BY mAGNETH rELEIMANI. IltaPoilltilD Tici.kaiwirlinto tog Tex rrrrastnuin DAILY oAzErri ° II X I TION Tbe Maio CleaVerdfmt Met ot lnA ex tlChi foer.. d el ay. only business of imtoratice on the adopt , dob is Oconzoittee oo the whee, of the seven of thal ilbecomilppoutuautem. • ?hid report provides in the apportionment of the &ate ovary leo years alter 1531. The whole popelatesa of the State is to he ascertained every lea yen% sad that Me population shall be divided korner by 100, end the quotient 'ball bathe rates of repleieebuion in the Hone for ten 'tam It es; also, that the-ratio fhi. &Lem aka be estohnalsod . by dtrlding the ur hula - popuiatton by =0; Tkla takes the apponionmeat from the Leg. _Thu Convention edema the ?sport beck to the volitaittee to await the fall emus moms. DREADFUL EXPLOSION. Canaurrox, (S. C.) Deo. L Me glowerAatolnette Amebas bum ter boiler en the Alabama river, on Tonality tnomf=l, Affixes SO penmen, and wonadiog 28-25 We have no further panielnars. OHIO LE,GI3LATURE. Cotomosts, Dee. 3. There mete four ballotings is the House, to dap, and cleat in the Seuate,which mulled is no ehotee Ice 14tetiikee. COLUMICS Deer '' The Beaus bas sketed a %VWSpeaksr by a , 6 slikAloqq , of doss ossz FreiSchler. ia l ei a •be ee al7slrageeieed' cod the Geeether'e issred to morrow. CIA Deo. 3. Hors.—TheHors.—TheTbe market is unseuled, NClNN btu Tl', the smatter is mote favorable. Holders are again asking 64, but without buyers.. The whole number arrived thus far is 61,000, agatted 130,009 at the same dale laid year. L, The-river commenced OUCIVILLT g this eveumg; ec there are five feet smut, ia• the channel. The weather k clear and cool. Hog Killing was heseheed In day, in couaeloence of a very heavy +GWYN The market 1, dull, VIZ El 00 sale, of eon ., _Reeky hem, arc quoted , uotranally at fillSper LOMSVILLC, Dec. a The KeaMek y xi mites meets from the Mph (Maim lo the fah promo. PHILADELPHIA MARKET - • -• Fkalt—The :market in very quiet, and the :le aned •Ikw •abiedwat Wetted The only sate* re. posted were 1110 bblx. standard brands. at St 73 par $4Bl. bbL, ineludiem a mall Wgood Western at - Rye Pktne—The market is nearly taro of Ity . Coni . hl eild—Tne demand is limited, with small sales sr 112.73 per 1131 • Crtia---There la fair demand far Wheat. and Prices aro m•intiined. %lei of BOW be. nand and prime Red at •Iooe, and of Whits at 111110 pat bushel. The last male of Rye was at Edo. Corn rs dull.. Sale. 3000 Lostiels new Yel• low at 31a58c par builael. CINCINNATI MARKE T Cmcnnern, Dae.l3. Four—The matket a firm at $8.60233,C4 per barrel. Whlakeg—Saleo at 231 per gal. Uogi—The mnkeLia unsettled, but the change lathe weather has caused more E.:noose on It S. inn el holden, and 100 are now liked. .151alking is doing to p eeialan6 Other anodes art, without chenac. The river has risen Iwo The weather L. cool. 'Rums AND SAL V OF T tII■ OP Par ir.l SOWN• 11,3 IN$ lUD" UU • Mos?" PITTUBURGII BOAR WAILS- Unil64l Bata - Do s'. Psanylneia ........ •• • 1)0 s'. Allitsay,66 6'. 0000;61,0bl 51P511. 116 comp. tra, senp- Plusbargh city V. Do tamp **pea. let Phll ILLIVny city 67 col*. Io 11,11 WIZ irfe.s. Bank of Macey. h Maou. Bank. Exchange Bang Batmen , Deposita Danl. Bank of 1111.1IsvIll Allagilane Dating Dank =DOS 610011. tlVStftridge "... Head Et Bridge Northenk Llberle• nnyluacz Waße;l7ll — n7a;iiiii. =saw Inserauts Co • - Amociated Plassuns , Co. =U=ttiti=tl flilarbardh Ma Work. Illosangranala SI aetvrater, • • YowsksoatanyNackolatar• • • • Nan% Cantral Railroad Paarda a old* Railroad Cleveland & nv.we Payette alma. Ca Tani. Creek Plank