• „'t;',`.;•l' ran ~2~-~-: - !"'"'4F -11-1t \ ,~, - _~: _. F ~;T - -----=- -.2 ---i- : ' '' .i.-;tISHEIVITY T,'' Lips & W. H. SMITH, Ro f 1100 D 4- FIFTH STS. I r „ .... "i k ''''4', E DOLLARS a -year. "payt!de in 0 yi4o eF.NTS--for rile at the fe j by Mews Boys. .--- and Manufacturer LS. at the same office, MI a dJl2hie TWO DOLLARS a year, in ad- SIX CENTS_ PaAVEtElt* TARE provided With the Eti%, bins prism:iris - Ith a Spiro of tint fiti you urt2ltOt, gentestatiwg their *400616,1111i Tp rei, Guard, when, 'bruise rot si,a The forktivlogitriiki4l , llyai' , ---` , 114 ly Guard at the rcittr4r. Pittibers,, first on the list have ihe lioyvya ndia apperat.witisiespiparke feratitspii SAVANNA, " Foil* RARITAN, TUT% NIAGARA, • - pIF 1 .- ORLEANS, JEWq CANTON, • • • -loi n@ "LADY OF LYONS, •. ,cAnig VALLEY FORGE, !Noa FORT PITT; •GALLA BREAKWATER; Qtly EXPR ESSAWFOL, - ALPS,. r • CA.SPiAbL ECU I DA, VIC? W EST WIND.. - Alf" NI A UQUETTE;' --% ' TALL EYRAND, PANAMA, CICERO, SARAH ANN, • NARRAGANSETT; • AM.AR ANTII. MUNGO PARK, NEPTUNE, ADELAIDE, • . NORTH BEND. GALI MARIETTA, MEM BRUNETTE, VOLI) STEAM FERRY BOAT„, • h The i•aveling community ire wry VI before they make a chihea Of a hatifia and see whet her it would not ttetr and security to choose a . Safety airig pa +e are. freighti In lis[fitartteilnli a t ainst picsion —and thai they e that this invention has the anipaidd fifty steam endine buildens—geolleaa it in to nndersiandlite anljeet, sal Ito e rested bestdes' a InintiberOf fertile !tc genllett en and oliteets--0111t 1101i0 my office, No 10. Water virediabite pleasure at all times to cililkit ay . who will lake the trouble to esti i rep 10 trOw AG • VA 1.17.4 RUE REAL" EFTATIV The subscriber offers fur taleor' rrd rale*, Hie tzttater part of Lis rta - the cities of Pittsburgh and Atlesteol t v Brick Warehouse!, nearly new. a 7 situate on Mart - et at reel: brach!: a front of about 54 feet be ilri,or separately to suit Put eltirer, Alan, a react hnildina lot in , Allethe breadit*,4 upward or ISO' feet in • ofii.,„ oloc.. lips Pennsylvania oats achiniltos tareet. • Atari, the led taidoisin ibe aMre. lilt . t, ”Fartt 350 feet in depth, hreudhatbsj :ant tnaro , ion house which l oow sotatti in:g A Igo. n lot with SIVA SIVOSSRAy %Vitt Al ate on I he corner or Staiket lislarnots4 a moderate "round real, and now sits* ALEX. imam e a :rover y cf.,' 111 x et. k. set 1: rag , nr sroodF, a quantii:e of Plus Almos , ali lundF of Coo !qty . IF MAW. for ca -1, or L•oorit , al 11A R RieS -- f COMM iPAOII WittbUrf J !FIN II A RT. - Commissito.ld date and -9menecan Nand T? F. VTR TO- Jno. Grier. E-q-, Pate:fret. Aaron Hari, James C•'chran of &V., 44 Jno. D. Davis, M'Vac ¢ Hanna. Avery. Ocden h Cn. inn. Woodhourne, - Egq., adios V BLE FARM FOR MV Farm on which f five. in W Braddocksfield, containing one • acres; about 70 acres of which it well timbered. There are spoil and a ha rn 63 feet by 34; an appie Alamo. about seventy acre, of cost• he equafto that of any upland hal Terms grade known on stpnfieatiot o in the premises. Wi•LLIAM WI LLI Ala C. WALL, 1 (nevi Picture Pewee Fourth Street Putsburgk.---Ci a, ofCC., for Artit•to. always on band. promptly framed to order- gelo irigg eft notice. t'prticularatlention Paid to tg, ll cry deseripi ion. refFOlif fill inf up file= BOO! their advantage to can. 'BITE LEP. D.—The mu 77-7 ' io furnish valid cm. and 0 1 ". chase pure White Lead road ranted equal, if not eaper to-aB9 All ot dert addressed' 10 . Diofir i f co no attended to. —.7.77 DV' ~DIES PASIIIIII..B Fi.fth St.. sae o*r/rim rik i The Sutigcriber retTeell" ll7 Pittsburch stwd-.,vicittiry Vet a Hine Slate& *Chits owe manual where he wilt keep emOlimill uM tnent of all kinds of and ph of quints. v. tI reel° fllit the times. De witlllo.ll kinds of fancy sirtirktat ein.lo slippeT, coWed gaiters, ehltdAttiltdiadl era. silk gannent.!l7.., will he'd's& at the skturteittr' ner. Ladies will plow call 26 the fain:era:4k feet, note any article is his !hip g" ,l . r —, Pep Jo F. 8. apal..foreet the Illli ce 7 v doOr from Sarkis's isteufeape from Market denied.. - • ; Li d.11*dM.34/1050 s. t 1.111 - . •• - Liberty 'trellised - . thanks to tibetai Ogre Shill firm. for the leaded lei ' merit she eollilaital io• 'Pec s i o4 f , able► ban -1 0 Obit; ird mai iiim4pept„.*lloo.—”:' mei -N0.49. of Advertising. F TWELVE hi NF.9 OE LESS: 0,501 One month. * MO 0.751 Two motor. 6.00 1,00 Three months, 7.00 1,50 Four manila, 10 .00 3,00 Six months, .00 4.00 One year,ls,oo • • ADVERTISEMENT S. EABIAL AT PI LAICat. Two Sq*a?eo 10.00 I Six months, 823.00 25,60 i One year, 35,00 . -, enu in prorortion. .es Sti D0L1...&11.*: a year, OFFICES.&e. . Third between Market and Wood . . rot.imasier. ster..lth door from Wool st. Peter• r John IViitock,Coliector. Wood between Fiat and Second tram, Treasurer. Third street, tier' door to the hurcli--'S. R. Johnston, Treasurer. numb, letween Market and Wood ay, Mavor. Fourth. near Market et. BANKS n Market and Wood streets, on 04,1,,71RER5. JoaD FARxras. Dr.- 4 SaVld: Fu ad,) Fourth, bet eta KO. rect. near linT Water ittreet, near the Brtdge. tbrOPr of Ten' , arid Sl. h rirrntr ‘ , l Third . ees of Ttord and Smithfield. er of l'entt ,t•etti and Canal. sly Orel.. near Seventh. Wayn€ Si Canal E=SIMM R AT LA iffi , e remo nearly onpngile oext rooms lo John D. Mahon, P.l. 10 rr. r. U. I).—fqh - re removed to Derrell Penn and Liberty Sin', s n 10 rre , t.l , l Siackey, veti”irSale and Fretirh, and l/ornF•Cir roishnr.:ll F.T --- & 31*C LURK, • A`c.,raeyg and 1.3 w: Offire on the Dm MOnd, hark "1 , 10 . Morrow. AhlermAri: offi.•e north hetweeft Wood and Smithfield wr , 10 r. ale GIMI r R ertift !tag t.l r.r.ltitve Vill.31411:111 No. b trty Strert, Pitts Per' 10 I r I,¢ - •,R1B k DI IVO RT II ..,1 tlnn m 1,51011 M. - I , IM nt.4, 711,1 lt SlaroterActli red a No. 29, 10 • go ni NsoN, A lior nev at Lave v,ori h=vlr “I" lilt Dia 1110.1 ti bet V.., rql 10 =MIZE %W. .Iruney at Law; retwlei , 10 tio tml.tir• (11fice ( . 111 , above D. Lloy ! l'n'- sPp 10 knniArinrnrs al Co,rter RI! Front gt F:11F• and vv.t k p pn41 ,, 13 113 FR AM:IS I . Vpr NG &co.,liirtutvire Miff" hand st. 4 - LT - Hl:inv. Rile ) . FThrniforr. ‘l.lll find it to a r an, )0.017(.10j that ify nttel parr. seP 10 —Just ref e•ved I , 3ochoire ut red et,l for