Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, October 11, 1842, Image 3

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    HcfrusE dJIrD La 2; 4lT. dev c
'pith inst. at 2 fecgoilt.
epets.4. Abe 4th lkikal attabru,l
WO 51,0figa WO, with a aki l
,den. .
Tenni at flatetiti
• ""'
Pittshutth. I:)ci,ol,e'r. 6.
Atite --7. '' 141414
Te tke , ow* th 7 , Air
gagarrlii. 4 1ticitilints of doe
arj4llegketey. '
'I E emblem - of Nieluakil .;
K ees - pert. In Veriiides
format'. humbly sbevretlt,
of travelers silftl m e i
ed to grant taw a license to Joey . " ,
ta in west. Anil you, peiiti ouer
ftraS• - '
We, the virhsecibers,niorii
cent ify, that. the shove peit — •
es; y and temperance, and
room and conveniences kir
of Avengers and
ldatihcw Eniot,
A. Atwater,
H. B Sinclair,
John Cnnk,
J,:hn Long,
Jan H rison,
Cct 7-3 t.
In the -Co' art of CLoniter
of A tle.:beny Cwinty.
A NP NOW TO WIT, rktoler
rerts the Clerk to glee
er ivspaners# pirolis4trd in the thy
i.,tetestrd in the above
'aid Court on Monday mit, 00111.
NI. then :1,11 there to - mule a r y 1 ,.
Lave made In the plan of said ('.•
.Lev sisuit Le heard. By tile • ,
Uri 7-3 t
/V Corner of Weill
or" it.l otF of the. fievaqs4
AND MANriArTrEER ,P_SpenfiM,
awl the palronAuf those paperso.
....I v. ell chorea aer-ortment. of
.41VEI,A) .-AL1373 grE l _;.` - - IMI
Nete.sary to a Jvb .7'riutiog Other,
. - rd to es. .
131115. of Lading
BM first*,
Black 011ects.
Pan pleei.
211. kintt.s of
Sta g e, Steamboat, and Caaal •
priate Cate,
Printed on thd shortest nottee and
We rergpectfully aek the patro
ute public to remora! is tairt brow*
pit' s Lur;l2, Sep:. 39:4842. IT!.
Court Howe. on Grant Arert.
~/\.HKE -Aro TIC E lira+ the
C-ort of Common riras or
bezli-tii of the Insolven: I.i WSOt .
art A that shut C..urt has al.poiord
next for the hearing of
crreccr. s. at the courtlimm.
Oct. 5, 1342-3.*
-HE%;•i ~E 4CR., I;etatigh,
P Br. A npqcs. Botionik'
.I.ICOB F"GRL Raki9j
Sec xs MOLASsletk
on Ba-s II to Coffee
oci 4..
% m
lust scßooL.—r.
sp. eily inform the cilium
clot; y, that be contempt-ate" fors( -
ty, for the 1.0 , p°' .1 - warbler Ir"
ob:ent..ll He pledge* hbriell
method of i.g.ortectiem srleen t i ,
511,11 be nimredi r s '
Lad I.'S will be wailed on O_OOE4
rt has redured tue pai44 i
For p ease rail 31
Alltieny Br , ,
the 51tIliar:v Compatiftr
Cheap. in the cat•iteity of M
i ructs.n. clot and two
Many parents arc under MO far
cal knowledge of a Aluairai irrlnti!
tenclenc . over the Incleiht arthek
may also draw 100 wnctr.o(_ ll -
.Sludics or occupation. or. ta
±..y, that the acquisition era
Tara fource of recreation and
'I•L taste becooperi
ion for sa tidy more arils*.
mind is so 4,re abstracted frost Owl
%naafi are Fe liat , te to fa!l ,1 7,
two io niuf , e in-,any way inter/We
orrarai ion. 'ay the tinge L 1 0104 1 .4
Carr W.' f;efieiteloor,V
44(411er o' jert ion that parcel
their children-beConier" a
tie tini into irre:ciar hauktn it
t ., .9a Y with the seamy:v:oo 66 P
tits con lattztst LO write a,ood 1454
a cpantrtleiter. so that 'the -mail
se =ate I+f at•P arqblretorta
It is now to to hopail that flog '
prejudice; that may bave
or Parent , . are remixed, act, 'that
heir children 'the prleneri 4l : l e. -.
pertnnity. Call at CAL'ir
N. It. so boy flied apPIY
written content
C A [Our Amp - DRY_
. _. : o ,_,
F , er A -arrival sad
- r C 1
f VFW. Subscriber having 1°
PA fe llil
.i.. I larpein - 21141 Dry 4/
trantsof the COMMUSI4IS3t eirt417.....
raih. They earemiaii.e' ' 16. 14 7 10
wishing to boy. beltre aulki4 - '
Thai,' Stack consisn!O rcd . lOlvtZil
flruwAs Carpels. neuriayle,i -
. .. ima l
ssr,crfic Ingrain, 4017 . ! • ' 3 '.. --
Fate; do ~JOr
Cpliiiitoll do Alii,,i, T o
443-41.34P1ain V '.
~,,_ :, ~ ~ •
443458 Twilied„Alet,.:.
~, j
L i mn: Carpet.,sforga gtailll'_ ,'
- article_ -
. : .....,_ . ':.-r illit*
Floor OilCicnhiotll Whillswit
In connection alai flare'
Fancy Dry Ganda at ss great a 5
ott.er eitabliibaaeal is theott
-,' Will ' fr ie o,l ' .w-' .4,,_. i .4,
oct 8414111 a ' 9'l-1161".
Board or imitcree for ;he t i,
A Pennsylvania grill tiltletille br
1 Monday the -10th icte—sez
ad 11-2 t 111 C "" S'
LarfP l
V v • able nor'. ji
Terrberand 4:106:
and 91#14*0141.
011i611 110 - 001111* ....40101441701i
Meet. - 1i..*1151121-'
~ _ =: ~ ;
NO '2 t)B i 7-40
Poole ,ra{tairo•
ousr,,—We are I eq ue: - ,ted to state
nseqq,nre .1 the late City Or
chan;:ina the place of . ,holding
. n in th e West Ward, not being
ys no;ice we ri, , us to the day o'
revired by the elect
II ins ant will be held at the old
Allegheny Belli:.
stea-nr wiil leave
c“r CiLcitinati. We
sitanon :ecoinmending her to
tug pu,,ic.
f ihe Tempeiance t amplign.
n fioin t!le Secre
e Wiishmatou T Society,
t dee, ti,a• the tiehl o perations of
%, ill terminate this week with
its,r m eetinizs —Tuesday even—
h Hi!) .‘larktt. Wetinesdity,
th arid .Sun,tt field scree . .s. Tnurs
go, 52.1.ur,1 iy, Scotch Hill Mark-
Nc rti:i‘e, C,,mn,ittre . in muking
a:.twuncetnettt, assure the pub
e columu:/ enemy than have no
u: :bat every t frlrt ill be made
durieg the coming triti—
.1 hey Lave gained, and to
Iwiempel alio.: to the
n that Mrs
ruin 0131 put that
re 1 <2 '<).A 4 . 11 Vp_4iiatii
i~ clnl: a S'.
Pr tt of
fit' on: ('c tt+r t[ia~iclu US
I 1: Na' 1;::i
'eft. takP.Z it H , me f-r the put -
e he;leve
a.iics :Ike tvery
~!,,rny !Jew
cd,:t.-d and settled
r, Thai's light
.Ali A if S.
e.la'ui"c~lv dcT W~cr
Petri +? emi
A.,71 paiwf s 11(.11
41 , # equiv
1 ,- 11‘ , !r
le idiCe
twcut.,-, , ,i
leie , ,s
. .
t'•r I:l,re
- . it
s;:T l iuc:ez ink
I 1;:Lt per c
11 Ul'r cif
The .3,lrni,
Cde 1/O.,I)ILaIS
the f2k3th t,ltim ..ere
16. The n , ,mher
s?7e.•it !,11)..! (in the iucrease
that the epidemic
‘litthf 0,4.;;43'
_ ~ ~ ,h: nC35~~[l
Thursday states that
1!, bealing (142:Tatt-li
U. S. at Nltxico
-./e1:;. “f gate. ariived in \Va4 . l
having. left Mexico
tiit , arid peiforrn -.1 the whole
xv,ett the two cities Of 11, xico
, 2,ton iu Itreqt y Three
i nis the news ut the c•pture of
y the Mexicans, itaeler Geri
!eve carried the tmvii
Or as in session, and broken
ril M 11' lii!e some lawyer was
case, and taken, plaintiff and
jury, and all, pi isoners.
that a s rioui attack on Tex
d i,v and that the des
he trines, ascem bled under:
, f.cttdtng to YUCaZati, is, ili
Inin4.—W e have just got
tin old case of absence of
is I:,timt.elv Leiter than any
rn wo have ever seen. in
• s,r.a F , mtaine was not unlike
were forgetful,
aft:-Lted, The French poet
ha hl,l a wif,-; and .vhen his
. 1t was a shame to absent
her, cnornile t i to call and see
k!1 ivrmg him, said
to church; upon which he re..
s in the complo v of his friends:
ay at a house, his !on came in;
'g seen him fir some time, he
but remarked u;
company that he thought him
sing !a,/. fie was told that
lad was his own son.
me:l the pJet, upon my soul,
tl to hear it.
ecident.—The locomotive on
hia and Trenton Railroad. ran i
n Wednesday morning, which
be upset of nearly
_the whole
was injured. though - one of
-thrown iota the eau) Trot*
COARI(ILD A'.4j# . .s.li!Limi*oe*itoofoi nom.
, - 1 2 1
Rank of Pittsburg , : Par Shlando‘ , I ` 2 I
&fetch.* Nan. bk. Par-Saachlakil." 2_ 1
Eichanrx baikk. Par Ceallrea.,_ , 2
Rk. of Genniktol llll " Naniralilltr A
Earicn taak, ' Xnelg. ^ 'Wi , „ ' 2 1
Lancaster bask, dis 24 DiaYtasis - 7' 2
Rank of Chester Co. par Selteci, ' ' 2 I
Farnnenifik Hil , Co. . '"
nt 2sll , gli t 1 2 0
ritiplanrift lik jkik "` Lk .
wi l ia
akar N Aimee . " Fran...k CONIZINIM. 2 '
Bic of Northern betties,. Laocarier. - II
Commercial bit.. Cor Pt. . flanintek. SO
Far, 4- Mechanics bk. •• Graurilie, 1
Ken-in:ton bk. " Com. bk. Lake Erie, 35 I
PnitaCcipiiia bk. " Far. bk: of Canton, 50
Schuylkill bk. -
Soulliw3rk bk.
VPL•slern bk.
Bk. of Pennzylvania. 9
Bk of Penn Ty. 112 r
Man. 4- Mechanics bk- 12
me , :hanit_4 bk. par
Movamensine bk. 10
irnr4 141,k, 50 0
U. Stater hank. 60,
Loynhernyens', Warren, 75!
Frank bk Washin..gon, par
Miners bk tif Pot Isvile. 6
Bk of Mont teener" . Co. par
Mon. I.k Brownsville, '2
Erie Bank. 5
w i r r i.hurzh Mnk, 61i
Far. bk Lancaoer, 21
Ilk cf Middletown, 6
Bk. of Chamberebureb, 6
entlisfe. hank,
Bk of Nortintritt , erlnnel,
ratumhia bk A- Bride co. 3
Bk Sulnelianna 9
Rk hf rh-inwv re Co. par
I,e'nanon I,k.
I Got si•oirth bk. 6
i York hank,
Far. ¢ tlrornra bk. of
Way e , 1 , 11 r , 6
Currency notes, 6
Wt ottlynt hank, 121
Pa rs.o2t. Si:.te Scrip. 4
C.m• do 41 to 10
Ft•-rkt bark, 501
.P ,11,11,• 101
t 104. sca
P. , . 4 - 44.-.1 - ti. IA of Steil
P.e , n:n,t I.k :74 c!afrs.
Lk. Demand
410 Cnrrrn , v notrc, 2
0:144,,,! , a,+:1 Lk. New Lts
Iron fietont,t. 2
do Post notes. 2,
, :mrl,,ali c retie ryi y .
i 0! innka, 2
Merle .i• Tr,dors tl of
(1101 010 IA: of C l Annlinz,
Lk n.a yid noirF.
Lv s.,,me
7i r=rifle I,lc
IT. STEW ART, Unliolyterer and Paler Ranger,
. No 4 , _1, r1(111 irt . , between Wood and Smithfield
al-ti Straw alrays on hand All
ord , r, neal ness and despatc:‘, Tu-ommo
-1:alllig ICTIIIS. .eP 20- IY
I A 11111 ER & CO., Eichaftge Brokers. Fnartit
s_l ird ciJor i+e:PUll . Markel. 20—/y
) FL , )% 4 :NS \":1.1.i: JUNI I'l'.l I t:u7s; WuRI —E.I
ILO t,a d II I.4,..l:farligrrr of Iron and
cht:TlSe, No. .2 5 1V rvistwien. .s , l) 10—I y
L , I'or—Four in Ilacr he<lr r, firs
Ncr.•s oi" nn Hilt. lob ,.
rt,s. .11. 3'.52. 5.3. 54, 151. 112 7, tut 184, in Wan
!. 44, on ff i• I Af:-. tact. 2.6 and 27. in
wan of LoT,:con siref.;;l,3r thr wpir couri
fl n nz e For terms npply to Z %V. REmINGTos.
ro,Nirt M. Critar
luRRI" 4- Pf: ICE. Raters . Coofretiouers and Dealers
a:II:Olds Fsnit„ WOrtleole and Retail, Feuer
:o rE, t, nearly opposile the Post rffier, A Ilmberly Coy.
11'0d:fiat , Parties., e supplied at all times with the
r;itl:6 - -13rticles. sep 10
Tit 1T COW. ved from the subscriber on the
i 7. 4301.1 of Scritentlier, a trintile Cow. with while en the
• k horns ti Olt a in each, :Alain 8 rtai s old.
xis wtiete she is, shall he
%;.:4 iroe/'H/'EAU.—Jam received-No- 15. Yellow. Row
* , .7 2. a “d 5, h I.l—ach and fineelo-ing threads,
I oze.her with a complete areortment of
O.P. 4" J. !LAIR.
P.;S, A large asr , oritneid of bruetos aliwayson hand.
t , ept 39
lIS nf pa
GEORGE It'. L./ NO. Attorney at Law, Ofrw*
N :54 Clll,l street. near the Theatre. fittsbargh_
Rea y
SALT --at() b !Co. 1 Sall. jn.rt refeived_ and for
by J. W. BliftfißtoeB 4- CO.,
or t I— !qo 75, .....ctroul
OSKTI.II-25 Bales Oakum, on band and for sate by
J. w. BUR mum; e ti• co..
(-I 1 Nn 75. roe!
9410110BUSIIELS OF FLAX SEED. fur which the
rvell NJ hi; heel pri , e io each will he ziven.
J %%1 ES DICKEY 4- Co. Ads.
Nlerhanics* Line corner of Laterty and Wayuefdreeie
Pittchurgb• .x 4 8 '42.
/Ci/OLSO.A' L-1-VDS.—I n uursitaiice of a itertel:
o • -The N.0.1,0ft COLIC. of Or Peurasylva
„,," i h, Co N otairs-Toners •,..f ale of John NiclioLmn,
affer,at sa'e, al the. Etchange Hotel. in Pots
, u r.h. Peonsilvativa. on Monday, the 34th of ()ember
nex •a/ 10 o'clorii, A. 111.. the de-ctibed 'facia of'
i.,,,t,..enate.1 in the Stale of Pennsylvania to wit;
T.,':ACT OF LAW) in Westmoreland ro.
643 Tracts of Land to Erie county
-- A L SO --
420 Tracts of Land in t7rattrford roomy
-A LSO- -
264 Tr.tc's of Land le Mercer rowdy.
BO Trail-of Land in Bniier county.
312 Tracts of Land in Beaver county.
-89 Tracts of Land situate in Venany,o county.
f3 Tracts of Land situate in Warren county.
-7 Tracts of Land Jimmie in McKean county.
19Tracts of Landsitoaie in Jefferson county.
5 T raetS of Land shush. hi 4.rinstrong costa,.
14 Tracts of Land situate is I.diana county,
-A Lso—
- -
17 Trartv of Land situate in Fayette connlT
For a further description thereof, fee hilts Ind other!
.newspapers no'lffhea hi the reaper rive conntiat. •
The land wilt he sobLro it'sfy the debt dne:the Cowip
mon wealth oF•Fenntytiania.bv John and lei!
cured by Fiscal and Jaulicial Hem daied in becenthel
1795, and March 1196.
The Conpriirwiniveys will attend at the Exekallee,
in Pittsburgh, fount the I ith of Oeteier moil. l ike day or
tocive farther inforination, ,
The ierinsafaate wiii be—tea por tem. at 4a time ai
sale, arid the balance la roar equataaTi.eata. la. '
wit-1.1%1k - Pie i lIROz - E. - e V 11241414.2 " .14
SOWN itongrrs. , 11 •
Szcaocsoar Casaismosate Order.
Hanialeask. Pa., satit. 3.1343.
•-•• • I. "Pk. *ill*
lane le Dearkwen Cceetif. alga* .
dieaigW MeV - 7, 1 411es Tiers the Wiese*
orlfirwnineelmis -tornoo l mr
•• gat _ aa ratm • yobk is -a
• ' A egiona. z *NW
State bk.* Branches, 21
State Serifs. 48
vro CIE*.
4.11 bankc
fzi e6t k P.ranchet. 65
h nerlowri (5
nk of Virginia.: 1#
do Va ' ' 14
Fa r. bk. of Virginia, 1.. l
airhange bank, 14
Wein. lank
Sler. 4- met. do. 1
Rallitnore Ranks, par
Con wry Rinks. 2
All Banks, par
AU Banks, war and 1
CI. y lac, pa
Ccuntry banks,
(fartty fund ) a 1
Bod Bark. 1101
P.oFton Banks, r
Orfrans Ranks.
Good Ra.ki:,
Bank=, 8
Rk. of Sr. Clair,
do. I t fl. Smith 5
Crio,l 141111E5
Eastern Exchange.
New Ynric, 6 3.
tVe‘tern Ernhange.
Ciscinrsasi, par
; Cleveland, siis
level tiff par
Jo,xrn IL MIL
Joni Paicr
• 44R-1,0:,
- 416_.,... *tte*,. , . - 0 1. 1 h4-14 1 * 1 41 11 0104 0 0 ;ofeta bar ,l
.-,. 4 ,5,--f / 0 —lo4 l4 .l l 4 lfisato al * ToWledt... OPAilailedflunl DWI D .
worm AND cOltattristattl, diEft.:itikift3,---"s_ Ket% . C A/i,,,. Ai r Pir‘4.4of hi , oltatOttjeg ltietrenefiendef which e'
1+ ter would rtepeelfolly *afore" lattohCeostomensWid - Ware- cleareclood_linde; Irenent. foullis ha Xt aeres Or 1
friends.thWt he- eab thbl detasetelehoterith . Ale- rlieW. 4 IPA OFAharilig of Appke. a fele fenelt and
Dwaine-. under tile acre of 3 , ,,Kedler t C0...a - ,_____,4/1/41/""Proateaus tie* large fade e house
his: ormer bushme ofdealer is lowered Nails. at ills old ° "" 6 ""irtl lemma wei gnaiieccoleulajed f or a y a ...
stand.lo.l3.Front A-. between Wood and Market sts.: - . 1 "" "4 , f/tra_te. fitet4lets; e fame faro 12 by 60,storte
A renewal of hes old MAGNI, aild the pairenne of the T'.".dod Wahl----. l '%alleide4nd Mier oat hoosen suit-
Pibikge6erali kprt7 2lll e - ‘ ake 7 a 7 ll : 246"'Gagel.s de r o reaßtedw : k '
flusbersi4 8:1. Bllllle. ICELLEC." rnn6oo6 " 4 etll of.eicetlewater,wila
sip 10 d taws MUM AIN R. P"'"P in at Imf 0961410 0 1 1. Is relation lathe Piushur.h
and dalezheof market. theluasee place Dow oirered for
.-.., with noweindweaseed. telltale "whew to purchase
f', usurtgb.Lite Senna will be .siedneroderate, for
fwilage4etrincebtraa PRI.Y. to thelootoietor at idselothioc
Stsouejoberip Street, +weaker of Virgil, Attee.
wi bi ll . be iL dir tf irlen t- r a to be lO rwe a: l 2o : e ilt i t re iNor l C : an to l' es twairE et parches
sere.. "-
sem ' - are 10
A! liIT..IPA
;~- ,-
OBERT PORTER, Atter•mr s Lias.—Ont
iL sot the enreileer Fetus. nit Id est , . set. jo •
•1t ETAtik.ft . 0 F FlCgt -t
Ilketthcauer, Se" Woollier 14'11. TULA
Ipursoance of the provesionsof the dattauction of an
. • Ad of Assembly. panted the 27th day of July Basic
entitled,•-Aa aet to provide for thnordinory'''eiptusea of
the Government—pavasent of the loberest on the Stale
Dell—receiving proposals for the sale, of-the Piddle
Works-and for other purposes." thereywiltlikri%Paced lo
public-sale. at the Merchants Exchapice„.tat. the rhy of
Phllltdeiphia.ma Wednesday,the 23d day of IfWaveanher
neat.at 10 teelonk, A, a..lbefolloatelagStoclett;Oened by.
theCommonweahlt„ to wu;
3750 shares of stock io the Bank -of reansylvattia. -
52:33 do in the Philadelphia Bank, -
170 do in ti e Farmers and Mechanics' Reek .
900 do in the Columbia Bank arid IBridgeCompatlye
2500 do 10 the Union Could Company.
1600 do in the Peonsylvania and Ohio Canal Com
500 do in the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal .
1000 do In the Sehaylk iII Navigation Company.
320 do in the Bristol Steam Towboat and TFane
portatton Company.
Also, at the State Donne. in the borough of Hnrrin
barn. on Monday, the 28th day of November next, at 10'
o'clock. A. X.
2905 shares of stork in the Danville and -Pottsville
Railroad Company.
2000 do in the Ounitertand Valley Railroad Com
Frauklis Railroad Company.
Wrightsville. Yo-k and Get ysburg
Railroad Co.
6110 do Codorns Navigation co.
995 do Bald Eaegand Spring Creek Navi
ation Co.
2500 do 11-anontschela Navigation Co.
4.500 do Harrisburg firieline CO.
2.1110 do Nom humhertand fridge Co.
2160 do Monongahela ftnege
1600 do Allegheny Bridge Co.
.5611 do Wilkesivirre Bridge co.
400 do Lewisburg. Bridge co.
600 do Big Braver Bridge Co
600 do Danvit'e Brid:e
180 do Nescoperk Bride CO.
35i1 do French Creek Bridge Co.
100 do COnernnuel Bridge CO.
60 do Schuylkill and Pottstown Bridge Co
100 do Loyal Donna Bridge CO.
92 do 1110 ion Bndge CO.
171 do Roldwtown Bridge CO.
200 do Towanda Bridge Co.
1150 do Franklin and Allegheny Bridle co.'
120 do Schuylkill Bridgc,fat Matson's ford)
300 do VPiltlamspott Bridge Co.. Washing.
ton rounly.
Also, stock in the following Turnpike Road Compa
niesto wit:
24 shares in the Harri=burg, Carlisle and Chambers.-
2Thio do
400 do
Chambers.ion re and Bedford
Redford and Slrlystosee.
Sint -groom and Greensburg..
ctn.... n o-Imre and Pitighors.h.
Huntinedon. Cambria and Indiana.
Erie and Waterford.
Perkinunen and Pending.
Gan and Newport. 1
Waynesburg, Greencastle and &ler
Morgantown, Churelnown and Blue I ,
Liillr Ccme--losa.
Perks and Ilanphin
Lariragier, Elizabethtown and Slid
rttei own
Eamon and Widregbarre.
Sinenetorinia and Lehigh.
Siilforit Owego.
fiowningion. Ephrata and Hartle
Centre and Kishaeniantlias.
Susquehanna and York herough.
York and Gettysburg.
New Holland.
Sur ne 'House, No
Cayuga and Susquehanna.
Sostrelianna and Waterford.
Snermelianna and Timm.
pridgenrarer and Wilk...harm.
ril l vhartal and New A lexa«deist.
New AleN - stutria and Conematrgh.
Belmont and Enginn.
Pilio'ungh and Railer..
Philostairt. and Seognehaqna.
Patter and aterrer.
Sterner and
Meadville. -
Andersnn•s Prrry, Waled/int raid
New Haven_
put aimigh and Steubenville.
Ride Road.
Bethany and Dinetra Ws Choirs.
Roblisiown and Mount Pleanorit.
fit mint Plea-ant and Somerset.
Siners.' and Bedford-
Hanover and Carlisle.
Millerstown and Lewiston n.
eniteinnte and PhilipMairg.
Brandywine and
Belmont and Ogimilmea.
BR rrishurg and Mitterianwn.
Phil .delphia and Great Bend.
Lewistown and Huntingdon.
Armstrong and Indiana.
Clifford and W itkesba 're.
odiana and Ebensturr,,..
Washington and Wiltiamsnort.
Wa4drietirin and ri , li , ilUrgh.
1.1 - COMltig and Potter.
Middletown and Harrisburg.
Pellet - owe, Aaronshurg and Young
NO do Butter and Kittanning.
1610 do and Smethport.
204 do Derrstoovn and Younguanstown.
240 do Mount Pleasant and Pittsburgh
408 do York Haven and Harrisburg bridge
- 200 do Abingdon and Waterford
-230 do Warren and Ridgway.
St: do Lewisloare and Vorinausaanown.
360 do Somerset and Cosemaugb.
24 - do Carbondale and Larkaiwana.
328 do Somervet and Cumberland.
123 do Lewifture and Jersey Shore
160 do Ligonier and Johnstown.
40 do Warren and New. York state Line
95 do ' Titusville and Union Mille_
, 224 do Armtaron4 and Clearfield.
160 do Warren and Franklin.
80 do Sarar Grove and Union.
80 do Brownington. Harrit• - vilteand Frank
Stn. •
200 do Snowshoe and rackersville.
48 do Lartavraren
-280 do Butler and ,Freepor!..
64 do Sterlinz and IQeirtbandhearL
96 do Lenox and Barton,.
S2O do
500 do
2RO do
200 do
660 do
672 do
100 do
717 do
779 do
500 do
100 do
860 do
2i6 do
980 do
360 do
J5l do
560 do
329 do
835 do
400 do
280 do
1160 do
224 do Mishit fanners and - Mechanics'.
160 do Bedford ad flollidaystinsg.
160 do Lathe . rg and Pnazatawney,
''6o do Birmi , in and Eifizadvihtown.
' 64 do • Thad Bat t le and lliittany Valley. -
The terms and conditions n raid sale s wit! Lei made
known on the days aforesaid 'or by an application.at any
cline. to tilts office. Plate sib will be received in pay
meat at par, or rertificates o credit: which have idles
entered on the books of thelnditor General, in pursit
ante of a resolution of the G . nets! Besenibly„passed on
the 7th day of April, 1842
By order of the Governor:
neft. 20--dts
1 City ...wroper
WILL sell my DB,Ei.
*Mama. Caw, a-ky sada
failr freg Opel OH lib aNreasai
tasty : beet.; Tilistropesty is
i. a a-sm~diasa !ma
sabisimfolea imam a itixlaS
- assiorkeenirar ape,
•11 1 . 1 ,4001 1 1 1 1Per 1 / 4 if
`~`. --, ::his ~ .., - -~::';~` .
Q.EFERSL good teachers , rim he faraietted to schools
tetra or eciontry.! A &WA femme taut her. well
rectimmeadret„ -with the advantages of el - lien - ens* wishes
a place in some respeetaide e rivate family; she will take
dart of a public fehool. .Piveim wanted for !event
clerks and boys, mecbaniks. waiters. eiramteritinids, girls
for ati work and laboring - sten. Ali kinds of N 11401.18
dome -al this Mice for - gleaners and others omit tag the
city. Perso a needing an agent In any thing; mill find
here long erperieneeand a thorough • knowledge of haat
- . . _ .
TflE subvelbers resPecifally cali the attention of
their friends and the politic :eneralty., to their pre.
ECM a:63ollmnd of Paper Haapiags, which contains a
large and extensive variety of patterns of the foliowiitt
descriptions. which upon inspection will be found to be
of superior quality and hpir t.
UP glazed Wall ritylOTS ,Of al! desenpttons, fcr pa.tering
rooms and , fories, 25 cent" per piece.
Glazed Wall Papers, neat and handsome patternp, for
paperthernoma and entri:S. - . at 371 rtos.
Jhaerican Will Paper, of their own manufaNurr, for
Frercn argil tilt, *tyke for parlors cad
ehasuhem . oa fine =aNn eazed grounds.
Frea•d Woll Papers. Ddeeratiaa sad Presespatterss. in
plain and rich rotorg,po/d a' silver paper.
Pelatt.aad Ineiration Poitiers.
Landscape Papers, in geiia, for vapetirr, hotels, halls
....and dining remnitgr, at redured prices.
Pint Board Priots, Star Or NAM mutt, e.
n'indos , fliud Pffper, Wain and firrured, of different
:Western merchant; and others:ire re,pectfal:V invited
to call and examine rock and pores, oT which last
a literal diSeanat 1.• ill be given far east'.
Front to. ex"ef ifti)", in the usinerg_ they are able to
manufacture pap.-rs in a superior manner. and as they
are determined to keep up the character their prtpers
have uniformtr sustainrid, they hope to rot•.tivae to re
ceive the encoaragpttio,o hirtietto so iiheratly extended.
No 49, Market street, between 3d and 4th
Pitustinreti., Sep•. 19.1342—d-twit
.Lg"7/ 1
IT MAIL LINE of Splendid PasPenger Sleant Pack
. es front Ci nein oat ito Si. LIM
The nevi% cp:endid, iast running. it: tillitdrauzitt steam
Paenete West Tried and :i.fewpcxreit, a 5 regular
Packet=, fenny Cincinnati in SI: LnuiF, "Wilt leave Cin
cinnati and SI. Louts every Wed ne.sday morning, at 10
Pa.... - rentrers from Ea,d. and West may rely iipnn
t heir Aar' lip/ 024 , 1u:i11y nsadvertioed. Fep 10
JOIIN BUTTERWORTH. 9 aajoacer and
aion alerchant. laotisoiQe. R T.. will attend to tri•
fate of Real P.-type. Dry floods,G.orerie. Fitrni arr.. /5-c
-neaular salcn; eve• y Thursday. and Fri
day cnorninzs. at 10 o'clotl , . A. 55. Cash advance; wade
on consiznn.r. ip 'r,. 10
Tilt: United Flat. -: Portal , le float Lira., is rn2,:pre.ret of
Balls , built in four each section capable 0:
rnutainitts serer tons. add stisteolede of beim.. , rnarate
or dpardied and tam.feried from ('at-al to Rail Road;
HMS, its It were, forming a complete train of Cart, or
precentor!. the meet 11P116Tirance of a Boat sa Pins on land
nod thereby :pi:midis. , the :real delay oreasiored by re
shi t ipim! .l the sereral j-ctions and fermi rat iffrs of Ca'
tialsand Rail Roads, the expense of transhipment and
the damage the foods •maa i n by 1 req tient ha ndline ; and
renderins it ittariossibie to Reparate 101...10 Pont s on the
way- mwires to the peculiar construction of tile Mao
linvinz fear separate apartments in which roods are sto
red. renders them less Zia Me to d • nurse _nods by %rater or
otherwise than by any Tuber mode of transp•,nat
The system of Tran.portatiien ;as recommender( by the
Canal Commissioners and lately adamed hy the Slate.
refers particularly to Mitt class of Bronx,. The Rows of
this Line are owned by responsible captains that mt.
them, and it:a the only Line now fin operation free from
monopolies or combination.
Coodscionsisnei to thenrstlersisneri tumids will he re
p-rived freeof.commis.ion and shipped without de'ay at
I atelier/est sates. Allelmrses paid and every instruction
promptly attended to. C. A.3I"NUI,TY 4- Co:
Coorti Ra?in.Pilt-hur _ •h,
F. F. POPE, Arent_ 75 Rowiy's Wharf. Baltimore:
THOS BORBRI WE. AseutPhita. sett 16—d r
A. 17. PA RS.4llift.
TyoC lid Coseunpultb-
for Sale:
Lay enamel.*
iirdepitis eratundait
milk* eery Illoso#,
tiClikilkik Width*
arid ptinifor,
as lite •
- 71"
Hat ris's Inteilieeace Office.
R. A. A UN painted pole nue& before the door.
Par the Traneportation j Atereltandi:c to andfrom
Pirts64,7o. Baltimore,P4iladepkia, Nrw Tort,aad Bus
Through in the sAvrtegr time.
Clair sree.
La, esand
Wide and narrow sets,
Lace artd Mealia covarc.
Infant,' frock Irat,:ls.
F.encti hid, Mohair_
Lisle Thread. and Potion Clovis,
Black Mohair nets for V.cil--very cheap
A large assortmero of Entli4l ra.+ Poirnen.
Also, a varivy of St raw. Plain and fancy Tutvan braid.
of ihe.tairst fashion. a at exceedingly tow rates_
These goods are now :selling toff at prices to suit the
Ladies are rspecttally incited to call and purchase
ser 16--t f
A invalitabic Stinedf.—The extreme beauty or she !
Tenth, their intlispeosalie
, use, and the fregnency of their
decay, has led to Inane inventions fur their preservation;
vet how lu pre- set re thcot in a slate of health an pristine
beauty, to the latest periods of existence, was etstireit,
unknown omit the discovery of the above invaluable
pr. s:oration. It forms a pore tincture composed of veg
etable ingredients, and is Pwsessed of the in ..st delirious
aeror. It er a dicates tartar from the teeth. removes sti n ts
of incipient decay, poll-lies and preserves. the enamel. to
which it gives a pearl tike whiteness, and. frothltsdistn.
feeling propertht,possesmgs Om virtue of ;Livia; fleeciness
to the breath. - 1
,Alan Jodi Scorbutic the Gams also share In, iii trans
.cedent powers; Scoter., is eradicated from them, a
heath! aCII.IIII and redreSS is kidney& Which offers to the
Astir!: of the medic' practitioaer
. indnidtal,le ivia t ;n c e au
their healthful state. Itiois been esitsdAd &misused hv
several of the best phvoletans of this city. who have no
heruitation in verominendi' mitt as alt enceliervt.waSh for
the Teeth, Gutocelc. l
Amman the recommendations Lathe above are ti,fot.'
flaying tried Dr.t•T urn s Tea Berry Tooth yr4 a sit,'"
and bernmearquantied trith.the ingredients of its e po-
Alton. I cheerfully say,ll consider it, one ofthe ea esi..ms
it ibt one of :be tiros' pi+ nitroot b Wa,sl as now j i i L .....
l'it~Sep. IS, 1442 .
.., pAXIO tifINT;I ohs.
IttgiVa. re in statinv.. balite! made use of. I , WO
Tea .4 Tooth Wash." II ~t it is one of Inc • 1 Ides •
trEk...fti in use. Beinf in a haaidSersli. it comb; I
nest I• 4111 convenience, While it sleanoeslim: tate
and tramovei Ihe lartartoniitte teeth. as peril) ; vide"
a fragrance , efeeherkir t
, iral4e. I- P. TI BS ETT .] . 1).
. The undersigned havig.used ....Thoctv's Comp* '
: Ten
liet4F Tnoth,WwriAt.e.'.ut:t have !bandit obe .In
1 . 7 piellfslat 41e114:fkii.. eiterii r . in; a moos' iletitar 1 _Win'
enre &teethe Yeeorikot - Gilpin, petvesviiir, i-- , .timos
..,.flesa,irs' ' '' '' ...**llittke l iftt gerttkitist 16e HOMO i ' it
-.--- "...1 . ' - 2.*W -- -iilr :ss."ise take it,ltissee I
1 / 4 1 ' , - 4 %: c ri,:i,7 ' - ifiiiki• beriio•iitlit t iii' .I - ,
- • ::- 4111"*.
9 _-.ol44lThue. ioNtPE. 01 00* 10 - 11 7•IlEnwe i -,,.. , . - -,, _ ~ _ .• - , . --; stomp
4. 'NAM' Arai,* iidr.e./laefieg end** Srbei tim..:ll". 10 POOP* end AIM .. . -
parAlsceat,iledkaae..- f ems keWeetselltik4. lgr.,thht ii ALL .-mired if a com 0 0 10.• ; i maki risem
1 1 1 4 A lane, lo lleklot If I ek.few pewees* to • tare *l•joynd- daysby,tho , use , trombethsrldle. , ". , loolsep
sO ,liberal or Orme tishaft of obstrwitud practice an-my t them • ate bends :it nottemoithit-hamt.sfet .the
Werotantbeee-elm-tbriststlo eidell-reane.--- , aadDacai.eiLa!► l ii
j'Teeetreetesee of that Mag period *COMO Sks.asi iike i goad 4 04 behttedrienrilLs Tnievikedirdieioussitaliblveatd:
feet of My having keva Mine. niece igse.esperimed with XITRACENDZICIIATEVAgett iiiF
Or. R. A. Wilma. in the practice of•atedielle, (in both a ; DLIR MICA. I•MDAFFS4IOIIMC ..1124
sie*N l efgoot-Resiso , ). evoinica me itsjodge fully of Owl islosirSome. of AwahrahleAraldelleelele 'W eo7 ,elg4.lllahrre.
messiWt. beittlOokit nettm, slam BIM be woltsillof viellemy Ater
So sowed
. '11,,. andrido.sed, dui suntan atom six monsha Wore, :he pahosint ' his heitehreavu
*midi that &gib e : h i m gve." 3 , B ; 0 . 747 k i , for ' -hitork; MS elle mot - stomp Whits so boil - MR itirsila sum
theatre ofelltranie dlottowtof surbsoterer and there 1 0.4 1 0:1m4dritinstelLaad veto hare ithealtwelkOdsit Rio.
1 cif females la haYs3n adiao thaw Old ht the iitsr .1 )sass. That: !let ease 'NI sal*
ell other nonlielars. - -.- _: .. -. , • ' hospital fire weell o irloetec9,shill'ali' 41111 _ 1 " 4100 "_
Like every othermedielom this Mot . Sit 1111-telto in whet won jest teener wile' wets tcleAtemwe owilmi_li Oa
;lances, lot is my lamen there hatt Ow* wee tlitnappoiot. swab* fee
_law- Inseeeole W.._ - _ ....I.llteleeille
. Orme atul same sagistactina hit....ettalaistratioa of skis That boo 0 6 IIIIPIL woe iseaseitlief _ Polo* flee
+the monde shim of sit othertskta goad effects onnetimes Pile le tie Patio.', lwelle` oil I '''Elitits Jellilla:' 'net ha
quite adosisitiatt me.was thetw-physitked With all mita of astillieiWt Slew pert.
If my patient meekest a see aperient medicine ei th er I lie of Piarjeonths.paiferhig and/one/04W Meat Joart.
loktre Of *Ayr partaritiors, the efilams'e pith' were just m ef i ellwl'ett : -.- Theis heellt" lii. aPletilml44l4llllol*
the thiog I wanted.hi; atm tropided aunt with a ihwants of lit e bow mow
I.if a drintepaicacid condalon of on mo urie l is c oa,bined ass t ho would spit a quart ofplikeits is the •Wsztlismiske
with rostivemen or loadivey of the liver coot.thoted she 1 this offertitos be helits hoe Meethlee• likidek ORO more
.clieeme if my'patient. the pill, were -just the ilium I
. 0 1: kothweildee Witi..ftesn thofellolle 0401 1 aka
panted-mos. That at limes he divided ithheadormetillema he
if I treated a rase requiring as ensisireamai. the triuda balm iiiiieztik, thatilisseell witoreethe feel - .
Wilsoteapilla were tot the thine I warned. i to!, to soothing sate that of . Withrow poutig7.:lllloMo Na
it putphasiire.iseadicke; Gushed ateatenance_ or other 1 10,114. h.• hflPt mile *wit than thelhotthefhtilolle
104 3
! diliksalties. •ineicasinv a dissmisaace of tint eirentatocy I lief real, on Rater Mend. the dome told kiip: men.
and nersmory sewewin,anaened inn - patient at the lora Irina wan nen° onethalloi :thee he OP/ lir Ifiii' phew.
er life,' the Wilton's piliterrnejuto the thins. 11 wanted, - i A I ihis time tIO WOO olfehAtelheh'
...,- t ".. That
Thus. et-hhcrat neen.tet to the name, a &ware wieht ' Si' tome weir is toodhf he sosed/silthetifi ... ,lee lede,,Plimh_
happen to Irma' at the Rinse I have had it ontirr treat 1 , tin upon the rite* or illibdetilit kw
..,.. 111 1 11 'notilP,,... Iva ,
went. partienbir iadieationa or ofroptono Chitin.. T. ere . auct4 mirth.. that as hilt Thietneltaii - ssiviontose Wan
4 -
at - ^ayo suet promptly and most happily met be the leil ewe toftheise he Illillferlehlee__ l6- Es - s a r D e —
Vt . ikon'o pill,. tirandreth's Pile. which. be itte.. trite _s ' • -
i That PO gr e at a nomher ofdloose.. and tonnethnes sip. New York; that he emenomared With iamV - ki at
Parent's. opno'ke ones, in which If have owed these pillst
should he wised more readily by them than by any other
Ir€lllll4lv. PI2V at first seem strange and rotor/dietary, but
why it is an is aselear to my mind as that a ereal minty
persons sitonitf iterione thirsty front Ls many diffeteat
causes and yet all retmice that rontantm and greatest of
all birsvieds. water **quench their thirst.
conc'uston, it is doe the • enntation of medieine
Sod the rmbilr. to f4lly theidedty and uneciaditlonall y. that
the Wilson's pithare therm!? emstination 1 have ever
met with in my enn.Fp ofpnrtire.that '
rrally pew , '
mewesanything ervative or specifre for stet headache.
The above Pills des , ened martientaity Di, the sick
Haed.Arbe. Dyspepsia. Constipation of 'he lionreig
prepaied by the proprietor Dr. R. A. Wilma. and for
fiale,lWhofrieriie and retail. art bh derellia; in Penn street..
below Art 1
W'N! .E. ESTI N, A t 'prat . yat Law. Pi; tense/ b. Pa.
Office in 4th st If Pt. opposite Rorke "a rthildins.
Wl:Altar E. A re•rin. Sol, will tire his anent inc. to my
unfinished business, and 1 recommend him In 11:e tintrna
_ _ _ _•
ze of tor friends
.en 111-1
It 4. f 7 M. S' EELF.. (mecessor to H. Welsker) rash-
V lona 4e Root Maker. Liberty st., .2d iinor from
Vi - sin %Hey. • The subscriber restwicantly informs he .
ontilic that he has commenced the above business in the
shop formerly occupied by Mr. Henry M'Cloakey.
and that be is now prepared to attend to all orders intis
line of hairiness with ir.patch and on the most rtxmonable
terms. From his lonx experience in the manufacture of
Fashionable- Boo's, be feels confident that all arlickw
from his establishment will give satisfaction to hi. pe
Irons. A share of public patronage is respect full.; solictl
ed.. Wm 10
m A,: 111 Jrf ent Traa A:oriati Li: to
Nerciterdite to and frame Pittsburg It, via Tide War
(led !era ia Camels.
the Ist kof t Line coosrsta of i firfl e'afe Spring
Cars. Metal Roof.. nod New flec;:ed Tide-Water Boats.
tummaoded Is} sober Led ex peT iexced Co ro a -
Merchants by this .Lire are enabled to have their
Gaols shinned as cheap. and with as tnuelt ibsealclhae
I.y any caber Line_ One Boat will leavedaily from the
fact of iY Mow street Railßoad on the Delaware. to Tow
of 'n 111 Boat, which is kept expressly for that pur
Tice Proprietors will :lye their v hole attention. and
resp,rlfolly invite Wr.4ern Slerchants to give them 8
tall. as they will Endo marl) in i hvir adv. Mar....
All grarais to: id.trimi Wittiest fleiPoteres Ca. roast
wise or via Dela Ware and R:.rila nal, will he rxxiv
'id al their wareltonse.foot M r Willow stilt. t rail Road.
ia, where I oods can he put directly from the
Vessel into the Coats without additional. handling or ex
from Philad_ to fintidaysharg_
From 11olidarsbarzh Jo Pauborlb
/ 1 MES freK EY ¢ Co.. Ca , at 8a,.i0, Liberty stroci
ri...b.Tret T —A r eais
Hicxkx ¢ KlEnt.lviiin, mo-m wharf,
on the DOetrare.al Philadelphia.
„losten E. Etnia..Fintith-ore, effests.
11. 1.. PATTEMSOII. n01ida11 , 51 , 41C,7,11.
itSSE PAITE.RSO7, Johtisf”irli.
uerr., to merchants generally throuzhon the city.
Surgical Instrument SlannEsethry,
169. corner GI . Liberty and Sixth SZ reete. •
-CA R T RIG ffT returns: h'lti'llTert thaitlii to the'
st,•citmcns of Pfrichitcyli and vicinity tin i je eat Tzar
dnarv pa i ronaze he kap herein fri rectivcd. R 4.4 - bill of
?vitt to merit a confirmation 0 The sya e . ;4"; he tit drier
advt.,' to manufacT ore ail acticlry i • his line 'or Inurinesv
fltiletinf to any thin: of the. kind-ever C.ltcrctil hnefriefore.
atul I hat l'ntshorghsLaJl well merit vatic elit:eti the
The sult.criber aittray won hand the mewt esieti
give stork of 11 Mannfuctund goods in hi= lime in the
VVestertt Country, won d parties:l,4lly invite the attention
of Sartteons, Destitsts and Drart:itsts au hit asttirteuror of
Hardrrate liercbants to bit stock of FolPer't
Ranks-rs, Tailors, flatten/and Hair Dietsers to his•siock
And that hi.g estatiiit.hment 'Wine carrie' osi t•trietly on
the ca4li principle, persons dreiroutr. of Itarealeis
.will at
once diAcnver the savant:see of ealkfat I efore purckaAing
i.+ortv here: jotibing done in a =perk,' r stf le, and cites' . et',
J. C.. by /Harlin!. big .!Olta*ait!con tmiaem , ..amegt.
rr with having in I Nnpiry the rno.t , coNpe+eo. .wot
men, hoi -es to merit the approkailoo or the tzttiAr
Wanted imme timely, a•,..o4 .o forrer and a, good sander;
On 'mid apply hu the best Workmen. PIT SO-Im.
,SHIP.-16. P. Smith if Ir. Ilatisjptoo,
having avvocia:ed tberth.efves tortntiev iodei tide
'Prot of Hampton 4- Smith, win continue the wholesale
'Dry Goods bandoe.sisk . the house ref-redly oiettpled by
.11ao•pion, Swills* 4*. wheceikey wilt he:receiving in a
few days a oew-stoek of Pal: and %lutes Goods. They
fl-sperthilly invite heir old tripod'', and, nterch..ots gels.
i erallyi vist4*; Pittsburgh, to. WI and exaniacikeir
Astoeu. . - et 24._434„.
FAMILY- M EDIC - Pill4FlDolitßY. &c.
"ARON. and watnahie aosorromerd, -- infatt . tbir - weal
f ,A
unedielnena the itay; nem* Pdediantry. "abwrind
J &opt: ThortesTeaherry TT** tilingin; whiled; Won* ear- -
pawed be any Other prepar owerniridedld , ' Isis-,
tam ; either Ow the pindretst neriedeandhordsof tae Teeth.
Cmk' Illorimirg.r . avers Aldan add tire the sod Ia
IPeterale 'oak *rite in fere
And &Owlet 's" oft Nett*, of IA: Noriew Principe atd.,
;ether bran& well known ill sheeny, Fine Vinewtoe re.
laseciF.lte; j• - t„, arena w nor" and nod for war.e.•witudria le and I
feta it at Terneti gs tog I kr,, , EnErlot' I
!ele *See, • • , AR AIH,
- , •
th C ©n Pleas ejileghe-
II -ny amity 001/11! :=P342,, - IV O -
302. - "
L I Ki. 141 i *
1 .j -'- 7 1. i: .: _•': .:-'--- -'. 1 .1-Sera Th•
.elp, C 6 ,01 fiffisfiirigti-:*T - 1 - Ctias- :10
L'— 1211 . 4.:0*A,:,,: lih, Pl* *O l. 11041otwise
r. -:- 7 *!*estk:7.4 l , l - 4 * ll -#:"erio*T-fitil - t
cn .r; fiiviimiCii 6, _:;-4 111 ! - X.F1,-ereasta.
ii* Angii.4 l o o
..0• :-- [ .RIVC-1-.-
I.!‘alrlioir- 3 4.41. it 1 0 1•0 . ii-, - :,, i. - _..z-"..:=7-t t.,T-
AL,-- ~0,;i::,.,....___-,....
~,.....,:i:-......, , .._,,k ~,. -,,-..___:.:,.,...
~.,_:-:....,_, ii,:_...:L•_„„,..:_.".„"
=l ,
time. iatraaapd the dram sititt: 401, use
asedi hesedied hlta, that liwalioetat.Ain ralawithat
what kw was *War: "atid;oitalt: Mat, Yall,iool tita
sum *sea; ftwa liatiedwd fii tam to
wen. That kw rcarrit finery ' • Taik
Indahey earrit ,INOPt - Who* at
ard;thai they anal mewl tfier y fir
piles to his bones; --That . la odd
gtreneell bun mrary daiF Jletalphonitiettar , lettem.
day the 11th inalast. !bat tait fMt bhmaplf ma n sot sloe,
that he used. . hi, reeairera,te lii•aadrealw ?ilia loader
Providetieeohai he traktabm- the , SPedirtemi Jar
ta..l9dayN that theAttaiiic IMO.. ha
had hear taking itiatAltedittanlitt *Mold atiPtAltv*Pgalrd
a teal ta!r day, la die Wiese. , no'
.eatkai it Wes dolt to
matt ibis reline ataieteea • fiat she boaret Gran ahaliarle
adVeiPd; that they malty Itemrstitent to IPtit
that will Care Liam. • Joss SINIEW.
Jahn Shaw 14.1e2 by, tae maroma,
Ig42,,dhi Ifrpnve anti*" tlittlitatlintlatitifti - Ostia
meat in true. J n trilEELEß,lramtstitaimutitilloada.
The B BBVIrDRErIf arr. oieilvat •-arritaan.
ricer pr int ipaI ROADIP P AY:" . Nvii. Tort.
and at tap priarirat Pere. Kr. 93 WriO. One.:
the OXLTFL2CE izi PirtAnrgh abrrs 4-11**eouire can
he nblaired.
Doseete tataree Meal* *ad
.the ptibilr that they have co eudvter asitildwitte
rine Baty, sod t hct the 7 have mow . reedy -larvae, at
theft' 5i0re,138 Leherie !trete, hethreeto Mittel Wag &it
street, a; sweat !went of the very. leek Hate; **tit .they
ate umlaut* distance of on the eheepeie aad ehemeeraeon
able I erten. TAINT octet -reveal+ etlixt vPrlr }fit kiadr~
eis - -Reaver; Oiler. Salida, Cisiosiesikitai fat Rea. •
ehr.`For as& RI Hate. -
w. k 111; (Soberly aneholttitegatar bred "fiittette ;tray
have had extensive expenenee as lounierlseal 61:i4besa
eatatdiaisinetatt ie the coeval?: Melt Hata arkicireat wo
ander their own' hopretioa, laud Iltai anaketoi
hat ntotbiarj tart the very•heat artleffs ea 94 11 111 14. rv. j
•setaahle terina wit! be offered .93ir tau sep )0
MEMOIRS oft he late Rev. Citaelsot4rfaid.llll.lk.: Isle
J President of Diekiftean - Collevit, - .Ciaellaai,lit Basil
1141k-r_ D. D., 12.u0. with ban A., me 'portrait. -
COJ4FORT IX AFFLICTIOAr— A series of,inintDer
lieTlC. by innws lieebasinn. D. D.. Dbh
bah first Aeneelenn. fenin the gin EA&
SPIRITU3I. NOXE r front Nwei-a.rietreik'etrined.
ital ions and 'observations ea the eireret llethorF.itod ha.
bits of Be.ss first inteeneed to fehite nuke le *il', he
Santee Peters.. A. m..l.okAnned It - ao, :
Ctuortreferam. A. Si.
the failiaMoaf ' ilatliair. . ,fikairle ,
flails to sere snits tone &soh; an reirsi *4 tra • i .1 E.
Ford-fourth A merirse.fenos the Oat It freell!MkJetitielf.
S - Rizooprxa Y7T Exiorergiatill.qahrett
recent Fut. - 01 , A ' ire terenvernrere in a aaloll - fkeFF,Ailiao .
CH.PRLIE SE.T.VOUR-:or the CralkE**4 the
Bad Aunt; 'lir Atigo Carheriitr iltiaciair** - 7
,„,,, fli :
grimace, Life a Rare - Life a COINgiCt; ' Da
a Seed-Time far eternity. by mi m e Mee. Xe.arlilliiiiik* 114 .
CHRISTLIX LOTE-or i ko Jai, mi, portosAhtfouto
for the Istmediate ranee-twice. of etc Illefleerhellst
THE. FRTEX7' IIND EFFiater if " gh. traffr
.11E XT- 1 1: Ilpoiard *Ocilla: ,ElY!siWtsii of Caotgasooa
Comem Kla_2'ii eetiiiillq lti eielv. - ',:: - .; 1 1. . . .
. ..
the Murat indisesee, linitifedin and %am enaserial
wijt Great Cities—‘ny Jobe. TfilkLltioni.
Tic true and dal! of ladiNt opiriteonn gitodedild•cli
tpd an4inractifanw iinprotro 4 -„tripleknitlnveciflill3bion
ntw 42.r.ntia rentury ttt r. td;
1. H. W.V. WA Presidenl;citil:e Ti teal
School of Cp , tiva, 11.. in .!.! siftv.
front the it Landon edition., LLiKE.1,4,1111, - Aiw.
sep 12 . Ift1 1 :89. Waniinteret
• .
°eta' lc ?Lofoten Scaleslon LcsH,towo4o244l4ito. ;
do do aktairridll4ll Od
do do -
do dodo ' MOO : re.
o do is : `26 SW'
Dormant .calm for. Ike we of- Wdegelosse*
10#.4, Az.. the same pilot es ahante.. . •
rectrAlrlifie's Point Cweter Rafe, writ . Oi Tethoglitz
selyiree*e i . 0/4 and a !;ariety 111111011. IMatts*,
"viNfice44‘4'.irilf'sell - rer hi= 8 to -
Thy;Also reanofautut Shear Easineectar•
. Mins. Salt _ Witerhs. &e, stentiWo Ord ens eK
_ea red slide tat hes.fool, send otherlethes for trod undo;
halchin.c roc feaan - ..iaz Chairs. planing auselnoeh *ow;
and' Sart , =Chines. ttall's owes horselooseetis i
without, I brace uneleguerds awe/or atrOS=Alirealair
slsesse: inseaires far sawing bra, Therostlerunse
-0111,5 4114 11004 orati deseristioas. also Sac saskiwg else*
hot 'noses. a superior article; governors for deem eargive. I
*ueful. Inwood efier s . .esa's miffs. isdifead /rejoins WI
andlAhchrfccy for iikataaa , the lemee, sortuerrdeshlo as
rialakry wade ormsyniredkpodosiertpreesephdfastiolehest
and: litfliffsd Duro* repaired: •
t t au aIIIISY, - Agri('
sep 22 --rf TOLTEC 4-virmr
Taiaitrmuc. a **a
tin( In it:terrace to ran. =goo 'lol4mistr
is faievw . eillr
r '
as arr. ouzo pr:the pe pens 1,10.1_ .
Mita, Stop. - A 0k4,...
nmi t 4 l 4,•firr yeti* 1.1 , 0*0 =pia 111011.
arlia4i 42 / all.**/# 1 041)`• •
• - 5r tki...4llpne. sr- :E.-16a". i•
I v :1w rwflilaß
6 , "!#1 4 r111101t4.. /risk iinnwisint_ .
filicloi 4 1 ;0 1 3* s wyf illy f Inlet im#llo.l4llmon-+
IA .4114,
leen aWialapace .
%vee ol . l lT ; 1 * . 1 0#001 11141 L5 - :,- .
gra arnot!ge-
giurbtr.l44liC , r 1.1.•
tritvgo44 - isurigivisr4: Par-satr-
Alta i ee,
2v. •
• -•-t,
4 12 .V~ 4.4 "
himpd by f
_er I .o4bebitya f
11, 41 1 44tY
amid thkOrow
• , *i§O‘