Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, October 03, 1842, Image 2

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    From 'the Al!may Argus,
Adapted Citizens look at this.
The adherents of Goy. King of Rhode
Island (known -as the Charter : or Algeine
Whig early,) now - assembled at NewpoTt to
tramp- a contention, propose to regulate the
right of suffrage this wise. We ask th at
,isti4iost of our adopted citizens to the r cts,
they _may know- how to esticnatei the
blarney with which they are always ap -
-maehtd by the whigs just before an elec—
rhese Rhode Island_whigs propoSe to
„make a distinction between naturalized Citi
zens at the polls. That is. to give the na•
citizens, if a white man, the right to
,vote; though he may not own a dollar of
Property; but the naturalized citizen is not
be - allovved to vote, unless he owns a free .
AIM of the value of $1.34. And, as if to
:make the distinction still more odious, the
.011ite _niituralized citizen is put on the
same foNing; in this respect, with the blurb
zwitnAtre allowed to vote if possessed ol 'this
-$434 property qualification.
What say , our adopted citizens to the
,Wbig proposition to place then) on a par at
:ohs t:rolls with the blacks!' To place the
-naturalized whites,- in Cie exercise of the
great right of suffrage, a grade below the
:native whites?
TllB Murderers of Maj. Floyd.
jbe.Grand Jury, at the present term,
twee found trete bills against James M'Lean
and: H.enry Johnson charged with the mur
der- of Maj. GABIIIEL F. FLOYD, at , his
himse near this city, on the night of the 10th
qf August last. They were brought into
court this morning, the indictment read,
tkrid a plea of "not guilty" entered. Messrs.
Hudson and Blennerhasset appeared as
counsel for the accused; —and Tuesday
next. was, we understood, assigned for the
trial. The prisoners are both young men,
and exhibited but little concern on the in
dictment being read.
Harvey Pooler was also arraigned fot at
tempting on the 10th of July last, to steal a
tkvik -containing clothing. &c., from on
board the stearaboa Mermaid. The usit al
One was entered and the court assigned
&V. Eustace to conduct his defence.—
$l. Louis Era.
carrying water on both elm nide rs--P rotee-
. .
.:It seems that. the Whig candidate has a
protection face for the North and an anti
protection face for the South. The fol
lowing is an extract from one of Mr. Clay's
latest speeches in the Senate:
'lt was scandalous that this Govern—
anent -should have gone on for years past,
end was going on now, by the expenditure
of more than was received. Taxation he
knew, and_had before said, was the reme
dy•for.this. Carry out, then, the spirit of
the Compromise act. Look to revenue
alone for the support of the Government.
Do not raise the question of protectilti,
which I had hoped had been put to rest.—
Titere is nu necessity for protection.'
Western editors seem to consider hog's
larila manna,sent from heaven.
A awiedler in N. York employed twen
ty nr thirty clerks lately to do nothing;
required a deposite of. $2O each from
them, as secOrity for their honesty, and
real away with it.
it is good- to rise in the world, but tiev.
erivoist yourself up by the waistband.
Lewellen has lust his highly tr ained horse
Mazeppa. Ho died at. Rochester, N. Y.
on the 29th. ult.
,•Pont o'd ling, let hint
A la Richmond Star.—'Pa, when is this
'4l2bn:election coming,`back again?"
Cnining back again, child—what do you
Mean? It is never coining, hack, I hope.'
4 Well. what does the Tribune mean in
thispieee about .Maine election returns,' I
should like to know?'
•Yqu had better run itit , ) the. house, my
Our Credit . broad.
The Journal of Commerce publishes the
folloiving extract of a letter from a gen
tleman in London, under date of the 3d
inst Mr.= Robinson is the government
. agent., The
,position which our govern
. ment holds/ is" humiliating in the last de.
gris . p. So much_ for repui4ation:
• Mr Robinson havded time your ins
treductoty letter, which he said was the
only • one
- lie had delivered, or should at
-present deliver, feeling assured from the
- aversion manifested towards the in
'‘'.troduction of any American stocks by the
jgriglish, public, that it was quite useless to
-eff4r the Government loan. In my opin.
kro.Kr:Rohinson has no chance of disposing
t eny.part of the loan, for all the capital
ism:l4 Europe seem to unite in saying that
isco,stocks of the states or Union should find
fattrere, until some means are adopted
.;:t, e United States to put a stop to the
couree o Repudiation, and again place, at
least, the integrity of the country on its
- former footing. In proof of what I have
. ,
*aid an eminent capitalist told me a few
daps ago,. that no house in Europe would
dam-(in the present state of public feel•
, i
ittsWo take or encourage the tattng t he
430yeinnient. Loan."
von the murderer..
- Before being sentenced, John C. Colt
banded to the Cony► the following paper,
whtUff was read by Jnage Kent:
" l'he position I now hold is to a sentient
being the most agonising possible. It is
moie painful than the struggle of deaih it-
Ilea. -- But it is a form of procedure that I
aiii:DMiiiell t -
l pass through before my vises '
rearkiki . . r ttle last tribunal of the State to ,
fli t igehit - will be carried in accordance with
t h a tpalee ifiijeli cannot to denied to 114 -
..L. areinest of utAniChid.. Most cheerfally will i
:: - stibmit nir z eaie to-final elamination by;
tisirOntirt of Errors. - I fully_ belietre it will!
' - -Optstaide' the lodgment orthe Jury, who:
weibimied aside byprejldice and error as
.. .,: . *-Ir*ityle on the evirtettOti.;-to trampla on
:;- .. .tirfTii*.tofietirPle on the Judea charge.",
6 n ,firitur diM t/ A-ail fitaiyutunrs in eireu. ,
.. ' iiillie time of; sail tigo c te** . frikt.li
;'.. . ''lo4 4 .'lliitOwiebi iiiitititiOiliinirivirtiA
•,,'. -:vz. • - - .... , 4 , 1 . .•, -- , . 11
ihat the J,ury, were misted.from touting to a
right conclusion. For it is a tritth, that no
Men van question, that the igtosi <reputable
4barae*rs,have often ban- prejudiced even
themselveS being aware of the fact.
How tar these prejtidices affected the Jury,
may b3inferre.l from the fact that one of
them, sir. Husted, remarked before the
trial, tl - lat 'Colt should be hung first and
ttle.a afterward,' which will be proved by
the affidavits of several respectable witness
es. All that, unfortunately situated as I
am, I can expect is an impartial trial,by Ju
ry. This is all I desire, and this the mean.
est vagrant in the streets has a right to de
mand. Misfortune, not crime, has placed
me in this position, and although as low
down as possible without being annihilated,
still, rest assured, I have not lost my self
respect, nor regard for the credit of the spe
cies, as to submit calmly to this injustice,
As this consequently is not to he the end of
this business, I desire that the Court will
Spare toe the pain of all unnecessary pow
ers of sentence, especially the accompany
log comments." _
moNaNy, OCtOBER 3. 1842
See First Page.
Interesting Con-espondence.—W e will
publish in to-morrow's Post, the corres
pondence which took` place between a
Committee of the friends of the President,
in Philadelphia, and the Hon. W. W. Ie
WIN, during his late visit to that city.
Mr. Tyler and the Bank Question.
On Saturday, the 24th ult. under the
head of "Impsrtant Disc'osures," we pub—
lished a statement by a writer in the N.
Y. Union, that Mt. Tyler had, during the
canvass of 1840:designed to declare his
views on the Bank question, but had for.
borne to do so by the advice of certain
whig members of Congress, among whom
was Mr Biddle, of this city. To this charge.
Mr. Biddle - replied in a letter to the Ga
zette, on ,the Monday following. It so
paars from Mr B.'s statement that the let
ter to Mr. Tyler was from certain demo
crats of this city, and was viewed as a snare
laid for Mr Tyler to entrap him into a de
claration of his principles. Mr Biddle con
clud fs his first letter with the remark that
"there may have been nothing discredita
ble to Mr Tyler in his wary course on tHs
Occasion," &c. We pass over this fling at
the policy of the Harrison Convention.
who dictated this "wary" course, and come
to other matter, which shows mare plain
ly what Mr. Biddle thought and still
thinks of the "confidential committee" o
• Mr. Wise, in a letter to his constituents,
reiterates tl.e charge of the N. Y. - Union,
and dwells at length upon the topic. To
what Mr. Tyler relates, Mr. Biddle - has
spoken in a second letter. We cannot
sufficiently admire the candor and manli
ness of the following extract ft om Mr.
Biddle's second epistle. It is a most
scorching rebuke to the cowardly con•
cealment practised by the federal leaders
of 1640: and coming from the source it
does come, may be considered by Mr. Ty
ler a valuable tribute to his political hon•
esty. Mr. Biddle thus writes:
"The refusal of the Harrisburgh Convention to
announce the principles on which its candidates
were placed before the country deeply wounded my
own convictions of right and wring, and heighten
ed, I do not hesitate to add, my repuznance to
political life. My friends. also. will know how
warmly I regretted the position in ‘A hich General
Harrison seemed, at least, to be placed as to this
matter or reply ing even to friendly correspondents.
Yet these things were done under the HIGHEST
PARTY SANCTIONS; and a subordinate candi
date, whose office would be in itself a cypher, and
I who would probably never he called to a posi inn
of respon.ibility, might friends to approve
his unwillingness to contravene the apparent pol:ey
' thet had placed him in nomination."
Mr. Biddle could not have expressed
stronger reprehension of the course 11:
fellow-partisans pursued in 1840, m , ,r have
said more' in defence of the President,
without entirely Cutting loose from them
and becoming the avowed advocate of
Mr. Tyler. His d;sgost with the con—
cealment policy was so great, he says,
that it. "heightened his repugnance to pub
lic life," and he thinks Mr. Tyler could
have no trouble in finding friends to ad
vise him to be silent, and not to ".contra—
vene th apparent policy of those who put
hint in nomination:" In justice' to Mr.
Biddle, we are bound to believe that he
Was not one of those friends, and - we are
also forced to conclude that the charge of
suppressing, or urging the suppression, of
Mr. Tyler's sentirneuts on the Batik ques
tion, is clearly made Out against tie wl.igs
who managed the campaign of 1840.
We have always admired the firm, man
ly and effectual stand Mr. Biddle took in
favor of W. W. Irwin, when several ultra
federalists attempted to break that gentle
man down. : Ile sent the indignants home
in almost contemptible plight. Mr.; B's
testinanny in this Tyler matter has been
in keeping with the candor he displayed
in the Irwin, persectrion.
, I elf •
or Bilious Fever.on the m 'ruing of the, 21 - in*t.
Mr. Ja - ntee T. McVey, (of the firm of McVey,
Hanna & t'o.)' in the 34'h year of his ate.
111 friends and acquaintances are retpe4ll4ls'
ituritirto attetid the fitters.] Cram .141; late
&net t ott34 betere4or Varxy- 'and" Liberty
attetata, thikaffemoon`;- at 3 o'clock.
eh •
As the time tori.the side of ...these landa
approaches§ thirex4tement in the counties
where they , Hsi lieComee more intense, and
the strongest determination is expressed
by the prese4 holders to resist the con—
templated sala. In Beaver, Mercer, Craw
ford, Butler, and Venango, the excitement
is very high and the people appear resol.
ved to resist the proceedings the Commis—
sioners at all hazards,
A meeting was held in Beaver on the
23d inst. at which it was resolved to ap•
point a Committee to wait on the Com—
missioners, and explain the titles by which
they hold their lands and represent other
facts showing the injustice of attempting to
deprive them of their hard earned proper
ty at this late day. As we stated, a few
days since, this Nicholson was among the
first of that class Of speculator Shat has in
creased so rapidly within a few years past,
and who have inflicted so much misery and
distress on thousands of honest men, who
unknosingly became connected in their
schemes of aggrandizement.
In the excitement that is created by this
proposed sale; the. public has an evidence
of how lasting and wide spread, are the e
vils that reckless and dishonest speculatOrs
can inflict upon the community. It is
nearly half a centtdry since John Nichol
son's grand schemes exploded, and if the
ordinary course of law is not turned aside,
it is probable that his dishonesty, commit
ted' fifty years since, will entail pecuniary
ruin on thousands at the present day.—
Such are the effects of dishonest specula-
111 r, Webster. —The Journal of Com—
merce says that Mr. Webster has given
the President notice that he will retire from
office when news of the ratification of the
treaty lately concluded with Lord Ashbur
ton shall be received. His retirement is
not based upon any quarrel or disaffection
towards Mr. Tyler.
A warning to Mayors' Clerks —The
latest New York defalcation is that of a
Mr. Ahern, late Mayor's Clerk, which is
estimated at from fifty to sixty thousand
dollars. It seems that he was entrusted
to collect and pay over to the City C ham
berlain, the commutation money demanded
from passengers arriving in this country.
FL: kept no books about it, omitted to ac
count for many passenger,, &c. The new
clerk disdovered the facts. Ahern gave
bail in a 20,000 to answer the charge.—
The Sun will please copy, and send his
bill to Ahern.
Theatrical damages.--The Spirit of the
Times says that Mrs. Henry Lewis, the ac
tress, has recovered in New York before
the Cour'. of Corn mrm Pleas, $4:35, with
interest, of Char les Thorne, manager of
the Chatham Theatre. She bad been en
gaged by him at a salary of 315 per week,
and one third of a benefit, to play strong
characters and boy's parts from October
1341, to July, 1842. In March last she was
discharged, on the ground that the man—
agement did not want her, and that she
had violated the 30th rule, which says we
suppose, "Thou shalt not drink strong li
quors." Her black eyes and evidence
gained the ,suit. Thorne was compelled
to pay her $l5 a week to the 4th of July,
and $lOO, the estimated val•se of the clear
1 3 of a benefit.
Among the persons appointed to assess
the damages in the case of the Pennsylva
nia Hall, ate a number of thorough-going
abolitionists. They wil! no doubt make a
speculation out of the destruction of their
head quarters.
Thu Prize Fighters.
The Court before which the New York
prize fighters are to be tried, is now In ses
sion at Bedford, Westchester county.—
The charge of the Judge to the Grand
Jury is severe. It appears by it, that the
mere passive Spectators are not consider- -
ed guilty of homicide in aoy degree.
It seems probable that indictments for
manslaughter will be found against Lilly ,
M'Cleester, Ford, Sanford, and Shanfroid
and Sullivan, and some one or two others.
The Grand Jury appear not to desire to
present bills against any persons, except
those who were active and energetic in
urging on thislght, or who had bet money
on the ground on the result.
Lewis Halsey, the time keeper, who was
arrested in Philadelphia, and who lives in
that city, has been discharged by the Dis
trict Attorney.
It is LllOOOll. that the indictments will be
made out immediately, and the trial go
The Millis Point Herald says the brick
of the Cairo Dry Dock, was sold at this
place •o i n Satairday, the 20th instant, by
virtue of an; order of the Hickman Circuit
Court, in the Suit of Woods, Stacker /3i-Co
against the , pair° City & Canal Company.
It was bid mint the low price of-1450sby
the agent ot Messrs W. S. The
&alma .30" 4 dollars
(rrThe 11 4,
.1•4 11 i Michigan - never WAS UMW
iL th*,10.410.'
41060 etfritifitt OitristriHe.
W O Ittlia that some few dints ago, *lenity C
Pepe made~at itP4ech Said speech
weir ieportid by L. and published in the
JOttifittl. Godfrey Pope, editor , of the Sun, de.
mended the author,' as H. C, Pope was in bad
health.- Prentice furnished 'it. Hiss was Met
and shot by Godfre.y Pope in front of the Wash
ington Hall! Pope is in jail awaiting the issue.
Of the situation qt Bliss, the Journal of Sept.
.28th thus waits 'of our poor Wend Bliss, who, in
all probability has received his death wound, wa
need say little now. 01 his many virtues, we can
speak more properly in his obituary, which accor
ding to present appearsunees, we shall soon be
called on to write.'
tt e since learn by a passenger on the mail b vat,
that as he was leaving it was reported that Bliss
wa dead: What a dreadful work is this. —Gin.
tThe wag of the New Bedford - Bul-
letin relates the following story or Hon.
Dixo•l H. - Lewis, member of Congress,
froM Alabama: •It is said of Dixon H. Lewis
(whn is so large that he occupies three seats
in a stage coach, lie is elected to but one
in Congress) that while looking round 'fur
a sufficiently capacious chair; at a public
meetina, an old fashioned man cried out,
'Three cheers for Lewis!' whereupon three
chairs were immediately brought in, and
the great man was comfortably seated / amid
the:loud applause of the audience.'
['The wag of the Nov Bedford Bulle
tin' is not the inventor of this jest. It has
been told of every fat pqlitician in the
West for the past ten years.]
A Moving Temperance Lecture.
A temperance meeting was held on Fri
day evening last, in Decatur street, at which
Mr. Daniel McGinley held forth in his ac
customed zeal and good humor from a mar
ket wagon. Some 'tummies,' who had
been attracted to the spot, either becoming
offended at the remarks of the lecturer, or
satisfied that they were really the _asses he
represented them to be, put themselves in
the shafts of the wagon, and ran away with
the lecturer, down Decatur street to Car
penter. and down the latter to Sixth street.
'Old Mack' continued his lecture during his
ride, and finished it at the place of starling
—having been pored back by the 'enld wa
ter boys.' The scene,as well as the lecture,
was quite a 'moving' one, and afforded con.
siderable amusement to the spectat , lrs.
old Mack hangs on to the cause like a burr,
and can't be shaken off by any body. Ile
intends to hold forth again at the+ same
place, during the present week.—Philud.
CANADN.-Our Canadian neighbors ap—
pear to be in'tnuch trouble about, this time.
S:r Charles Ba,got has made overtures to
the liberals and taken some of them into
his cabinet, and the consequence is that he
has displeaed the ultra British portion of
the country. The Toronto Patriot is per
fectly rabid. The following. from the Ro
chester Democrat shows that the dissatis
faction has extended to the Parliament:
There is trouble in the Canadia Parlia
ment. The Governor General, in trying
to adm'iristet the government upon 'concili
ation principles,' is likely to find iself
entirely unsupported. By calling into
his Cabinet men of liberal principles, he
has offended the and a portion of
the so-called IZeformers, who together
command a nntj , ,riv in the Parliament.
Mr. Duper, ow.: of the highest officers of
Government, has resigned, and it is ex
pected that there will be a general break
up of the Cabinet. It is also rumored that
Parliament will be dissolved. If so, there
will be another general election, which
will be attended with unusual excitement.
Rouon STEALING.—A bill passed- the TJ.
S. Senate fur the relief' of John Hender
son, the Whig Senator of Mississippi, and
two others, allowing them nineteen thou
sand dollars fur damage alleged to have
been done to the timber upon their land
at Pass Christian, in .1838-39, by the In
dians, in course of removal beyond the
Mississippi river. Now the facts are, as
we gather them from the Natchez Free
Trader, that the Indians were encamped
upon about twenty acres of land, coveted
with a species of dwarf pirw, not worth the
cost of cutting. The land, if put up for
sale, woukl not bring fifty cents an acre,
Upon the encampment, there was not 4
solitary tree fit for timber, and none of
any kind was cut, as the Indians used the
dry dead wood and under-bush, which
were easier of access and better suited to
their purposes, Besides it is not the na
ture of an Indian to cut down a tree. No
injury of any kind was done to the land,
nor, indeed, was it capable of being in any
way affected. What adds to theaFtiormi—
ty of this robbery_ of the public money is,
that Conrad of Louisiana, the same Sena
tor was so vindictively opposed to
the bill to refund the fine of one thousand
dollars to General Jackson, was mainly
instrumental in obtaining the appropria
tion for Henderson. A more bare-faced
piece of swindling and robbery from any
government or people is not upon record.
This is Wntc
The Phila. Evening Courier states that
the demand for Bowie knives has abated
recently, and that a dealer in cutlery in
this city has disposed of a quantity bought
for the Carthagena market, at $1 50 each,
the original pike being no. The infer
ence is therefore, that the thirst for maim
ing and killing with these accursed weap
ons has' declined in this country. If men
must war upon their fellows in society,
they should rather adopt the device of
modern civilization, and swindle theta - by,
means of stocks and other destructive in—
ventions in preference to cutting their
throats. It is safer, more profitable and the
patieni lives longer. The chivalry which
Ritcceeds that which did its work with cold
, .
steel, operates with scrip and promises to
pay. Thelance and brand are superce...led
I the goose q4lll.
, .Pennesivgizian.
66-rthe Cent,• 1 - . Bank Gecntia
lifrositited iia &btaance iblitigh..erimiLitirior-C4,
mita*. This - Via verYiPtilltYwaY of dbiP 3 O l Pg
of ettri• •
• .
The British Queen. -which arrived at New
York;on the 27th, dries not Wing my ad
ditional intelligence of much . interest.
make the following extracts from the special
correspondent of the N. Y. Union.
The papers eontain
_little of interest.--
Thentanufacturing districts were still far
from being' in a settled condition; and
though but few instances of violent outbreak
had occurred, daily events prove it at Man
chester and the manufacturing towns and
villages in that neighborhood, peace is kept
only by the powers of the military and civil
force, who are constantly kept in readiness
to act at a moments warning. The power
loom weavers still, with very small excep
tion, remain out without there being a pros
pect of any speedy return generally to work.
Methyr-Tydvil has again been thrown
into some confusion and disorder, owing to
the conduct of some of the more violent of
the Chartists who were dismissed from sev.
er,.l of the works after the recent turn out.
Front France.—The French dates are
to the Bth, but contain no intelligence of in
/ teress.
The Messenger, a Government evening
pa l ter. contradicts the report of the Paris
and Lille railway having been conceded
to a company supported by English houses.
The Prussian State Gazette officially an
nounces that the King of Prussia, on his
visit to St. Prtersburgh, could not obtain
front the Czar any material change in the
prohibitive system of Russia, thereby dEs
troying the hopes that might be forme l of
the late Russian ukase being the opening of
a freer state of things.
The Duchess of Orleans, who had been
indispo,ed for some days p t-t. is, we are
happy to learn, at present in the enjoyment
of touch better health. The health of the
Comte de Paris is excellent.
The Globe' says—'Apartments are at
present being prepared in th - e
de Fiore. at the Tuileries, for the Duch
ess of Orleans and the young Princes.—
Her Royal Highness will not inhabit the
Pavillion Marsan, where sad recollections
would unceasingly increase her affliction.'
We have been informed from another
source that the apartments in the PaVil!ion
de Flure are being fitted up for the re
ception of the Duke and Duchess de Ne
mou rs.
IL is said that the Ditehes3 ofOrleans
has expressed an objection to residing in
the Tuileries.
Mts. Welles, wi,low of the wealthy A:
merican hanker, has married the Marquis
de la Valette.—He has a tide and wants
rummy; ehe has money and wanted a ti
tle, so they just suit each other.—l dare
say that the widow cursed the French.
law which forbade her to re-wed until her
year of widowhood was over.
Cu!. Thorne is as lavish as ever. His
outlay astonishes the Parisians. and sets
many of the English (poor nobility agape
with envy. Litz is also extremely lavish.
But he has a large fortune.—Apicius him
self might envy the dinners and st:ppets
he gives. Sometim , s, however pressed,
he will not touch the piano, but at other
times he sits down .at it and plays fur
hours, without solicitation. Scandal says
that when Madame Dudevant (George
S_lnd the Novelist,) only points at it, Ito al
ways plays for her. She is his most con •
stant guest. Pray don't insinuate any thing
from that—tho' other people do.
Hanover.—Reported death of the King
of Hanover.—[From a second edition of
the Standard.] —We have just received
the melancholy intelligence of the death
of the King of Hanover, frnm . ,a gentle
man who reached London this afternoon
direct from Dusseldorf.
His majesty attended a review on Satut
day last at that place, and appear . ed iu per
fect health during the day; but, having ta—
ken some ice, or other refreshments, was
suddenly seized with illness, and died
ther or. Saturday night or eaaly on Sunday
The melancholy fact was matter of com
mon conversation at Cologne.
HANOVER, Aug. 20.—1 t is said that the
marriage of the Crown Prince and Prin
cess Nlary of Altenburg will take place in
Febuary next year:
TO TILE PUBLIC, arid particularly to my former
patrons of this city:—Having retired from the
practice of Medicine, I may be permitted to say, that it
has fallen to the lot of but few persons to have enjoyed
so liberal or large a share of obstretrical practice as any
own has been for tit: last 30 or 40 year.
The experience of that long period of active life, and the
fact of my having been twice, since lli.3o.associated with
Dr. R. A. Wilson, in the practice of medicine, (in both a
period of five years.) eatables me to judge fully of the
-merits of his pills.
So convenient, so efficient. and yet so see, did I esteem
these pills. that for the last five years In my practice for
the cure ofchronic disease', of whatever new, and those
of females in particular, I have used more ot them than
all other medicines.
Like every other medicine, this must fail in some in
stances, titq.t in ins , hands there has been tears disappoint.
ment 111111 more sati.fact ion In tic administration of this
one remedy than of ail others; its good effects soidetimes
quite astonishing m•.
If my patient required a safe aperient medicine either
before nr after parturition, the Wilson's pills were just .
thelliing I wanted.
If a dyspeptic acid condition of the stomach, combined
wit It costiveness or...lnactivity of the liver constituted the
disease if any patient. the pills were . _ 'just the thing I
If I treated a case requiring an emmenagogue, the
Wilson's pills were Fist the thing, I wanted.
If palpitation. headache, flushed countenance, or other
difficulties, indicating a disturbance of the circulatory
and secretory systems. annoyed my patient at the 'turn
of life,' the Wilson's pills werciiisi the thing I wanted.
Thus, without:re4paet to the name, a disease might
happen to wear at the time I have had It under treat
ment, particular Indications or symptons arising. were
al -rays ino-t promptly and most happily met by the
Wilson's pills.
That so great a number of diseases. and sometimes ap.
parent ly opposite ones, in which I hnve used these pills,
should be clued more readily by them than by any other
remedy% may at first seem strange andcontradictory, but
why it is so is as clear to my mind as that a great many
peisons should, become
. thirity from LS many different
causes. anti yet all require that common and greatest of
all lilessings. water to quench }heir thirst.
n conclusion, it's due tae epu tat loncif medicine
and the nubile, to say decidedirand unconditionally. that
the tillson's plllB are tke only Combination 'have ever
met with In my tong course otoractice.that. pos
°cora uoy,thirig curative or specific tor stak'neadscae,
D11:51!E.0 ADA IAS.
Tne alkive,lits designer,* Warty kw the sick
li r.AeO"-DYlPePsik CoMiti of ghe_ Bowels t 0,,,
pr pated'ilf thelwocirlefoi - Dr.. It A.Ariteoe uptl.fl?r
144,ferbe*fie 'ant Walton bb &rennin Pillll 'SO O,
- - -
• „ -- • • = - • - .7-
• 5
What Toill they 4
Criminal Cuurts of our .
sponse to this long-vezed
to-day, in our report tram A i
er, a full and satisfactory
the COllll of Errors, spok en
'just about a
uurt-- a del ay
we apprehend, the influeace
doubtedly will, be , brought a
will effectually prevent thee
but just, sentence pronounce 4
unwise clemency, and the e '
stiltVe Sing Sing fur the
bring this matter to its fiee
. 23 00.4 W
N. W. Corner of W;
Tun proprietors of the Aloh%
AND MANUFAcTertEIt IregilerA4'
and the pat tons or those pape r',
and well chosen argortatectot
AnTIO Azzi giaimaz.
Necessary to a Job tlialing
OF Evi:Ry
Rooks. Rills of 44,,
Pamphlets, Rill Ile3l-
Blatt( t: e ; t%
. 211 tantstkt l
Stage, Steamboat, m. d
Prate etla,
Printed on I lie 'lion's( noliceand
the public In genera, is thls bra.
Pittsburgh], Sep•. as, 1842. I.
ELDER, Atterk,
Bakewen BniWing;
Court House. on Grant street.
Surgical Instrument
169, corner of Labenifil
3 C2lR7'ir RIG FIT relarnc .
• en tzetts of Plitshurcitaa t
dinary pal renaze lie haithereniu t
atilt to merit a continuation d
mined to manufacture all arickit,
superior to any china of the kind
and that Pittsburgh shall tvelltim
Thtt subscriber havin2 aity,qtat
sive stock of Ilonie Nlanufaiditrti,
Western Country, wou'd partial
orSurgeons, Dentists and Dru4L,
Hardware Merchants to
Bankt rs, Tailors, tiaityrsand !lair
of Patent Shears, kc,ke.
And I Ifni his e.l,ll)l , lnnent ben.:
the cash pr.nriple, persons drin
once discover I lie advanta:e of
elsewhere; jobbing done in a senein
tinii ever.
J. C., by ilirertinozliii qt , eatteol
er with having in lite•erupley the •
men, holies to merit the approta:
Wanted imme !lately, a good for
none nerd a mil vim' Iha hest wa
nr;nlc_l7 . l(i.v. _ I hr• her.'
Church Will 10• td
on next Sabbath, er 2d':
O'clock in lee inor, 1,1 , r 1 rre
in lire e trr.rrimtiori
plane iu the itereinrrorr. A. ~cl}
will Ire rake. l'or
Beni 011 tin; - Chorcii. It k Ire
ortmr citizens wiAkrtealn.f.
Pews may Ire rented any actel mitt
the entire!) I•ntween two a,'irrrrrhri•
NJ having assoeimed theimites
firm of Gammon Smith, tviii
Dry Goods business in the Won
Ilampton, Smith 4 Co. where they
few days a IlQw stock of Fall an: -
respectfully invne their old frieqs
erady, Pittsburgh, to al
FOR SR good aqortai
10 11, and 10 14 Windnw as
potty, White Lead and a v ct!
cilsOOrt.CrS. For sale on acconmN
Country produce
Sent 23
a Court of A opett , far titer,'
let Boumle, 15th Divisttin,PeetFyi
held ut the house of James Arms;
lel) Pillsiturch; on Friday, the 7ih •
at 10 o'clock t A.. P.I. A Court of AP
the 147th Redolent, at the same p'
at 3 o'clock P. 141,--when and where
may attend. Cu'e. IV arind liamittot
hail will constitute the ('oan, Up. • ,
ptesent triny sobq Pair. . llr nrdert
sop37—'td 7'11()S. M cROWTI,
rzt.L AB.ItANG
MECHANICS' Independent •'
PkiladelpAia and BaWaal.
,Merchandize to and from Pittsbe
and Pennsylvania CRNall.
_ .
The stock of this Line consists or
Cars, Metal Roofs, and New Dad'
commanded by sober and aped
Merchants by this Line arc
Goads shipped as cheap, and withP
by any of her Line. One Boat win
foot of Willow street RailßOad oda
of a Steam Boat, which is kept is •
The Proprietors will give their
respectfully invite Western !Berth
call, as they will find it mark to ltek
All goods consigned William;
wise or via Delaware and Portan t
ed at their warehousefoot al
Philadelphia, where goods can kepi
Vessel into the Boats without addit
from Philad. to Holidayshuq.
From liolidaysburgh to Pittsbumit
JAMES DICKEY . 4. Co., Canal'
iiiLmLN 4- Kinn, Willow stm t
On the Deleware.at Philadelo..
JosePn E. ELnsit, Bah
H. L. PATTERSON, Ilolidaysint4
Jesse ParrulsoN,'Johnstow n,
Refer to merchants generally tb•
cep I.s—tf. .•
HOE THREJID. —Jugt Nee -
k - 1 A 2.3.1? anti 5, half 111Pacht.
together with a complete atoortittexto,.;
P S. A iarge assortment or br
Sept 29-
No. 54 Fifth street. nor itre
eep 27—ly
SALT —2OO b•ls No.' 1 5a11.P4,,
Ra Ie by J. • Bt ri '
OCt 1—
04H - o.ff.-25 Bales Oakum.
I bu.
CAU110317...T0 Druggisu
chants,—Tlinse vatuabie en "
BALM _OF COLUMBIA for the 110
MET for the. Piles, ke., have WO:
feited. Those -wanting three
order Cfnaslock'S articles- Th e 4 " -
name or, signature always onlie
%OIL do,arelLoa remember that.
:tl "
ewePlTerelbroughout this eoantif.
MO.llatdiohouid they he so tinfor
bt tatia;
to genntneartiete InnY
86Fourth St• sear o Y-1
~~~ 3,
y. Gothet
ourt tiousa•
,leasure of
ing 09 lagt
g the finu
ay „-prey
lised to
call it a C
ree hundre
iand, B. M
iize the me
0 the chair
fined taste
Ir. Thorna
ed. air.
as chosen
v is who
of the T
Harris ,
arrival in
wa Vice Pr
Bakewell (
ointed to dra
absence, Mr
r. county, wa
e i s n good
e commene
hat call
ye that. II
e found v
eemed obj
v he behav
aletnan on
.and liherol
e . lappeare
vise, wlu
he candle.
• carpet wa
We' could
er lie had fa
swillow a fi
-In listen to I,
urttr•il atiLl
ei bia tram
_Oro no d.on
fling -good
her bomb
ould'ut st
es in Pr-i
ie city, w
o bed, b
rt or thei
t, his wi
as she
passing t
nee preset]
the blood
ere is no
pistol a ma
nuge, and
esnel , and
ay afternUo
engines te,
street. B
we a ward it
of the la
:t the Vigi
0 feet spra
e years -b
ver. Cgunt
most exce
article in
was misl
a up an
n our o
e in the
S dwells
er,. an d
p bye, I
e, with
their fut
y -years,'
led by le
. IY poverty
,your nob
.-Y May t
theit at
T(- 'ri3a-,-...