T ~ , ---r-~-~-- ~: -~~~ _, ~;...~ ~i.';.~~i~+. MEE TURAVELERS TAKE' Ks T X prorided with theSareilc bills printed with a figure of_the a Cui you are nit - deceived -by . , gentssiating theirAiours , t,o be p Guard, when they sife rut s 1 Veto The following is a list Of boats ty Guard at the Port of Pin*. .. first on the'list have thetriprosed ' a pp3ratas it is impossibie Tor an e l SAVANNA, FOR RARITAN, ILLI . NIAGARA, DU i :. ORLEANS, JEW;,:`. CANTON, ' MONT LADY OF LYONS, CAO 1,. VALLEY FORGE, INN FORT PITT, ' GAL BREAKWATER. QUM EX PP ESS MAIL, DUKE, A LPs, BRUM cAsPIAN, ECLI.- : I DA. VICTI kv EsT WIND. Mirti, A:, QUE . ! TE, i OSP!! )1 TALL EY IZ AND, PEKE. ' PANAMA, EOM% CICERO, - AGNEA , SARAH ANN. NESSE,. NA R RAG A NSETT, Skltkit \ 11 AR A ',NT [J. NIUNc;o PARK, OHIO, p.l N CECIL ADEI.AII I F.. J H P,I NtilLl - 11 BEND, GALES. NIARIF;TTA, MEN BRI I N I:"1"rE, COla \ll FERRY BOAT, , , community ate r.. hrf ...r I make a choice of a 'kat,' -• r ,111 . t her It would nol he y ~,,i,c uro y 10 choose a Safety 2f. a., freight, in preference to n-i ileSion —and that they neat ;I,n , mve,,lion has the unqoat. fifty -team rn2ine builders—gentlrse • it is tt, tittderSland the stiljert, and in ,1--t.. , ides a numher of reri, - . and oilwrs—oll of CA in% 7.0 In. Wator stteet,when po,-.-orc al ail limps 1O tshilat ho n ill tttF.ell.4•l rouble io Ff , i,ll) - CADWA •• TAIX‘ni..E REAL E.STATE - . u , Y Tile subscriber offers f o r ale,it . red rams, tile :realer part of his rwl .•• ,tore din" , of PattAureh and Alleeway : I:ricli Warehouses, nearly new, a. situate on Market Si reel, beiween 5r br.cin= a front of ahnut 54 feet by 60 o ire, or separately tu suit parcbasma Also. a select latildin: lot in Alfeel treaditi,h; upward of 350 feet in .• t ()nit , . one on the Pennsy/vania canal Washington street. A co.I the lot adjoining, the ahore ~, a ritr 350 feet in depth, inclvding •:..-mt mansion house which I now occo " ' Al.n, n Int pith two two Eton btiet n , Oil he corner of bialtet imiTrooM a mod , ra ;round rent, and now errs* ALEX. Often a roe cry r , 111 , • 11 4 1 L 4 A I, D WANTED.—a awed cra= toods, fl quantity of 'Sass .a, 1.., i k , o4ti: of Conalry Prodore , for ca.i , or cool= at 11 AR RIFT , Wel— carnotil=friort Wadi UN Comaissie. Mtn • ga, a, -1 r ran Milirvfcallig 11).Fr.H TO- Jim. Grier. E-q., Plushares .Aaron •••• Jame, C thrill or “ .ino D. Davis, ArVaY Hanna. A very. Ovien co. Jrin rne, EFq., M ATALI:ABLE FARM Fqx EA V Farm nn which 1 livei in WI Braddocksiield, containing, ione fir acres: about 70 acres of willed 'leer •. . I ' ll limbered. There are 'moult and a barn F 3 feet by :34; an apple A !co. ahrint seventy acres of rile. he equal to that of any upland Am, Terms made known on applitatiOa l. " in the premises. WILLIAM AvILLIAIt C. WALL, Fills • and Pieture Frame .1 • ' Fourth So-ert Putts bur gh. —C2 OI. drc., for A rt iris, always on nand._ prompt ly framed to order. Refelliq es l not ire. rarticular attention paid 10 MI cry desc rip' ion. Persons titling up Steam NUL" CI iliciradvaniage to call. WIIITE LEA El.—The atibsol• to furnish painters. and ode chase -e White Lead made; fan! rat led equal, if not superior Ail ntdrnaddressed to Dunlap •11' co . N 0•110 second streel , attended to. DE. L•tnlE.:^ FASHIONABLE ld SiK ll Fill I, St., op c.d.*? frost OSt The Subscriber rerpectfully is ruts'uirah and vicinity that he la Mos_ Shoes of hi..own nianafaclale where he w ill keep constant!! ° 3 mint of ali kinds of ladieS,llni fses :4 d shoes. of 1 lie hivt qoalilY• 81 L recto snit t he times He will s . .' ° kinds of fancy work—slrh 25 und colored gaiters, MAO children's clisiers, silk gaiters, will he made at the shortestpolice• Der. Ladies will please caftan/ t a. the Fullstriber feels confident, that any article in his linet they may & . cep Fen P. S. Don't forget the Mst - .." -- door from Harries from Markel Street- Ilk/ILL' A5l DIGBV barir ng to V business apiarist florin Liimty street and 42 llartet ttr eet : e o t harks to the numerous friend s fi rm. for the very liberal "Pl tended to him. ,nonneetion stiih isbest o assure them that every fa merit t h e eontiouatjpp OTlti Peeirufly invite Melt et test* , Ciot bingovhich be inteedsvel l io Allan bee been ever offered. - b el 0 the whole of tbestOO ear;_l 1; 1111 Lidel siblm ard as be intends to eo, l .! , :::crpi , east business, be fedi noiltn:00 surpass bis stork, either nessof worketwilAitt-rseff Please to tate patine tor , ' rand in _ LLTELIMSIO4I4C -.0•40) free, S in ble linn i t iv etA4 o , o lollll ool44t sub of wares. alteripeuZ - - „ ty, to live d in nee. .- aa eor.••• •••.-- NO. 48- ti gLISIIED BY ips Sy W. H. SMITH, o r Joon*. Films -era - poLLARS a year, poyshie in „TWO CENTS—for eisfe at the o d by News nod llanufactlitrer i s, at the same office, on a diritSe T wo ipH,LAFIS a year. in aa slN CENTS.' of Advertising. TWF,LVr, LINES OR LESS: 0,50 i One nowt], - V• IPO. 0,15 \ Two in ontr, 6.00 1.00 Three months.7,oo 1..r,0F011r monqts. •- -84:10 . 3.0;1I Six m onths, 10,00 4.tou I One year, 15,00 A DV ERTISENI eNTs.. Alas AT Pi L OVAS. I TWO SeßaTel A.OOl 1 ~ z months, 1533.00 Z.OO i One year. 45,0 0 ments SO prororOon. els Six DOLLARS a year. - OFFICES,&C. twitvren Market and Wood . Pn , tmasler. Ter. 4 , It door from Wood st.. Peter .t JOllll Willork,collectOr. l'ood het ...Pen Fir% and Second wain, Treasurer. Third street. next door to the hurcU—S. ft. Johnston, Treasurer. atilt, let ween Market and Wood •,. Or. ore. Fourth. near Ma ;Itet It A SK 7ilarket and Wood !"trerts, on YYI OCT tcTritHßS' •VD FARMER? //C- Y Davin; Fund.) Fourth, iJetivcen near Wood EL 4 . Water rt• near It' Brldge rner ni Pelle 'led Cla:r. f o'lll, of n0.,1 Steil Wield. 11,1 Canid. IV ',IPr near F•e't t I .••Cr : = .l 1171,0,:t0 Wayne 11,,, Penn SI np,..te- Carol ITTORNEY AND R .1T I. 1 W.-- retno es on GrAr.l . Iy roprtf*ite oral moo 10 John D. Mallon, !..1 , 10 • (yr r. re removed to heft, ft, Pt nn and Liberty Ste', s p 10 31ar kr y, and Iretv . it, at d Domrstic ke , .PlltF..6tir:ll Fri , 10 & ! URE A A , tar and I3ffp, in the thamontl, Lark • .Pilisliury.h. Fry 10 . Morrow. Aldernon; office north between Wood and Smithfield rn 70 F. \Vllololartie Gror , r liertif4ing .Ater 1,1 No. 2.2-11.1bor:y Sirret. FittJ -10 DI LIVORT HI:111 1,, , :I fld )Li ttlf.irinred ztruc'w„ In. 2. op io ROM NSON, A 101,11•} at Law hart tti the Dia tstont;.betwett I",.nry a; Law; tenders , ‘, !hi 1,1 6 11 r, ()like CO, I.lny Cu'. cep TO M 1,11 Co:ll,rr 4,1 V ,r••, st •I 160 choice Mut urcd an,l tor ~ i'r4- 1 1,tp by hello l \ lIAI R IS, :No 14. rlit St k h's Fresh Ru• P, nt Iripiies 01 - Turnip r sage at nt.nvi dD PRil ES aI lilt F L . sNoIV DEN'. v s rert, head 01 Wood. t: rot and Stlon Mannfacio rlti Pt , next door to th•• U. Stales • . id and rzatio Floes made Zai hy itic newest I' encbQatterns. LTICAULUS. to lots tosuit er,-; to Fe di9,oi.ed of by F. L SN4,IWDEN, I.ow.riy s; reo. brad of Wood. 'lowers .2-11 d flower Seeds of ev ran always he had ;,t lite Drug F. 1.. SNOWDEN. 2.4 Liberty reel, head of Wood- noel Mammoth Onion Setd, for and Seed store of F. L SNOWDEN. ' • Liheri re. , "/ , Itr.orl of Wood. LANES, for !Irmo edinga lu .IL elate law, (or sale at this-Office. on the North East corner of.Cogl reet. Apply to - - R LI NGI'ON, Market, tierirOklit: ties French - Sugar 4ket for lute at the Drug ;t o r P. L. SNO '- 184 Liberty street, heshirneW 44- MEE= JA KEAN Fna.cta I , l otmG & co.. Furnlture Warr Harsd 4• Exthal:ze A . Porpttrorr find It In .1 call, 1,. , 111; -atj-Cird That ,p RI =ME RSEY SWEET POTATOES ter,“ F. 1.. 1 , ..1 , 10W DEN, • y Ii ati of Wood -51 f Panty Snal l2 - 2 Tunis, Budding PIE., just re• r. L SNOW DS* i 4 eov uteet, head of 'Welid. `.---Jiee received a small sap '•o,,Nl Veniso l i Llama, on retail ISA H Agent, and Cone. Merchant •rrr °nil:lrd Gras , . and Gra=s, always oft , bant . l aad for F. L. ssovinks. - 4 Ltbert y street, beadol"Wood. NAN. Ritornera at Law, office lhamond, to •• A ttorneysit ow," cet, between Markel and Wood SeP 10 I P PAlMPtitater:7lB rewrote gurhetweenw "*" "AMIN, ELL 4414,4217 Wpm fine to sea' -wfu.ta 11 - 11/. E. Awe URN. TlSTsgpin Swat!. itir - *ler, Marge* Secenit Ad rub , BY inzp • -- Prrrsavocp. ToiksTos 4- 00431ETCitijkliiksegetaOriltersagui it" Paper.l4 a naraitarers, No. 37.4iarket peil,o4l lOBN ANDERSON, sinithfieid.Founary, Water s~- near the Illcnom*Nria Pease. Pittsturo Iv.-1Y y EONARD S. JOUNS, Alderman, St. Clair street, re -1-41 coed door from Liberty. rep 16:=,iy DII. S. R. ROLM Cs. Office in Second sued', next . door Motrasy Cos Glass Wirtrohonse sep 10-ly QUUNK 4- FINDLAY. Attoroitiihd .Law ? Fait" it-. near Ik*lllayor's.Qtbee, ser MHOS. HAMILTON Attorney sitraw, Filth, bet. 'lOlO, j.. Wood and gsnithified sts- sep,llo-Ay . . HUGdirlsTrnOitiNifiEoll-.4 a A n t d io p m en ey ri a t : s i t .a re :; e. North segapstieornleyr TRONPso7t nalri• JAIIS4.TVIABUI L. -FIANNA ff• TfiRNBUI.I.'S Paper Warehouse, No. I 414, Wood st., where ,-ire had a eencral Popoly of writ ins. wrapplies. printing.' nail paper, blank books, school books. 4tc.. fre. sep 11}-41), 11 - 31 C. TOW NAEND k CO.. Wipe Workers and 3 IL.. Xeserfactarst - A, No. 23 Market street, between 2d and 3d streets. - = sep 1 0-1 y • EXCHANGE HOTEL.Corner of Penn aoll et. Clair si,ecia,by . o f SMITH. Fep 11:1-1v j, 1G METAL.—T 7 tons soft rit , G Moal A CO for sale ha , J. .* . ED 1N . .rp 13 . No. 12 Water street -1 (UUI LBS. B SAMS. 16.000 116. Bacon CPI AY Stiould , rs. krr Sale hg J. G. k A. CORDON. sPp 13 N 0.172 Water wee'', T PATTEP €4ON. Jr.. Birmlozbam,oear Pittshurah, a -Pa., 51annfartnr.r of Locks. 'Hinges and Bolts; To- . I•aeco, Faller, Mill and Timber Scream liotiren Screws for Rolling Milisote. gef) 19--i OTIN ..701'IC LOS. KEY, Tailor and Cirt bier. taber.y =meet,between Sixth and Virgin alley, Smith side. sep 10 %V BURBRIDOE 4- CO., N'tiole.-le Grocers auit Commi.%oon Merchants-- Sreond Wert., het wen. Wood and Smithfield As.,Pittshurgh. seta 10— 1y T G.;; a. GowooN. Commirkion and Farteattlirwri, 11 . till , re ha hi g, Water at.. Pitt• - hur7.h. !rep ETA MS.-4 casks ha nts, a good article, reerivtd per S. ILL ft Corsair, and for sale by ].C.4. A. GOR nox. sep 10 No. 12. water street_ QUO Alt k MOLASSES —4O Dbd :New Orleans Su gar; 80 tthts New Orleans NloLases; for Stile by se p [0 J.G. $ A. GORDON: SUG A R.-7 MO: prune N. 0. Sit-sir, rereived Der S. R Maine, and forrate by J. a. 4- N. Gni/ noN. sect 10 No. 12, - Water street BACON CASK S.ln order, on band and for sale by sep 10 J.G. ¢ A.GORDON, No. IL Water st Qt'f; AR AND MOL Mids. and Li 11' N. 0. Ez u ,, , 32. bids N. 0. 11ohsses rerrived per Pearnixott impooer, nod for kale by J. G. Ir A. GORD O N, sep 10 No. 12. Water so reel BI LIS. LARD OIL. for &Ile by lUP B. A. FA HINESTOCK ern np-of 61 h a nd Mood MP I eIbOIUTAPERS Germ.] otown Lamp Etact for 10 ie. k . -by B.A. FAISNEATOtIItk ffilt,- p^n turner Of F.O it and Wo . ort rag. 10. LUS r repaired Chalk, for pa'e by B. A. FA S rocK 4- Co. eI) 10 corner .f* I anti World id,; L.2L7-0 ADD NIOL aSSES.-611 S. 0. Sugar. CI • 25 !ads. du. do., 100 do. Plaotati•m 31otasseP. for 1311, A INK PETITIONS, NOTICES, . C.- 1 o he 'it , ed in Bankruptcy pruceriliMp, printed on 7.00 d plp.r.and iu the coring approved by s he Coar,for sale .t tlic (HE,. of ;he Mercury aid Democrat. seep 10 vvrM. H ÜBBARD, Lytle? fashionable hoot and shor 101, Thlid vreet. i.ernreen Vood, and Smithfield ,meets, PilislOttO sep 10 BEICKM ASTER, ATIRNEY AT LAW, 4 hns removed his office to the corner of Fourth tree and Cherry between Sotiittfield and Grant 41 , ee!s, ril tshu re h. Fep FOR HENT.--*Phedwelling and lot coktaining 4 acres, in Allegheny,: firsAr the Denver Road,ialely orrui.iettlly Mr. Sa wile! etanrth. Apply at the MerchaniP tad Manufacture Batik. to W. H. DENNY. ntay;in, AVID SA NIIS, Ili AIVII iSr- CLOCk g_,P-, I_l/ MAKER, No. 93. Market streelOVitts " huTan, Intween Filth and Liberty . lidteata. DEALER IN ir.:4ITCII,ES,C LOC KS, BREAST PEN'S FINGER RINGS, CH4INS.XEYS, COJWBS. Sic se 13 10 ANDRETirs GARDEN SEEDS.= A fun / supply of Lambeth's Garden seeds, always on hard, aut: for sale at his agency, the Drag store of F. 1.. SNOWDEN. pelt 184 Liberty street. head of Wood DR. t )AV.W WARD ha, his office and recideince on n•urt It Stree4 nearly smith of the Court House, second dwell , ng Dorn Ross Aty..et. De will ca ithfullyattend ail Sa Ijs pci toinin_ t, his profession. Night calls should be made at the door above the basement. ger , 10 EMO L —Matthew Jones, Barheearnt flair HreFiP r r, has removed io Fourth iii reel, opposite I he May or, office. Iv here he will be happy to:wait npon permanent nr transient customers. He solicits a share of public pat. rn , iai2P• sep 10 1.1,7 M. A. WAR D, DE 7 lll7l' St, Penn et. three 11 i Y door below Irwin street. Rou r•tt of business. from 9 A. 14., until 5 P. .11,. after which time he will 'mend to no one except is .tases of actual net-sun:My. He would further inform those who may think proper to employ hits, I hat he expects inittnltliate payment, without the necessity on his us" of senillkit in bills. Fen 10 arFARLIND, Upholsterer (ha Cabinet .M.ker, Third st. hawses Wood k Market irtr resprTi hid fufiats his friends and the public tbat heitt prepared the'sfitilte all orders for Sofas, Sideboards. Bn .tt•aos. Fables, fledsteads, Stands. Hale and Spring Curtains, Carpets, all aorta of Upholstering 'Work, which lie will warrant equal .o any made in the city, and on reasonable terms. Pep JO COMMERCIO, AUCTION ROOMS, Xo .110 Wenci . .. - SeroW, Pittsburgh.—R. A. ttathinian. Auctioneer and Coainti*ion Merchant, is no* prepared to ineeive and sell all kinds of. Goods and Merchandise, at his taste and capacious litotes, No. 110, North East Corner of Wood and Finn Streets, fillshursh. Rt.f Hill r sales of Dry Goods, Furniriiic. Groceries and ot tier armies, on Monday:mad ThoradaloVeaeli week. Hardware, Cutlery, Dry Goods, and 'raise' , articles, air Tuesday, Wed nimbi, and Thanay.eversin,gs. Books. 4-c.. every Saturday revising. Liberaßevances made on Consignmentswben wanted hleous.ltik Tr D.l)avro.'Bl4-, Bagaief 4 smith. ktiourpion. Sarkis, r %dress" 4. Co.. • J. W. Borbrifte 4 CO., • • _l3. M'Keelt thapt. JAIWIES " Joan II 'Fadden %I. - - Lopri it.-111kkmigsd*Grti' rwantart, - - - < ,-• i1ik6010144V47,41.' . . ~-.., . :, —,: . -. 4 4 1 .4.- -- -..e. ' y . 4 , 0 , ~.-.......--1 4.7 :„ , _,...,,,.._ ...___-. .....,,, g -r , -.-- " : , --- g ].G. A.GoerroN. M,, :12 Water airrei 1 fib., 4 t `" '. 4 1 ' : "Alli t higlitalo '''.' -tfilAl; volot - -zv ..4..,-...,..,h,ki,auk.'d, PlTTVaikallo NOWDI4Im P 4 4 4 4 144 cog jiffeer _Stsientieett g erAIS- Wm' Deiced bcfressu, Ur/rips; andwal mu sat I,JR. ly (Sundays exceoted.) f.spones,' Beaver *V& 19 1 ._ Slack A. 11., fires Pittsburgh at 3 o'clock P, M. coo nests at. fleaver , swith the - ' reinktylvasia. and Ohio Lung Freight lied pasibeitaital boats believes aeitser. and Mievelatid Ohio, till4flteenviiie, - Pennsystiaran„: -Leaves Beaver daily'su 6 Week P.M. This line coaneele Atth tWathdlly" lines on the Pertesylianfit anal 1.0 Philadel phia, and wstb tee New York anstilhbi lingoes thelhrie canal, and New York aud Ohio Rae and Ohio canal, at. so wills. steam freight and passage- 'boats( schooners, no the Lakes. The p !slaters of, lithrw-elf known fine wilt he prepared ontWo . . pening - of naviga tion to transport merehandizeto any _alba jadateandt ale parfait]) the Pennsylvania' and Ohio, and Ohio ea. nalFl to any Port on Lake - . Erie, and the Upper Likes; to and front New York City and Philadelphia. Meagre it Dickey, Seaver. Pa., Cobb Wormer 4 Co., Cleveland, 0., Rees 4 Taylor. Warren, 0., Proprietors:, wars A. VEAEV. sep 10 N 0.60 Water steel:Ai. Pittahrt!itit:, PITTSBURGH ile..p.LEVirditAßß , LINE. • STEAM PACKET MICIIIGAN;' 4. W. B. BOTES. Master. RUNS daily (Sundays excepted.) between BURGH 4- - BEAVER. leavina Beaver at 8 A. M. and Pittsburgh at 2P . providsd milk EVAMeB Selig ty Guard to prevent Explosion of Boilers. This sp'endidand fact runninv Steam Boat ht. Joist tieen romple:ed exprmsly fur this„ trade, and tans in onneri inn wit b. CLARKE,t Co's PiUsh-t►gi ' -end Cleveland Liwe 4/ FBRIGHTAXD PASSAGE BOATS, daily to Cleveland, Oki.. Or town the Ohio canal to Alas-iron, ke. and Erie Ex temslon Line to Greenville The Canal coats of this Line are towed to and from Pittsbarth dirert, and the htt, , iners condo cied .n the erornm and Economical system. Having a connee. lion with ilia Pennsylvania Canal Liam; to Philadeh phia and Baltimore, and Steamboats running down the Ohio river;hlso, throuzh our Agents at Cleveland, with '.::. . Reed's Steamboatsnnd several Lake Vessels, and the i 1 rely and Mielrierldrand ElulTalo Lake twat lines cin the Erieeanal. we are. , reinared for the transportalints of -Frr ight to and front all points on the canal, th- lakca anitibe Riv r, or the Ea=iern cities. at forreetas !ow as any other line. - A to O. M. 119rtow,ii0. 55 Water:o4i tit' at Stearn boat Miellit•ares _Landing. Pittsburgh-. Clorto Ca. Beaver. Brained 4- Weatherbee, Warren. Witecler 4- Ca. Akron: Theauts Richmond 4. Co. Cleveland J. R. Wick k Co.. Greenvine; W. C. Nolen, Fharon, U. W. , C . iin.singhani. New Cagle, John Kirk, Youngstown, John ea inphell Newton Falls; Campbell 4- Miller, CawrwlistOwe; Babcock &' Mcßride, Ravenna; C. k D. Rhode*. Fcankrin; . A . Miller 4- CO., Ong:1110p . Fln; Welisman 4- Whitehead, Matwillow; Gordon Williams. 4' co.. Detroit; Kinne, Pasts 4- Bonin; Cowing, Richmond. 01144.1g6v -York: sep 10 • aill.GßY—Jira. 121. Corner of n'oootrrad . Streets, Ppyrktser,lhas on hand a complete as sortrnentor docestsware suited to the city or conntry Mode. A isrti _a choice selection owe-white and ;61d hand DINING A NI) TF. AAV An E. in large Or anti lf - sellt. or Feintrate pierrs to suit poreinuarrs. . A cask of 46. 60. or 84 piece sets. soperblv painted and cilt Engli.tt China Teaware. at very low priceA. Toy Te4i:v are. plain, and rieb painted and gin, from 1.0010 *540 per set Children's lIIS orrvet y deFeription. White (.Itina ShavinE. , &infs. 'Granite Dining a. d Tea rztervires, in white and with splendid Anierican neenery printed in tone and htnek. A targelia rift y of Steamboat Dining and Rreakfa , t Gin, impnited to mairh. complete, Fite Proof stone Flaking plates and dishes, from the Derbyshire Potteries. Flint and Green Mau:, In all their varieties. Window Glass, of every sine : Patent Rockets, Tubs and Keeler& Slane Pip steads. Sre. Alt of which are resperifully offered in I1•e putt. lie on the most fa vora ble tenter. Jan 26.1841—1 T 1J FOX ALDEN Attorney and Coansetior at • 1.47 r. C Ire re his profeolnnal services to the fil igree of Pittstmrah and hopes for a share of public pat ronage. lie will esecutealt kinds writing with neat neat and dispatch: Cases in bankritptcy attended to on reasonable terms.—Office In Smithfield street. at 'the hoirse of Mr. Thomas O'Neil, to whom he refers. amp 10 T. J. FOX ALDEN. . . DAvit, CLARK. .get. ea., hiorrable Rae Maker , flas - removed to Ko, 34 Slarket street. letween Second and Third where he wnu•d he ha . ppy to.iie his old customers. and all others who feet dispos. edlo patronize him. He awes nothing hilt first rate sheik, an em ploys the hest of. workmen; and as he blves by com.lant personal attention tobusiness, he truslstitat lie wilt deserve and rteeive a fair share of patronage. I•ep 111 CON PEUTIONARV.— FRUlts. 14;E: CREAM. 4 A Hunker respectfully informs his friends and site public that they can always find the best (panty of fee Creams. together with al: kinds of confertionary and friiits. in I heir season. at his establishment—No. IL Fifth M reel, be' weer r Wood and/Market. • N. B rnippiied on the shorten notice. With oranything in. his line. Also families fornifthrtf with Bread. sep 10 TWIN B. GUTHRIE, itiletiOneOT Oinit,lColllllllS S. ,ion 11l ercha Xs. 106, corner of Wood k Fifth sin. Pataburgrk: iiinsijnEi been appointed one of the AbetMa yers ft, the City of Pitsburah. lenders Ins - rvier's to jo , e hers, nrdnufaci firers and dealer.. Whil may he diSpased to make trial of this farket. He is prepared ta siate advances on considuMenis of all saleable commoditi. and trusts lomttfvty correspondents by quick - t• ales - ,!and speedy 'and favorable returns. That the varinas interests whirh may i.e confided to him, shall be adeqnately protected. be brings to UMW of his own experience in business and acquaintance with merehandlee r,enerallv, the services of -Mr. LSlivaL FAraucterocc heretofore aidvanlaccouyly knewn,.,a4 an importer and deafer in HardwAe. and Cutlery, with whom a Permanent pneaaement is made. REFER TO Mears. M. Tiernan. P reel . of M. 4- M. Bank. 'Parting - Pon Peebles, Bober; Cal wea y, James M. Cooper, n James May. • I - •• R. M. Riddle, PiHatiargh .• 'Wm Robinson.' Jr. Pres% I • of Exchaoge.Bank. • Hamploa,Smith, 4- co., c. John D. Davis, • SameetChnrch, n J. K. Moorhead, e4 l--- n Jae.. Vl7- Brown 4-to. • John H. Btoirm. 4 co. n flotilla 4 . fttystey. • Yardly it ' John B. Biddle, • Jobs Dalaell, LIVA SSW CANN:AIM ilk _nos* -CL __SMEL 111 ear rock, was anteted with ttrowpata Its oast naiscnited Corw, The spnotweie Ivoki4lokiiii**4l- 71 *chey,ltratt debility, .91.10•404t1 boti,pitst lime dot* aim *owl kiwark atkr I .o l reA 15,910*termatUltikAritliktior at 6rtFdi. withAttPtent-v"thUlt tkey oitankstiNlisylits twOkiltietW - Thar had or a likottocjaaget v ,WlOW Bheirialoo64ollistCrtrat Ala sichwitilog sio wwwatofilittiiillt.""*"""sl' ~,~. ~Ml~~^,'°r_ _ I • i VOJD Calf FRamis..PWR. Theis. • .Tirik*Tio.rantly treepoomeitiledjolle ootiee 4 thel*Mes-#3 and ceinedi *a** 024 peculiar, to theiy*ex. from IR R A Lot. ra 'eft' s*: gvier*l **thy of: ike 11.41,494.,, They W W N. and eoaitteroit.itt *iyille**l ask# fiwoo* these illls hare. gained Rottioi,i. and ape4iiitaiiii" of the wisi-ininept tedliNte and ilualfirid(!em. joKilids.WhOtnie 484 4 11 41 1 6q 10- - • - vo - ...4*. Wood sii*iotesc_kir Egesok., 1111Arao ALBA. S{C,_ ,p _ Bee, ai fr • iced of .4** /401 Tl;a joavlag-biaght,. aut Itie„atpck.-4 ; lay late Tholkil ' y. casantaceC,,baeliaiss, 11404 1)40 of d t ; 1144 P"M rie44sl all a - A1k 14)1 0 /n the het ) ** 'lfFe f sligrtisi 11 4)m. keeps eerstaathr on itend a large alsorlment pfshae Wadi orior daaataloCalaad °Me !oatviatity. the * palmasta 0 1 the PO' lieandgftheeraft- - WM. . 1111.1 4 11 - PeT) 19 - , ' . 1351. § 1 M i l tße. f tr or Ii C ANIrr: ACT : At 4311- teri' ..A lf 1 44, - ;/,:iratra end inantifattyre -sad 'z'llcetroit coil* , a ::-PlverAIDA,.. ehmiSefirit ,- flash Vaiiirs ' , ift:afs , - flab Baisds. Sump Joints. &Went A.42111!tr; ---- • wAJOmir y - Ttiiie Gliirr te4,llllalp," ' 4tandics 30441ingrx ofte,kt- *,--;:,, , e - - .1-011EP & eAtlllitVg- - teed 1 11- - 1. A nti-V.. Pe4rl l . - Vae .. l• 4.1 1)-4, 1 '7 3 4LERS.* -3 01),AfSeesta&dorellini /it roilitit, r , t 1 11 . t'efolt - Ferry Sil i on. se&-1.47-tt r ' - •f-- - -', l:L_____-_:. '-1 .. . . , and Myer Iron,. 4 LOCI.E ., ..8.-Z:r - "::;;•-4 '.. -'-'3, 67 ! Tier 4 , 1.1i99 4119i;elfri:‘;' ' . voinevrbal .pre . o- I t_ ticalin , mnce.in 'hr nun* in favor: : -- Syrlyap'*44±,rwrAtioitilx4up rf*lfi.C.ll - eir - ' ry,lnt li ilt, • • tthe , pip.frilrliititi.itEt iiiiinown i 9 libisvc ' lion of ti+7!liaso. is Trepttlfilly - 4ireciodlu thirattratiAg., ceritrie9lP',.;9e 4v - fie:rot which bap bet.° a ti**,"ncipie!. Is/trough ri- -is , vern:-;ears , and i..knorkii 1,1 - ' ,i-gektitiekti - otinte•grkzz, 74rd. resil:os,o4.lily_ _, ..,. , s). . . . . , - ... - ,-.717 tie Jg girt ,Ift-r, 1: lcuttor. 4 nave SoNi Dlr,_.‘fritkOel.C.3" , r , 0nd.:1 4 4 - reW*.g.-4 , 4e.....4 4 C j Cherry rflr.a ethl:e.h, - IPV.phrWhieh I ha re. t eeh*reek.tt . .:t..iff.; : 4 tlieled far' litoattatte-ticinifitt, 'it ntl III:Ivo ,'o ::iijatiliiiii.t. in sayinr, iiiirt it ifF Om kcalt.elrect Iva intlieptif,l4ll"tp , ritt, been able to proenir.• - x if 4 4 .4 'et inpiwei,..ft l f . 0•Pe*• 514 t 544- •' .441- • naiew, vvol with any •ir • :, titil ; io* . )lo a - -- plat tn4l - ' plod a ppel ItA. Iran fr - .„..,,-" ... ftiene.prlit to all- nil._,rrs similarly. tiMiiietit. J. Biz '. ' ,of C*Direrrlib`...fl . ' • • M rir ri, 9..1410: ,' :•;;..., . ~-.. ib t s ,-; ? :;: i , ~,.,, p vi, fkir For ga , e tk ;Al Lttige it o Mitall+4-sl rort , - . .. .. FRUIT, stisiip , . 1 0-:,*ix-mrSTAL 1 3F: O R ;; , ii ' l'l tt' . : ' iiirlit. u Tro: : ll7l . la' a dV i t, lixot t rit. phis or N"" I f ~ ~ iirA'titVr-V: - ifirt4i ratirirtiii : ' soon as prlt- - ; . ..4e„:• , ite..!ite ' loo4.tte,::t. • •••, t rt'estreff 41# 5cip .. .,,, .critter; ititnirii...-ftn ite:4lo atainti:? , .. :'' , aturt.c,. - tetly...oritte r. m ost extentid. +aito les. i-,.,, „ • , r. I. 1:14,10vg: DEN, -.. 4 . ..t ti • l Rep 21 -fr. ei• -Illy yereet:y,:lseq. of. kil' nee T' or derneW and transferred from ta , al to Rapt oad, tlins.ati 'lt were. Britain!! a mtniptere train orf.7a..is. • or preventine the novel appearance of a Boat a:oin_ on land and thereby avoidin! ftte erect delay occasioned ty re .iiippitte,at the several ineitona and .termittalint a of ra itais and.P.a II Roads, the expense of transhipment and the damage the panda :iviain by trennent handlin7;...and renderin2 it imposeibie in asmarate tow of root a oh the way—Ovine to the pertiliar construction of the Boat having four separate aparrioirtti hi Whirhnocda are a.to. red, renders them lees little to d imate goods by water or of berwiae titan by any op her mode of transportation. The syMent of Tra ittu:as. recommended . 'kr ihe Canal ConnuiroiOners and lately adooted by the State, refers particularly to this class of Boats. The Boats of this Line 'are owned by fr,ll..llFible captains that run tilPllll, and is the only Line now in operation free from monopolies. or combination. Coodstonsigne.! to the undersigned agents will he re ceived free of r 011111.6 4ioll and shipped without delay at the lowest rates. All charges paid and every IntornMion promptly attended to. C. A. M'NULTY k Co. 47.1.5. Canal Basin, Pittsburgh. F. F. POPE. Agent_ 75 Bowly's AVharf, Baltimore. T 110.4 tIORBRIDGE, AgentPhila. sep.l6—!f MA RBLE M %IsIUFACTOR Y.—Patrick Caw field re- . , spectrally acquaints his friends and the piddle zeti erally,Orat he has commenced the Marble business al the. corner or Fifth and Lihertv As.. where will be comd a oily on hand 3omb stones, mantel piece..., nnmeras, lwati and foul stones. table slabs for cabinet waS; and every art lige appertainine to the Inv-ideas. He will warrant his work to he *nit-Acme. and his hatzes will he moderate Be resi4ct fully asks a share of public patronage. sep 10- JAM es A. VE AZP.Y. Forwarding allii CONtilli BRIO* Mere Aunt. Agent for Steamboat &levet:mil and Pennsylvania and Obin Line !Saving rented the ware how occupied by tlirminfham k Co.. Nc. 60 Water St nerd, 1 etween Wood and Smithfield. is prepared i n receive and forward goods in any port on the Ohio or Mi- - signivni river on rewonableterms. rep IQ - . 0- FLIATX RSH I P P. Omit vv.:llam pton; _ irmilat. associated tiveimmtves toeuthes ender tlie firm of liattnton 4- smio, will con? mar ihhe . witolcsair Dry_GoOda hnsitte.s in -the Mince recently oernplittl hy Hampton, Smith co where they will h receiving in n. few anyisit - 11PW - sine* of Fan and Whom (;odds. They re.ped-ithtty invite their old frieiidg,aod mere.!itmls een .. erally, visiting, Pittsburgh, to call anti examine their stoat; eapt 2,509 air. ate , 555 -:de. do do _ 'do 2,005 at 445 AO do - i do, ' , do ,- -- do I:sofrot' - 1 5- OD do ,' do , do „filo 1,000 at, 39 IV „,, do ! ao: - do ' tict' : 50 iii - 15 - Uo' With raidag lovers anaddilloo.Of 1113 -10 eatillhoeOler ": Dormant realer for the tre of Warehoilas pouring litirke,4l;e..theattokeprices sisitoolc " ' -,. 7- - , ,-- , 1 A too. Whites ,_EVA . III Coyote' . • Sta!e, 70011.0, 3 zoimet. -; imrilusementi, and srvuelity of 'other et:Attie' : edditO." 'emelt fber 10 # 6 , 01 1 0.1 : Of,' * 10 1.11 1 5. ':-; , ! ;1.;,.- - 7:: t , - 3. 'T Their ' also littottfaptu , re Strati ftetaas for,Xioeriog iditit. iSx*liiniSate'Wo'rts. , *e.; &WO' irtii :wit -, F iealedvide lat:tii.isPok antothear 120 es #:vood,uffniagr c y *haiiihipi ibritinpowe - ciiiiiri,' titilani putibitei, door - ' illk- *II , A* 4 1 14 110.40 0 i# Paiiitk !frawPoNetiorl o l , 4o t aifill - . 14 KILIF ebin ! 4 11 Pr i l l lif ficA n ortit.r,,d u ric , i. ;Ai*. ' . fi'lqing'imily Thiiii i "Rl .Pralif ..„.. V .'.4..r.i ,-- 14/M/~ ,. r: ,1 A.11. 1 .,4 4 .,14CA 11 44e,ka - lottl -0 -- '4o l oKartikwregtliof7 _._ .........'.....111.1tLL.r " ' - 4.4o i ths4- iftlolloll4kt „). PhigatOra MP* ==2l ' I 51 11 ' f s , _ !- -2. , 11614 'roved Play 'factored- be r Machin' nelvtein street. t ritts 4 ifarture and . Ole f4;f'otv .. ,c4teattll , 4 4. :outs ascii • - 31 -•• No.'l, Pot!. its , On u'ars, Vkat PROSPECTUS Far it sitsaiar a li* Diaily Pqmot.iitalt•Oltre PAU: ' borili t .te; be tatieldiker li . '." .. ". ' DAILY mir i onoltost -- 111 H E Stabirer there }dal* wade arraniaments to mer=e .11 ibe AnteTlOlie Shiftrafactirer.aati o ltittibaritlb !lemu r!, into rin. Jag roal, bairtitoncladed La aabrittit a' daily toper wilt:, he tidteittf the Daily Xaraiiat•Psat. The Indio- abieetteirtatt•-Poe-r" - ailkl do lise.digiatuti na - l ion a.d defence of The political priaelpies that (rave Pete-, tante beta mate tabsegabb the Editors% hit,theirimrpoctlye p.peri.. ;mit 'lei* laestetforta will atilt ttatiall in the adaanertneat and succeastof three doprtatela -.: : - Althoritif:.la pottrita. the paper will he thoroo:hly : democratic. yr.l the Editors hope. by &Fiat ata. batatta.. candid hiit.lry of- par:pine roliteal .. evtnitcoattir and Dome,,ic I ffi e ll ieenre.aufibreq .lo,l oo,SOlC-20 ant' tern and pitca rcr aces i hat mote properlyor h Wit therUbell, ora T:lElk latiroal, to to (her papal rufficleatty Ila erecti n 7, to entitle it to the Wrenn"!OVEß fallialf.li ' roped ive hf patl lipei al - aliens. - . ~!.'.... In add Oisiri to t eAll i and renerats tisr 00.1011 i t be found in the ••• rimy , Prat.. the f Edittlest ' , rill talte paina to fbralsh tlnflinitiiterto.. - eotOnvnity.... Oelth i the late.tlind aheti•jaititealtay Comeaul4 SIErs3AI - from oil pOrt,' , 3l'' . coabirreanti to kavejggpa• red sech aceounla of the ataimajberitaieof Trade th at as williteradaantagetitta lit r Metelin:os a , dililotiliesz Men lotlateit - 40 0 11hit ,"tl47';'f, ~. Tr'f" l,2 -11 1 0/Pbri WO, be nalttiabeti es„ itr f i. er t, al 'heel ofillel,ol4o“OLOonfaetN4ll 115/ IO Jon rall). atil'atialty - law rani er , per arintsin,siayahte lit- jrimitrik.. It ari atwaotors at the totAp. ri4" , TWQGeire/VeCollf.'.': .7 . . Adeertiaeseuta..**.jaloaried at like 104pata'.uttes chacir.d by the nth ' ty. , lailmaf tlieatir; " ' 7.k , ... ini'T , _ *: EXPriitittiitAkeatt travail' 'lit iti;iihi4Nist. -% ho 030 44 eltP"CilosEilriifti siswiai laws. • . , T 1109: Parma's, - mirtriirPri-f - Aw:tevt . t s 1142 ,_ . ........ 'lriavetl6llAlWiv.f Aare .. ,4,.., „ ly, and -mrctild Inure 'fi t : • _tt. ..- Ahl• - en r i2:tm ;Wye I,fne, 11 1 40 Ps'ageini;* Mir,' , ..;..7.ey ! pi rt ir at ; IA fitt4l serpool, threerein 1x.n0 . , de , , ... • Medi a t ft/t , point.-..- Life.); 4114 - 9 - irpileintikl i go fnrnlsh .S:Ti . L /3 re( WI man gartcallitst-peine tie le; ' To ge gm We i A rtineinm - • .4.4„, .., . ; ....4.-..., r• v . . ot `4o .F , iieea:reed(o,6loi r 6 X . "f tt/yll NtifllPl44 cr,.,,,L1.. . : partienlaranpply Up fetter lei' s4Nt , . . - '•:' tnik,' • : ..t . : ..- Josr_raxillFP. ft - ii.. • ' 1 fP. .-tsii . MO. .. ra• , 1 i'ennivilyiiitrt —no porta oftoblch thine is nbundanie oT Coal. Lisle end Iron Ore, and many AI ill seatr: Anal cirri:lima araftirst sundry persons for land told 'Yin . / in s4hirvanntlev,ihat are considered Bond. And or Stork and Tools on a Farm in the township nrPradford, in the cowatrof McKean, In - said State of Pennsylvania ..The. land wlWhn sett porebasem.epp. titnina froiri4ut .114-10 51*3- acres. Further rtrficalant - milll be made.known.at the sate, or on inquiry Orthenalianriber. at No. 12 Lona Wharr— of ri.4liers and Baldwin, Merchants' Bow in 'Bomon—or eleither or the Truatees . ufthe,said flailed S4aies sand Co Trani. - D. I< GRIPGS. •- President otthe United Slates Land Co rinstoa. A,rign4 20,1040. - fsep 10) BY Morrison 4- c o 'Landon, for sate anti by B. N. Wickersham, corner cd" Wood street - rand Virgin alley Pittsburgh Pa. and H. Harwood, Beaver Pa. who is sci'e agent tar Wesiern Pernin,lVaia: PPP 10 FARM FOR 67A Le.—Ttnen oder:never:l offcre for Ante a tract *of land shunted 4 miles from, ereenott r in the direction of Kittanning. Buffato 'township, Armglittm county. rontaining 100 arree,,,,,6,5 cleared and under 14143 d ferer; 10 of 3vltiCn are in meadow— a good swam in; dwelline Innmeand eihmn irarn erected thereon—an apple oichnrn of frahr , a.inz tree.—and a spring of excellent water ern; venlent to the honee,, • , FOR TER MSzooty t o le vnbicribery residLar, aLlhe Etaittvorks On the reativylvanta Cana!, 1 tale above Free port..F • r ,THE WLSE--14 6.f101011 well nutteratnod hoW I.much disql - ilers of the mind depend for their cure upon a due anent ion to the Lindy. It is cow underStond how valuable is that medicine which Will - remove morbid accumulations without weakening the bodily pourer t 1 it - .now - understood that therie is a reciprocal influence be. tvirvn the mind and the body. It ht'inatv understood that pitv , ing with the Brandretß I iiirtpill remove a Medan elmly, and even insanity is eared by perrevertisnly u4ng tßenr Lt is now n nderst nod how much domititift lumpi ness tlepeods umirr the healthy condit ion of the digestive organs. It is now well knnwn that the, Briadreth• Pats hake - citicd,thousartdc orhoncless - h - clpleits persons, even -when the first:physicians had It rencitirice4 them beycitull all human meamy of relief., It: is mow not only well known that the itrandretitPlitstm.core, hut it is also-un derstood howthro.chrir.that ft,isty their nurifyin; efleet ou itliStilood that they restomtjthe body to lliesttit: the medicine is.hteeotuiny more and piece ma Wrest, it licrecom Mended daily from family - to , the BrattArettt Piltscealove Idlth 'almoSt imperceptible manner al I notions ahentatitat ions and heilify and ihvieo. - rate tnkoMt.a nil their ;orid rtfhrts repot counterhabite red h inronvenieltheS; co*sett. entirety. of sc.mahlepthey durum Arnose - tbothi - ' nse them - to • dati;:ci; and their effects are-as; tertaiiis - they are saki tirrethey alte r daily and safety adminii.tertd to Jemmy. -youth. unnahtiod, and -- nfOrite-and to women in the most critical and.deteentectrunmstaticci. The* dertnt disMirb I•or shock [lie animal qc.i iomt, : 104t 'TeStOtel heir: order I ari.trhfi:ih their health. s , • . • , at Dr. Brattanittles o®ie, - co. 9r, Wood street. Pit Istinrelt. Price 3a tete" Der lutto'usith - rillit dreittimir, lNACK=Tfieonl plate in Pittsbu hwheret lttsgenu ,inc Pills can he r obtained, is the toicior'eown.oolce,hro ltiS -Woe& eltel4 - . 7'• • gro . . 11.tflee truly inform the cite. I'ls zees or Pittsburgh and that be hairetnri: rd ' e i rePre - NWrei to •uhuriarre eonfidebee of his refiner pitions lour tbe -pelkfie gener4l4l' SgneitS g. reilibmar it poribin tbeir bairivisege, in iiisatexim he, Attottltutalirsie.fitai - ihertriefitiatt or 1A 1 ' 11 ' 0 6 41 7, t9t lefeeklbobbitbue c in lbefilbaer n zbd affewlnas itio.WS of with the laifee,) itcevery whetrefrabbabding:tbe deep. ; .teet Inteseg epee ivertebd Ibe hrettztt bran. bianett " tnaldt4 4 ,P ti dKi i roMl 11 4 1cl i f l t ik.c i c' ! l/ Y 0 •• 0 ) .4 11.41144 attenCittn. ruisr..,frOmiiA *VAR!, Aritiier isirwirratirmi iiNistflitijurristuutly or by iereri tit it:iletifell etc be beebitorns4stid attic'llstejiya:At Leto Wit but*. thbeck,. Weir T6fa;4lAft4etialrei t ijr arid Userly eep 1• : Vtiteirfte and PrViti tkins. ,3 , -,44 i r engt*o ." s. , _ - • u KS= 1 . .itiii ,;- 1 1 . - -4 A • '' l . ! , 14 14 :44/1:.. All A t, ,•: .t. , . 4N .:41. --- - .orl 44 1 1 4i 1if . aOnt. k r.:.. 4 woke. alight toWeY• 11110 d wm. f PiiII.II..BARER.: EMI NEEI3 stit4d end teshAti4 , iih t Father of liiii Cetas - 4 ,- . _.: lt:.ileatrieen: • ' •?• 1 4 F). .. 3 111-LliiellimareiVittli arnainere.ted will fil of 141111 b : : "ft• • 0 1= 11 • 11 . we ateselftli - Ibin ,ataircany with iti warted and andkte We stood at the. door-.WWprisined• Ole moat and the bed where he V died'itbd 4i• 'Nothing in the kifty•deiteiir:of lir paved the grandeur of tbatilthenti.• which he iskd tthen from, szpopentlion' ffime Per ;,..-Cd ',. ercin34o 9 . Ikiiii :ir CA rliecd. do .:i ''.l.tlinedieftlial - : town:elk* ; ` • tat eetiiii•eldhet** . firf* ted :r7t • .441#1 , 01 61114' •* - it; (4 4 1 .1r-g!t •44 w - ittlifilit ' / 1 4 fr lCir t tthefeido .Itt mond, gni! ',lsl. "4e- ear suriounding , &lei eXtuitt" all the t lifiliti , --but ' , with -:offoiiThlt Ina isii i pliantly submitte atigit* - 5-rret*Nit if a ticigs ',remedies iroPosedi cu ti beef erant the 'loom edilling_upon. Var. notinta the medical genitemesn that ti....••'‘ :tee v leiW. vaneitig insidnowsly, th•• di •• i I C Wviendly - 4 lixtri....,:• pe ~ • nineteen th • . , 4 ,',, - ,14, 6 i ett • Pitittl ifkeve iiivin the ::- i_ ••• ..• -e1., 1 .t ' lit Y r. "beat to be' pa :...-. . ," ; ' - e,*X: . : RatAlitt- mg Mrs. AY . .. 0. - .h* aniiimu • , ... ..4et..cilke , ilkik^!4# R'. 7 ''ny Itri4.-trtai4. • cha f f' i 16 lii . , Lein' l 'hie set t 5., k -A 4 ' iiii4*r.intre his' in litiihignine - rta - SEA -.-..-.-.: ...../... Which - * vteigit.. r l .i i i ritli. .. 1 to 10 - de., - elle; 44 , lift/ to but with difik if, 1 - 7 great' triamtk i `iir; but- ' -. 1 owe; eine to another; t testi Jtene attenDoci. set y 0 _As rite nightsea - thiFl pore iiawir,e r,-. Li' : I ok a n d s424l , c4Cir r. hiri. INreeirir7Wie . .-1 himself toltisittittlei • .s it; the netpeopply at --- '.- - " hie finger tiffm Alai i1 - s l7. catinly Aii fti e • • ion. he si•W - - , -.. . ..14 8 0 2, 44. 11 0144....4 lii:!ffititskineteig '•• • 1 0 torlho'bc ~. 4 1(i . . lob fir:Wardt:::' - . • • ....• led in fkis • - .fit``' it Witenint Clt ' ." ier;•lfttFOgins iittg, ikamthOice, on one shis • ilictlYingainester; while/dr.. grief:With folded hands iient.h.. other. - I , lnegtit invite the 'sionit ..`...ti,-ba - the few eased Gobi** OM. VOX:LS . 3 on the Mill re** ckt , 414113e1t 131 the hag.. is it so. '• •_,_ 5 ... pnitofol disanctnese, the lest ;....r . . : ewtenci i and the low, m •,.:.! ;• • _Zils it swept through •• • • '.. • :., ••• . , ird*ers; thelehering end •- t" c. •.- t_„..„ - •:. er and nearer to i's goal—the •b oislir ft :' - '•' .7 coursed slower and more slowly•thees nets—the noble heart stopped --teruggied;Mippak —flattenil— the right hand slowly alidttnie..4... wrist, opun which its huger had beenig ,cell at the side—and the manly effigy d`• 'lon was all that remained, exteniied?,,, ''',... . •r death couch. 'tett' Devotion in Low Lilts; - ' : • We take the follo - wing from an 11togliiii journal, and commend it to Ile atasaitia 4 of our readers as one: the nableit lir• stances of heroism on reconk ; , :,- "A few weeks ago two Pine* 'Win* and Robetts, were at work, in Spatti . :Oikir ;,_:. adiin new shaft (which is•intended Angel' sunk perpendicularly, through a " - country to intersect the lode at the' ... 4.:, of 140 fathoms.) 'The present' Be , about 10 fathoms, and they hal *prat* hole far blasting, the fuse ins fa 4--'_, up and all ready for firing. Oeliresit tall - r i casions the hien are drawn up by a 1 Oti4l! - lase, and as there are' only tbree'int-A4. - copse, there is only one man at-the Irnica- and he can only draw one up at a Wee' consequently, afterthe wituinia ready 000; man is drawn up and the libble lowered 40 receive the last man, who has patine • to the .'sae, and then both ruin at the. windlass draw hiii up at the utmost ape* * !:-. - in order that all may get Out of tbiX fikl, i when the explosion takes place, which tot, sometiM , 8 so violent that large sunsikeliips.. thrown up at the top, carrying with' *IC, part of the roller and windlass to a - japi, siderahle height, - It imforfunateTy Vilia-•;, , ' pened that as the safety - foie with Virbitik,:" the hole Was charged was longer than unit ; ,neressavy, they incon - Siderately took A 11,..: sharp stone to cut a peice of it off, is:Mr"..., ignition immediately _commenced. --They bidh Sew to the kibble and retied mato tial!' ' I man at the top to 'wind sin' but *ail slaw - '.. trying all his might, lie couhl- am ~4 4 " Flpit:t. - ,,; them. At, this awful moment-(whpashis, *, furious hissiogspf the fuse - *aural diem,* : that. their tlestYuction wassirithinallOwn, ,mindtts march of them.) "Tenets ap****:- .. out of the kibblp, exclaiming -to bliranteo,_l -raffle, RoDerts,, 'Go onctortber; I *ha kw :(I._ is Heaven in a min,* !,`,.,, consequaltly,'l Roberts was &awn up,ancilrefitatitreve. himself_down, - and placed his ponOks-Ati:i• 'kV/340411ra under. a piece of pta corneslifthe shaft, swatting the, when Ile should,- beblown ;to &topic& _ as Robertsgot to the brace; 314 was kail0::, , ing aown with trembling apprebettapi thersfate of poor,Verran,.theefla' l off with a tremendous explosiorte.l small atone struck Robertearsonifewatis*l f, re hea t tas . he was looking , down --- - - ,T., the tilex:Pre*ble: IRPrinlt:W* the inert at 00 - ,-,Ofate , they bill kriti 1 .. di, plit;paq't be arn4k. .1 'lo* Aoki nobert# ir?Plelltita!Tikatvelidad Ate . . lbaPfl itrit;:,„.ralif;aktiklt 1 .4,1- --gli. e-ItiflPaq-ilki-tlatabs4l4l l .o - 0 -' r - *WM -,-PPPA.--. l Nttaiiol* i iit t aktrairaituty -'..---• --:"-- . . . ltit-Osieuters \L', :,' Frit V. . .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers