cp wd rp a re tr peed ater wm UGGIES | BUGGIES ! ‘J. DUMURRAY, Contre Hall, Pa. Manufacturer of ‘ull kinds of Buggies, would: respectfully inform the eitizens of Centre eounty, that he hason hand EW BUGGI ES, with and without “top, and which will be sold at. reduced prices for cash, and A il sonable eredit given. / Two Et Wagons, Sprin Wagons de. made te order, and waivante $0 GIVQ Mis, faction i in every respec All of: yA ne, ing tice. | ‘and see his sto 0 Bese for and elsewhere. apl¥ Stienck on "the Addsance. TT WB GUTELIUS, Surgeon who is permanently located in burg, ia the office formerly occu Dr. Neff, and who has been practicing Ah entire success—having ‘tha sxperience of a number of years in the profession, he would cordially invite all who have as yet not given him a eal, to do so, and test tha truthfulness of this assertien, ed Sheth Extracted without pain.’ ‘may HENRY BROCKERHOFF, President. Crates COUNTY BANKING {rare MILLIKEN HOOVER & CO.) J. D. RHUGERT Cashier. co RECEIVE DEPOSITS, And Allow Interest, Discount Notes, Buy And Sell Goveranient Securities Gold and Cou pons, : apl0 68, RVIS.& ALEXANDER, Atorney-at-law, Bellefonte Pa. aplO'68, F. PORTNEY. Attortey at Law Bellefonte, Pa, Office with Orvis & Aléxander. : HEL my 14a, R. P. SMITH, offers bis Professions services. Office, Qentre Hall, Pa _aplP6RAfL. AS. Mc MANUS, e Attorney-at-law, Bellefonte, prompt- ly pays attention to all business entrusted to im. iw P. D.-NEFFE, M.D. Physici jun ey Surgeon, Center Hall, 1 Offore his professions] services o the citi zens of Potter and adjoining townships, uv Dr. Neff has the experience of 2i years r the active practice of Medicine and Sul gery. aplU GR ly. appre i i etm Rp nN, MW ALLISTER. . JAMES A. BEAVER MALLISTER & BEAYER ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, Bellefonte, Centre Oe, , Petin'a. 3 in ln Chas. H. Hale, Attorney at Law, Bellefonte, Pa. de ¢251y. N ILLERS HOTEL - Woodward, Gentre conpty, , Pa. N.oages arrive and depant daily. This..{a price Hotel has be ed r Rags od and furnish- ed its new proprietar, And is now in- every 0 tone of the moss pleasgntcoun- try fot n hs viva traveli eh Shin ol! Id bE ways fi he best ac Rall dru icis. Dro- vers can at all times be accommoduted w ith stables gn pasture for oH fhe on tle orfhorsés. dl y july2i68.tf. , Proprietor. K'S HOTEL, M2 & 314 Race Street, E . B © u few doors above sd, ; ‘Philadelphia. ————— all visiting the ht on business or for'pleas- ure. BRECK; Proprietor. (formerly of 4 States: Union Hotel: _apllf 08, tf. WM. H. BLAIR. BLAIR 8 8 FRET ATTOR NE) Bs A Bellefonte, P! Vi ty Office-- On the Diame next door to Gar- as "hE whl ons in German or feh190.760, tf SoA Hdd orde’ 68, “BOOTS, by the Thousand all Vi, &1= ses and dprides, for men and hove, just ar- rived at Wolf's well known oid Stand. fly retai &W HCO calf skin, spanish sole leather, mo- rocco’s, Cheep ins, linings, ‘ Everything in the eather line warranted {0 give satis- 1 at, BURNSIDE & THOMAS. (8% TABLE © CUTLERY, inehiding ate oons, &c. Ap10/L8. ot IRWIN & W TLSON | AROMETERS and ‘Thermometers at B’ apl068. 7 IRWIN & WILSOSY. Millheim Saddlery. GEO. W.! V ju, res ooth ly in- oro Fa pil Feo Brush val- eg, th ed a ew adder a rien Ed ame Co Saddles, Harness, Collars, Bridles, BY nish and Whips of eyery kind and quality, in fact everything complete, equal to a first class establishment, and at the most rea- sonable Prices. He warrants his work as tnd others ar Sawited of style. Farmers others aredy rirpie Rogie Dis stock. ay He is determined to please: customers. ap2,ly G. W. STOVER, ir. i GIR FECES, ATING, G, HOUSE fg Ty Aréade Restaur- On High street, «t on Bellefoute, Pa. ~ This jexcellent estab- i) good meals can is now open, lishmegh al EY Roast Beef, Ham, warm or cold,) Chicken, Turkey, Tripe, Ovsters, Soup, Eggs, Pies, Cakes, ee Nuts, Ora dos Li otis '&cq' &., comprise ‘the bill of fare. “Billiard : Table h Restaurent. Qystersin eit A An TE dred. AND BELLS ‘and DOOR BELLS, H® Fh sizes and fil a Wilder's OBA WRPOR(ES ment at apl0'68 YS of all EL PENH cori Ps UP. the finest ‘ever made, just re- SE at Wolf's old stand—tryit k of Ladies Fuss, Horse Asie lan we “ind B Bo ahs ies hi “grofing’’ ak ATR ATA a 1a M 5 Rui] HIN DY! £ pr A Jeg gd bid per MY OY Centre HALL REror. ho 1s published weekly, at 51,50 per yead hen not Amt in advance! Reparter, 1'month 13 é¢ntd. ‘Advertisemouty; sréingerte «dat $1,060 square 10 lines) for 9 Weel ' Ndverthe: Toni ry year half year, or thved month nt leds 11 Fobeivtirk, Cush afd neatly and ex- Jiiously wieuted at Fensonable chare w—— CENTRE Hath, Pas, ——— re Vogué—The Statute of 1299 to ¥ Joo Construed. The vast interests involved in the cel bratell Will of James Potter) ide- ceased <4 copy of which we append-—= is attracting unusual attention, The qlestions of law arising under this case are of The qué: tian Whar the statute of Januany 16th, 1799, on entailments, is binding; whether tha Assembly had the consti tutional right to pass that law; if “so whether it, had ‘heen. com lied » w ih 1) this case ;'w a an Est Ay tail can be barred under:this Statute, and other great questions of i will be brought to test, next week, an issue now formed on which a oh of the Pot- ter estate is sought to be recovered by Gen. Potter, Orvis & Alexander, with whom Judge Black is understood to be asso- ciated, are counsel for the Plaintiff’; McAllister & Beaver for the defend- auts, who aré now in possession of the land in displte. "The case is especially important to. the citizens of Pennsval- ley, and in a general way, to every Jand helder ii; tiie! eoumty’ dnd ' State, We shall endeavor to keep our readers apprized of the progress of the case.— Bellefonte National.” Last Will of James Potter, deceased. “