spikoszmitar & iniok DI! coops, • alw. 191.WreaIt afresh • & NviTs a. siseasion of boyars us sbeLr bole stock at Fresh Goods mw opening, and watch they ate "MIMS to sea ea sew aelowowslaPark trews. - We WWII be oossewWr "I" OW We AWNS, Sad raciest ea a of oat reek bi Thum werebanw e 4 robotsabating oar - Wii ma':, Lllmailyjitritet. BE G 5 to niletna Ids inuaeniunt Ltienis and esnomen, that ho Is Jut fouls* hla nurW tall sunk of CLOrisb, CesSimgillils, and VEST. Irws,al dm sew n Enke, adapted for the opyroaelt- Lag ha and 7N.isr masons. all those in emit of 0000 P, taahlasnig., fad good elOndl: will Ind dm isuestonort lasatonable, mid best slut In the Wetwas focally, at this eaubllabme . 1 7 to Pittsburgh. ' WBE Pettesylvinala Rail Road Cotonou hams' completed tho whole boo of tan road to Holliday. alsh, thao eorneeung the Portage{ Rail Road to Johnstown, and Iwo thaneo by boats to Pittaboarit, are now prepued to mules and forward morehase au, proosee,ribi, to and front Pittabaryh and Phila delphia. Ta r boU trill leave abo trout of the cont, nary fo Johnston& then ounce nay won Us Utily trans of ears fu Philadelphia, th....uranrinig the ilo• duty of ariahl in Phi/ seelphia within flu days BELL & LlGu kiTT tedetal sr. Po. R R. Co, Canal Basin, Patabargh • & AK, Agents, sepleLdit •Philadelphia. • 6111,11 LOT OP • SPLENDID PIAMON, Mau and Afissical butrigerow, Sign el the Guldati Nary, No lot Third Buret. • orfroif. 111..811111: rapielfally Inform. Ea (ricotta and the public, that he hea jest retuned from Om cam, with a meat-elegant-lad eileatAre assort. tetra of Piallos of 'ninon styles and pries., selected by bintscl4 with great enie. at the celebrated factories of Pianos rt-Clari. N. Y., and Denham, N. V., ffino or Modena. DanthamiN. Y.) Marble solvated:he than iron 1.410340•4 .4411 jam Smelted by the above makers, they aro yrarraeted of eaperter ytmiv lad tone, and .11114 all Casts be acid at New Ye: fac tory piece. Parebasere feelv4l 4/TIU4II Only With ellen Men% entitling mem cachet:le or return of !tale. if 113000 detective. _ . A 1.., a lot of splendid Malts, from the factory or &health rt Maul. N. Y They ate a smash amcle, and warranted equal, it not superior, to any made in the world. Alm, • Gan aelection of Fluted,. Clationets. Striae', R unic, nstrummts, and the newest and most peptone including Jenny Lind e celebrated attfl Welch Flannels. xx URF . ItY 1 ItUfIertFILLIJ, at north cafe comet in. of I. eurdi and Martel macs are now supplied mth a tall nesortcuct of the sinuous qualtuel at above desirable , goods, and enema been puthated nom the impomLe canlamarreititedgenumer,_erel ' Jas. dlusprait a. 8080 Patent Soda Ash. 3 4 I C „ A P:r 11 6 of the " c r' s Irkt L end ,d 1 pan u act motnn, per "Anna Mar," -Lc rope," ofictlin; and et .er shrps, via Philadelphia ndßalumore, wastela nd superior to both stremtla and - 7tuallty to any in the manct; tat cul t Si the isl.tAl once tor oath ap peered br1•.1..) \V h. II hII . I•CeIELTREE errors airtel . _ Laryg• Supply . •I Fall 6 IWlntar Good*. URPHY & BURCHFIELD Invite the attention LIE of Mayen to their largo nook al ports _adapted for the reason, consisting in part of— Elk and CoPd French blertn.6 ' Coburg, inul C.Lacrce, Changeable Popbne, U.. Silk. anti TllOO Sauna, Elle and Funny Alpac a, Soper Long Shawls, Low Plitt do., Sacking Flan nels, English, and American Ft.nals white and colored. Muir stock of SIOUSEVFI-TiNti IitIODS t such as Sheens., Fillow Ca. Mash., *ratite Duper, Towelluig, &r., is large, and at tow Prices tot quality. Bales will find it to their advan tage to ext..° their st .ck urldra patchasing—at north Clint torn. of 4th ltd Alartet 64. • oat '+ Sollarsq.l• • r PIM Sapwood. all ether. Charlectun, Va., Sept. 26,1.<50. Mr. IL E.Selltra.—Yeur . killable'. become. pops lar In &H. des rrgion of country, as very muck to eacc o rze r g , c a lti . l whets .16 Liver i i r O LEWIS .IF-rtract of Letter.) Purehiscra will tetolleet that R. E„.Salle& Liver I!!, ate the otigtnal aud only 'rrw and Genus. • t Fill, and rutty be hot at N 057 Wood et, .d of 6 tan genets:ly in the two tines and vicinity. 130 Or . Cittystotta Extract or Yellow 0011 and daraaparllla. l 'U oTt ‘ h r . wan any other pleparatio.. al l wraith is their.c•iiy coaniona will, use 173lrael Of Yellow Donlon e.suaei oi Woo elke11), 014 or tr. OolliauLug the renal 43 ;Lon ...causal citineot an any other Sarno. (Jim octet tar paCic, At c.esione inn tin patio. , iy use r nou aii lot 6.0 01101111,11/11150 C. 110110.10 111110) , 41.4" ol Inc Ssisupailila eominuns. The in mod nand inane at poisons! Mercury, Iron, tau nine. -Penn; Jodi., Solnitit i Arseale, and noon other tsunami and mouth., pianos ewer into Lau nini the active 1001 of own of the Ssrospartla anc. Yonocess of tin any. [noon's Carriposind Ecirsei 41 Yellow Dires .100 titorsainnin does not contain • particle at then ambiances, Oil shy tioe tan cull) Yerrillll appnlog the onessary urn • l'he pinatas inaYoccasionally lcitione dinease, Lai the/ so trarate the blood. sod 10 completer, 1141111- 11110111111 whole eyrie= With then bannt enacts Mu the Ant cold, or the - Ant attack of dries., pros ratee the pariesu's riresglh, and online!. tin of her to no aunt ninny/sting (onset, toll renders Soothed care almori.rinposailow and hopel — esa. Let all poisonous ifarospornia preposition alone, and no tioysn's finptered Ersatz of Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla, which in thoroughly ellesesoas perfectly hunk s, arid purely veyetable. All kind: of disease yields to se - pedal tridoesee. Scrotal& Caneemus Tumors, Ciaaneona Saipan., thyaii;elaa, Mei, Pastaha, or Funpus on the Fade, Chrome aure Lyes,Tarter, Scald Head, Rheum. tam, Bulargeroent or Pains in we Boma or Jain., aid and en born Lamm, Fever Sores, Hip Dims., Swelling o the Glands, Blotches, Syphilitic Symp toms, Linn ago,Llroply, /dyspepsia, Jamul.. Coo. meness,S I.lthenns, Aflettions of the Kidneys and diseases a big from an inthinthionts sue of Mere. ry, :into Sore Taroal, WWI... Of the Chest, Yuan.. A.Secanns, and all other dimmer tend• mg toward Cm:music:sari, Liver Complaint, Female arregal•ri ' and Complain., Sul and Nervous Ilistisehr, anent La:linty, Low Spain, Loss ot Appoint, light Sweat., Pains in the Salo and nnualiamil, • µthine or Imnrede,%td In Life, Chiron. to Coo:Anna lanai Disorders, and es a Opting and Viet faultier of e Maid, and General Tomo lot as Styled; it I unrivalled . GM of Vie =ad Limits of svaaan years staramg . Tlie tulle tog is as enttrael of a letter dated tlaroa 27, 0.5 h, Lo L. B. Pertm, hL highly respect. Lie phislth of Marietta, 0:11.. Rath Pair —Dear:Sir: t have ander toy ear< inning arnitia 1 who, tor since,. years, has beans sal- Ici ing from 'Warsaw:l Limbs, Lad mt..e ease W's been prdnoanced Impale. by three of use best phi. @Loans. 1 took bee into my manly, and have used Guyana's hallow Peek and Sarsaparilla freely, and amennfidsnillial the Venom Poet and Sarsaparilla aria antrot a porinsnet care. She is heart In genera health than the has ewer Inert Delon, ana waits a wile or two without fatigue or pain. A year ago G. and crutches. I will report the ease in dae time. . • , Very reepeettall s, y, itonma. E. B LitifiN It lan been remarked, by eminent men, that in Ma vatted eatalogae urdiseaaew lo whielt nun is Labia, there uncanny One at such impottaliee, and of teen interut es na est nether nth~ ar of its origin, Its insethon pr., tees, the camber and v let, el ottati• that it allatellt, or to remarkable in.. nu Willy en e %tannin ntility. [tonna hat caged the Wail of them ent eminent ai . yb steam. In tau country and in Europa hat them ts an =WOOL e for en attune in it,. tinyott's Extract of Yeller, Leek and nathapardia, o tollen = proving it. sett a perfect tothethe m the must wrath oath. o intlitna. . . tin eaumerdmary cam of berofdls eared by the soil use of Dotter tmayote• ...ompeund byrup It ;tm seen by tam emultcam that tam man has been r the imminent of several c embraced prquetana, 10 , r m to peat mgt.. yenta, without&rearm any beemtlt, and as been `lit eared by the am of • few b of Dr. Day BOW. Compound Syrop. Now I oac,June 7, lErld Dis . 6uraorr—Dear tia,-OYr tog to yea e dente:deli =may cannot pay. I sea Indoced tamale a public nou knovradgman or Me Dement I here dewed imus your Invamatme Dyrep. I was sorely antictcd man • tem. We Berornlons .41searo, herrdltar7 Ir. oar family, eouttnermeA on my [met, asd, connuamg re spread, Mon reached toy tam; rumble am my hue, sagest...lLnp ell over my Met, nett, and lower en. trareides. i bee-me a dailnatng Gomel to Inge upon. Al times my dam,in au so great toil I was unable 1.0 sleep or lm down; and the roseate cruendag tolo my Lan j , periously Mlles Led my lre•nnu. Sly Mee wee OIL den einem sore, from era. a mucilage or mum and mar kept mronually mama oat People avoid. ad e rappostng I had the small pea, or some MIMI ..4 td dour;dtwlte, dadese, and I *PM ear...queerly obliged to RI unit toy Dunn.* helleillielendalig I had the bat medical !Melee, tad Irmddlnerent plans Of treat. men , tee .11mMe Conti/Led 10 VOW erom,antili tart alp I catcall, rolliMalery / fell to With a pseeeese, O. a lmambOal, MM. Uneynang tor ay health, woo info med asio don ha MO OYM Lt one CULL 1.1/ Le tad • 000 Ilan ne 1 Man, lute Mal iy Mall roar Syrup be er 11pr...hi) , etace. I acesecdiMell Itthhamh the ar • Lel onnolacheed annoy II, Led new Mier halm( Used MLA Wan MI nettles,/ ado Well *01? Ilbla la atteld to My moat.. I send you this MOILICIted Le MI ICIOI let e, only oopo.g tail It may Indere the elbeted to ma ofate to thr r.rytenc/Mlne, and tberebyaseo them ma sodctng end exp... I mama= lope obelgent se mar, • JOHN Q. sr/urn/go. .:re of an awArrauata cue of .Eryiiptlar. ettie• yernmasl by IN. I.:upon% rlttraet of Ye T li e w Dees aid tarmaaulta are lowan& The pm tam. e renerat beam commas to Improve titer my, cue a rceneool. Mmes. are Mal clarinalMed Mad time Las bay tweed that Mete eta be no , rafityse an MIMI of tee Manse. : Notturar, Merino. Co.) Fan. tonu. gc. gunorren. Co n fleets, it month crestplconte a., g ,syne you about tee very ittippy edema of lone Veltuto JAMIE alOniontlyotrillo tipe6, ray lum, Yrbo two long Leen mitering wrier Mat dictator, loathsome O le.. ilasernrysipclas,wlitisenicis lit A Ss anaeled tu IlNii and or. Itloutiks stetded 0, some of o gs ur .slpyrie,aur,"woo umo mese skit petscrettncly lot salUteitt ittimfitual effects whatever. He become reduced to pullout skeleton 11. had ulg etre (tom Ws hip to his k bee, which were coIIUcLUM.UI diScharcmc discerningly olltrallro matter. Medical and aargital akni war_tiaLled. rhymeians mad lbal km ca wan nopeleso—mete Could Le acidotic done yo arrest those terrain concretion% ulcers. My omits- Lore and myself thought km thssonaturt heat at 66sta. One fmy neighbors, who keid curled clald of smut. m a lour inealeable immune, unshed me to, ake to of it, nod more from the recners destre to do 'mottling 6,2616 hie lased, man (toot my Luce of cattlog ache:, I pnx6sed three]ol4o• Of 1000 0 1C/owl 11000 mid Maraparilm," mi centrum, ed alio. ti •134110 aluglusametit, m o d ottoeneed rOVIUE 6.2 tad On 4Juo CAW ociore he hod lased • h.a could wait out he uoed ol l/ mci r ve 66,:ey, mud 6y 0010001 Oult 0, ma pezteruy ~..,,,a,t, every •eruce on we mrease envoi me mats In removeC, uud he tumulus 19 petted Length op to the preornt um , . His accovvy , ehdet Inc Memos: of lied, la entirclrioning to the lase al your Yellow look mnt earsaporilla, aro fassore 100 tout I fret myself Meter (mut obit k SittUCS (0 you, s od lb with (real)) k muctin you orrenr.t your earsapullla has dotte for my Soo nespeCtlsoly, RUHHELL. EU' Sudo gooone unler• pit 6). an large bottles, quart, mal the name of tun riymp blown in the glOl5, witti the written stcr,sture Cl S. F. nen non, on the outinde sorupper. elite 61 per boule—or 6 bottcs lor 6:6 It to 6y ,J. PARK, Nwn.h Ears comet 61 Fourth ROA WO:IO14 arc