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Wt lEL.III"Gee• & C 534 at the corner of lfarket vinare and Federal street, hi Allegheny ; city. - 'l"liple gentlemen have evply . ...- ~, , • description of thcr most fai3hionable masteriiii ANOTH Ea or the Allegheny city paving caseswhich they manufacture in - the, best' ' us - et.. was decided bya verdict against the respondent,: Their stock or dentlenlen's - gocids is large - r i .....„ 7 , 19p0 „.... ints 0 ......... f 1a ... 7 res .... er , _ved, in ~.t h. ..e District eleest,n and their prices moderate. They 1 , '...; t.. , , l ' 7 1."'.r:,::::.••;::i . .. „: .' . '-.:?'.- '''-'.',:'.. -: 1 7.t''';:. - k-1 - ..., 7..' , '!:.zi,1:71..7, - %••'- n.: -1...,;. - ..., , . ~...-.... -,. . ~ ,- ,,% , 1 -- .--:' , .!', , -." i....--‘i.'-, ..•=t-- - -': , ;-.. , :. ,, ..:"F ~. -,..• ..;,..„-:,:-,...-, 14 , ......:/ , .., _1,..;......!... - 7,..,.::..,..,.,...-, .„, ; ,;:.,- -...„-- .1 ..... - „- .-..!: ;..-...., ,, -*; , - i , ;v:•- ., ,-; - • , :, - : , . ! .....•;.... , :..;.-i ',,,,..r"..'.:::':,, ,- ..-" - -; . .., - ;...: L - -.7 - ;:- . ' . 1 .1 * ,..:' , , , ',.'.:1 ‘••• :: : - ,1 -:::',:' ''',.' - :,-; ".....:,:,-, ~ - . . "'L : ;`•'-. ',' . .,,T. , ..,.'f1:-...,1 0 .. n'•:'' ,t , ;:: •,„":n!:, f', .; :44 : 4 :' ; '7. -r , t . . ,- -f' ; .*:. -- „\. ,- 4'. -- .=: - ,.;„ _ ri"- - "* . .• - •- - ...:',. - . -..-- 1 ;: , ," t.%.7* - '..!=-- ~:,,,..„-: ..r.,..c . .,...„.--,,;,7-,• . :-:,i. , ,,..r. f .. - .: . ? -, ,-,, :-..--,,-. t- . .-: .-- - .•.....7 , - ; .q.„ -,--,, , twt ..: - -4 -1,, "' Z..K.,,....-1 i ri ,4 711,3. ..--;:-:' . ', 4 7 , .t" , * - I if, , -,` 7: '- . 4.,- . ., i-,,,,:"..,....- Ea ~114,42. 4: 5,...4 ,I'',4 4 0. .."'. ',' i,l'- -, ":,":,..... ' `: - '••: ' ' • '. = ',- . .•'••••`7` ... - .....r7:'.4- -.. ' . ~ .,,,:',._ro.''',,,'. •,:. , 1, ".";.:•• - 7 . 4•:,.. ' { -~ l ~ 1 . ..,-4r.:._ , L . ;. - :;._ . .';,',;:':. c r'° 4 , :1 _, JAMES P; EfUt EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. Pittsburgh, Port Wayne and Chicago Railroad. (From corner of Liberty and Grant streets, Pi lt.burgli.) 14,11'0 Pittsburgh. Croatline. FL Wayne Express Train .12:15 A. M. 0:56 A. M. 1:01 V. M Mull Train. 6:50 A. Al. kw A. M. 11:00 A. Al Express Train 12:50 P. M. 5:45 P. M. 2:30 A. 51 Arrivemt Chieag'o: . Express, 6,47 P. Ai.] Mail, 9:90 P.M. j Exprss, 8,17 A. Ai Returning, arrive at Pittsburgh: • Mail, 3:40 P.M. I Exproam, 8:10 P. Al. I Express, 2:22 A.M (From Federal Street' SLltiou, Alleghenyd New Brighton Aucoturnoitation.. 9:30 A. M. • '41:0 P. M 1L23 A. 31. 12 . .10P. Al Feurtsyteaniti Radium'. (Froth comer of Libeity and Grant streets.) Leaves. Arrives. Express Train bot a' 8:50 P. M. 12:45 P. Id. 2:50 A. M. 11:10 P. M. Fyt. Line 4:20 P. 31. 1220 A. sf. The Johnstown Way Passenger Train e.-oo A. M. 1:10 P. M. Johnstown Accommodation_.... 2:50 P. M. 11:80 A. M. a -. .rit Turtle Creek " ...;_10:40 A. Ai. •0 -• 6. A. 51 etond " " 66 4:30 P. M. 12:30 A. sf. Third " " C:1:0 P. 51. 6:15 P. M Pittsburgh and aunellsrille Railroad, (From Liberty nod Grant streets.) Laves 4 'Arriven. Mail Train. ' If.' M Expres Train— 4:30 p. M. ii:4s A. M Clovclaud and Pittsburgh Ruilroia / (Front corner of Lihorty and Grant street...) Leaves. Arrives. F,xpress Train 12.1 b A. M. 2.40 A. M. sfail Train 5.25 A. 4.00 M. Fast Line 1.05 WAl4ville Accommodation 5.00 P.M. lido A. 11. Pittsburgh. aganibus'and Raitroad. (From Liberty and Grout streets.) Leaves Pat, Columbus. Arr. in Cin. Fast Line 12.15 A. M. 5.00 A. M. L 1.30 A. Al Express Thuu..:1.05 P. 51. 130 A. M. 7.30 A. 31 Court of Oyer and Terminer, 4:c. Before Judges IPClure, Maynard, Adams . and Parkd. TUESI:A.I% dune 21st, dt•ls2. 4 t the opening of the ,court today the 'itse gf ',Tames Itrentisz; and bavid flint:ton, charg ed with causing the death of Peter Black, in Findley township, I/15i month, a jury was em paneled, and the indictment was read to the defendants. It consisted of three counts—the first charging the parties jointly with murder, the second charging Prentiss alone with the crime, and the third Rifleman as aiding and abetting. District Attorney Collier, and his assistant, Mr. Miller,:represented the Commonwealth, alttd 21 . fessrp. ISruce and I•legley'ihe d'efdridant.S. ""in his operting . lipecell the Disti ict Aftiirney the ease Was a hard one to try, frtim vari: cue ciicturistarices;abd if there lyaS anY"crii c,p,rninltted, it reas ngyade than rpthlatighter. . The circumstances of the cage arc feeds in the minds of our readers, lied a hrief recapit illation of the evidence will s{pi}ce. Robert ..)l'Oartnes tthitilled that on the 7th Of 3.1.ay lust, deceased Mats in his shop dressing a calf, when Prentiss - came in and wanted a quarter of the veal ; Black said it was all sold ; Prentiss asked to whom, and Black replied it was none of his business. Prentiss now asked Black if his had not treated •him badly about the money he owed him, when deceased said ' • Prentiss had treated him meaner about - a hhuse lie had rented front him. Prentiss then mounted his horse and called Ilack a ; retortsta, and l'•rentis§gii tt his- horse ga{'n ant apphutched' Black. They slruggied folgether. and 'Witness interferdd to separate petit.' Hit - Mihail having in - the Meantime rude 4, helloed for Prentiss - diSmbmited and sid7.- rt:44tec3. anti a s ootit. fOtinio . " 1.11r;N,- dectiiised,fulling 4 Vp; Alack tit'rned' over and gYit tip; ahoy' steuggled again. and Prentiss threw deceased the second time; the latter got the advantage, and seized Prentiss by the hair. Hineman nose got loose from witness and seized Black by the throat while he was uppermost. 211'Cart ney took Black away; he was then wheezier. 4.• rtes some, loud Miki ! - ,g enact: weht tm am: OtIYIN Pr.oittiss a l h utti et of tlcal 4 l • thc•.deht! and brie off. ' Wee:l'4o4 0 IV a 'fey' dav:' aftilfwartrand'ilic,r the linh. " 'Pik oVi'leiltlo tiyue eurriharated by or tkq Witrit , iwGS. The remainder of the testi mony for the commonwealth was reltitive to the sickness of Black, and his declaratitaci. He complained of his buck, breast and throat, was very ill, knew he must die,, and said Prentiss and Hineman had killed him ; be hoped they would never kill another man: He' ones al luded to them as "drunken hogs." Coroner lids.ttvU: tetdiiiedisisec:ing tiie duds. ;tt. the _rase lita,gtith'May„'wlkerr.. bed iiltia'velik Spribger iites 'also present and gave simiiar•evidenco. • Ann Wait wife of decdca'cl, ki t id her f i nshand haitte boitie On 7.ty 7111: 'thatttitit' l nikhei oil 4011 f ay lie WttA 14P.4 ill, wept tAt btcc linti did nut get tip• t•t cept when lifted out. Be died on the 17th; pre vious-to which he told lint that Prentiss had jumped on him twice with his knees and nearly knocked the breath out of him, and that !line man had choked him until his tongue hung out. They had been married eight years and lie had always been healthy. • 4 :he e...ch , n,fcl 1-Ite, 1• 014 1 1 11 1 •N4ealtil tkr'ing cldeed, fftr• .1-truce acierel.ted the jury. tore. shadowing his defense, and preceedecl . to the et aminatlon or witnesses. The substance ox . • was that on the 7th May, Prentiss and Hineman,after driv ing some sheep to the house . of. the. foriper, tvirted for'the row n" of Clinton, and on the wit'' vitt' gertairt'pitrtig4 thdlii that Black had killed that day. Prentiss. said he must gq down and get some veal, and took his Nephew, a lad ten years old with him to carry it borno. The aecount of the affray given by the boy was substantially the same as Me- Cartney's. The main defense is that Black injured him self by lifting, some days prior to the affray. and afterwards alleged that to be the cause of his malady: Robert M'Cartney testified that on the 29th of April, Black, while assisting him to lay the worm of a fence heedless of his admonition not todo it, as the labor was enough for two, loosened from' the earth a huge stone, weighing two hundred and thirty-two and a half( pounds; Arid , three- and :it telt feet 'Oleg; lit.:ed it hp oa tvstuntp; - sttotclde.red it, carried it teity-fottrsteis and" thirty it beer, a feline. On jfie bth Of May;' Black also labored hard in . . placing a huge oak log on the top of "an abut ment for a water course. _John N.no; testified that two weeks befo,re the affray he heard tilack somplain of his hank, saying he had hurt him •;e[flifting. I.l,r.‘Bruce desired to call some witnesses to testify to declarations made by deceased, prior to his serious illness, to the effect that lie had not been injured in the affray, and that he had hurt his back in lifting. Mr. Collier objected, as the Commonwealth had not been allowed to offer such evidence. The Court will give a de cision on the point after the counsel quote au thorities in support of their position this morn ing. . Dr. John Wilson testified that in May or June, 1858, he had attended Black, when ho was ill for a few hours of billions colic; with a spasmodic affection of thh.qtlimentary. canal. The disease,She shid,was tO tetanus, ). . cursed was the form of disease scpposed to have p;cised Black'S deMlf, lhogymiiMitts WOO different. Tf allowed to go on the disease might ter pi in ,tel.amts 4 indmmnation, of; fho bowels. One Avitnesshaviag testified to having observ ed a dl.4colbration on The stonsach of deceased, Dr. John Pollock was /cc:ailed, who aablitAras eyittshd. a:mustard Idapter, aliplicitagu 'of which be had directed. The•case will .probably coppludg to-daY• ACCIDENTALLY SEIOT.,-A very promising young man by the name'of Magill, was acci dentally shot in Warren county on 'Saturday last, while getting his gun ready for htintiing. The ball passed in tohis mouth and through the upper part-of the , head, killing the unfortunate young initiralmost instantly. L..:7= : :..:7..,;;1 i1,...,•;.--1.- j -1 7.04 - • , - .` ; • 41 . 4 . 7.4, '+‘;-. ' ' o.lr. v 4- 3. i , " • - . " the linitt) root. TEENS Lait y, Five Dollars per year. strictly in ad ra nee. Weekly. Single subscriptions Two Dol lars Per year; in Clubs ;of five, One Dollar. LOCAL AFFAIRS. - - - Departure and Arrival of Passenger Trains. ' -.S. . . LI; • . b _ ,• . The Richmond Dispetcl! - gives some advice to people who like sport on the water, which is just as appropriate in this vicinity : At this season of the year. when pleasure trip on the rivers are.yery common, and capsizes and other accidents not unfrequent, a word of advice may not be improper. In times ef no-, cident self-possesion is of the highest impor tance. With presence or mind, a man may sustain himself in deep water by placing his hands upon aSinall board orirow oar, and float ing with it. A sail boat, capable of carr&ing six persons in her, When in good order, will, after tilling, sustain a dozen men for an indefi nite length of time, if they put their 'hands upon her and float with the tide. if the craft capsizes, she is even more buoyant that when full of water, .and' would sustain and carry I safely to shore half a dozen men who could nut swim, if they did no more than put their hands upon her and thus prevent themselves from sinking. Never attempt to swim ashore ulOne aslong as . you are within reach of the boat and she is afloat, but stick to her like a leech, and guide her to the shore by the use of One hand and your feet. More persons are droidned.fiall fright lhall is any other *ay. Remember this fact: if yen get cast into the water stick to the ship while there is a plank left to ride the waves. . : SoLturms or 1812.—The defenders of their country in the war of 18E2, residing in West ern Pennsylvania, will hold their annual meet ing, in the COmmon Council Chambers of the city of . Pittsburgh, on Alonday, July .10), at 10 o'clock, A. M.; for the election of otlieeri for the ensuing year, and attending to any other necessary business. A punctual and full atten dance is desirable AVM. (41tAtinm, dm, LUXE LOOMIS, &V.V.- - ,PreAddlit. Tau committee appointed to make arrange ments for celebrating, in a rational manner, the approaching- anniversary of the nation's independence, r , spectfullv announce that they base Made arrangemente with the'proPrietor of the Girard House ( Valentine Petil, Esq. I, to prepare for the Association a plain dinner, on strictly temperance principle:, and will to glad to see any end all sucli (Telt 'Solder:, of 181'2 from the' a. 3 can make it convenient to ivith .faun ..11'1( NATI - TANI - FM PATTEESoN, Luse LooNI LENT'S ' NATION.% I. RC r:.—This fillf!,Ctille,;- trian company was well patronized l a even ing, the canvas being trell - tenanttal in every part. The entertainment was a 1:‘,04 worthy of each. a .acts e: iltiltNl, every iThe seemed well pleased with' 66 o , rtlirmanees. The'r.ted , 'of Imr§es l is nnsurPas.44, iniiuding sk‘eral'Wel; traitird trict: pn:nieS. Tale dkivvw., Sain . Welsor and Kierf?:lo, tvtial, ly re the a,,Vser'y e rl f . ;111 (.Ihiro:rs," audientio iu a :‘ , :l hunter. introdneed his edneated itudep, and I'S el led lowth laughter. Als. tienry tiar tine, the bare bin 4; rider, (quieted won.ie.r.s:, ar.d the funny eel of o'lo jell " was {WS tlute. The tumbling and posturing wax 440 ext , llent. As a whole, this is the hest eirc.ns that has visited our city f.r n long time ; the arrangements aro admirable, the acts see eeeding each ..ther isithont intertni,sion. Atr. Lent is a veteran manager, and as know,' how to give the public a first claw exhibition. The company will ekhiliit to-day at half past two, and this oven in g at half poet Plc!: P 0 . ," ET, •.; gang ot well known pick potiliehi froth the SMitli lira! NVe-d, once b een about lhe city fora few days, but so far, we believe; ' net dieiin ilieng good business. Yesterday otheor IL,tus arrested, in this city :out Allegheny, :CI of Ili eu. pied wets con fined its ;ha Lind, ft a few hoer:, hy di flint ell'e laiuome ac quainted 'with their ills iftiafgta! Pi/ to, .itv tlailh with, the unry alternative being a commitment for vagrancy. . . We learn that ft gentlornan wilt relieved or Iti. , preltet-hook, i•ontainin L f $l7, at an early Lour last evening, during the lint ru,,h for tick ets at the eireoq W nor ty.--The cireti l s Lie{taido soniewhittlfrotn tbu lAi c c o ,a of tilij 13/NllOl{lV :It ihr. A 14011,1 but was nderable. We regret to learn that Mr. Arnold F.: in load health, wir unable to perform last evening. and cannot ap pear to-ni . ght.:,tjc dlopus howevcr, td reptine his place in the entopany to-morrow evening. Meantime, Mi,s Wells and tine real. will enter tain tl, public . - :The bill for this et•Otting: i. •' Jack Sheppard. — and the • French Spy, — in Inith of which pieces AI h-s Wells v, in appear. he given nt the;lroils City NO: the hene,aof.tAte.. , eht...l.; tiachril fu tit. Ward, ender, tl . O ..4 the Lev.' gr. 11 : 110 .i ° The ili net 6. 1 Ctik.l.., and'a very lan.liqi-ile.ott.thrtrit% te-ray, whreli -hall givt• tit antilf• tltne thitt it tine. gnarl. Trait tt-- will leave at the follow ing. hortrn • MAO A. Ft., I I:2 1 ) A. NI., I, .1::;0, and returnint; at 7 1.. (Mli bu:4r., will leave every Jive ,ininotes Crum the i•ornerof Fathom,' Market ptreetn. HEAVY ROBB ERY.- 111.11 119,1e4 tyre 4if Chlifor lie', arriv.A in 'ttic cityini Molichty In .pursuit of one aids liartied SV~l►iunw n 1)0 rib re6bara Rota their 0,44.3;1w/1u fr nn... 4,l1• worth of gold duet. Part of the stilton dust . ' has been trneed to St. Louis, and probably, be sevpre4. • Air. Walling's parents p robably; Totter' forMi6rly reOded'ne§r 'iblitistiiWn, unit has a wlfoand family there, . • . , CAsE.—The libel ease of Kennedy rs. Foster S Fleesen, whore the damages are laid at $lO,OOO, was. called in the i)istrict Court yesterday afternoon, and a jury emran eled. None of the witnesses being present, attachments were issued, but none of them being brought in, court adjourned until this morning, when OM ease will be taken up and tried. LECTURE..-.-TiliS evening at S o'clock, Dr. Lambert gives his second public lecture at the Iron City College.. His lectur,e . ..lasi evening, though tdt. annnutired in the - tii6rning papers as ty'as'eipectei, wit: , largely" attendtki,• by Ladies as;•tveli as ge4eitiall, appeared to give en firti'atitisfaction. At three this afternoon ho gives leeture to gentleinen only; this, as the others, being free, will he uppreciatett. PI rSo'b~ `from a Aistance whO:iiurpose'buy lig either niep's of Ji9ys 4 ,4lothi_ng_in our cities, fire directed to the establishment of 4. I. Uer nagban & Fedora]. street, Alleg,lieny city. Their stock will yo, found full:and fashionable, having the merit of being well made. * TUE towers of the new Presbyterian church, corner of Penn, and Irwin street, are being erected. It is intended to make them one hun dred and sixty feet high from the 'base. They will, we doubt not, prove an ornament to , the the •calit . BROKE OUT AF/tesli. Tuesdayafternoon the fire; in the upper story Qf the building ad joining. Mrs. Tiodkinson's ¢ture. ou - 3Tarket street, which haa sinouldered'there sineolicrn day nikht, •bfu4o out anew, bill. NYaS soon ex.. ' • t ; , WE arerequested to , roan •attention.; ' . the sale of damaged nails,: cast steel: iron' fa, brandy; wine, etc., by underwriters; }at 0 Commercial Sales Rooms,• No. &.t. Fifth sttei3i, this (Wednesday) aftrttoon, at two o'clock. TII E Directors ofthePittsburgh,FortWayne and Chicrilailro4ooßipai k y are in session at thoir o " • te. • • Stick to the:Boat. tlf fi ...; - . • .0: 4 • • Ac j '„,,le • t ""'" • • g ' r**'- " 't r-t- THE Thou Smroor..—Applicants for admix sion to the High School, and others interested will bear in mind that the examination wil commence on Friday, at nine o'clock, and con Untie until Saturday evening. MECHANICS' INSTITUTE .— This institution, the want of which has been so long felt by our citizens is now open, tinder the superintendence of Messrs Jackman h Johnson, in the Lafayette Building. En trance,l3s Wood street.' It is designed for the perpetual exhibition of the products of Mechanics, lidanufactid. curs Inventors, and Artisans; and S a place of resort for tl ioso seeking information relative to those branches of industry, .either by examination of samples :or scientific publications. Those having articles to`bring before the public will find It greatly to their advantage to leave samples. 4k - Tho public aro respectfully invited to visit the institute. HEATING Ili STEAM.— As a testimonial of the workmanlike manner, perfect action of their self regulating machmes, safety, economy in fuel, athrthe little attention necessary to keep each- room comfortable, tve give this certificate to Messrs. Davis and Phillips, successors to Phillips & o Schoolsn of heating steam the Second AVard la b il e in the oily a Pittsburgh, and which Irts. met our approval, and we would recommend them to the pulphe to give entire satisfaction of heating by steam. R. Miller, Jr., John Marshall, Jr., M. 'fiddle, George Wilson, John Wilson, L. Wilcox, Director, • .4 PHILLI . .. . • Steam !leafing, Gns DAVIS Pitlino, Ilunthu PS, lg and Brass Founders, Druhrs in orly dem-rip/ion of (Ms Fixtures on Pumps N 0.67 Wood and I-LS First street, Patslstrgh. delttlyto• COTTLTER Li; MENTZER, House, Sign and Ornarneidal Painters and tirniners. Orders left at their .11,11 on Fourth, street near Market, Bitrica'a Building, will be promptly attoudat.l. *dm ;Y- HOSTETTER'S STOMAciI BITTERS are now generally conceded to be unequalled for their prompt action in alleviating and curing all diseases of the stn - midi. Their superior excellence and conse quent renown is readily accounted for, from the well known fact that they are made under the personal su pervision of the proprietor, in ,t riet HVCOrthlllo.3 With pharithletilit c Seitle, ILI 11 , 0 is !thVar., attended with the most beneficial recalls, and in eases of Nervous lie . Constipation, Flatulence, and other like diseases , caused I.) a disordered stomach, its curative powers lire of the most speedy and tauverful eLaraeter, and 'ex' reeds any rlitivr preparation of the , amo claims [adore the ',oldie • For nle 4 r gists 114 g.ilel.llly, every where. uthi by 110STETTcle s siurrif, Meunfacturorm and Pruprie tura, Na B+9 Writer, 58 Front etrehte. NONK need have gray hairs or n bald ,rite whoin the Vegvtahle Etat Ithehieuile of .lobos Ihtuel .ay Ik used. Its clinic are tuagleal uthl infaltallo. It us no th•loterioth4 properties. hy B. 1.. FAIINE.STOCE IX)., No. GO, corner of IVot.d utht gvnvntl , lr, end nt the Laborutor.y c,I at.les I;au . el 8.., Na . .. 70/ elte,tnnt ,trent. 1.•1A-d1vt tiely7 LIVIr. SO 1•Ip* that the !trueriertn.4 have brezurke gtrinw,hotit ull Chr . i , stenijuut, y a bard *Miring, Lard t.Llos , A se,tritlir people. halo twenine enu4ly fituliuri for +.l.itihtt,l sh,ttlyis, r 9.errilted nerT , S the luSud e unit true curt:, viticit follow upon the Wik;k4l 05 1 inv. , r11( . I• ottrtih.3-9 panaccar for tkw_iie z Ie huye them atlyttpk.e,i,llqt the kilow rtf riuth• ing so , iffieiteiou4 1,4 an invalla hlifferinir twrvato s'r)ll.At'll It l'l TERA, muuntamured and sold hi the proprietor, at his ,11001 on Nun ottreat. noar /40.1. (02 JOSEPH UMTXR VITHONT MOTEL JOSEPH MEYER & SON, Mantahoturers, aid Wholesale and Retail Dealers in FURNITURE AND CHAIRS , :4141 pl an " t7eet, above the Canal,: Have on hand n large naanrtmOnt of Farley and Plain Furniture, in Walnut and Mahuuany of their two manu facture, and warranted equal In quality and vtyle to any manufactured in the city, and will troll at reit...at:o.W Pricer. teitt te L vb..s IMPERIAL. ' l . - T - 4 4 ::3T.C-3cii - ei6.1 4 1 . - - 1, • Colored in till, Postelle, or Plain, in the most arteele vtyle, and at Eaatern prtcen A 141.94 16AILLIERV teS inne , •' 1 1 .141111 . e, Fonrttl C-lit`ftL 1 Ef 111,1 i •liOCIES. er,:ro,h,To,l A • . i'•oili(410g0.1.; Anatomy. AllottoOlv. with tutored plate.. Ailtttottiy dog", Lattrone,', Ts - ean., on the Eye. Vl7l:...ki's7t:rlliseagr"• Skin, ',rah albs, of pushothi tckudl and . 'Ill:., un Itasansty. La Roeko ou Pootinsoo,6, CohilAnd till and Artnoplexy. Es ivisson's lII.] Art of Surgery. e...over'e I,etilrt•S on Su rgery. •Prustt'm Modorn Surgery. Million Pr:settee on Pirre'x Srlont of 4 /11 , k.) , tt 1:q . t... salt of l',,lntlintoN of Mediesne, nett edition. H' ttaou, PrActitte 'of PliyeoeWuu,, I.' On, Therartentlo , 2ll htt. {A, ts , Wood stmet. • - - I.lllflue .ILAA C, • relate, ..,. - mett,of..! a.°, ler. ol tiwuse; mmie d. sfmcfll`,';' Cann, round voriter,; made lade l.y rums. C - :{rk. line c. tkduve, Mali v .my rave, into by Nuttnm & Cho], 1/iir t hitt lI N. " &Simon One 6 " Ritt-I,Vtlttd t." Pave, Part, duet .‘ Mahogany " une 5,4 " i'even' - r. . .04kr•. ". 1,11 , I Ii it' It tti " 4t Vur Kale hy JOHN R. MELLOIt, hi,yl3 NI M'ood xl root:_ _ til .‘ (Om)1 I N N I P Case., ji r • W , S. HAVEN. .•)3 Porner W 90,1 & Third & evlrtrk..t & Re..0u,1 so.. • --7 ~ SALITIUM. .Cite.4y, 3 =l-T3.4 ;. t -1/ Be 4 W-4 5 421 . 1-AD IR., TO. 52 ST. CLAIR S'llif:ET, Pin's innixiii, pa., Jots Jtist reign:int - I (tom the Eastern r i ttA io,Trof re•i;olvillo his %Wing nitwit 'of Glottis, Cassittlertta. t estant.t, and Coatings Ur cvery 974rit , ty and "t..YIc. , adapted,., to the Post oily' any 0 01111117 trtale, which will 130 inaus up to order with proliiptness 411 , 1 despatch, arid at rules as low a.: at any other similar eatittilialinient in the oily. mr&lydaw LAKE SUPERIOR COPPER MILL, &MELTING WORKS', PA RK, III'CURDIr & CO., ityrA NU FA (TUREUS 1:17 KU FAT 'TING, _Mt Itrarinrs' dipper, Pressed Copper But, mild', Raised Still liottimts. Spulter Bolder, ie., also im ~,prters and dealers in Metals, inT pp ate Sheet lion , ire, 'Copstaiitty Wuxi', Ti fuli ch'irMaellinem and Toole:Fitst,ariitiNSt;titind streets, Pittslairt.M. P.tt. special ostiera of L'OOper cut to any do- sired tatttorq. L. C. 111F4P/ICHN, ATTOBNia .AT LAW AND CONYDYANCEII, OFFICE WITH H. HUHUHN, No. 00 Fourth street. ivr.p.A.B.m.A.I.T3D, MERCHANT TAILOR, CORNER FOURTH AND SMITHFIELD STREETS, Pl 7'TSB-UnCi IT, PA. HAS JUST RECEIVED A FRESH SUP PLY.aSpring and Summer Goode, which he It , t , t ii rtd=l , to ti m ab ar e u ra ftie u Tre to order in the latest styles, aplCim FlTTssunqg STEELWORKS . ISAAC . 1 94%8:•••••4NO , .1. IMOULOUGH JONES, BOYD & CO., CAST STEEL. Spinik; Plow, and U. Steel Sprin and Axles. hiLDRNER ROSS AND FIRST STREETS, ' PITT3III7Ii9II, P 4 • r lIESEIZ! STEE : ' • • -; , • **..: ~, • *,`• THE LATEST NEWS BY T.E1..,E43-R,.A.P.H. Arrival of the Steamer Kangaroo. Napoleon and Victor Emanuel enter Milan PAVIA EVACUATED. RUMORS OF REVERSES TO THE ALLIES Iteported Defeat of the King of Sardinia DETAILS OF ME BATTLE. OF MAGENTA DEATH OF GEN. CANROBERT. SANDY HooK, June.2l.—The steamer Kan garoo has arrived, with advices from London and Liverpool one day later than by the Anglo- Saxon. Her advices aro as follows: The Emperor ;Napoleon and the King of Sardinia had entered Milan , and were enthusi astically received by the population. The Austrians have also evacuated Pavia. The AuStrians left Milan on the sth inst. The municipal functionaries wore retiring to 'Verona. There was a partial decline of Consols in London, occasioned by n rumor that the allies had received a severe check in Italy. The de feat of the King of tiardinia was oven reported The absence of news from Paris causes con siderable agitation on the London Exchange. Tie Paris Bourse declined one per cent. Further details of the battle of Magenta had been received at London by telegraph. A Vienna despatch says that among the wounded at the battle of Magenta are Baron Reischaeb, three generals, three stair officers, and two staff officers missing, and ono major killed. 4 Turin despatch of June 7th says that there were otm hundred and twenty thousand Aus trians in the battle, of whom twenty thousand wero placed h ors (..it combat, and seven thou sand were taken prisoners. The French lost only live thousand killed and wounded. Among tho killed are Generals Espinasso and Clare. The government of the King of Sardinia was already established at Como and lond;M. The municipality of Milan, in their address to Victor Enffin,:ol, delivered in the presence of the Empei•orNapoleon, says: •' Tim munic ipality of Milan is proud of be- . ing able to use its precious privilege ;n being interpreter for their fellow' citiz ens at this grave crisis. Trey are willing to renew the cow act o,e 1 1 314, and to proclaim again before the At:ilia q nation the greet fact tyhich lass ;•e.- quired eleven years for full dovelunment in the inlelligenVe 11, 11“ S poople. The un neNutin of totututrdy to Piedmont. is the llrst . step in the new way of public right. which al. lows nations to be free to dispose of their own destinies. The heroic Sardinian army and our own brave soldiers, who insist upon Italy being free as thr as the Adriatic, will soon aclikve their magnanimous enterprize. Receive, Sire, the homage of the entire town of Milan at our hands, and believe that our hearts belong to you. Our cry is, "The King and Italy for A despatch from Trie,te oats an 4t,stri4n steamer had captur!'d ti:h ship Raoul, Trie3te. It is reported that Gen. Cnnrobert has died of his wounds. Gen. D'Angely, commander of ;to imperial, Guards 4 hail critated n Nttirshul. Napoleon is Fanl to have been in the midst of the'linperial Guard during the stand of two hours made . ngainst the 4 1 1 , 4114115., tvlia, it up roars, WerattWarn of the fact. The veal toss of the A u4trlans is estimated at front 13,000 to 14.000. ANI) MENVNI A Turin despatch, dated June ith, says the first private letter from the battle field of 31 a g‘•nt:i had been reeeived by a citi,zeil th.it place. The ImpeliC (t2tutrds went :V9.9 Austrian ulnae,. TrieY were a4t4elietl y the Austrians and were unable to advance, but, nevertheless, finally repulsed the enemy.: The Zonaves and Guards lost and retook their position, and at last Gen. Neil's army assumed the IlirenSiY 0, IVLicy, iy irresizd.able. The enemy ca,,Aoq o:v•A k o sur- prise tb 064 IftV . ; 'co our army, but the muytamut of tlen Ai'Mahon rendered the at tempt ineffective, so the efforts of the enemy relaxed somewhat for &moment, and . ..mr iliet was thee n.ita ectitiVved fury. qe, m oir.ai M Mith2tii was triuutpinmt rind the battle was won. Wednesday, June R.-114i oftyal buili•tin of thti tra•lv 4 " tyll"V• hat. rill( f!r'ipi; I.:ntitbacily wilaA rreeir from the •Alist:l;-'kly - v ! vif—t7 tAT'4l",el hiou , ;,4‘,iiiii.ert , 'ttre rapidly arriving lei join Gar eorpc, which is tan...ming the enohly beyond Monza. I:rhan`o army. tiller a preeipitate re treat frum Varese, has been dispersed and scat tered. A number of the s"ldiers have been taken prisoners et Lavine. 14:itx K, Juno —Thcr, ens lit I otoomit "r thaibithwy Corp; has sailed along the shures of Lake Maggiora, disarmin, 4 the Austrian Custom House auards. and every where parrying oil the public treasury. N API.Es —France bile al poi ntett • :vi; bll2- soder to Naples. The Yo.:.p,iitun Ministry has been - ,., - ,414t;;A. declaration 11.. 1 1_ tratlty h& been made, and a levy of 2,5n0 wen for the navy ordered. I Q`...;nox, duno !YL-Thd Dallq Nrws' city tictasays Clad now's oft decline on the o kr i, bourse Occasioned apartial refietin u - 199- ey Inarknt, vidcb wlts stregtlitioea the s enor OA fret 01 104 Tevvivc:4 IV check. M. D'lsraeli's allusion to the measure of fi nance, which is of the gravest character that is to be brought forth, attracted a good deal of notice, being interpreted as showing that a Government loan for the war armaments was nowtin foot. TWO Times.' city article says : the ab:on000f news from France ha,4 'lwyit , .ated the circula tion to-day ota multitude of reports of a severe check to the Vrenth army, and, the defeat of the King of has also been 'currently 11S - sorted: It is ceitain, however, that'ta flit q lose of business nothing . has toss spired to establish these statements, still they have had the effect of'keeffingilio stockmarket in a state of excite ment, especially as the prices frogs the l'aris bourse showed a decline of one per cent. The supply of money has net experienced any di minution, ot - cie persons are disposed to' anti cipate a further downward. movement in the Hank of .England rate, which bus been reduced to three par cent.. According to the opposition statothent to bOth Rouses of Parliament; seven million pounds must bo provided' by the' Gov ernment to bring the revenue up to the present rate of expenditures. Tho account will not probably prove quite so bad, but the Chancellor of the Exchequer seems to wish to prepare the public fer the consideration of the subject by announcing that financial measures are in prep aration of the gravest character. Thdadeounts from Lancaster to-day show that tho:last advices from India haye• given a great check to the activity in cotton goods. • In"eapiMuetice thO successful' laying of the lied ' sea telegraph cable, the future tele graphic despatches frool India 'maybe expected to be transmitted in about seven days. The subscription at Berlin for the loan of 4,500,600 roubles is likely to be soon filled. The meeting of the Atlantic Telegraph Com pany was held yesterday. A n*w Board of eight members were appoixdO, with authority to add fOur theif-numboi, and to early carry into effect the agreement with the Government; and the issue of new rive-pound shares, to the ex tent of six hundred thousand pounds, was sanc tioned, to enjoy a preferential dividend of eight per cent. The channel fleet will anchor at Spithead on the 24th, and will consist of thirty-six penants, including fifteen sail of the line. The London Daily News remarks that all cavil respecting the battle of Mogen ta is silenced by the fact that tho Austrian army had retreat ed from the.fleld, and that tho capital of Lom bardy, was:4"ow'in the:fomds of the allies: Thd London Post remarks, that since Mon day morning the public has been passing to and • t - • • ; • I. • 4*.r to swallow any canard that came in the way, and after censuring the mystification of its co temporaries, it then proceeds to indicate the clear and marked progress of the allies thus : They are now in Milan. Paris is evacuated. Gen. Urban's corps is dispersed. Garibaldi is everywhere successful, and the main body of the Austrian army is falling back. The Adver tiser accuses the French despatches of misrepre sentations, because they do not tally with the Austrian bulletins. The Times devotes a leader to the French po sition in Italy, and though it does not regard Napoleon 111. as having yet covered himself with glory, says that hitherto he has made good his advances, and worked out a steady success. An Austrian bulletin, dated Vienna, Juno Bth, says that the official Austrian correspon dence contains the following:—After our troops had, according to orders, evacuated Milan, on Sunday, the public functionaries also relin quished their charge, providing for the security of the town, which was transferred to the muni cipality. The Imperial Austrian functionaries have withdrawn to Verona, but it is possible they may resume their posts and functions in Mantua. The Titne.s . correspondent says two of the most influential powers lied agreed on pro posing an arrangement after the first great bat tle, and, i necessary, insisting. upon its adoption by the belligerents. --- THREE DAYS LATER NEW Yonk, Juno 21.—The Cunard steam hip Persia arrived about 9 o'clock this even with Liverpool dates to Saturday the 1111 The Per,da passed the steamer Canada hound fur Liverpool, on the Nth inst. The. D. N. frigate Cumberland was at Madrid On the Ist or June. George Bailey, editor of the Nati,,,,rl Era, of Washington, died on board the steamer A rage on the 151.11 inst. The Austrians have been driven from Mari guan, with the loss of 12000 prisoner, , , and the main body of the army is reported to be re treatimg across the river Adda. The Mir tilt Minister has been defeated in thn Howe of Commons, and the resolutions of a want of confidence, have been carried by a• majority of 13. The ministry was expected to resign on the electing .Parliament, on Satur day, the • NEW VOUK, June 24.—The Express hits re reiv,:d by tit , K• lgarU O, Croat Tames Brooks, Sollifrr editor of the .E..pre.ss. 'Who left Paris on Tuesday night, the Paris ?aerie of the 7th init. it. M., which gives tile very latest news from Paris and the seat of war. Mr. 13. says that, notwithstanding the tone and tenor of the Austrian articles in the London Ti.cs, • founded upon its despatches from Vienna, the OVldOla , o is clear that Mile French have won a great and brilliant victory at Magenta, the practical result of which was the abandon ment of Milan by the Austrians, and a gener al retreat along the whole line. The JOSS of the French he, however, adki:, is probably a great deal larger than the Emperor's telegrams admit. Sc satistled were the Erwich of the brilliancy of their victory that Paris NVai not opts illuminated, but that cannons were tiring froiu all tile fin-ts and military positions in and around Paris, and on the 7th, at noon, Notre Dame was filled with the presence of the great °dicers of the Empire and of the Military, under the lead of the Empre.ss. eh:Hinting the To Ileum, in thank:s for their victory. The EmPrvis and the Princess Clotilde were re ceived in the streets an their way, with the dein-ustrztions ~e enthu4a9n. Tho body of Gen. Epinwle. who was killed at Magenta, has been embalmed, to be taken bums to France The Eim.ress, herself, caused the detth of Gen. Clore to be announced tu his wife as hav ing died gloriously; tias com , olation. Ha' , 7' , th.7th and on the night of the 7th, Va.; ilia high ::tutu of excitement and glee over the viot.kr Bags adorned all the public places and many o; the private houses. The ladies of Prance, under the ktioe.liow of the Empre,s, were 1111 0;14;v,-0,i in the making of lint for the w.,,unkted of the - French, and of the Av.strn ta Army taken prisoners. The wile 0; Minister o: War had started the InOVO {MIA Willa was becoming fashionable and 1;(m -eral. This loud official call for lir.: shows what havoc the war is n.n l .g in the army. it wa' Pundav that the despatch-.from the Kinperor readied the Empress. She caused it to he printed in placards on the streets aml to he telegraphed throt•olhotit i+ , ratice, so that on oft "Jimoiais eVatiinitall light the rejoicing was generann the Empire, The Empress, herself, " i ' iLlntias night rode through some of the Fineipal streets, where the crowds thronged her carriage :old CVOII 1•11.1111.; the wheol< cry ing out in the liinite.A. leruni a Long liv.! the Emperor the knipress and the young Prince, too, who was not forgot!, Gen. Catirobert is not dead nor martally wounded. 11, Trirg(ii,/ , : , n. bmiton to —The British ,/id iut re..ign on Saturday. The irliti;il of Camillo, adjourned over till Friday, the 17th in,t. lit vAV 44stri It is reported that the Prtnr,itin a; - aty will he inobilizcd 111111 e.. 1011 taho part in the conflict. said that the Prussian m.goihkting for the passage of 11.tto. throm,th thirthany. Thu Austrian , were at LOdi nllies were advancing. (:ch. utaribaldi had 1/eaten MI Am tst3iLt.. , nave at Itroscca, rent Zutiave,: ‘ ,,ere kil led and wntinded at Marignatt. The Austrians last 1,:.00 will were made prisoners, 140 Wal)(1 at AtllVigliall lasted Him , ' hours, The armies woro pro[aring for :mother general cuyiugenuoit. GREAT BarrAix.—The motion of a want of confidence. in Ow Briti.s.h ministry was carried in the Houso of Coniratlan by a vote of 323 to Nothing WrS known as to the expected change in the ministry wkly.,: the Persia sailed. At the illeet s i4 of the Atlantic Telegraph Continuity, the report already published, was ihLiptod. The Red Sea cable broke Ana was lost when only sixty miles from Cape Lidero. FRANCE.—Thr Ptl4 botirr:l W 2 1 ,1 iletWeSSed anal the Iniliev.;',l , ktre lower, (fusing on Friday at on 'inis..tfor renie). The flank of France has gaindd .C 2,0055,005) in specie (Awing the tnonth. --- Highly Important News from Pike's ST. Louis, June 21.—The overland express arrived at teetveliworth on Sunday, being eight divys from Denver. It brims a large mail and $2,500 in dust. Tho previous extraordinary reports of disco veri es of gold in Gregory's, Jack son's and other miningcamps are fully confirm ed, norace Greeley arrived out in less than seven days ; lie had visited Gregory's diggins and signed a public communication 6ndorsino the richness of the claims. Several thousand's are pouring into new places ; forty sluices will soon be in operation at Gregory's. The result of the operations of thirteen companies are given in Greeley's published letter, which sloe s that the highest days' yield, Was $5lO. A Com pany from mouth 13.eud, Indiana, has taken out b,OOO pennyWeiglifs with a sluice, in three lyeeks. Gregory's two claims sold for &P,000,. Other 'details are in a similar vein. Returned emigrants are departing daily from Leaven worth, bound to go through at all hazards. The excitement is becoming intense. 'Jono & Rus sel contemplate enlarging their facilities with a view to the Increased demand for transporta tion. Emigrants nro charged not to start without four or six months supplies as the snows set in the mouniains in October, and adequate pro visions should'be made by persons leaving this season for wintering in the mining region. This will prevent the recurrence of the suffer ing and privations of the previous hegira. REMOVAL. W. & D. H lIGITS, RAVE REMOVED TO NO. 69 MAR KET Street, corner of Fourth, where they will re main till the tirstbf September.wheu they will remove to their now store now being built at the old stand, corner of Fifth and Market streets. rnplAm OiESH ARRIVAL-1W boxes :Polemic) Oranges, sweet, and 100 boxes Palermo I4ernons, just receiving this day, and for sale by REYldElt. k ANDERSON, "i • • MAIM Arrival of the Steamer Persia Prom Washington WASHINGTON CITY, Juno 27—Passports for persons visiting Europe are now issued at the rate of thirty p'r day. It may not begeneral ly known that the Secretary of State alone is authorized to grant, issue passports and cause passports to be granted, issued, and verified in foreign countries, by such American diplomatic or consular officers, and under such rules as the President shall designate and prescribe, and in all eases, to citizens of the United States only the issuing of passports without authority is a penal offense. The President has declined to pardon Cyrus W. Plummer, now under sentence ofdeath, for the murder of Capt. Miller, during the mutiny on board the ship Jasper. At the request of Plummers spiritual advisers, the President granted a respite until the Bth of July. Steathboat Destroyed by Fire. Sr. LOUIS, June 21.—The steamer Morning Star which had been laid up for several weeks at Hissers Point, four miles above this city was destroyed by fire last night. The loss is $24,- 000. She was insured for $12,000. COMMERCIAL. PITTSBURGH BOARD OF TRADE AND MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE. President. WM. H. SMITH. rice Presidents. ISALUI DICKEY, ist. EDWARD GREGG, ^_d Treasurer. N. 110pIES„ Jr. Superintendent. GEORGE H. THURSTON, Cummittee of Arbitration for June. ISAIAH DICKEY, V. P, C. H. PAULSON, J. S. CIABGRAVE, J. J. GILLESPIE, R. PRESTON. . . Steamers to Arrive. 81111,4 LEtTE FOB. , DAYS Bavaria Soutliamplon-New York—June 15 Arabia Liverpool Boston June 18 Canadian Liverpool Quebec June 22 (My of Baltimore Liverpool New York.... June 112 Asia I iverpool New York—June 25 IVeser Bremen New York.... June 25 Airago Havre. New York—June 25 Borussia Hamburg New York.... July 1 New Yore Southampton-New York.... July 0 Steamers to Sall MIMS LEAVE FOR DOTS Arneriel Boston Liverpool—June 15 llammonia ..... .........New York Hamburg.... -June 15 City of Wivihington..New York Cork J, 141-June IS Ariel New York Havre Juno IS Indian Quebec. Liverpool....-June IS Star of the West Now Y0rk....-Aspiuwall......Jituo 29 Africa New Y0rk.....Liverp001....-june 22 Karnak .New Y0rk....-Ilaraua, &e.,..Jurie 22 Argo New York......Galway June :2 Fulton New York Havrir Juno i's City of Manchester. NewYork......Cork, 2:c lune 25 Europa Boston Liverpool June 29 Kane:tr. , . New York...—Liverpool,ite.July 2 Stage of Water. Grey ;A::: feet. PITTSBURGH MARKETS. Reported R.rpres.sqy for the Daily Morning Post Prrointatuu, June '2.1, 113 A Flour... The sales from first hands are few an . scarcely lro rtli reporting, figures being nominal ats7,oo fur superfine :mil $7.23 fur extra. From store, sales SOU bbls. st $7.2:,cit;,37 for slue:rains, 5.7,507,62 for extra, and i,1t7,75(ii7,57 for exits family. 133 bush.. Oats at 3065pe; 12.0 bush Buckwheat at it-2,37. 'lay...Sides 3 loads from scales at $12616 ton. flacon...Sales 14,000 lbs. at 73/.:.43:734c. for shoulders, fi.r sides, and fur halraa: 3.099 sugar cured (aims at 113,..:'4.1.2e. Beans... Sales IS bbls. at 0,-.....k41.30 ? bush. Clic c 3:ll.i.laes W. R. at . 9. 4 9 3 f ,.. Potat 73 bbts. at $2,75@3,00. aidadt...i.atles 03 btaa, at fili23. Glasse s...iiales 33 bbls. at 49443 - gal. Caine... Sales 19 sacks at 123,272,13 e, Flsla.,Rales 13 half blds. 31aelierel No. 3 at $3. Whisky—Sales 30 blits. at =3@3oc. for Rectified. Foreign Markets. he Stealth.) . rt. 1 .3111.1 Liverpool Cotton Market, June 10.—There /lax been a decline of ldrsi t.ll the week, on the middling qualities of cotton, and the inferior qualities are difficult to at a decline Imunmtilag to Ktl; the pales of the week amount to 23.0 ebAtes, of Ay/twit only 11.00:1.1es were ta ken Ity rpcoulators, and :2,1:10 bales were for export; the t—tittntaall sales of to-day, Friday, aro Geoo hales; the nwaket is closing with a declining tendon/2y, but is quiet; the following etc the station:led quotations :—N. t. fair, ,; middling, CMG; Mobilo fair, • ; muddlingß Uplands fa:r.'l l :4; middlingol9-16. The stock to port is e.ttintated at Cd 9,000 bales, including 439,000 oi American. Liverpool 13 rcieLquffs.—The Breadstuff market closed with a declining tendency on all qualities.— Messrs. Richardson, Spenee & Co's. circular reports.. Flour very dull and the quotations nominal. Big and, Athaya k Co. quite a decline of rd iu the prices of the week, Wheat continues very dull and the prices are 2, lower ticluTuesday's quotationr. -In Corn there' i1:1.4 Loon a declining tendency ; England, Athaya & Co. report a decline of ndaftd on the week, audquotc mixed at tis hlfstS nvE Liverpool Provisions.—The diffErcnt circulars report the Provisions market with a declining tendency, London Monet:. tiaturday.—Consols closed this even ing at The bullion in the flank of England moreilsed during the week 1.19:1,00, The 14 Commercial Intelligence, Liverpool, Sat urday—The cotton market was art.) to-day with Falea enliutat , d of SOuo bales. By T ele graph. — Lonelon.:Siturday.—There is no quo tation of eonsols f.n; money, the books I wing shut. for tkeeount. iitot.aliona are 1 7.f?,;14.92:44', e x-vtividOnd_ The vx.i.alict closed firmer. American set:urines; Baring I 'others and Ben S Co.renort a good demand for Amer n`,./.11 sera reties and the sales love no advancing tcndeiwy. Market. Pmt_ ortvraa. June 21.-41iere is very little shipping L•r Hour. and the market is weak; common brand, are onered at £8,75 without sales to the trade; the liar 'wen front $.35,75 up to ;$5.51i for common nod itnee brand-. Rye flour and Corn Meal is unchanged. Wheat iv sciirvo nut in limited demand: 510 bush red 0 -obi at $1.70. and a lot of prime at $1.75; 800 bush tuns sold •tt Itye the demand has Gillen an: with xth•s :at 9-laioile. Corn Lntult at a decline Cr: yellow was sold at 051; at:bait. -1.500 bush of Buckwheat wan sold at $1,75. Oats is unchanged; 2.00, bush Delaware was ,old at 47e. 'Whisky is in bet ter rispicid at Z(4200. • Cincinnati Market. CINCIX:f o'l, .1111113 'M.—Flour has further declined to day : the sales ranee from In to 475 for superfine and fora lute wheat_ \V heat is dull without any change in cuts steady at 55460 e. Sales of Comet SOettruf in ;toed tleniand. There is net change in prorisione; Itee o n sides Amulet! at DO. Lard um:Winged; t , oies of bnllc rA, , ,ulders - at Ct.?" loose. Whiekv lima at 2,- 4 e. ttroceriee quiet and unchanged, NuT change in the . ninny or exeliange markets. New York Market. New Yor.c. June Z.—Cotton i.sales 300 bbla; the mar ket closed tbit at 11! for upland middlings. Flour lower: sales 6,50 J bbls W $4135417 for Ohio. heat has declining tendency. Corn heave; sales 24,000 bush. Oats sell at 424151 e. Oils are dull; Lard Oil is nominally rooted at awaiti3e. Tallow Griner at 10.4:,@10 , /e. Wool nomillallyMnded at 40@iale liar fleece and . 