oSSFSEBB ESSE 25 FRIDAT. MARCH 17, 18H- ~ Local items. LOCAL *KWB.-Our friend* will nldiff* i us bv sanding in anv item* of local Inter est including death*, inamagi*. *y *' fuch areegarlv r.-id In yout. friend* .n tho we*t mw'V of whom (rot the Import< r We stVNIW NMHi It a favor ii our *" n * F*j iron* would occasionally mail fM ' ft? Reporter to relative* an.l aequainlan , * ees wKfcrmwly lived in Centrecounty end removed toother pa.t*. which would i indue* many I* Wcomo wWnwri, RLVNKS —Blank Summons. Vondu Note* Execution-. sn.l Judgment and Nowcombino. JuMioos \\ ar- J mutt, Ae.. ** **"* o I Ijtportajtt TO Busisiiw MKN ' The circulation of the UKPOItTKU, om this WtH of the county, is mm gmtier than litl of anv two paper* in the count v, hence huMiiess men who wish to reach the lVnnsvallev trade, wilt | advance their own interests, bv •dvell tisinj: in the Kkvortkr. Our vubecrtr-1 tion list open to the inspection of n!/ j who wish to advertise. GoLKX~Ft<Njl7s Pk>- new and novel. Be sure and rend th> nl* j L vertisemont in our pa|vcr. headed Gtvat "'l* Invention of thV Age. We believe { (he Golden Fountain Pen is unsurpassed. \ good pen is a necessity to overv man. woman aad child. Agent*. here is a chance to make nionev in introducing a good and saleable article. Jn J- j % Fre.h Garden, Flower Fruit, Herb. Tree A Shrub, and Fvergreen :eed>, prepaid bv mail with direction* for culture. Twentv ve different packet* of either da** for tl.oo. The sis cla*pS^oft SLQOO lb*. Kvergreen and Tree .v-e*l*. \,.le. Pear, Cherry. Ac ; Of*** Seed*- Beet Cabbajre. Carrol,Oalon, Squash. Turnip *nd aU Vegetable and Flower Seeds, in small or Urgeq Small Fruit* Stock*. Bull*, Shrub*, Ke. Verbena*, Ac by mai. prerid. New Golden Banded Japan Lily, V Priced Inscriptive Cataloffue *ent anv nl.m | * - 1 Imsl *rr*li* Aflftt* VtttHd. W*aw sile List to AffMks. Club* and the Trade, j Seed* on commission „ . „ . B > WATSONLOId tohmy and Seed Wareh.use, PlymoUth BsUd' | lished in ______ Wfvb.Sni Arm-ron* MnnTtxa—The annual meet- j of the Auditor * of Potter township w >ll j • be held at the Old Fort, a Saturday j | Marvh-iuh. 1871, when all pervoa* interest ed will attend. I J. B. Solt, of this place, will offer hi* 1 stock of store good* at Auction, on Satur* dav 2£th in*L A* he intend* to quit store keeping, thia will he a chance for bargain*. % ♦ • —'' The temperature of the weather i* utill mild and spring-like. On Sunday Pith we had MB* heavy rain, and on Tuesday ( night ditto. CcUßT.—Next term of our court will last three xeeka commencing on Monday April 17th. ' Our Young friend, Jasp. 1\ <>lf, j write* us from Vinton. lowa, that they i can beat Centre countv ior large hogs. He sav# that George Haines, formerly Aarottsborg, now of Y iuton, killed a - hog weighing 989) pounds, and that Maholcn Neiman, formerly of Habers burg, killed a hog a short time ago, j whl.'b dreaded 888 lt*. TAXAIU.ES.—' The following is a re turn of the taxable inhabitants of the several township* and boroughs of ■ Centre county for the year 1870: Bel lefoute borough 755 Unionville...do 93 Mileburg.....do 133 Howard do $3 rl'hili|isburg...do 312 Union township 193 Taylor do 122 j Huston do 223 j, | - Halfmoon.do 138 A Patton do. * "* Hush do 470 Worth do 138 Spring do 333 Benner....do 297 Curiiu do 130 Walker.„.do 313 Marion....do 180 Liberty....do 225 Snow Shoe do 300 Howard...do 244 Hogg* do 413 Hurnside...do 71 Gregg do 436 Potter. ...do 541 , Miles do 450 L Harris do 570 • m Haines do 428 Ferguson., do 477 , Penn........d0 300 Total 8,584 Death of Gen. Jas. Potter. Gen. James Potter, of Lewistoarn, a na tive of Centre county, and well known to our people here, died at Harri*burg, on last Friday morning, 10th. The Patriot say*: He had not been in very good health for the previous day or two seemed quite low spirited and depressed, remarking to a friend only a day before hi* death that he was not feeling at all well, hut eould not tell what was the matter. About half-past nine o'clock Thursday evening Gen. James Burns, his life-long friend and companion, called to see him, and upon sending a ser vant to his room be was found upon the floor in convulsions and unconscious, in which state be remained until hi* death, • which occurred at elev-n o'clock. The best medical attendance was promptly -summoned, and Dm. Rutherford and were unremitting in their en deavors to alleviate bis condition, but the bolt had fallen too surely, and in a few hours after the fatal attack the vital spark was extinct. Only that morning the wri ter whose sad duty it is to chronicle his death in the prime of life and u-efulness conversed with him, and we seem to still hear his cheerful greeting and kind words Hut the lips that rafely gave utterance to aught but kindly wishes, and the great, genial loving heart are cold stark in that long dreamless sleep that only tin- arch J** angel's trump can waken. General Potter belonged to a historic family—one of the oldest and at one time the wealthiest in the state. His grand father General James Potter, was a major <v general in the Revolution, and for several * year* an officer on the staff of Washington. He possessed the entire confidence of his commurider-in chief, and at the close the revolutionary struggle wa* sent at the head of a detachment of troops into central Pennsylvania to overawe the Indiuns and prutict the settlers. Potter's fort, in Pcnns valley ..Centre county, was built and forti fied by this expedition, and at the termin ation of the Indian troubles the comman der was so charmed with the natural beau ties and advantages of that region that he took up hi* permanent residence near the site of the "Old Fort," and here the subject of this sketch was born. At an early age he embarked in business and for several j ears was successful as an iron manufac turer as well as in other manufacturing an 4 commercial tnterprises. But reverses swept fWy hi l re fortune, and at the time of his death he was comparatively poor. Perhaps no man in the common wealth has a larger circle of acquaintance* or more universally esteemed by his friends. Warm-hearted, generous and true, the possessorof a cool, clear, intellect ual organization, he was a valued friend and trusted consellor, and to those who knew him best his loss cannot easily be supplied. He was a brother-in-law of J. y.Criswel, esq., of this city, and was eon nested by marriage with many of the fam iles of the state. His remains will be tnk ,en to his home in M' Veytown to-day. At the time of his death General Potter was ~ orai in the flfty-fcurth year of hit ||. I We notice that a bill ha* been inlro dnood in to state legislature, to extend the ! term of county treasure** front two to three ' • years, iu this *taic. Tin bill proposes to ! nad one year to those now in office A* I we have a troMurer to elect in thi* county -next fall, thi* bill, if passed, would *|>oil ' some calculation*. RR. The bill before the legilaturc al lowing the I. ,V St" S!K t'omp . t>> i sue bond to amount ot jyi.um.iMi. will be amended *o *- to make the amount two j million*, in wliuh ahapeit will pas*. IN e undct -land that Mr. Vmng, the number from Union, i* opposed to the bill ill Ally I shape. We trust tie will oiler no faction* opposition, h\ which the load mi* hi he j crippled and the projjrc** of the work he retarded.. The company, no doubt, hoed* i more mean* and any logitimate*uin*liould 1 tie allowed, so that the railroad may go i right along. , We hear it :ntiituilcd troiii a reliable | quarter, that the we-terti end ot the road | between Bellefoltte and Spring Mill* i* t" J lie ttnihed along forthw ith. The reason j for which i* lite alleged tardim ** el J Haines and l'ami in guaranteeing their | *tH-k. U elope our friend* down there i will see lo this. Their subscription* are rep resented a* good -and w e belly ve them to ; he so- that of Haitie* in particular, lot theie they raised naarlv sU*li above th amount : rvtptired, and we beard Mr Uoourti d<* lar | it was of so solid a nature that he would be i willing to guarantee it himself, i Push along, and keep the work ;oi g, I ea*. west and in the middle. I A econ<l e*rp* has been orgaiur.eil hv Mi. K M l. uffer, which wilt pr.verd next week, to bwate about i\ inib of the , 'heivy w>rk thi-ideo! lleilvlouie, when j lh' <sUt Will tHMUT HOinilUK Uto | the balance of the road iu our valley. I C.tvg p* Nolle* SubM-r.borslo the R•- ! j |Hirter who intend to change their place of I residence, should not tail to notify u* , j where they wish their pap>rs ent alter . April Ist- ' April Court— Gmul Jurors. Taylor —W M Goy Bellefonte Tho. Gorden, II t Kerhn. Potter -Geo Hartcr, H Rover, Peter Rre on, S Keller Rush —K B Molten. I Huston -T Parson*. .1 J lhopon. | ' Burn side— Geo Zimmerman. Philips Uurg —J a* Perk*. 1> Parker. Hoggs—M Fctzer, J H Holt. Harry* —J no ShoneWrger. Unkmville —H^F^Feather*. ' Ferguson— J F Kreps, THe -. Miles— D Shafer Snowshoe— K Ide. i Penn —M Gephart. I Walker— Juo Kuirick, \\ m Kodcrs. IVrere— 3rd A/owdoy, ITIA, .Iprt/ Rush— ll Rikard, ."no Harter. I lu Uefonle Jno Mitchell, A Ogdeo W ; H Hume*. i Howard tp.— D b Shank. p,g ter _A M'Coy, G Honor, W m Love, I) F!i*her. ... Halfoumn —J 11 Kbbs, T (srav. Mile*— S Nathan, Ja* Malf-ry, J F Watt. W 111 Zeiglcr. Benner— K Banny. Penn —B Gilo, DA M u -*er. M'aiker—J Gobble, Jno Miller, J S Swartx, B Bock. G regg —J no Golden Milesburg — Ja* E Weaver, J S Proud foot. Haines— L C Stove*. Tavlor— Jacob Snyder. Pbtlipsburg— K Hunter. Ferguson— D G Mock. Harris — Jno Homan, \N \\ Leach. Bogg* N S Goldman. Howard hero. Jo-enh lloyer. I nion tp. —B V Brisbin. Trtirrrnr— If A .Vow foy, -itf> .Ipri/. Walker —T Walker, P Gephart. Penn—Jno llarter, J H Reifsnyder, Ja' Eisenhuth. Harris — WUliaina jr. J G Irvin, II H Michaels, J B Hart* wick. Bellefonte— ll Hepburn. S D.-rr, R B Barger, S Harper. l> Z Kline Ferguson -\\ K Iturchfleld. S M \\ il liain*, S Glasgow. Suowsbm- Jno Gunsalis Taylor —J Sharer Potter- II R Smith, Jno Slack. Mile*— Adam Shafer, Joel Rover, Jno Wolf. Gregg— Daniel Runklc. Gurtin—Ja* Hunter. Bogg* —W Curtin, Jno Hays. Spring —D Shram. 11 Dand *. .1 K Tate. Bonner —Joseph Mitchell, M Fisher, Jas Knox. Marion— Jno Wilson. Worth— J W Simpson, T Weston. Huston— ll Hartsack. Howard tp.— Wm Montgomery, J C Smith. Halfrnoon— J Thompson, J H Lever. Ru*h— H Mat lev. PaUon —G W F Gray. Union— G Alexander, Jno Alexander, D I Campbell. Burnside —lt Mulholland. Tr*rer*e—'2s\>{ M-<iulnv, April Term hf inn lit May. Sp v g—ll Milbcr, Noah Musser, 11 P<ior ! man, J. *et>h Gomly J B Alexander. Bogg* — Mich Hi-aton. Frank M Coy. J Bellefonte— J P Gephart. I Potter- W W Wood*. Rush —GGoldman, II It Wilson. ! Iln-ris—A Hart*wick. S Wa**on I Penn —E Kramer, II II Woiser. B O ! Deininger. : Miles —ll Wolf, Jno llubler. Jno Wolf, j Gregg— Geo Korman. j Unionville—B Kick. Haines— <Jeo Rupp. Potter— Jacob W agper, H Mover, It Porter. Union— P M Buh. Snowshoc— I> H Yeager. Ferguson— ll J Gate*, P Kickline. Benner —B F Hunter, M Grove, W Fox. Huston —J W Richard*. Patton—J B Waddle. Walker— Jno Garner. Liberty— Bcnj Liggct. gUP* Any person sending u* eight sub- ! seribcrs with the cash. sl6, wil! receive the Reporter 1 year free; and for four name* and $3, the Reporter 6 months free. DEATHS. At Zion, on March the 2d. of scarlet fe ver. J. Lutitia lloyer, in the 10th year of i her age. At his residence in Milesbttrg. on Satur day the 28th day of January, nioiiia. Rev. Charles G. Kyinan, in hi*' ltd year. James K. Boak, Sr.. on March 2d, 1871, aged 54 y ar*. 4 m-mths and 2 days, at hi* residence in Pine Glen. Pa. MARRIAGES. Gn the 9th in*t.. in Gregg township, by the Rev. I K. Miller. Mr. James Hetting er to Mi** Sallie K. Ludwiik, both of Gregg towrship. ASSIGNEE'S NOTlCE.—Notice i hereby given thai n partial account of T. M Hall, a**igneeof Jaciib P. Shopc. ha* been filial in the Court of Common Plea* of Centre county, to April term A. I>. 1871. ami iinleM objection* are tiled on or before the first day of imid term, it w ill ed bv the court. JNO. MOKAN. Prth. STT; REoscorEs vixwa, ALUv Ma, ciibomos. ik.imi*. . H K AH. T. ANTHONY A- ()., 591 Broadway, •cw York, Invite the attention of the Trade t-i their extensive assortment <>f the above gd*. of their una publication, manufacture and ini|wirtHtion. Also riiuTO t.A.NTKUX HI.IPKS *M> OK yPHOSf-ol'K*. Xl* VIKWs or VOVEMITE. E tC- H. T. AN TIIONY A CO., 591 Broadway, New Yoik. Onpm-it M>t ropolitan Hotel, tui'ortkk* txn MAMrrAi-ruaaii* or p IIOTOG B A PIIIC MA T K RIA Ls marlO.lim pKN N HALL At'A DEM V The Spring session of this Classical and Normal limtiUitiofi will commei on Mn dHV April 24tb 1871, to continue nine week*. ... Special attention given t<> those itesirotg to teach. Tuition from s4,.'* to 7,i<J per session. Boarding and furnished rooms can be bad near the school at reasonable rate*. Reference: A. K TKUXAL. A. M Gen. Gko. Buciianax, Principal. Pres't. marU.Ht. JpUBLICSA UK! The following reel estate, situate near Farmers' Mills, in Gregg twp.. Centreco.. Pa., will be offered ut public sab- on Saturday*, April land under tlie higc*t state of cultivation, and equal to the best of Pennsvalley far ming lands. Thi* land s all clear, with the exception of about 10 or 15 acres which consists of the choicest timber-land, there are two orchards. on the premises, and also a spring of never failiim limestone water near the luilding*. The improvement* consist of a two-story dwelling house and ' bank-barn, together with all other nocea ' sarv outbuildings. Especial attention is culled to thcfuctthutthisi'urin is very suitu bit* for dividing into two farm*. Persons wishing topurchnseare invited tooomeand ' examine tlii* property at any time previous • to sale. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock p. i m vrhen Terms will be made known bv " JNO. BISHEL&WM. HOMAN, • Ext eutort. 4 I MiI.ROY MARKETS. Corrected by Rood A Thompson, ,lt d wheat l,:t > Rv.< 75 (i " Old oat* 421 New ..a:* I" Barl. y ui Olovcr>cd 6,2". Tiiu.-lh ysccd t.'*> Salt "J ftdper sack .. llacon <*. Ham 22 Butter 25 Kgg 20 Platcr 50 ItKI.LKF<N TT M ARK KTS tlorrectcd by Keller tt Mu'er. White *V''eat sl."ki, Red 130 live .... ",*t Corn i'si . ...Gal* 1it...,,, 8ar1ey t' 7, Clovers, e.i i', 25 ...Potato. * J'.hl l.ard pr pound 12} ... Porkj.-r pound tm. Butt, r :ui Kgg* "5. ...VU-terper Urn stlVTallo\. 10 ....llacon 15 llanilH W AI. Til AM WATCH IX The < vleli-.V e o*e of llloe wat. hr* tor iho last Ilrte. .1 venr* by K*ilw> Coiidin tors, Kng.ueer* and Kxpres.meii, the uto*i . r\Hfllll>? YVMloh VkCtINT", III* lliuroitjjjlll \ tipmMbiriiU tl the tt MM- J rabilit > ao I accuracy of the Malt ham j V etch To satLfS twit •In ail these j ] re*pe 1* t decide the question a. to the ! 1 real value of th.-e tiioc-kccpei* Merc than .sxi.uxi . f th. - wat. be* ar now speaking t..r thomiudve* in th. p*K-krt #f the people a pr*af aud a guarautco 'i 1 their sope; i o it \ ever all uher*. Hie sui.ri.l . ! n and great cxl. tit of ibe ii; an -Wotk* ut \\ u't • ham, enable* ill. uti* pNtlur* wat. lo * lit a , price Inch render* < mpenli. n futile, and ihote who buy any wtlo r wat. b merely I pav from 25 to ."ai | r . cut. tuor* for th. if watches than i* uec> ..ary. These time- piece* combine ever* improve ! inent that .* long experience ha* prov ml •! retl practical ue. Having had lb.- refu ! ,nl vtt uearlv every invrutum In v*atch-ioa j ko.g originating in this country or in Eu ropc, only tb . re finali.i 'pic.l v. u:.'ti 1 severe testing by th* m 'si skilfult arli-all* : in our work- and buig u* • - o th*' pot of j the public, deuionotrated t be essential to correct and enduring time-keeping. I Aniongthemanyi ipr*>veinent-wev ..i d I particularise t | Tlietnvciitlo.i and use of a vcutrc-puiton I ofpe. utiar construction, to prevent damage ■ .tolha train by tliabr*mgageof main-spring*, Lor giiial aiuhthc Viucrican M atch t oiu- I patiy whi, having had the r fo-l of all other contrivances, adopted kojjjj - patent pinion a* being the best aud faUHWSs. ! Hardened and tempered hair-spring*, j new universally admitted by \\ alehmaker* to be the be- 1* are used in all grade* of j Waltham Wateh.s, All Waltham Watches have dust proof leaps, protecting the movement from du-t, hl.I le-*ning tbe necessity .>? lh.- frequent i cleaning necessary in other v* atche*. Our new patent stem-winder, or keyless 1 watch is already a decided >ur* t*, and a ' grwt improvement on any stein- winding watch in the American u.nrk-t and bv far the cheapest watch of it* quality trnw offer od to the public To those livilis in je.rtioiis of the United States where watchmaker* jdo not abound, watche* with the above ; mentioned improve nent* which tend t>. ensure accuracy, clcanlinc-s, durability I and convenience, must prove invalu: V.le. The trademark* of the various -tyle* made bv thcGompanv area* follow* ; American Watch Go.. Waltham: Ma*! Ainn. Watch t'o . Waltham. Ma- American Watch Go., Crescent St., Waltham, Mas-. Appletuii, Tracy vY Go. , \\ altham, Mas* American Watch Co., Adam* St., ; Waltham Ma**. , „ Waltham Watch Go , Waltham Ma- I' S Bartlett. Waltham Ma*-, Wm. KUi rv, Waltham, Ma - llomc w t. ii On . Boat* n, Mom I Examine the spcllingof the-c name- care i fully before buying Any variati n even !ot a"single letter, indicate- a counterfeit. _ j For *alc by all leading jeweler- No i watch.- retailed by the Company. An illustrated history of watch-making Containing much u-.ful information to I watch-wearer* sent to any address *.n ap ' plication . . .. RUBBIN> A APPLKToN. _ General Aoeiit,* for Aui. :i.ati Wnlcli Co., IS'J1 S 'J Broadway, Nw York. uiaro. 4t _______ I 1" OOKING-GLASB PLATES j for sale by luwts a Wil J I'TNTgN PATENT till' I? N. the best J muscat lgirt* Wilson's. I apItTCA. I ' /y • y. , uwX J The oldest and bct eotidu ted Mercantile College in the Country. For particulars. ' write to P. DUFF A SONS, Pitt-burgh. Pa I .Harpers H I/ i'i ". Dl 11 SBiMiK- K KKPI Nt4tMj.t>. The inest > aq rehen- I sive v* rk publisned Contains National Bank. Rail Road Bookl. cping, Ye marfi.lt UNC LE JOSH'S Trunk Full of Fun. A Portfolia >f first-el*-* W'ii and llumor, | containing the Richest Comical Stories, Cruel Sells, Side-Splitting Joke- Jiutlio- | Iran Poetry, tpiain: par dl -. Burlesque; .Sermou*. New Gvinuiidrum* and Mirih ; Provoking Speeches ev< r published. In i torsper-ed with Curious Puzzles. Amusing Card Trick-, Feat- ->t Parlor Magic, ntid nearly if tl Funny Engraving*. Illustrated Cover. Price la ct*. S, !it by mail, pot tage paitl. to any part of ih<- United State on receipt of price. DICK sY FITZGE- 1 BALD. Publisher- l> Vim -t N Y uiarfi.tl TVll S. S. FIGH S F.-iini)' Phy-ician; I 'tt> page- ; sent by mail free. Ycache- How* to cure alt di-cn-- . of th<- pcr*on ; skin. hair. eye*, complexion. Write to - 714 Broadway. New York. ntrfi. 4t. Bl.<>O.M I NGTGN I 1.1, NURSKRT. 19th Year. GOO Acre-, l-'l Greenhouse*. Largest Assortment— all sizi-*. B—t Si.-ek' lew Priec-s! Would vu know W hat. H'hcn. How to Plant! Prtiil, Shade, Ever green Tree*. Root Gra't* Seedling*. Osage j Plants, Anplfi S* 1. Early Rose Potatoes, ! Shrubs. Ri*< -, G ,<nh ou*. and Garden Plant.*. Yc., *Y P > r and Yegetable Seeds! Finest, Be*t Gollecli-n— Sort* and i quality! Send lti cents for New, lllu-tra tetl: Descriptive Catfiloguc —'JO page-. Send stamp, t-ai-li. for Catalogues of S-ds, with i plai i direction*— -64 page*; Bcedding and | Garden Plants —-12 page*, tind RKli<-lesa!c Price I.i-t—2l | ago. Address F. K PHoKNIX, Bbaiiningt i. 111. marfi.4t A GREAT OFFER. . Horace H ATERS, 4M Broadway, N. Y. ; will dispoas- ■•! One Hundred Pianos, Me- I lod con*, and Organ* of six first-.-lie* ma | Isi-r*, including ITater*.' ut Extremely low ] Prices for cash, during thi* mouth, or will i take a pail cash and balance in monthly or quarterly installment*. innrfi.lt FOlT~*7 PFR LINE — Wc will insert an ndvertisemont ONE M O N T H In One Hundred and Fifty-five Fir-Uc'.a-- I'cnnaylvania N< vvpapera. Including EH vi ii Dailie-. 11 e refer to the pubii-lier of thi* paja-r, to whom our re-ta>nibilii v is well known. LIST SENT FLEE. Addrc-sGEO P. RO H ELL a Co., Adverti-ing Agents No D 11 Park R iv, N. Y inarft It f" TO |TO PER DAY. MEN, WOMEN, BOYS .nd GIRLS who engage in our new buMiu-s make from $5 (o $lO per day in their own localities. Full particular* and in-tuictior.* sent free by mail. Those in need of peinninel, pro fitable work, should n Idres nt once. GEO STI NSO.n a CO., Portland, Mninc. mirfi. 4, AN INDEPENDENT IOUHJNE IN FOUR MONTHS Cuii be made in a quiet way by men tlint nree pabb of keep ngllie seerot. Address JAM KS GOOD *IN, 67 Exchange Plueci* New Y ork. marS.lt I WOJi 1 K T'O- ' VI .IKTAIIM |Qln I O-iOIULMONARYBtIiam 10/U The * Id standard remedy for Cough* Cold*, Consump! 11l Nothing belter.' CU 1 - i.ku Bkq*. h CO. Boston* n;ai3.4t ' *' fr IS c ' M *i - 'r r' % f TO THK WORK INO CLASS.-W> re now prepared to furnish all classe* with con-tant employinent at home, the whole of the lime or lor the spare moments. Busit Hew, light. 111! I profitable. Persons of either sex t a-ily earn from Jth-. to $5 per ; evening, and n proportional sum by ilevot • ing their whole lime to the business, liny* and girl* earn marly u* much * men. • That all who see thi. may send their ad dress. and test the busine* vvi make the unnaralleled offer: To u. h a- are not well satisfied, we will send S| to pav for ! the trouble of w riting. Full particulars, valuable sample* which will do to com mence work on, and it copy of Thr People'i , l.itrrary (owpmiion one of the largest and best family nevv-f aner-ever published , — all sent free by mail. Reader, if you r want permanent, profitable work, address E. C, ALLEN A CO., At <u'*ta Mainz. ' _ mrfi 4t EMPLOYMENT FOB ALL. - MfWLABV I'EB WEEK, and cx sJlsJY/ pense*. to si-ll our new and useful • discoveries. Address B. Swkkt a CO., ' Marshu'l Micii. marfi.4t | A VOID QUA! lv S. A Victim of early J\_ indiscretion, causing i crvous debility, s premature decay, ac., having tried in vain every advertised remedy, ha* a simple f means of self-cure, whit h he will send fre I to his fellow-sufferers. Address Jll TUT „ TEE, 78 Nassau st.. New Ym k. marfi.4t RKAK MEDICAL BOOK AND r FRENCH SECRETS for Ladies and Gents. Sent free for 2 stamp*. Dr Bonn ) part * Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. inartful in SIX l)AIS IN HEAVEN. ! A riilvorsulhUd Daiiuhlci' (iow to* II on veil, and Slavs a YVo'k A (iloiltius Hcvival Follow! I*r llotiirn All (lit" InliprsnJislj* lltH'oiiiiiiu MollunßsLs. FiHIN the Pittsburg /ssalo-, The Rev II Sintitbittlgh relate* ihc fol , lowing -tugttlar i-ireiinutunet' "On ih> j 7tli of November, the Ret J.eph Persli ; Ing, of the Salt-burg eiraulf. began *erle* lof iiu-otings at Ketl\ Station, en the W s-t l"t lill> Ivalua Railroad, where till Methodist* have a small unfinished church 'and a feeble society, The l.w coinpotiugj i the ehlirch Wi re dtsllt iirtellrtl and seemed j reluctant l>> . . |>c ate with tho pastor at J the begian.tig of the nuetlng, However, j t-the work In-mi to take on more hopeful | \ feature- they eutertal upon it with a degree! of cordiality While lb .- meeting* j in progress in tho church a company **f J i Univet -ali*l met *'aih evening in a b-'U-ej* nearby for the purpose of dlcu*< lug tbeirjj doctrine of beb.-f. I'lo y indutg- d IVeely j in ridiculing M< thodi-t doctrine* and ua ge-, a- a|*o isrth >do\ v in general, and did their ut no-t t> dire • the ni.iid* of the pco- , pie trout the subject of personal salvation, flu pastor w i- ordered by eertaln of tluwe , to erase from the • hureh ree vnl* the names ] of some of their young people wbo.had d Ihe i hureh, at the HUM t>l"e tlofat elie-l lo punish their children should they go to the alter of prayer. During the e.-oiul Sabbat hevenlnt ol the meeting the opp—it.on became very * violent, and the prospect was so diseourag- { ing that the pi s • r bad about coin .i ded - to close the liietiing A sermon wa-1 ! preached, however, and penitents invited * forwaral, when a younglady, Miss hiuelinej.j Tay lor, a daughter of Mr. John Taylor ol Whit* - Stati >n, a young lady of quiet un,i amiable disposition, cauin fi.rward for prayer. | With the exception of her mother and;, herself, all the members of the family;* were either members of the I nlversalist Church or strongly in sympathy with tluir doctrine-. 11 tie of her brolher* took a v ery j p-nding part n their public aUu-ion.. | She remained at the alter for quite a length , of time, appearing o be calm in mmd. and ; yet earnestly and devoutly looking for the < mercy of God About Uoeloek her pray ~r -eeiiiesl to hare been answered. Her face wore an expression of unusual bright as she, looking upward, repeated sev- , end time, with di-tiact empha.i.. h. ' that beautiful place over there! , Bhe be* ! came entirely uncon** mu*. and wa? carrua bMM near by . B being llmugbt unad i v * U !.|. t„ ve her I- her father * house. , which was abv>ut throe miles distant. In - j this condition ulie remained for seven days, in the mean time taking no nourish* I men*, whatever. On Tuesday -be began to speak in a b-w t | x..ice, and lor half-an-hour told o! the • -e- ives of ano her world, after which she re ' maiued silent f* i r several hour*. The firt of whom he spoke were two; mini-tei*; one w* the K v A II Ihotu ;,,, of the I*ittburg Confereme. the other) wa-the Rev Mr. White, of the Presbyter rivn Church, once the pa*t*r of the Church | at SalUburg. ; ( Many cxpe-Hent were ti ed t- re*tre her to eou-eioiunc**, among which vvere;, 'ringing ami animated religious -erviet--. , but all without the desired effect. On i day, her friend* became very much alarm- j c.l, owing to the opinion* < xpre*-ed by the! physician*, that hav ing bc-n long wiriiv, out food she would never be rc-t red The j effort Was made togivaher soma nourish-! ment, but in vain She wa* asked wheth er she would ever be nble t rise, w hen *hi ' replied, ' My Savior Its* not yet told me jAt d itl'e rent time* she had spoken of her ■ Saviour a* present with her a* b r guub ! and instructor. Shortly after thi* she told them that her Saviour had just informed her that *h might return to earth on Sab ! bath evening. at 9 clock, This statciuen: occasioned a joyful surprise to her anxious friends. The father said that should it ■ thu* come to pass, he Would believe all she would say concerning the future stale. On Sabbath evening a large company of the neighbers had gathered to learn the ■ sevuel. There wa* no dock in liar roin. nor any way in which she could mark the flight <>f the hours, for her eye# had re maim -l closed from the first. At three minute* before nine she raised her right hand, and waved it a* if (.iving farewell in the distance, and thru raised her b it ham! j in like manner, mid st precisely 9 o'clock she opened her eye*, spoke a greeting to her friend*, l.gan pru-ing the L<ird. and called upon those around to join her her i:i praif for Ilis gr, a! mercy. When a*kc<l jfshe wa hungry, she repied that she was nit -o in the least: that she bad l-een fed with milk and honey, and. indeed, her •trcng'.h was s<> wonderfully renewed that | it secim-d that she had been fed by nn un seen band. The original paper on which these state ; niciil* were written, a* tliev fell from her] bp-, is in the hand- of the Rev. T. l'ersh ing. It is a most remarkable narration of events, and a description of scenes that she still avers wi re a* real to her as any other in her w hole life. As to the effect of this event uji'ii the community, there wa rm further opposition to the meeting One i of the geritlciner. who had ordered hissoti'- name stricken from the church list, came to the pnstor and desired that it might remain there. The meeting went forward glori ously. with many conversion*, and num ber of members doubled at that ap|e>int mcnt. 4 Largo Stock of Ladie* Fur#, horn Blanket*, and Buffalo Robe* at BUKNSIDK ,Y THOMAS CflAfU.ni A. D.VN'A. Editor. ?hc foliar Weekly sun. A Sesrapaper ol be Prcoeal Time#. tntended for People Now on Kartb. Inetadlnc F*rmcr*. Mechanics. Merchants, Pro- Isu.on*) Men, WoiXers. Thinker*, and all Man nar of Honest Folks, an-1 tho Wlvo*. Son*. anJ Pauhters ot all lach. ONLY ONE DOLLAR A YEAU I ONE HUNDREDCOPIKM FOR S3O. Or lo** than Ono Cent a Copy. Let thoro ho 830 tfioh atovory Po*t Offlcc. SCMI-XVEEKLY SUN, o*3 A YF.A R. of the ttcio size and cen or* I character at | THE WEEKLY, but with a greater variety of iiiiscel'.aneoa* reading, and faraiiblof the n-ws to its tanscrlbeis with greater freelineee. became i: eouies twice a week instead of once only. THE DAILY HEN, 80 A YEAR. A preeminently readable newspaper, with the largest circulation in tho world. Free. Inde pendent. end fcarlo** In pontics. AH th* news from everywhere. Two cent* a oopy ;by mall. 30 cents t month, or §6 a year. TERMS TO CLUBS. THE DOLLAR WEEKLY MUN. Five copies, one year, separately acdrejeed. Pour Dollars. Ten rople*. one year, tensraleiy addressed (and an extra cop) to the getter ""jYghi'iiollars Twonty copiot. ono year, separately addressed (s .1 an extra copy to tbe getter op of clnb). PI flee n Dollars. Ty copies, one 1 ear. to one address tand the --mi v< eekly one year to getter np of elnb), Tblrty-fhrco Dollars. - I ifiy copies, one y*ar. separately androsted (and i 11< hcu.l Weekly ono year to getter npofeinb), Thirty-five Dollar*, oe hnn.lrod coulee, one year, to ono tddreas l i md the Dally for one year to tbe getter nn of clnb), Fifty Dollars, ii • hundred copies, one year, separately art lrewed i nn ! tho Dally feroce rear to thogclier upnfrlbb), Mlxty Dollars. T:TS HEMf-WEEKLY HUN. ■ e i auto*, one year, arparstely addressed. I tight Dollar*. , ■ n cot Ire, one vetr. reparntelv addressed (aad , . , xtia cop) to getter up of clab), Mlxteeu Dollars. SEND YOUR MONEY i ■ tdce orders, cheeks, or drafts on Kew , lerwvwi , iivcm-nt if not, tnen reglsier l•• containing money. Address I W FST.I. VND, PnblUher. J Knn ofllce. New Tork City. ' HANDSAWS, knives, spoon*, coffer IXX mills, shovel*, spades, rakes, hoe.*, - lump*, fork*, chains, dec., at I * UUKNBIDE 4THOMAS 1 NEW FIRM II Ceutre Hall. J. 11. MH.T. A L L N K W. New Sloiv. NEW Goods. | The UIHLRL|C"*D''P 0, ''M , 2 etllaen* of t'eutre IU(I AND Potter town-! .hip I In, l lie lift* OPENED H ILEA LIT the A.-II Inoiwa*UlOL fonni-LLV • . Upted by I' F llrU<HI-r, WHERE hv I* H" offering _ , I .• A Villi utnl < 'omjlcte Stuck ul FAIL AND WINTER GOODS chea/) as a IIU stock U entirely ILEA HTNL the public are reipeetfllllv IUX HE J L call and "ULLLF ilieforlheWMlve- GOOD* A,II he oiler. -I ■ I the loae.t po-tble PRO • , RLID bv * GET.- erL •Vtem of FAIR dealing they hope to merit - 'ULR .hare of public Ptr Call ait :L TL' ° UR no rum iu.k Tositow Only Give it - - A I".hi ! rial. T/. , We have A full *ND complete N- Unelit of lit, laid Style., , Hrv GOODS, (iroerrit's. Quumswaiv. tielltlellieli ntul Ltd (v. furnishing Goodi. Ladic-Plonk- ttuil I'ircitlar*, in .Silk and (."loth nil kinds of Groceries. the finest the 1-e.l 1-1 e- e PttiltU By ©stuff. oils Fih. Salt. Math and everything EL.E that i to befoun 1 in A well : stocked country store, ( The high eat market price paid in , Htorc 1 iootia for COUNTRY PRODUCE. Don't forgrt the NOW Store. at Centre Hall where ROOD* are now offered at a bar- C,N J. 1. DOLT j Groat Bargains at C. F. Harlecher'a TM;S M: UAL.I.. PA. Ore TIUUDI, Notion*, (Ir-U.-rn- Ilaro ware' Queen* WAßE, Wuwdand ailh-w ware Ireiti, Salt. Fih and IN fa- 1. Hlgtufii< nt **ortmct>t 'f everything keplUta First Class Store, now ready, and lor ale at marvelou* low ""titKHIS VERY NEAR ATTI!K OLD PRICES. MII.Uaa they will .ALL YOU thexcrv be.T brand, at prtoea that will A.ionuu you New spring Dress (roods A niot beautiful Mri iy, clouting -F all the noveltte. <•( the SEASON, at lower rate. than ordinarily < BURG' I at ot ner P! c< - Wliite Goods or Embroil eries The finest toek in low n.bn.b a- oquanttty aualitr. and price*. HOOP BXIHT j The be: mak-• Int.--t style* and b-ve.l rale.. (Hat* nd Cat** in E r ' * * retv Unetw, Towelllnß*. checks DONIN G-. loth Uassitner*. Cloaking*. BALMORAL SKIRIB, SPRING and *uintner .HAW'*, in U-1. WE *• en everything, and will *eil at a very ttualij idvanca flrl E *t. All (' oak that \UTT will Stall ami kxaminF. orn stock ' befar* pttrrlunli A <l-. u-H. r.-. a *• done on-id. r it any trouble to .H *K- d ALL KINDS OF II VUNK. liver plated and Yankee Harm-* doubh ,nd .ingle, bridle- and halter*. I may IU jr. • SAVAOK A It HO.. . (Successor to N. IL IL- -H Whole -il ASI-L retail DEALER* in Stoves A'Tinware, Allegheny Street, Brlltful, Pa. Read only a partial li-t of (!cok ST I\ Wellington, Wuvcrlv, Ornamental, Oriental. Royal Cook, I'rincc ILOVAL, Sen Shell. Artisan, And American Parlor ami Office Stores: Mottling Glorv. Tropic, llrilliaiit. ami New Egg. AND Parlor Cook* tor WOUDORC il,anu \L wkl Stove* of .* ery de.erij.tion. Attention I- called TO hi. .lock of HOOTING Plate, a new fixe, w liich he HA. iut re. eiv. E.L, M 4DX'J>. It niak.-K better job lhatil he old i*e, andean bo Airni.hcd thespcrthai any other clabliahment in town. Jf-er-Sjouting nn.l jobbing |>rt.inf,tly at to. Charge, renxoiahlv and .ati* ;,aetion gunrHnte.-d. orlfdtt K W IIA ITI) WA K K STII! K F J. & J. HARRIS. SO. 3, UKOCKKRIIOKF HOW A new and complete Hardware S:->re ha' been opened by the under. lGlN d in Itrm k jerhort*. new building— when- they nr.- J.re oared to it'll all kind, of liuildingand IIOUM r'urni.hing Hurdunrc, lr<>n. Steel, Nail.. Iluggv wheel, in aett. Champion Clothe. Wringer, Mill S.-n\ Circular and Hunt Saw*, Trillion SHU .. WehbSatv., Ice ( Venn Freezer*, Hath Tub., Clothe* ltn.-k., a fill aMortnient of Gla* and .Mirror Plate of al. .ice*. Picture Fram.-*, Wheelbarrow* Lamp*, Coal Oil Lamp*. IL.-lting, Spoke* Felloe*, and Hub*. l*low. Cultivator*. CON Plow*. Plow Point., Shear Mold 11 -ard and Cultivator Teeth, Table Cutlery, Shov el*, Spade* and Fork., LY.A-1:*, Hinge* Screw*, Sa.h SJ.ring#, llor>E-Sh.*, Nulla j Norway Hod*. Oil*. Lard, Lubricating Coal, Lin. <-ed, Tanner*. Anvil*. VIC.-., Uel low*, Screw Plate*, llliieh -inith* Toola Faetorv Hell., Hon .- Bell*. lMnncr Kelt* (Song BELL* . Tea Hell*, Ortnutone., ('arpen ter Tool*. Fruit Jar.and Can*. Paint., Oil* Varniahe* retieived and for *ale at junpo't!B,ly. J. & J. HARRIS. BASKETS ill :ilitln-ir varielie..childreti carriage* willow war--, gun., J-i. {(■il*, powder, -let. cap#, cartridge*, sc., NT LIT' KNSL LK A THOMAS' PRUNES and DRIED CI'KK \ M S ;the verr he-t quality ju.L received a ■ Wolf, old IN nd L.TIILIFH Trnmcs. ' Thi* invaluable article for female*,!* N>W , to he Imd at llerlaclu-r * .tore, and no Othel 1 place in Centr • county LND'.e* retiietnltet 'hit the* truwea can he ha-L at Centre Hall tT_ HA it N ESS, collar*, cart whip en.ring whip*, in great varietie*. govern-] ment gear*, .addle*, bridle-, martingale, check line., cart gears, tug harm-**, HUGGI liarne-* hame*, etc. Ev erything in tlicad llery line at RL< RNSIDB TLTOM AS' ONS of all kind., Stelring' glove. Handkerchief., OONl'is. pocket hook, PI all their variety and very cheap, at lirILNSIHK * TIIo.M \S'. N R K W PATTERNS of oil cloth., at re dueed price*, NL 111* RNSIDE M THOMAS' R |MIK Large.t and Be.t Stock of warmii I ted 80- it. and Shoe-, warranted to give -uti-faelion, at reduced price*, only to lie ! •mind at BCRN'SIDEA TILOM AS'. I'T IS known to all in Bellefento and! through the county if you want* i rood article go to RL R RNSIDE ft THOMAS'. ] SYRUP, the line.T over made, j tint re j oeived, cheap at Wolf* old stand— try it. I>A H LO R C (> O K S T O V E> Parlor Stove*, and four.iaeaof DA*' I rm-r. constantly ON hand ami for *U)ati AOLO'TTH. INWTN A WTT.aoN'a. ORN BLANKETS AND SLKltill BELLS, at low price*, at aplO'<!B. Irwin A WTT.sox' BO ALTS for Buggies ami Carringher, .IR.E* in use ; Fire Bolt®, ditto, at plO'tiH Irwin a Wii.son' Ct ADDLKRS BUCKLES, hook., hit .pots rings. Everything a saddlee ' want* for the manufacture of harite**, to bo .oundat BURNSIDK a THBMAS'. All A F M , U> INOI. II - - t viAHUI I. , krost, mstlor-t,, llollefniite. \Y I N E S AND MQ U 0 ID The .übtcriber le.pectfully call* lit-'at* tentlon of the public t • hi* aatalilLhro n'. where lie I* in epaitwl to furnish a" k iiol* of Foreign and Monti ti LblUor*' wlMde.alo at the lowe.t ca.h price, w hlch are warran ted to !> the best qllalltie* Meerllng to , ilhe.r re.Jieetive I rice., lit. stock con.t.U of Rye, Monougahtda Iri.b and utherjj Whiskies, all kind* o llramlie* 11-dlai.d (•in Port, Maderia, CI" ny, Blackberry ,l•.I other Wio- S the 1" t article, at a luild- rale- us Call be had in the city,: Champagne, Cherry, Hla-kberry, dinger]- laud Carrawav Brandie., Pure Jamaica and 11 !New Kiiglaml Rum. Cordial t all kind*. j| He would partn ularly invite Farmers, 11--;' •el keeper* ami other* to • alt unJ eaamlttc j In* larg- supply, to judge for th-mselvc; ami b • ertuin <f procuring w hat they buy, H which can seldom be done when pun hn og in the city. !' r(r Physician*are r. -pectfully re-jiieti 1 .< give In* liquor* a trial, UpiO j i tI NTRE HAI.L HOTEL. \ JOHN Sr.Niit.gß rroprietor , Stage* arrive and depart daily, for all!. point-, north, outh, ea-l anJ West. Thi* favorite Hotel ha* been a-tiited and " furitl.beil by it- new proprietor, and i.nw in every respect one of tbe moat pleasant! cntllllry Hotel* >" central IVnll.ylfaula.j The trav ellii. -tninuiilty and drover* Will j | alwar* And the be.t acr-omniirdatiwß*, PenJ son* from the city wedting to spend a tew week*during the ummer in ttie country, w ill Htul Centre Hull one •! the l-"t d.MUi tiful location, and the Centre Hall Hotel all thev e >uld de.'ire f->r comfort and con- * • •nirnVe. j_ aplOfflklf. j" COACH MANUFACTORY. 11 A RDM AN I'll I LRU'S, * T 11 IS muuutio luring o-tbliUmcfitai J\_ Yeag-rtown, on the Lew utowt ' ami Belb-fonte Turnpike, h* now on bam ,J a lilte rioclt of t 'arriaye., lluggie*. Sulkier " and Spring Wagon*, which he now offer. • for a!e a- *ujenur in quality and *ty le. tt " anv luanulactured in the country. They arc made of the Very best *-ao|u--I slock by j (irt duo* practical workmen, and finished in a style that challenge- comparison will anv work out of or In the Eastern cities and can be sold at lower pricee than thm manufactured in large tOWM and cilie*, I amidst high rent, and ruinous price* of liv- J ing. Being ma.lor ->f hi. own situation, i anxious to excel in hi. artistical profc.siot ■nd free from any annoyance* in hi. I<uj. I n-*. be ha* time and ability to devote hit J entire attention to hie profession and hit cuttoitvrr*, rendering satisfaction alike tr t at! patron*, operative*, hi* country, anc JJ himself. ... , •• Call and examine hi* .lck and learn hit v price*, and volt eanm-t fail to be satisfied. s K k I' A 1 It I No ; -•fall kind, done neatly, |roiujttly, nu reasonably. 'i .-1 -w n, Juno II IMB ly. [( nt l RLE AND .-INtil.K BARREL fowling pie. - at aj.lO'ta. IKM 1N A; WI LSI IN'. , \l r JII E l 11.LK S HOLES ALK WINK .v LKdIOR srO R E Ui.b.tpstreet, BelWfoute, in the Sumo bud dmg i •mierly occupied by the Key •tone Bakery lake* pleasure in ht forming the public that he keep* constantly on hand a supply* #•' cboiee Foreign and lluhimtic Liquor*. All Ji'rrrU, AVys Cut* rarrntttnl I.i r-slais tk* fM.fity ri/'i'Mr*'™. _ '' The attention of practicing pby*iciau* i v • ailed Ul hi* tock of PURE LltjUtiLS. -uitable f>r medical purjso.e-, Bidtlea, lugs, and demijohn* coii.tantJy on band, b 11. I.*- the tt.NLY Ft*UK NECTAR e Wll IsK Yin town. All liquor, are warranted to give at- t faction. Liquor* ill b-old by the quart, ' j tmri el, or tierce 1I has a large lot <i BOTTLED LIQUOILS Of the find grad-*- on hand. Confident that he can t!e:i-e mtiiun-n 1 in* rospeetAllly ..diet!* B share of public pa£ , my ldu] JI'.WIN.V '.YIL-.'N - r • geiviug new good, ill their line. II A R I) W A li K lofovory description at rcuu.< pric,-* being opened every day aplD'O Wall Paprr. cheap ,'rotu 12 to 20cent* I < r 1 <•! ta lis tlrtl r ' ihUITALO SCALES, of lb, bcim#kv > fr -mlll ccto WHOOP • aplOfiß IRWIN .V Wti>.x. f pi' RKKY FKt'l N> rai- n*, pea. be all k ilitl f for-ign fruit*, lliuis, tmcon a--., at (BURNSIDE x THOMAS'. nltV BOAHBS, Fbvnk an I :ng for sale by Irwin® Wu*un. aplOftS. f 1 litss-Cl*T AND MILL FA\VS. be 1 >k- ut Irwin A Wa. N. apltf tifi i PUMPS! Wooden Pumps. AND PIPING. ■' 11 The iinderigncd would respectfully call; i tbe attention of thccitiaen ofCenlrecounty, j .'and l't-nit.valiey in jarli<-uiar, t< lite fact that be i* nianufm luring 7>J£ pump, j made at lioiue <>r eUew here. He vi-se* none 1 but tbe b- *t material, lis: w vkucvt* thru ;to give **!isfaction, a% be.ng the mo.t last ing and durable. at i-KRlos to iiik l.i> wixMlen j-ump. being arranged to let the wiiter off and prevent freezing in winter.' Fine, poplar or cueuinber pump, always j on band. Hi* matiria) for pump* i all (.awed from large timber, and are thtt*; Secured iignitcd ( "Ik ekingor Cracking. | All order* by mail promptly filled. ■( l'll'l NO, made of lite b-'-t materinl, of; five irrh .CRtitling, joined togetber wthjl coupling blov k., thoro gbly banded, audit vvhi ranted to Mar l any |>r,--ure rcquiri -l,; for ordinary u.c. Price- of pi-ing range!, from 12to ib rent* per foot. Send orders lot, ..otui.ly .1 TELLE It. I, llilmburg, Pfe. | H h ria I Case s 1 AND CASKKTS A1 It-TIOHT ANI> IN MKSTRUCTi BLE | rot I'rolccting ntnl I'rvacrving the Dca<l. ! The undersignevl take- plea.ure in an- , t nouncing that be luu secured the -winagen cy in thi- county for ' !/ /; I A L Lie A -V ll (1 L Ass l.itriHl fi'ttM** and Caahrlß, which are MI widely know na* to requir not j -it-inl c-'iiinieiidi! ion. The METALLIC;' BURIAL CA. V K, with it* pre--lit itn-j [proved at vie and ftnUb, ill entire UtWfil] | with the f'-eling. of the bereaved, it pcr-j j'ect, d adjustment* and nppointn.cnU in v wliatevor relate, t-- tbe preservation and urot-i tlon of the body after death, confirm ,i utility ami entire ndaptne-. to the pur- - : on-... f.r which il i* designed. v COFFlNSofall li ■ rij.ti -n* furnished 11 j tt the shortest notice; an I nil --rder. filled ' i>!"iop'!y night or day. Th Dead laid out t i with - ;.r-\ ninl funerab and ,-t-orl* -uper- 1 •ul 1-1 in p,-r-'-n. iiKN Harris - itiv It lb-lb fonte. Fa. I MILLERS HOTEL w.e.dward. Fa. i Stage* arrive and depart daily. * ; l hi" favorite hotel i. now in every re.pect c 1 -ue of the iiKHt plen.ant country hotel, in t 'central P*nn*ylvania. The traveling com munity will a I way. find the b.--t accommo-l ! lation. Drover*, an at all time* be accom- ] j j modatcd with stable* and pasture for any j I tumberofeattle o" horse.. julyil'-N.i fiEtt. MILLER. J V large and elegant assortment o'~ Ilorsc Blanket*, Buck-.kin Glove# and Bulla- Mo Robe., at very at low prices fll'KNSlDi: ftT lIOM AS rVAUEhigheat market pricva |>aid for a' I kind* of country produce, i BURNSIMK a THOMAS' . SFINDI.K SK KINS for wagons, nil si zo*, at the sign <>f tbe Anvil. i j up 10'<18. IRWIN a Wn.aos. f AMFSOFKVKRY VARIETY and I A kind Mt aplOMiK IRWIN & WILSON'S, j 1 HORSE COLLARS, if you don't wha your horse'* shoulder* galled and I outdeaoro, got good horse collar* at UUUNSIDK ft THOMAS'. A Tremenaous Stock of Goods Ji . at Burttsitle (• Thomas. " rrOYK of: II kind*, at " i II BUKNBU)£ ATROMAJjI i i i n i IMiihidclpliin S|(ire. 'ln BfoekerhnflT* block, Ilbhop Sitert, Belltfonte, wbero KM, I.Eli A- MESS EH, hava Just opened the bcl, < henpi-*t, largest a. well a. the best a*orti d stock oftiood. in Bt-licfonte. II EliE LM> IKS, 1* the place ut buy your HtJk*. Mttiunr Mozambique-, Rej*, Alp a, ltrWic lain*. Brilliauu, Muslin*, Cnltotjw, Ti- k ( ing*, Flanel*. Dp* rn Flaio b, J,odb - Dual j ing, (lent. Cb-tb. Jgaij" • Saequ.., \\ bit, IVkay. Linen Table rfoib., Counterjiane. Crib Count* rpnlo, White and Ci-I.fi- Tarlton, Napkin*, Inserting* and Kdgings. Whit" La- eUurtin., /-epltvrft Zel.hvr Fat tern., Tidy Cotton. Shawl.. W'W* B.kt. J HUN DOWNS, Notion* of every kind. White (i*l* mxory ry. Kj Vulvae TtirtfU iiiiil ltopuvL Cord* in* j Braid* V*U, Tritutiilnff' j a*tl \| Skirl*, ilOOl* IsKIUTH, Thread Hosiery, Fan*. B- d., St ang | LADIES AND Miss is BllHE *ud in fact every tbiag that cult be lie ughC of, d itred or o.ed in tbe FANCY GOODS Olt NOTION L!N< 1 OR GENTLEMEN, they have black and blue cloth*,, black *no faiii-y a**iiuere*, sattinett*, twed*, met ( WW. ilk, satin and comm- ii vcting*, in abort, every thing imaginable in the line of gentlemen, wear. Ructlymutie dotking of Every Die wriptiou, for .Men atul Jioy*. Root* aud Shoo*, in rudlrM rurtrfj Hut* and I 'jm, < '.I UJ'l. TS, OiLloth, h'uj*. liroicn Mutliu, litfarhrd Mux litis, llrilliitffs, Shteliityx, TahlttMk*,. Ac., cheaper than eU. wh, re. Their.t-M k , rijI'KEXSW ABE ft CBO CKBIKS canmH beevtflW in quality e price Call in at tbe Philadelphia Store and c*ti vinccyourclxc* that KELLER A Ml's- SKlt have any thing you want, and do bu sine** on the princijtle of "Quick Sal< and Small Profit*." ajetft.fc*. URAIX rßowfc* ARR TAKK* good nkwh FOB tu E PEOPLE Great Attraction and Great BurgainC rpj(E undersigned, dctermind t" mrt th* I popular demand for Lower Price*, r spectlully call* the atUntion of tbe public to hi* stock of SADDLERY, now offered at the old stand. Designed e |M- tall, for the {ample and thetitn *, the lar gest and mot varied and complete r.ort luellt of Suddleti, lltrorw, Collar*, llridlc*, of every dewrripti- n and quality; \\ *nd in fact everything complete t" a fir*t cla** otaldUhmrnt. be uow offer* at price* which will .nil the lime. A belter variety,a better quality t fine) .tvle of Saddicrv ba. never before been of- • M'Ved to the public. Call and examine our [<ek and be satisfied before purchasing* elfi-w here. Determined to pica*.- my putron* and thankful for the liberal bar of patronag* heretofore enjoy''J- I re. j--t fully •olicit ■ continuance of the tatin- JACOB DINGKN. Centre Hall. VKW FIRM, NEW GOODS AND Panic Prices. FOSTER DEVEING A \VII*<OK, Hating purchithe extensive tore ul owell, nillilar. I ft Co., and added to them nt panic price*-! 'xege a.-oitmcnt of NEW ROODS, , They are enabled to *< H at OLD FASHIONED I'll ICE*! A large varqt of Igitlit." Drcsc G'K)(1 tireat Bargain* in Murliu* and Calic***. R.-nJV Ma le Cb-thing Warranted to Suit. Our Cloth, and Cu >iiucr, Ctci W excelled. THEIR GROCERY" DEPARTMENT, A Moni.he* every one in a ortim tit and !•* I-rice*. Syittn, Sugar. Tea, Coff'-c, ( none 1 i-tux*, Ji-llif. I><>iii<-*tic and Foreign Fruit*. Chec*c and patric of *il kind-, and every other M tide b<"- iuiiging to the Grocery Department. They If hole-sole at Philadelphia Hat *■ r.V~ Farmer*. Mechanic* and 1-aborer* look to your interest. One dollar saved i* a dollar n pocket. Then call and c at what a-loniahtngly low jiricc* FORSTKIt DKVLINCi ft WILSON, Arc selling their I>ry < --•d* and Groceries, rfir-No trouble to show If they are n-t a* reprr-i-nted. wc will pay von foryinir trouble. Don't for et the place. e- TURNER BUILDING aji2.!f Allegheny St., llellcfonte Pa. CENTRE HALL Manufacturing Co A X I) Machine Works. CENTRE IIALL CENTRE CO.. PA Having enlarged our New borsDRV tmd Maciiink Stiora and Aoßtct'l-TfBAA Work*. SbH-ked with all new and late*: improved Machinery at Centre llall. att nounceto t he public that they arc now rcadj to receive order* for anything in their Itn# of business. Shaftings, ' I'nilies, Hangers. IRON & BRASS YVeal.o manufacture ;.o celebrated^ KKYSTONE HARVESTER, which iiow-atand* unrivalled. Tlii* Koaperha* advantage* over a! i othci KcajK-r* now manufactured. One dvati agc we claim for it. i the lever JHiwi-r, by which we gain one hundred per cent ovei other machine*. Another advantage i- the hoi.tlag and lowering apparatus, whereb. the driver ha* under hi* complete coutr.i of the machine; in coining to a *ji-4f lodg ed grain, the driver can change the cut ot he machine in an in-tant. without stopping the team, varying the tuble from 1 to 14 incite* ut the outside of the machine, a- well a* on the inside. It i- constructed of first eln** material; and built by first cla*u mu chanic*. We warrant it second t> none. All kinds of Horsepower* and Threshing Machines, Uav and tirain Rake*, latest itn proved. All kindoof Bepairingautic. Di'"- o-rant kind* of PLO WS AND PLOW CASTING. The Celebmted lleckendorn Kcononiicji plow which lih* given entire satisfaction We employ the best Patternmakers, out patterns nrc all new and of tin- most improv ed plans. Plana, Specification* and J) at) ings furnished for all work done by us. We hope by strict attei tion to bu nes* to roccive a share of public patronag CASTINGS j of every description made nfid fitted uj> to MILLS, FORGES, FURNACES, FACTORIES, TANNERIES, etc., At". To ' AH order* by mail promptly attended to 1 CSNTgfi BALL *?'&COK'T itI:\KV T. iil.l.*iioLira COMPOUND FLUID ,! . Extract Catawba GRAPE PILLS. Outpouch! J\uU~ Fluid Urtrael Jlku La I It UHli Fluid Jul Met ( uJuultti ft rape Juice. For liver complaint*, jaundice, bilo --uflt ctioiis, sick rn tirrvnua headache, roetivciiew, tie, I'utely vrgelnbfe, cOHUiuiug u> mercury, mineral* • r deleterious drug*. fl Tk" Pittl iri til* most delightfully { plea* Oit purgative. *llper-ediHg rirtot ', ! alls, MitflitiU, etc. Them i nothing! ru re nufpukle ti I lie stomach. Tha> j 'Bite Ifhr, < utl*e neither nauxa tier gripingj jwlMi- 1 hey if* composed of thi line U ngvediont* After a few day* me of them iwk an invi£iiratin uf the entire system :al •• I• ■■ • -to np|Mr luirm u!"iit Iu the' weak and ri.m sted, whether ari:ng f-oin " i-1 . ■ i dinaiw, II T llrliiitx.ld'*l Compound Fluid KxtrmiT f ataw ha tinfe' Fill* are not -ugarcoated, front the fait that j -ugarroated Pin* d not di<dve t tut paa through the cf>niach without daDol* in a. j ouMeqc- nlly doot produce the detailed of-1 feet. 'the ClaLawba <ira|>e Fill*, Man pleaaatit ii> ta-le and odor, do nut umaeTl sate their being sugarcuated. Prioe fifty rHili | t-r box. E HENRY T. HELM HOLDS HIUHLI <•.*.! *.!TK*TXtt tOWPOCXIt t Fluid Extract 8a ra pari Ila Will i mlically exterminate fromthesy-tem! Scrofula. Syphilis, Fewr Hurra, L Irert, Sore Kv e*. Bore I-cg> Sore Mouth, More j Head, Itroio hiti*. Skin Oim-imw Salt- Hheuin Canker*. Runnings from the Ear, t while swellings, tuinon, > Bine rout sffec-to lion*, node*. Rickets, glandular • welling*. < night -weal*. raab, tatter, humor* of alii {kinds, ehronir rheumatism. dy-pep-ia, and > dl di-case* that hava been < -tabiisbrd in! 1 the -yslem for year*. L firing prepared expressly for the shovel' ■ mpi uncut-, it- blood-purifying proper-j' lira ar<- greater than any other preparation! of tar-apartlla. It gire* the complexion a j clear healthy color and re-t<-r— the patient j :<> a atate <>t health and |>urity. For puivr !\ ing tbr blood, removing all chronic con-j 1 -t.tuiioiial disease- arising from the an im- 3 purr stale <>f the blood, and the only relia-j 1 ofo and •(5 K-tual kn.*n reniedr for the] •urc of pain- and -welling of the hone*, ■ ulceration* of the throat and leg#, blotches, j pimple* n the face, eryaipela* and alii -caly eruption* of the akin, and beautifyr-j iag complexion Frirr. Jl.fiO per bottle. ]i M HIS BYT. HELM HOLD'S ixtbatep Fluid Extract JWhu. THE CHEAT DIURETIC, I • urod ei cry cn-c of diabetes in which i ;t ha- hem given, irritation of the neck ot, the bladder and inflautruatioa of the kid i< > ulceration of the kidney# and Dad-' der, retention of urine, di-ac* of the pn*-] late gland,-tone in the bladder, calculus, | gnu el, hnck-du-tdedo-it, and niucou* or . mi Iky do. barges, and fur iufcebled and] ilejicatc constitution* of both wio. attend ■d with the followirig-ymptuwi*: itidi*pu*i-i om to exertiutt, lu* oqmwwr, l.* of mem ory, d.ilicuhy of breathing, weak nervaa, trembling. horror uf disease w akefuinesa, \ dittinc- of vikioD, pain in the hack, hot hands, flu-hltig ofthe body, dryness of the -kin, eruption on the tace. naflid counte-- nance, universal ia*itude ot the musculor j *1 iw. etc. I'-cd by person- fr.m the age- of eigb- Laen to ta.nty-five, arid from thirty-Ive, to flfty-Bvcor in the dtclirie or change #l ! life; alter confinement or labor pains; bed 1 wetting in children. II llcliuWid -extract huchu ta lliun tieai.d bbxal-purifying, and cure* alt di-cast* 1 jri-ing frotn habit* of dt—ipalion, and ex-i cesaea and imprudence* in life, impuritiat| of the blo<d. etc , -upyr-eding copaiba In affertHMi* for which it i- used, and syphili tic affections—in these diseases ucd in con-' ucel ion with Helm bold - rose wa-h. LAUIKd. In many i.ff. ftions peculiar to ladies, the "\trio i huchu i vi!ic<ju*lled by any other remedy—a* in chlorosis or r-teotioii, in£| regularity, painfulnes* or suppraaaion of customary < vaeuslioas, ulcerated or schir in- tate."<fth uteru-, l-ucorrh<m or whites, -tcrility, and for alt complaint- incident to the —•*. whether arising fri-tu indiscretion ; or habits of dissipation. It is prescribed extensively by the mo-it iuincntphysicians, and midline- for enfeebled and dciicat# cmi-tilutKm>. ot both -exes and all age** attended with any ofthe abovediseacas or' -ymptoms), O 11. T. HELMBOLD.S KXTBACT BU- C Hl' t l HKS I>l-EASES ARISING FROM IMI'RI DKNCF.S, HAB- \ IT> OF DISSIPATION, KIT , in all their stages, at little expense, little or • m> change in diet, no inconvenience, and no i-x(wisore. It cuases a frequent desire,' and pin-- -trength to I"r nste. thereby re-, moving Obstruction*, Preventing • ad Cu-, ring -iricturi s i-fthe urethra. alTving t*inj <ind indamarion, -< frequent in this class oft disea-e*. and expelling all poisonous mat-! ler. Thou ands who have Wen the victims of incompetent (H-rsoiM. and who have paidi heav v fc<s |o be cured in a short time, have) found they have been deceived, and that, ihe "Pion.. by the use of "powerfol 1 astringent*, been dried up in the system, j to break out in a more aggravated form, and j perhaps after marriage. t*SK HELM HOLD'S EXTRACT BC CHT for all affeetionf and di-as-s of the! urinary organ-, whether existing in male ! or female, from whatever cause originating.' and no matter .-niow long standing. Price,, -no dollar- and fifty rents per bottle. L II EN K V T. IIKLM Bt Ll> SIM PROYKD; BOSK WASH cannot be surpassed as a face wash, and will be found the only speeific remedy in' every -pcie of cutaneous affection. It •pel-lily eradicstes pimples, -rots, scorbn-; tic dryness, indurations ofthe cutaneous) membrane, etc., dispel- redness and incipi- • ent inflaniation, hives, rash, moth |iatchc,; dryness of -(-siji or -kin, frost bites, and all i puriM-ses lot which -alve or ointments in iicii; retires the -kin U a -tate of purity and -ottnc--, and insures continued heal thy action to the ti- ue of its vessel#, on u bich depends the agrccableclcarncss and > vis acity of complexion -o much -oughtand , admired. But however valuable as a rame •v for existing defects of the -kin, 11. T. ifolmhoid'* liiso Wa-h lis- long -ustwinedi it* priticip.c claim to umbounded patron-; age. by posse—in* qualities which rvnder| it a toiled appetKinge ofthu mo-t sujierla live iud congenial diameter, is uibining in mi elegant formula those prominent; r,qui-il -. safety Htid efficacy—tui-invaria- Vlenec'impaniiueiits of it- use—as a pro-! . native aid rvfri-sliei of the complexion. It t- nn csce lent lotion for diseaam of syphilitic nature, and as an injection for' ill-. a-v ofthe urinary organs, arising from habits ot di--ipatioii, used in connretion with the Extract- Huchu, t?ursiipari!la,aid j Catawba Grape Pills, in -uoh diseases as ; n i ommenfiea, ennnot basurpassed. T rice, j i one dollar jht bottle. u Full and explicit directions accompany . the medicine-. K\ id once of th* m- -t responsible and re- i . liable character furnished on application,! with hundred* of thousands of living wit-i ne—eq and upward uf oO.WW ur£o]scitcd j ccrtificati's and recommendatory letters, j many of which nre from the liighest sour-' evs, including eminent Physioians.Clorgy-j men. Statesmen, etc. The proprietor has; never resorted to their publication in thei newspapers; lie does not do this from the] fact tnat hi- articles rank as Standard Pro i i pat a' sons, and do not need to be propped, up by cert.fleatcs. - HENRY T. H ELM HOLD'S GENUINE! I'll KPA RATIONS. J Delivered to any address. Sccura Ww observation. -jdaun f Established upwards ofjkwdotyrmUMß Sold by Druggists everyjrjxcswii Addrcbs! i ( Iters for information, ,-u* SHUiftdCUi o Vo IIENKY T UEyinkpta?, D^t^gi^ai^^ C Only 1 lKt>m 'fl Drug and-t'liotUMin Vlan-holisc, Hroiwlwi'd, New Yuvk. or to f Ht HaU ri- Motliwal DepetpltM riouth-South i •i^r l vtsrje otl ti t,) vi, Aik / WW , Jieury T, HeliaboltF# | TtUjw filter. A GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVER) Uf. WAl.R**'® C < LXVORNXA VINEGAR BITTERS i% 4 Handradi of Thousands f J| >" pr I f|i WHAT AftE THEY* |(| ||| Cj't TWT ARB HOT A Tib* fl] *a I FANCY DRINK, *ll Us4e ct Pmv Stwa*. WfcUker, Pr+~f WpllW aaO K-I-O M <*OaasS,<olsSS sa4swaW earl l ftosaalUs tin*-. caWaO-Taafc*.""ArfWls tt%" • Wsusww* #., iSM hu m UMSsr • la Owataaaen • 4 r ,.kSMstrus Msfiina,iaais , Oem IX* *s.<- Umm thri* of Cslifomls, srm ' frmm It AbvhcM- Mt**l*sta Tksywc |H UIfKAT BUtitt* PtrtlVttS was A bits 1.1 VIMS ! St! Ml'll* tS* sorites Us*t*f asA .'kitgortSWK ; -• m, cr<rtag ®g *IS y .'*** maIUV ami rcnmfa* Us M-m* M> * bswlltr r- oCl'-MW },acKm raaUX* WUcr secofUtss isLoao g Ua* sad isansta U** aawvtl. • wttibs gtvcalaraa tai aisSKasss, tise ■Be bonas ar* not Au-irsfcO tj> wasrst aos sr <fbn aaawas, asA ifet s at -vgaas was4 tftPtill G#fWD*if ■ Far IsSaasiai.i*r> a4 Ckraalc ÜbrKion itsaa mmd Ummt. tiasvsda. •* IndicMioa. e liana, U*nl*ra( aad iMrrnstalrw I>*cf aaa—a af ikr Btaad, t.lscr, KMart t, aad Uladdrr. Uns* Dim ta la* too mum ua fm tlartk isiarnara see turned If VtllatcA Btaad, whMlilsgeacvatl/ prodvsdtrjr <H Dtgra*i* Orgatm. DTUPRPMIA OH IXDIGCQTIO*. H-ad sat;, SalataUa ASantAw*. (WHS i ta ClMNin ntfirnr sD Nw L/ntiUttlGLS f Um im m Inml tsic )h tM Mottfli* piUmii A of Ua Baoft, taflaaaa axt ot tta Lacg*. rox . s igtaM of •* knta-ts. <u>4 a Leaon4 otUr : t t j'tsslstaa, ar* tin attopmigs ot I/jw|w|jscs, Tl ut'f tlNf §f 4 #tiscb.L - r SIA ttvcf aM toawaSt vtldk read *!•# cl - . i tSteacfls ciaß*sn( (teUacdti ultaxp'i... UUmed :-lsyU4l FOIL OK.ilt DI HE \ SED. Ut.Wa. . t t IJwvm. Hiotzkto.tptiU, Itafit* i t_tac-<. r pfeaacUa, Ctxg-w w aca, t c*lo4Ua4. lt* l> t. i etas, Urii. Uat*.- MOafaOataoftAatL; .1 * * aag tntcaac* Utba Lkla, <4 wfc*t*cr tae. • r-, aw ittmlly CagesaadaawteAaas-t I! . j t ... a slkw- sac It M— waa f thwa Dtsscrt. <j- <1 is -act, casm 11) can* mca Ob* mem v / , . reran, sCaet. Clcaaaa tfca VUtaSad DIoeA artaxsvrr }• : m tapvttm basriiag ttfcaap. Cm -xta . -q . ■ wis ttoaa or Son*; ckaaac <1 U x rs* Sou ... cud cad -ScfgWh la UM rcia*; ct.4C HSkJli 1- ftflSk *ad yearf**tlag wet*a yanwbaa X qitotiMA Saw *ad Ua Ctslta ef la* *ss*bb ntil fsUew FIX. TAPliaadatlhar lAOHXta, c..-.-.., a i?*a c< a wm tlnaik. at tek<s od sad rraK vod Far Ml dtooritaMv wad car idttf tXa clrceUr aroaad aaob tooCUe. prtUcd ti fjer 'ts gMCta-Caglab.Cafaa. r*c* aad Ssacat. f.WXUtCR. PmjitlHa. HH.KttWjSA.UH A €O. SC ■ k-1 Oac. A*i*. tax tru- <*, Cat Lit $1 aad U qwacwtr' o tuol. Xaw TL CD* SOU) BV ALL DUt'OUtSTS AXD DEALT Grrover Sc Bakep^ HIGHEST PREMIUM SEWIXG MA CHI XLS. The following am selected from thous ands of testimonial-of similar character a# evpre-sin* the reasons forth* prole re. i-a for the Gsovut * BAKES Ma- tut * -r : all other*. **• "I like the tirarrr * B or Ma chine, in the Srri place, because, if I had any other, I -hould ttill want a flciver it Raker; and, bavin* a Grofer dt Baker, .it answer* the same i-urpo*e of all the i-L It doe* a greater variety of work and it is m-ic-r to learn than any other."- Mr J. C. Uroty (Jenny June. > •••"1 have had everal year*' rxreri eore with n Graver A Baker Maowiaax which haa given ui great >ati-faction. I think the Grover A Kaker Macbh i* m m easily managed, and Urn liable to g< t out of order. 1 prefer the Grover A Baker, decidedly.?'— [Mi*. Dr. Watt-. New- York.] ! •• • *'l have had one in nty (amily for -Ottie two year*; and ftvun what 1 know ot its working*, and from the testiux ay of tnan v of my friend- who use the *im, I can hardly see how anything could be no-m complete or give better satisfoction. —Hr*. a [General Grant.] • • • "1 believe it to be the best, all thLga ■considered, of any that I have known. It Is very simple and ca-ily learned ; the -ow ing from the ordinary -pco!- is a great *], vantage *. the stitch i entirely reliable ; It ' does < rnamental work beautifully ; it is not liable to get out of order,"—M rs. A, M. Spoonea, UC Bound Street. Brooklyn. The Grover and Baker S* win* Itscliim 'Company manufacture Iw-th tiie F-ia-tic Stitch and Lock Rtitrh Machine*. >.<! offe< the public a cht kw of the beet machine* ot both kinds, at their establishment- in si. the large cities, and through agencies ir nearly all towns throughout the ecui.try Price Li-u and samples of sewing in 1 - ;fa ' Hitches furnished on appliestior. to Grover ' A Baker S. M. Co., PhUadeiphis. -r to F !P. Greene Phillip-burg. For -ale ut 8. !H. Williams aCo a Furniture Store Jb-Sl fonle. I NATURE'S Hair Restorative Contains no LAC SULPHUR—No SUGAR OF LKAI>—No LITH ARGE—No NITRATE OF SIL VER, and is entirely free from the Poisonous aud Ileaith-dcstruTiug I >rugs use*! in other Ilair Prepara tion*. Transparent and clear a# crystal, it will not soil the finest fabric—pcrtectly fiAFB I CLEAN and EFFICIENT-dc-idera turns LONG SOUGHT FOR AND FOUND AT LAST! It restores and prevents the Hair fnun becoming Gray, imiiarts a soft, glossy op I pearaaen, removes Dandruff, is cool and refreshing to the head, cheeks the Hair ; from falling off, and restores it to a great extent when prematurely 10-t, prevents Hohdnclies, cures all Humors, cutsr* us ieruptions, and unnatural Heat. DR. G. SMITH, Patentee. Groton Junc tion. Mh—. Prepared only by PROCTER HKOTIIEHS, Gloucester. Ma-. Thv Genubie i-put up in a pauel bottle, mad* j expres-ly for it, with the name ofthe article blown iii the pla. Ask yourJDrugglst for Nature's llair Restorative, and take no : other. For sale by IFui. IF. If and J. B. Salt Centre Hall 2(juul.v B.V BITS SOAP, Win. 1 lagan and —e ons, olive soap, Dobbins' soap Je . | Oakley's soaps, old eastile, pure, jx ! Elder!ing's soap, and a great variety of . other OH|>l>, at 1 At OMitw BURNSIDE a THOMxVS' ; \ , IFhitman's celebrated y ' oa ] H'hitnian's celebrated - 1 ;p & I Buker's cht eohtle, HteUh'scffocidhtb; Msn j China Gingi-r. Rnglhh Fidpauv'! otii ri : too . Antericaod'ieklw.-, nt bil anl t c .dpi :. .0 ,twito;s w-tD m whvrt ~ **! mahotoTi at *'* watkL'of i x% fciW TUEOIXHFE h c3r OUX SMTTII ;* j has removed to the stor* ittiowh hi !J 3 ißwkh's Arcade next dour tu glmigfrman, Hro- AOu. hi BalaL.nMi whv.-usmsiu' I * a '' ~ iU ,rT " wftß *AOTtti;;mahai trw od* lo :a>m. T®2 l .-ut' i -TO!) than?*t k> MtfMK'iil 1 't Hase Stella, e* Aim. *** giuieiii M -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers