'-. :'l-, ~ ~ ..::- . t_ - '1:, /11R AV4LERSI 1 prodded islib the SO% g bills printer' with a *gore of ~bsa ful you are nOt deceived by , et nts mat tag their licoa ts AV: Guard, who - m.llm* ore rot. .. The following Ina list of 'skis y Gnard at the Port el'. Piges tirrt ews the hat halm thellsonsks -appal-was - it is intoossibie for as SAVANNA, - e RARITAN.. - NIAGARA, ORLEANS:, 3 CANTON, . MO LADY OF LYONS,„ • CA ALLEY FORGE, hq • FORT PITT. GAL BREAKWATER, (RI . 4 . EXPRESS 111 AIL, DBE' ALPS, SRI CASPIAN, EEL IDA, . Vt WEST WIND. MI. : QLETTE. ALLEYR AND, . l'A S All A , ROW • Ic ERO, ACA SARAH A NS% !NARR At; A NSET %WA ; ANIAR.ANTH. AMT,' M NOO PARK,- . 01110,„ - \ N EPTUN E, UZI • ADELAIDE, 3 IU NuRTII BEND, , GA MARIETTA, . t I BRUNETTE, 1 , ;TEAM FERRY BOAT, ; The t raveling t ommunily ate re i before they mate elltrunettra t.tt and :tee whether II would vet k and FPcurity to choo'e a Satiy freigh*,, I* pttefertefirt.. explosion a nd tbt? 11131 !big invention has the • ■ • fifi n steam enfille . lmilderm—gem 1,, understand the Mnlieci, mai infereFted—betides a mnioc/0C 1 ... !:entle.2 en and others—ail of • mr r•fficP, No 10. Water Aremi,s I ,:',,,nre at all lime-. :i0,e11,10,1i Ot sn lin will Mkt ini - troultlmio a.en 111 CA DW , Vl.rAttLE ESTA The lortirrcriber -Offers for ntr ate greater port of 114 thr• riiir. of PittslOsrehr.4l A ttrict, War,hoof.es, nr-orty oprr, m si!oati. an :41orkrt street .1 stows, 1.r7kr , :17/ a front of alvout 54 feel by :• tv-r, or 2..epa ratrty to Fiji pilithaFr/P bv., a select building tot in upward or sal (tit in t (toe an the reinsylvanid w tt infrrea street. " , the '') 3SO ftel,lik!ltcOu, itatte l tsottsC-ii*V4lBol?—:'.: • A ! , n. a lot h Itrn ate on a be ear her OF DI atiitllaltilif a moder - al , . ground real, .autum . cineery. .ALE.I. • ' 0 1,1t....1X SEED W.I.NT.E.D.- 11 ras , or roodi., a quantity of !loos , ail tooth. of COontryjrcEt c:, r.oods at HARR7E I '3Ii._ '2l—'l' Com naßriog Win ". 11 ART. Colawissisv doer ars! Amer/sail XIIIRIV PETER Juo. Crier. Erq., pAisbargb: I Aaron Mr!, " Jano ,, C .ehran of CV. a nn D. Davis, M'Vtly - .yery.Ovieo.4. Co. Jno. CVnodbotit ne, E.q Madhya. AT Ll; BLE FART • IF:, ins on which I live. in VCi ffraddcci:sfn•lJ, conlainire . otte • 'of acre,: about 70 acre., of which well nattered.. There are aPot 4 "'lb a.da k.,rn63feetby34;anappic~ " A !fn. nbnnt seventy acres of IL`: be equal to that of any Imbed Terms made tc,,own on UPPlir -41K T in the prenti,-ts. - . . o IV I LLIA MC. WALL,..P I O, _ V end Picture Fringe , Fourth Street Pltteburgif. 0. - ::, , 4-c. for A 0 itt B, aiWayS,"...bilna . :.; ~:, promptly framed lo order.: &-, .. cif notice. , I" a tticulzr,atiention OW /°- n k cry descrip,ion. ~ - , Persona fitting np St gala Boa to, ' ~,,, lheiradvaniage to call. . ..: or . ,:..,, AV HITE LBA. IL—Tber SU ' ''' • 10 filinisli painters. and g 6 ' . : ~,,, clla.e pure White Lead Made of l* ~ , ranted Equal. if not -superior t ass . Alt °ides: addresPed to DanlaP 1 1-. ! d- Co . No 1 losoronistred t ,r ll ! - ~,,t 'attended to. • A Di EATFASHIO BLE ~ n . .I . AFi St_ vaeiarjrvo O i 1 :. ., , fa • fl.e- The . 1 1 1 scribec respttel Pittsburgh avid vicinity_ Ike be ..!.. : tailing Slioes of hbyptva tottel: of tvl , ere lie will keep coast:lof el - h - e !neat of all kind. of ladies, olo9 " ..,...s. I and shoes. atilt-best tpiatit.y.* • .i it I ceS 10 snit the Limert.. fie wilt s' er- I kind, of fancy venik--atieh as y m 1, dipper:. colored lattersolB4 as . - - ,, p. 1 children's eaglet*, silk- obel, tre4. • lA , j will he made at tbe shortest PO .nl- 7 tier. Lattit will please eallaad .Pot '; as thetattsrriber feeteetraddeate you ; any artiele.in ' his Sae tbdr , , CPS. pep 10 - I P. 3. Don't forret ttlild ate— I door from flairtaltlabettigebee 5.., ~ , hi s 1 from Market Street. . . "" ls 1 IIL AV 1.1.L.t AM, D,lGitlf torriod _',- 112 1 ‘` V business: of Mask 4* RP ' _ 1 Litter'' , st nxi arta 42 filit , , i I quo** to tbe nutrierosorfriewes : i firm, for tbe very I iyeraf 0141 0 : 0 ' ' tended tobilit. IV COSIIMIeIai ' BE- 1 .1....ta that tuet.l ' :‘, ,i.. iup is:Jest° afftlfe ~,,L. . - , , „,,, 1 merit iheepatlaaatilakal tn" 1":" ' -11.4 y Pettis . ly inviii their antrum c , tottdog,vtifsels he tat_ . 4 ot -.has -has bees ever-offeio' the whole of the Mika a i bi. !;,;, 1, ieb /OW; ard ay be Woody to „!,1:1 00 .7 I , i easti 'bosiatoi:he :*L4 to, arpaas blast:wk. either is poisof vooyoXialtaoP. ,_,24•1 Nesse 4.Oiaiteitol, i l l tarot is linstolifir . _ a• - • 44 4104.' ,01 0 ! 4-111- - .74RIAT. I. IMr ; •4t OfMlkM ._I~O 36 ,LISIIED DIC IPS 6t W. H. SMITH, OF WOOD 4- FIFTH STS. 1)91..1..ARS a year,.paythle in TWO CENT::. ---for at the by News B.)ss. avid nanufact firer V. al the same office, on n double WO D tl,t, ;RS a ?ear, in ad_ if Adi - ertisieig. TWELVE LtNr.E4 OF, LESS: 0,50 i one moot, It. AO Two enoroF, 1 15.00 0.75 10) Three months, 7.00 1.7r0 'Four rnolon.s, 8,00 -;.On I, sjl mnffins, 10,00 00 1 One e.ar, 15,00 1)\ - EfJ1: 4 EMENT S. .M 1 AT 1 . 1 A.LAT RE. I Tra Square 00 Fix manila , . 00 One year. ,enn. in prornrOon. Sa DoLLAns a ye2r. OFFICE S, &C. hird hei:vren Market and Wood I=l ter. 4:h dour from Wood st. Peter John '%' flock, Collector. and l.eta•een Firs and Second ME= ' Tiord Ftreft. next door to the urch—S. C. Johnston, Treasurer. letweeu Market and Wood I=l n 41arket and il'orni reels, on v-v.iirrt'lll7. - re •IC.D F•ItHER.S ' Du ; F...5%171: d,) Fourth, btitvi en prVIT.I.`. \Vu crm - I, near the Bridge nr•r n` Penn nn't elnir. ornrr of Thltd and XV rtoii. ocr 0 , Toire nrolSquill , flo l,l t of rP"..I ,F.f.i and ratml f‘f,',.l,:lt Seven , 1, 13 , , ,, nzi . r%Varnf MI . ~ r•Awo )S, NTTOR NEI' AN !) AT LA W. ; IT rrirro on f. - a ,, 1 neal l C oxon,rite WIT rood= Jahn llnno TT - 31. _ renft,trd fo erfen Pe nn 11-d 1.31. , ri1, s r lO nud rke • ; j1 d 110fDPF.1 if 10 vlorileys and Law: 4 tfitr the 11, - "tiond, zll. srp 10 Ttn; off Ice noni Wood a oil ,•), 10 F. Croct, V, lif rndfleP and Pi05 ,, 131 - fli y Strert. Pitts _ x.lO • . I~ fl% 'C I'+• +rttA S)i t.Ti i)ic•cil,—_li •dC c~l~ 11r,413,0-, No. 29 \ SON. v•or. , a , 1.. A. ,111: r • r, Z.: T S 10 IMIEIIIIII=III N. NI ol l'Ooprr ‘V;:o•, N: CO.. rer.l , lll , e !land Eirtmr,l!e Al!et. rilrenure, x,H find a to call. /idly :aitstied Thai sep 10 $ and pricy Just re , v.vril Itiocl),ltre Mut ti /In.! ior , ve cheap Lc ISAAC HARRIS, No I. Fill h el uttr's. of La odrf.t rreoi nu d:rf, VariPlieS of Turnip stale at REDCCED retires al the F. L. SNOWDEN, Lit. , rty strott, head of IVood. and Shoe 111aitufarlo -1 . n.-A1 &tor . to th..t..T. Stales ni and Satin Shoes made ;n y the newest French patterns. t'LTICA ULU'S. in lots to snit s; tot e disposed of irf F. L. SNOWDEN, irtberity street, bend of %Vont!. veers and Flower of always be had at Nee Drug F. L. F•NOWIIEN. - Liberty street. bead or Wood. • nal Mammoth Onion Feed, for 211 d Seed store of F. L• SNOWDEN, Lihert y street, head of Wood. SLY SWEET POTATOES, eceil ed I.: F. 1.. SNOWDEN, 184. Llberl y head of Woods*. 5 . 1 tin? of Hoc. Panty Spade" Eddint.. TOOLS, Budding ' Tani) ! Shears, etc-, just re r. L. SNOWDEN . . ztteet, head or wood. rerr:ved a statalt sup . trd ruso 'Hams, ou retail ones, I.SA AC H IRRIS. and Com.? Matti t Seed, Orchard Grans and sr ' alwayp on hand and for P. L. SNOWDEN. ib erlY nreet, bead of Wood: N.-Irtarneys at Lay. came and, to Attorney's between Market and WOW yap 10 Messrs_ $o - yve,--,---: Jobs XS. 1 'N=O. , r. Batafet_ _. smith.- 4' Vs ' 4.4 _ tiallics 00..... .. F. Lore * 4 co.. .1. vv ••. surbridte2,...ll , ..-see* c4=-, I - " .. is ii,Groi. t k rbria ma . 8 ot. Joan SiVaddes ihei. _ • : toga**Merkeedr-'_ J. Y. Moorhead 4•11946 ~ p ' ... Jae- ".Stoartillot ~ ' t.; . I ,_, • - .r. -I)* M . ?.,,7 L a il i Zlimeo. * `• Aofore exialing between 11 . 1 c 1 -" - . - ;.. ",,,It .- iiribitiq. Attila RoftWir4ltili tull . k 1 0: . = , . ! I ‘ . -- ,14ritibri, - wring., Dieyi - iw" I=i:- ~... -,-- i l t -, I. * . - ' ' ."-IlittacV,t47 7s, &ra t 'ia tradisdaPlll6 ~* i',l4, .-0ct.A.5,3•,A,,, ...,-*--.,.. , *.. vV114.1‘4444.. . "t , • : 4*** -1! 4:4*,4;•;;54:.-t.....t.t, V.als t , < - •t'''• ~, ...,,,,„kg,-..t .119P.,14-, -.-•-••'-',.... -- - • •-•.; --,a.1-,1-1-444.:40- N 63, for proceed ings , ip In k law, for t , le at thistifrica..7' the 9o,th East corner of coo t. Apply io INGTON, Marketomai 41b11- a F'reaeh rarer Beet Ogled:jut • r sale at the Drag'saaP-Shed 1.. SNOWDEN, Liberty street, head of Wood. , : - , • . . • • - , . • DR. E. MERltrrr, field, woe. &OmitaKi ?Uri : srp , Prrrsavietaw. • TOHNSTON 4- STOCKTON. Bookselle*Pristersas4 Paper Manufarinrers,No.27. Market ft. cep 111-1 y JOHN ANDERSON, Sonthfreld`Ronedry, Water near the..Monongalsela Flonse r Tittsinrab. sep,lo—ly LEONAED S. JOU XS. Alderman, St.Clait street...ve ep/Id door from Liberty. «rep.lo--1 C. S. S. HOLM Ea'. Office in Second street, next door to Muivany * Colt Glass Warehouse eeti 10-1 y Sir . U .FINDGAY., Attorneys at Lair, Pottrthat., M";B. near the Mayor's Office, Plltsbnre.k. . aep 10-17 THOS. HAMILTON. Attorney at Law. Fifth, between Wood and Smithfield sta.. Pitishareb. sop 10-1 j TONER. Atso,nnv at Law. North East rorner a(Smittifinld and Fonott sirerte. sep I y L THONPSOW 11•ICI1A &MU T1A.1111171 I' ANNA 4- Ti7C.NPI7I.I.'S Paper Warehouse. No. I_l. 104. Wood where may br had a renrril 50f30.9 writingof wrappittF. printing. wall paper, blank books. school h00k, , , kr_ kr. ar.p lO—ly DI C. TOWNAEND & CO.. Wire Workers aria /M. Manufacturers, No. 23 Market street. between 2d and 3,1 street. sep 10—ly EXCII ASCE 110 TEL. Corner of Penn and F. oak at , eets.by PdeKIRBIN 4- SMITH. F-ep 10-1:+ IG Al ETA L.-77 tons soft Pis, Mrtal for sale hr 7.G.4 A. CORD IN., Pep 1:3 No-12 Water street 611 (Inn LBS. BACON RAM'S . 16400 Ilog. Bacon 4JIJ'ILY Shoolder3, for see by' J. G. 4 A. CORDON. rep 13 No. T 2 %Valor street, 14 S. P TT PT:SON, Jr., ftirmlfrgharn, ..ear Manura , -tarer of Locks. Hinges and. Solis; To-, area. Funer. Mill and Tholier Screws.; flonaen Screws for _ _ 11 offing Mitls,l:e. 10—ly 10ILN 3PCLOSR EY. Talinr a adbier: Liher.o F fleet , lietween Sixth art' Virzin alley, .Sotritt st'fl 10 JW BU :BRIDGE 4- CO.. Vilidies• - a le Groeers and Comentsston 11.1erchnnts—. Second ' streft, between kV nod aird Bait Wield sts., Pittsburgh.. . srplls- Jy G n. GORDON. CommigAnn and Forwarding J • Sivrc!larti- - , Water st..POl,o,urt.vh. p IU-1y 11- A 711.5.-4mM:a hams. n rood article, received rer S- B CorFair, and for sale L,P J.(1.4 A. COROON, srp 10 No. vt war sfreet. 17GAR 6- SIM, 18SES.---40 birds Nrw Orleans Sn 217 r; s t.t.1.1 , New Orleans Nintast; for sale by C•GAG.-7Nivd".nridie N. 0. SaTar.; . fer.emert Per S. R. Maine. and for sale by J.G.4 A. CORDON. sep 10 No. U. Water street rs% BACON CASKS,in order, on hand :Ind for sale by I LP s-ep 10 I.G. 4- A.GORDON. No. 11., 'rater st QUGA ft AND 310LASSES..-13 /itatisantl 4L' 12.14. 0 Sugar, 32 bbts N. 0. Morass.te•t;rrTriveti per Sleamnoa Imporirr. and for Fate by J_ G. 4. A. CORD9S, s.ep 10 No. Water free. P. 111.5. LAIZI) sa4r bV ;.) B. A. FAUSEtSTOrN k co.. SeP 10 rof rof 6th and Wood ldf. PA PEES n Germans wrw Lan ,p !ale IL tar . A FA Ihi F.,:..7.T.Ect, 1, fAii and o+7ll Se IL o Prepared Chalk. Cor sa , rt Lv Mei 1," P.. A. -11INEF. rocK co. fen 10 tamer .f h aTid WOO4l td4 QUG i: AND MOL kSSES.--60 LDda. N. O. Sugar, 17 25 is. du. do., 106 do. Pia ~tal i. , n MillasgrA.,. (or v -el. 73 BLANK PETITIONS, NOTICES, &C.- 1o he u , -.•d in Bankruptry proceeduns, printed of vd parer.and in the forms approved by !be Court,ror sate ,1 1!n• Offirr of the Mercury and Demixrat. eep ILI 1 1 1/31. HUBBARD, Ladies' fashionaule bad and Si a niiikcture r. No. 1411, Third s.reet. hetereen , V. , od and Smithfield streets. r Itt4.lmrt.,ll sep 10 BUCK MASTER, AVRNEY AT LAW, - - iv...removed his 'cvoim to the corner of 'Fourth , I,rl d 1•11r•rry Alley, 7 between Smithfield and Grant, Teel . ;I slqugh. • , sep 10 FOR RENT.--Titeligrelling awl lot containing 4 arre,=. in A Ile2heny, near the !leaner goad,late/y occuniedi , c Mr. Faa netChurclt. Apply at Ihe llerehants and Manufacturers' Bauk, to srp 10 .r, DAVID SANDS, D _ATCII Ar CLOCK MAKER, No. 93 . Market A CZINI. Pitta , burg h, (Tr . eels Fifth a.. 4 Littrily gravers, DEALER IX ri• ATT HES, C LOCKS.BREASTPLXS FLVG ER RINGS, C DAVIS, REFS, C Q.MBS, „Sic. cep 10 LANDREtiPS GARDEN SEEMS.— A' fb4l supply of handrelh's Garden Seeds, always on hand.and for sale at his agency, the Drug more" of F. L.'SNOW DEN, 5" C:1 1i 134 Liberty rlreel, bead of Wood, DR. I)AVID WAR!) has his office and residence on f'..urt I. Street, nearly:south of the Court noose. second dwell nf. from go;sAreet. fie Witt I . :401111111y attend all rolls p, Alalulu. to his profesAon. Night ealLlshoutd be made at the doot ahove the imseroent. ten 10 rjo EmovAL —Mail hew Jones, Barber and hair Drene er, has removed to Fonrtttol fleet: . OPPrtlile lite Diav ars qff:ce, where he will he happy to:ivait upon permanent or transient rttslomers. Be sotictisa share or public nat rona=e• Pep 10 31. IlVt,3lD:rritrl Pena htee AViooreloviri , 6lreetntsohusn t 9 L. N., until 5 T. x, slier winch. lime he. will attend to nn one except in camas of actual neevtsity. Re would further inform Thom' ! who may think proper to employ him.that be expects immediate payment , without the neresSity on his part ofsendinz in bilis. rep 10 ORN 211PFARLAND, Upkotstertr emit Cabinet X-ter. Third at. b eta eea Wood 4- Market streets. respectful Inflrais his friends and the puhlit that he is prepared to eleente all orders for Sofas., Sideboards, Bu reaus. choirs ; Titles, Bedsteads. Stands, Hair and Spring Matt rasses, el] riaintt. - Carpeis, all sorts of uphoisterinp wont, which ite will warrant equal any made In the city, and on reasonable tennis. - Pep 10 COI[ lERCIAL Avermig 'Rooms; x.- 110 wies44 Street. Pirtakarzk:,--It. A. Banionsn; Aoctioneerand COnimiesian Merchant. is now prepared to receive and sell sin kiwis - of Cod 'as - end klereheruyee, at hisi lapis and eipaeiciusidotasi, East Corner of Wood and Pitik-Sfoons. fiteskarsh. Reniter sales of Dry Coe& Paiwitane.• ince:lei and.. other articles, on Mondarrand Tuarliday a eat* week.. Hardware. Cailery,i Dry Goods, aunt 'Fancy articles, civf Tuesday. Wednesday. and Tinttiliaje etwaitt. • Books, 4.c.. every Baterday ermine. Liberal advances made on Gonstmestrarkestwirated J. G. 4. A. GORDON L.O. $• A:CORDON, Na. 12 Water IF treet. TI J. FOX ALDEN—literacy avd. Cow roseller 4 1 • Lam. Cffi rs his isrofainnal services to the rit hens of Pitisbtiritt and booes for a :dune of ^putbFre oat , - ronaf e. He will e.zecateall./..inds.sf writing with neat fleas and disine ch. Cases id hankrepleyaitended to on reasonable terms.—Olfue in Smithfield street, - at 'te house of Mr. Thomas 0 • ± eil. to whom he refers. W. U. DENNY. I wplo T. J. FOX'ALDEN. Cashier. 1' I- - • - Pittsberglt, , 16.11. %. • ;:f :41 `,_ ~`; .PITT i SIAiR4II; - ::".. 1S 4 . ! , .atiteigrpt t igzi( Bower 11 '5r 41451. isaikrat _ Orar l iniKlalk , - S.IIX n PL. BEA ilit4er t cieletia be regulaftrins. and Witt ran 441: ■ ly (Swam i!sce,ile4l Leases -Pelmet at t 0!. tioat lit.;laii i tit 3 eeelliek can- Peetsat Rearer.'lo l ktlie, , ; • Penns' Amnia' and Ohio Lim or Freight mut Pntiiefeanai teitieilit Seises ileasei„,iii alreaveland Ohio, and , Rteettiriav, Aver daily at 6 o'clock P. IR. Thistles connects 4#4 vOth . trodaily lincs'es tbe.eassotriutia - : esnai, taPbl phia, and with the New York 30 Ohio linens 1111,,,ffilrie, canal, and New York sail 01tia tine and Ohio caea al.` l 81:; _ with steals freght and Pa-!lne- bees , seoooners,on the Laken. The proprietors of. thisaseit known line wilt be prepared on the opening or itsviilolo.. * P tton to tranvort nierebandtwe to aoy of -the intermen t ate pests on tke, Petrasylpanta and. Okiootitil • filthiltra naLc; to any port on Lake Erie, am! the *Upper 101tke5 . 1111.1 andlroni New York qty "sad Pfiladelph i.. McClave 4- litekey,EcastrePt.; • Cobb Wormer 4 Co., Cleveland, Q. Rees k Tspot.Warren, 0., JAM . ES A. VEAZY. Age r st,,l, N 0.60 'Waver .street. Pfttsburitir.: PITTSBURGH 4 CLEVEL - AMM' STEAM PACKET MICIMEAX --•- • gttr' _ W. R. BOLES; Narttr. - RUNS da,,ity,toimia - r.s betwftio BURGH 4. BEAVER. learinv. Beaver at 8 A. M. and rittattaigh at 2P. ; M. gireofie tank 'Biases •Saiii tY Guard t• ;maul Etylpsion.fof Itpiters.. • . Tara ardetidtd snit tast. rattail n _ 'Stearn Boat Bait wen maniple; a& ezfrefisty umide. 464 iniU74 with - CLARKS 41.2.*•.:Pilialimottie itori-clesehinw 4.1" FIT.EI43IIT .11.714), PASSAGE BOATS; daily to chrestai4 • • Or down the ohickeanay: o .,,4ota.**,.4e, and Erie Mt tension LiorictiGieetrejile. The Canal. Boatir-of ihnetare tivaitte to and from tsbnrgh direct, and the titwinmacondrucbed.t.n, the an-tiercitript and crementieill 'MO/ Mini .- Havhigitonnei. Li on with the Rentisylvacitai'Canat" Liam, ;Itt Oil acid Baltimore, and - Steamboats roatilog down the Ohio river:al:M. through tiar - kilents at tCleielland,W4, M. Reed's Bleantlemis arid ser erat Lake:Vm.hele i and the Troy and Michican an' tiatato Late beat On the Erie canal, we are prepared. for the traimpoit.ative of Fr- iebt to and TiO al all points on the canal, , the lakes, tl.od the Riv:r, or Ihe RaiternoltieTtar-pralesas - !ow'of any oilier line. A OP 1 1 ,; ft 1 if. irtgreoll, N l / 4 1. 55 lYater SI, or at - Steam 1)031 Michican`r. Landtreg ! .. Pitta arpi Ctarie 4- co. Bedver. //lichened Weatkeribet, Warden: . Wheeler ¢ CO. Akron:. Thomas Riciimerhtt* Co. Cleveland itETEB , To-. : - J. R. Wick 4- Co.. Greenville; W. C. Mateo, Sharon, - R. W. ConAingham. licre Cattle, John Xtric,TounOtaten; - John Campbell Newton Falls; Campbell 4. Miller, Campltellvtown: Babcock. tc- Mcßride, Rayeana; C. 4. t) thodes. Fraitl;lin; Fl. A _Miller *t n Clara lin2..a Fails; Wellman _Whitehead, Massillon; Gfirdon Williams. it 1 - 0!.. Detroit; - Wane, Davis 4- t_70.,. Buffalo: Cowing, Richalood, Coi,Nevy York. 3sep 10 tilGi3y—X'o. 121. Corner of Ifoodasi,....of.mf Street., Pitzsl•Lr4rh, •t ia , viirt.eloof.p....—_-..ore Ft - fife& to tile, ritx or crettotrY iTattle. .: 1 1 ten. 2t rhaire - .election of ;Mee; White and geftf hp , riqi DINING AND I'EA 1.1 - 411 E. in large, or settA, °neer:trate pier e= to =nit poirtnisrrs. A cask of 46. 60, nr there sets. sapirbly TAntot.B ail 011 Entii , t, China Teace=re, at re.re tow prices. Toy Trnware. plain, and 'rleh lialtited and gilt, frow i.OO to #5.00 per set Children's Atinzs [lf Piet y dgsctiplion. White China Ettla'ViP. Granite Dining n. d Tea Service... hi evirite and milli sp'endid American scenery printed in bine and-Mark. , A r.rre ersicarnimat Dining and Drenkfa.i. Stifn, imported to match. complete, Fire Pronf shine tanking plates and dishes, from the Derbyshire Potteries. Flint and Green Glass. in all their varielleS; Window Glen, of every i - Patent Packets, Tubs and tCrelers. ei one Pipe Ilca4ittte. ke. kr- . - All of which are respectfully offered to the putt. lic on the most favorable terens. Jan 36.. TR93-1q D AVID CL A RR. ',et. ohs kiss:We Best Maker,— tlas removed to No, 34 Markel street, between Second and Third streets, whe re h e wer 4 b e , h o py to Fee his old customers. and all others who teetritspos ed to patronize him. He uses. nothtng hatrOtel rate sleek, and employs the best of workmen; and as be giver Itts COW:taut persona! attention to hnsinef-s.lre truststhat he wit/ deserve and receive a fair share of patrcmaii. ' ter , 10 Fauti.s. ICE CREA Al. 4- CO:WV:MO:NARY.— A Bunker nospecifutly informs his friends and.the nubile that they can always find the Lest twain, of ice, Creams. totether with at: sands tsf eanfectionarytid fruits, in their season. at his esta l4 lAllient.--No. , Fifth afret, briweer. tV9Od N. 8.-:-Panies supplied on the shortest notiee,:srith mks& or anything in Also' 'families lOriiished soh Bread. - seplo , . JOHN B. GUTTIRIIp, Auctioneer 3114 c 08114 1 .018 sloes bierchatri. 196,csruar Wood Fifth' are. Pittsburgh: Uasit:r been appointed-ens of the AucHoet eersfm the City of Pitsbnrsti.: tern:lira his servacestb job hers, manufacturers and tlealcre- who may .be •dimoned to make trial of thiiibarbet- I=-• Prepared tolnale advances on consmomenia of all solrahleconuedit s ir, and trusts tomati..4 in :hurrespolidersts - by quick sales, and sPeedie !nod .farforatile rrtorps.• That the various intere.ts which may he confided him, shalt he sdcgtsreleltriateried,he brineWhaibe aid of his own experience in business and orqoaintanee with meietamfrite grafi:ails the service, of Mr. - Sittert: Panazsrciew, heretofore ndvaaliteecottly knowniwa, art importer and dialer in Thin' ingare and Cut!efy, with Wham a permanent etromerneM la Made. REFER TO , blown. M. 'nerves. Pres'il of 31. 4- M. Bank. • • Darlington 4 Peebles, - I , 'Robert - Galway,: - u -James Pd. Cooper; I . • u ' Jainealday. • - R. It. Riddle,, . fittahargb uWm Robinson. - Jr. Pr.teet 4. of'Extr nriSti ge tt: - nampton,Smith, 4- Co., John D. Davis, 1 st , ---SaYnankChurehi • Mocwheil„ *4 . 4 :3an.:1011. Bewail 4 Co. 4cgon itt/turn. /3: co . Shill 4 , . irii 4ter; " - ' sorsEv: John 'ltalnelt, ipprlA • eAsoittiagrlirtt LCL-A.". :stew s tite*"re - rk t was *biked with "Oyspewia •• • • - _.lllle , s!intlails - Areire qt slebility 7 ecogivinyels, co-KIN bent *PM pal hi the ehwitt as( itwaiiith a pp g :uke„ serfatholki Sot -*Waft s4 III MiC4POII , IO.? aamiea.a4itb regaeMvo.tisas,efssiam +itii of 6 + lll ank 1 00 1 4 1 4,/ 0 ". 1 P ' 1.11/11tail.cairtaumt_iff ea convorthig.Di.Wss. EEiEE=M ll t l * l tilt i k# ll - 4 1 —M l t o6, f.t . tqf woe e,,•=1101 stateo4 if. awl awe Aprorial I/Visitable Vi*Xit, - "lat4 C imple 11. 7 ,1 MMI Alettio. '.-'~~ ~ ~".J. NNW= OBER 21, 142: TigA GOOMS:Oetetirratai Fends : Pint. These ' ALP' PiJisacesiroczty recommended to the notice of ttin• bunco; aim. AM. - aid eilcient =ie - I:einnvisk ittoseennaptaints poi =r to theoftt. fawn want of cF , t) erel ,, e,or'tenerardettitity 'of the eritein. Ttiiy °lndite contivettesSiata enontentig igti ItpoetricatAta,ltientOns_t affections. Tite=e Pills Save Alined_ the sanction amd ppreifttfavi:ortheriiim etiinent lOW led Slat!. 41 4. , 4 40 7 1 0tberh, . E° i • sal e W tl P l s; 44 e 4 f. 41 ‘ Bitaii,l4; FELILEM Aient. : 10.:- _fto-20.-W.oo4lSireektiektotekrtolitz" All 3 et islf Skit Librol - psr - V. site the Acid ef.dielekddif, suleertheiltiftligliiikebt. inn the sleek - of the late Timms .Itutfeill.deetiarnd. Dias .. 4 . 03 eo 1,6 ' in the old mind of Mr. and is prepared to execute alliterrifm7 lit work , liebiii fine: - Witte hem martrier' andlin,the shorties 'Kielce. . 1 1elleeen cars 01 01 4 0•1 4 1. 14 hasoli tient ofidittelhidlois 'Of all deseriptitios and aithe litlattileitn the imstreinte lie and of the craft. wild-ADAIR. rep 10 . VIIITTSIVOIRGOMANIAPAtTo*Yrs a - . eisit arstet pr. ,Orri*ps - dat :./Edistais Priebe: The !whence sera sdannsiaturre and .keeps, eosestaatirnt` : , o bitidAlinehlttifitte ttpdatta owatsiiTea. Unbolt itW • 11, 2 1 ciil SilweraiddlernnsptstPd. Do* fruised„ Bran" and visaed At& Sanas, Slum, Joints,, Patent Leatbe*, SUlrer and Irrisid Thsee. fold. Pte Maneible !Inn, peas Handles and Ilium, ke-olte.- • • - • ' 'JONES - it - tiOT:E111. 1 1 Ft. ,qed-10. pair st— near 14 -e , turnaessylt!idwp. D.BELL*7.II.S, D4africe mind 4weiling FM/Mi. U. near Ferry street. sep LQOE.II..T..TFILS r 'The ittrillimi it - tho-e 'alio have been somesikat seen. deal lielfefereacefu iirkPehiiseeH, - in Pehasied , favor Swayne's CoMpound Span vf Wild Cher ya;tin aieattat oftlitepena4ietribeineintkruiiii in ififirare ' lion of the State,is renmeeircpilikieeted la the followt.,_ sertifirate, the writer of-tube' been,a.ellkettl of thir borough force efalFeare.and krkada. a as a gentleman of baeVill.aald veepolieblihy. tka .Agest, Mr. .1. ilptev e Thi).* tokrtir: S4nvne'e 'enns• syrifi'raf Wiiti CheaKyt, far aertalt., urhh ivhich-J-kave keen kear,c,!? friiii4 Pie triti inOnthg, *mil have no hefitaticht ttly4..iffAket it lithe irtoat hreittedkarie. hat thaw" *eel) *Mein procure. It coappatt apeasine = s. and-, diet,'—andiiranralres a reuelar and o:oll.atiPetit.o., • ran freely recomateed it to ell Amber ! - sittiitairl* . a &del& J. !Niamey., torough cliatal,erel; , .z. . aeP2S tar We by WI LLIA M.T110 . 11151 No. 53 Market sarcet. FRUIT 11.. ADE. AND ORNAMENTAL TREES. , • , • DELEON:4 4esitotts' of irortrrtne Prot% Eltade. and grnamiotat. Tcrpx, or 1314 1 tab1tery, &ore rititatlel' phia or New York, arermoetied to make applic:ttion soon air 14Wsittle:. it the Drat shill StitykEtote cif iliet -, stat scriber, -here can :I„,ratalogoes,..g.l - atultonstv. of the most fe"nt LI SNOWDEN; ttep No 1114. !Aker. ty stteet.:hiad ofWtwxt . C A .1 litlfre A ND EDELL.9.—Dcarattott Da ne triare AND FIVDROGILLPET., 3d Septeattre , , 43 enittA Prottlintls triilboreigirsd at thistrtirean' until 3' o'clock; P. of the h October next, foe far and - delivering, in the - rir6poi - linM.. and- at the Placeit here in. designalsrl, the fottovringettinlyr and - denetiguion fir ra it non. Ittal and Shells. for the Salmi Service or. be Matter! States ; vicif Thirty iithi• iaelt Paiihrire atintit63 cwt- each. Seventy thirty-two Polgatact VIWOC 4f4401,11n11 - f/ThO•zrztß, the Intr./P._ termirrid *Wit *nth 'stens: . F‘ ,_.-...,-mrstrired eight inch tolid hot a nil reven thousand Witty - MO r/elltlitSri 1 ( 401- Derfoeiirfle.ssifidreleei. he - Patiliattennts Detiverable at 4 200 igen tro.'sitellit I Sierkeleg- Dr -100 eight hoc,. N. V.,-ctir 21) thirty two ffmniter inns lor before the 2.500 - ltrirly-lire pounder Shot 175th May next 10 eiz'cl in. railban rare ) Elcjiverable 150eicitt in. stints I Entrain N. V., KM #42111 ii1.5011 . d shot , 7.411 - or before VII hilly two pontuller ?tins . the 15th May taglttltirbr-tmo pounder shol next. Xi eight in. Patellae erns 1 Deliveratile at 150eirht In. shells I Erie Penna. 100 eight :mild sllu i Fan or hefors. thirty-two2o pounder tune the Ifilit•lday 'thistV tiropon toter shot J next. The proton:vats rand state distinctly the rale per ton (of wenly4 wohond ryd and forty ponads). far. the mans...and the rate per pound foe the shot and shells,' deliVeraide'its abaci...a/Hu bra suLject to.and nudes...iota:eh prumf and in snertinn_as this Bureau may dr.m, proper in anihorizr; and noire .bersa id for ilmt shalt . ..rot pans inch in: sprig ion ,a entirely cat iFfacl ors.. 8111141.5.117ith two approved snrelies., 'will he rental - VA in one third lheemimated amount of the crintirict. and ten, per rentuurt of the amortot of all bills will he retained ,na collateral nectiritv. froths faithful performance Ih-reof. which will b r paid only en the satisfactory ramplrtion of the ratntract; and ninety per rentum of all defiverics wilt be paid on hilispropertr authenticated; according to the provisions of Ihe contract. within thirty days after tlwir , - pre,tentalion lo the Navy Agent. -- TheniTers mos ea le at what agency the contraeler may thlfir” riavnwnt to tie made. • - Drawings of Ihe trans wilt ne- furuislied from thiS mare, 'and they mnst ,be cast and finished to confirm to t hem in every respeet. ' No hot htast metal is to be usedond the shot must: he east in Sand moulds. sep 13 XV RIME: UNtTFACTOitt.—Parrick Cascfietd re V.l. spectrally quints his friends and the public ern. crafty, that he has commenced the Marble business:lt the corner :d Fifth and inert* stS:.Where will he cotistanify on hand_ tomb stones_ mantel pieces. monuments. Woad and foormitives.lable ClabS for - cabin ware, and every art iele.aprerlain ' leetxl iiie-betsiitext: He edit lararrom has wort trrhe wedl done. end his cheeses wilt he moderate Re respectfully askn a share ornaldic patronlge. scp 10- . JAMES A. VEAZEY, Forwardisi astir Consatiso iltat .ifurekente, Anent, ,for Stea whoal. Cleveland _ and Pesivaitia kidi Oho -Lien. -14crenrz rented The ware ttruive Tormerty occupied by • Birni,ia , sham Co- Sc. 60 VitaleiStreer, L S etween Wood and nip hßeld, ie prcpared to renekie arid forward goodv to any pori on 'the Ohio or Mi,sissiopi river on reasonable terms. • do do do do 2.005*4-0 00 do . do do do 1.500 at 35 OQ 4 4 ): --, .€ it'a., do ' . 40 , 1000 It; To OS 'do do do do 5QQat 25 ; 00, likritit dlifdil.vnrs lo addition of ea to turf iittue Dont wie _, icgr as ,Af ilr w 1 4 4). FT ' lAMINt 11'1,4 4nrestaine:firices Oitve. Mati , ttateitChaatai SCOVAIPIob 0./Timaites ./ is and a - 'twilit)! . or 01 he? cousdar . ..... _ AO tatrarti Ott' item' to 05; - - ' Thlieleilriffel.ooo444l-1 defer ..2201014 . i. MOIL' wi litz.gart Works, ft.; Aside 244 slur:l , : ... 0401 141114 . 4 4taiiiader ktbetikorstaso owing ,nitettitos dot ;swain ettalta, ptaidalkstactli . am door and 444iiilioltrall'spatrit Irene ittiiret;Nithliiir MA " 4 ,1101IN"*_ tata , l "s,oo o .POlNlikciiels....... ,01, 6 117 ' od t des for yawing la th , Tr aito r 'tost '4ll4l LtiOti ,ftlf*OltrandlierititbotaLidii Old sittadtgotadi_ , article - i PO,OBRAne-NH4 &tr4-r - -.."graottiarg the ww canoe factory Rukl , ~,"Pol, ,N. 1 0 1 111 11 wii•' - --- —....siiitinori INNIF NMI - • hiMit= wowed' ice. if Rachint Arent, two *Site and the (prow. otiiiites(whoi cootposed to. A, fort aZ.; UOA!4 - , , • , PROSPECTITS Fir 'pit/44144 i ingrie Dail; Pepe. in 'ltaly of . 1441004 - tciki • ..-11AILY-MORNING. PlifiESobitalbeis loving 'nate anniageumi ts is emerge the Atineticai est PhisbarAhlietiesi ri ie':o one ionroal, have rontineed to publish paper irlehtbitibile friiir Deily Pair. The tendingohjeristf the ..prier" sitt be tbe•bsewhittc lion and defeireeefthepalitical Principles that have here lor!trtn_hfnattwaiortskaolli the tditom its their Omsk-cave papers, and their best efforts will still he devoted to the idvitteetiket attisneress of tintewrit. ' Althoset, pilitheno. the paper • will to thothoeitly ' delasenitie, yet" the tditori hoite; by giving- an honest; Itittory.' of passim?, Pr:Meal events. Fares ii and Domestic Intellieenee, and hcief notices of all :at tomitiattnernrrecen that else properly within lbeitthere ofa Pablicliortrunt,„ to wale Mei pipet smcwierdlY , irestinetitentithe It to the Patronage of the Oldie, it eve of iPar,7- So nwitleraticrns: Ia 000/1100 to lne Political and neutral news that will her", ail °lie • - 00,41 50 r Pert.:"the fillioni‘ wilt tale pains to furnish she basin/nos "Copenstaity with .inow interisthw Ce =Yaeiit lirstsw_ osatqs-frost an parts of taw coo stip, - "W r its . hikie playa' rid nib "ieettiints of the Mai lrols unitise State of Trade raisin beadvaningeons .10 ourAllarchants attd Roslawns Men ,in their several callints. . llemot The Parr wNi Ue . tinitished on whole inspert atshoet of foe paper, ( maith f actared es crusts . for this JortrnNl) at titt - unitsually loW,rateof FIVE. DOLLARS per atisthon,loyabie actifAlSti; It WilliegO be sold by news.boys at thelaw ra•e of TWO CENTS a • Advertisevrewto" *RI be inserted It the lowest rates charmed by the other daily papers of the city, 10-TWRNtfactive tads are wanted to sell the Post,. whowiltheenjaped On the most itherarierois Aitivzif St. . 1 . E. t ittiTAltt.MEn rilicitANT iiMer, NO. el P.PuTas - rpe..ET, NEW Xre NA sat Lioei pool Comaerciaf Lime Patkets, SaitsrrWeekly.- 111103ahmerilier-sioiild aijopetifiilly infotid anch }moms residing in this country as ate dein:los .for seat& for their friends to come Out from the old coital ry. the contirmes as *seat tom4e=eregageasents..by Whkh- pas. r•eUgit's are !wooed outSo very mdderate terms, in First, ala* Eihips: =Mingle:haw Lhiirpoot weekly, and 4, 7 111411 '3Smare rwerrcms„destroos of, coming ha i hea hove , Line, iments.iit= nth reipictibiltly'are - engaged at Li smolt, .therewitt hl-no detention whatever at that br,aisorprepared at all iiabesocifornish Sight brailli fog any , aniount toppsist is premiss passem.e.s for the voyage, payable ihrunshbui the Milled Ringdomonrd is care the parties agreed for Amid deetiritireadeg Celt. the pa.m.=7' midi" , shall be reliviuied without reduction- Poifunher partisnlarsaappty Rimy leiter la - ' JOIMBERDSI4 4 IN. WO-61, stieet;New 'Fork. Or to • JOSEPH KIIIKPATAACic, ' tihp Warmionse f . 1 7 Lviturg, _sepia . Alo. "24 Watei street. Pitisburgla. Pa. GWEAT 13 %Lit OF PENN3 , 4I,VA A LAI:4M: 14%. BY A UCTIOIIII.--Will be sold - by,_Pubiledloctiall. wftfreof restrris. for mill :10 close the concern. at the ttalt of the Illartboroagh 80etat5.....--- the Vafitt.' Aar of A:trial.; carnineangat- aloe of :se:m:9e farewell, . t Ite.primert y aut be l'lnitid .„ .states UPI co l mplini ronotis inetir 214)64 - • 1 4o.oceActAk.arvlodoPO 104 , ii*Ole& - Foilnill 24 /4 ined"witie - riabblelSinber Land, lyitu in Jeffer son. McKean and Clearfield consillm, in theSidte Penn.wicania —on parts of which ibereis abundance of Col. Lime and roe Ore; and nrany al ifiseats; And of (Ilia lois oral/sat suary persons .for land sold lying in said coital - ie., that are considered good. A nd Stork and:Toois on a Fares in the inwashia of Bradford, in the conn , vof McKean, in said Stale of Fesrniivbranial - Tile-land will he cold in lots to mail parehlsers„ von. taininz from ahottl. 1211 to 5000 acres. Fortin part kola's- wilt be sonde known atthe egie.or nn inquiry (tribe sati--rtitter. at No. 12, Long Wbarf— of fishers and Baldwin, literehante- Row in Bovan--er er either of the Trtnleesof the said United Satre Land . Company. D. R GRIGGS. President. of the trotted Slates Lattd Co. Roston, Ativint 20,1890. igep in)• . . . .... 1- BY 1110rrisen4 Co: tomb:in. forgale only by . S, lg. Wickersham, corner of Wood street and Virgin alley Pittsburgh Pa. and R. Harwood,l3eaver Pa. who is sole agent. for .IVestern Penmsylvanda.. yelp 10'. F"m-,Oft, SA Le.—The under 'tarried offers for pate a tract of land situated 4 attar; from Freeport, to the_ direction or Kilian:tint: tarifa° 'township; Arnettona county. containing 100 acre". 63 emelt and saner land _ranee: 110 of whien are In meadow— a good square-log dareliiag house and catrin barn erected thereon-4n apple orchard of EtObearjaz treet 7 and a sprhk; or. eznellent weer ennrranient to the bows. FOR, TEILNILIopIy to the elthserthers reAllital. tile' ...§aftworks'on the Penosilvankeatial, I mile above;Frag . . . hod, • ' TO THE WISE.-1t as now &l ofoletiltoo So* in e b of Ibe mild depend for limit Cure ooa a doe wlentioo to the body. , broom, understood how valuable k that medicine which will remove morbid a amanita, ions without weatcnint., the b4-3411v Racre.r. it Is nom usderstood that there is a reciprocal influence be. treeen the mind end the body. It in now ander-mood that parr,inf with the Etrattdreth Nib remove a melan choly, and even insanity is cered by perseveria7,ly U3il3: them. lit is nowandriatood how much dooiffgir. nem* depertds epos Ole healthy coodtiOns of the ditcuctdlee preen.. t iaeloar well known :hut the ttrnsarelb Pilk have cured thoo.und. of hop.ele,a aad belpbs persons, ewes yeben the Arm physicians had pronounced them beyond all Imman means of re_her_ rt. in now ant sooty aril knou.n that the Eteasdreth Pills so care, but it is also ea nod how they /Imre; seat it is by their pa rifylnefeet on the wood the they restore the body to health.. Tim slibm of the med l / 4 inr Is becoming more mini] more manifest, It is recommen daily from faintly to (Malty: The Etrandreiti Pills remove In au alron<l imperceptible ova rrr all noxiow accumulations and purify and Mirlvm rate the bwod.amiliwir Tood effects are not coontethatao ref by rimy iitcoorecimirerqbeirw composed erarmirme vege tables they do not expose those who use them to damp!,n2riall lbeirefeete rre is remit?' In they ore MOM tot ry: they are daily sod safety admini.tersd to infstaity. youth. manhood, and old a 2. and to 190211•• in the most critical aad dekcatedrramoraArrs. Tbey AD mai disturb or shtick the animal functions, trot mecum their order ano .coatittat tt *ix ball ' Spiel at Dr. Bmadreth'isollftcr_, No. IX, Wood Mreel. V ifietaryh 15 mita 'per box. veil&fan direttioas. if A cfc_.::ll*, oisiy plareferlhltehaatragfirbeetilial• • ins: Pi lisp n be Obtalaitti to the I:oeler'9teitiocS Xe ► y 9alVeled wire!. Up* 1.-s - ..-Timiehrvic(4.4.l4iiriiii.iiiii-die; itpli,ftctilitilliiiigl4 anal %kis/Iy, that ire basyriyaw ed to Meth/. fir hemp co ?titre the covifidence of kis fsraiir.jutamool plane Ireaerally; *rd valkirs a researal of IL rarliee Of *el? raty,...v. I. eonsraiss oliArrve, the opersllon of Lhbotrity. for king the moor to the 1461ilef aac4 aziklciag IL Its jam of shit tire •ri ne,) Is every where coolant' odisz the deep itiffeeltt: , Re hopes lb "Mama Ihe Mimes oftkis pr.r-minu to the repined, Ftrielures, Diatom a or the Mali& r wolf Rirloelair"ltielt Ocean o all I attlovr,— art! I Nara/he receive atteettier- Those from a die nee Wir_Mias farther nformotSon milt aryl" per...tametty -- or - Yr lleetee; Orlf ilealned ea • he -aCciter.4l,l l ,l4 bat dweltitrtr,iga y eritseil pan Draw el -iv, iM between terry apt Liberty el.. IR . . . „ ar,p - RETZ, N r !-- 14 3 i-ftertjgareTt. riusheinb, Male sale and 11144111 erlotretWod nottiT to .footit* id Kalb., cum-morrwastinitir werei its" rlastweiii a•A-stirestativiwrArdr , salt booms igh , - 114 = 1 " 6 "fa i r.1 111 T HII = . , eft -, s 4r IRV MAO .3 FifZ3 t'M, ~:' • , - MWPI ~~~. ~. =MI ID! ;IIII0.•'-TW:4:00:. THOS. PHILLIPS, W: 9. #MIT'n. WM 4 11111.1 - BAKER. ~ - _~~, i _. _:--- . „ne - :40111*(0006w . a . ' - 4T. 1 44, : ; 1 , 0 4 , • .1:%.4ex...7.Tk - , t .- 4,21$ . • . - _... • '•-•= - =J.' = " - TIIB xirris jt aosslieflie. ,Bentleys.. ItrocelhttlY; for 1 S*ooloo/ris 1 contains, among.other •thitiv, -, tkelbfloSeel . _ _ ing: - < -1- -.<- ...--.,,-, .:.4.:c 1: -e , a, 4 Aiikectutid renascence -or an' F i misaii - oiary named Clarke, artii ikok '''"' . 3 / 4 1 to convert the natives of Tads 41 snit r, but failing hi, efraitii, ret ard; despair to Ca'cutta. iYe give `tiiii444i# the anecdote in the writer's own WAX" , 7-. One day our missionary learned, 'to great - joy, that a Brahmin of the M 14411 rank had arrived in tliei - meir4o4;' 1 1%.. : termined :to bring Matters to an-. lii r q . Clarke wrote tci him, and, beited -- I*,ta meet him on a certain day, whejles,A f o e. edook to convince him ob. , Froths*. priest) of tl.e errors of -his faith. Teliallk the Brahmin consented, and' at the e appoirsed, the heathen and etwittirc: champion met to dismiss; in .pres*4Z several witnesses, the merits °lithely cos.- LT pective creeds. - < '''' -, , -..,1-4:-..--- As is usual in polemical dam; doer . controversy was opened by savenif mina' sequential queries and anssein. Pont 1 4 as hour neitherparty put forth a etArginif proposition; the wily Indian taking its confine himself to the defensitii. Their length at this scene, Clarke' e einuPtly asked him. '- - tl-1 'Are you forbidden to -`eat anythilitAtel which animal life existsf' - • - T 'Hive yeti ever broken thielawr' 'Never.' 4 May you not unconciously:.hiestAitaW led low this erimer-- 4 1.npossible: !Will you swear to itl l - t . , Aktost I do: - - • - - •Do you ever eat pomegraizateir—tThiltae 'Bring: me horne of the 'fruit' theiq re joined Clarke, turning tol 4:llhre order was complied with, the Foemegme ,- -' nates were brought.. _ 1 ' • 'Choose one.'. -Tile Brahmin Ai Ariz. ' 'Cut it in two." • With , thiaithrectiestAteo 1 complied. -,'Eace it here.' and Clark HOl ,- aimed him , to put it beneath a riiiaretmopetr•f _,..,.._. , I sTcff ktotk t s. t44 ,- . 4 ,_ _- -- - -,-,,..- -, Inie Itrikluiim did .86; but .no sooner he apply eire „,otis.: .4.o4sutrte.4 back - WWII .irrigittt- -- -The fruit : was perfectly alive with,: animalcules. • The, puzzled Ittnitloo-dteirt , out the pomegraate, (which; perbqiisany readers are not aware is filled With initielethiltit4 , ' tirlitillitilik")leekeliikt - - . ., it, examined it, replacedit,and sgaitcheew,7 I , held the Myriads of living creatures with, which it was - rife. . : He felt it_vvitkhis. I band,: to convince himself, that their wa&satk, 1 trick in the affdit; Then suddonly: ..',a11p.,„, inghiniself up, he slowly uttered !biol.,' I such hi"_-(enough—lt .is true.) -,, . ,:- :-,4r, d'iriu aCknowledge then that yam'. have?., sinned:Pncortseiouslyt That everyTthinik v beiig,(Alled 'withanimakufte,inviidde teq theii4ed eye, you can, neither , eat nor di-ink without committing &grimier --• •,:','ll The ahaalied Iliudea burred.. 'Shall I show you how full Of insects ery drop of water . isi---`N9,I _ I have .. .suie#4 • 1 enough,' ' - ; .7 - ...,...,:,:: ' IDaiyou desire tarther pi eon -,.-1 by e, 1 . a favor to ask,' • ''' ..- - ', - --- Whati is it?—lf I can, j will gratit r it,!.__., 'Give mo jettr _ microscope ., I . cannel:. . • buy it; give it to me, , ,. •.' . ~,,_,. •,,,.:_,,,,,,, Clarke paused 'for a ,monient, fur he.l4-.... that Mein:og paid ' ten guineas for -st; ' and f. : being& poor, man, he couhl, ill- filfor4, - A•p-„ 4 pat t With it, - - . :Bataa the Indian wiii.ttir!!„,„ `gent, &imo,:t to antreaty,,he at lengi,h:unp- - .. .„ a rated (especialiy,tl4 h e, thought the - nth - •iti;,,' would acrd tilt in r etort. saii*•,ilfi4:444,, * of eqtial value) and presented it to, :hint,-' - The Iltahntin took - it, and_ gave one look ofttiumph round the ball,._ and: - 0#!,4;,T, T1 . raising his arm , ' dashed it in a tlotkisarpt.„.,..._ store i °tithe marble f 144.7. --- . -..--•...,:•• _ 'v- 'What do you mean by this!' eiergiiiice Clarke in ut►dsguised- astonishmag. 'lt means, Sir Christian,' replied - 'tirt, Hinoo in a cold, grave tone, metzwilllo . I was,e happy, a good, a. proud mart4'lll 1710106 crir yonder instrument you bed mie of all future happiness_ Yi' havis concietamed me to descend to my sramai9• wretched and miserable.' . With these words the unfortunate, rain qui!ed the hall, and anon after, tedied-z up the country. /Aria fine Mirtg• to be a Gentle i n grk ",,,' sOlehiiit's a fine thing to be a,gentlietapit44 , aid Andy. 'Ccek ypn up!' said his ratid,,, er. •lrfaybe it's a gentleman you wan,t be:"lr.fiat:puts that in your head. you orn‘r- 2 _, dame •Why, Lecause a gentleman itvir o ''.. no ihdraships with one of uz. "SlitkittA getitlimaii: was married, his wife rwoel4 ig ist be tilt ohltori. hiss the way mine ka ka% gio 11 '"1 4 .-tSe ly:' . 2,4Kinientan 1/011,_ a beart, hie lititit:alabl:Silier.-ishile 4 - . „ bervint is a fitior braekgaantfisitsstiYhd • a sweat out of him. If a gintlifiristi „ • ' till he can't see a hole in a ladder, hettitiffol 'dhrtinie is the word fer man. And if a .enderrian N ie to i i to. j amia i spr he i r a hue - spirited Whale, while aimsamiair - 11 is a • .dishortierly -vrizaboner' Yon" the and the justice axes the °zeta 'disateir sends the other ' .to gaol. 'Oki, is 2 siiitsty.ialtr; she-sakes PetPla!Parlhen t _. hunt whiget!! taifford,tairargLoottliii Tito grids litysera fi sts oe ,12014:*:HfiALAft. •tsf~ijy T.~ E 133 _: >-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers