The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, December 28, 1850, Image 1

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0.. warn) • (n Warr.
ontirro sor.ontoo, Timm irrr.irr, NM nom To
Dc:y p. per .011..
Trl-Weer:y •-•-•^, , • 0 a
Weekly, la adnace)---• •••••• 2 4 0
D. o Clubs, al a reduced rag
Pim Sipe r es of Nonpareil or len)
• one 1 itestion.s---.--•—• --Sp
cfne &lay re, rach-idditionet notation.— 0,95
• Do. one week 1,76
Do. two wee ks•— • ---- 3,00
Do. three weeks—
t Do. one month-- • --- 5,00
Do. two months— —• 7,00
Do. three monies•— 0,00
IM. four months •—••---..
- : De. ell months—. 12,00
Ito. twelve mooths•—•--- 19,00
etal l ing Card (6 lines less,) per annam• 10,00
One usre, ehangeable at plemere (per an- .
oY~ezclu.lve of the paper.--. 93,00
Foreach additional square, Inserted over one month,
ensfor each additional square Inserted ander the Pear
ly rates, half price.
Adverasententa exceeding a *mien, and not over
'Rees lines, to be charged as %square and half.
Publishers Publishers not accountable far legal advertisements
eer=e amount charged for their publication.
clog candidaterfor office, to be charged the
same as o th er advertirensents.
AdVertivernents not marked on the copy fora epeel-
Led timber of insertions, will be continued till forbid,
and pfirment exacted accord, .
Theprivilexes of yearly advertisers will be confined
lgldly to their menhir businets, and .all other adver
tiatmeals not pertaining to their regular beanies', as
agreed far, to be paid extra.
• .All.edvartbementh for charitable institutions, fire
meanies., ward, township and other public meetings,
ad midi like, to be charged halfpriee, payable strictly
Nan - Lege notices to be Cluser' CA cents.
Death notleesinsened withatitcharge, sinless accom
panied by. funeral invitations or obituary notices, and
*hens° acnnopanted to be paid for.
Reeder advertisers, and all others sending comma
nleatiena,dr reuniting 'notices designed to mlll *nen.
[lon to Fairs, Soirees, Concern, or any public enter
tainments, where ohanres are made for admittance—
all notices of private associations—decry noble de.
• signed to call attention to private enterprises ode ale
led or intended top remote Individual interest, can on
ly be -Inserted anderstanding that the mune
le In be paid for. If intended to be inserted In the lo
cal colnotn, the same mill be charged la the rate of
not ton than 10 seats per Line.
Bishop or Fist Notices to be charged triple price, •
Tavern Licence Petitions, to each.
Legal and Medical adrertisemens to be gharged at
call prices
Real Estate Agents' and _Auctioneers' advertise
eentenot to be ensiled under yearly rates, bat to bo
a/lowed discount of thirty three and one third percent.
from the among of bills.
, 1C311[1.1 . ott 1 . 11-3ritiLT 13 DAILY ?Arr.
One Square,thooa Wettions• •—• • — el 0
-Tat each additional inrenioa••. 37
atroartnazarm in - soccarf ram.
One Satiate, (111 lines.) one , rmenion.-50 cm.
• • cub
additional tesertion. —25 "
All translate advertisements lobe paid in advance.
- - -
WHITE k CO.Oaseke
fitSl. ,
l ES,Jame.
A. CO,Cb
OS ftit
JAMES W. BIDDLE, American.
HIRAM RAINS, Etanlng Tribune.
Pirrisma, Dec.l,lBo.
ALDEIII,IA.N, Fifth Ward, Pe tw street, between
O'Hara and Wale. An business promptly at-
Vended to.
17 130 0 , RAVILAT LAW-015ce, cat Fourth=
TIMMER AT LAW, and Cow:maim:ler rot
Psmarylvania, St. Leal., Mo.
AS emmgamiestion. promptly artmered.
ATTORNEY AT LAW:—Otrkee on Fourth street,
between Smuhfiebl nod Grantatusburgh.
eptl2-17 •
- JOll2llll. RANKIN,
A TrOlitNEY and Coastllor at Lave, and Commis.
alonet for the State of Pennaylaattta, St. Lotttg
flo., (tam of Pittab
gdarenees.Pittsbetraht Tlon. IV. Forward,
son & 1111.11., WCaeldlem &McClure, Jahn E. Parka,
Masan. & Semple, McCord & Kinn. augl4-ty
BIDWELL C 0 .3 ---
vonwsatoinro MERCHANTS.
Glasgow, Pa. (Visitlig Fury Poor Office.)
'Raving pertnaneody local./ at this platoon new
and aubsumnlal ITharf Boat, we are . prepared m re
ceive and forward promptly la all poniu on the river,
and dandy and Beaver or Ohio Canals. BS. Co.
O ,• w Juno 15.—jold
-Nairn ...lain.
El • No 1.11 Maxim at, Philadelphia arot
Pittsburgh Alban Works.
IDENNETT, BEERY & CO, IButafanoren of Soda
,Ell Aah, Bleaching Powders, Miriade and Solpharie
Warthoose No ,—„Water street, below Ferry,
BBRAUNMIME, Whol e sale arid Retail Dreg-
Oral, corner of LI berty and Et. Clair streets, rifts
et Is, Pa api
alt. ,BleAtittl,TV tr. CO, FQ/war,lia, sair"..m
141.4071 Idcreltunt, Cloa.l 11.4t1, Pmatortb
I.4FLANTlWholeshle Grocer, comwt.mon and
Ciforsranlinellerchant, No. 41 Wddet Pons
I .Ml'
ra liersey---Andrew nem,. R. K. ' , lemma
MERCHANTS—For the sale of Do.
Whole n, and Cotton Good 4; also, dealers in
9ki menle,
nds Of TaUors' Trimming., Ni 147 Wad .1, 4th
door from F.lll4Pitlaborett.
Reference—M.lm. Wm. A. HID &.Co, Rankers.
S. 1111/Ml.l IVY. /LIMN.
OATH° & Navin,
No 114 Semind inner, Pntsbasight lot
NOLIBII DEMETT, (late English, Oallalrr
WhHirale Grocer., Commission and F O.
worthOg Merchants, and dealers in Produce and Pi -
baigh Manufacuir., No. 37 Wood at., between 2d . d
Cd avec= on.
t N,
No 112 Semitul at, Pittsburgh. ror2
Sou. W. Porme...] [wAtrati c.urcrio
ENERAL CCIMMISSION and Forwassio. r•
elms and Flo. Denims, No 270 Market tor t,
No. 1 North Water Street & No. 16 North Al:barters
A.J. SamoaL.ADELPIpa
- Pinot , Basso. $
D. C. MeOssratont. t •
EA. Wsunaa. au;
trecemar i:oll i r i rphy h
Arneileari V ' l l oolens,l.1 Commia rert ' y, o ' p " Poffri.Str st. 7 of
a. a. •41.11 T. INA. P. SO.
HARDY, .JONES /It C 0.,. Dueesmom m &us
Saner & Co.) Commtssialrand Forwarding er-
Dania, dealers,in Pittsburgh Ilanufietured G s,
Pittsburgh, P.. mebri:
(summon w. Cn. G. 112.4)
TAIPORTER b. Dealer In French and American a
l. per Hangings and Border, Window Shades. Fire
Board Prints, &e. Also—Wriang, Printing and Wrap
Piper, No. S 7 Wood street, between Fourth street
and Diamond alley, west gide, Pittsburgh, Pa.
lOHN AGNEW, late of the firm cf Chambers.As•
IP new It Co, would respectfully inform the ofd ens.
lemon •nd the public generally, that he willatilleon•
Una to.earry on tat Green Glass business, In , all its
varieties. and-is prepared t‘fill all orders for Aponte
earths, Funalture, Id/mends, Porters, Viols, e.,
pertaining, to hi )business. Ills warehouse is No VI
Market street, be torten First A Second eta. 11l.1:dam
IC4lFili:Arilfiti W
N, holcsalCDiliggist, and annT-
U es In Dye St s, Paints, Oil,. Varnishes; de, No.
Pd Wood Mug one door South of Diamond Alley
IME. D ATI, • L er; ace — fri ision
Er Merchant, and dealer in Prod Li-e nod Pittsburgh
Manufarturca. No RI Water st, Pittsburgh.
1•A/111 WEIR, I . ROSZST DICIat, la,
Co., Wholesale Grocers. Cora
l. Xining Itletchggts, and doglegs lu Producg.lblos.sll
Water. and 107 Fro t web% Pittsburgh. nostfi
oksr — iir. elworth .—Jose4h wont.
• .14t 1 :1 3 ;'0 1 : I I • s n a
t ?Po ir d v :
' e h ' 471 *VW , VeV,
Pitt‘bste h. des- y
Nw IS Market et, three doors above Third at Ihus
harghtertil have constantly on hand a well selected as
sentiment of the best and freshest Meolteineo, which be
will sell on the molt remonable tenths. ,Phietelana
sending orders, will be promptly attended to, and sop.
plied with articles they may rely oponem-gennine.
Os"Phystelans rreocriotions will be sect:irately and
easily p. - -pared from the bast • t any hear of
be ay or night. .
A1..l for sale, slam atoek of fresh and good Pada
men. 103
John 170 td. RichardFiord.
J. & It ELOVD, Wbolerale Groom, Coentniscon
. - Rtetehants, .d Deal..l" Prod e, Round
Chore!Utaddinga t fronton( onLiberty, Wood and
rent,. ttatabarria ra. doll
NO. A. CAUL:III:Y, Agent far-ths Lag' Erie an d
11 1
Meagan Lino to heaver and the La E-Offee
Li A 3
arytha met of Water and Stoltharld sta. pinta
3 -4-km- A. 11UTCNI:i0N, A "Ca cadre t
a UnteM i.aoa Ca, Cotowisalon erehant i
and Aire to of the St. Lobar ate-am - Siva RiGnery
,pgragAw tar And O 2 frontatreeta,Pinsbargh
tan, —
11 . 111.11. s I . y:4rd otreel . ..Pjb
JlMi i.
. i. li a t a ELLO m.. R. ic. t i Vh im ul l e ,
&Va . , 8 Iss, Steel rens, 1.1!I
matitinscj• generally, N0.•51 t ea
. 111.Ppkto bourki ow Ist., In
L cite I , oda of Warren, Ohio Comm.
• Won \and Forererdlog Merchtni, and dele•ale
Western Beene Ch.ese, Bane , Pot and
Pearl Ash . , and Western Yrodoee aenerall . Water
Ireat, bonne. Smithfield and Wood, lents arab.
It &JONE. Pam,
' Norm, Dealeraio Pr
articles, canal I
11 very • liar 4-4 She
and atting.
8. C. 11'.
T..1.T5.. ! henna a Baxi.
• itkatiaiagialrat,Ecii
Till --MTTNIKIR-Ga------7:111LL:;.-GAVPATT:i
Plitabuggh City Giles* Wort:. - -
W. cusrmsranar t & co.,
No 24 %target street, between First and Second;
Pittsburgh, l^,.
Particular attention paid to odd slit.. Also,
Dei li a7rs io FLINT GLASS, VIALS, BOTTLES, foe.
W. c4NNINalLeat, O. CURLY,
jyrAtf o . chriventottarA
Milicr, rhildd. C. W. Rieltetson, Pittsburgh.
111 ILLER RICEEFSON, Wholesale (tracers, and
Iniportera of Drandies, Wines and &Tars, Noe.
172 and 174, corner of Liberty and Irwin streets, Pitts.
Nina, Pa. Iron, Nails, Cotton 'Yarns, tse.t.c,, eon•
minty on hand. ap4
Johu 'Gni. James U. 7.1`011. Walter C. live
MuNILLS ROF., Whole.Blo Grocers and Corouth.
Bion Morehagn, No 191 Ltburty S:, Pinubo rgh
tam fours, foam r. qma.
JONER a quioa,
ANUPACTURERS of spring and blinder steal,
, LIJ. plough steel, steel plough amp, coach and e fp
' fie apneas, hammered iron axles, and dealers in al
'cable castings, fire englue 'imps, and coach trimmii ga
generally, comer of Rosa and Froat Its., ?Mahar h,
J. &J. Tarde — ciTOonamlaslon fflArellata
0. 31 Old Levee at, N Orleans, beep co.tunly
band large assortment of Brandies of the Tolle
ig broods, which they offer for sale as opals for
Domed & Cs, Bordeaux, frin Magiory, J. hraud, J D.
rand & Co, Larne belle, J /Dunne, Cognac, Ado Al la
te:an A L Blevflie, A do Mender& Jean Leah, &
Au; also, Anchor inn, Bordeaux Red and White Vin
an caaks and eases, selected nod; care by John Duran
&To; beanies Champagne Wino and Sweet Burgund
Pert faba•li.•
1:0L , &SON, Na SS Mat Lao .i. • rind
. .
! Bank Notes andecie.
• United Stairs. de on all the principal eines
Lithograph - leasc
OF WM. Ththd at, npposite the
1.,1 Post-Office, pataburgh.—khips, Landscapes, Bill.
heads, Shoszbills, ArAitecnual und NIUCIAIIIO
Dralmiis Business and iin c olors, dr, etorravod
or drawn on sone, and printed in color., ! Gth Bronze
Or Block. in the moat approved style, en an the 111.1
reasonable once* ortls,ly
ROIIINhON,LATTLE fr. CO.. ` a. Eift labeny street
Pittsburgh. Wholesale Grocers. Ptoduce and
Commission Niemen:us, and dealers in Pittsbargb
Pilmufacaues. no!:
atom Demon. mos. 1.1171.. SAML. a rongsson.
RROBERT MOORE, %It holoaale Grocer, Rectifying
Distiller, dealer to Produre, Pittsbewth Manafee•
tares, an I all kinds of Foreign and Domestic Wines
and Liquors, No.ll Liberty Street ' (in bend a - verj
large Mock of mperior old Monongahels wsaskey
which wall be sold low - rrik t
R .•
EVNOLD9 & 911
lion Alerchanq
aealera in (Ironertes,
tures, and Chloride o
The higheri price,
0000(17 rags. Cornet
D" niul"afacTl
awl Commission Morena
boigh tilroinfctstres, No WO Li
clifidilLerr i vs/ _. _ ---
nit Deler, In
13 Foreign and Donsel I. N . no Wood
erect.FAGG/amt. kpl7
Sii.Wigitifialidi rolianta, Dorderi
Oin Floor and:Prodid Forwarding
col Comminaion Me; S int Street and
116Feeond greet Pim Stet
v. - irCt.t.iii N rtrnacitan. midi rocoLa, NAM-M .- J.
_NICOLS, Proe and General Goan.
61“ ion Merehanis, No. 17 Liberia. creer.l'inai
Wirier. Sperm, Linired and Lad Otis.
F VON BONNHORST it,ICO, Wholesale Oro.
I,J• wo, Forwarding and Commission Merchants,
Dealers in Pittsburgh Manuiartures and Weitern
Prodwa, have her:loved to their new warehouse, told
atanc4; No. NI, corner of Front &tract and Chanters
Lane. n 1717
noun's dr, 11.1WORTII,
East stelelhanssnd, I tusbarsth. apt.;
- -
Uri ritrams - al CITA, 15•. n
81111.1VER & BARNES,
Praia. mad Cormnis. Merchant,.
. ,
And deem in Mahwah Al ufactured Artistes,
Pioa,l3o and 134 7egnd sues',
__ Llesseenlyognlk/Initillib Id, Pittsburgh._ au,
Wan we!' Insilli tr1t2212.
1011 H WATT 111 CO,
OW/MALE Grocers, Ca mutton Met
Wand healers in Produce d Pittsburgh
factares,96l.lbe i tly rt:,_p_itsabet b, Pt
1 ":" n-' gt . s h7" .pgir: mn
3 brit Fine, arrli i ii:, v d for so ,
agol4_, DROWN .1. KIRKPAT
-,,, ./.. - 11,.. a H" — --- •
WOULD Ilona the public, the have t 2
yll vsarebate formerly occapie by the
Solomon Scharer, 11l becood street, Having :
and commode:is warehouse, they ' , errand to
damn.. of bosons having goods to consigno7
They will also lye attention to the purchase s ,
of Notes. Drallsßonds, a.e.
L. S. %%TERTIAN & 73015,
VITIIULESILIRROCEIL:, C4lll/1702.i,111 a
VT wartlitzg 51e,an:.; r.lru
duce k rittibuNis Lown , larcal Artot,..
IS , Satic iLtAI
1 3zater, Yo
WILL c.ollei•Elons and •Itc •cr
6C/11 enw.ted I Lima littler and A F.4lrung
sountles, PA [Leer t
I. It IL Ftrd,Libetty
W. W. Wllare, de
James LaAhall Os I'mab rtt
dli Kay• CO.Nood ) ~n 7
Canal Basin, Pcn:eHeel, Po:set:rye goo*,
No. n`'7 Market, and ellorumerce at, Philadalrloa.
Advances made, b 7 ark, of the above, on coring n•
mJ. of Produce to ante Ho d .. • tor°
William..__.. • -•--/ olio Haft.
J. D. WI/ALMS Jr. CO.,
Forwarding sea I - Istutiarion Merchant,, and
dealers to Country PrndaCand PittaburgU Macrae-
tares, cored, of Wood asuFifth street,, Potsburgh.
-- • • -- 1 - 11. nlc Way.
A di CO,
u,4 010,1 Third strervi,
- Wlll. BAGALVt, roori a. cosaravt,
W. 11. WOODWARD. ft‘t./11 RACAL..
WM. BAGALET & C Wholesale Grocer., I,
Itr and 20 Wood nor; oburg h. api7
/OEM D. WWI, 61V1D 310.111D1..W5.
Wm. 11. Wllhame--
WDI. u. WIL,
North East comer of tV,
& M'CANDLESS neeerwory to L It J. U.
TT %Flak,/ Wholesale to tore, Forwarding and
Commrsoran Merchants; des, can Iron, Nails, Iglus,
Cotton Yarn., and Prttah of • Manufactures general
ly, cornet or Wood and Yr 7 .l al treats, PrUstrurah.
& M. MITCH sal
ELTIt 14Wholea Grocers,
W. Reetaylng Itisulter , a Winer and Liquor
Mery ants. AlTe—lmporter erinch &oh arid Bleach.
ing Powder, No. 100 Liter y raat, roppoy,ta Sruh
creek.) Prltsbargli. apt:
W. WILSON, :oyalry, Sliver Ware
. and Military Goods, cher of Market and
Fourth streets, Piusbargh, IL—Watcher , and
Clues euefolly repaired. an 17
WN 1091 M. 1085 X. Weave.
W .
YOUNO Co., Deslerla Leaiher, Hades,
TY ie.. 143 Liberty mecca
w nu
Pittab.mb ..7 1 7.1a11., Glass, •nd
HAVE, taken WM. CARA inipartneratop with
me in my beanie., ...hick{ willsom this date be
carried on ander the name of"Joheasses &Co . "
blateh ISt, a's°. :JIIN PARKER.
Jobe Parker.-- •—r— • - William Carr.
Wholesale Grows, Dealers i. hdace, Forewn
IVistes, Liquors, Old ItTaarganda
and Reach d Whisk
N 0.5, CoMinereistl ow, Libey street,
melo Plurbarea. P
- (Bocce"Of.
In Foreign* .
of Deposit, Dint
tonne. of Wood an,
reeelved on depoad
eolleettorm made on
the United Stales.
The higbepl pro.
pod Fyn.-on liborm
Nat. a. im'clmoo.l,
WM. A. SPCLURG s ' D .,
No 2. 5 15 Welly mar; above. 1, 0 4,
Rasa always , on hand a large *sacrum or Cholea
Groceries and Fine Teas; also, Forel; prole and
Wholesale and Retail. Dealer. soiled on the
towns terms_ may!
-. • .
Vials, Bottles, .d Fl As, Porter ;etch At e ,
Mineral Water. Patent lelnc, and ' tie Bottles
of every description; also, WINDOW 01.85.
Keeps constantly on band a general airlinent or
the above - article. ALSO STATE, . thetas Green
GI.. Factories an on. CrOerlC, at a lasom in
summer, Tuts Fatten is no to /.N.l. or MOD, and
Will continuo ot operatiOn h o th Bummer .]Winter.
Orden ectrally solicited and will be fid on the
shortest udtice. •
Warehouse, No 112 S.ecoud street, betOn Wood
and Smithfield at., PUl4l.l}oi. - eAdly
00•ArAteritifiCati - TP•
1.7 this day associated themselves toge th ernder the
firm of Shrives ft Barnes. ter the transact' of the
Wholesale. Grocery. Produce, and Germultsi boil.
Doss, at No 130 k 133 Second Street, belt.. Wood
an 4 Smithfield st.
Itustrareh. Ageism I, 1830.—euel
THIS msghificant establishment being now earn-
Meted and ready for basiniss,the proprietor would
respectfuny solicit a
huhsare of the public patronsea.
Ile trusts by giving full amnion to the business,
to make the house a pleasant and coniformble resort
for the citizens of Pittsburgh and for the count,/
generally. . .
Good attendanu will he in waiting, .d every ex
cotton made to under the eetedialoaent worthy the
COURIen.CCO au f vgeon elan latellikent community.
The TWO SPACIOUS) iliaLtd3, fitted for Pante',
Bence., Leclerc', Balls, and public meeting*, will
Xs let liy the evelat e. week, on as liberal Item. at
e other is the city.
t onD and RESTAUILANT, equal in style and
beauty any in the world, will be kept furnOthe
with Pure Wines, Choice Liquor., Cordials, Pothers,
Ale., and all We cool, light. refreshments of the mason.
Poultry, Game, Fish, Soup, Oysters, and Clams,
served - up in the beat Mile.
The DINING and ICS, CREAM SALOON, being on
the first floor, and euy of access, will be constantly
supplied with all the Luxuries and Delicacies of the
+muffin and also, With 'nab substantiate ex the markets
Su p p o pV,To g r ti r th ‘ v ' i!tu d a7:Or e p a 2;o., L e rn r ...he p a in on e go o n
Gentlemen with their families, awning the city ran
L supplied with refreshments et an kinds Clint hou
of !Le day.
Good Sttabhne and an ertenasse I.lrety F.stabh.ds
meat as connected wsth the 11611.
Dinner et I o'clock. Dreek ft. rnd Tea ot lie ortial
Entrimee for Ledis. to rho me Cream mod thtong
Saloon. No f 7 Smithfield street.
• NV EST.V.I.T., so.l 1•.101.1”.1.7, ro
Nl:S1:1t N lA rd ri
lohoi. make
'oat .ruck to thett ute,
at t h rir old stand, No. 13 St.
l:latrntrret, oleo, St No.: . ti Markt.. street, Pecood story,
entranoo-4. the Diamond VeLitian Shatters made to
order, 0.01 old blinds nemly repaired. alllO
1 W.& J. GLENN, 800 Blead. --
IV k m
': arc soli engaged in the above hostnerm. canter
at Wood and Tbird street., Pittcburch,where
we ore prepared In do any work to our line with Jet-
Mob. We attend to our work permonally, and satia.
obtrn will be given in regard to a. neatness and du.
111:3 . Books ruled to any pattern and bound soh
• ritO:y. Doot• 'in number. or old books bound care
la ly or repotted. Named put on boot, in gilt letters.
Th se that bona work in nor line ate moiled to oall.
P rem low
p.>n Machine Shop
WIGIFTMAN-51anarseturerof all kinds of f.of
AA.. ton and woollen innekinery, Allgbeny city, ra
The above works being now in full and ...reseal 45 , -
erituon, I am prepared to eke...rile milk dispatch
for all kinds of innehinery mAy line, szeh not willows,
;met ers, spreaders, aids, grinding oataLinee, raii ways,
drawing frames, speeder. thraostle, looms, wcwien
Cards, double or finale, for ,
merchant or country work,
mttmee,laek a, 00.; slide and hand lathes and tools to gen
eral. All kinds orphaning made to orde, or Nan, gro
an Inc gearing - Inatome or mill. at reasonable chorea.
RarkiiTo—Kennedy, Molds & , Iliac gator lc, Rill
k Iftno. Poonneir INI -Joe A rev
ng . and Commie..
ny Raver Trade,
• burgh, fannufte.
at l; time, tot
a.. upIS
tolenale Grocer,
in I . 7•nduee antl
tree{, Pimbum,
sots •
Straoltagbasss,(asor Plltsbetrattd Pa.
015.1, N. 37 Muer st,: between Marl., and
Wood, Plitadtrrech.
mopWILL constantly k eep oohand a good. assort
(tient .of Wan; °Cour own manufacture non
supenorqualuy. Wholesale end country Mar
louts are respectfully Invited to call' ole,
mins for themselves, as we ar• deterunnedau .11
cheaper than h... bears been veered to th•
• •nte, Forwarding,
it. and Denier In l'itu
any street, PI l.blirgh,
yErmrder• sent by rnati, accorapan ie4 by the caak, or
emir reference. will be promPrl7 • ,, abac 4 •. 4'6
XXCIV COACH racrouy,
111 A WHITE 3 CO., would reepeettalty Inform
the plthlte that they hithe erected a
Laeo:k, bathe,. Pederal and ilanduaky surer. if ey
are now mating and are prepared to renuve order. for
tiver7 draeription of vehicle., Coache, C/1N1101 . ..
uuhe., Ruppes . , , he., artdah froth
long erperienre in theneture of Om •.thove a.
and th•• theilitthe they h oe, they 1,1 ronhdent ti,ey nth
enabled to do wort on themth.i reaYorthble ten, 'rat
tap,. wenn, article. in their tine.
nerbeeder PUl'llllllll to the .electron of orme•
rink and haetng none but competent workmen. they
havo hennsuon in warrotnnng their wort. We
there e
fo n re net lild attention of WO puldre to tht. waiter
N. B. Repairing dorm m tb• beat rummer. and en the
ain't reasonehle ternsrtrrO,tf
f7a/IT,T, Woou •Rb.:l/•u.Kel, ha - RAT:tux%
,r,..›NTINcr.,, manufrrture %II ter.l. et COYl`l'll.
Tin AND eiIEET iittny WA AitO, I , a,l•
(Mal Wort.
Steam 110.1 s bull( io orJr
Special attention gITCII 10 .team bo u t wort.
Have on h fine roionment of Copper a. Wass
Kettles, Tin Wan., de. he. Steamboat Conking Smv es,
Tolerable Forges, canons stres—ti very convent eta tr.
ocle for s.antboats, Ciationna emigrants, or rail road
We wonld respectfully Owns ateam - boat men and
others to call and ace our tousles and pricing term.
purchasing el Newberg_ fr:l7
Wrought cord Ca.% Even Ratillutg.
TIME solwenbers beg leave to inform the pithhe that
J. they have obtained (root We Kest all the low and
firahlotiable demo.. for Iron Railing. lo,th for hot,.
anu eeinctertes Persons withlag to procure hand
some patterns seal please call sod examine. and lodge
for themselves. Railing will be tarnished at the short
est nonce, and in We hest Intoner, at the corner or
Craig and Rebecca streets, Allegheny city.
sag"tl-Mf A. LAMONT A KNOT,
en thei
te Mr I
et large,
ate the;
I we:
1 - )1'64 1,0, , to torornt to.t
en..nJ COS:on...Ltd
) , •,u.t reoet•tog to. oetv , roso t e -too. ot too.,
•• toot•I, all too ..eto to•I Itoo.ttor
vide -I. ie. of COL.. Carotnere.l.tor7
ton and wutnmer Cod., nod every ante:or...hie
fur girt...met,. wont for spring and almoner. it 1,11.1
1t11p.111.1., to de.ctitre the beauty, nualtty, or rid stit.ty
of rho totreit, the propoetor hope. allwtto ate to want
or good, cheap, faatttonatde, .nd wd:l matte coothe.,
rye Five toot a call, a. there,. no tdoelt dos 0..1,
Alletthente. that can compare wolt o.
The ready made department se 'cry eiten.roe, otrap•
ted to all mite,
Dail road cautractora, Countr7 merchant., and all
whO porchape largrly, are parocularly tovoed to
same no e crock before plarrna.og, as partoenlar 41
trotton pa•d to the wholtoale uan ettat•
Every ortielo in the tnitoring tine made to
the mom faglttonaltte and best rattntrer.
_int Um tthortest
ri • BE partnership iseretofore existing under the arm
1 of A A C BRADLEY,. dissolved by the decease
of Mr. C Bradley. The Isti.iness 'rill be carried on by
A Bradley, who will settle the b.ineas of the late
REMOV A L—A EIVADIM has removed its Foundry
Warehouse from No 111 Second lore.. to No IL Wood
ptreet, between First nod Second streets, to tie wore
apnea lately ocettpled by A A Berry, wine be will
keep constantly on hand a general assorunentof Cart
togs, Armes, Stores, Cooking Solara, he, tyl3
.11 and No.l Amerman 011.ter Steel. Also—flest
Co..t Steel Ftlesiall nine.; and Illacksoutt, end Shoe
oiwttls ind and for eale, el the r tns E.
ale Steel Worka,t' Mara street, Fifth Ward, or ot the
Aire In the Iron Store of BOLLMANS ,k GARRI
SON, No 4, foot of Wood street, Fnlyhargh.
We, the underalgned, having tared, with entire vat
lafac, Um Ca. Steel anal Files made lay Samuel
MeKe tion le), at hie Eagle Steel Work*, in thioetty,ta4c
plea...! in reeommendlng than al equal in nuelay to
any ever timed by u of foretell Manufacture.
Pataburgh, March m,
Manufartureto of Iron and Nati*. l'iltatauralt, l'a.
, .
KNAPP ft TtlTlTisl,
Iron Founders and Mannino., Pitt•burnh. Is.
Manulartnrers of Spring*, Axles. BPong Ntnel ""
IbAn a, PlutlinrFh,
F k W hl FAUF.II,
Engine Builders and Marrone Card Munufacio•
yen. Pauburgh.
A vuuroN.
Brass Founder, Patsburgh, Pa.
Putsburgh. Pa.
rd"u1"1 7 ( ileIEPll 'IOMLINS„N.
Locomouve Engiric and Sluff Builder, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Illarble Manufacturer. Matehinc ond Engine
tar2l sr, Pitl.l.urgh. Pa.
Dlosohenos of Partn•rohlp.
1111: Partnership heretofore existing between the
'maternity, under the hien, of Chambers. Agnew
A Co., Glass Manufacturer. was dlstolved by mutual
consent, on the firer day of July, intim.. All person.
knowing themmires indebted to said him ara
ed to make payment to either of the panic., without
delay. nt
and all person. haring unsettled account. with
said - 6r, are invited to present them for settlement
A /ca.,
uan ja co.)
MCF, and dealer.
tolt• Certificates
SPrt—North meet
:ma artant money
dteckfor sale, and
. Prdpal poldta
!jMII owners ui,l consigner. of Rood• 'waiving by
j the "Cairene Portable Boat Line," will please
tate 11011 fr that they will be 'wowed to pay treigLi
at nor warehouse, aerording to the receipt, Inert
the goads are removed. C A fiIsANLILTV & CO
- WwaWog, Broachhag, awd ILll•avaalog
Dmicrioss—Put the cloth. Into cold water sod let
them mask over night. In the morning ',mg them
out and pat them into a kettle of boiling water, to
which add the proportion of one pint of Ovid to maii
gallons of wr—attr it up and boil the whole twenty
minutes. The ate clothe. may then he wrung out and
well rinsed in clear cold wham The parts of mo
ments that may be most tolled, sorb as wristbands
and collars of ahtrts.may be slightly robbed before
wnsing, and the elothes will be loam! peclectly mean,
him and elem.
ofrodoe• ship
Warranted net to injere the Linnet fabric anon give
perfect saustfae or the money will he refunded.
Sotd wholesale antton, d
rciall by. R E RELIWRS
sepin 07 Wood
dia•Masad. mad Pittsburgh -
IT•l•graph Company.
N par Znee of a resolunon et tbo Board of lbren.
tom of the Cleveland, Wnrou and Pittsburgh
Telegraph Company,regue sting the Sec repo) to mote
out mid mese to he published in the newspapers along
the line. an eghtlnk of the financial md other attn n o f
this company. I submit the following Report. •-
The line of Telegraph commence. al Cleveland and
termini... s at Isittsbargh, passing Womb Cliagnn
Franf Lin, Newton Fall., Warren, Youngstown,
and Lowell, in the State of Ohio, and New,Cmtle and
Rochester, in the State of Pennsylvania, at which
points there are Mimes located for the receipt and
transmismon of bean....
The whole length of the line is 149 rmles—Capital
Stock, 164.1 pee mile, making .1010 i capital owe of
IS - 21.=, of obleh amount 1/10,efe1 iv held by rumens
along the line, and the balance is held ay Cornell &
Speed, the contractor.. The above antoont of sub
scription* by eluttoe, have been paid to Coinell &
Speed, for which tb r fi F Truamea haz th eir
,i receipt.
Jeltdtf FF:111+11s A Secretary.
100,000 feet Sabaaned Deek Plant;
100,000 feet Coal Boat Biding. For axle by
Ammar at Law, Fauna .1.
TIE Mutual Life and Heal th !neatened Company
of Phil.loJ:obits Incorporated by the Legielature
of Pennsylvania, Plarch, ISIO. Chatter perpetual,
Capital, RAY. sow., •111 PalletG.,
001710 COWART, and full do per cent lower than the
ewe] rates of Life lusurance, an the following COM-,
parison will show: Theo, a person of the age of Win- .
Daring for 1100 for Incf, must pay in the Girard WM— .
Penntylvania,l2,3ll, Penn Alarm!,
1112.11; Equitable,
110,n1; New Erte1...1,1018; New Turk. Life, $11,314 Al.
blon, I.lle and Health, Philadelphia,lsl,9l.
Diskorons—liamnel D. Orrick, Charlet D.
F. Intone, Robert P. King, Chalice P. Hey., M. 11 - ,
Belden. M. M. Reeve, M. IS, Chita 0. 0. Campbell,
Lewis Cooper, I. Rodman Barker, K. 11-Beller, Edwin
It. Cope. President—Samnel D. Orrick, Vice Frei,-
dent—Rohr. P. Kula; Secretary—Frannie Blackburn.
'spot lean°. walk received, and every inforinktioo
!seen by RAM!.. FAIINFSTOCK, Apt,'
Office, Commercial Rooms, corner of
_ssetl7-dly Wood and Thrrd iU, Pitteblulki
THE INSURANCE CO. ol North Americo will
make permanent and limited Sneerer., on pos.
, pray 1,1111. city and vicinity, and no ithipments , by
Canal, Rivers, Lakes, and by hie. Thep ropernoe of
LLD Company are well invested, and furnish an avail
able fund for the ample indeintilly of all penises whe
desire to be protected by insistence.
owl it W111...P. JONES, Agent, 4.1 Water it
Piro ■ao 11tarta• la•uraae••
im (*TICE of am /nanyanye Company of tsi.n4
A, „Mantua, lon been removed to No. LAI Front e it
earl or We..
The sabre rWer, agent for the above old and req..-
aiLle Compan “rue Polleter on Ihnhling e at)
rontent., e n! on •Inpmenta of glerrhandir
Strom Anna and other veasein.
[(lndent aaii Antique Furniture.
J. IV. W.
4 , 71 . - 7 - a Respectfully trilutmg able
• • ••• -- •'..t.•7 public ho bag com
pleted big gprtn Mark o
FURNITURE, the inrg ,, toohlv , isdahlorUnent
ever olered for vale in Mat city, compritmg several
Pats of Rostwoon. Matio..LNY. and Rt_aca Watht,v,
Carved, ornamenw am! plain, enitvit;e for Philo,
fbraivicte and lied liommt, all of which will be told eh
the lowevt pram..
Pe moot dewing Furniture of coy deheriPtmo, oro
epee :ally invited to call andeaatinne hie .tare, which
embracer every de•craption, from the ch.:pest and
plainer, to the meet elegant rod redly, ot Which the
tolloyytne comprises apart:
Tete .'Felt Sots, Tete • Tete Dwane; Chem; Elitabe th om Vb..;
Reception do lam.. X /V do
Extentom do Rude; Unique;
Note; Toilet T•Lies,
',no,. X 1 \ Commodore, Rate of York's Epoch;
Mt 1,1011 with Plush and lletr•olath got era;
ho R,. one, do do do;
90 do, Mahogany Parlor Ch..,
lu Itovevvond do d..
IC L . In't Watt,. e,
41. tlane Soo;
4 '• Bo:king, Or.
I •mm
Mivl•le rep Centre Tslo•
do 1V gt•b
MaMnr ,ny fled tmedv.
12 do th"miltzto re;
IS IlYk Walnut du,
H Cherry do
A very largo moo:an:tient or Cautmun Chum and Oth
er Furniture too tedious to gammon.
lila° Steam Wm. foml.tted nn the abort"' noun,.
Alt orden promptly attruded to
P. ht.—Cabinet Maker. eon he Aupplted with all got.
Illabognay, Walnut . end Veneer, at etmeadonably
reduced Otters.
White IlanDela, all 'Wool 'Woe Drlltsi '
Red ,in ,:o Bloc Dermas; ,
'Ve-11,,* do do Forel CrrttodltSortVlT'arr
I.lrowt, do du oar red at For tory ~ e bees.
11,,,, , olinci..
Dom. I,rague Ftlatotog.
Steel no, c• 1 ~,,
Dive kl,c‘i um: Slupes, very
Drat , oolv7 goo,lo
Dior t. 1...,0,0.,• I '1 ailoru' 41oodo
Fancy do •
11,1 l'addlno, vapor dcr t
Fancy Tsuce•l• . V,...1 Yodeling, Markt ard,
Sup. 1ii0,.. 11r0. , 1 Cloth Tvlnrs'ear, alto, heavy 41o;
Super Brow, Jo Drown Linens, Folltta'a
Sorer"ire, 4/0 !Drb Serge, Wart do, • i
,p,•r 't a ,1.,1 do ' ,n,l ororored:
4p, ill,
1,1•1, Ju
tire.° Haw,. Brown Holland Se't
I.lrowe . de
, the Manufacturers' M ...rehouse, No ID Wood a
4 . ..burth uerNi
, I , ITE co- -portniettop heretofore extern ! between the
•, to the wane of Col - torahle, Rose &
Co. i• thf, day flfs.olred ,y mutual eon,. Molotro
IN rite h f001...40e the ha•Ille•• of the cooper,
In , who:, p0g0.... they en' nothorfred to use the name
Tbe umlerammett have this day a”octated the maelvea
in the name of IfriRKE & BARNES, for the pa rpme
of manufacturing Pore Prod( Safer, VI Doors, &o.
&-e , at the nand of .he late firm of Coruna!,le, Burke
&Co, where they - welt be pictured to receive rho patron
age of the rastomem of that house and their (trends.
In retiring from the lirm Constahte, Backe .I}, Co.,
with sincere pleasore recommend hl tlorke
Bruner , to the confidenee of my friends and the NMI.,
frirl.l-d if
Co ARM trr — llSiogr
HAS juct returned from the Ea•tern Cares, and an
receiving a large variety of seasonable Ctmds, to
crinelehe respertfulty r evues the attennon of wereh
ant• and pedlar., !Ne st Wend et
WALL PAPER—W. P Mamma t. t• congtantly
reeetving, from the large‘s tonnefaetnites to
Neer York and Pbtlarlelphea, and also pont French
seeneter. the nearect and most soprored styles of Pa
per Hangings, together WWI Derriere, 1-tre Beard
Prlnts, mid Tester Tops. For rale at ,s 3 Wood •1, Le
merit FortiitiMand Iharnond alley, onee e ee or to Y.
. trill., atc't
ibl'. • l' mon rec'ti - per creamer,
et . i r pd In . , t r j t ' or• . lrr . ll.• barrel or ample pound at the
Drug. Seed. and Perfumery Warctionce, eorrier of
Sixth and Wood rtrems. S N WICKERSHAM.
ITABE Plicenix Itfuritanciuring COMJ.III7 now offer to
1 the pudic then. Prerniam Chemical Stove Pottithi
and 'Nohow x a germ non, or feat of rnntradiEti on, by
those who have te.ted it, protiounee it for Bonen.. to
any other in the mark, The coirtunter neetithave no
apprehenzio. of roiling earpeot, . Its eon,
prvtillon prevent. a dust from tailing when being ap
plied, whirl, meet be done when the Stove mlr...d
The quantity required Is so little to produce a hem,
libel mane. A saving o 4 ever Lily per cent es mewed
to the entiaumers. A eosin, applied to Stoves, hpes,
when laid away fur the summer, ILA sure pro.
'enmity., against rust. After hewing tried di once,
it is accessible) NO person will ere any lent the
Pocrtili Manclacluring Company's ['feminize Chem).
cal Stone rehab For sate by
mitt Corner of siita and Wood erreets.
Vieille aluntsaite Company deeply their agents
L with Roofing and Flooring in sheet. 317 f et,froin
II to 0.1 ounces per gqUare loot. Corrugatsd In sheets
3:7, 27 44, for 1 . 0061, and depot.
Snip Sheathing, 14 a lei it,clew, from It in Oh ounce.
Nail, Spike., Wire, Sulker Melds, Yeatiralcd Zinc,
Zinc PRIM, Sc.
They Warrant their 'aortal pure, and free f nin any
admixture of iron, or any tether substance, and rr•
rommend Ai fur the manumentre of most a ticles in
the bonier furrosineT line. as it does not real, is not
affected by the metion of water, aid may be polished,
painted, and anterel
Sample., pap
piens, speciferaunne, ern) other
information may lee had of tlerir
I,I'CALL & Stan., New York,
- -
ATLIRSON, ROLLIN• & ( . 0 • Dorton, I
NaTll.lOl 'Nom. &Co, Pli,lmleipli,•,
W. A 11, Melita, Ilartimme,: ,
51. r 111, Us? & Sr•orgra, New °Henn.;
F AIILLIROUX, flem,len,'Ar,mt,
2 Unarm.: et, New York.
Liege, September 1 —rcp&ablm
uit.: Autobiography of Leigh littnt wog tvron
terativ• at mood. coutcutoortirsoa to a vols.
url Lattcr Day Pamphleta—Nn subject,
11...7 of Datiug the Great. Ity Jacob Abbott, wtth
Juba Hocrant. • Romance. By lan Martm Bell.
l'actortal neld Boon to Ike Revolution.—No 5.
The above work. rerct•tollhol dair.and (or male by
r Cor ß . tcrk The ct I k TrirTst.
7 o! ,
• - ' '
ri IA K oo nino•ke. leapt the .ienm boat Pool ten 2,
1 Oren° of UUUet, Marked J. Any imformatson
reepeettno them will be then/Jolly rtCleVed.
Lows alovi.• !craps—Mr • rani4l — El G•asalas
- DROWN Wanda. hionp, Hermon, Honey, A opt
J.) Vern•eolar, Oriental. rain, and Olive Oil Snap.
Theo., Snap, ore highly celebrated for napartlnz
smoothocoe to the akin.
Purchased from the importer, and for role by
septa R SELLERS, 57 Wood st
INUTA RUBBISH PACKING—axIe lb* aasortill
Utica tiesses, from to 1 inch thick. The CIO,.
parking prepared no that Alb degrees Fahrenheit
will not affeci I and is superior to every thing <lse,
no no substance has so mach elasticity which stands
so high • degroe of heal, and may ba used about •11
parts where packing or necessary, •11: manhre
plates, piston rods, main w hol esa l e chests, cyl rt ,
der headad.o. For aale. old retail by
aera'• 7 .4. 1,1 Wiwnl .1
TOBACCO —3O bee Sherwood's 'lmp, now landing
Mate Milani Fire Insurance Company,
TILE eery liberal patrOnsg et, extended to this COM.
Parr, easing issued Policiee to the amount of near
Ore ai d s Half Million obDollats4neing the le.
three =labs, Is •rdletent manifestation of the cultp
motion and confidence of 'the public to the system of
msnagement on which he business is conducted
To city or country merchants, and owners of dwklb
Ines, and Isolated or country property, it Is believed
th company affords advantages in point of cheap
safety, and security, inferior to no Inman.
Company in this country.
Condurien on the equitable and greatly improTed
gsmm of Classification of Risk., excluding ail special
her•rds, insuring only a limited amount In any one
oce I ay, Ili us precluding the frequetira nedeeeeereeee
of large fires, and also on both the Stock and Mutual
plan, n not onto possesses the cheapness and accom
modation of both methods, but entitles the insured to
a participation in the profits
It in uder the control of the following Directors:—
Jobb P Itutherfunl, A. J. Gillett, John B. Putter,
Samuel T. Jones, Alonzo A. Carrier, Philo C Fade
wick, Rohe:II:10M 1 RtiTttnitrOßD,P.Ct
A I 011,h1. - rY, Seel.
A A. CALM., Actuary
Jlreneb Olbee for Western Pennsylvania, 54 Smith.
Gehl street. Pittsburgh. Persona desiring Insurance
will be furnished with books of the company by cad
the ogler. eie3
63,Tutzo Vurr....11.
Orre Skra• and Whtle
•20.1111 C ,11 41 . Orwl. Jr,
FrreJtrk a,:.1 1/rrthr;
.S6urtr - r • ti rari orrorr,
1.4/1,1 . rbreut, •
•upertor article;
Figurer! Veralsro;
Black Sawn do
Navy noincrif.
Third street, appetite the Post Office,
.1./ London Art Journal for October
bile'''. Living Age, No t 7;
The Valley Farm; or the Autobiography of an Or
phan. Marti by Cbarle,J. Peterson.
Petticoat Government; a new novel, by Mr, Trot
l' itirrace Templeton. Dy Charles Lever.
The Iron klaitk—flowas• best wo rk, comp . lac:
Life of Yankee 11111—_ •
Gonevlove; Cr Pleasant Love and Sorrow. Dy A
1:4 2 L Boa "' tatt " f&irktpeare, No 21. oc2,
TENNI' LANE • beautiful Ethiopian Song; as sung
03 by the New Orleans Serenaders;
Oa watchful aud beware;
Oh: Dinsh, take Otis hand; •
The Maiden's Tear; -
The Mich Man's Bride;
Would I were with thee;
By 'die Sad Sea Wave. as sung by Jenny Lind in
New York;
The Bird and thr Malden, sung by Jenny Und;
' Take ode line, sung by Jenny Lind:
Two 001 ...Sri • beatilifilbsluet, by S. C. Buster;
81eIghina Polkai by Starkest!, Jenny Lind in v iWito
Good I,tiek; Jenny at the Gant; Lavin., and Dod
watt'', very lien Polka; alw, new %Valises and en
tensive selection °Melt Prreepiars of beet =ten
ii GLEBER, lot Third Greet.
oel9 Golden Gory.
DUNHABI'S ri&h011.
8010 Aviary for Demahastais
KLEMM takes p(ensure in announeing to the
pubLic that he has succeeded in seeming the
sole areney for Dunham's celebmted .Ptano Porte.,
for Western Penneylvania.
The Pianos made by Mr Dunham, cif the lint of
•Stodatt & Denham, are too well end thvbrably known
in this uelghborbood toenquire soy contemn, •t this
time, suffice it to say, that for It long time an other
planes were &noon, in the Westernuntry than
More of Shodart & Dunham and Nouns &co
Mr. Dunham, the praeucal partner of the above
Grut, has spent' upwards of tmenty.yenrs in the far
mry of cold firm, att practical notuarki sod director of
the business. Within a year or two Mr Denham hat
bought oat the enure factory and appurtenances of the
Gem, and continues to munufaeture, as before, 10 hi•
tame. Denham's hone, have emitted Curia
popularity, that In some of the western Moen, Cincin
nati, be , !they have send two to one of env other
mattufactute. They net diblingillihrd i.e {heir power
and brllltancy of tone, and extranolinarlduttibtlny.
N. 11.—A Imre moire of the above el rant Pianos
now receiving. SIGN (IF THE COL EN lIARP.
de this day Iman tite
fa Ferrnade—Arranced as Dorn
Jeannenc and tenon.. for Guitar.
Voice of by roue day•--triater
Away down in Caim—fnte r-
Watchful and Beware—Clover.
Brander many other popular Sone. snit Pieces.
II Kulinn.
!tiro of the Golden Ilarp, Third rt
lIALTII, Due., •nd Rcmcdy By Dr Moine.
Adelaide Lindsay, • nOreli fly the author or
"Lennie Arnold," "Norman, Bridge," an, &e.
Life and Coireepondenee ni Rant rlouthey- part 5
Dinbon'a lirinte-sth and Gin vol—eninialetidn or the
work Rceeneed and for eale diy
1,1,4 • R C STilflGTliN
E - • • .
NG IASI! filtA7sl llp R --The English hanrusite in
1•r - elements and form., with a nitiory of n• origin
and deaelotiement; desianed tor use in oollrges and
tehonla. Am. C Fowler: l•te proliamor of Rhetoric
an Aachrryt Coll•gt.
Astronomy—The In me itrogrsry l;p _ .11 A•t o ro . no . my,
Pouth Africa, arulh notices name nany, and
•necdoter of tha chary of !ha ele Omar. I , li , rnTo.
aim*, rhinoceral, fen., vrtih IllurtraLons Ily
11.11 Cumming /Ince/year fur male by.
417 111.1 get
JUST rerrivrd AL II Ia.I:BER'S Nam,
foliowing Soutr—
- - .
In the rye there Iles the Heart. f Love tut Thee.
The iVatchor. The 1% hoe and Ned Rases. Nancy
Bell. lie doeth an things well All to over Where
re now the hopev I rherodlert I. Serenade. sep 7
. o r r
w of4e
! C ,
„, o n f
reeetvcd at Holmes' Idtrrary (lento, Thera street,
opium. the Pool Othee, also, Piten Parry, or Trolls
of the Ileast, °helm, George Cnstrtot, unnamed
Searhlerbeg ktng of Altsen, be Clement C Moore,
L D and 3.1101 1.11,..14. Wrong Age sep,l
Just 'timely.",
LARGE and ostensive a...arts:tent of PATENT'
&aged endlesa variety embraced in the avvoruneui
may be tonna the
Dor. Covers, Carnage Ciotti, Air Red., A, rd.
lows,lAir Cushion., Water Pestle, Tab:lron I . rmehev,
nulling Boats, Coats, Cares, Cloaks, Tarp:Mtn.,
Gloves, Mitten:, rancho, M '
AI. Elastic, Porno.,
Door Springs, , Maehine Banding. Sou' Beater.,
Machine Oaciting, Gunn 11:anart., Vor Bolden, lat • Pretrl,CtS, Travelling Gag., 1. 4,00. Bag.,
Ilithlng Mat., Dolls' Reads, Dogs, Lion., Saddle
Rags, Air Balls, Font 10.11., Ladies' wash Glove%
Ladies' Gam Shoes, Garda' Gana Shoes, Leggings, Ac.
Every truck SOW at this ettatdmlainent is AV arrailldi
- Dawes. all the eharacteriatm• essentiat to wader
prOal goo,* vird—insolability under 11.119 degree ol
hest, Illeslhin , y in the
severe, cold, great durability,
' c ' iJo b r n Xr . P v ' a e l f e " iL ;117
Nee v AC Wood Street.
imp'9 .7 A B I'llll.l ll'S
• -
HOUSE &SION YAINTINIi nod tilnzing, prompt.
ly nod neatly excreted.
N. 13 —We artab it din.inetty uncle-mm.l, that we
can do Peinting and Glaring oe cheap a* any other
vaulter. ,he pity, a.d a,n dere rrroned to do it.
Spring Flower. do; Jenny I.tod Ile. Amtuelle
Vinegar; Amend., Preenin Soap. for veloterong
the .kin; Almond Shaving cream, Ro.n do do, Am
brosial do do; Hooey Soap; FMaitng do, Amend.,
ato; 'Hazel Not (lii do, Itner do, Morello:lel:ow 110,
Lloquet do, (town
u r n) do, deer ,
For sale, erboleeale urn) reta/i. by 11 K SELLERS,
eeQI9 hr Woull et.
51 1 1 . y o ' n 1 ) , ' : -S ae r c ) 1 D ort - ne P t-Ti r g S nal t ii 4 , " a k r,JVa n rr " ::ie n' e,
Linseed ((1., Roiled title. Feint Henri., Sal Too.,
Window Gis.s, moo. tzo,l wbole.ule
and retail on seer - nomad mine , tern.
4 , . p0em...04a totted or dry p. or
who onsh to do tlamr own painung. ran re he
neeeksary lure:ton. cram.. J PHILLIPS
sem._ 72n Wood • t
ON hard and sore from the Pal
hillipavo Feetery,
tor the tall trade:-
500 yd. 3.4 Floor Oil Cloth; tooth Ida 4.4 doh 004 0.1.
5 4 do; 5113 yds 54 dm 101111 yds 6-4 do, _ahn yd• Own
do, medium and henry, from 4 la f, yards wide, all of
the newest style of patterns, and cm to any give. mtm
700 yards 44 Portman. tlit Clothe, 400 yd. 5.4. do,
500 yds 64 do.
100 dozen assorted aloes Table, Stand, and Damon
Covers, •artou. patterns, mod nplendot
11041 yds 4-4 Patent Carnage 011 Cloth; 500 yds 5 4
000 yd. 44 do.
3010 yd. Oil Cloth Crash for stave, a.,nrlrd ran,ra.,
MU yds 4-4 Otto O. Cloth lot Window 1111114111. :10u
yard.,'.-; do
Wtndor. Shader, • large nalortment lull rceelerd
newer, .tree..
Merchant., and other% weeelaind to ' , melee., are in
tied to end and exam/. rem as.ertetscnt of doodee
Melt will lee sold at the lowest ea-tern intre•
J n II 11111.1.1 PS
acid. 0 7 k 11 Wood •t
S•naparills Soda h. L•mnn Syrup.
20 kers Sarseeparella Soda;
20 Gls do do,
20 born. Leman Syrno,nade from pure lemon mice'
Jun facorad and for aide by
hi I MYR k nielZl`l,anbi
W OW. 14 WI HOOO5. -
THE undersigned h. on hand, and t. ltd. day re.
ceiving Boni the manufacturers, or. eon...sent,
a large lot of Flannels• all colors, plain and balled,
Also, Red Manama, Blanket Coating, Beaver
Cassimeres. Bennet. and Tweeds; winch he will sell
by the ease or piec at 111.1 1,1%.11.1,11' one.. The
-•tentton Cl dealers in woollen goods I. invited.
Ltner:y st
108 Market .(near Lite•rty.)
Satin and Panay Ve•timp.,
wriment of FANS, and c•rry varicLy
Ealt side of the Dtainand.
T •mtablishmeui the puithe tan al wart
end upon being sapplted with ex eel lent Team nt
'veg.:lmae _e.—they have
Excellent Tens at
t , upertor Cjunlitte, --• . • • It
'the Itemt T. n Import...l •—•—• I. On
This is dertdedly the chemical, end beet more In
ut buy Teat. AlLtltHlti AII A ‘VORTII
1;1, Ene-
IFsh t.t . t 7 lsonl,.att th , e ' h7s P l c Al . sn ' ttla; n ' t Sew. next.
Roam over J. It, %Vahan, Nuar, cornet of Woad
and Filth -.keel..
7 1 1 ..M.11.
Reg. Wm. R Howard 1 Hon. Welter II Lowrie
Rev. . EIJI. , J. D. l'ilet:ord, F...,,
Hey. Dr 1110,i111. J. I): %Vahan., F.
1.1.7 RC inform their co•lom
Wier. and buyers generally that. ICI etni..ettnenee
of working, being eneage..l colargine niol improv
ing their Store Hoorn, lacy have removed their lOW.
to the Suritin ?roar of the buildlor they occupy. until
the tentiroveutentr are linislieLlt where they will 1 , 0
happy to see their customer. as usual, and for the
trouble of walking up stairs, will try and rr
then, by eelltnr them Chrnp fiends.
trf Entrant,- from Fourth *trier.. awed
L A WrENCE'd Ill d A o llt 61 , )VEli,g: I n n olc, I fr o r r I.:d . ils,
do do do dn double.
do do do I do Bath
d. do Strny. for I..nd/o+
do do do int I;cnna
do do do his
do I/condoll liruirbo.
Imported and for sale by
ontl?. II A l'A lINESTION A Ino
._ .
French Broacieloam
URPHY S UURCHFIELD have part opened •
orevh vupply of the varionaqualitire of the ahoy
amale, including Linea twilled, very fine. AIPO
French Doeskins nod Caseitnercs, black rind lane) ,
and Ellice Satin Veining, at very low pnces for
no•Uty 5015
801-s. Satinet.
MURPHY & BURCHFIELD bars received • Int
of handaoma Fancy Mixed Satinets, for Boys'
yy nn , also, Plaid and Elam Cashmeres in great
ly,kienno , Casstmerev, Kentucky leans, Black
and Market omen.
Tabby Velvetin &c., at north Ono( earner of Fourth
'IIUFF'S 'WOK KREEINti—A - sapid). of
J) Book Keeping and Blank Books reed by
Corner of Wood and
OFFER for We, of the
Irom Europe,
or., reLned, in case.
:errev.Corn b Powd, kg,
orb. Ammon, cake &jar.
I arm Green, In cane
Bourn Stone, in ceata
Floor Sulphur do
Castile -Soap, In boa
Calc.Alagneam do
Carh. do do
Lae Dya, powd In brio
Cub. lion. in kegs
Citric Acid. In lb bottles
Pule. A ntimonialie do
Aq. Ammon Conc. do -
Calomel Fur: do
Oil Amber Reel do
hods Potash do •
Creasote,White do
. dr, CO.,
First .te., Pittsborgb,
W own linotterintson, ditte
Acetic Add
Orange Flower %Peter
Bole Almonle
Pill Boxes, paper embos'd
do willow
Vial Cork., assorted
Adhesive Plaster, Eng
Roborans do do
.• do
(lalbenum do do
Klaterlum do do
Clmne lran, Eng
Preelp, Cab. loon
Aleppo Galls
Triietagoel Lint
Mortara and
Pestles ooti
Oil Lavander,Spike
= do Gard.
Oil Rosemary
Oil Bitter Almonds
Oil Calepot •
Oil Croton
Pink and Bine Saucers
Cardamon Seed
Ralph. Zinc
Belle. , Teats-, prepared
Gentian Root
Rhubarb Root
Polishing Putty
1.1. Red oe3
do in oz eil.
lodine Eng. into( lb bottles
lodide Iron, in oz vials
Contßentin,in lb Ale
Potinibrib bold.*
11100 Pill Eng. in lb jacn
Itsl , .l.ignnrico Eng. in bin
od blapziin In It. bottles
Tl . Einctic do
P Acid, in oz Title
ric Acid, in boo
et blsitln,'ln kegs
FlaaValcrian Wen
XTRAIPII4 of Aconite, Belladonna, Colicjillti
Coop, CU' Ilyosciansus,Ftranwincum,
Inns, Tarasseum, ttnrsuparilla, Quassia, Hops, Cal.
chic, aces, and Indian Ilemp,
Imported •nd,for sale;lly .
Cor. tiro t Wood ..
Salting oot at Cott to Class Daslnes.,
A LARGE ewek of DRY GOODS, for which bonds.
morigages, judgements, ground rents, Of real
estate, orifl be received in payment.
J 03.11,11006,
ild Wood st., Pittsburgh.
ARIIffIINOT is receiving a largo asaortmente
%if Jitney lad stapler, va Nary, and Dry Wails, casuists
!,1 174 7 A, ` ,11. ° , ` ZanzirtTht "d c=o7e.: B K I VI . ;
en and Wort ted Comforts; Alpacas and Bombazines;
Wewlen and Canton runnel.; Colored and Bleached
Cvseinem and C
ase/mares; Ribbons and
Laces; flunnns and Camber; 'lltreads and Bindings;,
Ilmhrellas.and Mesa Done, de.
All of Match, cottotry and dry merchants are re-,
apectrally Invited to clot:aim, at n 9 Wood et. acpls
T HAVE, this day, ted with me Mr. 1.71
I Onus*, in the Wbo!elide Grocery and Prodtte•
Ituemess, the style of the firm wadi he A. Culbert*.
A Clouse. 117 0 1 A CULBERT:4OW
`i7 ROC ERA and Commission Mer-
Mamfaclured articles,l;:ril.ric d n 4 7.l,7i d naro " rilWa h .
/31 •
(IA FIT Worked Oak Flooring Boards
1.5„0 lit P perfectly dry, end of supertor qualitj
or sale I , y S. oLABICE.
midi:nth! rtharpshorsh.
lis-oam Power and Rooms for loot.
potttuoned od mos, to suit tenants. With
11‘tr.sto l'ower, for tent, in a business part of the
chyl t.y SCAME & ATKINSON,
uo,l Fir.; st I , oloer.n Wood & NlntteL
A pparrsr las for ClearaSng Stove Pipe
without I•klug down.
I NN'CNTED Frodrna Mores, and made by
Firri •• t.etween Wood & Martel et&
I. fl. icivroao,
11. , 1.1 !LAO rand itrtnil Dealer in
I:l , ven:llagicry, and Yarns,
'Oren, add Donne! Triumnnga,
Larc linfais and I , ..nbroldrne.c
Fornndoing &rocks;
Z,phyr, lVroa4rs , Panama, and Cane.%
d Hoard, T.lna rapnr, and
rinser r Mittens', Nu Si Fourth street
Carpets. 011 C/1141.1, La.
c;re roost . anrlJ . rex , : v 1 , 3,! 1
Cloth, common, in part the following varieties:,
New an Rieh Style Velvet Pile Carpets,
do do Taiperdry DromeO do
do do English & Ammo. Brussels;
New style prinVd Tapestry 3.1, 7-4, 6-4, 54, 4-4, and
Cs Toni 11.4 Od Cloth
Faun .per :1 ,!y carpets Sheet Oil Cloth, out to ISt
dharnho do do say use hall or room,
do Inltmn do various styled and goal,
do do tles
do Chenille Rugs
, 3u gouloti :n do Tutted do
1-1. 34. end Y Damask Chenille Door Mats
Volution enroets Tufted Jo do
1.4. 0-1. mid Sc Tarestry Thrum do do
Vent." catpeis Sheepskin do do
1.1. 3 1.3-o, and v-4 plain Jonny Lied do do
Vrunwn CILIINGtA Frausparmut Window
1-4, 34, a. and 4 1 cotton Shades
Veltman ratio, 'Mt Window Linen
9-1 rotten Druggett Drub do do
6.4 woolen do I Vcidlian Rands, Etc.
P.C4 do do
Woolen Stair Lltuglett
All of which have born pco d finni
urchaset'the import.
err and inundfaeinters, mprialng the nowestand'
richest styles, which two otter to customers as low as
ran he pmehnsed an y of the eastern cities, call at
the Carpet Watchoure, c 5 Fourth st land 1t) Wood mt.
rII.OIIRU., aortrtr !t , ett.,)
Wr.olt tet.trnieet the late
thercnerally, ustclCr that they will
~r une, i.O IMII/111.401tIte
I In nil thrlr varottiea, st the Old Stand,
No !I 3 Wood st, between First tr. Wa{tr.
FCEIVED Bits lay, at W. illeelintock's Carrie
t Wor , .l:ou•e, Nn. s 5 Fourth street, and 7h Wood
street, very spandsd o assortment of Curtain Goods,
mlI to pan dm folloanne Vat,lle..
o n old Bnuo Itelaink;
Blue and Cnmeen do;
l.carlei and Sleet dn,
',sr:, and ka bin Union Damask;
Crunam end Ahlut
e do;
Blue do do,
Orange and Blue Satin Damask;
Crimson and Purple dn,
Embossed Turkey Red Chink.;
Figured do do;
Plain do do;
Bad Window Lincn,•
Drab do do; he, he.
Tne above goods being purchased direct loom the
Importers and Manurecturera will he sold as Cheep
tiny can be 111 any of the eastern thief. We in
•fie all wishing fine entrain Goods to call at the Car,
.pet Warehouse, 85 Fourth Greek
. _
ted Pare Wines and Bread lu r
QuiTABLE for Medicinal Putpoves always
CI Latin and for rale by the be1t:v.102,4 oteallon at
omit r• A Wine Store.
Deme•lte We — Olsen Goods.
ONE es, Mock Cloth Shorn,.
I ease Yellow FLnnel r.
2 rave. Red do:
es, Red twilled flannels
ce,• White do do,
leaves :Attired do;
cosea Plain nod Fancy Cemierteree;
enve Ssititett,
3Clsn Alpine;
I rave memos;
1 caves Blurt Mtn Blanket Costingij
Teo,. litey Blankets;
cores laelo Blankets;
I rose Blue do;
2 CR.% White Bed Blankets;
50 pairs Storm Bost Blankets;
Received on roorirnreent, Ind at sale et intinufae.
to price. Ly If
apP,, tilti Liberty street
T l . l , l , ... c e , 7l . , ns i o , r7 e d ‘. i t e . :2l , 7llt w ed v ro produce the within
• • •
rh ma . for m 2 ,111, Mead, Tea Cakes, Duet
wheat rates, de., by which a raving is elfeeted In
the Floor of about 13per cent.
To smoke Itread—To each pound of flour add two
marpoonfulr of COII4IOIIOO end the aqual quantity o
oak, rm., them thoroughly together white dry, Ma.
Make, It prepared dour that yea can ret wade and
nun at leisure), then add a, notch cold water art will
make the dtmgh the u , uul thicknearo knead It well,
r0..1 let stand lateen 11110011, before ' baking, one. or
two hour. ma Jo no hurt. Macon should be mixed
much thinher. and baked at once, but Taal do no lion
to stand bileen or twenty manatee. Timm is n 9 dan
cot ol pelting too much of If. COITIVOUIId in the
Mead. will not turn thr bread yellow as "tenting
does when used to agoras,
%len can Put the above t'enuponnd into Tea Rakes,
Pe &hut., Johnny Cake, Indian Cakes, (huger Cakes,
corn Meal Bakes. Corn Dread, Drown Dread, Bowan,
Dauer Cult., Buckwheat Cakes, Apple Dumpling.,
PUt Pier, and for all baking parrot...,
Bold by R SF.I.I.ERS,
bib 57 Wood al .
riIittPTACTORY erected nu the comer of Rebecca
and Correy street., lonizing through to Larock
111001, recently put in thorough repair. Price mode..
and tee to,. eo.y. Apply la
HOPS -40 bales Western N York;
t 7 bales Eastern, on hard and to arrive
- -
F ... 1
- ~. he's largo N. 3 Mackerel;
do lot. do No 3 do.
rI, In Nn l ,In.
td W.I. do tto
In drum Cod F.rh, nrrlrlne, (or rule by
Steam Host Trimmings.
TAT Nrcel.INT(iCK invitee the attention of chum
VT • boat men iohivexteraaive aarortment of trim
motisa, comproing in part Om hot owing •artellec—
Rich and eireent Moe and Gold Satin
do do Crintron do.
do Seat'. and Steel do.
do Pint end Blue do:
do Gnomon rod Brown do,
(trona. and Whit< Union Darnaek,
Slue do do;
Srtrick do do:
Cronron,Green, Blur, and Scarlet Ditte.t;
Watered Morcott,
Wortard and Ltii. Tiale CovermAl
Strtped Toilet do do;
Turkey Red tr White do do,
Turkey Red & Blue do do;
7.4 and n. 4 Wertard Table Carel.;
74 and 44 Table Lmen;ls 4 Bleached Sbeellng;
Scotch Diaper, 5-4 do do;
Scotch Napkin, Embossed Tette Covets;
Scr'eh Craeli;l Plaid ts Toilet do do;
1:4 !Peached Sheeting - , Ma, he. Sm.
Allot are dweet trom the manufacturers ar3d
01 the newest and liCileit eakila and pat
tern, ail ot which ratil be cold as cheap as any al
the eruitern eiiirn. We invite steam boat men to glee
Os a call Si nor Carpet Warehouse, bre.'63. Fourth at
o. J
70 wood., lain) W. kIeCLINTEICK
‘T for 'sic wholesale and Mall, by
illurphril Bair Sealing Advertising tint
No 263 /Wads= arra, New York.
THE subscriber in soliciting th e patronage ofalt
who oily see this adveinsenierd, feels none of
that hesitation; with which -a new article is brought
before dm public. The experience of years hos et
tablithed theirinperierity beyond all question, and
be, confidently reran to th e 'valiancy of those ban.
ness men, who homeland them envelovee mid to his
rapidly increasing sales, as proof of their excellence.
Thefallowing an a &w of the teasel:m(4.r foals pops
l arity.•
Ist. On the place occupied by the rem si person may
have his name, business, and address, eonspiceottely
and 'beamlfelly embossed, colored or plain, thus af
fording perfect security egelost.frand.. lid. The En.
'elopes cannot be opened without bung destroyed.
3d. Neither wax nor wafer. are reunited to seat theta.
4th. Upon the miscarriage of a letter the •seal Minuet
its bronediate return to the sender Instead of-being
burled menthe In the Dead Letter Office. &b. The
. pa tth .T e h: s . am .fll
o.i ri m e mg e ati ooto,.
Plain ones. 6th. Each letter mailed am ni on ls ffiv
advertisement; sum to 5,10541 the attenti of all
a list of prices fo r Die. en cane d on-brats, and which
will lest for e arm and Of Eavelepes of the usual sire,
either white or beg, of good paper, and made an above
Prices of Dies. Prices of Haven.. med e
lo letters or lam • . 114 00 es above
10 sO.
40 8 6 0.2 "' • 1 7 0 SO W
10004000....:.-.. •
In 00
80 to 100 15'00 11 CO
spermt le not eonven rot 'to for Ward amount of
order ,tor repress, a reference ton respectable
New York House will be mmeiruL All orders will
meet with prompt attention if addressed.
Olden will be attended , to Mpedrom ium sit.,
New York.
ptly lf
let at the
moms of Messrs 84.11 & Mott. 10 Wall street, or of
Meagre. Jeroliman &Co ,131 Winhor,
. N. IL—Business Cards embossed in 010
cr. 'from
same Dies, at $lO par thousand. tinZ:dffro
Fx:visii yam &Ha and Paslap with hap,
which ate anch,l and ornamental.-
A lit ' es2; . ( C.Z; ( 7l l . 4 lc U s 4 1I ' ot i ft4;1 '
a .a
Haman Life. utaitain ' Ty. Alla. A nng
Stream of Time, Family and Bch:9l,Mortitara, Out
110a Maps, Globes. Chins, , at life
Cal_ 65 Muket at
vLoua senuozn
WILMARTII & NOBLE. 'ell their Extra
Flour, delivered, on end after the lo November,
at 11 WS per Ito Itie, tamarind, at n per LOD Lb.. A
liberal discount to retailers.
onlcuslanimots PIANOS.
JUST HECEIVED,-1 new stock o;
filiffilChlckerine46,lll and 7octive Pianos
also, a richly carved 0 , 1.210P1•30, the
most beautiful Instrument ever brought
to this city. Theta Piano. will be supplied as usual,
al Boston prices, winner? on canoe trot Moth
PoIIeATION ent 1115‘. Also received, aline hit of Rose
wood plain and carved Piano kitooish WILL silk plinth
and hair cloth mats. For sale by
Arent for Cluckering's Pianos for Western Penn's.
Nir W. WILSON, comer of hlaiket and Foimh
Strecte, has weeired by exprehtts twe nt yornin,
11. rplendid Chronometer Watches, Jewell
and eighteen Kant.. These 'ratchet were made ez
primly 40 my order, and of superior Workmanship.
Alto, on hand, the largest and best assortment oi
Gold and Silver %Vetches atter offered for !mile in this
airy. Gold Patent Lever Waltham, from SW to SOW
three dozen on hand, from $3B to CO, of best duality
• old, and warranted time. turn
I ) (I.9SRS. SINGER, 11ARThLb24 & CO. have
Lk& bought the COO of an Atte, interned by Mr.
Samuel Getunger, called Pheikeld Patent, it has been
tested by oar best coach builders, and pronaunced to
be the beet in use. An ordinary - roach, with tent of
these axles, ruontng dally, will consume a half pint
of oil in eix months The email quantity of ad and
is one of the best evidences we have Of the gnat re
duction of Bingen, and consequantly . great taring of
power; it will make tho coach proprietors to save 23
per cent. on their stock and feed. Alro, it will give
veal tefety
t o o t n
the Ilia revolving with the
wheel and not haysng any connexion with the axle
will entirely prevent the wheel from Coming ofl.
By proper care, the patentee* will warrant thole
axlea to last from twelve to fifteen Veen daily running.
Warehouse, ten Water and 140 Petit street& Pitts
burgh, Pa. no.Z
. - - -
THE nnegoallad success which bas attended the
POUND and BLOOD PURIFIER, ineffectually ettr-
Aterhallifil -
O a aufftelent guarantee and recommandnuon to In
duce all who ara a/Butted with Olt dreadful disease
to to Its MUM.
Hundreds of rues, many of them dn.. of St.
Louis and others from abroad, have been eared with.
in the last few months to the city of Bt. Louis alone;
while linen from agents &band dory also that It Is
performing the suite *memoir tried.:.lilany of these
we Chronic eases of lung needing and all hope of
reeevery bad been given op. While; others were of
more recent dire, of the acute inflammatory form,
very severe. All. however, yield tti the wonderful
virtue. of this medicine, and thousands who have re.
shred As benefits, end are nowict the .07332419. t of
'health eon but esteem the orl al:discoverer and
proprietor, a betefactor of maallnd.
It is well known from the experience of the past,
that co outward application can possibly effect a per
manent cure of tats dreadful disease. By the appli
cation of stimulating liniments, pantel relief, to some
while, may be obtained for a .lion tiara Hat all the
this disease lagging Ito grasp more permanently
the system, and sooner or later well vain develope
itself Ina mere dreacifel form, and alter a few peri
odical returns, it seines into a chronic form, which, if
not non nr reed. ruins the individual tor life. This
vcrand by tie lanieryted by th Of the pest la .11 countries,
auJ more (oily dento,trae history forrnhed
of Into la the proprietor of this compound, as given by
eeral hundreds of mon ebb bane pus d under los
'main:lista notice and treatment doting the last few
DLitAiD PURIFIED to an Internal remedy.— tom.
mences operetta. where the dimes e grat
news. and, in purifying the blood,
ure passes through the
whole spetem, neutralizes the Imp ssr caustic rein
went which has settled upon the membranes, muscles
and tendons—removea e mutely from tbe eyatem, and
restores the individual to perfect health.
Let those mite are afflicted ant deceive themselves,
and pat Of the use of this medicine too long, or until
Meth limbs are dislocated or contracted to each a de
gree that they are:cripples for life. The experience
of hundreds of thousands during the past, as atoll as a
multitude at the pretreat day, demonstrates the folly
of expecting permanent relief frau. external applt.
The proprietor of dile valuable mediator knows
from experience, that no outward application can
poasibly edict a permanent core where this disease Is
firmly &rod In the sysiem. lie CM and does prepare
and apply an embrocation in vary acute eases, watch
will give relief in one boor's time, hat this will-Cot
effect a permanent cure, The naafis. of this disease
is such that it requires longer time, and as Internal
remedy, to produce the desired effect, and Mat Maare's
Rheumatic Compound and Blood Parifier is the only
remedy that has ever been dixovered, *Ube r inane n.
ea or any other country, that will effectually core this
This medicine can be had, wholesale or retail, at
73 Third street, next to the Post OtLee, Pittsburg b.
Price, 83 per bustle; 6 boutea tot $23 , or 84.5 per
detest Pamphlet, can be had gratis of the agouti
nogid R. 11. WISRART.nrent.
Through la FOOD Days
XT .
6 take pleasure in announcing to the hlerehants
of Pittsburgh and the Western Voidness rem.
munlty, that on and after Monday, the 10th of Sep
tember, we will receive and forward goods via the
Control Rail Road, sod goarautre them to be through
in Four Days. Slur extensive stoeterCusand Boats
enables vs to offer the above expeditions route to the
public whilst we still continue our usual to
liarrieburg and Columbia.
blotch:tau wishing goofs brought from the East
with certainty and dispatch at low rater, or produce
shipped One. are Invited to cation
O'CONNOR, ATKINS tr. CO., Pittsburgh.
ATKINS, O'CONNOR & CO., Philadelphia,
Pthe roprietollowingors of the Pittsburgh Trarisportanon Line;
f C o o. Al l & Co., Al North strecf., Baltimore;
E. Bursa, 0 Battery Place, New Tarr;
Eadzorr A Gusto, 14 Bonn, strout, Boston.
Elospratts. Patoat Soda doh.
T IIE bet rabe rs ate now receiving, by canal, large
Len qualt
euica oftlamss 1110 Sop's tuh test, and
ly Glass Alaters,sprattit
Soda Ant, whic g h they aoll
sell at tite„lnwest mean price, for cant ar approved
bills. W do hl MITCIIII6LTRLT
or2l Llbeny at
VIR. F. lIARBORDT, (pupil oral. Oral Earope.
ILL marten, ) late of New 'York, respectfully intorms
the citirtns of Pittsburgh' and Allegheny that ha ha.
arrived, and intend. making this city his peosnment
residence, for the purpose of imparting instruction on
the Piano. Applications Intuit Alm White's Boarding
house, CO Liberty st, or at 11. Kletierb Music Store,
mill meet vent, prompt attention. (N l6
G EN'S Henri 611 k Vesta and Drasverai
do Fine (derma do;
do Warm Saxony do;
do Plain and Fig'd Silk Cravats.
Fine Shins, Collars. and Bosoms;
Silk, Cotton, and Warmed suspenders;
Turkey Red Drooling Gowns;
Ponied Flannel Robes;
Russia Belt.; Umbrellas;
Silt and Linen Pocket Miffs,
Wool and Bockskin Gloves;
Super Kid snd Silk Gloves;
Scarfs, Comforts, and Piano; •
Just received and for sale by
G 2 I
Fourthl EATON,
To Excel in Riine• Pass, Arm.
IF you Wish In excel in we art or eiskine,litince
Pies, Cakes, Podd;ngs, he.; Fon kini use Ito fol.
liking articles:—
nand Pound Cements;
Vale:mos, or English Podding Etisins;
Candled Orange Peel;
Candied Lemon Peel;
Fresh Citron Peel; •
Grape Joke;
wench Brandy.
All the above snicks sro for ale at
no 27 Tea Store, bast %Ida of lie "and.
rilnn4C4katn , Ullrlo DM on nand 1
j .25 8 DILWORT
CHEESE -165 las W. R. Cheese
f 9 bEs Cream do; lor sale
:303 WICK.& NEC
'FIE subscriber invites th e anention , ar
and when, to hls Imp and sell movie.
atel"TahieleTtil.Dif,e,'Nvtir and Dns
all sizes anil prices, constantly on bawd an ,
1 0 +, 1, 1 • Vl= 1 , LI
Boas he Mind.
sttllE beat of Wines am! Brandies, valuta • far roe
dteinal or o th er purposes, can alsraSs he • .o.r.d
lesain or retail at MORRIS h. fur 0 • 711'3
m2O Tea & Wous likoreOn tho Dimond
G" AHADIC74OO b. for a by,
aol3 3 I/DD
YQL XVIII. - NO. 126:
IiNOW all tarn who . arelick and a filleted , arith dia.
ease of the blishder and% idneys. rahrheumatic
p• la back or limbs, sax)o mts, old sores, miming
edema, &e, that theyeau be need by taking the Pe•
troienat! Yon may Mit:about iLS beirtg• a 001 - 571e0 at
mach an you please. hat this does not make It so, for
vre proclaun in the face of an nearest community, that
it has virtues which am no. contained 'in any other
rented). 'The man-who is racked vial pain and suf
fering from disease, eattfor Ally cents. get rebel from
any of the ills ennumerated above. Reader!, it coat.
Vet) little to make atrial. This Petroleum is,no mtg.
turp—tat , eompond, put op for • the prunes° of imposing
on • the community; but it le a remedy elaborated I.)
themaster hand of rattum, rind bubbler up from the Do-
tom of our mother earth in its original parity, and of
fers to Meeting Immanky a ready remedy,, a ennain
NQ cheap tare. -
Ithas cured Piles after, other medicines have failed
tp render any relief. It has tared Rheumatism of long
nod of the work end roost psintul character.
s cured Cholera Marling by one or ; it
bp-cured old eases of Diarrhea, In whiche v e ryther
remedy has been of no agall, frig local remedy to
bares and maids, it is bettor than eny medical coo,
pound or ointment thatve'e khour of 'twill cure chil
blains or frosted feet, iu i few applications; nadoub
.era testimony can be famished of the, truth contained
la the above statement by calling on Simnel 11. Kier,
Canal Haan, tilt amen Or either oldie agents.
Knyser G ItleDourell, Corner, of Wood street and
Virgin Alley R. K Sellers, St Wood street, D. 'A. Fi
lial A A M. Curry, Allegheityicity, are the agents.
BEAUTY—I; Is univeriallygooteded that beauty le
.11_1100se common in this country tha noodles other
While at the game time nil maid the tin coon
tty It it lost at PO young an 'age Now thin to tine
to a certain elttefit, but the iota Is oflonnausediayne -
&et. We say to all, de not neglect your petrol.
tapiarance, but mail the following, and yen need not
lack good looks. These .articles are wientific pre
paration, and hart infettained a Inch 'popularity.
Jinn Ratio's Eau Dtvoto pa Vases AND NTISSIt
80ar, for removing tan, sunhat/I—pimples, blotches,
and other eruptions of theaktht the moat protect eon
nrnater of beauty every knhurn. Purchase; nothing
purporting to tg Nymph Sony, unlesaD has toy name
deal IlatraCt Panne Mt Cantos. Pinvon,for. im
Parting to the moat silicon complexion a , radiant
schoenen. In nothing should a person be more care
ful than the use of a powder for the skin, as many of
thew coldare very Minion. .Itly Chinese Powder is
romponded ina scientific Miutes, and contains no
tuaredient which en ponlitin Millet on inNIT-
Jetts Haera's ItattLATOSLIC rowan, for removing
superflunin hair. Mat is more unsishtly than hair
upon the face or arms of g lady. This article wall
remove it in a shop time, Without Mull, of any cheep
in ~nment
Jr.aa Vnanato -Infiniti /lean Dix will
Inatantanconly impato.„rrd, or 4
lies initially black; own;br or nithion color. it will
color the haigin a shorter time. and more cileeroally
Omit any other
, Dye, being 'at the same time intleMble.
Jutaa Haunt a SUSSUta CIISAN.--11 In really it plea
sure to shave with this contuf. Theo. i noue of the
44 ' , Nag ' , amnion usually expstirlieed in the are et 4 '
ll t Soaps. On the contrnY,ltleaves th e skin amoo smooth p
an and ,ped. ao as an infimPs, init'uot liable to become
imam Haunt'. RogaToorn Piasc.—Neat to ate LAO,
we think the Teeth wens intended as the greatest ern
mom to the human face; but when neeliimed, nothing
eijdisfiguring, or so go iekly Seel, My HMO Toot,
Pane will impart to the teeth pearly whiteness, at
the nom time keeping Mogi:tins tr.o and healthy.
Alga on hand, a complete "...moment of French,
Drillah, and American Peffsirogry and Fancy +tonic. •
JULES 11AUEL, Perfumer and literates,
Chestnut strum
For sale wholesale end 'retail, by
fi Co, and It. R. Pellets, .Pittaboren; toil John Par
gentand J. tiliteuell, Allegheny tliiv. Ca. 1,27—t,
Dr: Dose's Celebrated Remedies'
. .
DT JACOEt S. ROSP.,the dtecovc ter and sole pro
mrietorr of these most' popular and fteneheial
medicance, and also tho become of the celebrated
instrument for inflatme the Lanes, in ellecUng n ewe
of Chronic disease', was a etedent m that eminent
phyeician, Doctor Physic, end In grailente of the
University of Penneylvania, and for this, • &since
has keen engaged in the invest" of &image, and
the application of remedies t sato.
Through the age of his in Ing tube, to connection
wait hag Pnaphylemic Syrup and other of.. remedies,
he has gained an unpartiletled ernmence collar
those dreadful and fatal maladies, Tnltercular Coto
rumplion ;Cancers, Sernfuln, , lthentostism, Asthma,
Fever ag'l Ague, Pev,ers of all hind., C.ltronic Ery
ncielcs,ttand . all thusewilmtintie di:se/meg peculiar to
females. Indeed every form ofhil,canc vunts hem under
(ha use of his remedies, to which humanity to heir—
not by the use of one eompnand only. for that in in
compatiblp mri•h Phystologlca) Low, lint by the two
of ht g remeates, adapted to and Drusc.toril for cacti
E.Orarr form of thecase. ,Z •
Dr.'llwre's Tome Alterative: rifle, when urea ere
thelnvariably acknowledged or Ellfwmor to all ellen,
as a ;purgative or hero pill, Inerincol, ae they leave
bowels perfectly free learn coniveliene we 21.0
hi. Golden Pills IR admitted by the !acuity to peineel
peeullar.propertica adapted Id femnie ilweeeer,
being satisfied that a bare trial Fa eu , v 1 lo v,tab 11,h
what has beta yard in - the mindsoi tee man kepo oat,
The afflicted are (netted to cAll upon ar, r etil. and
procure (gratis) ore of the Bognor'. eamuilleta, giving
detailed account clench remedy .d lit undies:ion.
Dor sale by.the (11110 Wing LIgIVILT,EtsITcIi cc by MORI
drati.l/1 throughout the coentry.
J bovamaker &Go, 2-1 Wood street, Pittsburgh;
J Townsend, druggist, 95 Mork. et, do;
AA. deckhain, do meat 0,51 . .0. Allegheny city;
7o•Jlarkley..Darlizigion, Beaver co, to.
JnollDliott, Canon Valley, do to;
T Adams, Deaver, - do do;
1 1B,"441/into Si Sin 11.03 D, 41!m /On TIVe. Ctli Or
fierofula or King's Eva, Elieninatista. Obstinate Cala
neon. Eruptions, Pimple, arr Suotnles on th• Face,
Blotches, Biles, Chronic :win Eyes, Ring Worm
or Tatter, Scald Head, Enlargement and - 'mu of
the Bones and Joints, Stutthora Illeen, phinic
BYtoPlons, gciatiea r Litmbaga,—end , • eases
arising from an iniudicionifeoe of Alorcu , AM
SIM or Deop . y, Esposurc;nr lmpnolence Lila;
qi.o—Chronie Constitutional Disorders, ac
In tam preparation see have all We restormi• prh•
pertits of the TOO;cumbin,47l.lll consent, in
their utmost strength and eiMon ^ 7.
were made in the montilas tunr. of 01..ealettl u aril
it was found it could not he Unproved. Actor orly.
we find it resorted to &boort , nnivcrielly it r
Sc rotate. Liver Diseases, Nell Rheum, General l'ro•
tration of the Vaal Powern, and ell thane inn , ang
disease], of the akin no trying. o thopancnen, m d in •
parlous to We health. It tan tiinic, aperient um 'kb:-
infeclant. It ante sinilmocouily- neon the FlOl nee
die circulation, and Me linseeds, nod thus dire • fro
cense., which are onftnarily tbe rentat of diree iiror.
eat kinds of medicine, are Married on at I . Sli..
time through the instrumentality of this ono r edin l
agent. There are many veara cc relieving if in for ,
the time being, bat there in only one way - of re loving •
disease. No palliative, in mindyne, no topi it Mt
pliciann will remove It ,It limn be attacks at It
wane, In the Mad, of the Min . which eon e. Me
penman, the localities wham it to developed in albino
Mlnitill, mires, ulcers, tumorsi atinceiren, gin On ar
swelltngs, ac., as the cane oily be.
Thane fluidn moat be reached, acted neon, p shed
by soma powerful agent. Kuck an age; I it . node
Sarsaparilla, which gently stimulm.l w d lu:v w it ,. .r a nf p n , - ,
ra t t ' in a llt dc t p ,, e .::. ( eir at ' i ' l ' ir ' ll:nl mi e e u h tn a e n renb o res heir
Igor and tone lot genii merit ii dirt a meet. arid
Pin ill.** th e kelt** P6neff•le of dlncnse itself, of.d
hen that is gone, the symptoms necessarily digits
sr. The rapidity with until Me enuent reeneres
calif:nand ntrentith under thintriPlavioeuefiefain snr
rising. Each near caffein,. Mali n,.pplicil flannelly,.
did result • new cettieceteleff tin excellence: and
0 hive only to point of Oa aecumu Ivied teAtiittin‘e-.'
f• Malliteden who here eapiftleieva iii rd , ill
olivine° Inctedulity area of ftf, miff vain, ,
Lima. Miner of.u,e army bat kindly seityp, ,e,„
flowing letter from Clitininili4:— •
Moittnwar. inn. P.daria.
Mein. A. It .t D. Sands—blentlemen—l bee, l ease
t add my testimony in favor al year mania...a to o
d e ir m o e,
, h a op try ing . ) it :1 . .: lead e t t4t a ti t t
itt i , direr yr. a nfi b i r i I
i ii ,, n . e c te .
lied as I hnac been , .
I, l '"' u ' t d e i b' ut r 7ou fr t o 7lie the ar t n ' l n ' i cTO S ct i n t r r I l i a "re
tu ais :tier i was mmered with; a n e ,,• ' ; diL, L te 417 . .7..
caption of die skin, which Ow phyniciut could tint
tare. - I happened •o find your:Sarsaparilla . . a Mitre
n thij place, and 1 ementhering the popularity of We
edmine at homy, I purchnnall three bo In, which
ad the denircd effect of remitting my tit ninny eta.
• rely. With high regards, yearn c
llere Is another, ma:—
,„",,,, i !. M. PI/WAIL 1, It. A.
Nim g
ent . e;.labn.
Blear.. Smas—Gendemen-lel- have gt pleasure
i acknowledging to yea tbo ireatibenefit I, !Mee re.
e wed from the aim of your Savnipardlt .d sutifect
a tiedmonary dilesuie f I Medea vorage t Europe,
but • while there continued tit , . he iiihieted A few
week, after My return, I 'weft neised vat a vtolent
Immorrhage - or the lungs, unit hum Mc il sty and
grent prostration of strength Mat lonoWed Willi Um
pkotracted &faculty itf respiration, I ala, linty re
denied by the nsin af your Saftepusitn, win it 1 roe.
elder Sl . Most impottant nun :Mir velu,Me i ?Yee, y
In Melanin:lg art. I feel that divine .f tor naileen
years enjoyed so go. health sio sit I.lelinn.
Ve , Y gratefully youla, if S. Ktin.)'. ,011 E.
dleaditto following from
-. , .
' , Nate ()arcs tm, Nev. 17, Ibitt.
Wean: ffanda—Gent/meenl lake rho !then) , of
sendingyOU a letter arbith , 114 y. to al importance to
thaww ate saffetinv lhove dune. I tercarr,l
great:benefit from your 0.0 perdu, having been
eared of a malady alter suletior, em years. I hereby
ehoerttly certify to the gOOdieklyer or 3 QUE. a:l4,lmm,
and 1 ape God will reward yba for oil dm good ou
have done. A creole Coach bad 10trun,tot lac day
and night, and repeatedutat of rover induced ma
to bellave that I ehoold did alai consionprion_ . Clot
daY, While stalerinv a violent attack of Gamine fever,
a frierld persuaded ma 10 to your incoMprrable
thelne, but to tell the truth, I hid no conbacuce in it.
1 finally paretisard a toble t ein,l by rte aft nod the
heti , of God, / was restored to be tic t health than 1 bad
troo ped for eta year', I CAludd nay Lica% the author
of ado admirable medicine. •
with great motto,/ arn,*< lit tem ea r your obedient
servant, • . IiKOUPAZ
stock of
re. The
• tan, of
• foe ogle
ieezred and wad, orholesedieed by A. D.
p. DS. Dewmiste end Ctinolio, et/ Fulton ottce
.....eeer of WI Um, New Yore. yoIJ ado. by Drug.
gexterallY Ihrouglout tbefJnited Siatet and Coe,
ad& ;nice SI per bottle:m[lx bletlei for
oo,try De. B.I3AITTLir Bridgsrliin (no 411.'4