The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, January 04, 1851, Image 1
. _..... . ' • . _ . nE .. .... .._ . 1 1 : 1 .. . .. ~.. . _ _.,.._ "..,...._ . • , .:o. ig tr i ttrt. NZST M.* TO lIIg 171 1, a fl.:: r y.. : F-....., r,:~w.... ;~ limsfilm ADV . VILTIIMOI AGH.F.L) ler TO V. PITTAVICROtI PHILIS Una Dino I tell es of Nonnareil °Mew/ •' -ono l • i tine il•itur te, ad dition.l in l C rtion• • • 0,23 no. fee week —..--e-•-• ~23 . • DJ. WO weegit.—.. —....,-. ,fp Do. hree weeks.-- • --••••-• • 1,00 Do. net reonth------•-. o,wii • Do. two inoildis------• 7,00 Dr. three nannnn•-• -‘...--.. o,ge, 110. u. menths -•••••-•---•-• 10,00 Do. Was 10Entin. , ... 4-, ----• --.-- 12n0 I . Do. weelve manths••-• -.-....; .. rano &standing curd fl lines ot lend per aimmt• lop One equare,changenbleatplearttre (preen. • num, :t issue or the papar•-•-•••,••••••1116,00 Car each addition el srmare,tmentall ewer one month, mu for reek addnional square inserted under the year. ly rates, half price. ' Adverli•ernetesicxrc,ling a sciusr4,•ild not Weer themlntee, to too ichat,ed 41 in wittarenatra halt ..YOnlnhtn. not apeOuntable for legal advertieenlents eeyon4 th e ereouni charged for their publication. - Announcing ennditiatee for office, te be charged the same as otter ndsMl , e3neirta Advertienments t marked on the copy for a aped . Oil number of 2:41 nion#, well be continued On forbid, t and pnymentarem i accord: , • The pneileges opyca rly advertiser will be 'confined rigidly to their iclitler businear, and all other, Myer. :leverets not pc, nininn ~10 their regular busineas, all rgived 10T, to be aid extra. All advertise tutu tor climitable institutlona, Ore implodes, t o smuttily and otherpublio meettnp, :4 such like, to Le charged balfprlce,pegreltle eirletlY advence.l - Marriage nett les to be charged SO cenii. Death notiecsinnerted withoutchargeoudess accent. Miniell by feu.* invitations or obituary notices, and when ro accent:Au:led te be paid far. , • • Itegalm adverriscre, and all others sending Comm. eleallont, or requiring notices designed to tall turn lion to FM", &drew, Concerts, 'or any public enter tainments, where charges are made far admit:tn..- MI iletiten of private` casociation•-every entice de. eigned to call at 'llion to private enterprues calcula ted or Intended t proMothlndivicloal interest, can on to be Inserted w th the understanding that the same 4to be paid for. If intended to be mwtted in the lo cal column, the s sec will' be charged at the ran of oet loss than ton 4 per Mts. i Melton or Ilst Notices to be charged triple price, - Tavern Linen. l'clitiOns, 2! each. , Legal and Medical advertisements to he charged at i NM ponces Heal Estate Agent.' and Auctioneens advertise- awn!, not to be cleated under yeirly rates, but to be allowed discount of thirty three and one thirdper eau.. j , from the amount of Lill. - AVIMILT 471 DAJLT ronst. Ono goons, three toseniocs••—• ••.111 60 Do. each additional lopertlon... 37 VISTISIMMII IPICILTT rum. Die are, (10 lines,) ova , nocition— —6oou. Do. ' each additional mortion.—.4.3 AD Donal of tdrerth,cokent, lo be pold-in advance: - WHITE k CO, Casette. L HARPER, Pon. PORT 71. RIDDLE, .Toornal. JAMES P. TIA2D. & CO.clooolelo. FOSTER S Bnorii eR, kupatell. JOS. SNOWDEN, Norco T. W. PIDDLE, Asnotio.. /DRAM ;CAINE, Everting 'bib K.. Dec. I, IRO. CARDS. JOUN rmuunsow, A I,DILIIMAN, Ward, Penn street, betwei ra and VI, &that, :AU business promptly it Wld.d to. emir AL9I3LAZIDISI3. I. WATSON, AITOHNST AT LAW-01111., on Focht 9treet a... W. 4. De I D ' AWORN - EY A LAW, - =1 COmmlesioner for Penn‘ylvnnia, L.MV, All communieanons promptly answered. ocal-11 • JAMES F. A TTORNtY AT LAW—lllfita FoWh street, A bctween Sauthfx:d and Grata, rittsburgh. aptIVIT 1•6 - 11tif - fl7fais Ki X ATPORNEY \and Counsellor at La.. and Comma atone; (Of the Stab of Pcanryleanta, St. Loofa; rl ße Sate of Prn7burelL.l • Refereneca—Pittsburch: Item PmsearJ Boom. gort & 7.l`Cencllr, ItleCl a re, John E. , Parke, aissells k Semple, McCord A King_ email; BIDWELL • CO., FORWARD/NG 111164tClIAN-T-13, G gam Pa: (dforia'a Terry Port Oft") ll•ving pettnatundy hreatui at tuts pace, a new and anbstannal Wharf Boat, we are to re. calve and forwald promptly to all points on the river, and Sandy and Leaver or Ohre Canals. IJ k. Co. !Miramar, June If: araanri. ..•11..1.11 (OSOILINIt. • W. H. woo , vriatn..•---L•-natrie ipurr t. nAGALEy, wouvw - Altt) &CO, WUole.ale Cro n cept, No . 41lartr.. 6t, /quaburgia — A.M.Zir‘V ark. Loh, Mr 41.6 d Ws, now2l) 1$ la alt.'? wax, cor .0. Pa A. ttlu.n,%lJl.TY Pc CO, Forwardsog and Cna • aninknol.lnrchnfon, Cantl Ham, P bargh, Pl.mrj o ^ .l' UAW, ho intalc 1. roceNCoatanimo4l and ..Forwardtll4:".lnithhant, No. 41 Weiler el„ Citta burgh. nt4 ft, Ilessesi••—rAndraar firming R. K. Flaming USUREC,IPIAL 5.1.111 G kr CO, cl ni OMMISSION Al EIICHANTi— For the_ sc. of Do estic, Wonien, end Conan Goods; sten, deal ers in al kinds of Taiinis'Trirniningr, No 14: Wood v., 4th donl - from FIRA, Pritsbarsh Refereflea—lifersra. Wm. A. 1811 A Co, Sackers. - Odle: •..11111. ' WIC A.. MM. • 111211¢n a InVIN, 0111111 - :SION 511:11CITAN'f8 and MB Broken, No 111 r‘eennd .:mm, Pl!t.lamrll. - auk? wt. *sass 4 ZIVIII7. ENGLISI t & I,IFiNNETC, Cato it:nalksh, Gallagher 4. Co. Wholesale Grocers, Commission and For warding alcretmas, and deniers in prodnen and Pitw %ugh hlanufaesurce, :co. 37 Wood at, between 24 and lid amen... nett FORWARDING d Cosi mISSION MERCHANT No 111 .. Recond at, I.llt.burgh. taunt VI. roinuairaaj (alumni wurigarros R. W. POUIDRXT.CR rig CO., s jakiNEHALCOMllselosaud Forwarding Mar. oltunts Flour Dealer., do Y7d Markel aireci, Mladelphia. . RU3 ==MlM=l=l TOBACCO COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Fro. 41 North Water Sueet A N. 18 North Wharves A.l. Cressoc. j PHILADELPHIA Eovro Main. S D. C llcOmaseott. J. A. Waimea.. S aux 11 — r Coecnistto• Merchant, for 1.40 sal& of American Woo:ans. Liberty. oppoalla 616 al feta? vrat. V. !IWO.. . . I{A¢ , JONF.3 d. Co., latedeasora to-Atwood, Donee & Co.j.Cominttaion and Forwardlng den:ers, In Pitutbsrah Manufactured Good., Piusharr t, Pa. utch2l W.7Ec4iLltdirridedet (sccertte.ia a *meat C. nitt.,l .I M p P er9f . a r n " Jogt alin'dn'4olt'ele.:,'4'nroll=a7FPiaro tkiard Alto—Writine, Printing and Wrap. Ping Paper, No. hi Wald Street, be tweed Fourth street and Diamond uliey, wear side,*Pituburgh,P.. fetild PI. TP5131711.0 hi GLASS WORKS. I OHN AGNEW, late of the firm of Chambers,A r• 4new I. CO , would respectfully Inform the old cus tomers and the puhhe ceneraiiy, that be will etlll eon done to carry on the Green Gloss businms, in all Its ssrietier., and is prepared to fill all orders for Apothe• enties. Foriiiinte ' Minerals, Eorters,Sioltu,tic., to, p?rtainog in Ms husisess. yrarebriuse Is No tit Uuken .trest, kissers Ftrit A. Steen/ etc j 72 4:63in D 7 510 fiG AN, - NV de7ST t) .10 In Dye Shies, Paint,, OS, Varnishes, Or, No: N, , isod, street, one door Fonth of Diamond Alley Monk s p a Alll F, NDAEZE.Li., 01 holes. eGroccr,taritunfiTsiFn ant, and dr alcr in Prodp, e and Dittsbarch Mannincto, hr.oisfinrah. apt 110SII/T meter, ma, X.YW k . Ca ci s Wholesale Gmless. Come Imiu an Piers tam, WI dealers In Producs,NortBB Water, and In, r, "" 9 .—JosPrb Gdsrorth r ' r" CO tiholersale Grocers, and Jr ft 911.1 t Owder • No wi m, o , od at, ii‘lflV•3 for Onset Vrtrabmb dAiserthenarY V 1411- ° ° ' Cr: C t a ii e Third ntt. No. IS Market at, tar lc .." sna : selected as harghonll have canstarif yon h. - 44 them .. 0 ,h1 0.1 6019...110f the beat and risehear will lel on the most rearemble as onteraoedl Le pm-wetly eruct ded to, and mp. plied se - a, arneles they may rely upon a .. ter LhyelerunsTres , emnuces Le.ane ~ntel7 and ha day o fs , re , Lfrous l.‘ll Lem t Also 'or al.e, lay:eaten/al freak. and good r.,y, cater. I John L'; Rtchard Flays. ' Jft 1. IA 14'1 , ..G. roce Comaname • Nuns.. an, Sri O.stera rn ' re, re. Round Charet Laberlf, Wood 44 d !Lath mre I te..nv req. ap4 V, Agent hrr llt lake LW, and kdrchuran Pe II Prayer end the Lakes.—(Moe ~,, en,er nl W•let •s•I e.15•141 at. 11.1 1 13 A. d 4c. Co , elmsosimion Merchant. no d rho I.nue t,e/OU Star Refinery N „, 4$ „ aa.lll/ frantimerts,Pnzabazgh - rant Waulesale DrasgesLa 4 m ., .n,i Instrumenu, idelanal Boot r ,14 LLt rens. Spills, Pruners' Cards; an -IaI I Vs 91 Woni et., F i lualiargh. ,our. * . spats ofWall... 0/1)0,) Comma. r 5 ,1,1 7, z i %d 4, 1 .;,n 0t a z e Patel Ailt, and Westarn PrOdnen generally, Po Wt I rem, between Hmuhscld and Wood, rittaaarga, sp y KS. !Amara sting and Camazusslon Mat Comers in Pra inns sad Pluaborgh mane a .! ,4 acuclra , Csnal Et ram, Pear ith st. apt • • int:ix !SILL, PI PA. AIR,10(.010m. 0 I,ty tnprrior44 S,cetini ,CarpxyChain,COUoo iL10.17 it. C. ST OCAZTON. I.4ATC Johnston &Stockton, :iOOKSP.LLER, STA TIGNER, BINDER. nottat or &rant and Third strssb, Pittannunb. Pn. irAkdtr taipUODE:Mt ARDS. . _ _ PltisiirsairirrClty Nliforka. IN. CGS Drusrannirtlir. CO., MI N V, tMJ M 1,71, we.F.7.2 keVnt' Piwbmah,Pa. V. Par neuter fluent'on paid so iidd mos. Also, Deers. In FLINT GLASS, VILAIdic ROTTLES, Ae. 4. consinasurS, A. DMA% roromssn.6. KMM Wm. Alin., elulad. W, itielretsipt, Pittsburgh: %,111..LER tr. RIC KETtiON. W ooleanio'Grwent and YYll Importers of Brandies. Wheel and 'Begat", Nos. ITO and 1:4, corm., of Liberty and Irwin streets, Pitts- Doren, Pa. ins , Nails, Cotton Yarns, de . nanny on hand. ape John Jame. D. 1111i111. ' Wolter C. tine MI:GILLS A ROE, 'Wholesale G rocers *Ltd Commis. Con Merchants, No lid Liberty Bt , Pittsburgh ape pirreineffal. WORKS AND " b - hutro AND AXLE FACTORY. MAI JORD , roma F. ems. Q,llloa s • MANUFACTURERS of voting and Hilmar steal, plough steel, steel plough "dap, coach and clip lo apnaghhownerod Don azleo, and dealer! In . pal 'table castings, Inc enema lamps, m.,and coach trunt7 {amorally, tomer of Rosa and Front ~ Plushy feh er:V. 34. Tardo.. 0013119111121011 allershants. NO. 31 Old Levee et, N Orleans, keep constantly on bond a large assortment of Brandies of the follow r.l7,l.67,aerd=,efg illgr 7. grad, IV: rand Co, Lorwhelle JDurana, e e4nan, teann, A 1, 'Seville, A do Mondale, Jinn Louis, Ar., to; also, Anchor Gin, Bordeaux Red and iVhite Win r. In casks and cues, selected with cafe by /dm Awand kyo; beoldo. Chantpogne Wino and Sweet Borland" Port- NNXT 110LMES & SON , No= Market rt. second door a from corner of Fourth, dealers in Foreign D epo sit, Domeaste.lll/Is of Exchange, Certigeatca of Deposit, Dank Notemg4l3pggl,r_ ,„ ILP.'CoI ... all the prinsipa I clues I MIIC4/124 IPC VW./ Stara, are 1 • Sting..., , ,s •,, was **riot. ..,..,‘, 0 'Paattie‘e,i'tt.tabt4h.:!ill'apii,"lZadSe.aite.''.S,'D'ir. heads, Showbllls, Labels, Architectural and machine DllMUlpt,Besinese and Visiting Cards Art, eevinced or drawn on atone, and printed In colors, Gold, Bronze or Black In the non approved style, and at the noel i 13.1 *seeable p ri ce. octllly OGIW.ON,LITTLE n.. CO..' o. =Liberty street Pitutugh. Wholesale Grocery, Produce and 01i161i012 Merchant., and dealers In Pittsburgh ended ores.l . apl7 soar. Pogrom mos. Lon assts. a. ass. a. zonation. ODERT MOORE, Wholesale Grocer, Rectifying Distiller, denier Prodoee, Fauber,lt blanufat. resi and all kind* of Foreign sod Domestic Wines •ti Llynors,N. It Liberty street. On hand • miry • .6 stock of superior old Monongahela welsh.), • eh unil be sold low for rub.' Tort _,. amoaOa I.- L. MIS. ETNOLDSIik. BLIKE: Forwarding and Commis ', SLOP Merchants, for the Allegheny River Trade, n ere in Groceries, Produce Pittsburgh, Maculae hand. Chloride of Lime. highest price, In cash, paid at all times for e try rage, Corner Penn and Irwin sta. _ lipid IrlErT DALZELL tVholosalo Grocers, Commission Alerchants,dcalers Protineo mod bank hinstifamnsss. Liberty sum. Pinsborsb. Y 4 spla U. A. 01:111ININ011,11.11, iiiin4sdLautissittßOCEß, Elerchairt7and7l3eFsre77l7l4li. Plllanufactures, No =Liberty street, Pittsburgh, lIILMIL III, TIIOII. C. YlBl2l. ONACILLETY & WHITE, 'Matsuda Dealers In l; Foreign and Domestic m u Coeds, No. 10 Wood sir torah apt> & 6 117:11NWAliaiits,Deslers to Flour and Produce generally, end Forwardlns d Commission 151erch ants, 145 Mist street and Second street. Pittsburgh. act) F. , seism, urrsatand laird menu, KARIM/all ELLEIS & NlCOLS t , Padnea and General Com LIS mission Merchants, No. 17 Liberty sorest, Niue bgri c :h. Apenn, Linseed and Lard Oils. eel, F VON-BONNII rding and 011.8? Wholeaale Gra ten, Forwa Conandmion arerthum, Dealers in Plstsbargh hiarinfaetnres and Western Produce, have removed to their new warehonse, (old nand,) No. 36, corner of Front meet and Chancery Lane. MOILILIS t / 1 /CIATOELTEit s - ---+. EA AND WINE ME4CHANTS, East side Diamond, Pitisbn,i—h. spa Iftflul WHOLESALE GROCERS, Produss and Con:missal:n dirtildealers in Pittabunt. Manufactured &rutin, Nos. 120 and 1151 Stoond .treat, lictoreen Wood & Smithfield. Pluatruccit. 8.110 sou warr.] (Toncm ionsoa. JOHN WATT a. CO., \V a n fl t rai t e L T: ' ra G ; s a c :: e eC'aamr Fl'unarl!raa"at: turce,4B6 be ist, Pittsburgh, F. *arta IM M lVlTilTchlie7Piiiilyr --- .I'.. brie :Sneere.; GS bole Flee, asrivang, and for sae he — eept2 BROWN & KIRKPATRICA .--- DAIIIII — deIIarVIN --- '--- I a OULD throne the petite, they have taken the watch.o formerlyoccupied by the late Mr • • lemon &buyer, 1 . 14 bathed street, Slaving a large &weenie:nes warehouse, they would inane the et onion ofeersow Hiving goon, CO &mean Ori.Wre y will M. give attention to the purchase and sale of • tee... Drafts. Deeds. && sage L.B Wmertolue•B.N.Wmarman• •W.B. Waren:me & oacrotlße", Foe vvuding Member.; dealers In all kin& of Pri am. ftPiniburgt Mainsfaernrod !mining and Agent. for vile of Richmond and Lynchburg Blanolimmrsd Tobieco. met WU. TITIBLIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, lita4r; Ps WILL Cut an to collecttons and all ectiet non - TT ten entruated to him in Butler sod Arl.lll. coardbe, Pt. Refer to J. at, B. Floyd, Liberty rt. ' W. W. Wallace, do Junes Ilarthall do Citisbar4 411} Car & Co, Wood et J 1.7 JOHN HcFADZI i CO., EOEWARDING t COMMISSION MERCHANTS Cum! Buie, Penn street, Ptitsbara. nue JAMES D. DAVIB & 00., PRODUCF. AND FLOUR FACTORS, No. 247 Market, and al Commerce et, Philadelphia Adyancea made, by either of the above, opubrgAn. men of Produce to either Rouen . . J. D. WILLIAMS i CO, lOLESALE & RETAIL FAMILY GROCERS, Forwarding and Comtnisako, Merchants, and d { Con Produce and Pinabargh Idanafte tu cornered Wood and Fifth melds, PLUabargh. Inr2O Vet. H. Williams- &why. WO. H. WILLIAN• • CO., HANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, North Dist [Otter of Wood •nd Third meet*, J.l_ _ Prrontross. Po. WM. 1101.T.ZT, 101 IN COMISAVIL, W. N. WOODWM, 111,11 1.1111.112.11 T. WM. BAGALEY A CO., Wholesale Groceisi 18 and 20 Wood strew, Fitssburels. apt, VCR r i , II.ICANDLESS,(uoc.;;;r;VE7*. J. D. Meta _Moles:de Goncert, Forwarding and Commission Alerehtintir, dealers in Iron, Nuts, Wass, Cotton Yarns, and Paviburgh Manufactures general -Ir, corner of Wood and Water Wens, Pltubargh. W — ln - 11 - fint.E, bo e Aferc:mts 4 .=.4-Inr.po=onfoLdsva Wis e as " .l Stoll! lug Powder, No. MI Liberty street, (opposius Sixth stlon9 Piusbargh. pi? WI WTYPILSON, Watches, .Towelry,riihrer a lSWe and Milnary G eo de,. corner of Market and Fourth moms, Pittsburgh, Pa. N. ll....Watebes and Clocn earefally repaired, ."'" :! RR! - Jaen 1eC11313. TXTbi. YOUNG re Co., Dealer. In Leather, NMet, VT te.,143 Liberty weer. WIC IeCOITIMOR. ROST. lIVCIITCHION. Wt R. MeCOTCHEON, Wholesale Grocer., • 'dealer. in Prodeee, Iron, Nei Glass, and Pittaberun Manufacture generall),• Liberty etresi.— plusbrugli. Anti T HAVE taken WM. CARR rob vannembip with .1 me in my brininess, which will from this dare be carried on under the rime of "John Parker &Co.. Mooch Ist, IW3O. JOHN PARKER. isbe Carr. JOHN PASHICES. 1777144.4 Grocers, Dealers in Prod.*, Foreign Wine?, Liquors, Old Monongahela and - Rectified WTriskey. N 0.6, Commercial goer, Liberty street, stras Plimburch, P svavameggi rAusei. 1091 D• 111..1A, 1 -all PALIMO, 11A1fIIA 111. CO., Oinicressers to IlasseY, Henna & Co.) BANKERS, EXCHANGE BROKERS, and dealers to Foreignand Domestic Exchange, Certificates of Deposite_ Hank Noma, and Spece—North west earner of Wood end Third streets. Current money received on deposite.—Blght Cheeks foeSalc, and collections made on nearly all the pnnelyal points the United States. NiMiii=lMlE=l Advance. made of Produce r aldp •ed Etat , hberal tams. ams 6. r'cLoso.) Obso.s. WM. A. 111 , CLURO fr. CO., GROCERS AND TEA DEALERS, No 256 Worry street, abox. Mad, Hs La always on hand a large as.ortment of Chorea Gm series and Fine Teas; also, Foreign Frain; and Nan .Vholesala and Itatatl. Dealers welled on the snort mavi - i r ..IOI.IZ_GLAIIB . WOXL/L9 • JOSEPH D. ABELL, A • A NUFA. , :II3EFR OF GREEN GLASSWARE, M Bo ula, and Planks, Porter, Scotch Ale, Lavery w,, t „ Patent hledielne. and Wine Bottles of every deseriPt;oo; also, WINDOW GLASS. Keep, on hand 'lettered assortment of \LSO STATE, as the other Green taw as to the carom In 11 now In rust orraamon, and will continue to operas 'on bath summer end winter. Ordenretp and will be filled on the ahortert rendre..., Warehouse, No 11l Beier 4 wart, between Wood and Smithfield sth, Pittsoareh. ' jyin:dly QASIL.•P. SURIVER and Co. AS. BARNES have this day associated themselves SOgether,.ander the firm of Shrive, Damen for th e Monet= of th e Wholesale Orocerf,Prodaced and Cloalmissioa btud acts, at No 130 130 Second street, between Wed end Smithfield at, blitittieMlEMEMT lll WOOLS WOOL I TIIE highest elutes price In Cash will MS P* Cot the different rrades of Wool, by arts & HARHAUGH Lt t V 2 21 11104 -"' D lA TA b. for Mar roch , h .411SCELLANT.01 HALL. „ FOURTH STREET, -pITTSBURGII, PA THIS magnifieent estabhahment being now corn- Meted and ready for bustnessthe proprietor would respectlblly solicit • slam et the public patronage. Me trails ha giving ht. ton attention to the banana, to Make th4toass r4easant and Comfortable' resort fer the ei os of nabergh and for the country generally. Good attendants win be in waiting, and every ex ertion made to resew the establishment worthy the eoantensnec an • greener an .atelligent communny. The TWO BPACIOTSJ HALLS. fitted for Parties. Concerts, Lectures, Dells, and poblie meetings, will be let by the eaciAli. t. week, on es liberal tenon on any ether I. the city. 'The BAR and RESTAURANT, equal In sole and beano to any In the world, will be kept famished , with Pure inns, Choice Liquors, Cordials Porten, Ales, and id the cool light, refreshments of the semen * Poultry, to •a • • Fish, Soup, Oystets, and GU., erred ric be style. The DINT r and s lCE CREAM SALOON,heing en the lint door, ad easy of ac c ess, will be constantly supplied with I the Luxuries and - Delicacies of the sermon; and al • with such substantiate as the markets afford. Boarding b alien far I. ottea the day, weak, or year. Manua or . viduals or parties, formatted on 'abort t 4 their families, visaing tbroity <ash di refreshments of CI kinds at any hour Gentlemen be mooned of the day Good Stab.l , went is canoe. Gainer at t • holm te g ll and an he IlaiL entssive Livery Establish with Nittiti7Droatfa.t and Tea at the wall I T. Entrance fo Saloon, No 67 le*:dtf tulles to the lee Cream .4 Dining mithfield atm.. IMISM=MM oral lA. 11211.3V21.1, TERVELT & SON, WN VENITIAN 1:11.1ND MAYCERB. :and, on hand or make to order the air lino, at their old stand, No. Id at No.PO Market Street, an rand attni, 'emend. Vanitian Shuns.. Made o Ueda neatly repaired. apt° A. WEz Wkee ELl ; erns ' bee, article in Ci~fr /lief-4 • n . t.t.tee in e ei. and el thdbi W. & .T.OLEDIIII. nookbailers. WV are nal engaged in the above busier., , o ITICY V ev Wood nnd Third maven Pittsburgh. where we are prepared to do any work ilium line With del patch. It's attend to on work perunally, and sans. faction wiltbe given inregud to its neatness and da rablllty. Blul: Dookrikd to my pattern .1111 d bound cal otanna/ly. Book. in n umbers or old books boned earei. &117 or repaired. Nun& put on books in gilt leneril. Those that hue work In our lice Cr. invited to ea 4. Priest low my2Oztl roma Minaldnellboy. wiatrimis—Mistlktuser atoll kinds of rot ton and woollen machinery, Allegheny city, The above work. being now In fall and sarccuMl nett eration.l am prepared to artery wits dispareh for all kinds of machinery In cy Ins, etch ar willower pic.kers,spre•dere, cards, grinding wahines, raliways, drmiring (ranee, speeder., throes - its, looms, woolen earde, double or single, for merchant or country vomit, mdiertlacks, de; elide and hand Inthes and mode in gee. eraL All kinds of ehalling madam order, or plans erl . on (or gearing factories or mills at reasonable ohm Run rto—ldennedy Child. Co., Blanketnek, Ile I I Ml_ Xing. Ponneteir nfls 3.. A Grey BENNETT 4 BROTHER, QUEEN:MARE Al AN UYACTURERS, Ol nalingEkaaa, [near Plttab argh o l Pa. Olio,, No. 31 Wotn t.! batmen MarEes and Psunktrgh. • ~ irWILL ebnotantly keep on hand a rood assort' meta or Ware; of oar own mantuastare, and auparior quality. Wholesale and comuy Itier titan. •re rerpeethally invited to eali.dez amine for themaelano, to we ars determined to will heap.r than barna borore been °farad to the pub lic. ID"Orders taut by mail,anoomp.ted by th.ooth or [pod raforonee, ImII jm promptly amanded to. tore RZW COACU FACTORY, CO, ittr A. WHITE & CO, IWOUId 'expectedly inform ly.L. the public th at they have enseted 0 shop on Lacock, betwe. Federal and Sandraky strema They are now making and are prepared to receive drays for every dethription of vehicles, Coaches, Chariot's, Re touches, Buggies . , Phaetons, dm, to., which from their long experience In the inamicacture of the above sod., sad the turbines they have, they feel confident they era enabled to do work on the most reasonable terms with these wanting articles in their line. Paying Particular ettantion to the selection of mate nab, nab and having none but competent workmen, they Lithe no hesitation to vrarrriminir their work. We therefore ask the attention of the public to dins inane, N.B. Repairing done m the but manner, and on the most thasoesible ten.. raid( Int a. =Lin. • JAIK. SCAIRIC & ATIRINSON L r. Itirar.. to, wx (17NTINUE to inanulaelore all ktnda of COPPER kf TIN AND SILECT IRON WARE. Ala, Clack malt Work. Steam lloata built to aide,. Specmi attention given to steam boat work Hayman hands a fine moor - trots:A of Copper Eettle,Tto War, ke. ke. Steamboat caohlue Stoves. Portable Forges, various stees—avery convenient ar. hole for smamboau, California mirrors, or roil rot] eostFautet. We would respeedulls Invite stem bent Inca and cabers to call and se. oar aztlelea and prices before Farchoalor el ee , she re. I, id Wrought tad Coat Iron Hotting. im entweribess b lawns to inform the pubitc that T they have °Manned fromthe East all th e .me and fashionable dealdna for Iron railing, both tar heater arta cemeteries Persons wishing to procure hand. mine patterns wiLl playa call sad examine, and ,bdre for themacivra. Hailing will be fmnirbed at Mg ern, eat nodes, and in the hem manner, m the coiner iv Craig .d Reboots streets, Allegheny ray -Sae-I.W A. LAAIONT WLLLLALI DIGITY BEGS leave to inform hut Meade, and mistoniet• ilia he taint recessing hts new spring stack of Goods compnatne, as anal, all the newest and moat festoon- Inn styles of Cloths, Comintern, fancy Vestmes co, ton and linen 'nun, naffs, and every ankle nimble for gentlemen's wear for opstne and eammcr heine tropomible to describe the beauty, quality or unman• of the stock, the proprimrs hope, all wLo arc an 1•4111 of good, cheap, faeloonable and well made clothes. will go him a call, as there is no stock this side of the Alleghenies that cue compare with It. The ready elude department is very extensive, adap ted to all tame, Ann road contractors, country merchants, and all who puraha. largely, Ore particularly Invited to ex amine the stork before parealmng, as pumice!. at tention to paid to the wholesale h Steen In Mu estab lishment. Every artlele In and mil. ne mat the order In the most fashionablbeat nay, at the shortesi nod re air2l -- NOTICE TH.7 riTigaifai'r,t`.he4 the Sint of Mr. C Bratiley. The busiums 11 be b e on by A Bradley, who and settle the lumen of the law firm. REMOVAL—A Bunn Ms re ooed his Foundry Warehouse from No Second • 4t0.N0 Wood street, between Ent and Second meet; to the ware. house etch ocetipied by 0 A Be ry, where Ito will keep aonstantly on hand &general nuorumpt of Com ings, Grates, Stoves, Cooking Bum a, 5.0. Ina lIARIOILL Rol= VT, ILTANDFACTURER OF CAST ISTML, and No.l in and No. 1 Ameriero Dilatery inn eL Also— pest CO.t Steal Files, of all intro; and 131 kith and Shoe Roos, alarm on hand and for at l athen at his "Ea gle Steel Works," O'Hu. street, Fifth Ward, or at tha oak. In the Iron Store of lIOLLMANS k GARRI SON, Nol, foot of Wood street, Pittsburgh. aatZ-dint CE32MtEI We, the undersigned, hay.' used, mutt entire sat isfaction, the Can Steel and Pike made by Samuel Megelvy at hi. Eagle Steel Worts, in Ma city, take i plemate n recommending them as equal Inquality to as ever via by us, of foreign maufactere. Pittsburgh, March 13, 1550. A J II tiIIOENBERGER & Co, Manufactuter• of iron and Nail& Pittuburgh, Pa. KNAPP & TOTTEN, Iron Founder. and Machining, Pittaluth, Pa. COLEMAN, MAILMAN & CO, Manntaetarent of Springy, Axles, ElOring Steel and Rivets, Pumbargit, Pa. F&WM FABER, Engla Builders and Manikin. Card Maafactu. It, Pittsburgh, P. A FULTON, Brass Foundor, Pittabargh, P. GRAFF, LINDSAY Cl 3, Man(Nonuers of Iron and Nails, Pittsburgh, Pa. JOSEPH TOMLINSON, Locomotive Engine nod Ship Builder, Pittsburgh , , P. IV W W Nubia Idanufaerunr, Machina and EngineßALLACEuild usgEl ar, Pimbargh. P. Dlssolatlink of Partimrshlp. THE Partnership beretofine existing between the subscribers, ander the no or ~a labets, Agnew Glass kl Co, Glanufastarets, was di Ived b mutual consent, on the first day of July, Rodent. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said firm are request ed to make payment to either of the paniesorshont delay, and all persona having secounts with said firm, ate Invited to present them for settlement 'seutedictely. ALEXANIIR CHAMBERS, JOHN AG EW. D.H. CH BEMS. f t o ; ! _ S._ _ 1, goods arriving by a Line,” will please trod to pay freight io th e reeetpl, beton oANOLTY h. CO _ _ NOTICE, Cl:owners nod consign T) th s “CIIr ' P I Beesl3 aat our warehouse, !wean:hog to the troods we removed. CA ' -• 'de , at. . losolflag. ad G canting Fluid. Dtelenent•—Put the clothes Into cold willtS and let them took over night In tae ittornam taring them oat end .pu t them Into a Sena tel belling treater, to Bich add the proportion of one putt of fluid to eight gallons of water--adr It up end boil the whole twenty the be wrung out end n \,, enneteu The clothes may well noted In clear cold water. The parts el' mo menta that may be most milled, itch as wristband. end collars of 'Men,. may be atm tly lobbed Imfore atoning, and the clothes will be Immd pc...teeny clean, white and clear. Warn/need rot to injure the Attest fabric and to pee perfect antlafacthm, or the money moll be lefeatied. gold wholesale and retail by II E SELLYIts acplo 57 Wood at strres tea plittabtargh Telegraph Company. TN permute,' of a resolution of the Baird of Direc tors of the Cleveland, Want° and Pittsburgh Telegraph Company, requesting the Secretary to maze out and close to be published tu the nesvpapent along the line, an exhibit of the financial and other al.lirs of the company, I submit the following Reporh— The line of Telegraph commences al Cleveland and terminates at Pitushurgh, passing through chagrin Fella, Franklin, Newton Falls, Warren, 1r oungstown, and Lowell, in the State of Ohio, and New Condo end Rochester, in the State of Peemsylvania, ot which paints there anogees located for the receipt add transmission of haziness. The whole length of the hoe la 10 milea--Capital Stock, Saw/ per mile, making a total capital moot of 11.0.14 ore/Web amount 5E0,30 w held by Marcos along the line, sad the balsam, la bald try Cornell & Speed . , the contractor.. The above amount of rob ...POW. by dlurao., have been paid to Cornell & Speed, PM which the Trustee. have their receipt. lell -0U JEFFERSON BALM, Secretary. TO BOAT BOII.OIIIIA. 100,000 feet Seasoned Deck Plank; 100,000 feet Coal Boat Siding F sale b • ROBERT-BeliglOBT? - derv/ n Law , Penult, st. PITTS GB, SATURDAY INSURANCE. State !Clutha! fire Insurance comply, HARRISBURG, PA 111/IR •rry liberal patronage extended to tide corn. PanY, hwriog footed policies to the =most of near One and a Half Million of Dollars, daring the last three months, is srflicient mmifirstation of the OM , anJ confidence of the public in the system of management on which Its business is conducted To city on country merchants. and owners of dwell. and isolated or country property, it le believed Mt companyaffords adrantages in point of chenli- Ilee 1, safety, mod security, inferior to !to Insurance Company in th is n country. Conducted the equitable and greedy Improved system of Classification of RIM., excluding. all medal hassrds, insuring only a limited amount In any one rhos precluding the frequency and meantime of large firrs,and also on both the Stock and Mutual plan, not only possesses the cheapness emaneccO modauon of both methods. but entitles the red tO a pardeiroolon In the profit. It is ander the control of me following Directors:— John P. Rutherford, A. J. Gillen, John Lt. Packer, Samuel T. Jones, Alonzo A. Carrier, Philo 0 Sods , wick, Robert/00M. P RUTHRRFORD,Prosit A / GILLS T, Seel. A A Comma, Actuary Branch Office for Western Pennsylvania, Id Smith field street, Pittsbureb. Persons desiring insurance will be tarnished with books of the company by call ing at the office. oe3 Llfa add Malik lasarasse tyrE Mutual Llfe and Health Insures. Cdtipa . ty .g of Philadelphia, Irreorperated by the Legislators of Peonsylvanta, March, 1848.. Charter perpetual. Capital, $lOO,OOO. Rama LOWER 711.111 MIT PI:IMT. vama Coxrarts, and 20 per cont. lower than the natal rates of Life lasorartee; as the following com parison will chow: Thus, • person of the age of 30 In• ITing for g 1 00 for life i must .s 3ar In the Girard 42,30 1 - 0 , 4 4,4; a ke r w e 1t , g1a. 4 .731, Ttir l ffle, E4 43' Won, 19,4% - Life end Health, Philadelphia,lll,ol. Ditscreas.—Sameel D. Orrick, Charles W. F Beene, Robert P. Kin Charles P. Hayes,' Baldwin, N.M. Reeve, M.D., Chas. 0. B. CampbsJl, ' Lew la Cooper, I. Rodman Barker, E.R.Botler, Edwin R. Cope. President—Samuel D. Orrick; Vice Pres 4, dont—Rola. P. King; Beeretary—Franels Bleekhereel. l Applications will be rreeived, od every infortntdoo_ wee by SAML. FAHNLZTOCK, Agt, °lke, Commerr.lal Roosts, corneae 00(21.417 Wood and Mond sr• FIRM AND DAILLIM /MIURA Nal: %INN INSURANCE CO. of Nonh JUneticir wlll make pertain= and limited Insusance on pro party Mishit city and vicinity, and on shipments try Canal, Rivers, Lakes , and by Sea. The mopenlei of this Company ate well invested, and fotulab aq itdb able fond for the ample Indemnity of all persona mho, desire to be p rammed by insurance. myle WM. f . . JONES, A 1 Plra and Blaring Inguranaii Tilt OFFICE of tho Insurance Company Of North America, has been removed to No. NI Front at OM Of WOOO. • Tbo eabsoriber, agent for the above old and ?capon. sible Company, aria to Pakten OP Buildinta and their contents, and on abirmenta of Merchandise try Steam Boats and othervemela. al3 ' W. P. JONMS. ioderli and Antique Vino tura J 5111.158 W. WOODWELLor ATM*. 80., Brirasatten. • J. W. W. pitift=l:7lllt informs plothd his and m o il o FURNITURE. the largest and mostraried assortMeni ever offered for see in this eity. comprising BeTaal netts of ROSSWOOD, DioßtmonT, and Brace Watnurr, carved, ornamental rand plain , salable for Pollen, Drawing and Berl Roams, all of which will be mid at the }Owen pmts. Perron. deairing Farnitare of any description, are spectrally invited to call midtown!. his stook, w hich embraces every description, hop the eheapou and phones, to the meet elegant and costly, of which the following comprise. a pert Tot. ato Sofas; Teta a Tete Divans; Conversation Chain; Elisabeth'. Choirs; Reception do Louis XIV do Ertemlon do Radek Elm Whet Norm ?mkt Tablisi Louis XIV Commodore, Duke of York's Coven; Safas wlth l'lnth and Hair-cloth timers, 30 DiVons, do do do; 40 dos ltlahogany Parlor Charm 10 Itorowtoll Jo do; 1111 W•lnot do do, 40 Catte dear do: 4 " Blobogoay Rocking de; 2 0 do Piano Stools, 50 Marble Top Centro Tables; 20 Jo do Wash Steads, 20 Mahogany 10 do Wardrobes, le Mt Witeut do, n Cherry di very roroa aseortmenf Conamou and oro• sr Furrow rc ✓too tedrods tom ention APream Doom furnished on the Moe - rest notice rden promptly encu-led to P. 3—Carucci Mather. con no supplied wrth all sorts of Mohugau,, %Valour, and Vebeers, at comMerobly reduced once.. fcbls HERSEY FLEMING & CO. lIAVIC ROIL 156L/Pir FROM THE MANUFACTURERS, AND AT EMT. ERN MANUFACTURERS' PRIC6I., White Flannels. all Word.lßim DM* Itc.l do do 'lilac Demlns; Yellow do do Faced' Cottariades, all an, Brown do do . offered at Factory one.. Black Saunsti. 1 sieel naked do Home League Skirling. Bloc do Chseks and Stripes, mg Drat. do • hen.. go o ds. Mart Cam , meisl toilers' Goody. Fancy do Re . Paddiiig, 102 per do, Emmy Perrlsdn, krst Padding. Bockram, Soper Black Broad Cloth 'Tiolors`Cstivass,branydoi Super Brown do Broom Livens. Silicia'a Sam Gr-en ak, IDTAtte r•-rge, blaek do, .1 I Papcf - Prollterd" •-• do • . -andunitraledi..„' bop., Black Doe Skins Black and Wit tetsit. - Soper Drab Cu Black Tome, Drab do, Super Brown do Linen Cheeky aod ' , Ansi' Super Black do Stasrl's 6 cord Sp'l Colton; Caliform• Blankom do Lmen Thread, • Rootlet do superior ankle; Ulse do Silk Figured Vesting.; Drab do !Meek S.sun do Gt4EII barking. Brown Holimd keg Sae; Itrooin Lill.. I i11:V.43 ColleClT, So.. Au Al the Muio6itto rem t; :/.12..0UPC, No 107 WOOll, Pittybutirk mr.l _ ____ pith co-partner - Mgr iteremfore existi4 between the rtibteribert, In the nth. of Con/table, Lturte CO, ie this day dussolved by mutual Consent Messrs. Berke & Barons i I settle the berme. of the concern, for 'which purpose they are authorised to use th e setae of the concern. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE, EDMUND BERKE, THUIR&S BARNES. widenogned have anode) twee:awe literately, In the name of 131111¢E t BA RNF-v. for tho pep., of menet. cuarthg fire Plato( Safe*, VW, p.m, de be, Cl the stand of do late fool of Colombia, Bork & Co, vreare they will be pleased to receive the puma age of the customer* of that house and Idea (tends. EDMUND BUftEE, THOMAS BARNES- In Uh retirin from the firm af Comsat,le, l & I whit gince g re pleasure recommend Meas.. Bnrisi rg. Dame. to the confidence of to friend. and the public. Feb. 0, ISO. febl.o-drf NATHANIEL CONSTABLE. - 674.tiliEV11110. "AS lan retained (rem the Eastern cmi., and in 11. receiving a large vanety of seasonable Goods, to which he respectfully invites the att.uon of merob ants and pedlars. No E 4 Wood at fehll NIIALL PAYER—W. P. filemsusta. tiTcoustantlY receiving, Rote the large. ufactortes v r York and Philadelphia, and den from French agencies, the newest and most approved rqlea of Pa. per Flanging% togntherWith Borders, Firs Board Prints, and Tester Toy a For sale at CS Wood at, be tween Fourth at and Diamond alley, (succrissor to S. C. FIIII.) IartFTALICTAIN.: - .5 bries. reold per amer, WI for sale a l e the barrel or single pound at the Drug, Reed, and Perfumery tVareheuse corner of Pali and Wood streets. d N WICEE'Rt3IIAhI. spin CRJGDIIICAL STOVE; PoLimit TiE Phenix Manufacturing Company now offer to the public their Premipm Chemical Stove Polish; and without exaggeration, or fear of contradiction, by those who hays tested it, pronounce it far superior to any o th er In the market. The conthaterneed•hare no apprehensions ofsoiling carpets, Re, Its core. position prevents a dust (torn arising when being sip plied, which =at he done when the Stove is maid. The quantity required is so hale prodnee • beau• Wel lustre. A saving of over filly per cent is lammed to the consumer. A coating applied to Stoves, Pipes, fr.., when laid away for the summer, is a sure pre. v.:native against mat. After having tried It once, (if It is accessible) no person will use any hot the Ppmnln Menefacturing Company's Premsum Chen:d eal Stove Polish. For sale by S N WICKERSHAM, tuya Corner of Sixth and {Wood streets. LIOSSIALDIAN .ZIIIIC. fr RH Vieille Montag ne Company supply their agents 1 with Roams and Flooring in sheets 317 feet,from II to '22 ounces per square foot. Corrugaisd to sheets 3.7, 27 ex, for roofing puolie buildings and depot. Ship Shearlong, 14 x 48 inches, from 24 to 15 ounces. Ness Spikes, Wire, Sugar Molds, Perforated Zinc, Zine Paint, rec. They warrant their metal pare, and free (rout any admixture - of lion, or any other thhetence, and re commend it (or the manufacture of most article. to the haute furntlibing line, an It does not rest, is not affected by the aetmn of water, and may be poltehed, painted, and je mo panned. Nertiplere, de, plane, epectlicanone, and Other thformadon may be had of their agente:— /dcska. h Brume, New York; • , A2thernh, itot.ilOt d CO.. HOMO; !town Tem o &Co , Philadelphia; IV. R LI. hleKup, Itaihn.ore2 FLaita, Da r 4. ..1 . 4114444, New Orion,.. F. 4111..1.1110U X, Resident Agent 2 Ilanhver et., New Yoe It. Liege, bcpteinher —pephhl.llo MM=I • • 11 , HE Auttbmg raptly of Leigh Mot , 2etth 'rom !scene. of Iv ted. and comma:m.lm,, In 2 vols. Carlyle. Letter Lay Pamphlets—No VIII, rubmct, Jesuitism. History of Doll. tae Brest, By Jocob Abbott, with erg minrs. John Rovvord, A Rortionce By M. 'Martin Bob. Ittetortal Boot o f the Rhvotrittoit —No 3. The above work. received JOY day, and rot sale b y R CB! °CATON cued. , Cor. Martel &Third.. TAKEN in own., Introthe stem hoot Pilot NO2. heven Rocs of Boner, marked J. fifty unfottottion revrecung thcsn rob hr. thankfully 'beloved. 030 WM II intiNsTnri J. B ,„WN Windsor Ow • , . ,_ Tenn. Inr, Orreetal. 'aim, end Olive Oil Soar. Three Soaps •re Mthly celebrated for lorparlraC xelorhnese to the atm Punbastd from the tit:porter, and for sale by scpl3 SELLINtS, 37 Wend it INIMA SUSHI:ft PACKING—Am th. n. ore slackness's, from 1.321 n inch duck The above packing is prepared an that rModegree.Febrenhelt will nut affect' and and a• sorerint in every tinny else, as no substance has se mach elasticity which nand, en blab a degree of heat, and may be used aboutall pans where packing is necessary, viz:— ressAnle wares, piston rode, MAIM Mints, steam chests, cylin der heads, kc. For sale wholesale and 1 . 00111 by 1 It II PHILLIPS atm% 7 k a Wood it rfIOBACCO-4o bn :Sherwood's lump, now lending' u 099 ; la./LIAM DICKEY &CO ORNIN BOOKS. MUSIC, dr. NEW BOON AT NOLA/ LITERARY DEPOT, , Thltd street, opposite tho Pon Office. DAVIDGOPPERFIGI.B. No 113 biathlon Art Journal (or October Liven's; Living Age, No Di; The Valley Farm; or the Autobiography of an9r phan. Edited by Charles J. Peterson. lops Petticoat Government; a new novelty Dn. Trol. . • Hemet Templeton. By Charles Lever. Tha Iron Mask—Dumas` ben work, complete; Life of Yerkee RIB Genevieve; or Pleasant Love and Borrow. By A. De Umtata. Batton flhakn =NM Nam 111311110 I lIUSIC t JENNVLANE; a beautiful Ethiopian Song; as rung by the New Orleans Serenaders; Be arstinkfat and beware; Ok !, bite!, take ibis hand; The naldents Tear; ,The Rink Mutts Bride; Would I were with thee; By tha:Sad Sea Wave, ea sung by Jenny Lind ho New Tent; Tb• BIM and the Malden, sung by Jenny Lind; Take tbie lute, sung by Jenny Lind; Tong Mt astray ~ ; • • b e brS. C. t ; on Good worth s ., lrery nest Poiku; also, new V . 7.ltres and ex. tenaiTe Nelettlen e(Guiter Preeef t ;rl of hes t inswera ante KLESE 101 Third street • Gel en Ila _ Duff ramps rishos. ----- • gels 'Algemety for Dutahainta Plasm.. 11: - *BER takes eileasure In annormeing to the Iff. . public that he haa succeeded in severing the 1 lerwurei V2for Da 'l nbamis oe/ebrated Piano Fortes, PTo l % , ltr Denham,' of the firm of Sindatt nalha if btln, are too i well and favorably known in.thlaithlghborhotut tO require thy comment at this nineut e 1 . 1 to bay, that for a long time so other Maria re known in the Western country than these at *dart &Dunham and Naomi d. Clark. Mr. Dttpam th e .pracucal owner of the above anss,havapene upwards of twenty years In the fee tag oftly firm , as practical manager and director of Alm ha& rs. Within a year or two Mr Dina.= has height ' the entire factory and appurtenances of the arm, and kontinues to mannfuture, as before, in hi. 0111111:A . attaine d . Dunham's /lon hake aained such pal:misfit,. that In setae of.the wesient dues, Cincin nati, dhe erliny have sold two to one of any other szaaafac re. They are diStingalsbed by their power .sitd hit bey of tone, and extraordinary darabilliy. Si: a large invoke or the above elegant Pianos lobar risk ing. - SION OP TIIE GOLDEN HARP. ~ WWI , . " ...,.. R' itMO • ilmsr Mail., 11=10.0 thlo day from the cast .Laride—Scarnbart. Lenado—Arranged as Duel. Jean Pa and /cannot. for Gahm. Yobstaof by gone days—toner. Airscridemn En Cairo—toner. .86ful and Beware—Blover. Design V other popular Pones and Pieces. II KLEBER, Sign of the Golden Item, Third sr Blow Books. "ILEALTH, plumose, end Remedy. By D. Moore. Airlidable Lindsey, a noveL By the author of thee Arnold," "Iforman'e Bridge," so., to. Gibbon'* Correspondence of itobt.B.wthey—part S. Home 4 th end sib vol.—tonapletion of the woik. Igkeived and for eel° by NEW BOOZE • MINGLIIII GRA/di:lAA—The English Language in alearents and forms, with a histor co Its origin and develo_weroent; designed tor use inleges and schords. Wia. C. Fowler, late professor of Rhetoric. in Ambers; College. Artronolity—Tio scent progress of Astronomy; especially in tie United States. By Etas Loomis. Five Years of a Hunter's Lite in the fir interior of Esti Attica, with tunics of the native tribes, and. aneedoletaf tie <base of the floe , elepient, hippos.. tunas, giraffe, fitness', kg_ arab illastrations. By M.D. Cumming. Received fat sale by C EITOCKTory it if 47 Market st J Auer Menthe. - VS] . received et 11. KLEDERE 'Music Store, the following Sonic— in the Eye thereien the Dean. Lore but Thee. The Wutcher. Tb e Whste and Red Rothe Nancy Dell. tie davit all things well. All t. 01 , Ct. Where re now the hopes I chenshed. La te ß.G.:lade. nee 7 , 'DOSE POSTFAL on the Mysrtat of the Conn or I[l6 I:Aden, well 3 of thus taterestles work bee been teceteed at Holmes , Laterary Depot, Third street. tctl Ve"Cliklet ©lnn Patty, s o u r r na Tr m 'L ed Scenderbeg Ktng of Alblne. be Clement C Moore. LL D and No =nal Litteil'st.ietne A . A LARGE and crtensfec assortment of PATENT almost e ndless / u R ut UI c ß lu E b/ nFeAd B i R ICS e , ' a a s m r n m g e he , may he fount the folio Wine:— Horse Covers, Carnace Cloth, AS, Bets, Au Pip low, Air Coahlons, Water Palls, Tobacco Pooches, Pshing Booth Po u c hes. es, Cloaks, Tarpaultns, Gloves, Mittens, Mem F.lasues, Purser, Dose, Door Sponge, Machine Babdine, boa' Weuers, fisebtna farkand, Camp Blankets, Paper bolder., Efe D PreSC/Ttrli, ads, 13114 - N, 101101. Bar flethlng Mats, Dolls , heads, luau Sad le Bars, Ale Balls. Foot Salle, Ladies' Wash ' Gloves, Ladtas‘ GM Shoes, Sense' Gum Slum Lump, Every ankle fold at thl • astshltshme ni le warranted to possum all theeharacuruues esuntia/ to eater prwpmas , i.—lii.l.bliity ander any dr_grce or heat, aextbillry la the wettest cold, great'eurablltty, Ughtners,pcsfect tower - rumour., ant freedom from odor, dm ., ,dale at the Goodyear - Robber Emporium, 7 Noe & o,lcooa street wpS9 PAIN TllO li '-- OUSt;.tBIDN PAINTING and miasma, prentipt• neullY ureesied. du mein, understood. that we ean doOnting snit 6luzing as che•p as any onto/ 11.1.11 i n. the city, and are determined to do it rit!, . -J kolinOELLio LK — TRAC IR, SOARS, tag.- Jetty Lin: Extriel; West End do; 3ochey Club do; Spring Flosrem do: Jenny Lind Ilan Glom.; Aromatic Vinegar. Amandlue; Poothin Soap. for :n 1 ' 911 . 1, 33 the Min; Almond Shaming Cream, Rose do do; Am brosial do do, Iloety Poop, Floating do, Amending. do; Bata Eta[ Ott do. Rase do; Al.. Masahiro. do, Cloquet do; Brown Windsor do; Rear a Grease.. to. For Mia,wholeattle and small. by R E PELLE/int, sepl9 37 Wood st. 1 1 4 mama. DRY' PAINTS of all kinds, MIPMEII iy on hand of the hen quality, al., Varnishes, Lt.esd Oils, Boned Lltla, Taint Brushes. Sash Tools, Window Gasp, warm. sizes. he told wholesale and retail OA acconnonCating terms whN. persons pa rebating mixed or dry paints o wish to do their own pm:wog, eon rieuise the necessary aliammos grans. J II PHILLIES pit..B 7 & 9 Wood at OIL CI•OT1136 ON hand and melt from Oa l'hrlllpsmlle Factory, for the fall tvadm-- 643 yd. 3-4 Floor thi Cloth; 3030 yds 14 do; 100 yds 3 4 do, 300 yds 6-t do, 1000 yds 64 do, 10110.yds sheet do, medium sad heavy, from 4 us 0 yards vide, all of the newest styla of parlerris, and cut to any given Ito,. 500 yds 64 do 700 yards 14 rundown WI Clothe; 406 yds 54 do, Iftu Goren assorted sizes Table, Stand, and Borten Covers, rotten. pancrns, and splendid finish. 1070 yds 44-. Patent Carnage Oil Cloth; 011Ilsda ni d* .4otoryll!l:4 4 Cl l :ll,Crash for Stairs. monied Pomml 440 yds 4-4 Green Oil Cloth for Window Blinds, 3 00 yards 0-4 do. Window Shades, • large assortment just received of newest style.. Merchants and others wishing to peteltare, are In. cited to call and examine nor ...muscat of goods, which will be 1014 at the lowest eastern prices. J a II PHILLIPS Isla' 0 7 OAP Wood et arrneg reirrill' Sod 20 kegs Sarsaparilla Soda: 10 bre do do; SO bore. Lemma eyroponade from pure lemon Jake, Jaw received and for side by I• 11. .111.1.102 • RIIIVRTKOM WOOLLZAI, 0001111. d" on C 011.1140.1.1, •At"Orp!o: i c Z lo ; *' g7d4 an ." Ceesmeres, Satinet. gene IcerL d ; ' welen * ne " egu , roll by the ease or piece, at manors...norm' priers. The ...organ of dealers In woollen good. Is ',gelled. II LEE, lad Lawny rt C. YEAGER, los stark.t Street, Mess ILlborty,) noorru•so 1M.L.1111 AMERICAN, ENGLI s SH, AND GERMAN VANCE GOODS, HOSIERY, BONS LACES, 'GLOVES, THREADS, COM R BS, IB BUTTONS, , BUS. PENDERSoto. Also, Satin and Veasey Vesting', BLACK ~ N D FANCY SILK CRAI/ATS,POIsIGEE, BANDANNA, it ed LINEN MIKES, g eneral aa aonateta of FANS, and every variety of tnmallogs. esti, TILE Eut aide or the Diamond, rAea m TP; a est: h t ent the Auntie with ;T o.t pm:ea—they have vied:tin Tea. at • • ••80 no pee lb Ttie Hest T a Import. •--••-• I hh Tale decidedly tescheapest and best store in Yntaburgh to tyr Teas. MORRIS RDA . •epa Lt WILL,DURS will op. a claancal and Eng- Lt. nab School, on the first Monday ot P t. nem. Room aver J. D. Williams' store, corner of Wood and Firth atreets. Rev Win. D. Howard, I Han. welter H. LOWITIC RI, 'D.. J. 1). AlcCord. 11 Rev 1)i. McGill. J. U. %ram., Leg. ~,r hff V • Via M ULIPIrY O. LURCI P IFIELD tniorm their comma era and buyer. generally that, in conregnenee of workmen tiring engaged havelarging and improv ing their nom Room, they removed their roods to the &smite Sinai of the building they occupy, until the improventenut are Faulted; here they will bn happy to see their customer, as o• at and let the troehle Cl walker g op maim, wilt try and red:tuner.. them by Felling them Cheap Goods. ID — Entrance from Fourth even. angda HAM GLOVE:H..6. LAWHENCVB lIAIRGLOVES.aIngIe, (nyLadse, do do do do Iny Gem. do On do do doable. do do do do Taal. do do Straps Int Lad do do do for Gents. do do do Balt, do lannidalr Washes. Imported and for rale by ‘1:1 A FAIINESTOCK A Co • • !ranch Broadcloth. MURPHY 2c BURCHFIELD LS. Jost opened a ',ash aurply of the 'flacon. qualifies of the ahoy article, toctioung !tact 1.611,, yeti. fine. Also French Marto. and Coadmeres, bine and fanet , and Week Eaton Vesung, at very kV, price. ovoid, , for not. Hoye latthratat BgURPHY b. BURCHFIELD have received it Int In. of handsome Fancy Mixed Bennet,. for Boys' wear; allot, Plaid a d Plain Crammer. in treat variety, Merino Cassimeres, Kentucky Jeans, Mack TabM Velvets, itc., at meth east corner of Frumb and Market mem nela pply LI Book Keepth smell g and Blank kloolos elatiffs bv R [STOCKTON LT GAS 4, 1851 MISCELLANEOUS. H. A. FAHN VVIIOLIGS/1.14". Corner of Wood sod FL1 . 17. E tr o sid e f Atte Borax, refiard, p il e l cases Emery Corn & Dowd, kg. Curb. Ammon, nits &tors :Flarlotireen, in tsar Sinien Stone, ni coat Flour Sulphur do Conde Pose, in bat Cale. lilaynesio do Carl. -do do Lo' Dye, pnywil in Cab. Iran. to kegs IOCK & CO.. ' DRUGGISTS, Firm rittobargh, If woo .importattor, Acetic Acid Orange Flower Water Bole Armenia Pill Bodes, pperembos'd Conte. willow Vial Conte. usarted Adhesive nutter, Eng ROIKIta. do VI Lead do Jo di Flat cm do di eltrvde n-1 Iroti, Fdig Prer,c, ! son 71 Citric Acid, sit it, tone. Pule. A :summatelie do Aq. Ammon Cour. do Calomel Eon. do Oil Amber Bert do lodide Potarlt do Creosote White do Oil I.nvendrr, Spike do Garden Oil Origaitara Oil Roeemary oil Bitter Almonds Oil Camput Oil Croton rink end Clue Cancers Canlama.. Seed Ralph. Zinc Helfand Teats, prepared Gentian Root Rhubarb Root Polishiew Puny India:llW oc3 do in oz vigils lodzne Eng. an Of lb Inn!. lodide bon, in oz goals Con Senna, In 11, pars DoCarb. Puo•h,lb tome• !flue Pall Eng. an lb jam Ref. Laquorace Eon. in has Wood hem!. in lb bottle• Ton. Einetao do Prima. Acid, in or. vials Temstrie Arid, in bn Omens Morns, in kegs Rad V.'erica Engin bale. ENOLIISII NiXTIZACTIL 1. - , , XTRACIE of Aconitj r. Belladonrc Colaeyntlt X.s Corny, Clem, flyers,. us, Ettmonicum. libe• tatty, Tta•ZifYIII pump Quassia, Hope; Col. duel arcL, anti I nd ian Item , Imported and for sale by B A FAFINESSOCK CO 000 or. Fire, tk, Wood at. • Ballimg out a Cost to CI.. Oashaast,„ A LARGE stork of DRY DOODn, for whin; bonds. IX mortgages, iongernentr ground not., or real estate, snit bc received in paprin. • J .IL 11006, oeltf ll5 Wood at, Pittsborsl_ ("I ARBUTHNOT is receiving a large assortment ir kj, Nnoyisnd moist, ninety land Dry Good., consist. igki,'lrearrino,f7t It°Vl..itThainbSireltsCkr=re'sathSaYwloo.l; en and Wonted Comforts: Alpacas and Bombasinest M W u oo tllnen and n a n n en la d n n C e a lsn n m o r ed ; aßnidb Woneded Laces; Buttons and Combs; ,Tbreads and Bindings; Umbrellas and Dress Bone, So. All of whicb,co ys ktry and, city merchants are re• speetfutly Invited to esionine, at Its Wood at. sap 2s Dousethy, amen In tenVholesale s Hueiness; the style of the firm & 0011 So. 143) GRBHIP. Lied 'nth me M. 1.1 Grocery and P ro dui will be A. CuMenu A. CULIIERTR/Y anaanisoni U n C 1.0.1 A. CULBeIITSON it CLOUSE, UTROLESA LE GROCERS and Couttulasion Mar , ehantz, Dealer. In Pro 'ace, twd• Plusburiab Manufactured artleles, 193 ray Cl, rittaburgh, R.. ly3 OAR PLOORIXO 110A.0.D/3. p s r c l:FT cy Worked Oa El.:pint., Boards, O . tr y O fe do, .11 of a s ouetrzaanty auottdtf Shannborth nt•ana Power and Room• for Rant. DOOMS pantlioned MI in mai, to snit Untold, with ha Steam Pow., (or rent, in a baon,. pan of We city, by SCAIFIL, it ATKINSON, °cat Firm m between Wood at Meant. Apparatus tor Cl...tug Stove Pipe without taking Ilbwn. INVENTED by Fred i nt F te . l . , "a s t s t by 0.9 First.t..betyreen Wood & V. FL EATON, WIIOLFSALE and Retail Dealer In Glover, Hosiery. and Vara, Dress add Bonnet Trimmings, Lowe Goods sod Embroidenem Grellemen's Furnishing /alleles; Merl o', Zer v eaWn l oomera, Patterns, Ir, Thane a Pape Canvas, Flower Lemon., No 64 Founh errant I Cloth/4 Sao. r nOw ummanur rectivirut =el.( or ,Carpeta tun 011 th, Ifltlowinig Carpets.. 011 1,17 pf. meeLINTUCK fr IT • very 'arse siisartz Cloths. cii•ig 10 plat 1.1 New and Rich !Jr' e do dd Taros.). Drumm Is Jo Io Endo& & AZIWICIIII Drama.; Newt I< prott'd Tapas., 0 .4. 7.4. '6.4, 34, 44, and Carpets 4.4 O Clotit Ea.& stspe, r ~et. Sl&ct t! Cloth. cot to fit nuparfine do do ado st.te hall or do Ina rmn do vorlonsi styles •nd dMom, ual, Mer Pren sop. do do Om Fine do do CM dim Roes Common .•0 d.r rotted to 4 4 34, art , Daum. !Thentlle Door Not, Veznuon Come. Toned eodo 44. :".4. ono 3-a To pestrylrolmL. do do Ventuor! carpet. I,raios. io do 4.4. 34, 3-o. and 2-4 .a: O; do do Ventuan eat pets II t•:!ao,• ..t Ot t odo. 1-.1. 3 4 0-0. and 2.4 romonl Van.. empets Thal W !r.oes LlLen a-4 cotton 'Orupaett Draa do do 0.4 'woolen do VOrtltsil Lll.nda, 00. 121 Jo do Woolen Stair Dmagett All of whlob have heed purchased from the =port. era and en onufacoarera, comprisltta the newest and richest sty,•. ' , Mon we ctrar to rut:cntra as low .. ead be dureno•rd to any of tha ae.e. mute, roll at the Carpet Worth..., es F. Mt. at end 72 Wood st. _nod, , W. MeCLFSTOCK euTaGGhfiu GLaliS WORKS. A. Z. D. H. CHAMBERS, !LaTE cli.!111314, .car• ,!! ,!! ltiou!d reapc,, , a:// inform the 1. ann, also all. gmmr. enntmun the maralactore WINDOW CLASS, VIALS, /101 . TLILIS a. in nil them as rime., at :Le I nA Snand, 1.1.3 14 Wood at, betwltesk Pleat S Water cv f GOOD?, VOL% ,e,, • V(' ry •p: n , b,l rrer-ttneni of Curtain Good, eon:roma ~, par, •he vatiettec— Vine raold :tem Delainy li,u •to, Vr•rlei and Siert do, s..e•rlet and "lute Union Daniaski Cr:no,* and White do, Moe Jo do; Oranre and Blue Satin Damaalt, Catmcon and Potpie dµ Dal•oared Turkey Red Chintz rlaured 113,1 t do do, Half Window Linen; 1405 do no, ha, de The above goods bong purena.ed direct trona the Import.. end M•lll.o•Claret., • 111 be mold a 3 cheap as they tan be in any of Om esoarn eities. We . In. vita all .1311Ing fine Curtain Good. to eali ibe Car pet Ware - booze, 63 Fount, weer. oat WM. McCLINTOCK War... Listed Pure Wine. Sat Drawlles, SVITABLE far Medicinal Purposes,. always on hand •n t d for sale by the brine, quart. or ration at MORRIS & HAIVORTIPS fed & Wine Store. 3i If easc Black Cloth :Mavis; I_, I ease Venn Flannels; 2 eases Rid do; I ease Red twirled Flannels; teases White do de; 3 rases paired do; 2 cues Flue and Fancy Cesslmeres; I case Batmen; 3 eases Clan /driest I case Jeans; 3 eases Blue Mack Blanket Goatingd 2 eases Gray Blankets; tieases Drab Blankets; I ease Blue do; it cues White Bed Blankets; !SO pales Stearn Boat Blankets; Received 013 consignment, and for sale at manatee larer's price. by II LEE 22212 122 Liberty street BREAD WITHOUT YEAST. Tills compound thwarranted to :Bodine the within descnbed effects, as foliose:— Direction. for making Bread, Tea Cates, Buck wheat Cake., teeby which a laving Is effected in the Float of about tapper cent. To make Bread—To each pound of flour add two teaspoonfuls of Compouna and the usual quantity of salt, mix them thoroughly together whtle dry, With makes a prepared floor that you cam rot aside and maker leisure), Men odd as touch cold water Se will the dough the usual thictners; knead wed, and let nand bitten B o a t baking., one or two hours will do no hurt should be mixed much thinner, and baked at onto, but will do no hoc to stand fifteen or twenty minutes. There is no dan ger of getting too mach of this Compound in the Bread. 1.1 will not lota t h e bread yellow as solemn.; doe. when wed to execs, . . . You can pal we above Compound Into Tea Cakes, ru In one, Joh nn Cntint, Indian Cakes, 0 toter Celt., Corn Mpg! Cal, Com Bread. Brown Bread, &wait, Baum Coact, Ilvoltultent Ct tea, Apple Irtimplingu Pot Plea, end for ail lotting purpoom Bold by It IC Ig.:LLB:RS. Yell Cl Woad at CiMEM33 FACTOR elected no the corner of Itor , ecoo and Corroy errectr, rPorrne through to Lecort infect, woolly put to .Irorough repro, Puree mode,. row 1111,1.rnno reap Apply to uo:1 BAIRD AIRVIN • II(.11': 4 -40 Webtorn N York. 67 baler n, on hutl anti to amyl+ n_ s ra KIRKPATRICK I , I ..,11-41t2 Prlt...t.tan No :t Alack.<l; 40 brio nr. Na 17 l•tis do Not do :10 bliqle do du lU drum. Cod I , t.h. vwg, for rant hot :MOWN A KIRKPATRICK Steam 1.11.1 Trlananit tags. W. ac . (l l v t 11 , i u s p a c c r i , n deem mint.,cent of let comprising in pa men to hie n the lot owing r at.criesi -111. and elegant Inta ann bait,, do do Crimson do, do P i nt a and sit do. do Pink and 111. do. do Crimson . do, Critr..r. Wl,;te Onion do do; Scurlct do tin, enmaon. Groan, Ili., and .carlet Damask; Warmed Morrtn•. W.tard nn , t Lin. Tulle seringi • Nu m. Torlm do Turkey It, d. Wring Ao Turkey Red R. WI, lie do: 7-4 and 11-.1 }Wittsrd"fable Co.-mt.; 7-1 and P-4 Intile Linen:n 4 kline hail 5.... !tent. Diaper; I Scotch Napkins;, • Covert, Scotch; i'larJ de, 6.4 Diane-hod Sheeting; I dlaie. Si All of winch arc direct from the bleilblii.e•urerli and Importer., of ,he new,el end riche.• doh , " and pet- Mr.,all of which will he sold or cite., as an y „ f tlincoin. We Irene steam heal eien to gi.a In a r all at on Carpct Wonmhou.e, 1e 41.4 Fourth i. and 711 Wood sr. 11[30.1 W. 31c. LINTOCK nrrititi, -- wnirelNcM - PiafiS tic .ii W tor gala artudeaktla and mall, by atoll W P MARSHALL. MISCELLANEoIis Murphy's Self Seating Actr ufg Kis. Iralemons No W 3 Africiuon Artie; Nur ror E. rpm ordwwther is eelieions the rustntage of ell Lmho mos we this sdrettisentent, feels tune of that hesitation, with which • new snack is brought before the public The eiberienee of yeasts has es tablished their sturcelowity hesord nil onestion, sod he eon4dentle refers to the tesuineny of those bow otos men, who have need these envetores, nod to his rapidly lease.. .yule,. as proof of theft execiJenee .The fallowing area (Swot the muttons for thus rope tarty. Ist nu the place oceupicd by the seal e Person ma 7 have his name, business, and address, consmcvonety end beautifully embalmed, colored or plain, thus at. fordiny perfect ' , malty •gainet I rand. ISt The En- Ovelopes cannot be opened without bring ntoyed, . Neither wax nor wafer* are required toleal Mem. 4th. Upon the misc. - neg. of It loner the rse •eres 11C immediate return' In the sender lineal in Leo luned menthe in tie Deed Letter OM, OM. The Envelopesele furnistredrit Dimon theittna price as tisin tile, 6th . Earl hues tattled is Meet effective isisMintentent, sure to attreet 110 Anthillon of all thrnaelt whose ben" it may m u. The following is a list of for Lies retraved on brass, end which will fast for seam; and of Envelopes of the ems; site, either white or buff, of ffoolf Iwllefi 000 mad. ' " " 6 " with time, add-ere, Ac Priers of Diet. Prices of Envelopes made 20 letters 011212 •• • • Isll.oo. 22 above LW to 00 1000÷--. • .•---• thl te , 6 00• . VW .10 to g 3.0 10 6610 M , In et 060 I• 13 ru ev 10 ma When It le not convey err to forward amount of order per mail or ewes.. a elarenee e respectable Hew Verb House will. be aufEcienh All Milers will meet prompt attentton re addressed. WILU Ahl 3t unrny, dison rt New Y 0 014212 will Le attended 663 Ma to promp . le if left at t he ' stoiss of Masers Ethel k 01011 00 %Vali street, or of Mews. H Jecollmen A Co ,1113 Witham street. N 11 —Dustneae Colds embussed in , eolore front Tune Dies, a, $lO rah tbrnicand noo3M3in Man.," and FLIRNISII your Ilalls and Perlora with Map, which are iteetel and ornamental:— Maps of the World,: Celled States, Penn lyunia, Allegheny Conety, Felten. e. Minimal. an el. d Metre flame Life. Chemin/T. Alec. Amiarromleal Mem 6tream of Time. Family bed School Alcune., Oat h... Nips, Globes: cantle. A c , at the dela EDUCATION M AL REPOSITORY ' 65 arket et VLOVR ILCDUCED. W I L A RT I ! t n E Nrde , ere etod will II tbelr F~ua or 82 25 per lOU IM, Topertine, at f 2 per I tßnrrbe 00 100 liberal &recant to retallera. not . WI LMAHTiI /a rininx CHICK ERINOVI PIANOS. fiImJUSVRECEIVED, a new nook o; Chiett ring's 15, e i and 7n nave Pianos ales. a richly carve d GIR,D Pure. the most trciatifut iestmment aver brought to ads city - nese Pianos - will he - supplied as usual, at notion prices. vccantorr LOT comas TO. rms. :Melton** rec. Also received, et fine lot of Rose wood plain and carved Piano 0IDO:11, with silk plash and hair cloth teats. For sale by JOHN H. MELLOR, Agent for Chickering's Planes far Western Peajea, on Pocket Clwantilatolaps, UT W. WILSON. corner of Market and Peonlx Tr streets, has received by genres.. this morning, t•pleodid is Watches, twenty Jewels and clubmen : aerate There watches were made en prersly to my order, and of superior wortmemiltip. Also, on hand the larger: and best tesonment of Gold and Silver Watcher ever offrred far rale at this en} , Gold Patent Lover Watcher, from IMO to MCA three dozen on hand. from WM to $4O, of best quality gold, and warranted time. noV 1:1;1=:=EN:C7 • STAGE CQACH & WAI/ON MESSRS. SINGER, bLARTMAN A CO. have bouebt the tip lit of an Ax/e, thoonted by Mr. Sonnet Gelonger, called Pheffield Talent, it b y been tested by our best coach builders, and pronounced to be the best In nun. An ordinary coach, with a re: of these axles, conning daily, will consome A ha/(pint of oil in six months The small notion* , of oil used I. one of the best evidences we have of the great re. dur , lon of frePon, and conrequontly great raving of po‘ver, ft will nuke the coach to evictors to save 25 per eon. on their stork and feed. Alan, it will give great safety to trevellers, the nut revolving with the wheel and not having any connexion with the axle will entirely prevent the wheel frond . coming off. By Proper care, the pwenteco will warrant those tale. to that front teeniest Shore yearsd atly 'nothing. Wag r house, 110 Water and 140 Front streets, Pitt. burgh. Fe- 0025 it,IIEUNATIIIII CUBED. rr-REuneenaLiski success which has attended the ate of aIORTIMUREIB RDAUNIATIO OUND and ELOOD PURIFIED, in etrectualy cer. leg :he severest end most Inveterate eases o f IN PLAIIIMATORY AND CHRONIC REDUIILITISIII, is s infEcieir guarantee and recommendation to In. dime all why are atDicted with kits dreadful 'dikiese to try Jts .tnuea - Hundred. of eases, many e' ;hero calls., of Ft Louis and others bear abroad, bola been cured with. to the tart few inonthielu the mil. ei Loins ikon, while taller, tents excess alite.l aloe. also diet k is yet - roman, die kaule .hertiver tne d Many n , - Live were Chronic of long standing. end an hope or recoYery had been given op. While others were of more recent date, of the acute influmnstery form, very severe Alt. owner r, yield toe virtues of Mu needieta, and thousand. who have re ;Olsen... benefit, and we now in the emoyment of ]salt. can Oct ellcam the original disettenter atria tteplitar. a benefactor of rank ad. ft is we.! atm, from the expertencs of the pa.', War no entostfd urrilicatioll 0 a. possibly alter a pla• mantel mile of this 0 resdhll disease fly the ery'i• caiten of sttinulaung punts.: relic.. di ,01,115 Cites, may he ebtamel fora short time. Out al/ ice wade this ducat,* is Rung its groom mere permane in ate system, and sooner or later wklamiln dead nt eye ly itteif In. more droAtlfuldorm, and after a few pen. otheal return., tt rettlesinto a chronic feros,whieb. if not soon arrested, rules lb it Inelpriduel for life. rola Is verified by the history of the put In all ....Se., and more fady the history tarnished at late to the propmetersif Oti s et:men:mad, as given by sevetal hundreds of thaw who havepaltsefilader kis kritneilmte notice it d Meat:Sent during the teat few J:htnt's, . of the •te a.i: Mei an I f imottr:s !Intim/cm 'COAlVOLlfiltlarld NI 1 ,, 41) YUKIFIE::e is an luternal leme colu mn:, ea ne °pest:clops . the disease first ertgis Knem, er. 1. 4, pi rtfy mg the blood, passes through the nem, beaus:tees the impure or caustic seal :l. ..q. , ab Lo..cii , ed upon the membranes, muscles .th tenet ns—rer.oves r. enurely from the system, and teen,. the 1n.1 , 1th4.1t4 perfect health. Len those who are !ME toted not deceive themselves, and .cal Me ere of dim medicine ton tt us, or mai) them non/. are thsleenton of contracted to such a tie. prse thet they are:oripples tot life. The expertence /hund reds of theuthods donnr the past, as mell as n tt!utude nt the present day. the of espeetabg pernmoent relief iivra esternel apph e•ttora• • The proprietor of this vietiable medicine knows Irmo experienre, thee no outward application can powibly elect n permanent curt where tisia data. a trimly fixed in the t 7. tom. • He cons and does - prepare and apply no emerocalion in very acme macs. which • win give relief in one noor't time, but to not 'offset a p.m ipm nt r arc. Tim nature of , ds d.eaue to ouch l!tai realm es longer rime, end an internal -'remedy, ~ r eloce the desired elec . , and Mot =area Illieumaiie Compound and flood Partner re the only remedy chat has ever Leen discovered, either tuAnden or any ohm country, that snit effectually cure this Macaw. fn. tnedtetne can he had, wholeane or retail, a tiriturtletrect, neat to the Von Othce, Pittabureb. Poet, 85 per battle; a botrea (co let. or $4B pe duten. ettutpniets can belted Vette of tbe agent. noetd It 11. ivisitAßT. Age. GREAT CENTRAL ROUTE: TIIE PIONEERS bF TIIE NEW RAIL ROAD Through In POOR Days TO PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE. rE to pleasure in announcing tone Merchants VV of Pittsburgh and We %Vestern hush.n coup mutiny, that on and after Monday, the lOW MScp tardier. we will receive and forward good. via the Central Hall Road, and guarantee them to be through In Four Days. 'Our extensive monk or ears and Beau enables Cr to offer the above expeditious route to the public. whilst we Sail condone OUP usual line. via Harrisburg and Columbia. , Merchants wlahing good brought from the East with certainty and dispatch at low rater, or produce shipped were, are Invitee re call on • ' ' , . . O'CONNOR. ATKINS k. CO.. Pittsburgh. ATKINU, O'CONNOR tr. CO., Phltadelphts Proprietors of tie Pituburgh Transportation Line Or the following agents, °Volvo,. Co., 70 North street., Baltimore; B. Beaux, 0 Battery Place. New York' P.m?" a. Grua, 14 Dome Met, Boston. fro Itsd t ainspraets , Patent Soda Ash. HE welworibers are 110 w beeehrites,'hycanal, lame eappliee James hlespratthigh test, nod he'd toglity Ware Makers' Soda &eh, which they will sell ut the lowegt market price, (0, gash or approved,b•lts. & MITCHF.LTREE .21 Liberty on. INSTUUCT/02( OR TEIiNI PIANO. HARLIORDT, (pupil of the fast Ecropeap muter,) late of N ow York,Tespectfuliy thief.; the olden. of ntuthurgh nod Alleghcity, that he halt arrived, and mends making' this city his permanent rcsolenca, for the pumps° of irc_paruns tantrum:on on the Plant, AppllcallonSlert KIM,. While/ Banality hcose, eh Marty et, or or 11. Metiers Music Stose, will niter with prompt attenPon. not. G ENTLIZAN'S p i e n n e vg l : , ll l k oo Vesia an: l, oraorersi do Wom Sunny do; do Plain and Soma Silk Cranots, Fine Shinn, Collo., and Bosoms; Silk. Conon, and WorstrilStopendcrsi t•onded Flannel Raidio Bed.; Una',ends: Woolen lanen Pocket Wool end a n d Gloweri eluped Kid and dilk Sdkrii.„ Conticrtik end diluilletc l ant oCoCloe4 And for lode by - a flaking Zelliace y<u h u. c.:l t me Mt .1 making Aimee I VIC., Calms, Fudrongt, he., )ou must um the fol. I,,averr amok,— tiotd :"C1.111./ era... Vainocom , of l'uddlnr r:anomd artm,ar. Peri, mandtco Lemon Foci, Frorh el t:011 Feel, Grape Juice, French Brandy. Ad the above articles ere lot sale at bIORII,IB4.IFAWORTHS no 'V Tea Store, coot of the Diimatid. T AN:. F.f.' vas V.' R. k:Lcid i las Cream do; for laid by WICK . & McCANPLEZB o • /VILE suoscriber. Invites the attention cf merchants 1 and othors to his large and well &atoned stone Cl hosiery, Glovea, Under hhtsts, end The aro , mot!. 111:a t wool, Alarms, and riatom of all site, and prices, conatantly on hand and for rate by (pall F /I EATON Hoar In 2rllnd, MHE beet of Wires and Driddur, suitable f.r dleioal or other purpesee,csn elw.Ya be rjot , * 4 orneletale pe retail at 1 , 108.41 d S. lIA o °KIM+ . ncads Tea I WzneSten - c , _UM. - ARTO3IC-6:rtilbafor Nit I men . . rftoct.nps A 11.0.1. . ' J LT NOV all taco ...Du urn :r .!•• and Die irleil airith di. XV casco( the 131a.l.ter and ildaels.ll44 eneensgdo pains to back or liGitio, Indio ieibl, Did quint. Nonni ( oters.g, it the, in,, be creii by taking the Per trbleum! VOll V. 111) :silt iliac, int v rinete ug , .. much as you pleas-, bin this dos, trot logic it ea, for we Proclaim in tbe-iinevif an nonce csonmenily, that It bar vietries strhtch to ; ON remain nil inarty ruler remedy. The elan •eho Gs rocked win. Pain atid enr tering from thee..., elm foe fifty emu:- i t relict from any of the ON eonnineyeted'above. hea th er! it costa very little mole oto eit trial Thin petroleum is no mix ture—no focrpriod.,pnt up for he m, pure of imposing col the coninntiity;' but it 13 • orp.7 t Irhorated by the master hail of nature. 411.1)'‘,1.1.2r, 01,6,,,,,riebr, , sons of oar clot. teem!, in Its r newel panty, ro d o f of fal's,. sintering Iturtim yore,:.: .. lan alp, • certain and rhea's mug. • 11 los. rated P lee after other nindiein, lore failed to :coder any to li La% cu raiblldoinitians l o Of look vending, arid GI ihn neer, ond cum em,,,,,,t,h.",c, It hes cared Chibeen Mertes' iv one or lino ems; It ham cored old ease. of 13 .nrrlicit, to orbit:'., every ritiw rgeredy has term e r no rnmik As a meal in remedy bo me and scald:; it h, hence thaii any medicni com pound or Dinneen, that era thew Gt. tt bill note all. bi•ins or frosted feet. in a few applicltions; undoubt ed testimony Cali be formired of the truth contained an the above statement b oy, milling Gii iiiitonei kl bier, Co9AI Basin. 701 tiltr^t; r either of ~,, h , Y... .t. 37 .M. , 11. , er r h! "c unt street and 'firm Alley; R.-F... Fellers, Di! Woc.' • Die , . D. A. Vl linf IA D. h/ Cerry All-ehers CI, el. 'lle 11,11.3 1001 . - - . _ I ph:At/TY—I- le antysi ss ay en., aea lb, hes., i t j ) more mum. m 111 . ~.`” ~' n , 1 .. ~ do) othor wlille at the same time it ii ow: P. to •is other Cohn 1,, ji , ii lost or envonno on ~,:i Now thy. to tree u.a termite extern, I , IIT the tors t. 0.0 closed by ne• plot; NV. any to all, an not neelst your s e e st see Mites. but roe lbs . e sfoltoonog od Vs. seed nol leek pond I.ks. T,r.r r, alter ..r , , t.mtifw pre paration', nod have ell uttelned a :aid, popularity. .11,17 iiAlitt.'S Er, Unite Do MAY', AND Nllll7l Pier, for ' , moving lea. suill•ur" , :tmoyles I lotel'es U.•l other erupt.. of the ifirg4 . JP, ,I,ell ~..i leei eon ipen aloe of beauty every s''' ' hair. nothing purporting to be Nymph tb., a . figs uty name attached limes Ile runs Piano, on CLlRiit, ?own., for ill"' pa iliac to the mos: hilleus euvidezion a radiant whitenees In nothlog eboa'J a prr,oll be more cares NI dam the use of a powder for the skin •• many of those sold are very le:lunette . 111 Chteete Peroder la um pounded Ina erientifie Mann.; end remains no ineredlent which ran raa , iblf , aaha aa ,n , urr. iums IrAVEL'O bliffiLA.l., POWbett, •or removing ettp - rfluoun bate. What ts 1110 re onsichtly Disc bet, upon ths, Aceor nem, of n..ladY., elle ,1 le will minoverlln it ,Port time, without this use of !lily sharp instiument, ittlat IletalLY VSnaritscir Llano flaie DTI will instants:moony impart to red, White, Or grey heir. • beautifully block, blown, or' aulto , n nolo' II will colortho haw to a shorter tune; end more etfectuelly ths. any other Dye, being or he :-into on 0 iudellibla Jobb liscirthi Suemiso Cleam---II Is really a plea sorelo shave tuns that crown. th e of the einardng ecratatlon usually experlsneed in the use of 100 • 1 001 75 On Me' contrary, It kayos the Ain satooth .., loft I. CO infant's, and rot liable to become chapped. . Join HAMM'S RoesToosit List. —Nei( to the hair, we think the Teeth were Imccded as the greatest orne• Werth!, Vie hatilltli face; Cu when neglected, nothing is en did/curing. or to quickly aeon. .oly Rosa Tooth Paste will impart to to teeth ,ts pearly whiteness, al the same limo keeping the gums brit end health). Also an hand, a complete ni,otiresni bf French, Oafish, and &menden Perfamery pad Fanny artiele. JULES. IIADEI., Pecuraer and Chomiet, 18)Cheraunt etym.; Fkiii. POT salt wholesale sad retail, be 1/- A. Fahnestock & Co., and R. F. seers, Flu bay end John &a gent. and], Mitchell, Allegheny Ca tyl Pa. tr27-2p =PORTANT ,TO TiffirictsPl a IC T.S,D• Dr. Dose's` Celebrated Remrdiet. D R. JACOB 8 ROSE, the dietetic, er and sole Pm: • Pries, ed. , of ammo aro. , DeWitt and beneficial medicin and •lio Cm ismsntor the celebrated instrument for Inflating the Lams., hieffecting a oars of "bromic dmeaece, was a student of Odd emtnens phyeician, Doctor Ph ,1., tad is se graduate of the Unwerelly of Peonsyl•oma, and for thirty year . since has been engaged Pi thceryozugaiten of dleeme, and the application of remedies thereto. Through the tufo of hie inEttled Lobe, to connection with hie Prophylecue Syrup and other of htk remedies, he hex gained en unparate hod eminence in curing Mote lreedfal end AM) maladiee, Tubersular Con earepuon, Cancer., Nictitate, Rhennrotiern, Aeteme, Fever and Ague, Fevers of all kind., Chrome Ery events, and all those (Pasting-1j nt disease, peleVer to females. lodeed every form of &armee yualogfuoilet the ore of file remedies, to which humanity is heir— not by the nee of one compound only. for Mut is In. ompatible snit h Physiolopiced Law, Inn hp the am of hieremethe-s, adapted Co end presettned Mr each peculiar borm of dweart. l Dr. Rose's Tonto Alterative Pulls, when used are topranitbly arbtaierlesiced to be ;11, , kaor to ell others Lea pure:nose or /liar pdbill.4,,imuil, n 5 they leave Le bOnnrcia pmrecut'; free from ea hie hie Golden Ili , ,e admitted by ills Isoulti .0 posse..e.. rectifir prep. otsg &larded to •fer4l. 4, nieces. , 1,4 limos stomata it tis bare trte1 , ......,1.,,,_.,1 11 establish what Lee lista, • oil in the aatilent I , • :hoc sketitteel, The is toste. ma tAvlted in , ell upon ice ,- ma. mid procure (grans, 0.. e yr the Dealers t, Gtiong a detailed acid.: of each Dined} an , t . 1 1 ...Anon. I-tor ditlrghilii tale Ilire'ireelit by Ire hillot he veri en-';f '1 w as we, , y mostmost well c-J Sonooert•k-s le co, , wall ,ire:, ina. ,, urg a, Jtl rodrusecd, urupgtei, Cu eta, Or .1, Co. A. ,:tt.i.11.14, dr aril.: Lit.'.l' I) Afler bony e ityi- Joit Dart ley. Darlington, i•a', Pa Jno Elliott, Forum Fancy, do T Adams, Balmier, in da. 011414-dly Washing rliald. TT ts gm! for nt,t , ttottttft of may degieripuo, Whitt sate. are ond pert.ctay emerwee. Cal acts and o.her. prfntea C.cryel: ctuot. ace improv e./ Ili hell apresseer. end toe .Celc., look t. rtehter after tern_tatt•hed • to the row. without soar cl any ,011,.r preparotac— t t it 'egg trouble to ace it t aud requites Ir..s tont to t•et tot, toe work— it cannot pas:ably' it.jaro rte fill, not. at Pt fin cheaper th•n nay otaer preparacca It has no city of aself, and cfeeur. anttlts Luc- to Ilia eteth. cs'ach Is made lunch aott^r,ps•Litc. .1 etcher than by any ettor Notes% st ss,stieg. It tan stns tto.thet toryentite, am; ten,. cot...Amor seta any detestation—eon do vo Pecs. t , ......t0tv to the health. gnu .111 het erect the . km ..troc, tiara itattoreseattly alter4l. eetste rbr quoit Fold by deed ~II 6E1.1.L.E.t, .57 II•nt r st Oalvan/did Tinned Drain and 1101 r AV/NG been Opp,,inted agtn. lei, h, uale of lA. ea:en:need anned tree and 01 - runceed mi are new prepared to fill ell 0r41,s New York ItansportAnun eculed 11/ , a fp,: I:1 VPI7 ctacellent for totfleg ne., nen, , mperclene water ru it . cire 15 TM Sarethar for fences on , ltelegrupl, rA,A,t. 49,, 1,7 G EL dt • 145 Ei F-1 A 1.1:5c.-and it, Alas•Sloara Woolen Goan.. 150 000 pairs gleam Boon 100 pairs Gray Coming 131ankala. heavy. 100 do Drab do do da sn do 11:na do ea ea 3 cases nlaalrD . arker rect.: tla 1 do Beaver Grey hlis Jj J do supers° , FlLlek Freosa 13rosdslot4 3 do ull wool rseceas, assorted 0010111. ' 3 do Jeans. assorted c: t.. 0 0 do Chnsoneres Glace and Isne•,.. colon, I do Sidir'CUS, loot and 0010 arts. . 3 do %Ohne Tan:led l'.auael, lard wid e. 4 do C. , oss bane,' do 'lke above dear riled Foods are all on consignment ronn va , tous mannfinnorcts, tan Kea west, awl ars for sale lineal banns to Ills n ude. ranlanalacnovre prices. pir , or II 1.110 IN Iro/I.IIIATIOA wAria,K.D, A , NY porn Who Is w:qatianted v.ito preset so residence of ifillft Ilefr,*l., of th e pariah oiClondagarg County More. Ireland, a' d who took 'hipping at Ltoterict, on the I lin of April, for Qarbee, wail confer it fastiont favor on the sub scriber by sending sack Inforoooden to her, as nos burgh, Allegheny county. Pennsylvania. nole3 MARGARIIT ITEFTERNAN. ilP.9ll7=Wireworrwerwat ways.— ree —6 ors nate • litter. tattle., 2 do: do Doel,• x dos do Wof, 1 do: creep time Doll Head dot stolid size ' 4g.r; These are en entirely row and keautitul des:Hi lton of Toys air children, and es:ldiot be coo:lied by :try other kind far service, as they, cannot on injured or broken in any rosy by rough Ako,G India Robber Teething Clop, for coin at U. India Rubber Depot, 7 it Q Mood snee r.. deft ..bre II PHILLIPS J OST ree'di /Do: girofoerßuhltreoPtins, do: 6 feet Dot drab foot: .• do; 1 doz - do; it do: klen's Long Ptlrove Glove, des Ilacktion Matter Roar; sold at Ike India Rubber Depot, 7 Wend st dellJ , t It YRILLIPs n1 1 ;7 ,7 4 ELucvB " - 4','N,LK,!il'`,;''KE' A RA. CO st.e: / PrTpCiEecsesPeUe'o'iokreFl'ir "onnq 100 do rot.. Cloth,./0 ro,orr, 120 do COharg to d,i 300 do Aloe.; just orenetlLT o A VASIIN CO, - - dell . Gilt 61 Markel st Chrl•tusaa G ENTLEMEN wisinne ta make most ss centato e rhesesda their lacy fnend, all tine at M B. YllY fc OURCHFIELb a. north ca.:leant, el' Fourth and Market eta, choice 1111.01111.ei1l c :As `Mies, tch. ss l a . &arr., Fire Linen Catahric Ilattllscrchicfe, Neel n , hbotta, :Nectar Work Col:art./ter. - Lein SUNDRIESt-11; e hls_ti a r hilsiallo.l; • 0 bags Furßem, is arrive, as su.. er Combeelabri No 2, ros sale 202 I!3AIATS DICER , 1011,A NT RE=211 burial. be ,E just received tad far 'lsis .by dela • MILLER Ps 111 ,, IISSTe0N, Irlserrir r ILLV. SUGAR-20 bxs lesr ~,, ea e by drib LER • " I. H EATON 02 Fourth nt ,rop 5.7 5 brie Loaf Sonar, menial:ln ~ .ed eon!. erdel North River, and roe rale y ' a JA'7.ldi NALZP.I.I, FA—fril) wtt, ir137,17.-7,17.-eriG 'tomer, nu tor .actsa JA Nan ia,Ltur. Gdeli A ItIFLCiAL-LELCIir-..- .11. for role J KIDD & CO ITO VIC,iI NLHA INK-10 ILL Nal< oy . dwll & CO alikatYrs-C--A3TCII • do:11 'J 1.7/711/.. ix; 11)1...ANTiOrrerill It - .171;174 on comm.. 7..,11, 4.e . .19 MILLER B lilcK,,T,,x; TALLoNVOIC: ID bd. now . e :< by del° 1 , 1::KEI" CO A—F,i; far 4099 ISAIAH I/I , n,EY & Ala 9 HACALAAL-90 . LI hr. and forlalc by j delY SOW.; 1 ,7 0- , '..11..Mti A. Mfr ULAStlir-c't/ c.iu.1.1-114-ii nia No 2, for rote ry LNALLICHI: INC:flit/01, firs nr J 8 PiLWORTII & CO ==l IOD b. CO tot adie by - • 0 delft AE la-ILp/2,57 Wood at. XVII) tiENEAI, 4 ‘ iieW .'-C c