoulders. for Fa eby
3. G. ¢ A. gozooN.
sep 13 'No 12 Water rime,
JA.. P.VFTEII 4 II7q, .Ir..ll;rminr,tram,..ear Plikshorgh,
Pa., Winufa , turer of Locka.. Males and flirts; To
-I.arrn. Flitter. Mill and Timber Screws; !loosen Screws for
Rolling Eoliths, ke.. sop 10—fy
JOHN 111*C LOSK EY. Tstieor and irlisahier.l
eei , between ana Virgin alley, NAM side.
srp 10 •
y%V Rl' II Ili E $ Cn.. W holcluiGroeera le and
Commission Merchants— Second street, F,Net wren
ti• mut and $ mit hfield st Pin sburg h. sep Ift- 1 y
G - G011,1)0N, CommhaAnn and Forararding
a,"• Water st.. Pin.Gureh. sep
Li casks barns. si rood art ielr, reer-ived per S.
Cl B Corfair, and for suite by J. G. - A. GOB
srp 10 No. 12. ta stet street
QIIIC AR <i• aIoLASSFS --40 With; New Orleans So
57.7 ;;n,; bbis New Orleans ‘latas e.; for sale by
senlg) j . G . A.GOIZIX)N;
-SAII.-7n N. 0. Sitlar. rereevnel net S.
11 NI aloe. and Cnr sale by J G A. GonPos•
set. 10 No. 12, Viratr forept
50 CASgS.in order, on hand and 64 Fale by
sep 10 J. G. k A. con DON. No. 11. 'Valer st
QUI: R ANO Mot. : 4 % 7 4:5.—Li hOdg nod 41V IP N. 0.
:32 111.1 A N. 0. Mot-oza-ftg. roorivod pvr Sloaruboal
I opro ler, and for :r he by k A. 601:DnN,
F.ep 10 No. 12. Water rret
5 REIL.S. R 011.. for fat.. by
1631 P i, A y PERSGer u na.- 2 1 ‘ n . to r n A •n ti t s .fz .,.. I 1 1:1J K IA 4. fnr . sa . le
I. Itl corner nf 6111 and Wp.d
400 Prepared Chalk. for we 1•y
°W B. A. F II N NICK 4- CO ,
,ep 111 cruller of Fob And WOOd /If
QT:TT AN 1) Ithds. N.O; Sugar.
L 23 ht,l . do. do., 100 do. Pla..taii , t, ,11))1arprs, for
ale hv
cep 13
.- 0 he need in Bankruptcy prnee-eilnigs. printed on
2004 pa pi" r.a n d i n no torn,. approved by s b e c ourt .Fornate
a Mr, Office nr the Merrury and Democrat. tep 10
ILAIM. HUBBARD, 1.1 , 1”, fashionaide hoot and
IV II shot: Ala unifaciurer. No. lot, Third street. het woen
:Good and il•zniithtield eircetg, Pit tstnirgli aep 10
. ha, removed -his 'oilier to the corner of 'Fourth
reel and Cherry: Alley, betweed s'iniibtield•andi Grant
eels, PittAturgh. pep 10
FOR 11 ENT. —Thedswelling and lot cohtaloing 4
acre,,, in Ailegheny, near the Beaver Hoad s lately
oectiniedl,y Mr. Samuel Church. A noly :0 the Mecchania
and Manufacturers' Ralik, to W. H. DENNV.
ger) 10 Itktchier.
WI AKER, Ne. 7. St. Cluir sir. it!, Maw
rep l 0
J supply of Lambeth's- Garden Seeds, slimy. on
hand, and for sale at bis agency, the Druz store of
Pep 10 184 I . ,ibert e PI rect. haid of Wood_
DR. DAVID WARD has his office and re.idence
on Fourth Street, nearly , south of the Cook Rowe.
second dwell.m... from Ro,s,t,,et. Ile will faithfully aivend
all rails per tairrirr; 4, Iris profession. Night calla should he
made al thedoor above the basement. "eP 10-
ItEMOV AL —Hatt hew /ones, Barter and Hair Dress
er, has removed to Fou rt h street, opprnnte he iday-
OTS office ow here he will be happy te:wait upon permanent
or transient costumers. He suticitsa share of public Pa
ronar,. Imp 10
Vl - 7 NI. A. WAR D, DENTIST, Penn Att. three
V door hielow Irwin street; Hours of businelas. from
9 k. Y., until 5 r. x.. oiler which lime be wilf.attead
to no nne except in cases of arida! necessity. He
would further inform those who may think proper so
employ 'hi iii.t lint he experts immediate paymeot,,Without
the necessity ou his part of tending". bilfiL dap 10
OHN M'FARL %ND, Upkalststro Jai loge; ia
.M-her. Third et. between Woof a. Market strait*,
resprct fns n his friends and the patine tint he: is
prepared to cieente all orders for Bohai. Bidebbihrilhi. &R
-icans. Chairs, rabies, Bedsteads, Stands, flair sissi Prolog
itlattrassm curtains, Carpels. all U p bo itt o n
work. which lie will warrant rims! -0 any wide in fl
City. and on reasonable Urns. *too
ritommetterAL AUCTION - ROOMS, its
110-Wari Street, A.
A nctioneer and ConosSzsioa Merchant. is sow .prepared
to receive and sell all kinds , of Goals and Slessiciadin*,
at km Nn z e and capacious toonii,PlO: N s tstit East
Corner of Wood and Fifth ffdreem.
Regular sates , of Dry Goods, Farnitare. - Graearks and
other articles:GO Mondays and , Tineradiy eta& week.
Uerdware. Cot lery, Pry Goods.. and. Palmy stri i ielesi on
Tula r. Wednesday. end Thuisday eireniap.-
Books. 4-c., every-Saturdayeverink. •
Liberal adrances made on CanakameamirbeaiMustedi
Nessus. John D. Davi,#. Beg-.
Bat , 'ley 4 . Bissith.
s. Hampton. Saab, .
_4 ipc •ft,
loirens 4- ca.
- J. W - -Basl,e Ca..
F. S. 11.1%.ae
Capt. imolai IP Vold%
r. C. ttlamea. Esq.
lona 111 0 14151eti'Sli
u J. it: atoikbiad *
I. Jas. P. stolid. Eq. .
it **best Gatwap'. Esq. .
+4 . ! - ,taINLAINfr
• - es,
; *Vie t r%;
*4* 4,,114:,4,44
0-1 y
CO. Tier of 61Ia and Wood Mt
].G. tt 4. GORDON.
Na. 12 Water street
t ( i
I 0 -
1 8 4 . 2. • ._
Ileaver 'Packet.
t. . Suiri r lyarat -
.E41.1e1.-11EXPlift.L. Abuiter.
111CFAS"eoutenenced her-regular trios, andn ill run dai.
Al; I,4liliendvatekcelUert) &eaves truverlat 80'
clock' A. W., leaves Piththergh at 3 o'clock P. N. con
neCts lit Beaver with the ' -
Peon:4l2(min_ awl Ohio Lille . •
of Freight Mid Packet Canal ooale bet ween cleaver, and
Cleve andGteenvillei Pennsylvania. Leaves
eMtver daily at 6 o'ettick P. N. This line connects-with
two daily lines on the Pencsylvati la canal - to rtinadet.
phis, and attlb the New York and Ohio line on the -Erie
canaliiind New York and Ohio line and Ohio canal, al.
so, with_ , steoin. freight and passage 'boats, brigs ind
seboosers, on the Lakes. The proprietors of this well
known tinewittbepreparedon the opening of naviga • ,
lion to transport merchandise In any of the Intermedi,
ate ports no the Pennsylvania and Ohio, and Ohio ca
nahc to any poll on Lake Erie, and the Uppe- Lakes; to
and from New York City and Philadelphia.
McClure k Dickey, Beaver, Pa.,
Catib Wormer k Co., Cleveland, 0.,
Rees k Taylor. Warren, 0.,
A MES A. VE.IZr, Agent,
N 0.60 Water Street. Vlitsilurnh
- W. B. BOIES. Master.
FLS daily (Sunders excepled.) between PITTS.
BURGH 4. BRAVER. leavitis Beaver at 8 A. M.
and Pittsburgh at.. 2 P. H. preridid. eith Efuuts's Safe
ty Dina to greyest Espies's. of Boilers.
Thisseedulidand fags Muslim Sieam But has just
seen ed expressly for this Dads, hqd naps in
oniteciten with
CLARKE 4. Cis PittahstgA srd Ohreelaad Lise of
YBEIGHTAND PASSAGE lltherbs, dailq to
Chrysler's'. Ohio
Or dows the Ohto canal to Itlag-oon, tre. and Erie Ex
teneion Line i o Greenviiie
Tie Canal Roati of this Line are towed to and from
Pittsburgh direct, and the frustums conducted tin the
mod prompt and economical systr m, Having 's connec
tion with the Pennsylvania- Canal Lilies to Pbitadel•
phis and Raltimore, and Steamboats running rown.the
Ohio river:also, through Our Agertisai Cleveland, with
Reed's Stea n.huais and several Lake Vessel, and
the Troy and Michigan and Buffalo Lake boat lines on
the Erie canal, we a•c prepared fur the i ranspotration
of Fr,.- Olin to and from all points on I hs canal, it), lakes
and the r, or the Eastern cities. at prices as !ow as
any other line.
Apply tofl.,U Heetint,NO..ss Waterst , orat Steam
boat Michigan's Landing. Ph tsborgli.-
Clarks it C. Beaver.
Hubbired 4 Wearkrekee, Warren.
Wheeler Ce. Ahem':
Thaw Richziowd ¢ C. clePehint
kirsit -
J. R . Wick 4 Cn..Greenviltei- •
W. C. Malen.Sharon,
R. W. Ciin.ringbant. New Castle,
John Kirk. Youngstown,
John Campbell Newton Palls;
Campbell * Miller, Ca mplellstow n;
Babcock Ileßrhle, Ravenna;
C. 4 D Rhodes. Franklin;
11. A. Mitl•r a- Co.. Cuyahoga Falls;
Wellman 4 Whitehead, Massillon;
Gu•dan Williams. 4 Co_ Det rot';
Kione,Divls 4- Co., Mink);
Cowing, Richmond. Williams 4- 'co.. New York.
sep 10
11 4 1GBY—No. 1 . 21. Carver of Wood and Front
. Siieets, Pit rokt-rr k, boo on hand a con - mule ini
eurinweitof Qoccnawarr united to Ihr city or country
limb.. Alan. a choice Felrt-linn of pure whiie and gold
hand DINING A TP. WARE. in large or ,mall scis,
Or ceparate pir:rc In fait ritchaarru.
A cask of 46, 80. or 81 piece sets, superbly painted
and gill English China Timarare. at errs , brw -
Toy Tr:aware. plain, •nd rich painted and gilt. from
1.00 to $5.00 per set
Cltildrrn*F Vittrs of every depeription
White China shaving She!.
Cranite Illnlns a• d Tea Services., in white 3nd with
viewing! American:Fernery printed in lane and 'dark.
A laree variety of Stramhool Dining and Rteakfe=l
imported to match. complete.
Fire Proof atone hating plates and dishes, from the
Derby-hire Potteries.
Flint and Green Maas, In all their varieties.
Window Claw, or parry frixe.
Patent Rockets, Tubs and Keelers.
$t one Pipe Hrads.kc,
All of which are respectfully offered in the
. puh.
lie °tithe most favorable ti rms. . Jan 36. 1g42-1 v
TJ. FOX ALDEN Attorney and Counsellor n ,
• Lar. to his professional PerVireS to the cit
futons of Piltshurth and homer for a share of publlc pat
ronage. Ile will execute all kinds ..f writing with neat
nets and dispa , ch. Casey in hank rnptcy attended In on
reasonable terms.—Offire in Smithfield street, at the
holl,SC of Mr. Thomas'O'Neil, to whom he refer..
nap 10 T. J. Fox At.nr.s.
DAVIn CLARK. Xg't. teasAionable Boot Makrr,—
nag removed to No, 34 Market sire.'[. hetween
Second and Third streets, where he trim d I.e happy
to see his old C(11401121erF. and all others nho feel Mims.
ed to patronize him. Be nses nothins hut Ors, rate
stock, and employs , the herd of - workmen; and as he ?lye:
his constant personal attention to business, he i rinds titat
he will deserve and receive a fair share of patronage.
lien 10
untriTs, ICC t:ItEAM. ¢ t'ONFEcTIONA RY.—
A Hunker respectfully informs his friend:23nd the
public that they can always find the hest qua Illy of Ice
Creams. toeether with al: kinds of confedionare and
Omits. in t heir season. at his estaidishmeot— No. 11.
Fifth street, between Wood and Market.
N. 8.-:-Parties supplied on the fanniest notice, with
cakes. ocanythisp, in his line. Also families furnished
with Bread. ttep 10
JOHN B. GUTHRIE, Auctio.per and Commis
'ion Mereha nl. N 0.106. corner of Woad 4- Fifth ala.
Pittsburgh: Having beenappoinied ode of the Auction
eers foi the City of Pitshurgh. lenders lits sere...es to Joie
hers, manufacturers and dealers. who may he 'di,nosed
to make trial of this market. He i< prepared to make
advances:on tonsignmenis of ail saleable commodities,
and trusts to sat i,dy correspondents by quick sales, and
speedy 'and favorable returns.
That the various interests which may be confided to
him, shah he adeqoabely nrrderied, he brings to the aid
of his own experience in business and acquaintance with
merchandise gerteratir, the services of Mr. Farrar
FARIIIISTOCK; heretofore advantaseoesty known. as an
importer and dealer in Hardware and Cutlery. with
whom , a permanent ensattement is made.
• nevelt .ro
Messrs. M. Tiernan. Preet. of X. 4 M. i
.. Bank.
.. Darlington 4 Peebles, I•
. u RoberiCaltsay, I
James M. Cooper. I
" ' James May. I
4 . R. N.-Iliadic, } Pittsborgb
u Wm Robinson. Jr. Pree't
u of Msebahge Rank. #
.. Ellamplon,Sinitb, 4. co., 1
. • Jobs D. Davis.
.. Ba/gratleparth.
... " J. R. Moorhead,
01 JIM' W.Alrown 4 Co. i
u ;obi B. Brown. 4. co.
.4. - fttith 4it tisley.
.. Tinny 4 Bu/era.
M . John 8. Middle,
!' -,';• ./0 1 4 Wok*:
I' ,
RMIL. MO* BR. :*eating at. 6 Mon eiree4;'
kger Yor k. ! p m atirteg with Llyspepaia to its Nog •
lime. • The aywasHaers were rlotrat
aelie;: 'for 400117. - heart,
fri tfie sliest alai striataill itwiri after elan.,
114aireilliipproire.oresallikor of qtaithqi at the
lircei triegae, aaesea, with (foretell 'remain" s ri s om is
IZardi Eight and rertiesen. These had itialinued err:
er a uwehrearesillr,WheO.Wri eortaaltiaig
ihreeediackenteur =era eirlaititiligle ids 4 , ref
ormienwiel awl agreegble wade, of beatareal, the l patlebt
Aria4ireta the Aioitepece of
on 41 tame somata awl vidaitteend , tha airy
"i 1 0 41 V1111 1 0. 111 0 1111 h 111 , 7-1 ' : '"
-111.7 11*" 1-4
DR. GOODVB Celebrated- - ; "rural/ 'llitir. r `Ttirse
P_illa are illsongly iretrainiendedle Salte Of
the-iiklies_l 2.. a., saire-aird: etliektet.'rrinedr.lit reotbsln:
itiorecoamiiiiilliakialiat to their sea, fro* vraacttC ex-
CreL.l% or geseral dellitltY - or t atarlate'
costiveners, and.voanteract all Hysterical and Nervous -
alrectioos. Thane Tips,bave , gaiped- the . auto* and -
aaartihatior of the MOW eadoent PhYriclans Mille Hal
14., Slates, ond aunty Madbers. • Versate Orludiaate arid
Retail. by - Y. E SELJ.ERS, Agron..
No. 20. 3 P10cal littera', below Seennd.
~.Etest asti Mabee' Le.g.;gy St.,
ippesits tie Lead Stitithjeitirt.. leatztpirok--
The suhmetthes tanager Weald - out the shack 'of the iate
Thomas !Okay, deceased.. has . cotalteneed Walsers
-in the oht stand of 111r.:' R.. and le ptepated to exernie
alblenctiPihona ef Wes% is Mathis,' in the heat winner
and the shorteli not Ice. lleicetps tor slanl4ytia hand
a tette assoitsneet efabee findings of all di/Ct iens:. and
of the beet Quante. , He solicits the patronage Ist the-Plab
lie and et the craft. WY. ADAitil.
sep le
sad Azle. for Carriages at Mutters Prices.
The subserlheri isaitofiteEme ant. keeps eonsitait4 on
heed Coaeh.o and Ellipticll,4ns (warranted,) Juniata
Trott Axles. Bratalsbted Dash praines,Mrara
and Opted. - Ilabliaada„ temp Joints, Patent Leather.
Silver and flu papip.,,Tbree fold Pleas, Malleabile
itoll,Deorilutilei and tinges. ¢e ,
:ased Pt. fThitr it.. near it a titeihene
- - -
SELLE'IB.:II. D,bette and dtwetline in Fourth.
1--a • near Ferry *rent. • . sep
The attention ritture Inittritann been sOnInVPI4I seep
Deal iq reference to , the numerous certificates Published
in favor of Dr. Swaynes Dampened Syrup of Wild Cher
rv. en aceonni °Me persons being unknown in this sec
lion of the Slate.h riaspectfuqyAiree . Jedlo the renewing
certifirate. the writer of which has been a Pit 'sew of this
borough for several years. and kr known as a gentleman
of integrity and responsibility.
To tie Agent, Mr. J. Starr.
1 haveeosed Dr. Stva yogis romp and Syrup of Wild
ehenTlOr a tonsil, 'Sills which I have been severely, a 1
flitted fir about four tomato, and Ilerve no hisftntion
in savior. that It lathering effective medicine Mail have
been able In procure. It composes alt atiesilne.e. and
agreiai wen At - Rh my dlet.—and inantains a regular and
good appetite. i tatifreely reComenettd k to all others
similarly aelicted. .1. IlltialeaAlortluel 0 1 . Chalm b e f S''‘•
March 9.1848: • : - • • srp t 3
Por ra'e by WILLIAM THORN No. 5:1 Market street.
1.3 0 R 4 ' 7 9N zl dO;iistli . of Proetaiha Pratt. 'Siittde. and
Ornaniental Trees, or Shrobbery. Plat -Philadrt
al la or Near York;'are'reirteaed to make arialicat ion as .
soon ita tangible, at the Din; and:teed-Ewe of Aft snk
arrilMr. where ran lie had rataloguer,
most earelleat varietk.s. P. L.'SNOWIIEN,
sep 21 No 184 Liberty ' , reel bead of Warr+
For :Ate T ortation Jiterekintlite to sod Aim
flitiborgt.liattioiorr,inflndetpkia, New York,enst Bios
ton. Ti. oath is the shortest title.
flitt I.7nOmt Stateir Portaide Boat cotapogediof
Boats twin. ist fug Opaiansokich sea kwirt ea *Me of
rontainine -even tons. and snsceolthle of brine separate
or derartimi and tran•ferrtd from fa- at to Rail Road,
!tins, as it were, forming a couiplele train of Caw, or
presenting themoael appearance of a Boat sailing on land
atod'titer'Uy niraidint . the amt delay o nro'ilvrvli
phippinaal the several fsevinns and terratintio• s of ra
tials and Rail Roads, the expense of tratishipment and
the darnagerhe goods ' , ordain by lrennent handline; and
rendering it troporaibie to separate lots of Tows on the
way—owne_ to the peculiar construction of the Boat
havine fear Oepetivite stpartminets In which !neap are pto
red, renders them less :tattle to d maze goods Iry-water or
otherwiserhan by any other mode of transportation.
l'lte system of TrowiroriatiOn.oe freorlimemied by the
Canal Commissioners and lately adopted by the .State.
tilers particularly to this class of Boats, The Boats of
this Line are owned by reaposisible captains. that ran
iIPTH, and is the only Line now in operation free front
monopolies or .ronrbinatkm.
Coodsconsi:next in the nndersirned agents will he re
reived free of commie ion and shipped without delay at
the lowest rates. Allcharpeepaid and ewer! , Imitate len
promptly attended to. C. A. M'NULTY 4. Co. ibis.
C:11181 Sarin. Pittrhivrtt
F F. POPE, Arent- 75 Rawly's Wharf, Baltintnre-
THOS BORBRIDGE, ArentPhitn. ep 16—if
MARBLE Al k NUFACTOP,Y.—Patrirk Cawfietd re
speetfutly acquaints his friends and the nubile r.en
era Ily, that he has:commenced the Marble 41(MitILPFF at the
en r ner of Fifth and Liberia sts., where will he constantly
on hand. torah stones, mantel piereS. monuments. head
and foot stones. table gaits for cabinet Warr, and every
art iete anaeriainlna to the business, He will warrant his
work to be well done, and his cirarse..s will be inudOrribe
He repeel fully asks ailiare of nubile patronage. sep 10-
JAMES A. VE AZO. Fssinstrdisg , aid C 01,11148 jell
mere/rani, Arent for Biramihnot Cleveland and
Pen art ilnifll3 and Ohio !Ann. Having rented the ware
linos* frinuerly or.ropWilhy ftirmiri2ham itr en_ file. 60
Miler Street, let 'reels Wood and Smithfield. is prepared
to meek., and forward goods to any port on the Ohio ur
3111,riesippi river on reasonable terms.
rep 10
incr. PARMERSHIP.-0. P. Smith f W. Hampton.
V having associated themselves immtber under the
firm of Hampton 4 Smith, will continue the whi,deside
Dry Goods hnsinem. t In the bonne rerently nerapied_by
Hampton. Sarah it Co where they wilt he riceining Dia
few days R new stock of Fail and Winter Goods. They
respertfolly invite their old friends, and mereh,ottigen.
(Tally, visiting Pittsburgh, In elll and eltaaqiir their
stock, wept 28—d3m.
Portatsle National Seale 'o
' n talrahl.toweigh 2,590 flat, at
do do • do do_ 2,605 at 1114.5t.' 00
do da• . do I.3otrat 35'00
do do do dn:1000 ti0':.% 3 0 00
do do do do 500.1 25 00
With raising leveranaraddllibil ore 3 to each =Met
nonagus Ica ks fairi'tlas .. .r , Wucio it Pidithe
"Alb. itc.,:thesaine psices asaboae,
Al ,d isa "%tent eoititei' stile; vane 0:1 - 041'es '
iso if, and 1,,,,y01g„0r5 - otrg f r etieiner. toOkipsv
Ink* y lel for (tom 8 Is.
tthei.a l P/Ze , olo...ii:tartittialliituernes
glai r data Mits. Salt Warlta,ke,,4loll,ale itl44 8*(8
fearetiadtde fit tinkles' irtiranktiotaitirSlne Wtiod r inKiait: -
oillahlorafor tairting *nth* Jiagphltani,4loooo.
anti aiiiileatietilset. hairs patrol hone poster. with or
*About Natalia; laaridaaf j. a appriifir articki circular,
saw' Airilliorettir 'iota/J. lallajiVae r— iii
ehhnnand tools NM deaclipiicara"fier sua t itintoo WI, It
attain *Nati&
Ark.: lap aid iimacilimaifillr. dodered ,er.W4lOll l ll
L 11110017.
t rhissitera
Pep 10
.UiA , -.t• . : . •'-. : ::::',.
, '-:•::; .- ;'.:':'i , ,'•'-.,. , , •.- ., ;•'- i .. •; - ''''' , '
.'.'.;•.'::.:: 7,F..,.;•:?. .;,iQ7'•=,.:.!::..
-,, :- : f i n o s po o . rus , - • —, fr; : - ..a.,,,t4,,, rilia . astir rthiev : , .
iO - 1 , 1 10
- -
Fir r4hadh 4l l a 'Y IP ' Mif f lial'er isliseaf..'r.l4llB- MATEVTA irktgliM -
.- . ..-- .
45.54. 400 ' e a. utffial Hie -...1,..5s , . 'lvayin 14-steitEA laoll*oll• ,2.
DAILY lifOßNiNg '11).4 . -T, ~ _ -Don't you think I . il daughter ;spli:O.
' -'"
eejs a very fine figure, • said - Mrs: /V
-- _
r in tiEs i, b ,„ cdhen , kx,isagamate arrangehihialChinieqie j .
- II he America° IlansCschmeraild Pinitliirifild:= t he ot h er evening to Kr... Slierte#;4a
ry into one Journal. have Ettemladed lo Obits* it.: _ yew ..i'ad eg horde him of
pisper with the title of the /Mil, :tmeivi Pat. . z vo t,„ r h ut let * payiag the' fit i trars.
The ip object of Ilm.Pset *fit Witte .Paseeelna. r -- .T. . .
its .
___. re ,_ . „ I
flop and defence °film political priaelplesthat havehete., - gag lees Ildi Itte IL! .
~..„:,, , .
I vfilte beV , null"!ained by the kdige". is their resl ) :•cOve 411104 - ME abort lotatto dote ' the , 4• ~
papers. and their belt firerla win mill bedevotalto the. Hi. 1 mis : * ag e t irabbej; : hat .
advadeement and successof those duettists. • ' 4 '.-
it ,'
Atilhateh r inpolitles, the paper Mill be thorcmthly Wlt a little sarcastic; but Mrs Log ci .
seieftraik; yet the -EditOlX hopM by githig an honest, daughters to vassiy. the Weft& - orWhoul
candid idiony of passing Politleal eVerita, Finch:Al , ‘2...,,5,.„.;,..,
‘. was , sea . tor the - Y a li ''''''
avd fhtultltale feleiliet'nee.and brief mottos Of an mat- 4wr if"Ji .7.
firs'andnectirrences that romepropeily*lthin the/Inhere Her precise age we do net ' now, „
~ •
ofa Public journal, to make IBMs pallet Milfielently In
7 did it would not tie polite - W:B2l44gal ' ,
*'email% to entitle_ it to the patronage of the Pllblicr a D on 't twat my disughtiernip pi
peel Pre ofyiarly ronsideratkins. you
id I ttre. - 14 dig
I. addition to th e P° lo kel an win ii
dtenerol news that wi ii is a very gaarEgamsl , a _,_
* foiled in the ...ifirriring Past," the &IMO will lake
..,,h . adauce.of uusturnad-iatittrwthottv,
tisi_ io _runtish. _the--useiseare `antimittnity ' With ^ `T '• 91.
the isteit and attest , ltittommutlonstracut. lirrst.u• I.) flirt! mu tt e red
snack froth all Fitts of thcclutn/sis. owl to bade preps; D ed his snuff - box for the th....._- time, ,,
red Mach arecointsof the Siarkets, and the State of Trade ' . ird 4ery
mLch like a figure 6,4 thittk. ' r' '''
as will be adeaulapenta to Our ilerchants and Bludness - • - .. i ...II
Men .Is their several ealliumt. " " • . A figure a! said Mrs. Lunge • - Imo
'rheum—The Poet will he pubiisi ed 011 a large itaperl- mortified , though ahe hes* thit,idistort4+
al shale of fine paper, (en:moan:ined martially for this . 2 ~ "_... cu ____ A fi gure ii ,
.. ,,T u4
Journit) at ilt. aims - natty low rate of FIVE DOLLARS Li on of oix OnOYrl 4° _ 7” 1- .
per annuin.payable in advance. It wilt also be sold by Mr. Sholti , %sow you must be , ,
news-boys at the
- low weer TWOCENTS a copy.
it your interest table.:- Coarpitriv- any
Aineetiseilests will he betted at the lowtst rates ' ea -. _ • .. 1 -..nirb . • , • Val e
ettorved by the other dilly pattern of the city. daughter ifseparlark ta?. a - iasu • .
it:!erw MTV active iadsare wattled to selithe Post, fie on you, you'll never get Metrie/t 1 1
who will be eat aced on the most liberat terms
'r i au - o u live. ' .
fleeS. PIIILLirs. mi lg ,
If don ' t it will be nu fault of youv i li
. ~.„.. Mrs. Long, said. Mr. Short; as he titre* 111
long Pine) of snuff up his now— 1 - - t
' T bi!'w rue.- arise; ssia - 180 "8; with a le°ll
* I
of great kindness, take en I etersSt.ja slim
welfare - of my neighbors, and like Slime
all the single, gentlemen- .-presid e ‘
,w s t
Don't you. think Zephyriea ploys ilmitsvp
, ~ ..
and s t ings with. a
. great - deal . of taste ~,
I think her execummts very unemenaino
_ ,
lam glad - yolk approve it, Mr. Short..-1 , , ~.
I didn't say I approved it. kin. Long; I
merely said it was uncommon, _ : ag, mu=
' like the noise of two cats sin thelptatir;F
0, you shocking man! Mr. S.„ yeet, T e
no taste. no feeling. - - - :-..1
All:list II 1142.
)41, • 4 1 1 *.
xn FlorAnttimEnEilllGßA NT °Meg, Sti. 61
NJF ftpUT II ST RE:Er.NEW YORK: *kw Pert and
Litierpnro/Continercia/ paced" Pactets,Sailing Weekly.--
TheSabscriter would respectfully. inform aerh percons
..eliding in this country
,as are dualism; for sending bir
theirfrinmisio roam net from the old country. that he
eclat lanes as wool to make engagements by which ruts
.engers are brciniht out en very moderate terms, la. Firm
Clans 13$Ipv,.asitinafront Liverpool weekly. and Mould
rsn re permns desirous of coming fry file above Use.
tbalt itairvits : or 6ret respectability are engaged at Li
negro!, there will tie so 4letelllieti rrhatenir at that
He is also orepoird at aft those to &relish gifhl. Drafts
for nny amount to assist In inepa4as passer e , !" for 'the
vgYage.liacohle thronehonethe bilged it iftgdom,ard in
race t he part irsazrreil for shonid rfeeirie (*thine 'out. the
onsets& money shall he refunded evithottl reduction.
For Cariber part ittitarsappli !thy letter hi
No. 61. South Fr rePi New York
AI Oir. Worpisonre r DAr.kr:r 1. 4. Frcmixo,
seP 10 No. 24 iYater *tier+. Phil:bore,. Pa.
dr±RF:AT Sirtftlf ) PPEFlNAltiVA !VI A I—ANDS.. *c..
ny AUCTION .— WiII be mkt be Pordie Auction,
without viiiterve, for rash. to close the concern. id the
dad of the blarthororreh rhapel, - in on Thesdar,
the form► day of October next, commencing at wine - of
the clock in the forenoon.
.-All the progeny "of the iloilfd Stalei Land Com pany
eon 44 in. of about .
140.e00 Irr Of Lined arid . virll'warmed Par Mine and
Grazier and very valuable Timber band, iyinr. in :fairer:
Ildrgean and Clearfield . counties, in the Stale of
rennsatennia—se cis oferhich Iherr is abundance of
Coal. time and iron Ore, and many sears; _
And of f!tilmirriewhint land Fold
fyine in said eonntje. , lhait are coneidered good. '
And erpffnek and Tools on a Farm in the townehip
of Bradford. in the county of dicicean, in said Stale of
The land will he radii hi lots -la soh portharers, eon
'Moine from about 120 to 5000 aerea.
. Fortiori , vrertienta es xiitt he made knnwn al the sale, ar
nn initary of On sntrwliher, 'tat No. 12- boot Wharf—
of Fishers and ttaldwin, Merchants' Row in Bosioa—or
ofeither of the Tiuste - ofthe said Milled Sale= Land
Company. D. B Gaitc.s.
Prisnaimt of the United States Land Co.
Boston, An,snst 30..18.10. - (Sep 10)
Morrison d• Co London., for sale only by S. N.
Wieke‘rshien,*cornffir of Wood street and Virein
alley Piitsharah ra. end Ilarrood. Beaver Pa. who
is sole as.ent for Western Pennsylvania. sep 10
FAR M FOR SALR.—The undersigned oars for sate a
tract of land situated 4 miles frt.... ?meant', in the
direction of Kittanning. OurraisOlounrothip. Armstrong
toupty.enntaining 100 new. 65 clearest and under good
fence; 10 of witiee are in mead...Sur— a good squire km
dwelling honseand cabin barn erected, thereon—an - apple
otebard of SO bender treea--and 'a spring of excellent
water convenient to the hottse.
FOR TER Ms. apply to the sabs.cribera raiding at the
Saltsvorks on the Petwyivania Canal, 1 trete above Free
rep 10
1110 THE WISE.-11 is now well understood bow
much dis,wileis of lite mind depend for. their core
uporia due attention to the body. It is cow understood
how valuarde is that medicine which will remove morbid
accumulations without weakening the bodily power. file
emir naderstoodithat there is a reciprocal influence be.
tavern the mind and the body. it ip now understood Mat
purging with the Brandreth Pills will remove a melan
choly, and even insanity is cured hy perseserin!ly using
them. it is now undecsiootlitow much domestic happi
ness depends upon the healthy eonditkut cif the di:waive
It is now welt known that the Brandreth Pith have
eared thousands or lumelym and tselpims persons, even
when the first physicians had pronounced them heymid
all hantan means of relief. it 'is no* not only well
known that the Rrandreth Care. hutit is OM:un
derstood hoarlitney rare; that it is by their nmifyingedeet
on the blood that they restoreihe betty. tolwalth. '
The value of the medicine is hei r omine moreand more
manifest, it ii recommended daily from family to family.
The Brandreth Pillsremove in att almost faMetecMade
manner hit not insuraccunin lotions and purify, and maize-,
rate the bluctd.amil beir.goOd.rdbeis are not counteshalin
red by any inermvenienem; !mine romped enfirtly of
ve.zahles they do lot eipoie those - who nee them to
danger; and "heir effects me as erlintit al they are
tory; they are daily lied are, adoeintoersd to infancy,
youth. maohnod,rand Md• air- and to weriseit he die sliest
critical I ecidtheare etrewortanci.r., Therdo e nall,: di**
or shorlr the armhole thoetiims; Lot feature rbeir order
and tablkh their health. _ -
md flay
tired be
eet. two
'4 NUR
ire and
i.osed of
seitiat Etrattrreth's - Otlier, K0..93, Weed, 1ti,4%,
r ishfireb, Price LS mete Whet. With fillidireetions.
.51 A ilg—The Only g lare WberesiteSestut
in, Pint 'ad be , ibtaTited, is 16 - totittot ownoiiim Na
9s Wood ! tree'. ; - . = -
si• nrig. ,l / 1 enneeifittlirietbetethe - eitt.
. j_.," se on of Pllttiorrsh and vide y, that iife hattitkitit
1 4 d in the cloy- Helopen to odistreihn of bin
Amulet neWias Ale sbftc ften.vt.ronOmOilliitcV
re! telysti ire rorthiii Of Atilt' pa I ranar. In connexion
tie=l_ll°lll4(Vir4"-t4llP,HoWitin *vim baiiiVeivi
ho—.i:o. g the awe in tits bladder and atinetingAtto pion
of intik thejnifigej is every atietreetidinutdinf The &telt
tidliter4.- Helves toextenoi thainmelpt !Keith , Me
tifbisMibfifininittialitte - Atkeinren. Pt:news at
thee ~„1 1 4 4 ,1 4 .i a„itikg ft,4ll 4 sr= l l l l l 4lloesniiiiittall.froteinv.L.
11,1 ." 1 Pa rotielie auesqop,
1115186fra10}tildifeb5e6 *Woe , ' 66144 iii&iirdatm
*ln apply pernonntiv otc . hade t ,tteol ilkintiotelO4
otleOdittnanti4 tAffted - itnytgribe el-
I Y on 14145.101.041
--d.ri 4bwigotik.. -
~.0 4A11. 4 0 11 , 404.
- rife "S r :4,, r*itz, WWI* bk,
4 41111 1 15111 ,
**. • liasi nolie • .N'
-• 'Yeti • -
• - b ( "4l' .r 4 I -
But I can hear very sensibly hirti. Lnog,
putting his finger in bis ears.
You've no music in your soul; as, ' BiYou'velln.
let says. 7::
That cursed noise has ariVell ik WAR:
In d eed ,Zephyriiiets voice to R.:4:11k,-1?100
to.night, but I think she sings and ,p i ltw.
remarkably well fur one of her Aim
you, Mr. Shortl. -
• .
ay-7G3T that matter, she, i.4-41tft,
deed too old to learn. - -
Old! Mr. Short?
Ay, madam, you know they lefull
things much betteriii - their ,s 4„
HOw old de you take ,
Zephyrins to be, Mr. Sherd -
Lord ms'ant bew - aborild'l
wasn't at the ciuistening Wit stnen--413
As true as l'm alive, Mr.Bhort,she'r.ort;:,
ly nine—
And twenty, Mrs. Long? Well - l'aCtint
a judge *.f these = matteri, but 1 ah6u it
She looks ten years olderthan she real
ly •
is. She has a ve 'womanly rook:, 0 , 1
one of her age—don't you think she has.
Mr, Short?
Urriphl think she has some rerremblanels4-
to a woman.
She was as forward at'fifteen. though ,
say it, as most girls at twenty-five,
hate your fot ward chits. - ' j r,
But you don't undenstand me,
meat. she was forward in woirtanty'akeorri: f
plistenenta, and in a womanly appearance.'
Oh, as to appearance, 1•could sarear 44 2- :
had been a woman these dozen --
anteing Watititieit imposed, and as - Mr.
Short protested against shaking the foot.
even though Zephyrina was ready to
his partner, Mrs: Long still entertained,.
him with the accompliihmeuts et
lloo't you admire Zephysina's dancmal,
1 can't say that 1 am a judge oftluisi:
small matter 4, Mrs. Long. 4 ;
You're too modest, Mr. Short. ,•
it's a rare fault, Mrs. Long.
Observe with in hat - graca she rpoye
really think she danchs 'rernarkald7 ,
un of her age, don't you think so , Mi.
Umph! I thin* she datums much beo4;
than the elephant. In fact the elePlantit
• .4 ..4,•
a clumsy dancer. t
on yen! Mr. Short, to -
my daughter, Zepbytitta, to a fortri
• .
, .
Why, that's not her &tit, Meat*
Whose Sault?
Why, your daughter's, - ithatihamtif4,'
Made a *IWO., tails ' ss 7 0 iV 1 ' 13111 0 0
. 401 ' 64 .?
phant. '
I.hope ttoinaieuational;Mi..ll,Watt'
Oh, Lord t =AM), I billet an Wane° 7 ,
L i ng turn.. , - - ' • - '''•••
' Don't yoothink Zepifyfitla illitlet ititele:.. l :2 -'1
t h e . r i ghit , he i t he i , , , -,, ~, 1 , 4- , .-A ?--mt
I *fair obi% litho. Long. '- ' '',..
• -Do .yon; indeed. *fr. Shorti I '-11+01""_ : ,
yoniionatillinii it an - nbjeitton.
Ohjectiotr 1 - 0; by nti`nieitak ' thet . - ", - ;"•-i4" r" 3
rbe -LonEA-44, si longue As iiliiiiiiiilimt*
have nt) oljerArtilli. - - - ' - - - '--- 1 - - 7-04- -ii"
1 hate a bean pole. ..,
How your min&;itkilhanyn arit,
from he spoint,:liti:Albotti , •if it - tiiro. *
noo k, l es.saiii, of is As-ssusi
siiesk ors ladylitaytnt infli~- -4
Oetnelaft otssitispliiist4.4
tall: yannotiadriinw '- , - i ' ~! - 16,11 11 " 111
beattpollt. -t---1 .4 -P- , --r: ta - Nifri
,:, ~ *int V . `,5,1 0
1111 0 3 1" 1 " .441 1 ) .. 1111 '
. 101tinglito -'_v.*linwittitkinsillite !:
t i
T rinit
,Itt,terfoillen.a.: ll , - lirtf i .!_
Ess _ sow* !! .. 1 . ,!"4 - ~-4oit.
.! 'On