The Pittsburgh post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1859-1864, September 17, 1864, Image 3

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Park '
No. U ,
tion* fo
S*Tl*»tlcm on) the, Moi^omgalwLk— It
appears that navlgtttbn on the Monongahehi
rtver is attended Wi th./grgiber diaoultles than
people are generally aware of, On this subject
the MonongafeMa Republican says: “Twice
tWoe :&eiJuf( .for the part five
year., tljq,gte#me»i laying.on theMonungahela
river have been detainedfroni one to five days,
and our mall,Did pauenger cpinmnnloatlbn In
tarrhpteflj)*./ breakages In. thb locks. This has
oeoome so much a noisanoe that the people are
growing impatient with the mismanagement of
the navigatftrf<obbMu#, and 1 .Complaints are
jondand pwflge. ipfcb fenetW was ‘stoW
hi repairing thO'tfaVrigffto thMdckS When'll
doe, occur) taere Wife ibbC fcnHe charity Shown
during thettard {fines put go) a aticlc of timber
or extra spike is pre laredfor emergencies, and
when a look breaks th for repair, must
be prepaM {loin the' jpugh. Saturday
evening fest while thß steamer Bayard was In,
,k s , bne of the gate# broke, and tha
water ruShedin rapid: y and with so much force
that the .safety fifth : steamer was Imperiled
“1 ! ha :ifr^^ r ils P“*engers endangered;
Thlaboaf Retain! din the lock for forty,
eight hours, and of con tse all .the steamers being
thus etoppadjonrebm dnnwatlon for post and
travel w ¥ , sugpenged. This Is.very annoying,
and unlesn.Bjmn measures are taken to avert
the evil which Is now of monthly occurrence,
the Interests of the cog inunity will suffer, and
the people of the vallo r win ask the legislature
to annul Its charter. ” It likewise advocates the
project of having tfreOmnellsyille line of Bail,
road extended up the i alley as far as New Ge
neva, sb the reegnt dls Sovpries of oil in Gfreehe
county will require a m ire convenient mode of
transportation. The m aerablecer.dition of the
locks and dama has rev ved the subject of this
railroad, and an atVemp t Will be made to procure
a charter. Capitalists and coal merchants in
this city, representing s sveral millions of dollars
are in favor of the conli mpisted project.
Flattering Teatti
highly gratifying to the
the agenta in thia city,,
way Pianos, to receive
such letters of approb
written by Mr. J, Jrvinj
the Farmer’s Bahkiif S<
it appears, bought a i
Piano, sonic luputha ain
self as follows : ,
nonlal.—lt must be
manufacturers, and to
the renowned Stein*
every now and then
ition as the annexed,
[ Brooks, President of.
leta.dtifo! Mr. Brbbkß,
ne 7-octavo Steinway
te, and expresses him*
* 1* S
Messrs. Kleberg Bra.—'
safely on Saturday,
personal good wilhtowar
snd can comprehend the
other day aWrotHhitf firn
to advance, elevate and r
ird of the country : for «
:heir lngtrumentß>kfladlti
jn the superriaturaL
?ho new piano arrived
was set up the same
t eatUfecrtipa , indeed
melody ?I feel a Kind of
ltfae'Messrs; Steinway,
1 made the
haying dOiie so much
?fine thejmuical Btand*
ertainiy the sound of
r. feelings that border
tours, i he,
'J. Twiko Brooks.
Messrs. Either i. Bro.,
he sole agents 'lnstils
Steinway Piano.
Fifty new Pianos
■ther celebrated make hi
aid are for sale by the soli
ilesare H. Kleber & Bro.i
Wood street, are
ncighborood Tor the
Steinway’a, and
ave just been received
le agents in this city,
Meeting at the Demi
■A spirited and largely a]
eld last evehih£ iat'the D
•everal appropriate and a
elivercd bHancdd
ther gentlemen, pnd were!
i-preciatlon by the numei
>eech of htr. SAwyer was]
>ual attention, as it’Waad
arly interesting circunu
iat he had ljefift.nUßWiitt]
it that he abandoned i
Inciples of the oppoattlo4
turn like the,
s parent.
his discourse
e audience which display
. enthusiasm rarely wil
eeches were also highly «
rstand that meet!
held at the Hall every t]
y, and the publie 'genera
id. 1
iberatlc Clab Hall,
.[tended meeting was
democratic Club Hail,
stirring speeches were
v, John Sawyer *n*l
itaoelved with all due
rous audience. The
( attended to with un
dellveredunder pecu
istanceg.. He stated
ihe Democratic party,
It and embraced the
m and now wished to
to the Anns, of
■al tfinOs* Interrupted
MM and applause ’of
Red on that occasion
Ltnesaed. The other
Interesting. We un
due* will henceforth
’hesdar and Wednea.
diy-la Invited to af-
Articles for
ea at home ate doubt lest
the soldiem-pow Jq the {
;y stand BfcHlj’heed of}
doh promptly paaa attbat
idea of clothing, cdtnpbi
linen, andfjiot exceed!
ight. Tobacco cannot b
ter ritca.‘'i-Pli triMh'ai
rona of Ul5 need , have
b “board andlcdgingf’jtoj!
r er yet heard of jta being f
■lothlng. Woolen hats csjj
the reduced rates;' but bdi
short every article ’for wjj
provided by law—.are chi
tage if mailed.
—Friends and reia
■detlroui of aeridliy
??“!?•» >
r Tnl only articles
rrate to soldiers
bed of wool, cotton
two pounds in
attest than
Borne enthusiastic
i, declared that-it
jthcm—but we have
classed as an article
in, of course, be sent
jots, knives, pipes—
/jhlch a lower rale is
targeable wilh letter
'he Fifth Ward.—The !
grossing, and oily few i
to All the 'quota. Von
•ce at preterit, and the et
d will ha yd to display a <J
mergy before they caa ral
men. They thouW unite
great effort. Only a a
le the ojhfr, district*. a
ch must be turned to the
erstand that in thoße d
t will be first enforced in
:lency they have roused ti
(Fifth Ward ia atlll
Bore men are vast*
nnteers are rather
broiled men of tlie
onsiderable amount
(se the few remain,
J to-dAy and make
port time remains
tre being draped,
pest account. "We
Ufitricta where the
a account of their
Mmtelves up a lit-
an DrotKoctJ-r-Gn Frl<
iody of a*mah ’ w as To un d I
ver near Mieolil glass 1
'AT morning last
n the Moaongahe
o.use, at Payette
s that of a Strang'
imowe could ‘not
rfiiend employed
entleman wished
and his'.W’ißcon-,
'him. This
was pa**.'
and was :
red when
. It appears the body wt
om W ,-Vbose. a
i, and who was Visiting 1
he 'Thea
ive a off \Su bbal
riend offered
*gieed to, but
he stranger
ned. His boj
vered, havini
Idlers’ Hoi
the erection,
handsome mt
of that count
n of this eni
iment ah&ft
Bible easily j
eon shall be
•om diseaseo?
>cratlc Confei
t. Charles Hi
motion'of R. ...
of Armstrong, county,
and W. H. McGee was
m called to the
ppolnted Secre-
er a free interchange of op
A. McCullough* Esq., of i
)• conferees adjourned to
m Tuesday, th&tttfa inst.,
tion, on motion
rnulrong coun—
meet atEittan
it one o'clock:
ts,, Chairman,
Joss W.Bc
H. McGee, Secretary.
Exeu nUm >Vl«k«te.
of rSow
ops, hti determined not. to
-The Pennajl
f to the' heavy
to any poUtioal'j
•*»* son
o, k SMach gna’cut htt*
rt HMammfowyowfaiP
.iJi.l'IS j.
hie been pieced
Trucke for the
wrtlon and cradle* sad tea
limtd for Vtnding:—
oer Baydn 'cbattrn brainier 8<dloh ; a hSftiil*
Altibiia on thenight <4f the' apU or June laat.
It appear* thi&ufth& oCtfa thl«>
Oprt for eomattme; and; ha hud relipieg into*
etnteof onnparative aeauftty, when he -waa un
fortunately “nabbed” by the vigilant offloer.
Truly the way of. thfhtjiauagteaaor la hard.
• • sut»
Brownad.-On Wednesday evening Robert
Ohettle, aged nineteen years, wai drowned in
; the Monongahefe river at the old ferry fending
In ‘Birmingham. The deceased had a
bone intjo the river for the purpose of giving it
a drink, when he accidentally feU off and was
drowned before any assistance could be render
ed. The body was recovered about an hour af
ter the occurrence. , : ? ;. , \ ? » T :
to agent*
Sent to .the Hones at Hcfugc—Yestei
flay three young Jade named Bobert Orimeß,
Jaskeqn Beynolda, and Wm. Johnson, were
committed t a .the Jlohse' -of reftige by Mayor
Lowry for stealing a small sum of money from
a store on Fifth street. When arrested they
stated that they oame from Ohio, but it was af
terwards found that they resided in this olty.
Advance Ist Price.—ltisreported that there
telll Boon be an advance made on the present
.rates of freight, both Eastern and Western
sound. How much the advance will be are not
advised. r
FUotoßrapha.-The fcstijbliihnrent of Mr.
g* ~.H. Dabbs situated on St. Clair stieet,
fWfcJSt ln “» ot. the moat delightful ami fash
ionable parts of the city. Its (fppe&rance is
•uch that it will Dot fall to attract the atten
neotaare so Ut lifil/hdorfiSstmffle & v?ivv'
aocnthith i ßir U WiSin U rta ampl ? r<; P a 5 r ,be tlme
tfiS? 1 ™ onni^aS?vf'TtewouldthihUj
SiwJLf" /“* away a spare hour id
thiJ? SW loynie mi. “**'• in tß k**>e a survey of
coloi ' ln S lB d °°e 1" a style
W i£ a m,l Duer which renders
them ornamental indhe true sense of the word.
adey tare but specimens of the beautiful
fi?o^ ff r Sph , , . wltb wbl<:b Mr. Dabbs furnishes
P nbUc - and which, after long
£SP. L xp Sff^°, ce »° artist. he is now ena
bledto owing
1° .*“5 Hnmeiise popularity whioh he has ac
fli‘* red - Those desirous of possessing a good
llkeneßS should not fail to pay him a visit.
Q-ueeu.—This favorite pleoe 1b still
J?P”“ ote d at the theatre, and la evtry night
attracting a crowded audience. The drama far
anything that has heretofore appear
ed on our stage, and the spectacular part of It
Jfni uo, ‘ tlat itexcels scything that.ey*r came'
under our notice. To-night another crowded
audience ia;exMcted,: ana thole who
present hadbJEferK’cu“ in isvtoi^
»3i}i®.. 0p * ra — Thc °P er » has already created
4p}te a sensatlonin the community, and every
to seenre a seat as soon as
,W urcd v ,<Ml ay for the coming
iTe nrfS; , who wlsh *° »«end should
’ **' er ‘, and engage them Immediately,
J Ti lbc 80 f re at ‘hat more persons
than can be accommodated' within
the Undts of Concert w w,mm
ft ®L®** P *- ?cott &, Hannegan have Juat
opened a Urn assortment of watches, clockaoiui
jewelry at No. 31 Fifth street. They only dis
po*e of their goods at wholesale, and for manv
reasons are enabled to sell at lower prices than
53fd£!£r e J tn . b . liall “ ei i t of the kind In tho city?
