Agent*. Park ' Street, No. U , thoriag* tion* fo S*Tl*»tlcm on) the, Moi^omgalwLk— It appears that navlgtttbn on the Monongahehi rtver is attended Wi th./grgiber diaoultles than people are generally aware of, On this subject the MonongafeMa Republican says: “Twice tWoe :&eiJuf( .for the part five year., tljq,gte#me»i laying.on theMonungahela river have been detainedfroni one to five days, and our mall,Did pauenger cpinmnnloatlbn In tarrhpteflj)*./ breakages In. thb locks. This has oeoome so much a noisanoe that the people are growing impatient with the mismanagement of the navigatftrfkfladlti jn the superriaturaL ?ho new piano arrived was set up the same t eatUfecrtipa , indeed melody ?I feel a Kind of ltfae'Messrs; Steinway, 1 made the haying dOiie so much ?fine thejmuical Btand* ertainiy the sound of r. feelings that border tours, i he, 'J. Twiko Brooks. Messrs. Either i. Bro., he sole agents 'lnstils Steinway Piano. Fifty new Pianos ■ther celebrated make hi aid are for sale by the soli ilesare H. Kleber & Bro.i Wood street, are ncighborood Tor the Steinway’a, and ave just been received le agents in this city, Meeting at the Demi ■A spirited and largely a] eld last evehih£ iat'the D •everal appropriate and a elivercd bHancdd ther gentlemen, pnd were! i-preciatlon by the numei >eech of htr. SAwyer was] >ual attention, as it’Waad arly interesting circunu iat he had ljefift.nUßWiitt] it that he abandoned i Inciples of the oppoattlo4 turn like the, s parent. his discourse e audience which display . enthusiasm rarely wil eeches were also highly « rstand that meet! held at the Hall every t] y, and the publie 'genera id. 1 iberatlc Clab Hall, .[tended meeting was democratic Club Hail, stirring speeches were v, John Sawyer *n*l itaoelved with all due rous audience. The ( attended to with un dellveredunder pecu istanceg.. He stated ihe Democratic party, It and embraced the m and now wished to to the Anns, of ■al tfinOs* Interrupted MM and applause ’of Red on that occasion Ltnesaed. The other Interesting. We un due* will henceforth ’hesdar and Wednea. diy-la Invited to af- Articles for ea at home ate doubt lest the soldiem-pow Jq the { ;y stand BfcHlj’heed of} doh promptly paaa attbat idea of clothing, cdtnpbi linen, andfjiot exceed! ight. Tobacco cannot b ter ritca.‘'i-Pli triMh'ai rona of Ul5 need , have b “board andlcdgingf’jtoj! r er yet heard of jta being f ■lothlng. Woolen hats csjj the reduced rates;' but bdi short every article ’for wjj provided by law—.are chi tage if mailed. —Friends and reia ■detlroui of aeridliy ??“!?•» > r Tnl only articles rrate to soldiers bed of wool, cotton two pounds in attest than Borne enthusiastic i, declared that-it jthcm—but we have classed as an article in, of course, be sent jots, knives, pipes— /jhlch a lower rale is targeable wilh letter 'he Fifth Ward.—The ! grossing, and oily few i to All the 'quota. Von •ce at preterit, and the et d will ha yd to display a rty*eight . It appears the body wt om W ,-Vbose. a i, and who was Visiting 1 he 'Thea ive a off \Su bbal riend offered *gieed to, but he stranger ned. His boj vered, havini Idlers’ Hoi appointed the erection, handsome mt of that count n of this eni iment ah&ft Ida, Bible easily j eon shall be ilngton •om diseaseo? >raocrat|e >cratlc Confei t. Charles Hi motion'of R. ... of Armstrong, county, and W. H. McGee was m called to the ppolnted Secre- er a free interchange of op A. McCullough* Esq., of i )• conferees adjourned to m Tuesday, th&tttfa inst., tion, on motion rnulrong coun— meet atEittan it one o'clock: ts,, Chairman, Joss W.Bc H. McGee, Secretary. Exeu nUm >Vl«k«te. Ballroad^Johi^Bny^o^riii of rSow ops, hti determined not. to -The Pennajl f to the' heavy foiargebodlee; eeneerMareloir to any poUtioal'j •*»* son o, k SMach gna’cut htt* rt HMammfowyowfaiP .iJi.l'IS j. hie been pieced Trucke for the 'eforremorinj wrtlon and cradle* sad tea tobeapedallyprorided. limtd for Vtnding:— oer Baydn 'cbattrn brainier 8 Oprt for eomattme; and; ha hud relipieg into* etnteof onnparative aeauftty, when he -waa un fortunately “nabbed” by the vigilant offloer. Truly the way of. thfhtjiauagteaaor la hard. • • sut» FONTAIMBfc.Co., Brownad.-On Wednesday evening Robert Ohettle, aged nineteen years, wai drowned in ; the Monongahefe river at the old ferry fending In ‘Birmingham. The deceased had a bone intjo the river for the purpose of giving it a drink, when he accidentally feU off and was drowned before any assistance could be render ed. The body was recovered about an hour af ter the occurrence. , : ? ;. , \ ? » T : to agent* Sent to .the Hones at Hcfugc—Yestei flay three young Jade named Bobert Orimeß, Jaskeqn Beynolda, and Wm. Johnson, were committed t a .the Jlohse' -of reftige by Mayor Lowry for stealing a small sum of money from a store on Fifth street. When arrested they stated that they oame from Ohio, but it was af terwards found that they resided in this olty. Advance Ist Price.—ltisreported that there telll Boon be an advance made on the present .rates of freight, both Eastern and Western sound. How much the advance will be are not advised. r FUotoßrapha.-The fcstijbliihnrent of Mr. g* ~.H. Dabbs situated on St. Clair stieet, fWfcJSt ln “» ot. the moat delightful ami fash ionable parts of the city. Its (fppe&rance is •uch that it will Dot fall to attract the atten neotaare so Ut lifil/hdorfiSstmffle & v?ivv' aocnthith i ßir U WiSin U rta ampl ? r<; P a 5 r ,be tlme tfiS? 1 ™ onni^aS?vf'TtewouldthihUj SiwJLf" /“* away a spare hour id thiJ? SW loynie mi. “**'• in tß k**>e a survey of coloi ' ln S lB d °°e 1" a style W i£ a m,l Duer which renders them ornamental indhe true sense of the word. adey tare but specimens of the beautiful fi?o^ ff r Sph , , . wltb wbl<:b Mr. Dabbs furnishes P nbUc - and which, after long £SP. L xp Sff^°, ce »° artist. he is now ena bledto owing 1° .*“5 Hnmeiise popularity whioh he has ac fli‘* red - Those desirous of possessing a good llkeneßS should not fail to pay him a visit. Q-ueeu.—This favorite pleoe 1b still J?P”“ ote d at the theatre, and la evtry night attracting a crowded audience. The drama far anything that has heretofore appear ed on our stage, and the spectacular part of It Jfni uo, ‘ tlat itexcels scything that.ey*r came' under our notice. To-night another crowded audience ia;exMcted,: ana thole who present hadbJEferK’cu“ in isvtoi^ »3i}i®.. 0p * ra — Thc °P er » has already created 4p}te a sensatlonin the community, and every to seenre a seat as soon as ,W urcd v , opposite the tha PoMofflce, has recelv .£? . t hi"r w ? !ll *y,bpperi Harper, X-eslle, Waver tpok now oa al Auction House ia'betnr 1 •old much below their value. ® ‘'tittle Hie l”-Oet amed *!, » t . Pltt< y k , i °ppd«tte tba Fostoiaoe: evety variety and at the old prices. every th® dime , books, magazines, noveiietta* f 1 k Fitzgerald's publications at Pit- the postofflce. ir„?~ ck s*.. Boo *“' P° ckot albarae, pocket positVth^Poi^^oe^ 01108 ’ “* P,Mock ’'‘ *P» Fortress Monroe via Baltimore, September 18.—The intelligence from tne front is that our batteries opened on the enemy on Wednesday. There has been heavy firing all day to silence the fire of the rebels, who, have been for some days annoying our lines, particu larly on the left. General Grant arrived here yesterday en route for Washing- Poah>ffie£° T ‘“fc*'at"Plttoek’», opposite tfie | TJmbreUs Look Stand for sale by Wm. Sumner & Co., No. 28 Fifth itreet. 5 Cloths, meltons, Satinets, cassi meres and jeans at McClelland’* Auotlon House. 6& Fifth street. ’ Postuffiee Boofc » #t Plttock’«, opposite the hadin' Caliaa, wallets and purses at Pit tacks, opposite the Postoffice. ‘ Bfew York and Oin< tick’s, opposite the Posit C™& A a R<^ft TBACT& FOB Ashland Flowers, . Mignonette,. Alismn. Musk, Amaryllis. Meadow Flowers, Bouquet i BdugH anil Heady/ - ' Gllliflower, . Sunim Flower V g"^ o Flow ' er ”> ‘ Sm*f Briar, ’ ’ • Heliotrope, Sweet Pen, • . ~ Sweet Lavender, ® uc *B e i Sweet Lettuoe, rxioT™’ pteFcrub, V&? 3 Jenny Ltm, Verbeda JpnqulUe, Vetlvert, Mpossellne, Vanilla, Millebeurs, West lid, Magnolld, White LUy, MarcohAle, Jointer Blossom. . ted ß p?ifl’„ S hlvhly eonsentra of all kinds, constantly on band. J™*** b * n o3as. h. sispeC^ _ qecao Comer Penn and St. Olalr sts. ji **afc place, seated sol- >*y: “The reotion of & 1 cemetery •eat, an 4 count) 'OfIHTH XSfcMJC ...ABTHOBT XKTBR iOSKPH MEYER & SOW, ' FAOTtTRERS OF PLAIN AND FANCY IOBNITUKE AM) CHAIES WAREHOUSE, »33SMITHPIKLII, ASD44a PKNSj S „ 6th at., and Virgin alley, J>3 • • PmSBVMH, In bat ttovar.” ATKD MAWO s a*Dl«sldl^Tj”?. l»/.!. !■ r IFfel*—iCJ '“Tirjinl* Folks,” Jjutpubltthed MdfornUabr •WAMELDtek/BABE, XTo. 13BluenvBleok, ‘atcuirstfctt. « ««pl» ,i ' .wamxed. = i-,, r S ZT ““iSSAlßfesisg Bl •"Mtf <*DUlusd7toSt. G, SEPTEmIERit —-■ ; iartfi-sa!rf flTi *f v i(jllllliß(!M?t4^FlAin!iiHi PITTSBURGH Produc'r MTffgSg . „ - '’rriOa or. tss DajltPobt , ' ■ tin, jaw; v - J BUSINESS— Continues Inactive, dealers takle holdsparlnglyi Thewehther Was pleasant. The' fWelpta of produce by the river are on the. in- oreaee. As regards the leading articles of pro duce we have no partleular change to note. The tales were as follows: *T o (2vm^ L “ MBtket ’“ eady - ®“ le8 T ton * »* |JICa,2Tc PUI fiaa “> “Xf’aa®! ;1.000 do S TsT Marl “‘ flr “- We Dote ' a B&Ie ot 17 I 11 toa Nu. 1, 24*026. , Were dull. Thesupnly exceeds h mGS-We« C £i™ W 8 V I™®*.*? per bhL edvanr i-43W H ' «2@230. * 7 ’ 00i Ciov ® IWBM.OO, r ?Mu^.Th ale ' 3 S pkg,KoU > 38®42a , PXOUBj—The marfiet waa ste&dv. with a fni». d*?""?'-.. S . ales were made to thT«tenf of MO @U EX b H a ' ,1 ° “’“ d family UM >oll*8 —Salea so bbls No t Lard oil at i as 25 do No % i,75 per gallon. • 1,86 hbL EAOHKS ~ Saioa 110 bblß at *8 Oo@3 GO per B*s?ts ■~ Salea no Ha, 24@25c. IN—-Wheat, unchanged. 7OO Obu’ JSP?* I 1 665 IGOdoTstore, 1 62@1 65 Oats, salea 300 bush, depot, fiO@S3o.i ■ I PITTSBURGH OIL pg °» 1 w» DajTv ’Podx, 1 l' SRTtmDAT, September 17th, 1864. I I fitrslNESS :Remains dull; buyJrs not being disposed to take hold at . present figures. The receipts of Crude oil by the Allegheny river amounted to 1,884 bbls. The rates were nominal Cbude sold at 32c. pkgs returned, and 37c Pkga included. The sales were as: follows:. on| y flale that oame under nnr “Ollee was 200 bbls at 22c, pkgs returned Ur 1 REPTOPT?IaSJ bil, >? 0 ' b*B 00per bbl. 801,1 «t 81o; Bonded, 75 We a shipment East of 600 bblsi on specula! NAPTHA— Sales 60 bfalaf 870. ■ 4*ll Receipts Per Allegheny River Pennook, Ball k Oo Fleming ißro ... J Wilkins Strickier& Baxter B Ashworth. Fisher A Bro Totßl Pittsburgh Glut Market. September 17, 1864. WINDOW GLASS. tesl , nd T 7?1 A . HD9 ~ 8 "' OLE BTaE^™-„„ Bxlo < «®?. x Bxll to 10x12 „ 13x10 10 14x22. <• 22 .. 10x21 to 16x24 15? „ 11x24 to 14x28 1 | S 101j48t030x15 „ a o THICKNESS. Sxlo '° ,XB wo 80 Box. lox2o to 10x28 , „ ««x6oto4oxoo :::::::::::: US •• inT^ 1118 . ca ”, l! —payment required Id funds ecus In value to United States -Treasury fioteV Q Pittsburgh Copper Market. September IT, 1861. ’ foSo^ng m p“eeTr fa f r a “ d " aIM « the Brazlera-Caßh arid Time ' 7nra „' Bar and Bolt, cash Ingots-Oash °®li v c o‘f for Mah.'.'.::;; S Brans Kettles— do do r. jg Pittsburgh Hide Market. _. , September IS, 1864. n»V^fifr^“ S^ d for hlde “ wa " active,' and rood ptmlllbMirsajy purchaaera at the follollng Otpen Salted uetibu Butchered Pittsburgh Cracker Market. September, 17, 1861. The market was Arm at the late advance Vs quote Wator, ft fc Butter. }*«»■ Koaton ;;;;;;;; !>u »» r Pittsburgh Leather Market September IT, 1S&. Tn» demand for leather was active, and prloes h»Te an upward tendency. The following are the present rates, but how long they will con- Unue, we have no means of ascertaining : Bed Sole ' saeum . o* Plttaburgli Ale and Market. Pittsburgh, September 17 18&4 D evcr i e {?“V° r manufactured w«, ~“ J'. er better than at the present time. The fol lowing are the current prioes: X Ale barrels....* u OtfXAle half barrels. H So M. :3® to 00 XX do do &OQ 3° U«HfidU‘ do ■•So..'" 6® Porter do 9 00-Porter i fc U h" ‘1 thorebolre will he cterndlhr barrels, and two dollars for half h«r rels, which will btf allowed on return. Pittsburgh Tin Plat© Market. „ * September 17, 1861. ii«T/! e ] n * r,ce * during the week wardull with a Thl!lfiJl e ? an ?* rt ® ea hay e further declined. Lhn p rear: (it rates per box are: 1-o—loxl4 I-X—loxl4 1-0—12x12 I-X—l3xlS. 1-O—llXlO. I-X— l4x2o. lilock Tin Per Portnrt. Block Tin 76c Bar do 80c .Sheets 30clSpelter anti Slabs. .'.'.25c Paris Wool Market fr° m to* official returns that tlic importation ofwooliQto Fiance is fatfrtimke^rv T& B «£kmH5 U rL he Of wool*, n«r r fh??J2l e ’* he w 0 imported into France dur lne the first eix months of the present i vear la valued at 100,000 OOOf. The prije td woof con f well maintained. Accounts from Harve state that although the demand for wool J’ esinnlnB Of- “te week S. were more brisk toward the end. There were La Plata wool, unwashed,, sold at ffcm if 40C to-ai 67X0, the kiiiogrfafe. ‘ °, f r wto well kept up at Marseil !f,hor f sfl ‘i'laden with Persian wool [and an other from Syria arrived last week. 200 bans of line wool from Adriauople were sold at 200f- 2co ba« of 2d quality at 162 f 60c, and COO dV f’rom Algtera, unwashed, at 102f50e, the 60 IdUojrram-- mes, with the usual discount; 1,000 hide* Im ported from Oran, in Algeria. Weighing 6 kufo gratnmes eaoh, were solu-at 77f 60c, and '5OO Bc- «&. Cluclnnatl Coal Dfarket. , Notwithstandlng that there ts a good coal boat stage of water in the Ohio river the Btrike among tie coalminer, of PeonsylvanlT which nn»mS,' lnue \!' mke ‘ bold «™ u™ Si rather bevond^rhsth Xhl " ke6,,a Ul> l ,rices ™toer oeyond what had been expected, and the market must be-quoted decidedly firm at 22c for the best grades, atloat, and 30032% dSiveSd Philadelphia Pig Iron Market.. Prices range at *67 00®73 00, cash, for the 3 numbers of Anthracite. Scotch Pig {s u nohang. ert,and prices are nominal at 67 (W@77 00. In ® °“5 doa boiler plates not much Sting. For' the mLrtr t «tl2. I ? >n i he dem “ nd ls less active and 5?? “nf et “toady, but prices are unchanged and the mills generally are well off for orders Philadelphia oil Market. CUls are quiet, with a small business fo note % if S , and Lard Oil at former rates, Linseed For l p»t U rllL a ' l eluding SCO bills medium 86 ht *l4 .« bid. fsiaS Ptiee* are unchanged and the demi£d. moderate nothing doing liherriug, and nostodtSs' Dry cod ranges at *8 600600 the IMBSpAyTH-; T" *^ty* nll, e, on pirlvitS 'V * « yy»WIW»IWn XarkeL] JThe ftoek of Mg ÜBght; but th# demand W KssS,*£^at?;*^r“ v s AHRIVA 1.8 AMD DEPAHTUHKI, 'nan AjiSffbb. ' SSJSrtf’ 01arke,BrownBvllle. ' f^^xßrowniivlUe. Jas. Heee, Irwin, £uj a bcth. Bayard, Peebles, Monomrahela Ottv ” la i ha&hnSg*’ WhoeUn s- Qallatin, raarke, Brownsville. ri?Pn 1111 > Cannae, Brownsville. ?5 e !?’ !lrwl11 - Elizabeth. teJu?-sS£ r t 1 r e t h? i J*- t ? u,gbt ther The weather “ d faUln 8 A^Ca?r^?r fl ,?ifS a aSr a e SfS dnnatl on Saturday. she h»seze?fim/° r ° ln " modatione for paasenrers. _Qi™ annoMcea ,lemU WUI ■ tnarpaasengera are well eared Wheeling (fe jParkersburg Paoketa n--r EOK r B TV*fl T HE EEBBEAB PASSEX. sSnaaCger Packet AUNKHVaTOaot GoT S2“> .““f resumed her old trade, maUug ranf&r “? b F{fA, A T ry Havl J n^!: Y ’ ■ BOVITO ji*i, Ooimuauaer, 7“hon.'S. Calhoon Clerk «?/}? F -- OR CINCINNATI A LUCISVILLK SATURDAY, SEPT'. 17, AT 10 A. M. the FINE PASSENGER “i'l'Se »8 nn^ouM«i»W^ atta ’ >orf^ h( „ rr „ FOR ST. LOUIS, GALBJiA, OUDCdUB. SAJUKDAY, &EPT. J 7, AT 4 P. M TIIE NEW AND SUB. eSSeEfiSC atftotiaJ steamer JOHN s. HAL L nouneet/above rl,k Uorom “‘ l6r . W ‘U leave a 8 anl For freipht, „„ toa r„, or to ■T. !->. OOLLXWO WOOD, A K ta. FOH. WHKKr.ISG&PAKKKH.SBrKG. - x Hib DAY, 4 p. nj, 3ffiL, B i2g“- Jutta'iUuinue Commander. For freight *Mj*«uge-nnp\y on board, or to JAMfc ‘ S COLiJNS x UQ„ Aggntfl, 1,011 CINCINNATI &. IODISVIUK . ¥ SATURDAY, SEP. ITth, 4P. M. the fine passenger ■feEfffrTßeamer GUIDON, J» s . RatihS f 'r.V?^,“CI U ' er ' W “ 1 leaVB “ announced above. Airfreight, or to JO. COLLINOWOOD, Agta. FOR SOP, LOUIS. : SATURDAY, rtth Inst. THE FINE-PASSENGER femL," *1 ifT c - = oaptalh leare “ announced above, freight, or to j- U. COLXJNQWOOD, Agfa. FOR LOUIS THlb I>AY, Sept. 17;at 9 A.M _S a^B^,,J HE KEW AND SPLEK pasfWer steamer, MAGGIE intoned ! Ss““ COmm “ aer - wm leave a. For freight. or passage, apply on board, or to JUHXy FLAOK, or J. D. COLLINd-Vroop, Affta L E 3) G E it S , MSHOHASBIUIS, day books, J O U K L S. OABTt BOOSIS, mortgages, ? Bills of* Lading, ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT. fc °’’- Ac., io., <...»26 00 32 00 -23 50 33 60 29 00 34 00 ARN OLD ’S INK, Oarniine and a variety of American Inks, DEPOSITION PAPER, - MYERS, SC ROYER, dt cdi, fi ASSETS, JULY, ism. state s.ockß.-;;;;::.v:;;;:;::.;;;.;':? JSS3& £ >.» 'Tt BtoUEstAtc, (Unincumbered,>...... > »< -"::;v..'rAv.3 Mortgage Mond 368 620 00 - 4 Railroad Securities, MAI6Son , . : ■■■„•' -i United States Stocks, ......... ’ gfjg 5? f "' *> HW ’' '4 Bank Stocks, ; . . ■ Mn’itA-fut'j-?--! a— Miscellaneous Stocks,.. 3,401 038 60 • ;s's : SjHll LESSJJABILITIES: ' ,2 f / ( I L»os»eS^.(Adjusted, unadjusted and •?}* notd “ e -' 128,803 (U > w i Net: : > ■ ’ Blackberry OARMINATIVE la tl« only safe and ana enre. It soc ial »B no t>pti*m or deleterious drags, no min eral or other injnricoj compounds common to remedies generally sold for this slew' of disease. It is ao effioaoions tint Physicians rery generally nae it in their praetioo in nil ohronio and dangerous eases. W Use no Cholera mixtnresor doubt fnl (many -of WUeh-undar- ~ minend rnin[t%*«oniatnfli@,) whsAjon' •anobtainan nnfafting remedy aasim r i° and safe as P ■ „.A*k for GiMna nta, and «i m for safcby Ml respectable drag#**; 3fe,Ssj|£* - • •» - - ' l A t -p^?y^-5 'ITALIAN ■ - GPEBAr c •*' -*M first ni&ht, # v;S WIU be presented Bellini's ftauius Opera!- * ' - -< Is 3 NOKM A. ' ' :-A SSZSSSTSgS&St »^l juccgjin Europe, New YorkT^n^®. HATAU «ES®4,,|aW iia l4 z :, Q ’£s,j 58: ' ; ''V •SiO. JIMENEZ."" v r-'.’'■’-a MUHIOAL"b|RI[Oron A/ , . "" " ‘■ ( L A V l O . - ~ Ad " ''‘-'■l Opera eommUeatl},^, *?.* » ~ ’ ’) u. s. 7-30; L QJW. S| The Secretary of the Treasury gives notice ’ that subscriptions will be reefer 4l ' Treasury Notes, payable thrUe yeatsfromASr guetiSth, ,864, with semi-annual tamSattto " rate of seven and three-tenth. perSTpi£ wifmoni’y? P** In < oflhTh I™ be °° nve rtable at the option ' " J Of the holder at maturity, into six peweentfsoid v ' bearing bonds, payable 'not leir Uu* ajri noKl ’ VT -' .- { more than twenty years from their dTtea.C '^’^4 Government may eleot. Tier will be lasnerf in ' -,^‘A and < ri ina li Qn, ‘ 0r * i “' *® o '* l .°oe DOtM •* anyone time : cenl * ° ommjß,,ioa 01 0 “ * Special Advantages of r ,* , th» T J B K A Natiosal SAviHGg Eahk, otfering W "‘ \ the higherrateof interest than any other,, ana 1 ' eselngs bank which pays its depositors in U S.-Notes, considers that it is Paying in the best circulating medium of Iwi H U ■■<- forTtsT^.” 11 “ n ° t Pay ta ***** -better, f« Its own asset, are either In government sel - paplr ” bODd “ to * OTer »* '■ Oonyertible into a Six, per cent. 5-20 ■ln addition to the very liberal interest on the % -1 tU.pßvfieg. W sionls now worth about three per cent. peK ah- ' "’.'Si num for the current rate for SS‘s« ' .. J lesa than nine per oent. per annum, and faeion ‘ - - J ewMtteprmiMwn ,* & pee oaiaff W»2. v iWU&fS 'i v ’j stocks was over twenty per cent It will be '■' :'i seen that the actual profit on this laamsTtto present market rate, Knot J rl ; J cent, per annum. -^4 ITS EXEMPTION FROM STATE OB aroNT.. ‘ J ORPIAI TAXATioiti P --HCRIL; irAif But aside from all tne advantages w» have - 1 * 1 ennumcrated a special aotof.eongresSbxempta! ■ ,- r Rhonda and Treasury, nptef ftt ra _lo«l, i ; -j , £“ the aTe rage, this exemption I*’worth ’ 1 "'I about two percent per annum, acoonUmr to \ ! of as - It u believed that no securities ,oßhr so area , luducementato Idridihi a. tho» Broedb/tti; government In all other forms ‘ stock companies, orneperatencanoanlM imiar id -f ’ss pledged forp^m&t l^|j lo J^j^^S^^3"''Hs i il{a . - \;i held *° ■“"«O* Usoha^TS au the obligations of the United-State*;-- - i *,; ~ ~ ; Subacriptiona will be reoelved by the Treasure ,' - ernfthe United States, at RTashiiitoo, the’'”"' ’ several Assistant Treasurers Snd dcslanated tic- '** * *’ ' t ‘ positarles, and by the a ; Third National of Fa. Fourth National Bank of Pittsburgh, Pa. . ' ' i and by aU National Banks which an deposf. ' . taries of public money, " AMD All RESPECTABLE BANKS AND BANKERS ~ . throughont the country wIU give further info 1 * --HI mationand *t . ... , . ’ ’-4 AFFORD BVE&Wbfclft VS SU^C^ 1 A Hbo *'t% \ BEES, IJ -i,." •••••»; - , i- 'J 90TH •• r “*' OF THE % * **'? **-*lO,OOO to *60,000 taken on a .lnrle^S'i^fJ!? profit. Umm JU * t SliSf^ ro, V"f P* l3 7 pSras D % f ssk£ r Ti e 4 t S#faA T Qait«B, Baimarala. tflm. •' vd|l§i| fn *sgg{W£ 7 _»eplft- 08 Market, tWo drer. Or