Wats' , - 'TRAVELERS TAKE y i provided with tue Safel y / hint, printed Faith a figareofib t y fiil Now are oat Elecxlved -by eent,:staling their 100a1B1.0 br p Guard, wten they are vat tite r , I The followineis a list of beau e I iv Goard at the Pon of y first on the list have' the hoproiroh re apparat,i, it is impuSaftbafor Hires! d SAVANNA, '• RARITAN, 11.4 i • 1 NI AG AR A, Du / I 0 f: LEA NS, JEW, , s ICAN'i ON, , m oh , ~, LADY OF LYONS, co is VALLEY FORGF, iNDI k FORT PITT. GAD la BREAKWATER, (ICI EXPRESS MAIL, DOH A LPG, Bali '"- • A.RPI - I DA, VW] NV EST WIND, 111101 Al A 1: Q 1.7 ETTE, - r 1.1. EY lIAND, PENA, PANAMA, , FOWL, iz ' .), &GN , cicE:, 71;All ANN. %MI t rr. NA R Al; N SET", SARAI AMARANTH. (411$ ; MENG() PARK, 01114 Pll - E, CECII ADELAIIO - „ I H t)!CI II BEND, ETI'A, , r „ - _ .1 BRUNETTE, to .- AM FERRY BOAT, 1 ~cf, I The it:tech.: community are .•te before they make a choice-Oats i,ett t and see whether it would not lei and security to choose a Safety 01 passage am: freight, In prefereconi , azz.n, , t erviceion—and that iht7 thatlitis invention JIBS the Brig steam en,..ine builders—seat. rc it is 14.1 UltderAandibe ahtylert, ad :re- intereFted—twrsides n numberof - ! is rentlesi.en and others--allor my office, No 1/1 Wales street, plez,ure at all times to exhibit lig -; wbo will lake the trouWeao " ‘l. Pep 10 CADW VA LUABLE REAL ESTA The suhf- - criher corers for red ra I es, Ibe =realm part at tis he (lio. of PitlAnlrzil and A 1 1 ,71 , 81 - Irk Warehouses; ordrly new.' 0. , :0 ome on NI arkvi Firer!. I elween bra , in^ a front Of abntit 54 feet by too, or separately to st i 1 purr Also, a select bailditur, kg in Metal ' , ..-an01,1,3 'upward of no feel in noe on the ?Cann Alto.the left ntiWii 6l %-tbt akin '`Y 350 feet in nem, *, O l cant mansion tknuse %lick fear r". A tnt wil h two IsainforPoWiti ate on the cornor of M atittatift,l ' d a tonderat, g r ound rent, and pcni ari ALEL Etl M2MI .rr • 1 1 , • • t• .1, Li Jf ..•7.dlT —G A r•r :oorlr,ri quantify , at A i k t daof Coo git ry,fraket 1"0 , cmo , or rotol.g al HARRIS:SiII. 21 —• f Co moo iFsioa r" . iHN H ART. -Con:mission dure and American Jitirsif R f:TTR T(l— Plitstrarsh Aaron Bari. 'Janie= C ,chran of " Inn. D.. Davi s ,„ ArVay k Hanna. a Avery. c.htden 4 Cn. _ inn. WoodboOrne. EN-.11i1494* ITALL T ABLE FACIA FOR SA . 9F2 Al on whirl' live. i, W . era,l4..eLsfietil, coniniair.l eve arres; ahwut 7U acres of tviiico O 4 • well timbered. There are epoiol d a to rn 63 feet by :34; araPl k A 7f.0. al.,ut seventy acres rsal. Ire equal in that bt any upland Terns inner "ow nOR appliral . . in the VVI LLI AAI C. WALL. Pk? cr d Piet tcre Friar Four! h Street Pritsburgrk „—C r for Art isle, :Always on haat, prom pity framed to order- 1 eel nol Partitiiklt nil enliori paid to IC' ery deztrip.iom Per,ons fill itIZ npSt earn Boaul. 1 litir advalita7e to ca!!. AvIIITE I,Ef_ll.--The so - to fit roiab painterL aad* r I,aceTiore White• Lead made of 1111 rant Pd uquat, if riot superior tett! Ali 0. drrs addrresed to DantaPk 4"Co. No• I lOS.ccond street, Fil al tented to. ai)tEi4 SHIONAfiLt r -1A Fifth St.. enetioerfre ss The f_,utt,critter •I ri;lsbursh and vicinity that •• Shoe, - of bisown manufall •stiiere lie w il l keep conedsso9 °IL •reetit of all kinds of tadiMa t and siIOPF. Of t ile qOllll/.• res to suit the tirneit Be, will ' kinds of fancy stork-..£1111.11. colored sainets.-and • children's ellslrrS. silk itelteli t t will be made at the shortest. • ner. Ladies wilt please as the nairecriber feels con Mee any article to his !Weibel WAY sell 10 P. S. DOn't forge the p drmr from Hants z Inte o from Market fOrm.l j ----- '" ---?-5 ri t Ly SY! ',WRY lovieg V betinert of OMIT* ILiberty street and 42 Shorkel • .., thanks to the nuarterons frier& S."' first'. for , th e versflitierat OW/4 tended ie bile. InknoOlted"! 1" fortabes to assure th ew and era , merit the. entotnaatien of tbe. le per-truly Invite Oath' 10 10 . 0 "...' Glethineonbiett be Itstet 4irch " T than It been ever ingere l i the whoteof-tite Seek of lltie_ r - silikr, and 'Who intealiste osnitt . 40 cask besisess.he *OS co moilli slerPasshissporit,-either NV - senor woriteaaolt*P%, __. Pinter to Itakellit ip" tared inPittsburg: 4' 4 PE nth. irt ly rri v, to pith (Aire 4I In cote, nil* amok loss-Jo: 10. 4 1 4532.00,10- co 011"1""7_171.-- NO 38. -11 ED SI , 3z, IV. ff. SMITH, rroon k FIFTH STS. LLARS a year. payible in CEVP:---for sale at the by liens Boys. Ranufacturer ai the otTree, on a double I I) )1,1, LIS a year, in ad • lY CENTS AdVe rthang. LE5 67:.0000 Two ow( 7,00 mon~ho. R.OO FnraNo tl MOO Pi month 15,00 111:1 - 1 7 'E M ♦T i'lrg l. ,yxart• • E 23.00 35,00 in nrororl'on. x ('Ol i I, E. a tear FF I C E S, &C rri weett Market and Wood h door from Wood et. Peter , fl W Mork, .501 1,1 or. weell r-I and Ecti3nd to. Trea,:nr,r. . , Itt!tt street, neat door to the t•h--t 4 . IL Johnston, TrehStlrer. h, et ween Market anal %%odd rot. h, near Mar Ir•-1 si ANA. art:et and Wood streets, on T,VBS ' AND r•nsens' via: Fund:: Fourth, betvrten w • 15 .cd I F. 1 ., P . reel. near he Bride r of Petin and' i. riair „ o r T!,•r a , d Wood f Tui,d 50.r.111-1,1:1 .1 le111) n.,(11.,',,at 1,1-,f Sec wit n„5. nn . TTOR N 1) 11, N.st. .t. 70'1 11 rfloulF 10 Jolt, P. !ti ;Of', t. 10 . _ 11.—" i.,, rrm”red to ter t Clifi Li LW S. 111 v, t . d ald Uom..t!it • r 10 1111,E. A , t , :rury, -, and ,•. I):avisrontl. Itack ~ f —Fin:ll‘; otiwe nnri Ii %.1',.r1,1 and Smi!hf,,.l,i srp r, U le Gror , r Rertics ink ler rndure and Pilisburab _v,. 224 I.; b rtv Strert, Pitts pep 10 1, T 1 111 Ltvoßlll 1)11, C, , lnTn , ... , nri %let and • 1111111, ;1.1,d I Na. 29, • —l-31, - .11 I -I,le q~~o l.a. IC , •• 'At ';11 . ; f;,, or rec,. =NM 1. M :•., , ,,torpr , (', AV,r.. (1111 . F lid S sorkll id CO.. Furullure Wart iand v. 4 El( Lane A l!ei . se Furniture. will find if :c Call, firing I n!iy zaos-ri t .,l rt sr a and price .Inst re,e•eed 160chnre Mot and for ("1,4, p by , hr do N(' ARIII, - , 9. rit,ll • pre shßlo ditferrnt of Turnip ILED7CED pr.tcrs 21 the V L. 'SNOWDEN, S reel, hrlid of :Shoe Tr'aria:too lit-11 door to the U. States Satin ;hoes made ;n the newest French patterns. ULTI I:1.1'S. w lots to suit ; lo l e db=poi- - ed of by F.L. SNOWDEN, - Liberty stret • head of Wood. • -rs and Flower Seeds or ev always I,e had , at !fp Drug F. L. SNOWDEN. Lihert y street, head of Wood. al Mammoth Onion Seed, for nd seed -tore of F. T. sNownr.s, Li,rts• ref.!. head of Weod. Sin" SWEET POTATOES, F. L. SNOW DEN. Ig4 v head of Wood st of Hoes, Fancy Spades Tool=. Sodding S;,,ars, etc., jui,l r. L F-NOWDEN bead or INood rrtriled a small sup rPtl Vrwson Hams, on retail ?ley. I:I , AAC H 111111 S. Agent, and Cont. Illrchatit Ordiard Graas aid always on hand and fol" F. L SNOWDEN, P.r..et, head of Wood. N, At torneys ut Las. office -tuund.lo -Attorneri•ROw." • beiweeti Market and Wood sep 10 !CRS, for proceethn rs In 41. - te lair,foraate at this Office. be North East corner of Coal • A poly to INGTON, Market, near ditt at. a Preach Sugar Beet Seed._ .Dtat 4r sate at the Drug and Nom' F. L. SNOWDEN. 14 bettY Etreel, bead of Wood. ' PARTNERSHIEM—Ta• • ore existing betimes Wire MIN ROPEWELListardair Wililam Divy usbeet lea firm is staginiqii;tbeleustitaiy WILLIAM EENJ. 7.11111901114 DAILY DR. E. minutrrr, DENTIST, office in with. frail, betaces SCCOlid aad Mid STs.. imp 10 PCICTIFECE410.. ... TOHNSTON 4- STOCKTON. BookseiNers. Printers and Puper Manufacturers. No. 37. Market ft. aep 10-1 yi JOAN ANDERSON, Smithfield Foundry, Water'. st near the Monongahela Doure,Piltrinral!. dePlO-17, LEONARD El. JOHNS. A tderioao, St. Clair streei. se. coed door from Liberty. set)-10-1y DR. S. R. HOLM ES, Office in Second street, next door in Mtlivan.9 4- Co's Glass Warehouse sep 10-1 y STIUNIK. FINDLA Y. Attorneys at Law, Foul-Dist., near the Mayor's Office, Pntsburch. eep 10-1 y TH"-HAMILTON, Attorney at Law, Fifth, between. Wood and Smithfield FAL, Pittsburgh. sep 10—ly HUGO TONER. Alio , nev at Law. North Eant earner af Smithfield and Fon oh streetv. sap 10--iy TROILPSO7 ( NANICA ...... TCRIMVI L. HANNA TURNBULLS Paper Warehouse, No. 1(4, Wood st.. where may be had'a general supply of writind wrappintz. printing. watt paper, blank hooks. school Looks, d-c, 4-c. scp 10--ly C. Tow?...;cso k co., Wire Workers and R -11farrafactetrers, No. 23 Market street. between 2d and 3d streets. sep 1 0-1 y XC ANG E HOTEL, Corner of Penn and St. Clair st , Pelf , , by 31 cIiABBIN I f SMITH. eep IH—I y IG METAL —77 tonFsoft Metal for !We by J.G.A . A. GORD3N, F-f -p 13 Ne. 12 %Valet street ibitnail B CON HAMS. 16.000 Ms.. Bacon 0 1 1 1, 1 / ‘,/ Shoulders, for sa - e hv .1. G. 4- A. connoN, N 0.12 Water street, LAS. PATTERSON, Jr.. Birmingham, near Pittsburgh, J Pa., Manufacturer of hocks. Hinges and Bolts; To. harm Fuller. Mill and Timber Screws; Housen Screws for Rolling Mitts, c. see 10—Iy J - 0 ITN M,CLOSKgy.Tailoraud Clothier, Ltlier.r ft, eel. between Sixth and Virgin alley„ South Bide. sep 10 yw BURBRIDGE d• CO., Wholesale Grocers and cemmt.,,,sion Me , chpotc— SL.toud street, between Wood and SmithtiOd rlttsturgh. seplo - ly G cor,DoN, Commission and Forwarding Men-liar - As, Water st...Pitisborgh, sep 10-1 y lIA MS.-4 casks hams. a goad article, received per S. B Corsair, and for aalc by J. G. Er A. GORDON, sap Ifi No. 12, wa, er at reeL k Mot. ASSES.--40 hliris New , Orleans Su ear; SO rthls New Orleans Molasses; for sale 1w ser, 10 J. G. - A. GORDON: SUGA tin& primp N. 0. So7ar, rereivr , l per F, B ;line. and for sale by J.G. d A. - GORDON. S CP 10 No. 14 Water street 50 CACfII CAS I S .in order, on hand and for _-le Fc pep 10 .I.G. ¢ A. GORDON. No. 13, 'Valor si QUGAR AND ‘lOl, litids nod 4 1 - o.ls N. 0. ‘,7 Sutrar. ;32 kids N. 0. Mobs received per S. , ciAriiiioai I o.poT ter, and for =die by J. G. 4- A. GORDON, yep 10 No. 12. Waler sired 13131.: 2 . LA RD 01 fur sale by _ a E. A. FAILNE.i.;TOCK. 4 - CO-, scp 10 corner of 61 b and Wood sfs 1631 r.l PEI Germantown (Amp Matt for sale by B. 2i. FA lIIVESTOVIC CO.. sr'fr 10 eo-nrr of Eilt and Wood sit., tijno 1.116 Prepared Chalk, for fate by MEIN/ B. A. FAHNESTOCK d- CO sep 10 corner of 6th and Wood ft,: SUGAR AND blts. N. O. Susar, Zb bbls. do. do., 100 do. Plantation Molasses, for -.lle I.v -ep 13 BLANK PETITIONS, NOTICE&C.— 1 0 he used in Bankruptcy proceeding, printed on pod lm nor.and io the forms approved by I he Couri,for sale • 6frr of the 11ereury and Democrat. sep 10 ItTn. HUBBARD, L'idiee factltiooabic boot and V ,11(wr Ma aulucturer.No. 101, 'l'hird wreet, betweeo nod atitlSm it hfield ittsbu rEh sep 10 KMASTER, AT'RNEY AT LAW, . rt•moved his wheel() the corner of room - , 1,1a , ..11 - 114rry Alley, between Smithfield and Grant l'otzbureh. FOR RENT.—Theotvelling and lot containing. 4 acres, in Allegheny, near the Bearer Road, , ately occupiedttv Mr-Samuel Church. Apply at the Merchants and kinnufaclurers' Bunk, to W. ti. DENNY. sep 10 Cashier. D - AVID SANDS, ATCH & CLOCK MAKER, N. 95, Market street, Pitts between FiCtli and Liberty streets, DE:9 LER IX W.: TCIIES, CLOCKS, BREASTPIXS PIA - GE RINGS, CHIII.IIfS, KEYS, COMBS, sep 10 lAIN DR VFW'S - G A.RDEN SEEDS.— A full A supply of Landreth's Carden Seeds, always on Kan& and for sale al his agency, the Drug store of F. L. SNOWDEN, sep 10 Is 4 Liberty street, head of Wood. DAVID WARD has hie office and residence on F. , urih Street, nearly F01:1111 of the f'onrt House. c.cond from flogs stroet [le tvfllfaiihfngcattend a ll calls prolamin!, to his profession. Night calleshnold be !code at thr door a4ove the basement- sep 10 EMOV A L. —NI ati hew Jones, Rather and Hair Dre=e- IL er, has removed to Fourth street, opposite the May ors office. where he will he happy to!wait upon permanent or transient customers. He solicits a share of . public ma cro 10 A• WA RD, DENTIST, Penn st. three V V door below Irwin street. Hours of business, from N., wail 5 e. , after which time Ise will attend so no one except in ears of actual necessity. He would further inform those who may think proper so employ hint,lhnt he experts immediate payment, wit limit the necessity on his part of sending in bills. sep 10 OHN M'FARL A.ND, Upholsterer and Cabiart .41-ker, Third at. artiste* Wood 4- Market arrears, respectful informs his friends and the public that he is prepared to execute ail orders for Sofas. Sideboards. Bo .' realm, Chairs, Tables, Bedsteads, Stands, Hair and Spring Mattrasses, Curtains. Carpets, all rorli of Cpholsteriu,s, wort:, which he will warrant equal to any made in the city, and on reasonable terms. sep 10 COMMERCIAL AUCTION ROOMS, Ne. 110 Word Street, Pitts/ritic—R. A. Bantiman, Auctioneerand Commission Merchant, is now prepared to rereiveand sell ail kinds of Goods and Mesiiitandrze, at his tame and capacious moms, Sa.llo, lgorUt Fast Corner of Wood and Firth =Streets,illsbur:ll. Regular sales of Dry G00d.% Furnitnre, Gro c eries and other art iriPS, on Mondays and Thursday , of each week. Hardware. Cutlery, Dry Goods, and Fancy articl6, on Tuesday, Wednesday, srad 'Ffiursday event s:5. Books. kc.,every Saturday earning. Liberal advances =dean Consicwaseniswhes wasted. iLzrze.socr.z. Meyers. John D. Doris, Eq-. " Darnley * Smith, Co., 44 Eiampton. Smith , it .4 F. Lorenz iv Co., “ 3,. w. Berbtidge 4 Co., 4. S. 147 see * Co. - - ' “ C. !bases, Cog- .. g• Jose hi "Paelleo an. - i .. - Le gal , ' 4- gamed,— i' .. J. S., illoariesd * Co: .4 Jas. P. stead. F. I ~. toLers 4 htwai . , iltiM: „e. Cast. ',us: ',la?! ~.- . - •,.. .1. , ...e:1” 1.4 ' aliNthi Ilit .l a k*lti; '- -• . -- '• . -1. .; :r. , ..'.::: I llrnarfl. l -4410tr...r.:,'; -2—ifir.11610410.10 . 1.41°.. . -t ri,ri . -C.1%,,- .. -.,--• ~ .- . .-. .' t .; , . . '' 1. -..4,4Z, , , , . ' n I.ll"nnn....nnein tr. , - ......:',-,....., ~,,,,,,non..- .4.-1,-, , ,,,,,, "'"'...".....e4'"--r..er."°-'",2r'1..-'4:--7-,.......,:v.<0,,,,..:”, ' 4. ..c-,-, • ...-14,..., ,-.-5V.4.,,, ,,, 510 . •=r• rf , ,"."-,.-,..." ; - P V ' - ' -- 1 . - * '2 -:;. .11, • ' i,n. P.' _ .1 . . r.,.. -' . '. ' .',.',. , .. ..-: - i'- r. - na. + - , , , -44 ' .... -. n. SI -'- , 1,, ...". 1 . ' '4' ' 1 . " . _ . . - Pittsburgh aid' Beaver Packet, -,11101. Sreisaborst oraZITIMIASD,' -,.. SAN'L. HEMPHILL, Master. 11:11CAPcoositullusocliirmiregutsr• trlps, -- zutrolll leo dut. ly (Sundays tmceoted4 • .lieuvg Beaver al. B.o' dock A. M... laves Pittsburgh at S . o'clock P; cow noels at Deaver with the -Pennsylvania and Ohio Live of Freight and Packet Canal boats between agaves. and Cleveland Ohio,and Greenvile, Pennsylvania. Leaves Deaver daily al 6 o'clock P. M. This live commas-with two dr iv lines on the - Pennsylvania canal to Plilladel„ phia, and with tne.Erw - York and Ohkilitae on the Erie canal, and New York and Ohio line and Ohio canal,al - with ste::ro freight and passage boats, brigs and vehooners, on the Lakes._ The proprietors of this well known line will he prepared on the opening of naviga tibn to transport merchandise to any _of the intermesh, ale ports on the Pennsylvania and Ohio, and Ohiona nals; to any port on Lake Erie, and the Eppel" Lakes;to and from New York City and Philadelphia. J. G. k A.GORDON, No. 12 Water street. I , 1 Pluxherstr: PITTSBURGH, 0CT0REP.21,18420 1 4 2 McClure 4- Dickey, Beaver. Pa., C.)t+b Wormer 4 Co, Clevelaud, 0., Rees 4- Taylor. Warren, 0., Proprietors., JAMES No .60 Water .stmei, Pit t skAareh PITTSBURGH tt CLEVELAND LINE. STEAM PACKET MICHIGAN, A r• -- .7.t 1 W. B. BOLES. Master. RUNS daily (Sundays excepted.) between PITTS. BURGH •-4. BEAVE-R. leaving Beaver at S A. M. and Pill:shag:ft at 2P. provid<d with Ertnes's Safe ty Guard to prevent Explosion of Boilers. Thtsaplendldand fast runninz Steam Beat hasjust peen completed expreasly for this trade, acid runs in onneetion with CLARKE it Co's Pittsburgk and .Clerelood Lime of FBEIGHTAND PASSAGE BOATS, daill Cleveimed. Oki.. Or down the Ohio canal to Itlae.ilon, 4-a. and Erie Ex tension Lieu to Greenville The Canal Boats of this Line are towed to and from Pittsburgh direct, and the linsine‘s conducted un the most prompt arid economical syste tn. Having a connec tion with the Pennsylvania Canal Lines to Philadel phia and Baltimore, and Steamboats running town the Ohio river; also, thrOugh our Agents at Cleveland, with Bt. Reed's Steamboats and several Lake and the Troy and Michigan and Buffalo Lake boat lines on the Erie canal, we are prepared for the transpottation of Fr, iebt to and from all points on the canal, tin: lakes and the itrr. r, or the Easlerncities, at prices as !ow as any other line. Apply. to G. M. Harlon, No. a 5 Water et, or at Steam boat Michigan's Landing. 111(sta:ugh. 4. Co. Beaver. Lab!: ard 4- Weatheriec, Warren. Wherfrr h. Co. Akron: Thomas Richmond 4- Ca. Cleveland J. R. Wit: 4- Co.. Greenville; W. C. Malen.Sharoo, R. W. ekonoitigliarn, Nvw Castle, John Kirk,Younislawn, John Campbell Newton Fells; Campbell it Miller, Campi,elisrown; Babcock k Mcßride, Ravenna; C. 4- D Rhodes, FrarAtin; 11. A. Miller 4- Co.. Coyalimn Falls; Welkina T/ IVl,Oellead, Massillon; Gordon W 4- Co.. Det reit ; Kinzie. Davie ig Go., Buffalo; Ci.wing, Richmond, Williams 4• Co., New York sep IR nir HlGar-No. 121. Corner of frond and Frest RI. &reds, Pitr,ht.rgh, has on hand a complete as sortmentof Queensware suited to the city or country trade. Also. a choice selection of pure white and soil hand DINING AND TE AW AR E. in large or small sets, or separate Meres to suit purchasers. A cask of 46. 60, or 84 piece sets. superbly painted and gilt English China reassure, at very low pric e s. Toy Teaware, plain, and rich painted and gilt, from 1.00 to $5.00 per set Children's hin.7s. of every description. White China Shaving. Mots_ Granite Dinh)! d Tea elervices, in white and with splendid American scenery printed in blue and black. A large variety of Steattilmat Dining and Breakfast Sets, imported to match. complete. Fire Proof stone baking plates and dishes, fromthe Derbyshire Potteries. Flint and Green Class, In all their varieties. Window Glass, of every size. Patent Cuckets, Tubs and Keelers. Stone Pipe Heads, kr. kc, e. All of which are respectfully offered to the pub. tic on t he most favorable trlms. Jan 26, 1842-I.y J. FOX ALDEN Atiorary clad Connsellor at T • Law. Cfh r htinrOcei,siqnal services to the fit izeris of Pittsburgh and hones for a share of pntiliepai ronaae. He will ececwtr all kinds cf writing with neat nose and dispatch. Cases in bankniptry attended to on reasonable terms.—Orhee in Smithfield street, at the house of Mr. Thomas O'Neil, to whom he refer?. sep 10 T. J. FOX ALDEN- DAVID CLARK. .Ret, Fashionable Beat Maker,— /las removed to No, 34 Market street., between . Second and Third street., where be svonA be happy to see his old customers_ and ail others who feel dispos_ ed to patronize him. Re ns.es Pot inn:: but first rate stock, and employs the hest of workmen: and as be gives hw constant personal attention to business, he truststhat he will deserve and rtceive a fair share of patronage. fap 10 JUL CREAM. CONFECTIONARY.— F g l A rl Annker respect fully informs his friends and the public that they can always find the hest quality of fee Creams. together with all kinds of confectionary and fonts. in their sessile, at his estaidishmeat—No. 11, Flfih street, bet weee. Wood and Market. N. B.—Parties supplied on the shortest notice, with cakes, or anything in his line. Also families furnished with Bread. - situ 10 Jol:Uti B. GUTIIRI E, Auctioneer and Commis sinn tlerehanl. Xo. 106, corner of Wood 4- Fifth sts. Pitiobtorh: Having beenappointed one of the Aistiliatra eere.fot the City of. Pitz-bue^ii . tenders his services tie) niannfactatein and dealers, who may be disposed to make trial of thin market- He is, prepared to iriake advances on consignments of all saleable comniciditi and tru s ts to sati,ly correspondents by quick sales, and speedy 'and favorable returns. That the various interests Which may be confided to him, shall be adequately protected, he brings to the aid of his own experience in business and acquaintance with merebandize generally, tire services of Mr. Slotras Fa RITEs - rocir, heretofore advaniasemisly known, as an importer and dealer ivt • Hardivere and Cutlery, with whom a permanentensaeement is made- . TISF EH TO Means. M. Tiernan, ?real. OM. 4. ) • Raab. u Darliar,.ton 4; Peebles. - ZobL7l Galway, 4 '4; 7amrs M. dooper, “ James Mar, " I u R. M. Riddle, ritubitrgb • Win Robinson. .14,"Tr't‘ I of Rieltange Rank. • Bampioa,Smitli, 4- co., .4 John D. Davis, • Saitauel church, • R. Moorhead. u Jas. W. ftroma d f co. u John 0„ Blown., ¢ co. . Smith .4 11.41,t1ey, • Tairdly dp :S Hers, _..Jolla S. 4414.13 e, • /Olin Dalseli, 'MANS'S CAMOMILE . PILL L 8.-4 WitA a ~ d HAId I. CLEM ER , reading' *1 ; 66 Slott street. New it thir. was alltked -with • Thrspepdo he its moil ,agneostai , (arm , ,• .The' sroseitoses were hoist iteiNC: :acile ;Mat 41, 1 4 fr3T,;(4,111"4"4 coagh, ;heat', purls. eala lithe eheititied stomach Over after Satin. loeleatiteNipelite:.siristritot of shelthsg'st 114 gr* De ipiCl 1 .2 1 " 4/ " l iri e 1 naliiißi With ficipi*t-Fortio -„esk, towards Right and restiewses. These had motto ow. Ward of a temOrewesteb, what. On consortia* DiAhre, : , Eraeli:l6oChathass stteet;: eta endleditlegg to he '-eirei semisoft weitiereesdideleo4e- Otheoesseit, the; eadest _Wall 000rpletely restored to health Is the abort mhoolefitt eiSibealli f 2 4 SThtefut iortheitteeifrhp l e all!0(1011 gatt lr beime eater Lore' .. 1611 rd !air , :4 • -- 5..41 .er,i '21 . *' 14.4101r t a .. 1W . k :flii4ol .!, -- i ' X ' aiaidatigtftiiiieitv aciotam cele Fisods Pins. Thee Jj PitisarestroSty recoinnended to- tbe notice of the ladles:as I' safe and 'Cadent remedy Ia reiturriag tßinutfeoraplithripie4iar to therr sex, frost arant of ex ertisesor.geniratdeNitity of tie note.- Thiy obviate aetiveneve, and counteract all Hysterical sad• Nervous ilffeCtiOßS; Tfiese : Palo have Rained the - reaction and approbatiod,ortheyaait-entinent sPhrywitiano 'Unt ied g s°oel Ya" - qaulY • Illikgisetil• . 17 PrSele Wholinato' and . Retail. by ,„ ZELLERS, ?wet; WMp ADAUT4 Bees and Shoe Maier, Libertykl., pppesite tAelts4 ej 6sitb etd at., Pittsetzsza,--- Thesubscrtherhaving bought out the stock of the bale Thomas RatertY.. deceased, bas comusinred - business in the. old .mind of Mr. R., and is prepared to use:cote oil deknintions of wet* in his line, in the -best manner and oaths , shortest notice. Eleneeps torsi:lloy on band a large assortment ; °fibs* findiagsof ail slesertpiioasand of the hest quality. Be solicits the patronage of the pc& tic and of the eralk. - WM. ADAIR. DITTSBURIGHMAItUFACTORY.—Springs sea - Astoar for, -Carriefea,: at Boater* Prices. The- sabeenbetianannfatinte and keeps constantly on Mang - Coach, Clip! Mimic Sprins {warranted.) Juniata Iron Axles, -Sliver and -Biasolared Davit - Frante, Brass and = plated Hub Bands, &map Joints, eaten( Learner, Sitver:ard Brato itunott, Three Col* Reps, Malleable Iron, Door Fladiltes and D.SELLERS, M: D., office and dwelliniy, in Fowl IX • pear Ferry street. sep 13-19 Tile attention Afthsee who have been StOineirbat seer tical in reference to the numerous certificate. published in favor of Dr. Swayne'sCornrumnd Syrup a Wild Viler ry,on acenout ofthe persons being unknown in this sec Lion of the State,ts respectfully directed to the foliowi certificate. the writer of which has been a citizen of ibis borough for several years, and is known as a gentleman of integrity and responsibility. To the Agent, Mr. 3. KIR BT. have Used Dr_ Dwayne's Comp and Syrup of Wild Cherry for a conch, selth.which I have been severely of flicted for about four months, and 1 haVe no hesitation in saying that it lathe most effective medicine that I have been aide to procure. It composes all uneasiness. and agrees well with my diet.—and mardalns a regular and matt at4mltte: I can freely recommend it to all others similarly afflicted. J. Mumma, Borough of Chainbersb's. March 9, 1.840. sep ,t 3 Forsatebp W I LLIAM THORN No. 53 Market street. FRUIT, SHADE, AND ORNAMENTAL PERSONS desirous of procuring Fruit, Shade. and Ornamental Tte e or Shrubbery, from 'Philadel phia or &yr Ynrk, are requested, to make application as soon as pnasible, at the brut; add Seed Store of the sub. scriber, where can be had tataktgau, es, gratuitously, of the most ex-rennin wanelies. P. L. SNOW DEN, sep 2t Pio 184. Liberty street, head of Woo,i iNDIVIDGAIL, ENTERPRISE. U.S. PORTABLE BOAT LI4E. For 4 . ../le T./C.ll6pOriatiOA of 'Nerthaiiii:e to ..4741 from. Pittsburg*, Baltimore, Pkilodelphia, Xem York, (old Bos too. - Ttivesigh iu the skortest time. THIr. United-States Portable Boat Line, is coinposed of Bnitshuilt in four sections, each section capable of cosiarnii4.4vemtainia, and susceptible of being separate or detached and traniferrrti from Canal to Rail Road, thus, an it were, forming a complete train of Cass. or presenting the novel appearance of a Boat sailing on land and thereby avoiding the great delay occasioned hy re shipping at the several jnetions and terminations of Ca oats ansi.Bail Roads, the expense of transhipment and healasmige the goods rnstain by frequent handling; and rendering it impossible to separate lots of goot:s on the way—owing to the peculiar construction of the Boat haying four separate apartments in which goods are sto red, renders them less liable to damage goods by water or otherwi.se titan by any other modeof transportation. The system of Trangportation, as recommended by the Canal Commissioners and lately adopted by the State. refers particularly to this class of Boats, The Boats of this Line are owned by responsible captains that run them, and is the only Line now in operation free from monopolies or combination. Goods consigned to the undersigned agents will be re ceived free of commission and shipped without delay at the low e st rates. All charges paid and every instruction promptly attended to. C. A.2II'NULTY 4- Co. Avg. Canal Basin., Pittsburgh, - F. F. POPE. Azent. 75 Bowly's Wharf, Baltimore. THOS. BORBRIDHE, AgentPliita. sep 16—if MARBLE M A NUFACTOR F.—Patrick Cautield re spectfully acquaints his friends and the public g.en crafty, that he has commenced the Marble business at the corner of Fifth and Liberty sts..,where will be constantly on hand, tomb stones, mantel pieces, monuments, head and foot stones. table slabs for cabinet ware, and every arlicleappertaining to the business. He will warrant his work to he well done, and his charges will be moderate. Be respectfully asks ashare of public patronage. sep aAMES A. VEAZEY, Faracaettivi and Commission Merchant, Agent for Steamboat Cleveland and Pennsylvania and Ohio Line. Having rented the are. house formerly occupied by Birming.harn 4- co.. No. 60 Water Street, I.etween Wood and Smithfield, LI prepared to receive and forward goods to any port on the Ohio or Mississippi river on reasonable terms. rep 10 CO-P4LIRTNERSHIP.—G. P. Smith 4 W. Hampton, ha' associated themselves_ together under the ti firm o:. eon . Smi th , will ealtlimse the wholesale i ll i l l Dry Good. isiness in the house recently occupied by Hampton, 'bib 4- Co. where they will be receiving in a few davaa w stock of Pail and tinter Goods. They respectful! invite their old friends, and merchants gen. erally, visiting Pittsburgh, to call and egarrine their sioex, Sept 28—d3m. Aott;blirlaitorm Seater. an lir heeig, to weigh 2,500.1*, at - 055 00- , , , do do do do ,P9FS 00 do " do do do 1,2f1011X715 , 110 • do do - do ad 1,412622 7 .'42 olir ' do " •d o - do ^de ;;"2118.0.;.725 (10- With raising levers as addinoti of $S altilloaleillsUe. " --- Dormouse scales for Um are of Wareholhair...potairle2F - i Villa; i te.,lhe same prices as above. _, _ . 7 1 . , .:4(.--,,,,„1 Also„Wtrile's Paten); Counter Seale, ailClT;llo2llres . larintiviiiiiiiii;a6a a variety of other ~te 4. 1 which they will sell for from il to $l_,S, 1 They aim- mapihtiaiire sagiiirogioesfor Flooring: ; With.. flew 21110." Salt ' Vreir*s„ ulte„ doable ,aod sieve , ' *willow habe.oo.o and other tithes far airsodiarilog iiiiLaiii.62ar itviailifitiMialm Maoist ireseldries, - door d mill amehhies. Wall% pateret , *Wee ;Tourer , *Mem Tithosit theasildieg maelditeli,a aperitif *Mem driest sew shollts...eliaeldieeslor sawing lath, Tiarees tom elitism-floe tom. ofiltieseriptioaskats•Arr • 11 0 1 0 11 11- Mai* Nir biriiiiii*Adrirt!dr.severigmg farmlua! engia." liC ilit 41#41 -1 :10 11 : 14-1 % 1 Feeini t b , . _ ~ . 0 1/ 1 " 4 :, 1110 1 ,, ,_ !1 , 4a/so4l ' .9 411111ilitc111,11,4 „ ''ffilt7 *ll, elli."1" 1111".:11111, - SinfOLIA ‘ COINIA ' , , : ' - r r - .? -1-- I;4:' , ' -0,.ti, ,1 : 96 Fc. - 47 - .•' ' ' ''. ...o 4:4.;:. -- 44:;::::; .;;•.;?.i$ / F• f:: ~,k ' : : ,: aig' '; 47 l 'ai:,44:ji‘ j . - '1 ::---; ‘ '----- .' - --- - Pbit idtl s N 0.20. Wood Eareet,below Stcood JONES d- coty.m AN. st. clam iL near •± e 4 itr.tletry LOOK AT THIS TREES proved flay infactured be new Mathis'. Area. two flat kritte 'facture and the follow , sc.:Wester hol. iccuppolutd meallr For' jrulaisitirre m sew , I;Saily Pape.- is titepUy Pitts- DAILY MI)ItNING FAST. friLlASohneriber! LagiMgaaade arrangements -Air merge I the American kaimfaetneer and Orientrah Sfeesm fle into one 3aninak, lave concluded to, pablirgi 'a dilly raper with the bile efihe Dailivifiarlinir forif. .The leading oh„lecl oclAte 'erase will litt the dasendua lion and defence of the political prineitilpi that have hrte tothrehenn maintained hy the Band,. in tiniereste-erise papers. and their hest efforts will f;tlit•i* devoted to the' advanceusei . at and wuccess of these dor., rim* - Although, in polities„ the paties wilt he thornusrly deanoertuir. "yet the laaitifta - hotie. by*lng . •11 st s candid history .of :passing Pulititud .eyetairt, FoNAtit and Domenic Intelligence, and inter notices of ail Deal til's and occurrences Thai come moperlt Within the soliere ore Pehtle Journal, to reaketheir mot nutieientte erestinz to eutitte.it to the patronage ofther!inkedic. ir rmevive.of party considerations. In addition to the poritieat•ind.enerni rewn that Will be-found in the..-Jferria,l Post," the Fditomysrlll lake palms to furnish the e rs cnninaraity with the laiest and most Cotastructst. lirrEtt.l - from all _partner the country. and fo it've prepa red such accounts of the Itarkeis and Hie Statituf Trade as will beadvantageous to nut iderchaats anti Ensins4 Men in their several rattinzs. Terms.—The Post will he published t'u a large nraPeri a t Sheet of fine paper, (Ina nufact tired especially fat Ilt Journal) at the unusvaally low rate of FIVE DOLLARS per unnum.rravable in advance. It wilt also LP sold by news.boys at the tow rate of TWO CENTS a copy. Advertiseneuts will he insetted at the lowtst rates cliarT,ed by the other daily papers of the eh .10-TIT ENTY active lade are wanted to 1411 the Post, who will be engaged on the most liberal terms THOS, PHILLIPS, August 31, 1842. /1.• • 4 1 1 X am!eciOli (ALI) ESTABLISHED 6IBIGIIANT,OFFICF, W. 61 'kJ" SOUTH STEC:ET. NEW 1 - 011 K. Xess reel:rend Liverpool Crounierciat Line of Pockets. Sailing Weekly.— TheSubseriber would respectfully inform-such persons residing , in this country as are desirous for sending for heir friends to come out from the old country. that he continues as usual to make engagements by which wig sengcrs are brwight out on very maeratr terms, in First (la's Ships, sailing, from Liverpool weekly, and would assure persons desirous of coming. by, theahave Line, that as agents of first respectability arf,engaged at Li verpool, there will be no detention Whatercr at that point. He is also prepared at all times fo furnish Sifht Drafts for any amount to assist in p:eparinz passensms for the voyage, payable ihrowshout the United Kingdom. ard in case the part les aeremt for 9hOII Id deedne comiut. oat, he Passare money shall he refunded willtont redaction. For farther particulars apply itLy letter , to JOHN HEIST/MAN, - No. 61,South strept,New York Or to JOSEPH KIRKPATIIIC7K, At the Warehouse f IJALZEt.L br FLEr.t.so. sep 10 No.: 2A Water stref:t, Pittsburgh. Pa. GREAT s Ln or PF.NNSYLV %NIA LANDS, ttc-, BY AUCTION.—WiIt be cold by yohlie Auction, without' reserve, for cash. to close 114 concern, at the ❑all of the MartbormmirCirapel, in Boston', on Tuesday, the fours► day. of Octobex next, commencing at oine of be end: lo the forettooti, ,AH the prOperis; of the United States Land Company fonsiqf ing or about 140.000 A cre; of rocs:rand well watered Parminr. and Grazing and wwyvalnableTimber T.and, lyine in Jeffer. son. bleßean andl(Clearfield counties, in the Slate or Pennsylyania—on parts of which them is abundance of Coal. Lime and iron Ore. and many Mill seats; And of Claims against. sundry persons for land sold lying in Saki eonnties, that are eore.irkred good. And orStock and 'Tools on a P,ITM in the township of Bradford, in the calmly of slcKean, in said State of Peonsytvania The land will be sold in lots to snit purchasers., con. tainfrm from about IN:Ito 5000 acres. Further particulars will be made k nown at the sate, or on inquiry of the subseriher, at No. -12 Long Wharf— of Pishlgta and Baldwin, tderrbants' row-in Bo tort—or of either of the Trusteof the said United Sates Land Company. D. B GRIGG9. President of the United States Land CO Boston, August 30,1840• (ern 10) BY Morrison,* Co. London, for sale onty by S. N. Wickersham, corner of Wood street and Virgin alley Pittsburgh Pa. and il. Harwood, Beaver Pa. who is sole agent for Western Pennsylvania. rep 10 FARM FOR. SALE.—TIie undersistied oars fur sale a tract of land situated 4 miles from Freeport, futile direction of Kittanning, Buffalo hownahtp, Armstrong county. containing 100 acres. 65 cleared and under - good fence; 10 of whien are in meadow—'a :rood square log dwelling houseand cabin barn erected thereon—an apple orchard of $0 bearing treea—and a spring of excellent water convenient to the hon Fe. FOR TERMS:AppIy to the subseritiern residing at the Saitworka on the Pennsylvania Canal, 1 mile above Flee• aort. sep 10 frO THE WlSE.—tt is now well understood how JL ninth disorders of the mind depend for their cure noun due attention to the body. It is now under Stood how valuable is that medicine which will remove morbid accumulations without weakening the bodily power. It is now understood that there in a reciprocal influence he. ' tureen the mind and the body. It in now understood that purging with the Brandreth Pills wig - cerurrve a melan choly, and even insniiity is cured by perseveringly using them: it is now understood how much dOmestic haul: ncss depends upon the healthy condition the digegtve orsans. It is now well knowh that the Rrandreh. Pitt= have cared thousands of hopeless and beledeW persons, even when the first physicians had pronolanced them beyoad all human means of relief. It is now not mks , well known that the DiantirethPills so cure, hut his also an - - derstood how they more. that it is by theirmirifyingetteet on the blood that' they restore the body , to-health: The value of the Inettleirte is,becoining more and more manife t,it3e recanimended daily from family to fatally. The Etrandreth Pithrremove in an &swim • impercegoside ;manner all notiousaceamulatioos and -vartfy_ and Ma igo. rate the liktod.,and their good creme are'not caunterhalan- Med tient , latonvenienorm being corks's:red entirely , of , vegetables they -do not ezpose those who ese theta to dangert and their ere . cts are as certain as they are saki tarn they are daily and safety adminhaertd to infancy, fouthonaelleod, and old at and to wesumett the wok critical and deliesteelicemstanega. - They do amt.distneb er s ho t the militia futw.tions, but `restore their order and - istiablishrthelr health- Sold at Dr- Dratidrelb'trOfiice,. No-93,: Woad Amt. Pittsburgh.. .2"rice 25 emits per lanuAri!b*(l dintetionm MAIM—TIM entry Titre in ,Pjustiorth where the gene*. inn PHU amigo obtalatil; 2.6eterantiwin dein, Igo:: 92 Wood stmt. - . - o. 1, Port Platform tic:ales w weigh 3500 tudis* 065.6 1 - 1114TESSITT*8:11:aidaftilly into . ins the chi: zees of-rinabargh sad vieirliy„-that tietopertsre ed to the city, flettores to entre the .eeeefilettee of: hie former -oldrotecied the paiiieleafrani; aad . 013 eita a renewal of* itOrtia. Of their .10.11.41%0. - fa iondexttei be world observe, that theopeitoioe Liaboteto* for to*athir, Vlie:sioneia'the Madder end entries% qt. pole of with the .fine,) is every iiiiereioatioaadliat The deep. eel Of tat*. fielemprolaesteed - thel.4.Hea iftlitaletwee OTbir. Pt. ,afaaal.. tithe edlhded:, StrOor*Vitatiata of thelleadder arid Kidneye r :-..widebeemiosany wilt Idiesaiserekeive atteethar , - - Thaw low's dheaece wiehhag- (either- Inforanattaa will apilloyeraorally orl4 letter, puff desired C2lO he itkoshinitodatedet hi drieltiug. %Plinked Oart of the ei-, ty,ou_'.radok,boolos !err f- : Edierty-siot. JMTV, 1 0441 1 4bertsoreei , rinsastrib, who', .. vale sad Retail trim t*Aired dealer i. ]..4s Iron a - 1 1 . 4 Xa llB . MOM 1 01111161114 , itiespectlialriatiorrirailf alga riPliklitaradlAgsktgradir oloooe egiaarriaa* - 3, 1 14 1 .1* -0-I ** lisorroogi"f 'Aiwer 4 filviiikvibies 4l 4 ll4o ,i - , - ---- ':' -- - .: 1::,,.,‘::: . 4._,7 ,. .7.7 7- -.;: .7 -' l7 .':• - • , :,' , '::. 4tt: , .. ,' , 3 '.,' - ' 4 f-F't**,;f: ll4 i .- It - ' 4.,W.:X.f,'-it,...--'-',,"•-'4 `R " PROSPECtUi - ietrgAi cu: se imitiasil sur PHILIP BARER VtitWi - thbv,4 ; 4o-ks -JAW ' 4 -t-- ~.. -. :~~ --~ PRICE TWO E tirett:tair [Fivois lake. 41454 0 4:80a1t :tikt arartiringa dirr T. S. sternott. - 'Certainl3l with the grealest 01;p 1 ., tt tti reitincd Caeron; takintiPll:enratitti ciug iiatie, With titio4!_tattit,,„, ut the notes. As Ire Erskine, h'e said. 'lf 1 dart serve yOteii4 Cris VritY any tieleli f - , be s. re to call upon me.' • •Yotlare Certainly soy tisirthia said, really iinprea.ti with, the pro - 4.tig parent friendliness of the had a`conScionsneik ail the white, titilint, 4 Omuta be made to reciprocate to his hettlW content. ' Ifurittg the mornina, he had hid two npfiar conveyed to the thsrott..t boxes of erettt hanks, whose boards Saie:srl - yon Otis"; succeeding day. Then doubt, and ati;iety, and suipriise. Canitr• he knew was not tsternell to be ie h ound. litspaper ivas 01. - the. quaint Jo" led .weak' in the market.' and never psiatas unless strongly hoist rid yip. But; tts:** as a new ap t :lie:tut for t*?.itora; tkoa WaS known to have a rich father' a lair; Jilt thought that his notes inight puss - ttie:,,tar* deal: - • llis sleep during that night weir woe troubled, for his payments on - the neit - t'fie, were heary for tore of his businfts sources. Unrehrshed he arose idthemekt• ning, - aud repaired to his store, to a.. increasing anxiety, thehour When be oilh:4l4r know the result of his appication for ahreti.' ' At last it was arcettsined that one-note butt, been thrown out ant! the other diacotraied. The relief experienced from the - prriceetist of one note, waslol so tne.ch moesent him; that he bore the disappointed of hor r.' ing the other returned whit quiteu phikitte phic air. On the next day he succeeded In getting that one discounted a:so. Ile was stow comparatively easy. The proceeds' these two not• s, cattle() hint along in hl* p a yments quite comfortably. About a **et after his application• to Cameron & that iti& vidual returned ins protesatttnaletta. 3 : 'One good turn they say deserweeagotki er,' he said, laughing. as he eamVip to le 'desk where Erskine . was standing.' k'Ott were so kind as to accept my ettforseMent a few: dap ago, end now l wish to reform the favorhy asking your name to this little bit of paper.' 'Certainly, certainly! Fur how miteblitr it!' recAtded Erskine. • • 'Only for fifteen hundred dollars.' The note was Of course•indoiaed, Am Erskine thought at the time he way wri ting-bis nacue*on the back of, the hill, tfiet was only the beginning of a tkingerotiwitAut of business. Before three months-hales red, he had endorsed for Cameton to the:Liiii"' mount of ten thousand dollars, and eateensel for him to the amount of six-thousand. "The-- notes notes had not all passed through bank, . but the money had been . raised upott them, arid not a' ways on the most favorable terms.-. 4 These operations had the effect to tnakeEr.'' ski ie's business go as smoothly asilecpettitl wish for a time.. But his bills for familia.' e etc. now began to fall due, and he was again at his wit's ends for the means whereby to met t his er.gagentents. Borrowing rnoeir to be returned in a few days had bunt fetes orted to, and (timid to he a very trouble some and, worrying busimaa. - ie but become involved in tfi s to _a perplexist4 -ez tent—hurtowing to day to.pay one Wend; and tomerrow to pay another, aid ow*. next clay to meet a, note. IL was towards •the close of the fuse I year of,..his marriage, that. Erskine =tinfoil: it impossible to keep up, without amnesia' from his father-in la w.--Severai f ron's notes, which had fallen dseitlfatinZ dividual had forma himself unable to Of course Erskine bad to raise:Alterman - mit to prevent hiss.own name from beings= honored. His own accommodationinqiet the bank refused to -renew+ lode& would give them some beAtor indorser, ' But one way to save himself presented:ltd.-- self; and that" was to go to - Mr. Allison - 4 - The : time for making use of that long eoni; templated resource, had now fully corievi , and, accordingly, Erskine waited opted& fatber-in-law„-and made knows his: ir — inst,A 'That isa thing . I bare never, in Il' asked ofaoy ruse, was the reply-, hiring seen fro many men ruined by indorsing fill'. others, that ; 1 have steadily- presisteriAi" neither asking Ater. grunting such a - C* l4 e 'But, I.cm, ftww.re you,. Mr. Allison, , -that there is r unt _the slightest danger is this case,' urged Erskine. Definers is al excellent one and my stocif &Jima' accounts will realize double what owiir: 'lli, your same any'onee paperP • This question 'Erskine had expt '4o4.Fir ana he, made Itisini nil to. answer, *Mori and, he did so aceordingly.-wilh mess, that. deceisiid Mr. ItilleaL . inecirik you wand' - lily , heaviest 4aymehts fall ibleakiirf ~ _. . month; amt.' must have at least airkvateavi send dollars .more-than my islet Imikatibtx lection will realize. ~ After that,l "hat iiti as easy 'asap. dl - " , -E- ..2 - . `Six thdasamiildilareiea gdear'illalliOatil money, Charles.' ----,- I '7' 2 ' l ' ` 11 4,. : 4 al i t :seems io, sir, but 1 tura- --. 4 - -:_.. _ '5 *mud every three or *or vaea . killlZ*ll beca9lke-M,NlilialPesikkahrW ll4l4 l4___ 11 01 440liagaaajtetSgPftWial.Pj 01 *1 At* of each other. AO X 440k144 411 ''' - iir**, 4 &it -M901 1 ,:::'1 ...t.--' 10 6- *I tVatiftiihjakirg 4 0 1 4*-140 1 -1 1 41k '4t4r '-''P 00, :L , Lr , ......x..e •- ' ? ~__~ i ~ : r~.G-3,~ -4 44. ::14?..:111:::tji, • 5.- }'. 6?_. .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers