ESTABLISHED IN 178 b. P LUILIsIIED UV WHiTEti CO: 0.. warn) • (n Warr. ontirro sor.ontoo, Timm irrr.irr, NM nom To Dc:y p. per .011.. Trl-Weer:y •-•-•^, , • 0 a Weekly, la adnace)---• •••••• 2 4 0 D. o Clubs, al a reduced rag ELJPI CS OP ADVISKTIIIPOI ACRIZED CT PI C PITTIMMOn MESE Pim Sipe r es of Nonpareil or len) • one 1 itestion.s---.--•—• --Sp cfne &lay re, rach-idditionet notation.— 0,95 • Do. one week 1,76 Do. two wee ks•— • ---- 3,00 Do. three weeks— t Do. one month-- • --- 5,00 Do. two months— —• 7,00 Do. three monies•— 0,00 IM. four months •—••---.. - : De. ell months—. 12,00 Ito. twelve mooths•—•--- 19,00 etal l ing Card (6 lines less,) per annam• 10,00 One usre, ehangeable at plemere (per an- . oY~ezclu.lve of the paper.--. 93,00 Foreach additional square, Inserted over one month, ensfor each additional square Inserted ander the Pear ly rates, half price. Adverasententa exceeding a *mien, and not over 'Rees lines, to be charged as %square and half. Publishers Publishers not accountable far legal advertisements eer=e amount charged for their publication. clog candidaterfor office, to be charged the same as o th er advertirensents. AdVertivernents not marked on the copy fora epeel- Led timber of insertions, will be continued till forbid, and pfirment exacted accord, . Theprivilexes of yearly advertisers will be confined lgldly to their menhir businets, and .all other adver tiatmeals not pertaining to their regular beanies', as agreed far, to be paid extra. • .All.edvartbementh for charitable institutions, fire meanies., ward, township and other public meetings, ad midi like, to be charged halfpriee, payable strictly advance. Nan - Lege notices to be Cluser' CA cents. Death notleesinsened withatitcharge, sinless accom panied by. funeral invitations or obituary notices, and *hens° acnnopanted to be paid for. Reeder advertisers, and all others sending comma nleatiena,dr reuniting 'notices designed to mlll *nen. [lon to Fairs, Soirees, Concern, or any public enter tainments, where ohanres are made for admittance— all notices of private associations—decry noble de. • signed to call attention to private enterprises ode ale led or intended top remote Individual interest, can on ly be -Inserted anderstanding that the mune le In be paid for. If intended to be inserted In the lo cal colnotn, the same mill be charged la the rate of not ton than 10 seats per Line. Bishop or Fist Notices to be charged triple price, • Tavern Licence Petitions, to each. Legal and Medical adrertisemens to be gharged at call prices Real Estate Agents' and _Auctioneers' advertise eentenot to be ensiled under yearly rates, bat to bo a/lowed discount of thirty three and one third percent. from the among of bills. , 1C311[1.1 . ott 1 . 11-3ritiLT 13 DAILY ?Arr. One Square,thooa Wettions• •—• • — el 0 -Tat each additional inrenioa••. 37 atroartnazarm in - soccarf ram. One Satiate, (111 lines.) one , rmenion.-50 cm. • • cub additional tesertion. —25 " All translate advertisements lobe paid in advance. - - - WHITE k CO.Oaseke ff,'ZW2 fitSl. , l ES,Jame. 3 P. BARE A. CO,Cb F OS ftit JO3BROTHER, rOtliel DigPatca. JOS. SNOWDEN Mercury. JAMES W. BIDDLE, American. HIRAM RAINS, Etanlng Tribune. Pirrisma, Dec.l,lBo. CARDS. JOHN A. PAIXILINSON, ALDEIII,IA.N, Fifth Ward, Pe tw street, between O'Hara and Wale. An business promptly at- Vended to. , ALICIAJIDICIL 111. WATSON. 17 130 0 , RAVILAT LAW-015ce, cat Fourth= DAVID V. TUTTLE, TIMMER AT LAW, and Cow:maim:ler rot Psmarylvania, St. Leal., Mo. AS emmgamiestion. promptly artmered. 0c1,13-1I JAMES F. KKRU, ATTORNEY AT LAW:—Otrkee on Fourth street, between Smuhfiebl nod Grantatusburgh. eptl2-17 • - JOll2llll. RANKIN, A TrOlitNEY and Coastllor at Lave, and Commis. A alonet for the State of Pennaylaattta, St. Lotttg flo., (tam of Pittab gdarenees.Pittsbetraht Tlon. IV. Forward, llanp son & 1111.11., WCaeldlem &McClure, Jahn E. Parka, Masan. & Semple, McCord & Kinn. augl4-ty BIDWELL C 0 .3 --- vonwsatoinro MERCHANTS. Glasgow, Pa. (Visitlig Fury Poor Office.) 'Raving pertnaneody local./ at this platoon new and aubsumnlal ITharf Boat, we are . prepared m re ceive and forward promptly la all poniu on the river, and dandy and Beaver or Ohio Canals. BS. Co. O ,• w Juno 15.—jold -Nairn ...lain. VIIACLALEY, WOODWARD ie. CO, Who!aisle Oro. El • No 1.11 Maxim at, Philadelphia arot Pittsburgh Alban Works. IDENNETT, BEERY & CO, IButafanoren of Soda ,Ell Aah, Bleaching Powders, Miriade and Solpharie Warthoose No ,—„Water street, below Ferry, Frodertek(cormßeiter. BBRAUNMIME, Whol e sale arid Retail Dreg- Oral, corner of LI berty and Et. Clair streets, rifts et Is, Pa api alt. ,BleAtittl,TV tr. CO, FQ/war,lia, sair"..m C 141.4071 Idcreltunt, Cloa.l 11.4t1, Pmatortb I.4FLANTlWholeshle Grocer, comwt.mon and Ciforsranlinellerchant, No. 41 Wddet Pons . I .Ml' ra liersey---Andrew nem,. R. K. ' , lemma ELERSEY, FLEEING • co., MERCHANTS—For the sale of Do. Whole n, and Cotton Good 4; also, dealers in 9ki menle, nds Of TaUors' Trimming., Ni 147 Wad .1, 4th door from F.lll4Pitlaborett. Reference—M.lm. Wm. A. HID &.Co, Rankers. -Anti S. 1111/Ml.l IVY. /LIMN. OATH° & Navin, COWIECISSION MERCHANTS and Di Broke , No 114 Semind inner, Pntsbasight lot WIL s. NIOLISS. /OM J. MC. NOLIBII DEMETT, (late English, Oallalrr WhHirale Grocer., Commission and F O. worthOg Merchants, and dealers in Produce and Pi - baigh Manufacuir., No. 37 Wood at., between 2d . d Cd avec= on. t N, wORWARDENG A COMMISSION !HERM) A T No 112 Semitul at, Pittsburgh. ror2 Sou. W. Porme...] [wAtrati c.urcrio • W. POINDEXT CIL & CO., ENERAL CCIMMISSION and Forwassio. r• elms and Flo. Denims, No 270 Market tor t, LI DIDALD, BUCK NOR & CO TOBACCO CUSIIISSION MERCIIANTB, No. 1 North Water Street & No. 16 North Al:barters A.J. SamoaL.ADELPIpa - Pinot , Basso. $ D. C. MeOssratont. t • EA. Wsunaa. au; trecemar i:oll i r i rphy h Arneileari V ' l l oolens,l.1 Commia rert ' y, o ' p " Poffri.Str st. 7 of a. a. •41.11 T. INA. P. SO. HARDY, .JONES /It C 0.,. Dueesmom m &us Saner & Co.) Commtssialrand Forwarding er- Dania, dealers,in Pittsburgh Ilanufietured G s, Pittsburgh, P.. mebri: AJ~STALL (summon w. Cn. G. 112.4) TAIPORTER b. Dealer In French and American a l. per Hangings and Border, Window Shades. Fire Board Prints, &e. Also—Wriang, Printing and Wrap rod Piper, No. S 7 Wood street, between Fourth street and Diamond alley, west gide, Pittsburgh, Pa. kW; , PITTSLIIIROH GLASS VIVOILKS• lOHN AGNEW, late of the firm cf Chambers.As• IP new It Co, would respectfully inform the ofd ens. lemon •nd the public generally, that he willatilleon• Una to.earry on tat Green Glass business, In , all its varieties. and-is prepared t‘fill all orders for Aponte earths, Funalture, Id/mends, Porters, Viols, e., pertaining, to hi )business. Ills warehouse is No VI Market street, be torten First A Second eta. 11l.1:dam IC4lFili:Arilfiti W N, holcsalCDiliggist, and annT- U es In Dye St s, Paints, Oil,. Varnishes; de, No. Pd Wood Mug one door South of Diamond Alley IME. D ATI, • L er; ace — fri ision Er Merchant, and dealer in Prod Li-e nod Pittsburgh Manufarturca. No RI Water st, Pittsburgh. 1•A/111 WEIR, I . ROSZST DICIat, la, Co., Wholesale Grocers. Cora l. Xining Itletchggts, and doglegs lu Producg.lblos.sll Water. and 107 Fro t web% Pittsburgh. nostfi oksr — iir. elworth .—Jose4h wont. • .14t 1 :1 3 ;'0 1 : I I • s n a t ?Po ir d v : ' e h ' 471 *VW , VeV, Pitt‘bste h. des- y itToteCeul Nw IS Market et, three doors above Third at Ihus harghtertil have constantly on hand a well selected as sentiment of the best and freshest Meolteineo, which be will sell on the molt remonable tenths. ,Phietelana sending orders, will be promptly attended to, and sop. plied with articles they may rely oponem-gennine. Os"Phystelans rreocriotions will be sect:irately and easily p. - -pared from the bast • t any hear of be ay or night. . A1..l for sale, slam atoek of fresh and good Pada men. 103 John 170 td. RichardFiord. J. & It ELOVD, Wbolerale Groom, Coentniscon . - Rtetehants, .d Deal..l" Prod e, Round Chore!Utaddinga t fronton( onLiberty, Wood and rent,. ttatabarria ra. doll NO. A. CAUL:III:Y, Agent far-ths Lag' Erie an d 11 1 Meagan Lino to heaver and the La E-Offee Li A 3 arytha met of Water and Stoltharld sta. pinta 3 -4-km- A. 11UTCNI:i0N, A "Ca cadre t a UnteM i.aoa Ca, Cotowisalon erehant i and Aire to of the St. Lobar ate-am - Siva RiGnery ,pgragAw tar And O 2 frontatreeta,Pinsbargh tan, — I ACI OONMAKER & CO, 11 . 111.11. s I . y:4rd otreel . ..Pjb JlMi i. . i. li a t a ELLO m.. R. ic. t i Vh im ul l e , &Va . , 8 Iss, Steel rens, 1.1!I matitinscj• generally, N0.•51 t ea . 111.Ppkto bourki ow Ist., In L cite I , oda of Warren, Ohio Comm. • Won \and Forererdlog Merchtni, and dele•ale i. Western Beene Ch.ese, Bane , Pot and Pearl Ash . , and Western Yrodoee aenerall . Water Ireat, bonne. Smithfield and Wood, lents arab. It &JONE. Pam, ' Norm, Dealeraio Pr articles, canal I INILL;PI CHILDS 11 very • liar 4-4 She and atting. 8. C. 11'. T..1.T5.. ! henna a Baxi. • itkatiaiagialrat,Ecii Till --MTTNIKIR-Ga------7:111LL:;.-GAVPATT:i BUSINESS CARDS. • Plitabuggh City Giles* Wort:. - - W. cusrmsranar t & co., MANUFACCTRERS OP WINDOW GLASS No 24 %target street, between First and Second; Pittsburgh, l^,. Particular attention paid to odd slit.. Also, Dei li a7rs io FLINT GLASS, VIALS, BOTTLES, foe. W. c4NNINalLeat, O. CURLY, jyrAtf o . chriventottarA Milicr, rhildd. C. W. Rieltetson, Pittsburgh. 111 ILLER RICEEFSON, Wholesale (tracers, and Iniportera of Drandies, Wines and &Tars, Noe. 172 and 174, corner of Liberty and Irwin streets, Pitts. Nina, Pa. Iron, Nails, Cotton 'Yarns, tse.t.c,, eon• minty on hand. ap4 Johu 'Gni. James U. 7.1`011. Walter C. live MuNILLS ROF., Whole.Blo Grocers and Corouth. Bion Morehagn, No 191 Ltburty S:, Pinubo rgh opg AND AXLE FACTORY. tam fours, foam r. qma. JONER a quioa, ANUPACTURERS of spring and blinder steal, , LIJ. plough steel, steel plough amp, coach and e fp ' fie apneas, hammered iron axles, and dealers in al 'cable castings, fire englue 'imps, and coach trimmii ga generally, comer of Rosa and Froat Its., ?Mahar h, Pa. J. &J. Tarde — ciTOonamlaslon fflArellata 0. 31 Old Levee at, N Orleans, beep co.tunly Nr. band large assortment of Brandies of the Tolle ig broods, which they offer for sale as opals for Domed & Cs, Bordeaux, frin Magiory, J. hraud, J D. rand & Co, Larne belle, J /Dunne, Cognac, Ado Al la te:an A L Blevflie, A do Mender& Jean Leah, & Au; also, Anchor inn, Bordeaux Red and White Vin an caaks and eases, selected nod; care by John Duran &To; beanies Champagne Wino and Sweet Burgund Pert faba•li.• A ME 1:0L , &SON, Na SS Mat Lao .i. • rind MEM . . ! Bank Notes andecie. hotat • United Stairs. de on all the principal eines hroug Lithograph - leasc OF WM. Ththd at, npposite the 1.,1 Post-Office, pataburgh.—khips, Landscapes, Bill. heads, Shoszbills, ArAitecnual und NIUCIAIIIO Dralmiis Business and iin c olors, dr, etorravod or drawn on sone, and printed in color., ! Gth Bronze Or Block. in the moat approved style, en an the 111.1 reasonable once* ortls,ly ROIIINhON,LATTLE fr. CO.. ` a. Eift labeny street Pittsburgh. Wholesale Grocers. Ptoduce and Commission Niemen:us, and dealers in Pittsbargb Pilmufacaues. no!: atom Demon. mos. 1.1171.. SAML. a rongsson. RROBERT MOORE, %It holoaale Grocer, Rectifying Distiller, dealer to Produre, Pittsbewth Manafee• tares, an I all kinds of Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors, No.ll Liberty Street ' (in bend a - verj large Mock of mperior old Monongahels wsaskey which wall be sold low - rrik t R .• EVNOLD9 & 911 lion Alerchanq aealera in (Ironertes, tures, and Chloride o The higheri price, 0000(17 rags. Cornet RT EIT IT " P fL D" niul"afacTl A. A. CUNNI WHOLESALE GROCER, awl Commission Morena boigh tilroinfctstres, No WO Li Ps M:=B clifidilLerr i vs/ _. _ --- nit Deler, In 13 Foreign and Donsel I. N . no Wood erect.FAGG/amt. kpl7 Sii.Wigitifialidi rolianta, Dorderi Oin Floor and:Prodid Forwarding col Comminaion Me; S int Street and 116Feeond greet Pim Stet v. - irCt.t.iii N rtrnacitan. midi rocoLa, NAM-M .- J. SELLERS a _NICOLS, Proe and General Goan. 61“ ion Merehanis, No. 17 Liberia. creer.l'inai Wirier. Sperm, Linired and Lad Otis. apt] F VON BONNHORST it,ICO, Wholesale Oro. I,J• wo, Forwarding and Commission Merchants, Dealers in Pittsburgh Manuiartures and Weitern Prodwa, have her:loved to their new warehouse, told atanc4; No. NI, corner of Front &tract and Chanters Lane. n 1717 noun's dr, 11.1WORTII, TEA' AND WINE ENCHANTS, East stelelhanssnd, I tusbarsth. apt.; - - Uri ritrams - al CITA, 15•. n 81111.1VER & BARNES, • .. ‘VHDLESALE , rOCER9I, Praia. mad Cormnis. Merchant,. . , And deem in Mahwah Al ufactured Artistes, Pioa,l3o and 134 7egnd sues', __ Llesseenlyognlk/Initillib Id, Pittsburgh._ au, Wan we!' Insilli tr1t2212. 1011 H WATT 111 CO, OW/MALE Grocers, Ca mutton Met aft Wand healers in Produce d Pittsburgh factares,96l.lbe i tly rt:,_p_itsabet b, Pt 1 ":" n-' gt . s h7" .pgir: mn 3 brit Fine, arrli i ii:, v d for so , agol4_, DROWN .1. KIRKPAT -,,, ./.. - 11,.. a H" — --- • WOULD Ilona the public, the have t 2 yll vsarebate formerly occapie by the Solomon Scharer, 11l becood street, Having : and commode:is warehouse, they ' , errand to damn.. of bosons having goods to consigno7 They will also lye attention to the purchase s , of Notes. Drallsßonds, a.e. =EMEEI L. S. %%TERTIAN & 73015, VITIIULESILIRROCEIL:, C4lll/1702.i,111 a VT wartlitzg 51e,an:.; r.lru duce k rittibuNis Lown , larcal Artot,.. IS , Satic iLtAI Tobacco •TTOUNISIY AT LA W. 1 3zater, Yo WILL c.ollei•Elons and •Itc •cr 6C/11 enw.ted I Lima littler and A F.4lrung sountles, PA [Leer t I. It IL Ftrd,Libetty W. W. Wllare, de James LaAhall Os I'mab rtt dli Kay• CO.Nood ) ~n 7 JOEIN RIdiVIDEN dr. CO.. FORWARDING & ISERCH NTS, Canal Basin, Pcn:eHeel, Po:set:rye goo*, JARIkiRIDAVIS dr. CO.. PRODUCE AN/FLOUR FACTORS, No. n`'7 Market, and ellorumerce at, Philadalrloa. Advances made, b 7 ark, of the above, on coring n• mJ. of Produce to ante Ho d .. • tor° William..__.. • -•--/ olio Haft. J. D. WI/ALMS Jr. CO., WHOUNALE & PAIIII.V GROCERS, Forwarding sea I - Istutiarion Merchant,, and dealers to Country PrndaCand PittaburgU Macrae- tares, cored, of Wood asuFifth street,, Potsburgh. =IPA, -- • • -- 1 - 11. nlc Way. A di CO, IANGE BROKERS, u,4 010,1 Third strervi, PrITSWILMI. - Wlll. BAGALVt, roori a. cosaravt, W. 11. WOODWARD. ft‘t./11 RACAL.. WM. BAGALET & C Wholesale Grocer., I, Itr and 20 Wood nor; oburg h. api7 /OEM D. WWI, 61V1D 310.111D1..W5. _ Wm. 11. Wllhame-- WDI. u. WIL, BANKERS AND EX( North East comer of tV, . & M'CANDLESS neeerwory to L It J. U. TT %Flak,/ Wholesale to tore, Forwarding and Commrsoran Merchants; des, can Iron, Nails, Iglus, Cotton Yarn., and Prttah of • Manufactures general ly, cornet or Wood and Yr 7 .l al treats, PrUstrurah. arrE7 & M. MITCH sal ELTIt 14Wholea Grocers, W. Reetaylng Itisulter , a Winer and Liquor Mery ants. AlTe—lmporter erinch &oh arid Bleach. ing Powder, No. 100 Liter y raat, roppoy,ta Sruh creek.) Prltsbargli. apt: W. WILSON, :oyalry, Sliver Ware . and Military Goods, cher of Market and Fourth streets, Piusbargh, IL—Watcher , and Clues euefolly repaired. an 17 WN 1091 M. 1085 X. Weave. W . YOUNO Co., Deslerla Leaiher, Hades, TY ie.. 143 Liberty mecca - w nu Pittab.mb ..7 1 7.1a11., Glass, •nd :Lamm Anl7 HAVE, taken WM. CARA inipartneratop with I me in my beanie., ...hick{ willsom this date be carried on ander the name of"Joheasses &Co . " blateh ISt, a's°. :JIIN PARKER. Jobe Parker.-- •—r— • - William Carr. JOFIN PART[ Lt Wholesale Grows, Dealers i. hdace, Forewn IVistes, Liquors, Old ItTaarganda and Reach d Whisk N 0.5, CoMinereistl ow, Libey street, melo Plurbarea. P 1,1,11,T1L PALITIa - (Bocce"Of. BANKIERS, IF:Xf In Foreign* . of Deposit, Dint tonne. of Wood an, reeelved on depoad eolleettorm made on the United Stales. The higbepl pro. Gold. MAO pod Fyn.-on liborm Nat. a. im'clmoo.l, WM. A. SPCLURG s ' D ., GROCERS AND TEA DALERS, No 2. 5 15 Welly mar; above. 1, 0 4, Rasa always , on hand a large *sacrum or Cholea Groceries and Fine Teas; also, Forel; prole and Solo, Wholesale and Retail. Dealer. soiled on the towns terms_ may! ISAGI.N. GLASS NVOrsis. JOSEPH 1/1 ABELL, -. • . ANANINA CTURFR OF REIM GESSWARE, Vials, Bottles, .d Fl As, Porter ;etch At e , Mineral Water. Patent lelnc, and ' tie Bottles of every description; also, WINDOW 01.85. Keeps constantly on band a general airlinent or the above - article. ALSO STATE, . thetas Green GI.. Factories an on. CrOerlC, at a lasom in summer, Tuts Fatten is no to /.N.l. or MOD, and Will continuo ot operatiOn h o th Bummer .]Winter. rep Orden ectrally solicited and will be fid on the shortest udtice. • Warehouse, No 112 S.ecoud street, betOn Wood and Smithfield at., PUl4l.l}oi. - eAdly 00•ArAteritifiCati - TP• AUL. P. SIIRIVER and CRAB. BARD,: have 1.7 this day associated themselves toge th ernder the firm of Shrives ft Barnes. ter the transact' of the Wholesale. Grocery. Produce, and Germultsi boil. Doss, at No 130 k 133 Second Street, belt.. Wood an 4 Smithfield st. Itustrareh. Ageism I, 1830.—euel _ MISCELLANEOI'S FOURTH STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA, THIS msghificant establishment being now earn- Meted and ready for basiniss,the proprietor would respectfuny solicit a huhsare of the public patronsea. Ile trusts by giving full amnion to the business, to make the house a pleasant and coniformble resort for the citizens of Pittsburgh and for the count,/ generally. . . Good attendanu will he in waiting, .d every ex cotton made to under the eetedialoaent worthy the COURIen.CCO au f vgeon elan latellikent community. The TWO SPACIOUS) iliaLtd3, fitted for Pante', Bence., Leclerc', Balls, and public meeting*, will Xs let liy the evelat e. week, on as liberal Item. at e other is the city. The t onD and RESTAUILANT, equal in style and beauty any in the world, will be kept furnOthe with Pure Wines, Choice Liquor., Cordials, Pothers, Ale., and all We cool, light. refreshments of the mason. Poultry, Game, Fish, Soup, Oysters, and Clams, served - up in the beat Mile. The DINING and ICS, CREAM SALOON, being on the first floor, and euy of access, will be constantly supplied with all the Luxuries and Delicacies of the +muffin and also, With 'nab substantiate ex the markets afford. Su p p o pV,To g r ti r th ‘ v ' i!tu d a7:Or e p a 2;o., L e rn r ...he p a in on e go o n .Go, Gentlemen with their families, awning the city ran L supplied with refreshments et an kinds Clint hou of !Le day. Good Sttabhne and an ertenasse I.lrety F.stabh.ds meat as connected wsth the 11611. Dinner et I o'clock. Dreek ft. rnd Tea ot lie ortial boo" Entrimee for Ledis. to rho me Cream mod thtong Saloon. No f 7 Smithfield street. • NV EST.V.I.T., so.l 1•.101.1”.1.7, ro A. WESTERVELT & SON. Nl:S1:1t N lA rd ri lohoi. make 0. 'oat .ruck to thett ute, at t h rir old stand, No. 13 St. l:latrntrret, oleo, St No.: . ti Markt.. street, Pecood story, entranoo-4. the Diamond VeLitian Shatters made to order, 0.01 old blinds nemly repaired. alllO 1 W.& J. GLENN, 800 Blead. -- IV k m ': arc soli engaged in the above hostnerm. canter at Wood and Tbird street., Pittcburch,where we ore prepared In do any work to our line with Jet- Mob. We attend to our work permonally, and satia. obtrn will be given in regard to a. neatness and du. 111:3 . Books ruled to any pattern and bound soh • ritO:y. Doot• 'in number. or old books bound care la ly or repotted. Named put on boot, in gilt letters. Th se that bona work in nor line ate moiled to oall. P rem low —__ p.>n Machine Shop WIGIFTMAN-51anarseturerof all kinds of f.of AA.. ton and woollen innekinery, Allgbeny city, ra The above works being now in full and ...reseal 45 , - erituon, I am prepared to eke...rile milk dispatch for all kinds of innehinery mAy line, szeh not willows, ;met ers, spreaders, aids, grinding oataLinee, raii ways, drawing frames, speeder. thraostle, looms, wcwien Cards, double or finale, for , merchant or country work, mttmee,laek a, 00.; slide and hand lathes and tools to gen eral. All kinds orphaning made to orde, or Nan, gro an Inc gearing - Inatome or mill. at reasonable chorea. RarkiiTo—Kennedy, Molds & , Iliac gator lc, Rill k Iftno. Poonneir INI -Joe A rev 11/1.. ng . and Commie.. ny Raver Trade, • burgh, fannufte. at l; time, tot a.. upIS tolenale Grocer, in I . 7•nduee antl tree{, Pimbum, sots • BENNETT es BROTHER, QUEENSWARE MANUFACTURERS, Straoltagbasss,(asor Plltsbetrattd Pa. 015.1, N. 37 Muer st,: between Marl., and Wood, Plitadtrrech. mopWILL constantly k eep oohand a good. assort (tient .of Wan; °Cour own manufacture non supenorqualuy. Wholesale end country Mar louts are respectfully Invited to call' ole, mins for themselves, as we ar• deterunnedau .11 cheaper than h... bears been veered to th• 011A111, • •nte, Forwarding, it. and Denier In l'itu any street, PI l.blirgh, yErmrder• sent by rnati, accorapan ie4 by the caak, or emir reference. will be promPrl7 • ,, abac 4 •. 4'6 XXCIV COACH racrouy, •cLcurtult. 111 A WHITE 3 CO., would reepeettalty Inform the plthlte that they hithe erected a Laeo:k, bathe,. Pederal and ilanduaky surer. if ey are now mating and are prepared to renuve order. for tiver7 draeription of vehicle., Coache, C/1N1101 . .. uuhe., Ruppes . , , he., artdah froth long erperienre in theneture of Om •.thove a. and th•• theilitthe they h oe, they 1,1 ronhdent ti,ey nth enabled to do wort on themth.i reaYorthble ten, 'rat tap,. wenn, article. in their tine. nerbeeder PUl'llllllll to the .electron of orme• rink and haetng none but competent workmen. they havo hennsuon in warrotnnng their wort. We there e fo n re net lild attention of WO puldre to tht. waiter N. B. Repairing dorm m tb• beat rummer. and en the ain't reasonehle ternsrtrrO,tf SCAIVIG & f7a/IT,T, Woou •Rb.:l/•u.Kel, ha - RAT:tux% ,r,..›NTINcr.,, manufrrture %II ter.l. et COYl`l'll. Tin AND eiIEET iittny WA AitO, I , a,l• (Mal Wort. Steam 110.1 s bull( io orJr Special attention gITCII 10 .team bo u t wort. Have on h fine roionment of Copper a. Wass Kettles, Tin Wan., de. he. Steamboat Conking Smv es, Tolerable Forges, canons stres—ti very convent eta tr. ocle for s.antboats, Ciationna emigrants, or rail road eotepanics. We wonld respectfully Owns ateam - boat men and others to call and ace our tousles and pricing term. purchasing el Newberg_ fr:l7 Wrought cord Ca.% Even Ratillutg. TIME solwenbers beg leave to inform the pithhe that J. they have obtained (root We Kest all the low and firahlotiable demo.. for Iron Railing. lo,th for hot,. anu eeinctertes Persons withlag to procure hand some patterns seal please call sod examine. and lodge for themselves. Railing will be tarnished at the short est nonce, and in We hest Intoner, at the corner or Craig and Rebecca streets, Allegheny city. sag"tl-Mf A. LAMONT A KNOT, cs en thei te Mr I et large, ate the; I we: WILLIAM DIOUY 1 - )1'64 1,0, , to torornt to.t en..nJ COS:on...Ltd ) , •,u.t reoet•tog to. oetv , roso t e -too. ot too., •• toot•I, all too ..eto to•I Itoo.ttor vide -I. ie. of COL.. Carotnere.l.tor7 ton and wutnmer Cod., nod every ante:or...hie fur girt...met,. wont for spring and almoner. it 1,11.1 1t11p.111.1., to de.ctitre the beauty, nualtty, or rid stit.ty of rho totreit, the propoetor hope. allwtto ate to want or good, cheap, faatttonatde, .nd wd:l matte coothe., rye Five toot a call, a. there,. no tdoelt dos 0..1, Alletthente. that can compare wolt o. The ready made department se 'cry eiten.roe, otrap• ted to all mite, Dail road cautractora, Countr7 merchant., and all whO porchape largrly, are parocularly tovoed to same no e crock before plarrna.og, as partoenlar 41 trotton pa•d to the wholtoale uan ettat• hahment. Every ortielo in the tnitoring tine made to the mom faglttonaltte and best rattntrer. _int Um tthortest nt ri • BE partnership iseretofore existing under the arm 1 of A A C BRADLEY,. dissolved by the decease of Mr. C Bradley. The Isti.iness 'rill be carried on by A Bradley, who will settle the b.ineas of the late firm REMOV A L—A EIVADIM has removed its Foundry Warehouse from No 111 Second lore.. to No IL Wood ptreet, between First nod Second streets, to tie wore apnea lately ocettpled by A A Berry, wine be will keep constantly on hand a general assorunentof Cart togs, Armes, Stores, Cooking Solara, he, tyl3 SAMUYI kfoKELVIV ANVFACTURF,R OF CAST STIA, and No 1 .11 and No.l Amerman 011.ter Steel. Also—flest Co..t Steel Ftlesiall nine.; and Illacksoutt, end Shoe oiwttls ind and for eale, el the r tns E. ale Steel Worka,t' Mara street, Fifth Ward, or ot the Aire In the Iron Store of BOLLMANS ,k GARRI SON, No 4, foot of Wood street, Fnlyhargh. mr.N-dlm We, the underalgned, having tared, with entire vat lafac, Um Ca. Steel anal Files made lay Samuel MeKe tion le), at hie Eagle Steel Work*, in thioetty,ta4c plea...! in reeommendlng than al equal in nuelay to any ever timed by u of foretell Manufacture. Pataburgh, March m, 13, —G k J II SIIOENIIERIigIi h. Co. Manufartureto of Iron and Nati*. l'iltatauralt, l'a. , . KNAPP ft TtlTlTisl, Iron Founders and Mannino., Pitt•burnh. Is. COLFAIA N. HhII.nIAN A CO, Manulartnrers of Spring*, Axles. BPong Ntnel "" IbAn a, PlutlinrFh, F k W hl FAUF.II, Engine Builders and Marrone Card Munufacio• yen. Pauburgh. A vuuroN. Brass Founder, Patsburgh, Pa. • CiliA FF. LINDSAY A ro, Putsburgh. Pa. rd"u1"1 7 ( ileIEPll 'IOMLINS„N. Locomouve Engiric and Sluff Builder, Pittsburgh, Pa. W AV WALLAOI.4 Illarble Manufacturer. Matehinc ond Engine tar2l sr, Pitl.l.urgh. Pa. Dlosohenos of Partn•rohlp. 1111: Partnership heretofore existing between the 'maternity, under the hien, of Chambers. Agnew A Co., Glass Manufacturer. was dlstolved by mutual consent, on the firer day of July, intim.. All person. knowing themmires indebted to said him ara ed to make payment to either of the panic., without delay. nt and all person. haring unsettled account. with said - 6r, are invited to present them for settlement immediately. ALIO:ANDER CIIAMBERS, A /ca., uan ja co.) MCF, and dealer. tolt• Certificates SPrt—North meet :ma artant money dteckfor sale, and . Prdpal poldta !jMII owners ui,l consigner. of Rood• 'waiving by j the "Cairene Portable Boat Line," will please tate 11011 fr that they will be 'wowed to pay treigLi at nor warehouse, aerording to the receipt, Inert the goads are removed. C A fiIsANLILTV & CO - WwaWog, Broachhag, awd ILll•avaalog Dmicrioss—Put the cloth. Into cold water sod let them mask over night. In the morning ',mg them out and pat them into a kettle of boiling water, to which add the proportion of one pint of Ovid to maii gallons of wr—attr it up and boil the whole twenty minutes. The ate clothe. may then he wrung out and well rinsed in clear cold wham The parts of mo ments that may be most tolled, sorb as wristbands and collars of ahtrts.may be slightly robbed before wnsing, and the elothes will be loam! peclectly mean, him and elem. ..n2dAmerkan ofrodoe• ship .Fk! Warranted net to injere the Linnet fabric anon give perfect saustfae or the money will he refunded. Sotd wholesale antton, d rciall by. R E RELIWRS sepin 07 Wood dia•Masad. mad Pittsburgh - IT•l•graph Company. N par Znee of a resolunon et tbo Board of lbren. tom of the Cleveland, Wnrou and Pittsburgh Telegraph Company,regue sting the Sec repo) to mote out mid mese to he published in the newspapers along the line. an eghtlnk of the financial md other attn n o f this company. I submit the following Report. •- The line of Telegraph commence. al Cleveland and termini... s at Isittsbargh, passing Womb Cliagnn Franf Lin, Newton Fall., Warren, Youngstown, and Lowell, in the State of Ohio, and New,Cmtle and Rochester, in the State of Pennsylvania, at which points there are Mimes located for the receipt and transmismon of bean.... The whole length of the line is 149 rmles—Capital Stock, 164.1 pee mile, making .1010 i capital owe of IS - 21.=, of obleh amount 1/10,efe1 iv held by rumens along the line, and the balance is held ay Cornell & Speed, the contractor.. The above antoont of sub scription* by eluttoe, have been paid to Coinell & Speed, for which tb r fi F Truamea haz th eir ,i receipt. Jeltdtf FF:111+11s A Secretary. TO BOAT BUILDICUs., 100,000 feet Sabaaned Deek Plant; 100,000 feet Coal Boat Biding. For axle by ROBERT IdeKNIGHT, Ammar at Law, Fauna .1. PITTSBURGH, SATURDAY ...MORNING, DECEMBER 28, 1850, WILKINS HALL, TIE Mutual Life and Heal th !neatened Company of Phil.loJ:obits Incorporated by the Legielature of Pennsylvania, Plarch, ISIO. Chatter perpetual, Capital, RAY. sow., •111 PalletG., 001710 COWART, and full do per cent lower than the ewe] rates of Life lusurance, an the following COM-, parison will show: Theo, a person of the age of Win- . Daring for 1100 for Incf, must pay in the Girard WM— . Penntylvania,l2,3ll, Penn Alarm!, 1112.11; Equitable, 110,n1; New Erte1...1,1018; New Turk. Life, $11,314 Al. blon, I.lle and Health, Philadelphia,lsl,9l. Diskorons—liamnel D. Orrick, Charlet D. F. Intone, Robert P. King, Chalice P. Hey., M. 11 - , Belden. M. M. Reeve, M. IS, Chita 0. 0. Campbell, Lewis Cooper, I. Rodman Barker, K. 11-Beller, Edwin It. Cope. President—Samnel D. Orrick, Vice Frei,- dent—Rohr. P. Kula; Secretary—Frannie Blackburn. 'spot lean°. walk received, and every inforinktioo !seen by RAM!.. FAIINFSTOCK, Apt,' Office, Commercial Rooms, corner of _ssetl7-dly Wood and Thrrd iU, Pitteblulki FLUE RIK 0 MARINE 1111111iiiANCE• THE INSURANCE CO. ol North Americo will make permanent and limited Sneerer., on pos. , pray 1,1111. city and vicinity, and no ithipments , by Canal, Rivers, Lakes, and by hie. Thep ropernoe of LLD Company are well invested, and furnish an avail able fund for the ample indeintilly of all penises whe desire to be protected by insistence. owl it W111...P. JONES, Agent, 4.1 Water it Piro ■ao 11tarta• la•uraae•• im (*TICE of am /nanyanye Company of tsi.n4 A, „Mantua, lon been removed to No. LAI Front e it earl or We.. The sabre rWer, agent for the above old and req..- aiLle Compan “rue Polleter on Ihnhling e at) rontent., e n! on •Inpmenta of glerrhandir Strom Anna and other veasein. W. F JOUIT:S. [(lndent aaii Antique Furniture. J. IV. W. 4 , 71 . - 7 - a Respectfully trilutmg able • • ••• -- •'..t.•7 public ho bag com pleted big gprtn Mark o FURNITURE, the inrg ,, toohlv , isdahlorUnent ever olered for vale in Mat city, compritmg several Pats of Rostwoon. Matio..LNY. and Rt_aca Watht,v, Carved, ornamenw am! plain, enitvit;e for Philo, fbraivicte and lied liommt, all of which will be told eh the lowevt pram.. Pe moot dewing Furniture of coy deheriPtmo, oro epee :ally invited to call andeaatinne hie .tare, which embracer every de•craption, from the ch.:pest and plainer, to the meet elegant rod redly, ot Which the tolloyytne comprises apart: Tete .'Felt Sots, Tete • Tete Dwane; Chem; Elitabe th om Vb..; Reception do lam.. X /V do Extentom do Rude; Unique; Note; Toilet T•Lies, ',no,. X 1 \ Commodore, Rate of York's Epoch; Mt 1,1011 with Plush and lletr•olath got era; ho R,. one, do do do; 90 do, Mahogany Parlor Ch.., lu Itovevvond do d.. IC L . In't Watt,. e, 41. tlane Soo; 4 '• Bo:king, Or. I •mm Mivl•le rep Centre Tslo• do 1V gt•b MaMnr ,ny fled tmedv. 12 do th"miltzto re; IS IlYk Walnut du, H Cherry do A very largo moo:an:tient or Cautmun Chum and Oth er Furniture too tedious to gammon. lila° Steam Wm. foml.tted nn the abort"' noun,. Alt orden promptly attruded to P. ht.—Cabinet Maker. eon he Aupplted with all got. Illabognay, Walnut . end Veneer, at etmeadonably reduced Otters. HERSEY. FLEMING & CO. lIA V liro FOR ILILLX, ettaltrrip. NI A NVFACTUItEIItt, AND AT EAS , • lON NI ANLIPACTUILER' PRICV, • White IlanDela, all 'Wool 'Woe Drlltsi ' Red ,in ,:o Bloc Dermas; , 'Ve-11,,* do do Forel CrrttodltSortVlT'arr I.lrowt, do du oar red at For tory ~ e bees. 11,,,, , olinci.. Dom. I,rague Ftlatotog. Steel no, c• 1 ~,, Dive kl,c‘i um: Slupes, very Drat , oolv7 goo,lo Dior t. 1...,0,0.,• I '1 ailoru' 41oodo Fancy do • 11,1 l'addlno, vapor dcr t Fancy Tsuce•l• . V,...1 Yodeling, Markt ard, Sup. 1ii0,.. 11r0. , 1 Cloth Tvlnrs'ear, alto, heavy 41o; Super Brow, Jo Drown Linens, Folltta'a Sorer"ire, 4/0 !Drb Serge, Wart do, • i ,p,•r 't a ,1.,1 do ' ,n,l ororored: 4p, ill, C.1.3,11111ar.4c1a Scigtlet 1,1•1, Ju • tire.° Haw,. Brown Holland Se't I.lrowe . de , the Manufacturers' M ...rehouse, No ID Wood a 4 . ..burth uerNi . , I , ITE co- -portniettop heretofore extern ! between the •, to the wane of Col - torahle, Rose & Co. i• thf, day flfs.olred ,y mutual eon,. Molotro IN rite h f001...40e the ha•Ille•• of the cooper, In , who:, p0g0.... they en' nothorfred to use the name oI the remeern NATHANIEL CON.L.ITABLE, 11/NIUND BURIEF, TIIIMAS BARNES. =TM Tbe umlerammett have this day a”octated the maelvea in the name of IfriRKE & BARNES, for the pa rpme of manufacturing Pore Prod( Safer, VI Doors, &o. &-e , at the nand of .he late firm of Coruna!,le, Burke &Co, where they - welt be pictured to receive rho patron age of the rastomem of that house and their (trends. EDMUND BURKE, THOMAS BARNES. .• In retiring from the lirm Constahte, Backe .I}, Co., with sincere pleasore recommend hl tlorke Bruner , to the confidenee of my friends and the NMI., Fel,. NATHANIRL CONSTAOLF. frirl.l-d if Co ARM trr — llSiogr HAS juct returned from the Ea•tern Cares, and an receiving a large variety of seasonable Ctmds, to crinelehe respertfulty r evues the attennon of wereh ant• and pedlar., !Ne st Wend et WALL PAPER—W. P Mamma t. t• congtantly reeetving, from the large‘s tonnefaetnites to Neer York and Pbtlarlelphea, and also pont French seeneter. the nearect and most soprored styles of Pa per Hangings, together WWI Derriere, 1-tre Beard Prlnts, mid Tester Tops. For rale at ,s 3 Wood •1, Le merit FortiitiMand Iharnond alley, onee e ee or to Y. . trill., atc't ibl'. • l' mon rec'ti - per creamer, et . i r pd In . , t r j t ' or• . lrr . ll.• barrel or ample pound at the Drug. Seed. and Perfumery Warctionce, eorrier of Sixth and Wood rtrems. S N WICKERSHAM. molts WI/EMIG AA I. lITOY ic POLISH ITABE Plicenix Itfuritanciuring COMJ.III7 now offer to 1 the pudic then. Prerniam Chemical Stove Pottithi and 'Nohow x a germ non, or feat of rnntradiEti on, by those who have te.ted it, protiounee it for Bonen.. to any other in the mark, The coirtunter neetithave no apprehenzio. of roiling earpeot, . Its eon, prvtillon prevent. a dust from tailing when being ap plied, whirl, meet be done when the Stove mlr...d The quantity required Is so little to produce a hem, libel mane. A saving o 4 ever Lily per cent es mewed to the entiaumers. A eosin, applied to Stoves, hpes, when laid away fur the summer, ILA sure pro. 'enmity., against rust. After hewing tried di once, it is accessible) NO person will ere any lent the Pocrtili Manclacluring Company's ['feminize Chem). cal Stone rehab For sate by S N WICKERSHAM, mitt Corner of siita and Wood erreets. MOSSICLIIIAN ZINC. Vieille aluntsaite Company deeply their agents L with Roofing and Flooring in sheet. 317 f et,froin II to 0.1 ounces per gqUare loot. Corrugatsd In sheets 3:7, 27 44, for 1 . 0061, and depot. Snip Sheathing, 14 a lei it,clew, from It in Oh ounce. Nail, Spike., Wire, Sulker Melds, Yeatiralcd Zinc, Zinc PRIM, Sc. They Warrant their 'aortal pure, and free f nin any admixture of iron, or any tether substance, and rr• rommend Ai fur the manumentre of most a ticles in the bonier furrosineT line. as it does not real, is not affected by the metion of water, aid may be polished, painted, and anterel Sample., pap piens, speciferaunne, ern) other information may lee had of tlerir I,I'CALL & Stan., New York, JOHN AGNEW, I , II CHAMBERS CZ= - - ATLIRSON, ROLLIN• & ( . 0 • Dorton, I NaTll.lOl 'Nom. &Co, Pli,lmleipli,•, W. A 11, Melita, Ilartimme,: , 51. r 111, Us? & Sr•orgra, New °Henn.; F AIILLIROUX, flem,len,'Ar,mt, 2 Unarm.: et, New York. Liege, September 1 —rcp&ablm T uit.: Autobiography of Leigh littnt wog tvron terativ• at mood. coutcutoortirsoa to a vols. url Lattcr Day Pamphleta—Nn subject, Jecutima. • 11...7 of Datiug the Great. Ity Jacob Abbott, wtth enctee.hre- Juba Hocrant. • Romance. By lan Martm Bell. l'actortal neld Boon to Ike Revolution.—No 5. The above work. rerct•tollhol dair.and (or male by r Cor ß . tcrk The ct I k TrirTst. 7 o! , • - ' ' ri IA K oo nino•ke. leapt the .ienm boat Pool ten 2, 1 Oren° of UUUet, Marked J. Any imformatson reepeettno them will be then/Jolly rtCleVed. M H JOHNSTON Lows alovi.• !craps—Mr • rani4l — El G•asalas - DROWN Wanda. hionp, Hermon, Honey, A opt J.) Vern•eolar, Oriental. rain, and Olive Oil Snap. Theo., Snap, ore highly celebrated for napartlnz smoothocoe to the akin. Purchased from the importer, and for role by septa R SELLERS, 57 Wood st INUTA RUBBISH PACKING—axIe lb* aasortill Utica tiesses, from to 1 inch thick. The CIO,. parking prepared no that Alb degrees Fahrenheit will not affeci I and is superior to every thing