HcfrusE dJIrD La 2; 4lT. dev c 'pith inst. at 2 fecgoilt. epets.4. Abe 4th lkikal attabru,l WO 51,0figa WO, with a aki l 11.01dil*. ,den. . Tenni at flatetiti • ""' Pittshutth. I:)ci,ol,e'r. 6. Atite --7. '' 141414 Te tke , ow* th 7 , Air gagarrlii. 4 1ticitilints of doe arj4llegketey. ' 'I E emblem - of Nieluakil .; K ees - pert. In Veriiides format'. humbly sbevretlt, provided of travelers silftl m e i o'orrtsaid:and ed to grant taw a license to Joey . " , ta in west. Anil you, peiiti ouer •- ftraS• - ' We, the virhsecibers,niorii cent ify, that. the shove peit — • es; y and temperance, and room and conveniences kir of Avengers and ireseary. ldatihcw Eniot, A. Atwater, H. B Sinclair, John Cnnk, J,:hn Long, Jan H rison, Cct 7-3 t. In the -Co' art of CLoniter of A tle.:beny Cwinty. A NP NOW TO WIT, rktoler rerts the Clerk to glee er ivspaners# pirolis4trd in the thy i.,tetestrd in the above 'aid Court on Monday mit, 00111. NI. then :1,11 there to - mule a r y 1 ,. Lave made In the plan of said ('.• .Lev sisuit Le heard. By tile • , Uri 7-3 t BOOX AB'D PRINTING-_0 /V Corner of Weill or" it.l otF of the. fievaqs4 AND MANriArTrEER ,P_SpenfiM, awl the palronAuf those paperso. ....I v. ell chorea aer-ortment. of • aIF4III.IIEIC .41VEI,A) .-AL1373 grE l _;.` - - IMI Nete.sary to a Jvb .7'riutiog Other, . - rd to es. . LEI TER PRESS OF EVERY DE. 131115. of Lading BM first*, Black 011ects. Pan pleei. Ilandbi'ls 211. kintt.s of Sta g e, Steamboat, and Caaal • priate Cate, Printed on thd shortest nottee and We rergpectfully aek the patro ute public to remora! is tairt brow* pit' s Lur;l2, Sep:. 39:4842. IT!. WI LLLILM ELDER, 4tterre! Balreccelr9 Court Howe. on Grant Arert. ~/\.HKE -Aro TIC E lira+ the C-ort of Common riras or bezli-tii of the Insolven: I.i WSOt . art A that shut C..urt has al.poiord next for the hearing of crreccr. s. at the courtlimm. HIRAM PER Oct. 5, 1342-3.* CANCELII A Id ILTOI4. ftlirke -HE%;•i ~E 4CR., I;etatigh, P Br. A npqcs. Botionik' .I.ICOB F"GRL Raki9j HVGH OR RIM,•W9gnRd.SL.' J MY'S STEVEN9Ant,T*II OII City. Sec xs MOLASsletk bbh 50 on Ba-s II to Coffee oci 4.. % m lust scßooL.—r. sp. eily inform the cilium clot; y, that be contempt-ate" fors( - ty, for the 1.0 , p°' .1 - warbler Ir" ob:ent..ll He pledge* hbriell method of i.g.ortectiem srleen t i , 511,11 be nimredi r s ' Lad I.'S will be wailed on O_OOE4 rt has redured tue pai44 i For p ease rail 31 Alltieny Br , , WAXTE D LILVEDLST the 51tIliar:v Compatiftr Cheap. in the cat•iteity of M i ructs.n. clot and two Many parents arc under MO far cal knowledge of a Aluairai irrlnti! tenclenc . over the Incleiht arthek may also draw 100 wnctr.o(_ ll - .Sludics or occupation. or. ta ±..y, that the acquisition era Tara fource of recreation and •Trl,4l'Uleri 'I•L taste becooperi ion for sa tidy more arils*. mind is so 4,re abstracted frost Owl %naafi are Fe liat , te to fa!l ,1 7, two io niuf , e in-,any way inter/We orrarai ion. 'ay the tinge L 1 0104 1 .4 Carr W.' f;efieiteloor,V 44(411er o' jert ion that parcel their children-beConier" a tie tini into irre:ciar hauktn it - t ., .9a Y with the seamy:v:oo 66 P tits con lattztst LO write a,ood 1454 a cpantrtleiter. so that 'the -mail se =ate I+f at•P arqblretorta It is now to to hopail that flog ' prejudice; that may bave or Parent , . are remixed, act, 'that heir children 'the prleneri 4l : l e. -. pertnnity. Call at CAL'ir N. It. so boy flied apPIY written content C A [Our Amp - DRY_ . _. : o ,_, F , er A -arrival sad - r C 1 f VFW. Subscriber having 1° PA fe llil .i.. I larpein - 21141 Dry 4/ trantsof the COMMUSI4IS3t eirt417..... raih. They earemiaii.e' ' 16. 14 7 10 wishing to boy. beltre aulki4 - ' Thai,' Stack consisn!O rcd . lOlvtZil flruwAs Carpels. neuriayle,i - . .. ima l ssr,crfic Ingrain, 4017 . ! • ' 3 '.. -- Fate; do ~JOr . Cpliiiitoll do Alii,,i, T o 443-41.34P1ain V '. ~,,_ :, ~ ~ • 443458 Twilied„Alet,.:. ~, j L i mn: Carpet.,sforga gtailll'_ ,' - article_ - . : .....,_ . ':.-r illit* Floor OilCicnhiotll Whillswit In connection alai flare' Fancy Dry Ganda at ss great a 5 ott.er eitabliibaaeal is theott -,' Will ' fr ie o,l ' .w-' .4,,_. i .4, oct 8414111 a ' 9'l-1161". Board or imitcree for ;he t i, A Pennsylvania grill tiltletille br 1 Monday the -10th icte—sez ad 11-2 t 111 C "" S' LarfP l '4IW7WALMS ., V v • able nor'. ji Terrberand 4:106: and 91#14*0141. 011i611 110 - 001111* ....40101441701i Meet. - 1i..*1151121-' ~ _ =: ~ ; NO '2 t)B i 7-40 Poole ,ra{tairo• WARD ELECT;oN AT THE OLD ousr,,—We are I eq ue: - ,ted to state nseqq,nre .1 the late City Or chan;:ina the place of . ,holding . n in th e West Ward, not being ys no;ice we ri, , us to the day o' revired by the elect II ins ant will be held at the old Allegheny Belli:. stea-nr wiil leave c“r CiLcitinati. We sitanon :ecoinmending her to tug pu,,ic. f ihe Tempeiance t amplign. n fioin t!le Secre e Wiishmatou T Society, t dee, ti,a• the tiehl o perations of %, ill terminate this week with its,r m eetinizs —Tuesday even— h Hi!) .‘larktt. Wetinesdity, th arid .Sun,tt field scree . .s. Tnurs go, 52.1.ur,1 iy, Scotch Hill Mark- Nc rti:i‘e, C,,mn,ittre . in muking a:.twuncetnettt, assure the pub e columu:/ enemy than have no u: :bat every t frlrt ill be made durieg the coming triti— .1 hey Lave gained, and to Iwiempel alio.: to the n that Mrs ruin 0131 put that re 1 <2 '<).A 4 . 11 Vp_4iiatii uut, i~ clnl: a S'. Pr tt of fit' on: ('c tt+r t[ia~iclu US I 1: Na' 1;::i 'eft. takP.Z it H , me f-r the put - e he;leve a.iics :Ike tvery ~!,,rny !Jew cd,:t.-d and settled r, Thai's light .Ali A if S. e.la'ui"c~lv dcT W~cr f:,[wa!,i4 Petri +? emi A.,71 paiwf s 11(.11 41 , # equiv 1 ,- 11‘ , !r le idiCe LE=EMEMI IEIIEIEI twcut.,-, , ,i leie , ,s . . /7.!1 t'•r I:l,re - . it s;:T l iuc:ez ink I 1;:Lt per c 11 Ul'r cif The .3,lrni, Cde 1/O.,I)ILaIS the f2k3th t,ltim ..ere 16. The n , ,mher s?7e.•it !,11)..! (in the iucrease that the epidemic ‘litthf 0,4.;;43' _ ~ ~ ,h: nC35~~[l Thursday states that 1!, bealing (142:Tatt-li U. S. at Nltxico -./e1:;. “f gate. ariived in \Va4 . l having. left Mexico tiit , arid peiforrn -.1 the whole xv,ett the two cities Of 11, xico , 2,ton iu Itreqt y Three i nis the news ut the c•pture of y the Mexicans, itaeler Geri !eve carried the tmvii Or as in session, and broken ril M 11' lii!e some lawyer was case, and taken, plaintiff and jury, and all, pi isoners. that a s rioui attack on Tex d i,v and that the des he trines, ascem bled under: , f.cttdtng to YUCaZati, is, ili Inin4.—W e have just got tin old case of absence of is I:,timt.elv Leiter than any rn wo have ever seen. in • s,r.a F , mtaine was not unlike were forgetful, aft:-Lted, The French poet ha hl,l a wif,-; and .vhen his . 1t was a shame to absent her, cnornile t i to call and see k!1 ivrmg him, said to church; upon which he re.. s in the complo v of his friends: ay at a house, his !on came in; 'g seen him fir some time, he but remarked u; company that he thought him sing !a,/. fie was told that lad was his own son. me:l the pJet, upon my soul, tl to hear it. ecident.—The locomotive on hia and Trenton Railroad. ran i n Wednesday morning, which be upset of nearly _the whole was injured. though - one of -thrown iota the eau) Trot* tpurill ==U===i - COARI(ILD A'.4j# . .s.li!Limi*oe*itoofoi nom. PENNSYLVANIA. IWorratett. , - 1 2 1 Rank of Pittsburg , : Par Shlando‘ , I ` 2 I &fetch.* Nan. bk. Par-Saachlakil." 2_ 1 Eichanrx baikk. Par Ceallrea.,_ , 2 Rk. of Genniktol llll " Naniralilltr A Earicn taak, ' Xnelg. ^ 'Wi , „ ' 2 1 Lancaster bask, dis 24 DiaYtasis - 7' 2 Rank of Chester Co. par Selteci, ' ' 2 I Farnnenifik Hil , Co. . '" nt 2sll , gli t 1 2 0 ritiplanrift lik jkik "` Lk . wi l ia akar N Aimee . " Fran...k CONIZINIM. 2 ' Bic of Northern betties,. Laocarier. - II Commercial bit.. Cor Pt. . flanintek. SO Far, 4- Mechanics bk. •• Graurilie, 1 Ken-in:ton bk. " Com. bk. Lake Erie, 35 I PnitaCcipiiia bk. " Far. bk: of Canton, 50 f 1 Schuylkill bk. - Soulliw3rk bk. VPL•slern bk. Bk. of Pennzylvania. 9 Bk of Penn Ty. 112 r Man. 4- Mechanics bk- 12 me , :hanit_4 bk. par Movamensine bk. 10 irnr4 141,k, 50 0 U. Stater hank. 60, Loynhernyens', Warren, 75! Frank bk Washin..gon, par Miners bk tif Pot Isvile. 6 Bk of Mont teener" . Co. par Mon. I.k Brownsville, '2 Erie Bank. 5 w i r r i.hurzh Mnk, 61i Far. bk Lancaoer, 21 Ilk cf Middletown, 6 Bk. of Chamberebureb, 6 entlisfe. hank, Bk of Nortintritt , erlnnel, ratumhia bk A- Bride co. 3 Bk Sulnelianna 9 Rk hf rh-inwv re Co. par I,e'nanon I,k. I Got si•oirth bk. 6 i York hank, Far. ¢ tlrornra bk. of Way e , 1 , 11 r , 6 Currency notes, 6 Hone-date. Wt ottlynt hank, 121 Pa rs.o2t. Si:.te Scrip. 4 C.m• do 41 to 10 Ft•-rkt bark, 501 • .P ,11,11,• 101 Towanda. t 104. sca P. , . 4 - 44.-.1 - ti. IA of Steil nvisie. P.e , n:n,t I.k :74 c!afrs. 2 Lk. Demand 2 410 Cnrrrn , v notrc, 2 0:144,,,! , a,+:1 Lk. New Lts Iron fietont,t. 2 do Post notes. 2, , :mrl,,ali c retie ryi y . i 0! innka, 2 Merle .i• Tr,dors tl of (1101 010 IA: of C l Annlinz, Lk n.a yid noirF. Lawrence Lv s.,,me CztOtter) 7i r=rifle I,lc IT. STEW ART, Unliolyterer and Paler Ranger, . No 4 , _1, r1(111 irt . , between Wood and Smithfield al-ti Straw alrays on hand All ord , r, neal ness and despatc:‘, Tu-ommo -1:alllig ICTIIIS. .eP 20- IY I A 11111 ER & CO., Eichaftge Brokers. Fnartit s_l ird ciJor i+e:PUll . Markel. 20—/y ) FL , )% 4 :NS \":1.1.i: JUNI I'l'.l I t:u7s; WuRI —E.I ILO t,a d II I.4,..l:farligrrr of Iron and cht:TlSe, No. .2 5 1V rvistwien. .s , l) 10—I y L , I'or—Four in Ilacr heBURGiI CUTLERY Surgical Instrument SlannEsethry, 169. corner GI . Liberty and Sixth SZ reete. • -CA R T RIG ffT returns: h'lti'llTert thaitlii to the' st,•citmcns of Pfrichitcyli and vicinity tin i je eat Tzar dnarv pa i ronaze he kap herein fri rectivcd. R 4.4 - bill of ?vitt to merit a confirmation 0 The sya e . ;4"; he tit drier advt.,' to manufacT ore ail acticlry i • his line 'or Inurinesv fltiletinf to any thin: of the. kind-ever C.ltcrctil hnefriefore. atul I hat l'ntshorghsLaJl well merit vatic elit:eti the S EFFIELDOFME-RICA. The sult.criber aittray won hand the mewt esieti give stork of 11 Mannfuctund goods in hi= lime in the VVestertt Country, won d parties:l,4lly invite the attention of Sartteons, Destitsts and Drart:itsts au hit asttirteuror of Intiroutents. Hardrrate liercbants to bit stock of FolPer't Ranks-rs, Tailors, flatten/and Hair Dietsers to his•siock Eheart. And that hi.g estatiiit.hment 'Wine carrie' osi t•trietly on the ca4li principle, persons dreiroutr. of Itarealeis .will at once diAcnver the savant:see of ealkfat I efore purckaAing i.+ortv here: jotibing done in a =perk,' r stf le, and cites' . et', rver J. C.. by /Harlin!. big .!Olta*ait!con tmiaem , ..amegt. rr with having in I Nnpiry the rno.t , coNpe+eo. .wot men, hoi -es to merit the approkailoo or the tzttiAr arze. Wanted imme timely, a•,..o4 .o forrer and a, good sander; On 'mid apply hu the best Workmen. PIT SO-Im. CO-P4RTMER ,SHIP.-16. P. Smith if Ir. Ilatisjptoo, having avvocia:ed tberth.efves tortntiev iodei tide 'Prot of Hampton 4- Smith, win continue the wholesale 'Dry Goods bandoe.sisk . the house ref-redly oiettpled by .11ao•pion, Swills* 4*. wheceikey wilt he:receiving in a few days a oew-stoek of Pal: and %lutes Goods. They fl-sperthilly invite heir old tripod'', and, nterch..ots gels. i erallyi vist4*; Pittsburgh, to. WI and exaniacikeir Astoeu. . - et 24._434„. FAMILY- M EDIC - Pill4FlDolitßY. &c. "ARON. and watnahie aosorromerd, -- infatt . tbir - weal f ,A unedielnena the itay; nem* Pdediantry. "abwrind J &opt: ThortesTeaherry TT** tilingin; whiled; Won* ear- - ! pawed be any Other prepar owerniridedld , ' Isis-, tam ; either Ow the pindretst neriedeandhordsof tae Teeth. Cmk' Illorimirg.r . avers Aldan add tire the sod Ia IPeterale 'oak *rite in fere And &Owlet 's" oft Nett*, of IA: Noriew Principe atd., ;ether bran& well known ill sheeny, Fine Vinewtoe re. laseciF.lte; j• - t„, arena w nor" and nod for war.e.•witudria le and I feta it at Terneti gs tog I kr,, , EnErlot' I !ele *See, • • , AR AIH, - , • ne th C ©n Pleas ejileghe- II -ny amity 001/11! :=P342,, - IV O - 302. - " - L I Ki. 141 i * 1 .j -'- 7 1. i: .: _•': .:-'--- -'. 1 .1-Sera Th• .elp, C 6 ,01 fiffisfiirigti-:*T - 1 - Ctias- :10 L'— 1211 . 4.:0*A,:,,: lih, Pl* *O l. 11041otwise r. -:- 7 *!*estk:7.4 l , l - 4 * ll -#:"erio*T-fitil - t cn .r; fiiviimiCii 6, _:;-4 111 ! - X.F1,-ereasta. ii* Angii.4 l o o ..0• :-- [ .RIVC-1-.- I.!‘alrlioir- 3 4.41. it 1 0 1•0 . ii-, - :,, i. - _..z-"..:=7-t t.,T- AL,-- ~0,;i::,.,....___-,.... ~,.....,:i:-......, , .._,,k ~,. -,,-..___:.:,.,... ~.,_:-:....,_, ii,:_...:L•_„„,..:_.".„" ESMdM WALTER FORWARD =l , WOW time. iatraaapd the dram sititt: 401, use asedi hesedied hlta, that liwalioetat.Ain ralawithat what kw was *War: "atid;oitalt: Mat, Yall,iool tita sum *sea; ftwa liatiedwd fii tam to wen. That kw rcarrit finery ' • Taik Indahey earrit ,INOPt - Who* at ard;thai they anal mewl tfier y fir piles to his bones; --That . la odd gtreneell bun mrary daiF Jletalphonitiettar , lettem. day the 11th inalast. !bat tait fMt bhmaplf ma n sot sloe, that he used. . hi, reeairera,te lii•aadrealw ?ilia loader Providetieeohai he traktabm- the , SPedirtemi Jar ta..l9dayN that theAttaiiic IMO.. ha had hear taking itiatAltedittanlitt *Mold atiPtAltv*Pgalrd a teal ta!r day, la die Wiese. , no' .eatkai it Wes dolt to matt ibis reline ataieteea • fiat she boaret Gran ahaliarle adVeiPd; that they malty Itemrstitent to IPtit that will Care Liam. • Joss SINIEW. Jahn Shaw 14.1e2 by, tae maroma, Ig42,,dhi Ifrpnve anti*" tlittlitatlintlatitifti - Ostia meat in true. J n trilEELEß,lramtstitaimutitilloada. The B BBVIrDRErIf arr. oieilvat •-arritaan. ricer pr int ipaI ROADIP P AY:" . Nvii. Tort. and at tap priarirat Pere. Kr. 93 WriO. One.: the OXLTFL2CE izi PirtAnrgh abrrs 4-11**eouire can he nblaired. Doseete tataree Meal* *ad .the ptibilr that they have co eudvter asitildwitte rine Baty, sod t hct the 7 have mow . reedy -larvae, at theft' 5i0re,138 Leherie !trete, hethreeto Mittel Wag &it street, a; sweat !went of the very. leek Hate; **tit .they ate umlaut* distance of on the eheepeie aad ehemeeraeon able I erten. TAINT octet -reveal+ etlixt vPrlr }fit kiadr~ eis - -Reaver; Oiler. Salida, Cisiosiesikitai fat Rea. • ehr.`For as& RI Hate. - w. k 111; (Soberly aneholttitegatar bred "fiittette ;tray have had extensive expenenee as lounierlseal 61:i4besa eatatdiaisinetatt ie the coeval?: Melt Hata arkicireat wo ander their own' hopretioa, laud Iltai anaketoi hat ntotbiarj tart the very•heat artleffs ea 94 11 111 14. rv. j •setaahle terina wit! be offered .93ir tau sep )0 LET % ,PUBLICATIONS. -=I - MEMOIRS oft he late Rev. Citaelsot4rfaid.llll.lk.: Isle J President of Diekiftean - Collevit, - .Ciaellaai,lit Basil 1141k-r_ D. D., 12.u0. with ban A., me 'portrait. - COJ4FORT IX AFFLICTIOAr— A series of,inintDer lieTlC. by innws lieebasinn. D. D.. Dbh bah first Aeneelenn. fenin the gin EA& SPIRITU3I. NOXE r front Nwei-a.rietreik'etrined. ital ions and 'observations ea the eireret llethorF.itod ha. bits of Be.ss first inteeneed to fehite nuke le *il', he Santee Peters.. A. m..l.okAnned It - ao, : A TRIBUTE OF P4REXTIL 11,STECTIO. IT Ctuortreferam. A. Si. DECAPOLIS-pr ehl the failiaMoaf ' ilatliair. . ,fikairle , flails to sere snits tone &soh; an reirsi *4 tra • i .1 E. Ford-fourth A merirse.fenos the Oat It freell!MkJetitielf. S - Rizooprxa Y7T Exiorergiatill.qahrett recent Fut. - 01 , A ' ire terenvernrere in a aaloll - fkeFF,Ailiao . CH.PRLIE SE.T.VOUR-:or the CralkE**4 the 4 Bad Aunt; 'lir Atigo Carheriitr iltiaciair** - 7 LIFT; " 1f if BILE YOU LITZ ,„,,, fli : grimace, Life a Rare - Life a COINgiCt; ' Da a Seed-Time far eternity. by mi m e Mee. Xe.arlilliiiiik* 114 . CHRISTLIX LOTE-or i ko Jai, mi, portosAhtfouto for the Istmediate ranee-twice. of etc Illefleerhellst THE. FRTEX7' IIND EFFiater if " gh. traffr .11E XT- 1 1: Ilpoiard *Ocilla: ,ElY!siWtsii of Caotgasooa Comem Kla_2'ii eetiiiillq lti eielv. - ',:: - .; 1 1. . . . . .. the Murat indisesee, linitifedin and %am enaserial wijt Great Cities—‘ny Jobe. TfilkLltioni. Tic true and dal! of ladiNt opiriteonn gitodedild•cli tpd an4inractifanw iinprotro 4 -„tripleknitlnveciflill3bion il/StORY OFTHE. REA? MKPOIIMMOX of ntw 42.r.ntia rentury ttt r. td; 1. H. W.V. WA Presidenl;citil:e Ti teal School of Cp , tiva, 11.. in .!.! siftv. .4tidrAran front the it Landon edition., LLiKE.1,4,1111, - Aiw. sep 12 . Ift1 1 :89. Waniinteret • . °eta' lc ?Lofoten Scaleslon LcsH,towo4o244l4ito. ; • do do aktairridll4ll Od do do - do dodo ' MOO : re. et o do is : `26 SW' Withraisiaaleversasadditbsof/3Zr-ap~i;~lpot Dormant .calm for. Ike we of- Wdegelosse* 10#.4, Az.. the same pilot es ahante.. . • rectrAlrlifie's Point Cweter Rafe, writ . Oi Tethoglitz selyiree*e i . 0/4 and a !;ariety 111111011. IMatts*, ,4 "viNfice44‘4'.irilf'sell - rer hi= 8 to - Thy;Also reanofautut Shear Easineectar• . Mins. Salt _ Witerhs. &e, stentiWo Ord ens eK _ea red slide tat hes.fool, send otherlethes for trod undo; halchin.c roc feaan - ..iaz Chairs. planing auselnoeh *ow; and' Sart , =Chines. ttall's owes horselooseetis i without, I brace uneleguerds awe/or atrOS=Alirealair slsesse: inseaires far sawing bra, Therostlerunse -0111,5 4114 11004 orati deseristioas. also Sac saskiwg else* hot 'noses. a superior article; governors for deem eargive. I *ueful. Inwood efier s . .esa's miffs. isdifead /rejoins WI andlAhchrfccy for iikataaa , the lemee, sortuerrdeshlo as rialakry wade ormsyniredkpodosiertpreesephdfastiolehest and: litfliffsd Duro* repaired: • t t au aIIIISY, - Agri(' sep 22 --rf TOLTEC 4-virmr ' I.OOX Taiaitrmuc. a **a tin( In it:terrace to ran. =goo 'lol4mistr is faievw . eillr r ' as arr. ouzo pr:the pe pens 1,10.1_ . 4016401frilii_iMitere Mita, Stop. - A 0k4,... nmi t 4 l 4,•firr yeti* 1.1 , 0*0 =pia 111011. arlia4i 42 / all.**/# 1 041)`• • • - 5r tki...4llpne. sr- :E.-16a". i• I v :1w rwflilaß 6 , "!#1 4 r111101t4.. /risk iinnwisint_ . filicloi 4 1 ;0 1 3* s wyf illy f Inlet im#llo.l4llmon-+ IA .4114, leen aWialapace . t %vee ol . l lT ; 1 * . 1 0#001 11141 L5 - :,- . gra arnot!ge- giurbtr.l44liC , r 1.1.• tritvgo44 - isurigivisr4: Par-satr- *stilt Alta i ee, = 2v. • • -•-t, 4 12 .V~ 4.4 " himpd by f _er I .o4bebitya f 11, 41 1 44tY wis and amid thkOrow 4ftsceleserbel. Ir'fon, MiMAPnic i►riOngtA.r • , *i§O‘