MIX= w . ARRIVED. - • Daim e t t . . Ebbed, . Gark ill, nroviiiirEc - „ Veils, . McMillen. New DEPARTED. Beaver. flecriphill, Deaver. Bconinsville. • lacy. - : r, Ebbed. Wheelie.. ti rkfrart—M, Adelaide ; Co tt ak - .Pentlope. Gallant, ar Passairr aT Pp ? 15 can* per.* 20 " 374 57 zht an the Allmtievi i usikel. if= Sint4t, •TIOS.-0a -Pciday at al auttlOa • liiiitataiika, far Arerekiadiut to mai h e au! Pangsyhrautif Co* S 1 X 8 4 0 /1 1 /eng AND • Pa conpiii3 or the am i4rd - 1 'New Dee Tide-W a 4 Clpt• ailitaima. Line Or enabled to .p. and viith as yoga " . 'ine Bost sift kashdshy street. at the Detawart, iett is kept uproots • , give Itielr'shOle all Merchants to mar-hie thetradvsl, *nd that' F4r=l. Wlrarr *Wire - , wds can he pet, directly without additioB4l - 4• KEISER; Aidayshurg. r ERSON. ...11 to rtt.t.stomb, 4 Co., Canal Bitten, K' Mote street . wluirt, ~at Philadelphia, ,I.Terta, Baltimore, liolidarsbureki,. job he ow rt. ,-b-, generally tiiknigtrourthe ::,•;nt easing his bitfittel:', t , ;01 11105 e ha Vligrb.: and Ham inkebt,_ n=ine must bA. DAY! ABLE SilOlV 7 ••-• , sc&or from at" tl tr.sr t'her ' f t .'t and viciniiijr that at , r-orlment of all - nrb F I • I) PRICES FOR o order any kind of h n•iIl be made in .•kg IA ell to tall and try glistit co:•fident that - I*c** .or to anytt.ing, resc door to Miff:lßS 4 fr om blarket 4ree4 ArCTION.—W,II• Alr , cl7l l 111Cti011 Roome:410 t. 130,, at -2 o'clock P lol , acco,cohsiging Or ;,tko. 12:s pounds v , 'ler Sew t do a ticock 32+ iieniers in !be anklets R A BA r'Ssl.llll.ll rereived,as4 . . . sou pa v.. or ithistairs_ 'merino Wool. a gloc""'" ..A. : 9-4. Duffield.: e- 3 4, Whiting ;:-4 Mackinaw. - ald at ttrn yery R. A. RAUSUAN , A sA LE.—Jtia reielva and 10 be avid at $ -r place Wesi l of OW e Ingrain " "on rii. R. A. BA CrEMAN. 4 -rce.vr d and for Salt. - _ Brass Clocks, WIIMMOeiII R. A. BAUMAN-A I.EOF II AL ESTI% , urday,l7o inal.agLal l 3 3 . !er Itil-AlSEigneer . U.lii !he'd property. viridk:M: 100 feet dnap i Og e . n-,ed now at Engine cod •ouaie in Allegheny-Mt:A 1. mons. and' adjoinintter oixtipie4 ac a 100kiLif,110. Terms: ' rite. - .7. 8. GC PliBlEo Caine to the premises qtr . ~io Township, acts tbs red cos,. *ids IWO mto have beta is wit* riled side, and wasillos desired to eerei S erw aril 0A LEAF TOBACCO. il, c. 4.10 Nor it'ov LAsses,-60 ittigh2, oo do. Plitniatiolk J. G. 10.12 .41 to the Judges of d pio &minty, for 111 1 _,. f insolvent. 1101 11 e fourth ,Iliroudaj‘k ~...0...- my creditors. Odle, -atrklin —whet: ;led - _....., 101 r° proper. sod err, aotle direr-barite& i i " WILLIE :4, K. D., office and Y street. ~ the shop toribit 7; I ire rut • weiel7 - ate retrit,hr - Vm. r, 'suppeled re? Thrirerribrierla -r'+:Y i ETAL.-77-tons soft rig Metal for tale by 4 A. GOiti}Ori No. 12. Water street LBS. BACON HAMS. MAO Ds. Bacon O Shoulders, for by . G 4. A. GORDON , trio. 32 Water street, . RALi n. 0. E. WARMAL. .1:P A llergic . COTTOI FACTORY, Alleghe , 3* CitY.2l, rite • of the nipper bridge. The patneribers having d the mannfactore of Cotton Tarot., Stocking ton Twine, Candlewick, CaraetCha in, Batting, re prepared tc 1111 orders at the shOrteat notic machi e. , selected the latest pad Most improved employed the aiansecr who ban attended to the • , al' for the tact dye years, they 'are coanufaito for •rtitle. arps made to order, rough the Pittstwqh Po.a. Office, or lett at lire C. Painter 4- CO., Liberty green, Of Logan Wood street; will meet with prompt alien At:Wm.?. K, mCKMEMA D ¢ CO. •S, SHOT AND SHELLS.— BrucAr Or °Rill s awn flvosnansenv, 3d September, 1842. •'rciposats wiil be received at this Bureau until 3 IM.,ef Om 15th October next, for furnishing ring, in the proportions, ang, at the places here ated, the following number and description for Shot and Shells.for the Naval Service of the , ales, viz: Thirty-eight much Paigitget guns, of cwt. each. Seventy thirty-two pounder guns of nd u pwards, the precise we ght of each to be de. hereafter. Five jhundted eight inch shells: mired eight inch solid shot and Seven thousand ponndrr snot. Detieeraide Gs (011620,,: tin. Palllian guns 1 Deliverable a: Bat titl in. shells Sackett's in. soOd shot bor, N- Y., en iy tw., pounder guns or before the thirty-two pounder shot 15th May next _hi in. raignan guns Deliverable at ght in. shells Buffalo N. Y., Eat i n, solid shot on or before rty two pounder guns 1 the 15th May thirty two pounder shot next. t in. Paishan guns Deliverab'e at in. shells I Rrie Penna• "In.solid shot on or heftire : two pounder guns the 15th May ty two pounder shot J next. • is must slate distinctly the rate per ton Oaf hundred and fort v pounds), for the goon- and pound for the shot and sbelt., deliVerahle as be stilled to, and undergo such proof and in this Bureau may deem proper to autboriar.: HI he paid for that shall not pass such in. may he entirely Satisfactory. ith tan approved so rriles, he required in eeriniated amount or Ihe contract and 1..11 °film amonut of ail tills will he retained as . - CUrily for the faithfill performanre th •reol, he raid On'y on the cot isfaciory ramplrlion of 1; aril ilinelyper renl.l,ll of all deliveries will iills propetiy nulises , 'rated, according to the .fihe contract, wittun thirty days after their In the Navy Agent. must Waif. at what x.,, , ,cnry the enntracicr artnent to be made. atlt! elms nW furnished front this En tine must be ca..“ and finished to confornt to respe , t. at n.Ptal is; , ,do be u , ed and the allot mu , be ep 12 Y.- Just received from Sew York. 3000 ranee Almanacs for 1&-13;:000 copies of the . e American Temperance Union and Youth's A 4%m...we for September. AL.., 2000 Chris cs, and a zood- as•To rt nom t of 'Loomis ., Man t hi-Franklin rztne and Com ars. for 1R1.); tiv the zross. dozen or sine!e; of GraiittzSew N 110.0.211 and Allettheny N ewry and Si ra n;er: Guide, for 611Icents S•hoo1 and Pocket Bibles and Testa. d's Palm=: %let hails! attl Temperance Hymn t auto-. of Harmony, lotrodnet ma to Sacred ifs Harp with round and pilent times; Chri-t. st all kin ta of c.hnni Book=: fitt• ine; Dty 1300, and Letl,:ers. tYro.nZ, 1.nl• ppine Paper; 'die black, and red in., by the or hot IT ;sterl •-• 1 .res p-orits and ipedia of litmorr. Western Prot. and a ron. Yietv of (took.. nod StationiTry. for sate on ac ~ terms for Mon Or country prmince. A01:11.1:3. Aeent a , td Commission Merchant, —Primer= and other., havins areannte the will please send in the r t•mwrrn thie and F•alitrday nee , aad then wilt lte ranched on the Monday ite malt plicity of cares. tozellher with the .r rrnnite.tin and rat, tretat:ve in the tale enrainpin,ii:. fat me to have a reasonable time to mrrimit • renzth a liiile,and adjust a!! in v oeconmry ystematre order. Res per falls, he d- rw K Ti) N. rtook,o.p,. r,iffiers and nufariti rer. No. 37, Ma,k , .t. set, 10-1 y DER Sfy, 1;, it• 1 4 .1 rnutgdrv, gt livla 110‘3 , P. Pit iv - 2h Fep 10-1 y 101INSz. Aiderwan,Bt,Clair Ft reet, nor from LlbeTl V. sep 10—ly 131,11 ES, Orri , e in Second street, next door ny 4- C 0 .5 Glaw ‘l'arrhou a eep 10-1 y Fr NDLA Y. Attorneys at Law, Fourth st., e Mayor's (Aire. flttshurztt. sep 10-1 F ANIILTON. Artorrev at Law. Ftif) h. between and Smithiwid nF .ritt