Klatt: hL ANIOIIB. 1111/LCILLMTT 41*, WIIOLIILILIDWAMO v AID FORKIBII DID GOODS, 1110.101 Wood street, NVITI: the attention of Wryer. to their lager of Fresh Goode tverrepenms, ea width the prepated to tell on very accommodating tem. shall be coustandy receirlag fresh goods dur ing the season, and request an esiuulaation of our stock by western me:Mum, and others visiting o t ar ±47. augh 7--IstiL DIODE, • 10. 130 LlNSl7.Stroos, • I.)EGB respectfully to Worse his Damen= friends and customers, that he x lust recessing 'all meek of SLMIss, lassE,,,, , Lnd INGIB, of the beet sultt.. l tPlol for the app,,,,b: mg fall and winter acetone All those in want of cheap, blab enable, and good clutidng, win 1,4 the wo end bat- t ook In the at ' t2 L us evabltsliment. sepia • Pltuburgia. •- , Itv)lE Pe ottani. Rail Read Company. isabini ample d the whole bee ortill road to liellldayer ma, tbo tOtiLecimit as Pottage Rail Road. to j.t,,,..5re, from thence by horde te Plusburgli, we now p pared to receive and forward march.r e7 , lroca Re c to end front Pdtaburgh and Phi* del . he to will leave the depot of the company dolly for Jo Malan, there connecting with the daily mein of can for Villadelphla, thus Inzaring.the de. Liam of all (might In rtill.elphia within boo da)k HELL ALIGuETT Agents for Pa. R. R. Co, Canal Basin, Pittsburgh. CRAW AVELLAA, Agents,,' 16411 Philadelphia. NEW LOT OP SPLENDID PIANOS, Munc mut bits.riast Lutrusaktt, 'Sipa of the Golden Itarp,,Noletitird wee. . ii. I.I..ELIESt respectfully Informs Ma friends arid she puhlrer Mel he hia Jun returned from the rut, ..nth a most elegant 01211 Went of (Tonne of wino. styles and prices, selected by himself, with ere atcare. at she celebrated factories or Norms w Clara, N. V. nod Dunham, N. V., (film ol .s&,,taet &)waging weltered Wm atoWn from an immense week last Entailed by the *bete makers, rimyare oranah.d of superior quill and tone, and will in all casts be so'd at New York fat. tory priers.' Purchaser. will receive • written gear anll with each Piano, centring them to an esebarge or return of same. If toned detective. Also, a lot of splendid Guitars, from the faction". &lima & Maul,They are a erb oracle. and warranted equal, if not superior, many made the world Also, n foe selection of Flame, Clarteuets . Twines, Braes Instruments, and the newest and mot popular magic, inelat d' hoe Jenny Lie , celebrated coop. - septa Welch Flannels. URVIIV ill/HC.IIkILD, et north east rainet 1111 of v‘eith sod hle:tci .:,cell .0 row sopphr,` pt, o ei nisorlynnt a tie 411,i011• gattlatt . ,00ve, and osed.g rent puittr.ot! lieu; the o..porhte naii±e 1111 named genic. ord 4.. la is sprwit & Sena , Patent Soda ear. 834 lLd ;;"n f1;!..""i next month. par -Anne lash," `d-la rope," 'llerlin, ,, en , t et cc elope via Philadelphia sndiliournore,erartnot ndscpellor In Lodi to and quaint , to any in thc mere., for said at the lowesctrtite Inn eish and proved Lire, Lr W i. hl 4CIIELTALIi eerie elven, Large anpplp at Veal & Winter AriIIEIPIIY P. BURCHFIELD Incite the attention 4,11, of buyers to their large stock *1 you ..levied for the seaeon, consisting in part of— bilk and Cord French Alerinone, Cobargs and Cashmeres, Changeably Pophns, cress rats stel Tore:Satins, alk mid Fancy Alpacas. c?,l%lcilfon,V.chgl7l!,'..L:lrner7ado*Fitatkersg tiro: And ccio:cd. fbor stock of lIUUSENFITING UOUs, cash u Shecuncr, Pillow Cue Morns., Sable inapstrs.Towcanig, cc, Is large, .d at low naves tor gpality. lroar• it to Welt ean, tore to ries Cie their ruck 1 etas pas r toscrig—ra the cdpOsiaer coma, of Ch and Marl. ars. Sallars Woe r Pills Supereede all others Charleston, Va., Sept: it 17 30 . Severs:—Your Ptlis Lave occur. so Top In o 1111 tnrs trgIOLI Of euaotry, 10 Very mann sapereeite all inliria as Ulm, or Anti-Dino. Pill. Tours, Ice. 11MIi3 A LEWIS tExtrict of Later./ Pirschc . .cra will retell/di that R. E. Sellere.Lio kiltare the original gnu only True and (Scum r may be has :so 57 Woott at, and raw serwratly in the two Clue. and 'simony. 13U _ Or . Claysairs gatrasi. of Yellow lloas sad Sarsaparilla. UT up in the largest used bottles, iiiintrun. nw. J. vitt.. putt ituaduru rasimparillt W W coy OPiek preplan:to:l welch Is cliesmeaty WILY the ' t Duct, Mc tilt ref of st Cherry. and the Cathain el I/, Mmmal:the Um .unie dy mole thoroughly erfactook loan any other Sathapn ben..e the public, ALUM lame Yam Ilia pence.. ly free from all mineral Immo., which cannot been.' of any other of the Barsapaalla components. Thu in •and tkoald beware of poisons! lidereruT, woe, ?aural, lodum, Sulphur, Amide, and' madly other Lament. and metallic poisons enter tato •31, form the name basis of mist or the Sdnaparnis ono Panacea of tie day. Guythtra Compound E..r.trom of Ifoloor Does - and darsapardla does not contain•• particle of these substances, at any ono ear. card, *acerb.n by applythg the .cesthre The pawns may ocensionally scums.. .I..east, Scut they an ethnic the blood. sod an completely tropres• nate the whole system wan their tanclul elev. thou UM arm cold, Ot.llle lint attack of tithease, prostrated the patient's strength, and subleete hun or rto the most excmtlamg Innate, and renders another end almost amp:lurk.: nod hopeless. Let all poison.. Sataspartla prey...lona alone, and use Guysotts Improwid Kara. of Yells... Dock and Sarsaparilla, which la thoroughly. efGeaemith, perfectly harmless, and sorely vegetable. All kinds of disease plaids to In gondol tnflbence, Scrofula, Cancerous Tomes, Canoes Eruption:3,l Egyaapelu, /Saes, Pustules, or Pimples matte Puce, Chrome Sort uyes.Tetter, Scald bleed, Itheuraa ustn, thdurgenicht or Paths In the hones or Joint.. old and stubborn Ulcers, Fever Sores, hip Disease, Soreinns of the Glands, Blotches, Syphilitic blip wins, Lettnbar,o,Drop.T, BY•PcPsths ...odic., Con ceeness, Salt Rheum, Alrections of the Kldricys and liti log is an extract of a tenet dated ALtirso 1,50. MIMI.. El Perkins, a. D., a algal,: rerpecta L to ::n .:sun of Mara da, (Mo. .100.1 Vals—Ltaati Mt I have node, my rate yoang 00:1.4 erne, for nixteen years, ha been eat boring front (linemen Limbs, end estiona Cane lA, been pronounced hopeless by elite. of oar best pity isAts•CS. took her Into my funtly, and Lave seed Guy...* S allow Duck and tlarsepartlia freely, stud 000(0 001 tom the l'etioikDoelt cud Sarsaparilla will effect e pomade/ core. th• Is bed., tab genera health data, she has ever been before, mid :wall• • mitt or two faugee or pain. A yeai ago the Seed ereacies. (will report Ike rasa in doe time, Very teepee:WlT, E. B. PERKINS. SCROFULA. It LL remarked, by eminent Clef, that DI the vaned catalogue of themes to Millet ma. is 11.1 C, Melo 10 Ileare.oll one of mach tersportance, and or such introit iminforala, wheat.: we loot to the obscurity of do origin, maidroas me amber ono surety utOrt,lin that it enacka, or to remarkable In. corabilny and extensive Mabry. Smoiala Las baffled the slid of the most eminent phymeteas totals eatuAry and to Europe. Put there it en c tar dim Cisme= Dr . ou's kistract . 1 ebour.Doell and Sersapanda," wales l.prortdg ae.n a p•rtred rosette in alre most severe eases o scrofula. crtiaorrimary ewe In Sernruls erred b 1 tar sem ere ot Da :tor ..11J01 .-Aupoo,,al Nirop. 1, will 10 seen by tins ecruneatell.oll.lll man too heel. wrier too A. ^.A.c of.ed pryys/5,a1,1, Sold/cc post rA•111 yesus, wIt.t.:IIAA ennms aor 4 A .0 c 1 . 1 . Sold ems been edcetuaby e.t.a oy the tt.a of • I,Avr (nude of Dr. °list re CoAllvot , s.l New 1 use, done 7,1W9 D. GCTSCTI—Deoe bar,--Owsno yoa as debt wincb motel cannot Pei, I Am mdticed to %exits, a pelAlit on. kooOrlesledieul CI Ate 1,01101.1 A soTe denved loom yea thralaabse oyrup. I waS *Of cly Will fin Me Sera:Mum disease, bete...try in oar faintly, snitch eummeocedun ray acct, Sod, d7M.d.6 1c spread, soon rulebed toy rare, running lino my bead and extending all beer my tare, neck, and tower ex• 11.1131.15. IlAeollllo illaglsaditg Object LSIOOO open. At WOOD ray distress was to great that I was enable to sleep or tie down; and Om duclue ellenthng 1110 eara sernstily elected ray bearing. ay hoe orao exaltations Sore, from watch a discharge of moue: or rot water kept condi...Hy oozing oat. Peop , o avoid ed me, sappo.ng I bad are small pox, fume otbet tut:envie insersce, and I was con•eguendy or/legal is . rei.nrsti,na roe LAMM.. firriendartandmg I Lad me best uedmal Idclee, and trial different paws .01 treat as logrow Were,ttnin / gar, lAp IL VontAattcly I IC/1114 10,111 I.lo.lsCnoct Ost Inc rico/M1.41, V•Aloetritvelliag for My health, vac 10101.100 010 Mtn 4111011 WOO at one I.IMIIIO LS hod • etsc,ooo no I wit. 411,0 leo: 14 la f p n4/47000 itlymir be was •pecatly eared. itranet l ttbitiedred tper ssr Stele, sOlnalcoccd tams at, ar.4otter bong barn less than .10 volt,. 1 act welt an d able 10 11.*11,1 to toy builtiess. d nll yot this stisie.l•lll. aI - an art ni ---Ao/ts,A, .1.17 nt.pn. f 1.111 may ltuatt tha NIIL (led Is sanktu,A.l toe I /101 l ...tiCICs, and ttercbyrave theta mvca 5a1151,..4 and sipease„. I returner your obedient seraalll, - 3011 n Q. lIVALVINO. Curs of eg - , vatad Cala of E.ryoptlas. The cures pet al re. by -Di. tiuysotta et c. Inflow Iroce nor eller:penile are I.Uog. The pa mars geueral keelte .uunass to Improre atter urn ease Is temover. Cores are not ernosueled oval Urn. L. relay uestect (Intl tam cm be ou toupee or retail the euoua. . . ProlWat, tiler kitutr Qs) rob. 1 r. llama .] Dents,ll with great pleasure Let 1 wm. yo aLtret the vcr7 nappy caeca ul your 'renw :rock and nmaapartna upon ray son, who hy isne hero suit...ribs under ts,at are safer, toidluome baoc, as Mrympelaa., , LlU venue. he waren...lm ted b and w ror aeveral mond. attendul by some or our bent pyinesans, ama tr l m l till Pereeseturgly to bye Lumina, vormuut tangy Irenerteinl edam. whatever. Me become reCncrA ta prnrct nod rd. to his Saes., winch were rolltanally dachargind Mean...qt . ; nM.nalve maum. hlemcat and surgical fall vvas bulbs, l'hYmerans oath Ibal ha Care. oral LiCyriesii—taut coat.] he patinas env. to erre.: these tern°. saw - young Mame. My et rah. bolt one myself tromp. h. 4.tottilni near at 011.4.1. Ole 01 my neigh Lore, who hal carrel a clubs *1 slept. Ula wub your invaluable medirtne. waned me tu, make 1r Ul of 11, and More Irons the rattles* Sucre do sorneolong while ban lJ.va, Iran trocwaxy hope et jetimg pro Cared three mulct of your, etas. Mock and Maseparat.” and ...anions. uoug and to ny Onaralulni, Le contruer.e3 Le t.se used !Le tiara bona, ulna omee he Lau use.] • cuteit , bnl.:lC , no coals walk 11111. Ile .nsed in as. twelve tomtits, and I.y Wm.< r tsar WI. pctle.l7 tcd urea, es try vestige or Inc ' , case eicept the teat. . removed, 0110 Ito 1e.1E40115 penes..] behlth op to we pre.nt wee. alts reotive.7. ender Mc Meaning of Cod," ertUrely owing in the use of your Yellow Dort Kral ds marmot., and 1 asaure yen Mat I feel my.l 1 under s, fast obligations to you, and It Is arithireat/o7 tent I to.orto you of Whet your Slareapard/a au done for so) sun. Strapeetrady, LB. OLIBSELL. gy ;:one 601.12100 slat.* put up tn luxe Cottle., Cotubtang quart, and the haute of tne .tyllip blown o.oso dtrs, Wild the Written alguatureed 11.• pen, oil the outside vrrapper. 1 1 memel. per bottles—or 6 tact ter 73. it is told by 3. PAIIII. North filet corner of Fount add et streeta, calrui.co On VitallUl IL, Uhte, to whom all orders natal he addres c am , a, Dm", Re.e, W. P. Jobruou 6 (Resort., Cr...Aug.:to; AS,el Tur,el, MUMlece; limos Mix,Towooda, KOtren Roy, Well,- 1.41,. t. Ilodereqtosilenstrorg, L s..e.caz. Jr. come, of gostot .tr.s1.101:411.1 tootoood. 4.--. 1;11 RAY' 7CI. esti 13 no 911iiTAILIZ. 7, 1 'Ql.fts3t. 11.1.Villidl I I, iu the lhooßor.O, arc soli: 114. cl'execiloos Tco, . •I 0 Cta par I==i!Ml CHAIM BROKER B A 1,1:1CI N G U S E. J. CAROTHERS dt CO., No Wood 'street, Pittsburgh. CURRENT MONEY RECEIVED ori DEPOSIT Collections male on et the principal chic. of the United BIAIG. suet:dip a. WILKINS £ EXCH A'NG E BROKERS, 1 S. B. Corner ef Third and Martel sta. ALL TIWISAATIC4III AT Mal, .LLMA.L NAT. 1 1e25 -_ _ • EEO E AII.NOLO i GO.. BANKERS, DRAMA IN BICUINGE, COIN, BANK MAID so, Re., ■o. 7l POURTII OTILMET lffdet door to the pooh of Pletbargh., •Riped2m4P A. nounms & 110/$l3-; Haat•r•. Z '8• Hroa•r• AND IMALSAII NOTEA,DRAFTS,ACCkYTANCES,OOI.II, 11. Vila AND BANK IVOI COLLECTIONB.—Drafts, Nitta and Acceptances payable In any partof the UraatCcolleeted on the an;; favorable terms.. FACHANOZ on New Yore, Philadelphia and amore; aleo,Cbtebsuan, Loutswile, Saint Loins too New Orleans,.natently for tale. BANE NOTM.—Notes on all solvent banks In tn. United States atteMited ttt tho lowest rates. All Itinds (Foreign and AZlOtltill Gold wad Silver Coin bough ad sold. .10u lttr tiOLAIE.B &SONS have removed their Bank iftekooge OEISoo to-No 67 Market et or door. tieleW old stTld,_._ FOILIGION IICXCIFIAINGY. -- 13114.8 on England, Ireland, and Scotland boa,^„, _Ea any amount at the Cluvent Rates of Exchneac Also, Mans payable la any pan of the. Old CO11111.1C• Prom.4l to 41000, at the rated[ L5lO the 4 Steelier; without deduction or dueonnt, by RAJIV& main SON, European arui general 4061, afire .Ith one door west of woad : : . 0ut.1.,1 • • ,LLIS LUXE.] Idat.ALMEL A. HAIM °ANIMUS AND , EXCHANUE BRI C Forcim and Amanda lulls or ummes of Depoths, Dank Notes and Ed and Wood means„ directly ccpcade 8 w.. Exam..l ZNULIBII & DYMIIY IIOLFr a S , L o t 4 l i t d o p e f lintel, ate nOW McCraw al.di offer f ratts, as follows:- 150 p tg4 1. Imp, O. I', r .Lrs , nud 1114, le,. Go 51 11.0 I'o/ I , lg, 5.0. lb suit 6 , 11, an IL lump b. Li ru 5 , 110. 1,0114,6,, it,., Laguny no, I G5l her, and Jar. Coded. iIS 51 I'u 50 1,11,16 N 0 lingar. Lr b. 51 SO bits N 0 llulas.ee, ud bales 40 6ris pawdered, crusted Wale, und Loaf Sugars. I nd Ili lals ' b 4— • •;13 lals Aim. ...ty - Tuo, 00 belt 'Diener.' 011/ :Lbar P peer est., 300 gals Lamp Oil. 'Lcares 'nicer; CO brls 'Nu 3 Alaescrel. 10 tuts omit; Caseolice CO Las Eallidlo2l:Class Orman: toes of atl Idols 150 bit Roan Soap. 50 tins Sanniaa lOU dot Yet Bueltcts. ii tinisStarell .5 ills etioeOlatt. 15 bawltoca Cooly. I 25 Las Wham Ylped Iti las libelled Alutoudg; WO ruts Wrap. Paper. 5 case. loquo: tee ed err Pepper gr. Alamo. ochart's Cot and lined 6001 b dembrellapecnnolf Tobacco. to tea Lee 0 groat Blacking. Together with a general =rat of geed,. raw ally nept In tr.eir ill., as w II or Pntsburgh warm. facilites. seta — 0.051 P &TS, OIL LOTIIS, it. IVhIeCLINTVCIC auo opening at his Carpet . %Verdian'', Ni, 75 F one creel not 70 Wood street,. errs handeoOledadio,lident o(Caspd,ing, co l . prising in pan of the folloveng varinticc— Hun sou cleguir style Vciret Pilo Carped; Itich and elegant style Tdi O. y 11t1m0 . 1% do, Saptrior English and Mlle lotto Mom, is dr, , Lairs ..P. 3 ply CaryttA;Lags, round C.,,,crdp, tillperfiZo do do, I rj op. Toned ittq,, k do ingrain do, i henna Mall.; Extra One Attnedodo; I ' oiled :Luc. Con. all wool, do do; r taif 8i1e,.; do con'n ch.:dodo do; oco Sian; do ColAol do do, J t o inn Alsb, a very largo &seen oil 01 Tiaraditto fol. Swans Dolor, Cturiages llotacv, As. oil Viral. A very large assortment a i well seasoned Oil Colas. ranging in width from 27 aches in ol lento.: tell LuudAome duke, eta to out any siidd r....31a, vestibule. . Pee stock of goods will be cold as n., at a. Cote can be perchuieti in any of the eased,. dies. On o.d. oder,' ,04, to call who wife a tare am. re.,11 W diceLINI 100):_.. V • PRIF-N—ltn/ boo Cream 12.1 W R Cneese; le bags Old Jvia Goren; 10 bogs Idligusgra do; CA bags ninny Pio On, 10 Of ebisisChatan 'res. 10 eaddP , boo tetra o , Nung; DO Co. plinic thee, 3, Of cheldl do; le bre Minch Raisin, bales sonatina AI/bends; 402 Ms 0101,101 Gelitorl tapir, 5 bzslioinespathir & raneyCliosoiai 10 boo Ilnincs, Cocos ond No I Cu, 5 1.5.• Areronti and Palm 0.501.; Do boo &pan and 0011rgals4 n-usp, 5 cos 01100 and Botdeanz (Ill; 2 dos Peppin' Janie; 2 don Gerajn & Walnut Vick :es. o dos Rnte Water; I ease 1411221 Placeasoni, 5 eases Ida 00/imeeiti, 2 eases pare India Curio: ValsZer, enelpertisto Rice Flour, ID brls c lined 0 pulverised 10,00• I 0 bits s 11 Lear, ID Wkspate eines 50 dos eetrilliuninii.; .1 1/ WILLLOIS 0. CC • Cos. 11000 JOIIN tINLY • S Ezprruly for Sorr.g. 1,0 avoid the many inconveniences attemloto etc of Me customary *tem, Me shame ha. o,en much, and lot a Wog note wonted . ...on loaner of ...thoultinot/t, Ma , o ..Oa of ..onon. - sax convotocully aptt , to , tor get,- ...1 eve—Onto, so mach more •amoto , shoot, ta,, ..r II .uppnos 41.1 Stitt. , front wan, C 1113:: •• .1131141. ao4 lota 04 . 111•11. Toe cl,Moully has at ..1“ loco two COM, .1 offored a good mock, larid.atety put on to a co, •cttlote. In for demesne Me. cualy °Wootton urged moan. Oa article .3 111' /KM?! ill Small quantity oat each opool. Tuts is cuoi ,iptamed Coon upon! iv warranted to C. 33,1111 yards of Saki while the on:loamy •t 1.1••, Rao oat oneettelo quonntY, ,, mgtol 1n.. , I o to: yards. roe d, roe Silk is re,.dy for tee at the. 1.1. of Po , :Case, gird It out? seeds a wad, .e - oonmtwethe , ePOCa , of it , voyellantyingta,iy. lonepounonto ocal mot Oa:tangent form to which ti tarmat.ce t Pas meat ade•ntagelt over the Olean, as Oct way wan the teems Of wirsilmr, acSahoo angling, and We leas of woe at preparing It Ice ash. hold or WM. 11. tioneTmeee e SI teeth Thad at, Tht , MA , Pntai HOLISTMAI , IN, alftlan s. Cu n MalCou Lane, New Yoe Mae Agents 1730.dood=a ==gMM= ILL STOCK OF DRY GOODS A. A. MASON & co. BALMS IN PIACI Ir. STAPLE OCY GUIM No. 65 NAILIE.N.9 &aweea'Fhudt Foattlk .uccts, nitAburEh N rt: the attention of tamale:lLl tee in their extensive mode of Vad and ,Visiter I; tied with great case sod eliceLain 11 , m1 ic .theriut.ulte, large UtiCIJOI. melee, mid from , the by heir reitacei (either au wet. 'Shelf mock this tall emu lie wised • ripe and more tuned lima any they he., cvcr rudest to Mi. market. being goods .U 11041.04 ttitougo'ltie 1.421.11 DC It, c m the eaatein 111/I.riIets,,CCIIJCIIIrg Ukelf 0.0 e .1 t r imes lull and oetteet, weteuy ea.34.t:ng there c.slaily to compete OLLa eciseeto loothee GUICILICEUNG , 3 MANGO. 27717 i W. a/ FLIAlft, tau Wood Infect, ade app: Jfar Cidcbering`• Piano Fortes fur Western Pen, ,rlawnis, ha* received, mad now ready for Pe nh Idlldwing trwerweeni selected by bunselt Wein hanductury, sad will be supplied 12 usual at 01 :oreterulg's Mace*, Vai— -1 carved Louis YIY, octave.. I elegant flosewwed, 7 247 i I do do di do, 2 do do G do, I du Mahogany, G 40, 1 do %Velma, 0 42, full carved setrugrand. =1:13 subsenkr lota. the ploo,t. onottoeots to tile eittiest. of riottOttch, nr. .ude turanAtotte.nts veldt Jolla II Alti!or, for aclonave ...de of on Pt Mal FurteS. io littrattgli Veneto rev... Orator, and ttaNe wto!ot.t; to hose may be lutoltrJ Um( ittett intzte,lswi I t br IP ally atteutiod to. J CIIICKGRIN 1f J.tou, S! birch 11, I atttht.on 10 the el.o•o rtuuue rtion bewll4l.F.ly caned ftt.to the 10.0;o .1 Adam r4J4411., ttaeuu o. ILteco, ood t , or. cr. new lothdand Hallett, ,111.01.6i1ea, ,rscc. 'toying Irons two to throe bundtra tlutittrr. r.e.p4.5 NEWL.L. 111, 5 .r li IcLuber, psal recc:redauJ lur /Ale II 1:01 iIN ..0 a '7l Arran,' 110 .4nlgs, ith 0 T.• rsople from lin• 010 Goismtrir. ES. tut Inc same 044 of nanan I Air,rwT,.."... . -1 Holigh Mayor. olncis rt.. t:tt an nart i. ~., TA , eninnry,Cnn be nought 0 LOT Aut,l 73, krr a t Iwhat4 0 ttagroillis Ten riunt, Mtn •:de ct 11, , LiLamtillti. , oo nO miteToolTe I!I k . I.(iFyil. '• 12!./:•• J ilt iS - 1 - let'ST — i' - 11.71 , t1,--1 be sett In Lasts. sti Itse et the agency of ‘VOO4 Y Nu s 0. __ culdri., a laic al (rarity and Opurowto,,. Atto cl a, nrvr prize laic by T. d A.thar adtal the authors Drat prothletion, oad: at flal.a my 1.tep0t,.11.11 rverl, ammoe the rot Oat 0.., lac Mont Ainiabl 0( :It JUL ze, by ;anjor P J.raa •aa, and 1,g4011`. I,vlhg Age, no :11l E.--11. I Jll-.Aal CHEES.I.i. jot r, c'Oar 1 II I, Nal FAA ..- Qlourning Ooodai. 7t,1 1.3.11•11 Y & 111111C111.1C1.0 hove recetv< , . Si of rinds adaptrd Ir,r tmountamt.tur, • uth I.loALsol.c?. t.l.ntor; io;d Cg, " ' Dlouve a Lame.; and Mow.. Moarattarg l.ollare, Mac. Crams, Vol ,u;;;, 1,3 I aaaa ,t at received andtcr We LI) JA, , A 1 ttr11.111,.. , 0N d C.; oct7 Agsal Si Low, Steam cur,mr TiLb libh on herd anal tor Web, 0 , 17 r N WICKERSHAM oiEesk,L4l. Li,xes rime qach, for cas t Ly ‘„) oat? lanuH DICKEV a C TA•n -k:h. U •DS L 4 ri. low me. t • CA , t..1" . WT1 1 .750 1 NO' OALLS--bbli ib. AM reed and - Vir a ble - i, - R F. bI , I.LERS bed b 7 v. b.d ~ I_).l.l'E 3'tarFilWr..Eß-i0 bas ibb`d gt7r irrir x ~c 6 R E sEt.l - ,Eiu, L iii.Tho DA -4 cubs received f" sot , by 0 ET, R E - SELLERS 1.; bl. 3 iCIEA BIC airk.NlGkil- - -i0 tailor bole by ..y. eel 11 E SELLERS VirflAP.7:Nirl'irt:SPltirreiiir.l.ig vita vtra VV art avping mef F., dabble , medtam,elo3lll.l. d.bit Grown, a very superior article,. land sr int •sle by ~" , 1 I.: , ... 1.•:." A c aToCh"IOP4 47 Marta v. knous. ' a u.. , maisz4•o ll, .. , -.... ~ , j_ .. .. o' el Waal strain, . 1 ~c ,3 ..g ..,ach an Nsomas:jot of PIANO NUS. ~ the falltattalr— . Molly, do yoo Love w i l . ti t y E. 0, ,,, ..E y 05ter. ' Ok,atey , the Red Rose so Al .10: .. Lolly was a lady, do. ... , Uncle Ned. Ovine td Run all Night, Dollylliay, Glover.oldierselVed.iht.trbT Glnee , . The Robin, do. • CM, Touch the Cord yet once mom Sweet TlN:mire of Thee. iver Moon. . • Lament of the Isiah Evelyn a / . . A New Medley Song. . Theo hest Wounded the E pirit that Lased Thai: lbe Cr oscript's Departs,' 0, by Glover. 13e Kind to lee Loved On . at Henna. Tim Rome where e'er do Heart is The Yankee Maid. Low Dotted O. by Tamar. Ito you ever think of trie. :Mather Gentle 'Lady..„•,' Jeannie Grey : • Elfin, Conan., -. Wed/414, ...Wreath, and Daisy Waltzes litatebelor, Maiden, Bill. Welts, Concert, Ladle' 'a:invents, pally, Elm* Ag eo , Ev.rgITMD, BM. ° O. Ath.6...d Ldux Polkas. f ..r24 Thaus t B rr sits I TEA 111111 UTE enter nin Into the lbat of pedera,wetialnething If If about Slander da of Chests Importer., Lsrge Capital, Bought fa r Cash, is. in thee, we will net humbug in 007 ma neer or torso, we 0.1.17 Invite the public to eionsparsour Teal sank what they pareaue elawheroj 00. ti, the best method we know to neer- Iftm ‘ 4OO 'ell. 'tha best and cheapest Teas in Pidtts batch. 0 Wen re now selltnat Geed Ind • trongTea at 40 and 50 cents per lb . A b e st ri•iele, —...• 75 do do The Tea imported into the U. States, 61 Low prim:4l,4=w , , or inferior Teas we do not keep. MON EIS & HAWORTH Elsner von oldie Tea Market, JrJ 1 at side of Ihamond. Ankerile..• mi•ohaviloar - Work. D. Appleton &Co ,7. •lf ork. home In coarse of pub lican or., in pails, r twenty live cents eash, A II) Qf Ilfnehmes,ll.lechmuu., Eaguas Work,andEst gmanng; deruptal for ?matt., Wading ALM, elltri those intended for Ma nernug Prqfranort. SOM. BY MATTI Mtn. flllll6 WORE Is of large sec, sue, and will imntsin A.Two Tn0r1500111,013, mid towards of sus Tl3Oll - mternist - tons. It will present working-dtaw• inge end dencripuon. of the moat Lopottaut machines in the United Suites. Independent of the result. of American la:genially, it will contain complete practi cal wean es on Meehan MS, Machinery, Engine-weak, tool lationeerinm with all trim I. moral in more than one thousand dollars worth of folio volumes, misco unt... and ether books. The vein object of this poblicanon Is, in piece Le ase practical mod and students such an amount of eoreheat and scientific knowledge, in a condensed sitril mete them to work to the Isnot a loco, siaJ t avoid. 0,,c tototakes which the) night .tiller wite ecnomo. The ',mount easeful set, i....tion the. brought together to attnnot beyond pieried,i in such works. Indeed, them is hardly lily .u•wct within its range which a not treated w i th tor It clear. new an.l freemen, that teen amen of the mica oral. miry capacity eOllllOl tail of understancing it, and thus Ice .jag from it much which ft la Important (or him to know The publishers nits to short, &dammed, regardless of rots, to snake the work as complete as possible; and o hoped coot) one deur°u to obtain the work will promise kais imumi in number., and thus encourage the onmrpf the work will ho loused In semi-monthly manlier., commencing to January, IMo,and Will progress with gr.tregalarity. The whole work will be published In 40 numbers, 15 cent. per toonberoind esmaphiled within the elar• t year, lola A liberal diaconal will be made to agents. Any one rentitting the publisher LO shell receive the work through the post office free of Ozpor... ()partici]aa of tile Piream "To our numerous hintothaeturera, hi oohe d, En gineer., and Arti.n., it will be a mine of weeith.”— Providence, Dt.l.) Joornal. "Young men, atm yoni.hres with WI knowledge:— We eon with confidence recommend our render, to pones. the...elven of its numbers a fast as they al , . pear."—Arnetioan -ride unbemmungly commend the work to those on gored tit or tuteresind in mechanical or seientifte'per suits, as mite-cagy woritty Of their er.ninsuon end etudy."—Troy,(N. Y u ) Budget. "It is truly a great work, and the publitheni do nne the thanks of inventors,end mann factor., and indeed of the middle generally."—N. Y. In iqgt ' ,.. " Zi oe y er will be h.g• hly tmtit! to pracUeal mechanics , and inlaatile to all who nob ammuon themschrea with the prnaveas or invention in lb. um chanie &nun—New Bedford Daily Mercury. "Young mechanics ought to keep posted up in th e. crettml as well on penal eel knowledge, and this conch will show therapist how they nand."—Eolfiurr (Mar..) Adseettem. "We take It to be jest the worethat moms .d hoo d:n.l, of nur intelligent meek stoles havedadred to pow. mess. tin ample emits descrunions ant. ftill and minute lump ecificauous that it men ' s to as that ~ 7 tee might conmaciany mach.% it describes en the eirength ofitsengyaning• and irstructioca"—N. Y. Commercial in-m .Adverumr "All interested ecs should avail them selves of its solis.tageu".—Schuyikill, (Pant.,l Jove- cal. .A work of extensive prettical thd great ice pittance and value mottle rapidly increasing interests the cocutry. We regard th e wort as eminently ea:sunned to promote the caner of science and the toes hathsal a obit'." - w...emnate v tamable Informs mist on there Farater and Mechanic. .Practical 'men in all the varied waits of median cal andmanufacturing industryf engineering. fie find in th is work a treasure which hard' he toil:Leif prolt to pothera."— Troy Daily Whtg. "We havecarefully perused the numbers, and have lies.tation in saying that it is the best work for rue thuds., tradesmen, and thientifie men, ever publish ed, for n ecutaine minute information on every branch of the mechanical its and seteriees, expressed in a style and language intelligible to thy reader of aril& eapacity."—tilouirester, (Mass-,) New. "We are tare we are doing the mechanic. of No:- 'rice and other party of Cotheeticat • serviee by liringuig the work to their attentlon.a—Norivier., (Coth.) Conner. Mt Is Jest thch • work as everY ciachaale ehosid posse. "—Fweraan's gourmet. Wo consider atone of the most useful and important pulincthous of the age. No mechanic can afford to he w i thnthiti—Nenrart.. J.,)Commerclal Courier. "tit all the • arious publiethons easing ler their otr. itet e.rulwr ~ p• t •31 itdvansement'of th ets.- n , I,ld ir-het*. thal ha. seen, r.,11 - -1:14q10 - Cim:Adv. • it is C.lc.lptri work tree offerer] to the re.con , red preens al ermineer and mechanic. The Leauttralli ezteultd. - -Walltingtoortloht . "Taw g ee. Dictheary is one of the moat thee: r are a n for years, and the low — lee at which it to sold ranker 11 iteceptabld to all . —tithwi Carolinian. "We rtheril it air one of the most comprehensive and •aluabie, Si well aa eneapesi worts ever publlstedia Advertiser. -fought lo lob e taken by "d o semarr 04.31.0:05 to bet: , • tee wt progress" fan th ience In everyone fif the labors of daillsed Life,"—Retniont Courier. "It is deigned after the principle of Ure's Lamson. ry, only Riot it is more devoted lathe coechameid and rngtneenng professions., and these all, I .t inhabit. as acearthlwhing for Ametlea what Ure has them for !.,;land, destrthinj /Mangan mankthery sod wench Of 1.11."--.S0101tlift0 Ant