haraliyt oY haorgby £1) ta ud that the | {for (en- Y 56 3 an Notice 1S Ry A Commissioners will h {re county. for the dint ; 1 gaid eQ unty, wi the piace at g © tions in said follows to wit: Baliefonte Borough {xy 25, 1868 Vattor L SewieeiD “wt oog Halton notype 2. Fargison tp oR ilarris tp Potter tp Greg Ponn al Miles 1 Walker tn Marion tp Bog; a3 tp Flowar { £3 artin Liberty t Union & Banner SH Worth tp Tavlor Lnow Burnaids tp » x NSN KX Appeals {owns hi DIR, » holding rant i townships, as 11s t 3 y 105 IP i » { hi _ SW i ba | + Shan mpar & Moyer, cat of the agent, one ® Ii ia 1.0 iat wt INV ell- and steel, niv 5X) naunds. SH op it 3 v vey ot RIT Wa i5 8 sa oes not il bw rade wil IRCILUTATE, of tho waanu work oe - FHA to give $e {(} -u1. 1 ilanna , Cag] now oroeanizad for the Dr. ag y ~~ wv 5 4 . ander the laws « Me Allater, IGAlUTSY, AT Hehe aed hy Humes wiil ba paid nt 1 Qanorta at SED md uat fal 0g the aaid Fr iiale {hacks ntation at the oe ti "i 1 $a 0 Sd } ase) Pree! fmtiiin. 3 er} Parficduiar aft £ £1 -— 2 £3: trie . . s ention given to the purcliaac rnment Serritios, B-C HI M pg, xa " Sr Ne £ EB WTECON KX © IR NEP ‘4 Is herinanei: SL . Y in the ofliea ¢® and who has hewn j 14g hy has v3 gg Leg eX prurient ’ : TUN (R the: pro fers ort : vite all wi nim A inas4g oO call f this IKXRY BROOK YR] Tr 3 1 rela! 3 A il or £04 A HOW [utorest, N Orin west ( Atl h MIG, eile £ yar 2h5 OL €VOTY vila hop and the OTHCH of 31s X apt perhaps, month, tracted without pain. Pa. apie tf. To no FP, R7 D., Plivsicinh UTrgeort, nter Hall, Pa. Ofte] Chis nt. ud services to the citi- zens of Potter and adjoining townships. Dr. Nefl has the experie nee of 21 ar yd Years { <> apply es ly, JAMES A. BEAVER. ZR & BEAVER 05 Ty ire ET Si 4 LA WwW Bellefonte, Ce., Penn's, Org ” 1X ANDER, apl 16K. ay -at-law, Bellefont A PAN HOY ATTORNEY ATT AW oh Office on Hizh Street, Bellefonte Pa. api’ 68;¢f. Jo OHN P. MITCHELL _ATTORNEY- A T. ILA W. Uitliee in the De mocrat- > Wi atchman Qffice. 3p S018. ; "W. H. LARIME RB, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Bellefonte, Office with the Distr ict Attorney, Court. House Bery Tv BM. NN. M ALLISTER. ALLIS Centre Pa. Pa. in the maylo’ 68. | and Propriet EE OB Han ot) 1 TERMS. <The CENTRE The ts she | wee Klv, at mn ad?’ nd N20 when not publi wi pet 3 ani . at a less rate, “1% 3 Ji . iit) | i Oi I ETRE A TRA SO ET A PO TAN - [QTE aap NE Eds ae SRE RN a a iat 108, Y % the Noun : { d ir eit ill og tn} ] dre » YL A ey wind tarnish the KEPORTER (OM . A Tn td firs Of June NLL Lik i at or betore ena of Nove mner 1o0r {+ nis, i his 1 . vera the Poedidéntial lection cam- + v ‘rand ny va pRigd, I rRenas I He cire ln pl ic Grant vs. Jews, Grant's 11 s bh wn Issue EE. 1 ne ‘ [OLOWeDS, or + } itia . .® “ey peation wil 4 y un Mei! until ’ SuCn hald in { held in « ater : $ \ tly urs of sending the: . : ax prisoners, unless furnithed with ters tor viv prof fat LS 1 1 of Ma; 3 or General Gran A. A. 7. Inipeachmes ent. Howing is the i i {ae chary Fig fo renth of ™ 1 R bz] F.ien Article 2 rosie gE ad misde lic Aid Tey | cri The ood . 3 2m st 2 are Drantiy Jolinso mn, Md. Me Creary, Kv. OMmerecy pl RE - / y, Conn, Nebraska, “relinghuysen, N. Wade, Ohio. d, Willey, W. Va. own. Villiams, Oregon. Mich. Wilson, AM. pa, Howe, Wis. Yates, Win Morgan, x. Y. rill, A Maine. Pea journals are x ns )S u Mor Senators voted for the acquittal of President Johnson, last Saturday; should resign, wepublican on the alledged ground that they do not represent the sentiment of the people to the Senate, hut say nothing about the Senators from New York representin; the sentiments they hait. Last fall 48,000 majority, and 16,000 against Radical That is all. armen mre ely epee A mr ce cr me ee first daguerrotype made 1859. who elected them they and New Jersey mis- o of the tates whence N ew York cave New Jersey 1501, The France, CENTRE France, PRESS ON THE PRrEear- ACQUITTAL, -Tha anndtncuie I'rRENCH DENT'S May 1). York, Presidat ya ‘ . Article of Inipeachmen “y mn. ue PARis, telo quittal of Johnson dn ile Kleventh Wis 1 Aba 1 " . HO aiurdny even- ¥ 3 v ailaq oven we editorial carly all the morning astorday he ‘il me of the an epn i OMNIons by the leading iournals. The ' ‘1eans) acqnit- . ' ys GL =hows tant lib ity uxt cuarantee ol lon, . +9 offal } ¥3...); 10 aeadical FPA) ide { ~M the im- nent project Ing. 141 rreal 1.1 FY » . could not Hed more ventures 10 do qded OPN o COLnl ution to Crime Broth Gs hy ¥ the Su - i'wo Ere . is Ratiro: and ware house at [elaware y ts a3 . \ - . ¢ ' iy § WY WMO Were Struck Higriiinil by in & few minutes 1.4 ® Yavsti re 101 i il aid 1 rind, ad- All INSUrance, | . the place a | is a larve mats ing ; /i%o & Wore a! ota! Mit five yout 20 000 staves. 1 - 3 1033 2.004), no ' AN miles north of Sun- Old we Dovs, the sons of Henry twelve and sixteor He DUrDOSS i i fis i } 6 i In : 1 ' i : . Ia disntites h ine ng fis boats 01 wit boy had with him. thew Yoyeist} 0 one ys nis younaoer cand out- | her for dead, 1 Fir 7 CAN LILY ound hw hanging to a beam, to the bi i" 1 De Hoy his pone ITH, ¥ being the sixth | \W ¢ Now [nd y Ga anotier, ‘ . 03 . ana sicide have recorded the | W nin the town of 4 ound the streets, fron 1 ROIMNCe CAURe " ¢ uy . Was Ir anectably dressed. and apparent- Liniv na dh! , tinrlty oc thwtiv-iive ars of ye - 3 ) . 1 : 1 dfre., 1 tl 48 Bne shore LO NO ole, ner “4 : } remained unknown, and no ol 1 to idea where have any came {rom. ly ade Ap mine ana nestiience 1n The ia yed one hundied thous and Arabs within the last six mon su ffori yal ] yaa MC IC as | 1 Lh horrible as those of the ha ntants of the Italian cities in the middle ages have been handed down to us with striet attention minutia. The Arabs have duced to such straits that they gre eedily cat offal and the pati efying bodies of animals that have died of the plague, both man and beast. accounts of which to all been re- which afllicts The French missionaries have arrived | in New York for the purpose of ob- taining aid and relief from the citizens of the United States.. HALL IT JUSTICE AND OUR COR i by HALL, PA: FRIDAY MAY, feller From '1Y 1. BERTY FRIEND honrr2 reid Ler our place Rufvrren } 3 3s " 1 need Ligrdiy say that i YiYep A HL 1 . welcome, bringm hi | thvairhibodd In it does, news * * ¥ the neig which = ! 3 " » ase na aavoe spe bP led Taberty, ' 1 rhaps a word 1ront the pli 0 . : for your Pp er, would not iv O1 jr : ‘a Cally Ie Un th y 14th iy on of Lib erty township, aged 09 secampaniod ene of his =ons | the word: pronoun "Ad a knot strikin Prot S 1 Cror, ¢ nN LS iw Ril, i i 4M : » { Of re res hive . . Jansand wstis i $a sd } 41} Ly y IES Gonsiaerad, LHOY BTC a ( vs x the frst mertl } on, however, x the stroug ner yo. ya to priest va iiin i Th pel . the rs 3 1s Grous Hirde, til within tie ¢ ll, orm any wey trap or }.: 1 11 hlue bird, swallow, matin, or other insectivorous hi destroy any rd ul eny HH doer, + the vear. that mo Lit 3 nuliled 1 om of fawn or i ! 3 ! v slilexd er wpiember in &ny year; that no wild t unted or kil arkey, pheasant or rabbit led Junuary and the first of ~ ; 1 . tember in any vear ; that vo partiidg ia} i. : 1! wil shail he taken or killed 4 ' 1 3 tween the 20th of December end 1 }. ™ no WoOacoOCK Gl het Weell tema he first of Sept +h pi E11 Fh} March and rid Casa, pratt 1 11 #li&i1l Le tran- os 3 Ta no wii t(ursey, Fy }- . Kn Ol ‘ WOOO ' od . taken by means of traps, iio. s ? { a Je = 1 Lak 41 . 4] we } rer 4 otuer tnel oy SK ug, ai whatever, nor sl all arty tray £iii y ee & 1 - , a, nare ne erected Gi SCA maae, part 4 Ing or ta pa } é tial 1 11 1% . +} Yaga wholly ol 1 Le Pr Va : - 5 : . Y 2 Y ci raphy ning HG CR Birds i oa 4 Sirds anove enuinCiaiw ' ++ 3 3 O01 any Kila ol ‘ 1 Yel vir) 4 : yo yg herehn declar € 10 he game, Ol . 3 . 3 11 . insectivorous birds, shall be In Tear [isl this aia! l to the |e aalties for infring- ction cond proy 1d os » penalty pr he 2nd the act to which this 18 & sup- ‘ I&Ww R mt 6s} Lic ovidé dl by tl on of <)> +} to» and tl : pet 1 CQ LD) QLnd, nalty the provi- Ci'ed by the 1st section of said act be and is hereby increas 1 3 3} led by said law he {o the remedies Provig pet naliies, hie rel Y made Heabls : ia ta Wns 1 3 nere! with 1 1 Lie reby Ie Pe $140. Yor xarc 3 W * cud 4 AWE INCONSIBICRL parts of 1 +} a PA ana tad are Seal hai pp disaster. ENT—1 WO BATH. A bout 10 0’ lock occurred at the paper Braden & Sea rible acciden our lot to record. Field, nlon one of t he most It or- mil of ts which it has ever been In the basement of the mill are several vats, ten fect high which are and ten in diameter, for steaming straw pre paratory Ring it to pulp in the " Ti 1 } \ MO Hl. of wri pp ing paper. ‘Lhe tubs were Iu led on Friday morning, aud the straw About 10 o'clock at of was being boiled. night Mr. James Scanlon, one the 1868. AECL U RY OW OTE § A pri ivr) . 1 workman in the of inspection, 3 hi h HOC slightly out of order, suil were tight- the basement on a tour They came to one tul he two of them sted, 1 poured ever Ave way, i} dt ¢ hoilin the two un- Seanlon, who was awled out, { 1 Hrough *WihdG- nN alr, human vi } . {1 ir 1 1 { 3 FOREN NOUse aon nere he was a in the He had 13. nan behind the vats, Iying fhaec 1n front of them. d ell 0} 3 ns heen more injun Mr. REVEL I canion, 3 o'clock { abon ‘ 1¢ ' c.f 3 doth died abont having snrvive: morning the seen ] 1¢ rng to ol joc ta the 'Y among the vats. } ¥ . 3 as Lebanon, 1 onn ¥ fad i] : " 1! his life a pa) er make wp ——— A Locomotive struck hy On Fridav last. during vivited this section, the cast ward- Toledo, Peoria and 1 $ tay i 4 & ees bound gram on the a 5 5 es as Warsaw Rallway, George holes, * Martin, engineer, } iy 1 al 151 Paso when the strack it. When about & mile and a Lisl east ¥. Instead of the ry Sanh — y 3 ad iid , passed on the wire to ti i and burst that, with another 3 r wie! 35 { ligh 4 Wily, ax . orms us, as a thousan vd ORs Jets, aid 1 on for five noles, el » * Ha ce track, and any pole and leapad to 3 . SROA witiiout 1:11} ran doing damage engine. p . + the drivers, and burst a section the solid tire, ot two eet oul of taser on) dun hrvi aig NARRKIY gong Thc DOLIECY, - it reach od ilar to that on the telegraph wire, with g detonation like a small cannon. So intense was the light, and so violent hock, that the engineer was d FRYE vied. and almost stunned. iormant that the appear- rack was bril- ! ‘1. .“ immense axe fire 3 1 5 Wis dl the train was about hand. mto which that be- the dar- lieht and the ordinary daylight i sade i as great as that tween the brightest dav and ( Ji. > Paris ss Jd OT ul Paner. 4 beef fa} MCL 2 ov} menle— ¢ in Qansn¥en VW Sant Er W right cmploy a half 5 1 ] i . Ya 7 OWN Macs voy, ani Rome time Ago | Routh. 1 . cy Lunun 10 DY & One Jol. ers to purchase some material fi grioke h started n the with ail he purchased twenty The yout off, and good ILenuons, 1 © conts cacd. h instructions, 88 3 2 he returned me, and in ob Yn rons master's th pos word house : ia yay f SMoae- a da \ 1 to tne to His wenee awakened surprise therein, commenced 4 nica hile If ClIrars. ith the wilh tae cz 3 1 gthenca al len ot el i 1 + har tho fun the house, and & number of the fum- } 1 Bear bh, nic , the ated. and puflin the dense 3 on ope ning tae hi uso door boy ; Was ng away at the gr 1 cigar Wi smoke. As the door wag opened, and the boy seeing the smoke past out, he exclaim- “=hut up that door dar. Don’t vou see the smoke Wright offers similar trick. a The numbe: of convied ip the I1li- noir State Pe nit Jolliet, T hursday last, of twenty in one wee! five more than were at one tine. Belen Ap ere I never knew how it was, but I al- wavs scemed to have the most come in when T eave 1 gee rn a dollar {or a reward . tinry the most away. Baxter. ———— - A —————— —— oo. kL ND, 8. what A Pre BY MARY i am not a bashful man. General- confident well, danee well, sing. well, | : ’ Inches go ressex when JI make nmiy bow; 1 have not the trick oF color. ing to the roots of my hair when | Yet there was ole period fe when all my meritd fecmed OWN eyes i nodest en soe: was ready to protrate inys Ary but sweep. ing mek the curls with Lilet defi- nce, the warbled “But I'm Ee in | my sleep.” “Then,” yOu Heep. I cried, “you 1oVe ine when May ] thibk } ih ¥ “Oh yes, if you choose ; for Rory oO’ ' Moore sais dreani go by contraries; ' you kitow.” 1 1 sat dow n beside he “Ah” I aid, sighing, “Rory’ 8 idol dreamed she hated him.” “Yes,” said Susy, “that was the dif: ference between his case and yours.” We chatted away for a time. 1 ¥ At in love, with long, . dark bloe eyes ‘ht, yét how ’ i 1 i could OOF, | This Of all the provoking, tantalizing lit- ever “ Oy man, Susy ££ ~ O01 & POOT i t bewichinz. maos * . x ing with her and eo ofie more intervi make me ke the happiest of m e next time , Y } » wf I met her, a coo! nod anid 1 . : glunce threw down ir me helieve that she ' * . | op O Make loved me, and vet her hand would lin- ger in mine, and her color rise + 1 3 1 my feclings, and her eyes droop, "wo, 1 te her cnm- 3. lo Gecinred " 4 most van old maid, in the 5 #44 phatieally, xt sentence add; but I should fake “1 never did love, » i ra ’ i house afire. Though, auyhody worth upon.” I tried in a thousand ways betray to some interest in myself her ¥ 7m) a3}. Propose outright Ie ould not. She a < whenever 1 tried it, of tion and profound interest, equivalent in its effect to knocking it took the breath out of me. One evenifg while tl ed with a violent headache. thin gon a grave 1ace, health, misey. Hal “The best thing vou can do is to get ceep are of youn, and to k l from over sid ay. -if' you can get anybody to hav You. rather » . i2CLion ” * i Ow fond all these ladies are ¥ id svrnnitsdivy “thal i added COLL citedly, ing 1 hat T am particularly fascin- ard N city. ” said I that dreadful Miss perhaps—oh ! my head! the vary “Neither con 1,” 8 ney, with an air of perfect simpli “Can’t you '—Oh, attentive hars Susy, | a badly ” she put her cool Nile hand among my rls. I falt the thrill her finger gave me all the way to the toes of my boots. My head being very pa inful, T was but all the way home, little fin- my fae In ] s it acl and 12 80 cool touch of those cers lingered on my brow. Soon after this it bacame necessary for me to leave the city on business. An offer of a lucrative partnership in the South, in the office of a lawyer friend of mine, made me decide to ex- my trip and see how the “land lay.” One thing was cer , I could perhaps L tend tain not leave home for mbnths, for years, without answer So dressed in my faultless cos- 1 of hope, I went to Mr. a y was in the parlor, at She nodded gayly as song. It from some Susy. the PL an 1 came iu, but you!” she ¢ ich a elanee, 1 o < ave mo su a { “Miss Busy, I eame up this cvenig to tell you that [—]—" How she was listening! A bright [ would tll her and : Hie Emotion she } to bet ray, would be easy 3 truc k me ; 1y jor ey | was certs | to ire my lote: “Miss Susy,” 1 said, “I am going i vad} 4 . D9 Sout to-morrow. - She sept her hands across the keys I e bit ber curls fell I was prepared io eaich her , or comfort her if she wept. listened for the sobs I fancied the sie intended to conceal; but throwing back lier curls with 4 sudden | toss, she struck thie last cliord of the | polka, and said gayly— “Going away » | tried to see her fa Was “Yes, for some months;” “Dear me, how Histressing! Just stop at Levy's a8 you go liome and or- | der me some extti pocket handker- chiefs for thi ilelancholy occasion, will you rr “You do not seéni to require them,’’ I said, rather piqued. “I shall stay | some months.” And lie, or anything, “Will write to p, won't you ? if y on get married, or ¢ | let us know 7” “I have an offer to be a partner in a ,in Kentucky,” I said; determ- ined to try her, “and if I en it, as he a LAW Oidlice | never aturre” Her face did not change. The old | saucy look was there; but I noticed r her watch chain, and the other fell upon the keys, making for the first | time a discord. “Going away forever ?” shesaid with a sad tone that made my hemtt fhrob: “Miss Su opi Joli #t least would miss nie and sorrow Hi my ab- Fr OVer SY. I selice. She opened her eyes with an expres: | sion of profound aniizément. “19 3 “Ye it might chang# all my P lana, "my absence w sould grieve you. "Change | vour plans!” : “Yes, I hoped—thought—" Oh that earnest, grave face! My cheeks burned, my hails and feet seemed to swell, and ¥ fé1f cold chills | over me.—I could not go on: I broke down the third time. There was an awkward silence. I at Susy: Her éyes wer¢ rest: ing on my hand, which lay en thearm of the sofa. The contrast between the black horse-hair and the flesfi seemed | to strike her. “What a pretty said. : Ei : A brilliant idea passed through my brain. “You may have it if you will!” I ud offering it. She y took it between her own, and toying with the fingers, said— “May I?” “Yes, if you will give me thi s one; and 1 in her beautiful hand to my lips. She looked into my face. What she read there I cannot say ; but if eyes ‘ever tried to’ talk mind did then: Her .coléy rose, thé white Tid fl over the gloriots eyes, and the tiny hand strug- gled to free itself. Was I fool enough to release it? What I said I know not; butIdare say my wife can tell yor. "Five min- utes later my arn encircled the brown dress, the brown curls fell upon my breast, and my lips were in contact with another pair. — ——— In Buffalo, & case has been tried with reference to the validity of the New York law requiring colored chil- dren to attend separate schools from the whites. A colored gal having en- tred one of the white schools and been permitted to remain by the teacher, complaint was made to the superin- tendent and he decided that she must leave. Upon thisa case was made up, and the Buffalo Supreme Court decided against the cight of eolored children to attend anv school excepting those de- signad for them exclusi | glanced she little hand!’ ively.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers