The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, December 04, 1850, Image 3

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IltaPoilltilD Tici.kaiwirlinto
tog Tex rrrrastnuin DAILY oAzErri
Tbe Maio CleaVerdfmt Met ot lnA ex tlChi foer.. d el
only business of imtoratice on the adopt ,
dob is Oconzoittee oo the whee, of the seven of
thal ilbecomilppoutuautem.
• ?hid report provides in the apportionment of
the &ate ovary leo years alter 1531. The whole
popelatesa of the State is to he ascertained every
lea yen% sad that Me population shall be divided
korner by 100, end the quotient 'ball bathe rates
of repleieebuion in the Hone for ten 'tam It
es; also, that the-ratio fhi. &Lem aka be
estohnalsod . by dtrlding the ur hula - popuiatton by
=0; Tkla takes the apponionmeat from the Leg.
_Thu Convention edema the ?sport beck to the
volitaittee to await the fall emus moms.
Canaurrox, (S. C.) Deo. L
Me glowerAatolnette Amebas bum ter boiler
en the Alabama river, on Tonality tnomf=l,
Affixes SO penmen, and wonadiog 28-25
We have no further panielnars.
Cotomosts, Dee. 3.
There mete four ballotings is the House, to dap,
and cleat in the Seuate,which mulled is no ehotee
Ice 14tetiikee.
The Beaus bas sketed a %VWSpeaksr by
, 6
slikAloqq , of doss ossz FreiSchler.
ia l ei a •be ee al7slrageeieed' cod the Geeether'e
issred to morrow.
CIA Deo. 3.
Hors.—TheHors.—TheTbe market is unseuled, NClNN btu Tl',
the smatter
is mote favorable. Holders are again asking 64,
but without buyers.. The whole number arrived
thus far is 61,000, agatted 130,009 at the same dale
laid year.
The-river commenced OUCIVILLT g
this eveumg; ec
are five feet smut, ia• the channel.
The weather k clear and cool. Hog Killing was
heseheed In day, in couaeloence of a very heavy
+GWYN The market 1, dull, VIZ El 00 sale, of eon
., _Reeky hem, arc quoted , uotranally at
The KeaMek y
xi mites meets from
the Mph (Maim lo the fah promo.
- • -•
Fkalt—The :market in very quiet, and the :le
aned •Ikw •abiedwat Wetted The only sate* re.
posted were 1110 bblx. standard brands. at St 73
$4Bl. bbL, ineludiem a mall Wgood Western at
- Rye Pktne—The market is nearly taro of Ity
Coni . hl eild—Tne demand is limited, with small
sales sr 112.73 per 1131 •
Crtia---There la fair demand far Wheat. and
Prices aro m•intiined. %lei of BOW be.
nand and prime Red at •Iooe, and of Whits at
111110 pat bushel. The last male of Rye was at
Edo. Corn rs dull.. Sale. 3000 Lostiels new Yel•
low at 31a58c par builael.
Cmcnnern, Dae.l3.
Four—The matket a firm at $8.60233,C4 per
Whlakeg—Saleo at 231 per gal.
Uogi—The mnkeLia unsettled, but the change
lathe weather has caused more E.:noose on It S.
inn el holden, and 100 are now liked.
.151alking is doing to p eeialan6 Other anodes
art, without chenac.
The river has risen Iwo
The weather L. cool.
T tII■
Par ir.l
11,3 IN$
• Mos?"
Unil64l Bata
- Do s'.
Psanylneia ........ •• •
1)0 s'.
Allitsay,66 6'.
0000;61,0bl 51P511.
116 comp. tra, senp-
Plusbargh city V.
Do tamp **pea. let Phll
ILLIVny city 67
col*. Io 11,11
WIZ irfe.s.
Bank of
Macey. h Maou. Bank.
Exchange Bang
Batmen , Deposita Danl.
Bank of 1111.1IsvIll
Allagilane Dating Dank
=DOS 610011.
tlVStftridge "...
Head Et Bridge
Northenk Llberle•
Waße;l7ll — n7a;iiiii.
=saw Inserauts Co • -
Amociated Plassuns , Co.
flilarbardh Ma Work.
Illosangranala SI aetvrater, • •
YowsksoatanyNackolatar• • • •
Nan% Cantral Railroad
Paarda a old* Railroad
Cleveland & nv.we
Payette alma. Ca
Tani. Creek Plank Road. • ••
Cual Bomb (GM
coma anav
Piumb'gh k 00114.1 (CIS Mi. , /
N. American
North Wed. —• • ......... •
Iron CilY
Danko . .
Pittabargb t Id. Ilk)st
Ohio Vim itoek • • • ....
Aldo Go
Om: Weinarn
Dovilua Ling Mon, cop. cock
Algenovalm Cop. k
The following sales trenepi
16,000 Allegheny IT caip.
;WO Allegheny co acrid h.
le ek.llraddoc let Field
CAPITAL WIWI IWO rtrxrLre nob,
HE untlarefened ha. been sopa:Med orient for thi.
Old and respooalOte company, to g ent
Tsgene Brown, and is ready to- iwne policies in rho
Fa* and Marine depannunt, on as favorable terms
as any other Fa4lollsitaa rampant in ato
74 Fourth a. nogg to Bank of Pittsburgh.
itnxtralPmmism 7, Capred,Stock, 4 , 3orrpfscs bind,
$1 , 00,0 0 0.
rill HE Ustlersigueil oroulJ c all the attention alma,
eittints_astil others Easing property exposod to
loss by Fare OT t h a petits of Pissigistt on to the superior
edentates *greed by the
Py•taation In•nranc• Company
. .
I.—Rotes of - Premium as low es there of any other
2—A speedy and sutirfactoq edjurtmeni of levees by
the Seheral Arent of the Company for the Renters
sad Southern stares
3.—Arburelion (of all differences which nay arise,
by referees minus'') chosen.
4 —Awards promptly paid In Spc tie, Bankable Fond.,
Or FachanBr on New Volk, lialiiinere.tlearleston,
New Orisons, -St - I.olll4,l,ouirri , le, PottWorgh, or
Oltionmati, at thake t or i of We insured.
Pamphle, • tiny forth the mole and prin.
elplee of adjusist 104.4, enter of prronems. classify.
makes of hazards, try furnished to the euhtomers of
Wia elks free of charge.
For further letornisuon, ripply in We undersigsed,
the le folly autl.rirrulineure Drrellanya, Mures,
Hands, Warehous d, brill s .
Illausdactorres, Barns, Ae.
Household IFornitura, a wl Goods, Vanes, and Mar
ehaudase, eonthused or aimed therein, seldom loss or
damage 14 FIR":
Dry Goods, Grocer Menataetured Goods, Pro
ds*, lbotateltold Furniture, lore Stock, and ovary
other deseription of Alcrehandire or Personal Pro-
Pao), shipped or to be shipped par rood steamboat,
or boars to and tn. polnta on the Western Waters,
or between Easton tiles (f lAtiont, Or other
rangeland any wont tha Western enarion ntl•olo
Sillyments of Goads. Wares, and Marelinditst Per
good vowel ar souls, between New Orlssu and
. EAII4IIII ports—heimee a Now Oilcans and either Galt
=amen artleritilli trOltr and EltdrlßM or
pens, Or an) other Maritime pan What
- mimes La W Atlanue tO
fatale, onratnat the PERILS OF
Foorth st., next to dm Bank a ( Plitfoorgh.
•• • IdAtionl
A. WILKINS 800.,
Co,. ?MA B khakti Eo
For see by
betakt the nein of elt invented by Id,
burnel Cielvinjer, elided blielnield Patent, it !ma been
Mead by air best coach builder., nod pronreaud to
lke beet I. we An ordinary emelt, with ama of
Uwe axle., yenning doily, veld consents, hilt pint
•afati mwe month. 11114 quantity of Oil treed
Is em of the bat evidence, re have of the great re.
dactien at (notion. and commensally greet wring of
•power, it will maim the coach prOpristOre to Inc. r.
Ng east..., their .taek end feed. Alm, fevolVing it will give
areal g am to trevell Ike tort
Wheel and net barte er., le any connexion vriti the dole
.will entirely prevent the wheel from coming ad.
Hy proper cue, the patentee, wilt wmanl Moue
tiles re tut from restive to (Amin years dell) yenning.
Watitheaay.lo9 Water and 140 Front meets, Kite.
bet ra
" • liaadria t Shawls I 7 7
ntIITHER NrEe anonsant a Drocht banz'and
%am Shawls • Bay Sim, Waual. &Stowe%
Wia, at Ow moll mei'', quallty, lut reeet•od,
sad saw Opening bY • A Id • .oN ik, CO,
rtslisisuacau BOARD OF TRADE
LID Antawer's =nom.
0.121 MB RAMA. .....
Revfew of Me
101 Thy Warm Mum ore. 3.
GEteEIeAL SLEhlitte4B—Darius the week rust dos
ed, businees ban been rather euk, and very tatie of
kunm has transpired to the
The weather, for the man pan, hes been very un
mated, which be. had the eteit 11, retard business
seemlier:a to a eottuderable extern.
Our rivers have been high, but are again pad ardlY
, v ,, ehue,witit between land 6 feet teeter In channel
hiotwithetaudeng the toll cum of water, however,
buatesaaore the river, einee me closing of the canal,
be. teen eamearativelY bght
le refort nee to the general cilotations of the Starter,
W. have no very material ehungeo to notice sane our
teat •eekly report.
ASHES--.We have all; amounting to about 10
Mt. of SadaAth, f wog the Want, at 31-4 mouth..
Salsa of 1.6 ousts Pesti Aah, at 61, on time. Salaerat
• Is selhag at dleSh Patua at 44014 9 6. ;Ite
eeipt, bate been inculerate, not supplies seam atiffleiera
to ou demand.
A l'l'LEl—Greeri46ple. hay. arrived pretty freely,
end .upphe a are •bundant. Pilot...a the wharf image
nom Otto 70e p hbl, and ft...mown .175, b 7, 0 81 •
BACON—The season having passed, •ery little has
been do. In Itis Market dudes the ir.k. We may
gains nominally is (allow.: slain hems, 7a; ea 1110011
"Irg" at nel; saga, cum/ do, at 9}oloe
BEFSWAX—Very line I. arriving, and me can
report no sales of consequence. We knew of sane
mall lots which are hold at Irlitale from More.
PUTTER—We notice Ws seceipts :and good sup
plies to the malt. t. • choice attielo (stela roll, in
Ws, would commuut H from . Sales 10
bble at Igtettle good and flume quality Reg mat be
0.504 at 9091 c, as io quality.
BROOMS—Receipts hate been fall, sad the minket
is now well supplied. We mate DO DDlOnel is our lot
week's plc.—say, from fast kends, at SI,IIHII,:fHP
I. ulsl►e toolpilk wedimna, sod hitter quslitieftand
tam sure Pi kes • acskell P 4oAp, secoolang to
@l.oo7 , 49—lathe Mamma of receipt. tO any antokMl,
emptier have Demons very Imitad, mat we have no
rales wittily of report. Tne riling Wing pikes on
time, may bo quoted at =WIN 41 , ton, as In qmslity.
CIIPPE.•••- Hetes of 2.s"bbis at $3 bbL
C/lEESE--Reeeipt. from the Western @seems eon
tided fair, mad notwithstanding the heavy shipment.
east, ample soppheo tare left In the taut.. TM tali.
of the week are about :MSS bee W. , eekii for the
better q politica of common, and EjaLle for crown
Ordioury qualities are held at 51051 e IP C. IVe have
ne•alc. or Gotham Cheese to miler, the market heinv
y:RACKERS—Tho following fi the wanufsenaret
It of prices:
Water erecters, per bbl
Rutter do
Dyspeptic do
P,lot Dread
= a l. Cratere, pet
CORDAGE--We note no change In prices in the
nous •nicles ander this head. The following IS
It of prices:.
Manilla rope r by cod, •
do eat,
White Rope, by cell,. —.—
Tarred Rope, by coal ; .....
do ah• • • ...
Parking Vern, nne,---
dlnadla, M 4702,5103,75
do 4. eoil,••--14o ‘,
51.5002,--im.DO dox
do IP ead,—.loc
Ay, 7.1 e• dor.
igyenired Cordage Is mid regularly at like 1 lb:
(=TON 8116ETING3—No. I Nun and An.
ahoy Mills, is selling at Pf, and 0003=013 or NOUSILkOt
aiyie r pied, end very Gras
taargF.R —The regular Pittsburgh taanufacterar's
prices of eats and manta, am 190 AI. 113 Yore, of
other descriptions are unchanged.
thiIITON Y•liffS—Prices are generally very inn,
at the recent advance. hunks are anaseally
and tales bare been necessarily confined to regular
hathed tranaactious to ensiontera We give the fail.
lowing toe of prices, with an improving tendency:_
, One 3,
Ask d
it hr.
I I 6,111
31 63
N. 5, civet tb.••-•20
" &"
. -21
"10, "
"IS, "
11,7 E No. 6139, etaper lb• • ..Me
Niny " "• • •--0*
1209 .TOO, " "
661 Caupet
Coverial l'arn,• • • —24
/*lra!, • •—••
DauGg, - 111EDIOINE13
MOO oo importzt cnarare in prat
3 -U 0 following it a correct 1110
4140 principal arucles
40Z a100a,1114
154111.1.1poorice rtom•-•—•7 0 0
--310 4 ball IEO3O
Assort:s3,la 1730351 Lae Dye •sso4l/
Alto* 41oo1••—••10015 ilaesesta Cart, 3.549 9
Aaaefoltm 10011 Madder 1'tabro•••••14019
Dom.. relined 550.715 515r1a, Turkey MOM
Salaam 1p..• • 40002,75 Oil Variol• • •—• • 40 5
1.10 Copavra••• .35035 " Caalor•••••—• • •151,75
Brio:Mom 430 5 Cassit 34004,02
Camphor, rel••••• • 45035 " Clares••• • 55,54103,50
Caiorals 1•101 e. eaS Si ." otoon • • • .1,61103,00
Cochineal 1,500175 " Peseta% 2,50030:0
Crean, Tartar •• • • 25056 Cpaata,Tarkey••4,73os,4o
Copper as 190 5 Quizone • • --4,4004,55,
Glue, us I.bla 1110121,11.habarl, root — lOlllO
Galls • 40050 1 9.1 Al.OOl. 150•ZO
Gam Arade 50070 Sal Scal•• • • • • • •40 3
Cr.pol 25030 Senna•--- .....
Tragaemella • 50055 (.nine Lend •• • 44050
Stsallae 1501 Vainol Blue-.__ .11012
•2,75 lainveood, bell 50 7
.5900 Iraurtie, 1,01.• • • • • 51051
-too eloPPorl Si
DRIED FRUIT—We notice au supplies, avil •
good demsod Use rnsrb et . Apples hove bete very
aet/Ira with tales ham atom to lots of 100 to 200
bathe!, at 1.; cents ♦ bushel, and very nom A good
article trots Gret bands, would command 70e ♦ Lus
Theta is a fair demand for Pescara,. at 01,2301,31 for
ftrat hands, and 111.7701,40 from atom
FLOUR—The ar nvals of Flour Mottle the past week
have fallen conoderebly short of the receipts of the
preceding week, Lut an none hu been shipping east.
supplies on Wile In this market era more full, end Flo
es show no an:won/1W change sane, lut week /1 mcd•
orate basin.. only, Da. been doing from Grit hands.
at I.7,sCallt,enr Dbl, end a choice lot at $llO • bbl
theformer figures being about the rogue rams. The
Wes from store hue been cantina to the regular
home demand, at 13,75 to 13,90, for good s I to extra
FIBII—With tba exception of No 3 Mae Imre!, we
And no Margo from last week's [mem. large No 3
Mardarel are bald at 117,5007,31• bbl; mall do, may
ba coo./ at 17,35017;i0 I bbd Solo. of 5.W..0 or
of Mad at 311,30; of Dermot at NA and of Cod
fah at SOO" cwt.
FEATHERS—We note fair soetatec rn the mut",
ith rigalar Wee atTnlnto p Ib.
GRAIN--The receipts of Grain continue
from tut bends, at the following rater t—Wheat, 750
ode; 1hye.,14050e; Barley, 70e; and Vats M Marne •
bet A sale of 100 Gus Coro on the whorl yesterday,
stale eg ba.
6110CF:RN—Conelderable lola of am crop sugar
sad molasses have aerived, and
,Iva oniteo • alight
decline In Mote snide. About GO bhd• of na. crop
N O Pow, have been sold lielgeflge;onme old Nagar
would ;ale a liule higher, but [kern livery Bole left
the market. Sales of ]4 bbl. new !dolga.. at 370374
gall. Soma boa been sold at • alight deehne:oo ILa
above Leases. Coffee is quiet and Sales have been
confined to small lots lo oily and coontry trade, al 101
01110 ♦R. Sales of Loaf Sagas at 90Ior, and of
Rice at 51951 c, la Ices and Ws.
FRUIT—The demand la fair, .nth sales Rations, at
52,b701d ♦ boo. Sales of Almonds, at ItlOtrle
Ith of Glinted nub, at $1,4501,37 ♦ bus; of Feirans,
none; of Filberts, at 71Reo; of Cream nuts..? Slane; of
ants Currant', at SOUL and al English Walnuts •t 71
080 Oranges, wise, F 4,411015 1, b; Lemons, M.O.
GLASS-01 Madam' Glass me noose hewry sap
plies fa gm masked. Priers are per:totally the slims as
goosed lass meek—say, for city brads, 1.3, 53,50
le by 12, SI; 10 by 11,,114,Z. and ,other sites to pro
Country bntods are eald .t lover price, and mar Ga
emceed as follows :
8 by 10 ---• 02,7110 by 1 5 7,7 5
ID by 12, —•--•••7,00 ID by 10 3,75
/0 61 1 0 he 17
Tho 1111.0•0 WO the bac puree .
IIAY—We must regale: Kabul of Timothy from wag•
on, al 011010 p 100, according to quality.
IRON & NAILS—Foty the past lam days the Otto
meets of Iron and Nmls torn thia market hare been
herey. We aattoin • list Of price. 01 seine 01 th e
print/pal entente:
Isott--Fist bier 210346
seuf Ewen tbar•-----84333 e
Hoop rale
Hoop •—•—
"- 86eet—• 6 03{e
N 6116-10 to 20 penny 07331 P keg.
8 63 9 penny 34,0
6to 7 pearly 420 "
" pann7, "
" 4 2662 m 7 42 0 "
3 p..c...: ` ....... 3 ,60"
87=3—C31, 3 ton welt i 6 , 00
" Cat, 3to 6 Inch t ‘ • •• • • 430
" Cat, 6to 7 loch 73 0
'The above prices are given, ilbJeet to 6 dierount
HOPS—Sales of western N. Tait, 1849, al 1.6 e; do
Il&M, Me. and of Boston el tee Pik.
LEATHER—We ootleo • regular demand at fall
prtees 10f all articles ender this bead. Bales of Bald
loone soles u - 21021c; and of New York &Nat 184119 e
if. Wand.
LARD--We oatme the receipts of several coaelde
Table thte during the Week, but sales have Leen rather
tentricied. We note moderate tranuelions, In bbis
aad kgs, u 74071 e, on nme, ig With sod kegs.
LEAD—Ttiere le • regale, demand lathe merge! at
tar pig, and Stead, for bar
LIM, Pres—The preimmi range of prices of Lead Plpa
la 7014 e, according , to ore.
Bawl Laatt—Ssles at 11,le by the shesbasal bee he 0
whom est.
WILITZ LLD—PIM Is.d fa WU, at In, and No 1 a
WOO 1 kn.
MALT—We oatt&l Author 'wax silts of Malt oi
6511190 e I b.
LUMBER-9de* am generally effette4 at atedtsl6
from the rivet, and ffiloll22 from Me yarda, for t om.
Mon and clear.
011£1—Linsecd co:matte. [welly arm, at 95 cent. fp
talon. Sale. itS blas:No I Lind at
SCUP AND CANDL.LIA —ltalre of tooia iloap at
Mk; of Star Candled at 220u1c; mould tallow, too
wad common dipped at
BAGS—We quote first hand shies at 3c fur owes d,
and shout 4e tar white.
ROSlN—Sairs at 11.3 W tLI tur Nerrtreatolina
POWDER—linear& Dupont, and Ladle & Subitik.
R flat Yowler may be quoted in large quannties,lll4,2s,
and by *lngle keg, at 115,405,40 p keg Reek Pow.
def .01,3,14 i to S&:L or large and =rail quanlaies.
SALT—Pales In • regular way at 111„d5 Lbt, wide."
is the regularly established afloat
♦ 'AR cash—bbla ems chargc.
SPICES—Cams, —1,40 e; Cloves,ls3:Ne, and NM
.ers, at, for No. I f 1.4001.5.1 9 et,
SHOT—Sales at sas p t.g
TALLOW—Supplies ate smell, end te, qua, ;,1,
al :One Y tb.
TOBACCO—We notice a rood demand for all di.
seriptions of amoufamnred. Hanel nod Rubinson'
brands conunue firm at file ; Grant's may be quoted
at 19, and other Wands common, at 200f9e, at in
quality Thom prices ore firm, with an',tanning
TAR—Sales or 1140145 p bbl
VINEGAR—The regular rates for good cider Vtrre
gar from store, see Bjtjge p gall.
WHISKEY—SaIes of Rectified at gt.lerre, cash nod
WOOl , --13aslnes# tb la staple has been moderate
bat prices are firm. The follawamy quotations may be
e.ed . —Comnton, 3,3 e, k blood, ate: 1 d 33e, 1 do, 33e
(all blood. 330190 P
Len —Them Were B feet 0 inches Tn e —=- I,antm
flask, I+ll evening, and falling.
Fut.., Peebles, Elisabeth
Michigan, Biles, Beaver .
Beaver, Gordon, B.
Rattle, Brune., Urownsville.
Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville
1 kle Kee, Rennin:noon, IFPOIpLIt
Th.. Shriver, Hatter, West blessien
Diurnal, 1 ,11, Wheeling
Brilliant, Grace, Cincinnati
Empress CoI, Zanesville
Are., Finney, Wellsville
Cashier, alenfillan, Wbeelinv
Palatal, Peebles, FJitabeth
Nora:gun, Brie, Bearer.
Deaver, Gordon, Dearer .
Mita., Ramat, Broarnsvtile
Atlas!, Parkinwn, !Dawes,.Me
J McKee, Hendrickson, McKeettport
Thee. Shrive, Harley, Wemt Newton
Rockaway No. 1, Deets, New Orion ,
J. J eritendon, Sterns, At Lasts
Pen/. Bane. tineanast.
I hberma No. C. Bachelor, Clean.,
Jas. Nebo", Moore, Wheeltoe
SUNFISII—Cra•Wer, 4 r r
W ELL.ViI./.g -- APelln. 10 .
WIIEF:E1111(1--Iri•rnni, 1U ..
CINCINNATI—CIoNnnau, lu, • u
LOUISVILLE—Vermont, 10 r
Fat Comotatt.—The m•ruf (mew paeltzt ate..
Capt 1 litrortngh•m, will leave as •I.nv .
a.' day, mi 10 • ki
Fox Witaxua,.—The Lee hew packet atearner
urnal, Calmat° ve,ll Int•e At akar.,•thie da,
el 10 • at
Vol Watiaor-La —The firse nor Arena. will It..
as stove, [hi. loornill, touching in all Antenriedial.
The Castile', Capt Mehl ilium, viral leave tot Sunfish
M. day.
lODINE a Itol/It/b: &NITA:J.BIIII4—s ibs br sale by
IV 1 ",;:"""
dot! Water & From au.
Yr HE terttl cowmen,. an Wranntlay
ororaing, V7th Imam. to sell off Mr claire
atork of JAY (MODS at 'err named prices, for
N. 12 as per 14
"14 a "•-24
'• 12 "
" la "
" 17 "
18 ft•
" 10 "
" 28
TT, Stock is bothill be found in embrace
very desirable good, tin vale and quoin)
large amen= having' been seleerod expressly Cro city
Persons who with to supply themselves with good.
at Low Priory, will End it to their advantage lo call
at No 112 Market street. J 81127. A.
PlmbarisLNov.lM,lM.O. —.22dtto
Caadkariekl. —.
Bag MAT,— --20
a deaett the week. Tbe
of paces of same cf the
A Vastly Boras for lola
Virr!L be gold cheep, a geode, well warned hone,
' dier for • barn, or for nding. Enquire at
Lis °Moe.
No 263 Madam stsra,Nrto York.
Tits astactiber in eolleittnr th e seetitoege or all
whomar ace thee •C•ertaertrent, leen; none of
that be/nation, with which n new •thele In brought
before the public The experience of year• bee es.
tabliened their itaperletlty beyond all gn-rt.on, end
br ennhitently Were to 14e lemon. nr ot Mots
oche me°, woo bane 3241 rd thelte cr. 11l W., Zu his rapidly easing wee. es proof et tero seeilence
The following ere • law a; the rea.ous for their pope.
tat 0n the plate occupied by the seal a person may
Lave his name, hot n ess. and address. emispicedesly
and beautifully embossed, colored or plain, tees af.
fording perm.t serenity against tread. Td The En
on,. rennet
nor sea lers
smilmat being destroyed.
at Neither wan nor sealers me required to seal Mem
eih pr.. the trom•rrisge of a letter the meal maitre.
ns immediate reterti to the under instead of Immg
burred months in the Dead Letter trthre AL. Tee
Envelop.• Itivelsbod at almost me same once as
olma ones. Rth E ach l
mailed m a meat edeen
dyettisetnent, sure to attract the anomie. all
a whose bands it may pm. The tollormag is
a list of pnces for , Uses engraved on Leas., and sublet,
real lasi iOl ~ ears.ll4 of ISnvelopes of Me usual stze,
either uhite or bul, or trued paper, and made s• sheer
wish name, address, kr
Prace• o( Mos
At lotion or lon •• •
e. to IVO
When it 1.1101 convenient to forward amount Of
order per mail or tapir, a re , e,nee to • re.peemble
New York House will be eutheiene Alt on ere will
meet with prompt anrotion el
sCI lll•thenn or . Near York
Orden Will be attended to promptly. it len at we
eons of MUM,. Sine!! & Mutt. VII Wall sire, or et
&lessee. leeolitnan & , street.
N. Fl —Bushne•• Car& embossed in coior• from
name Dm, at SIP p.r thounend n.Zii lm
ihe Court of (2 021171,411 Pi.. of UPerauter
IKAI. Sti.
A T • Court ol Common Plena. holden at Plturbursh,
all tor the county arforesrawl, on the loth day of Pao
'ember, 13. Upon , Le pennon or John laar armor
forth Oral John Dart, formerly nr nerd enmity, ere
eater' to the Bank of the United States, a certain In
denture of Mortgage, in due gorge of law, reeardert
Mortrese 'pooh A. p 431, ho aerators paryment I
pertain promissory notes therein Ineettoried, le
That 11411•111 . . S. h.. never been tottered hp.° the
Record of the same, although to the best or pe
belief, atoll mottgae.. has Leen fon, paid, afffi Laa •u
roof fluff] for mote than two year., and that •std
petitioner Is owner al the mortgaged Iltemise• the
Court grant the player of the peotroner, end ammot
the fon. Monday of December next, fro trot partrc•
tntere•ted to Orpe•r and •11.100Irl 11.11 promo,,, and
dace! the Sheller to gore noire. of the eartlt dot me
Ilene appointed, to the lee•I represerrternaeo hurl par
sonseeeee heel, by terarce of notice persotralor
such a n shall be found in said county, ard by pub!,
matron el amd notice In woe rrewpropper 3n ••or moony
come • week. hr four sueerronvely,prror to lite
arm nl ell . le.•Yrt liv the autlf
S. HAYS. Protley
Legal rcpreumlitilvea nr d .11 itetanti. taterevird
Aln tiara.) notified to •p pear in said ttouit. on the 4th
oinday ot lbeeenslrer nrn . and ..w aim pet...,
nloreettid, I er
iffpli JUST RECEI VF:tl, a new •be 1 of
Chirke ring's 6,61 rod 7 Lome ye, ha no..
also, a rirldy r trved (iv Logu Pte., the
ma., Gene I/ hal Inoretueill ever broiled
to this city. 'new, Pumps will be .applied e. sw•l,
at Motor, prie wiruter env eti•eue von Tea IR
roeraltovi pa rose rs, .
Also teeei•rd, • floe ie. of Hose.
wood plsoo end I P.llO 51i.0 . , WWI .115 p 10.4
and hair ..1111i1 .ealo For •ale I, v
JOHN II A11.:1.1.1tR,
Agent fnr I:tuckering.* I'l.loll fur Western l'enit'a
ALOT of genuine Roman strings fur Violins and
12soars base rust been 'enema by the seloaeriber.
These string. are from the ruest veleta. ..4 factory In
they arts leer threads and four length., end for
beauty of tone and durability, are unrivalled. The
setteerilners agent haring tmieltaami the above far
Lhim al the (Amory, hey are IV 33333 tted superior to any
of tke kind aver o ffered in this country
Golden Ilarp,No IEII Third el
N Novi, °pima', • Iplentlid new lot of N nnn. &
and Daoham4 rebutted riotoo.
!scarlet Flannels, all grades,
tu bal es Scarlet tw,lle,l Firtustelt, all grade,
US bales Yellow , do, -
US tin Mint do do
do Batten flocking do do
GOO pre approved style Blanket, do
DD p• 7.4 m.o. sant Flannel, all shades;
WS pa French, Berman, West of Englaad, and
Amerle. Black, Blue, Blown, &
Oman Broad Cloths;
. . ,
30 p. DCWILT Cloth, thsorted enthral
16 Blue, Brown, Breen, and Black ironed
Sul received from manufacturer', and recent Import
ation. Merchants ore Impectfully invited to call end
...mono the same et A A MANON Se CO'S
012 02 h. 64 Market st
nol4 18 a. 90 Wood n
ATREATISE on Popular nine.bon Ry James
[debtor, A. M. late Superintendent of Public In
struction in the State of !Wickman.
Alton Locke—Tailor and Poet, an Ausobiogrephy .
The Iltstory of Madame Roland By John Abbot.
Pictorial Field Book of the Revelation. By Reason
J. Loosing. Nog
[received ler Bole by R C STOCKTON
Printer, Bookseller A Binder,
nolo Co, Tetra A. Martel sts
excellent 161141-
.11 lion, un Wall Paper, for tale by
inlinien's SiMU:MI of Art. sad 11431•11...
plifini popular Journal has become tnvaluable to
1 the manufacturer •nd scienuric explorer The
Intelligent merchant and mechanic, the prat...lona!
men and student will alto find In it a tern repository
of knowledge.noll to be Mend in any other pabllcation.
Terme, Flue Dollars In advance, and delivered free of
pottage. Agenep_at the
no .10 OS KURD et.
ate, 1.1111 01 No
Yates of Envelopes mode
14 On 1. , •bova
el ol I :1101
10 WI 400
aI 50,
SUlrt+k rzo Fat 'NU I' /1 - IASU/Alit DAILY •a2[4IZ
_ _
who was ro Peverely eibl,ed on Monday eve
ning, by Jobo Comp, A not peed, as woo repotted
yesterday, though he a tying at the Eagle hotel, in
very criticaLcoaditiOna.
Linn Surf.—The ease of ,the Commonwealth
en. Messrs Dunn and 'Barr, Editors of the throw
leth. Indieunentlibel—atteged hi* have been
fe cunt-
I d
. 1
mi . to oultog that A..\11. Feeler (at that titan
' or of the Despatch) had betrayed the aecreta of
Odd Fellows, was tried yeat.erday.
he Proweetaion, at the opening of the eare,al
to permit defendants to prove the trunk of their
charges. Tao paper was then given In evidence,
eller which tho cationl for the defence, offered
to prove the truth of all their statements. U was,
intimated to thrm,however, 'hut according to law,,
this arse no justification of a libel, and they des:
elated examin ng Captain John Birmingham, Rho
wet sworn, or calling any other witnesses
The Jury retired with inetructione to return a
sealed verdict. -
Atmore , . or Conon= —The following mem
bers of Congresa arrived here, on the Steamer Ctn.
cinnatt,on Monday night, nod Mopped at the Mon
ongahela House, until the departure of the Browns
ville boat, yesterday.
Hon. intl. Davis, Mee; W. Bahl) tit, Omb; A. G.
Brown, Mtn W. S. Featherstone, do.; G. N.
Fitch, Indiann; D. S. Knolman, Texas; W. &Rich
Tee WonLis Fate..—Mesas. Hall and Speir,
of this city, have carped one of their parribl
iron cent e plettßlM, whirl le ;k the Etat preminid
01 the late Allegheny County ploughing match for
exhibition at the Work's Fair, London. It la a
trolymairmfinent pincer,' wrirhmenship.
SUPOEY I team—iViator ItyttehTa aulther of iht
lali. War, who reitscird /11 the Moth Ward, died
very suddehly yesterday morning at Dine o'ekselr.
FOUND thmsvarn .—The t!oroner yeMerrfay hold
au inquest On In. body of a man, aged aboikt,
thirty five velars—name unknown, who was foetid
drowned to the Olen river atLong Island. Ife
hal sandy whisky., and wan 'dressed m a green
cloth overcoat, black pant•looma Mack Oath vest,
ranton tl•nael nodes Indira and a howl shot.
A Linn gold ileta . ll,ll lever watch. made by fit
I Toren., levcrpool, was fonnd Upon his person,
together wilt, Iwo dal' gn.res, and • key, but no
money or I opera.
POWT.,III, Ter UPC a the alenTQI
enhn rs Y..iire 01Tw., lowr, Inth..unent
.swees. was yesterday, toe 11<n nilan
w, song that n w /loess was enable I.
Ifontstri - ran.—A clan named ham Prioc, was
yesterday co
ion.itted to jail Its Alderman Steel.
on a charge of stealing it uotnlicr of gold and
ver watches, rings, pencils, !ca.-dens, ite., (mot
the residence of Mr Thomas Staley of Ifoiler . , - ort
the fiction,' W.ul Of Novetotair last. The value of
the properly I. alleged t.i te• aliourenc thou.:id
Taw. PUL. —The V., oi the
y., Joseph Barker, loduitorant Miadorne•tior .
MU, teas .ai l ed up yeeterday afternoon, when
Edmund iii,aiden„ Barker'. Attorney, read an
errilayit triode by hia divent. praying lot a manna.
nauee of Me ease, ou the ground that Thomas
Taylor, tu•terral wane,., moo to ill to attend.
T. I. Cochran, Eari., adored to prove that the
atalernent was Wan, and railed op Mr. limning,
Who a., re that be Nerved a aub{rena on Taylor
that morning, and found bum on the floor, reading
Ile said he' wan is 1.'4 halinno. dl,l Lot
Thu Cana mut:nate.] us inientlon not wLe lol•
dad with say o.lrger, Ynd 1 110 trial was fixed for
r Reed yeAterday lusuld
large trust,: full of hthrka, clothtog •ud others.
[mkt. to a yard hear Pitt autet, Ironing on the
Allegheny river. 01 searching it, he found that
conuwed a tlattutateet)pe WMr. John ft loner.
who resides on Liberty street, and he at once
waited on that gentleman. to ask whether be had
lost • trust. Mr. Jones nod that he had not, hot
when the dagnereotype we. shown him, he at
once said tb•l he had leh it In bib trunk, from
which it must hare been taken. Oa exatutuabon
bedlmmi•tvainrrituto-enNaan. ,
{try, is nothing she Is missing.
Bann 81[1...410.—We Call the siren
tattn of our readers to the statement of Messrs. Wll
- St. 1 1 / 4 nble reepeetirc tee Indiana Bran &Tar
nublished m number column - . Ile fluor mill
gentlemen Is well known to be une of the
best in the Western Country, and 13/01C3 two hun
dred and fifty barrels per day. The use of the bum
mpraator saves them sin and one half burets per
diem. When this is ibe ease with their mill, what
II It 60 with other% when. the Inhehmery It 01 an
Courl of Qm•riter iles•lona.
PE o.lli Mil. Wt. H t,.adeol
Snrouel Jones: awl Wu. Kerr,
out Juhra.
• ‘l2o3ollNerilth VP4TIIIIMs, C.per todtelm.,nt
Mutalaugh*, allel4.i in Lev, 1,C,1 VlaJtri
beating FAl•ord Jon.. on iliu of July
1, Irom tLe ellertt of whielt, iLn leVer io scd
to have d, d.
John Kee.ide, Sworn —Liu the ith of last
fitly, I waa at Joaetilt Stioor's Tavern at roue
iiielort at night—was re ganlooti by drocaliod to
go up edairr when there was a alibi ol trot,,. I
d ,1, 11 0 ithataira--Stw Cooper& I...aesthete:nu,
wag two thapute—lbey secctrd 1., to qunr actece•
able. They bolit Wont out twtere rum I hem,/
• cry for lyitth or Jw h to oowe nod are fair pliy—
...marred it was the voice of loot, that called,
mud that I wart the person eallod upon. I went
out but did out go 'Photo tho light watt. I mtest.
and that Jonas •rtiltt,over We, lighting—it us.
in &lurk 11111 toatket.
Cron elaihated- Jooehattd I rattle down stair,
together aid took a tltiult, alter torhtoh Jove. Wool
t Ibe boner The 6,01 took place 10 or In
perhaps 70 minutes after he went not.
JO.", Sworn • I am the father of Edward
Was present on the to& of the Alb ol
ty. There waa a holm' In the tavern that ogle,
a not op 11i111111 at nil lbw n , ght. Itersois
.11 to we to go out Cooper sad pogo. other.
,My eon woo to 11.11. r. end Cont., teemed
lined In got Op • tight with Mot They loolt
ppeol and tootle • ottolon to fioht,bot no blow.
to Israel woh tl.e Otto. Cooper kteketl toy run
e Worth whoa i towpu l en sail mapped it. My
toollter struelt nor kteked Cooper In .0111 "
1h) tt..l know w Loch commenced the •thnr--neob•
et wom on the voned all Me ton.. Tien wan
between 9 .n.llO "'dm k on it, 0,111.4 411,
gtl Hadconycrenhun will, my 1,. Alter
the hall. ho clay •ft...r the 111-T1 Mr. Ceen•
no 11.1 d 1111. thol hov.,. ,ery %..try bar w hat
had happet.e.l, and th„111, vaaald rot hats none
luck !hal hlghl It he hod 11, been persoode.ll.Y
other.. M,non tbrd L. :fittiirelny, be
GO, at One o'clock.
Nothing inaporlanl svnn ritelted tot wo vro.
Mr. lun•., Sworn-1 we. cnlleJ, no the ulght
the tottrit, of Ju'y to tetart the dreettarJ, coy
.0. 111. Wife was alautittta herr, end aantatett
me to raise him on his led- -when I gin him thee.•
I rodiod him what wris the molter. Ile tv•iii then
perleilly tattooist, and led twesiy eight boll. al.
IrrWardll. said -moth, d og ., me die , got
• drs.lor." We sent for a physician— alter duo
ho was to such agony I could not spcak to him.
Ifonioderabie disenssion ensued so to whether
till declaration relauvo to the manner in whirl,
hu w injured altuilid be received ita evidence;
as a dying declaration, but as hot
to imply • hope of ft-stymy, tt was fiord!, toted
out. The Court then adjourned for dinner.
Gidoner Arthur, inwilied 0 having 1,61,1 au la.
queni on the body of dreamed on Ole 6th of July,
Aldermen Motor Yourd the warrant on which, do
lendnill wan arrested—bn mod Joann had followed
nod provoked tom into it fight, by grossly tnsulltng
Inuguage--thinks he said Jones bad struck bon—
Cooper appeared a good deal bruixd,ourl toemed
o have received hard maga-Ibn* he had a black
ye—this was on Saturday hrht.
Mn. Jones, wife of deeceased, Crated dint he
came home on Thunday night, and threw himself
upon the floor, commencing to vomit, and com
plained that be had great pain in the abdomen—he
said that he never would get over it, after his moth
er went away on Friday morning—we eent for a
doctor about neon.
Alter argument by the counsel, with regard to the
admpaability of the drag declaration of the de
ceased, in evidence, Mn. Jones examination was
menaced. The deceased told me that the kicks
of Cooper were the came of hie suffering. He ap
peared well enough when he left . twine. (Jn Fri
day morning 151 k July) bin body had changed color
about the bend and peck, and shoulders, after death
the lower part of his body was as black as ii
could be.
Mrs. Junes Sen'r (mother of the deceased) rc•
called—when I attended in My •on I went after
Cooper and found boo'• Pipetown. I said "Coo.
don'the you seen Todd any plare,"'l
know what Todd wandied to fi g ht with me 6ir,
I then naked had Todd struck him, and he replied'
"no botched at me but did not kick or strike me,
bin I kicked him five lime:01 said, my son will
not live till morning and tie replied he war wirry.
Wiliam Jones, • , corn—l am brother et the do.
ceased; on Friday afternoon, lout 8 o'clock, I
he complained greatly about being hurt
" • •
in the lower tegion of the stomach; no Wednint,
day night about 11 deloct, when we bathed to.
gather, he appeared to be in petted Wahl.
Doctor Walsers, sworn—AUended the deceased;
mode a post moriem cam:ciliation of his remains;
taw him on the evening of his death, between 5
and 6 o'clock; he was then dying Irons the effects
clan inflammation of the bowels; there were no
matt. of external violence on the abdomen, or to
the immediate neighborhood; there was sic{diarol•
oration ol the skin, except ibed produced by the
approaching dissolution, and that discoloration
'was alike all over ; there was no effusion of blood
snob so would likely have resulted from external
d7o mice; on uoeulng Ito abdominal cavity, I oh.
ol•rved an extensive effusion of asattery refuroure,
, tit 'moth of violent Inflammation ; the intesunea
wore glued together by this gnu] ; pia whole late.
I tines were 111,fftly inflamed ; there was no wound
ion any ol them, a d no ethical ] of Mood, but of
matter alone; cant say y at e .o s‘ d
the led tottotame , external violence might have
been HS taut., though a la mom prctabto that ouch
violets. would 1,4, left some mark; a vent
cannon ball may produce death without leaving
say external mark. of violence; the deceased
was deliriotto.
Cruse examined--Fever, exposure, the use o
Irritating medicines, or of ardent apirits, will pro.
dace an inflammation of the bowels. I didn't
think violence was the cause of his death, but Ws
Intemt orate habit. fie meat probably had bean
laboring under the effects of the leflammation for
some atty. prior to his death, and before the fight
eluded to; kick, on the abdomen would increase
the inflammation; if kis death had been caused br
kick., the it lisesruelloh Wculd have been wag
rhilent near Inc part where the &oche were Millet
. but the inflammation area alike all over.
/Priscilla McCravev a worn —l raw the light on
t 4th of July Inst. Edward Joacs and Mr. Coop
er were like puttee. Cooper went towarde Mr.
Crilson'e store, hot turned end wart hack to
Spence'. Jone, via. at the it, or. Then tiny
went and come:cored fighttng. Sew them kick
tug each other. Th•nk that Cnepar k eked
The rase on Me porl 01 Inn (nunroonodenlkh
lloorge Prue sworn—l was standing near the
scotch 11111 market ,on the evening of the 4th of
about nine o'clock. Jones was Cursing
asad reviling Cooper, end wanting to fight him.
Cooper said let mu atone, I wont to go home, I
don't want to light Cooper tuned to go ttway.l.ut
Junes would not let Lou.. Thank toot Janes kick
ed tam 111,0. Them (Awl., kicked al him three
times Some blown watt the AN were struck. It
wan all over to eight or len minute.. Cooper
went home . when n was over.
Crass Examined—Cooper walked on' shunt 50
yards towards a sand pale and Jon is followed.
itrukin Edwards sworn—Saw the fight on the
eieoing of the 411, of July. Heard them jawing.
Jones was cursing Cooper and daring him to Agin
Cooper woold'et and walked away. Jones fol
lowed anh ank,ng him to fight. He struck at Coop
'dr and missed him, and then k eked him. Coop
er then. kicked him three times.
Samuel, Juier—eworn—was silting on
line steps of Mr. Fortune's house un the evening of
the 4th of July. Heard Juneservearing at Coopers,
hod wanting to fight him. Cooper went away,
and Jones followed him jawing him (Immerged to
Mr. Fortune that Cooper must be afraid sat Jones to
take sumach aloes. trout huu. They Men fought.
VtgLey-7 , 476m—lf:vidence
. Peter tiot 7 dnit and Henry Hagan were next
emitted, hut nothing new was ehearti.
Mrs. Hark—Knew Tedd Jones. He was at n.
house about eight days before Medina of July. 11
wanted wanething to drink, but as he was a little
116 . 41, I would give him nothing. He commenced
quarreling with the earpqnten who were at work
unt sale ihr house, anti 'cut one of them with a
knife which he hod.
kieenide—re,alletaa at Me, flack's on the
day above mentioned—Heard the cry at murder
paw Jones on his hand and imera,_obeerved blood
art bin face afterward,
Peter Huttolltt 1 heard theory 01 murder at Mrs
Hack's hmtae [law a 01313 be9ll[lg iOOl, with a
Inapt slick. Reams vrry south abutied I earned
him away atm aunt for his mother. He caul he
max very much hurt. .
. .
\Vol Jones, sworn--On the ?J Juno in the eve
tuns saw Edward Jones—he wan tolling on the
ground apparently in great pain from a beating he
had received from souse Dutchmen. Da ibeihird of
July observed hot person .covered, with black
and bliwmarlaktha consequence of previous injarica
which he had received. Cooper is a man of shattly
and industrious habits and of an excellent charac
ter a father and husband
Mr. Livingston, awurn,Mr. Cooper works for
rue. know nothing against his character.
Mr. Spence,aworn; Am landlord of the boll'a Head.
On the night when the affray took place I wished
loam to go out of my home where he had behaved
badly. as he went out he said he would cot Cooper'.
bloody guts out for what he had said about Mot,
Jones was only middllag drunk. He dmnk always
whoa he could gat it. Was a very bad character
—always pulling out knives and threatning any one
who offend hurt
. .
Conrad H. Byreman, sworn—Am foreman in the
Novelty Works, knew Cooper. His character is
very good. He la a peaceable induatrious man.
' John Hunt, amore—flue wonted - ht the Nov
elty weak. tor three learn. Know Cooper. He
is a man of excellent character.
Mu. Junes, (mother of the deceased,) recalled.
0:1 the Saturday Nation. to the 4th of July,l
was swot tor. by Mr. Conolly to So to his house to
see my son. Weal to him. He told me ho ha
tatiatraW...l, l4. _ wan bit e'rened
Andrew Patton. sworn—The acco — rtillett •
to Laos acquit/tied with Jones, be cm me with •
tulle without thy hav,ng, given Lire spy pronoun.
10,f, 14,11ber 01 Toe at, n.etilrtenlled—
leu bed ituola,o,l to hare lak e ,
by the preceding reAnest wet entirely acculebta%
The race an here elo,ed nu bath aide. The
o3unmi will address the jury Mi. morning.
The Jury in the ea, of the Commonwealth on
addresetal by the Counsel, and after being charg
rd by the Court, retired After an ablwoon of 15
uttnuten, they returned a verdict of .• not guilty "
A l , l , l: ra n:g n i: m y 1 , hz.J. , ,. , ;.1 , 1
inw rpm, v. •luso+l serma • !.:den, LibC
1111 11 11 u,\' SAIOIAI•ARILLA
Sudcriiiii (row diliciocii In which females micr
~ ,s uer.... LIT al. Howe•. Slim ter Serosar•
yosil r•ttololy cure you
t '•lt •t our drpoi, or 00 ou• 0( our monni,•nd get •
p•rupLtc', glut,. +Lyre you hnJ the SL•t..
n• by Ilr. v It. How,
Lerlt Om pecuinnently omraq vOre
enfairh the Imma. •re runurmilly rulvert,
tt.m. .1.1 pr , parnitott ol ev. pri
tmmelit t.efore puthr
'Flii• lat.. e..tabloehed
Lt 1.• ....sam• .1.1,1.3ren
it is Put an in quart bottle, and tr the only Sorsa.
ranee :hat arts on the lowa, Koine, s. bud Blood tO
the stints tole. WiilCo tendon It altogether enure gal.
able to every one, paruculexty to lentelea.
VA rove awdomporefor Dr. n. IL HOWER FiIAKER
SARSAPARILLA, ouRI take no other.
Prier Si per bottle -4 bottles for Lk.
For cell , by
College 11.11.11,,,cm5t,, (I,
To whom all order. boost Le ad ironed.
Alan. lot Cole Ly I. A. /ones, J. Sehoonco•ter & t'a
Mark, IL W. Bennis, J. II Townsend, J. Mohler,
W Jselison. l'otal , slgh, D. A Villott. Allegheny ally,
II II McClelland, Manchester, I' Ceorger, Browne
vtlle, Jaine• Pasll A , Wheelsng, / 11. rslursen
and Clatta•lile &
Vadol &w'V
T( W11...11Nt. corner of Marl End Fourth
TT . stre lCa "peas, morntsi.
&pleaded et.,
Oh rano:Treei nvei wice Watcher., twenty Jr plyl g t
n, eighteen Korai. , Theta.. 'fraiche. were made ea
order:a-11d .ups f tor arotku.nalop
hand, the larg..l trod bet, asiomment ni
cid W•icliee ever oltaxcil toe eale dot
co' ...Id Potent )Moat W•trlie.. trim EXt to TIM,
Oirce do tea ou hood. from no to 040, 01 hest quality
0.111,1411 d Y/111.111C., lime. n0,.1
I Johttllon a .toy lann,;
Bookseller, Blationer, Printer and Binder,
•oy lo sbe city, qisenlits. ousleiy. vaslelY.
wlnrlib will dtspose of cc the rrow reaeonable terms
and Mod., ol even Jest-floc. iep
w l,l . •i.. 1 detests-1i No 17 Markel IC /cell
117 CM: INDIA RUDDER 1:101114. ,y.. p.
11 tic. ladle Dubber Ilecot
1 . 11,, wt.. sleeve. lone •.,
11 exis• bsevy Pe•
i 2 .10 Otheers , 'lonie
.21 I 'sere iie,
eou• Veir re.
2 dos Dolls. Dead.,
2 dor Leon/;
2 dos Doom
s dor pm' Meo's Short Gloves,
dot pair do Memos', ter sale by
.1 II 14111.1.11 . $
Aklrory yIRE iq/iyop OAINT- Is tone jest re
esirel lor eale.
and retail, by
Orell A 0 Wood al
V — IAS TOTTER 13 Iress for esle by
no 2-2 I%'M 11 JOHNSTON
it,1011./10111.31 - 21 Mlle itew Crop C. 11 Molayses As.
al reed peel. , U Luell• and for sale love by
see-1 DA121.1.1.
DEUTONN.plendid outlaw Map. •re now being
oittoduced in all ttin leading echonle in New
Englund and New York . We have obtaloch the
,og.ney for them in Pittsburgh, and Invite teacher.
nod 6c roOmitter. to call and muting them:—
50 I —slep of tb. %Tenet n Ilemiephere, biz tti incites
No 4 do Eastern do do;
No :I— do North Amertea, 7n .
No 4 do United Mate., 70 zBO .
No 5-- do I Europe, on it 9.0
17. 6 do Asia, 70 a7O
No 7— do 8 America tr. Africa, 700 e 4
Frioe or thy seri., with keg, O 2 or the first two
Hen/where Map., with key, Ito
Theso Maps are unrivalled In accuracy. beauty and
cheapness, and adapted to the wants of the primary,
grammar nod bleb schools of the United States.
For wile at publieher'e peen, without addition of
freight charges, at the
.15 Cad. Market A rourth eta.
Cold Woat,P4or Goods.
!kit I W I I n IYBURCHFIELD Invite attention to
Am their full um/mem
a t goods, peeollarly adapt.
for Co. W on. a
HOMO made and Enter.; BLANKETB;
White Horne made Flannels;
do Twilled do;.
Barrad and Broom do;
Weleh Flannels;
Darted refine Clothe;
Winter Hosiery, Winter Gloves, Wonted Hearty
Comforts, An. at north Gast corner of Founh and
Market streets. .110
Bear In Mod,
THE best Of Wine. mid Brendle., suisiblo far me•
Melonl ar other perposes,ean always be prim area
wholemile or retail at MORRIS S lIA WORTH'S
ariW , • Tea & Wins :Mar., In ibc 111.irmini
ion ..le by
n 023 J KIDD A CO
Paotato arilvtag at anddaparttaig from
the Port of Plttabargb.
. . ..
The splendid reamer
Coi, muter, will lease for the &boy -
and all intermediate posts; oil thi
day, the 4th Met, at 4 o'clock, P. M.
For freight or passage, apply on boar d
_,_ os to
. de 4 W B WHEN. .E.R, Agl
The splendid steamer
, Wow.
ki n
flaelett, master, wiII ONT leave for above
kill) o'clock, A. Intermediate pone on ink day,
For (night or passage ap
ply on board. del
oak Th e fine Nat runnin A. steatucc
WIIIIIIIX, 611.51er, wdl EV lent, for ahoy
anJ all intormedoste ports on It
day, the 4 b inst. at IU o'clock, A. M.'
For freight or postage, apply on board. da4.
-- ..
aye The • r
J. R. Davis, tauter, will reeve r ,
e above and interslediate porta o
flab day, at 10 o'clock. A. M..
For freight or pas•age, apply On board, or to
m a i The splendid steamer
Mark Sterling, commander, will leave
for above and Intermediate ports, on
this illy, the "Jd of December, at 10 o'clock, A. M.
For freight or passage, apply on board, or to
The steamer
maim roamer, will learn (or the
this Ry, nP and all intetmedinte landings
r freight or perm apply on board. nallo
a:s i lage , The splendid new strainer
J. IV. Koontz, master, will leave fo7
the above and all (intermediate porta
on ttio c iiy,l7th root, et (0 A. M.
Ft i freight or passage, apply on linard. n 097
The splendid new picket steamer
C 0,11.11, master, ts now performing
her regular trl.weekly trips between
this etty Mut Wheeling: leaving Pittshurgli at 10
o'cl Mt, every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and
netts ging, loaves Wheeling' Tuesday, Thum:
dryinid Saturday, in each week.
I , eln freight or passage, tiepin on board, or to
?newt . .
The light draught steamer
burgh Monda
D, P. Kinneyy, Wed, wastener,
sda leaves PitFri
, and
day, at 10 o'clock, A.M. Leaves Welleville y Tuesday,
Thwanlan wad Saturday, at 7 &creek, A ; AI.
Pas fretglit or pasesge, sod) , on board. wiS
prrr ,, rtußaii k. WID,L7WILLELADKET.
The steamer
D. R. Dale, resole, will-leave Pius
eatburgh every Tuesday, Thursday, and
Saturday, returning. leave Wellsville
Seery Monday, Wednesday, nod Friday. ,
For freight or pas s age. aply on board, or to
net! W p b
Capiain Joon Buuvacuum
Thu! apse did boat was Innlt by the
I ' owner. of the ate•ruer lease Newton,
and otter, Inc the eineinnati and
fer Parket trade, will
leave k very Wedne Pittrl sday gli ,
for Caffeine., in end place of
the Neleir'F:nglaufl, Nn. a.
For l ieln nr peerage apply on board,. to
1.4 LI Al lI , TENIIERGER, Apt
The rein rent, , 4strainer
Capt. It. 't aung,vvill (1411 HI , R regale,
parket betweenh./M Pitiehergh, Wheel
ing, Priderporb•nd SYllbllli. il, Parebargh every
Blonder •Iternoun, far Well-villr, Slcubenville, and
Ilridgepnri, and every Th it rad a y often... fir Sten ben
•llfe, Wheeling, firidgeport, Cepoita, and 5.00.11.
Returning', leaver Bridgeport NMI Sulifigh every Tee.
Jay afternoon, and SunGeL every Pritley la - wren/fn.
Ray freight or peerage, upply on bored, or to
•ei f y
_U WILKINS. Agent.
. alia 1850 ea=
iIOSTINUFN. to Newer., freight in Piiirbargh vie
U Rail Road end Can.,. nn ferry reseonehle terms,
•nd with the areal derorieb, (rain oar large depot,
N 0.276 Markel rtrert, Philadelphia, forinerlyneeepted
by Meanie Ringlam A Doer
•erentenr R W POINDRXTER k Co
ALL LITA nitAkICUIC at E let. ----
jet ,:,
Control Railroad opOaa to2l ollld aye burg
103 0117 4. Canal to Johristorm—alo wiles Rail
Road float Johoutcnoz to Philadelphia.
Eleingively for Parsengsra,
Time throltdh,
CvN an atter Monday, September HU, two daily
Paelret Deals will leave for Sohncown, from
thence take splendid near ear. 150 min threat to
dninthle,..,ll. • a ".l-- ntoar th4
-e-o ".rraPb."'la onVi:OLninche
eanern eines
A Plates Root will leas
cloak, and every rveinna at 8 0 1 / 4 7dP.1norni ne 2 , 7
be Poage Rm:l Road 04
pt•• l rorfrr.
t[ rt or )riforrnotioo Imply in
sV FtrfCll, Mnrin,7
sept,3 or ro,
_ _
1 1 011 1 1010ALLILL.111.01.P4'i:
111§11i4, .MIL
Only to Milos St•glng.
Via Brownsville, and eurritier:•nd 10 R 111111110 1 ,• and
Fang To Hahetteine--i-- • • . ----IMO 00
1/0. he
T taint leaves the vrh•rt above tha
ge dsi y, at a oielock precisely. Time to
Italtuno Ln
re, ' 32 hour.; time to Philadelphia, 40 hour.
The avowsy boat leaves daily, ie see'. sande', ae.
to t e ~
I . ..encts hy s
tage on the
evening , will coon the m o unt ain. or % noel
day, and taus wield nlytiv travel.
ectire your Udine W the Oases Monongahela
Mune, or M. Charles Hotel.
hIFrtAIDIEN, Arent
..alat. 1850. 4E=
BIDWELL At llROTlllift
ilD,over Yoini4
[Er AganP4 for RIDIVELL'S.PrrISIII/R1:11 AND
by Klll shopping loelarren rtolsburgh
and Red.... by nesnt I.nat• Miehogion, [mkt, Erie,
and Mager
, rerelpletl end prom tl d
Lla„e. the tna„.l, I mkt ,r,
.`" d t o a n
hlpre/ • will plea.. .timer ena. to .4 41:ei 5. 141:74 1.
‘V flier 81. l'or•bur.h.
ahany, eon lamina Si acre.. Ihe ;ruproveme ors eons.
of lace mansion, 11100 i!rapory and
porter's lodge. barn, •tal,:e, Sod hon., to
',ether with • *tinily apple and peaeli orchard. The
ground.; are how. rowel. laid off, beautiful shale
and fruit tree!, sat at, flower., he.
Tam Inthapataltle , and yeon peen immediate.
ly Ennalre at the prmisee. on ...thin lame, orat the
thee or W au. kOLIINSON,
tin2n:d I wit thT et/ roarlh at, Pittsburgh.
(Third story), Pittsburgh, Pi,
ViEws 01 , 11011Jtn m Machinery, !hada of Near,
papers. Frontl,pieces, Landoenpeo, Drtiy,
in color, Stela for thatitinna, : 4 ociettea, and At.oet•
alion• ko.,in the f,rxl style of nit,•nd
at lac lowest prier, nolt;:dlwt IS
CAPITA!, 1:00,000.
1 , 1/101•T, dr., See'''. I It Mit.Lan, Jr , Prael
Will I.olc against all /ands at flak.,
%I ; be !Morally mituotOil and promptly
A home inctilutton—manaocd by Ihrertors who •r•
known to the eamemosity. and - who ate deter/ o
od Ly prompttieas and liberality in matotain I. Mar
act, whno, they have a.luitted, am 1/irerlll, the best
protection to flame who dcaire In be lo•ured.
. - .
Ditmesnul-11. MIIIrr,J; , Geo. iltert, J W. Duller,
N. Mimes, Jr, tVni. Li- 110 Iowa, C. Rms., Geo. W.
/art.°, W.. M. Lion, James lappuicolt, liem r ,e
home, James Ill'Anley, Alex. Ninatrit,Tbos Scott.
. .
Orrtczi No. Ytt Wetcr Ktrect, IMera4oYta f SPAnt
. twimaire.lNtiaboreb. 104 , 11,
111:1 C II Nrlxr) .. ;; owi t dg.oid. t.Una 14.
meal, lbw. guittLfield.
DR. SrF.ER ,mo ved la Ltberty street, twins,
Pitt street, Na 101 end dwelling in the
same budding •upendlll.ll
:1 - TULMTA bondirs for eels by
nolo J KIDD t CO
MAf!late.SlL-180 bbf.No• 1 de 3lor •alo by
12010 A CULDKIE ILION 1. CIA .1.7?11.".
PirTiolltbCUD r=tl y SE
• 'Op A COO - 300 ns ;nano Otstured
T O f ti r A . C a l i l . o b - y 3OO bia b
/ UR HArad-40 coolie for me by
SLUTOII HERRINN-100 tan for sole-0y
AVERY large and select anarrtment or Pinkie.,
Ketchup. :lances, de. from the celebrated este!,
tohmenu of Underwood In Boston, end Smith S Co
Philadelptda, constantly an mod and for ( . 1, "
tale. at 2.55 merry cOmlnWlog
Getklnd, I gal, qns, pie; Tomato Ket c hup, gm 3: Ina
PlcoUlly, do do Wislutn Ildtchtip.pta,
Mired Pieties, do do blualtroOm Ketchup,
Onions, end end pild, Pepper Sauce, gm and pie
W a !mita, gm, Cdpets,
Torndlocd, hpanith!Olives
which, ea 11 large addition to the chore, do
which, we respectfully telt the antiphon of bongo.
teepord and dealers. Wit A IIIciA.URG dCO
JUST reedited at 256 Liberty once,
Layer Noising, u whole, bad, qr, nod eighth tan;
Deitch do do do do at
Sultans doi
Mala F ga Gropes;
Extra igs, in large and small drams;
rasa Fancy Prone., in bonen.
Tba &Lora are all In fine order , and wall herald low
LiTAII AR S-47 4. youlanntr. landing for sale by
0 pol 3 WM BAGALEY tr. CO
HOUSE ANDLOTan Tuteruindstreetodjui um
gthe AL E. Church in the Sizth IVabl of this cit y
Lot, by lOU tech hMute. brkk, with eight reemla
good cellar. Terms easy, and tido. tmlbm , utable.
For Vartioulan,,upply to JOSEPH WOODWELL.•
nal:dif or. VVILVAJC B. SCAIFE.
ONE contenting 04 8.1;4 miles from iVoodafield,
on the traded road to the Ohio Hirer, arPazhing
Creek and .7.4trd/s, about 100 acres cleared,3o acre.
hest ram bottom, 3 dwelling bowies, barns, and a largo
orchard. This would make a splendid stock farm, or
it vroald divide to advmdake into three flume. IGni
• denrable properly, and will ba doll low.
ALS ! •
Two 50 acre tracts of d
land beautifully merited ott
the-Ohlo River, 30 mike below Wheoo , lmpro If
and bill
be sold a
bargain. Enquire of
oc2s_ 111 Second it
1 1 1 H 1 % . assalling house No. FS Second street, between
V and Market
now oteepied by the
subscriber. Rent $2OO per annum. Possessio
on the let of - November:next. JOHN 1111.1ELZW " No. 81 Wood street
T , ;:),„elltinleltedolien DOC Oafs DoiMingo.
A 1.4 well
room l ll now; entrance Mu
11.Po"4 l!o n ose, d 4 .4 .'"ri pl a t a' t
Impure of lnnla
Ne ta, Second et.
AI O 2:LSI.7Dwe . g, 'roof, cam bath
ing , l7 .r eol ,w ater; , re a t bake (Ten, 149 Third ot.
Wholesale /a Retail Manutaetaiere& nealeri In
Car. Wood & PIOUS sts. Pittsburgh.
Where they offer • tall and complete Steck of /Ica,
Car, Fora /cc., of every quality and style, by Whole.
sale and Retail, and invite the attention of thelr ens
tome.- anal surchaaers getweadly, assuring Ware that
they will men on the MO. SOVSPITSOICOM
112 lissond .Haut.
S TRICT attention will be given to all bagmen en
ironed to his care. husbargh mannfeetand
tielea always on head ou-yrityued abon notice.
Notes, Ronda. Mortgaties, nisoelated on favor.
able term.. Advances made, ((sequins& eeZtAns
& ARRANGEMENTS having been made between
the undersigned and IL 11. Grayson, Req., of
Washington City, (late of the Tresauty Department,)
the undersigned will procure Bounty Janda tor the
officers, einiaoldiers, their widow. and children, under
the Bounty Land Rill, paned September RSA. Itni,
/AM RS F. REAR, Attorney al Law,
FOUnb st., between Saiitlifield sl. &Cherry alley.
Pittsbergh, ()et 21,185 0 —0ral
IIIMOVIMIXT• or Ynista (moll LOOM,
10.113.111:1lSI *or. of Pour** & glarkst alt
On Monday morning, 234 ISPOM&T,
With a Large Stock of New Goods.
No 417 Mule, street, corner of Third it.,
As eonatantly on hand, foe nap, Writing, Letter,
Printing, Tea, and Wrapping Paper, Bonnet,
Faller .% Binders', and Trunk 4.l4urds; Hook and Nerve
Paper Pruning Inks: which be aria mall at die lowest
twin prices, or in exchange (or raga or tanners , serape
No. 89 Pllt4 .19.. t.
To dowtharat and Wantons llaretharatar
ttbsrdtd. , s P111,111U?d PERFUMERY.— The
sulperriber respectfully Urfa. publie auention to
ht. extensive sleek of keret merry, Soaps, Shaviag
Creams, Ike., to which nevelt Silver anal two Bo
Medals Love, vrithos the last six years, been aoudad
by the Institutes of New York, Hinton, and Phila.
delplita. the latter being the only Bolden Medals. ever
awarded for porrotoory either In Europe or in thin
KOV.1[1:• theroyabrdor Saes.,, Cesar, trtimond,
Rose, and Ambrosial,) universally acknowledged to
enperlor to any Shaving Cream in this country or
roe Sit•Vailo—Bnitliillly transparent,
laud ponessing highly Pollen seem& and emelliinst
'repent.; Semenaceona Comer...di ambrosial Shav
ing Taller; Wintry Shaving Soap. •
e Kan. Tongs Sous—Almend,Reae, Milkiears,
Boa. oe Pisuettio, lruskPateheuly,lhanihns, Float-
Transpuent, Mae thi, Windsor, and Curaasian.
Egress-is sou we Slaronsmeaneg—Rose Junta,
Ilinquel de Caroline, Geranium, Jenny Lindi:ildousse
line, Jockey Clot, Magnolia, Clearatne, tmuelle
Rosa,. and many ether varienes. its all .iory didereat
perfnmes. •
Toner WrlVlS—Florida Water, Era de Toilette,
Orange Flower Water, and a great variety of Co
lognes and Lavender Water.
Pas7usnerts Foe rue Hatt—Genuthe 13inds 00,
Antique Oil, Bandoline, Rau Lonnie, Oleide, Com
pound Or Marrow,'Hals Dyes, liquid and in powder,
and Philocome, @Mining, and Jenny Lind Pomades.
ODONTALGIC Prevananowa—Ba/samie Ellin, Rom
Tooth Paste, Charcoal Deranges, °dentine, Tooth
Pane, and Tooth Powder.
Corarrem—Vegetabla Centeno Create, Amandbao
;for chapped handa Cold Cream of Roses, Cream dr
• Pone, Lap Salve, Raspberry Cream, &e.
Deodatery Powder; fer rearewast weal:Mani hole,
miX74fryirilug sp re de Rogg...aromatte Praeger,
• mat variety of othg ar U ela, tea numb ens m o bs.
- 7 1 -6 fro , wl.. n. o pa:lonise tam.oke,
nil, nnvtnannahle Inns as au, ell
ti oanr , .l.n the U,•,l,ate•
.eeeaser to and former Director of the Laboantary
EUGENEI t0Ur.+61.7.1.,
114 Chesnut street.
Mr Basin's Perfumery IS for ule by ell the prinel
PRI DIIISIRIIS in the nematv apl2all7i
q , 111,; beautiful style of lint io now rerelved, !Di
I will he lotrodured on Saturday. 3111 two., by
bIeCORD 22 Co
aurtu eve Filth 2t Wood rt.
• LtPIG 1 II 8 tt IL A. 1140 ad
J. Wilbur y. Jr..
Agent for Mr Penn Lye Ins - wanes /10. Phila.
( MICE. at the %Veateni I neuranro Company No.
ol W•ter street, litteborgh.
'Pamphlet., with all necessary iniormahne, and
clank forms will be furnlehed.
lluebandr rnn insure for she Leneft of
their WITC4 nod children; creditors the lives o( their
whole pram! of the Company are olivatad
oog the holder. of Info Policia..
The eivnlends elate past two scan have been etch
per cent enell 7E117. '/..c
- .
. . -
. -
I ft ANE E COMPANY —Othent North
fi Room of the
Lachance, Third alreci, Phrladelproa
Ft. nstnanris s, Merrhandise and other
n Town and Country, insured againat lofts
or damage 14 Ere, al the lowest rum of pritolurn.
Malone Dractrasma.--They elan Insure V Car
and•Freight., foreign or ...rise, un eropen or
speeisl policies, as the assured may destoe.
i 111.4010 T. narouranon.—They also lushre merch
andise Dawn... by Wagons, Rt. Rued Cant, Canal
float. and Steam Boats, on rivers and lag., on the
meat liberal tern..
DIRECTO/IS—Joseph 11. Seal, Edmond A. Ponder,
John C Davis, Robert Burton, John R Penrose, Samu
el Edwards, Geo I. Leiper, &board Dirtington, home
It Davis, Wm John Newlin, On P.M Huston,
/as C Band, Theoptulus Paulding, II 'Jones Brooks,
Maury Slosii, Haab Craig, Geroge Sumill, Spencer
Slethatti, Charles Kelly, J U Johnson, Wm H.!, Dr
1' Thomas. John Sellers, Wm Eyre, Jr.
thigh Craig, John T Logan.
TIIOS. C. BAND, Vtee Prealdent
loran, W, r wee. Seely.
IV' Office of the Company, No. 4 Water .tree
Pittsburgh locYti-til I' A. MADEIRA. Art
ROAD MAKING; a manual of the pnociples tul
preemie of toad making, comprising the kn-ation,
ronstrueiton and Improvement of made, common,
Macadam, pared, plank, A e., and Tall/nada. Ily W
t.. Utiteapie, A AI., C E. New edition with addihrins
A few copies for i.ale by Ft ' STOCKTON,
Bookseller, Printer a Binder,
noln 47 Alarket
101,1 , 10 1 I 11.1014.)
9 , 11 r. unequalled nacre. which Las attended the
POUND and BLOOD PURIFIER, in effectually eer
ier/ the severest and most inveterate eases of IN
m a suMetent guarantee and recomtnendenon to in
duce all who are afflicted with this dreadful disease
10 ITV 11. •lILLICII.
Hundreds of eases, 'many of limit csozons w ith .
Loom and tube's trout abroad, have been cured witli•
in the last few months in the city of ISt. lauts alone,
while latter.. bum agent, abroad .how al. that it is
performing the same wli tried.. Many of the.
were ettronir curt of long standing, aml MI hope of
recovery bad been given vp. While others were el
utOre rivet. date, of the acute maanimatory torte,
very severe All. however, yield to 'the wonderful
virtue of this medicine, sod thousands who have re
alised .
Mr benefits, end are now in the enjoyment of
health ems but esteem Pie original discoverer and
proprietor, • benefactor of knankind..
Its well known trout the experience of the pash
that no outward implication can possibly effect • per
nutrient curs of this dresdlul disease. By the applt
cation of stimulating liniments. yards! relief, in some
may be obtained for • short time. Brit all thP
whilethis disease is hying its grasp more permutently
in the system, and sooner or Mier isigaindevelope
Itself in a more dreadful form, and after • few peri
odical returns. it settles into • chronic form, which, if
Out soon arresied, miss the individual foe life. This
ix verified by the history of the pits , to all edentriett,
sad more fully demonstrated by Me Wier) , furnished
of late in the proprietor of this compound, so pisen by
and hundreds of those who have passed under hi.
...dint° notice and treatment during the last few
MUSD PURIFIER Is an Internal Armen,— com
as operation. when, the diseue finode.
m ns ' tes7ana, in ',untying the blood, p through the
whole aTeleel, amine's:Ds the Impure or commie am:fi
rer. watch has thttled upon the membranes, miracles,
and tendons— removes it entirely from the sy PleM, and
restores the indmidual to perfect health.
Let those who are afflicted not deceive thearselees,
and put off the use of th is medicine too long, or until
their WO, are dalocaurd or contrieted to oath a de•
area that they aretcrlpples for life. The eaperielice
of hundreds of thousanaa during the pest, we well as a
multitude Sr the preterit day, ffearomapm,,, the folly
of oSpee.ll permanent fella from eStentai epph
The proprietor of this valuable medicine knows
from experience, that DO Outward appliention eau
pomtbly effect a permanent core where Oda disc.< is
firmly Axed in the eyelet. He onus and does prepare
am apply an embrocation., very acute cases, which
win give relief la one hour's time, hot this Win not
effect a permanent mire. 'the mature of this disease
is emit that it mounts longer time, and an internal
remedy, to produce the desired effect, and MortimoreW
Rheumatic Compound and Biwa/ Puffier le the only
remedy that has ever been dismsered,aitherindimert
en or any other country, that will Cireetilliil earn this
TM* medicine can be had, wholesale or retail, at
73 Third street, next to the Post Office, Pinsbergh.
Pure, $1 per bottle; 6 hottice fur /PIS, or Sea pm
dozen. Pamphlets can be had imui• of the agent.
noad R. It. WISHART, agent
A FEW Sitar. CM Nine Stock; also,; North
101. Amerman and Naatera Insaranee Stook::
Akply to Bunn& Itilt,ll4 Second etreer
The Viral Remedy for Conaomption ofthe Lu ne ...
Adections of the Littera/menu. Brouclutts,p.ri;
Weakness of the Breast or Lungs, and rob e ,
a dectione of the Pulmonary Ongans.
V k'
US Herbal Medicine, remluwed ethe3Y of Wild
import _Coca,' Bark and the ermine Iceland-Mom, the loner
virtues of Which ed custody for thle PeTakes th e nn medley
ate also combined by a ewer ebtruinal
procss,rwith the attract of mr—thus =daring the
whole compoun - the most certain and efficacious
Freardeinczi di s c overed for CONSUMPTION . OF
oftztt%7l.lalt ,C;ol,lispondenee—Dr.filfro. %%Bank.
delightful silage' ilfaayinlrrm"Cd" Phlltraißain%
i 'l4 : h ;s e lth.. i Ve n in : B i r r u fo m r gh t'i : t .ff e: V e no i : th l a t t s .. ( ;:e ; fi c r e ll i b ei:ll t yan: thu r t ica rebi.,
esteented food, and mime gave teroporan , relief. but
since he has had Winne'. a / a mn of Wild Ch
nsmber of the most !serious ease. were complete;
Cored by Its use. never cold. medleine,” says Mt
doctor, e in which I had that entire eoufidence that I
have in Mi. , '
tr Gunn!—Whenever Wistar's Ralston of Wild
Cherry Is Introduard, it at once attains thatldgh re
putation which it sto richly deserve. Vilma can pr••
vent its sale, when on every hand can be whitened
ita wonderful cures ? The worst cum of asthma,
recent and dangerous combs, Noe Id. the,,,,sh as
of long: standing,Hitronennis or Consumption, (ha ita
early sieges,/ ace always cured by this remarkable
Cured by Wiatar's Balsam of Wild Cherry.—The
following care of Jeremiah Dolga, of Conavmptio n ,
(five of hla brothers and listen having died of Corsi
sittoption,l is truly wandentd. Ottght not lids to arse
the efilieted make use of Ws health giving rerne&y,
what it is effecting cures like the following:
Pleasant Ridge, Hamilton Co. 0.
September W s IPSO.
J. D Paas—Dear Bir-.4 take the liberty of advisanK
yeti of the benefit diet I have derived from the use
Dr, Wtmar's Balms; of Wild Cherry. I was plus-
Crated by that terrible 'scourge, Consumption,. in May
Mit The attack was truly horrifying to tne, for Sr.
of oer family, My brothers and ousters,) bad died of
ConsampuOn. I was afflicted with nearly all of the
wont' features of the disease, I had a dimming
cough, and expectorated a greet deal of bloat, hamlet
fever, severe pains in the aide add chest, cold chill.,
alternating with flushes of best and copious night
4 Wag uni the ease of a hysician, fro
the time I watt taken sick until askilled sa x six week* allteal m
being then about helpless, and my friends conwilering
my case hopeleas, or at least beyond the reach of Oar
physician's ski I, advised the use of Wistar's Balsams
of Wild Cherry. Without my knowledge, my father
proeured it, and commenced administering It to me,
and hews the first day that I commenced hiking It, my
health Improved, and In two week. from the rims I
commenced using it, I was able in be oat and oversee
my buena.. and labor, which I. eanunue to do.
I hare taken roar betties of the, meanie., and now
emisider myself perfectly well.. I Make this state•
men windage
to Wake other. that areafflleted nil bane bean,
tise ot Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry,
white remedy hat, under the blaming of Providence,
restored toy health. JERE:MIMI ISGRIGO.
81111 farther evidence of the remarkable clued.
properties nf this inestimable preparation:
Hanalei lie, Brown co.. 0 , A ing 2t s 1849.
ldmere. Danford k ParsGentlemen—About atit
weeks ago I received the agency of Waster's Balsam
of Wild Chatty, but with mime reluctance on my PM%
for the reason that I had been the agent of . m.l
pills and other nostrums, which teem cracked op to
be some thing wonderful, bat which turned oat in the
en d to be One account wheleve Neyeept to the Mann -
flicturer. Dal I candidly admit thin this time I ape
L 7
deceived; for the extraordinary earn etthilljd
Wisumii Balsam ha,. convinced me that "good
ran come out whicharelh." your agent left me one
'dozen bottle, w are ail gone—having been the
means of eurtng several eliminate case. of Censamp.
Lion—lnd no mane.; for what I see and know I am
bound to believe. One ease in partizelart—A young
gentleman In %Vinebeamr, Adams county, q, Itee
miles from this place) Was cured of Consampnort
when the doctors had given him up, or at least could
do nothing for him , end it was the intention of lit
friend. to convey him to your city and• place bire
ander Ste care of name eminent physician there; bat
a 'friend told him of Wistar's Da1..., and that he
could obtain it of me; he emit tor It, and before the
second bottle was gone he was sound and well; and
intending to hisevery day Itinuness. As there me
several inquiries for the meilmine, it would be well
in forward en additional supply without delay.
'Very respectfully your.,
The Motive, from NemethLAMD pd, Esti , VT NEWLAND
Melly respect
able country nterebant, commends Itself forcibly to
the candid attention of Mt I hoar who have doubted
the great merit of lthmar's Wild Cherry Balsam.
We ere last in receipt or the following voluntary
Intute to the coroner -power of AVister's Balsam of
Wild ilberry, bons E. Hell, M.ll, of Mount Clement,
Michigan, who is • Phgalchus of high standing, and
an estetenve druggist:
Alt. Clement, Michig., Oct 20,18T0 the Maimed, this may certify that Mrs. B. 80b..R0
ens, of this village, three Or four weeks after confirm.
utent,yeas =melt. with St violent Cough and mat
;actuation, and eceined hastening to the grave with
Cupp d ale= y. I ndylited her to sue Wiktar's /tal= of
Wild Cherry—she did act, and with that valet.o
medicine alone orOe restored to health, and is now a
Gvieg proor of the value M. VA - marts Balsam of Wild
Cherry. 6. LW.L. Pbralci. and ... v .
Read on and be. convinced still Nether of rm
Mart able virtues of Winer' , Balsam of Wild Cherry:
Neut. Sanferd Park—Gen.: Asa matter GO..
lice to-you, I would offer the following matement era
Mire erected by' mar mediribe, known asi Water'.
Iteletut of Wild herry In the epnng of 1E47,
of wile was severely ...had with tertoncemonia of
Pleurisy, which malted In a deco fasted pain the
side, meet:panted with a revere cough; Wm was at
tended by come of the best physicians in Chicago, btu
to no phrpose, for weeks she massed, without relief,
congiung incessantly mein and day. I came to the
concludon that all the remedies known to the Mimi
elan. coald not help ler, and Induced to try we
Wild Cherry.ll procured one bottle, mud comment ,
Wing It aecerdlug to directions; Letore it wallah gl
the Aberfi etePPedi the pain in her lslhee
with the aid of an other bottle she wee restored tet'j
(cm health. jo coulderstian of the. eitculastel!!..
I ...Id leeottelend it to the public A. • v tab l e
.Veass,re.ecteate..- .ht_GA.
Grated Rapide, Atiebigsm, °ember S. 1040.
• I Pricelll per bottle—sirboeics -
tdold by I) PARK
s OS ,•/Ire, J..Kold it-C,O, Q. &
Farm..." e, A •• . I. .'e. Russell, Wltab-
W Frank lin; L. U. Iberia,
Vionetosen, clip; Grre:,..l.urg ; Se
n-net; eirriii {idniore, Iledionl; Reed &Son,llunt•
ylon; M es. Orr, Ileillidaysbure; Hildebrand & Co.
Indiana, J. %Vele°, ; Kenna & Co.
Brookville; A Wilson & Son, Waynerburgh; MeFar.
& Co, N. 0101roder, Meadvi lle; Horton & Co,
Eri, Graham A Corker, Wirer; James Kelly &Co.
Bailer,' Beaver, J. D. Su immense, Warren
F. A C June, Conder.parl, P. Crooke, junior,
Flenwnaville 0,21 dkR , 4111$A
ATTeIitNEV and Counsellor at Lam, Office No 123
Fourth street, um.. Wilkins Hall, Pittsburgh,
ps. nolG.dlw/ewlysi
J. T. Decker, Woodward x Co,
RolLir, QM{ &Mart of 1 aghtoing !Cods,
Naruttfie Prsumples,
IRDVIIS left at till* Or me or the l'oerthrtnerand
'kJ for persnnal interview,an WO.llOll Fourt h n ,
of Dr punt, I,erseeen hlarket sad Ferry.
Ileferenert—l'infes.or Stlllrean`s
Journal; M NftrOhell, nVihe einetanalt
, lbsery Prote,or Rob , rl...eorTransylvsnin
Unsversnr, Poo...formica.; , D. D., al D
N.o York Professor J L elentland
errnlty, 111,10.
In flOilwrb—A. W.100n0., John Harper, WO..
Meo !Roofless, Mr. Chehl, l'olnuel !Unreal', Rev. Mr
Spark, %V Ilii.lllo, Major 11.01'11,(,,
U.S. Arsenal,
John Irsoo, A Snit., I. Iforp, I). N Whoo, W. A
wsloil, John Sampan, Mawr Davi, JIIO 11. Shoen•
bervr. nolLhasetlS
95 11 7 :iod et, corny of Durmond alloy,SteroLi story,..
IFFIF.RS tits eavtomers and Mt protie, an enure',
near and fresh atock of flat, Caps, and Muffs, in
ateat variety, Manufactured and Selected with much
referenee to price, atyle, and quality, in New
Volt city, and will he offered at the lowa, rates of
present love prices, Wholesale and Helen.
Iteborgh , Oet. eel I,d3rtakselcriS
lona Reißlal,l
/ itlAl. Mereliantt, ouJ Ilcalrrs 111 Dry Goode, tiro-
V.; eerie, Iron and Nail, corner of Walnut /treat
anJ Washow,. Turnpike ltoil, Temperanceville
vat y•S
1111111-2-tb: celebrated an. , pe- —WAged
pewor amide, in the latest totaling* mad moat am
proyed idyl., will be furnished by the subscribers
to y m the .cry lowest prices. Faiths.-
en will please toiler that the genuine Illay Plate
fabric* beer tiekets eorresponding with the above
and they will also be disunui•lied from all other
Woolen Shawls by their eupenor finish, fineness Of
waten. sod brilliancy of colon.- Orders eolicltml
true[ all section@ of the country, and the same will be
promptly attended to . Purchaser. will also hod or
Shawl department a large amorunent of all the
other most approved make, and newest designs of
American, French, and :[catch Woolen ShaWla i em
bracing a groat variety of plain and medium style.
for Mends. -ALSO,
_ .
Superior Purls Broth, long and square Shawls to
latest styles and best manufacture—high lustre Black
end Calmed Silk Shawls—Lupins Black and Mode
Celoied Thibet Shawl, rent) silk ad woolen Fringes
--Parts Prlllted C•11.1111Cre and Terkerri Shawls—
Plain and Embroidered Crape Shawls—New style
Prated Palm Shawls—Neat figured Pans Bralm
Ghawle— Lonna Black and Mode Colored Thibet
long Shawls—Plain bond Seal Shin Shawls—Plant
Clod, Colored Franin Terkerri Shawls, fringed and
bound—Eight quarter French Mae Colore d Tiiibei
Cloth, 'Montag full two yards wide for Shawls,
landing to match—White and Colored Barcelona ad
Genesee Shawls, Sc. Wholesale and Retail.
it" South Second G., Phildelphia.
se • ligdtaraminft
for !We tow lo etose
eatteigtpettt. b7t JOHN ttIePADEN & CO
300 . Penn et
To Illeavntroattl.olars.
EXTRA heavy Oak!arid and lioCrord Twills rich-
Rhin for warn boat decking or awning, raceived
on ennilgnment, and r , r awe low. by
orta Irk Wond
or, uei~eeree, on ~ I J error Cie Nuyember,
01 .e 3 per 11,0 reperEse-, at 12 per 10 , 1 lbs.
ilLetal discount to rete•lers.
•ated to C
ALIGHT Dish Stern Wherled Ste,. Bost.
0e . .. Flail ea .!lovren Wood. Marko.
WA wrap, —
N Neuss Loomis. man, !karma' a cash capital of
Pima saunsamil dollars, la Late so intemst In •
very profitable Liftinass, located in Westam Penn
sylvania. lie will control the arbole Isostorso la his
ft-coop Addis...G. %V. E, Pas office. TOGaldu
CABBIA-100 mats for .al. uY