CENTRE HALL REYORTER. ————— LOCAL ITEMS. —————. LOCAL NEWS.—Our friends will oblige us by sending in any items of Jocal inter- TENE WW Clinton County. BArN DesTrROYED BY FIRE IN SU- GAR VaLney.—On last Tuesday ‘night a week, about midnight, some barn owned by Messrs. David and ‘Daniel Schroyer, situate in the east WET | Tom Hood's last joke was, “Death 'stops my pen but not my pension. * pp» | Pailadelphia Market. Wheat —western red at 1 35al 40. | Rye at 88¢, Corn at 95a97¢ for yellow and 90¢, | | such are eagarly read by your friends in the west, many of whom get the Reporter. We would esteem it a favor if our trons would occasionally mail a copy ol the Repester to relives and nequaintan- ces who formerly lived in Centre county and removed to other pacts, which woul induce many to become subscribers, als BLANKS —Blank Summons, Vendu Notes, Executions, and Judgment and Ex 'mption Note combined, Justices War- rants, &c., for sale at this Oflice. . E(u { Important 10 Business MeN.— : : , I TR The circulation of the REPORTER, on this sid» of the county, is now greater than that of any two papers i the to reach the Pennsvalley trade, will advance their own interests, by adver- and it, together with all its contents, were totally destroyed before any one could veach the scene. The barn was machine and a great many farm im- plements of much value. The loss foots up $4,000. No insurance. Lock Haver. Republican. Democrare NomiNaTionNs.— The day by the Democratic Convention: For ( VRIES, — al Conference. Assembly. —A. C. Noys, of Westport I Oats at H0.H2e. | Cattle ut 8ia9} for extra Pennsyls vania and western steers; 7a8ce for fair ‘to good do, and 4iaGlc per pound NEW YORK MARKET { Wheat dull at 1 10al 12 for No spring, 1 28al 30 for winter red aud amber western, Corn at 82uaS4e for new western, | | Rye is quiet. Barley dull and nominal. Qats at d0ao de. | Cattle—poor to medinm Dalle; me : cood steers | and fat oxen, 12 al3 1c; prime to extra lat 16al6}, Hoes at 10010 e and a few choice who wish to advertise. @ Ten years ago Burnside and Thomas introduced to the public Lester Bro.’s & Shoes. At the present time they, are more popular an! command a lar ger sale than ever before. Their pop- alone; other counties, knowing their superiority over all other Boots & McKean compose the district Prothonotary.—W. H. Brown, oi Lock Haven, : Register and > } a 3 } '} Reem der. No B Commisstoner.—Samuel Kahl, Logan township. Jury Commistoner,— of Israel W. Fra- wn dy nln Ap Sxakes.—Oun last Monday after qualities, . Their fame was in the market. groceries and pure, 3 3 miles below this place, at the toot of It took ns but a mo | country produce. Burnside & Thom as are the only agents fur the ahove. darted back and forth like We immedi- county, is that of Messrs. O'Bryan & Williams, under the Busl a house from guerct to cellar. Our companion next opened] hence there is no deception. Chicago Market. Wheat at 89ta98!¢ for No Corn quiet, 60!e for No 2, Oats active at saddle, Rve firm at 63¢ for No 2, Barley active at 1 0G} for Nu 2, | Hogs at H 45.9 85 for fair to choice, Cattle at 3 00a7 H0 for Texan to | cood shipping steers, +) ae MILROY rected by MARRETS. Reed & Thompson, White wheat 140 ......O1d red 1 30 red O00 to 1 25...... Rye 70 8 Old oat SN ew out Cloversead 5,7 Timothyseed 3,75 1 or Hew | 2h 3 th . Bacon Ode Butter 20... Eggs | BELLEFONTE MARKETS. White Wheat $1,830, Red 1 25. "Ryo LTO. we Corn OTOL... Oats, 3 Barley 0 ) Cloverseed Potatoes Lard per pound 18, ...... Pork per pound 00 Butter 3 Koes: Plasterper ton Ald Tallow Hono A CARD.—A Clergyman, while resi ding in South America as a discovered a sate and simple remedy for the Cure of Nervous Wenkness, Early De. 0 cay, Diseases of the Urinary and Seminal |! Organs, and the whole train of disorders brough on by baneful and vicious habits, Great numbers have been cured by this noble remedy. Prompted by a desire to | FORTUNES Rare Chance, Send 2000 women selling our world renowned patent Nile " Mould Wire (ot hii N lin N, $ H MILLS, | HILL, PA. sept dw I will rend the RCI TT \ i Th I waa cured FT Untaurrh and (ANDY | » doeut ne {rod Aadress Mrs, M. CU. Lege it, Hoboken, N, o cpt AGENTS WANTED FOR FREE LOVE. AND ITS VOTARIESR be Du. Jdxo B Bini The most 8TARTLING book of madern time The whole subject uid bare nnd is hideou exposed to universal | HESS TY. Send for cir ular: and terme, { M, and St. Louis, Ll TO SELL OUR POPULAR WORKS! \ CHINA & UNITED STATES \ INFORMATION for the People. \ Before the FOOTLICHTS, &c. | Our RULERS ard our RICHTS. sept, dw Bost Terms Offered, Addrews for Cireudars PARMELEE 3 Co., Philadelphia, Pa BOOK AGENTS | “CHILDREN (RY FOR THEM, Well's Carbolic Tablets. \ respira A Siu cifie i Pa i 1) tory No { the WERNS Of net til family should be withou i DR. WEL] The shou! of Dynth i. H rite? NS CARBOULICTABLETS. | I be prompt tu in alll 8 i } | | i affections of th i i! } FOR WOLMSIN Cli] nll L§ rel LODREN | » ot per | } for} Box. Sent} » { price, by 3. 4). | lent remedy when the Kun their functions properly, Send Price. 20 cen pr by mail on receipt of the KR ELLOGG 31 Platt St... N. Y. Sole Arent! for the U. 8S. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS eptid dw | Agzonts Wanted (Male or Fomale) For The PHYSICAL LIFE OF y Y WOMAN: A a A » BY GEO. H. NAPHEYS, M. D. This Brave, Pure Book is the great sue- <s of the year 1H, 000 have already been old, It still with a rapidity quiet mprecedented. Agents all ag that hey make money faster selling it than any ther. Much firstelnss territory is | wen, Send at once for pamphlet, Address, GEO. MACLEAN, 11 men at sili Ac, Pablisher, YORR & sept, Iw | CALIFORNIA ! wid Woolen Goods ilich are Manufactured at the i | MILROY Woolen Mills will now be offered to the public Thankful for past favors, I am again rea- dy to supply my old customers and num- bers of new ones, My wagon will soon np At Your Doors, loaded with a great variety of Goods, such ws Plain and Fancy Cuassimeres of the latest Spring & Summer Styles, Beave Cloth, Tricot, Doeskin, Satinets, Tweods, Joenns, waterproof Plaids, an almost endless variety of Flannels, Fine, medium and Conroe, Stocking Yarus of all kinds, 1 BLANKETS. CARPETS, | heavy Damask, Flower d, Ingrain and! rior, bright fast colors, WOOL, LARD, and SOAP taken in ex- change for Goods, (i wiels, of oy ry varie- idenco, Jolin C. Kemp, Centre Hill, Pa Agent for Thompson & Sons. ny tf —— ————— yo ——— (x SUITS W. W. McClellan, at Bellefonte, would inform the men of Pennsvalley, and his old | and customers, as well as all others | who may desire to be rigged out, ENTS THIS WAY! ' i ITs! In well Fitting, Substantially! & Fashionably | made suits gfeloths, from any kind of ma-| choose, 1 would say that I am | till in the field, and prepared Lo accommo- | I have a large and excellent nssort- | Furnishing Goods, { | ‘ | A I. 3), i Lome one and all! PRICES, LOW i i | i At The Old Stand | The I.rgest Arrival of Spring and Summer Goods, at Centre Hall | LADIES AND GENTS i DRESs GOODS. DRY GOODS, i AND GROCERIES HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, ALSO. A CHEAP LINE OF FLANNELS, MUS... NS, CALICOES, AND IHAWLS, ALSO, A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF NOTIONS, SYRUPS, COFFEES, also a large stock of I'ESH, the best, all kinds, MACKEREL and HERRING, the best and cheapest in the market. Wolf’s Old Stand. WESHALL TAKE PARTICULAR CARE TO MAXEIT AN OBJECT FOR New Castomers, line receive the promptest attention. Before us lay still another, which Their burial cases are amoung the finest -eemed to have started on the advance, to be found, aud at astonishingly mod a charge from the same gun cut the erate prices. Call and see their estab serpent into two pieces; thinking our lisement, even if you do not wish to path clear we advanced two steps, and bay, but do not purchase elsewhere still avother large copperhead, coiled befure first examining their stock. up, head ready—bang—and another The cine fir rerun. nid NINE Cloths, Cassimeres, & Vesting | this medicine, in iH sealed ¢nvelo wk, to anv! ' HY OY , yoy ’ Fo WY ' . one who needs it, Free Charen Address GREATSAVING to CONSUMERS from which garments will be JOSEPH T. INMAN, Station D. Bible Parties nquire how to get up clubs, : the House New York City, junl7.om Our answer is send for Price List, and a = . : Club form will accompany it with full $1000 REWARD! [ will give one thou directions, making i Turg saving to gon sand dollars reward forany ease of the fol. | Sumers and renumerative to Club ani- lowing disease~, which the Medical Facul- CETTIN& UP CLUBS. made to or-| AS WELL AS INVITE OUR OLD FRIENDS, TOGIVE US A CALL: ApH 68 yv, WM. WOLF. N EW HARDWARE STORE) 4 J. & J. HARRIS. der in MOST FASHIONABLE STYLE. yor Wis All 1 ask is to eall and examine my fine stock. Frere Jars—Savage & Bro, at of these dangerous reptiles was torn to the irou front, Bellefonte, have the la- test and best glass jar out—tor conve nience in preserving irait, as well as safety, it stands unsurpassed, and i you try them once, you will have none other. They have a large supply— all for the Frofecior, ladies. Stoves, tinware, &c., of every description, al- ways a large stock on haud. Books.—J. D. Miller is bound to keep up with the times in the book and stationary business.” He neve: lets his stock go down. waut in the line of books and station arv can always be found by calling at Having thus cut our way 10t stopping to look for more of these We thus killed five large copper within a circle of twelve feet, !! stens i : Pe f where they lay thickest bei tware of the danger we were in. \V4 twenty ere dy ee A Loyp's Mar or Eu tnowledge the reeeipt of a copy of i- pirlicd ld i d commendation which few can boast of, like this firm. SENATORIAL.— The senatorial non and the political campaign being fairly opened, Hoffer «Bros, at ¥ }i Eth : cdlefoute, | and fight for low prices in store goods. They are stocked from top to bottom with everything the trade from Pennss valey can desire, aid at prices which Icave no roout for grumbimg, meme fp A ———— LuMBer FOR SaLe.—Several thousand feet of choice dry pine boards, also about 1500 feet of choice! panel stuff, are offered forsale. Terms Cash. Inquire at the Reporter office. ee fp fp SAaLeE—The farm of Maj. Jno. Neff, dec’d, will. again be offered at public sale, at Centre Hall, on Saturday, September 10th, next. Renovate your Feathers and re- move a most prevalent cause of dis: ease.—Mr. Harry Butz is now stop ping at Centre Hall, fora few days, and offers the citizens of this vicinity a rare chance to avail themselves of the benefits of his unrivalled Feather Dressing & Renovating Machine. The cleaning is done hy steam and all dust impurities and the feathers in vuvur beds are made to appear again as fresh and new. All moths are destroyed, the fibers relieved from their matted posi- tion, giving te a bed an astonishing increase in bulk, { Referrs, returned same day fit for use. lately done much work. All persons “invited to call and see the machine in operation, ill be at Millheim this] week. > Po David A. Wallace, D. D., President Mammouth College, Mammauth Ill, says; of “Our Fathers House.” = Ihave, found: it an interesting work. The sentiment is uniformly correct, pure, and elevating in its tendency. The style is chaste, yet elegant. See adv. in another’ column, eli > We call attention to the advertise ment of the New York Observer in| another column. trial to all applicants one month. “Sho Folly as it Flies.” and stop us- ing: preMirations on your head which are composed of poisons. Use Na- -ture’s Hair Restorative, which by its] cleanliness, fragance and purity com-| mends itself. See advertisement. | { ee et A eee The Decater Coal Company, Phil-| ipsburg, Centre county, shipped 47,- 752 tons of coal during the last year, and this is but one out of several sim-| ilar operations on the line of the Ty-| rone and, Clearfield railroad. & dl | & > to the latest dates. The is remarkably low, only fil) cents.in sheets, and 31 25 mounted. apie VALUE oF ADpverTisiNG.— With | advertising I should be a poor man to-day,’ —H. 1. Hembold, “My success is owing to my liberal- ity in advertising.” — Donner. “Constant and presistent advertis- ing is a sure prelude to wealth. '—Ste- “P. T. Barnum, the noted exhibitor, ascribes his success in accumulating a million of dollars MW ten years, to the unlimited use of printers’ ink.” i a competence.”’— Amos Lawrance. ing is liberal in trade, and such a man succeeds while his neighbor with just as geod goods fails and drops out of market.” — Horace Greeley. “He who invests one dollar in busi- tising.”—A. T. Stewart. “I advertised my productions and made money." —Nicholas Longworth. BE For the Reporter. Lecrure.—Mr. Jno. F. “Normal” Thursday Sept. 1st. Subject, “What a Teacher can do,”? He pictured before them the ‘Extent of a Teacher's calling,” indelably impressing them with sion. He dwelt with some strength upon infused the teachers with a new of progress. The points not mentioned were good and served to enliven the true spirit that now aspiration tor for the qualifications of students, must assign the ‘Normal a perfect success, Visitor. I A Brumgard, two miles east of Logansville, was destroyed by fire one day last week, with all its contents. ea — — The crop of cloverseed, in Centre county, this year, will be larger than it has been for many years. o> > The weather is fine—mornings and c¢ven- ings cool. ung DEATHS. At Tylersville, on the 26th inst., John Bierley, aged 91 years, 6 months and 19 nys > — pb MARRIAGES. At the residence of Mr. E. Harter, in Brush Valley, Aug. 28th Mr. A. R. Alex- ander, to Miss P. A, Harter, all of Mill- heim, by Rev, J. Walker. HOWARD SANITARY AID ASSO- CIATION.—For the Relief and Cure of the Errir g and Unfortunate, on Principles of Christian Philanthropy. Essays on the Errors of Youth, and the Follies of Age, in relation to MARRIAGE and SOCIAL EvILs, with sanitary aid for the afflicted. Sent free, in sealed Envelopes. Address, HOWARD ASSOCIATION, Box P. Philadelphia, Pa. julld. ly ble, that Dr. Richau's Golden Remedies will not cure Dr Richau's Golden Balsam No. 1, will wimary and secondary { UTlecerated So Eves, Skin Eruptions an + Nealp, era licating disease! | airy thoronehly —Dr. Richau's | vo 2 will eure the third ( vphilitie and mercurial rheama- | | 11 defy tl Hor f Woy slic fro lcers, SNOre ¢ hh (hE Lilt and mer en Antidote, a safe » Gororrhea, Gravel ai a aay Bal lity in old ort energydo those who have Thx Ribiky i 3 . \ price, hy mail or Express, willghe shipped to any: pondents, None genuine without thet name of Dr. Richau’3 Golden Remedies, DD. B. Richards, sole i proprietor, { (Glass of Lottles, * a. A Radical Revolution | The! LEAD. | Has been accomplished in hair dyes. horrible ecomponds containing SALT and SULPHUR The leading chemists implore the public not to use them, and Professor Chilton, are discarded. i analytieal chemist in America, has re- Cristadoro’s Excelsior Hair Dye | asa PERFECTLY INNOCUOUS AR- | TICLE, which may be used without fear. | Remember, it is the only one that has been analy zed and found wholesome. Its effects { i TIVE, asa Dressing, acts like a charm on| | the Hair after Diyeing. Try it. | ANNUALLY OF Croop. Now, Moth- lens : : . | this complaint. Tt is now 22 years since 1 | ‘have put up my Liniment, and never heard | ' ment was used but hundreds of cures have | ‘been reported to me, and many state if it | was $10 per bottle they would not be with-| lout it. i Besides which, it isa certain cure for Cuts, Burns, Headache, Toothache, | | Diarrhea Dyszentery, Sprains, Old Sores |and Pains in the Limbs, Back and Chest. | | No one once tries it who is ever without it. | It is warranted perfeetly safe to take inter- Full directions with every bottle. i (the United States, IN. Y BRANDRETH’S PILLS. | Their great value consists in this: They | may be used so long as any disease affects! any of the organs of the body; and by thus| persevering in their use the discase will be cured, and the body restored to health, | free from every taint and impurity, Their| reputation proves their merit. Thomas Smith, Coroner and Justice of! the Peace, Hastings-on-the-Hudson, says Brandreth’s Pills cured him of Dyspepsia and Heartburn, when every other medicine had failed to relieve him. Certificate dated April 2, 1868. Depot, 10 Park Place, | Dr. Turner, of Savannah, Ga., says he has, for nearly forty years recommendeg Brandreth’s Pills as a specific in Yellow Fever, that he never knew a patient to die who took them torthis ma ady, being other- wise sound. Their prompt use takes out of the body those inatters which feed the fatality of the disease. As a general fami- ly medicine he considers them far in ad- vance of all others, and here he speaks from personal experience of their quali- ties. . ol d 33 | RY i reel, septi) dn Il change any lored harron eard to a pernan ent black or brown. It Av one ean use it $l. Address MAG- ddd, Mass, JHA 1 ’ OnLins no poison, In: sent by mail for CUOMB CO. Spri BREEN til LER OF Gert) J, i ] Hu vy Deda? iN, vo from a love of wild nture and a . FON ide of the Indians their ILS. SNDU n i! = Wn (reat ' Hos Leo) Sel, left a home of venty in Ohto Join | the Indians, ad wpited heir mode of life, married the beantiful Was tetlla. be 'f Warrier. Hi M- . WHS appoin- S. Regular Army, with his brave A book of the ed Lieutenant in the Ll. meritorious hostile VICE Indians, rninst Truth ly illus rated of henticated. 3 tranger than fiction. T0 engravings, with thor, in full frontier . Should outsell any Send at once for illustrated de of contents, sample pages A. H. HUBBARD, Publisher, aug it S10 PER DAY KNITTING the «a Price low yok extant, { 100 Chestnut St., Phila, GENTS WANTED A by the AMERICAN MACHINE CO. BOSTON, MASS, or LOUIS, MO. 24 unm ANTED AGENTS —To sell the OC- \ TAGON SEWING Stiteh” and is warranted for 5 years, Price 815. All other machines with an under-feed sold for $15 or less infringe- ments. Address OCTAGON SEWING MACHINE C0.. St. Louis, Mo., Chicago, 11l., Pittsburgh, Pa., ox Boston Mass, ; 2jundm TANTED It makes the * Lock Stiteh.”! (alike on both sides) aad is the only licensed under-feed Shuttle Machine sold forlessthan $60. Licensed by Whee- ler & Wilson, Grover & Baker and Singer & Co. All other under-feed Shuttle Ma- chines sold for less than $60 are infringe- Price, $25. Mass., Pittsburgh, Pa,, Chi- Co., Boston, 24junin cago, Ill, or St. Louis, Mo. : | ll oy N =3 FN ILD. Certain, Safe, Efficient. It is M far the best Carthartic remedy yet discovered, and at oncer lieves and invigo- rates all the vital functions, without caus- ir g injury to any of them. The most com- plete success has long attended its use in many localities, and it is now offered to the general public with the conviction that it can neve fail to accomplish all that claimed for it. Jt produces little or no pain; leaves the organs free from irritation, is system. In all diseases of the skin, blood, stomach bowels, liver, kidneys—of chil: ren, and in many difficulties peculiar to women, It brings prompt relief and cer- tain cure. The best physicians recommend and prescribe it; and no person who once uses this will voluntary retu n to the use of any other cathartic. wi. Sent by mail onreecipt of price and postage, viz: 1 Box, $0.25 Postage, 5H Boxes, $1.00 * 18 12 “ “ 6 cents. $ Le 2 35 . It is sold by all dealers in drugs and medicines and by TURNER & CO., Sole proprie.tors, 120 TREMONT St. B( STON MASS 19aue8ni, cow ) A DAY — Business entirely new and $1( honorable. Liberal inducements, Descriptive cireulars free. Address J. C5 RAND & CO., Biddeford; Me., 24jundm ETER FREED'S P NEW TAILOR SHOP, in the rear of Spargler’'s hotel, Centre Hall where the citizens of Potter and adjoining townships are cordially invited to call and see him, and give him a trial. Coats, Pants and Vests, for men and boys, eut and made to order, in style to suit customers, Gooc work and reasonable prices guaranteed. Give us a trial, 27my4m i : ANDSAWS, knives, spoons, mills, shovel® spades, rakes, hoes, lamps, forks, chains, &e., at BURNSIDE & THOMAS Having just bought my goods du- durability, and fashion, this side Rene mb Tr the pr W. W. McCLELLAN, Bellefonte, Pa.. where cloths, cassimeres, callars, umbrellas, cains, hats, | , in short, everything to completely rig I am alsoagent for WILCOX & GIBBS ny Machine, which should be sen by de25,08y Manhood: How Lost. How Restored. Just published, a new edition of Dr. Culverwell’s Celebrated Essay on the rad- ical cure (without medicine) of SPERMA-| rogrnnbpea, or Seminal Weakness, Invol- untary Seminal Losses, Imrorexcy, Men- tal and Physical Incapacity, Impediments to Marriage, ete, ; also, CONSUMPTION, Eeinersy, and Firs, induced by self-in- dulgence or sexual extravagance, per Price, in a sealed envelope, cents, The celebrated author, in this admirable essay, clearly demonstrates from a thirty years’ successful practice, that the alarm- ing consequence of selfabuase may be rad- | ically cured without the dangerous use of} internal medicine or the applieation of the | knife; pointing out a mode of cure at onee| simple, certain, and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his| condition may be, may enre himself cheap-| ly, privately, and radically. | 2 This Lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. Sent, under seal, in a plain cuve ope, to any address, posipaid on receipt of SIX cents, or two post stamps, Also, Dr. Culverwell’'s “Marriage Guide,” price 29 cents, | Address the Publishers, CHAN. JJ. C.RLINE & Co, | 127 Bowery, New York, Post-oflice Box | §, 580. seplty | COUR FATHER'S HOUSE; only 6 or, | By Daxter Maren, D. D., author of the popular “Night Scenes.” This master in| thought and language shows us untold] riches and beauties in the Great House, with its Blooming flowers, Singing uirds, Waving palms, Rolling clouds, Beautiful ow, Saered mountains, Delightful rivers, | Mighty oceans Thundering voices, Blaz-| ing heavens and vast universe with count-| less beings in millions of worlds, and roads | ; Rose- | “Rich and varied in thought.’ | “Easy and graceful in style.” | “Correct, pure and everyting in its tenden- ev.” “Beautiful and good.” “A i ouse-| hold treasure.” Commendations like the] above from College Pres dents and Pro-| fessors, ministers of’ all denominations, and | the religious and secular pre s all over the country. Its freshness, purity of .anguage, | with clear open type, fine steel engra. ings, substantial binding, and low priee, make it the book for the masses. Agents are selling | from 50 to 150 week. We want Clergymen, Schoel Teachers, | smart young men and ladies to introduce] the work for us in every tow ship, and we will pay liberally. No intelligent man or woman need be without a paying business, Send for circular, full discription, and terms. Address ZIEGLER & McCUR-| DY. 16 8. Sixth Street; Phila, Pa. 1388 Race Street, Cincinnati, Ohio, 69 Monroe] Street, Chicago, 14, 503 N, Sixth St., St. Louis, Mo., or, 102 Mair St., Springfic/d, | Mass, 2sep.din ONATHAN KRAMER'S HOTEL. | Millhcim, Pa. (formerly Wm, Hos-| te man’s). This well known Hotel has) been refitted by its new proprietor, him a eall. His table will be kept first- class, and his bar always supplied with choice liquors. Drovers will find agecom- modation for any number of horses. marl2 60tf ritO PAINTERS. —I have just received a new lot of Pure white Lead, which 1 have had manufactured according to my own directions, and will warvant it not only equal but superior to any other Lead in the market. “A trial order solicited,” and if not whatit is recommended to be, I will pay cartage both ways when returned, and refund the money. Be sure and inquire for “MeManigal’'s Pure white Lead,” cheaper Brand always on hand, also Linsced Oil Turpentine, Florence white, umbers, and all Dry Paints, Prices low, ® W.J. McMANIGALS, Hardware Store, Milroy. TRAY BULL.—Came to the premises of the undersigned, in Potter township, [about the 1st of Ju'y last, a red bull, about The owner of the same is hereby requested to come forward, prove pay charges and remove the | property, Wm. A. BOAL. | ~ ip aug). tf i |same’ augldst NO.5 BROCKERHOFF ROW. A new and complete Hardware Store has been opened by the undersigned in Brocek- ure pre- furnishing Hardware, Iron, Steel, Nails, Buggy wheels in setts, Champion Clot Bes Wringer, Mill Saws, Circular and Hane Saws, Tennon Saws, Webb Saws, [ee Crean Freezers, Bath Tubs, Clothes Racks, a ful, assortment of Glass and Mirror Plate of al! sizes, Picture Frames, Wheelbarrows Lamps, Coal Oil Lamps, Belting, Spokes Felloes, and Hubs, Plows. Cultivators Corr Plows, Plow Points. Shear Mold Boards and Cultivator Teeth, Table Cutlery, Shoy- els, Spades and Forks, Locks, Hinges Screws, Sash Springs, Horse-Shoes, Nails Norway Rods. Oils. Lard. Lubrieatine Coal, Linseed, Tanners. Anvils, Vices. Bel lows, Screw Plates, Blacksmiths Tools Factory Bells, House Bells, Dinner Bells Gong Bells, Tea Bells, Grindstones, (a rpen ter Tools, Fruit Jarsand Cans. Paints, Oils Varnishes received and for sale at _Junch'68,1y. a J. & J. HARRIS. Wa aper I have just received from New York 5000 Bolts of English and American Wall Paper. Over 7000 pieces on hand at reduced prices Oak papers and all styles suitable for Halls Parlors, &e. G.od common paper at 5 cents per Bolt. ® examine my stoek before buying elsewher.: Orders by mail, stating size and kind of voor, will be carefully selected and for- warded amd if not proven satisfactory can be returned at W. J. McMANIGAL'S HARDWARE STORE, apStf MILROY, PA Samples of the above Paper can be seen at A. x. Kerlin's store, near Centre Hill, and order. taken at sume prices as at my own store, W. J. MW. YELLE R & JARRETT dealers in DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, also all the STANDARD PATENT MEDICINES. A very largo as- sortment of Tor- LET ARTICLES, EF aAxcv Goods Soaps, &e., &ey The firest qual- itv of. RAzZoRr STE POCKET KNIVES, SCISSORS ant Razors. W ATL PAPER IN GREAT V ARIRTY.. PRESCRIPTIONS, compounded by com- petent druggists at all hours, day or night. Night customers pw 1 night bell. ZELLER & JARRETT, Bishop St., Bellefonte Pa. junigly WHITE FISH, Herring, Mackeral, &c., a apl7 08. BURNSIDE &« THOMAS} AMPSOF EVERY VARIETY and kind at apl0'.68 IRWIN & WILSON'S. PICES of all varieties, ground to order and warranted to be strictly pure. | It is the only place you can find unadu itera- ‘ted spices. Try them for your own satisfae- ition. You can only find them at BURNSIDE & THOMAS. "MILROY Hardware Store RENEWED! I lave just returned from Philadelphin with a large and cheap stoek of Hardware, Sadlery, Coach Trimmings, Hubs, Rims, Shafts, Poles Spokes, Springs, Axles &e For wagons and Buggies, ALSO Oils and Paints, and Building Hardware of every deserips tion nt greatly REDUCED PRICES. I also have a new pattern of SHUTTER and BLIND HINGES, whicls I ean sell cheaper than any other kind, buying them ia large quantities fron the mmufacturers, and WILL WARRANT THEM to be superior fo any other kind in the market. Centre county trade solicited. June24tf W. J. MMANIGAL mh A o—— NATURE’S a RADE MAR H xX . » | | wv vv ‘ » ") \ air Restorative Contains no LAC SULPHUR—No SUGAR OF LEAD—No LITH- ARGE~—No NITRATE OF SIL VER, and is entirely free frome the Poisonous and Health-destroying Drugs used in other Hair Prepara- tions, ad Transparent and clear as erystal, it will not soil the finest frie igen SAFE CLEAN and EFFICIENT-—desidera~ tums LONG SOUGHT FOR AND FOUND AT LAST! It restores and prevents the Hair from becoming Gray, ay a soft. glossy op- pearance, removes Dandruff, is cool and refre-Ming to the head, checks the Hair from filling off, and restores it to a great extent when prematurely lost, prevents Headaches, enres all Humors. cataneous eruptions, amd unnatural Heat. DR. G. SMITI, Patenter, Groton Junec- tion, Mass. Prepared only by PROCTER BROTHERS, Gloucester, Mass. The Genuine is put ap in a panel bottle, made expressly for it, with the nameofthe article blown in the glass. Ask vour}Draggist for Nature's Hair Restorative, and take ne other. : For side by Wan. Wi If and J. B. Solt Centre Hall Hjunly Grover & Baker's HIGHEST PREMIUM SEWING MACHINES. The folowing are selected from thous- ands of testimonials of similar character, as expressing the reasons for the preference for thy Grover & Baker Machines over all others, # 2% +] like the Grover & Baker Ma- chine, in the first place, beeanse, if I had any other, | should still want # Grover & Baker: and, having a Grover& Buker, it answers the sama purpose of all the rest. It does a greater variety of work and it is easierto learn than any other.” —Mrs. J. C. Croty (Fewer June.) : # 2 2“ have hail several years’ experi- ence with a Grover & Bader Machine; which has given me great satisfaction. i think the Grover & Baker Machineis more ea~ily mtmaged, and less liable to get out of order. 1 prefer the Grover & Baker, decidedly.” —[ Maes. Pr. Watts, New York.] # 2 2 “} have had one inn my ‘amily for some two years; and from what 1 know of its workings, and from the testimony of many of my friends who use’ the same, I can hardly see how anything could be more: complete or give better satisfaction.” —Mrs. [General Grant.) ; . @ # % +] believe it to bethe best, all thin considered, of any that F have known. It is very simple and easily learned’; the sew inser fiver the ordinary spools is a great adi vantage: the stiteh is entirely reliable; it does ormmental work beautifully ; itis not liable to got oat of onder,”— Mes. A. M. Spoons: 36 Bound Street, Brooklyn. The Grover and: Buker Sewing Machine Compnuy manufacture both: the Klastie Stiteh and Lock Stitch Machines, and offer the public a cheice of the best muehines of both Kinds, at their establishments in all the large cities, and! through agencies in n arly all towns ghroughout the country. Price Lists and samples of sewing in beth stitches furnizhed on application to Grover SidakerS. M. Co, Phimisigitia orto F P. Greene Phillipsburg, Tor sale at 8S. HH. Williams & C's Furniture Store Beli- fonte. 5. EMOVAL. THEODORE DESCHNER, GUN SMITH, has removed to the store known as No. 5 Bush's Arcade next door to Zimmerman, Bros & Ch., at Bel efonte, where he is just opening out a complete stock of REVOLVERS. GUNS. : AMMUNITION. FISHING : TAOKLE, Base Bally, Bats, Keys, and ghneral Sport- ing Articles. Guns mude and repaired an warranted. junl GOOD NEWS FOR THE PEOPLE. Great Attraction and Great Bargains! rp HE undersigned, determind to meet the yopular demand for Lower Prices, re- spectfully calls the attention of the public to his sock of SADDLERY, now offered at the old stand. Designed es peciall forthe people and the times, the lar— gest and most varied and complete assort= ment of a Saddles, Harness; Collars, Bridles, of every description and quality ; Whips, and in fiset everytliing complete to a first- class establishment, he now offers at prices which will suit the times. Mie : A better variety, a better quality or finer’ style of Saddlery lias never before been of- sored to'the public. Call and examine our tock and be satisfied before purchasings- elfewhere.. cs Determined to please my patrons and’ thankful for the liberal share of [aironage: heretofore enjoyed: 1 respectfully solicit a: continuance of the same.. e JACOB DINGES, apl0'68 1y. Centre Ball. FH Ehighest market prices paid for alli T : Hinds of country produce; BURNSIDE-« THOAS®
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers