The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, December 07, 1850, Image 4

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    spikoszmitar &
iniok DI! coops,
• alw. 191.WreaIt afresh •
& NviTs a. siseasion of boyars us sbeLr bole stock
at Fresh Goods mw opening, and watch they ate
"MIMS to sea ea sew aelowowslaPark trews.
- We WWII be oossewWr "I"
OW We AWNS, Sad raciest ea a of
reek bi Thum werebanw e 4 robotsabating oar
- Wii ma':,
BE G 5 to niletna Ids inuaeniunt Ltienis
and esnomen, that ho Is Jut fouls* hla nurW
tall sunk of CLOrisb, CesSimgillils, and VEST.
Irws,al dm sew n Enke, adapted for the opyroaelt-
Lag ha and 7N.isr masons. all those in emit of
0000 P, taahlasnig., fad good elOndl: will Ind dm
isuestonort lasatonable, mid best slut In the
Wetwas focally, at this eaubllabme
. 1 7
to Pittsburgh. '
WBE Pettesylvinala Rail Road Cotonou hams'
completed tho whole boo of tan road to Holliday.
alsh, thao eorneeung the Portage{ Rail Road to
Johnstown, and Iwo thaneo by boats to Pittaboarit,
are now prepued to mules and forward morehase
au, proosee,ribi, to and front Pittabaryh and Phila
Ta r boU trill leave abo trout of the cont,
nary fo Johnston& then ounce nay won Us Utily
trans of ears fu Philadelphia, th....uranrinig the ilo•
duty of ariahl in Phi/ seelphia within flu days
BELL & LlGu kiTT
tedetal sr. Po. R R. Co, Canal Basin, Patabargh
• & AK, Agents,
sepleLdit •Philadelphia. •
Mau and Afissical butrigerow,
Sign el the Guldati Nary, No lot Third Buret. •
orfroif. 111..811111: rapielfally Inform.
Ea (ricotta and the public, that he hea
jest retuned from Om cam, with a
meat-elegant-lad eileatAre assort.
tetra of Piallos of 'ninon styles and pries., selected
by bintscl4 with great enie. at the celebrated factories
of Pianos rt-Clari. N. Y., and Denham, N. V., ffino or
Modena. DanthamiN. Y.) Marble solvated:he than
iron 1.410340•4 .4411 jam Smelted by the above
makers, they aro yrarraeted of eaperter ytmiv lad
tone, and .11114 all Casts be acid at New Ye: fac
tory piece. Parebasere feelv4l 4/TIU4II
Only With ellen Men% entitling mem cachet:le
or return of !tale. if 113000 detective.
_ .
A 1.., a lot of splendid Malts, from the factory or
&health rt Maul. N. Y They ate a smash amcle,
and warranted equal, it not superior, to any made in
the world.
Alm, • Gan aelection of Fluted,. Clationets.
Striae', R
unic, nstrummts, and the newest and most
peptone including Jenny Lind e celebrated
Welch Flannels.
xx URF . ItY 1 ItUfIertFILLIJ, at north cafe comet
in. of I. eurdi and Martel macs are now supplied
mth a tall nesortcuct of the sinuous qualtuel at
above desirable , goods, and enema been puthated
nom the impomLe canlamarreititedgenumer,_erel '
Jas. dlusprait a. 8080 Patent Soda Ash.
3 4 I C „ A P:r 11 6 of the "
c r' s Irkt L end ,d 1 pan
u act motnn, per "Anna Mar," -Lc rope," ofictlin; and
et .er shrps, via Philadelphia ndßalumore, wastela
nd superior to both stremtla and - 7tuallty to any in the
manct; tat cul t Si the isl.tAl once tor oath ap
peered br1•.1..) \V h. II hII . I•CeIELTREE
errors airtel
. _
Laryg• Supply . •I Fall 6 IWlntar Good*.
URPHY & BURCHFIELD Invite the attention
LIE of Mayen to their largo nook al ports _adapted
for the reason, consisting in part of—
Elk and CoPd French blertn.6
' Coburg, inul C.Lacrce,
Changeable Popbne,
U.. Silk. anti TllOO Sauna,
Elle and Funny Alpac a, Soper Long Shawls, Low Plitt do., Sacking Flan
nels, English, and American Ft.nals white
and colored. Muir stock of SIOUSEVFI-TiNti
IitIODS t such as Sheens., Fillow Ca. Mash.,
*ratite Duper, Towelluig, &r., is large, and at tow
Prices tot quality. Bales will find it to their advan
tage to ext..° their st .ck urldra patchasing—at
north Clint torn. of 4th ltd Alartet 64. • oat '+
Sollarsq.l• • r PIM Sapwood. all ether.
Charlectun, Va., Sept. 26,1.<50.
Mr. IL E.Selltra.—Yeur . killable'. become. pops
lar In &H. des rrgion of country, as very muck to
eacc o rze r g , c a lti . l whets .16 Liver i i r
.IF-rtract of Letter.)
Purehiscra will tetolleet that R. E„.Salle& Liver
I!!, ate the otigtnal aud only 'rrw and Genus.
• t Fill, and rutty be hot at N 057 Wood et, .d of
6 tan genets:ly in the two tines and vicinity.
Or . Cittystotta Extract or Yellow 0011
and daraaparllla.
l 'U oTt ‘ h r
. wan any other
al l wraith is their.c•iiy coaniona
will, use 173lrael Of Yellow Donlon e.suaei oi Woo
elke11), 014 or tr. OolliauLug the renal
43 ;Lon ...causal citineot an any other Sarno.
(Jim octet tar paCic, At c.esione inn tin patio. ,
iy use r nou aii lot 6.0 01101111,11/11150 C. 110110.10
111110) , 41.4" ol Inc Ssisupailila eominuns. The in
mod nand inane at poisons! Mercury, Iron, tau
nine. -Penn; Jodi., Solnitit i Arseale, and noon
other tsunami and mouth., pianos ewer into Lau
nini the active 1001 of own of the Ssrospartla anc.
Yonocess of tin any. [noon's Carriposind Ecirsei
41 Yellow Dires .100 titorsainnin does not contain •
particle at then ambiances, Oil shy tioe tan cull)
Yerrillll appnlog the onessary urn •
l'he pinatas inaYoccasionally lcitione dinease, Lai
the/ so trarate the blood. sod 10 completer, 1141111-
11110111111 whole eyrie= With then bannt enacts Mu
the Ant cold, or the - Ant attack of dries., pros ratee
the pariesu's riresglh, and online!. tin of her to no
aunt ninny/sting (onset, toll renders Soothed care
almori.rinposailow and hopel — esa. Let all poisonous
ifarospornia preposition alone, and no tioysn's
finptered Ersatz of Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla,
which in thoroughly ellesesoas perfectly hunk s, arid purely veyetable. All kind: of disease yields to
se - pedal tridoesee.
Scrotal& Caneemus Tumors, Ciaaneona Saipan.,
thyaii;elaa, Mei, Pastaha, or Funpus on the Fade,
Chrome aure Lyes,Tarter, Scald Head, Rheum.
tam, Bulargeroent or Pains in we Boma or Jain.,
aid and en born Lamm, Fever Sores, Hip Dims.,
Swelling o the Glands, Blotches, Syphilitic Symp
toms, Linn ago,Llroply, /dyspepsia, Jamul.. Coo.
meness,S I.lthenns, Aflettions of the Kidneys and
diseases a big from an inthinthionts sue of Mere.
ry, :into Sore Taroal, WWI... Of the Chest,
Yuan.. A.Secanns, and all other dimmer tend•
mg toward Cm:music:sari, Liver Complaint, Female
arregal•ri ' and Complain., Sul and Nervous
Ilistisehr, anent La:linty, Low Spain, Loss ot
Appoint, light Sweat., Pains in the Salo and
nnualiamil, • µthine or Imnrede,%td In Life, Chiron.
to Coo:Anna lanai Disorders, and es a Opting and Viet
faultier of e Maid, and General Tomo lot as
Styled; it I unrivalled .
GM of Vie =ad Limits of svaaan years staramg .
Tlie tulle tog is as enttrael of a letter dated tlaroa
27, 0.5 h, Lo L. B. Pertm, hL highly respect.
Lie phislth of Marietta, 0:11..
Rath Pair —Dear:Sir: t have ander toy ear<
inning arnitia 1 who, tor since,. years, has beans sal-
Ici ing from 'Warsaw:l Limbs, Lad mt..e ease W's
been prdnoanced Impale. by three of use best phi.
@Loans. 1 took bee into my manly, and have used
Guyana's hallow Peek and Sarsaparilla freely, and
amennfidsnillial the Venom Poet and Sarsaparilla
aria antrot a porinsnet care. She is heart In genera
health than the has ewer Inert Delon, ana waits a
wile or two without fatigue or pain. A year ago G.
and crutches. I will report the ease in dae time.
. • ,
Very reepeettall s, y, itonma. E. B LitifiN
It lan been remarked, by eminent men, that in Ma
vatted eatalogae urdiseaaew lo whielt nun is Labia,
there uncanny One at such impottaliee, and of teen
interut es na est nether nth~
of its origin, Its insethon pr., tees, the camber and
v let, el ottati• that it allatellt, or to remarkable in..
nu Willy en e %tannin ntility.
[tonna hat caged the Wail of them ent eminent
ai .
yb steam. In tau country and in Europa hat them ts
an =WOOL e for en attune in it,. tinyott's Extract of
Yeller, Leek and nathapardia, o tollen = proving it.
sett a perfect tothethe m the must wrath oath. o
intlitna. . .
tin eaumerdmary cam of berofdls eared by the
soil use of Dotter tmayote• ...ompeund byrup It
;tm seen by tam emultcam that tam man has been
r the imminent of several c embraced prquetana,
10 , r m to peat mgt.. yenta, without&rearm any beemtlt,
and as been `lit
eared by the am of • few
b of Dr. Day BOW. Compound Syrop.
Now I oac,June 7, lErld
Dis . 6uraorr—Dear tia,-OYr tog to yea e dente:deli
=may cannot pay. I sea Indoced tamale a public nou
knovradgman or Me Dement I here dewed imus your
Invamatme Dyrep. I was sorely antictcd man • tem.
We Berornlons .41searo, herrdltar7 Ir. oar family,
eouttnermeA on my [met, asd, connuamg re
spread, Mon reached toy tam; rumble am my hue,
sagest...lLnp ell over my Met, nett, and lower en.
trareides. i bee-me a dailnatng Gomel to Inge upon.
Al times my dam,in au so great toil I was unable 1.0
sleep or lm down; and the roseate cruendag tolo my
Lan j ,
periously Mlles Led my lre•nnu. Sly Mee wee OIL
den einem sore, from era. a mucilage or mum
and mar kept mronually mama oat People avoid.
ad e rappostng I had the small pea, or some MIMI
td dour;dtwlte, dadese, and I *PM ear...queerly obliged to
RI unit toy Dunn.* helleillielendalig I had the
bat medical !Melee, tad Irmddlnerent plans Of treat.
men , tee .11mMe Conti/Led 10 VOW erom,antili tart alp I catcall, rolliMalery / fell to With a pseeeese,
O. a lmambOal, MM. Uneynang tor ay health, woo
info med asio don ha MO OYM Lt one CULL 1.1/ Le tad •
000 Ilan ne 1 Man, lute Mal iy Mall roar Syrup be
er 11pr...hi) , etace. I acesecdiMell Itthhamh the ar •
Lel onnolacheed annoy II, Led new Mier halm( Used
MLA Wan MI nettles,/ ado Well *01? Ilbla la atteld to
My moat.. I send you this MOILICIted Le MI ICIOI
let e, only oopo.g tail It may Indere the elbeted to
ma ofate to thr r.rytenc/Mlne, and tberebyaseo them
ma sodctng end exp...
I mama= lope obelgent se mar,
• JOHN Q. sr/urn/go.
.:re of an awArrauata cue of .Eryiiptlar.
ettie• yernmasl by IN. I.:upon% rlttraet of
Ye T li e w Dees aid tarmaaulta are lowan& The pm
tam. e renerat beam commas to Improve titer my,
cue a rceneool. Mmes. are Mal clarinalMed Mad time
Las bay tweed that Mete eta be no , rafityse an MIMI
of tee Manse. :
Notturar, Merino. Co.) Fan. tonu.
gc. gunorren. Co n fleets, it month crestplconte
a., g ,syne you about tee very ittippy edema of lone
Veltuto JAMIE alOniontlyotrillo tipe6, ray lum, Yrbo two
long Leen mitering wrier Mat dictator, loathsome
O le..
ilasernrysipclas,wlitisenicis lit A Ss anaeled tu IlNii
and or. Itloutiks stetded 0, some of o
gs ur
.slpyrie,aur,"woo umo mese skit petscrettncly lot
salUteitt ittimfitual effects whatever.
He become reduced to pullout skeleton 11. had ulg
etre (tom Ws hip to his k bee, which were coIIUcLUM.UI
diScharcmc discerningly olltrallro matter. Medical
and aargital akni war_tiaLled. rhymeians mad lbal
km ca wan nopeleso—mete Could Le acidotic done
yo arrest those terrain concretion% ulcers. My omits-
Lore and myself thought km thssonaturt heat at 66sta.
One fmy neighbors, who keid curled clald of smut.
m a lour inealeable immune, unshed me to,
of it, nod more from the recners destre to
do 'mottling 6,2616 hie lased, man (toot my Luce of
cattlog ache:, I pnx6sed three]ol4o• Of 1000 0 1C/owl
11000 mid Maraparilm," mi centrum, ed alio. ti
•134110 aluglusametit, m o d ottoeneed rOVIUE
6.2 tad On 4Juo CAW ociore he hod lased •
h.a could wait out he uoed ol l/
mci r
ve 66,:ey, mud 6y 0010001 Oult 0, ma pezteruy
~..,,,a,t, every •eruce on we mrease envoi me mats
In removeC, uud he tumulus 19 petted Length op to the
preornt um , . His accovvy , ehdet Inc Memos: of
lied, la entirclrioning to the lase al your Yellow look
mnt earsaporilla, aro fassore 100 tout I fret myself
Meter (mut obit k SittUCS (0 you, s od lb with (real))
k muctin you orrenr.t your earsapullla has dotte
for my Soo nespeCtlsoly,
EU' Sudo gooone unler• pit 6). an large bottles,
quart, mal the name of tun riymp blown
in the glOl5, witti the written stcr,sture Cl S. F. nen
non, on the outinde sorupper. elite 61 per boule—or
6 bottcs lor 6:6
It to 6y ,J. PARK, Nwn.h Ears comet 61
Fourth ROA WO:IO14 arc<Ul, entrazte Wataat
0w.,2,1 . 400 Otto, in whom ofilest mum ms addle*.
per & Ord:, Doi 'W. Y. Jiihniern A. w , War-r.
lord, Uhri & Clentuar, Cto.siiigrule; &tic! Tanen,
51oritrate; !refitfilu,Taikritirla; Robert guy, Walla-
Dom, L. Kil eroilt Worker rnistoel.irr nLR W c i Hlcorx itour, eittr
II lY:na~e~'d - -
— 6IIIC AP T3L/j. nisD NO miarams.
ORRJ d tr. HAWORTH, it. the Dimaii&J, aro aril
= Ulf e 0..C11e1.1 It
ib —TRY LT - igottr,
• I. cellfrnima'& co., •
Its II Wood atreoit Pittsl l l l3 ll ll .
polleetloas lasils'on all the prlnelixl cities of the
llnhod Butes, • • tally
A. WILiIXR f. C .'
1. S. E. Canis- d7AirJ sad Maria sts.
Au. twuucticnia" MOO uma.u., uus
41110. Z. ARNOLD At 00.,
age„ An,
(NoZt door to the Book of Putsborill
16 awUB di 10/Ifis
Issalt•rs'. Mzeltwaig• Bresere
COLLECTION—Drafts, Notes and Aociptanule
payable la any panolf the Union, condoled on Me 1210111
favorable terms.
EXCHANGE on New licit
Limon-, Cincinnati, Gni
New Orleans, constantly for
DANK NOXE3.—Notee on
United Staten discolintad
f. Foreign and American Gall
d void.
rk, Philadelphia and Bal•
Louis and
• dala.
all solvent bank■ In tka
lowest rates. All kinds
Id gad Bayer Colo batten
HO .
LMES 801 , 18 hare removed their Bank-
N• jog and Exchange °lca Co No- 67 Marto% st.
o or door. below old nand. - • .0'27
nada tot Enatutd, Wand, and Scotland bought •
toy mown at the Carrera Awns of Exchangei
also, Drafts payable In any part of the Old Counutea,
front-MA =OO, at the 'robot $5 to the Z Sterling,
without dOdactlon of dacenun; by JOSIIIItt• ROBIN.
BON, Samoan and Guaral Agouti Waco sthone
doer watt of wood. . eetlBU
•isau zzaill uts Anirian z•
In Fox sod Dozooodo BE. of Exattamto, Ow ,
littellt“ of Deposita, Batik Notts and Coto, emu. of
ad and Wood cram, directly oppostAgt. Chutes Ho•
al. • ._•• • IosTWAY
Cheats; No 11 Wood essem,oppomts St Chutes
tole, are SOW recentni sail oiler for sale, at low
sues, as tollowm
-120 P Kg• Y. M., Itap,O. P. 50 Al hf Spanlsh Cg
M s..
. and art Te... NEM Havana and Var.,
140 gilig• la IN 10 end hilt in INIm pseksges
lump A.S. roll Tob co. 1 .114 di Rayons, Sr 001
WO bags Mai, Lsiguayta, 1 6AI Itegeltss.
and Jaya Cote. l5 51 Flisespes.
50 Mos N 0 Sagas bil his M Raisins;
10 bele NO Molasses. ells bales Filberts, English
40 brispoweeted,cmsh . 4 Walnuts, assail NI.,
and told Saguia. and Otound Not.
NJ beta MUM. YO his Lesvos Syrup.
ru bets Tamers , Oill 20 412 Pepper Store,
lullgals Lamp 04. sre eases Pickles,
50 bila No 3 Meek sect. W eases plc 4 Chocolate
152 tas Eallia Will titan OroandSpices or all kinds
150 boa Stasis Soap. su tiss bardinvs
11/0 din Pot /Jackets. 00 bre Simeh.
OS b. ChocoMm. 15 bra Hock eerily.
55 bas Whits Pipesl 10 bas Shelled Almonds,NWin
rat Wmp. raper. 5 ones LikiliOolec
SO bas Pepper tabspme, Rinelsatt% Cut and Dried
4041beicoN00llayeeara5 Tobacco.
Ili tes Wee . ' 10 gross Macaws.
Together with • gesersu u•ortmeut of goods OM
ally kept in melt Ilse, as well as Pittsburgh mans
factures. asp?
0 slairirTll,7olll. - 431.0501111,711C0 - -
I hIeCLINTOCK Is cow opening 01 his ['lopes
V Y • Wesel:male, No 15 Fouth onset and id Wood
areal, awry ItandsomeusOrmieslof Caspating,evOr
prising la pan of the following Varieties:-
RNA and elegacO sole Velvet File Carpel;
cll ' pe O rror d Eag eki llip. "7 J 6 .t . gl ' e ' sg Ass "" sel: St;
t' l
Ems sup. 3 psy Carpets;l Rags, esua.Chesus
Superfine do do, i.l dap. Tailed Reps, 1
do Lopata do; ChesillellLatis
Extra 6ne tr. tine dodo; Talsedldsdis,,
Com. all wool, do do: Rule Rada;
do mou's sham do do; Coco Mats;
, lii coma dodo; /ate do;
• • very Large assortment of 11(021III
Ste.:lßosts, Cartiegeo Homes, Ac.
• Clll Oaths.
. A very largo mans:cent ol well s“sonsl Oil
Musing is width from 27 lathes to 41 last,
handsome styles, eat to fit toy 41 , 2.1 1:41U,
The stock of goods will be sold • e e.,sap
Mai be perehassil in nay of Me came, 40
noise every hal, in call who wish a fiCylUt.
.ape IV filcill..lsl/
ti4llllllVl - lub Las Gleam •31.1 . W K (lbw e:
IV bags old J sea Codes,
ings Legaayra de;
2u bags Macy Mlo do;
10 tif chests IMalaa Tca;
Id caddy bits taut Unbar
40 do prime (ween,
3 .bt cheats do;
10 iws hooch Kama.;
3 bales sod shell almonds;
I dos pare ebrlstal Lemon: • gar;
5 bashomespailii: t laucyllo oft,
la bas Boma, Cocoa and Pio do,
bc.4 Almond and Palm boa
60 bus Bas i n sad Var.-gaud up;
a dot Oliva and &MICKoa
Y dm Pepper Sauce .
do: Colrain t Wan= Pick ;
dot Row Water;
i ewe Itab. litscearoni;
5 cases do Vermicelli;
P. eases pare Wiz Carrie ro der,
3 041 . 00 wAcKirus Biea Floes
16 brls c rasbedt polverm-a gall
IP bris small loaf,
10 brls pare Cider Vinegar
" duo Corn Broo m e
1.1 (.1
Car. Wood it WOO sal
For gala by
Espressig for Stomg.
WM4I Ike many meOsvessuenees arreortnig rho
use of the customary Skein, Me trees rune& has
hee'n Much, and for slang use 11151orl. kWh) &Ways
been • matter of utorrishment, Mat Last ureentamon
er tic& of Cotton, was conveniently spoo log gene.
;sr ow-Silk, to much more 'Meanie, casul4 hoe
been suppLted to Skeins, In. whack s o,
much tsuabie,
•<3.loll.aud loss has anion.
the Mateelty has IMO/ been overcome. the public
ts etleted OW utlele, handsomely Ina up in • COl,
•tusem form lox demesne use.
lac on.) objection urged sinless this nettle to the
•epareut small rms may on each spool. Truirs culls
esplarned. Each spool Is wareanted w column Z.
rueds of Silk; while Ula onintary skein. at the same
intokey hue an rumens& quer:airy, varying from IS
into yards.
the Spool l i lt Ls resdy foe sae at the 1121 e of pur
chase, mut it el) needs • Utah to coos, c the of
epueal eats serene:sly in gnu
which. nde et
we hem and t 011•1101613( ions in ll &unshed,
a bugreat serrinusges over the SU as a does
messy with the sednim of winding, the tenon of
issuing - Owl the lose of ume sty preparing it for no.
Sold Wal. IJOgu'rateltril aßms,
51 North Thud ey Pk Mgt.;
11011-ITMANIN, by a. (XS
S Mud. Lune, 'erw York.
tlola Ag sue
iriJ . 4.4lBst
K 0.68 X AIKELIB9 sr
13ctweta Mud a Faaaa •aeau
!rt. LEE the amebae ttf merchant. VIII
I o Mem e11e..., stock of rad mod %V
cc ted Witt great Cafe and anentson
loi,vrtallooll, large s a m.. sales, and it
I . e.4alLat.ttlfeta, by their tramdeol par
lbw .lock 1510 tall Intl be sound
!ere. t sad mote •arted than .sy they tom
blueght to due market, ham; Implant...l
Cl goods almom datly through the moasott
year In the e.t.a mute., ronderte,
bmea fall and perket, thereby cattalo
CesslallY to compata W. modern houses
?M I N 01110101111 , 0 , 3 PIANOS ,
JMIN 11. bie:l.LoB, No Ul Wood Meet, rote agent
for Crocheting's Paooo hones tor Western Penn.
Ott received, sod bow ready lot 2ate, toe
looorruag asionmeni beleatea by himself from me
lava:datum oursd will be supplied 11.$ nut! at Mr
linoisernics pee., 2.7
II carded Loam XI V, l octs22.
delimit ironwood,' do;
2 do do do,
do do o do;
a do Maltogszy, a de
I do Watlaw., n ;10,
I laboured milagra..l.
A CAUAA—TIia subscilbor has. the pleasure of
tn ...1111C411j 10 the elnsena of Psitsbutio, that he has
taste sarong...onto with MA . Joins it. blettoi,lor , 1151
IL. lullYt sate of his Piano Voiles, In YlusbOrigh anti
ti intern reen•llvoinit, and those within g to par•
chase only be assured that digit tutatests se 1 be lamb
iony anehtled to. J CHIC Altl l o
1.0.1011, blotch 23, 160.
, h;ll,act.lll
It ~Ninon to tbe above stork of nahoil
nu,. etiog,•new sopoly is uttered front th
et Adana etedart, baton 6 Kasen,and t‘ l
I, .1 ash, and tionalt, Comma.. Atleo,
tin ces slam, trout two to Woe hundred d
g_a n . 1111,H , /MON 1 111.11 altiOn
Xi a for Uelsl.l,juiareeellod and for sal ,
cra • 7fl Apollo llailding
Tv Peoplefrom. iho lioterm.),
g'. t lnJ
' el "l f ;l'u
1J +ud
oautr 6)lavorcraTetale
L. Cy,
Can I.lerogltt at 1.114 7 ,
1.1 Ilerrotte'a Tea State, cast WI
learotrod, • ad DO where el. to ?Maur 6.1
guctTrl:aT t I
- •
LoV 1v V Vt.L., Uti'l. 5. .erniu
Chilacco; a. Oda of Crabby bild °yore. ;
144.: of• new prat tale by T. S. /what. It
La ;he authors beat produe..lM4-P , •• 10 •
Lb. flay Deyol,ll.ibl meet, opposite ita
al, du: blank 10401 of 01. /ono, by Map
au;ll.ll.tell's Llysog Alga No 3:11..,
ell KESE —Ol.O boa lull
_ . .
Mourning goods.
h.{ egoritY & BUKCIWIELO hero recei
1.11 yty tcodo adupicdtot &mama, wea
Iliac{ bouab&una&
Canton Ckn . ba,
'• and
Fret h Memos aodeasb
Moo. do Law. and
ear, /tu r •Teg tAllars, Black Cray
It 00
O , V c 4 1' 4 . ;
1 0 0( 1 tret; 11
JAS A litlTClildiZlN
t; Accra S. Low. 'dream Yoga, Ile
btlkon Rand and ordel!" •
U erad N W/CRE lIA.
boars prune gaol or foieale
U"1.3--cl/"1 .4111/ICKE Ry
le Co
01L—d3 brie low pneed, for le lq•
- odd• &
N troAl4B— '341 . Itoi - Iset we'dordfora br .
a Wood In
p At fief -P.
a POW Y. on reed for tale
• R 8,15k-LLERS_
ITEM ARABIC LA.daTfirß.S.--10 Dili for .nie . by
TT Trrapplrig mem., double .nrl7 P 1 -4w
wednan, or yn!, and
double crelnl, • very .toptilot article, on !mad an
for ca.: by
• . 47 1114744 i
aCirs6 .
•--411140E1M01:6 4- •
~hrto VI Wood die.. sies lane received a sew ow
edevartat teLP . GINORIUSip..amons width. are
• folkierinp—, j. '''
tkaidoyou Love be, by a. . r.
skyke Red Rau Liu Pray. do.
welly was e Lady,, ;
Dodo Ned. : `
Ro el l selVe&Ung, by Mout. - .. I
The bin, , do.
mob, Touch the ktord_yill ones aura,
Sweet Memoirs armee,
Moon. _
Lament or th e Dila GeriVoant
A Nor Medley Sou.
Tboa but Wounded - the Spirit that Lsretik
The CATI.CrIpI'• Departing, by Glover..
De Kind to tan Loved rues at Rome.
Tta Home where Cultivation ts.
ma Yankee Maid.
' Low Bated Oar, by Lover.
Do you ever think oreu.
Slumber Gentle
,Lady. , •
Jeannie Grey.:
Waltzes. Callatios, Wedding,' Wreath; ud Delay
Batchelor, Malden; Bella Walla, Gauen, Ladles'
Souvenir, pally, ElvlnaLlly,Allee,Eurgrunt,Elant.
out, AGA!. endllkstrorkaa. mares
, %MASI I TZAR Itl ,
111rIR enter not intoilie Hat of parrera,wournethlag
ly about Hundredr - or Cheers, Importers, last.
Capital, Lieught for' Ciah, tee. In fact, we will not
humbug in aux meaner or form, wrielmlilvirdide the
nubile to compare oar Teu with what may omnibus
elsewhere; thin la the beat method we know to ascer
tain Into sells the bat and cheapen Teas in Pinta.
burgh. We are now selling
Good and Wrong Tea at 40 and Weeati per lb-
A prime 71 do do
The best Tea imponed tab the U. State., $1
Law priced, gamage.for Lanier Tea. we do not
kup. tdollll3ld & HAWORTH
Prop: Wien or the Tea Market,
1.3 Hen side or' -
areas Alosortoo alooloadoiErolfferk.
0. Appleton a Co , Nei► Volk, hairs to clause Moab
azalea, in puts, ones twenty canto tub,
• DI qTioiranmr
• .
Of Machina, /l/wiusiiito, Engine TPal,and
drinarrineu disarm! for Proctsool Woriong
Min, dui Moos Vilowitod foo oy Engl.
awing rne4U2On.
SOW. IT Mama Una.
riutis WO= la of large 800. sue,
will contain
J. TWO THOWAWD ram, and opWarb of WI, TEO9.
non LniIIaTILLTIOSW. It will pistons werking , draw.
Mks and descriptions of the mat Latponant machine'
in the United States. Indepandeit el the ranks of
American thlroonity, it will contain eema_plate pramb
trash An On BleO Mien, M aildgun7, hire-work,
and Engineetlor k with all that I. wail In more than
DUO th 011•1114 owlets worth of fano volumes, w•go
line., and other books.
The read object of Ail publicanon is, to place be.
fore practical men and euiderda mach to ainotint•of
themetical and llClG6tifit knowledge, In a condensed
form, ma shall enable them to work to the ben •drati
tape, and to avoid those raistakth wale), they ought
otherwise commit. The mount of useful informatmo
the. brought together is almost beyond precedent in
such works. Indeed, there is tinnily any anthem
within its range which is not treatal.trith each clear
ness and income, that even a man of Um most ordi
nary capacity cannot fail of undemanding ii, and
thus lemma, from it much Which it Is important for
tuella know.
The publisher. We, la tholl, determined, remrdiess
ci con, to mate the wart as complete al possible. and
it is hoped every one desirou to obtain Um Work ' will
pure it,. issued la numbers. and*. encourege .
en le rpriie.
The work will be lamed le eeml-menthly numbers, in /muter!, 4650,and will proems with
great remalatlty.
The whole wort will be poldlshed in 40 miebare,
at at rents par oumbormd e • Wed withlfie roe.
rcat yettr,lB3o. ♦ liberal disc• mu will be made to
Any one remitting the pablishers.slout advance,
shall seem. the work through the post all. free of
Opind 14e Pram.
tier oat numerous filanufaisters, hie:hanks, En
gutters, and At ( i.111111, It • moon Oilrealth..—
Plovide.e.l ll .. l .) Journal.
tll'oang men, arm yawed** with its knowledge
We e at with confidence reentammd mu realest to
poems* themselves of its Bambara as fan IMMO tip;
i•We anheidtatinglycomatetid the Watt to those en
gaged in or latereined In mechanical or eelentlhe pas
sutra, ea eminently wep1 .. ...12f Mar azammaden and
at (N. V , /
"It I. ualy • groat w — ol,7and the pa en de
mise the Me of s of lovantors, atechliMils, and soma
leetarcts, and intend of Ma peblle generally..--N. V.
" tiThis Dictionery will be highly useful to practical
meehautes, and saleable to Al who wt. amount
themselves with the progrem of Inman. In the um.
ehanie satau—Neer Mdfoni trally Idereary,
.It'uottg mechanics eight no keep Mated ap the
;newel as well as inset-cal knowledge, and this
work will stow them last lieW they stand.w—fleabittv
itlatal Advertiser.
i•a tate it to be last the wort that scores and hen
ed• of mar lettellerent meetianica have cleaned to pow
sesa So ample ant descrlptione, nod so fell and
matte its eimmileauone, Mat it mesas to es Mat any
mechanic ought contract any insole. u dmeri bee, an
the saertgin
and instractiorm."—N.
Chonmermal Ad.:user.
"All Interested in mechanics aboeld avid them.
selves of its mlyantattes.t . —Schitylksll, (Penn.,' Joar.
°A work of catenkektrattical many and great Mt:
prunes. and vale. l a the ittipidiy tncretuung interests
of the country. We regard the work as eminently
calcalatml to promote the cube of amen. and the
mechanical arts, and to tatteetninate valuable Informs
non 09 the. sabiceta..—Farmer and Meehan..
.Prectiest men in Ow vaned rah. of meth.e
eel and manufacturing indesiryi engineering. to, vial
and in this work • treas.., which it will is• to their
Neat to possesnn—Troy Dady Whig.
°We haveseretilly penmen the number., .4 bare
no Mutation la ...Ng that it is the brat work fee me
tredsionest,end scientific teen, aver pehLish.
al, foe it contains sun., Leib..ea ea every beams k
NON meehanical arts and ermines, trammed in a
style and lengeage intelllffitle to any reader of ordi
nary capacity."--tillancester,(Mase- i )N.S.
.tire etc UM to ere doing the otechtalre of Nor.
week and other partsof Conner.. a sent. by
bringing UN Nostra their attentios..—Plerarich,
It totem carl a Mork as revery stscolumie Unsaid
posses,' —Flreemargarearnal.
We consider hone of natal and haps..
publications Wenn. Ns raertbatdo tea steed to be
.1:1) all the various riablicatines having for *Mr ob.
Net the itactilinion mai advancement of the mocharib
eat arm and ems ea, none that we have seen, le so
full of promise ni Vila"— CNN:Adv.
-It is the best and cheeprNi work ever oilered to the
telenfibe nod practical engineer and mechanic. The
plaP • are besiatifell, eirearml."—Washingtonriloirs.
"Thu great Mammary isone of the most aural
works ever published for years, and the low pnee at
which 0 ts sold makes a teceptable to all.”—Roark
regard Hoe one of are most comprebennlvo nod
rolnahle, as well ea clomps.* work. ever poblishod.”
—Boltiarero Adserlisor.
.Ihigbt to be takes by overy one donnas to keep
bloc Axee proms* 0(11% sad ael.ll. In cony..
of tbe of entailed di em
011 lo deolgood after the pnaelpla of U.. Ike Alm
fy , only fiat a fs woo Mowed tante sedum cal and
ononeetiogrCiens. sad above on, nimble
ol meatepli foe Moak. who: Una km dose for
Itoglaad, wiz dbiog Anonym afaelinery and
went. of an."—Seleallbe
ulna pablished In numbers, std at • Pd. ••
Looking at whatlseoatsload to each amber, that
no one who has the limns Interest la sae\ Ruben,
need be deterred from petwariag it; and every catewho
does so, will find that be has in • condeasted lona an
all,only . by the pat T elase a very . many animas.'
Y. Conner and Emptier.
The comprehensivenne with which Me enhicets
are mated, the admirable manner In which they are
illustrated, conspire to mete thts ane ails most dmi.
ruble worta."—Democratic Bevies..
“This work should be in the hands ofevery miter haele,
sessun, and istutetare especially those who have
the least upiratio to excel to their 'respective haw
usu.. We bare ruefully examined ih with. needf
recommending it to inventor's. To them we would
say in the strong langeagri of the Mblet "It is good. , —
Haiti wore Inventors diurnal.
Natun to the Prorsatorsqf Nint=Artrughnot
the Un a
tie.' Stags nd
If the foregoing eitherlthentant is inserted aye tam
daring the year, and the paper contain, It sent to ea
:op y of the wort min Lethal gratis in payment .
ant atitmliT
Coamining co Movary , air other Mineral.
/TOTE following testimonial was gime by the cele•
limed Dr. Woomer Beath. the amberof the great
medical Wroth entitled ante American Pramme o.
Medieme and Family Phydicia..
• flaring been made acqtainted with the Mgr/Anna.
which compose 111eAlbstee's Ointment
and having preeenbed mil tested it in several eases h
ray private practice, I have ..o hesitation In saying or
certifying that Ale • Vegetable Remedy, .11111.111Ing
her mineral substance whatever, that its lapel:beau
combined as they are, used en directed by the
Proprietor, me not only hanstlem, bat of meal value,
being a truly scientific Remedy of great power: and I
cheerfully recommend II as • compound which hat
dime much good, and which le Ms sod to the care of
• great variety of eases. Thosgh (have never deem
tecommended or engaged in the sale of secret meth.
room regard for the mule honest, consuendoes, ha.
fealle character of the °Proprietor of this Ointment,
and the value of his discrovery, oblige me to my that
W. , 6 regarding it. - W. BEACH, D. D..
New Year, April Ithl,
PlLES.—Thoulands are yearly cored by this Cnnt.
mt. It never fail. in gino relief.
For Tamers, Uleers, and all lands of Sores, 0 has
no equal.
If Motherly and Name knew Its value In eases of
Swollen or So Bream, they would always apply It.
In suck Caere, i f used
used accordineto dlreedons, a gives
relief in a very few hours.
Aterand the bat are direetion. foment McAllister's
Ointment for Berea*, User Complaint, Etyalltelee,
Teter, Citadels, Beall Head, Bore Eye., Quincy,
Dore Throat , Delineates, !Verrone ...hewn., Pains,
Disease of the Spine, Head Ache, Asthma, Deafness,
}..or Ache, Burns, Coma, all Menses of the Skin, Bore
14. • Pimples, dwelling of th e Limbs, Soren,
RbeOlnatiera, Piles,Coltl Peet, Croup, Swelled or Bro.
One Bnan, Tooth Ache, Agee In the Fete, to.
Fpsen the Reading Eagle.
'There was never, perhaps, • Medicine brought be.
fore the pobileilhat has in to abort a note won seen a
monsoon as fileAllimer's all-Sealing or World
Solve. Almost every person hat hes made trial of it
speaks warmly is its praise. One has been cored by
it of the most painful rheumatism, lumber of Umpires,
a third of • troldblesome pain in the side, a fourth of a
swelling in tholimbs,&e. If it does not give tome •
diets relief, in every cam, It can do no injety, being
spplied outwardly.
another' evidence of the wonderful healing pow.
sr possessed by this site., we subjoin the following
eettlatillt,frtill a respectable citizen of klaidencreek
township, in Mb county,
Maidenereek, Beds co, March To r -topi.
!deans. Ritter & Co:—I desire to inform yon that I
was entirely eared of • severe pain in the bee t, by the
non of McAllister'. All-Healing Salve, which I pur
chased front yes. let rated with it for about On years,
and et eight wee enable to sleep. During that take I
vied venoms timedlea, which were prescribed toe to.
phby ! n rd'r, :TV. ow' r z
su eo
it Mooreble beTtenheapectenon. lam now entire
ly (rent ront the pal.,u4 ..J or Idh_in P...r. 1
and sweet sleep. have also seed the delve einem for
tooth echo and othertolnplainU with muffler happy
"suite. Your friend, John lIOLINIMCH.
Hole Proprietor of the above medicine.
Principet Mace, No IS North Titled strsel,Philadel•
/155,111 Prrtsinago.—B. A. Fahneelock ft Co.,
earner of Wood and First Mat Wm. Yankton, No.
0 1 5 Liberty Omen L. Wilcox, Jr corner of Market
simet and the Diamond, also timer of Fourth and
:Southfield uremia; 1.11. Cassel, corner of Walnut and
Pnrin Mee!, Fifth Ward; endsold at the Boob:ore in
3natthfield torso 3d floor from Second.
lir T alesheity City by H. P. Schwartz and J. Devilries
Lai• Pr; yl mith
U. It la• P l a fr, l id D e =l n ; I. L AI e N z e gr e t 1;
John Walker, Jr., Mizebeth;
& Son, Monongahela Ohm N. B. B 01•111121 t nd
RoAlers.Vrowneville; John Da/May.l3ga C 0.," P •
EN .. E S PI6::NI ftED.7sler i gatl fruhale a, bjc.
n, ill Ike
I mud W
r ‘tw o br i d.
11.1L,E8 111 AUEL 9, MRDICATED-74374PN SOAP.
gP—The skin of many perrson.s ellangened , with
slight eruplions, u pennies, morphine, i.e., and when
Woks searely.• disease - el the akix4its• • it in Wu_ tY
eine eases out of every hendood, U is very easuy re-
Moved. Jeles Lime. Nymph Beep to expressly
adapted to diseases-of. the Ain, as it seta directly
spa the minute pores latch cove, Its endue,
cleansing there from Inoue des, and by Its balsamic
properties healing and'eradlaating all emotion& end
zendering the datgest and roughest skin soft, fair, and
him wing.
Peewee who hire been m italilt Of onintord.l.
awm aMord s thed ehe Omuta:Fr:act
tioom;_prelenting rePtheeketteen,ilitszLigneeelly:
ping, Waying irri tatio4 and removing muerte
ow emotions. It posseases an wagtails perfame, and
to entirely devoid of all alkttine properties, rendering
it the only ankle which can be used with safety and
comfort to the winery..
All those whose faces or necks are diamond with
pimples,. blotches, tan, morpliew,&e , Would ante
trial of Jules Houelts Nymph pomp, as the proprietor
positively amines them, that as use will enedet the
most discolored skin While, the roughen skin smooth,
and the moat diseased skin healthy, pure, and bloom-
IlseePs Nymph Soap b theoely article which
will effectually produce the shove effects In ea Won
• thee, and the only one which is at the same time all
powerlal and entirely baseless. Prepared only by
JUI.F.B HAUF,L, Patinae, antichinniet,
• .ter Cbettnet street,
For sale wholesale and retail by R. A. Fahnestock
& Co., and R. E. Sellers, Pittaburgh; and Jelin gar.
gent and J. Mitchell, Allegheny city, Pa la 1.
A GOOD Ida Pagan,. Plano Forte, 6 octavos,
second band.—•. •—.— —sloo 00
A handsome opright Plano, with Roiewood
Pandititte,6 octaves, and in good order •• • • 100 CO
A plain 51 octave Piano 45 CO
A good 6 octavo Piano -- 75 00
A good 51 octavo Plano, with handsome
el Wood '
Far sale by
may Re
Milano Night Might.
SUPERCEIDING the Wooden Floats, and being lo•
cosebnatibte, thereby economiser, the oil, and pre.
vents ignition, heretofore much objected to in ail
other goats. One table spoonful of the common
lamp oil swill last Nine noun, or any fonder I.sth
of time, according to the additional quantity of cul.
Received and for sale by JOAN D MORGAN
mart 7 Invexim
- • .
JUST RECEIVED, at the Pittsburgl Family Cho;
eery gad Tea Warehouse:
S easel Freely/Cruet, in tin coos,'
5 do Pickled do, In qt jars;
II do •- do do, in pint do.
The above Fresh Oysters are potbellied, and pot op
in a highly concentrated soap, enclosed In hermetical
ly muted eau, and will keep meth 'diner than those
put up In the otdmary way .
For salt, wholesale anal retail, by
Pt ki A ateCLURO k Co,
tarn - 1556 Liberty at
gaaaT~m•r scan Mechanical Works
1 - 1 APPLE TON , Now 't rk, have In ammo
ofpubtiretion, m /mt., price twenty five emits
melt, a DICIIONARI of_Maehines, Mechanics, En
_me Work, and Ekwineeong; denaned foe Ptectiesal
Working Monona them intended teethe Eaginacting
Professlou. Edited by Oliver Ilyroe.
This •ork is or large Coo floe, and will contain two
thousand pages, rind ono-M.IY of .10 thousand ilium*.
1100!. It will preoeni working drawings and deoctip•
Sono of the mop =portent machines m the United
States. Independent of the result. of American In
genuity, It trill contain complete prasteal treatises on
Mechanics, Meehmery,Eninne Work, and .Engincers
with all that to goe 1410 more then ono thousand
debate Wore, of folio volumes, magazines and other
bunks. Si. nuMbet•reeelVed, and for sale by the
apt :A Apollo Onilrfings, Fourth st-
Sole Agent In iCette - rn Peonsylvanin, fortis tale
oraw4 amid Maltase* Pleas .1.14.,
DIMS to inform Ins tiesktk maiden) public,
LI thin he ,Ira now invoices, and will rattles and
e •firros '.* t ' d ' et t .t ' l u e " sat t lr " ori f iTat r:aa l •Vo a ;:fal
for sale in the west--arhong Wt camber will be fon.
a 101 l supply of
Supertly •earred Roman:toil Grand Piano Forie
awls all the reran, implosenients in mechamsas and
Wile of •ilerior.
SplendiAlif calved Beam wood ee•en oetave Sayan
rue Fortes, honied on the Illseattent. and Loam
XIV Mies _
With a Ihige kaakk It as/ 111 the wallow. strictet Pt..
un rock., ••tki eske kn pities (iota Mk 10 SAO and
PlOen, inrikkistJ Li his i'ltivkt entiii for the retrut
atat.lMe) •
Etlfrita*Cll ace .seance that the pristo of My. Chtek•
anima Pl•nua lase been, old will eautleve to be, the
tame a. es the In•nutamnry 80elkeli k ,heithlitilebelge
for theniikartetsoo; and won be delivenal sad set epic
per order, any pall of the lit?, without elml,(e•
wreme are more thins. In brown outdrawn
Ten dmampt of to philmophy." .
ltt VIRTI)1114 of tras Immutable remedy, .0
the courant-application for it, to the ptopertm,
has indmed Liar to heirn pot op to bonne wok Is.
eels and ratecuom for the hewed t of that
• Teo PltrtfilOLClad io prorated from • wed in Mrs
soonty, at depth of (nor hendred feel, iv Spans atm.
dolterated stops., entente any erattniital <tinge, Mat
Yaw so don from lamer., Grew Labtworyll intuit
contains properties teseleng .usenet of anew... 6
no longer a matter uf uocertalnty. 'remover, many
things An the wean* of aware, welch, if lumen, might
ho of net ..chime In *lemming saiwing t Lad re
stating the bloom of twain sod sit m to onny • .at
fete(. Long before the promote. Omagh% of paten.
it op in bottles, is had a repot/moo for LW more of dn.
•ase. Teo conatent and duly surceasing calls tat It,
and Wesel remarkable Cures it has pertottord, le
net indiewron of ea fuicire popeiaftly and wink
spread nephew:oil In the . um or thwate
We do not old In nine a long parade of tenth.
a• ore ate rommum that the medicine monsoon
work Its way into the fastn, of those ono seder and
wish to be he•led Whsles we Co not Mont for it •
weyersod applantinn in every dinewa t we unhesita
tingly say, not to • ...Wier nI Verona, 0,...... it lo
utricalled. Among thew may he eresomeaed—all
Jr...... of lite Meet. .4.10, moth as eili ONIC
I.ISiONCIIMS, cLINNUIIYTIOhI tot Ito ratty itage,l
, man., and all rawest., of lee Olt pomades, t IVEY
COMPLAINT, Ini!Pt:l^tlA, lharecro, Dewara.
;he elaralet and guineya, Pose. m the 13. k y
Nervous Distwes.
Gust, In.yratteJaii, Teem, Ringwonts, Houtut.
Mane% Old Sores, be.. te. In caws of dent.
salting from expeonte, ion; and prolfeeted a
Menne, thi• I.rang teller It will
a general TONIC •nd ALTERATIVE In man
Imparting tone MO eertgy to tee whom frame, I
ing Denman., opening she • fence..
cue and • I.rolten ron•titeUrni. and
increwed •nd renewed energy to all the ors
We! Tee propnetor [now. of meted ea
ra.r.:‘., that temsed ue. y one; treatment, dr
mulct the ow of Ow INITHOLEtIeI fur a Wm*
Tee proof ran be divest to soy per.. who di
Nave{ enus. arsthent the ..:g.sore of the pt
P. Dl. hl6B, Coowlßasin, orar berca
A ks 51a.L.ER13.47 W •
and— K . hYS.EII 3 M'DOWIKLI
dormer We'd.. krra Vngtv who an bu
nows.lll/ anootngod
hIIAPILATT'S I' AM/ii.X Tscul. ZOLA •111.1
Price od
rom: AUBSCRIBERn WM sell's but
qualAy and high teat Was. and BOW halm ,
Soda Ash, warranted asocnot to any other brand .t
3/ by th. honour, of S ton. or upwards for carman, or
ayptoved Notes, at lour month., or 3/ for • loss rinses.
my ,11 h /I hIMITIELTHEIs,
Lawny nr. r
trah Stmt.
CAam:sturdy rezeirtng his
( . 141. i .rit4 l b . e .,: : ., Ilo , Irt s. ydr,
Tapssrry r
Ref ..Casselstal 3ply I
No 76. 60 •
m.c.NTO,4, is n
Epring St. :is of
trimming., AEr
Firm t,oper Royal
Englatan=c i i c
-2 ape. rano
Sapcd. Ingrain Carpets,
Bava fine
nor...lElm do do Rugs
Fnn Toned Ruf
Cram Wilton
Common do
Chenille Door Moon
Sh"P ytln
1-4, 1 and Top Van C..
14, / and I Carp.
14,1,1 and VA plata Car.
LI. and flag Carpets,
b 4 hinted Comm Ca,pcia.
Corerlilted piano covers
lEntbOlted Plano
• Table ••
Printed woolen
Embossed Bland - ^
Conon andwrostatil •
Donwtk Star Win;
Porter Red Manteca;
lavish Harder/E
Ravish Olt Cloth Table
Brown I.3nea ammb clot!.
Braes Sony . Rod.;
Stair Druggett;
I . •rret
lute und Coefl Muni
A witrit and Stelelou Maw;
el 3 I and 1.4 Green Oil Clolh
or Blinds;
I lockebact Diaper;
Utl Cloth.;
64, 34, N,andl Mattinicl
le ,neh pn(ent Oil Cloth.,
for WWI.
M. and Dint, Motto;
clrinloon Plakh,
tUnsel; Oil , lodas
unmask. for Lining.;
Watered Morcins.
BO Itollend for Wflhade4;
French tran.p "
Veatt.!) tlllitd4;
!taming for FlaK.;
I 40.1 0 41'8014 Linen;
kusus f.. 0:
Seoul. .pct •.
Brown. LIG.. N. 114.1.,
(...01 6A
Cloak T•bie
Haim Om Clingsth
(tom e morn approved Eng
hilland Antencan manufacture. trout to 24 (cal
to width, witch •cut to hl room., ball., end
vestibules of any star or Athena.
Tita entleraigned baying imparted direct Item Eng
land, het Velvet Pile and Tapestry CARPET'S. These
Carpet, wlllrll arc oh the tare,. and Mott elegant
.lye. and pattern!, and et the moat gorgeotte co n
gl meld tit inlet, e. leer es th ey tan Le purchased
u la any of the eastern cute..
Hating the largest as @ m sortment of th e ttchest and
most faskienubla URLINSELS, Ib:PERI/dr THREE
PIN and INtrICAIN CAIIPKIIu which far titmouse.
iu quality and ette•piese of por, any assortment ever
bete. brought to Ibis coy. l i e also invites Steamboat
hies •nd Coach Atunufketurers to his large and well
@cleeted assirrimentorTßlAlMlNGS,andetber articles
neve aaaa y in their business.
audemigticil is obis agent far Our only Stair Rod
Unt:factory bi Philadelphia, and to prepared to sell
lower than can be patellae. elsewhere ba this city.
A A. MASON n CO., GO alarkal atroat, Whoa.
Aa 'Mad and Fourth, are Os. tocoloft alarge We
acomsolot of Marx ge lie Pe au t a, a n em
toe new artielei Pailenna; Crap., De Lidos, Sc; with,
a Nov aoorunent of Lawn. and r.deer Urtae Goad.,
of the lanai aspics and moo (aOlionablo
BEL I EVUTN I . -I VEli n e g reCeired, by Ent
bj canal ahipinents, •new and dOICE 11116nriliadlit of
WaL raper, of the latest Rend and Eatteyn Ares,
to told, e hmao ity oak, plain and high colors.
W. P. lIIABSRALL, (hue B. C. 11111,)
• ELMnb Waal Ryer
4.lflii dor •iiitedr
j 11 1 day usdocutted uto Whole
dubs drocury, Commledloo, and Pontradding bust
Deal, iny tiw. Sous, N.N. aud W. R. IVetoiman. Tht
,eclness lutlide will conducted untlei the styli, o
s. S. Wideman & 80131..1.1 Inc old suntl, No .31 W.
Froht street. I. Id Wargltlitiri•
r CitltllloSt nes fiy_
J 0 1 JHOONMA.A. it CO
1850 IMMI 1850
BOATS at this Lute wilt leave:nighlatly, and. O.
liver fralshAw,lthow& tritswilpatenl.
' 1111117 0 E L L I MIllt I rsh,
Ai "
BIDWELL MOTHER, Ilswilestsij
mai. 1850 Eft=
. .
FM= Pittsburgis is enemata and elands:ld,
mbrougel fia nJi and powdows counties of Colima
Inman, Carrolkfitark - Timasnsums, Coulectorts
Muskingum, g: and Frani:ism
The completion of the Sandy and Beaver Canal
opens aiS to oar ally through ale greet mama! central
ro=e a direct communlcatron w the above as well as
the adjoining counties of Wayne, Holum, Knee, and
From this motion of Ohio, the trade with Pittsburgh
has been, to a great extent eat of, clinsequence of
the high rates of transportation, which- are now Wi
dened 1N.% ea/i0 per cent. ! •
Boats of ibis line win leave daily, arid run through
without transhipmento The Canal company have
bestowed upon this line an Intordst In the anPreee
dented advantage. of thew charter, and thus secured
to the middle portions of Ohio In ordering their goods
eons] interest in this'advantage. Agents:
, J. C. BID WEL I, Pittsburgh;
BIDWELL & CO., Glasgow.
R C Holmes, Spear's Ml, ' Ohter 11 & A Goy,
Willzamspott.o4 George 1 1 L, Fawn, O : Ctrhle
& Hoffman, do; Hanna, Graham k. Co. New LlsbonAlli
Arter & Nicholas, Hanover, O.; A Boory, Mi
nerva. O.; Speaker A Foster. do.; Joseph Pool & CA,
do.; Hon & Boas, Oneida &Idle, O.; H V Bever, do.;
8 Ilarathal &Co; alalvernM.; R Ii Gray, Wayne..
.g b il "lo n.;l l ll,ll . 47 l ,Nia a rro g e n is, ll l6,?l
APParlend & Co., 34.4 ye; Ile, 0;"P P Leifer, do; Posh%
& Btelnbaaeh, bolwar,O.; Willard & Shriven
do.; I Hoffman, alamdllon, O.; Connal e & Co, do ;
Joan Robltmon, Canal Felton O.; • Per ' ili ' y & Torrey,
Mold Dover O.; A. aledbary, ' Roecoe. O.; L K War.
nor, Newark.'o.; Fltea & Hale, Colombo., 0; L 0 Mu
tkevre,Cleveland.O.: Rhodes & Green, do, may)
By Partosyfookriet Canal and Ring Rawl. • •
MIDI Boats and Cass of Ode Line have been put In
com pate order, and with the addition of levers
now ones to the Line, enables us to tiny a large
quantity of produce and good.
The entire erect of the Line is owned and centre
ad by the Proprietor.
HARRIS a. LEECH, No 13 South Third at,
And as the Tabun* Warehouse, Dock at,
Phi adephia, Pa.;
No 144 Nora. Howard at. Bannaore, hht ;
OFFICE. No 7 Wawa, New York;
14 LEECH A. CO, Cana Harm , Penn ~
mrt3 ' Pinata. .1..
CLARK, PARES ft CO, Rochester, Pa, Prom....
01Bee coo Smithfield and Weter eta, Pitteburgh.
Cleveland, OM:
wins ...11knowa Line are pleretto traoirport
CLEttga l I t . tiT e lty ""' i m' the r M u l u ar ß e=
The Cecilia. Of the mete P' atti on arpassed In number
quality and capacity of BOW, experience of captains l
and efficiency of Agents. •
• Onal3octi loaves Pineburgh and Clevelead daily, ran
niag in connection with a Line of Stem Boats bo
Pint Clan Steam Dm*, Propeller. and Veassls on
a, Lakes.
Clark, Y
Puke A Co, Rochester, P.
E N Parks A Co, eanretown, Ohio;
BraSton r
Co, Ravenna, v;
gent, Grinnell A Co, Frankhn, Cs,
14 A her, Cuyahoga Palls, 0,
Wheeler, Lae & Co, Akron. 0;
Chamberlin, Crawford Cc., Clavellorl, 0,
Gabbard & Co, Sandusky, 0;
Peckham & Seen, Toledo, Ch
4/ Williams A Co, Revolt, Mob;
WRlamos & Co, Irtileraskie, WI.;
Marley & Dan., Racine, Wis;
George A Gibbs, Chicago, Ill;
Thom. Hale agent/ in.
JOltri A 'CAti ON
corner IV:vergo/I glilstn
r.lo to
eigna 1850.
CLAREE. PARKS it MI, Rochester, entiPttetdts•
E Proprietors of Ude old and well tmere Woe
would solemn the public that they are are now in op •
trance for the present semen; awl h commenced
rter-Vrimg Freight and Passeepars, which they are
folly prepared to earty to all_points on the Canal end
Al the lowest rues. One of the Boats of the Line
will he coo stunt y it the leading, below !dances shela
Dodge, to receive heist..
Otike, eve WIIIST and Smitalteld Es, PUMbetgL
R W Caanloshate. New CasUe, Pe,
ldlteheltree & Co, Palmkt,
W C Male& Stereo;
108 HMO& O CWerg;
Wick, Anhui
W. mars. Ilartwawm
Wm Power, Contimatnllai
/oho Heim & Co, Ede;
John J Holliste r; Co, Unfelt,. NV. mr2o
PittsbarsbPortabto Boat LIMO/
N}*. YORK, RORTUN. tve.
house lidasionsa, !roam m 0 Lonooo,
Phtladelphlo Pittsburgh
/"lIF Call/i being new open, the proprietor% of thi n
ong established Line me ao steal at their old
sifunds. rreeirleg and forwarding blereharulfse und
Produce at law oats, and with the promptness, err.
Whir ood Well'. Peculiar to their system and mode
of transpon attar, where intvated tote cmahipostot is
avoided, with the consequent delays and probability
'or damage-
Merchandise and Produce skipped tutor welt ' s./
MU. of Lading forwarded free el - 01one for commis
ion. ad•useing, or storage. flaying on Ilintrtllt di
rectly er indirectly in ticlinboll., that or the owners
solely conceited when pping their pods-
All .1111111.1 r atiOns lAA following afoot. prombt,
ly attended to.
Nn Te Marlon energy Pbliadelneln
Corner Penn and Waene streets, Putebnren
Jaw Met:Wink & Co, 68 Nan& 64E414 Y. n. B.
& Ca. Ware st, !loco% W. &I. T. Talmo& ACa
'RAM st, New. York; Junes WlLANraigha, Cauca
- IsiNditti — ttillitilitififtllKB — ,
lagEa 1850.
Between Pitt/Marl& ineeM il Vstrru ea.
The Canal being now ogee, we are ready to acetic
end forward promptly, ptedoee and merekatulize cal
rtelytas olwep et lowest sates, charged by respol
ible tiOes,
. . .
Prodece and march...bre will be received and for.
warded east and west, walla:it any charge for for •
warding or advancing freight. commission or storage.
Balls of lading forwarded, and all directions faith
(ally attended to.
Address or apply to, WM. DlNDlldat,
Canal Dario, cor. Liberty and Wayne ma, Pittsburgb.
No IC, Marketer, between 4th Phil%
No lel, North Howard st. Dallimoro
No t , West sreet, New York.
Prot.Sno to one Poisons.
usLisacz PORTABLE BOAT Luis.
Ilie d ecease of the active partner, in Philadelphia,
ithe late James to Diris,) preelnemes interruption
to the buxiness—artmgements have beenmadowhieh
involves the same' interest, precisely, which have
heretofore ezisted. The badness Is cannoned ender
the same name and Arm, vim—
Jena Darn & Co, Philadelphia,
/one ht`Fainn A Co, Pittsburg:,
The continuance of, the palming.. of our crazy
niends is reepcethilly solicited. If any persons bav r
demands against the concern, they are requested to
p runt them lonhwith, I. payment.
Pambetch, Aprtt ID, 'SD . .IOArm•vIIT g partner ADEN,
Passenger are IlkmUtaink• One*.
lIANRDEN k CO. eantinne So bring perm.
from any pan of England, Ireland. Scotland or
Wales, upon the men liberal terms, with their
areal pencil:MlT and anebuon to the wants and com
fort of emmipants We do not allow ourpamengers to
be robbed by the swiedling stamps that Wiest the sea
ports, awe sate charge of them the moment they re
port themselves, and see to their well being, Led de
snatch them without any detention by the fia t chips.—
We say this fearleedy, as we defy one of our peseta
rem to Mow that they were detained 48 tenses by as In
Imetpool, whilst thousands of other. • see detained
motifhs, until they meld be sent In wore v‘i Matt, at a
p rate, which.° (impend, prove?. Moir codlria.
We intend to perform our contracts aonotably, coat
wptit mey, .t act as was Me ease last mason,
I.IIN ether o d e n,—who either performed not all, or
when it suited their oonvenience.. -
men drawn at Pittsburgh for any earn from El to
good, payable at any of the ptovhtend Ranks In leo-
Eng sad Waite.
.108111.11. ROBINSON,
European etd Cannel Agent,
Filth 4IT•Oi.011• door below 'Wood
IQUoRts -17 hf pipes Brandy—Otard, Duper, he
pipes Holland
este N E Rem;
too 14.1. Whisker: Sit ante bt
nok torrietirwris
• B. 4. Paha k i Co..
wIIOI.MALE DRUGGISTS; corner of Fin( and
Wood streets, offer for eale,on favorable tenor
fmq bbl. Whiting; 600 lb. Carb. Ammonia;
60 do Alma; 505 do Aamfrauda;
Pm du Dye Woodm MO do Credo Tartar;
20 do Lampblack; Kg do I.4aorice R.C.4
oo do Von. Red; 300 do Irish Mors;
ri do Camphor; 1.50 do Red Precipitate;
to do Spam. Drown; 1.50 do Calomel Amer.;
20 du %allow Ochry; 25 do do Reid '
to do Ifrimatone; 200 do Boehm Leave.;
8 do Cloves; ' MO do Rhubarb Root;
3 do Chao:4Elo2cm; 400 do Swamp. do;
14 eases Ref. Borax; 200 do Gentian do; .
25 do Caralle Soap; PM do Sal Rocheele;
15 do Prunian Bloc; 200 do Seldlits Minim;
10 du Cale. Magnesia; 660 do Yowl Rhubarb;
11 do Chrome Omen; 650 do do Sllp.Elm;
5 do do Yellow; DM do do IL Arable
0 do AM Vermilion; NO do do Llq. Root,
flOremna Sand Paper , 100 do do Jalap;
ts i t:FLUT. B CT:tI ?OS 13 h do do AliftY•44";
750 s Sall& Morphia; 300 do Bar Tin;
1200 lbe Cope Alma; 200 do Tanuminda;
1200 do RoChromPotaal2lso do Quick Silver
MO do Pink ROM; 230 do Orange Peril:
LUG do Turkey Umber; 70 do Cochineal;
uggi do Cream Tartar; 20 do Hid Potash;
6P/ do Tartaric Acid; 60 do Mato.
100 do Uri Duo; 25 do Graniille !Atlas.
11,1 Will I, •mortid Ana, for
bola by ae r -
~~~ - _-
ing-Jasm aviisiejs /Reid aagifigia.` •
IiREPAIIED - coder the • harneMtler anted( 00 .1: :
establbhed fee tipWaddi Of n 77;
naseaseel oieleft:ntiprzsratioalla
" th e mast t' l 4 mi: is which,
hlegnesla may, and Indeed - 'the only One In which it
ought to be exhibited; possessing all the proPerßee of
the Magnesia notelet general me without being Sable
like goo form •dangerous concietiOns in the bowels,
it casually mires heartburn without inierleg the
goats of the stomach, as sods, primes, tad their car
bonates are tnoWn so do; it prevents the food otin•
!sots tensing soon in all cases it acts to a pleasing
aperient. and is peculiarly adapted to females—
Sir Humphrey Devy malted that this isolation (Omni
soluble combinations with ails acid sales In cues of
- gout and gravel,lbarby tormieraedoa .their
tendency, when other alkalies end wren Magnesia
Itself, had
From Sir Cumpton, Bait., Surgeon General
to the Army In Ireland:— ,
"Dear , Sa—There eon be ao doubt that Magnesia'
May be administered more wifely in the form of • eon
emanated solution. than in submsnce; for th is, and
many other masons, I us of opinion that the Fluid
Magma's li soli siduablead i d d l i gos a t a o: r ar ftfa i rga .
Sir James Clark Sir A. Cooper ' Dr. Bright, and . ,
/Scum. Marie and Herbert Mayo, ofLondon, linear
i ld7d fr=eldaall'ale't Fluide / d o It cola, as
tree from the danger la/NMI 1.14 a. constant Use of
soda or pota...
For sale by Imgcrav i ti m irgizr: mot.,
011722 Cot. or Wood& Front Os._
- -
From ths Vegetabla:lfingdowi, to'repel MOM , .
Dg. Gayest*Vs Distract of Yellow Doak
lead Sarsaparilla.
Comte consumption, scrofula, erysipelas, rhesmailien,
liver - complaints, aninal affections, oleati, .y.
o ho
dropsy. asthma, piles, survey affections or
the bladder end kidneys, mercurial direases, cop
cops junk of blood to the bead . , fever and
ague, female complaints, general debi lity, dyspep.
eta, lon of appetite,. headache, solder elle!theneers
ravel, tUft awes% choke,, organic affections,
palpitation of the heart, biles, pans to the side,
clot, butt, An.
It Is Infallible in aIE diseases, arising hem an tin:
pure stste of tke ;blood. or Irregular action of 'lmam
In the Vegetable Eingdem,an,
deposited - plants and bode* congenial toe& coma.
stone, sod- al/eDtacrto he tare of disease; and to the
refferabikk Medea* does the reasoned ol on, la well a..
the instinct of ini ale, mm for amolows to pain.
'The Syrupa 'Metairie compound of the meet 'Ha
sable plants inl .entirelY tree from declaim' ,
and enervating mineral substances, end as ikelpals
disease from the system, imparts Inger man etrengtha
An estraoulthaey rue of Serafino., Erystpelas and 1.1
:errs, cured: brthe sole are of. Dr. Oulestiht Cos
potthd Amin, Yellow Dark and Rampart].
Hewlett., Nov. 17, IDS
111. Gusorr—Sir. I tender ray sincere thanks foe
the great benefit I have derived nom the gee of your
saleable amp. I have been troubled very bad wit
a. ecrolutoos sore, which made Oa appearance on In'
chin. I did net pay marls anemias to nat bent, sap
{43414 it to he nothing, but An mown that appear
no person`a far e It finally Lrylorio Increase, until
versed to the .sek part of the bead. I applied in a
prysician, who amended tee ante no purpose. I bud
vied eserrthing that could be tried. I saw your Syr
up of Yellow Dock and Busitpuillas and concluded
to use it, for I knew that Yellow Dock was one of the
mot saleable. articles In the world for the blew& ' I
boaglityourSyreps arid from the use of cum bettle,l
could see a great change in my system. - I continued
Ito use it null was a welt matt. I now feel like a
ISew person; 13y, blood is perfectly obsessed and free
UM &II impulses There is not o question but than
your newly discovered compotted is far superior
any sarsaparilla rump cur sold.
Tho eettlficate is at your disposal to pebßah Bros
I like, and any one you may refer tome. I than be hap
py to give them ill the Infonnation I anal about MY
case, kc. remain yoarohedient arrant, .
Genes G. Jounce,
113Mmket crest,
The beet female medicine andwn. The Extract or
Yellow Doak and Sarsaparilla le a positive, speedy,
end permanght cure for all complaints incident. to
Im mild, alterative oropernes render It peculiarly
applicable to the rilender ond defineu coradtudon or
the female., ft is loratralled in he elects upon much
diaeuso a s incipient coneempuen, barrenness, lea•
corrhoea, ur white., irregular menttrnaSon, inroad,
mane of urine, and general prostration sidle system:
It ism edintely counteracts that distressing tenon
ens and laisitude so common ito - the the. female frame,
and Im parts p an energy end buoganhy es surprising an
user grateful We have evidence on Ale which
redact. ae money' to teconanner.d this materna to
married people who hoes rot bun bless...] with of
, .
ferotarses Utem, or. Falling of the Womb, of Iva I
Yer , ' atlthditt,s,rted b Dr. GuysaWa Extract of
few*, /sock :M H ua iparila, alter tam new
• known tentedy bad been tried without relitl.
Weannewroll, Ohio, Feb., 1519.
Tide, certifies that my • wthi, aged 97 resin, has
been tattering under the above complaint foe five
yearn—neatly all of that time confined to her bed. 1
have for font yea"tonslantlYtetthloYed U.* bul.ed
tell talent th at could be pronved in tuts section utile
recoup, without any benefit whateve r. I tale also
purchased every instrument recommended for the
rare of sock dinette, all of *Web proved worthless.
In the spline of ISIS, I wan induced by my friends
to it Ire. Guysott's Fellow Deck and Sanaptitilla,
Ithich was need w e eks . months Mkt she bad alled
fair about tort it wan evident to all that she
was Imeroving, and soul tile lime the improved zap
idly, and gained flesh and Mreogth, until the dant*
was entirely removed, and the, Is now enjoying meet
excellent health. . WM. MONFORT.
We beteg neighbors of AVM, end Delia Monfort,
thew that it.. Maas istateninnt,ast to the sickness o
Mrs. Monfort, and site t be Pure befog effected by
Go y•••• Velhrtts Dock and Sar a
NE la saparil, to be strictly
Ins d to
• kl.alLill POWER 2,
Great Garet el Coliemeeptiotes
Ilateuasee, January 2,18 K.
Mr. Bennett—Debt 91r: Tat Veal benefit which 1
have dented from year Emmet of 'Fellow bock and
Sarsaparille,thdaces am, as atinet rinsed., to make
the following statement:, . 1.. . ,
After wanting for two 7941.9 Goes general debility.
climb finally terminated In t.oninatpuon,lw.gloesi
op by my Wends and ptritiesans ILO beyoal the. aid of
medicine. .As a last trivet, '.I w an
~A.Ol le ley typal' 1:1L•11., and hafillg ;noel oat two bout., at -
I...ordnig to your, directions, I am t'AtiniT Wen. :i
would theretrtel earnestly reanamend your enequal
iled Compound to the allLeted who desire ta pourerfal, -
pleases:tend sate !emu,. GrattfollY Pule fthetnJt
, ; 1 . • M. WAITE '.
SOUL gentant unless pat cp :in large Norte bottles,
containing a quart, and the melee of the synth. blown
in the glass, .tliata Ma written ,e if clatura at S. I. Lka.
nen on the outside wrapper. , Priett'll . Fet, bottle, ur
six bottles; for It • ; . ~ .. _ -
I Is la sold. hy J. LL'Vark,oratuer of . Foanh awl %Val
uta sucetapneitisati, 1416,gal:ta! Agent for tla
Saadi Wea,tu whom I I 114idet. maw be laWrcira
, .
trotterlrsir;Erii,' W. p, CO., Water
ford; lain tk. Cremona. Crovelotertle; abet
Aluntrore; Iltrada Irlia,Tovnut4m; Robert hay, Wells
bdro; 4 Roderiek r eaUerratitrav Att.
barer corset of Idarkatatrterdaati lbo piarairral. •
GI ELLERS!-FAILLy 14E1)10 ize the
suitiosE, Ohio;M 1E1549. •
H Eltem-40141k tryiiLlayor the tilint6tof cavern
to date value facts lit teltlt u to TOUT ey.aellent Fa
mily Medicines.
I have* teed leer Vettaild'gri largely, in moo
family. a. <itl treilaently Mapelling largo imarditles
Von), MO to . JJO aorta) froyl.lOro Children. Imre
aloe used year Liver Pills and Cough Syrup in my
family, and they t live, in <Very iamance, produced
the chew deaired.
A. I am engaged in trivrell•tultring,l ant able to
state, that I bane yet to buzz at the Ant failure where
your medicines have been a ced In any section of ibe
country In conelasian I may state that they are the
medicines crib./ day, end ate destined to have a tern
Prepared and sold by It. r- SELLERS, N 075 Weal
areet, and sold by Druggnita generally in the 'two
cities and vicinity. le7
ELLkIia — rAAIILI nleiU C111E... , -..lltey ate
Medicines or the day." ,
Ilitermral STATION Ohba, May KOBUS.
B.r,..gelkre: I think it rightior the benefit of others
to scam some leers In relation Io year excellent Fami
ly Medicines.
I bare mad y. Venalloge Isrgeay In my own lega
lly, one Vim , (re...manly answering for ezpelliugl
goanutiee tatty I to :'M° worms from ran child:ea
have also Deed your Liver Pale and ash Spray sn
my family, and they have in every inst W ance produced
the eflecideeired.,
• As I are segaued in cur ohandlsing, i am able to
state that I nave yet to hear el lbe rust taffeta where
your medicines have been used in my motion of the
ountry. In <onetime, 1 may SUMP that they are nu
medicines of the day, and aro destined in have a very
extensive pspalarity Yours, roe
Prepared and 4041 by R. LES,No 67 Wood
Meet, and sold by.DMagis s eenetallY to the row ei.
nes and vicnity. =3l
‘,X original, only true, and genuine Liver PRI.
Snort Cease, Ohiocomity, V.
March lath, ISID. I
Me. H. E. Sellers: Dear Sir,' think' it a duty I owe
to you and to th e plgotlo genera ty, to state that I have
been afEleted with the Liver Complaint for • long
limo, and no badly , that an Omen formed and broke,
which left me in n very low state. !laying heard of
your 'celebrated LiVer Pills' being for side by A R
Shine, to Wen Liberty, and recommended to me by
y. physician, Dr. E. Smith, Ileonehmed to gore theth
a m ( air trial. I purchased onelior, and toned them to
at What they are recommended, TIIE LISZT LI
alter taking four bete*
I find the cheeriest hae entirely left me, and I ant now
perfectlyswell. Respectfully yours, .
, i ' • West Liberty, N amed tti,lS
1 certify that I am personally acqua with MT
eUittat 11 and can bear teatittiony to the truth of -the
above ettificaos.' A R SHARP
Tao /canine Liver rin. are prepared and cold by
RE i LLERS,.No 57 Wood:street, and by &ageism
intim wo
. .
TO TILE PUHLIC.—The original, only Remand gen.
nine Liver Villa are preparC4by R ESellers, and have
hie Panto .tamped in black wax n the blot each
Ice, and hie signalers on the de wrapper—oil
others are counterfeits, orbalw .
'pin R RB, Proprietor
us , CtICAPCH *limy /WEN !
/Cat read, an invoice or full jewelled paten tie.
yet Weieh,lB carets fine e sea, wbirb 1 can sell as
low as thirty and Wily five d Hata, and warranted to
keep good belt. ,
Also—A splendid assortment of JEWELRY, cont.
pt trine the valetas and latest Myles, and best pattern.
bsr. Iv. wiLSON, Platebseaker and Jeweler,
1y T _
EISSEVi FLEMING tr. CO, Lavaca arranged to
IA give their come alltalu , th to the sale of domestic
Woolen and Cotton Goals 4 new oder their large
stock of Tailors' Trimmings,
eassi V m etn g,tsr: French t
Getman Clouts , Doeskn, ERal' e FEMING & CU t
yea , 1:51,,W00d -- •
J USTren l / 4 1, an ale gutt plata Flotewood i oat; isa o
from the celebrated reatmfaetedy cot Neon. a.
Clark, N. V., of cuperler tune end verhiabderate N riee '
For sale by •
' dela 'at J. W. Woodwells.
far removing . Tartar Scurry, Canker; and al
cabstances destmeuve to tli.iTteth. - It is delicious t
the taste, deeming the month, healing and etre python.
to the gums, and punfying the breath.
For sale, artolesale and retell, by
del) • R I SELLF.R.S, 57 Wood et
77 ,— Eirandists, Wines, Gin, ae. • -
60 tif pipes Colrain,: Brandy, various vintages, •
20 or cults do • do;
4 pipes Rolland Gin; :
puncheons Jamalco
puncheons Old hish bicker
29 Or casks Modena Wine, •
29 do Opono dir;
20 hints Borden4xClaie4
10 hipipei Spsnish Red Wine;
So las &Wens Claret[ - •
lY bus Masco Wine;
Ens French Whits Wine Vinegar;
Ros`d! Gies by, MILLER .19RICIETRON21
sapid . • , ,yll & 4231.10121791,....-
7-7 7 Arttc --
P-iiTtizT Digs FOR L f
THROE DIES havmg been adopted and h i g hl y' 49M6l in."
It the pelneldet Aor i'reir
ne now tamed to manufacturers,' machinists. ship Naas, c.otri the utmost ca 4
Edens, as the mast perfect article in me or entlung screw". •
Their superiority over 'tiny other Diesheretoforeused, consist, in their • enaing irCirOr"
Scasw„wiletber V,or %matte thratd,by *surpassing overthe iron to be ent;witich, moire no swapar
ar TYYrYwn reputation, as the dial cm the thread aitt of the solid Wm, Willswel Wang it in We,:
In their grams durability, rapidity, and, perfection of work; and in their snapheity and tittle liability
to get out of order.
Wes muter the asperyksion or thts Itapanawat„P SY.
gwy i ,• mini bow , torclitung aureate onalaiay.litta T.
baring' been tried is Wait , the Inge usetuds, and
band to be eery elbeleett and excellent-. •• -
. .
• Pliztonntonte, •Les.l7,lBtB.
• 'lnt. le to certify that we 'hare parehasen ftom P.
NV. Gates the right of rear Ida patent Dies for Imo
Ong Woe. In ear cploion, pia. bee are teach up.
riOr to may whew tee are enqaantuat with for the
porpoto of nutting bolts. ...
, ; i 0 P MORRIS ! CO.
Pmmourtiza, An s. terle.
1 Flawing had P Gates` ratan' In la ea in out
establiehment far Ie lut nine mouths. for beaten
holtsy;era can In every respect reememeed (hem in
-We pighelt terms, MI We here lald all others away,
they being se far taperlor—ooneldering Malan Mir
went. cheaper than Inv others nem le use.
' Pena Works,Pm.
Tem idea certify test era Pane paralleled tea netts
so nee, and adenoid da sr Panne! ~P W Gates , Pa
tens Snrow Clatter, which we Direly spine,' of. We
can do mneb• snore wort, yttd 'we lotheie Lt
pass Le databßity and Innedfids , . mei ss uswsk ,
of labor; any Sins known to us ••• •• • •
Paaanv.,ma,pomontlySStb day, ISO,
Ns* Irou,.Aor. 19,1949.
Ilnslnd arlOPted P. W. Oates , .Patent Dino for M
ons bolts, wo taks Pleastrra -hawing: that Moore
man answers oar especial/MN - It 2 d boy. no b"its'
hos in siring it as oar opinion, that lt theaseelo any
otficr plan in present use for etillifq bag.
We Ism*P;W. Gate. , erateet Dies" for cutting
*reeve; end' the etonemy s of tod.rth.t. P . 0 . " , 1
considerable, thee *e look *pan them as mdtst!ema
bleto everiesubliehmentlminir any ge,atitity of
semen to am.-
ra,coopcx, outwit& CO,
Cmuoo, May 10,18111.. I ,
' °teasers' °emu, was rauevols; 6th 8.1 4 °, 41 '
I have purchased of W. IL Beeville-for the United
Maus, the right to use In ell Ike animals and moo,
Air Jamas nursers Fluid 1164panials.
IYREPABED ander the 'immediate care of the m
ammo, - and emeblished for stewards of thirty .
loa by the profession. for removing Dile, acidine.,
sad m
Indigestion. reslorinit apoeute, preserving •
moderate state of the bowels, and dissolving prig acid
in Grassland Goon also, as an easy remedy for In
alchness,land for the febrile affection incideet to child
hood st is invalneble.. On the value of Magnesia as a
remedial agent It ls unnecessary to enlarge; bet the
.Plaid Preparatiou of Sir James Idamly .is now the
most maned by the profession', as, it entirely avoids
Me possibility of dime dangerous concretions usually
resnlung from Ile me cram asttelg In powd er: •
For Ws. b y the importers and 'summit:lr • egent.,
Cor. Wood & Front on.
T OLlRcuu—Se bus Russell It RubinsonSl luuml
MS boo /auk & Hudson's S's eal
20 boo Cabbsess , Ss homy 1 . 1
' 30 boa 8. Myers' 1 lb hauel ,
YU qr Ins do a lb lamp; for sale by
RO &RICHTON Mut reecient for selitonTh
a, of Gibbon's limiory. et the Dreline end Fall of
the Remelt Xmpun: -
Lae end Latter. of Thomas . Campben, In let Is.
Edited by Wm Beattie, ht 11,
Elementary Seethes °Moral Philarephy. By the
tate Res. Bldmy him ath, M. A.
Lectures on the AMOrICILII Feleeric Syitem Of San
toil. BY Benjamin Hill ht.
salmi en Vernon; a Novel.
The Shoulder Knot, a tale of }le seventeenth um-
The Starlet Lcuer, mamma. Si Nathaniel
.Ilsonhome. iota
js by William Besniedif. D, one of his a:zealots.
n sole litmo clout. -
. .
Railway .Econcenyi a Henan on ilia new an Of
transport, Its management, prospects, and 11510102'.
commercial, Senegal, and genial, with mg capeention
sf the potencal resells of the railways lu operaoon to
he United Krum, on the Coniimmt, and in America:
By Dionyees Lardner, D. C. L.,*.c. I voL Mow eloth
The Past,Pretent, and Fotoer of the Repahlle,
cued from th e French of A. De Lamartfige, au th or of
,The Oerendiste,. Phlestota of my Youth? "Ea.
dx: 1 fel Wino cloth. _
'Hints %maid Renton* in Uranus, Addresses, and
other Writings, by Horace Greeley. . 1 vol 12mo do.
The Ilimory of the Cotfeenmal: By, John' Ilmmy
Hopkins, D. D, Bishop of the. Diocese of VarmoriL
vol Ithoo cloth.
The Congneet_of Canada Hy the author of 'Hoehn.
lag.? frairt .k W .t a i r:r . n; ar ra,2 . l e d e . l Ll ,i g p L,
of 12 .
Underarm. By Alen Von Humboldt, translated from
the German by K. (1. ow. vole Henn
cloth •
Gibbon'. Duller, nod era. of She Roman
with norm by 11. Haman.: Harper's cheap edition.
Wero, cloth, complete in is oat. at 40e per eel; 4. vole
re estate for sale by ' HOPKINS •
mg.& • lB Amite Badding*, Fourth st
PI acy ninth°
T • MOURN thee to eadeesa. When other friends
.1• around thee. .Conseript's defaming and Tema.
All/110 Laurie. Are we 'OllllOll/ then. Low batted
ea, Ho drunk all things Nelly was a lad"
Silver moon. Grave of Wattnagton. Thou bast
wounded the unine'DonPd Sojer Boy. Ho kind to
loved ones at home: Cheer op mr own Jamuteli
Ohs Lemuel. Spriair Plower Walvis.. Etna, Waltz.
Brawebero Walm. Sodom:ion Polka- - Belt? Poll a.
iltsvel Polka. irony tied Polka. Linda Quickstep.
blame from Norma. '
'lle *bras are Jan received, and fur saleby
atop Weed at
J. ff. MELLOR, 81 Mod: etreet,l4s maim lila
follows:9y Now arie,
till, say can yoa wet try the troth's holy Ifahn•dedt
cared to Km C C00k..: Oh, think , not- kw I love
thee. Blanche Alpert, I love thee. When other Glenda
around thee. The. rot beneath the Mlle. • Wert than
bat mine. Annie Lattrie—Peeterb ballad. The Robin
--word. by BIM. Cook, music by Swot.. Glover.
'thee haw vronaded the spina that laved thee. The
Grave of .Waeltlngton. The Irieh Blether's Lament.
Old' Beaton—Rowel. Ile. doeth- all atilnaa
Woodbury. 117tdow tdachree—Attwell. Tkeroruta
error mother—Hetehlneons. Low backed ear—Lover
min Waltsea--eartioleto. The Mepte Bell. The
'Bridal or Weddiec JettoT AMerie.
Polka. LW., Polka. Pearce Amerle. Polka. Tip
To American Polka. La Bello Baltimore. Polka.
Jenny Lind Polka. The Original Stotnah
Balatatlon Polka.. flirt Polka. Josephine
Polka. Burnell Polka.. Berwunrol Polka. The Pro
phet Q.drillea—kleyerbeer. Jenny Lled Quadrille.
Tee Wreath and Delay Waltzea—Odra Emma. The
Series Drover Boy—varratiore by Csertiy. Atonement
Seanda from Borne. Wreeker's Daughter. quickstep.
.Loulevale Bluth and Qalektdept Wood 4.1 p, Quick.
IDUIST'S Prim, HoTors Seedling.; and Victotfai
A) Th..e aro tie larreot and test flavored nal.
amongst Nl the diforont,varietles now Krona. :
Orton addrolud toytiaprop, tete r, N eat Lanett'.
tor, "'III reCtile prompt attention. .3 tdoKAIN.
,11 A st b els e q67: e illrg d SV p= 4 111 1 :13:
rola Its it wark•bly wholesome end 14. th
lass as a food tor the healthy as well as a diet for tn.
el•da, and also tombs
of growing children
'wad infanta Various modes of coo/amend preparing
it are given on the wrapper.
'though well known ht the malt,lt has turret been
introduced to any extent InPlusbngh, The angel*-
.te base, therefore, made( anungententsi to Its, coo
canny supplied with (t; and now odor; it to! retail
dealer. or families on 'more favorable tents khan It
Yu eves been .old
at in Pittsburgh. •
aunt) 2.16 Liberty et
TAM mar prepared mfornishApple Trees, farm the
well known Nursery of Jacob N. Drown. The
sees will be delivered at We wharf elPittsbargh for
$l9 per hundred. Persons wishing good thrifty tines
should leave their orders soon at eke Drug, Seed, and
PerfumeryVrameouse, corner of Woad odElLuls Ma.
spit . :' I s N IVICEERSHAM2
— lll - 1 - 1 - 11hirrn. aiiTidi I - 7
ELEBER has le st received a Ana tot . f Dr a m
. Les ens. of the hest assanfaenuo, selected
'l,,l b eTroZ 6 .g.,73:lftA.,' ( "o,N l.!l Vail k _,":.,"lNlLL'
Re 4 also, a II e selection os Mum DZ., plylet;
two end: W ee loner; Einti.a., Aecordeans, de.. Re.
It i nerr7,ll Gergir c ,,.°Luvrigiv......dmr,
article. . SIGN Or THE GO DEN splend id
align , - :: 101 Third ounce. '.
VA) HiltE !celebrated STICKING SALVE AND
Is sovereign re medy for chronic rheumatic aftetuene,
weakness an lameness of most puts of the body,
scalds, burn sore., of most , etas. swellings,
sprain., bruises, cone, and felons when drumming.
Also, the most convenient and safe 'sticking salve for
strengtheningplastem old drafts orrthe feet.
For stlebyl ':: 5 N WICKERSHAM .
AWN . ; . :' Con Sixth kWood'ill
S'esail - iNs7irletkiloTolinirMelefltee. ,
i WINE to r all Men; Dolly Days.
kT Doley Io es; Go &Own to de Ce nt. PULE
Nell) was What. ' '
De Kind to t e Loved Ones at Home;
RoW thy beet KWH' True Love, by T. Hood;
Our *kr across the ara.dneln : I' '
Anus medley song, by D. Covert;
ienny 'Gray, unitlebr Mo.ri
Joy. sharwele 'crowning, Weddisni Merck; •. .
GO4 Woo the hardy melee; Sella, MlLWalts;
ConserlON De
me; IV. C. Glover; . _ : .c.
Seunde from Home; Watize., SteyennukiseheEE.
Lest Roes of Sumer, easy stub:no. by Herm . .
United Blues Polka; Ladles , Sonverdi Polka; .'.
Con Clocker Quadrille; , Lille Quaddlle; !
Beauties jof Italy; Dooms Trke, de.
A !alga tesormsentof Now Mole onhuuL to,iffilea
addition. US made
febtli H. HELLOS, St et.." :
Hantilop dtandard History.. .
UMS'!! HLSTOB.V: OF ENGLAND is now pub.
1 by Harp:tr.& Ere's, In 6 vols. - drab and
piper. al 4 !cents per Vol. Three tools received, and
for into by
arid Apollo Buildines. Faun!, st
.711UPrtali bags pima 1510 and Java, • !
N.,)Cartnirsl4o bra indi2d, dipped, and sperm; • - L t
Came—LSObts einem and English Doli1;
Cants-20 dos Hemp nod A1211;110;
Calais-40 Al Common Rod bolt SPord.b;
.Foil—Hbrlsand half biWitoelirroltind dolman; '
Gtzb—do bra assartedidzi - s; • -
111151-1200Prima , Venison; • t
1000 Sugar Care 4
Immoo-11/01bs S E and Handle; •
.'lnc-l6 dot llon sa d isens Black Ctioybm; L
!Houma. brio g 4 )rleins;
'l5 half Bator 140 am; • -t.• t'
Moran—lD dos snorted c.eui.ry; -
MACCalnia—.s o dm Dalian;
Varatzerimd, lbe • do
Norta—rte kegs tanned;. •
therayo—d &slide ationekt; • .
egnciata-30,baAsel. Palate '
Pores-40 reams assorted; I L L
rommo—lndlto doidemmt; •
dozy-50 be. Rosin and Cut Stael;
Sodas-10 ands It Odious and Glutted:
T.,,-60 package. Grebspad Black; t'
Tolmeon—Yl bra d lb lorry, ' •
Walt Dozono-90 dos patent Zink. •
For Ilan by 1 • t z' D L lmu L Alds,c o
Mild ; LEOrnet of FINS and WoodOts.
tosol . i`REED, HOUSE' DIFRO
timIEJ) did RAVlNEut, , Prownitar,y
Public Stitar e, Eria,P .
eiti; . Western,
and :emithom SUP% Wave this holm dolly. Car.
I ages so and fro* Siam owl Packet Boats,6rada. -
M. W. Foam tots onto Ainoloon Boot, aria, es.
O. W. Hausa, late of the MmHg HO t.r. 941.0.
Rontwo on,Voins sin Docurs2-A
Wum¢aoA.HrPt.43, MO,
&moldering Gams , Plowed, Improvemest tor cid ;
t i =l e s,;:lombAcV s t b
purchased of ths,AtiorstsyS of Oi r e! Pannehday
UO.IIIO, and Somme' Morey, Irso Om riAtHW •
and us said loprovomosatfor . tho.U.ll.Nintn,
tow Uobj 1" -
Botrolo Works,
r i gtr:d o„ hep 4lo..t, Schuylkill Ceram
l of
lorro Ny ; •
• 11.1 f, Dunham &CA, New YIN",
b en.'" & Co. ElOssiteot Works. BOP ' ' -
Wen Point
rit°47l.l:kalialheedßr:Pin°ll"blihoh:L.l4l.....i I.:ert
Lowell Machlm Shop, N ovN4".
t ut A, Manchester N IP •
roa SOher, &huh sig.,: • -
No 9611seluna ' to sou dies & ups ft Ito It in. pd. 11:nnl ,
No V do '8 do ~ 6 soli price. 105 t.,.
No 3 ,do :6 . dotol,S OMNI'
Allforners addressed to Gates & ll'Eli Caen%
0.13. Ntntaon, New l'orlf, E. aldanilndl It Phan
dolphin. atut It 11. Scoville a bon.. ttninano, n Men'
and To;.. with or wlthant ruachines ton Wag Umm,..2 .
will meet with I:.mmN awn mut. - ..... 3
, r Otticnno,.ll6). 3.1818.:. ; . Ittidittn. r,
;C' bre° - thimirired ueit
PlcehlimOtrace tonertb Wen cornet of Wood
Wag remienhlp berOteford existing between um ,
subsenbers, ender tee firm of litbtidde, Meet
& &&. deT &molted by mutual tensont.:.
The business of the atm will be settled by.l. W. pet: C.
hedge, or Wm, Wilson, Jr, e i Mar of *hernia Imhof, -7 -
I led to au the dame of the one in llgoididiem. '4
DOBBEtl .t • t
Pittsburgh, July 1,1630.-1,4 .• 2
° 7- oB,iflbt.t:et l'il.^,t,"trTgeLl!
b z il d i gjet k e l :j b e lo,to n.i t r: t . tu n a zt 7 i telehir e ls Grocery
Yeympled by Darbudye, Wilson Co, 116 Wafer IL,
giusbargb, Jbly 1,;18:211.-1311,
sabocribers osec Ogs day Conned a ebyllrteers
Ithip noder.the Ana of W tF Walser', for teeporr ,
rose of massed:yr tee Wbolerale Grocery cad,
yeierion Boolcers, at 1:10,10 Wood creel
pirprorryb. I,lB?re—Jte 'FRANK. wudort..--; •
- 11101111111 & HAWOR.TIEis
Merchant*, East ado of the Dimmed, l'lnsbarnb.,
asef now ode ter , loweet prima for cash,
Emended Gin and Demesne Brandy; alm;
French Brandy , Road Cleo/males :4 pith& Lem N.r.
&MAO,ldsh WidakeYe Ram, tse. Pert,Sherry,f4&,, -
deim, Mhampomm,leberen fdasernell. MeV, Rend,
ref and Lahore Wutes. Wholesale& Re my 3
rILINTING PAPER-i'Ahrkri on-band In = 1 1 ,142421,-
order, railoas oils, Primus paper Ralf'
rapplar P•PCI7 Crown, Medismould Dolabie known '
atm Straw'Wrapplng &pot; Cr 01M, Media& WWI
Doxible Cann! Poi' OZes.raperiPastr.board. krt. V.
• P MARSHALL, EnWood a t
E.YI 7 . Axent for Clinson "
a)krOMAN •IN AINDEICA-41er "Roth and' nure
ear/. 'Hy Karla 7' Idelnloalt; exthor of Mama
anletebanasil no nem and to ball I vol 1.2r00
Latter Day. Panglets, No It—The pretest 11111.
Cakuotas.--Idittaoirs of Lira and of MOIL. .1
Claimers, D, Preleettoos on Balla%
Analogy, Paley's Evidenees of Christianity, and Mills' "
Lecture oa with:Ma 1111204111C1.0.7 Lesetarei.
andl font Addiesees delivered in the New ColielL•11
Edlabargh. by Thereat Clialmam, D. D-, Li.
c4ivci-Lite Of/ohn C-111•111; eombiled from atithen.
ue scarcest and particularly from but correspendegata.".:
117 T ho
me. I I
Dyer, with portrelLlhmo. • •
Ftir ante . • , noesui% •
.• - •
047 . .78 A• • 110 Buildings, Fount eh _ .
• • Clem uossi.
0 27T, B ropertr.; do do my
• IS 6 I sort
d Poe dt Comm
0o Wood'
!le ° d P' i • " 3 ll } B U ldlk=
,200 gross asendr. to caper
Cmbs; noir and for aid* or
rebs ; : C:YEAGEB, 108 Mutes id
roes men:aeon • a. an. 1.4t1111:•• •
iVNE tozderalgud, eaeadascoa to Arlberg& Naha.
.son, beg leare to atone the eitinena of Pittsburgh , :
oettlinthllA_goomnliY , the:they hate selite li t 'the ,
Gia;FOuNDRY awl are now, In fall operation.. End.
have part or sheet paste= ready. for Mc .nunten ,,
Antringen which are Coakley: Pave., Coal and Wood -
Stoves, with a splendid air -a;4l Coal Stave, width la
now: papercedinii , in caber cities an common gond
Stove. Alan, sap coal Cooking Store, well
tealfor . mall With a fall auortment of Win,
Woo and mantel Grates We would particularly iro^...e - '•
me the aneetion of wanton:building ter-call at Oar
warehouse before parehasieg, and examine a splendid
anicle of came:el - led Orate., Inhaled iR film
minted} , new, in this:market.
Warehouse, No. 181: Liberty at, optlaslte Wood
ang27:dtt t. .NICIIOI..SON & PAYNE.
pPyrrigntraon 131POUTAT10111
f - ,.YE/415P.R , tweeter and Wholeaski Dean io is
Slga of the Gilt Comb, tOt blanket et, Plltabar&R. .1
Western Mrc
ehants ' Pedlars, and others
Pittsburgh mi purebasellestale, ate :especially Invite -
to call and *amine the extensive astatUatutt of Eng-
Soh Ameliella, Preemie and rimless Fancy Goods. -.•,
All Forage Goods at this euabllshment row import-;.,,;
ed direct by myself, add yurebase re mop rely on get,
tag goods from first hands. have the largutsnort-
meat. of articles, itt the eutiety 'llne,le the city of-
Pittsburgh—all of whit!, will be sold low fat cult or ' t i
city acceptances. The Stoc k consists, In part. of -5,
Lace Goods, Hosiery, Gloves, gibbous. •
Silt Cravat!, Shag and Patent 'newels, gearing Silk,
drool Cattow Aga, Stupenders, blottens, pins, Ns*. ry
ds and
Gold and Silver Watches, (aid Jewels), alike:deal
Brushes, Combs and itatare•
_ Peteessiob Pleselvets, Pistols, Cloekw,:slik,a
Canon Parses, Spectieks, Steel Pcnit,•blualo
Carpet treys ant fleutheto., • •
PnolitigsarniTlettanags •
Fancy Goods; t.,:ether walk • Iwo
ty of Taney sod btsple GOODS. -
afsti:egeat for the 7..alebrited Len.-
carter C o mm. _ nosl7
Groat =rig/lAia
NIOR Calks, Coldsi Asthma 'and Conmeraptionl The
UREA AND ONLY REMEDY tho cum of the ,
inre diseases, 1. the' HUNUARLeN fiALSA.III. OF " '
WS, discovered bp"the , celebrated r. Bache;
London,Rnsisnd, and introdnecd tow lb. United .•,m
ander the lannediate seperlincodenco of the inventor.
The ernmordinary Marmots of this medicine, ' in tn.' 3 - . =
we of Palaumasy, amuck, twar-rants the Arterican
Agent in soliabing for treatment Me sent possible ca.
see that coo be found bathe commouit , cases that see a't ,
relief In vain from tnt of the conuorm - remetliea or the .
day; col have been given bp by thlinulst distinemeh c d
physical= as continued end tncorablo. The Ifingarl, - ,
an Batumi has eared, and mill core, art met desperate'
of eases. , It is no ;react =mbar; bola standerd
Fah ntedie of imown non Minh od •
Every le the United tastes 56 ould be repelled , •
addl. Ra n hanbr Rouge livirato of We; not (ma i 14
mem:era% Me et e nsamptive modenelt s a . the . •
bane be +medals • prev.entrin medicire all Can., or •
.olds, , cement,' *ming of (Ave'. pas,. to the mac
chest, Imitate:ll and Wit= oit the longs, broeltida,
dqmolt7 of blutMl, ..!teetio rtver, sweats, unaci.,,. ;
'bon and
ugh frecraldehtiFfr esdtion, • ,
"Bold foliage bottles, at 111 Per bent.. .rid , faU
dons for the Toleration of braldt. • - •
Pazaphletsa containke a Messer E,,,clish and ninsrP
inut cerakeilles, end other evidence showing the an...,
mulled merits of ibis F.lfnth ' iikr=dYi cony
°blamed of Me agesna_emniieltil. • .-.
For sale by It A PAlll4lllTtlCli k COS, coma
it and Wood arid Wood and eat ct L
Qtr.LLISILtY IMPERIAL CUUriY E Vita r,-Tscoser. , ,..".•
Ptirstesen, Mayen 47, tat?.
NS. IL E. fiellen- . --InJumice to yenned year =OW ,
parable Cough Byrno, 1 beg leavoto state, for thobee...- •'
cia of the commonity, that my wlfe has been ea earet-' ,
times enlaced wile a more dooressing tough.' 1 lass
chased, January lam, a bottle of y,er by imp, which',
eared a wage of two months' standing. - About *ma,
month mace, thaeanyh returned, sod was set sigatel
that 'oho' ',could hardly move, fropi weakness. the. t
b mut; not foe otos bottle of year Cough gyreg,and.
a'part of atm bottle eared the tough. leave the other
to g jounleyetan who was seinerdy P Meted, who had,
bas lds own winds, ' , eaten ensnare coogheandy
tare all Ike people lf,the -cand had
been as good as represented:. . 7.
Four.,keyeetfallY, ' Assnily, gm,
prepared:and sold: hi - R K. SELLERS, g 7 Wood
onset,,eeld Draggiewgen. telly in the ten
Ar"GiamtlYit :"1
AND iEWiitlioo3.
j.t ::kos:4
It kiamaaddalka
Mi l t. =T tho Slotted Buttett
mt a r t s o zt,oowwedd,rl4,2;,:
4. l abised :it lag,'
WO* *l.O WOW Of the calico:4 co.
1% 0 0' pr o ootut to' ftiotailt
Asir _old outontets, as will ito
Ike it tir with ohttry Alava theist/M. .",••
thrm i rh - Wood Stria, Pittsburgh. tr-•
lrlifteitigtiLY theiheapetiand tem ous flatUa
begin to bay Tea le at the Tea ilarket ; eau inart
of the DiantrauL The) salt,
Excellent Tea at •••-•,•••:. • • --SO 60 pir . l6'.,
d 0 a
• tow mired, damaged, at et riot Tete are net nig(
at tins establlabineaybegati warn:ter - yen go yole ,- •
set or .04 relnig, yew ain sate
_011•1121 • good:::
article; and. Wthe Illocar We're. re nritogipbxygo....
they Icarttly exchange It ere be money. .
• htt2 MOB RIB t Proprtetchiti" ,
C il = °, `"" E .r •P Vattritext&B, N ,
Patitvertsete zeta "itteuratuu: -
I iEFINED sad impeded expreelly for 170 ply teeth,
Petri'. at Bdtd e =: ' - ' 4 ' ille evert et ear
. oft oer est half a teat ociefetutind,mo tetletpeoutei•
efutal ' the mrettle eineuil gallantry or
turseitk, tin It is Street], &Unaided nod stuotalt—bid'i
the qtgite t Welt. beaten, a the autteh—poar
IlLathlieb - Jalo the balsas* of the 412, while
suicoutsatty On tot: andej—lideelleet.
" 7.41 ' Z