Alt dealers In the above goods should go and ex-
SMXC** as **“*“ 1? “*»to
„.Wp. ®* c - — The St. Vincent ds Paul Society
'KSb.wtU give a Plc-uio on
Saturday, September 24th at Iroir oltv Park
for the bencht of the poor. A good band will
meStinSai^M oTlylllKhorBeß and other amused
Btron » P° llco force will
P? L«* I W®® .to preserve order. Lunch will
be served at all hours. Admittance 10 cants.
we know each other
i e Lot ? “tin the War la over"
a , nd bcsutiful songs with the accompa
nving music are now for. sale by Charlotte
Blume, No. 43 Fifth street. The/ arefull of
genutne ientlintuit and pathoa, and Bhould be
ptmehesed by all performers on the piano or gui-
Poaltlve Sale of . Farm.-By order of
Orphans Court, abont one mile from Xllbuck
Station, Fort Wayne Eatlroad, will be sold a
ho^li’. e „? rm wUhd " BjUb g. barn and other out
.houses.and a never falling spring. For further
J“ f “™* tion Inquire of T. A. McClelland, \uc-
. *** vo you Been,them-t U not, call at Pit.
“**'*., where yon will And an endless variety
b [* c -^, b^cB i. Pho ‘°k rapbH , colored and plain, and
PosuSfflcm P io * v a ‘ P,tt ® ok ' 8 > opposite the
tha PoMofflce, has recelv
.£? . t hi"r w ? !ll *y,bpperi Harper, X-eslle, Waver
<B» youf supply of reading matw
ter a tPlttock’s, oppoalte the Postofflce.
m ’ r ° whom it may Concern —The fln-
And. Shoti-e-Speci&l attention is
t w e n! o i t i t £jM theentt " >tpok now oa
al Auction House ia'betnr 1
•old much below their value. ®
‘'tittle Hie l”-Oet amed
*!, » t . Pltt< y k , i °ppd«tte tba Fostoiaoe: evety
variety and at the old prices. every
th® dime , books, magazines, noveiietta*
f 1 k Fitzgerald's publications at Pit-
the postofflce.
ir„?~ ck s*.. Boo *“' P° ckot albarae, pocket
positVth^Poi^^oe^ 01108 ’ “* P,Mock ’'‘ *P»
Fortress Monroe via Baltimore,
September 18.—The intelligence from
tne front is that our batteries opened on
the enemy on Wednesday. There has
been heavy firing all day to silence the
fire of the rebels, who, have been for
some days annoying our lines, particu
larly on the left. General Grant arrived
here yesterday en route for Washing-
Poah>ffie£° T ‘“fc*'at"Plttoek’», opposite tfie | <fc VVIt.HOJCS "
*“‘ired—By purchasing
Foote'e> TJmbreUs Look Stand for sale by Wm.
Sumner & Co., No. 28 Fifth itreet. 5
Cloths, meltons, Satinets, cassi meres and
jeans at McClelland’* Auotlon House. 6& Fifth
street. ’
Postuffiee Boofc » #t Plttock’«, opposite the
hadin' Caliaa, wallets and purses at Pit
tacks, opposite the Postoffice. ‘
Bfew York and Oin<
tick’s, opposite the Posit
C™& A a R<^ft TBACT& FOB
Ashland Flowers, . Mignonette,.
Alismn. Musk,
Amaryllis. Meadow Flowers,
Bouquet <le Californle, Lilac,
Bouquet d’Ambfe- EBly of the Valley,
Bouquet de Carolina, New-mown Hay, 3
Bereatuotte, Orange Flowers,
SSSik. ■ g&H
ter- ' p»;' ’
SIS"?’?? 0 ™ 1 Pralnfl'lowers,
Crystal Palace : Rise, ‘ w , ;
Oerauium, > i BdugH anil Heady/ - '
Gllliflower, . Sunim Flower V
g"^ o Flow ' er ”> ‘ Sm*f Briar, ’ ’ •
Heliotrope, Sweet Pen, •
. ~ Sweet Lavender,
® uc *B e i Sweet Lettuoe,
pteFcrub, V&? 3
Jenny Ltm, Verbeda
JpnqulUe, Vetlvert,
Mpossellne, Vanilla,
Millebeurs, West lid,
Magnolld, White LUy,
MarcohAle, Jointer Blossom. .
ted ß p?ifl’„ S hlvhly eonsentra
of all kinds, constantly on band.
J™*** b * n o3as. h. sispeC^
_ qecao Comer Penn and St. Olalr sts.
**afc place,
seated sol-
>*y: “The
reotion of &
1 cemetery
•eat, an 4
6th at., and Virgin alley,
J>3 •
In bat
a*Dl«sldl^Tj”?. l<lra,lc « to prlct*.’ AUb,
of PRINOfciOO’SMji
“'' .; » CHAaw, TTK Bbnm,
teptp. -, , •■»■» . STBt-teT
Orao*o» Tgn AJMjp, Br.—.. 0o .
P" or^Mi
in the ottosar by the Dtilverv Dilwml*
.nSMa 080. j
rihrtny' tlia
New York, Sept. lfl.—A World')
special dated Grant’s Headquarters Sep
tember lfith, says: There is eve™ rea
son to believe that the rebels have in
contemplation, and are already prepar
ing, for the evacuation or Petersburg
and retiring their army within the de
fences of Richmond. This may account
for the protracted quiet in our front
since their failure to capture that por
tion of the Weldon road captured by us
iherqhaa been considerable firing along
a portion of tha line to-day, but without
results of any moment on either 9ide.
S.;Oarolina Begiment Captured.
Yoiik . .September 16.—A Her
?«{* Terry dispatch of the
14th says: The rebel regiment cantured
.1? t c oop f '* ay before yesterday, is
the Bth South Carolina, of Longstreet’s
numbers about 200 men, and
comprises members of some of the first
families of the Palmetto State. The men
are well and comfortably clad. Several
officer* of the regiment, who were cap
tured at the same time, speak confident
ly of their hopes in obtaining their inde
Latest from the Front.
icinnatl dalllGß at Pit
tance. • ;
W Expo 5 *''jggg^STiOere,
Over 160.00' <f th e taaehiriftn have
Ove? 8.000 are in use in P 't? burgh
and Vioinity.
JHhe Bale of these inimitable Maohiues is
greater than all others combined.
Jfo one should buy a Sewing Machine
until they have examined and tested the
.Wheeler & Wilson.
They-are warranted for three years.
Instruction free,
4VSale*room, No. 27 FIFTH STHEET.
WM. BUMNEB a 00., Agent*.
sepia :diw
¥ ABORATORY Op jimeS u
ii CHILTON A 00.—We have recently made
a careful apalyalß of the Samburg Portwlne, and
do not hesitate to pronounce It pure. It oontalns
all the properties of Ihe Port Grape, and there
fore for medicinal usea it is, in most cases, su
perior to Other wines. Its principle eflbots ilpon
the system are mildly stimulating, diuretic so
doriflo and tonio. It will prove benercial in
A flections of the Kidneys, and Chronic Diseases
with General Debility or the Constitution.
Physicians may safely reoommend it to patients
in place of the many doubtful mixtures too of
ten sold as pure Wines.
0 .. w Chemist, N.*Y. City.
Sold b* A. J. RANKIN, Druggist,
No. 63 Market street, below 4th,
Eu °»
*■ cS2S&£.^r-felS2k
“Union Prisoners in Richmond.
_ NfwYoEK, September 10.—Captain
a. r. Sloan, of the secohd Pennsylvania
eavalry,who left Libby Prison -on the
retn of September, informs a Washing
ton correspondent that there are 238 of
our officers and 4,500 men imprisoned in
iflehmond. The officers are confined in
tte Libby, and on Belle Island.
Since General Grant has held the Wel
don and Danville Railroads, their only
outlet is in danger, and the rebels dare
not transport any more prisoners south.
It is the sentiment of our captured men
that they would rather endure their suf
fenngs as prisoners than that the rebels
should fill up their ranks with.thirty-five
or forty-five thousand fresh men. They
fully understand that this .is the only re.
source the rebels now have for strength
ening their armies. 6
Captain Sloan is authorized try Briga
dier General Hays, commanding a regi
ih the fight
on the Weldon Railroad, to say that
great injustice has been done him by the
newspapers. Had his division comman
der properly advised him of the move
ments of the enemy on his right,' he
would have captured the rebels instead
ot being captured by them. The con
duct of Colonel Walker, Adjutant Qen
eral to General Hancock is spoken of
with great praise. He, too, was captur
ed on the 19ih of August, but succeded
m destroymg his papers, and endeay
;.oJsed to escape by swimming the Appo ■
H U P fortan ately, however, ho
landed too far up the river, and was re
the enpmy within thirty yards
of the Union pickets, and although con
fronted by Generals Beauregard and
-L-ee, refused to disclose aught of our
numbers or position.
Latest from Grant’s Army.
New York, September 10.— Abraham
Wakeman, Postmaster of this city has
been appointed Surveyor of this port
Ftc« Rufus .Andrews. The Heralds
ota Corps correspondent says a party of
st^ le a nights since and
set-fire to the Signal Btation captured
from us recently, and it burned to the
ground. It was not worth fighting for
and is now opt of the way of contention!
The di visions of the 9th Corps have been
renumbered. The 3d, commanded by
«en. Wilcov, is now the Ist: the2d
commanded by General Patten, retains
its number; the 4th, composed of colored
troops commanded by Gen. Ferrem
Will m future be known as the 3d. ’
New York News Items.
} onK ’ September Id.—The stea-
Wb l ch , left Port Royal on
the 13th, has arrived. General Foster
has ordered a draft of all the able-bodied
citizens in his department.
The championship billiard match be
tween Ravanagh and Tieman, was play
s' last night, and was easily won by
Kavanagh, who beat Tieman 513 points
in a game of 1500. p
Panama dates to the sth have been
received. Peru summarily rejected
the propositions of Scnor Pacheco for a
basis whereby hostilities may he avoid-
s e etti a emenT fCrS "" ‘° “ di^onorable
Humored Evacuation of Peters
Jf! rr/'M ■ j
SECOND euxtiojv.
JVew Yorlt City Items.
More Eebel Prisoners Brought In.
Movements of the Rebel Gen , price.
Late Intelligence from the Front.
Operations of Gen. Grant.
Injunction on the “New Nation,”
New York, Sept. 15.—Gold opened
weak to-day at 228, and without any
special excitement the price steadily de
clined to 225.
The Commercial's Washington special
says: No army news lias been received?
by the Government to-day, and rumors
to the contrary are falsa.
The statement that Farragut’s fleet
had approached Mobile in line of battle
is not believed at the Navy Department.
He does not intend to attack Mobile.
Secretary Welles does 'not appiove of
capturing it at present, as the force sure
needed elsewhere.
Washingtoo, Sept. 10.—A letter re
cm?ed in’the city to-day from one of
Grant’s staff, dated City Point, Wednes
day evening, saya: I have no stirring
news to record to-day, but everything !
looks bright and cheering. Every day
we lay here are weakening the enemy
more or less. While their troops are de
serting to our lines in droves, we are re
ceiving large accessions of new recruits.
The 11th "Florida regiment, which en
tered the rebel service with 1,100
has been reduced, deserters say, to less
than 100 by desertions and casualties of
war, but principally by desertions.
Fortress Monroe, Sept. 15. Gen.
Butler arrived here this morning from
the front. He comes here for the im
provement of his health, which of late
has become somewhat impaired.
Intelligence from"the front states that
the enemy have been annoying our lines
on the left for some time past, and Gen.
Grant’s batteries opened yesterday
morning to pat a stop to it. Heavy fir
ing was kept up all day yesterday, but
the result has not been ascertained.' No
doubt the rebel sharpshooters have been
Bt. Lours, Sept. 18,-IMliable infor
mation has been received here that Gen.
Price crossed the Arkansas river at Dar
dandle, about half way between Little
Rock and Fort Smith, on the Bth with
0,000 rebel cavalry, evidently destined
for Missouri. Shelby’s movements in
northeast Arkansas and Bontheast Mis
souri seem to be aimed at Cape Girar
deau, while Price will probably strike af
Springfield. Both plaees are well forti
fied and have garrisons strong enough to
repel any attack.
Washington, September 18. An
nother batch of seventy-eight rebel pris
oners arrived here this morning from
Cfty. Point on board the steamer Van
derbilt. They represent Florida, Geor
gia, North Carolina, Tennessee and Vir
ginia regiments. They say the rebel of
ficers have became very vigilant of lato,
owing to the numerous desertions of
their men, who experience great difflcul
ty in getting away, and some of them
have been shot while endeavoring to
make their escape to our lines.
New Yore, Sept. 16.—The Supreme
Court- .injunction put to-day upon the
New a lion, Fremont’s organ, referred
only to the imitation by Qen. Glusqref.
The regular paper goes to press to-night
The difficulty in the matter, as is infer
red from a copy of the suppressed sheet, ,
seems to have been an attempt on the
part of Gen. Clnseret to turn the paper
o ver to a person who has not hitherto ap
peared prominently as a possible candi
date for the Presidency.
New Tore, Sept. 10.-The steamtug
A-. B. Sanders exploded her boiler this
morning in the E ist river. Three per
sons were killed and one fatally injured.
The vessel was blown to pieces.
Wn.Mi.NOTON, Dei., Sept, ft).—Hon.
N. B. Smithers was yesterday horn
mated for Congress on the first ballot by
the Union Republican State Convention
FIVE hundred dozen
McClelland’s Auction Bouse,
most fashionable and
in the city is to be found at
No. 08 market street and two doers from Fifth
T and raioN fw- —
iM .DylagSokUer Boy.'i NtWJIUStC J
“Foi Freedom hg Fbll.b ■>»/.!. !■ r IFfel*—iCJ
'“Tirjinl* Folks,”
Jjutpubltthed MdfornUabr
XTo. 13BluenvBleok,
‘atcuirstfctt. «
««pl» ,i
' .wamxed. = i-,, r
S ZT ““iSSAlßfesisg Bl
•"Mtf <*DUlusd7toSt.
—-■ ; iartfi-sa!rf flTi *f v
. „ - '’rriOa or. tss DajltPobt , '
■ tin, jaw; v - J
BUSINESS— Continues Inactive, dealers takle
holdsparlnglyi Thewehther Was pleasant. The'
fWelpta of produce by the river are on the. in-
oreaee. As regards the leading articles of pro
duce we have no partleular change to note. The
tales were as follows:
*T o (2vm^ L “ MBtket ’“ eady - ®“ le8 T ton * »*
|JICa,2Tc PUI fiaa “> “Xf’aa®! ;1.000 do S
TsT Marl “‘ flr “- We Dote ' a B&Ie ot 17
I 11 toa Nu. 1, 24*026.
, Were dull. Thesupnly exceeds
h mGS-We« C £i™ W 8 V I™®*.*? per bhL
i-43W H ' «2@230.
* 7 ’ 00i Ciov ® IWBM.OO,
r ?Mu^.Th ale ' 3 S pkg,KoU > 38®42a
, PXOUBj—The marfiet waa ste&dv. with a fni».
d*?""?'-.. S . ales were made to thT«tenf of MO
@U EX b H a ' ,1 ° “’“ d family UM
>oll*8 —Salea so bbls No t Lard oil at i as
25 do No % i,75 per gallon. • 1,86
hbL EAOHKS ~ Saioa 110 bblß at *8 Oo@3 GO per
B*s?ts ■~ Salea no Ha, 24@25c.
IN—-Wheat, unchanged. 7OO
Obu’ JSP?* I 1 665 IGOdoTstore, 1 62@1 65
Oats, salea 300 bush, depot, fiO@S3o.i ■
°» 1 w» DajTv ’Podx, 1
l' SRTtmDAT, September 17th, 1864. I
I fitrslNESS :Remains dull; buyJrs not being
disposed to take hold at . present figures. The
receipts of Crude oil by the Allegheny river
amounted to 1,884 bbls. The rates were nominal
Cbude sold at 32c. pkgs returned, and 37c
Pkga included. The sales were as: follows:.
on| y flale that oame under nnr
“Ollee was 200 bbls at 22c, pkgs returned Ur
1 REPTOPT?IaSJ bil, >? 0 ' b*B 00per bbl.
801,1 «t 81o; Bonded, 75 We
a shipment East of 600 bblsi on specula!
NAPTHA— Sales 60 bfalaf 870. ■
4*ll Receipts Per Allegheny River
Pennook, Ball k Oo
Fleming ißro ...
J Wilkins
Strickier& Baxter
B Ashworth.
Fisher A Bro
Pittsburgh Glut Market.
September 17, 1864.
tesl , nd T 7?1 A . HD9 ~ 8 "' OLE BTaE^™-„„
Bxlo < «®?. x
Bxll to 10x12 „
13x10 10 14x22. <• 22 ..
10x21 to 16x24 15? „
11x24 to 14x28 1 | S
101j48t030x15 „
Sxlo '° ,XB wo 80 Box.
lox2o to 10x28 , „
««x6oto4oxoo :::::::::::: US ••
inT^ 1118 . ca ”, l! —payment required Id funds ecus
In value to United States -Treasury fioteV Q
Pittsburgh Copper Market.
September IT, 1861. ’
foSo^ng m p“eeTr fa f r a “ d " aIM « the
Brazlera-Caßh arid Time ' 7nra „'
Bar and Bolt, cash
Ingots-Oash °®li
v c o‘f for Mah.'.'.::;; S
Brans Kettles— do do r. jg
Pittsburgh Hide Market.
_. , September IS, 1864.
n»V^fifr^“ S^ d for hlde “ wa " active,' and rood
ptmlllbMirsajy purchaaera at the follollng
Otpen Salted uetibu
Pittsburgh Cracker Market.
September, 17, 1861.
The market was Arm at the late advance Vs
Wator, ft fc
Butter. }*«»■
!>u »» r
Pittsburgh Leather Market
September IT, 1S&.
Tn» demand for leather was active, and prloes
h»Te an upward tendency. The following are
the present rates, but how long they will con-
Unue, we have no means of ascertaining :
Bed Sole ' saeum
. o*
Plttaburgli Ale and Market.
Pittsburgh, September 17 18&4
D evcr i e {?“V° r manufactured w«,
~“ J'. er better than at the present time. The fol
lowing are the current prioes:
X Ale barrels....* u OtfXAle half barrels. H So
M. :3® to 00 XX do do &OQ
3° U«HfidU‘ do ■•So..'" 6®
Porter do 9 00-Porter i
fc U h" ‘1 thorebolre will he
cterndlhr barrels, and two dollars for half h«r
rels, which will btf allowed on return.
Pittsburgh Tin Plat© Market.
„ * September 17, 1861.
ii«T/! e ] n * r,ce * during the week wardull with a
Thl!lfiJl e ? an ?* rt ® ea hay e further declined.
Lhn p rear: (it rates per box are:
I-X— l4x2o.
lilock Tin Per Portnrt.
Block Tin 76c Bar do 80c
.Sheets 30clSpelter anti Slabs. .'.'.25c
Paris Wool Market
fr° m to* official returns that tlic
importation ofwooliQto Fiance is fatfrtimke^rv
T& B «£kmH5 U rL he Of wool*,
n«r r fh??J2l e ’* he w 0 imported into France dur
lne the first eix months of the present i vear la
valued at 100,000 OOOf. The prije td woof con
f well maintained. Accounts from
Harve state that although the demand for wool
J’ esinnlnB Of- “te week S.
were more brisk toward the end. There were
La Plata wool, unwashed,, sold at
ffcm if 40C to-ai 67X0, the kiiiogrfafe. ‘
°, f r wto well kept up at Marseil
!f,hor f sfl ‘i'laden with Persian wool [and an
other from Syria arrived last week. 200 bans of
line wool from Adriauople were sold at 200f- 2co
ba« of 2d quality at 162 f 60c, and COO dV f’rom
Algtera, unwashed, at 102f50e, the 60 IdUojrram--
mes, with the usual discount; 1,000 hide* Im
ported from Oran, in Algeria. Weighing 6 kufo
gratnmes eaoh, were solu-at 77f 60c, and '5OO Bc-
Cluclnnatl Coal Dfarket. ,
Notwithstandlng that there ts a good coal
boat stage of water in the Ohio river the Btrike
among tie coalminer, of PeonsylvanlT which
nn»mS,' lnue \!' mke ‘ bold «™ u™ Si rather
bevond^rhsth Xhl " ke6,,a Ul> l ,rices ™toer
oeyond what had been expected, and the market
must be-quoted decidedly firm at 22c for the best
grades, atloat, and 30032% dSiveSd
Philadelphia Pig Iron Market..
Prices range at *67 00®73 00, cash, for the 3
numbers of Anthracite. Scotch Pig {s u nohang.
ert,and prices are nominal at 67 (W@77 00. In
® °“5 doa boiler plates not much Sting. For'
the mLrtr t «tl2. I ? >n i he dem “ nd ls less active and
5?? “nf et “toady, but prices are unchanged and
the mills generally are well off for orders
Philadelphia oil Market.
CUls are quiet, with a small business fo note
% if S , and Lard Oil at former rates, Linseed
For l p»t U rllL a ' l<l aa waDtc <l »t »1 6601 63 d
For Petroleum the demand has fallen ttff and
prices are unsettled and lower, ranging at *450
'?? * or .“V d , e ; 750 for bonded, and 80086 c for free
oil, and little or nothing doing.
St. Lottie Tobaeeo Market.
unchangctl Sales embrace 66 khds.
?“ d bid “As** were rejected. Particulars aa fob
lows. 8 hhds green lugs at $0 75 to 10 00. 21 fan.
to'T d “' 10 a®l2; 17 planters' do, 12 26014 60-
if edium do, 22 60026 75: 20 good do, 27035; 7’
““““to Manufacturing leaf, *30036 26; 3 good
do, 38 j». and I strips, 16 00 looks :. 8 .
Philadelphia Fish. Market.
The market was aotire; with sales ofiahmit'
eluding SCO bills medium 86 ht *l4 .« bid. fsiaS
Ptiee* are unchanged and the demi£d. moderate
nothing doing liherriug, and nostodtSs'
Dry cod ranges at *8 600600 the IMBSpAyTH-;
T" *^ty* nll, e, on pirlvitS
'V *
« yy»WIW»IWn XarkeL]
JThe ftoek of Mg ÜBght; but th# demand W
KssS,*£^at?;*^r“ v s
'nan AjiSffbb.
' SSJSrtf’ 01arke,BrownBvllle.
' f^^xßrowniivlUe.
Jas. Heee, Irwin, £uj a bcth.
Bayard, Peebles, Monomrahela Ottv
” la i ha&hnSg*’ WhoeUn s-
Qallatin, raarke, Brownsville.
ri?Pn 1111 > Cannae, Brownsville.
?5 e !?’ !lrwl11 - Elizabeth.
teJu?-sS£ r t 1 r e t h? i J*- t ? u,gbt ther
The weather “ d faUln 8
A^Ca?r^?r fl ,?ifS a aSr a e SfS
dnnatl on Saturday. she h»seze?fim/° r ° ln "
modatione for paasenrers. _Qi™
<lay. She has the beat acoomodations r or „?!*
e«ge« and ie in charge ofcaxeihl andattentlve
n^ 8 a t a ?! e ?, dld paseenger ateamer Armenia'
Thf. t as l^ t i allum ’ 18 f ** t H lUng up for St. Louis’
™gjnat has excellent accommodations for pa^
“® pretty ateamer J. S. Hall,
SL P pJ,?nn leaves for St Louie and
she was built under the
who h?i C n ” dan<!e her oounuaeder, an officer
tugboat. “ nperior Jn eM“°g up a money-ma"
Oam"'Sit^kfi r '? nU “> ,lemU<l Steamer Guidon,
KXjSiiS sS£a*" U|! ““”K"
f or> WUI ■ tnarpaasengera are well eared
Wheeling (fe jParkersburg Paoketa
n--r EOK
sSnaaCger Packet AUNKHVaTOaot GoT
S2“> .““f resumed her old trade, maUug ranf&r
“? b F{fA, A T ry Havl J n^!: Y ’
ji*i, Ooimuauaer, 7“hon.'S. Calhoon Clerk «?/}?
F --
SATURDAY, SEPT'. 17, AT 10 A. M.
“i'l'Se »8 nn^ouM«i»W^ atta ’
>orf^ h( „ rr „
eSSeEfiSC atftotiaJ steamer JOHN s. HAL L
nouneet/above rl,k Uorom “‘ l6r . W ‘U leave a 8 anl
For freipht, „„ toa r„, or to
■T. !->. OOLLXWO WOOD, A K ta.
- x Hib DAY, 4 p. nj,
3ffiL, B i2g“-
Jutta'iUuinue Commander.
For freight *Mj*«uge-nnp\y on board, or to
JAMfc ‘ S COLiJNS x UQ„ Aggntfl,
. ¥ SATURDAY, SEP. ITth, 4P. M.
the fine passenger
■feEfffrTßeamer GUIDON, J» s . RatihS
f 'r.V?^,“CI U ' er ' W “ 1 leaVB “ announced above.
Airfreight, or to
SATURDAY, rtth Inst.
femL," *1 ifT c - = oaptalh
leare “ announced above,
freight, or to
THlb I>AY, Sept. 17;at 9 A.M
pasfWer steamer, MAGGIE
intoned ! Ss““ COmm “ aer - wm leave a.
For freight. or passage, apply on board, or to
J. D. COLLINd-Vroop, Affta
L E 3) G E it S ,
day books,
J O U K L S.
? Bills of* Lading,
fc °’’- Ac., io.,
<...»26 00
32 00
-23 50
33 60
29 00
34 00
Oarniine and a variety of American Inks,
MYERS, SC ROYER, dt cdi,
state s.ockß.-;;;;::.v:;;;:;::.;;;.;':? JSS3& £ >.» 'Tt
BtoUEstAtc, (Unincumbered,>...... > »< -"::;v..'rAv.3
Mortgage Mond 368 620 00 - 4
Railroad Securities, MAI6Son , . : ■■■„•' -i
United States Stocks, ......... ’ gfjg 5? f "' *> HW ’' '4
Bank Stocks, ; . . ■ Mn’itA-fut'j-?--! a—
Miscellaneous Stocks,..
3,401 038 60 • ;s's : SjHll
I L»os»eS^.(Adjusted, unadjusted and •?}*
notd “ e -' 128,803 (U > w i
Net: : > ■ ’
la tl« only safe and ana enre. It soc
ial »B no t>pti*m or deleterious drags, no min
eral or other injnricoj compounds common
to remedies generally sold for this slew' of
disease. It is ao effioaoions tint Physicians
rery generally nae it in their praetioo in
nil ohronio and dangerous eases.
W Use no Cholera mixtnresor doubt
fnl (many -of WUeh-undar- ~
minend rnin[t%*«oniatnfli@,) whsAjon'
•anobtainan nnfafting remedy aasim r i°
and safe as P
■ „.A*k for GiMna
nta, and «i m
for safcby Ml respectable drag#**;
- • •» - - ' l A t -p^?y^-<y^
.. . .'.. . - . -’fc^ifeisslSs
' -„„ „ - t ,;; v ,yJ^f||
~ • ‘ 'v.r^Vi^
bill BOOKS,
NOTE, paper,
4c., &c.
* No. 39 Fifth
~ Lenea and.M»nager w
Appearance of Ettie Benderaon
THE NAIAD QUEEN, - “°*“eraon. -
foots, New Mane, Marches mnd Dsnoe*/ 1 “* * ?
.11118. EVENING will be presented with 1
entire new Scenery Effects. &c. theh22n«H?i - r
Spectacular Play, MtittedtLe 1 * ° e * utffal
' * - C J
6 To conclude with th&melo-drmunof J
M ° T J y ’ T a««i»y, Wcdntidir and - j
Thmsdiy, Bept.aB r a^,iJ»B WStii “-.3
'QATW^rr U A H^^,TfiEFAVOErrEs|W ’ ' '4l
£f^®S?Bs, r^
Wll^ E ' 1
™Z me M^th e £Z£- 23th «»4
ronoSuB^’clock. - Do^M 7. To j4=?iSv
' . -:’v
, -ograt. cepWasH. ‘ - ■ •
I’**° TOT "V >5
'ITALIAN ■ - GPEBAr c •*' -*M
first ni&ht, # v;S
WIU be presented Bellini's ftauius Opera!- * ' - -< Is 3
NOKM A. ' ' :-A
juccgjin Europe, New YorkT^n^®.
HATAU «ES®4,,|aW iia l4 z :, Q ’£s,j
58: ' ; ''V
•SiO. JIMENEZ."" v r-'.’'■’-a
MUHIOAL"b|RI[Oron A/ , . "" " ‘■ ( L A V l O . - ~
Ad<nission»ioS? ' i]
can be obtained for either idi-n?. *■’* * -■ “l
lot’s Music StomalW^dSS^ ( “ U ’ °- H
this morning at 9 a m o * l T»~ Cet * oor nmenclng i > " ''‘-'■l
Opera eommUeatl},^, *?.* » ~ ’ ’)
u. s. 7-30; L QJW. S|
The Secretary of the Treasury gives notice ’
that subscriptions will be reefer 4l '
Treasury Notes, payable thrUe yeatsfromASr
guetiSth, ,864, with semi-annual tamSattto "
rate of seven and three-tenth. perSTpi£
wifmoni’y? P** In <
oflhTh I™ be °° nve rtable at the option ' " J
Of the holder at maturity, into six peweentfsoid v '
bearing bonds, payable 'not leir Uu* ajri noKl ’ VT -' .- {
more than twenty years from their dTtea.C '^’^4
Government may eleot. Tier will be lasnerf in ' -,^‘A
and < ri ina li Qn, ‘ 0r * i “' *® o '* l .°o<land|6%0 1 .r
som ‘,tion<i mUBt t» for fifty doUsnwqr ' -•1- $ I-#
some oflifty doUan. V ™? rt f f T,
As the notes draw interest from August iJUr
persons makingdeposite subsequentteUKatdate
* ec “r* < l from date of note V ,
depo,, “ ln s
wu! be»n PW fa <l " f ° r tbe>e DOtM •* anyone time :
cenl * ° ommjß,,ioa 01 0 “ *
Special Advantages of r ,* ,
th» T J B K A Natiosal SAviHGg Eahk, otfering W "‘ \
the higherrateof interest than any other,, ana 1 '
eselngs bank which pays
its depositors in U S.-Notes, considers that it is
Paying in the best circulating medium of Iwi H U ■■<-
forTtsT^.” 11 “ n ° t Pay ta ***** -better,
f« Its own asset, are either In government sel -
paplr ” bODd “ to * OTer »* '■
Oonyertible into a Six, per cent. 5-20
■ln addition to the very liberal interest on the % -1
tU.pßvfieg. W
sionls now worth about three per cent. peK ah- ' "’.'Si
num for the current rate for SS‘s« ' .. J
lesa than nine per oent. per annum, and faeion ‘ - - J
ewMtteprmiMwn ,* & pee oaiaff W»2. v iWU&fS 'i v ’j
stocks was over twenty per cent It will be '■' :'i
seen that the actual profit on this laamsTtto
present market rate, Knot J rl ; J
cent, per annum. -^4
But aside from all tne advantages w» have - 1 * 1
ennumcrated a special aotof.eongresSbxempta! ■ ,- r
Rhonda and Treasury, nptef ftt ra _lo«l, i ; -j
, £“ the aTe rage, this exemption I*’worth ’ 1 "'I
about two percent per annum, acoonUmr to \ !
of as -
It u believed that no securities ,oßhr so area ,
luducementato Idridihi a. tho» Broedb/tti;
government In all other forms ‘
stock companies, orneperatencanoanlM imiar id -f ’ss
pledged forp^m&t l^|j lo J^j^^S^^3"''Hs i il{a . - \;i
held *° ■“"«O* Usoha^TS
au the obligations of the United-State*;-- - i *,; ~ ~ ;
Subacriptiona will be reoelved by the Treasure ,' -
ernfthe United States, at RTashiiitoo, the’'”"' ’
several Assistant Treasurers Snd dcslanated tic- '** * *’ ' t ‘
positarles, and by the a ;
Third National of Fa.
Fourth National Bank of Pittsburgh, Pa. . ' ' i
and by aU National Banks which an deposf. ' .
taries of public money, "
throughont the country wIU give further info 1 * --HI
mationand *t . ... , . ’ ’-4
AFFORD BVE&Wbfclft VS SU^C^ 1 A Hbo *'t% \
-i,." •••••»; - , i- 'J
90TH •• r “*'
OF THE % * **'?
**-*lO,OOO to *60,000 taken on a .lnrle^S'i^fJ!? profit. Umm
JU * t SliSf^ ro, V"f P* l3 7
pSras D % f ssk£ r Ti e 4 t S#faA T
Qait«B, Baimarala. tflm. •' vd|l§i|
fn *sgg{W£ 7
_»eplft- 08 Market, tWo drer. Or<w|S’h
ZSBftW: -r
.a B&F?."?msB*r ._
' ft!'
r »
f - -.-i&ii
i - - ..
*» „T_.
' Vj
.$2,250,000 00
'f'ji C&Sy
k l
4 \\A
‘ x ,< I