. _..... . ' • . _ . nE .. .... .._ . 1 1 : 1 .. . .. ~.. . _ _.,.._ "..,...._ . • , .:o. ig tr i ttrt. NZST M.* TO lIIg 171 1, a fl.:: r y.. : F-....., r,:~w.... ;~ limsfilm ADV . VILTIIMOI AGH.F.L) ler TO V. PITTAVICROtI PHILIS Una Dino I tell es of Nonnareil °Mew/ •' -ono l • i tine il•itur te,r.ch ad dition.l in l C rtion• • • 0,23 no. fee week —..--e-•-• ~23 . • DJ. WO weegit.—.. —....,-. ,fp Do. hree weeks.-- • --••••-• • 1,00 Do. net reonth------•-. o,wii • Do. two inoildis------• 7,00 Dr. three nannnn•-• -‘...--.. o,ge, 110. u. menths -•••••-•---•-• 10,00 Do. Was 10Entin. , ... 4-, ----• --.-- 12n0 I . Do. weelve manths••-• -.-....; .. rano &standing curd fl lines ot lend per aimmt• lop One equare,changenbleatplearttre (preen. • num, :t issue or the papar•-•-•••,••••••1116,00 Car each addition el srmare,tmentall ewer one month, mu for reek addnional square inserted under the year. ly rates, half price. ' Adverli•ernetesicxrc,ling a sciusr4,•ild not Weer themlntee, to too ichat,ed 41 in wittarenatra halt ..YOnlnhtn. not apeOuntable for legal advertieenlents eeyon4 th e ereouni charged for their publication. - Announcing ennditiatee for office, te be charged the same as otter ndsMl , e3neirta Advertienments t marked on the copy for a aped . Oil number of 2:41 nion#, well be continued On forbid, t and pnymentarem i accord: , • The pneileges opyca rly advertiser will be 'confined rigidly to their iclitler businear, and all other, Myer. :leverets not pc, nininn ~10 their regular busineas, all rgived 10T, to be aid extra. All advertise tutu tor climitable institutlona, Ore implodes, t o smuttily and otherpublio meettnp, :4 such like, to Le charged balfprlce,pegreltle eirletlY advence.l - Marriage nett les to be charged SO cenii. Death notiecsinnerted withoutchargeoudess accent. Miniell by feu.* invitations or obituary notices, and when ro accent:Au:led te be paid far. , • • Itegalm adverriscre, and all others sending Comm. eleallont, or requiring notices designed to tall turn lion to FM", &drew, Concerts, 'or any public enter tainments, where charges are made far admit:tn..- MI iletiten of private` casociation•-every entice de. eigned to call at 'llion to private enterprues calcula ted or Intended t proMothlndivicloal interest, can on to be Inserted w th the understanding that the same 4to be paid for. If intended to be mwtted in the lo cal column, the s sec will' be charged at the ran of oet loss than ton 4 per Mts. i Melton or Ilst Notices to be charged triple price, - Tavern Linen. l'clitiOns, 2! each. , Legal and Medical advertisements to he charged at i NM ponces Heal Estate Agent.' and Auctioneens advertise- awn!, not to be cleated under yeirly rates, but to be allowed discount of thirty three and one thirdper eau.. j , from the amount of Lill. - AVIMILT 471 DAJLT ronst. Ono goons, three toseniocs••—• ••.111 60 Do. each additional lopertlon... 37 VISTISIMMII IPICILTT rum. Die are, (10 lines,) ova , nocition— —6oou. Do. ' each additional mortion.—.4.3 AD Donal of tdrerth,cokent, lo be pold-in advance: - WHITE k CO, Casette. L HARPER, Pon. PORT 71. RIDDLE, .Toornal. JAMES P. TIA2D. & CO.clooolelo. FOSTER S Bnorii eR, kupatell. JOS. SNOWDEN, Norco T. W. PIDDLE, Asnotio.. /DRAM ;CAINE, Everting 'bib K.. Dec. I, IRO. CARDS. JOUN rmuunsow, A I,DILIIMAN, Ward, Penn street, betwei ra and VI, &that, :AU business promptly it Wld.d to. emir AL9I3LAZIDISI3. I. WATSON, AITOHNST AT LAW-01111., on Focht 9treet a... W. 4. De I D ' AWORN - EY A LAW, - =1 COmmlesioner for Penn‘ylvnnia, L.MV, All communieanons promptly answered. ocal-11 • JAMES F. A TTORNtY AT LAW—lllfita FoWh street, A bctween Sauthfx:d and Grata, rittsburgh. aptIVIT 1•6 - 11tif - fl7fais Ki X ATPORNEY \and Counsellor at La.. and Comma atone; (Of the Stab of Pcanryleanta, St. Loofa; rl ße Sate of Prn7burelL.l • Refereneca—Pittsburch: Item PmsearJ Boom. gort & 7.l`Cencllr, ItleCl a re, John E. , Parke, aissells k Semple, McCord A King_ email; BIDWELL • CO., FORWARD/NG 111164tClIAN-T-13, G gam Pa: (dforia'a Terry Port Oft") ll•ving pettnatundy hreatui at tuts pace, a new and anbstannal Wharf Boat, we are to re. calve and forwald promptly to all points on the river, and Sandy and Leaver or Ohre Canals. IJ k. Co. !Miramar, June If: araanri. ..•11..1.11 (OSOILINIt. • W. H. woo , vriatn..•---L•-natrie ipurr t. nAGALEy, wouvw - Altt) &CO, WUole.ale Cro n cept, No . 41lartr.. 6t, /quaburgia — A.M.Zir‘V ark. Loh, Mr 41.6 d Ws, now2l) 1$ la alt.'? wax, cor .0. Pa A. ttlu.n,%lJl.TY Pc CO, Forwardsog and Cna • aninknol.lnrchnfon, Cantl Ham, P bargh, Pl.mrj o ^ .l'l.li UAW, ho intalc 1. roceNCoatanimo4l and ..Forwardtll4:".lnithhant, No. 41 Weiler el„ Citta burgh. nt4 ft, Ilessesi••—rAndraar firming R. K. Flaming USUREC,IPIAL 5.1.111 G kr CO, cl ni OMMISSION Al EIICHANTi— For the_ sc. of Do estic, Wonien, end Conan Goods; sten, deal ers in al kinds of Taiinis'Trirniningr, No 14: Wood v., 4th donl - from FIRA, Pritsbarsh Refereflea—lifersra. Wm. A. 1811 A Co, Sackers. - Odle: •..11111. ' WIC A.. MM. • 111211¢n a InVIN, 0111111 - :SION 511:11CITAN'f8 and MB Broken, No 111 r‘eennd .:mm, Pl!t.lamrll. - auk? wt. *sass 4 ZIVIII7. ENGLISI t & I,IFiNNETC, Cato it:nalksh, Gallagher 4. Co. Wholesale Grocers, Commission and For warding alcretmas, and deniers in prodnen and Pitw %ugh hlanufaesurce, :co. 37 Wood at, between 24 and lid amen... nett FORWARDING d Cosi mISSION MERCHANT No 111 .. Recond at, I.llt.burgh. taunt VI. roinuairaaj (alumni wurigarros R. W. POUIDRXT.CR rig CO., s jakiNEHALCOMllselosaud Forwarding Mar. oltunts Flour Dealer., do Y7d Markel aireci, Mladelphia. . RU3 ==MlM=l=l TOBACCO COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Fro. 41 North Water Sueet A N. 18 North Wharves A.l. Cressoc. j PHILADELPHIA Eovro Main. S D. C llcOmaseott. J. A. Waimea.. S aux 11 — r Coecnistto• Merchant, for 1.40 sal& of American Woo:ans. Liberty. oppoalla 616 al feta? vrat. V. !IWO.. . . I{A¢ , JONF.3 d. Co., latedeasora to-Atwood, Donee & Co.j.Cominttaion and Forwardlng den:ers, In Pitutbsrah Manufactured Good., Piusharr t, Pa. utch2l W.7Ec4iLltdirridedet (sccertte.ia a *meat C. nitt.,l .I M p P er9f . a r n " Jogt alin'dn'4olt'ele.:,'4'nroll=a7FPiaro tkiard Alto—Writine, Printing and Wrap. Ping Paper, No. hi Wald Street, be tweed Fourth street and Diamond uliey, wear side,*Pituburgh,P.. fetild PI. TP5131711.0 hi GLASS WORKS. I OHN AGNEW, late of the firm of Chambers,A r• 4new I. CO , would respectfully Inform the old cus tomers and the puhhe ceneraiiy, that be will etlll eon done to carry on the Green Gloss businms, in all Its ssrietier., and is prepared to fill all orders for Apothe• enties. Foriiiinte ' Minerals, Eorters,Sioltu,tic., to, p?rtainog in Ms husisess. yrarebriuse Is No tit Uuken .trest, kissers Ftrit A. Steen/ etc j 72 4:63in D 7 510 fiG AN, - NV de7ST t) .10 In Dye Shies, Paint,, OS, Varnishes, Or, No: N, , isod, street, one door Fonth of Diamond Alley Monk s p a Alll F, NDAEZE.Li., 01 holes. eGroccr,taritunfiTsiFn ant, and dr alcr in Prodp, e and Dittsbarch Mannincto, hr.oisfinrah. apt 110SII/T meter, ma, X.YW k . Ca ci s Wholesale Gmless. Come Imiu an Piers tam, WI dealers In Producs,NortBB Water, and In, r, "" 9 .—JosPrb Gdsrorth r ' r" CO tiholersale Grocers, and Jr ft 911.1 t Owder • No wi m, o , od at, ii‘lflV•3 for Onset Vrtrabmb dAiserthenarY V 1411- ° ° ' Cr: C t a ii e Third ntt. No. IS Market at, tar lc .." sna : selected as harghonll have canstarif yon h. - 44 them .. 0 ,h1 0.1 6019...110f the beat and risehear will lel on the most rearemble as onteraoedl Le pm-wetly eruct ded to, and mp. plied se - a, arneles they may rely upon a .. ter LhyelerunsTres , emnuces Le.ane ~ntel7 and ha day o fs , re , Lfrous l.‘ll Lem t Also 'or al.e, lay:eaten/al freak. and good r.,y, cater. I John L'; Rtchard Flays. ' Jft 1. IA 14'1 , ..G. roce Comaname • Nuns.. an, Sri O.stera rn ' re, re. Round Charet Laberlf, Wood 44 d !Lath mre I te..nv req. ap4 V, Agent hrr llt lake LW, and kdrchuran Pe II Prayer end the Lakes.—(Moe ~,, en,er nl W•let •s•I e.15•141 at. 11.1 1 13 A. d 4c. Co , elmsosimion Merchant. no d rho I.nue t,e/OU Star Refinery N „, 4$ „ aa.lll/ frantimerts,Pnzabazgh - rant Waulesale DrasgesLa 4 m ., .n,i Instrumenu, idelanal Boot r ,14 LLt rens. Spills, Pruners' Cards; an -IaI I Vs 91 Woni et., F i lualiargh. ,our. * . spats ofWall... 0/1)0,) Comma. r 5 ,1,1 7, z i %d 4, 1 .;,n 0t a z e Patel Ailt, and Westarn PrOdnen generally, Po Wt I rem, between Hmuhscld and Wood, rittaaarga, sp y KS. !Amara sting and Camazusslon Mat Comers in Pra inns sad Pluaborgh mane a .! ,4 acuclra , Csnal Et ram, Pear ith st. apt • • int:ix !SILL, PI PA. AIR,10(.010m. 0 I,ty tnprrior44 S,cetini ,CarpxyChain,COUoo iL10.17 it. C. ST OCAZTON. I.4ATC Johnston &Stockton, :iOOKSP.LLER, STA TIGNER, BINDER. nottat or &rant and Third strssb, Pittannunb. Pn. irAkdtr taipUODE:Mt ARDS. . _ _ PltisiirsairirrClty Nliforka. IN. CGS Drusrannirtlir. CO., MI N V, tMJ M 1,71, we.F.7.2 keVnt' Piwbmah,Pa. V. Par neuter fluent'on paid so iidd mos. Also, Deers. In FLINT GLASS, VILAIdic ROTTLES, Ae. 4. consinasurS, A. DMA% roromssn.6. KMM Wm. Alin., elulad. W, itielretsipt, Pittsburgh: %,111..LER tr. RIC KETtiON. W ooleanio'Grwent and YYll Importers of Brandies. Wheel and 'Begat", Nos. ITO and 1:4, corm., of Liberty and Irwin streets, Pitts- Doren, Pa. ins , Nails, Cotton Yarns, de . nanny on hand. ape John Jame. D. 1111i111. ' Wolter C. tine MI:GILLS A ROE, 'Wholesale G rocers *Ltd Commis. Con Merchants, No lid Liberty Bt , Pittsburgh ape pirreineffal. WORKS AND " b - hutro AND AXLE FACTORY. MAI JORD , roma F. ems. Q,llloa s • MANUFACTURERS of voting and Hilmar steal, plough steel, steel plough "dap, coach and clip lo apnaghhownerod Don azleo, and dealer! In . pal 'table castings, Inc enema lamps, m.,and coach trunt7 {amorally, tomer of Rosa and Front ~ Plushy feh er:V. 34. Tardo.. 0013119111121011 allershants. NO. 31 Old Levee et, N Orleans, keep constantly on bond a large assortment of Brandies of the follow r.l7,l.67,aerd=,efg illgr 7. grad, IV: rand Co, Lorwhelle JDurana, e e4nan, teann, A 1, 'Seville, A do Mondale, Jinn Louis, Ar., to; also, Anchor Gin, Bordeaux Red and iVhite Win r. In casks and cues, selected with cafe by /dm Awand kyo; beoldo. Chantpogne Wino and Sweet Borland" Port- feb7.ly. NNXT 110LMES & SON , No= Market rt. second door a from corner of Fourth, dealers in Foreign D epo sit, Domeaste.lll/Is of Exchange, Certigeatca of Deposit, Dank Notemg4l3pggl,r_ ,„ ILP.'CoI ... all the prinsipa I clues I MIIC4/124 IPC VW./ Stara, are 1 • Sting..., , ,s •,, was **riot. ..,..,‘, 0 'Paattie‘e,i'tt.tabt4h.:!ill'apii,"lZadSe.aite.''.S,'D'ir. heads, Showbllls, Labels, Architectural and machine DllMUlpt,Besinese and Visiting Cards Art, eevinced or drawn on atone, and printed In colors, Gold, Bronze or Black In the non approved style, and at the noel i 13.1 *seeable p ri ce. octllly OGIW.ON,LITTLE n.. CO..' o. =Liberty street Pitutugh. Wholesale Grocery, Produce and 01i161i012 Merchant., and dealers In Pittsburgh ended ores.l . apl7 soar. Pogrom mos. Lon assts. a. ass. a. zonation. ODERT MOORE, Wholesale Grocer, Rectifying Distiller, denier Prodoee, Fauber,lt blanufat. resi and all kind* of Foreign sod Domestic Wines •ti Llynors,N. It Liberty street. On hand • miry • .6 stock of superior old Monongahela welsh.), • eh unil be sold low for rub.' Tort _,. amoaOa I.- L. MIS. ETNOLDSIik. BLIKE: Forwarding and Commis ', SLOP Merchants, for the Allegheny River Trade, n ere in Groceries, Produce Pittsburgh, Maculae hand. Chloride of Lime. highest price, In cash, paid at all times for e try rage, Corner Penn and Irwin sta. _ lipid IrlErT DALZELL tVholosalo Grocers, Commission Alerchants,dcalers Protineo mod bank hinstifamnsss. Liberty sum. Pinsborsb. Y 4 spla U. A. 01:111ININ011,11.11, iiiin4sdLautissittßOCEß, Elerchairt7and7l3eFsre77l7l4li. Plllanufactures, No =Liberty street, Pittsburgh, lIILMIL III, TIIOII. C. YlBl2l. ONACILLETY & WHITE, 'Matsuda Dealers In l; Foreign and Domestic m u Coeds, No. 10 Wood sir torah apt> & 6 117:11NWAliaiits,Deslers to Flour and Produce generally, end Forwardlns d Commission 151erch ants, 145 Mist street and Second street. Pittsburgh. act) F. , seism, urrsatand laird menu, KARIM/all ELLEIS & NlCOLS t , Padnea and General Com LIS mission Merchants, No. 17 Liberty sorest, Niue bgri c :h. Apenn, Linseed and Lard Oils. eel, F VON-BONNII rding and 011.8? Wholeaale Gra ten, Forwa Conandmion arerthum, Dealers in Plstsbargh hiarinfaetnres and Western Produce, have removed to their new warehonse, (old nand,) No. 36, corner of Front meet and Chancery Lane. MOILILIS t / 1 /CIATOELTEit s - ---+. EA AND WINE ME4CHANTS, East side Diamond, Pitisbn,i—h. spa Iftflul WHOLESALE GROCERS, Produss and Con:missal:n dirtildealers in Pittabunt. Manufactured &rutin, Nos. 120 and 1151 Stoond .treat, lictoreen Wood & Smithfield. Pluatruccit. 8.110 sou warr.] (Toncm ionsoa. JOHN WATT a. CO., \V a n fl t rai t e L T: ' ra G ; s a c :: e eC'aamr Fl'unarl!raa"at: turce,4B6 be ist, Pittsburgh, F. *arta IM M lVlTilTchlie7Piiiilyr --- .I'.. brie :Sneere.; GS bole Flee, asrivang, and for sae he — eept2 BROWN & KIRKPATRICA .--- DAIIIII — deIIarVIN --- '--- I a OULD throne the petite, they have taken the watch.o formerlyoccupied by the late Mr • • lemon &buyer, 1 . 14 bathed street, Slaving a large &weenie:nes warehouse, they would inane the et onion ofeersow Hiving goon, CO &mean Ori.Wre y will M. give attention to the purchase and sale of • tee... Drafts. Deeds. && sage L.B Wmertolue•B.N.Wmarman• •W.B. Waren:me & oacrotlße", Foe vvuding Member.; dealers In all kin& of Pri am. ftPiniburgt Mainsfaernrod !mining and Agent. for vile of Richmond and Lynchburg Blanolimmrsd Tobieco. met WU. TITIBLIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, lita4r; Ps WILL Cut an to collecttons and all ectiet non - TT ten entruated to him in Butler sod Arl.lll. coardbe, Pt. Refer to J. at, B. Floyd, Liberty rt. ' W. W. Wallace, do Junes Ilarthall do Citisbar4 411} Car & Co, Wood et J 1.7 JOHN HcFADZI i CO., EOEWARDING t COMMISSION MERCHANTS Cum! Buie, Penn street, Ptitsbara. nue JAMES D. DAVIB & 00., PRODUCF. AND FLOUR FACTORS, No. 247 Market, and al Commerce et, Philadelphia Adyancea made, by either of the above, opubrgAn. men of Produce to either Rouen . . J. D. WILLIAMS i CO, lOLESALE & RETAIL FAMILY GROCERS, Forwarding and Comtnisako, Merchants, and d { Con Produce and Pinabargh Idanafte tu cornered Wood and Fifth melds, PLUabargh. Inr2O Vet. H. Williams- &why. WO. H. WILLIAN• • CO., HANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, North Dist [Otter of Wood •nd Third meet*, J.l_ _ Prrontross. Po. WM. 1101.T.ZT, 101 IN COMISAVIL, W. N. WOODWM, 111,11 1.1111.112.11 T. WM. BAGALEY A CO., Wholesale Groceisi 18 and 20 Wood strew, Fitssburels. apt, VCR r i , II.ICANDLESS,(uoc.;;;r;VE7*. J. D. Meta _Moles:de Goncert, Forwarding and Commission Alerehtintir, dealers in Iron, Nuts, Wass, Cotton Yarns, and Paviburgh Manufactures general -Ir, corner of Wood and Water Wens, Pltubargh. W — ln - 11 - fint.E, bo e Aferc:mts 4 .=.4-Inr.po=onfoLdsva Wis e as " .l Stoll! lug Powder, No. MI Liberty street, (opposius Sixth stlon9 Piusbargh. pi? WI WTYPILSON, Watches, .Towelry,riihrer a lSWe and Milnary G eo de,. corner of Market and Fourth moms, Pittsburgh, Pa. N. ll....Watebes and Clocn earefally repaired, ."'" :! RR! - Jaen 1eC11313. TXTbi. YOUNG re Co., Dealer. In Leather, NMet, VT te.,143 Liberty weer. WIC IeCOITIMOR. ROST. lIVCIITCHION. Wt R. MeCOTCHEON, Wholesale Grocer., • 'dealer. in Prodeee, Iron, Nei Glass, and Pittaberun Manufacture generall),• Liberty etresi.— plusbrugli. Anti T HAVE taken WM. CARR rob vannembip with .1 me in my brininess, which will from this dare be carried on under the rime of "John Parker &Co.. Mooch Ist, IW3O. JOHN PARKER. isbe Carr. JOHN PASHICES. 1777144.4 Grocers, Dealers in Prod.*, Foreign Wine?, Liquors, Old Monongahela and - Rectified WTriskey. N 0.6, Commercial goer, Liberty street, stras Plimburch, P svavameggi rAusei. 1091 D• 111..1A, 1 -all PALIMO, 11A1fIIA 111. CO., Oinicressers to IlasseY, Henna & Co.) BANKERS, EXCHANGE BROKERS, and dealers to Foreignand Domestic Exchange, Certificates of Deposite_ Hank Noma, and Spece—North west earner of Wood end Third streets. Current money received on deposite.—Blght Cheeks foeSalc, and collections made on nearly all the pnnelyal points the United States. NiMiii=lMlE=l Advance. made env:m.4l.am. of Produce r aldp •ed Etat , hberal tams. ams 6. r'cLoso.) Obso.s. WM. A. 111 , CLURO fr. CO., GROCERS AND TEA DEALERS, No 256 Worry street, abox. Mad, Hs La always on hand a large as.ortment of Chorea Gm series and Fine Teas; also, Foreign Frain; and Nan .Vholesala and Itatatl. Dealers welled on the snort mavi - i r ..IOI.IZ_GLAIIB . WOXL/L9 • JOSEPH D. ABELL, A • A NUFA. , :II3EFR OF GREEN GLASSWARE, M Bo ula, and Planks, Porter, Scotch Ale, Lavery w,, t „ Patent hledielne. and Wine Bottles of every deseriPt;oo; also, WINDOW GLASS. Keep, on hand 'lettered assortment of \LSO STATE, as the other Green taw as to the carom In 11 now In rust orraamon, and will continue to operas 'on bath summer end winter. Ordenretp and will be filled on the ahortert rendre..., Warehouse, No 11l Beier 4 wart, between Wood and Smithfield sth, Pittsoareh. ' jyin:dly QASIL.•P. SURIVER and Co. AS. BARNES have this day associated themselves SOgether,.ander the firm of Shrive, Damen for th e Monet= of th e Wholesale Orocerf,Prodaced and Cloalmissioa btud acts, at No 130 130 Second street, between Wed end Smithfield at, blitittieMlEMEMT lll WOOLS WOOL I TIIE highest elutes price In Cash will MS P* Cot the different rrades of Wool, by arts & HARHAUGH Lt t V 2 21 11104 -"' D lA TA b. for Mar roch , h .411SCELLANT.01 HALL. „ FOURTH STREET, -pITTSBURGII, PA THIS magnifieent estabhahment being now corn- Meted and ready for bustnessthe proprietor would respectlblly solicit • slam et the public patronage. Me trails ha giving ht. ton attention to the banana, to Make th4toass r4easant and Comfortable' resort fer the ei os of nabergh and for the country generally. Good attendants win be in waiting, and every ex ertion made to resew the establishment worthy the eoantensnec an • greener an .atelligent communny. The TWO BPACIOTSJ HALLS. fitted for Parties. Concerts, Lectures, Dells, and poblie meetings, will be let by the eaciAli. t. week, on es liberal tenon on any ether I. the city. 'The BAR and RESTAURANT, equal In sole and beano to any In the world, will be kept famished , with Pure inns, Choice Liquors, Cordials Porten, Ales, and id the cool light, refreshments of the semen * Poultry, to •a • • Fish, Soup, Oystets, and GU., erred ric be style. The DINT r and s lCE CREAM SALOON,heing en the lint door, ad easy of ac c ess, will be constantly supplied with I the Luxuries and - Delicacies of the sermon; and al • with such substantiate as the markets afford. Boarding b alien far I. ottea the day, weak, or year. Manua or . viduals or parties, formatted on 'abort t 4 their families, visaing tbroity