3t6;140e for Whisky is dull at 2641Nc. Sugar buoyant and advanced •.;r7a! ; New Orleans at Now York Stock Market. Nzw YOBS, Juno 21. Chirago & Rock Island 57 I Illinois Central lionils. 523 , Michigan Central.-- 40 . Michigan guaranteed.. 2i) New York Central Reading- 5534 Panama Rai1r0ad.......122 Mei& Mail S. S. Co..- CS V 4 41 Missouri Os re"' TRAVELERS, who so frequently suffer from sickness incident to the fatigue of a journey, has of rest, change of water and of diet, should always be provided with Dr. Wilson's Headache Pills, which is a reliable inedke;uo, to relieve them. Prepared and sold I , x 11. Fahnestock & Co, Wholesale Druggists, and Proprieiors of It. L Fohnestoek's Verinillige, No. 60, corner Wood and Fourth streets, Pittsburgh; Pa:' See Pil l narertindtlent an the third page of ti.day'a paper,, pe.2l,a.ltw . _ R. T. KENNEDY • W. S. KENNEDY. PEARL 'STEAM MILL ALLEGHENY urr R.. T. KENNEDY & BRO., WHEAT RYE AND CORN' PURCHASED. FLOUR, CORN MEAL AND HOMINY, MANITFACTUREDANp DELIVERED IN PITTSBURGH AND ALLEHHENY'. straelydom] TERMS, CASH ON DELIVERY JAMES A. FETZER, FORWARDING AND . COMMISSION MERCHANT Flour, Grain; flacon, Lard, putter, Aced Dried Fruit lad Produce Generally, Col:ME*: 'OF AiiD IltaT _ - - PITPSAMIGII, PA. limn To—Francis G. Bailey, Eso., William Dihrorth, Sr., S. Cuthbert A Son; Pittsburgh, Boyd & Ott, Heiskell Swearingen, S. Brtuiy, Cash. M. & M. Bank, List Howell, Mangle A. Co., George W. Anderson, Donlon, " • • "" - • paguerrgan 4Salleries. EL 0 G-M li% S' Ambrotrile and Photograph GALLERY, No. 70 Fifth Street, NEARLY OPPOSITE THE POST 'tIFFICE - Photographs, colored or plain, taken at abort no tice, at Eastern prices, and warranted equal to them. SMALL PICTURES ENLARGED TO LIFE SIZE, and colored in Oil. mrB AMBROTYPES.- A BEAUTIFUL AND DURABLE PICTURE WARRANTED, CAN BE HAD AS LOW AS AT ANY FIRST CLASS ESTABLISH ;SENT IN THE COUNTRY; AT fol 2 H. CHILDS &:.CO., O ~ : '.--;- 11 ;:'. .' %- ,1 .--- ::-7'''''''-'f:_i,- NO. 133 WOOD ST., PITTSBURGH, PA WEtear%ns o tock w opening our large .and ex- BOOTS AND SHOES,. Of every variety, and latest styles and fashions adapted to SPRING AND SUMMER SALES, Which having been purchased principally for CASH, Direct from the Manufacturers, And selected with great care as to quality and sizes Hatter ourselves we are able to offer SUPERIOR INDUCEMENTS To our friends who may favor us with a calL We aro Agent's for MITCHELL'S PATENT Natalie Tipped Boots & Shoes, For Boys, Youths and Children, which pre highly re commended throughout (lie Eastern States for Ihel durability and cheapness, ONE PAlRbaring been found by actual test, to OUT-WEA*IIREE PAIRS of the old style. .IQ - Buyers wilt find it to their advantage to call and examine our stook before purchasing elsewhere. • Ai , Particular attention given to ordera. MEM=I VINEGAR WARRANTED Pure and Un- . --- adulterated. and to sai-s•A E —1 ••••" Pickles for years, the same that I have sold to a majority of the Pittsburgh tiro cers for sw - Ex.va vutas, and which has taken • E' Three First Premiums at Pennsylvania State Fairs, I run now of tering to the city and country trade at _ • greatly reduced prices. Please order direct. Terms Cash. A. BALLOU,I46 Water Itreet, between Smithfield raid Grant,' 7ttaburgh. Pa. 111-111 E Y E MIRACULOUS VERMIN DESTROYER, The Only Remedy In the Whole World, SURE TO EXTERMINATE • RATS, LICE, COCKROACHES, BUGS, ANTS, NOWT- TOES; FLEAS, MOTHS, MOLES, GRAIN WORMS, AND GARDEN INSECTS, AC 50,000 BOXES SOLD IN , ONE MONTH • These celebrated remedies have been extensively used for twenty-twe years in all parka of Europe, and their Miraculous power Lave been attested by the Courts of Its Panes, England, Austria, Prussia, Bavaria, Saxony, Belgium, Holland, Naples, kg., and their Chemical properties examined, and approved by the most distinguished Medical Faculties all over the world. Their de.struetive.neas to all 14 i uds. of vermin and Insects has been certified in this city by the Directors of the various Public Institutions, Planters. Farmers, Pro prietors of Hotels, Wamhouses, Manufactories, and by various distinguished private citizens. Numerous Testimonials and Certificates of i the. elficaey of these Remedies ..an be seen.at the Depot. and Proprietor. JOSEPH MEYER, Practical Chemist, - Depot, No. GE! Broadivay.cor. Houston at., N.Y. General Agent for the United States and Canada. • For sale , Wholesale and Retail, by the Inventor FREDERICK V. RUSHTON, Druggist, No. 10 Astor House, and 417 Broadway. New Yoße. For sale in this city. Wholesale and Retail, by R. R. Sellers A Co., corner Wood and Second streets; Joseph Fleming, corner Diamond and Market street,•' and Ileckhain & INPKennan, Allegheny. W. 9. TT H. I.I'GEE & CO., • MERCHANT TAILORS, - Dente to Ready ;Mick Clothing end Gentlemen's Fur nishing Goods, corner of 'Federal street and Market Square. Allearusof - City,To. •• • • seLtly New Livery Stable. T_TAVING OPENED LIVERY - STAELL, I in the rear or the Scott House, corner of Irwin street and Duquesne War, and purchased n,fine lot of Horses. Buggies and Carriages, I would respectfully so licit the patronage of my fnends and . public generally, assuring them that they can he accommodated at the most reasonable rates. f have made such arrangements that persons wishing their horses kept, can be well fle commodated. • NEIL BRACELAND, uplam Scott House, Pittsburgh, Pa. PENN lIIACHINE_ WORKS FOUNDRY, H. WIGHTSIAN, MANUFACTURER OF Steam Engines, Shafting and Pnlftes Loring Machines, . Mortice Machines, Gear' Bangers, etc.. etc. Ordem promptly attended to a&ly KAY CO3IPANY," - ". BOORSELLERs; STATIONERS, •AND BLANK ROGIC BIANIJPACTURERS, • . WO. 55 WOOD STREET,. - Pittaburgls, Pa. Sir A full assortmCnt of Law, Medical and Miscella 01481100k' constantly on hand. - ...SNOWDEN'S NEW TEA STORE, No. 34 Fifth Street. , EXTRA. CURIOUS OOLONGS, FINEST YOUNG HTSONS, GUNPOWDER'S, IMPERIALS, ENGLISH BREAKFAST TEAS. All purchased at lowest cash prices, and for Fide Whole sale and Retail, SMYTH ,SNOWDEN'S rariods Now Tea Store, 34 Filth street. SUMMER UNDERSHIRTS, • ' DRAWERS, Of. Gauze, Merino, Cotton, Lisle Thread,Linen and Silk, at• • L. lIIRSIIFELD & SON'S. tny26 RATS, 1110 E, , - 11E6, 13 lIGN AND GARDEN LNSECTS— Lillie's Rat, Roach and Mouse Exterminator, Iy. on's Dfagnetic Powder:i t and Meyer's' Miraculous Vermin lo , stroyer. For sale by JOS FLEMING, Lie - corner Diamond and 3farltet street. [• CASES EAST INDIA CASTOR OIL for plile,4 BECKHAM .t ISELLT, WALL'S, Fourth i!iu.eet, 11. CHILDS GI. X. MIL ALLEGiriy HALF HOSE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers