* NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. I IME, COAL AND BUA BER. 4 The best 1 wOOD COAL B van be he 1d al the Be the Pike leading to MIL shurg, jriees: Ww © yre | the anly Plies 18 ‘enn wn. Patent Firm & foto inte Lan at the | pri Ww ho AA HN which produces the Best White-Wash La offered to the trade SE AND WILK ANTHRACITE COAL : : Yo faz Sanit he nue Ca piesa tar Ji) Lime. The bost dey Coal 1 1 t . 5 aot Azo nq 0! of first a at lowest pri nel A ality PALIN INGLIS aiid plastering Othice and vard Eagle Valley R RB . SHA LIDGE a CO), +3 Bei! 4 fon 2 2 TINWALRL! YY 1 ) i 3»? applies Ivy 3 i \ Ww ARE! bon Li) AAs xg wh i and Sheat S16} pr AN Ki Wahis oh Weeriedd Nc. Xt ar, V1 . F bugzies « Lect . » durshie stele, Give d y¥ v p eh aipi i 13¢ Ketx, nds or Ir od gos are ressonsbie, | ET THE VAL RMER Yin 4. PER & Manufuetured It 18 5 self Fraser. Cuts Sruse POW it may he Fodee, This cilobratea Res seen at the residence of the » east of Wail Lele, li 1 ion, ali east ie \ eratio n we miter how rat . ADOT & MOWer, ¥ ct pd E08 5 ' SR) pein, we, and wieranied >. f uw tn O-W hi { watts { i 1 Flu gaarante it will be ma de CX rns of thet anufnetar Priscoimaehiw Sone CEL ul mont Heeradit. “Prive of Mowe 3175 eash WM. ERRIHART Agent, 1h (4s => tare at the ap lO 62 Sm, ~The: CExXRs TER is published w veokly, at Tara sal) per hdvaneg, . (| oy i Ad vaeki somonts are inserted at 31, 10 Tites) Te 8 weeks <I re In voar, hall year, orthrdt nu dis for a aL N 0sS rate. All Jdab-work, Cash, Tit tiously executed, . and neatly at reasonable RE HALL REPORTER, 15th, 1868 FRIDAY, MAY GENERAI BOY LE, FOR AUDITOR HON. CHARLES LE. ef fa FOR SURV EYOL GENERA! GEN. WELLIXGTON H. ENT, » y + * of (lula { sunty. The Donnoly Washiniine Muss, the 3 1 find an In another ¢olumn readers rrer will of in Congress, auring almos atin report the disgraced sve) RCCHE which two : J dvr Ly radical bv and WW ase members, Donnel nasty thin than said some VOry . 1 ach, but nothing more { radical cong Olt Lin The 3 Y when they are ahout to let } 3 id} . . * 3 Pp th AVY rest fruit a5 concerns Well), {re 1 h th anar wn Val i members, tind puch =the materia i 0 HRs LIC rach the President, nead the re . } 1 . ‘ It BetUS irtaer concn, lly gp - Yotiug in the South. reader The i Ug {hd 1h) 11 w of the REroirrer have . ? \ ’ on “fd t they chia . alii rédd ol Le side eae a) run 1 xx HONS mn Li sGUL h, Were Li DUN { at tha ined OT mits Iv si 3 : . ‘ 1 aro Sill ne Cli 2d. all vote multiply proet. it 1s idle to airtndiy, and i } lowed 115d] Tne LL ACARIOUAY eit Q¥EL NA “ i elare most solemnly, that from indecent Iv [tness i nd | call de The registers, their deputies, and ali os vv >} LLCIr suh-oflicials seemed t ory ante the nt ovo; y vlilte Wille Lid wh } O23 IVE Rections country ¥ od hoy cannot, they will not omg submit to this outrage, white never, cnn never make “that thoy will that they men of negroes, Care 13 to and But they Their only aim rol of the government, equal of the white men, cont : pulls, a, a Lo Southern, people ! Northern and vawabonds who hove | political 7 The whites, it say=, “would never have oppressed the permits ted thom to! be oppressed, ‘and the: lost the thither for FEnOW. Heros nor confidence in interested vil- would never have 1 luny of these canpet-baggers and scala: for ‘every Serious sditlieulty be- culties of this character, in the South. * dew DisgerertUpe IN Fin Troors Coxcex FrENCT FRONTIER. Pare (April 20) )i Lines.) ] Baroch torr Fis ance 18 not tri nquilized, | The Bunk resérve increases—this isa disquietude. The Na- | YPRUSSTAN EATING ON nd AN 0s) London In spite of M: Mo 5Y np Hi oi ‘the flonal with feverish haste, opt th the Buideet (On of ar “Journal Prussian ra A Marchal HH 18R1¢ Wi for are due ‘ti on eX IH weit eo, and the Frese de "Enmire”) speaks aA" fii hy range — of the [tik a that the NN Oh our these are the The Presse doupt to no CAURER gaya mutter of ole ys RE , . tee niiiat ion 0] Prussian fore “ . i FOr Io 1 fl tu ge i for arp l ister dN, It Keeps tn 3 Lae HR pro- 4 daritation and up disquiet which our Governs ment cannot Be different to, and . hype i 3 . LJ 5 jini y 11] pl Tillis alices, Fats 1. . “5% ¥ 4 313¢ 3 iy {» Cries LH ii ool fo Tht the I'rench Go Prussian proposition for p Of £fiherr O61 WICH their ' y i A000 TREH TRLRDer the reduction garrison, and a war IF it has, the proposition is, the “Jr J. L7H ese thinkspuvdittie tardy hud will USTICE AN — few the de censed, who ebittod that the lunatic was confirgred hy the brother of BLVEe one, Mary Ann 25 York-row Kingsland, Mr. Ebenezer Clarke Banks, a Mra, | corpse, and was confirmed inthis state- chant. nent by her two sisters, Mrs. Williams, 08 Jamaica-rond, Bermondsey, and on the features and form, but alo upon This mark she | and the officer f ound 1t as she had de- seribed, : had taken place these three ladies on a third view declared it | | to be the body of Mr.. Banks. It is | ination official ond had frequent 3 Me, Heasman, Ao myst naturaily hit brother, could taken in their indentification, identity amination 8 lady pressnisl herself at a far more striking xhown Hoeasman as tuose of This lady as the police hier it had been iden tina 4 1 ni Lan JUL OL Her dx ro " : I'wo voune ladies also believed there brother, from i rider Ea ai CONGRESS. ! Qeene Between “Troo- ly Loil” Members. Wasnixarox, May 2—Mr. Donnelly, | Disunion, from Minnesota) oht nin ved unan- msent to make egal al uxpiana- On the 2h of M, Inst he i 4 cer- | 3 Oh by the | 0 WHe ade wid mnt formed | 1868. | the wm ( Enugliter on | © bathe 3. letter, of Mr ugwine 3 inn in Mr. Washburne's hid being an “official ‘beggar,’ | nol » widl, “An official beggar,” feom on Fentlenan haaring the name which he does? MF tu Brute? An *‘officiad be ‘ge gar?’ Why, Me Sfiduker, when ¥ onte Te ed the Stade of Minnesota, it wus Domoera- ties when | entered the county in which | Hye, it wastwoto one Democratic, Tasked | I pxpéeted nhine ges come from such a quarter that 1 eannot | tail to notieedit,. The gentleman s family | wre chrogie offic w-heggurs. They are noth- | if not in office, Out of office thoy ure wirotehed, Godforsuken—us ‘un- comfortable us that fans stan p-tailod | bull in Ay-time, (Laughter) This whole trouble Arines fron i the pe 'eaiste ni de tie rii- if oie of the gentloman's family to sit in this body. Eveny young male of the on his broadest great’ enlinrity “NM. . fraijked (Laughter) The send; to be that God, in His infinite wis- dom, did not make any of them hroad en ough to make room for "U0. 8. 8." (Laugh- There was room for 17, 8.7 but the oe over, nud U. 8. & Co? isthe firm. (laughter . The Speaker interrupted Mr. Donnelly and! rerbidid Ninn that his lngnuge was | the usual limit of Parlianmentury Mr. W ashburne aghin expressed his de- sire that the tparey “should bo pr rimitted | to goon, ! Mr. Donnelly suid he was sorry, to trans- | House would pordeive ‘that the character | of the letter on which he was 'conunentinge made him under some feeling, {4 was draw t, he'said, by the charges | min Mn into vile msinuationeontained in that letter that | fugitive from justice, and that | ed from the Clty of Philadelphia under | aneds between two days, | MuesSpedkor, is an absolute, un paali- | in mL: wi od talse hood, and |} DLL fort he respabt which T have for vou and for thiz H. Mise ¥ would ude strongerlanguage. * ¥ the ehalle mee that, down in the %, the gentle- Wis This; if anywhere on God's earth, mire of filth and all nastines i nan ean plack up anything which touches | my honor Jetiticomes I shall meet it on | itk merits. - 1 have gong through the entire | i the entire con-! | foul stomach; TI | gall, and T | the gentleman's have dipped my hands dn its h I found floating in the gastric juice, if its possible forthe gentleman from I1- | nas, with his peristaltle action, to bring anything more loatlizome, nore disgusting than he'hns vomite Wd over nié in that lette x + Will Lise UR 1 will not notice crawl over all the surface of thi overthe body of sane wh sre But there is one other persons chidrae danyv:iname., ® # » 3 (Mr Price monks his district the assaults of Why dees he do this? Here is A simple, ex nla nfl whic h is ir] Ag my aqik ict, and whieh { argu ents wh v they should send: | hrothior owns General | lotto R= | Zar. ¥ M40 nd in the ne mt the santhot »" naa, én'but in iN one of rest fo this Youse, nam! A tht he (3 nt: « that he carries £1, ®. Grant da his roe cies pocicet, * | found : pon before the of 1 3 DOW us of cannot think that he will Fog ot n- becoming a puppet to be Pp layed hy wires held in the of the in Hlinois, opr that ho will degenoe- { Lind Bf } 5 ti. (= yrriral oral fiitn ' sds gentic- t IAN To Dee the back of the gentleman | from 1Hinois, while bis whole fiuaily sit on the top « of the wachine ing pennies like l around Ol grinding and eateh- | a troupe of monkevs, (Ge- | Inughter. ) We had | nin Minnesota, and of course | man from when Gen, Geant was | gentleman from Illinois the window nnd tnt Hiinois the stuck his head of » Odi in ling as if he had swallowed a eondens- Peebles was afraid to answer, because hé wasn’t sure about that xpeec h, He knew he had to keep his grip-on it while he had it there or it would slip away from him quicker =o he blurted right out: “Mr. Merriweather, sir: Perhaps it may not be unkuown.to you, sir, that daring an extended period of some five years, T' have been busily engaged in the prosecution of a commercial enter- prise—" “Is that so, and keepin’ it secret all the time, while I thought you was ten- Well, you're one of ‘em now, ain't you ?” Péebles had to begin all over again, din’ store. by George, : . ty, “Mr. Merriweather, sir: Perhaps it muy not be unknown to you that dur- ing an extended. period of some, five “Sit down, Peeh, and, help yourself Don’t, stand there holding What's the matter with you [ never lave seen you be- Peebles was knocked sut again, and “Merriweather, sir :* It may not be “A which-anee?” but Peebles held on to the chance, “In the hope thut some day wedlock, and bestow my eashiy unon one whom I eonl . sxlidlis I have heen o Pa man, Peeblog : and I'm all- How's the | “Neither is it, “Mr, Merriweather, sir,” said Peeb- C43t mav not he unknown YOL. 1.—NO. 6. a ————— vertical position; and yelled out : “Hr. Merriweather, siv: I may not be unknown to you—" which made the old man so wretched mad that he went out and set & bull terrier on Peebles before he had a chance to a Brogan, and there was & scientific dog fight with odds in favor of the dog, until they got to the fence, and even then Peebles would have carried bull-terrior home, grippled Jike a clamp om his leg, if it hadn’t been that the meat was too ten- der, and the dog feeling eertain: that something or other must eve v give away, held on until he gothis chops off of Peebles calf, and went home half a pound lighter, while Merriv enther asserts, to this day, that they had to draw all the dog's teeth to get the fiesh out of his mouth, “for he had an awiul holt for such a small animal.” Of course Merriweather’s danghier heard about it, and she was go mad that she neyer gave the old man any peace until he went around the next day te see Peebles about it. Peebles looked pale as a ghost from loss of blood and lin wrapped around his off leg. Mer- riweather said : “Peeb, I'm sorry about that muss but if you didn’t Lehave such a deliberate ass since | was born, Whet’s the meaning of it, anyway 7’ “I was only trying to ask to let me marry your daughter,” groaned Peeb- les, “Great—what ¥’ You didn’t mean to say—well, I hope I may he shot. if you ain’t a regular old wood- enheaded idiot—1 theaght your mind wandering. Why didn’t you say it right out? Why of course you an have her, 1 am glad to get rid of Take her, my hoy ; ; goit,and ['H And Pecbles looked ruefully a: his but he went out and with her for about two months, and at he told a confi- take more trouble and undergo a mil- lion more dog bites to get rid of her. —— A ———— ly - lp MP ne A Mgrs. Ware, near Norfolk, Vir- $10,000, from Eigh- of appels netted 23,000. W neh burne abhon t coin 10 (lo behalf a rep ublican pur- | Sade he w ule 4 bo © hliged fo | sylvanin ave withdraw his objection. | trade of the that Mr. Holt ian had oh- | t to that rentlaman, tho rh TL 2a eb if 0) Le invehiecet of tie like “atin of thanked the ero. ne Wi y . . genticman mm I ishinents th at we see in Poun- mue, where the whole stoek in merehiant is spread ont in the | front window. amd over it sn dabel, “Any- i thing in thix window for one dollar,” * 3 ¥ : yo 4 hel whi mn it Wils enable pe nn ) judge I Fas==1i wll lovaimt $’ TO | sneere or not. tat to labor hy andl if <ible rm se elf A ss ty, und therefore hi i him if hae would Every object | A Remarkable him if h - ili Hl Wer Wis, vative manager, cver) fered to vote was a rel | the patriotic dufy of { browbeat and insult, i preveut from voting. 2 : “iy y a onsen to enter wedlock, and bestow commercial enterprise on one | him that he all my Torers shou'd bear in mind that whom 1 | what they quaff’ from the goblet after- could procure a determination to be | wards appears in the “mug.” BY GGIES! BUM] ES J DAM URRY IOI 18 Manual: estab! tase, HS Wo zood for a suthicient professions~no, I | { » TO” ed. with and witl enld at ri wl ie weed pid sonnble cregi gy od. Tw erge Wagronz, Spris ir snd We made Lo order, faction in every t All kinds of 1 tice. Cail an ] spe his stoe] for pure lms ng elsewnere, ape, tf JiR NA Belief Fister ‘Daivsar TIONAL BANK OF nte. Pa. (LATE HU MES McALLISTER H ; & {'Y.) {* "Rohe, Brest -' J.P Harnis Thi Ban! pose of Banking und ted States, Certificates issued by Humes, M H: le x Co. y wil] he paid nt ninturi Checks of diposiis ut sight as u sentation at the counter of the =ai tiona! Bank, Particular attention and aie of Governme at E.C ize ol for the 4 AWs Of NOW Orgs as the ix 18 i Find N ive ito the purchase Se sony Hoes MES ap ly a8, Pee side ht. HENRY BROCKERHOFY, Jd. Prezident. { MN LLIKEN, IJOOVER AYR CENTRE COU RECEIY ashier. & CO. NTY BANKING CO, i2 DEPOS Discount Notes, Buy yy 3 £4 roid A (i= And A How Government See rons, urities, OHX D. WINGATE, 4 DENTIST. Office on Northwest corne Spring st. © At home, except, firat two weeks of every mont i. 5a Teath extracted without ah Bo lefonte. Pa. aplo 68.11. P D. b NE FF, M. D. eo : . Offere his profe sto the Surgeon, Center SE Vit zens of Potter and adjoinin o Hwa? Dr. Neff has the experie: Nee Of perha th \ bdictan and Phy Hall sional FOOTY apt 168 iy, 1 is . cei il rn a ——————— HN M g I 18T ER. MPALLISTER & » BEA \ YER £7 aTOR NEYS-A } LAW He Ae Ho nte, Centre Ce JAMES A. BE OF IS & ALEXA ANDERE. Attorney-at-law, Bellefonte, apl0'68, Arran EY AT-LAW Bellefonte Pa. Office on High Street, : “api bs, tf. Joux? P. MITCHELL—ATTORNEY- AT-LAW, Office in the Democr at- ic Watchman Office, ford : ap30'68, ] vis . AHCe, RI CVOTY 1'¢ - ' } » i " ) i jf OR} tly decided against hon. Bureau and it wa the fundamental | AW, IS As « 11 : el 12w Or the regu- ' 3 + ie $5 { vai ity De Oo atten! side the Constitution. The result, imnoined, ws the ele {0 this county, a word nor write relatives of casily the 1. of whom neither of two negroes represen dl aa Hs 0 3 1 3 Oo! (he =ons and other Flourney to ill =e and a majority nor, and this, with a elear white ina- fair.” Ferner The Revolution gave: “There 60,000 people in New York, DOO wn the United States out of nent. ei ploy A milion Y ol the ( finds means to pay aa army Of 1 3 }. thousand men to Keep southern whites in a state of vassa 1 i ince taxpayers tell where t from for these purposes! Opp rn Negroes cannot govern white pe There never was a time when the whites ! taken neLroes 1.08 away and sl uds. a 1 i il] the people © inipossivle, army. to effect this result, best can only be temporary ? taxation, depres: sion of tereible ills to eome, the burdens | of war in time of a pease, for the purpose of having {four 1 AL i i Y nillions of ignorant and bruta 1] 3 * and HON ar YAUOUS ELT! civilized oF. A Dean Bony CUPBOARD—NINGULAR CASE OF Misraxes Inexrrery—Fornr Cos- PLICTINGS IDENTIFICATIONS, DISCOVERY discovery “was recently Wick, a > Y North Dr n i of a dead boda i A horrible wkney ‘y : away, instructed to leave a load of sash weights a offensive 11 a4 Sidi house, smell perceived an vhich issued from cuphoar neath the staricaso. he found the dead body of a man, fully Iving with the head towards | in a reclining position, and, tigation by a that death subsequent inves evident No ident ify : ini viously. clue. being obtained | which to do] the de eased in The features of lo len that of to the high walks bi" life, TENN as the Ho - of a person In i respectable goed ! There are evidences of as the apparel 1s torn and disas- » 1a Y, raneed as if deep ] thoueh a fearful blow had been intlie- but the face is not so much dis- riends an friends and identify the remains standing thi fact cach one as that of an ms The Juke’ 3 | body first who | Lois claims that it is the body Wie wh Juin, of a patient the 1. Heasman, of the asylum, although there were ; exterior, and 10 tl: rough | ticles that his passage other wards he had carried ar- | clothing belonging to i opposed © rhini ie pelies, said he wauld | sto prevent the reference of the But Mr. Washburne renewed Hic ob Sinn with © indignation’ at the | of Mr. Washburme, he sat .dowh | otter to Mr. Folsom, of Tay- i ors Falls, nm erely stating the facts, The letter wad read, in whieh it was “gta- | Wiashburne res begisln. it ons added that Mr Washburn | re who sought to support of Congress. This letter | in the papers, without a T1011, his 10 pr aeute every effort of ys Nr. D mnelly rother the r waving been published Mr. | W ashhurne wrote one parallel | h oO would not now h ive i Pea, that Mr WH fis hburne's |} etter was dnte d Wnsh- and was addressed to Mr. Fol leom, Ur hs be searching for lp Folsom tO look sympathy, and at Mr. Dom wilv's des Mr. Donnelly Ran: had mot the ghost of ¢ & that the Bill and it wus further stated th at Doniielly nig ht huve introduced bill four months earlier than the neriod @ [Tow Cone presse ntive appe ar, temptible must any Re From his know- of Mr. Donnelly, he Lecome « tremely hieh he (Mr. edee of the character Mr. Was hburne) had HIShHiICiois of anything «® oe! ) propose vl, He i le : two days, cham ng his naine, and : Buchanan Liocotoco, Minnesota x of Mr. lv's sehemes for Pliner vo owhich mada Mr | Washbourne onpore bin, He trusted his (Mr, Washh ire 8) record Wis inined with venality, eorreption, Crime avery corrapt aneasure had received Mr. Donnelly’ s support, letter of Mr. Washburne Mr. Donnelly went on a speak Washburne, of Wisconsin, around’ in efrciic oo tween uppe arnnee in one $y 3 nae Nis not The Mr. ns mousing 0) ie I bill. The Speiker inferr ipted and said that Parlimmentary language absent, and who CONLroversy, would withdraw Il.) ) expressed 1 Mr. Donnelly said he the remark, Washburne, (Disun, the hope that the pargy would be to co on, Donnelly then referred to the charge Washburne's letter, that his (Me, opposition to the since hy Mr. Wasthburne, “e the fares onthe ific Railroad, might be attributed t« fut that he had 1 free piss to ¥ide over the doclarod that he had nevér ridden over a mile of the road, und di not expect to-until it was col pleted froin the <ippi to the Pacitic. It would be 4 Intion then to know tha ‘this mighty had been re nposed by blatant, Joris voiced, in “Mr. Donnelly’s “ome tine ot ‘ t 1 i work isted eh G1 every chested, “bigs headed, bitter-hearied deimagogue 1 ul If there be here one character which, while Wotehed and spotted, vet raves an rantse und’ hing kgranrils like a prostitute; | there |} one bold, bad, enty. bel- Pa here lowing deppagogue, i is the gentleman The Speaker, with sévarity in his tones, | Mr, Ponells that his remarks tot honorable to the ‘House of Ro f whieh he was a member ed although the House tolerated them, the Chair could not consent that they should | oedvon' the rocord excent with this protest, | Mr. Donnelly bogged and satd he had no desire totrospass | or to offend its sense of propri- House would HL & Kune wie de oe 1 ‘ 1.4 { (M1 1) wore |} but the with fo vile, fo extraordiniey, so cru assault, fs th i of which he had been a tim. He called the House to witness tliat he hid never before violated its rales Mr. Washburne in reply charged ths " contained in the letter read he would never rise to | as true, and that whe had com- | who: had changed whale record mn corruption y 0: His i this | rime, al whose and crime, BY JOHN QUILL. Peebles had just ‘asked Mr. <he would | Merni- |! weather's daughter if rive had said “ves.” It theretore became permission, so, as Peebles said, that ar- | rangement might be made for hopping | the conjugal twig. Peebles said he'd rather pop the in- | daughters, and his sisters, and his fe- male cousin, and his aunt Hannah in | relations, than ask old Merri- But it had to be done, and | weather. ko he sat down and studied out a speech | which he was to disgorge to old Merri- | shy ‘it at him. So Peebles dropped in | on him one Sunday evening, had meandered to whenall | family class 3 : . | in beer measure, trying to calenlate the | exact number of quarts his interio t| could hold without blowing the head oit'| *] sir, it may ‘not be unknown—"" “And then again it may. Look here, | ,vou'd better lay down and take you ain't well.” Peebles, sweating like a four year “Mr. Merriweather, sir: It may not ] Cad a friend for commercial ‘ dang it— Merriweather ; sir it—" “Oh, Peebles, vou talk as wildly as more of my What's the matter with you, any- I never scen a course said Peeb- “it ] NORe- “Mr Merriweather, sir,” of bewilderment, you me but - “Roc here, Mr. 'echles, you're drunk, behave better than If you don’t or I'm a Dutch- y., Cant i'l chuck you out, “Mr. Merriweather, gir,” said Peeb- “it may not be unknown that my earthly posses- engaged to enter wedlock five years with a sufficient lonely man who s not good tor a commercial mainte- “The bloody deuce he isn’t. Now you just git up and git, old hoss, or I'll brains out of you, you ve got left.” With that old Merriweather took Peebles by the shirt collar and the part of his pants that wears out first if he street as if he had just ran against a locomotive going at the rate of forty Before old Merriweath- Peebles collected his legs and one thing another that were laying around on the Ilighteen persons were poisoned by arsenic administered in their food at a New Orleans on None are dead, however, the partaken having been too boardisg-house in large. Jadge Watrous opened the Galves- and delivered the charge sustaining bill, and holding that freedmen are citizens, not by virtue of Congression=| enactinent, but by eonstitutional law, The royal steam yacht made the pas sage from England to Ireland, with the Prinee and Prineess of Wales, in less than four hours. A Minnesota editor weighs pounds. A heavy writer surely. 642 A Western editor says that in smoky Pittsburgh men kiss each other's wives, and are able to tell which is their own only by the taste. Between Memphis and Nashville is the following inscription on a sign- board at a railroad erossing: “Look out for the Ingine when the wisle bloes or rings.’ The census of Hayes City, on the Kansas City Branch of the Union Pa- cific Railroad, shows a population of 1200. The first houses were put up only last September. The Bangor Whig mentioned that there is an absent-minded man in that city, who met his own son in the street the other day, shook hands with him, inquired after his health, then asked when his father was expected home. Omaha, though but a village of yes- terday, is already a city of 16,000 in- habitants, by w hom 1,500 dwellings and stores were erected within a year. [t has three large hotels. The sales of one grocer, last year, amounted toa million and a half. For several weeks an exchange kept the following eonspicously at the head of its local column: “A” boy wanted at this office.” A few days since, the editor’s wife presented him with “a boy,” which, in a highly significant manner, shows the value of advertising.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers