From 'the Al!may Argus, Adapted Citizens look at this. The adherents of Goy. King of Rhode Island (known -as the Charter : or Algeine Whig early,) now - assembled at NewpoTt to tramp- a contention, propose to regulate the right of suffrage this wise. We ask th at ,isti4iost of our adopted citizens to the r cts, they _may know- how to esticnatei the blarney with which they are always ap - -maehtd by the whigs just before an elec— tion. rhese Rhode Island_whigs propoSe to „make a distinction between naturalized Citi zens at the polls. That is. to give the na• citizens, if a white man, the right to ,vote; though he may not own a dollar of Property; but the naturalized citizen is not be - allovved to vote, unless he owns a free . AIM of the value of $1.34. And, as if to :make the distinction still more odious, the .011ite _niituralized citizen is put on the same foNing; in this respect, with the blurb zwitnAtre allowed to vote if possessed ol 'this -$434 property qualification. What say , our adopted citizens to the ,Wbig proposition to place then) on a par at :ohs t:rolls with the blacks!' To place the -naturalized whites,- in Cie exercise of the great right of suffrage, a grade below the :native whites? TllB Murderers of Maj. Floyd. jbe.Grand Jury, at the present term, twee found trete bills against James M'Lean and: H.enry Johnson charged with the mur der- of Maj. GABIIIEL F. FLOYD, at , his himse near this city, on the night of the 10th qf August last. They were brought into court this morning, the indictment read, tkrid a plea of "not guilty" entered. Messrs. Hudson and Blennerhasset appeared as counsel for the accused; —and Tuesday next. was, we understood, assigned for the trial. The prisoners are both young men, and exhibited but little concern on the in dictment being read. Harvey Pooler was also arraigned fot at tempting on the 10th of July last, to steal a tkvik -containing clothing. &c., from on board the stearaboa Mermaid. The usit al One was entered and the court assigned &V. Eustace to conduct his defence.— $l. Louis Era. carrying water on both elm nide rs--P rotee- . . .:It seems that. the Whig candidate has a protection face for the North and an anti protection face for the South. The fol lowing is an extract from one of Mr. Clay's latest speeches in the Senate: 'lt was scandalous that this Govern— anent -should have gone on for years past, end was going on now, by the expenditure of more than was received. Taxation he knew, and_had before said, was the reme dy•for.this. Carry out, then, the spirit of the Compromise act. Look to revenue alone for the support of the Government. Do not raise the question of protectilti, which I had hoped had been put to rest.— Titere is nu necessity for protection.' Western editors seem to consider hog's larila manna,sent from heaven. A awiedler in N. York employed twen ty nr thirty clerks lately to do nothing; required a deposite of. $2O each from them, as secOrity for their honesty, and real away with it. it is good- to rise in the world, but tiev. erivoist yourself up by the waistband. Lewellen has lust his highly tr ained horse Mazeppa. Ho died at. Rochester, N. Y. on the 29th. ult. ,•Pont o'd ling, let hint A la Richmond Star.—'Pa, when is this '4l2bn:election coming,`back again?" Cnining back again, child—what do you Mean? It is never coining, hack, I hope.' 4 Well. what does the Tribune mean in thispieee about .Maine election returns,' I should like to know?' •Yqu had better run itit , ) the. house, my son:' Our Credit . broad. The Journal of Commerce publishes the folloiving extract of a letter from a gen tleman in London, under date of the 3d inst Mr.= Robinson is the government . agent., The ,position which our govern . ment holds/ is" humiliating in the last de. gris . p. So much_ for repui4ation: " • Mr Robinson havded time your ins treductoty letter, which he said was the only • one - lie had delivered, or should at -present deliver, feeling assured from the - aversion manifested towards the in '‘'.troduction of any American stocks by the jgriglish, public, that it was quite useless to -eff4r the Government loan. In my opin. kro.Kr:Rohinson has no chance of disposing t eny.part of the loan, for all the capital ism:l4 Europe seem to unite in saying that isco,stocks of the states or Union should find fattrere, until some means are adopted .„ .;:t, e United States to put a stop to the couree o Repudiation, and again place, at least, the integrity of the country on its - former footing. In proof of what I have . , *aid an eminent capitalist told me a few daps ago,. that no house in Europe would dam-(in the present state of public feel• , i ittsWo take or encourage the tattng t he 430yeinnient. Loan." von the murderer.. - Before being sentenced, John C. Colt banded to the Cony► the following paper, whtUff was read by Jnage Kent: " l'he position I now hold is to a sentient being the most agonising possible. It is moie painful than the struggle of deaih it- Ilea. -- But it is a form of procedure that I aiii:DMiiiell t - l pass through before my vises ' rearkiki . . r ttle last tribunal of the State to , fli t igehit - will be carried in accordance with t h a tpalee ifiijeli cannot to denied to 114 - ..L. areinest of utAniChid.. Most cheerfally will i I :: - stibmit nir z eaie to-final elamination by; tisirOntirt of Errors. - I fully_ belietre it will! ' - -Optstaide' the lodgment orthe Jury, who: weibimied aside byprejldice and error as .. .,: . *-Ir*ityle on the evirtettOti.;-to trampla on :;- .. .tirfTii*.tofietirPle on the Judea charge.", 6 n ,firitur diM t/ A-ail fitaiyutunrs in eireu. , .. ' iiillie time of; sail tigo c te** . ;'.. . ''lo4 4 .'lliitOwiebi iiiitititiOiliinirivirtiA Zir •,,'. -:vz. • - - .... , 4 , 1 . .•, -- , . 11 ihat the J,ury, were misted.from touting to a right conclusion. For it is a tritth, that no Men van question, that the igtosi