The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, December 09, 1850, Image 4

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    Klatt: hL ANIOIIB.
1111/LCILLMTT 41*,
1110.101 Wood street,
NVITI: the attention of Wryer. to their lager
of Fresh Goode tverrepenms, ea width the
prepated to tell on very accommodating tem.
shall be coustandy receirlag fresh goods dur
ing the season, and request an esiuulaation of our
stock by western me:Mum, and others visiting o t ar
±47. augh
7--IstiL DIODE, •
10. 130 LlNSl7.Stroos,
I.)EGB respectfully to Worse his Damen= friends
and customers, that he x lust recessing
'all meek of SLMIss, lassE,,,, , Lnd
INGIB, of the beet
sultt.. l tPlol for the app,,,,b:
mg fall and winter acetone All those in want of
cheap, blab enable, and good clutidng, win 1,4 the
wo end bat- t ook
In the
at ' t2 L us evabltsliment. sepia •
Pltuburgia. •-
Itv)lE Pe
ottani. Rail Read Company. isabini
ample d the whole bee ortill road to liellldayer
ma, tbo tOtiLecimit as Pottage Rail Road. to
j.t,,,..5re, from thence by horde te Plusburgli,
we now p pared to receive and forward march.r
e7 , lroca Re c to end front Pdtaburgh and Phi*
del .
he to will leave the depot of the company
dolly for Jo Malan, there connecting with the daily
mein of can for Villadelphla, thus Inzaring.the de.
Liam of all (might In rtill.elphia within boo da)k
Agents for Pa. R. R. Co, Canal Basin, Pittsburgh.
16411 Philadelphia.
Munc mut bits.riast Lutrusaktt,
'Sipa of the Golden Itarp,,Noletitird wee. .
ii. I.I..ELIESt respectfully Informs
Ma friends arid she puhlrer Mel he hia
Jun returned from the rut, ..nth a
most elegant 01211
Went of (Tonne of wino. styles and prices, selected
by himself, with ere atcare. at she celebrated factories
or Norms w Clara, N. V. nod Dunham, N. V., (film ol
.s&,,taet &)waging weltered Wm atoWn
from an immense week last Entailed by the *bete
makers, rimyare oranah.d of superior quill and
tone, and will in all casts be so'd at New York fat.
tory priers.' Purchaser. will receive • written gear
anll with each Piano, centring them to an esebarge
or return of same. If toned detective.
Also, a lot of splendid Guitars, from the faction".
&lima & Maul,They are a erb oracle.
and warranted equal, if not superior, many made
the world
Also, n foe selection of Flame, Clarteuets .
Twines, Braes Instruments, and the newest and mot
popular magic, inelat d'
hoe Jenny Lie , celebrated
coop. - septa
Welch Flannels.
URVIIV ill/HC.IIkILD, et north east rainet
1111 of v‘eith sod hle:tci .:,cell .0 row sopphr,`
pt, o ei nisorlynnt a tie 411,i011• gattlatt .
,00ve, and osed.g rent puittr.ot!
lieu; the o..porhte naii±e 1111 named genic. ord
4.. la is sprwit & Sena , Patent Soda ear.
834 lLd ;;"n f1;!..""i
next month. par -Anne lash," `d-la rope," 'llerlin, ,, en , t
et cc elope via Philadelphia sndiliournore,erartnot
ndscpellor In Lodi
to and quaint , to any in thc
mere., for said at the lowesctrtite Inn eish and
proved Lire, Lr W i. hl 4CIIELTALIi
eerie elven,
Large anpplp at Veal & Winter
AriIIEIPIIY P. BURCHFIELD Incite the attention
4,11, of buyers to their large stock *1 you ..levied
for the seaeon, consisting in part of—
bilk and Cord French Alerinone,
Cobargs and Cashmeres,
Changeably Pophns,
cress rats stel Tore:Satins,
alk mid Fancy Alpacas.
c?,l%lcilfon,V.chgl7l!,'..L:lrner7ado*Fitatkersg tiro:
And ccio:cd. fbor stock of lIUUSENFITING
UOUs, cash u Shecuncr, Pillow Cue Morns.,
Sable inapstrs.Towcanig, cc, Is large, .d at low
naves tor gpality. lroar• it to Welt ean,
tore to ries Cie their ruck 1 etas pas r toscrig—ra the
cdpOsiaer coma, of Ch and Marl. ars.
Sallars Woe r Pills Supereede all others
Charleston, Va., Sept: it 17 30 .
Severs:—Your Ptlis Lave occur. so Top
In o 1111 tnrs trgIOLI Of euaotry, 10 Very mann
sapereeite all inliria as Ulm, or Anti-Dino. Pill.
Tours, Ice. 11MIi3 A LEWIS
tExtrict of Later./
Pirschc . .cra will retell/di that R. E. Sellere.Lio
kiltare the original gnu only True and (Scum
r may be has :so 57 Woott at, and
raw serwratly in the two Clue. and 'simony.
13U _
Or . Claysairs gatrasi. of Yellow lloas
sad Sarsaparilla.
UT up in the largest used bottles, iiiintrun. nw.
J. vitt.. putt ituaduru rasimparillt W W coy OPiek
preplan:to:l welch Is cliesmeaty
WILY the ' t Duct, Mc tilt ref of st
Cherry. and the Cathain el I/, Mmmal:the Um .unie
dy mole thoroughly erfactook loan any other Sathapn
ben..e the public, ALUM lame Yam Ilia pence..
ly free from all mineral Immo., which cannot been.'
of any other of the Barsapaalla components. Thu in
•and tkoald beware of poisons! lidereruT,
woe, ?aural, lodum, Sulphur, Amide, and' madly
other Lament. and metallic poisons enter tato •31,
form the name basis of mist or the Sdnaparnis ono
Panacea of tie day. Guythtra Compound E..r.trom
of Ifoloor Does - and darsapardla does not contain••
particle of these substances, at any ono ear. card,
*acerb.n by applythg the .cesthre
The pawns may ocensionally scums.. .I..east, Scut
they an ethnic the blood. sod an completely tropres•
nate the whole system wan their tanclul elev. thou
UM arm cold, Ot.llle lint attack of tithease, prostrated
the patient's strength, and subleete hun or rto the
most excmtlamg Innate, and renders another end
almost amp:lurk.: nod hopeless. Let all poison..
Sataspartla prey...lona alone, and use Guysotts
Improwid Kara. of Yells... Dock and Sarsaparilla,
which la thoroughly. efGeaemith, perfectly harmless,
and sorely vegetable. All kinds of disease plaids to
In gondol tnflbence,
Scrofula, Cancerous Tomes, Canoes Eruption:3,l
Egyaapelu, /Saes, Pustules, or Pimples matte Puce,
Chrome Sort uyes.Tetter, Scald bleed, Itheuraa
ustn, thdurgenicht or Paths In the hones or Joint..
old and stubborn Ulcers, Fever Sores, hip Disease,
Soreinns of the Glands, Blotches, Syphilitic blip
wins, Lettnbar,o,Drop.T, BY•PcPsths ...odic., Con
ceeness, Salt Rheum, Alrections of the Kldricys and
liti<o.l arising from tth .J.LUn.n• ura of ,
'l, bluusterla Sore Tema, Weakens of the Chest,
Culthonary and all Diner ulthasys tend.
mg waarus Clawarypt,un, Laver Complatot,Yethsie
Itrrio;atiLic. and Coloolatets, NOZ 004 :ICIVJIie
nclonn I.oa:spans, 3Leas
Appen , , 3lii‘ht sweats, I . Plltt , inthe cede no,
,vothder, • typoihre or imptudesoe Ldle,
te Consti:Jhould thstiolers, nun as a : , ;nLag !Leo Pan
rued,: el the Mo.:, and General 'rows iLf the
j.lOlO. n is unrivalled.
A care of 1.14, .are..iLiss' 65 of =T.: ant yorrrs standing
Tat oda> log is an extract of a tenet dated ALtirso
1,50. MIMI.. El Perkins, a. D., a algal,: rerpecta
L to ::n .:sun of Mara da, (Mo.
.100.1 Vals—Ltaati Mt I have node, my rate
yoang 00:1.4 erne, for nixteen years, ha been eat
boring front (linemen Limbs, end estiona Cane lA,
been pronounced hopeless by elite. of oar best pity
isAts•CS. took her Into my funtly, and Lave seed
Guy...* S allow Duck and tlarsepartlia freely, stud
000(0 001 tom the l'etioikDoelt cud Sarsaparilla
will effect e pomade/ core. th• Is bed., tab genera
health data, she has ever been before, mid :wall• •
mitt or two faugee or pain. A yeai ago the
Seed ereacies. (will report Ike rasa in doe time,
Very teepee:WlT, E. B. PERKINS.
LL remarked, by eminent Clef, that DI the
vaned catalogue of themes to Millet ma. is 11.1 C,
Melo 10 Ileare.oll one of mach tersportance, and or such
introit iminforala, wheat.: we loot to the obscurity
of do origin, maidroas me amber ono
surety utOrt,lin that it enacka, or to remarkable In.
corabilny and extensive Mabry.
Smoiala Las baffled the slid of the most eminent
phymeteas totals eatuAry and to Europe. Put there it
en c tar dim Cisme= Dr . ou's kistract
. 1 ebour.Doell and Sersapanda," wales l.prortdg
ae.n a p•rtred rosette in alre most severe eases o
crtiaorrimary ewe In Sernruls erred b 1 tar
sem ere ot Da :tor ..11J01 .-Aupoo,,al Nirop. 1,
will 10 seen by tins ecruneatell.oll.lll man too heel.
wrier too A. ^.A.c of.ed pryys/5,a1,1,
Sold/cc post rA•111 yesus, wIt.t.:IIAA ennms aor 4 A .0 c 1 . 1 .
Sold ems been edcetuaby e.t.a oy the tt.a of • I,Avr
(nude of Dr. °list re CoAllvot , s.l
New 1 use, done 7,1W9
D. GCTSCTI—Deoe bar,--Owsno yoa as debt wincb
motel cannot Pei, I Am mdticed to %exits, a pelAlit on.
kooOrlesledieul CI Ate 1,01101.1 A soTe denved loom yea
thralaabse oyrup. I waS *Of cly Will fin
Me Sera:Mum disease, bete...try in oar faintly,
snitch eummeocedun ray acct, Sod, d7M.d.6 1c
spread, soon rulebed toy rare, running lino my bead
and extending all beer my tare, neck, and tower ex•
11.1131.15. IlAeollllo illaglsaditg Object LSIOOO open.
At WOOD ray distress was to great that I was enable to
sleep or tie down; and Om duclue ellenthng 1110
eara sernstily elected ray bearing. ay hoe orao
exaltations Sore, from watch a discharge of moue:
rot water kept condi...Hy oozing oat. Peop , o avoid
ed me, I bad are small pox, fume otbet
tut:envie insersce, and I was con•eguendy or/legal is
. rei.nrsti,na roe LAMM.. firriendartandmg I Lad me
best uedmal Idclee, and trial different paws .01 treat
logrow Were,ttnin / gar,
lAp IL VontAattcly I IC/1114 10,111 I.lo.lsCnoct
Ost Inc rico/M1.41, V•Aloetritvelliag for My health, vac
10101.100 010 Mtn 4111011 WOO at one I.IMIIIO LS hod •
etsc,ooo no I wit. 411,0 leo: 14
la f p n4/47000 itlymir be
was •pecatly eared. itranet l ttbitiedred tper ssr
Stele, sOlnalcoccd tams at, ar.4otter bong barn
less than .10 volt,. 1 act welt an d able 10 11.*11,1 to
toy builtiess. d nll yot this stisie.l•lll. aI - an art ni
---Ao/ts,A, .1.17 f 1.111 may ltuatt tha NIIL (led Is
sanktu,A.l toe I /101 l ...tiCICs, and ttercbyrave theta
mvca 5a1151,..4 and sipease„.
I returner your obedient seraalll,
- 3011 n Q. lIVALVINO.
Curs of eg - , vatad Cala of E.ryoptlas.
The cures pet al re. by -Di. tiuysotta et c.
Inflow Iroce nor eller:penile are I.Uog. The pa
mars geueral keelte .uunass to Improre atter urn
ease Is temover. Cores are not ernosueled oval Urn.
L. relay uestect (Intl tam cm be ou toupee or retail
the euoua.
. .
ProlWat, tiler kitutr Qs) rob. 1
r. llama .] Dents,ll with great pleasure
Let 1 wm. yo aLtret the vcr7 nappy caeca ul your
'renw :rock and nmaapartna upon ray son, who hy
isne hero suit...ribs under ts,at are safer, toidluome
as Mrympelaa., , LlU venue. he waren...lm ted b
and w ror aeveral mond. attendul by some or our
bent pyinesans, ama tr l m l till Pereeseturgly to
bye Lumina, vormuut
Irenerteinl edam. whatever.
Me become reCncrA ta prnrct nod rd.
to his Saes., winch were rolltanally
dachargind Mean...qt . ; nM.nalve maum. hlemcat
and surgical fall vvas bulbs, l'hYmerans oath Ibal
ha Care. oral LiCyriesii—taut coat.] he patinas env.
to erre.: these tern°. saw - young Mame. My et rah.
bolt one myself tromp. h. 4.tottilni near at 011.4.1.
Ole 01 my neigh Lore, who hal carrel a clubs *1 slept.
Ula wub your invaluable medirtne. waned me tu,
make 1r Ul of 11, and More Irons the rattles* Sucre
do sorneolong while ban, Iran trocwaxy hope et
jetimg pro Cared three mulct of your, etas.
Mock and Maseparat.” and ...anions. uoug
and to ny Onaralulni, Le contruer.e3
Le used !Le tiara bona, ulna omee he Lau use.] •
cuteit , bnl.:lC , no coals walk 11111. Ile .nsed in as.
twelve tomtits, and I.y Wm.< r tsar WI. pctle.l7
tcd urea, es try vestige or Inc ' , case eicept the teat.
. removed, 0110 Ito 1e.1E40115 penes..] behlth op to we
pre.nt wee. alts reotive.7. ender Mc Meaning
Cod," ertUrely owing in the use of your Yellow Dort
Kral ds marmot., and 1 asaure yen Mat I feel my.l 1
under s, fast obligations to you, and It Is arithireat/o7
tent I to.orto you of Whet your Slareapard/a au done
for so) sun. Strapeetrady,
gy ;:one 601.12100 slat.* put up tn luxe Cottle.,
Cotubtang quart, and the haute of tne .tyllip blown
dtrs, Wild the Written alguatureed 11.•
pen, oil the outside vrrapper. 1 1 memel. per bottles—or
6 tact ter 73.
it is told by 3. PAIIII. North filet corner of
Fount add
streeta, On VitallUl IL,
Uhte, to whom all orders natal he addres
c am , a, Dm", Re.e, W. P. Jobruou
6 (Resort., Cr...Aug.:to; AS,el Tur,el,
MUMlece; limos Mix,Towooda, KOtren Roy, Well,-
1.41,. t. Ilodereqtosilenstrorg, L s..e.caz. Jr.
come, of gostot .tr.s1.101:411.1 tootoood.
4.--. 1;11 RAY' 7CI. esti 13 no 911iiTAILIZ.
7, 1 'Ql.fts3t. 11.1.Villidl I I, iu the lhooßor.O, arc soli:
114. cl'execiloos Tco, .
•I 0 Cta par
B A 1,1:1CI N G U S E.
No Wood 'street, Pittsburgh.
Collections male on et the principal chic. of the
United BIAIG. suet:dip
1 S. B. Corner ef Third and Martel sta.
1 1e25 -_ _ •
so, Re.,
lffdet door to the pooh of Pletbargh.,
A. nounms & 110/$l3-;
Haat•r•. Z '8• Hroa•r•
COLLECTIONB.—Drafts, Nitta and Acceptances
payable In any partof the UraatCcolleeted on the an;;
favorable terms..
FACHANOZ on New Yore, Philadelphia and
amore; aleo,Cbtebsuan, Loutswile, Saint Loins too
New Orleans,.natently for tale.
BANE NOTM.—Notes on all solvent banks In tn.
United States atteMited ttt tho lowest rates. All Itinds
(Foreign and AZlOtltill Gold wad Silver Coin bough
ad sold. .10u
lttr tiOLAIE.B &SONS have removed their Bank
iftekooge OEISoo to-No 67 Market et
or door. tieleW old stTld,_._
13114.8 on England, Ireland, and Scotland boa,^„,
_Ea any amount at the Cluvent Rates of Exchneac
Also, Mans payable la any pan of the. Old CO11111.1C•
Prom.4l to 41000, at the rated[ L5lO the 4 Steelier;
without deduction or dueonnt, by RAJIV& main
SON, European arui general 4061, afire .Ith one
door west of woad : : . 0ut.1.,1
• •
Forcim and Amanda lulls or
ummes of Depoths, Dank Notes and
Ed and Wood means„ directly ccpcade 8
w.. Exam..l
a S , L o t 4 l i t d o
p e f
lintel, ate nOW McCraw al.di offer f
ratts, as follows:-
150 p tg4 1. Imp, O. I', r .Lrs ,
nud 1114, le,. Go 51 11.0
I'o/ I , lg, 5.0. lb suit 6 , 11, an IL
lump b. Li ru 5 , 110.
1,0114,6,, it,., Laguny no, I G5l her,
and Jar. Coded. iIS 51 I'u
50 1,11,16 N 0 lingar. Lr b. 51
SO bits N 0, ud bales
40 6ris pawdered, crusted Wale,
und Loaf Sugars. I nd Ili
lals ' b 4— •
•;13 lals Aim. ...ty - Tuo,
00 belt 'Diener.' 011/ :Lbar P peer est.,
300 gals Lamp Oil. 'Lcares 'nicer;
CO brls 'Nu 3 Alaescrel. 10 tuts omit; Caseolice
CO Las Eallidlo2l:Class Orman: toes of atl Idols
150 bit Roan Soap. 50 tins Sanniaa
lOU dot Yet Bueltcts. ii tinisStarell
.5 ills etioeOlatt. 15 bawltoca Cooly.
I 25 Las Wham Ylped Iti las libelled Alutoudg;
WO ruts Wrap. Paper. 5 case. loquo: tee
ed err Pepper gr. Alamo. ochart's Cot and lined
6001 b dembrellapecnnolf Tobacco.
to tea Lee 0 groat Blacking.
Together with a general =rat of geed,. raw
ally nept In tr.eir ill., as w II or Pntsburgh warm.
facilites. seta
— 0.051 P &TS, OIL LOTIIS, it.
IVhIeCLINTVCIC auo opening at his Carpet
. %Verdian'', Ni, 75 F one creel not 70 Wood
street,. errs handeoOledadio,lident o(Caspd,ing, co l .
prising in pan of the folloveng varinticc—
Hun sou cleguir style Vciret Pilo Carped;
Itich and elegant style Tdi O. y 11t1m0 . 1% do,
Saptrior English and Mlle lotto Mom, is dr, ,
Lairs ..P. 3 ply CaryttA;Lags, round C.,,,crdp,
tillperfiZo do do, I rj op. Toned ittq,,
ingrain do, i henna Mall.;
Extra One Attnedodo; I ' oiled :Luc.
Con. all wool, do do; r taif 8i1e,.;
do con'n ch.:dodo do; oco Sian;
do ColAol do do, J t o inn
Alsb, a very largo &seen oil 01 Tiaraditto fol.
Swans Dolor, Cturiages llotacv, As.
oil Viral.
A very large assortment a i well seasoned Oil Colas.
ranging in width from 27 aches in ol lento.: tell
LuudAome duke, eta to out any siidd r....31a,
. Pee stock of goods will be cold as n., at a. Cote
can be perchuieti in any of the eased,. dies. On
o.d. oder,' ,04, to call who wife a tare am.
re.,11 W diceLINI 100):_..
V • PRIF-N—ltn/ boo Cream 12.1 W R Cneese;
le bags Old Jvia Goren;
10 bogs Idligusgra do;
CA bags ninny Pio On,
10 Of ebisisChatan 'res.
10 eaddP , boo tetra o , Nung;
DO Co. plinic thee,
3, Of cheldl do;
le bre Minch Raisin,
bales sonatina AI/bends;
402 Ms 0101,101 Gelitorl tapir,
5 bzslioinespathir & raneyCliosoiai
10 boo Ilnincs, Cocos ond No I Cu,
5 1.5.• Areronti and Palm 0.501.;
Do boo &pan and 0011rgals4 n-usp,
5 cos 01100 and Botdeanz (Ill;
2 dos Peppin' Janie;
2 don Gerajn & Walnut Vick :es.
o dos Rnte Water;
I ease 1411221 Placeasoni,
5 eases Ida 00/imeeiti,
2 eases pare India Curio: ValsZer,
enelpertisto Rice Flour,
ID brls c lined 0 pulverised 10,00•
I 0 bits s 11 Lear,
ID Wkspate eines
50 dos eetrilliuninii.;
.1 1/ WILLLOIS 0. CC
• Cos. 11000
Ezprruly for Sorr.g.
1,0 avoid the many inconveniences attemloto
etc of Me customary *tem, Me shame ha.
o,en much, and lot a Wog note wonted
. ...on loaner of ...thoultinot/t, Ma , o
..Oa of ..onon. - sax convotocully aptt , to , tor get,-
...1 eve—Onto, so mach more •amoto , shoot, ta,,
..r II .uppnos 41.1 Stitt. , front wan, C 1113::
•• .1131141. ao4 lota 04 . 111•11.
Toe cl,Moully has at ..1“ loco two COM,
.1 offored a good mock, larid.atety put on to a co,
•cttlote. In for demesne Me.
cualy °Wootton urged moan. Oa article .3 111'
/KM?! ill Small quantity oat each opool. Tuts is cuoi
,iptamed Coon upon! iv warranted to C. 33,1111
yards of Saki while the on:loamy •t
1.1••, Rao oat oneettelo quonntY, ,, mgtol 1n.. , I
o to: yards.
roe d,
roe Silk is re,.dy for tee at the. 1.1. of Po ,
:Case, gird It out? seeds a wad, .e - oonmtwethe
, ePOCa , of it , voyellantyingta,iy. lonepounonto
ocal mot Oa:tangent form to which ti tarmat.ce
t Pas meat ade•ntagelt over the Olean, as Oct
way wan the teems Of wirsilmr, acSahoo
angling, and We leas of woe at preparing It Ice ash.
hold or WM. 11. tioneTmeee e
SI teeth Thad at, Tht , MA , Pntai
HOLISTMAI , IN, alftlan s. Cu
n MalCou Lane, New Yoe
Mae Agents
A. A. MASON & co.
No. 65 NAILIE.N.9
&aweea'Fhudt Foattlk .uccts, nitAburEh
N rt: the attention of tamale:lLl tee
in their extensive mode of Vad and ,Visiter I;
tied with great case sod eliceLain 11 , m1 ic
.theriut.ulte, large UtiCIJOI. melee, mid from
, the
by heir reitacei (either au
wet. 'Shelf mock this tall emu lie wised
• ripe and more tuned lima any they he., cvcr
rudest to Mi. market. being
goods .U 11041.04 ttitougo'ltie 1.421.11 DC It,
c m the eaatein 111/I.riIets,,CCIIJCIIIrg Ukelf 0.0
.1 t r
imes lull and oetteet, weteuy ea.34.t:ng there
c.slaily to compete OLLa eciseeto loothee
27717 i W. a/ FLIAlft, tau Wood Infect, ade app: Jfar Cidcbering`• Piano Fortes fur Western Pen,
,rlawnis, ha* received, mad now ready for Pe nh
Idlldwing trwerweeni selected by bunselt Wein
hanductury, sad will be supplied 12 usual at 01
:oreterulg's Mace*, Vai—
-1 carved Louis YIY, octave..
I elegant flosewwed, 7 247 i
I do do di do,
2 do do G do,
I du Mahogany, G 40,
1 do %Velma, 0 42,
full carved setrugrand.
subsenkr lota. the ploo,t.
onottoeots to tile eittiest. of riottOttch, nr.
.ude turanAtotte.nts veldt Jolla II Alti!or, for
aclonave of on Pt Mal FurteS. io littrattgli
Veneto rev... Orator, and ttaNe wto!ot.t; to
hose may be lutoltrJ Um( ittett intzte,lswi I t br IP
ally atteutiod to. J CIIICKGRIN
1f J.tou, S! birch 11,
I atttht.on 10 the el.o•o rtuuue rtion caned the 10.0;o
.1 Adam r4J4411., ttaeuu o. ILteco, ood t , or. cr.
new lothdand Hallett, ,111.01.6i1ea,
,rscc. 'toying Irons two to throe bundtra tlutittrr.
NEWL.L. 111,
5 .r li
IcLuber, psal recc:redauJ lur /Ale
II 1:01 iIN
..0 a '7l Arran,' 110 .4nlgs, ith 0
T.• rsople from lin• 010 Goismtrir.
ES. tut Inc same 044 of nanan I Air,rwT,.."...
. -1 Holigh Mayor. olncis rt.. t:tt an nart i.
TA , eninnry,Cnn be nought 0 LOT Aut,l 73, krr a
t Iwhat4 0 ttagroillis Ten riunt, Mtn •:de ct 11, ,
LiLamtillti. , oo nO miteToolTe I!I k . I.(iFyil. '• 12!./:••
J ilt iS - 1 - let'ST — i' - 11.71 , t1,--1 be sett In Lasts. sti
Itse et the agency of ‘VOO4
Nu s 0. __
culdri., a laic al (rarity and Opurowto,,.
Atto cl a, nrvr prize laic by T. d A.thar adtal
the authors Drat prothletion, oad: at flal.a
my 1.tep0t,.11.11 rverl, ammoe the rot Oat
0.., lac Mont Ainiabl 0( :It JUL ze, by ;anjor P J.raa
•aa, and 1,g4011`. I,vlhg Age, no :11l
I Jll-.Aal CHEES.I.i. jot r, c'Oar
1 II I, Nal FAA
Qlourning Ooodai.
7t,1 1.3.11•11 Y & 111111C111.1C1.0 hove recetv< , .
Si of rinds adaptrd Ir,r tmountamt.tur, • uth
t.l.ntor; io;d
" '
Dlouve a Lame.; and Mow..
Moarattarg l.ollare, Mac. Crams, Vol
1,3 I aaaa ,t at received andtcr We LI)
JA, , A 1 ttr11.111,.. , 0N d C.;
oct7 Agsal Si Low, Steam cur,mr
TiLb libh on herd anal tor Web,
oiEesk,L4l. Li,xes rime qach, for cas t Ly
‘„) oat? lanuH DICKEV a C
TA•n -k:h. U •DS L 4
ri. low me. t •
CA , t..1" . WT1 1 .750 1
NO' OALLS--bbli ib. AM reed and - Vir a ble - i, -
R F. bI , I.LERS
bed b 7 v. b.d ~
I_).l.l'E 3'tarFilWr..Eß-i0 bas ibb`d gt7r irrir
x ~c 6 R E sEt.l - ,Eiu,
L iii.Tho DA -4 cubs received f" sot , by
1.; bl.
3 iCIEA BIC airk.NlGkil- - -i0 tailor bole by
..y. eel 11 E SELLERS
VirflAP.7:Nirl'irt:SPltirreiiir.l.ig vita vtra
VV art avping mef F., dabble , medtam,elo3lll.l.
d.bit Grown, a very superior article,. land sr
int •sle by ~" , 1 I.: , ... 1.•:." A c aToCh"IOP4
47 Marta v.
' a u.. , maisz4•o ll, .. , -.... ~ , j_ .. ..
o' el Waal strain, . 1 ~c ,3
an Nsomas:jot of PIANO NUS. ~
the falltattalr— .
Molly, do yoo Love w i l . ti t y E. 0, ,,, ..E y 05ter. '
Ok,atey , the Red Rose so Al .10:
Lolly was a lady, do. ... ,
Uncle Ned.
td Run all Night,
Glover.oldierselVed.iht.trbT Glnee
, .
The Robin, do. •
CM, Touch the Cord yet once mom
Sweet TlN:mire of Thee.
iver Moon. . •
Lament of the Isiah Evelyn a / . .
A New Medley Song. .
Theo hest Wounded the E pirit that Lased Thai:
lbe Cr oscript's Departs,' 0, by Glover.
13e Kind to lee Loved On . at Henna.
Tim Rome where e'er do Heart is
The Yankee Maid.
Low Dotted O. by Tamar.
Ito you ever think of trie.
:Mather Gentle 'Lady..„•,'
Jeannie Grey : •
Elfin, Conan., -. Wed/414, ...Wreath, and Daisy
litatebelor, Maiden, Bill. Welts, Concert, Ladle'
'a:invents, pally, Elm* Ag eo , Ev.rgITMD, BM.
° O. Ath.6...d Ldux Polkas. f ..r24
Thaus t B rr sits I TEA 111111
UTE enter nin Into the lbat of pedera,wetialnething
If If about Slander da of Chests Importer., Lsrge
Capital, Bought fa r Cash, is. in thee, we will net
humbug in 007 ma neer or torso, we 0.1.17 Invite the
public to eionsparsour Teal sank what they pareaue
elawheroj 00. ti, the best method we know to neer-
Iftm ‘ 4OO 'ell. 'tha best and cheapest Teas in Pidtts
batch. 0 Wen re now selltnat
Geed Ind • trongTea at 40 and 50 cents per lb .
A b e st ri•iele, —...• 75 do do
The Tea imported into the U. States, 61
Low prim:4l,4=w , , or inferior Teas we do not
Elsner von oldie Tea Market,
JrJ 1 at side of Ihamond.
Ankerile..• mi•ohaviloar - Work.
D. Appleton &Co ,7. •lf ork. home In coarse of pub
lican or., in pails, r twenty live cents eash,
Qf Ilfnehmes,ll.lechmuu., Eaguas Work,andEst
gmanng; deruptal for ?matt., Wading
ALM, elltri those intended for Ma
nernug Prqfranort.
flllll6 WORE Is of large sec, sue, and will imntsin
A.Two Tn0r1500111,013, mid towards of sus Tl3Oll
- mternist - tons. It will present working-dtaw•
inge end dencripuon. of the moat Lopottaut machines
in the United Suites. Independent of the result. of
American la:genially, it will contain complete practi
cal wean es on Meehan MS, Machinery, Engine-weak,
tool lationeerinm with all trim I. moral in more than
one thousand dollars worth of folio volumes, misco
unt... and ether books.
The vein object of this poblicanon Is, in piece Le
ase practical mod and students such an amount of
eoreheat and scientific knowledge, in a condensed
sitril mete them to work to the Isnot a
loco, siaJ t avoid. 0,,c tototakes which the) night
.tiller wite ecnomo. The ',mount easeful set, i....tion
the. brought together to attnnot beyond pieried,i in
such works. Indeed, them is hardly lily .u•wct
within its range which a not treated w i th tor It clear.
new an.l freemen, that teen amen of the mica oral.
miry capacity eOllllOl tail of understancing it, and
thus Ice .jag from it much which ft la Important (or
him to know
The publishers nits to short, &dammed, regardless
of rots, to snake the work as complete as possible; and
o hoped coot) one deur°u to obtain the work will
promise kais imumi in number., and thus encourage
the onmrpf
the work will ho loused In semi-monthly manlier.,
commencing to January, IMo,and Will progress with
The whole work will be published In 40 numbers,
15 cent. per toonberoind esmaphiled within the elar•
t year, lola A liberal diaconal will be made to
Any one rentitting the publisher LO
shell receive the work through the post office free of
()partici]aa of tile Piream
"To our numerous hintothaeturera, hi
oohe d, En
gineer., and Arti.n., it will be a mine of weeith.”—
Providence, Dt.l.) Joornal.
"Young men, atm yoni.hres with WI knowledge:—
We eon with confidence recommend our render, to
pones. the...elven of its numbers a fast as they al , .
-ride unbemmungly commend the work to those on
gored tit or tuteresind in mechanical or seientifte'per
suits, as mite-cagy woritty Of their er.ninsuon end
etudy."—Troy,(N. Y u ) Budget.
"It is truly a great work, and the publitheni do
nne the thanks of inventors,end mann
factor., and indeed of the middle generally."—N. Y.
In iqgt ' ,.. " Zi oe y er will be h.g• hly tmtit! to pracUeal
mechanics , and inlaatile to all who nob ammuon
themschrea with the prnaveas or invention in lb. um
chanie &nun—New Bedford Daily Mercury.
"Young mechanics ought to keep posted up in th e.
crettml as well on penal eel knowledge, and this
conch will show therapist how they nand."—Eolfiurr
(Mar..) Adseettem.
"We take It to be jest the worethat moms .d hoo
d:n.l, of nur intelligent meek stoles havedadred to pow.
mess. tin ample emits descrunions ant. ftill and
minute lump ecificauous that it men ' s to as that
~ 7
might conmaciany mach.% it describes en
the eirength ofitsengyaning• and irstructioca"—N. Y.
in-m .Adverumr
"All interested ecs should avail them
selves of its solis.tageu".—Schuyikill, (Pant.,l Jove-
.A work of extensive prettical thd great ice
pittance and value mottle rapidly increasing interests
the cocutry. We regard th e wort as eminently
ea:sunned to promote the caner of science and the
toes hathsal a obit'." - w...emnate v tamable Informs
mist on there Farater and Mechanic.
.Practical 'men in all the varied waits of median
cal andmanufacturing industryf engineering. fie
find in th is work a treasure which hard' he toil:Leif
prolt to pothera."— Troy Daily Whtg.
"We havecarefully perused the numbers, and have
lies.tation in saying that it is the best work for rue
thuds., tradesmen, and thientifie men, ever publish
ed, for n ecutaine minute information on every branch
of the mechanical its and seteriees, expressed in a
style and language intelligible to thy reader of aril&
eapacity."—tilouirester, (Mass-,) New.
"We are tare we are doing the mechanic. of No:-
'rice and other party of Cotheeticat • serviee by
liringuig the work to their attentlon.a—Norivier.,
(Coth.) Conner.
Mt Is Jest thch • work as everY ciachaale ehosid
posse. "—Fweraan's gourmet.
Wo consider atone of the most useful and important
pulincthous of the age. No mechanic can afford to he
w i thnthiti—Nenrart.. J.,)Commerclal Courier.
"tit all the • arious publiethons easing ler their otr.
itet e.rulwr ~ p• t •31 itdvansement'of th ets.-
n , I,ld ir-het*. thal ha. seen,
r.,11 - -1:14q10 - Cim:Adv.
• it is work tree offerer] to the
re.con , red preens al ermineer and mechanic. The
Leauttralli ezteultd. - -Walltingtoortloht .
g ee. Dictheary is one of the moat thee:
r are a n for years, and the low
— lee at
which it to sold ranker 11 iteceptabld to all . —tithwi
"We rtheril it air one of the most comprehensive and
•aluabie, Si well aa eneapesi worts ever publlstedia
-fought lo
lob e taken by "d o semarr 04.31.0:05 to bet: ,
• tee wt progress" fan th ience In everyone
fif the labors of daillsed Life,"—Retniont Courier.
"It is deigned after the principle of Ure's Lamson.
ry, only Riot it is more devoted lathe coechameid and
rngtneenng professions., and these all, I .t inhabit.
as acearthlwhing for Ametlea what Ure has them for
!.,;land, destrthinj /Mangan mankthery sod
wench Of 1.11."--.S0101tlift0 Ant<trid.
'iris published in nemberm a and at • prise so rundei
rate, looking at what hieoutstn. innate nuratier,that
no one who has the least Interest in smelt miters,
need Le Attu:rte.] from promising in end every one who
doer so, will find that he has In a condensed form an
enamel of Distraction which would be obtained, if at
oil, old,' by the Web ape of very many volames."—N.
V. Conner and li:intuits,
'The comprehemmenem with
the ingithicts
ore treated, the admired* manner in 10 ich they are
ilinstrated, conspire to make this one of-the most desi
rable wort•a—lhthocradc Review.
"This wort should be in the banditti( even mechanic,
minx., end mathfacteret, especially those who have
the irs. st ' , Tautens to carol in their rail/eolith both
ne We hare csrefotily es sunned it, with • am'. of
twommendice it to inventers. To them we wonlil
in the wrong ifinguer,e of the itibm ail is good."—
Rio:mere Invirmarslinurthl.
Xmas& to rte Proprietors di NnwpaperS :AMU
th 4 (heeled Sulu, and (tondo.
Ir the foregoing advertisement is inseNed five One.
ring th e the viper ensuring it snot 10 as.
copy of the work will be tent gratis in payment
Containing no fiterrugy, rise other Mineral.
following tutimonial gru given by the eel,
L billed Or. Wooster Beach. the author of the grew
medical work entitled "The American Crashes o
licdicido and Family Phyincian."
"[Having been mule actinalnted with the Ingredient.
which compose 21cAlltster'• °Mt. ,
end having prescy.beil sesi {cited it In Several Cm...
my private practice, I have [.O 111:1040//00 in 147114 of
certifying Met It la • Vegetable Remedy. containing
al *almanac whatever, Dim Its ingredients
c ombinedc ao they •rr, and' tired as directed by the
proprietor, are not only harmless, hot of great value '
heing a truly seaminhe Remedy of great power: and I
cheerfully :rein:mend •• a.coutpound which Imo
lone idt good, and which la 11401101LatO the came to
great varle.y wf rears. Though !hoer never either
Ireeornmended or etigegeil i `be sate of secret meal.[nines, regard for the Duly consainnious, he.
"mine Misname, of the Proprietor of MIS Ointment,
end the vales of hi. discovery, oblige mete gay thus
much regeriling it. tV. fir.Acti, D. D."
Yew fork. April Zid,lo4o.
BURNS.--1t to one of the beat Woe, the nord
ur Harm.
I.ll.P.M.—TltuinvanJl ere yeaoly ctired hy :hit (1111:
It never fail, in plying relief.
For Ulcer., and all Wee of Sarno, it hal
io qual.
If Motlionot and Nurse. knew its value in cut, of
ter/Alen or Sore Rimin i they would always apply It
nh ea a, If pled according to doreetions, give.
I - Tree, hare.
lief in a very fess
Around the bog are directions for Wong blehlilt.e.
nn for Sciolula, Liner Complaint,Egyaipelss,
rester, Chilblain, Scald lined, Sore Eyes, Quinsy.
Sore Thront, ttrinichites, Nervous Afrecnons, Pama,
Disease of the Spina, !lead Ache, Asthma, Umbaeo.
Iltt Pm
Barna, Corns, all Ihtearea of the Stilt, Sore
tips, Pimples, he., Swelling of the Llielne,
Rbeumetitm. Sliest:old Feet, Croup, Swelled or Una.
tan Breast, Tooth Ache, Ague in the Face, the.
pmni the Readina Eagle.
There seas never, of:rasps, a htedletne lartuaitt Ue.
fare the !while, that has in contort a time won tech a
reputation a. Men:haters 011.11ealing or World
Salve. Almost every sweetie bar ha. made trial of it
sprat. wan:Orin Mt. One has liven cured hy
It of the Mott palatial rheum praise atism, another of the piles,
a third of •vroublesorne painin the side, a fourth of a
swelfic I.L the Ihubs, hr. If it doe. not gore mune.
dime relief, In every case, it van do no inPrry, bone
ppplied outwardly.
An another evidence of the wonderful healing pow •
et po.seaved by this aslye, we subloin the following
,ertifmate, from a respectable citizen of Alablenctee%
township, to One county:
btaldencreck, Setts es, March 311, 1747.
Messrs. flitter .t Cat-1 destie to inform you mat 1
was entirely curet! of severe rain in the hack, by the
of bleAllieter's A.ll.llealing Salve, which I pep
Mimed from you. I andered with it for about SO years,
and at nista was unable to sleep. Daring tbsi tram
tried c•flos. remedies, whieb were prescribed tome
phystethns end other persons, wathoutreeeiving an
tshef, and at last made trial of this Salve, With a re.
left favorable eond expeetation• I now entire.
y free from the b p yainiand NCO Iponcerut
and S'OP. eleep. I dare alto need the 111Veallree for
tooth ache and other complaints, With moiler happy
vicuna Poor friend, loop Hot.nrabactb
Sole Proprietor of the abotainedleine.
Pnnems I Offire, No 79 North Third street,Pldladel.
dams a ProtelOtteith—B. A. Fahnestook & Co.,
CanlCt or Wood and Find et! Wort.•7ackson, No.
4. , Laren) . street: L. Wilcox. }r„ corner of Illuket
wed,end the Diamond, also earuerof Fourth and
trtnollteld streets; J. 11. Coseel,eoheier of Walnut and
Penn IQ tr ts, Fi ft h Ward; and sold at Um Dookstora In
Strottfield aftotet, rsd door from Second.
In A Ilagheny Clry hy 11. P. Sehlwarts and J. Douglass
Ily 3. U. Smith, Maginot, tlllatinghal4
F.Amt Ltiony; 11. Rowland, nlelCeenpam 7. Alernancr
& Roo, Inotonnabels Cityl N. A. Bowman & Co., and
LT. Roger., Utowaorille • John Barkley, Waver, PE
lohn Wallrcr. Jr.. Elisabeth; Boantight & Erwin,
nocheniet foblleodlY
— 1.71 , 1 - 0113
--The }}skin of miser permonsls dlolgured moth
slight ereptlous, at pimples, morphave, kn., and when
QM is merely a diaeue of the skin, as it is in ninety
nine emelt oat of every bandied, it is very easily re
mand. Jules fluters NymPh finea
adepted lo_dinesaes of the akin, as it arts directly
'upon the Minute pores which toner Ito manna,
cleansing them from impurities. and by its eatiamte
properties healing and endicanng all eruptions, and
rendering: theatrics% and roughest akin soft, fair, and
tam laica
Persons who hen !ken to the bubit of tieing oral
na,raceadpilad,l„l. b r a t,. sra t t , oth . ed
, a n t ~,t he bea m uti a fe a fgect
Loom, emaciates the FILe, attend. from chap
ping, Oaring all (mum°, and removing all cutane
ous eruptions. onleme,and
la entirely tievoi.l ore:: n n t properties, rendering'
it the only entitle o, be red with safety and
comfort to the careen
All those whose fo . ess or neet ate dtaGitured with
blotrite- ten. niorphew, he, should make
tri of Jul, II ou,lhi Nyni , h Soap, as the proprietor
positively 115$01•1 tse twit its in•e will Tender the
most discolored et 'oboe. Ninghest skin smooth,
and the most cimu•ed • 5:11 k,,sithy, porn, and bloom-
Mee FMiere Yc MeUfer Li the only article yableh
will effectually 7.,,tive li.r annve effects in to abort
Ume, and Me o ivone winch is at the same time
powerful and etoireiy barmier, 'Prepared only by
JULES 11 A rm.. Perfumer and Chemist,
' lui rlrettnnt rtreet, Ptah,.
For sale solsolemit and email b 7 11. A. Fattnesto
k Co, and R. C. l'iranura,b; and Jahn S •
Seal and J. Mitchell, .Illesi,dny city, pa. ieg.
A GOOD hiethoaas7 Piano FGT., 6 octavos,
aceond Sand --COO 00
hasdsorna with Itonwood
Furniture, 6 °mem and in good order • •• • 100 00
A plain 54 11,121<11 PilEnn • • • • • ...... 45 00
A good 6 octane 4.thr o ---- 7500
A good 54 ositoo th,o,woh handzome
..... Nrm
. 75 00
/0/151 MELLOR
PI Wood at
For Yak, I y
may :
!thetalie Night Llglaik
SUCEIICEDING the Woccen Floau. and being in.
combustible, thereby economises the oil, ad pre
vents ignoion. Lcotefore so much objected to In all
other Goats. One mitts spooniul of the common
lamp oil will Inst.:Vine Ifoess,or env further length
of time, nceottline to die addtivittal quanuty of pd.
Received nod lot stile by JOIM 1) MOROA.Di
caar27 Druge",
J UT, at the Pattaborgh family eV
e e asesc• Warcianazea
5 Fec oh Oymerson can.;
if do Pickled do, In allja.a;
5 do de pint do.
The abate Fresh alp..rr arc pailapilcd., and poi
an a highly &nee menleal aoup,cocloaed iu he...we
ly sealed Cana ant wail lamp much longer tham tho,
nut no lo the orainmey way. ,
l'ar sale, .pd 1, Mi. by
WM A m<euinci &
206 Labe.,
• . _
Growl Auras Icon schnulcal Work.
f% r1.1.1.;11)ry has, ,00001
. of pals inane',ln .stm, pn.e twenty Gee cent
each, a DICIIuNAIII &Mariners Mechanica, co
gine Work. and tinritteenno; demoted for Procne,
Working lien, and More intended torn. Engineering
Praia...son. Edited by Mixer Byrne.
This snick is of large Oro sin, and will contain two
Mout and pests, sod upwards of six thonornd Sinatra ,
tams. It will present working drawings sod descrip
tions of the 111031 important machines in the tinned
Slate.. Independent of the result; of American In.
genial), It will Contaln eninillete praetleal trealize• on
Mechanics, Machinery. Engine Work, and Engineer
ing; that m awful in mare than one thonsand
Sollars worth of folio volumes. magazines and other
books. Six numbers receweal, and for sale by the
agent It HOPELMS,
it; Apollo Buildings. Fourth at.
• t
4-4-.- 14
-1, i
ii:ii 7 ll
1 .7- 7 :
1 t•
iv. iy
John 11. Mellor, 81 %Iced Street, Plttsbargh,
CRICKIIIII NW , CELlS:iiit.X.ltill
Ord and liqataxe Plasm Fort,,,
B IWS. to tailor , I mend., and the congeal publ ic,
that be has now tr.votors, end Wililet<lllf, and
expose for sate, s thr present month, the largest
and molt destrahle most of nano l'orterever thlered
for sale to the weft-- among the nme het will ha found
a fall Supply of
Setterbly eroweJ Rosewowl (tumid Plano Pours,
Mitla ail the resent toettorrtnenta to mechanism and
style of ex terior
SplentUdly carved linsewood seven octave SAnate
Plano fact,, L•strlte , l in the Fitgabethen and 1.111.
X/ V Milts
With tk large snots of all the various styles of rte.
no Fortes, varvine 1 , 1 rises from 5170 to &MU mitt
Mond, prepa y try Mr t - mokerlng for the present
Tema, tlet.lo.)
Purehrown 114. M. ~ r 4 that the rico of Mr. Chiek•
erms• Yistrin. hare Iwo. sod rattl continue to he, the
mar, ns at ths rtmenlio tory in Reston, wtthoat charge
for 11,mm...rowan, r.ry:t 00, he delivered and set op In
permu or o rr , ~, se w rm of the pity, w•thout charge.
rbere ar, !mar, 11.
.. • ••
Thu are do.-ar.p“, ITI 0.111,07 hr."
lIIIE Sid ItTerei :S.s trmort aide remedy, and
the constant ripeltea. ,,, t, :or It, to the proprietor.
has induced hua nye I: put vp on bettlre wtth la
bels and dweetron• to, :S. truck of Lbe
The PVITILirt.I:•L LI .. parets-a from a welt
sn ttat
deft et :a • pare one
dattereied 6.:L0Ul an, C . .col change, nu,
past as flows front atiwoa Idtbotoryll 'floe
contain, proLeree• o a temLer of diseateti,r•
uo I t a ate:arr • na.n.ty There are meal
thing. the arceatt ta r ts, which, if known,mlghi
be ref. utehtloe•. Misstating antrering, and w •
Caring the bloom c( t/lt, at vigor to marl • so,
ferer. Long Leant tnoprator punins
It up In barites, it tv.:. arallou :of the Late of dl.•
ease. The etuisisat 01 wereoing cat, for it.
and several e•• • -. i .• ,•rt be. perrertatal. 0 •
t a t•• taae e ll .
y wits sere , oa ppecL
We . d s,sa
parade of certd,
vase, is tr. sr: tothe nUdielne can Apo:.
work Ws tit. - r those who soder artJ
wtah to Ito %Via., ere Co not elan for it IL
sniveraslapplts:attoi. • dtscase, otte•
Poet) any , that to is naniSet of Chronic I),•sses it 14
InrlVlajed. A • et•, toe enalarrated—all
diwitso of the mucous 1,541/H, mach as CIIRONIC
EIfLONCILITIIs. , CONnUelPlittf stoto ea y stage,,
itstliwo, toil aa darn tot n. te: air patsager, LIVER
COMPL.AINT, aPEPPIa, Insrnua, I:tsetsea of
the Illarldnr end Kidr.eys, Pains Li the Bach or Side,
Nerectua Iti•en et raisin, Petry, Itheurnane
Gmt,Eryetne.., Otter, Ringworms, Berns, Scalds,
!Instate, rod Sores, /Le., kr.. In eases el debility re•
s :tong (tot esp.:art, or Intl and protratted rues of
disease, Mir rowlicusn will linng relief. It Will at as
• general TONIC mud ApTr.unTivr. In Inch c.c.,
tinssarung tons and emery lathe wonle (rune, roma
ln,g ob.:Meth:Ms, Opening the al...grub fenchona, which
Cansedmeese and s broken conantueon, and gtetng
lucre-anal and renewed stotigy to all the organs et
Late The propne , or knows of several cof
PILES, that 'emoted eel,' mart treettletel. get ures
wader the use of the for s cion time .
The proof sea be eveo any (Croon who desires it
Nom genalne without h o signature of the proprietor
Bold by the propnoor,
6 M. pr,
Cate, 8010. near Seventh at
to ay rtF.LLEItS, Weed et,
and—ICEYI4:IIh. NrDoWII4.,
corner Woad se end Vlrgio alley; who are his
eon e•dc• 'ocularly appointed Agent.
-•- .
rim*: lISCHItir3I 4 3, will sell Musprait's two
quality and Clph :rxl (Flaw nd Rat i o Makers'
aA.ah, nYrlor m any other brand a
71 by t o g o omati of bani or erne,. for currency or
am °yawl Notei. •I aaa. mont3y, or 31 for. low ven
tral, • w M MITCIIFLTHEI.,
'Awns cr.%
WIS, Yoarth lit ••t
W :cunt. rartfrautty retrial. LW
Sprint St. i of CARl'er OIL Cl a m . HA,
Trim:any, Are., onwprialitto in part the foll o wi ng ,
,y Erma :bumf flovalNelrer rale Cameo,
Tapeatry ar
Faglirli and Arnerisen Brus•el.
Kura Saporta. 3 ply "
,Ispetsnc. !spun
Elm . * CIO
Conhan, all araot,
14.1 .nd I 'rap aea Vat
4-4,1 and 1T I 4 Carl•.
1-4, I t I and 1.4
1.-nt Ind R. ewpat*,
.• 1 P,lnErd Conn 03111,A
7-1. 4.4 and
&.4, 4-4. tir.4l I 111.1101 , 11.
I, inch proem 00 Cloth.'
(f +twin.
Cos .13 1 . 111,1,1:10.0
Mae and Vrab Ovate,
1%1.'13 011 UL.ltt.;
Mammas ,or Linkitqs,
Watered IVlnreio.
Flonced nlrlysn4a,
Transparent "
French trat.vp
6 , 440 nm 11:.nd,
11 .4 linp
nti C 1.+01”..
tteutet. ViAp4,
UroWn tnuptur.i,
6.11/1. thl Cloth Table
t:axar OIL CLornn 1.111
14Sh arid AMC ritan f 04141
111 wOlitt, whinh m,:l he
••••tbo:rn of nny Ai2C nr nIL
The underrlynr.l having
.Ao.lno.lT ,
',trio-sr, nrr (.1 11l
,• pnorrio o
1,1 , of I!, cno , ,
Hanna the is rgt• a,tertment of the richest and
trtogt InAionabla a IMPERIAL THREE
PLY and INti II AIN it PETO which far surpasses
I'l quilsty end enee...o-t,o , rrotr.any ateortment eve%
before brought to IN. el,. Ile eine invites Steamboat
hlen and Gooch to Ma large end well
minded otroronentolTßl %I M I MI6. and ether *Wel.
neceerary in Urea loon oe•t.
'rho und ,,, mood .• rtr, , tat (ar theonly Stair Rod
Hannfeetort llhritderrnir, and T. prepared to .ail
lower than enn be oarohot.-d ekewbere In Mt% city.
A A. MASON t", CO. ru 3110.: :tt . etl, between
Tturd red Fn :tr., haw 'wetly/eta huge
luortrosli of Ilerege fk Lains; I . crrlatt eltßbe. an en
tire Herr artinic; Crepe gh, he; wltMl
• large aaPOelmenl of hnor. uoo d,
of the lat.. etyle4 anti mini fashionable color..
Paper flanging..
§i , al No SELEcTION.—AI7III be received, by bved,
canal sidno:rass, a new and choice moriment •
1, , all raper, of thr. Weal Fret:lob sad EMU= style
ill gold, thadda., oak, plain and Ingh colors.
W. I'. MARSHALL, (late 8. C. Hill,)
• ;
Tula b 3 Wood ntret
IOM& this day aarnetraiedirrith We, to the Whole.
• n o r , Grocery, Comenerten, and Forwarding bail
ness;tay two Sons, K. N. and W. B. Waterman. The
at sheers In (mare 'sal be coodnetwl ander the style of
T., S. Waterman &Neon, Al the old stand, Yin a W.-
to tad ta Front street. 1. o w ALTI3II.I• N.
•:. ~,,..,•. 01 0 .04 . 1., t•••
• i 'UMW) 1101Efeite lest reehl by
n, o ty -•- " J r;e1100,01.AKLII fr. CO
.Ir a tk o git i ba u Hrsila it
1850 MECO - 1850
BOATS of Ole Line twill leave rag - Warty, and de
steer freights without trutshipeuent.
I C BIDWELL, Pittsburgh,
JAMES COLLINS, do, }Agents
DIMS - ELI. t BROTHER, Rochester,
• 1850 isigml,
From Pittabsori fa Cirlundatv and Cleveland,
through the rads and ropulotra r eountie . ty Volvvv,
blame, Carroll, Star Tosearatrox, Lorkoeton,
Motkingstas, Liekivg, end
• The completion of the Sandy and Beaver Canal
opens up to oar city through this great natural sontral
route a direct eolinn.leatiOn to the above as ax
the adjoining counties of Wayne, Holmes, Knee, and.
From Ms section of OW, the trade with PittihaLgi
bas been, to a great extent cut off, toconsequenc
the high rates of transportation, which arc now re ,
dated 10, SO. and 50 per cent.
Boats of this line will leave daily, and run through
without transhipment. The Canal ciampany have
bestowed upon this line an interest le,the unprece
dented advantages of their charter, imOthus secured
to the middle portions of Ohio in ordering their goods
equal Interest In this advantage. Agents:
J. C. BIDWF.LL, Pittsburgh;
BIDWELL & CO., Glasgow.
R C Helmet, Spear's Mills, Ohm,• •H & A Gil ,
Willtsmsport,lll.; George Kemble, Elkton, 0.; Carli
tc Iluffman, do; Hanna, Graham S Co. New Lisbon
Artcr & Nicholas, Hanover, O.; Ilibbem & Hooey,
nersa. 0.; Speaker & Foster. do.; Joseph Pool &
do.; & Doss, Oneida Mills, 0.; 11 V Dever, d
C Harrhal & Co, Malvern, 0.; R K Gray, Wayne.
burg, 04 E Reynolds, do.; Isaac Teller. Magnolia 04
E.! ilarkdal4tcCo, Magnolia,o4 Wmillarkness, do; J
APFarland& Co, Santlyville, 0; P P Latter. do; Park
haogh & Steinhaugh. softest, 04 Willard & Shriver,
do; J J llo(ftaaa, Massillon, 0.; COMMIne & CO, do;
Jolla Robinson, Canal Felten, 04 Pertig k Torrey,
Canal Dover, O.; A Hedberg, Roscoe, O.; L K Wsr•
ncr, Newark, O; Fitch K Hale,Colansbus,o; L 0 Mat
thews, Cleveland, O.: Rhodes & Green, do. magi!
Wmteria Transportation Company.
akirM 1 . 850 . Mega
P 4 Lx&ca & Goys Lisn,
By Pro/sepialam& Costa! and Rol Road.
riotE Lents and Ciro of this lane love been pot I
I compete order, old arab Re tradition of sever
new ones to the line. cnablea us' to carry a tog
nnantay ef produce and gold,.
'the enure clock of the Linn to en Ilea and con tree
ea by the Yroprletors
1850: eiria
CLARK, PARES A CO, Rochester, Pa, Propt
Men nor Smithfield and Water am, Pitts Lute,.
Cleveland, Ohio.
11111113 well known Line are yrrepaeed to transport
I freight and Passeesem from PITTSBURGH and
CLEVELAND. to mi 7 Venn on the Canal and Likes.
The facilitie. attic Line are vitanepameditn number,
quality anil minnow of Boats, expenencis of captains,
and efficiency of Agents.
One Boat tomes Pittaburgliand Cleveland daily, ran
cling in conr.ectlon witha Line of Pleats line, be.
tween PITTSBURGH and BEAVER; mld a Loot of
Vast Class Steam Betas, propellers and Vassals, on
tha Lakes. .
ailiell 1850.
CLARK E. PARKS & CO, Rochester, PMPtlntof&
THE Proprletnra of this old and well known Lane
would tnform the pablm that they are now In op
caution Inc the present semen, and have commenced
reeetrino Freight sod Ponce Acre, which the are
fella prepared to <arty to all potent an the CnnAl and
Al the Mare. twee. One of the Boats of the Line
will he emmantly at the lending, below Munonsahela
Midge, to receive freight.
JOHN A. CAC° H EY, Agent,
Office, cot Water and Smithfield Ma, Inntebergh,
R W Canntnehern, New Cantle, Pa,
filachehree F. Co. ralmkr,
1. C Mole, Shame;
I it rt 11611,Sherptlang;
yVick. Aehre A Co, Greenville,
Wm Henry, Hartalownt
'm Power, Connenatvele;
dohn Hearn & Co, Pam;
John J Minster & co, Hada:o,N Y
i rpt
PittstnarigliPoriable 80. Line
P , llll TOP PIuNsPOPP•IIO7 , OP remain
To ENO 71.0.4
Icitra imperattenWheralle
Ruktine da !lac.,
Tuned hoer;
, T
- o ' lin p l . a
s e k „ ,
EV.. Wilton
Oominon do
Chrnlll, Dom
Bore priniVpnano rovers
Ittn'toped !gam! •
Linen and won.* •
Damara 'Star !Anent
Turkel , fled Chim er,
F.rghoh 011 Mos',
ltrown Linen ercenbelth
ilia,.Jr ILAN
lore:o0 Coco Mata,
niril 4.4 Green Oil Cloth
loir Olinda;
''{l or tr but Dispm
the noel .PPromed Ens
mar Iram IR to 21 fret
m La tit roams, halls, and
Imported direct from Eng
•apt mry CARYL - Pd. Time
fm , ...t and mom elegant
of t a, he molt gorpons colon,
,v they can purctrt.ed
lIARIII3 ( , Nol3 South Third .t,
And It tho Tobeeco Warehouse, Doe sr,
Pitt aesphat,l`..;
Ni' 114 Naitil Flaxen! et. Beunwre, hlt3;
orFicE, No 7 West or, New Vora;
I) LESICII rr. Clt, Cana Patin , Penn st,
• .
Clark, Park a Co, Roche-war, Pa;
F. N Parks & - Co, -- Yrrosignown, ONO:
Al II Taylor, Warren. 0,
A A N Clark, Newton Call. 0;
I Braj ton h. Co, Ravenna,
Cent, U, Worn A Co, Foo elm Oi
It A Miller, Cuyahoga Fells, 0,
Wheeler, Lee A Co, MEMO. 0;
Clor_iLordn, Crawford A Co, Clavalatr, 0,
Hubbard & Co, Sanduaky, (V;
Peckham A Cron, Toledo, 0;
O W i llia m. h. Co, Detroit Mc&
VC:Maros & Co, Alllwankie L lVia;
Morley A Botton, HatIOC, Wi.;
George. A Giiihe,Ctilcarto, Ill;
Thomas Hale, Chicago, Hl.
• raO comer WOlOO and Ern:o.sdd •
:n.. liN
NEED voax, nolroN,
Talon. 5 Ta•g fthrania,
Philadelphia. re
/ Pittsburgh.
ept{E G.e.l bear now open, the preYrreme, of
and., receiving and forwarding Merchandise and
Pmeinen at low lairs, •04 with the mono:nem cer
tainty, nee safety, pectinat to their eymem and ' mode
of transport:mon, where initnnediate trambirmnent is
arelded, with the consequent delays and probability
Merchandise end Prodece shipped easter wem,and
. Lad ir.g forwarded free of charge for commie
aloe. isdreneing, or morage. flaying no interest di
rectly or inelltenny In steamboat., that of the owner.
la eolely confolisd when skimping their goods.
All commanicattone to Etta following agent. prompt.
ly attended to:
No 77S Martel wee:, Philodelphi•
Corner Penn arel Wayee steeets, Pzusbargb
John hloCallogn & Co, &•3 North 641:Wu P. u. boa
& Co. 23 Doane sr, Poston, W. & J. T. Tapacort & Ct •
on South at, Naar York; Junto Whoolornght, Cmcin
tut... Pittsburgh xiii k aa.
Tbo Canal being nom opens, 1.1 are ready to receive
and forward promptly, produce and =rotten.= east
row.' ratoajchareird by rayon.
.W 0 Imeri.
- • .
warded not and west, acetate any charge for for
wardiog or advancing freight, Commission Or storage.
Dills of lading forwarded, and all direcatong faith.
folly warded to.
Addren or apply ta t WM. DINCIIAAL
Cent Basin, tor. Liberty and Wayne lea, utsbriggh.
111NG117111.1 k DOCK[
Nn 1.63, Martel at, between 4th k CM, Phira.
JAN. WiLttON, Agt,
No ItN, North Howard at.. llaitlmora.
mrid No to. Wee erect, Now Vork
Tile deceit.. Of the aesioo rennet, in Philadelphia,
the lain Jame. hi Denied p duet. no inicriaption
to the busineso—ortaCcement
s have been made which
tosolves the same Mutest. precisely, which have
...totem exiiited The business is continued under
the same name and firm, mr.—
J•mts Al Dams fir Co., Philadelphie;
Jude blirsozei 1 , Co., Pitteburgh.
'I he cominitance of the pauonage of oar 'many
friends Is respectfully solicited. If any persona been
demands against the concern, they are requested to
p <lent them forthwith, for payment.
Pittsburgh, April le, `NI JOHN BBPA lilt,
ep17.11 Ss . s7l!lrm por t er.
iirrattmigN 808 -----
V.S•alWar sow flasailltaaa• Otnialis
isilkllANlthEfi a. CO. mamma to bring Person/
from any pert of England, Ireland. Scotland or
Wale., upon the meet liberal terms, with their
aidaretuitlity and ntlennOn to the wants and com
fort o emmigrents We do not allow oorpesseocers to
be robbed by the norledling ecamps that infest the teas
perm a. we Mite china of them tbe moment they re.
pan theranciVein and see ID their well belay., and de•
eritteh them without any detentitm by the brat ships—
We eel ti.:. fentleenly, as we defy one of Our pusen•
scrs to show that they were detained 48 Hose by us in
Liverpool, whilst theireands of others • we deudned
ninths, enul they eriniebbeeii - Mt in tumor Marl, in a
eh ',lp rate, which too frequently proved their entries.
We intend Indrform one COntretels nonorably, cost
what It may, not act a. was the ease last season,
ve t ch ether officers,—who elate, performed not all, or
when it Edited their convenience.
Drafts drawn at Pittsburgh for any mom from it to
Lupo, payable at any of the proviscial Bank. to lea.
EnglanA. Scotland and NVales.
- -
European •Ld Gummi Agent,
Filth street. one don, Wow Woo
l(4110110-17 A( pipes
p Brandy-o=d, Dopey, e.e
LA ipesAiled
5 esks N F. Rem;
MI 1.44 Whiakpli for WS by
O. A. ifahn k £ Co.,
WVcrlV t tre. " M.6 p ole ( f=, ' 0717.70 0 m f 111 c o re IV
too bolo Whiting; 600 100 CArb. Ammonia;
60 do Mum; 500 do Asonneuda;
SW do Rye Wood.; 800 do erode Tartan
:5 do Latoptdock; 600 do Liquorice Root;
do, — Van. Red; MO do Irish Mom;
o do Camphor; ILO do Red Precipitate;
lo do Sp. Drown; 150 do Calomel Amer.;
90 do fellow Ochre; 93 do do Eng.;
10 do Ilrimstone; Mal do Bucher Leaves; f
8 do Cloves; 200 do Rhubarb Root;
3 do Chain.Flamm; 400 do Barna. do;
14 cares Ref. Borax; 130 do Gentian do;
95 do Castile &env 000 do 901 Itochtelei
15 do Frani. Blue; 200 do Beidlittlattlure;
10 do Cele...Mamiesia; UM do Cooed Rhubarb;
la do Chrome
Ye reen; 060 do do Sli Elm;
6 do do G llow-, 1 p. OO do do G. Arabic
5 do Am. Vermilion; 100 do do Liq. Root,
00 ream a Bond Paper; WO do do ialaPi
05 barn cil7 Sumac; MA do do Af.Cayertne;
25 bales Bottle Corky; 200 do Bulph. Zino;
7000 Ralph. Morphia; 900 do .Bar TM;
1900 lba Cape Alm.; 200 do Tamarind.;
1200 do Ili-Chrom Potash;l3o do quick Silver,
IMO do Turkey; 230 do Orange Peel;
1500 do Umber; 75 do Cochineal;
1200 do Crelol Tartar, 30 do
MA do Tartaric bold; 00 do
wo do Urn Una; do Granigle Lotion.
NISUCLUP... -000 Lames bout Black Load Cral
gible., anented Mad,. for sale by
3 actioorimAizak co
sir James Marrara Fluid 111la5ikeid
IpREPARKD nailer the louneditre east of tbelln
'calor, and established for upwards of thirty year.
This elegant preparation Is recommended In' all
ram. of bits, acidities, indigestion, goat, and. ICHtl.l.
evile anti safe, easy, and effectual form in width
. tilarfaisia may, and indeed the onlr one in whits It
ought to be:exhibited. nossething all the properties of
l'i , ittfilori• nowtn general use, without bete g liable
I. kr: it, to fora. dm, acmes c o ncre t ions in the byvvels,
It effectually cares heartburn without injuring the
come of the stomach, an soda, poles., and thelr.intr
.tionstesi are Imo,. to do; it prevents th e foadeiflini
rants turning sour; in all llbe• 111103 AS St pleuslng
aperient and le nacelle/1y Adapted to females.
it Humphrey Davy testißd that this solution
soluble conahinntions with re
acid salts in ease of
goat and gravel, Derby counteracting their injori us
tendency, when other ethane, and even Magnesia
Itself, had [silt. 1
From Sir Philip Crampton, Dart-, Surgeon Gcncaitl
Itar A" Pil th i l it ' e l r ' e n' c ' aTi. be no doubt that
may be administered more safely in the form of ac tv.
eentrated solution than in :substance; for tbis,a d
many other reasomt, I ern Dl' opinion that the Fl id
Magnesia is a very 'able Addition to our Nate is
',. i Peeper. fkr .'-'-`-
Sir Jame-9 Clarke, Si, d. C ooper, g t, and .
Moser. Guthrie and flerberi Mare,Loudon atrong
ly mean:mend klurrayla rigid Magneela,aa tieing in.
haltely more - sale and convenient than the. solid, and
free from the danger attending the constant use of
soda or pouf s.
. . . .
Fur sale by tho importer's and pronricinea agents,
13 A FA/IN - 131 , 1XX k CO
Cor. of Waal & Front sts.
Fran the Vegetable:K.4qm, to repel DIJOSia
Dr. Guru:or kratriet of Toiler" Doak
and illarsoparilla.
Corn eonauraptlon, roculs, tyclpetna, rheumatism,
gout, liver complaints, aclual affections, Wean, op
dropsy, asthma, piles, county, affections of
the bladder and kidneys, mercurial direases, cor
rupt Lumen, rash of blood to the head, Foote end
ape, female complaints;aenersi debth ip, dycpep.
cia, lora of appetite headache, colds, cn.uveneu,
ravel, night awaits, cholla, organic affections,
palpitation of the heart; lola., pains In the vide,
chest, buck, de.
It Li id4LILLI.3 in alr place.* miring from an kn.
pare Mute of the !blood. Of irregular action of the SYS-
le the Vegetable Kangdato, an Altavista !Wag ha
posited plante end herbs . ' congenial Mohr ...tit'
and adapted to he curator disease; and to la
ggrable kingdom does the re3ulakof man,. well a
tostinet of sal alto, tarn for antidotes to pals.
T,e Syrup Is a scientiLe.compunud of the molt 'al
*able plants In nature, entirely free (tom deleterious
and enetTatlugralneral substanees, and as it.,czpol,
et.rAee from the system, Imparts TWO( and strength.,
soorrespending,draree. •
- .
An r strao,.!mary case of Scrotal., Erysipelas and U
corr.:cared: by tae hole tacit Dr. tloymnia Con .
.ochd Simi', Yellow Dock arid Sarsaparilla
ttioosmst, Nov. 17, IUI/3
Da. Gorton —Sin 1 tender my 'hooka for
the prat henclit I hove derived Irma the nee of your
valuable syrup. 1 have been troubled very hod wit
scrofulous tore, which Made itaoppearance on or
chin. •1 did not pay much emotion le it firs]. sop
posing it In be nothing but ea eruption thateippeor
potool'o .. Ilfir.s.ll,, - beiyan incrume, until
spread to We oack part of the heart: applied to a
physician, who attended roe all to no P.P.". I boll
tried every thing that could be tried. I saw your Syr
up of Yellow Doek and Sarsaparillas and concluded
to use it, for 1 knew that Yellow Dock was one of the
roost valuable ;uncles in the world for the blood. 1
bought your Syrups and from the Ilse of one bottle,l
enald see. greet change inmy aistern. I continued
to use it until 1 was it well man. I now feel like •
new per s.; mi blood is perfectly cleansed nod free
from ail impurities. There Is not a question but tha
your newly discovered GOMpoland is far superior 1
any sarsaparilla syrup ever sold.
Thin certificate Is at your disposal to publrsh 11 yes
like, and an) one you may refer to me. 1 obeli be bap.
py gins them all the information I ran about my
eon., 81. C. ,1 remain your obedient servant,
risonee U. Jounaon,
113:Aerker sweat.
The tick fern., ceed(eine known. The Ltathiet at
Veneer Doett end diereepatilla in a iweinve i apeedy i
and retina:mil cure ha . ell eon:plume incident to
• nThl A1,1•7:1.
utthi, rlierenrin navel - nes render it peculiarly
epplirethile the :lie dleneer and delicate cotatitution of
tho ream!, It de unrirdiled in its eatels upon such
dine es incipient ectitempuen, bast ion, leo
conhoca, or tatutea. iircenlar nientthordidm, inconti•
nonce ot cline, end etneliq pro, :don the system;
tannin ciliated, Ind
turd,: that •hetreed,in ou
Leas end leas er ennirenn to the fenen!• fume,
nod LI:OLIO en tiler? and hao7enuT as surrilin.% lee
titer ore irs,crial. iTe hove C,lellre Or hie which
indune. ti• seninrly to reuodithend this roinhette to
mewled people who tuna net barn' bleared rich at
Fulani. Dun, or Falling ol the Womb, or Iva
Tenn , ' ...dint. eared by Guyeell's Extr net el
Yellow Doak and Saranbuilla, a'ter every ratan
known remedy had been tried without relief.
Thu gertiftet that my wife, aged a/ year., has
been rejoin* ender the above eomp'aint for five
TTare—nearly:Ml el that lime confined-to her bed. I
re for four year. eengantly empluedthe bestmed
mat talent tem coold beoproeueed meta section orate
Country, Without nay beueLt. whatever. I hue oho
porehwea erbry instrunent runinmutted for the
Once of Farb itheue., all of which nnd wor th ies,
the errt'tJ lb,. I Wan tain te d b e ray friends
in try Dr. 410•010 , Yeiler. Dock end Ratuparille,
width tent emit Ire bier toonam After ate had used
It for Mann fedi weeki. it wee evident to ell that we
wan improving, non Root 1613 Mlle rdie Improved tar
end ginned agh and iniugth, until the dtteue
Ma. entirely rezoned, rine the is row enjoying moat
excellent health. WM. MONFORT.
We being neighbors of Wet. and Jails Monfon
knew that toe above alinement, as to the Weltnew
Mrs. Monfort, and i. tntbe eure being elected 1 , )
yEnt'l Yellow Dort and Sanwparil tn. to be
tree. JANE EDDY.
SARAH eowEne;
Groat Oruro of ComseteupUom.
Iltetnno, loonary -Jere.
Mr. Bennett—Dear Sir: The great t•eneft *Wet
titya dented from roar Extract of Yellow Dock an
Sareaparilla,lnderes me; se an or, ofiustice, to mat
Me following statement:.
After warrior for two roan from gametal &Many
which fioallyaerotimmeil a come:tenon, I was yivert
an by ray fom.rni and physicians Liberman the sot to
mcd,cin e . A• rest Orson, I was indueti to CO
your Extract, and horirg, lased but two b Wes, ae.
cordoir_to tour direction, I out courely well. 1
wouinherefore; curunals recommend Tour tro.cqoai
led Compound to the alarmed who Collie • powerful,
piracani arc solo comely. timarfally your friend,
None genuine colas put up in large square !mules,
coata.rdag a quart, and ihr !tome or the syrup blown
m um giro., with the wr,a, picrial ore of S. F. Len
nett or the ourmie wrapper. ritoo St pm, bora:, or
six bonier torrid .
It .
a oak! Cr J. D. rwa . , CI,C! of Fear-hand Wal
out stream Ctnetnean, L`hi Ol o, General ',gent far a.
:toad" and West,,to adlorn al:orders mast be mamas
Cower & Jiro t Jeolsoo & 40., Moe
ford; Oho & Cleo:oar, •GrosKing,alic; Abel rum!
Idnutousc; hits, MU, Towanda; Robert Roy, %Val
born; L. Roderick, Calledo.Oure, L. Wtleor.,Jr. Yin
' , urge!, corker of Market siren and the Ilturuond.
medicines of the day."
Grehtin Sleben, Ohio, May -.13, 1879.
R E. dellete—lL think aright, lot the benefit of others,
to state some facie In relation m your excellent
mtly Mediethes.
I have tmed your Vermifuge largely In my own
manly. nun vial frequently expelling large quantlde.
May 112 to 200 worm.) from two children. I have
elect used our Laver PIRA and Cough Syrup in my
family, end they r aye, In every inmate, produced
the efeet'dmired. •
An I ma engaged in ~merchandieing, I am able to
mate, that I have yet to hum of the last failure where
your medicines have been used in any menet, of the
e...try. In aftuclualon, I oly . clue that they ale tee
nnedmines of the ass, ii , e ...Mile.% to have n rery
tatenelre yopulerni. loam, respectfully,
Prepared and mid by R. F. SELI.ERS, N 075 Wood
street, end Sold by Pruggiets generally in the ow
cities end •ieuniy.
ETOFJff --
0 Medicines et the day."
Mean.. STATION. Ohio, May 95, ISO.
R. P. Seller,: that It
ngta he:octal:if othel
to Mate some facts le relation to year einellent Fetal
ly Medicine.
I have used y. ar Yen:Stage largely la my own mat•
ona trit...fre.,aently aialeweting fel eV .ge
quantities (say to 200) won. from two Chita... I
hove also sired out Liver Pill. sod Vanish Syrup en
toy family, end they tome in every . inettace produced
the edeck desired.
As Tam engaged intimachendthing, I am able to
stale that I Dave yet to heu of the that failure where
your medieine• burn been used in my aCetitin of the
country. lit conclusion, I may state that the y,ere
medicine. al the day, and are dcmined htvetvrrY
extensive pepnlanty Yours, re. '1 traPT V
.. /W
Prepared and sold by Sr..RB,No 57 Wood
meet, and sold by PruggM -e enmaily in the two el
sod 'Manny. , • moll
1.71 original, only true, arid genuine Line} Pill..
Sooty dew. Ohincenuty, Va.s
March Wth, $949.
Mr. IL E. Seller,: Dote Sir—l think it a dory I owe
to you and to the yobbo gmera ly, to elate that 1 have
been &Mimed with the Liver Complaint fora long
some, and so bed!) that an throne formed and broke,
which left me in ti very low state. Ravi. beard ol
your celebrated Liver Pills being for sale by A It
S m h y ' iTy i s n iell ' n e ,Vr Smith, rt ' h, d c c o o nTlt e n n e d d e t d o to gve rn e .%111
tale trial. I purchased ono box, and found them to
jam what they are recommended, THE BEST Lis
VER PILL EVER UhIED; and tiller tithing foar boxes
I find h i e
disease bat entlrely lett we, mid I am now
perfectly Well. Rerpectfully youra, i
Weal Liberty, March:2l,lSW.
I certify that I am personally acquainted with Mr
,and cm bear testimoor to the truth or the
above :eflifieate. A R SHARP
T..enuint. Liver Pins an prepared and sold by
R LI,ERS, No 57 Wood street, and by dpuggime
Intim veer cline..
TO THE PUBLIC.—The misfile], only true and get,
Dine Liver Pills are prepared by R EStillers, and hove
Ills name vamped in block wax upon the Ind of each
Ins, and his rignalare on thecutaide wrapper—all
others are counterfeits, of bane letinitlonx
aplo R II SELLERS, Proprietor
iiislNtZ—.."lll4,7 at; Ms
IVATOsIIGSII-.CllB , Arklit Puna 6VERI
-I'l Jaat rent, nn invoice or full jewelled paten the.
wee Watches,lB career line dares, which I can sell.
low as thirty Rod thirty U. rlollara, and warranted to
keep good umc.
Also—A splendid ak.lll7llcut of JEWELRY, epro
prising the v..* and latest style!, and tient patterns
v,r. to. en 11_8014, %Vete...stet and Jeweler ,
" ~ -,_ _
HEEGEV, FLEMING & Cu, having' arranged to
give their entire attention to the sale of aCaneWle ,
Walden and Cotton Goode, now offer their large
gait of Talton , Trimmings, Vesting., French and
German Clothe, Doeekin ~Wanimeree, &e. at ern oosa
lea M.Wood n •
TOSTrac'd, an elegant plain Rosewood 3 oct. Plane'
10 freer the celebrated manufaetory .of Nunes k
Cinch, N. Y., efauperlor tune, and very moderateprien
For sale. by . • H. KLEBER,
&ID . • J. W. Womlrrells.
for rcmovitst.Torter, Scurry, Canker, end all
substances destructive to the Teeth . It is delicious to
the taste, cluaelne the mosith,lteallna and strengthen
ing the game, and purtfying the breath.
Per Isle, vrtolesale and retail, by
dc2o 111 F. EINLLIatH, 32 Wt.! at
—7----- 'llriusel;iV, Wine., Olio, ie.
60 brisipes Coinlac'Drandy, unto. sintalteg
pip deg
. do • do;
4 pipes Holland Gin;
puncheons Jamale• Spirits;
2 puncheons Old bleb Whiskey;
20 qr cubs Naderia Wine,
213 do Orto do;
20 We ilottea... po 2 Clime
10 hf pipes Epartith Bed \ Vine;
60 big BonicaU Civet„ •
10 bee Mather Wine;
3 t French Whim Wino Vineeari Er io r iii
Real meals by • SO USA & TUC
eiple 223 le Mall Et,
. 8, 1887.
THtiSE DIE hoc mg been adopted and highly av m roved m the principal shops jp New yak,
end Ph iladelphra, aro now o ff ered TO tnatatfacturera, chinintst nbiP =taw, n:c., with the Onnoet Cent
fidence, R. them ost perfect article toe or milting Ore. , • • , •
Their superidrity over any railer Dien heretofore tam!. - eons.= to their. =dog 11, PIIILTCti
Scam, nehedierli or SAVAIN. thread, by oncspassing tter the non to be ctn which recitdre noinstigrag
or Prreictcr pcporcoice . , , en the d i es cut the thread mit of the solid iron,. seithout,reinng it in the feast;
in their greater dornbilov, rapidity, and Perfection of work; em /11 their skeptic:icy and little liabilDy
to get oat of order.
Pnitanmrou, £14.17,1848.
ruse Is to certify thst we hays porehs.ed. film P.
W. t,ates the right of sgrg I,ls pitent Dies for eat.
tiog bolts. In ear opinion, his Ines an mach sops.
rior to sr., others so' SIC acqsainted with tor , ths
purpose of cutting .bolts.
Pau.saz Aug . .
Raving bad P W Pater. Lies m rise in oar
establishrnentror tle last 11108 months, Tor euttlog
halts, les eon in every IrttPCrt leenntneed th eta in
the highest terms, as see bans 1 id all others away,
they being so far supertor--cons: farina thorn 13 per
sent. cheaper than any others now in use.
Peon Works, Pa..
• That Ii to certify thai oil have yaienaced the nfl
to ure, mad adopted la air berets Grate Pa
tent Scrota Cotter, wkic k, hwo highlYaßfoy• or. W..
can do much more wor and we ecnave It will our.
oars In durability , an! preclum, of much as economy
of labor, any d±es known to to
Patuneuttu,Oth month,tb day,lB4B. .
Naar You, Aallff. t 9,1839.
Hating adopted P. W.Gatea , “Pateutinu a for ant
nag bah., era take plealiare in Impiety, that It More
Lean uneven our expectation,: and hate no beets
don In loving It at oar opinion,that it far nines any
other plan in preeent iturfor eaulen bolts.
We hays P. W. Oates' "Patent Dian nn tattles
screws, and the economy of, using them Is so very.
considerable, that we leek upon them as indispensa
ble to every establishment having- any quantity of
WOW& to out.
Cotes., May 10, 1049.
Ctlial•lnX ernes, Wasunsavon) 5ept.4 , 49. •
I have purchased of W. IL nnosilla for t o n Upi , dd
Ewes, the right to use In all the. ananals and arm.
Sir Janus 2lnrrwyt►Flold Naggiesta.
biIiIIEPAIIE.D ander tha iiumsdlate Gars of the
veuter,-and established tor arovards of thirty
and Indlgesuon, testoring. &Ormtili preserving
moderate elate clam bowels, and Too:Avian uric acid
In Gravel anti goat; also,. an easy remedy for sea
ale k
ti for the febrile affeetton Incident to cd
hood it is Inveluabk. . On the value of Magnesia en a
remedial anent it, le unnecessary to enlargm but the
Field Preparation of Sir .3ames Murray. la noes the
most valued by the prolession, selt entirely avoids
ilko poseubility of those dangerousconcretioaa tumally
!centime. from ti.e use of the satiate in powder.
For sale by the importer's and oropnetor's agent,
ser/11 Coe. Wood & Front ate.
T c° -- ro trl.t . ...T_,,,inf:V:" l .°,rov
boo Cabiniss , l um p;
boo S. Myere 1 lb Imp;
Qs bxt de lb lamp; for sole by
C STOCETON bay received for eals,vol
. orGibbotes Ilatory of the Bien* . and Fat of
the Boman Empire. •
We and Letter of Thomas Campbell, in 2 yd.
Edited by Wm Beattie, Zr!
Elemenmry St etchce of Moral Philosophy.' By the
Mate flee. Sid Smith, hL ' •
Lectures on the American Felemie System of Sur
gory. By Benjamin .D.
fall o% an Vernon; a ?Meet.
The Shoulder Snot, a Min of Me eeventeenth tem
The Scarlet tetter,':a temente. By . Nathudel
ay.:horse. sue)
/NEW BOulis
by Willinot 13o,atuo, 81.0., ono of kis cinentom
vole 12etto cloth. , • .
Hallway, BOonieMY; .•
Manes on the new art of
transport,. its management, proapects, end relations,
ceinntervial, finaminhi and nodal, with an exposition
of the preen& restate of the railways in °Pe-reliant.
the Kingdom, on theCominont, and in America.
131 Morale. Lordlier, de. I veLlthuOclinh
The Past,Present,aud Putereaftho Belmhllesuelm
iced from the French of A. De Lainartine, author of
"The Gerondlauko "Hen:tetra of my Yonth,n "Ra
phael? de. 1 vol Ifto sloth.
Hints toward Reform. In.Leetarril, Addle:sex:and
other Writings, by Horace Greeley. 1 elo.
The Watery of the ConfessionaL By Joke. Homy
Hopkins D. D., Dialler, of the Diocese of Vermont.
The Comment of Cirdola. the anther of "Hooke
I ag.," (Elliott Warburton, Rag.,) 2 vole
Cosmos; a sketch of st. physical
of the
Universe By Aled Von HatoladdLtraonLated from.
the German by-E.
Ont. dvola Thee cloth
Gibbon , . Decline and Poll of the Homan Empire,
with coma by IL, IL klarperia elm art edition:
Mao, cloth. complete Lin o . yela at for pm soli 4 vole
received foe sale by • B HOPKINS
sag 9
*mite Senile.• .
.T HOUR. ' - thee in sadness. Vilien 'other friends
L around thee. Conscripea diparture andretura.
Annie Laurie: Art-we einem there. Low heeded
oar. Be. docth all Bones well.' Nally woo a lade
Silver moon, Grasp of Warhi•prott. Tbou Last
wounded the spirit: ;Boalid Seder Boy. Be loud to
lowed oars at name: , Cheer als my cant reannett.
Oh, Lemuel. Spring , Plower Wattra. ElfidAValm.
Umttehero Mai= Dalmatian Polka. Betty Poi. a
Ravel Polka. f,nry Lied Polka. Linda Quickstep,'
Ahreh from Norma •,
obOae are Jett received, and for sale by
II hlt• LLCM.,
Roil/ &Wood tt
J. H. .111.BLL011, 81 Wood strat i kw received JAS
followsng 11.fitsic: ;
OIL say can - you sen vythe mints holy light; dedi.
noted to Rev. C Cook. Oh, think not le. I love
thee Manche Alpen,l one thee. When ether famine
amend thee. The COI beneath the bills. Wert thou
but mine. Anoic Laurie—Scotch balled. The Rabin
—word. by Ell= Ccink, tainie by htephen Wooer.
Then hart wounded Abe spirit that roved thee. Thy
Grave of Wssllington. The Irish Mother , . Lament.
Old Sexton—Rawl.. Ile loath all Whys -welt—,
Woodbury, Wolow klachree— Rowell. The cottage
army mother—Hatehlmon. Low backed ear—Lover
eikn Waltres—complete. The Magic- Bell. The
UMW or Wedding Polka: Jenny Lind's American
Polka. Lissy Polk, Slime American Polka. Tip
Top American Polka. Lit Belle. Gallitano= Polka.
Jenny Lind Polka. The Oriente. Scottish Polka—
Julien. Salami= Polka. Flirt . Polka. Josephine
Polka. Summit Polka. Romp:Legal Polka. The
phet Quadrilles—bleyerbeer. Jenny Lind
The Wreath and Daisy Waltzes—Mrs Mutest. The
Stn. Drover Eloy—vs tittle us by Caen*. Monomeht.
Stood. from Home. Wrecker's Daughter. quickstep.
Loniaville March and Quickstep. Wood tlp, gaiek
stmt. 171
t, 'raw berry Plaat• for Sale at Greta.
wood Oardan•
U ' i rt E T S rtle " te n f "r ar`a :t ere flavored knl
amongst all the didereat varieties notsgrowa. •
Orders addressed to thaproptleier, West Mauch
ter; will meets. ptoropt sitention. • J DIMON. j
' •
assl4 '
AS become en established and. almost indispetni•
able legislate to errenr movided family,
from its remarkably wholesome - an d nutritious quad-
UVII AZ a food tor the :healthy int well •iss diet feria
sal dm, and also for the immanence of growlng children
and.infatits. Various modes of et:eking and preparing
it are glean on the wrapper.; - • • • • '
Month well /mown In the cast, it h. never been
introduced to any extent in Pittsburgh. The anbserib.
ma have, therefore e made arrangements to be con
minty mooned with It, and now oder It to retail
lealers or familitlion more favorableflorms than It I
hit ever been sold at in Pittsburgh.
_ hteCLIMG't COI -
augauger• - WI Liberty ea
rAM new prepamd to famish Apple Dr ow n. the
well known Nursery of Jacob N The
tees will be delivered at the wharf at Pittsburgh (or
11l per hundred. Persons swishing good thrifty Grill
should lance their ordain neon 'at the Drug, Seed and
Perfumery Warehouse, corner of Wood and Sixth gas.
Now thirid• 3 AficwGiiiirla 3
His - LEBER has jaw, received gime lot. of Brass
• Instmments o the best enanufacturin, selected
by tamself with great care, for this matkiltoruch
Valve Trombones,Sszliorns, Buglet,Comiets, Tubas,
U.; also, a fine scleenon of Musks Bows, playlet
two and three tones; Ffutinss, Accordeons,&e..te,
Also, s. ;miter erman and Italiw Strings, and gene.
Ina NespoUran rt Strin s tour, lengths, a .splendid
urcr2 Third anti. ' -
NT ilig&C=gig l ic.ZZA7Mil."
A sovereign remedy for &ionic rheumatic affectums,
weskuees and lameness of most parts ot the body,
scalds, burns, sores, of mart kinds., eats. swellinge,
sprain., braises, corns, and felons when first coming.
Also, he most convenient and solo sticking salve for
strengthening plasters and draftg On the feet. •
For sale by S N. WICKERSHAM;
augll • Coo. Sisub & Wood au
Fontes , ' ;
WlrtEio Run .11 Night; Dolly Day;
Vf Doley Jones;. Go down to do Cotton Field;
Nell, was • Lad), &e.
DORind to the Loved One. at Rome;
Row thy boat lightly; Tree Lore, by T.Ilood;
Our way screw the am, duet; • .
A now medley song, by B. Coven; •
Jenny Gray, mule by dialler;
Joys th a t were crown ing , Wedding Muth;
Gad bless the hardy trine; Schuylkill Waltg •
Conseripths Depiataro, by W. C. Glover;
Sounds front' Home;. Waltzes, 13ermarkische Gel
Last Rose of Summer, essy eulogises by Here
United States Polka; Ladles' Souvenir Polka- •
Corn Creeker Quadrille; Lendsmlie Quedrillei •
Deanne. of Itelyl•Dretle,
A large assortment Of New Musiconhan4. to vel'il.6l
additions we Made weekly. Par sale - -
feb2S 3.1 f. MELLOR, 81 Wood
Cheap eicandartt History.
HYreg tTlat Y r k il' Bro E l l s, U l L n A 6 N 4ll.. era; p a n n b d
paper, at 4,1 cent per vol. Three rots .reeclved, and
tor sal, by R ROFKINti, •
apl7 re Apollo Ettaldlors. Fourth st
g k.c.=',Vlhnitcolme
VClalcom—.4o br.sysoujd, dipped, and .E.n.;
Cusas-1601mi Cman aod V.LirT;
C0211, , Z. do /limp Lid tdanJUN
'Caut...-50 Mita; -;
Cumna.-/ barrel;
Cnsais-C.O 31 Common and hilf Bpantalr4 .'
Fan-23 brliand ball brls Mankereland ...almost;
Ours-30 bga assorted .niZen .
lians.rlZO.Prime Venison; . , ;
icao Sugar Clued; - I „
' Inomo:-I,Nilbs B F and Manillai
inx-16 dot Ilarriasna Black and Copping::
blotrasas -13 brim N Orleans; -
j 3 bait brill Bum Noun; . ,
Murrain-20 dos assoned canisters; • I .
Btaccanorn-60 lb. Italian;
. Vaaaannis-do lb. do .
Nana-27 4 k 0 eft ... ........n. m d; i;
Pa3o bushels balvu; • • , ,;
ara-30 reams assorted; _ ,
Panama-100 lb. Bordeaux; • ..
Soar--30 Os. Rosin and Cast Blot_ .1; ~
Susan -10 Marla N Orleatoi and CLuidadi i
• T r ,-00 paekagelOreen and
loops, 1 . -,-.
Tonseco,43) ban 12, 3, Ss I lb .., .
Wools Boas:Os-Sp do; Men% Mn -.. '
'For sale by Q, - - ,DWILLIAMiIiIe,CO - :--
totlß • - -" Co et or Fifth and " nod ma
test)] • REED , OUSE, - titsso
=awn £ EAR Nay_
Xi FroprlitUiTew
'Lad :Souttlem. Maps, !eats Ws basso daily. ten
( VV. I"
rm loTrihir g P re '
MiliThlate ofAlijclaisNE:DO. OM!:
11# 3 . 111 11 J • =1 . Z . .ZA1‘,... :
ides ender the sopetvldoet Deytatasea. p.
Cates , •P &tent L tea^ tot totting sereors on lute:, th ey
having been tried in two o , the /twee trzeulg,
(otted to he very eXcleat and excellent.
ti TALCOTT, Col.Ordinane*
. _ . .
• iltrazail 021'ams awn •
Wasnr.suson,Sept. ILL 1818. S
Gm.' Patented- Imyrovearat for get
ting voter° en metal to he • valuable one, I Lev% by
orrthottry of %be Honorable &enter? of lbo_Navy, ,
modulate of at Attennaya of tbe'•Patentee, Win U. ,
Scovlllo, Kett Funnel Mower, tor, thel datilo make
'lord corolla paprovelment for the 11. 8. Navy.
• • .I O .X6YIk B.Y.ITH, Chief ot Burns.
. , ,
In ese also by
• Indlido Work*, Bnfthrt
Reese & Ashler, Hoesede „r•
Honied it Cw,Gloueeste' , , N. ,Y .
. !fa ”rood & Soy der, 841..yikur County;
• Itirek, Neer Volt! -
Hogs & Helanuater"Pleoix," N. Yr
. IL IL Dunham & Co, New York;
Henn:molt&Co, Monument Work. Ha
Fart Cann, Coehemrrl :
' . Mott & Ayres Now yolk,
. Allaur Works, 4o;
Pears & blarpllY, dor , • .
Wes. Point Folmdm;
Norris &:Bro, Philanelidni;
A Jenke,Thealabergh, ku;
. Walworth & Nude, 80, mod New York:
Lowell Machine Shop ) Lowe
. AMeoskeas Co, Illarteht , ter,N II; -
Lyman &Souther, South Boston,
'and numerous others.
- . .
No nAtaeluan,lo sets dies & taps C. k to 9 id Pri. WO
No il 'do . 8 Ilell to 11 pries id*
7,,,ii i itt
Nog do 6 . 1 do •;to I, dee sl at .• ' ',--, '
All orders eAdressed to Odra & NI, Meat% '. 4'
a. aH. Ison, New York, F. J.:Handal. & Phtla. . . _:....:'
delp his, and H. IL Scoville & tans, Caieago, or Dies
and Taps, with or without v.:chine. (or Wet them, -'..,.
.ill ineet with prompt attention. - - - -
, C2ll.set, May 3, 1890. • w e nt. , .., . ,:if
11.11s1110VAL, ket.
P:ONA tr. CO. have'qemoyed Aar
v i Nutpro,u t fee to ttottlt Iro!t carnet . of Weal •
a • ant,
11111E.PartnershIP heretofore evstlng between the
,Ysubsc fibers, ander tue rot of ibtrbridge,Wilson.
&Co, was thi• cloy 411ssotrett ,b 3" mitts/ eassent.
The tontine's of the Ann will be settled by J. W. Hos
bridge, or Wn, Wilson, Jr.,eitber of whom is author
' to awl the name orate firm In Ileoldatlos.
I.YON,1311011.11& CO.
1,19511—JP1 _ _
Pittsbourti, Ju!
Iterbridge & Bun. F. bleb.= bawl
.a, day assoolated themselves ander the Amt of Saw
; bridge & leabram, to transact a Wholesale' Grocery- , - ..7;;;;
and General Commission Insincsa, the house lately -
'lacunae by Barbnds=on &Co,lle Water st.
Tffp l ,f. b dt=:lV :
Jar of transacting theWtio:esale tirooory and vom
.E.olasion Basfneo, at No 55 Wood .
Piteaborgh, I, 1850—. Ma . PRANK. WILMON,
nionmis•ac Itewoumn, • •
Te Sind
IrkIetL YING EL aid* oliliTiiiilond * „ Pluabirgh,
are now mitering aline kern lawns; prices for cash,:
Rectified Whiskey, Gin aryl. Doniesuo Brandy{ also, .
Finnish Brandy, Banana Gin, Justslea tapirita, Lon- _
don Gin, Irish ,whiskey, Burn, &e. Port, ,
dnisa, Champagne, Claret, al“cineli,ldalagis, Tents.
nitro and Lisbon Wumes.}Vhotesale & BMW. my 3
PAPER-41mq. an hand or made to.'
order, the various olscs of Printing Paper, Rag
Vropping Paper,Crooro, Medium, and Double Crown.
Aires - Straw Wiorplol paper; Crown, Modlom, nod:
Double Crown Post °Ake raper; Postobonrd,te- Arc:
IV, P 41 dIiBIIALL;S3,Woed 141._
Arent for Clinton Mill..
IEOMAN IN AMERICA—ter work and her ro.. ,
matraZ DI Maria I Mclntosh, author of Charms '
& tuttersharma , "To scam and to he m lord 11attl:: ,',- j
Latter Day Pataphlera, No It—The present lima.' • - -_'"
By Thomas Carlyale. _
C...lll=ll.—fdeatoirs of Idle and ;Witless of Thal; ' ' ,'"'
Chalmers, D D., LL. D. ,Prelections on Butler% " ',. ~'.
Analogy, Paleyis Evidences orChrirtlanity,and ..:'
Lecture OR Divinity, with two Introductory Lemma , ...;
and four Addresses darts trod 'in the Now Colleet . "
Edlobeegh, bt Thomas Chaltacra, D. D., L. L. D.
1 vol limo . .
Cilivra—Lite ofJohn Calvin, compiled fromanthea- .._
tie enareee, andparticularly from bra oorresipintriertesa.
lip Thomas 11 Dyer, with portrait. I Sol thou: ' .-i • - r
For sale by It ROPAIN
a 047 . . 72 Apollo Sandia" Fourth shi• .., c
Combat Gam • i •
an GROSS raper Polka; 10 do do very Bow,
401.1 50 " ass'd ReddW;
It " taper. FA- Dft Rom Redding;
6 la roots g Corobr;-
soo rc 44. vv. c d . :
1000 doz ast'd Soo Ivory; ' ' •
30 " Shall Side Combo; -
10 voper lams Dania;
200 tiara a55'4.546 Combs; ret`d bad for sal* by
febs • 0 YEAGER, 406 Marla
••. • . •
TEundarsionci, necessary to Arthareik. NMbol
too beg leave to incarnate citizens of Pittsborgli •
and public' genetally, that they hare rebuilt the SA.
OLE FOUNDRY &adore row in fall o ..wen.=, and .
hare part of their pane= ready for anniceti.— •
mammal wl,leb are Cockle Stores, Coal and Wood
Stovel,„,with a splendid...h.-tight Coal Store, which I.
now supereeding . In other rides. the 'common aomd
Sta Te. Alma, a cheap coal Cooking Store, well ir
led for email families, swill a fall assortmear Of telliK=7
am and mantel Orates We would panlcalarl7 is
,sito the anention of poisons building to .call at our
,warehonse before parehatcog,andexamlno a splandid •
article of enamelled Grams, finished in ins
wdrely new 15 this market. ' r
Worabouse, NO.lBl Liberty Irt, site Wood all
MEAGER Importer and Wholesale, Dealarin,
Sign of the Gilt Comb,.
o r s, st d
'Western Merchants, Pedlars, and ethera
Pittsburgh to porehaseGocds, are respectfully b tilted
to call and cannibals the extensive assortment of Eng-
Ilsh, American. Fretelrend German Fancy Goode.
All Foreign Goods at this establishment sou Gape*. • • . •
ed direst by myself, and purchasers may rely onget,
dug goods from fine bands. I hove the largeMasson...
ment of articles, - In the variety line, In the city of • •
Pittsburgh—all if which will be sold lost for cash or
oily acceptances. The Stack connote, In parka:,
Lace Goods, Hosiery, Gloat*, Ribbons.
Silk Cravats, Shoe and Patent Threada,Sewing
Spool Cottiso,Vapes, Drispendenpunons, Pins, Nee!
Ole-Sand Catlery.l ,
Gold and fillveriWate hes, Gold Jewelry, a!lkinde of .
Brushes, Combs and Rasura
Perellaii.ol;Caps, RevolVers, Clocks, Silk es •;.„.
Cotton Paul, hipeetselca, Steel Pees, Marls Bosse,
Carpet ,Uags and Baskets. , •
Bindings, Finding% sad Trimmings:
•ad Fancy Goods: together with a /1“11101,1214:
ty of Fiincy and Staple DRY GOODS. •
•C. , YEAGER is also arera for the celebrated Lao. •
Mister COmba
Groat Mist tsta Zia a:any.
TpDa. Conglis,Colds„Anhataand Coasurupdonl
GREAT'AND.GY REMEDY for the arm orate' '
abese distaste, is tho IiUNGARIAN BALSAM_ OP'
' LIFE, discovered by , the celebrated Dr. Buchan, of
London, England. mil introduked Into the United States
ander the immediate Intpetlidetidenffe °Mc Inventor. _
, The extraordinary anent , * Of of medicine Mho '
t Moo of Pulmonary disenues,'.wioients gmtt Alrierlean `. • •
Agent insolleiting for treatment the went poisible '
sea that eon be found in the commarhy--cases thst seek
teller in solo Dorn err/ 9f the
remedies of the •
day, end have been given up by the Moat dlatingalahad
Waimea. as con Armed and incurable. The Illoguri.
an Balsam ties enrodi and will enra the mote desperate: .
of erica his no quack nceruns, bat n standard Sig. -•-,'
Ilehmedielne, of known end estabb shed edleaery.
Everyfamily in the Matra States riboald Ito eupplbsd
with Booboo's Ilimgrrias Memo of LifitomionlY
comnemettheconnunpned trudendes of the , Mionsts,
but to used as a preventive Inad,ciuse la all Gale* al !!:.
solds, coughs, sylvan o f in the lode and •
ebest, =tortoni and sore:nese ot. the lunge, Moot:this,
dittlettly of broating, hoefic fever, debt meat., .P.Maal•
loam and general debility, asthma, ingusass,whooplur ~,
tough and croup . •
Sold to large botder, no per With dtsMs; •
dens for the restoration or health • - : •
Pamphlets, containieg o mess of Engllith and MUM- ' • •
can eostineates, and , other evidence, showing the an ,
equalled merits of this gnat Engin!, Remedy, miry
Obtained of the Agents, grataiteasly. • . •
' For 'Sale by DS. FA) EihMTO4E Co.. comas • -
stood Wood and Wood and silo st, • joime,m3
1:7 Nanutio Ltax 101
Pirrasmoa, Muth 1;1847.
atem,....-lo justice to you and your locora-•
parable Cough Byrne, I liorloamto dude, for the ben-,
cht of the ;community, 'hot my wife hat been se7eral
aelidtmk with a Met distroating cough, Linz.'
cltamd, in Jamary last, a book your *nip, which
candid cough of milt motahst itandlog.
toot& since, the colt:mood, and ..waus Bolen
that alto could bard aioao t c•ccitccu attlha
bream I mot for one ie oiyoz Congo Syrup, and:
a part of one bottle Melt the Coitzb ot b.
44, . 044moyman.who eta 4 revere: y Meted, who had,
..ohid o w n words, ',tom enough doseh candy to
care hit' the POoPlo if the candy had.
been good
o e t ,,dapoottally, •- , &tram, B.ifitemei‘ .
proi.a and 'veld t 4) • 444 en,LEtts,s7 r.. •
street, and told Ptt.•:tfitte
i •
11 ER
1t ' : RlG?'.ll::‘:lllll4llL3Vly47klll7lVlo4lAWNthil:pa‘i"4.Xl34l.l:' *al ' ''.
keeo. en h., ,id at bla me a dow Ott gib ? .
wem,ido oi the Duotoodillee. t
klutt,drtte't a dot - blew 1510T1......._.
rant of Vanden Wide; tdeeNtbi''''
nits:to-Sanwn. an made • „'
iddeiii the bier or to wetland ' -
egad*. ear lathe (raked Samar 4
klis Jibed, eat be laded ertth.
out the ild of a serer delver. t
/leelea p... 0 h... 1 the dark, •
rota, lad wood of the Cabin.M. • ' .
tabliehmett a Itarony b. SICIeI. ,
lad. I ate premed to hod*
their old cuntotam t as well WI ,
the pad.* alarmed* every **plantar**.
Agextey No lb Wood *west, Pluebargh. - . • -, ' ''' -
lIEDIDEDLY the chccrest eel best easelaP
bared to 6071'06.1e at tact 'rea Make, east atilc;
al e Ihementh-They sell .
t Excellent Tea at • --t ---.ll#l Sow lb
Sepertor ..... oys • •
/hit very beet —... 00 t: .
tdyrichd, damaged, Si hamlet rah are ttot US'
at ibis establishateautecterctit +Mal. 7" 07°13" F .
self hr scud It ehlld, 'yet RR more m. main a goat
article, and If the liaraht:the Tea in acelapyrovad, , '
they readily exchange It i mom accost:mei, . 7'
tyl.2 ' MORRIS it II t
ANOlirrit t Plostrietant.
Pulverised Co, dt /Mrs
EFINED and prepared erpthatty ferytehl4', •
/let 'Ono, Cakes, Cosurde, hr. . • -
Recipe far Boiled Calve rd.-Ithe (NIA Of new Mars ,
D.Fddthtltalf temoet.eal f tall, theo tithledpooathlF';'-
or reignedetneek-r tLe carat In email quelled •
the milk, till le le parteedy dh solved and smooth-ail
the edp, wall beaten, o the starch-peor altha,":
and stank Into Da betides of the salc,erlittoipeUial
, -
stir soandenly VI/ It Dot use onadt,-Ezealleal
Fat gala trd - • au