Road. • •• Cual Bomb (GM coma anav Piumb'gh k 00114.1 (CIS Mi. , / N. American North Wed. —• • ......... • Iron CilY Danko . . Pittabargb t Id. Ilk)st A/venom Ohio Vim itoek • • • .... Aldo Go Om: Weinarn Dovilua Ling Mon, cop. cock Algenovalm Cop. k SALE OF The following sales trenepi 16,000 Allegheny IT caip. ;WO Allegheny co acrid h. le ek.llraddoc let Field RIR AND MARINE IN BUHANCE NOTICE INSURANCE COMPANY OF HARTFORD, CAPITAL WIWI IWO rtrxrLre nob, .11,000,000. CHARTERED 1825, HE untlarefened ha. been sopa:Med orient for thi. Old and respooalOte company, to g ent Air. Tsgene Brown, and is ready to- iwne policies in rho Fa* and Marine depannunt, on as favorable terms as any other Fa4lollsitaa rampant in ato (IEO. K ARNOLD, 74 Fourth a. nogg to Bank of Pittsburgh. PROTECTION FIRE & 31ARINE INSURANCE COMPANY itnxtralPmmism 7, Capred,Stock, 4 , 3orrpfscs bind, $1 , 00,0 0 0. rill HE Ustlersigueil oroulJ c all the attention alma, eittints_astil others Easing property exposod to loss by Fare OT t h a petits of Pissigistt on to the superior edentates *greed by the Py•taation In•nranc• Company . . I.—Rotes of - Premium as low es there of any other RESPONSIBLE Office. ; 2—A speedy and sutirfactoq edjurtmeni of levees by the Seheral Arent of the Company for the Renters sad Southern stares 3.—Arburelion (of all differences which nay arise, by referees minus'') chosen. 4 —Awards promptly paid In Spc tie, Bankable Fond., Or FachanBr on New Volk, lialiiinere.tlearleston, New Orisons, -St - I.olll4,l,ouirri , le, PottWorgh, or Oltionmati, at thake t or i of We insured. ti Pamphle, • tiny forth the mole and prin. elplee of adjusist 104.4, enter of prronems. classify. makes of hazards, try furnished to the euhtomers of Wia elks free of charge. For further letornisuon, ripply in We undersigsed, the le folly autl.rirrulineure Drrellanya, Mures, Hands, Warehous d, brill s . Illausdactorres, Barns, Ae. Goods, Household IFornitura, a wl Goods, Vanes, and Mar ehaudase, eonthused or aimed therein, seldom loss or damage 14 FIR": Dry Goods, Grocer Menataetured Goods, Pro ds*, lbotateltold Furniture, lore Stock, and ovary other deseription of Alcrehandire or Personal Pro- Pao), shipped or to be shipped par rood steamboat, or boars to and tn. polnta on the Western Waters, or between Easton tiles (f lAtiont, Or other rangeland any wont tha Western enarion ntl•olo th• hazards or INLAND TRANSPORTATION. •xto. Sillyments of Goads. Wares, and Marelinditst Per good vowel ar souls, between New Orlssu and . EAII4IIII ports—heimee a Now Oilcans and either Galt =amen artleritilli trOltr and EltdrlßM or pens, Or an) other Maritime pan What - mimes La W Atlanue tO fatale, onratnat the PERILS OF THE SEAS. GEO. F. ARNOLD Ad's, Foorth st., next to dm Bank a ( Plitfoorgh. •• • IdAtionl SIGHT DRA FTB De NEW YORE, BALTIMORE; PHILADELPHIA ; LOUISVILLE, Sr. LOUIS, AID RIM "OLD COUNTRY," A. WILKINS 800., Co,. ?MA B khakti Eo IN PORTANT TO For see by mei COACH k WICON 111110FACTIAIE1111, MAUER, HARTMAN & CO. have betakt the nein of elt invented by Id, burnel Cielvinjer, elided blielnield Patent, it !ma been Mead by air best coach builder., nod pronreaud to lke beet I. we An ordinary emelt, with ama of Uwe axle., yenning doily, veld consents, hilt pint •afati mwe month. 11114 quantity of Oil treed Is em of the bat evidence, re have of the great re. dactien at (notion. and commensally greet wring of •power, it will maim the coach prOpristOre to Inc. r. Ng east..., their .taek end feed. Alm, fevolVing it will give areal g am to trevell Ike tort Wheel and net barte er., le any connexion vriti the dole .will entirely prevent the wheel from coming ad. Hy proper cue, the patentee, wilt wmanl Moue tiles re tut from restive to (Amin years dell) yenning. Watitheaay.lo9 Water and 140 Front meets, Kite. bet ra " • liaadria t Shawls I 7 7 ntIITHER NrEe anonsant a Drocht banz'and %am Shawls • Bay Sim, Waual. &Stowe% Wia, at Ow moll mei'', quallty, lut reeet•od, sad saw Opening bY • A Id • .oN ik, CO, Mama I.OIIIIIERCIAL RECORD. rtslisisuacau BOARD OF TRADE LID Antawer's =nom. DADOTTET FOR DECEMBER 0.121 MB RAMA. ..... Revfew of Me PITT/11178011 101 Thy Warm Mum ore. 3. GEteEIeAL SLEhlitte4B—Darius the week rust dos ed, businees ban been rather euk, and very tatie of kunm has transpired to the The weather, for the man pan, hes been very un mated, which be. had the eteit 11, retard business seemlier:a to a eottuderable extern. Our rivers have been high, but are again pad ardlY , v ,, ehue,witit between land 6 feet teeter In channel hiotwithetaudeng the toll cum of water, however, buatesaaore the river, einee me closing of the canal, be. teen eamearativelY bght le refort nee to the general cilotations of the Starter, W. have no very material ehungeo to notice sane our teat •eekly report. ASHES--.We have all; amounting to about 10 Mt. of SadaAth, f wog the Want, at 31-4 mouth.. Salsa of 1.6 ousts Pesti Aah, at 61, on time. Salaerat • Is selhag at dleSh Patua at 44014 9 6. ;Ite eeipt, bate been inculerate, not supplies seam atiffleiera to ou demand. A l'l'LEl—Greeri46ple. hay. arrived pretty freely, end .upphe a are •bundant. Pilot...a the wharf image nom Otto 70e p hbl, and ft...mown .175, b 7, 0 81 • bbl BACON—The season having passed, •ery little has been do. In Itis Market dudes the ir.k. We may gains nominally is (allow.: slain hems, 7a; ea 1110011 "Irg" at nel; saga, cum/ do, at 9}oloe BEFSWAX—Very line I. arriving, and me can report no sales of consequence. We knew of sane mall lots which are hold at Irlitale from More. PUTTER—We notice Ws seceipts :and good sup plies to the malt. t. • choice attielo (stela roll, in Ws, would commuut H from . Sales 10 bble at Igtettle good and flume quality Reg mat be 0.504 at 9091 c, as io quality. BROOMS—Receipts hate been fall, sad the minket is now well supplied. We mate DO DDlOnel is our lot week's plc.—say, from fast kends, at SI,IIHII,:fHP I. ulsl►e toolpilk wedimna, sod hitter quslitieftand tam sure Pi kes • acskell P 4oAp, secoolang to @l.oo7 , 49—lathe Mamma of receipt. tO any antokMl, emptier have Demons very Imitad, mat we have no rales wittily of report. Tne riling Wing pikes on time, may bo quoted at =WIN 41 , ton, as In qmslity. CIIPPE.•••- Hetes of 2.s"bbis at $3 bbL C/lEESE--Reeeipt. from the Western @seems eon tided fair, mad notwithstanding the heavy shipment. east, ample soppheo tare left In the taut.. TM tali. of the week are about :MSS bee W. , eekii for the better q politica of common, and EjaLle for crown Ordioury qualities are held at 51051 e IP C. IVe have ne•alc. or Gotham Cheese to miler, the market heinv EMEME y:RACKERS—Tho following fi the wanufsenaret It of prices: Water erecters, per bbl Rutter do Dyspeptic do P,lot Dread = a l. Cratere, pet CORDAGE--We note no change In prices in the nous •nicles ander this head. The following IS It of prices:. Manilla rope r by cod, • do eat, White Rope, by cell,. —.— docat Tarred Rope, by coal ; ..... do ah• • • ... Parking Vern, nne,--- do MDC921311. dlnadla, M 4702,5103,75 do 4. eoil,••--14o ‘, 51.5002,--im.DO dox e. do IP ead,—.loc PLOUGh UM. Ay, 7.1 e• dor. igyenired Cordage Is mid regularly at like 1 lb: (=TON 8116ETING3—No. I Nun and An. ahoy Mills, is selling at Pf, and 0003=013 or NOUSILkOt aiyie r pied, end very Gras taargF.R —The regular Pittsburgh taanufacterar's prices of eats and manta, am 190 AI. 113 Yore, of other descriptions are unchanged. thiIITON Y•liffS—Prices are generally very inn, at the recent advance. hunks are anaseally and tales bare been necessarily confined to regular hathed tranaactious to ensiontera We give the fail. lowing toe of prices, with an improving tendency:_ :RON , One 3, Ask d •116,:5 it hr. Ord I I 6,111 ILNRD MAO 1.2,40 1/41,00 WA) SPX 31 63 61,34 47,73 03,03 33,c0 133,00 Min N. 5, civet tb.••-•20 " " &" . -21 "10, " "11, "IS, " 11,7 E No. 6139, etaper lb• • ..Me Niny " "• • •--0* 1209 .TOO, " " 661 Caupet Coverial l'arn,• • • —24 /*lra!, • •—•• DauGg, - 111EDIOINE13 MOO oo importzt cnarare in prat 3 -U 0 following it a correct 1110 4140 principal arucles 40Z a100a,1114 154111.1.1poorice rtom•-•—•7 0 0 --310 4 ball IEO3O Assort:s3,la 1730351 Lae Dye •sso4l/ Alto* 41oo1••—••10015 ilaesesta Cart, 3.549 9 Aaaefoltm 10011 Madder 1'tabro•••••14019 Dom.. relined 550.715 515r1a, Turkey MOM Salaam 1p..• • 40002,75 Oil Variol• • •—• • 40 5 1.10 Copavra••• .35035 " Caalor•••••—• • •151,75 Brio:Mom 430 5 Cassit 34004,02 Camphor, rel••••• • 45035 " Clares••• • 55,54103,50 Caiorals 1•101 e. eaS Si ." otoon • • • .1,61103,00 Cochineal 1,500175 " Peseta% 2,50030:0 Crean, Tartar •• • • 25056 Cpaata,Tarkey••4,73os,4o Copper as 190 5 Quizone • • --4,4004,55, Glue, us I.bla 1110121,11.habarl, root — lOlllO Galls • 40050 1 9.1 Al.OOl. 150•ZO Gam Arade 50070 Sal Scal•• • • • • • •40 3 Cr.pol 25030 Senna•--- ..... Tragaemella • 50055 (.nine Lend •• • 44050 Stsallae 1501 Vainol Blue-.__ .11012 •2,75 lainveood, bell 50 7 .5900 Iraurtie, 1,01.• • • • • 51051 -too eloPPorl Si ==l DRIED FRUIT—We notice au supplies, avil • good demsod Use rnsrb et . Apples hove bete very aet/Ira with tales ham atom to lots of 100 to 200 bathe!, at 1.; cents ♦ bushel, and very nom A good article trots Gret bands, would command 70e ♦ Lus Theta is a fair demand for Pescara,. at 01,2301,31 for ftrat hands, and 111.7701,40 from atom FLOUR—The ar nvals of Flour Mottle the past week have fallen conoderebly short of the receipts of the preceding week, Lut an none hu been shipping east. supplies on Wile In this market era more full, end Flo es show no an:won/1W change sane, lut week /1 mcd• orate basin.. only, Da. been doing from Grit hands. at I.7,sCallt,enr Dbl, end a choice lot at $llO • bbl theformer figures being about the rogue rams. The Wes from store hue been cantina to the regular home demand, at 13,75 to 13,90, for good s I to extra quality. FIBII—With tba exception of No 3 Mae Imre!, we And no Margo from last week's [mem. large No 3 Mardarel are bald at 117,5007,31• bbl; mall do, may ba coo./ at 17,35017;i0 I bbd Solo. of 5.W..0 or of Mad at 311,30; of Dermot at NA and of Cod fah at SOO" cwt. FEATHERS—We note fair soetatec rn the mut", ith rigalar Wee atTnlnto p Ib. GRAIN--The receipts of Grain continue from tut bends, at the following rater t—Wheat, 750 ode; 1hye.,14050e; Barley, 70e; and Vats M Marne • bet A sale of 100 Gus Coro on the whorl yesterday, stale eg ba. 6110CF:RN—Conelderable lola of am crop sugar sad molasses have aerived, and ,Iva oniteo • alight decline In Mote snide. About GO bhd• of na. crop N O Pow, have been sold lielgeflge;onme old Nagar would ;ale a liule higher, but [kern livery Bole left the market. Sales of ]4 bbl. new !dolga.. at 370374 gall. Soma boa been sold at • alight deehne:oo ILa above Leases. Coffee is quiet and Sales have been confined to small lots lo oily and coontry trade, al 101 01110 ♦R. Sales of Loaf Sagas at 90Ior, and of Rice at 51951 c, la Ices and Ws. FRUIT—The demand la fair, .nth sales Rations, at 52,b701d ♦ boo. Sales of Almonds, at ItlOtrle Ith of Glinted nub, at $1,4501,37 ♦ bus; of Feirans, none; of Filberts, at 71Reo; of Cream nuts..? Slane; of ants Currant', at SOUL and al English Walnuts •t 71 080 Oranges, wise, F 4,411015 1, b; Lemons, M.O. GLASS-01 Madam' Glass me noose hewry sap plies fa gm masked. Priers are per:totally the slims as goosed lass meek—say, for city brads, 1.3, 53,50 le by 12, SI; 10 by 11,,114,Z. and ,other sites to pro portal. ',snot Country bntods are eald .t lover price, and mar Ga emceed as follows : 8 by 10 ---• 02,7110 by 1 5 7,7 5 ID by 12, —•--•••7,00 ID by 10 3,75 /0 61 1 0 he 17 Tho 1111.0•0 WO the bac puree . IIAY—We must regale: Kabul of Timothy from wag• on, al 011010 p 100, according to quality. IRON & NAILS—Foty the past lam days the Otto meets of Iron and Nmls torn thia market hare been herey. We aattoin • list Of price. 01 seine 01 th e print/pal entente: Isott--Fist bier 210346 seuf Ewen tbar•-----84333 e Hoop rale Hoop •—•— "- 86eet—• 6 03{e N 6116-10 to 20 penny 07331 P keg. 8 63 9 penny 34,0 6to 7 pearly 420 " 4,72 " pann7, " " 4 2662 m 7 42 0 " 3 p..c...: ` ....... 3 ,60" 87=3—C31, 3 ton welt i 6 , 00 " Cat, 3to 6 Inch t ‘ • •• • • 430 " Cat, 6to 7 loch 73 0 'The above prices are given, ilbJeet to 6 dierount cask. HOPS—Sales of western N. Tait, 1849, al 1.6 e; do Il&M, Me. and of Boston el tee Pik. LEATHER—We ootleo • regular demand at fall prtees 10f all articles ender this bead. Bales of Bald loone soles u - 21021c; and of New York &Nat 184119 e if. Wand. LARD--We oatme the receipts of several coaelde Table thte during the Week, but sales have Leen rather tentricied. We note moderate tranuelions, In bbis aad kgs, u 74071 e, on nme, ig With sod kegs. LEAD—Ttiere le • regale, demand lathe merge! at tar pig, and Stead, for bar LIM, Pres—The preimmi range of prices of Lead Plpa la 7014 e, according , to ore. Bawl Laatt—Ssles at 11,le by the shesbasal bee he 0 whom est. WILITZ LLD—PIM Is.d fa WU, at In, and No 1 a WOO 1 kn. MALT—We oatt&l Author 'wax silts of Malt oi 6511190 e I b. LUMBER-9de* am generally effette4 at atedtsl6 from the rivet, and ffiloll22 from Me yarda, for t om. Mon and clear. 011£1—Linsecd co:matte. [welly arm, at 95 cent. fp talon. Sale. itS blas:No I Lind at SCUP AND CANDL.LIA —ltalre of tooia iloap at Mk; of Star Candled at 220u1c; mould tallow, too wad common dipped at BAGS—We quote first hand shies at 3c fur owes d, and shout 4e tar white. ROSlN—Sairs at 11.3 W tLI tur Nerrtreatolina POWDER—linear& Dupont, and Ladle & Subitik. R flat Yowler may be quoted in large quannties,lll4,2s, and by *lngle keg, at 115,405,40 p keg Reek Pow. def .01,3,14 i to S&:L or large and =rail quanlaies. SALT—Pales In • regular way at 111„d5 Lbt, wide." is the regularly established afloat SPIRITS TURPIINTINE—tiaIe• m bbi/ at ISIRIS ♦ 'AR cash—bbla ems chargc. SPICES—Cams, —1,40 e; Cloves,ls3:Ne, and NM .ers, at, for No. I f 1.4001.5.1 9 et, SHOT—Sales at sas p t.g TALLOW—Supplies ate smell, end te, qua, ;,1, al :One Y tb. TOBACCO—We notice a rood demand for all di. seriptions of amoufamnred. Hanel nod Rubinson' brands conunue firm at file ; Grant's may be quoted at 19, and other Wands common, at 200f9e, at in quality Thom prices ore firm, with an',tanning tendency. TAR—Sales or 1140145 p bbl VINEGAR—The regular rates for good cider Vtrre gar from store, see Bjtjge p gall. WHISKEY—SaIes of Rectified at gt.lerre, cash nod WOOl , --13aslnes# tb la staple has been moderate bat prices are firm. The follawamy quotations may be e.ed . —Comnton, 3,3 e, k blood, ate: 1 d 33e, 1 do, 33e (all blood. 330190 P PORT _ON' PITTSBURGH Len —Them Were B feet 0 inches Tn e —=- I,antm flask, I+ll evening, and falling. ARRIVED Fut.., Peebles, Elisabeth Michigan, Biles, Beaver . Beaver, Gordon, B. Rattle, Brune., Urownsville. Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville 1 kle Kee, Rennin:noon, IFPOIpLIt Th.. Shriver, Hatter, West blessien Diurnal, 1 ,11, Wheeling Brilliant, Grace, Cincinnati Empress CoI, Zanesville Are., Finney, Wellsville Cashier, alenfillan, Wbeelinv DEPARTED Palatal, Peebles, FJitabeth Nora:gun, Brie, Bearer. Deaver, Gordon, Dearer . Mita., Ramat, Broarnsvtile Atlas!, Parkinwn, !Dawes,.Me J McKee, Hendrickson, McKeettport Thee. Shrive, Harley, Wemt Newton Rockaway No. 1, Deets, New Orion , J. J eritendon, Sterns, At Lasts Pen/. Bane. tineanast. I hberma No. C. Bachelor, Clean., Jas. Nebo", Moore, Wheeltoe BOATS LEAVING Tin. 1/AY SUNFISII—Cra•Wer, 4 r r NASHVILLE—Geneve, IP • Y. W ELL.ViI./.g -- APelln. 10 . WIIEF:E1111(1--Iri•rnni, 1U .. CINCINNATI—CIoNnnau, lu, • u LOUISVILLE—Vermont, 10 r 1=113:13 Fat Comotatt.—The m•ruf (mew paeltzt ate.. Capt 1 litrortngh•m, will leave as •I.nv . a.' day, mi 10 • ki Fox Witaxua,.—The Lee hew packet atearner urnal, Calmat° ve,ll Int•e At akar.,•thie da, el 10 • at Vol Watiaor-La —The firse nor Arena. will It.. as stove, [hi. loornill, touching in all Antenriedial. landings The Castile', Capt Mehl ilium, viral leave tot Sunfish M. day. lODINE a Itol/It/b: &NITA:J.BIIII4—s ibs br sale by ile2 J S'III.ONIIIJIKEit ft CO IV 1 ",;:""" - IRAIA II DICKEY & ro dot! Water & From au. SELLING OFF 81OCK OF DRY 60000. Yr HE terttl cowmen,. an Wranntlay ororaing, V7th Imam. to sell off Mr claire atork of JAY (MODS at 'err named prices, for Cash. N. 12 as per 14 "14 a "•-24 '• 12 " " la " " 17 " 18 ft• " 10 " " 28 8W TT, Stock is bothill be found in embrace very desirable good, tin vale and quoin) large amen= having' been seleerod expressly Cro city trade Persons who with to supply themselves with good. at Low Priory, will End it to their advantage lo call at No 112 Market street. J 81127. A. PlmbarisLNov.lM,lM.O. —.22dtto No. 1000BActs Caadkariekl. —. Bag MAT,— --20 tilV. a deaett the week. Tbe of paces of same cf the A Vastly Boras for lola Virr!L be gold cheep, a geode, well warned hone, ' dier for • barn, or for nding. Enquire at Lis °Moe. No 263 Madam stsra,Nrto York. Tits astactiber in eolleittnr th e seetitoege or all whomar ace thee •C•ertaertrent, leen; none of that be/nation, with which n new •thele In brought before the public The experience of year• bee es. tabliened their itaperletlty beyond all gn-rt.on, end br ennhitently Were to 14e lemon. nr ot Mots oche me°, woo bane 3241 rd thelte cr. 11l W., Zu his rapidly easing wee. es proof et tero seeilence The following ere • law a; the rea.ous for their pope. 'aril) tat 0n the plate occupied by the seal a person may Lave his name, hot n ess. and address. emispicedesly and beautifully embossed, colored or plain, tees af. fording perm.t serenity against tread. Td The En sce on,. rennet nor sea lers smilmat being destroyed. at Neither wan nor sealers me required to seal Mem eih pr.. the trom•rrisge of a letter the meal maitre. ns immediate reterti to the under instead of Immg burred months in the Dead Letter trthre AL. Tee Envelop.• Itivelsbod at almost me same once as olma ones. Rth E ach l mailed m a meat edeen dyettisetnent, sure to attract the anomie. all a whose bands it may pm. The tollormag is a list of pnces for , Uses engraved on Leas., and sublet, real lasi iOl ~ ears.ll4 of ISnvelopes of Me usual stze, either uhite or bul, or trued paper, and made s• sheer wish name, address, kr Prace• o( Mos At lotion or lon •• • e. to IVO When it 1.1101 convenient to forward amount Of order per mail or tapir, a re , e,nee to • re.peemble New York House will be eutheiene Alt on ere will meet with prompt anrotion el sCI lll•thenn or . Near York Orden Will be attended to promptly. it len at we eons of MUM,. Sine!! & Mutt. VII Wall sire, or et &lessee. leeolitnan & , street. N. Fl —Bushne•• Car& embossed in coior• from name Dm, at SIP p.r thounend n.Zii lm COOSTT NR ihe Court of (2 021171,411 Pi.. of UPerauter IKAI. Sti. A T • Court ol Common Plena. holden at Plturbursh, all tor the county arforesrawl, on the loth day of Pao 'ember, 13. Upon , Le pennon or John laar armor forth Oral John Dart, formerly nr nerd enmity, ere eater' to the Bank of the United States, a certain In denture of Mortgage, in due gorge of law, reeardert Mortrese 'pooh A. p 431, ho aerators paryment I pertain promissory notes therein Ineettoried, le That 11411•111 . . S. h.. never been tottered hp.° the Record of the same, although to the best or pe belief, atoll mottgae.. has Leen fon, paid, afffi Laa •u roof fluff] for mote than two year., and that •std petitioner Is owner al the mortgaged Iltemise• the Court grant the player of the peotroner, end ammot the fon. Monday of December next, fro trot partrc• tntere•ted to Orpe•r and •11.100Irl 11.11 promo,,, and dace! the Sheller to gore noire. of the eartlt dot me Ilene appointed, to the lee•I represerrternaeo hurl par sonseeeee heel, by terarce of notice persotralor such a n shall be found in said county, ard by pub!, matron el amd notice In woe rrewpropper 3n ••or moony come • week. hr four sueerronvely,prror to lite arm nl ell . le.•Yrt liv the autlf • S. HAYS. Protley Legal rcpreumlitilvea nr d .11 itetanti. taterevird Aln tiara.) notified to •p pear in said ttouit. on the 4th oinday ot lbeeenslrer nrn . and ..w aim pet..., nloreettid, I er :41tatill ner.ll,lltamtV4a• =EIB==! iffpli JUST RECEI VF:tl, a new •be 1 of Chirke ring's 6,61 rod 7 Lome ye, ha no.. also, a rirldy r trved (iv Logu Pte., the ma., Gene I/ hal Inoretueill ever broiled to this city. 'new, Pumps will be .applied e. sw•l, at Motor, prie wiruter env eti•eue von Tea IR roeraltovi pa rose rs, . Also teeei•rd, • floe ie. of Hose. wood plsoo end I P.llO 51i.0 . , WWI .115 p 10.4 and hair ..1111i1 .ealo For •ale I, v JOHN II A11.:1.1.1tR, Agent fnr I:tuckering.* I'l.loll fur Western l'enit'a nol't ALOT of genuine Roman strings fur Violins and 12soars base rust been 'enema by the seloaeriber. These string. are from the ruest veleta. ..4 factory In they arts leer threads and four length., end for beauty of tone and durability, are unrivalled. The setteerilners agent haring tmieltaami the above far Lhim al the (Amory, hey are IV 33333 tted superior to any of tke kind aver o ffered in this country • Golden Ilarp,No IEII Third el N Novi, °pima', • Iplentlid new lot of N nnn. & and Daoham4 rebutted riotoo. WOOCIPBI GOODS. 75 II ALFA !scarlet Flannels, all grades, tu bal es Scarlet tw,lle,l Firtustelt, all grade, US bales Yellow , do, - US tin Mint do do do Batten flocking do do GOO pre approved style Blanket, do DD p• 7.4 m.o. sant Flannel, all shades; WS pa French, Berman, West of Englaad, and Amerle. Black, Blue, Blown, & Oman Broad Cloths; . . , 30 p. DCWILT Cloth, thsorted enthral 16 Blue, Brown, Breen, and Black ironed Sul received from manufacturer', and recent Import ation. Merchants ore Impectfully invited to call end ...mono the same et A A MANON Se CO'S 012 02 h. 64 Market st n JU.WhI DAli ALE, & CO nol4 18 a. 90 Wood n •• ATREATISE on Popular nine.bon Ry James [debtor, A. M. late Superintendent of Public In struction in the State of !Wickman. Alton Locke—Tailor and Poet, an Ausobiogrephy . The Iltstory of Madame Roland By John Abbot. Pictorial Field Book of the Revelation. By Reason J. Loosing. Nog [received ler Bole by R C STOCKTON Printer, Bookseller A Binder, nolo Co, Tetra A. Martel sts excellent 161141- .11 lion, un Wall Paper, for tale by mil W r MARNIIALL inlinien's SiMU:MI of Art. sad 11431•11... plifini popular Journal has become tnvaluable to 1 the manufacturer •nd scienuric explorer The Intelligent merchant and mechanic, the prat...lona! men and student will alto find In it a tern repository of knowledge.noll to be Mend in any other pabllcation. Terme, Flue Dollars In advance, and delivered free of pottage. Agenep_at the EDUCATIONAL REPOSITORY, no .10 OS KURD et. ate, 1.1111 01 No Yates of Envelopes mode 14 On 1. , •bova GI. WI el ol I :1101 10 WI 400 aI 50, lEl=9 ==l MECO LUCA L MATTER& SUlrt+k rzo Fat 'NU I' /1 - IASU/Alit DAILY •a2[4IZ _ _ --- In • cIITICAL CONLITsOII—M-T. JAW 511011, who was ro Peverely eibl,ed on Monday eve ning, by Jobo Comp, A not peed, as woo repotted yesterday, though he a tying at the Eagle hotel, in very criticaLcoaditiOna. Linn Surf.—The ease of ,the Commonwealth en. Messrs Dunn and 'Barr, Editors of the throw leth. Indieunentlibel—atteged hi* have been fe cunt- I d . 1 mi . to oultog that A..\11. Feeler (at that titan ' or of the Despatch) had betrayed the aecreta of Odd Fellows, was tried yeat.erday. he Proweetaion, at the opening of the eare,al to permit defendants to prove the trunk of their charges. Tao paper was then given In evidence, eller which tho cationl for the defence, offered to prove the truth of all their statements. U was, intimated to thrm,however, 'hut according to law,, this arse no justification of a libel, and they des: elated examin ng Captain John Birmingham, Rho wet sworn, or calling any other witnesses The Jury retired with inetructione to return a sealed verdict. - Atmore , . or Conon= —The following mem bers of Congresa arrived here, on the Steamer Ctn. cinnatt,on Monday night, nod Mopped at the Mon ongahela House, until the departure of the Browns ville boat, yesterday. Hon. intl. Davis, Mee; W. Bahl) tit, Omb; A. G. Brown, Mtn W. S. Featherstone, do.; G. N. Fitch, Indiann; D. S. Knolman, Texas; W. &Rich erdeon, Tee WonLis Fate..—Mesas. Hall and Speir, of this city, have carped one of their parribl iron cent e plettßlM, whirl le ;k the Etat preminid 01 the late Allegheny County ploughing match for exhibition at the Work's Fair, London. It la a trolymairmfinent pincer,' wrirhmenship. SUPOEY I team—iViator ItyttehTa aulther of iht lali. War, who reitscird /11 the Moth Ward, died very suddehly yesterday morning at Dine o'ekselr. • FOUND thmsvarn .—The t!oroner yeMerrfay hold au inquest On In. body of a man, aged aboikt, thirty five velars—name unknown, who was foetid drowned to the Olen river atLong Island. Ife hal sandy whisky., and wan 'dressed m a green cloth overcoat, black pant•looma Mack Oath vest, ranton tl•nael nodes Indira and a howl shot. A Linn gold ileta . ll,ll lever watch. made by fit I Toren., levcrpool, was fonnd Upon his person, together wilt, Iwo dal' gn.res, and • key, but no money or I opera. POWT.,III, Ter UPC a the alenTQI enhn rs Y..iire 01Tw., lowr, Inth..unent .swees. was yesterday, toe 11