Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, September 15, 1842, Image 3

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Daim e t t .
Ebbed, .
Gark ill, nroviiiirEc
- „
. McMillen. New
flecriphill, Deaver.
Bconinsville. •
lacy. - :
r, Ebbed. Wheelie..
ti rkfrart—M,
Adelaide ; Co tt ak
- .Pentlope. Gallant,
ar Passairr aT Pp ?
15 can* per.*
20 "
zht an the Allmtievi i
if= Sint4t,
•TIOS.-0a -Pciday
at al auttlOa •
liiiitataiika, far
Arerekiadiut to mai h e
au! Pangsyhrautif Co*
S 1 X 8 4 0 /1 1 /eng AND •
conpiii3 or the am
i4rd -
1 'New Dee Tide-W
a 4 Clpt• ailitaima.
Line Or enabled to
.p. and viith as yoga " .
'ine Bost sift kashdshy
street. at the Detawart,
iett is kept uproots •
, give Itielr'shOle all
Merchants to
mar-hie thetradvsl,
*nd that'
F4r=l. Wlrarr *Wire
- , wds can he pet, directly
without additioB4l -
...11 to rtt.t.stomb,
4 Co., Canal Bitten,
K' Mote street . wluirt,
~at Philadelphia,
,I.Terta, Baltimore,
job he ow rt. ,-b-,
generally tiiknigtrourthe
::,•;nt easing his bitfittel:',
t , ;01 11105 e ha Vligrb.:
and Ham inkebt,_
n=ine must bA.
••-• , sc&or from at"
tl tr.sr t'her '
f t .'t and viciniiijr that
at , r-orlment of all -
nrb F I •
o order any kind of
h n•iIl be made in
IA ell to tall and try glistit
co:•fident that - I*c**
.or to anytt.ing,
resc door to Miff:lßS
4 fr om blarket 4ree4
Alr , cl7l l 111Cti011 Roome:410
t. 130,, at -2 o'clock P
lol , acco,cohsiging Or
;,tko. 12:s
v , 'ler Sew t do
a ticock 32+
iieniers in !be anklets
R A BA r'Ssl.llll.ll
. .
. sou pa v.. or ithistairs_
'merino Wool. a gloc""'" ..A.
9-4. Duffield.:
e- 3 4, Whiting
;:-4 Mackinaw. -
ald at ttrn yery
sA LE.—Jtia reielva
and 10 be avid at $
-r place Wesi l of OW
e Ingrain
"on rii.
R. A. BA CrEMAN. 4
-rce.vr d and for Salt. - _
Brass Clocks, WIIMMOeiII
urday,l7o inal.agLal l 3 3 .
!er Itil-AlSEigneer . U.lii
!he'd property. viridk:M:
100 feet dnap i Og e
. n-,ed now at
Engine cod
•ouaie in Allegheny-Mt:A
1. mons. and' adjoinintter
oixtipie4 ac a 100kiLif,110.
Terms: ' rite. -
.7. 8. GC PliBlEo
Caine to the premises qtr .
~io Township, acts tbs
red cos,. *ids IWO
mto have beta is
riled side, and wasillos
desired to eerei S erw aril
c. 4.10
Nor it'ov
LAsses,-60 ittigh2,
oo do. Plitniatiolk
J. G.
.41 to the Judges of d
pio &minty, for 111 1 _,.
f insolvent. 1101 11
e fourth ,Iliroudaj‘k ~...0...-
my creditors. Odle,
-atrklin —whet: ;led - _....., 101 r°
proper. sod err,
aotle direr-barite& i i "
:4, K. D., office and
Y street. ~
the shop toribit 7;
I ire rut
• weiel7 -
ate retrit,hr - Vm. r,
re? Thrirerribrierla
-r'+:Y i
ETAL.-77-tons soft rig Metal for tale by
4 A. GOiti}Ori
No. 12. Water street
O Shoulders, for by
. G 4.
trio. 32 Water street,
. RALi n. 0. E. WARMAL. .1:P A llergic .
COTTOI FACTORY, Alleghe , 3* CitY.2l, rite
• of the nipper bridge. The patneribers having
d the mannfactore of Cotton Tarot., Stocking
ton Twine, Candlewick, CaraetCha in, Batting,
re prepared tc 1111 orders at the shOrteat notic
, selected the latest pad Most improved
employed the aiansecr who ban attended to the
• , al' for the tact dye years, they 'are coanufaito
for •rtitle.
arps made to order,
rough the Pittstwqh Po.a. Office, or lett at lire
C. Painter 4- CO., Liberty green, Of Logan
Wood street; will meet with prompt alien
At:Wm.?. K, mCKMEMA D ¢ CO.
•S, SHOT AND SHELLS.— BrucAr Or °Rill
s awn flvosnansenv, 3d September, 1842.
•'rciposats wiil be received at this Bureau until 3
IM.,ef Om 15th October next, for furnishing
ring, in the proportions, ang, at the places here
ated, the following number and description for
Shot and Shells.for the Naval Service of the
, ales, viz: Thirty-eight much Paigitget guns, of
cwt. each. Seventy thirty-two pounder guns of
nd u pwards, the precise we ght of each to be de.
hereafter. Five jhundted eight inch shells:
mired eight inch solid shot and Seven thousand
ponndrr snot. Detieeraide Gs (011620,,:
tin. Palllian guns 1 Deliverable a:
titl in. shells Sackett's
in. soOd shot bor, N- Y., en
iy tw., pounder guns or before the
thirty-two pounder shot 15th May next
_hi in. raignan guns Deliverable at
ght in. shells Buffalo N. Y.,
Eat i n, solid shot on or before
rty two pounder guns 1 the 15th May
thirty two pounder shot next.
t in. Paishan guns Deliverab'e at
in. shells I Rrie Penna•
"In.solid shot on or heftire
: two pounder guns the 15th May
ty two pounder shot J next.
• is must slate distinctly the rate per ton Oaf
hundred and fort v pounds), for the goon- and
pound for the shot and sbelt., deliVerahle
be stilled to, and undergo such proof and in
this Bureau may deem proper to autboriar.:
HI he paid for that shall not pass such in.
may he entirely Satisfactory.
ith tan approved so rriles, he required in
eeriniated amount or Ihe contract and 1..11
°film amonut of ail tills will he retained as
. - CUrily for the faithfill performanre th •reol,
he raid On'y on the cot isfaciory ramplrlion
1; aril ilinelyper renl.l,ll of all deliveries will
iills propetiy nulises , 'rated, according to the
.fihe contract, wittun thirty days after their
In the Navy Agent.
must Waif. at what x.,, , ,cnry the enntracicr
artnent to be made.
atlt! elms nW furnished front this En
tine must be ca..“ and finished to confornt to
respe , t.
at n.Ptal is; , ,do be u , ed and the allot mu , be
ep 12
Y.- Just received from Sew York. 3000
ranee Almanacs for 1&-13;:000 copies of the
. e American Temperance Union and Youth's
A 4%m...we for September. AL.., 2000 Chris
cs, and a zood- as•To rt nom t of 'Loomis ., Man
t hi-Franklin rztne and Com
ars. for 1R1.); tiv the zross. dozen or sine!e;
of GraiittzSew N 110.0.211 and Allettheny N
ewry and Si ra n;er: Guide, for 611Icents
S•hoo1 and Pocket Bibles and Testa.
d's Palm=: %let hails! attl Temperance Hymn
t auto-. of Harmony, lotrodnet ma to Sacred
ifs Harp with round and pilent times; Chri-t.
st all kin ta of c.hnni Book=: fitt•
ine; Dty 1300, and Letl,:ers. tYro.nZ, 1.nl•
ppine Paper; 'die black, and red in., by the
or hot IT ;sterl •-• 1 .res p-orits and
ipedia of litmorr. Western Prot. and a ron.
Yietv of (took.. nod StationiTry. for sate on ac
~ terms for Mon Or country prmince.
A01:11.1:3. Aeent a , td Commission Merchant,
—Primer= and other., havins areannte
the will please send in the r
t•mwrrn thie and F•alitrday nee ,
aad then wilt lte ranched on the Monday
ite malt plicity of cares. tozellher with the
.r rrnnite.tin and
rat, tretat:ve in the tale enrainpin,ii:.
fat me to have a reasonable time to mrrimit
• renzth a liiile,and adjust a!! in v oeconmry
ystematre order. Res per falls, he
d- rw K Ti) N. rtook,o.p,. r,iffiers and
nufariti rer. No. 37, Ma,k , .t. set, 10-1 y
DER Sfy, 1;, it• 1 4 .1 rnutgdrv, gt
livla 110‘3 , P. Pit iv - 2h Fep 10-1 y
101INSz. Aiderwan,Bt,Clair Ft reet,
nor from LlbeTl V. sep 10—ly
131,11 ES, Orri , e in Second street, next door
ny 4- C 0 .5 Glaw ‘l'arrhou a eep 10-1 y
Fr NDLA Y. Attorneys at Law, Fourth st.,
e Mayor's (Aire. flttshurztt. sep 10-1 F
ANIILTON. Artorrev at Law. Ftif) h. between
and Smithiwid nF .ritt<burrh. cep 10-1 y
OVER, Attotne% at Low. North Ea=t corner
ithfielt and Fount' streeis. sep 10—In
4• TURNPULL'S raper IVarelmurw, No.
Vend d., where may be had a general curtnly
rappine, printing, wall paper, blank books.
Ice , 4 - e- cep
OWNztEND 4- co- Wire Workers awd
aaurers, Market street, between 2,1
s. sep 10--1 y
E HOTEL., Corner of Penn And Ft. Clair
Et:SON. J r., Ft.rmin;tia ..ear P rah,
.uraFtuePe or Locks. liin.2es and Bolr To-
M ill and Timber Screws; Ilomcen Screw fur
sr• cep 1 y
LOSKEY Ta COT and l Ic;lcer, 1.11K.r.y.
ween Stitt; all(1 V rvn alter , S-out in side.
IDLE 8• CO., W boles-ale Grocers acd
n Merchants— Second street, between
field stE., Pittsiturglt. se p 113— 1 y
CORDON, Cornmi.sion and Forwardin;
ft.-, Water it.. ritisburh . SILT 10-11,
• sks hams, a !pod attmle, received per
r, and f,r salt' Dy J. G. - A. CORDON.
No. 12., 'Water street
101,ASSES.-40 liltds New Orleans Su
, Is New Orleans Mola ss es-, (or wile by
J. G. 4- A. GORDON:
hhd3 prime N. 0. Edear , received per S
•e, and for sale by 1. G. 4. A. CORDON.
No. 12, Water street
CASKS, order, on hand and for sale by
•G. ir A.GORDON, No. 12, Wale , ot
II C‘LA .. .b: t , - - -1 -. E. ' ---7---7-- • ------------------
11bds and 4 b.L4 N. 0
Is N 0:m
Glasses, received per Steamboat
r Rae by
J. G. k A. GORDON,
No. 13. Water street.
RD OIL, for sate by
corner of bit and Wood as
APE/LS Germantown Lamp Black for sale
.y B . A. FA UNESTOCK 4. co . ,
corner of 6th and Rand S] Z.
Prepared atolls, for sale by
B, A. FA UN EBTOCK it , co
corner of 6th and Wood its
A well finished sed.comfortable two rao
tos et hey with hack butidings, Biable. ear
peenession given harnedintelS
britastedtetow the Nflilleellify. near
Mr. Wm:lnsley. and isa very desirable
terms Inquire of J.lLMoortirgrthe
G. Vln. BAilliES Vidor'
841411 E NOrir
COARICISD DAILY, I? AWL'S ISRAW, iniamsfez wmas!.
Bank of Pittsburgh. par
Merck. *Man. bk. par
Exchange bank, tor
Bk. of Germaracrirn
East') ft t ant,
Lancaster bank. die
Bank of Chester Co. pa
Farmers' . bk Buda Co.
Doylestown bk do •
Bk of N Amerlc Phil.
Bk of Northern Liberties,
Commercial bk. or Pa. •
Far, Mechanics bk.
il : t ,
Phi intiapic.
Southwlrk bk.
Wonern bk.
Bk. of Penniyivania, 9
Bk of Penn Ti 12
Man. 4- Median - Let bk. 18
Meanies bk. par
Moyamensing bk. 13
Girard baak,
U. Stales hank. 55
Lumberitiens', Warren, 73
Frank. bk Washington, par
Miners bk of Ponsvile, 7'
Bicof Mont:ornery Co. par
Moe- Lk Brownsville, 2
Erie Bank. 5
Harrisixirgh lrink, 61
Far. his Lancaster,
Bk of Middletown, 6/
Bk. of Chambers , . urgh, 61
Carlisle bank, 6/1J
Bk of Northumberland, 61
Colombia bk 4- Britten co. 3 •
Bk Susquehanna Cot 9
Bk of Delaware Co. par
Lebanon bk. 61
Get tysltu reit bk. 61
York bank, 61
Far. k Drovers bk. Of
Way nesbursh, 9 1
1 •••• et Currency notes. 9
ilotisdale. ~.. 3
Wyoming bank, 1 - 21'
Pntstt'2ll State Snip. 6
Country do do 7 to 15
Berks Co. bank, 601
' Lewistown. 1 1
Towanda. —1
%To Urll ideafa 111 bk
Far. 4. Mech. bk of Steu.
Belmont bk 61 . St. Clairs.
Ville, 2
Marietta bk. Demand
do Curren ,- y notes, 7
Columbiana 1.1: New Lis
bon Demand,
do Post notes. 2
Cincionati sKcie pay-
ing hank?, 2
fiech. 4- Trailers Lk 01
cinrh,np ti. 5
Clinton hk of eniumbn.r,
Demand note,. 2'
CirciPv.llr, ;11. Lawrence
Zanescille Lk. 31
OTlCE.—Letters of Administration upon the es'
I.MI tate of John Haentmerle, late of the city of Hits
be rrtiolec'd, have been tlranted to the undersigned- All
persons indented to said estate are requested to make Im
mediate payment. and aft persons having. claims agnin,t
said e.tate are requested to pre=ent them duly authentica
ted fur seti lenient. SABINA HA EMMERLE.
sep 111- Gt. Adut's.
tr'it d Hughes. Manufacturer °triton and Nails,
Warehouse, No. 2_5 . Wood st PIT 15b1I rgh. sep 10--ly
. .
- - I r.-150....j1V4
.1 , .3
. --7 -," - -:.,... -- c a-
US. NI .A IL Li N E of Splendid Pase , enger Steam Paek•
„ e's from Ciortimai Ito Si. Louis.
The 11CW.511,e11641.1.1:31 Flinn !ilia draught steam
Paetets Next find and ..V..r.pzreit, will run as rega!ar
Packeit, from Cmcinnaii io Will leave Cin
,mnati and Si.. Louis every Wednesday morning, at 10
No. 9, Fitch sires!
frnsn the 6ast and Wevt may rely mpon
Weir Aarl I tyl pan' laatly ar oaverti.ed. rep 10 •
Pittebelgk. September 2, 1842.
rre , iderit and Directors of the Company for
erre; Ina a Bridze over the Monongahela river, op.
po , ne Piii,lnirgb, in 'he county of 1 leglieny, have decla
red a dividend of four per emit. on the capital stork for
the last sil months, wtheh will he paid to the Stockhold
ers or their legal represent:kiwi - B,on and after the 12th bust.
sep :0 JODS T HAW, Trasorer.
No. 9. MarkPt =greet
1843L000ti.i' -Va. 9 Pittsburgh and Magazine
Atm.:me. aa a new and Intpraccd Plan, for
tie near of oar Lord 1;43: bEI ng third after Bissextile, or
Leap Tear. and aller the Fourth of July, the sixty.eighth
year of American Independence. Calculated by Sanford
C. Hill, 1-;:q , to equal mean, or clock time, for the hori
zon and meridian of riti sburg h. Lat. .110 ti. 319 min. N.
Long. :;'1) deg. W. of Greenwich; hut will nerve kr the
adjacent states, without any essential difference.
Just publizbed and for sale in any quantity. by
sep 10 LUKE LOOMIS, Agent.
CURRY er PRICE, Rakers, Confectioners and Dealers
in all kinds cf Fitt;t, Wholemte and Retail, Feaer
at Surrei, nearly opposite the Post Cffice, Allegheny City.
Wedding. Parties, 4-c supplied at all times with the
cholc,ert articles. sep 10
For partinfe, a re4.l)ail3 Pape , - t ie i. City of Pitts
V ft E Subscribers having made arrangements to merge
1 the A met ican Manufacturer and Pittsburgh Mercu
ry into one Journal, have concluded to publish a daily
paper with the title ef the Daily Morning Post.
The feadin4 object of tne ••Pias - r" Will he he dissemina
tion and defence of the political principles that have here
tolore been maintained by the Editors, in their rmp•-ctive
papers. and their 'best efforts wilt still be devoted to the
advancement ands . oe&ss. of those doctrine..
Although, in politics, the paper will be thoroughly
democratic, yet the Editors hope, by giving an honest,
candid histwy of passing Political events. Foreign
and Domestic Intelligence, and brief notices of all mat
ters and occurrences that come properly within the sphere
, Ifa Public Journal, 10 make their paper sufficiently in
eresging to entitle it to the patronage of the public, it
respect ice of party considerations.
In addition to the political and general news that will
be found in the ...Venting Post," the Editors will take
galas to furnish \_the businesss community will,
the latest and most luttmsting COMILEILVILL IWITLLI
GINr E. from all parts of the country,• and - to have prepa•
red 'Awl* accounts of the Markets and the State Of Trade
as will be advantageous to our Merchants and Easiness
Hen in their several callings.
Terms.—The Port will be pnblished on a large imperi
al sheet of fine paper, (matinfactuied especially ifor this
Jonrn'it) at the unu su ally low rate of FIVE DOLLARS
per a.naum, payable in advance. It will also be sold by
news-boys at the low rate of TWO CENTS a copy.
Adrertisesseata will be inserted at the lowest rates
charged by the other daily papers of the city.
irp-T ENTY active lads are Wanted to sell the Post,
who will be engaged on the mostlliberal terms
August 31, IS-12. W. H. SMITH.
iILIGNEE'S NOTICE —The Court ofComnlnti Pleas
of Allheny county, having appointed the under.
signed Amignee of David Jewell, an insolvent debtor,all
persons inked to the said insolvent, or huldi proper
ty belonging Yo him, are requested itotnediattdy! 'pay and
deliver over all sash sums of money and trvnilesty to the
Assignee. All creditors of the insolvent, aregifravequest
edt o present their respective act:donts or duds.
-sep 10 JOHN A. WILL, Allnigniee
ECtl miat T e o or ß
j S' o b N o OT B I ts C c E k .: -sr A , l l leter te .o- or na .
p i i n e dept in:thiwi r sh i i he p,
dec'd, are requested to make immediate pa to the
undN*ned, and all pumas barbs: claims L said
estate will please present them properly am id for
settlement, to eitber of us. SMITH III'IKELVY to ,
seP 10--6tw JOHN BLACK. 7 "*,
tt a t i l
WV. E. AUSTIN.. Attorney at Law. Pit . Pa.
V V Office to 4th street. opposite Markets DE.
Witusx E. Acme, Esq., will give Me encode° 10 IlaY
uaßahked Waimea; sad I remained Ms t 0143 paten
age or IR? trigadsi WALTra AAP. ARP. •
sop 10-.ly • .
Warmer,, • 2
Mi*ilea; I - i 2
81111deati, I ' 2
Norwalk. ' 2
Xenia, ' 1
Payton, 2
Scioto,-. 2
Ford mica.. 2
Chillicothe', 10
Frari. IA Crthwohas, 6
La.,easter, - 10
Granviile. , SO
Coin. bk.:Lake Erie, 40
Far. bk: of Canton, 50
Urbana ,75
Slate bk. ¢ Biarichev. 3
State BeTiP, 50
All banks, 2
Slate bk 4 Branches, 65
St; wneetown, es
Rank bf 'Virginia, 2
do Valley.
Far. bk. of 'Virginia, 2
Exchange [rant, 2
N. Wesl. bank
m ei % 4-Mee. dr,: , 3
Rahimare tta uks,
Counrry Ranks,
All Ranks, Par
All Banks, par and 1
Ch FLukv, par
Cettffi r y hanks,
(safely filhd ) 110 2
Bed Bark, 1 10 2
Boston Bankfc,
Country .•
Orleans Ranks,
Ranks, 4
Banks, 24 -
Ranks. 2
Good Ranks,
Ttl Banks, 8
B. of St. (lair, 6
Do. dn. J H. Smith 6
Coo! banks. 51012}
Eastern Exchange.
New York,
Western Exchange.
ncin i, ° pair
Louisville. par
!Cleveland , 4
vl•lerrii par
karrgA; to be entitled the
.verawit„cievitalif 1 - soli
re e nsirvaida - liiit01141: reidetzbe want
bone foksorbl, - •- by " kokro r 4 m. . yroArd.
*fairs*root. bi rtliktet: 0011 mid Olenhfieldsa Preto/ 44
to italre, armi rodylgull • to ofty port orttlbebio or
Mtoriodypi rivorillWoodblableterma.
1-114. A. PATTEIIOOX,Mtee oS 13,sit i blIeld street,
I_l sear Sixth. , -.rep 10
LEASING OF WAT = R POWSR.—Notiee is hereby
given, that at OttaSsa, La Salle County, tll inola,on
Wednesday the 21st day of September next, the* *ill
be publicity sold Ot towed, for a terming et eeedin nine-
ty-nine yearn, for yearly ren;,One or aro Lots in thesaid
town of Ottrula, - laid Off and - properly Sillhated rot thane
factoring purposes and the ise of a anitable quantity of
water to propel machitadry on the said Lot or Lots, the
said sale being made under the provisions and Resolu
tions ofthtLaw of n1151424_, Upon the stabled-
By order or the Board Of COmmissioners of the Illinois
and Michigan CabiL J. MANNING, Secretary.
nen 10 Canal Office, Lockport, 14,1842-
ler would respectfully "scrum hit old customers a-td
friends,that he has this day associated with him - A. Me
llwa inc. tinder the firm of 5. Keller lt.eo-.and maimed
his former business of dealer in Iron and Nails.* Wield
stand, No. 53. Front st., between Wood and Market stn.
A renewal of his old cninom, and the patronage of the
publicf enerally, is respectfully requested.
Pittlburgh, Aptil 8, 1842. SAMUEL KELIbER.
MAH.BLE bl A NETFACTORY.—Patrick Cawfield re-
Spectfittly acquaints his friends and the public gen
erally., that he has commenced the blurde husinessai the
corner of Fifth and Liberty sts.,svhere will be conStantly
on hand, tomb stones, an-init.l pied, jmonuments, head
and foot stones, table slabs for cabinet ware, and every
artitleappertaining to ttie business. He will warrant his
work to be well done, and big charges will be moderate.
He respect fully asks ashareopnoblic 'patronage. sep
_ . .
H. S. MiIIRCW ..oto. P. S►Y[LTOS.
MAGRAW HAMILTON, Atterweye at Law. have
removed their Ogre to the resjdenrc of H.S. Ma.
gtaw,on Foam] Et, two doors above Hatithfit-Id sep 10
OBERT PORTER, 4ttorn4ll as Lem. —Office
IQ, on the corner of Fotthoto#om4h.fie_loot. step 10
. -
TORN BUTTERWORTH', lfwetieveer ityd Calais.
tal siva Neratant, J.wiseille, 11 E.:will attend to the
sate of Real Estate, DryGooas,Gr °curies, Furniture,.
Reetitarsalvs every Tuesday. Thursday. and Fri
day mornings, at 10 o'etoek, A. M. dash advances made
on consizninmas_ srp 10
PAPER fl A NGiNG WA a eriorsg--Floldship 4-
Browne. Manufacturers and Importers of Paper
Paegiage and Borders. have always On hand an exten
sive assortment of French and American Paper Bang
jugs, Ffretroard Prints,and Landscape Papers, of hand
some riaterns anh anterior quality, soda supply of Wri
ting, Wrapreng and Printing paper; Oil of which they
offer for sale on nceommodming terms and to which they
re , pertfully invite the attention of purchasers. sep 10
DJ. WESTOVs Vegetable Ifead-.Rcke Pi ll s.—
They are remarkably rood in various kinds of Fe
male Complaints, catks.ol" Costiveness, Indigestion, Cold
Stoma , ll, Ilead.Aehe and Dizzine...
Thy:valuable properties of therm Pills, in purging the
head and stomach from the fool humours that occasion
violent pain in the head and face, is well known and
highly recommended. particularly incases when a via
lent cold has settled in the bead,causing severe pain
through the face and teeth, they never fail in giving re
lief in the most violent cases, even when bleeding and
tooth drawing have been tried in vain. They act as a
gentle purge and will not prevent the patient from at
trii4Mg to business.
For ale at John Thompson's Grocerv,l,s2 Liberty
street, next door tot he h ree Big Doors." sep 10
WM. STEELE. (successor to H. M'Closkey) Fash
ioaa'de soot Maker, Liberty. M., 2d door from
Vi A, I ley. The su becri bi_er respext fully informs he
public that he has commeneedMve above IrOulheis in the
shop formerly occupied Iwq Mr. Henr*.lll l Closkey.
and that he is nnw prepared to rurendlo ail orders in his
line °flimsiness with despatch and on the .most reasonable
terms.. From his lon experience in the manufacture of
Fashicfnable Bows, he feels confident that all articles
from his establishment will give satisfaction to his pa
Irons. A share of public. potrouage is respectful/7 solicit-
Pep 10
PAPER WAREllol7BB.—fla non ti• - r..rohnil, Paper
Ma nufarturers, Sterihenvitte, Ohio, take this oppor.
lenity of waking known to the public that they have
opened a paper warehouse in Pittsburgh, on Wood et., at
No. 104. three door. south of Fillh st .. for the sale of
their paper: where they will keep constantly on hand. a
general supply of paper, conisling of writing. wrapping,
priotitif, , letter, tea and wall paper, and bonnet, binders,
and fullers hoards.
I n connection with ix-hieb ther4vill keep a (WI supp.y
of blank books and school books.
tit:mice, an estensivearssoltletrit of Flint Glass Ware.
All ofwltir 11 will be soldfcriwloi.aish, or exehanged for
rafts and tanners' xera pg.
Orders addreszed to them at Sienhenville., or to their
Aizent in H. K. Reynolds, for any int rt imear
size or quality of paper. will he promptly attended to.
U.K Reynolds is fully empowered to make all needful
contracts in the inanarement of their hosineps
TO THE WL§E•—it is now well tindennood how
much disorders of the mind depend for their cure
upon a due attention to the body. II Is cow understood
how valuable is that medicine which will remove morbid
accumulations without weakening the bodily power. It is
now understood that there is a reciprocal influence be.
meta the mind and the body. It is now understood that
purging with the Brandreth Pills with remove a melan
choly, and even insanity in cured by perseveringly using
them: It is now understood how much domestic happi
ness depends upon the healthy condition of the digestive
Joey Parctr-
It is now well known that the Brandreth Pills have
cu red thousands of hopes and Iniplesa persons, even
when the first physicians had pronounced them beyond
all human means of relief. It is now not only welt
known that the ttrandrell Pills so cure, lint it is also un
derstood how t hey cure; That it is by their purifying efleet
on the blood Opt they restore the body to health.
The value of the tuctPcine is becoming more and more
manifest, it is recotnmeti bed daily from family to family.
The Brandieth Pills remove in an almost imperceptible
manner all noxious accumulations and purify and inyigo
rate the biood,and their good effects are not counterbalan
ced by any inconveniences; being composed entirely of
vegetables they do not expose those who use them Jo
danger; and their effects are as certain as they are salu
tary; they arc daily and safely adinitibvten.d to Infancy,
youth, manhood, and old age. and to womeniii the most
critical and delicate clrennetancee. They do not disturb
er shock the animal Dinctions, but restore their order
and ettablish DSOs health.
Sold at Dr. Iliasdrelb's Office, fio. 98, Wood street,
Pittsburgh. Pare Z 5 cents per box, with fall directions.
MARK—The only place in Pitisligrgli where the genu
ine Pills can be obtained, is the Lector's - own off'e, No.
93 Wood street. rep 10
Lira Ts--vv. 4- M. DONERTY inform their friends and
the public that they have commenced mania:Leta
ring Hats, and that they have now ready for sale, at
their Store, 148 Liberty street. between Market and 6th
street, an acsortrnent 41 the very hest Hats,_ which they
are anxioosto dispose aria the chettlintd most reason
able terms. Their stock consist of the very bent kinds.
vic—Beaver. Otter, Nnattia, Castors, short Napped, Rus
sia, Fur and Silk Bats.
W. 4 PC Dollen y are both regular bred Hatters, they
have had eitensise-etipertenee as hturnevitten in the
esieblishments in the Toiletry; their Hats are all got up
under their own inspeetioa, and they assure the public
that nothing bat the very best articles- on the most rea
sonable terms will be offered for sale. rep 10
JHUM, No. 141. Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Whole•
• sate and Retait Grocer and Dealer in Juniata Iron
and Nails. Glass and. Castings, Respectfully informs his
customers and the pnMie generalty, thatin addition to his
former business he has recently added a la - ge and choice
assortment of Grsceries, which he offers for sale on the
most reasonable terries. sep 10
DR.J. B. TIBBITTS, Respectfully inform the Ma
una of plusintrgii and vicinity. that be has return
ed to the city. Re Impel to share the confidence of his
former patrons and the public generally; and solicits a
renewal of a portion of their patronage. In tonnetion
he would observe, UAL the operation of Lithistrlty, for
breaking the stonein the bladder and allow -it to pass
°twilit the wise.) is every where commanding the deep
est intoned. He wipe: , to extend the benefit ofthis breech
of his profession' alllicied. &desires. Dismiss, of
the Bladder sad KitiMeys.-;-.sibich oreasiosally
will Mumble recelVe isibuttkin.
Those from a disaaco *Wog forth& haformeadati
Mitt^ apply - perseakity or 14. letter, wit' desired ;as be
acoommadals#at bis obbediblifiktillaiterPart tKtbeai
*Nos l i akyLibertrols. .sisp .
' '`. • - '.1..:., - ' -•
'42fiatos, '-'
ihass'2i, 'irtilitiP*')liiieslnini thi
Citytstiftilhatgli„*ltainfoieit4itain - enflautiorOakb
60 are ideated madder *sea,' filial' lr hi * its of
'fgeloir; 211 0 0 °Whir& oritnttles t irfeir Piticii'lad
Clattrittei . Z watiteittalue a liage(liame house
atatainneg le ro wet/furnished, calculated for a To
*ern trilwrilite ..4 femme Sara 28 by 60,stoae
bleennat, ttilfillabling, Aids tad other out -louses gait
able SW a Leactnenet---2 toed dardens sarnainded' with
enri-ant bashea. - and a well of excellent water, Wlih a
pewit in at the front - door. In relation to the Pittsburgh
and Aft,heny toartet, thew ix 00 pbee now offered for
sale with more Inducement to thinv wishing to purchase
1 near Pittsburgh, tbe terms Witt` be wade woderaie, far
thither partieularsappiy to thaproprietor at Lis C/othiag
*ore, Liberty street, earner of firxin Altey.
N. B. If not sold befide the let of Oetobei next. k
win be divided Into 10 and Macre loin toeult porEha
sem. aep IQ
Si': PAUL'S FEMALE_ ACADEMY. Uader /dept.
- rectisa of the Sister's Of eikarky. School will
commence on the Post Monday is Septeinher. The tonne
of Instruction embraces Orthography, Beading, Writin g .
Grammar, 'Campo/Mon. History, Geography, Chronolo
gy Arithmetic,Music on the Piano, Plain and Ornamen
tal Needle Work, Bend Wort, 4-c. _
A few Boarders can be conveMently accommodated.
The Terms. which are very moderate., can be known
by application to the Sisters:
ItAs considered that the system of education adopted
by the sisters of charity is hio welt known to make any
otter reference Mice Mary.
.D3llfil iSTRATOR'S NOTICE—AII persons hided
ed to the es , ate of John Sam late of Jefferson
township, deed., are hereby notified to make payment
to the unders'eued as soot as passible, and all hinting
claims against the estate will present them to the same,
properly authenticated for settlement. WM. SNEII,
sep 10 Administrator,
RH. RYAN. nest to thaTemperance Halt, Smith.
field at. Screw Bedstead Factory, Cabinet and
Chair Ware Room. Turning of every description done
In the best style, and on better terms than any other estib.
lisbraentin the city. Trade of all kinds taken in exchange
for any of the above articles. He also keeps an asmrt_
ment of lumber and turned work, to suit cabinet makers
and carpentent, such as bed posts.table legs, swell posts
and bannisters.
N. B. The subscriber has a machine for making fence
with limed palingser rounds, wtich will come as cheap
as the common kind, and ie much superior in point of
strength and beams. sep 10
MR. J. WESTON'S-Vegetable Expectorant Syrup,an
Infallible cure for whooping cough. This disease
is mostly confined to children, and is attended with a
suffocating cough, tnd a deep shrill sound, Called a whoop;
it comes on with difficult breathing, thirst, hoarseness and
cough, with difficult expectoration. The violent exer
tions in coughing bloat the face, which tarns purple, and
the eyw.swell and become prominent.
Consumption often dates its origin fiom this disease,
which has hitherto battled the skill ph the most able phy
sicians. hit now by ibis simple veselable medicine this
distressing and frequently destructive disorder ran he cu
red in a few days. Thonsaeds have given it a. trial and
in no case where used accoffling to the direction has it
failed. 1 - owning the viscid matter and making if easily
expectorated witlumt such violent straining as is invaria
blyexperieneed by tittle sufferers hrevery mode of treat
ment that has been recommended.
Coughs. colds, consumption, asthma. 4.c. eared by Mr.
Weston's Indian Cough Medicine. many cases of constimp
lions, some in me advanced siavesacd given up as incura
ble by physicians. have been cared by this medicine with
his pill* and plaster. $1 large bottles, small 50 cm.- Pills
25 cents. piaster 25 cts. His Strengthening Plaster is the
best in the world fur weak hacks, pain in the side, 4.c. 4.c.
Jr. J. We..toti's Eye water tares all disorders of the
eyes when all other means fall. Price 25 cents. ifs Corh
Salve is sold at 124 cts. per box, r,onfaining enough to
cure 20 corn§ or more. Fie has also a perfectly safe and
highly valuable medicine for worms—price 25 cents per
His Essences are superior to all others. being at least 6
times the strength of any that can be purchased at any of
the druggists, such as peppermint. spearmint, cinnamon,
lemon,orance, lavender, eloVes, fennel, almond, berga
mot, rosemary, carraway, ke.. Price 12J cents per
bottle, or 50 els per case containing 4 bottles, or 15 cte
forboles containing 6 bottles.
For...ale at John Thompson's Groceey, 152 Liberty m.
next door to the —Three Rig Doors." rep 10
ON'S 1
Y Morrison 4-
Co. Lintdort, for sale only by :Ft. N.
Wickersham, corner of Wood street and Virgin
alley Pittsburgh Pa. and 11. Harwood. beaver Pa. who
is sole agent for Western Pennsylvania. SF p 10
ship heretofore exi=ting between M Clellanti
Wilson is this day dissolved by mat ttal consent. and
James M'Clelland Is authorized to settle the businem oft he
fir nt.to whom all accounts most be paid and Bills presen
ted for settlement_ JAM ES M'CLELLAND,
nep 10 JESSE, D. WILSON.
A_Dm I SIST RA 63RS' No - rice.—Letiers of admini.r.
tratinn of the Estate of the late Mary 11. Stewart,
Lawrenceville.Alleeheny County, Penn'a, Flaving is
toed to the subscribers,all persons indebted to or ha rinl
claims against said estate are requested to call for srst le
ment , on GEO. P. HAMILTON.
ALEX. S. II AMI LTOI%Li Adatia'ra.
ser. 10 4th st above Smithfield, Pittchureh.
FARM FOR SALR.—The undersigned offers for sale a
tract of land situated 4 miles from Freeport, in the
direction of Rittannine. Wahl 'township, Armstrone
county. containine 100 acres, 65 cleared and under food
fence; 10 of whicn are in meadow—a good square Ire
dWelling house and cahin barn erected thereon—an apple
orchard of 80 hearing trees—and a spring of excellent
water convenient to the house.
FOR TER MS apply to the subscribers residing at the
Saltworka on the Pennsylvania Canal, 1 tri,le above Free
sep 10 WM. Sf PHILIP
BY AUCTION.—WiII be sold by Public Auction,
without reserve. for cash. to Owe the concern, at the
Ball of the Marlborough Chapel, in Boston, on Tues.lay.
the fount , day of October next, commencing at nine of
the clock in the forenoon,
All the property of the United States Land Company
consist ing of about
140.000 Acres of good and well watered Farming and
Grazing and very valuable Timber Land, tying in Jeffer.
son. McKean and Clearfield counties, in the State of
Pennsylvania—on parts of which there is abundance of
Coalk.Linte and iron Ore, and many Mill seats;
And of Claims against sundry persons for land sold
lying in said conntimt that are considered good.
And or Stork aniffoo's on a Farm in the township
of Bradford, in the county of Mcg.ean, in said Stale of
The land will be sold in lots to suit purchasers, con.
Mining Bum about 120 to 5000 acres.
Further particulars will be made known at the sale, or
on inquiry of the sub'eriber. at No. 12 tong Wharf—
of Fishers and Baldwin. Merchants' Row in Boston—or
of either of the Tritsteesuf the said United Gi ll um Laud
Company. D. R GRIGGS.
President of the United States Land Co.
Boston, August 20, 1840. (step 10)
LOTS FORSALE,—Four Lots in Manchener. One
and a fourth Acres of Land an Holmes' Hill. Lots
RM. 4t. 43. 5`2. 53, 54. 181 ,1 82 and 184. in Cook's plan
of Lots, on Holmes Hill. Also, Lots nos. 26 and 27. in
Cook's plan ofLotsonHighstreet, near the new Court
House. For terms apply to Z. W. REMINGTON.
sets 10
Lite:rent CAPisizel Lingd pack ets,Saint Weeklf.—
TbeSubsenber would resperAfnity inform sneb peroons
miding in this country as are desirous for sending for
their friends to. ome out - from tne old country, that he
continues as usual to make engagements by which pas
seogers are brought.out en very moderate leans, is First
elnia Skips, sailing from Liverpool weekly, and would
assure persons desirous of coming by the above Line,
that as agents of first resprrability are engaged at Li
verpool, there will be noMetentiou whatever at Ural
He is also prepared at all times so furnUb Sight Drafts
for any mnonnt to assist is preparing passenge.s for the
voyage, payable - throughout tbe United IKingdotio,ard in
case the partiest for should der.line corninecuit, the
pissage money sball hr refonded *Molt foloctioq.
Forfaitimapoolaikuoapply itbilects to
No 61,1posto otreei.gel,• York
Alk*ltailhol*S4PAlEßMA: RlO***
Y j
------•-•••-- - -z-s-77r-, t",.. -- ^,Ts;', 7 'rrr.set'f'%"ere•-': • , .-, ---, '-'l* , :.
:•_.„...... .' • ,-,:.• , 5... 4Vriaird — irafflik,,_ •, -
.., CoMmy, i
. lo.iiii*itilli*Mil444oo4*7 l 4** Idliliki that Idi'lleri
• 4064*. it rtirifilaillittl4ol:4 slritl l lU Mettiairre
einii/Aotiwn: *it *lath 4011 lii - airiardrii litattalher - as
fitsiolig an et'uteilla tire art or hialing. • ''. ' 1 -
• After an *anal application or re*o., al*Hed by the
hem. ntedbrat•writera,mathe Vita itf e}perleirre, draws
front a irldelyoilestried intietta. Ito bas tureoled a pills°
easy In tineratkro, Yet so powerful in effect.. no nee fa Ire.
and yet ao thoroney therairetautei lalinality, tint! - ft will
radically cure ireartrafttbote. d%Et a t whirl, lilisoul
ty is heir. The medicine* so i proportlonot—Ns
rourtoontbt istrodimierts aria* acrunitety adjimeit, that
ir *mates open therm:mos, parjts,and.;:cc , lrls Of the .iya
tem with powerfal, -#otcy.
In billiolisdisordill its Wretch wonderful. It renown
'he vli hided and acid Vim. prornatrir* bealthY rr.iretion.,
and moon venoms thatall '. - , at vbrua to O isalatul
co - Abhor; and wholesome , . ln epoipltiintA WI be
stomach, it I.lpattlektlarli;-_ _ , ' lleliaitie, it of alt '
Morbid and perarlehms matterrAlsoreareer the apperne,and
throdah tbe stomach, giies tone end vigor to The wbole
Dyspep„is.-or talon. that tormentor or our rare,
rinds in this medicine, its greatest enemy. corirse nr
these pills will eomplctely enre the mon inveterate else
oC chromic Dyspepsia, sad Irises the disease is Only in be
earlier sines, a rest doses will eradicate it, and banish
all he wept° ow; the palpitation of the heart, giddillev,
dimness ofsight,ornciation, wind in the issweli, persona
irritation; oppression at the stomach. costiveness
-which Millet the nnrortuniite sufferer. thunders of int
moo ns mesilviane, like thwu drastic pury,atives known
by the name of .pateni ;OHS'
Caustic and cuticular affections are eared in a short
time by a proper use or ibig isystsalds medicine. it c a n.
ses the parrs of theskin to he opened, remove; 'stemma
ces, and dispels incipieirt*lmise by producing a natural
Mw of preldration. - . -
The Diebehet arid all other tbstetiten of the btinlay *l . -
p" w ill b e cured by the dee oftbis mealtime withhilt an♦
noxious etfer,tn. In the ithell-lea of thltdren they *rill he
bight, benetiel , l, es catty doting the that, they are get
tine teeth, at which time Infante sitlfetthe moat.
Ehtt not
amine in ehMe diseases a*tglo* curative pro•
les'Potverfol. bat many others hitiidyieldfiti to their
enlezie7- O9drb!. colds. consimption,thirnlatt,
Memnrraliage. oldlepsy. paralysis. headache, pleatrimr - . in
flamations of the i mem ines. vert lnn, the venerial or French
disease, and pains in the tack and are ail radically
cored by a mime °filth medicine..
lint in those complaints *kith are Incident to femairs.
particularly at the torn of life. these pith imam their
greatest tcinative powerf Fkotr albots„er the Wham. ehot.
o rolls. or the green Meknes% obstruction of the manses.
sleet, seek headache, hysterical affections, and all the va.
ionsseverti pains, which MBlet women at the elionacterrev,
and the n alma and disagreeable sensations accompanying
prmnacy, will be totally dispelled by this medicine.
is there any thing so .beautifel as a clear complexion,
glowing withal! the hues of health, and mitalooming the
rote? Do ladies desire the peettetision °fib's treasure;
Then let them tray, and ode Occasionally Dr. Felix's
POD, for they are one attire befit cosmet les, or beautifi
ers in existence. They purify the blood. remove all
*Moles, eruptions and blotches from the skin, drift the
bile from the system, and thtis render the complexion
tiih, Mid transparently fair.
In the use ofthis medicine; no attention need he paid to
diet. one should there be wifY dread of etpowire to the
weather. Every thing can he eaten with benefit, and
with perfect impunity.
The entice of the public is particularly called to one
thine, that unlike the common purgatives, and patelit
pills of empirim, they produce little or naipain. The sus-
tem iv purified, the lone of the stomach reitored, and the
euriouriorrans brought again to a state of health( I aeti.
sity. without any of the sickness and griping attendant
on the use of common remedies. The internal roverinz.
Whieh ....vends from the gullet to theantts, istoo fretinent
ty injured. if not entire /Ipso toyed by strong drastic purim
lives . But this is not so with these pills, for they are so
gentle in their operalion that they, fink I iretasEtvis - with
nature and only lend her an miAlary hand.
Testimonials of the best: kind can he addneed, if befog
sary, to prove Dri. Felix's skill, his bine study, his cleat
experience, and hie eminent vaccine , in practice. Num.
hers of eenthnnen ef respectability and talent have need
his Pills,and all unite in rendering praise to this safe,
powerful, and 'wonderful cathotiinti: - -
For certificates see my handbilts.
Thete pills are prepared only by Dr. Czottne Feu!. at
Toongstown. Westmoreland two nI y but they can he had
in aft parts fronr - his accredited agents, accompanied with
diced ions for their
They can be had of /ti r. R.. E. &fleet. Diattrist. No. 201
Wood street, below seetnid„ tny sole agent for the t'ity o
ep 91, for n,e fini; $2 50 per 1107 - .11 -
My EliiirofLon, Lifb oval soon be bronchi before the
DR. JOHN . WESTON'S Indian Specific. A certain
cure for Dysentery. Bloody Flux,Cholera illorinis,
Summer Complaint, and alidiporders of the thowek. p er .
fnrming a perfect cure tti - one or two, flays. Millions
have died with the dysvntery, Slimmer Vorn pia int., and
other diVOrders of the howee, from the Wrong treatment
and improper medicines made n=e of by Physicians and
others in attempting to ewe. The art fries , this me 'icine
Is composed of, were used in the first place among' the
Indians, and has never failed in a single instance, in of
feeling a cure for any d6:order of thiitowels. in youns or
old. As it exceeds any thins ever discovered. etteiv
mother should have It constantly by her, and should ei
lend the knowledtot of it as far as lays in her power, and
by this means save the lives of thousands, who would
otherwise die if they knew not of this medicine.
It is a positive core for any disorder of the hoivelseven
in the yonneest child it is perfectly safe, anti very pleasant
and net/Pr fails in curing the Cholera InfantuM or Sim
mer Complaint, which carries off so many children in
Ccariric tits' or etite.3.—Mry. Ann Patterson. gain
Whiteland Chester Co.. got a bottle of the Indian Speci
fic for her youngest child, that had suffered severely with
a complaint in its bowels for nearly! year, it commen
ted when the child was only two weeks old, and after
that its stool's were always bad, brim! very notch griped
and slimy until it was nearly a year old; all the medicines
they made use of, did the child no good until they got the
Specific, and this eared her in a very short time, bringing
away several worms.
Jane D'Orple.Wt. tosrneilsed Dr. J Weoon"a Indi
an .1-'perificoro of her children that had a severe at
tack of the . . - ntery. when ibis complaint was raging at
West Town, (so mulch se that the scholars had to Maim
the institution) it cared her children immediately; ahro
another child in the farm boitwobekongigre tolbe School.
with a number of others, both a - thins and children around
the neighborhood. . .
Our you n gest child was born with the dysentery. hal
ing the complaint from its mother who was attacked
with the complaint a shod. time before confinement.(but
was cured in one day by taking the specific) it passed a
I +roe quantity of slime and blood, and was violently sni
ped, = ttiott4ays old weconarneneed and gave it the spe
cific whieh cured it in-a very few days.—J Wsivow.
Willies Dams's. youngest child was afflicted in it§
bowels until it was past sit moat hgeld. it s stfDts *treat'
ways green like paint, then it Gott had with a violent at
tack of the dysentery. naming large quantities of blood.
they heeatne very moth alarmisd and tot the Weft in
the evening.. and gave it according to directions unlit 12
o'clock at night, then the specific passed throueh itsffow
ets and it got welt almost immediately and has been Weil
'ever tmtee.
A mon Heir! with Townsend "'bettors, Goshen,
Chester eo., was so had with the dysentery that he tho't
he would certainly die. all the medicine he made use of
made him worse, he %eat immediately edred by 1. Whs.
ton's tndiun Speeifie.
We mood mention a thousand other inset bat we deem
it unnecieisqwy.
Prepared only by Dr. John Wenon,on the Conesio=
turnpike. East Whit - Maud, Chester eo.. Pa.. aid may be
had at John Thompson 's Grocery. No- 152 Liberty st.,
nett door to the ~ T ltrtm Big Doors." sett 10
The Trustees babe Mt far completed their as
ranremettts for the eileasioo of the enurseof iosiritztion
as ti be enabled to annoonee.the opening . of the tn.iito
tinn under Its tie* ortripiltatkto r oo Monday. September
5. at . 9
A. M.
The .. facuiiy is composed of dice &Vowing gentlemen
Rev. Robert Brace, D. If, Marialtt and Ple&-Ilor of
'Halberts-13We „and Natural Philosophy.
Rev. Flentaft"Dyer, A. 101. Deep Milne Faculty and Pro
tv,m l fu
fewer of Moral and Intel - 'Philosophy. ---
Daniel Stone EEO-, Frof Modern LititOtapes.
The duties of the Prof - - of Rhetoric. and Belles
Lettres„ which will inclade unions! Law, and
&rotstroyoiertt he dilibirsed.for the promo by the
rms. Dr- Unfold and 'Waiter IL Lawrie, Req. rissimmt
lostnietors imtheVellegiate.rtemotionnostwilbe rialla
ntorY Reboots. will be appointed by the tomtit,- weir
emistosusts may require. An etamsitioit at the Om of
iSgtrtreaoo4 .e. 4 will be poblislica in a momphier polaris
to Oa- conneencenent of the Realm, _Application for
admission into the Ooliode Owes and :the PirporstOry
Schoobi may be "twit In the Dean of the lidatity. *Om 0
will Stead Al theUrtimmity. , for that
**tit the morrimmernommem, fro. 9to ii
as. - *meg defile *Nod of , tossalag,
. :,. 01. -- ,arikoit - :-
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_ _
A NATI:MAL Rldliftfir aeie rar to
LS. aid sOilypeime bp Us ,area litto
je friteirrlf. •
ICT4BLE FILL*, WWI nlftersh •-•
plant *bleb vows t ' fitd
kre therefore better adapted in' tair kik* Wks
medicine concocted from foretwaritssnirseetimetiedi
they may be compounded. sled, ni Wrigtmen todisittet.
et:tide Pills are faro led upon the minelpte that the le.
mast body in trtith Stir] is pat eke Diem:m.l=cm
nap' baniorn. and that said medicine mires thin disease
OR Xatarral hfifilr'ipits eg dkitasfair totPstitlhal,
Bay. it wilt be manifest that Wilds comegittlen Wit ask
eel irelyeikairsbnd—atKers in tbeirtilenerikedint
to directions is absolutely certain toldrive eerily adios
ofevery osemi front the body. • "
Willem the wish to restore a twang, Or Norm fife tic.
linty, we drain it of the sktperainindant *Milk .il.l
manner if we wish testae the body to health be *bet
t deafen Itorim r brity. •
'm e ws Nita **tie lattit 0.0.4_
the bee, if eat the +my best lideffeine Is the wadi fed
iitirrgint Mit the Grew?' 7Nail' ear 41 1 / 2 1104.,
they egret from the body all morbid. bethas the mese ed"
disease, le 24 easy aad Name Sawn nisi ilthHet
everyday Ora ow and Maras, diessailefeiltly all
is driieb trbei Ate body, - -
The above named /Adam reellaide -
three yearsttifore the A Maricari ru dk.ls weren ma*
say without a fear of rantraditticm. that Of ill the val.
oas medicines winch have arrerefas bees papilla t e"!
one has Wed stilt universal tettetsethte,
.hr tiblMad.
F a c e a hold open the atections °MI - eside.H..
ly do use it Lavas batty esperimee alMf, aisdoceemenesid
it in the strongest utiles, but it has althea sew at the
most astonishing cures ever perfumed by medicine,.
Hither/every few of the onmertuts testbeentala which
have beetireceived in favor ofthiseitraordlearyseetiebse
have been Pilfilished ,tti the medicine obtained -its mend
treat celebrity mote by its owe Intl nsMseadeess than
from extensive advertising, It has bees deemed elitNi`
however to offer the following opisiontof the poise Orel
together with a fewertimels fr is leitersotAgettts wog,
tb show that the faint Ad' the Winn teeetaiderillt. field
manned to anyone section, bat iscapidif enteediag Ru
self to every part of titian.
From the Philadelphia Saturday &ening Fag.
Wright's Aquila ragetasie Pilts - -Wridbl7il Indian
Vegetable Pitts are attalinaintrumee*hrity ist Bar thig
land as well as parts of the.Un'tadilletai. TWA' .
teaapt of permits to defraud the nab* leythinite cif met.
ricent articles meets With genenn
Wright to an iadetatiastde WAness Man, and theits Sur
array of cures by the medicine which "arrested testi- -
dente in the virtues of Iris bliss YexetaMepUk.
From the Philadelphia at hit of the Tisitteit.
wrigies halm revisits Pias.,-Teapiejralleitt
well satisfied by this time that Calipmet and thibies - thou
= nd and one mineral preparithinebrthe thefts nth teller
adapted as a general tale to MI, rather than cure he pa
t lenq as a matter ofecttbse, vegetable esedlitinmertitiondre
fore in great 'wiliest. There a - 4y many Iseuebtigya
however, smarts thelal ter. and ' adine all third
who haire the lima remind for their-hestetto try the It
alia o . e.fi r *Lbie Pills of tie X•etk .thilseriesut 4..4* of
Heani, sold at 196 Race street Philadelphia; asther are
the preparation of one intimately atqltaislei with he
healing art. -
From the Roston Daily fisncte
Wright', F'egetalie Pins,
Of all the public advertised inedicineepf the
know anond that we can moresafely recianweisMur the
Ills that flesh Is heir to, titan thepUlithat :unsold , at*
depot of the North American College of Death. , 1 .9 h
Tremont street. Boston Several instances
_We tosittw ,
where they are used in &Mikes with theitkliwlendlibr!
Lion; and no longer aen than yesterday we belt sot end
neat physician of the city recommend them in high !Mho:
There weed to be in the community a meal renttgarance in
the use of quack medicines. as they Ire all indhirtheditate.
ly termed, but it was mainly owing to the 61. D's eon.
smugly denouncing them. They are, however, beeesattm
more liberal in t his respect, and the consequence 1* thud,
vesetable,inedicines are now more extensively used than
Extract of a idler front Pifer Cintit, rfrawirkiviwbrx
roll . Noe. 174.11135.. '
Dear Sir A tuint i %by tient hs ago. I kid bosiiinelis #A r t.
Ittorire. and =lied at Ytiiir office and batitt a reii Wired
of the Fedi an Vegetable Pills; and Elton tiying Urfa
found them to be far superior to pithcor ay oda
er medicine I have ever need. I bad been subject 10 Id
congh for five years past and dmisty drat time have talke'
a variety of medicines withhot any neller. said!,
_t gin the
Indian Vetahle Pills , and by lakind font doh% Oak
cough he_ an to leave me; and now I enjoy better beat,
than I :Slave done for years thibt. After I foiled Ditto dr"'
he a vsiloabie medicine, i immediately sent to DilliiinewS
fora latte supply, I have received ire angel kakis IN
'twiny, the radian Vegetable Pills. that I entottii help
recommend them to every invalid I see, anti think
of the Medicine that I hdire sent Iwo doien board td isf
insaiid friends. in the State of Indiana.
Stgued, PETER
Print C.. Start ; ARes r•Ti. • .
Jib% Wits.. bear will pleats lan':
ward as soon as pomade. some or. the Nakao lITO
Pills; as we are almost out of the article and they's - 00W
to be gelling into :macrol we here. We have Haifa gient
rah for the medicine at present andtalione that hirieivoll
thernotpeat very hiehlyof thent. Onegentleinanaltrilmard
his being cored of Dropsy to the use of them, and another'
has been cured of Dyspepaya, solely hythe line of mil
Indian Veretahle Pills, And is wilthig gtt6 sStiold ptibliah
his case Wye(' think proper. b. b. 111..AtiC.
No- t Chalhitin Fquare. if. tr.
Ezt. ale letter fres .11r.. - 4. Latritaiirs,roar;
Dr. Wrilykt--Dear Sir—Moving men knwiekillieettf ,
your most excellent compound Indian Vegetable
not knowing bow to get a fresh suppty„ tny Adak befi
nearly exhausted and wishing to ltheirthilie thee ikon) ,
family. I take this method to open jourreirphitiettee WWI
you. The pills alldded to are well tho't Of here and ye
t y much iranr&i. I wish in Make 2711111,11ETIllitiS whit yait
for 2 constant supply, as I think a very great quainuty
mild be sold in thisyretion t f the coded ry.
EU. of a letter irons S.Orifsti; Sterstrttatins, York Cali
ty Pa.
Ale. Willi. 'fright -L. - Deer 3811 sellitry the iibitaN
'Vegetable Pin. by the honors Worth, aattat Mixt/Weibel
stock or pills left by yotir travitihn agent, *llllt*se
J am pleased to hid-they are rich ready sale.-LTheett
who have tired them, speak In the Mahan Mt Dm of theta.
litany have fond greet relief from their time 'and bird
the ehresare et ally effeeted.l all do yoii the. :tooth* Or
inform yon of the same.
Est. ij g letter frost Weribigrant CVO:
Mr. IV.. Wright—Derr Sir—You sill have the LW
nese to forward me as soon as yestsible. toe Oa Ihrbeemon
of the Indian Vegetable Pills. Thetiles haveforidietbd.
tbtee months increased visifidry; these wheility.gesivally
remarking. that they are the hest pins they hart eime
'tarsi; and my opinion is that they will le a 4.tiksb
percdde all others in this city. ROBERV'PAkNfI AIL
WaShiegton ray,
F..z.tract of a later fres liciridar
ju r . Roe. Wright--Desr Sir-4111„Id*, .11 1 01 1 0 1110111
agent for the sale of Wright's Indian Ifilehitle
this phaee. we ortlytoot one gross au it l; hen it montil.
hate been triter if ire had Mims a ,114, 0111
fair trial they dale far exceeded our "Most aatiiliva eft.
pea-atrium—l rt fart, au at =b. that we'ltive beim ohliged
to mod to Mr. Zimmerman at foneaster, waft Shah --*
' hundred miles from here for hen donee, hnt these Mill
I last hot a very short tiumthe_way ar s e are maim them
since they base area fairly tested.. In the Irst 11M.,
rive some weir physkians.to Make Wolof, store whfAhr_
they ham piirchases r sistfinaer of "Wiest. and MOO a` -
ureic them. A trii days s c s ( tioese mas s * , tidy NIL
I 31) mites to get a hoe of !beefily, sherat thelispitmihrie
ry lair, and onside to berielf PR the leas /ACM t*O
days, my infornmin saysstre wasiihlh tobeljo' hstaieg•
We Cutild mention many other cum.. Vat ithifit
enaaary ar this time; tat maid *cull/ sort tint as tiro
lawman is - fist approaching when thefe will Aeridte
fitami tar WrigliOt Indian Vegetable PiliFiiamtkinatmly
grt a apply or the medicine. we could nstablidt *bet -
agents which would be ofinameniu winatmege notiandy
the Iv. A median Coilete of Health, Vat to the siddlegeal-.
eraily. Please let its kiwi” .yourifilers an the sithinett
hay direetitnas relative to the dote will ptompaly at-
leaded tatty _
rcapitelfoUrodir tallethke •
uk; _
• - tuf ceiP4.
Austad tbr the-satelaf.
a:ain.ittlas-L• • " -
10011 TOM :g.Pli(lls;iChirittei; : /S!, - 44140
rho/hum ." - t• •
4. 11 :1r4 !hi
N. : •
failutt.toweed4 — Tainleistfeac
011**7 - 41inedrrlifia* -14 *, 411 4 0 ; 0 '
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