Centre Hall reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1868-1871, December 03, 1869, Image 1

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    cp wd rp a re tr peed ater wm
‘J. DUMURRAY, Contre Hall, Pa.
Manufacturer of ‘ull kinds of Buggies,
would: respectfully inform the eitizens of
Centre eounty, that he hason hand
with and without “top, and which will be
sold at. reduced prices for cash, and A il
sonable eredit given. /
Two Et Wagons, Sprin Wagons de.
made te order, and waivante $0 GIVQ Mis,
faction i in every respec
All of: yA ne, ing
tice. | ‘and see his sto 0 Bese
for and elsewhere. apl¥
Stienck on "the Addsance.
who is permanently located in
burg, ia the office formerly occu
Dr. Neff, and who has been practicing Ah
entire success—having ‘tha sxperience of a
number of years in the profession, he would
cordially invite all who have as yet not
given him a eal, to do so, and test tha
truthfulness of this assertien, ed Sheth
Extracted without pain.’ ‘may
And Allow Interest,
Discount Notes,
Buy And Sell
Goveranient Securities Gold and Cou
pons, : apl0 68,
Atorney-at-law, Bellefonte Pa.
F. PORTNEY. Attortey at Law
Bellefonte, Pa, Office with Orvis
& Aléxander. : HEL my 14a,
R. P. SMITH, offers bis Professions
services. Office, Qentre Hall, Pa
e Attorney-at-law, Bellefonte, prompt-
ly pays attention to all business entrusted
to im. iw
P. D.-NEFFE, M.D. Physici jun ey
Surgeon, Center Hall, 1
Offore his professions] services o the citi
zens of Potter and adjoining townships, uv
Dr. Neff has the experience of 2i years r
the active practice of Medicine and Sul
gery. aplU GR ly.
i i
etm Rp
Bellefonte, Centre Oe, , Petin'a. 3
in ln
Chas. H. Hale,
Attorney at Law, Bellefonte, Pa. de ¢251y.
- Woodward, Gentre conpty, , Pa.
N.oages arrive and depant
daily. This..{a
price Hotel has be ed r Rags
od and furnish-
ed its new proprietar, And is now in-
every 0
tone of the moss pleasgntcoun-
try fot n hs viva
traveli eh Shin ol! Id bE
ways fi he best ac Rall dru icis. Dro-
vers can at all times be accommoduted w ith
stables gn pasture for oH fhe on
tle orfhorsés. dl y
july2i68.tf. , Proprietor.
K'S HOTEL, M2 & 314 Race Street,
E .
B © u few doors above sd,
; ‘Philadelphia.
all visiting the ht on business or for'pleas-
ure. BRECK; Proprietor.
(formerly of 4 States: Union Hotel:
_apllf 08, tf.
Bellefonte, P! Vi ty
Office-- On the Diame next door to Gar-
as "hE whl ons in German or
feh190.760, tf
SoA Hdd
orde’ 68,
“BOOTS, by the Thousand all Vi, &1=
ses and dprides, for men and hove, just ar-
rived at Wolf's well known oid Stand.
fly retai
calf skin, spanish sole leather, mo-
rocco’s, Cheep ins, linings, ‘ Everything
in the eather line warranted {0 give satis-
(8% TABLE © CUTLERY, inehiding
ate oons, &c.
Ap10/L8. ot IRWIN & W TLSON |
AROMETERS and ‘Thermometers at
B’ apl068. 7 IRWIN & WILSOSY.
Millheim Saddlery.
GEO. W.! V ju, res ooth ly in-
oro Fa pil Feo Brush val-
eg, th ed a ew adder a
rien Ed ame Co
Saddles, Harness, Collars, Bridles,
BY nish
and Whips of eyery kind and quality, in
fact everything complete, equal to a first
class establishment, and at the most rea-
sonable Prices. He warrants his work as
tnd others ar Sawited of style. Farmers
others aredy rirpie Rogie
Dis stock. ay
He is determined to please: customers.
ap2,ly G. W. STOVER, ir. i
fg Ty Aréade Restaur-
On High street, «t
on Bellefoute, Pa. ~ This jexcellent estab-
i) good meals can
is now open,
lishmegh al EY Roast Beef, Ham,
warm or cold,) Chicken, Turkey, Tripe,
Ovsters, Soup, Eggs, Pies, Cakes,
ee Nuts, Ora dos Li otis '&cq' &.,
comprise ‘the bill of fare. “Billiard : Table
h Restaurent. Qystersin
eit A An TE
H® Fh sizes and fil a Wilder's
ment at
YS of all
PENH cori Ps
UP. the finest ‘ever made, just re-
SE at Wolf's old stand—tryit
k of Ladies Fuss, Horse
Asie lan
we “ind B
ahs ies
hi “grofing’’
1a M
5 Rui] HIN DY! £ pr A Jeg gd bid
per MY OY Centre HALL REror.
ho 1s published weekly, at 51,50 per yead
hen not Amt in
advance! Reparter, 1'month 13 é¢ntd.
‘Advertisemouty; sréingerte «dat $1,060
square 10 lines) for 9 Weel ' Ndverthe:
Toni ry year half year, or thved month
nt leds
11 Fobeivtirk, Cush afd neatly and ex-
Jiiously wieuted at Fensonable chare
CENTRE Hath, Pas,
Vogué—The Statute of 1299 to
¥ Joo Construed.
The vast interests involved in the
cel bratell Will of James Potter) ide-
ceased <4 copy of which we append-—=
is attracting unusual attention, The
qlestions of law arising under this case
are of
The qué:
tian Whar the statute of Januany
16th, 1799, on entailments, is binding;
whether tha Assembly had the consti
tutional right to pass that law; if “so
whether it, had ‘heen. com lied » w ih 1)
this case ;'w a an Est Ay tail can be
barred under:this Statute, and other
great questions of i will be brought
to test, next week, an issue now
formed on which a oh of the Pot-
ter estate is sought to be recovered by
Gen. Potter,
Orvis & Alexander, with whom
Judge Black is understood to be asso-
ciated, are counsel for the Plaintiff’;
McAllister & Beaver for the defend-
auts, who aré now in possession of the
land in displte. "The case is especially
important to. the citizens of Pennsval-
ley, and in a general way, to every
Jand helder ii; tiie! eoumty’ dnd ' State,
We shall endeavor to keep our readers
apprized of the progress of the case.—
Bellefonte National.”
Last Will of James Potter, deceased.
“<In the name of God, Amen, I, Janes
Potter, of Potter's Township, ‘in Mif-
flin County and State of Pennsylvania,
being of’ sotnd niind, fémory ‘dnd -an-
derstanding, but ‘donsiderifig’ the 'wn-
kértainty .of. this transitory life; do
make, publish and decliire,’ this my
last Willand Testament, wiz t Jmprim«
is, L will and order. that all. my just
debts shall be paid ‘by my Executor,
hereafter; nominated; in the manner
| 1
I give, devise and‘beljdentt bil WN
also, the sum of five thousand pounds,
to be paid him partly in the © manner
following, viz ;
tracts of land, situated.in Patter town-
M Kain, Esquire, containing two bun-
tract, surveye
Cay le, containing twohugdred and SEV»
enteen acres, two different tracts, lying
Nittany" Mou eain surveyed by virtue
of two warrants, one fir one hindred
and fifty and. the other for three hun-
ter; one other tract on which my barn
stands, adjdining $he'traét’ surveyed
in the name of Coyle and’ a tract of
the proprietors, ithe ahove: described
cts, surveyed by yirtue of two war
rants in the name of James Potter, two
hundred acres including .my improve-
ment iv the great plaing adjoining the
surveys of the said Coyle’s and
M’Kain's tracts, surveved by virtue ‘of
a warrant in the name of James Potter;
one other tract surveyed in the name
low Magrew’s mill, eontaining. two
hundred and eighty acres, reserving
however, forty acres of said ‘tract as
shall hereafter be described, for the
use of my daughter, Mary; also one
hundred acres to be laid off out of a
tract surveyed in the name of John
McConnell, so as to include a mill seat
y | together with the mills.erected thereon
and all other improvements thereunto
belonging, a with: the, work
which Messrs, acob Houser and John
for the use, benefit and hehoof of my
trusty and'beloved friend, Jean Camp-
bell, during her natural life, an an-
nuity of nine pounds, lawful money of
the State of Pennsylvania, to be paid
her yearly out ‘of said mills, as’ shall’
hereinafter be described, the ‘within |,
‘tor | taentioned and devised tract of land,
hs AAW NR A io Hy —
brances before: mentiotied, valubd by
me at four thousand one Huwdred and |
thirty ‘pounds, also one other tract of
land, @tudte divd 'beig in Whitedeer
township; “Northumberland county,
{ surveyed in the dame of John Potter,
containing two’ handved aiid twenty
his issue, their heirs and Hsing forev-
er; also'one N¢ ro man named Hero,
and ove Miilatfo' boy’ named Adam,
{awhom T value at one hundred pounds,
to have and to hold to him, my said
gon James, his Heirs and assign for- |
I give, devise and bequeath unto, my
daughter, Elizabeth Poe, the sum of
two thousand. five hundred pounds; to
be paid her partly'in mannerfollowing,
viz: ‘Oné'tract of land situated and Tv:
ing in Kishacaquillas Valley, known
by name of Moutgomery tract, adjoin
ing land of widow Dick and others, |,
containing five hundred and thirty |
acres, valued by me at thirteen hui:
dred and twenty five pounds ; one oth-
er tract containing three hundred apres,
surveyed by virtue of two « warrants,
one in'the name of William M’Cor-
mick and the othen in, the name of
Elizabeth Pot:er, situated and adjoin-
ing the Proprietor's manor, in Potter
township aforesaid ; also one other
tract, containing three hundred, acres,
abjoining the tract next above men-
tioned, surveyed by virtue of an appli
cation in the name of William Hay,
now in the possession of Henry Ben,
reserving, however, the rents, "issues
and profits of this last{deseribed tract
for the use of and beunefit-of my brother |
Samuel Potterand his wife, Sasannah,
during their natural lives, the above
two tracts subject to the asumbrapdes
above mentioned, valued by me at
nine hundred and fifty pounds, to have
atid to Hold said several tracts of Tund |
to her, my said daughter Elizabeth,
beki 18sue and their heirs and assigns
I give devise and bequeath unto
my daughter, Martha Gregg, the sum
of two thousand five bispiired pounds,
to be paid her, partly, in manner fol,
towing, viz: The ling devised | |
a aforsaid, one surveyed in the
3 hame of James McKee, containing two
haya conveyed to her husband, Andrew
one other tract, surveyed in
the name of Wiliam Me Cormick, ad- |
eontaining one hundred aud seventy:
{dhe acres: one’ ‘ther tract rarveyesdfhy
warra TE THENEHANE of Mackey, ad-}
taining, fifty acres ; one other tract, in
the! great plains, containing three hun.
trdots before mentioned and lands of
yeys; one’ other. tract, containing two
hundred ind tvénty aéres, surveyed
the, name of William M'Cormick; be-
ing! the same | Wilham Reynolds now
lives on, alsd one other tract to be ta
ken out of two surveys, in the name of
John MeMath, « adjoining land of
Potter, the Proprietor,
to be laid off by a straight line drawn
from Elizabeth Potter's line to Will-
iam King, so0'as to'make’it contain one
hundred and fifty acres, the whole
valued by me at two’ thousand “fone
hundred and forty-eight pounds, to
have and to hold said several tracts
her, the said, Martha (Giregg, her issues
heirs ' and assigns forever; also ‘one
Negro woman, named Daphne, one
her daughter, named
Sal, and one Mulatto boy her son,
ndgmed Bob, whom I value at sixty
pounds, to have and to hold to her the
said Martha Gregg, her heirs and as.
+igns forever,
i i i i
Ad give done and bequeath - unto my
daughter Mary Reynolds, one, Negro
girl, named Phebe, also the sum of two
thousand five: iundred pounds, to be
paid her partly in manner following
viz: One trhct of land situated and
wl his
aN Ee ea
onveyed to hep 'hisbund, Benge
Ridd'es Hone other trot, in Potter's
township, » Miia" coutity, Alin
lands of
surveyed inthe name of Isabella Rots |
suid tract, and land
Alexander Long, containing two hubs
juinding lands of John Barber, James
Potter and Martha; Gregg, also; one
‘other tract of forty acres, reserved out
of the survey in the name of William
Nesbit, on Sinking Creek. in the town.
ship wforesaid, to Begin at a white oak
to Sinking James Potter Creek, thence
down the North-east side of said creek,
its different eonirses, tilt a line drawn
taing one hundred and forty acres, afl:
joining lands sold by. me. to Thomas
Sinkey ‘and James Pottérs land" being
valued by me at two, thousaud two
hundred and minéty five « pounds; to
have and ““to* hold ‘the said several
tracts of land (exept the one already
conveyed) to Mary Riddles, her is
I give devise and bequeath unto my
deughter © Margaret, the sum of two
thousand five hundred pounds, to be
township” aforsaid, viz: one tract on
which John Roll now lives, adjoin-
ing land of William Rankin and Ja
cob Jack, containing three hundred
and fifty atres; one other’ tract, sur
veyed in the name of Catharine Potter |
containing ‘thrée hundred and twenty-
nine arces,’ on which Abraham Stan-
taining upwards of ope hundred acres
adjoining the above described tract |
and land willed to my danghter, Mars,
tha Gregg; being part,af twe surveys |
in the name of John McMath, also one
other tract containing one hundred and
fifty acres, surveyed hy wargant in the
name of James Potter, adjoining ‘the
surveyiin the mame of! Catliarine Pots
ter and ''Thdsesd mountain, alsd ! one
gtlibr andi¥ided moiety, ‘or half part
of one hundred and fifty acres, sur-
veyed in, the’ ’ flame of Mary Poe “fp |
ad] joining the tract next “abave, men:
tioned, the whole - salued by me at two
haye and to hold to her, the said
Margaret Potter; her issue ‘and their
heirs and assigns forever : also twenty
acres, adjoining the above survey in
the name of Catharine Potter, and land
of 'William ‘RahKins, which ‘twenty
ed to beincluded in’ the above valua-
tion, also I give devise and . bequeath
unto my said daughter, Margaret, two
of my feather beds and beddings, with
one stand of curtains, and also the
sum of fifty pounds, to be paid her as
soon as convenient after my decease.
It is my Will, and I order and di-,
rect, that all the residue and remains
der of my movable. estate shall be ap-
praised by two freeholders and’ taken
at their appraisment by James Potter
and Martha Gregg in part of their
legacies hereinbefore devised and be-
I give, devise and bequeath unto
garet Latimer, a warrant . for three
Thomas Chambers, and also the ex-
penses patentingsaid land, when sure
veyed, to have and to hold to him,
the said Jobn Latimer, his heirs and
I give, devise and bequeath unto
of my brother, Samuel Potter, unto
James Cavuthers, son. of my sister,
Catharine Caruthers, unto John Mul:
len, son of my sister, Hannah MeMul-
Ten, unto Jimes Young, son of my
being in Potter's township, Northum.
berland county, in the forks of Pine |
and Penns Cregk, (being, the same that
‘was bo oink by ‘William, Levingston,
of Rubih Hains) containing three hun. |
-Vorijucrey which tract I have already,
‘sister, Annes Young, and John Jordon,
subjfet to the resorvations. and i incum-
we md
A 00,
i. PTE
fie iso
Lo ipa
AEs add
d glocdes silda
babs 11D
il - bY PA
uortinated,, or ay, ¥ tw of am |
tHe lands I hotd inthe: dow purchase |
flowy »
wd his
ante, al
ITEM, Jagd nd
vp ives devise and bequeath’ ow
James Potter Jordod, gon of Thoad
| Jordon, and. unto Tames Potter, Mur:
ray, sonof James Murray, wito gach
two hindred: acres ‘of land to be laid:
off and gonveyed 9 thor, their “heirs
and pssigos Feapeitieell “by my Exe:
cutor's; out of the Sand d land I
Hold in, company. with, the aforesaid
imdb Pickering sid assaeiates.
' TTEM. 1 A
I ipower, AUharize, onder, and dis
rect niy Executers; hereinafter nomi:
pated, or any two of them to divide the
lwhd I hold in Company's with the afore-
sald Tim thy, Pickering and associ:
I ‘acts, aud transact w hatever other busie |
’ {1 sii ' Joitiant
ership agtéeably to my Article with
them, und also to divide all the resi-
due and remainder of that land being,
‘about fifteen! thousand one ' hundred:
acres, after deducting ‘the aforesaid
Legacies ‘nto six equal ghares—hav-
{ing ‘due regard to quantity and quali
ty—these to be drawn by lot, by , my
afuresnid son, James, my aforsaid
daughters, Elizabeth, “Matha” Mary |
and Margareta ; my son J umes to driw |
two shares and each of my. afor
daughters, to draw one, which, shares |
when drawn, I hereby authorize an
impower my Executors and'it is my |
do convey to the dower his on her heirs
and assigns, respectively.
I give, devise and, bequeath unto
James Potter Beard, son of my sister
Mary Beard, the sum of fifty pounds
lawful money of the State of DPenn-
gylvania, to be paid by my said : Exe-
| twenty-oule years:
I give, devise and bequentis 1 unto my,
| trusty friend, Jean Campbell, and it is
Lamy Will that she’ sHall be paid yearly
and every year during “her natural
{ life, (he Sir” oBnind Pounds) Tail
money of p State | of. P. si syI¥epid,
gut of the is hersibgfots devised
ba imy son Jumes.
' 1 give, Qevise wd beach" ‘into
ty ‘aforesaid son James, ope tousapgl.
acres of land on, the waters of Synama,
oning, being the for which a/preemp::
tion right was gratited to me by the
Hon. Assembly of, thie" Ssate, to have
and to hold to him the éaid James |
' Potter, hig. Issue , and hej his dod.
assigns. i .
.. orden and direct, and it is my Ww ill
that my subscription forthe support
of a Clerg¥inan in’ West Péntis “Valley
Cougregation be continued and paid,
yearly and eyery year for, six. years,
successively after my decease,
coo JTEM. :
"I order and direct.and it is my Will
that thesum of iffy pounds shail be
paid by ‘my ‘Egecators'’ for the par:
navigation in the waters: of Susque”
before ny decease. .
ITEM, ° "§
I give, devise and bequeath unto my
Susannah), the rents, issues, profits; Ke.
emoluments of the “tradt' of “14nd "on
which Henry Ben now lives, hereinbe-
fore devised tu my daughter Elizabeth
Poe, for, and ‘during their natdral
mentioued, should die without isstfe, or
should ‘leave issue and that issue die
without, that, then in these ‘cases the
Estate ‘devised to such child or chil
dren, and its ‘or their issue so dying,
shall be divided among the rest of my
said children in porportion ‘to ‘the es:
tate hereinbefore devised to them, re-
spectively to hold’ them, their heirs
and assigns.
ITEM. vel
I order and direct, and it is my will
that all the remainder vf my’ lunés
herein not devised, shall be sold’ by my
Executors hereinafter. nominated “and
I 'impowerand wuthorizé ‘them orany
two of them:by a ‘Deed or Deeds’ to
grant and eonvey the same to the pur
ahd also'to convey to such Joes ‘or
personsias [ have sold to,diut have not
conveyed te, upon his orf hr
ing with theiy contract. © " Ng
jer Higls 0 sodmpa : 3
i qo Hl , ohpsimyam
A A Se a as Ss A OI SA
1 ik and irons Shad fo
ol bi
lof the aforednid SoA BS
my. perotial Bithte, be Kp
Bxeoutdri herp fer, he af Br
ehié payment of my. just debisy,
{ing my gunerd] libres, rgiog; she
from Sal Ca Her thy di
now interrp: d," apd hiring, t any dn
Stanford b arving ground, in, Potter
township, aforesiifd, ti Aoinb-
the grifdi’bf my Hie! Sof Hi or-1"
mer wife, Elizabeth, al my, “lather |
wife Mary, and Any OW ; » Aor patenting
the lands herticheford by melsde vised |
which are not already phitentéd;
forpaying the Liéjhcied “and ‘rénfiiy:
dets of Legacies Tora behors.
devised and bequeathed, ~ exeapt the
annuity to my friend Jean Campbell
which jg ary. Will,and 1 ovderjandidi-,
veet, shall be paid her,as. baveinbefore
directed by, my som James, out of] the;
rents, issues and profits of of the milly
dev ised to them, in a due course of
{may he vested in ‘any. otlier person or
| that such child or children, or their is-
so deprived, shall be paid by my
said Executors out of my personal Es-
tate, and the money arising out of the
aforesaid sales of the Lands herein by 1’
me directed to be sold, as much money
as will idemnify such Child ox children
or their issue so deprived, agreenbly
to the valuation of such lands! herein:
expenses attending any such suit or
suits—and it is wy further Will, thac |
iter the:payment bf my just debts and
fraying my furierdl ehiries | réhioving
and son, ng héreintisfore by me’ dirée- |
ted; ‘erectitie tombstones over the
graves hereinbefore ‘by me’ divected,
and paving other expenses that’ may
‘accrue’in respect of Liaw suits or other
wise, and patenting the lands hereinbe-
fore devised, the residue ¢ and vemaipder |
‘my said children, r respectively in the
in wade to each ‘of them ; ; 0 hold #0
il ¥
dinithe payment of the Leg soil Herel
‘devised and Deqnealed to hy Said’ hit-¥
in, due regard, shall be ha a 10 a
ority, that is, the “oldest Sha AJL be, “phi d
And lastly, 1'H3 hry | mak,
ality, and’ itis my fur ‘ther Wil
1'Jaiftes Potter, my ‘Sond-in- law, Jaf!
Poe, Andrew Greca, “and George “Ria 5
dles; Executors SPE my last Ww i
{amd Testament, hereby Terokihy AT
my last Will anil Téstdifent.”
pedo withest whereof, I, thie sald Jafnde|"
Potter, the’ testitoy have to this,” my
last "Will and’ Test: ment contained Tn
(ta wit): my atid zo the bitton of the |
sHeets, whore thev are fixed tgaether!y
this 8 tw enty’ seventh day of Olrabor, in"
the year of ‘olir Titkd otie’ " thotghir)
an nd the’ pros
coding, was signediiand sealed by tiie |
within named James Potter, and by him
ublished aod declared as, and for’ His
fast Will and Testuménty in thigpresohne
of us who have hercunip ateerth our
+mames in his Rrgsepce gud W Whey pros
ence of each ot
1 mark.
STATEOY PrvxsrL VANTA, 1s’ 8
County of Mifflin. "wm
L. 8.) I, Michael Hiney, Register for the
( probate of Wills and granting Let
ters Of Administration, in, und for sad
County, Penna, do hereby certify that the
fore; zoing is a correct and true copy of the
last Will and Testament of James Potton,
déceased, law of Pauer township, Mifflin
County, (new Centre County,
sie sine is proven ind
remaimsaf Reeord inl the: Register s+
at Lewistown, filed the loth day of
ber, A. i 1780, In testimony wher
have hereutito set my hand and affix iL
official seal. of wail offieay ag) Lewin ow,
this 30c. day of dict iN iy)
i .—as aug
The Crown Princessiof Prussia, elde |
est daughter of Queen Victoria ; issaia
to have show of Tate, spots oF 10 he
. | sanity. Domestic | unhappiness is, a:
| Aaa =i tan RATHI)
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It wou'vénm
Asai blessing
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Rest Jou, night 0 shan’)
Fig Ky Tif cond iin ay, | "4 webs
Foiured iy joytotold, boot ©
Next your reset, est'it ‘grolweold: dire
{ HL Te ai owas oft Hold ite 100
a atte ik bustin tou ber
PoE Tk 115
adits AT
Ja Mla
What wchitd.of God should ide.
—— life be bright or dear,
There's a message sweet and clear:
Whispered down to every ear—
: How
* *
| iting Revelations nthe Cus .
: ‘tom-House Fronds. ui
NEW YORK, N60 binbét 18,1869. n
Phe devélopmdité indde Ta the Cus
| fon Hose frauds, now uodér invests
"gation, before” the Uiired 'Scites Come"
| missioner,” wife” stirling” fi the ex mn
| trot, “oly. The itnest, Kien
‘and ha'thriéd State's S¥TdeneE, swore a
positively thi th pet ‘bent. of ‘the
money tendilently obtainbd trond the © ;
' government of Wortid Se J An
hacks, “whs pail’ 'B feast ahd”
tei’ per cent. to Fada. Hownrd, _
the Chiet'Clerk?® iW atu WH
fice, “Hib dit a
PERNT Ered MY per” st. aia” wil
Caldweff ro sth’ Feliah Fie
r opi” “UPOH ROH “olity Rbked
0M, he knew that this mone ney was
Aid h |
noney paid din
thy rok 8 75s
PP DION 4 eo. a oh
a idehee
jute fm by
ih ner a8 ag Ha
ved fa
1 as
4 confi at
conviction of
oY ainh
iw 35 4
| feitimo
¥ he is
aii dant} anise ste?
a . b HVE Ba wt
ae sowge lu
B 1 ei & HATA
“The ; pith “by.
rant of Mr. J. Russell Jones
tinh 8k
iad en oo
bi rise at He ti ut is full
plaived Be
i hy vot
sys 8: WPebpl
Jug op AR enf w. et
be oa how
sn ud
ey iwalich
hodepi oe ! J
bagd fasten
Ehita or Joes .
By useefd nigh fe Tes
der hel E85. Wir hin eo
fof d does, tp 15% 4 van Hr i!
Reto order's aie py
| poco Lied's ‘ i
to U. 8. “Gil hl ig
‘hundred acts % of fun or
consideration on bf ove y dollai
wis filed for rocord on the 280)
‘May, 18697; ils ¥ oiled =
M. Rasp, th Franch fresconella
ble, it said is worth 1,500,000 fian:s
which he made in the sale of a quack
edicine of his own invention. He
jes in a mean and ugly village | near
Pris, but his’ residen: 3's "a fine
chateau, standing ina beautiful mark ©
filled with asi eit
seventy- five 3
| that he has. % ppt a he
prison for poli i ie sal Ff Ws hex;
ile, has peen. Aoshi ed a hy A to Xi J
and py sone 218 won, HS 4 ie Dg -
Iyehurg inl cobiscit’ dread of bb) 68's; ut
auf" Jestits! ai WEE Ye OVER 8 bags
hat | ALD BLL iy 3 Ludi wi
witls are nauber instead +
a] <p ’ J ie begs eos idered
cheaper’ « imag (am weastedy
v. fasta n
; : 7 ' ]
iil i
afd ni
ti bap